THE COLUMBIAN ANJD DEMOCltAT, BLOOMSBUEG, COLUMBIA COUNTRY, PA. SIhc cit-olumbian AND gilaomsbuvi) gcmocvnt. FRIDAY MORNING OCT. PA. !, 1230. f THIS COMIMIUAX linn tlie Largest Clrculnlloii or nn)' pnper j m 1 1 1 1 1 t In Northern Pciiimylvmiln, n'nl ! much larger ulicct Hism Rliy r lUeotem. porarlrsi ntnl in lliercfore the lint mcillum for nilv.rrllslng hi (lilt section nriltft Slnle. Important to Editors and Trlntcrs. Wu Imvoon lmtul, and will soil at low rutin tlirco liimd tiroM, wltltf.t lutvu Hccmnulatod by the of n I'owur und Gordon )rca, and by tlioiomolliln tlonoftho Democrat with Hit! MAN. t. A Wiuhlngtoii li;o Vrou, now, tilutoii llx'iii IncliLM. It wm In uu only ton month, with n light i-dltlon. '2. A Washington IloolVim, formerly In Democrat A Mar olllco, ithiton tllix'il inches. It Is complcto and sound, a. A Washington Hoo I'iih-i, now fooNi'.ip .sl.o, iiLitun ltljxl I Inches. It la almost Indispensable In an ollli'o not having". Clonlon. In addition to this wo havu n largo quantity (if bourgeois, nonpareil, rules chases, Job type, etc., hUlHcient'to start an otllce, which wu will hell In lots or together, as purch.iiors may prefer. Tho Oounty Voto. Tho voto of this county Is very satis factory as usual; Packer's majority being 18CJ upon a total voto of owl). Tho Democratic vole is a littlo more than double that of tho Radicals, and only falls short of that polled last year at the Presidential election, SOS voles Considering tho storm on election day and tho absence ol much excitement in tho Stato canvass, this was n very fair result. It will bo observed abouta ilozjn voters of Madison whosupported I'.icli or, volod lor Whltmoyer for Senator: and that a largo numbor of Democrats in Orange voted against tho Democratic noininco for Hegister and Itecorder. Our candidato for Associate Judgu was cut in somo districts and a few votes were withheld from other candidates, reducing their majorities slightly. All such departures from regularity of vot ing, although they alfect impractical re suit, areto bo deprecated, for they tend to weaknesi and disorder in party nc. tlon anil may provoko retaliation In tho future. Tho main dlsturbanco was, of course, expected to be upon the voto for SonijtQjj" inasmucn as lor mat oiiu;e--tlero Wlla u econd CfmdidaJfJlimiin",, to represent our party. Considering tho amount of noise inado in ills behalf, the result was almost rediculous 221 votes (somo of thcniTtepubllcaii) out of a total poll of more than 0500 in the county. After making nil due nllowunee upon minor points, wo may well feel proud of our county for her steadiness ami fidelity, anil mny count confidently upon her retaining her honor and repu tation in tho future. Tho K.ccent Elections. Wo had confidently counted on a vic tory in this State during tho recent elections, but as tho sraoko of tho con test clears away, wo discover that wo havo been beaten by; tho beggarly ma jority of a littlo over -1,000; some 13,000 less than Geary's formor majority, and about 25,000 less than Grant's last year. Our opponents havo no reason to ro 'Joice, but tho Democrats can lay tho ' flattering unction to their souls that tho causo of our defeat lays at our own "doors. Had wo havo fought as vigor ously as tho occasion demanded, to day ' Asa Packer would havo been our Gov ' crnor elect, Williams would havo been . defeated for tho Supremo Court; and ' tho recnactnient of tho present infam ous apportionment bill would havo been Impossible. Thousands of dissatisfied Republicans purposely staid away from tho noils, whllo very many voted for our candidato. Tho innln burden of responsibility rcbts upon the Democrats of Philadel phia, anda few such counties as Luzerne ami Schuylkill. Columbia county, con sidering tho weather, did well, polling n heavier proportionate voto than tho Radical, and losing less than Radical counties with tho same persentngo of voles. Ytt it is a matter of regret that COO of our voters staid at liomo breauso of tho storm. "Whllo it would not havo changed the result, it would havo shown in unmlstakablo terms how ut terly oppyoftd wo aro to tho prti-cnt nilinlnMrntion, Tho lesson of tho election is that wo havo lost tho Statu by apathy. Let us remember lids in tho future. Hon. Charles XI. Buckalcw. In these hours of Democratic despon duicy.oiio tluering ray breaks through tho gloom, to gladden tho npprci-sed heart. Jlr. lluckalow has been elected Senator In tho Fifteenth District by a majority of several hundred over both his competitors. Tills Is not only a vic tory for tho truo Democracy of North umberland. Columbia, Montour and Sullivan, but one that will beof service to tho parly In tho Stale. Mr. a. win of course, occupy a leading position In tho Senate and add fresh laurels to tho chaplet which ho wovo for hlm.-elf dur ing his two firms In thosamo position, Notwithstanding tho claims of lite tionlsts flint ho was not fairly nominat ed, md tho opioslflon which ho en counter! d from jealous members of his party, the mass of tho Democracy havo awarded u venllct in ins lavor. inu poor Kngllsh twuddlo written concern ing him, from Uenton and Jersey Shore has amounted (oimught,and thonuthor, or authors (If they wero concocted in wore, khan ono ponderous brain) can console himself or themselves with tho tonsclousuess that tho efruslons ob tained admission in tho columns of that nblo luminary tho Uerwick Gazette, To a mind that can producosuch litera ture as tho articles referred (o, defeat Is In tho language of Toots a matter of "no :oiitciueiicc." Lycoming Stan, durd, MoNTOimCouNTV: Pucker, 1 555; Goaiy. 10CC. Pucker's iuoJ, 189, which U a very fuir ono for that county. In Danvillu Geary's intij. is only 7, a Democratic gain. Mr. lluclalow's voto in Dunvillo is "s. In I.liuc Huno towiitlilp tho voto on Senator fclaml i - Ilurlnlcvr, 75, Whitinoycr, n.C, , Clialfant, S9. AIicadlnirIan"ofSulIlvancounty- Doctor John M. lleacocl;, alias John M. Haycock, hi'im.IiiIiii M. Hay, of Du- shore Pit,, has attained to tho dlstliiC' Hon of getting one of his name into the newspapers and of becoming widely known uu the Meanest man in Sullivan county. The Doctor (who by the way Is but a bogus doctor or no doctor in fact,) 1ms been proclaimed by Chalfaut, Until ley and Hander.