gfjtt (ifotumbiau AND- I'ubRsiiCKl every trM:iy morning In thetOolunibiun Hulldlug near thu Uotirt House, by OHABLES U. nnOGXWAY, EditSt nncl Proprietor. itEtMB. Two dollars a year, payn bloMjdynnco. joFpbi tnS'PIlINTINO of nil deser lit ons executed with neatness mid dispatch, at rcatfenablo rates. "fiEobMSnillU) UIRGOTUUV. STOVES AN J) TINWAUK. JACOB METZ, urnlorlnKlovCHA llnvvnl iL. Rbove court liwmo. i Hl.IRUl'EItT, Blovi'8 mul Mnvwui!, A; Moctti Main St., west or Market. vl-nll tu or' vl-ul clothing, ac. i. ' bPWENBEHfl, mcrt-liniittnllor, Main at., 2d D.'doaralxjye Aiiifrlciiii Iiouho. vl-nll MOHHIS, Mr-rrliant Tiillor iiml Audit lor Wfti'eMew l'arjiiim Scvvlni! Mnt-lilne-, eurne-ror (Jcnira and Ma'" istree't iibuv u Mlller'M Htnri". i)ntJas, chemiuals, &c HOVEn-BKOS., ilrUKKlll Jl llrowrrt Mock Mulu l, OVEH'BKOS.. ilniKBltls ami nimBie-iurles, I, LUTV druiiKlHt mul nnoluwnry, llupert li, block, Malu at., wiMlofMnrlect, '"CLOCKS, WATCHES, AC irRMIlY ZUrr I NO Kit, Wnttlicn, HpwtMlon nnil lljJwelry a. MuliiHticct ne-iir V.t si. V8nl5 r"oU18 BEBNHAUI), wnloh nnel clock maker. jnWHQUthcaiitcoriicrMaliiniiillroiimi.vl-iil.i n EHAVAOE, dealer In clodtB, wa(flic and fl.jVwelry, Main at., jiwt . below American (lunge. Yl ROATHCAltT.walcli anil clock maker. Market t below Main. BOOTS AND SHOES. ! M. BUOWN, boot ana snooiiiivKe;r,.viniiiiiie-ee li.nnmisito Court llouso. vl-nc.l ABOLLEDEILmamilacturcrnnddralcrlnlMHiUi and mioes.Malimt., opposltei Eplsuoiml cbnfe'J iiENllY.KLElM, manufacturer anil dealer In I bOOtS ttnil HUOCM, Broveiiirr i-'ii- Cnst liinnlml, t art Ua4n "' vl-nll DAVlD'BETZ, boot nud (.lioemaker, Main at., below llartman'8 store, west of MarketKtreet. MOEESSIONAL. I tt. EVANB,M. II. sun-con and plijslcinn anuth aide Malu at., below Market. vl-ut.l rVtt. B. P. Kinney ruiui-oii ilenllst.tectli extract JJd"wlthout pain. Main at., nearly opposite EplMopal Church. 'ij IB. M'KEliVY, M. 1). Hurueim and jiliyKlt-liui J north side Main St., below Maiket. 1-nH O.RUTTEB, M. 1). Rurueou and I'hyHlclaii, I Market at., above Main. vl-ul I rvB.,H.,C. HOWEIt. surireou dentbtt. Main st., U above court house. vl-nll Dr.'Win.-M.Bober.HurBeonnnd Pliyide-liui.Ex-change Block over Webb's Hunk MMilM TaB". BOBI80N, Attnrney-al-l,aw, Ollle-ei Harl ,luian' bulldlui!, MiiliiKtrect. va-nai J. E.BIKELEIl,Altorney-at-I.'iw,()IIlie,2d Moor 5 Exchange Block, near lliu "K-veliiuiK" Ho- ti'l ,.5Fi v-lnl "-'.Ui'.i s"MILliU$EttY & KANOY OOODS. MltS. E. KLINE, Millinery and Fancy (looils. Main Wtreut belowiMinkeU vlnio MlSfl LIZZIE IIAKKI.UY, uillllner, undoing, Main st. Ilamsey vl-uu M- IBS A; D. WEBB, fancy koihIi, notions, limtks, stAtkincry, Exeliane block Malnslii-ct. 1' 1 PETEHMAN, millinery and fancy gools op it poiilte Eplscoiuil cliurLh, Main s(. vl-iu'l MIW. JULIA A. A SADi: BAUKl.EV, liullis cloaks and dress patlcruj, soutlieasl coriiir Muln and west si. vl-ulJ MISSMMJEnitlCKSON, inlllluery and fancy goods Malnst., opposite Cuuit House, vl-nll MIW.M.B.KUU.MAN, uillllner, Mulu st below Uarlnmn'H store, west of Maiktt si. wl! iliHE MISHEH HAItMAN inlllluery and fancj 1 Boods.Malu fcirvvt Just below American Imuso. . vl-nll HOTELS AM) SALOONS. I LEACOCK.oysler anil eating salimii, Amerl u em jiousu, .iiaiu si,, nan LcucikU stiperln- l-IH l UJlllMVl'.U ' JACOBV, eollliell j, hukrlj, 11 und oyster Kalouu, wholesale and letall, cnaugebl(-ck;Malu si, l-uu tlOXis'WEBB, court clloncry, bakery, and os Titer saloon, wholesalo and retail, Kxchange Uck. vl-nis 1JXC1IAN0E HOTEL, by Koulis &, .Main 1st., Opposite court housu. vl-ull AMEIUCAN HOUSE, by John I.KAeoe K, Main -U, wexlorllou slleel. M-lilJ F011KS HOTEL, by O. W. Mauiiku, cast end ol Malnst. vl-ul, BSTOlINElt, lelitshmeut baloon,.Malu st.,jiisl ubove court house, vl-n.i KOONH & CIAltK, letleshmeut saloon, Ex. Change hotel, sl-l:l,. SJERCHANTt. ANIJ aitOUEHS. kiJAUOlW, Coultttloiiery. , hi,, Lwluw Jruu uroccrii-'S jtc. Mulu VMllo J aUtUBWUtU, liUUr, blilt, bllOVb, UOllOUb, clU. tXUUUUge UlUCk, JMuiUtallCC'l, vi-mj Ji truiericfc, Uuur, iui.u, aii, inii, iiuu, u.ii.oi II WiiUtY'iuU, imln ami l MiXlU Ml, uuiivu cuuu ihiUaU, v 111 ts i ii Alfkitit, ur liuodh una uuUuna, juuiiiw.hi J cui ur iiuiu una j rou dU. v tn UK. HKK-.Uyi.lZ, tlt-aUi in l)r Unod, trl, jjuufa ftiiuLf., tLi,ti-uiiiLr muni au (Jll- and Hun I J.UHuWJKlt. dry uiiiidx, teioLuritrt, tie,, comer 1 1 Mala auU Court iluUhoul.e l-uii iA, UKCKLKY. lvfytonilio store. and itiitlouery, Main ht:buluw Murltet vl-uli riLl.lAM Kit ASM UH. confectlouerkt. .Main ueur iuo ruiiruuu, vini.i TMKNlJKNIlAl.l. i'i.tiPiHl Ktnolr of int;rihiiii . (JUeand lumber, eorner of Mulu hlrtetand ricitroad. vl-nll Pi. lUlHHIHH. dealt r In drv L'ntMls urcerles tic. I Hblve'a block, Main ht.. belowlrnn vl-ni;( lrK.',aiUTON. (Jroeerles A. 1'ruvlsiuub, Main reet blow Market Vl-Ull uTft lie P. LU'lVC dealer lu cliolcu dry k'mhIh. mul not intm. ftiniii hi.. oiinoH ilh I'm ri noiihe. v-imi 1 1 K, KVEU, urocerU-M und generut merctmndlftt t wain Kb. augvBvvtMi. vi- CHAMKH i A. IIAYIilIltKT. lealern in .TfirnrcrlPB. ('nil fot loner Ick nm NotloUh. ttown.Kouth nidi), two doom above llrobstH onroaKerhiiop, v in- TAM1SH UADMAN, lubliieliu.ilttr mul I'lmlr- luttKerroonuon Mum hum, vJ uv TWM; CHHIbTMAN, wuldle.truiiU ami linrncM 2 "er( unjiOMio t.jincui.ii rnuitn lulti st, I, w. uuiikl.U lurulturu rooma, thny htoiv u uncKon Alulubt,. wtbtol Alarltel vl-iui V J.TliOUNTOaV, v.nll, Vlmluw hlmdes, Ut nna nxtureH, Umwrt block, Main t.t. vi-ulj II ilfKMHTOUK, l'boiotjniiilu rr KxchmiBO " imm 0111111 btM oi'oomio eouri noiifce. vini: M W.HAMPI.1.' A- tHylAiiitu7Ui ."f'jiKtltNiniii. A.1barg uear rullumil. 1'iihtluus iiuulo at tborl J1 Hc-.machinery luadtniud repnired, vi!-uiJ I WKUHN. dealer In me at tallow, etc.. Che Mi LiMipii.. Li . : ...... .u Kiiey, tiara ill Allieriivio in fe. iini JY.'nuiLE.MAN, Agent Munsoirs Copper Tn g' bularLlgiuiiliigltSil. v'.'-ul! llfOHTKIt. (Hub Mnker. and Whtlouuel lancy ilJamier.Hcottuttu, vl-ul7 UIXHIUSBUHU 1.UM1IKH CO.. niaiiufaclurcni S,,,!"1 dealert In Lumber, ol all kinds, planing "nlnmrtlie rull-roail. 