MANAItliMliNl' or YlllJNH (il'ilt'll. As llilu la Ihu M'iisuii nf tint ytur wluii tlio worat kind of niiiiuii;i.'iiii'iil mm nicuccs, It limy liu llm tneiuiH of huvIiik; much It mm In urow tli, ami, ii'rliii.s, In Homo InstuiiivM, la-Miif llrt, (onlliiilu to tho grout uvll if iillowIiik'cnlvcM, luniks or unit to sink In tiiiiillllini nir.ilnst win ter. October nights liirnnin vrry cool, unil, iwilioirrussls niilHiilIlclunl for any young anlnmln, limy should liu so pur a toil from all oltlcr stock, ami juil In and fed nlglituuil inurnliiK, ruiiialulii In slioltcrall nlKlit; or, If thoro wcio small onclasurcs, with comrnrliihlu liovoli In them, limy would do best un till Christ mas to ho fuel In them und havu liberty totro in and out at nlc-.huru. IiUicm) pluctu could bo built on tho sldu of n hill or nt tho footer It, fuclng tho south, o that tho shelter for tho ealvos would bo cut Into tho bank, und their burn for Iholr huy bo above, they would do well; unil, with u cellar for rootti, they could not be better situated, providing moro routs from heaps well secured in tho fluids uro fvtchud into tho cellur us fast ns tho calves cat them. Colts would thrlvo better similarly (rented, by liuv ltiB carrots In their cellur, for, though swedes uro decidedly tho best rootd for calves, carrots nro tho right sort for colts, whero no roots aro grown pumpkins for tho calves, nnd bran. mixed with onts, for colts, will bo tho food to give, In addition to.good sweet nay. Whoever raises stock, ougbt to huvo conveniences for It, nnd should under stand tho importance of giving them vultublo food nt every tlmowhcn it will conduce to their prosperity; no check to ono continued thrift should bo per niltted, uud If every animal on a farm, excepting breeding females, could bo kopt fat from its Infancy, It would doublo tho profit. When any poor lit liu creature stands nbout with lis back rounded, looking an object of pity, it cannot bo growing or paying for tho miserable attention It receives ; but when It is kuown that tho young stock on farm Is not brought into any shel tered quarters or has not any couiforta bio shed to go to till It has begun to loso flesh, nnd the owner is afraid lio will loso n part of tho animals If nut fed and housed, then such a man ought to bo deprived of the power to do such evil, for (his Is the worst kind of cruel ty, ten times more barbarous than (ho coses usually prosecuted by the society in New York. Colts uro muuuged in tho most sense less way, und brought out In spring ln u wretched plight. I saw somo colts nt a gentleman's plnco near New London, Ojnn., In the spring of 1607, which 'hud been treated In such a way that they could barely walk moving faster was out of tho question. Colts, if properly ueiiucti 10, win gamnoi ami ruco around ut every slight excitement ; but moy nro frequently ruined by unnutural contlncrnent nnd food which It is con trnry to nature for them to have. Let them have (he range of u good field every day tho sun shines. It is all bosh about confining them in buildings all tne time; the grass they will pick, by scraping tho enow away by pawiug, will uo tlioin more good thuunnycod dliug.and they will come into Ihelr Bhelter and eat doublo the ouls, bran and hay that they would without the sun und fresh air; nnd should they get tn,qugli tfrass (a tako them off their hay somewhat, they will bo nonu thu worse U 'bey Set plenty of the best grain. If Ulvrels no ehanveof giying the iiencuioi a run on pasture, carrots' will ton Hub.