-yw "a leading Kepuhll can of Sullivan county," and hencu hn becomes an interesting subject for ox- umlnatloii. l'roni tho varietv ' his names his Identification may bothoughtdllUcitlt but tho man cm bo distinguished from nil other Doctors, bogus or real,by clear Hues of distinction. A low brow, sensual look and n cackling laugh, will always direct to him tho attention of strangers. And ho belongs decidedly to the tribe of the unwashed ; having a deep dislike to soap and water and to all thoarts of personal adornment. Rut his beard is most deserving of notice. Light-colored, stiff and bristling It stands out most Impressively from tho back-ground of his face, Helng a person of strict economy ho trims It with shrars Instead of n razor, thus saving a consld erahlo amount of oxpenso per annum. This county had tho honor of his liirlli tnd his real name Is JTaycovk. Hut many yinrs since when an ambitious tailor, ho petitioned tho Legislature for a change of name assigning as a reason "tho Indelicacy" of tho nnnio derived from his parents. lie desired to lie known ns John M.IIny(ha! ha! ha!) but his application was neglected or ro fused. Shortly afterwards (as it was reported) Mr. Petitioner Haycock visit ed his father and was luformed by him that ho was not acquainted with any nerson of his name. somo years later linycock proceeded to gratify himself and amino others by changing his name himself, and ho now turns up as Doctor John M. Heacock,"a leading Republican of Sullivan county," Now to our tale. Karly in Septum her (when It was believed that tliero would bo no Republican candidate for Senator In this district) tho Democratic candidato for Senator was Informed by a gentleman of Sullivan county that Haycock would probably voto for him. Thereupon ho amused himself by writ ing a brief and harmless note to Hay cock on tho subject of his voto and to test his honor and decency marked it i'coiifiikiitia."Tlw trial was, too much for poor Haycock; bo cackled over tho little missive liken hen over a fresh egg, and finally rushed down with it nil tho way to Montour county and contributed it to tho literature of the campaign. It was a sweet morsel for Chalfaut and was greedily seized and appropriate!- --y" him. And then, 15r;uitfy -ui Sanders witii thnt.'scif of judgment which was '.truo expected of them, copied the noto into their Journals with commendation of Haycock as "a leading Republican of Sullivan county." Tho insignificance of the noto as an item for public infor mation; Its entiro propriety both in object and language, and tho impossi bility that its publication could nirect one voto in tho district, wero considera tions wliich wero quito overlooked by them. Tho luxury of participating witii Jlaycack in the consummate meanness of publishing a confidential letter was too strong n temptation to bo resisted. Rut tho Fiibjcct Is a littlo overpower ing. Haycock may retire! COLUMBIA COUNTY OFFICIAL ELECTION EETURNS HELD OCTOBER 12th 1869, 'I'imiMir , H. JmUe. At. .lml. DISTIiltJTrf. Heaver ' lli'iifon I llerwiek Unro... liloom llrlarcreek Contralla Roro. N.Conynglmm.i S. Conynghani.l Catawissa Centre l'ishlngcreek.... Krauklin I Greenwood 1 Hemlock i Jackson Locust 1 Maine , Mifllln Mt. Pleasant.... MiulLo.t Montour ! Orange i Pino Itoarlngereek... Scot I , Sugarloaf. Total, 11)0 18.1 (IS till!) I'll 1:12 121 IS litt 181 21.-. ol 10(1 151 ur 232 10!) I in; oil ISO -i 1!17 !).-. ol ll.'l 1!12 12 lH fill IS.", 111:1 2111 (II 8!) j ltw: 81 70 ill! ion 13.1 12,i 13 13.) ISO fi.l'l 211 .11'! ftl Hi: !? to! 19' IS 17 .'!7 31 117 1 1 100 l,-..i 110 22(1 ins 107 1S2 7fi 131 '.11 fil 13!) 132 12 (12 130 2!ll G2 SO f,.V ::, Kjlj V 8 10(5 i) 3!) ol' 1(1 AS ::s 30 us n 3711 IS!,", 3(!7!)1S00 1813 ,,18011 ; Majnrlllos, I'lSCJ "181U 1RI1 1S3 7" 302 ll.'i 133 12.1 13 12(1 KiO 41 1 r,i 123 152 110 181 !:i 1S7 1)3 ISO 00 120 87 01 120 132 I U( 02 120' 2! 13 (12 0, 1 1)9, 77 0(i 03' 8, 103 0 3D.1 01 08' 3S1 III IIS I I MISSIS 12, 1812 I l('il(i 1S3 108 17 31!) 137 121 120 1(1 117 17!) 211 fil 123 131 110 H-l-l 103 1!)2 IN) I II) 02 128 80 00 113 132 13 03 123 20b Gl S!) 1 1 180 82 fil) 00 101 00 7 101 8 10 00 (S3 10 00 3!) 3S 110 II Am(Mnlly. tfl N 1 8(1 13, ISO 03 0!) 12S 10 1 30 1 21)3 18 1L f! 81), 1 1' 18li 83 00 fil) loo; 03 s; 102 8 10 01 00 to 0!) 30 3S 7, 133 ...l 101 l! -17 2!) Ill) 1! 17!) 1 210 2 OS 37 102 17 lot 1 110 12 233 0 100 ... 101 ! 31 183 22 71 0 123 0 ill! ...I o-, lj 112 ..,( 132 lVntll'y- w o S. o. Hivls'cr. TrwiMiii-f. O'. tlnm. 3100 1S00 1800 ; 1000 ISO 180 70 300 101 133 120 17 133 178 233 03 100 110 110 232 102 1!)2 !)1 181 73 121 !)I II) 1101 117 11, 132 13 ISC. 031 180 121 75 2.3SI 310 001 102 M)1 133 1 i: ISO 81 00 0(1 1 103 fl ! , in 00 1 00 , 13' CO'1 HI1, 37' 120 17 133 178 232 03 101 II!) 110 232 03 102 03 183 73 00 fit) fil lll'l 137 111 131 c 5.V, 3 i Aii.lllii. ! -'"r- 13 f.3 122, 270 SO I 1 ion 81 1)0 i 100 1 01 8 102 8 10 01 01) hi S3 30 37, 110 11 18(1 180 02 312 113 11!) 123 17 13 03! 1331 280' o;i, I I 132 J!)l 171 2.12 fi2 lfiS 112 111 232 101 101 03 183 50 121 00 fil 110 132 8s; 60 fiO 10!), fit 8 102 8 10 fill 00, is, 02 3-' 37l 1I0 II1' 180 131 S 208 103 133 120 17 131 178 23(1 02 100 MS 111 232 100 1!)2 03 181 73 12.1 !)() 00 111 132 5 12!) 200 8!), I'l I 11)3 a l' 03, 071 107, 03! 0, 101 8 10 00 00 Hi 02 3. ISO 180 00 301 101 I S3 120 17 131 178 "ill "ft! 103 119 110 232 10) 193 !)3 181 70 123 90 05 110 I' ll1 132 13 03, 131 291! 03 I 193 bl fi5 00 10' fil 8 101, 8' 10 51 oo;i -10,1 02 35' 37 1 10 II ISO IS5 09 301 151 111 121 in 131 178 212 03 103 110 110 m 103 190 93 1S1 122 90 01 112 132 , I'V AOttlfilM. 1 JUKMIUJIS AMAlU'l.i'i a n.,n ,1-irL' r"iii.i aiiii.i I. - III ..... - " .;- TL 11A1I nm,l r.i i 1I,.,1 nt llLwiinlnirnnnUo t.nli lllli'iii'l ill uoiuiicri i-"'n. ..ii.. . , nn 11,-it i,i:r nn.) imll, w. r-i i ii"S 1,1 ii Ai .IlM-kSnll IKIMIT " II 1 I un.lnr 111 in, ,4 " Host l, by II. 1 '-.lie " 2,1 Lcl pair crrinSo horioi.Kira Hill jj 0 Host mulch c..)ts muter -I vrj. W.-LIIiaiiiy 3 HI " blniulcil aiauinn,u. m "'in" : 2,1 U ,.r. ,lrrtl.or,?,W. Wlnlr.l,n - Ural iionacuit ueiwccn -.x , " inaro " l aim i yrs. n ' - pair Match linrM,Iacob Scliiiylor H on inck.Joscpli II. Eves Jo ' Btalllon for nil work Emanuel Kriini 12 01) " marn colt liclw-ccn I nn,i ,i yrs i i ii.nii -too licit horse cott bct.vocn 1 mil 2 ycJratoM K. I) llat;ciiuuc.i it. ... .. .t..l nri l,,,r.ia.1). Winner "h".' ".' ........Ol Ifnnrr h Oil " inglocarrin,jo niatei-j"-...... ....