1-nlei 1 W1TMAN. miirbto works, near southwest fVjCOmer Malu and Market sts. vl.ul.l I) II. BINULEIt. dealer In iilaniis. ori'ims and IV, nielodrons.atO, W Corell'sfuiullure room I vl-nll D. W. BOBBINS, liquor eleult-r second door from northwest corner Mulu and Ironsts. vl-ull W 1'EAOOCK. Nolarv Public, nolllieasl iiirne 1' ' Main and Market st. vl-n I'dlN A.FUNSTON, mutniil and cash rales tire Insurance couipiuiy.noitheasteorner Main and " .1. f V R AMl'EI. JACnllV, MtM and Brown stone .wnrk. East B immHuitr. Briwlekror.l. vln ItUCKHOItN DIltilCTOltY. 11 O. 4v. II, SlIOEMAKE , ilialerK In dry pi goftd,,.crn-cili and geui ul merchandise. rlrst.tnro l cr.,,11, ,1,1 oftllU'll. VL'.lllK TACOIla WM. IIAHIUH, dealers In dry goods, grocerlca, drugs und un illilms. 1'list sloieln loriliend ol town, V -tils. VOLUME III NO. 42. OttANUKVIUK UIKGOTOUY. Dll. O. A. MEdAllOEL, pliyBlclim and surpiom Main at., next door to Uoud'8 lintel. ..nl7 BHirK IIOTEI. and refreshment saloon, by Win. Maitellercor, of Mnliinnd I'luu Ht..111 17 HABMAN BIHn lll'.UH, Tanners and maiuifac luaeisoflentlitr, on Main St., below nuilv Hotel. -J-1M7 DAVlIi ItnillllNO, Flour and Oilst Ml I, and Dealer In isialii, Mill Street. 'l-nl7 liriWPIl .1- Itt'.UUIN'rl. dealer In dri oods, J) groceries, lumber and general Merei-andlse muse vl'1117 JOHN I'ltYMIlli:, saddlo and hame, milliter Malnst.. above llieHwan Hotel." 1 & K. W. COLEMAN, Merchant b-ilor and A. UciiI'h lurnlihlnu gouds, Malu HI., i ext duor to Iho brick hotel. l-lH7 JAMI'.S II. II AltMAN. Cabinet Maka and Un dertaker. Mulu HI., below Tine. vl-ul" II II. AC. ! '.I.CHNHIt. Blnckamlti i.ou Mill 11. stre street, near l'lnu. V1-H17 ItrlLI.IAM llr.LONO Slioeninuernl. l manuiae. W tuicr of Brick, Mill St., west of 1' je vlnl't FeWIH II. HCIIUYLl'.lt, Iron foiiiioer.Machln ljlst.aud Miiuuf.lctlllerof plows, .Mill Ht.vl-lll7 M1I,1'.H A. WILLIAMS .t CoTanV rrsiind Man ufaclurcrHiif leather, Mill Slre,.t. Vl-nl7 rILI.IA.M nl'XONO SlioeinnUernl. l inanufae. All. lli:itltlN(Kv"lllt01'lli:lt, Lwrpelllcrsnnd , Builders, .Malu Slleel, below l' ue. Vl-nl7 AMUEL SHAltriiESS, Maker ! the Hayhlirst ) Uiuln Cradle. Main St, J, M. 11 AHM AN, sadillo and liarncss Oraugeville, ojiposlte Erainii church. maker vl.'nll OATAWISSA IHKKOTOKY. SUSOUI'.IIANNA or Brick llotel.S.Knstcbaudi r proprletor.soiilh-eiisl eorlier Main and Siennd .Street. Ci 11. ItlNAllli, dealer 111 Btoves and tin-ware, O. Mulu Street. vil-lllil w M, II. AllllETT, altoiney at law.Main street. V-lll 1ILBK1IT A KLINE, dry goods, gro VJt general merchuodlse, Slain Street goods, groceries, and V4-III' KEILEIl, bllllanl sahsiii, oysters, , cream In season Main Street. and lee vHlB BE. I1ALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St., , Bobbins' llulldllig. VJ-H18. D Second St.. below ilaln surueoo mid l'hslclau, v-ii n. T II. KI.HTLEIl."Cuttawtsu lluusi-." North West ".Corner Main and Second streets. v-uls. MM. BltOBST, dealer In General .MerehiunlNe, . Ilrv Hoods. (Inwerles Vc VMilS. MOHT STKHliT MKKCTOKY. nKTKtt KNT, a.-uler d fii kr iii ilfi KOodh. dour, rceil. hull, tlsti. Iron, nulla, t'tc. M'ln tr'et. vl'ina TKKWIIJ.U.KH, ami Cltiilrmalior. (Jtibtnetiniiker, IJntkitJiker vl-nltt Wlit'tilwilKlits, first iloor uln soliool lionet. Vl-llld r W.SANKKY 1,...!..- In IIIilU Itiirtf eti. Ciisli mild for HldiK. vl-ulb R stoves and tin ware in all lis branches. Vl-Ult) TOHN A.OMAN, manufacturer and dealer in buot, and shoes. vi-noi, T J. L M. 1). Hurueou nud l'hvsleluu' Olllcoat Keller's Hotel, H. JUVINK. Medical Main St. and urinicreeie iumui. KSl'Y DlllKOTOHY. t li wr.itKlil'.lsl.B. Hoot and Shoe Htor Jiind inanlaclory. shop on Malu slieel, op t.... in m in. v'-ul JSPV STEAM ELOUItINO JlILIil, C.S. Fowler, riimrlctor. vA-ii,., V. llEIOHAUD, A BHO., dealers in dry goods. groceries, ana genual merciiaiiui.c. vi-nn W. EHOAB, susiuehaiina l'lanlng Mill ami liox .Malllll.iciory. ....... BUSINESS CARDS. Ol! P It I N T ING Neatly exeellled at tills Onlce. 1IIAS. (!. HAKKI.HY, A T 1' O II N E Y - A T - L A W, BLOOMSBUltd, l'A. ,,iii.. i ii... 1'vr.hfiiM'ii 111111111111.'. second slnr.V : WldnivcriY jiieooy-s i ouieeiioiieiy, mmuu 1 tlliovo lliu l.xcillli',i' iii,ii;i. Bloomslairg, Jan, 1. Wi. M, M. li'VKliLK, A T T O 11 N E y - A T - 1, A W, Ashland, Scliu llilll County, I'eun'a. S i i w IV 1 1 1 1 4 " I iii...wi-it)i i it. t.ittii.. in hrick linlMIiiK iu! . n.i,iri n M V f. A W lolnlut; I'ist OIIIcp.v wltjiintli"(, IliiiVfl'iiy uiul VUIUIIS ClMlll'UU, I 11 OUKKT F. UliAUK, A T 'P n U V KY.A T It A W OlHfe corner i -Mulu und MHiiat siriiin, hhi II. I. ITT I, K, ATTO UN K Y-AT-liA W. ('ourl-Iltiut-e Allt-y, U low Hit- (.oi.umihan OIIU'4) Itiumiihliuru. l a. c. H. IWtOCKWAY, ATTOUNEY AT LAW BLOOMSHUItfl, l'A. ti- OfKll'lS Court House Alley, below' the fi umWdii Olllee. uiiniw. J . PUHSKIi, IIAHMsH. WAIUll.l'.. Aisi. iivei.. MANUKAlTUHEIt, amlilenlrr In CAHl'l.i-liAeiH, Al.lf-r.--,, im..-el.o itolll-.s. llnltsic-III.ANKKTS .10.. which ho feels contldent he call sell III lowe'r rule than any oilier person in ins inuutry, r-x anillioliiryoiirsiives. Shop tlrst dour below Iho l'ost Olllee Street, Bloomsburg, l'a. Main wov. w. ISO, B OOK S T () H lO. 'I'lm imiti-ruiriiiil. line luir. tnlii u Hut rooms lull ly eiccupuii ny nr. I . jiiiiti iiesi noor inimi Ihu r.xi bang Holel, would notify tho ellleusol Ihu Countylhiit tin ru will be eoiistaully oil hand a juii iissiiimeiii in BOOKS, M'ATIONKHV, ANII WALL I'AI'Elt Also Ihu various MiigiuliiiH and Newspaiicrs published ill Ihls eollliliy, oulels lor unieil win ue pioinpuy luieuoeu in. THE CIlltl'LATINd LIBltAllY w hie h hns been lu i xlsimeu loi uj ear, calls fur '1 he lei ins inn misimulilc. and mid llollUl subscllls'ls urn needed lo lustily in, Im hum' Hi the mi nil u viililiues. 'Ihu usual Inrgnsloik of NOTIONS ANli FANCY COOPS, will he kept up und no palus spiued lo sallsl) Hie siiiiiH ui pu i e uusei n, May 11,'Ul-lf rnooiusliiii'g, IM, ajISH W.7AK ItAltKl.KY hus Just re tin in d from I'hlludelphla, mul hm bought, nud Is now iillerlug Ihu bestiissortiutut of FANCY (100 1 IS, TBIMMINHS, BONNETS Ac. Ac evei exhlblled In Diminishing, und Is pii aiesllo miikeiup dnssis nud nil oilier nrltclcs-of female W' shin I nolle e, aim in in" nesniuu LATEST SIMtINU STYLES. ltooius iu the llumsey Buildings, on West Main Street, Call und see her varied slisk ol Spring (looils. May I, 'ti.1. TsTr.Al'N'M'sS. HLIN'nXKSS AND I ciitairii iriiiiiii wiiuii e iiiinii .ii."