-tltute for tho grass, und they uiusthave air uud sunsliiuo; thu last inonuoneu is really of the most essential Importance. Lambs, will ho quite-ns hoavy at ono varolii, with as Jimmy turnips as thoy can cat from tho 1st of September till low-Year clay, and u full supply of rwodes (ho flrs three months of tho pew year, as thoy would bo under tho Y bfat common attention, without toots, on tho 1st of April twelvemonths after, vim whon thoy were two years oiu j anu ai one year olil. after the soven months living on roots, with hay, Ac., mey wouiu cut a fleece lionvicr than tno two clips of wool without root. There Is tho snuio gain in other slock as thoro is In lambs, by giving thorn such kind of succulent food ns will foreo them along, but In valuable- Cecils of any kind tho advmilace does not rest nt tho saving Ufa, year's feeding; for thu jiain.0 Wnguii tho whllomado up with ftrW flesh, which nlwnyo accumulates on tho bofet points, tho animals grow Into yory much handsomer shaped Hpeel. Vimxu, nnd become splendid when nm "tnred. Country Gentleman. THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, EL00MSJ3UKG, COLUMBIA COUJSTY, PA. A Fishy STonv.-Sovcrulireiilloiiicii of this clly, tired of oillco business, wonl ashing for chubs lust week. Thoy caughtnnumberbutbroiightnonohonio for tho reaBon that their experience was that described by Qenlo Scott's Ang ling. Ho says: "Being prepared lo flat. I. ..lit ... . . - " uuiiiiouus pui iii aii-appear- nnoo immediately, so that within lullf an hour, thoy had taken soirio two dojsj en nsn, nuu us fast as they look them thoy cast them on the, grassy bank of wiomioru. uiwny a mvlty good mes3 nuy cui switch and went to string them, when not one was to bo fuund. Burprised at this.thoy ooutludod to sol vo tno mystery, and socommencecl flalilm again, and throwing tho fish on tho snoro as boforo, but keeping a sly watch on mem. Aftor thoy cast tho fourlh ono a large bullfrcisr leaped from ihu wuier, took hold of u liullh.nil. m,d rolled Into the wnler with it- inii.i,,,. put Immediately, and taking anoint r Wi HV rwuea on as Wlure, and mi nm. Uaned until be had returned thefuur lo ue water; and always as fast as (hey bad taken three or four.tho frocr return. ed and helped them back Into tho rlv- TI1K YOUNG FOLKS. Jurliuln mill Juriudot. I'lioii! uus iiiko an old oasllo, (hat stood In thu middle of u deep gloomy wood, uud In tho cnsllo lived un old fairy. Now this fairy could lake any shnpo she ploniod, All the day long bIio flew nbout In tho form of nn owl, or crept nbout llm country like u cut; but nt nlghl Hlionlwiiysbooainiiiiii old wn man iigalu. whon any young mull mtno within u hunilri'd paces of her cits- tic, ho beenmo qulto fixed, and could not move a step till she enmo and set him free; which sho would not do till ho had given her his word never to como there ngnln; but when any pretty maid en camo within thntspneosho waschnng cd Into n blrd,nnd the fairy put her Into n cage, nnd hung her up In a chamber In tho castle. There wero seven hun dred of theso cages hanging in the casllo and nil with beautiful birds in them. Now thoru was onco n maiden whoso name was Jorlutla. Bho was prettier than nil tho pretty girls that over were seen before, nnd n sliephcrd lad, whoto nnmo was Jorlndcl, was very fond of her and they wero soon to bo married. Ono day thoy went to walk in thu wood, that they mlghlboulone; nnd Jorlndcl said, "Wo musttakocarothutwodon'tgo too near to tho fairy's castle." It was a beautiful ovcnlng; tho last rays of tho