- - - ....lj5.. .lf l.rnw l'irlior. Will. M. SlO- her, Joseph MoiHcr.W'csley Panel aiul Mat thias ll'nrtiunn. CLAS3 It CATTLE . Host hull .1 yrs anil ovcr.E. H i?oiibuch 12 0; cow 2 yrs ami ntcr, .1. 1'. Tiutln ' 2, " " Mrs. A. SiijMor llcst heifer, Uciiiils in IirniK ca'l umler 10 moniiis, imrou i r Ti;nn.,i,..,i.n 2 llest bull II over E.t'.lltcnho isa 12 (10 J in . f a. .... A 11,1 bull between anu .1 yrs .1. o,.-i", " cow 3 yrs un.l ovcr.E. Illtlenliouso 2,1 best " " Culeli ll.irtou AiMtntyttuxK. apple butler Jirs.ii m-im... " Marblo cako SOU 01) (1 Oil 1) 00 I 01) llmt bull .1 yr. ami nvcr,T. C Sterner 2,1 beit" lietweeu 2,l3yr,,. Oimpboll SC021S27 3010 lSlo'1,'!",!)! 1801 i30S0 1851 3038 1808 3(552 IS I!) '3503 1810 HS51 IIW.sI lts "iu , llest cow 1S27 1835 ,1830 1713 ! 1731 1,1780 1803 12 Oil t, 01) 4 01) 12 00 (1 01) (1 00 3 01) 3 110 PENNSYLVANIA-- OFFICIAL. Cnmiileto IMcttlon llctiirns for 1SOU. GoVEltXOIt. H-SUl'. ,IUI)(!I COHNTllX Adams, Allcglieny, ArnistiniiK, 1 leaver. licdi'oril, ISerks, HIair, liraili'urJ, Iluoks, Hiitler. Cambria, Cameron, Carbon, Centre, Clie-tcr, (Huiioii, CleailieU, Clinton, Columbin, Crawford, CuiiilicilanJ. D.iupliiu, Delawaro, Klk. Kric, l''ayolte, I'ruiiklin, Fulton, l'orot, (Invn, lliuitiiiiloii, Imliaiu, JeflVon, luuiuta, liunra-tcr, liUlVVCIICO, l.ebanoii, l.cliili, i.uzerne, livcnniing, .M'Kcan, ilercer, Mitlliii, Monroe, Montgomery, Montour, Nortliniiiiitnn Xurtliuin I'll, Perry, Pliiblclplili, Pike, l'otter. Si-liuylfclll, Snyder, Konawt, Sullivan, Sii(jiieliann:i, Union, ,ellans;o, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Wcntmorcliiud Wyrining, York, Total' 3009 13301 1, 2102, 2S32 li031 773, 303(1 7001 2!)!) I 3187 123' 2020! 3101 01 101 2831!! 3015 250!l 371 1 ISI'h". 1103 1328 22!i; 90S 13.'N 1229! IOOO! 1000 293; 2992, 2308 ! 2070! 203!) lori! S3 1 (ii 1 U92,, MM 0133 9090 I5S7 202: 17.858, 313! till! 10 2180! 281 177 Mojoritiw, 7!)H'i 171!? 2910 1 iii-l KHii! 153.5 1788 1 3007' 1 2310, '227O 1 1803,, 1152' 00 10; KilSO'l 01833 1019, 0771 '.1027 1080 1310 701 2S90 2112 1192 3172 1 1UISI 103 1. 2078 ' 0180 1 1721 8315 1 2200 lSJlO 1175 0501 2859S0'27SS1 1 1287173 !81 177 ! '278S1-1 isuu'i 8(11 Senatorial Voto :-Offlcial. llucl:al(iw Wliltinnyir llialfunt North'd ' 3710 3357 393 Montour 217 937 11.12 Columbia 3155 1805 251 Sallivan 753 391 12 8200 f.193 2()9'S 0193 M jority 1707 Nfxt year thcro will bo no Statu olliecu lo Icet, ami our pconlo may theixTniotxici't lo enjoy a fe.von of nuict. Falsehoods of tho Canvass. Ma.W statements inado iiending tho lato election by, or in Ills In terest, wero permitted to p.m unnotic ed, or wero but slightly answered. Time and occasion did not olfer for their complete refutation. Occupied in ,wo and others- wero with tho Reneral duties of the canvass it was hardly poslhlo to keep up with tho rapid concoction of falsehoods by the stump candidato and Ids backers; for as tho contest went on they bcc.imo moro and more Unscrupu lous and desperate, and con lining them- selvo-, to their slnlo oliject the elec tion of u Republican Senator from this district they wero ablo to prep.iro and circulate more falsehood-) than could bo conveniently expiitod and repelled by tho friends of tho Domocratle nominee Most of their inventions may still bo treated, (as they havo been hitherto,), with silent contempt j but a few of them wo shall now pass under a brief oxami nation. 1. The story that Mr. Ilucknlew had $9,000 furnished him by tho Democratic Statu Committee, and that liivv''juslntr it for his 9WJa.J'l.wri6'ses and withholding Tuly part ot it irom mo Democratic Committee of Montour. Ansieer: Considerably less than one in' the sum inontioiiod was furnished altogether by tho State Committee- for disbursement in nine counties (mostly larger than Montour) and mainly for tho legitimate purpose of getting out the vote. A fair part was properly placed in Montour county and in fact that county with less than half the voto of Columbia county received ultimately from tho Stato Committee a greater amount of pecuniary aid than was fur nished to this County. This calumny was eagerly seized upon by tbo Repub lican newspapers and orators of the district and was ued by them in (lie election, as were other calumnies con cocted by Chalfaut .0 Co., And intended for their advantage. Tho trutli is that money was neither corruptly nor pro fusely used in this section by our party, as charged. Wo havo no dotiht that much more was fuiuMicd to this sec tion by Covodo's Committee than by our.vitid we mint ho permitted todimht whether II was, uiin tho whole, dis bursed witii ciual rainicss and integ rity. 2. Thu story that tho Chairman or tho Stato Committee had asked Mr. Iluckn lew to iteclino running as a candidate, and had expres-ed tho opinion that ho was not properly nominated. Answer: Tho Chairman or the Stato Committee upon examining tho official proceedings of tho .Senatorial ;Confer enco and the published statements of all tho Conferees, was clearly of tho opinion that Mr. liuckaicw was regu larly nominated: ho never asked or thought of asking Mr. 11. to decline; ho was and Is Mr. IUickalew's warm personal friend, sympathized with him thoroughly In llio content and now re joices sincerely and heartily in his elec tion. 3. That M'Niuch as n Conferee fiom this county "was authorized" to olfer $1500 to ouoor both tho Withlngtons for support of Mr. lliickalow In tho Con ference. Xnswer, This ba-o falsehood was sta ted at soveral meeting by M'Ninch and Clinlfaiit, and published In ono of tho circulars Issued by tho former, liy Mr Clark, tho Provident of thu Conference, it was branded us false at Jerseytown and by Mr. lluckalow himself at Slab town. Tho latter declared that neither tho traitor conferee nor any ono eUo had over been authorized or permitted l.y him to mako any olfer whatever, in order to secure his nomination, whether to a Conferco or any ono else; nor had ho over known or heard of such an olfer inado or to bo inado by M'Niuch or any other person on his behalf or In his In terest. This base llo was on a par with another vented by M'Ninch at Slabtown; that Hon. 1), 