-, JTlHAAi's, M. Ii and Piole.iiror .iMioAe - - - 7 - : u ... j,iiuuui!n. I.' vi iu jis iuiirc, (iiiriuirly. .of i'imIiii. llolliinil.l No. Nil Alih Mlill, I'hlla, i'..r. ,. ...... i.. i. . .... I... , it ni his i, llli e. I he me ill' nil facultyiiielnviliil to iicii.inpaiiy their na. ii,,.,k ..i...i,.. a ,,i Ihm ur.iillie. Al tlllllui ens 111. uiul Mllliolll pulll. No lnilge lor examllintioli. Jim, lu. 'e,.i.-j v r T01. I'WNTINd IN ( Ol.OItS, U Neully exe euli d til Mils olllee. fir MISCELLANEOUS. QUA NO EVILLE FOUNDHY, .MACHINE HHOPVNI) A01UCUI.TUIIAI, ThO lltulcrKtirnoil itlriit I.. l..r i.i- ail he .ubllc genernlly, that heh ,i rebu And u, v. S'lfi "i",1 V"",'1'1' "'J1' lncllllleSliop.a ul re" nioved all his husinesi from Light street to ilia unJl? HIT'.', '''"''Vl, Kh"n 111 conn -cVlon wi h Thresher, (Improvi'd), Camell' "fluent. " ' TlllllMllint ANDCLEANEIl, iiift0?1,'.01 '"' Trend-I-uuer or undershot ...... .ftj.Kl'l unil. 1IU 111.11 Ills nil lllt'l U I I'M III order and Ills up all kinds of ,"uu"ulllll MILL QEAltlNG. Cilirfiul?iri!f,y Maii'lrels, l'lilent Slides for Saw M ll, the latest lmprovei lion Beam l'lous of dlirerent kind, Wooden Beam 1M.", 1) uhu! Corn l'luws, and Blow l'olnis of every deici In" tlou generally used throughout Iho county. IUON KETTLES, HULLS Cellar (Irulcs. Stovts.Sled nn.l fcleluh Sides, nud i,,1..,'!, i.";.vt'Vi '"u; "frnlly made In a country rollll'lrv. 1 hose wis h tic tn i.n,r.i.n... nnni,...u would Unwell loexnmlne his machines, and tuu lilproM mi ills iiihiIu un Iho power. by which nt Iwist 'JO per cent, or the friction Is taken otr. l I. MACIIINI.S Altl! WAHIIANTEI) tOKlyoKondsallsriirllon (Hid te rms ninilo In suit I. v , ,", .inns ei etuniiy produce In ken li exehanun ror Plows ami e'lislliius. rJ linillc I II I In hlM Irlin.ld n,..l ...Tt. favors ho would still coiitluuotnsntli'lt th same. Apr.S.OI-lf UrangeMllu Pa. J-OMESTIO KCONOMYJ U.XMl'lLl.lllN CAltl'ETt A new, cheiin elurable, healthy, and 11 1'i.oon covKiiUNa i A suhstllulo fur oll-eloth at olic-lhlrd Iho cost. ThlsrnrreL Is ttmllifiil In ,i ,.UA..lln ........ 1.1.... tlou of strong, heavy .paper, prlnled lu ornaineu mi colors, anil coan il Willi a lough, elaslle water proof enamel w hie h receives Ihu water, proleels V'" .i'..i-v. -..,,.,. wiisiiina. lit 1 1 reii' lers the e'nrpet brlnht tun! lienm iini o, u.r. ..v. theme, lis udvnlllagcs are as folliiws : its cost remlers It uva nlil,. i nil i.!......-. t iu vAii...,..,,, ni..,i mi i Knsy.aiUI It lieelltllU- 11 i" in nun, ; i i uoes not re iiulro tn ho taken un nud cleaned llki,i i,.rru,-,,..( .....i ,i...u saves much labor and trouhle; By rceiiatlng with IheCiimplllloii Enaiiiclsjeraslonnlly as the ease may iciilllrc, (which cosls but utrllle.) It will iiiiiiiui'ieij , even 1111 ngc.niel always appear lewuiiii urigiii: in us use no reliance whatever .-, r.m. ,u i-it-i nir wi'.ir, nui exclusive ly ulsm sho waler-pniof coating tho llgureil pie I'l'l UI'IIIU IIAlll ,1111V IU Sl't'liril III,, r.f.l.rti ln.... ivn-i ,,..iii i,-,-ii or u variety or purposes, veli fur t rill ill rnuft I imp I....... .. ...t ..... .... ...i.. ...,. ,,.(. i-um-r iii r,nrupe in Aluer ela. tu convert It. intn iiii.n..i ... n..... 1 ing. till concede It to be till ell 1 Iro success 1 e hum pitrciiaseii me right collllnl, a -nutilv and can film Mi t hp ,un.,.i i .,..... al matiuf.ielurers prices, ad-Ynll atu Inelleil tn enll ,u.,l ,i... I. . i, i iiiii snire. .il ivl'.l.v 1, IS A I . .e I'll. iiiiHiinviatrg, itec. iras-tr. JJ C. II O W K It, has opened a llrst-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, AMI EUH STOIIE. at the old slaudon Main Stree t, Bloninsburg.nfew , T . . ""' ii is nines. ise'Olll' posed of the very late st mid besl sis les ever oiler en to the CIH7CIIS or Columbia County. He can accommodate the public Willi lite following goods at tho lowest rates. .Men's heavy double soled uoga minis, meli'Kilouule unit single tap soled kip hoots, men's hiavy slnaashoiH of all kinds. men's lino liools anil shoe-s of nil gladis, boy's louhle soled bonis or all kinds, men's jlove klel ll.ilmoial's, women's. boys's ui i iuiss,!' lasting gatieis, woinen's gluvo kid L'nl sll CI V tllle.Wllllll'll'Sllllil-,i,.,.o l!i1.,..,.tL..,..l iini nit, ii., iimiitu s vety one. K1U lltlltoueil gait els. In i short bouts ol all descriptions both nca ed and sewed. Ho Would nlso call attention tn his On,, nirl. lueub ol HATS, CAPS, EUIW ANII NOTIONS. which comprises all iho new ami popular vnrl etilis at ntli'i'S which rntiiuil r,vl I In ...It ..II r,....- goods nro ollercd ut the lowest cash rates and Is solicited belolu puiclissllig elsewhere us It Is believed that better bargains nro to bu fosnd Sill I'D Kllillllllll'eil 111 U1VH Sill Ikl. ll'l 11,11 A ..nil iu.,,, iinj uuni pi.ieu iu uiu couniy. jTKW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresh nnlval of FALL ANII WINTEIl (JOOBS. HA VII) LOWENBEltO Invites atleullon to his sim k of CH TAP A Nil FASH ION A III. II CLOTH I. Ml, el his store on .Main Ml eel, tw odonrs iihove Iho Alnel lean Hoiim, Bloiitushuig, l'a., while hu has lust reeelved frotn New Ymk and I'lilladi liiliiu a lull nssoiliiu nt of M EN ANII HOYS' CI.OTII1N0, Un luding tho most fashionable, duliiiile, and hu Inlsniiie l)IllH UOODH. COItslsliUg Of HON, RACK, It0CO,(ll!M,AM)(lL.