sotting sun shone bright through the long stems of tho trees upon thu green underwood boncath.nnd tho turtledoves sang from tho tall birches. Jorlnda sat down to gazo upon tho sun; Jorlndcl sat by Tier side; nud both felt sad, thoy know not why; but it seemed ns if thoy wero to bo parted from ono nnotlicr lor over. Thoy nnd wan dered a long way; and when thoy look ed to see which way they should go home, they found themselves nt n loss to know whnt path to take. Tho sun wus setting fast, nud already half of Its clrclo had sunk behind tho hill; Jorlndcl on a sudden looked be hind him, nnd saw through thu bushes that they had, without knowing It, sat down cloao under tho old walls of the castle. Thou ho shrunk fur four, turned pale, nud trembled. Jorlnda wus Just singing, 'I'lio rlng-tlovo sang rmm tlio willow spray, Woll-n-dnyl well iwtay I Humnurn'd for llio rut- ur hUdurllng malo. mjnoed Eaos Take four or flvo jjara-bolled eggs ; shell them and mlnco uiem, but not too small, Thicken u oreojciasi-cupfai of gravy or milk, with sufficient flour rolled in butter ; add ituu vory nerus, chopped small ; sea son with Cayenno or whlto popper, a ...... nuiii.ii; "u tain ; simmer it for ten minutes, put In (he eggs, shako It gent ly round and round over tho uro for a momen(,and servo garnished wiih eippefti of toast and small nieces of nii.,i Jesoon. Any particular flavor may bo mrvu iv nun ajgii, io suit tho taste. UafeiibMoS Woll-a-ilnyl wt-11 iwtay I urn u lor iuu Wcll-u-ilny' when her sung stopped suddenly. Jor lndcl turned to sou thu roasun, nnd be held his Jorlnda changed into a night ingale; so that her song ended with n mournfuljHj.j'iif. An owl with fiery eyes flew three times round thorn, nnd tnrco times screamed, "Tu whu l in vliu i in wlm t" Jorludel could not move; ho stood fixed ns a stone, uud could neither weep, nor speak, nor stir baud or foot. And now tho sun went quite down; tho gloomy night came; thu owl flew into u bush; and u moment nfler thu old fairy came furth palo und meugre,with staring eyes nud u nose mid chin that almost met ono another. Sho mumbled bouiethiug to herself, beized thu nightingale, und went awuy with it in her hand. Poor Jorludel taw tho nightingale wus gone, but what could he ilu? he cuuld not spcuk, ho could not move from thu spot where hu btuod. At last the fairy eumu buck und sang witli u hoarse voice, 'Till lUu jjrlauULT 1 luat, Aua la-ruuuiu iiufct, 'Hutu Uy 1 un, .tit) I VV lieu Uie i-iiurm Is utuuiitl fu-r, ALU lliu i. n luis buuuU Uvv, iliu uivu 1 iimu) I" Un a aiuldcn J or aide I luuna hiuibolf Irce. T'liuu ho Jell ou ills kuees Loiure llio luiry, uua pntyoil liur lu give Mm bacli nii ucui' Juiiiuia : but blio luuglied ill lilui, una buiu liu blioulu iiuci oou iiea' uuin ; Hit u tiiu NviiiL liur miy. ttu pruyi-U, lie wepi, lie bUruweil,tJiil. n. I in vain. Aius!" ho said, wlmi Will' become 01 luuY" ilu eumu iiolgu back lo nia own liumu, liu em, lo u alrungu village, und employed Imiiboll m Keepiug bheop. Many u lime uicl ho wui. lounU ua near lo ihu lulled cuallo us ho Uured go, bin till in vuiu; liuiieurd ur biiw liuthiug iii Juriudu. At lust hu dreamt onb liiglu thai hu luuudu beiiutlIulpurplullowortuud llial lu ihu middlu ul it lay u coolly pearl ; una hudietuui. thai liu plucked lliu flow er, unci weut Willi ll in nia I mud into Ihu u-ieUe, uuu liuii every thing liu tuuutied Willi it was iliaeiicliauted, and Uiui Iheru liu lound hia Joriiidu ugain. lu tiio luoriiing when liu uwuKe. hu beguu lo search uver lull and dulu lor this