11. Montgomery, (ono of tho most honorable men In tho district) had Mild Ids voto In Conference thrco years ago fora largo sum. Tliu black-mouthed villain who manufactured tlieso hlau dcrs upon honorable men, slipped to ho sure from tho platform In drukcu Imbe clllty about tho time ho uttered them but ono or them has since been publish ed nnd u?ed by Chnlfant in his canvass, 4.That Mr.Uucknlow solicited M'Ninch to bo n Conferco and that tho hitler nov erusked or sought tho position. Ansiter, Wo aro assured by Mr. IJ that ho nover exchanged words with M'Ninch on tho subject of Ids appoint meiit us a coufeice, much less solicited him to become one; that hewas urgod to tako III in rorsoveral reasons, and no ceded fo thu request against tlio incli nation of Ills own Judgment. That M'Ninch asked thu appointment and earnestly sought It can bo proved by Judge M'iteynolds who was enlKted by him to get Mr. 11. tongreo toil. 0. That Mr. II. In it private conversa tion with M'Ninch ut IllooiiHburg, pro posed to prevent tho nomination of any ono cUp, nnd run us u voluuteitr caiidldate, and that at Northumberland ho uttered similar sentiments. Answer. Tho statement of tho iIIm coursoat Northumberland has been II, id ly contradicted by Judge Deegan, whin was referred to by M'Ninch as present, and tho alleged ono at IMoomsburg by Mr. Iluckalew at Jcrseytown.Tho latter not only denied thu M'Ninch falsehood, but clearly stated what was said at the time referred to: That Instead of pro posing lo break up tho conference and run as a volunteer, ho told M'Ninch that Ohairant was clniniin that ho (M'Ninch) would ultimately volo for him nnd that tho Northumberland men weroalso founding hopes upon himjthat thiscondition of tilings was protracting tho struggle which would end when it was understood that their hopos were groundless. Ho therefore desired to havu authority to say that his conferees and those from Sullivan "'would not glveway" in Conference as that would end thu contest. That M'Ninch in part ing held his lmndnnd tnid to him "I au thorize you to say lo tho Montour and Northumberland men, that wo never will volo for either of their caudidalCs,1' and then left. In brief, both l!ie discourses recited . by lKlnch were bas-ly fabricated by him; tho truo discourses, those which ictually took place, being thu very op oslto in charaeierand looking to a reg ular nomination to bo mado in Confer ence. 0. That aHer thu 202d voto In Confer uco tliero was a private consultation in Mr. Iluckalew's room, that it lasted from 15 to 20 minutes or more, that tho door was bolted, that then arrango nienls wero made between Mr. 15. and Mr. M. J. 1). W'ithington that tho latter should go for him (imtcndn, somu cor nipt bargain,) and that then the Confer enco reassembled and Jlr. Witliington changed his vote. Aiwcer. This series of falsehoods can bo flatly and completely contradicted by no less than seven witnesses, licside Mr. Mcylert, tho Secretary ol the Con ference, and perhaps others, who can contradict them in part. Those, persons are Senator Jackson and Hon. James Deegan of Sullivan; Mr. Witliington and Mr. Kcber of Norti-umborlaiid; Hubert V. Clark, Ktq, nnd David how- enborg of this county and Jlr. Iluckalew himself. Thcsomon wcroiilliuMr.I!'. room during tho five minutes recess and ino-t of them all thu time. Other nelsons wero in casually. They will testify that Jlr. lluckalow had no pri vate consultation with Jlr. Withington or any one else; that ho did not leave the room for that or any other purpo-o that tho d.'-or was not bolted; that tho recess was not protracted 10 or 20 mill ute.--, and that ho mado no arrange ment with Jlr. Withington for his support and no conversation pascd lie tween them on the subject. Jlr. Jfeylort remained in tho Conrerouco room en gaged in writing out tho proceedings, und ho is or opinion that Jlr. Withing ton turned lo him bororo leaving tho room and proposed lo change his vole This statement has been called In qucs tion and wuugrco that Mr. Meylertmay po-sibly hit mistaken in making It. Jlr, W. may havo actually gouo outside of thu room for n moment but if so hi; ru turned so quickly that his ahscuco was not noticed by Jlr. Jleylert and madu his proposition to change his vote. lie that as it may,tliero could have been no "consultation" or "arrangement" In Jlr. Iluckalew's room (and there was none) before ho openly unnounecd his deslro and intention to change his voto, If any ouo Is curious to know what took place in Jlr. llucknluw's room dur lug that.flvo iiiinulisricc-swocaiigiatl fy hluiupoii tlioaiilliorllyofsoveral who Wero present; the main if not exclusive topic of discourse was the infamous base utss of M'Xiiich proclqiiiieil in tho voto wliich he had Just glvciifyMr. 15. was tho least excited uipl Indignant of the party, lie stated that ho had carried M'Ninch upon his nerves nil day nnd felt relieved lu throwing him oil"; that JITslncli liail taken his leap and was Incapable of further mischief, lleforo this, when Jlr. Withington eiunu Into thu room, ho had announced his luten tlon tochango his volo und thus prevent a fraudulent result to the pending hal lot, against which eour.-o no objection or question was made, I5ut tho falsehood or Clmlfant's stato ment concerning tho llvo mliiulo recess is rurther shown by the published stato- ment or Jlr. Clark and Jlr. Withington that thu latter had informed Jlr. Clark (and Jlr. Iluckalew nlo) soinetlmu before that recess that ho and his col Ieaguo Mr. ileber Intended to voto for Jlr. 15. and would presently do so. 7. Thu lost falsehood wo shall notice is ouo (several times repeated,) concern Ing nn artlclu in tho Coi.umiiia.v of Oct. 1st. Chalfaut fays wu denounced hlmiis unlit for Senator because ho whs a poor man; and thereupon hu hounds tnu alarm lo thu peoplo against our bur etic it doctrine. A nsieen What wo said In our nrtleio of Oct. 1st, was nut that Clmlfitnt was unlit fur Senator beeausu ho was poor, inn inai no was regarded us "a fit sub Jectfortho manipulation oftho "ring" Hint tney turned their attention upon nun nsan instrumentfor their purposed iK'catisu ho was "a until of molcrato abilities, poor, ambitious, wltliself eon celt greatly developed by former elee lions to ami scrvlco In tho Legislature' us ifi as hiTamo "ho held