(II.0TII ("DATSANB BAN'IS. f all noils, sl7t s mid colors. Huhasnlso lenhu lslie-el his ulleaily large stock of FALL AND WINTKHK1IAWI.S, HTItU'Ell, FKIUHEI), AND I'LAIN VITS, S II I UTS, V It A VATS, STOCKS, CO 1, LA I O, I l'A XHKKKCHI EFS. (I LOVE.", fcUSBENDEHS, AND FANCY AllTll He nas (iiustulilty on hand u huge and wcll-sc eclul assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINdS, which ho Is prepared lo inuko to older Into any kind of elolhlng, on very short notice, and lu the best manner. All his clothing Is made, to wear, and most of It Is of home mnuur.ic tuic. 001.1) WATCHES AND JEWEI.HV, ulovisry de-erlpllon, fltiei nlnl chew p. Ills e-asu ul Jewelrj Is not surpassed lu Ihls'plaee. Call nud examine hisgi ueral iissorlnieu of (LOT1IINO, WATCHIl,JEWELIt,AC. DAVID LOWENHElld. C,N V KC'V I i J N K It V, The llllderhlelietl Utuilil resttfririillv iinintniii'M In Iho piiblfe lluil lh Iiux opi hi il m Fllt.ST.i'l.AS.s i'ONKKlTloNKItV in in rmiMin lad'iv imvuiiih hj Fox A Wibb In U prepared in mi nlr-li all klmUnr Willi! PLAIN A FANCY I'ANDIIX, FBENCII CAN Dl EH, FOltEKJN A IKIMF.STIC FltlHTH, NUTS, ItAI.MNH, AC, AC, Al . II V WHO). KM A I. K OK IIKIMIL III shnrt. h full ussoitluetil of all cihuIs u his Hum ol business, A gri at variety of HO L LS, Til Y H, Ac, suitable lor Ihu Holidays, Fartleiilai iiltelillon given lo II II K A H A N D OA K EH, of all kiuils, fresh ever) day. C II It I HI 11 AM OA N I) I KH, O II 1ST M A H TO YH sallsfacllou A call Is sollcltesl slid will Ii glial. lllleed. Nov. !i. Ism ECKHAllT IACOIIS. S' OMETIIINO NEW. Thu unileiKluned binH Ituvu lo lnloini her friends und thu public ueueiully. llmt kIic Iihn opined lu HI.OO.MHIIUUO, u rietth kloeli ol good.s In iho lino of .MUINKUV Ull(l TH1MMINOH In eonueetlitii with HrvM Makluj tuul Im pie par ft I tn addllioii, tn COMltl HfltAW HATH on Un Mint I iM tmtlce.aiul In the behl tlyln ul the ui I. I'tiet h (heiih and work hutUlarlor) . Lltflit Mietl.Ot tuber i, 1&07. T mi-: KSI'Y HOTEL. I .SPY COLUMBIA COUNTY, Tho iiii'leislgmsl would liifnrm Iho travelling pu idle Hint lu- bus taken lliu above nunie-d estab lishment mid Ihoioughly reillled the sumo lor the IsTleel coll V enlelieo ol llisglusts. Ills larder will hustis-ktil with Ihu best the nuilki-l iilluiiis, 'Ihecholeist lliUors, wines and eigaisalwajs In bo found III his bur, ...... WILLIAM PHI TIT. Apr,Sl,iS-lf Espy, Pa. N J E E 1) II A JI i'hiiri-lt.tliiMilnntl lirlor llrifiiiu nnd Milo- deoiiMol t-Mry itit-crlpllon, ut redm-ed jiiUvh, M-lal Iot a copy ul Ihu luhl edition vt tho "8 1 li V K U T O i U U K, whli'h lll l-o nmlleil rrto In any addle i)u iippllialioii IntliiMtldiht liuililirieturiUiHiir ftetd tnuaiihiiiul M 1(hU-uu In Aiuerlea. h i:. I'.MhKltirAMiVHO.N. Ill, Hi A. 117 i:ihtUu htitel New York. Auii.lV:'hi. KTTMK WWW ii... i i.rl.'ihiiii ii. .ilrihl dh-llKler by 1 Oil lit Uhlf L mer litMiido. 'Ihu suliM rlber U HKtiil Kir u.o Ihimi lllelllluil, 1HUI nil tumif i'j iiiuu ur in rhon will be l'lhptly lUU nilia lo. May JVt - Ii( JHUU.MAN, BLOOMSBUliG, PA., FllIDAY, OCTOBER 22, PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY -yyiMiIAM PiSHElt wmt THO.MAH CAIIHON & CO. WIIUI.KSAI.K men's rUKNimiiNd aooiw, LINENS A NOTIONS, HO. IS N011TII roilllTII HTIim.T llULADKI.VmA, Juno 1,'OII-Cm JOHN STHOUl' A CO., successors to stroup A Hrothi WHOLESALE 11EALERM IN KISH, No. IM .Norlh M hsrvis. hiiiI IS Ni til, V til M.. Plillsilelphls Q W. IHiAHON et CO., Manutacltirers ol OILCLOTHS ANU WINDOW sell A HliH. WaieluMisM, No. U North Tlllrd Sliei" PhliHilelpltls. Q.KOHOK II; nOBKUTS, luiMirlcr and Dealer In " HAUDWAHE, CUTLEHY, (I1INH, Ac, No. 811 North Third Street, nlsivo Vine Philadelphia. s NYDKH, HAIUUS A HASSKTT, Maniiliieturers and .InMiers of MF.N'H AND BOYS' ("X1TII1NO. Nos. Wi Markel, mid A22 I'miiliii rei tr.-l I'ti-lliidelplliH JOHN 0. YKAOKIt ,t CO., Wholesale iienterH in HATH, CAPS, HTKAW OOODS, A LAIIIF.V FUBS No. !K7 North Hilld Stleel, Mar lll,'(,o-ly l'hlladelpliN. JHTAIILISIIKl) I7!)ii. JOUDAN, Wholesalo (I roceis, and Dealt is In SALTPETER AND HELMS'! ONE No'-MO North Third SI. Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, Late Walter A Kiiub. Importer and Dealer In CHINA, ULAHH, AND IJUKENSW UK, No. 'M N. Thilil Slreet. 1'hllailelphlH. JJ W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, HNUKF, CIUAB WAIIEIIOI'HK, No. 11(1 North Tlllrd Stleel, between Cheriy and Itnee, Philadelphia. yAUTMAN et ENOELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF 4 HEUAB MANUFACTOUY', NO. 313 N0HT1I T1IIH11 STKKKT, Second Door below Wood, P It I I. A 11 E I. P II I A. I, w, Waktmas P. Eniik w AINWRKJIIT A CO. WHOLESALE OKOOEHS, N. E. Corner Second and Arch StieeUi, PlIII.AUKI.I'IHA Dealers lu TEAS, HYUUI'S, COFFEE, HUOAIt, MOLASSES 1UCI-, HI'ICK.S, 111 CAKU S011A, .SC., Al'. . Orders will receive prompt attention. May II), lwn-Iy, 11. UOltNK. W. H. KIMi. J. II. HK V 11 UK r. Hf ORNE, KINO t SEY11ERT, WHOLESALE DltY (lOOI)H. No. :ii:i Market PHILADELPHIA. Outers tilled promptly at lowest January :i, lSOX, Vllljiir K. II. AU1.MAN. 1 II. Ill 1.1,1 MIKK. .11, UUKY. H'IAN, D1LL1N0ER A CO., NO. 101 NOUTH TIIIBD ST. PHILADELPHIA Tvco Doors ubovo Arch lorinel ly l"J((, JIANlIHACTllIiritS ASII JOII1IKI1S IS CAItPETH, COT'lONS YA11NS, IIATTINO, OIL CLOTHS, CABPET CHAINS, COIMIAOE, OILSHADES.fJUAIN BACH, TIE VAItN, WICK YA11N, VVI.SllOW 1'AI'KU, t'OVKHI.K'lH, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN Vt'AKK. I1IIOOMS, ItKUHIIKH, l.ooKINf CLASSICS, TUUNKH l'eb.5,'0'1 1TMMMIKJ.I Ml I ! MWMII. W Hotels, &c. J'OKK'S HOTEL, (iEOKUE W. MAUtiEK, Proprietor. 1 he hIhivu uell'kitown hotel has recently under rfoiu rad 'al rhaiii'eH In Itn Internal arrauueineiitH, and 1th nr. i.rletoriiniiouiii'ih In IiIm fiiriner rtihtoiu und thu lrn elllii! public that IiIk acconuHlatlonx rur thefoiuion or iuh KiieMHiireheeoiui u none in theeoiinlry, His table u III ulwajw bu found mtp Hieu, in ouiy n n u hiinsiuuiuii hwi, out wim an bu ilelkucleHot tho kviinoii. IIIh wIiich und 11- iiuorK (except that pcuuitar bi'enii;o known an ,ltfclfmr")t purchased din ct from lliu Import! or luuisex, nro entirely pure, and free from all poi KonotiKilriiijH. lie N thiinitfut for a liberal patron Age in uii' pan i, aim win ( milium in uennrvo u in the future. (JKOlKlK W. MAUOKIt. c Ii U M IS I A HOUfi K, U IJUNA U l H T O UN Kit. Havinu lately puichfuud and iHled up tho uell-kiiuwu Koblnon Hutu rro)erty,locjiteda FKW 1H101LH AUOVK T1IK COU11T IIOUHK, on Iho Maine Hide of the street, lu tho town of llloniiitihurt;; und having ouiatueda licence lor tho name aHa H K S T A U H A N T f tho I'ronrlftor Iuih deterinliml to give to tho peo ple v 11 11 n n thu (own on hiihlnchK or pleasure, A lAVVUV: MUUK KOOM. II 1h Htuhllus uIho l extensive, and Ixiltledup lo put Impales and our I iKcn lu tliedry. Ho prom Uehlhat e try I hint; about hUeHtabllithineiil shall buronducled