pretty lluuer; uud eight lung clay nu bougm. jot Kin Mini: bul on thu ninih tUiy4 mtly iu the iiiurulug, hu lound Ihu UuVilWul purple flower; uud in iuu .'iiidulu ol It wus u iurgu duw drop, ua lug ua u eo,sily peari. Tliou hu plucked iliu tluwer, und mi out uud travelled duy und night, lilt no eumu ugaluto the uisllu. nu wnmid neuter Hum u liunUrud puces to It, and yet hu did uot becouiu llxed as boloie, but luund Hint hu could go qullo clusu up to llio door. Jorludel iviis very L'lud Indeed to see this. Then ho touched tho door with tho flower. und K bprung open ; bo that tie went in through thu court, anil listened when uu uearu so many ulrili Bluging. At lust ho eumu to tho chamber whero tho falryut, with thu suyun hundrod.blrcUT siuglng InlthtMriio'veirhuiidred IWc Wlieii sliu saw Jorludel slui wus very angry, uud screamed with ru'gu; bul anu couiu noi como witliln two yurds of mm, lor uie uower ho held lu his hnnd wus his safeguard. Ko looked around atthu birds, but alas I there wero many, many nlghtingnles.und how then should no nnu out which wus his Jurlnda? Whllo ho was thinking whut to do, hu saw lint fairy 1 1 in tAken down one of I he ciijje-., ui.d ws waking the best of her way off turnu-'h thu door. Ho ran or flow ufter bir, tuU'.'bfd the eairo with the flowei, uud his Jorlnda atood beforu him, and throw her Hrms round his neck; looking us beautiful as ever, ns beautiful as when they wulkod tuireHier in me wood Then ho touched ull thu other birds with tho flower, so that thty ull took tnelr old forms again ; nud ho took Jor lnda homu where they wero married. unu nveu Happily together muny yeura: nnd so did a good many other lads, whoso middens hud been forced to him? in tho old fairy's cukos by themselves. much longer thnu they liked. AT TKElatotcrm ofnur pmrl nf P,. mon rieas, In tho case of Miss vh - an ImneucliinL' wit 1'1IM IM'lll.ul und asked the usual uuostlou : 1)0 VOU know Dim ri.iiiiti.ll.ii. ..f XI. for truth and vtwacity In thu neighbor haSA.v,en ,1U rwlJw V" "Well" snid the wltnebo, "his reputa tion for Vl'rur-lli. I j l.l... v i.. i .... about?" vU....t-,Huijr UUUIM "Whntdovnn iiiiuii. i... .........ii.. uu Baiij tho cross oxnmlnlng attorney. winmJlilVf mma "'B "fUT 1,10 DRY GOODS. lHon. "oa't'ohiiiu loon, ii-' you -wvasra' BARGAIN IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, IlOSlKItY, (1I.OVK9, AC, At'., (IO TO M. P. LUTZ. MAIN BTIIUCT Ol'l'OaiTK TIIK CO OUT 1IOUS10, 211.0 OMSBUIUf, TA. Air,10,RI-tf. Q.REAT KEDUCTION IN PUICI-a AT l'ETKIl ENT'S BTOUK, IN LIGHT BTKKET, or Sl'ItlNQ ANDSUMMEIt OOODH. THE milMorllwr lm Jnit rccelvwl and hwi nu hand at hi old tlnud In UnlilBtlcet, u Inruonuil nelpct A8SOHTMI3NT OK RIEllOIIANDiaK pnrclianwl ill llm Inwral Hume, ami which hi iloleriuliicl ti Hell on w mtKlorute trm ah bo procured oUcwhcn In Light Kti-ccl, tVK CAU11 Oil WUKTllY I'JtODVlK HIh 6UKk couhIhU of L A 1) I US' DHESH UOO l)H, rliolci'Kl ulylCHnud lutCHt rxiililonH. tllllll IKU4, MimllUH, (lllijfliaini. KlannolM, lliwiii-ry, C-nrpflM, HIlkK, KhiiwlH. UKADY MADE 01.OTH1NU, Kiillnutts, (ut-HlmciH, CoUoumU'H, Kenlucky J.-ims. AC, 41' Ar. GlU)UEniE.S, MAdKEHivii, Ciuuenswnre, Ceilurwiiru, Hardware, Mwllcliu Dru, Ollii, TalntH. Ao. UOO'l-S A SHOES, HATH A OAKS lu short everything usually kepi lu n eounr tore. Tho patrnuugo of hlHold rrlendn n'' th publlo gcnemlly, Is respectiuily koIIcIUhI. The highest market price pahl rorcountr pit duco. 1'KTKIt KNT Ughl Buret, Nov. H 1867. ipilVST CLASS GOODS. II A It E U A II O A I N S. Tho kuukci lher has Junt IhorotiBhly ri'8HK:keU hUHlore, lu L'tttuwISMi, lately ociupkd hy !