control of arty newspaper" Ac. Tlilj,lairiy sun was what was said by us and most. ly our exact language, mid wC stand to it and repeat it. Jl'dratli, Utdgwny aim Randall of Schuylkill, (tbo men of tho ring" wlio made up n purse to defeat Jlr. Huckalow's nomination,) duly con sidered nil tho circumstances which made Chnlfant a fit "instrument for their purpose." His ambition, his ex treme vanity and his pecuniary circum stances as well as his political position nt thu head of it paper in Montour couia tv, wero all taken into account, and the result shows that they did not mistake their man. He engaged witii them in their infamous enterprise and did all ho could to Insure its success, becaiiso ho was weak,neody and ambitious, and be cause his passions became enllsteiL in the struggle, l-'ar bo it Csinn us to pro nounce hones! poverty to bo n dlsqual- illcaUrm for otllce. Sucli rulo would ex. dude nust of our friends and ourselves from all chaucu or public position, and we agree that it Is opposed to true prin ciples of Republican government. It is quito possible that our readers may Ihlnk wo havo b'.'slowed moro in tention upon tbo foregoing matters than they merit, liut when mortified vanity ha tiled ambition and foul passions in spiro falsehood, exposure and refutation mustbe permitted as both timely and list. Communicated. WHY PAY SO HOON ! it lias always been my custom to pay niv eountv tax wiiuiii uiu nisi uu months that thu duplicate is placed in the bauds of tho collector, whether I thought it my duty or whether by tho strnnir murals from thu collector, or through ignorance. I will not now stop to discuss tho question. Ono thing lioW' i.wr somewhat astonishes me. that if every taxpayer wero lo pay his taxes within the year, how it could bo mat at tho county tettlemeiit of January 1809, for the vear 1803 there should or could bo a balance due from collectors as far back oven as 1SGI. If those collectors havo collected from onlyapart of tho tax paycrsand let the voters go unpaid it is simply imposingon those good nn lured, easy, clever fellows who always pav ns soon ns they are asked to do so Supposing Mr. A's tax in 1S0I was $00 and Jlr. Ii's $00. Now Jlr. A pays his .50 in 18(11, but Jlr. 11. does not pay tin til 1809: five years later. Theio Jlr. 11 gains over' Jfr. A on 550, at simplo in terest $1. Tho $10 is lost to theeounty and in laying a tax to meet tho same. Or again if Messrs A and 15 both paid their taves in 1801, tho probability is that llieiollfclorhnstliobenelltof the which is equally wrong. I be lieve it belongs to tho proper county linkers to icgulnto these things and see that Justice is ilono equally to all. I think that I am expressing tho senti ments of tho lax payers gi nerally by Miyingthat thupioper county ollkials are to a certain extent responsible for negllgeucooiraisoned by the tax collec tors as well as thu fax payers. Whether a collector collects tho public money and applies It to his own uo Is it matter that tho public should never bo so will ing to censure ono for;iiiuch less should thu counlyollleers havo any rcuson.Jo r-s,t In doubt on Hint subject. Tnku for 'instance an example: Say Jlr. A is re quired to pay on n day fixed $100, hut comes with barely 4C0. Should it be doubted whether hu was going to pay alt ho collected? I answer No. Ex amino the duplicate, see tho amount collected, and satisfy yourself. If moro has been collected than Is ready to bo paid over, then tho timo is at habd to tako action upon tho matter and nil doubts aro removed. A county Treas urer might feel as though ho wero ta king too much responsibility when ho undertook to examine a collector's book, but I think not. Jloro than that I thiol; it ids duty. Tlio Treasurer's book and accounts a ndComiulssloners'iilso.should nt all times bo freo for tho inspection of any cltlzen,nnd as soon ns public oftlcers deslro to keep their deeds hid, tho tiling looks bad. Ho also it is with tho col lectors. No man, let him bo who ho may, if ho nets honestly, will nt ony timo rcfuso an inspection and examina tion into tho accounts that he has been keeping, elthor for private Individual or in public, business. 1 am looking for ward to thu settlement to bo made for 1809, to sco whether tho old collectors are still immortalizing themselves by being on that bit of paper signed by thu county Auditors, and then published in tho county newspapers. I believe tho Act of Assembly does not allow theCoin lulssloners to give a duplicate to a col lector who Is in arrear on any former duplicate. Tlio Commissioners should consider that suit carefully. I do not think it would bo spying too much If I wero to urgo upon tho county ollleers moro equality In th0 payment of taxes; that when tax was levied and was ueiiled for public tH0 each collector should pay in pro portion to tho amount of Ids duplicate. Why is It that tho county should pay interest on inonoy and at thosaiiiotlnio some townships in tlio county being In arrears on tlio duplicates nearly tho whole amount? I favor uniformity very much, and am strongly of tho opinion that if tho liest business men or tlio county were appointed collectors, tho tax in most townships would bo collec ted moro rapidly und with much inoiu satisfaction. a tax payi:u. Orated ShcL Host liull .1 yrs mi l KMI ly " 2 tinil 3 yrs.w. 1'. Cn-vi-lini? lies', cow 3 yrs. (!. Uit.i'ntiiii-I.'r Most lienor i aiul i yrs.iiimu "i o.i i.a.i ii " " O.'r llcst heifer under 10 mos.i;. llitiennimso i w " bull calf 7 months old, P.ui I l ucuui i " heifer " " Armstrong 2 o(l Vnd'i'S Stoei. llcst bull 3 vrs nnd over, S. It ienhuch 12 00 ii l ,.:i vr. ,.1,1 It. J. .1 Oil 2d best heifer beliv'n 2 mid ,'lys D.DrohU 3 U0 llest Cow " " loeum Oici ami Stem. Destvolioof 0in'l W.XoItnn S00 2,1 ii ii .1 Willie. Viinderslieo .100 " yoke steers hetiv'n 2 A 3 ye.irs oiu finnr,.,. W. Shnlfer 1 00 2,1 " Nollvo heifer bc-tw'n 2 A 3 yours old N.J. Kihv.irils. "u Judces. CI. H. Tottler, William Slmll'or, Frank Nmigenhucli. CLASS IlI-SWINi:. Best l'.it llo"! Samuel Meliek 2,1 " " " Henry Crnop Sow aiul plcts Daniel loeum 2d " " " Win. Ilomboin llest I'.oar Wni. .Mo.Mlcliuol 2d " Clicstsr white. Roar .Mm Vanliow 300 " IioKiuinca l'i's 11. K. Mirks loo " Kot Ho,? J- V. Shannon 200 Jtidiii. Win. Birbor, John l), George. Cavenuo. CLASS