In an ordi rly and laulul uiannerj und he respectfully hollrlU u hhare ol the public I HtrounL'u. I"-J M'tTMfiu. nLOOMSUUUa.COLUMIUA CO., l'A. Tho underblk'ued ImVliitf nurchnsed Ihliwell k no wu und central ly-liK'jileifluiuse.theKxthuno Hotel, hlluiituoii MAIN H'l 111. Ki', lu lllooiuhhurtf luiuieilhitely onpohlie lhoC'oluinhlattainty(Vaii l House, reniectrully Infomt their fiiend und tho public lu i;-iu'rul that their house I m now in order for the reei ptlon uud entertainment of travel lerfc who iini v bo disposed lo favor It with their cus tout, 't hey liuvo spared no exptniKeln preparlua llioKxrhauuofor IheenteittiluinentofthelrKuestH neither kIiuII there be nnythlni; wnutlnt; on their imrt t minister to their personal comfort. They liouhc la Kiuclous,and enjoi an excellent bust nesK locatiou. .... ,, cluuiL'O llntrl und the vurloiu rullroiul depotw, by uhlelilmvelUruwIII ho pleasantly convened to and from tho rcKpectlvu hlntlotiM lu duo lime to OinninuheK run iuuii uineH oemeen ioe r.x uitet tho ram. KOONS & CLA11K, HlooiUHhuric, April . iws. OWEN JIOUSK HKHWIC'Iv l'A. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Proprietor. ThlH well known Hole) law been entirely r tltleil nud refuruUbed, wlllt u view to Iho piriect eoui fort ami convenience of jmeW. A roimnixllnuH 1. 1 very ntubleUconm-cted wlti (he thlahllklimciit Tho bar u ill bo KUppllul with Iho chnlcoitt wlneM, Uqnornand fctuuin, A lair hhuro of patron ut;u U ruiuhit d, Apr, ui-u-oui. s L A T K 11 O O V I N O, BVEBY VARIETY MOST FAVOUAULE HATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CAHPEIt J, TIIOJIAH, Boi,'.77, Bloomsburg, Pa, Mor.l.'i'J-l) r. Lilies to Lovors. Iloprelly pngo with tho dimpled chin, That Hover has knnvvn Iho barber's, All jour wish Is vioinan towln, That Is tho way Hut boys begin, Walt till j on tu forty year. Only gold locks cover foolish brains, Hilling nnd cooing Is all your cheer, Sighing and singing of midnight stinlns Under llouliybell's window palms, Walt till yini eomo to forty year, Forly limes over let Michaelmas pnss, Jil7..llng hair the. bruin doth clear, Then you know- tho worth of a lass Then you know that a hoy Isanim, Once you have come to forty year. Pledge mo rouiid, I hid yo declare, All goisl fellows whose beards are gray, Did not the fulie-st oftho fair, Common grow nnd wiarlsumo ere, Ever n month had passed nwuy? 'Hip reddest lips Hint ever wero kl.scd, Tho brightest eves that ever have shone, May pray and whisper and wo not list, Or turn away nnd never he missed, Ere jet cvtrn month bo gone. Ollllan's ilcnd,Ood rest her bier, How 1 lovesl hertwenty years syne, Minimi's marrlisl, and 1 sit hero, Alone anil merry nt lorty yenr, Dipping my iio.eln tho Oasoon wine. Tiiackkiiav. UijiCCUlUUOUJi. A. Quaker Sctcctivo. Wo wi'iollvo iia.sst'iii'orH in nil : two Indli's on Iho lint'k si'itl, it middles ntred Kciitlcinaii anil it Quaker on tho middle, and inyM'lfoii tlieone In front. Two Indies illicit Inwu lieun mother nnd diiuKhter, aunt anii nleee, t'ovem ess and elmrKU, or milit liavestHtalneil any other relationship which iniido it proper for two ladies to travel together unattended, The middle aged gentleman was sprlijlilly and talkative, lle.soon struck up tin ticiiiiaihtance with the ladies, to wards whom, iu his zeal to il he rather mrr tliil, the nrrecahlt howinir and sinilltiijaiid ehatterliijjovi'i'hisshouldei' in a way painfully suggestive, at his time of life, of u "oil" In thu neck He was evidently ixym; Lothario. The (Junker wore tho tmiform of his sect, and eonlliieil his npeech, as many it parliamentarian would .savu his credit hy doing, to simple "yeas" and "nays." As for my.-elf, I make it an invariahle rule of road to bo merely a looker-on and listener. Towards evening, I was arou-id from one of those reveries into which a yuan man, iciliout being either a poet or lover tciV; nometimus fall, by the abrupt iiucry from the talkative gentleman "Are you tinned, sir V" "I am not," I answered, astonished no doubt visibly, at tho iiuestion. "lain sorry to hear it," lie replied "for beforu reaching our next .stopping place it will lie several hours iu tho night, and wo pass over a portion of the road on which moro than one rob bery is repotted to have been commit ted." Tho ladies turned pale, hut the stran ger did his best to reassure them. "Not that I think there is tho slight est danger at present," he u.niined; "only when one is lesponsiblo for the safely of ladle.-., you know, such a thing asapMol in re'uch would iniUirlnlly add to one's eoiilldence." " lour friend," address ing the(iimker,"I preniiuio aro us much opposed to carrying as to Using c.irnal weapons." "Yen," was tho response. "Havo the villains murdered any of their victims'.'" tho elder lady nervous ly liuiuited. "Or have they contented themselves with with plundering them V" added tho younger, in a timoiotis voice. "Decidedly thu hitler," Iho amiable gentleman hasleiieel (ogive assurance; "and as we aro nono of us prepared to olfer renistaiieu in ciso of attack, noth ing worse than robbery cm possibly be fall us." Then, after blumlng his thoughtless ness lu having unnecessarily introduced a disiigiieahlu .subject, the gentleman quite excelled himself in eH'iirts lo raise the spirits of I lie company, and hud succeeded so well hy the time night set in, that all had unite forgotten, or only remembered their fears to l.uigli at them. Our geulnl coiiqianlou fairly talked himself hoarse. I'recelvluu' which, ho took from his pocket a packago of a newly invented "Vmiyh f-'eitu'," and, after passing it llrst to the ladles, ho helped himself to tho b.ihmce, and toss ed tho pape r out of the window. He was iu the inliW of a high encun iiim on the new nostrum, more than half tho ellfly'of which, ho insisted, depended on its being taken by suctim, when u shrill whistle was heard, ami almost Immediately tho coach stopped, whilo two faces, hideously blacked, pre sented themselves, ono at each win dow. "Sorry to tioiihloyou," said tho man on tho right, acknowledging with ubiiw two lady-llko screams from tho luck teat j "but 'biislnes Is business,' anil our.s will .soon bu over, If things go smoothly." "Of con