- Nlncii & Blmmim, una now ouera ior sine A COJll'LETE STOCK OK DltV U001W, IGroccrlcii nnd Euncral merchaudlRe which for quality and vnrlely will comp.iro ravornbly with any In the country. He has a frouli ussorb- mentor SPUING GOODS which he will illiiose of for cju.Ii or counlry pro ducc. Ainone his Dry GoodH will ho found al the latent nuu best putlciuii of MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CALICO EH, I'lJINNKIJi, HHAWLtt, 8ILKH, CASS1MEIIH, ItllOADCLOTIIH, COTTON ADES, JEANS 4c, Aa ailOCEltlUS. CILAS-SWAltE, CJUEHNSWAHi:, IIAUIlWAKE CEDAHWAItH llUOtiS. OILS, ! A I N T H, V.MtNIrtllKS r. HATS A I AI'S, I'.OOTK & SHOES nml. In f.i. I, a i-oliith-l.-llm. of koimN, Ii. Ihiii;Iiic Itilii). nu-liii-.. Iii-iiih .ui'l m-IIn roriiivii he can i.Ui.r.. In Uirp hi rln-h ax low II not lovii-rlh.ill Inokl tlealeis. r W n.oltn is "Ul'll'K HAI.121--AM) A I-Ii 1-ltOKI'IW." COAIj OK AEli KINDS CNinstanily on hand und lor sale ut the lowest market rule. Mono pim.i.iiM pnoM'HATi:, lpcclalutt.-ntlonpiitdtothost-li'ctlouol Itulld Iuu maUrlal, (-'ullery, MiThnnii-s' Tim.Ih. and Iturdwarcof nil kinds, InwhUhthe nlli-ullon ol liulldl-lunndothelH U ri-iiucstcd. Gil A IN l'UIlUHABi:l). A fnlr hhnro ol public custlom Is dcslnnl nuit no eiroru will liooniltU'd loglve i-ntlro sallsloc llou, JOSKl'll 11. KNITTI.K. Apr. ltl.00 Gm Cutnwlssa, l'u. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. J M ! O U T A N T N 0 T I 0 10. MAONIK1CKNT IIIKl'LAV O F D It E 8 8 GOOD 8, AT THE NEW 8TOIIE, nitOWElt'S llUlIiDlNO, The Kph ndld riHiuiK of J. J, IIUOWKU, lire (-oinplcletl nud now iiK-ii to Iho puhlli uilh tho !' 1 N T H T I) (' K ever ollcrcd in Illooui.sburg. All Iho N E W E S T 8 '1' Y I. E S of DrcsH U(h1s, hIIUn, l'IoIIih, Ciisslineis, I.luuns, KhiuueU Ac, O A It 1' E T S uf every stylo nud lor ull prills', nil Cluthi In KlV'at vnrlely, A full lino of 8 U 1 E It I O It (I It O 0 E It I E8 Coirees, Tens, Sugars, Spices, wnrrunted pure ami good. wJlLASSAND QmCENSVAllE In carefully aasortetltvnriety. G lib V EH, II OS I E It Y, iiooi hi; i urn, cxutHirw and a cMi'r.CTi-: nMHortmcnt of WHITE GOODS, Tho public nro earnestly Invited to examine these II no goods, before pur chasing ilseu here uud are guurantctd satlsluu. lion. No expcusM ur trouble hoi been spared to make TTtE MOST COMI'LETE inUbllshment In this section of the Htate, J. J. IlUOWEIt, Msy LMS-tf llloomsburg l'u. DON'T INTEND AbTONIS.UNG TiiKWom.n l'UuriMi oil, iiiitwatkii, K A Y'S I' U M I' S, USED AND ADMIHED 11V EVEUV ONE. XkpecUlly the ladles, being truly the ladles' friend, wurklnir mupli llirlitApn.wi r...Di... i.?T. .. dd ireo t-unip. They don't make snch n slop and don't collect so much Ice around the floor in n... wlnler, the water not nninlnsoloiiuun. r ...,,.,. Jiik. HnvlngUkeu the nrst premium nt evcry fair Ihev have beeu exhl . l.h nlu. .......... tied by all Insuranco Comiwnies, on account ol f letting out more wulur In less time uud wltli less tbor. they throwing n barrel of wnler a mluuie. All we asklsutrlul, and woarecouridcut weeau .lease you. Again i It Is inuro simple, IIIiuvIor no lower Imix DSeked Willi tow und lollnur vir.!..!. i ..... greatest trouble In thetreu pump. Another urtut advantage . that when you get new lmmn you uro uot eouiiwlliHl to drink foru whole yiur rITCH 1'lNK Oil IIUVCK OAK WATEIl. Our pump bclueimuloof wild cucumber wood, wlilclj Is tree rrom tusle.ulso lusts longer lu wn! ter. It bus also uiujiy other advautares, which cunonly be found out by uslug them. Vhey biivo beeu In use In tho northern purl of thu mite for IW'i'ty yeursj srUIng ruplilly everywhere. All orders throuel. II... .,nif-n ..r ..... ..i ..... resldiuiee Hepburn street south ulde of the u is In, will Ui promptly utleuded to, bv Wh-uausimut, 1M. Munuia. tiirer. CATAWIA,1.A. A'hVM'TJuX. Noordors will Im.,1 ii..l.