IV SHEIU'. Best Lons woolct IIwos Aaron Smith 2J ii ii ' ' Middle, wonted Iluek J. WiiMln ,i ii ii ;! " " Smith tlown Buck I-evi llidlay 2d " " " " John Vuuliew COO A Oil 500 -100 500 too 300 400 100 400 3110 yellow Denver onions .Marrow fat squashes 1 prince albert potatoes " carrots white belzium greens Wni, If. Uechtet Ag l-yr. " early short horns Win. H. Beclitel uts butter beans 1 J bi-s rutabagas " " ' pinkeye rust) coat potatoes Jacob Seislolt prince nlb't potatoes J SeUtoft 3 ips Carolina beans ,1 Hess turnip beats Aaron Kesler 1 fcuup bciins " i U.irm tl Chilli potatoes O A Jiieoby 1 1 bus Tomatoes " 2 stalks i-.m-nuo 11 bus peach blow polatoia A V Yiiun, ' ' Iiurriftoit 1 " ridianlson Samuel 01,1 ' " Whllo dour yard potatoes ' 3 hunches Lions panccIKry John V Wliitenlto 1 bus calico potatoes (I Kimi I L K Sharretta O W Miller ii ii ii ii M peaches " hlai 1 ,iniii'i ' ,, MC1C Mr. T lliitler h butler Mrs i' win' " It II Mena-ih 50 50 5U fi,l 50 2 01 .VI .,0 511 5" f.ll 50 S.0 H 50 50 . I.'.", ."..i'l.. 111.. f..r..l...,lllV r Ml UUIUT J I'"". " ' tioiltld c lint '' plate ,1 iiiglinutl nil no ii iru-ois V,.i,illiinWii " " lot Preserved clirrrie I " spiced lorn iloes .Mrs n r . i I i crab nt, tiles red pickled enbbago ' i .,iii eako Miss M 1. ltobi'on . . i ,-;-,,. t, .,,. fill ""ZklciiMissllSharpless 50 l'icklocaullllower " " ? " peaches canned Mrs 0 It Ilyerly J " era . niiple jo y Airs i-uim, "Ipiced 'peacliesIIss Mary Christman 60 .. ,.!, ,i!-o 1 cherries Miss Matlio Masot. 60 unserved cherries Mrs l-'lteclitcl J . , ... Mr It 11 Jlcnnsn iiri-serYci ,,.....'. .: . , , . " si onge cake .Miss M A .iiipieioui. 'tilumCako .Mrs ij i ivaso 'wderberry jelly " " ii itreserved damsons " 2,1" loaf of bread Miss Annie fester peach too -rs a onj ombles " " " White cako " Dutch cake " ' , " strawberry butler Mrs uen sun " spiccd nptiles Mrs I, D In" "calitieil wnoriieuiTrieii .. r ot veast Mrs Win 1' Ikelcr Lvi i ii Judges. Miss Lolllolleilrioli, Miss Flora Tliapti, Miss liennal,.!. s. lioiunts. CliASSXI-lIOUSKIIOI.DMANUFACTUlti:. ..., i..i.i..,i ;,.!, I ,lre Miss KnaiM, I oo ii ii garment " "embroidered " , " , " " pair iiiilte ns Jacob hester ""suspouderfl " ' " linnen towel Mrs I rcas Brown " homo inado shirt " " " pair wool blankets" " " coverlet Mrs John IIIU 2d" " " Chas lieo 2d" pair blankets " Joiin inn -' sami'10 wool carper .uiou . -"hall carpel " Ag l-J " pair knitsieks !' " tun yds rag carpet "13 Mnhr 2,1 " " Mrs I Vanilerslice homo mado llauncl " 2,pi ii " Mrs J Hess ntillt Units llayliursi Judjies. Michael drover, Ooo. K. Hess' Georgo Gilbert. CLASS V rOoLTUY. Best Pair Brume. Turkeys John Vunlinw 500 2,1 host Lit Chickens II. U. IlittenUender :u Best Pair Ueeau " " " " 100 " " Bintani Clik'ns Mis. M. JohnsonlOO ,," " brahtua chickens J. Vanliow 2 00 21" Chickens " " " 50 Pair dom'te Turkeys Jl K. Atiplonian 200 2,1" Ilraluni Oak tis .1. uarnsoii .1.711 si 1 vr. ' Tamo ngous u. w.l-reas lou Judges. Aaron Kester, Oaar-o Cavenee Win. Masteller. CLASS Vt-GltAINSi; litis A- KLOUlt. llesthalfbus.Ulovei seed W. C. Itielmrt 2,10 2d" " " " " U.S. Viiuderslico 1.60 " 1 " Gourd seed era J. Deily 1.50 " ' " Timothy peed 13. Krutn 300 2 " " " " " Geo. Cavenee I 50 pr'l wliilo po,i corn WAbtiottlSO " " " White It ix seed W Botcticl 1 60 " ' Jersey-bluo corn ears Win. M'michaol 1 50 " " Xew Brunswic oals A Irvingl 50 " " Black norway oats II II Brownl 50 " "Sweet corn W Abbott 150 " " Uyo Hour Ellsha Iliivmsn 3 00 " " liuekwheatllour " 3 00 " Bus. White Wheat " 3 00 " " Yellow corn I Dildine. 1 60 " " Smoke " " 1 50 " " r.od wheat D S Vamlerslico 3 00 2,1" ' " " Geo Itussel 1 50 Best bus Buckwheat Aaron Kester 150 " " Wheat Flour John Bea-lo 3 00 " " Wliilo Xorway oats 11 Wilson 1 50 " " Tappiliannock wheat J Cre ling 150 Judges. G W Suplce, Win. Miller, Kllsl a 11. llarlman. CLASS VII VFGF.TABLES. Best pinkcyo potatoes W. C. Bichart 1 50 " held punijikins Joliti Daily f 50 2 " fcatntile lieas Mrs. I.rown Ag 1-y. " " seed peas Thus W Giluton 2 00 " " sii week beans " 1 1)0 " hit lima beans Henry Zuppinger 1 00 " bus sweet potatoes Stephen Polio 2 00 " Sample planting onions Mrs. Itabb I 00 l-.spy lioso potatoes win Atiliolt 2 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 : heads cabbage Mrs. Fenslmaclier 1 00 I Oil 1 00 2 00 I 00 I 00 1 im 1 110 1 50 1 00 I 00 I 50 I 50 1 50 I 50 1 00 1 110 Patrick Dilliuu 1 50 1 50 1 00 1 00 1 110 I 110 1 (III 1 00 I 00 1 00 1 110 I III) 1 no 1 00 1 no 00 lusco " " earlygonlrieh " 3 variety Squashes " J doc oyster plants " early brown beans " radlebCS " beets ' 11 Brussels eprnits uura " -i " 3 ijts marrow. fut soup beans John V Wbiteuitu " black linn beans Mrs M Johnson " Hhauleknoe potatoes J II Crevclin " Gourds Miss Matllo Mason " Pumpkin Geo Yost p ' 3 bunches collery Jos Garrison " Held tiirililis W Bowman " early llat dilteli rabb.lgo S Itelohart I 00 " Jiuiiuard S'piash " " 00 " Turban s,piasb " " no " egg plants Miss h Snyder 1 00 " gherkins C W Miller I 00 uispiay nopi Jacob Hester 1 00 " brown mustard " " no .Mangel Wurlzel A P Young 1 00 juiiges. uaieu liarton, Trunk Evans. CLASS VIII-FHUITS. Bestdisp lato yellow peaches Ell Ikoler I " " yollow clingstone " Geo I'avenecl " 1 dor faldowalirnpples P lleinbach " sample delewaro grapes II Zupin -er " " Isabella " " Louisa bonuedo Jersey pears " " doj nuiuces n " display grapes " 2 " ipiinces Mrs Win Itabb " ut chestnuts Win Abbott " duchess Pears James Kester " Sample Peaches " " " king apples P A Strmin " concord grapes James Kester 2d" sample pouches Mrs Samuel Melllck " " minces Mrs J M Glrton display apples Isaac Dibllno " 1 dm wine seet apples " " 2 ips dried wiirllebcrries Jer Hess " 2 qts chestnuts Asroti Koslor sl;,' . ," Mr. II Kutlor " it dried r.isiiberries Mrs W Johns 111 " " " blackberries " " 25 25 3D .10 30 30 75 2 no 30 30 2 110 1 ! 30 30 30 60 2 00 30 50 30 30 30 30 3J 30 30 2 00 30 60 60 60 50 1 no 1 00 60 60 50 60 60 50 50 2 00 1 no 1 no 25 25 50 1 60 2 00 1 50 1 01) 1 no 1 50 CLASS XX-FOOT li.U'.-, Host run ,!,', 1. L, Johns,,,, 2d best rut, Fr.tnk White nli.,i 3 I best run. Joseph rrnwr.mi Judges -Emory Weill-.,,. ., l',nloi, Klin... '" ' v I J) HHIAIIDSON. j, Vli(.p , Avmu.i:v . 