rse,ge!itlemcn, you will spare, as far as may bo consistent with your disagreeable duty, tho feelings of theso ladles," appealed tho pollto passenger, iu his blandest manner. "Oh I certainly ; tluy shall bo llrst at tended to, and shall not ho required to leave their places, orsubmlt to a search, unless their conduct lenders It neces sary." "And now, l.tdies," ctmtlnued tho robber, tho b.irrel of his pistol glitter lug In tho light of thu coach-lauip, "bo so good as to pass out your purses, watchis, and such other trinkets as may bu accesslblu without too much trouble," The ladles caiiio down handsoniely, and were no further molested. One by ono the rest of us wero com pelleel to gel out, tho inlddlu-aged gen lli iiiaii'K . itirii coming llrst. Ho sub niltlid with h winning grace, and -wns robbed llko u very Chesterfield. My own all'ulr, like tho bum I lost, is jKiuvcly worth mentioning. Tho Quiik ei 's turn eaiim next. Ho quietly hand ed over his pocket hook ami watch, nud wlien asked If hu hud tiny other vultia- blts, biilJ. "Nay." I; 1869. COL A Quaker's word Is good oven niiiono; thieves; so, after n hasty "good night," tho robber thrust his pistol In his nock- et, and, with his two companions, ono ofwhoni had held thorcliisof tho load ers, was about taking his departure. Stop I" exclaimed tho Clunker, in it touo more of command than request. "Stop! what for?" lettirned the other, lu evident surprise. Por at least two good reasons," was tho reply, emphasized with a cotiplo of Derringers cocked nnd presented. "Help!" .shouted thu robber. "Stop 1" thcQuaker ngalti exclaimed. "And if ono of thy sinful companions advances a step to thy relief, thu spirit will surely movu mo to blow thy brains out." Tho robber nt tho opposite) window, and tho ono at thu leader' heads.thought It a good lime to leave. "Now get in, friend," said theOttaker, still covering his man, "nud take tho middle tent; but llrst deliver up Ihy pistol." Tho other hcsltnted. "Theo had better not delay ; I feel the spirit beginning to move my right foru linger." Thu robber did ns ho was directed,iiiul the Quaker took hl.s place by his side, giving tho new comer tho middle of tho seat. Thu driver, who was frightened half out of his wits, now set forwanl atu rapid rate. Tho lively gentleman soon recovered his vivacity, lie was especi' illy facetious on tho Quaker's prowess, "iuu'rcn rum Quaker, you are. Why, you don't ohu.c worth a cent." u "I'm nut a 'Slutkiny Quake,;' if that's what theo means." "Oftho 'Hickory,' or rather oftho 'Ohl Hickory' stripe, should say," re torled the lively man; hut the (Junker relapsing Into hl.s usual monosyllables, the conversation Hugged. Times-pod, nud sooner than wo expect ed, the coach stopped where wo wero to have supper and n chango of horses We had deferred a tctlistributlon of our ei'.jo's till wo should reach this place, as tho dim Ugh of tho conch lamp would havo rendered tho process somewhat dllllcult befoie. It was now necessary, however, that it should bo attended to ut once, us our jovial companion had previously an iioitnced his intention of leaving ih at this point. Ho proposed a postpone ment till after supper, which he ollercd lo go and order. "Nay." urged thu quaker, with an approach to abruptness, and laying his hand on tho other's arm, " 'business bu furo pleasure,' and for business there is no timo like thu present." "Will theo be good enough to scaich the prisoner.'" lie said to me, still keej ing his hand, in a friendly way, on tho passenger's arm. I dill so, but not line of the ttulm aiti'cU, luultl La Jmnd! "llu must havo gotten rid of them in thu coach," the gay gentleman suggest ed, and Immediately ollercd to go nud search. "Stop!" thundered thu Quaker, tight ening his gr;ip. Thu man turned pale, and sttuggled to release his arm, lu an instant ono uf the Herri tigers was levelled at his heart. "Stir n hand or a foot, and you're a de.ul man!" The (Junker mustjiavo been awlully excited so completely lo lorget both tho language anil the principles of his per suasion. Placing tho other pistol in my hand, with directions to Hie on the llrst of tho two men that madu a su-qiicious move ment, ho went to work on Lothario, from whose pockets, in less time than it. takis to tell it, ho produced every item of the missing property, to tho utter aiiLizementof tho two ladies, who had begun, iu no measured terms, to reiuon strate against the shameful treatment the gentleman was receiving, Tho (Junker, I need scarcely udd, was no (Junker at all, but ashruwd detective, who had been vet on the track of ,i band of tlespv-rndoi's, of whom our middle aged friend who didn't look ucir so middle-aged when ills wig was oil was tho chief. Tho robbery hud been adroit ly planned. Thu leader of the gang had taken passage iu tho coach, und after learning, as hu supposed, our defenceless condition, bad given tho signal to his companions by throwing out tho scrap of paper already mentioned. After lliu unexpected capture of tho llrst robber, It was attempted lo save tho booty by secretly passing it to thu uivouiplice, still believed to bu unsuspected, who counted. on being able to make oil' with It nt tho next stopping place. Tho result was tlia. both, for a season, "did the Stato somo service." .V. I'. hnlyer. Tho Colonel's Old Roan. 1 havo never been ublo to ascertain tlio origin of tho quarrel between the Crickleys and thu Drakes. They had lived within it mile of each other for live years, and from tho llrst of their acquaintance there had been a mutual feeling of di-liko between tho two fam ilies. Then some misunderstanding about the boundary of their respective farms revived thu latent llamo, and Colonel Crickley having followed and wounded n fat buck one afternoon, c.imu up to him and found old Drake and his two sous cutting hlin up ! This Incident milled fuel to thu lire, and from that timu there was nothing thu two families did not do to annoy each other. Ono ovenlng Mr. Drake, tho elder, wns returning homo with his "pocket full of rocks,,' fiom Chicago, whither ho had been to dispose of a load of grain. Sam Uarstou was with him on thu wag- on, and as they approached tho grove which Intervened