-u n.i.i...... ... Mr.Kuv prtoMr. I'irsiiill his neeiit. ,u juiy w.'irj-iy, Hair Vigoi mm Tov riislorinij Cray l:air In ils natural Vilalily and Color A ilici-sing winch i it mlt'u ngrccnlilc, I.e.-. iiy, unil elTcctiinl Im1 I'li'M'iiiiig tlio liinr. I'mUd or gray Inn, 'i anon nelorul Id it.i original color mill llic gloss and frirlniess of youlh. Thin hair is thick- cneil, falling hnir i lii'tltcil, and balil nnn oflnn. 1 liotivrli not alwnyp, cured l,y Un inc. Null. i an rwloro tlio hair wlicni tlio liillii'li!) mo destroyed, or the rIiuhN iiliniliicil nml ilccnycil. Hut fiicli as iciiia'ii run bo fined for tisel'iilncss by l.pplicalioti. Instcail of fouling tlio hair itli a pasly sedi ment, it will keep it clean i""' vigorous. Its occasional mo will preicnt tlio hnir from turning gray or fulling off, nud .consequently p'rovent balilncps. Erco from tlioio ilelolerimH lubslnticcs which mako somo iiroparulioiit (langerotis nml iiijiirioiu to tlio luiir, tlio Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wauled merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing eho cult bo found to ilesirnU Containing neither oil nor dye, it uoej not soil white cambric, nud yet lasts long ou tlio hair, giving it n rich glossy bistro anil n grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., 1'ltACTlCAL AND ANALYTICAL ClIOIISTS,' LOWELL, mass, fhioii fi.oo. COLIB1BIA IKON W011ICS, nr. w. sample & co.. doi-iioi' of Main SLreot, mid 1j- Holid, BLOOMSBURQ, FV- MAOJIINISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; DLAOKSMITIIS AND U01LER MAKERS. MANUFAOTUHEHS OF STEAM ENGINES & AVATER WJlJillilLS, ji:m:uai. niwuiMi work axo kepaiks. MM.I, ClUAntNO, BHAFTINO, fUI.t.r.YS, HANaEIlM, UKAt) ni.oi:Krt, saw zveill of jjsl, isxisros, OASTINOS FOR PUIINAOKS AtXO IIAIt Wltnin.S AND AXLKH AND IlOLhlNO StllitiS. AND tlKNHHAIi MININd OAHTINdH. Vyor's Oatha:-,oic ' ill tlio purpoacj of n l-i.ixalEirti l'urll.l3 HO OUU Illl'llJ- riuol-tM) imlvLTftiilly re qitueil by euilnly i$ it v.itli nor w.ih vcr nn) Iiv-roiij bO inileiMil-1,- .uLot'Leil in Ui tin', in ivf( vi-oui)tryuulnnnHi It II cl IVC3, iu till lUlIil A o( climes, iu thl hum W UAy j.itt, iho obvious n:i. -A: hull 1, tint It haiiioii'iu t.&vr iiur. 'I'lioso lm liavu tric.I ll, know 11 ciireil tlu'iii! tlioso ivho li ivo not, snow Hi it it mi oi llivlr nvWIibara nu.l, mi.t nil kiimr it .loci o,iw It itoCJ ulu'ays it never l'.lll lluoiull liny l'.iuit or neulertur Hi roitinotltloii. Wu o Uiommi'li upon tliou i i.i.l l of rcrtlil'UtiH of Uiviri cnni kable cinca ol' llio rnlloivln roiiiiiUliiLi, lint snili linos aro tnon n In ovi'i v ni'islilioi hon.l, nml wo nccil not imlill'h tlioin. Ail.ijilo.1 to all n-Oi unil i-timlillo!i9 In all (lnnatos; .i.nt.iliiln ncillier calomol or any Jolcloi Ious ilrusr, lliov may bo Liken wiUi s.ifity liy anybody. Tlicir iifi:ir poatlin: proiorvo tlicin cverlrcah nml makoi ilio.ii ploasan t to Likn, liilo belnjr purely vcgetablo no h.n in cm ari-o rroin tliolr uso In any quantity. Tlicy opei'alo by Uiclr poworrul lnllucnco on tho Inloi nal vlji'cra tu purify tho blood anil etimulato It Into healthy notion remove tho ob-triicUons or tho .lumacli, boivol', liver, anil other org.W3 of llio Ixiily, loatorlnx their irrcpnlar ncllou to health, anil by coriccUnir, wherever thoy ciist,uch derango menu .n aro tho first origin of disease. Miiiuto iliioctions aro given In Uio wrapper on tlio ho, Tor tho following complaints, which Uicso !'