1 V, in-. NO. l2SHOUni HIXTIIsih',, I'llll.AUHI.I.Hu iMiiisi)Kf,pniY WAI.t, PAP Ell's lIOWKMs A ItOLMlKr MAX UVAOTUU I;,,, . '' '.ipcr Hangings mid Windows,,,, . Itoimii, Cnrnor l'nuillmn , j, Htrccti, Plillndi-iiiii, " MiTiniY.ron.TWKNrv.Tiiiiti, u. NEW SI'VLIH KvllltY I) VY nits. MAKE. Oct. t,0 3m. 1B10. WA'l'CUKs. Tho (Iront Tindn Iiiiprnvi-in,,,,, 1 (InciirpornU'il liy lli Huilo) s, 11 V wolUlMtlvir WntclicmUioVi ' 10.000 EtlgrilVlllKS, fully nit,,',,,,, crllilng nil our Wiitches, ,'r" 1,1 V.,,'1,' ' veinpeH, which nro iiioioiighi. n, , ordered nro iniitlcd, nii pui, ... ' prices I-JSlliglu Gllgrivlng, 5le m, , ricil lirciiiiiini, o; 1 Weill) t. .... , vi r lluutlng wiiicli ns pn nilum i l" grnvlug iimt 1,'m Hu, iui,, r , i wurlll limn ta In 57, iiiii,i .... 1 110. Notlltngl'.lll lie IiihI In ,,1 , 111, iirnt-te 111 our stneic Is i ,rn, lllllliej- llslllll, Wlllln Uu, ljui.r Wllloll Mlirlll 87.,l. fill l,,ir. unco lieforu luistiiy f'iiH,leiui,,,u u T ll-ll l-l I v . .s ' . OKI llti.ntwiiy, Cm. Full,,,, sl V,'' Oct. loiw-.m 50 , 1 Oil 51) 1 50 1 no 1 00 " homo made coverlet Mrs llo Phillips I uu " 12 yds plain linnen " likisucr 1 jo " ten" diaper cloth " " '''J cloth quilt " " ', " pair woolen mittens " " " " linen sheets Mrs J Krutn Ag 1 y " " table cloths " " ' 60 " Linen Tidv " " I " homo made' cloth Geo W Shaffer 1 60 2d" " " " Klias Krum 1 00 11 " pair seeks Mrs W. P Ikcler 1 10 " home mado table cloth " I 50 Judges. Sarah G. Hill, Mrs. Keller, Miss II. Vnttdcrslice, J. M. Bobbins. CLASS XII-FAXOT ABTICLES AND FLOWKlts. Best musical instruments, pianos, inelu- deons, Ac., L. B. Powcli. 10 00 2d host satchel Miss Matnio C. Knapp. 50 Best stone bead nccklaco " 1 OP " fancy match bo Mr. Peter E. Knapp 5(1 " knit h'd spread, Mrs. 1). Best 1 00 " oil naliitiiiL'. Mrs. II. L. Best 1 00 " sheep skin mala Charlei Foster. 1 00 " sea shel's.Mrs. E. W. Wynkoop I 00 " tea trav covor.Mrs. Fred. Widtnjcr I 00 " silk braided dress skirt'- 1 00 " army picture frames.T, W. Guntoti 1 00 " picture wate color,Miss M. Barton 1 00 2d best pin cushion, " " 50 Best tatting yoke, " " 1 00 " childrena socks " " 1 00 " Nubia, Mrs. John Hill, 1 00 " worsted wreath, Miss A. Guild 1 00 " sample cornucopia, Miss M. S. Eves 1 00 21 best wax wreath, Miss A, Guild 50 Bet bead cushion, " " 100 " Camp mat, " " 1 CO 2d bestwaT cross, 60 Best om'hd soHi pill,nv,Mrs L. Applcmanl 00 " cmbroideicd waist, " ." 1 00 " variety roses.f.inev fratneMrs S. A. Uobiion, 100 Best Hpeeimcn hairwork.Mrs. M. P,Lntz 1 00 2,1 bcBt cotton tidy, Jjizzio Auimcrinan 50 Best basket, " ' 1 00 " p.iirchilrcushions.Mrs.Il.n.'l'hillipsI 00 " head cushioj, Mrs. T. W. Gutilon 1 00 " bible eushion, Mrs. M. P. Luis I 00 " winter hnquet, " 1 00 " crotchet, Miss Nora Jacoby, 60 " bead pocket book, Mrs. G. Kitchen 1 00 " enib.-oidorcd handkerchief, Mrs. C. H. Buekalew I 00 " flowered handkerchief, Mrs. C. Jl. Buckaleir, 1 00 Best under sklrt.Mrs. C. I!. Iluckalew I 00 em'b.l " " " " I 00 " 5 Japaneso boxes, " 100 " fancy slippers, Miss IlaltieSharplcss 1 00 2d best em'bd stool, Miss M. Sharplcss 1 00 iiesi cm uu tiny. w a; a t 11 1: it h t 1: 1 1-, For II10 KxiliiRlon or cold, uik.i ..... nnd iltiitls troni iloom und iiuii,l'' ' Vllllllllilu IStrlps luivo stilml Hie (,,,, V III, Mllllt! Of tllO tllOHt HllplTtl 1,111,1!. hulldltigs In Uu, United mini." ' I Tiicy win Hint nir i enrs und mil , season fuel milllcloul tis lit-ni y P,., EM'ry liousekeepel Kliiiiild n,l fur liviiLirciiiiiriinii price list. Atiint.u where. liiduci'tneiits. 1. llltOWNUM Ms.rAI.Lll- Wl iniMiV, NI., t'll 11.... ,.. f1. Oct.Li,W!,n. 1 crotchet otleincs, Miss A. Rupert " carriago afghan.Miss E. App'cmau " embroidered chair " " " Fuschla, " " " crotchet sack, Anna Eshlcman " knit shawl, Mrs. E. Best " 3 fancy pen wipers, Miss J. E. Waller " bead watch ease, Mrs. E. M. Wsrdcil " head pincushion 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 00 50 I 00 1 00 I 00 1 no I 00 black cherries Mrs M Mnm - loumuies 1 11 " 0 bundles lona grapes N Itolchart " lot crovellng oiiplea S Crovclliig " ' Siberian erub apple W Abbott JU.igos.-i. j, Wclliver, Aaron Smith, CLASS JX-Yft.N'ES .t LIQU0113. i.e.niiiii ary wme.urj u HonJershott 1 00. " " cider vinegar " jj " boltlo red cherry wine J Kresler 1 00 - amj'iusiruwuerry wine .Nora Jocoby 1 00 ' " raspberry " Chas Brown 1 00 " . . Su", "I'erry O W Miller 1 00 " 2 nts whllo currant wiuo Uco Yost 00 Judges W, N. Iteber, Aaron Smith W. B. Koons. CLAS3 X-DOMESTIO M AKUFAOTUItES. Best Petsaft scap Jacob Kester 50 " jar bran ly peaches Mrs 1' f liltmoyer 60 " lot crvilullsod jdiio apples " jj " glws'r cako u J8 " m spiced strawberries Mrs W Abbott 50 ' " lomuto butler Mrs O Fcnslirinuker 50 ""jinwvcil citrons " 170H SAbKI I2 A liouso und lot sIiu.iti-,1 in i , ty, within lew miles ol III,,. ni.ut. city Is licillltiriilly loiiiti,! i,,,, ' prmitig 1111.0 village, iii.u nll lu the fSlntc. unit 111 11 miirnl .,,..1 . community. Tlicto tsiihiutg i) V K Ij Ii 1 X (i H Htineiiiutcor Nhop, llnm niil ..tiifr Any 1-uTMOli OfKlllllKncntuMiiiiii, w vatitiiKrs, can tin wi ll hy ivI)1i-.miu i:irtlctiliiis, ( net 1 , oj-ii. iii pUIUilU SALK OF ITIWONAI. I'ltul'l u, Thn tiniUrs!un.-il ulll xiu, , i,, , liN lit nn, 11 cur licmoti, mi 1 lun Ivflt, 111 It o fKM'K III 111" (mi in mi, liriiifrty, tn wit: TJ1UKK HMAD (if 1 cnlt2ye.irsolil, of u H'ounLifaUk1, l top buuti ,1 i'i . 1 inv niUi. I'urn Nhcl it. -j uhl Iliiirruws, citltlviilors, 2 ilntii n . IH'SS, I llullllUl hi't (irittltflfV lllllllfs.0 , . nflniy Imimcs-, plciw w tr (K n. covers, F I V K II K A I) OT II 1 sow niitl tilf4. 1 s:nittp uiiil i i.u Itiylhti huiidU', folks, slm.i U am i . iiillcIt'H tun miiMi'it-iH to iiu-iit'Dii Irani lVrr, Auctioneer. J OTIC H. S Wlierins tin- wife Kllaiia l,, I - I nnd liuuril williiiut Just cm I llcetli'it I will pity no ill-la ,,i iron, I l s illllc nun iorin,i an i i. lier. A.MIO.N Sill I II v Oct. I.,'0)-3t. ' KN'l) FOll A COPY I- ) iihtion wi:i,i.s 111,1 i OWN liAWYI'.l: VNIi mi - 1KHIK. coninlele nuA r. 11:11,1, in- Iiwiiud liuslticHS Ir.ins.ii'iioii-' ' -r llio Itlllon. Till, proles'! ill i, i tbo iiici-li.inlc, tin, nit'H'ti in', i-aeh ri nutri' 11 couvi'iiifiii ,i reiiiiiiio worn, which hoi i-n.t unv in-sirillnclil 111:11 in.iv 1, -will fllMltKll him Willi mi-,, 1 HHUiilly i-allcil for lit till li-s I, ,, , life u lioolc lint ci-rj Ii 1 llmtwllleniilili-i'verviin, 1 ,- 1 Tim I'tilllo li-.idlng ptc-- ,ii ' llodly I'll Iill'hO I 111! Will K I'll i ' piistpilld. Agents wiinl- I- jini. ,,. 