between them und Mr. Drake's house, hu observed to his companion i "What u beautiful marl; Colonel Crlckley's old Hoaji Is over yonder!" "Hang It!" muttered old Drake, "so It is!" Tho horso was standing under somu trees, about twelve rods from tho ro.ul. Involuntarily, Drake stopped his team, DEM. - VOL. XXXIII NO. Ho glanced furtively around, then with a queer smllo tlio old hunter took up his rlllo from tlio bottom oftho wag on, and raising it to ills shoulder, drew sight on tho Colonel's horso. "Ilo-iutlful I" muttered Drako. lower- inir his rlilo with lh n fllr nf n mnfi rn. fisting a powerful temptation. "I could nielli uiu ivuau so easy i" "Shoot," Hiiggostod Sim Ilarston. who loved fun in any shape. "No, no 'twouldn't do," said the old hunter, glancing cautiously uround him again. "I won't tell," said Sam. "Wal, I won't shoot this tlmo iinv way, tell or not toll. Tho horso is too Igh. If ho wasfllty rods off. instead of twelve, so thero'd bo a bare possibil ity of mistaking him for a door, I'd let ny. As It Is, I'd give tho Colonel flvu dollars for a shot." t that moment tho Colonel himself stepped from behind a big oak, not half a dozen paces distant, and stood before Mr. Drake. '.Well, why don't yon shoot?" Tho old man stammered in confusion: "That you, Colonel? I I was tempt ed to, I declaro! And as I said, I'll givo a V lor ono pull." "Say an X, und it's a bargain I" Drako felt of his riile. nnd looked nt old Iloan. How much is thohoss worth!" ho mutturul iu Sam's enr. 'About fifty." "find, Colonel, I'll dolt! Here's your X'." Tho Colonel pocketed tho money, muttering: "Hanged if I thought you'd taku mo up 1" Willi high glee tho old hunter put a fre.-h cap on his ri lie, and stood up in his wagon, anil drown close sight on old Hoan. Tom Illusion chuckled. Tho Colonel put his hand before his faco and chuckled too. "Crack," went thu rifle. Tho hunter loroouta horrid oath, which I will not repent. Sam was nslonishcd. Tho Col onel laughed. Old Hoan nuver stirred ! Drake stated at his rillo with a f.ico black as Othello's. "What's tho matter with you, boy? l'Us' time you over sarved mo quite such a trick, I" ,Vnd Drake loaded tho li eco with great wrath and indignation. "l'eoplo said you'd lost your nack n shooting," observed the Colonel, in a cutting tone of satire. "Who said so? It's n lie!" thundered Drnke, "I can shoot " "A horso at ten rods? hu! ha!" Drako was livid. "Look here, Colonel, 1 can't stand that I" hobenan. "Nuver mind, the horso can," sneered the Colonel. "I'll risk you." Grinding his teeth, Drako produced another ten dollar bill. "Hero!" ho growled, "I am bound to havo another shot, any way." "Crack away," cried tho Colonel, pockellng thu note. Drako did crack away Willi deadly aim too but thu horse did not mind the bullet in thu least. To tho ragu and unutterable astonishment oftho hunter, old Itoan looked him right iu tho face, as if ho rather liked the fun. "Drake," cried Sam, "you're drunk ! A horso at a elozen roils oh, my eye !" "Just you shut your mouth, or I'll shoot you!" thundered tho excited Drake. "The bullet was hollow, 111 swear. Tito man lies that says I can't shoot! Last week 1 cut oil' a goose's head at fifty rods, and kin do It again. Hy thu Lord Harry, Colonel, you can laugh, but I'll bet, now, thirty dollars, I can luing down old Itoan at onoshot." Tlio wager was readily excepted. Tho stakes wero placed In Sim's hands. Elated with the Idea of winning back his two tens, and mako an "X" Into tho bargain, Drako carefully selected a perfect ball nnd even buckskin patch and beaded his rille. A minute later Drake was driving through tho grove, tho most enraged the most desper.tto of men. Ills rifle, innocent victim of his iie, Jay with broken stock on tho bottom of thu wag on. Sam Ilarston was too much fright ened lo laugh. Meanwhile, the gratill od Colonel was rolling on tho ground, convulsed with laughter, mul old Itoan was standing undisturbed under the trees. When Drako reached homo, his two sous, elNeoverlng his ill. humor and tho mutilated I'oiiililion of his rlllu-hlock, hastened to uroii-u his spirits with it piece of news, which they were sure would make him dniieo with joy. "Clear out!" growled the angry old liuin. "1 don't want to hear any news; get away, or 1 shall knock ono of you down." "Hut, father, it's such a trick!" "Hlasl you and your tricks!" "I'luyod oil' on tho Colonel 1" "On the Colonel I" cried tho old man, beginning lo bo interested. "Uud, if you've played tho Colonel n trick let's hear it." "Well, father, Jed and I, this after noon, went out for deer" "Hung tlio deer eomo to thu trick," Couldn't lluil any deer, but thought vo niiHtshootsouiolhlng; so Jed bang od away at tho Colonel 'sold Itoan; shot lilmdoad!" "Shot old Itoan?" thundered tho old limn. "lly the Lord Harry, Jed, did you shoot tho Colonel's boss?" "I didn't do anything else." "Devil! devil!" gioaned thu hunter. "Then," pursued Jack, confident tho joku part of tho story must please his failici, ".llm and I propped thu boss ni mid tied his head back with a cord, and left hlnislandlng under tho trees, exact. M' 113 if 'lu wiw ullve Hai ha! f.uiey tho Colonel going to catch hlin! ho! hoi -wasn't It a Joke?" Old Drake's head fell upon his breast. 31o felt of his empty pocket-book, and looked at his broken rille. Then, iu n rueful tune, ho whispered to tho boys '-Yes, boys, It's n Joku! Hut if you over tell of it-or if you do, Sam liars ton I'll skin you allvol lly tlio Lord Harry, boys, l'vo been shooting at that lead horso for half nu hour tit ten dol lars a shot!" n.VTE3 OV ADVERTI3IN . Oiiop(Htnrr, (ten Hum or Its omilvn- tit In nniiiiiri'll tyK.) ono fir two Ins r- uiiis, ?i.ouj uiruj lii'i'rutiiiri, i.iio. TArit, 1m. Ono squnrn.. . ti H Two squares 3.V) Three squnrts 5,00 Four niuiircs 7,W (lunrlercoliiiuii., Ili.inl Half coin inn j,i SM, W,uo 5,1"! 