!. rapidly euro: For liyNiu'ii.lik or Xiilij?rflon, Xl.tlpss iiiri, i..n,iciiur anil jconm of Apiictltc, they should lio taken moderately to stlniulato tho etom acli and rostoro Its hcnllhy lono nnd action. For Liter Complaint and Its various synip touts, liiliuns Ilpuilaclio.NIck llcmluclio, Jaiimllco or ilreen ftlclincs., llllloua Colic and llllloua Foicr., they should bo ju diciously taken for each caso, to correct tho diseased action or romoro tho obstructions M blcn cause it. Tor l.y.eiilerjror larrlicica,but one mild doo Is Rcncrnlly lcipilrcd. l'or ltliutiiatliu, Gont, Gravel, Palpi tatioii of tliu Heart, lllln In tile, Nlile, liuck and l.oln, they should bo continuously ukon, as required, to chanso Uio diseased action of tho system. Willi such chango Uioso complaints disappear. For I.rop.y and DroprtcaB Snelllnfra they should bo taken In largo and frequent doses to pro ducc llio effect of a drastic purge. For Muppreulon a largo iloso should bo taken ns It produce Uio desired effect by sympathy. As a mmier I'M, tako ono or two 1'UU to pro inula digestion and relievo tho stomach. Au occasional doso stimulates Uio stomach nnd bowels Into healthy action, restores tlio appetite, and Invigorates tlio system. Ilcnco Ills ad vantageous whero no serious derangement exists. One who fools tolerably well, oUcn finds that n doso of tlioso ruu makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on thodiges 'tlvo apparatus. 1K. .1. C. .1VJ3J! .C CO., Practical Chemists, LOWUI.T.. MASS., V. S. A. Kt-li.s, 1-111. JOOK, HEAD, AND LiKAUN, THAT TIIK tJreat Shoshonecs Itcmeily 1 Of TIIK CEI.KI1IIATK1I INDIAN I)It. LEWIS JOSIIEPIIUS, of lli.ulli.tlijgulsli-dTrllioorHlinslioiicos,Uoliini 1.1a TurrlturV 1. now snln It. tlm ITnl.n, Tills nil iKiKKcssIng great rcnioily. Is wnrrunted mid lu brond nud i-imilintlu liiuifiiiiLrH. wn pj.t. Huiely sny, may Iw rolltd upon to umiUu a perinii- icnni n.t ...siusi-s UI lliu Jlirtllll, J.llllgH, Liver, KI.DipjH, DlBi-sllvit Drgatm, itc, As well usKcrofiila, tlio vnrlnus skin dlsuisiH, Iliiniors, and ull Impurity of tlio lilou.1, excepting llio third Ill C'nniidu witoro tills great lolnedy bus been 111 uso for 1L short tin... It Iii.m !!. n.l sitinoiif the mr.t mnrvclnus cures over icoolikd Ul lliu miuiils uf lilslnrlciil lurdkliio. Kuclilii-lng tiiecnsK lu nddllloii lo Us fniiiur roniiun m umbla Territory wo ilcly liniiiniilly In illspuio the met Hint tills Cln-ut KIiusIii.ihch lUincdy u ......... i.i iL-.iii-iiicn in nm ,y-n leniury, mm llio gn ntest Ukiii ever laid nt the nllnr or siilli r injrliniiiaiilty. Price of iho Itiiuuly lulurgo plntK, Sl,i3. 1U....-1111U11 uy in. ilHUlg .V Jiros., Ill For H.1I0 by nil itctlei-s in Midlelcliio. JUUOaiSTri WniTK,TIlUft1DP TIIK UUEA'lSUOSiTONEES ItKMBDY I AiiarnAtTaoyi.Krriiiifi.) tli'l.rtu.1. N. V.. I.'. Ii lllli IVY.n liu. Vouno A Jlno.