0,11- 1 l)el.l.1,'li'l-3lil. No. I 1 II " stuffed parlridee. Miss Mattie JIason I 00 " spccinii'ti icnuiunsliip,J. M. Gibbs 1 00 2,1 best "t " Joseph Oarrison 50 Best braided pincushion, Mrs.A. Snyder 50 " rustic work, " 1 00 " siierm whalo tecth.Mrs. E. Wynkoop 1 00 " lemon tree, Peter A. Evans 1 00 " crotchet thread lidv.Mrs.P.S.IIarman 1 00 " toilet cover, Mrs, Win, P. Ikeler 1 00 " fancy bed nuilt.Mrs. Chas. Lee, jr. I 00 " Best elephant, Miss L, Snyder 1 00 Judges Dr. J. Lciser, Emma McDowell, ..irs. mas. jvniier. CLASS XIII-VEHICLES. Best shifting to, buggy ,M. C.SIoanABro 3 00 " opi'ii buggy, " 3 00 " piano sleigh, " 3 no " iron utIo farm wagon, Jacob S. Evans I 00 " farm whiel barrow,.). W. Evans I 00 " open buggy, Georgo Strieker 3 00 " lumber wagon, D. Brobst 1 00 " truck wagon' 3 00 Judges Amos B. Hcacwk, r.euben Ilom boy, Possawell Toulk. CLASS .XIV-AGllICULTUBAL I.MPLE- ji I..NT!4, MACIIINEIIV, AC, Best selfikliver hay rano.W. C. Itlchart 2 00 sewing maelilne.Misses IliimboiLako I 00 " ih.ublu corn marker. M. Hurly 2 00 " Montroso plows, John (J. Vough 1 00 " Wyoming plow " 2 00 ruin an, 1 leu plow " 2 00 " left band plow Sharpless A Uarman 1 00 " combined reaper and mower, Wultcr A, Wood A Co 3 oo " grain and ididsphato drill T.ies Staats A- Mcllick o 00 " Lay setter, Amos rinw A- Co 2 00 " com Bheller.Sllfer Walls AShrlner 2 00 eji-i'isior reaiier,.). Iiagenhiicli, agent 3 no " patent Omega churn .1, II. Knapp 1 00 " buckeye corn planter,!. P, Connor 2 00 " thresher nml cleaner, MelliekAIJuick 5 00 "treal pmier tbreshcr.Schuyler A Low 3 no corn piow, jonn B, ! unslon 2 00 " mowing maehlno " ktnle grinder, N, W. Sutllir I 00 valley chief reaper nnd niuwcr, J. S. iwarsu ,v Co 5 00 1.' a reaper anu mower, Androw S. rord,J. Culncll, agent 2 00 ircau power llireslung maclilne,J. M iioistiucr 4 qo " lever power threshing maehlno and separator Joiin 1). Troup 3 00 Judges Thus. J. VatidorBlleo, Georgo h. -, riuii,aiuos iv, ueacocu CLASS XV STOVES, TINWARE, EAItTll- 11 ,1 AliL, ,U. Best morning glory he atiir.A. M. Rupert 1 00 goi,i iiiciuil stovo " " 4 00 iinwurc, 11 it 3 go 2d best egg cyllnder.SliarplessAHarman 3 00 uesi 101 cartnenware.Augustus Itabb 2 00 jimgcs aiciioias Kindt, Jacob Kester. CLASS XVI-CA1HUET WARE, SHOEMA JCE11S, TANNEB8, AC. nest 3 nilrjor.lilcks, Norman S. Pursel I 00 " needle, ' " " j0 " singio luirness,.!, B. Pursel A Co 00 " hind A- front horse shoeP. E, Bomboy 1 00 " hand hummer, ' 11 ' jq " wruitght monkoy wrench " " 50 w if i7 1 Wur',"' IIu3'i McCollitni, CLASS XVII-BEE3 AND BEEHIVES. iieav i uoics iioiioy, Aaron Smith 1 00 f wa,r.ln Itallj" b0M llro''i ' 00 " beo hlvo, " 11 1 2d best hybrid Italian bees , 3 oa " box honey, Samuel Crovellng, 50 diwges-wii lain Hagonbuch, John Hart man, L. A. Hutchison. CUSS XVHI-SPOIlTINa LIST, llest trot sorrel gelding "8tar"Jam )j Me. ,'vuo' 125U0 2d best 1st trot, "Antbracito'' Frank Wuguer, jo 0o 3d best 1st lrot,sorrol gelding, ivtor l.ckrote, 05 00 SBl'OSI, TttOT. Bost broHti stallion "William" Frank nogncr J-50 00 2d tost bay stallion "Honesty" Isaao J,u1 2J 00 Jinlges-A. IC. Smith, Daniel Morris, Win, CJ.ASS XIX-PAItMEH'S LIST. Best lit.trot.bay horse timo 3 ir,Jona' man tcic j25 no 2,1 best bay horse 'John' J, Castlcbcrry 15 U0 3d best sorrel liorso'Nat'O.S-pursel 10 00 sr.i HMD 111. it, llest, bay mare time 3.15 W. IfaHuury I5 00 2d bestsorr-'l liorJoohii II, Joeoby 10 00 xIin7l,ilrt,v.,"J"f.'!o8tri','"-lf" rjJIK NEW FA-MIl ! It 1 It -M " 204 Howcry. KMI'IKK . Tlio extiaonlliuirT U" improetl inanuficluritiu Mi heavy work, IihIhc ii u. to inniinr.ictiiri) a New Pi n " s.uuo stylo und const nifii n, . Inaincniaiion, in ikiih; n i' 1 lull with otlier I'ainily M usL'rulnt'.sH It far OUTSTItll'S AI.I- t'MI'l 1 Tho nrlce nf tills nrkimu , tldo CiHnen within r.-m-li 1' Conipiinv N preinrctt "'f " ' In hirtMiii'nt tolmjt'i.'l' ilu- ii M.U'liiutj warrnntcil. Apply rorrlrcul-ir' im-i - " 1 ' h.MI'llti; M WIN'- No. in 1 Ocl. l'lnO-Sm. DOTY'3 WAHIIIN'" mv LATEIA' MUCH IMI'UUVKI lN UNIVKUSAl,CI)Tin Impnivetl wltli Uowcll - 1 ' WhieU.anil llio r.itctii - " tlonalitv larKiipcrlor toiitn Iiib plothcs tvr inwnii'i o ;-osi wicu a, uy m.i Thosu who liivtMiMHl lit " ITollowd : "Wu HUoour mnclniu' 1 Miaili-ilto do without 11, hi 1 wu ifi'i mat wo aru 111.1-"'-Jlcv. U frutt, Jltlhnp J. E ' "It N worth ouo tlolUr ti w " I .Y. ). Tnbunr, "In tho iiiniiiirv of my .. U.ll tli:iii!t.L'l vIiil' oil MonU - "' "Urcrv wcolc hni elvt'H " 1 s1 tho nirm-tloiiH of tlm Inui.t'- , 1 , imsiTicr, "I hosirlllycniniiu nd II ,n woiu'y, uuii cuntuuum-n'. " "t'rlena loty Your m' Wushiiw M.icklmt li'iiMi'M'" you 'our MuchhH',' afn ' " x ',' moro of toiluy tluu u'1 1 . toil jvlihumluruuy cnMim- 111 inson. ' Vonr Wiit.liljitr M.irlli'" 11 " In our Uun.lry, iiiul itio ti htrsiiir an hltflily plt-asM w il ' complUhcH a Kru.itcr iim"U" lulior, nnd Uoi' not wimi 1111 mueluiHtliuoM f.ihlont'il ' II, OIH lilU lUl r"H Is ill p," " , OUhnrmu' ,S'ur3rrjt -V. V-f .."After 11 eoii' u "'" ' WrliiKcrfor moro ilt.ui hl" w ' I am nulhorUeU hy lh 'p""1 . u 1110 moit lUHiii.iniU'ii r. -Hull lu.liNiHuisahlo p-irt '( housfkfi.Mfnc. Our htrvuu wlllliiiilouMi It, unit uiw.iy l!lUCRS.-A l'AUt" U,.,,.l II, ,.,,,,11 rl, W. llll" crs:i,iui l wu will lurw.iid ' ; clilucN. Jreu id freight, to pi i-' .I'lllug; mid hi, smo nro .111.1 wo iigiuu 10 renin, 1 . - ukl t,. r.,i, t,i III.ICUII ' , ufieru numlli'H 1rl.1l, uc id"'-i . .-iii iiiuiisiiii. Miner hi , tliodriidguryurHM.Iilu ' Lwn il.iv,. It. vo,ir. wiiull It 1 ' ' . nmro exiiddllliiLihlv. Willi k"" Jury lu tlio gatiiieiit., In ' I iiaiiu uuiveih.11 wrioKoi. , U.uiv.isiur.s with uxcimn' money fist selling Ilium. , Holdbv ilealKH ismieMliy "' I eiunu mo III l Id. 1 ajC'orili'il M' Ojt. lvMf. NOT IOi:. ...1 , . ., 1.1 re.,'' . . .110 11 1 1, 1 urn 041 1 n j tl ,, persons, Indelilud Its ! "tf note nr ullierwUe, t' c im1 ' liud kelllo. Ilia roceul l; ' , uiiiliu It neivi.H.iry In coil''' ' , . iiecuunis. I In loom 111 inl"" '. ,. iielnhljiiH for llielr ); " '"'" und IruHtslliey wilt see in" "' , l'llllll.llll'U nun ll',lJ")' J. ' Aug, il, tij .in. A ( il neuMy oxeeut, uk jo",1'; At I'"' "" I'rtiiung umeo.