7,ll t),l) U',il ls.l) DM, fl.f") 7,K ' ll,il 31 ml fst, It. !i,ro lin.fio IVl li,(0 12,00 l,(0 17,110 fi,(0 ai,) ),() 00,00 Ono column .111,00 10,01) CII.O) 1J,W Exoe!titnr's or Administrator's Notice. f!J.00; Auditor's or AfsiKiico's Notice, s!2'C0. Local Notices, twenty cents n lino by tho year ten ceiitw. CuriN In the "Directory" column, t2.0icr year for tlio first two llnw, mul Loo fur fiii'Ii iidilltioniil line. Zilvlng1 Tapestry. Tin: following nil venture happened in thu yoar17fl-, and tho lady who narrat ed it to tho writer was (lu thoso days) young girl staying hi the house. It was in tho palmy days of Hath, when that now fallen city rivalled London In brilliancy and dissipation, and when nil thu rich, thu gay, and tho high-born of ingland congregated there In tliuseas'on and graced thu balls and assemblies, jtr.s. It , onco the hello of tho court f (leorge III., but at that period grad ually retiring from society, possessed ono of tlio largest of tho old houses', and gave in it entertainments which wero the most popular of tho day. bho wns celebrated for three things (onco for four, but tlio fourth her beauty- was of tho days gon'o by:) these tilings wero her fu--clnatlon, her bencolenee, nnd set of the most matchless and perfect amethysts. Her housu contained tapes tried chambers. Tho walls of tho ono lu which sho slept wero hung around with designs from heathen mythology, and tho piece in tlio room was (hat which hung over her dressing table It lcprescnted I'heebus driving tho chariot of tho sun. Tho llguros nnd horses being life-size, it filled up tho paco between tho twit, window-, ana die horses wero concealed behind tlio h old-fashioned Venetian looking- glass, whilo I'hoobus iiini-Uf, six feet high, looked down by day and by nignt on ids mistress at her toilet. One even ing Mrs It had nn unusually largo party at home, bho wore oil her nmo thysli. On retiring lo her r oni, about 1 o'clock in tho morning, sho took oil horjuwcls, laid them on tlio table, and dismissing tho weary v.iaiil, i'ltended to put them nwuy hersi.ll; but, beforo doing so, knelt down, us u-ual, to her nruvors. While engaged iu her devo tions, it was a Iinbit with her to look upward, and thu face of I'lucbus was generally her point of sight, as it were, and tho object on which her eyes most easily rested. On this particular night, as usual, sho raised her eyes lol'liieinis. What does sho see? Has I'ygniallnn been at work? Has ho niletl thoso dull silk eyes with vital lire? Or Is tho dreaming? No. los-0ssed naturally wonderful courago and calmness, s continued lo move her Up as If in sllen pKlver, and never onco withdrew her gaze, ami stM! tlio eyes looked down upon hers. Tho llgiit of her caudles shone distinctly on living oibj, i,iei ner good keen sight enabled her, after a cleverly managed scrutiny, lo sou that the tapestry eyes of I'luebus had been cut out, and that, Willi her door locked and every servant in bed in their dis tant apartments, and all her jewels spread out before her, sho was not alone in tho room. Sho concluded her pray ers With her sunk in her hands Wo can well imagine what those pray- ers must havo been! Sho knew them was somo ono behind that tapestry; sho knew that bells and screams wero equally usoloss.and sho lay down in hue bed its usual and waited tho Issuu, her only omission being that sho did not, put away her jewels. "They may savu my life," she s till to lierwlf, and shfj closed her oyoj. The clock struck nvu before a sound was heard, and then thu moment arrived. She heard a ru-lle, u, descent from behind tho tapestry, andii man stood at her dres'-ing-table. Ho took oil' Ids coat, and ono by one lu secured tho jewels beneath his waist coat. What would bo his next move? Would it be lo thu bed-ide or to tiiO window '.' Ho turned and up.iruacheil Iter bed-ide, but by that time -lie lnvl seen enough, and again closing In r e yci' re-igned hei elf to tho IVovideaco w hoso protection sho hail just been irvin?. Tlio man was her coachman. Appar ently f.atlsiie.1 by a brlul ;:!aiuv under his dark lantern that lie had im: ills turned her, ho quietly tuiiu.-kcd tho door and lelt her. For two Imur- -l hoy must have seemed two days - shi- allow ed the hou-e to remain inial.'.iii. d, her only movement having been lo reloclt the door which her living I'll., .a - had left ajar. At seven in the 11101.111 sho lang her bell, and ordered the . n i.igu loiinil just after lu'cai:!'.. t. Ali ,! i- win aivordiiigtolicriisii.i! h.ilii: . on tip box was thu man who h.ul ' ,l hen night's le st, nnd tno-it probably .ill liec Jewels. However, she dro.i oil'; shu went straight to the lioii-ic ol ,t magis trate. "Seize my 10.11 iini in," said sho; "secure him and s .uvh him. I havn been robbed, anil I haielly think IichiW had time to eli-i'iiciiuiber himself of thu Jewels lie has take 11 from me." Shu wns obeyed, and sho was right. Tint amethysts were still about him and hu guvo hiiiisclfup without it struggle. SixmiE Tin: Leaves. The w.od.-i tuo now full of leaves, indeed they appear to bo more abundant than ever, but farmers do not value them as high ly ns wo think they should. Eor barn yards especially they mv profitable ti .Iuuii in. They are obtalnaolo too w lieu there Is little pressing work on hand, (j'uthered up In heaps they can be read, lly loaded iu carts nud wagons with clotoUielvings by using either 11 cloth some two or .three yards square, or with a wooden rako and tho arm. Hogs aru very fond of them for litter, so are cows; and fo.- compost they are excellent. As! oat straw is now usually fed lo mttlo, und ryo straw now commands a lilsli prlcu in tho market, tlieio is nothing; left for tlio purposo of littering except wheat straw. 1 lenco forest leaves should bo held in higher estimation than they commonly tiro. It is a good rule lo gather tliein llilsi mouth or early in December, as they aru not quite dry and can bu loudest moro readily and larger quantities ciui bo got on thu wagon. STEWED OvsTElts, Ono bundled oys ters, one gill of cream, two outuos ol butter, two graUd cinckii's. ltliisotho oysteis, put tin 111 111 a pan over the lire, when they liicoiiiohot.stlrlntliecrcam, butter nnd cracker. Season lo your luslo with suit and pepper. When they 1110 sctildlughol.they tiro sulllclently cooked. If piefericil, In place or tlio irci ni and cnukir", mix a spoonful ef lU ur wllb, tho Untti r, end stir It in.whi'.'' Uuy uio hot. They should bu nervid 1 0011 us they ,-,u UU'H (iff tho tire. V i