-I Uud my Kilos of your valuable ltomwllon greatly Incieoslug, In luct ypur UrrutHlioslioiiot'S llcmrdyls giving llio best ol sutlsrnclloii.nnddolng Just as Ills rocoinnii-iid. ed to do, soveml having even como lu lo tell inn ...... i.iuuii mry mm in-en uouoiiiou from Its use. 1 Imvo sold out of It again, etc etc. wii.L,.iijf 4, Hiirru, Huormnn, N. V.,March, !Stb, lMO. lilt. YuUKn A Iltt.K I Mlurl.l .,. .Vl.nn u...... bouets Itcmody by giving u way one bottle ton confirmed Dyspeptic, the result lias been mnple. ptlior medicine we have bad lu thestoru foryeurs. From what 1 have seen of tlio I itei Justllledin rwiminenUlngll. Kond mo tlx dim. Til i if ij ft vrill Lf.ll lit ll.s.... rt,...ii... " v in ttuvu iikiiiiiih. i'ir, IIVUON FUNNUlt. Wntortown, N. V.. March 15tli. 1sl9. inc. rorso Uuo. VourHhoshoiHcs lU'inody U giving good satisfaction, and sells better tbaii auy other new medicine weliava cveratteiuntoil to Introduce, us wo lire nearly out nf li, send us ji. i.kwih & to. Vi N. Muriron ftl. f?hl,i.M. Ill l'..i. ilii. wr. int. Yot"" into. 1 liavBsold over tcii'doi.'of " ... iiuuguuiiEi. (.i-.tieuv uiretiuy iiitnl il grent number of tlio Hhoslionccs I'llls.l Itiilvis uiilvcrjul satisfaction, 1 have not beurd ono to wnom 1 have sold, but what sneuksof It In Uie as 1 urn ncurly out of II, pi gross more at once, ete.,t-lc CIKO. IlltOOKKH. i ricooiiiieitcnuiiy in largo pints, 11,25. For sale by ull dealers In Jlcdlcliio. K DON '1' IKDK TpMniiulactoreourwell.knowii Mnuuris, Uu,r 1'hOtlihaU tJ lAiitr iiful 4,,,....,.,.... t-".r',V uLo Wo for uilb -.-..r,.iim S'XJl V V J A Ar Q U A Ar O, Jlo. I Utuuiiio tiiiverumriit, V Isll tl nilllll.Illlil l'ljuit. r ...i.i T I . .1 toget icr wllh n tomplote ussortinint ii 'llm I liii und Clrwulug Oils, nt fttlrinailiUniu'i HuMr-l'lUMplintoorllme, . . . lio . cr aaio ilu Aiiimticlaliil.FerinUcr,' . . . 1 .1. ' A HlbCOUNT 10 DKALl-ais, AI.LKN Ii NKKDI.ICH, UBoulli IelawfiroAycnuo, PlillMblpliln.' .UTAIILIallKUlN 1H1M, Aug,!)1 toSi"10 "'"""'""fK "tonipnn-. BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, OA It IIOXKH, COMPOSITION OASTINOS, AND UAIIHIT MKTAIi llHIiKIHIiD'H OHIiUmt.VTKI) (H.fflllO VAIiVKK, STOl' COOKS, OIIICOR VAIA'KS, ' . , AI II COOKS, OIL OUl'S, STEAM WHISTLES, steam: ouaoes, steamc pira axjd rixxxNos a CONSTANTLV OIST Agents and sole Manufacturers of Hall's ratcn Double Discharge Turbine Wheels. BLACKSMITHING, IIKAW OU f.IOIIT FOIUHNUM, AGI3NTS FOn SI-IIVE'S GOVERNOR, ACJKNOWI.HDJI!!) TO UK TIIU BI.Ml'LllMT AND I1IWT IN Till'. WOULD. IU5AMEIIS, TAI'S AND DIES, MADE TO OKDKIt. HOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. OltDMItS KOIl UIU1K1E HOLTS AND IKONS SOLKUTEI), AND ESTIMATES OIIKICUFULLY FUltNISIlKl) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OV THE I.ATF.ST IMP110VKI) l'ATTHUNS. TIIItlSIIINO MACHINES, A SI'EOIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired, AND ALL UXTltA l'AUTri FUUNIHIIKI). MANUFACTUKEItS AND 1'ItOI'RIETOItS OF HOllTON'S PATENT I-IAY HAKE. ALL OltDEIlS EXECUTED WITH 1'ItOMI'TNESS AND SATISFACTION GIVEN O II M II N 11 Y 11 E V UN I) E D . May 7,'C'l-tf "yyilEELEK'S PATENT ItAIL- CHAIN II O II S E-1' O W E It. Tlioaubsciliicrliereliy gives notlco Hint liolmi repurelinscd tlio old slnnd nt Light Hlieut from Win. Hcl.uyler, wheroliolH now maiiunictiirlng llio W II E E L E H V A T V, N T , nnd Is prepared to furnish farmers with tlio most reliable machines ever ollered 1 1 lliopubile. Tlio Wiiecler Macliliio In no longer nu exiK-rlnientiiH II has been In cuiistiint uso fur yenm and tho yearly snloor tlitH lmti-tit cxutciU tluil or nil otli era eumbl.ii-il. Work doiiiiut our shop Is warranted fur ono r.-x , " M1, ,ur wneeiors loiiinuiL-ti , ..rusuur nuu wiuuouer. For lurlbcr piirlli iiliirN apply to or address J. M. 1IUI.S1IIKK, I.lglilHIriel.roliimlilacoiiiily, l'u. Iimu 2-VliU-liu. JILLIAUDS! HILLIAUDS1I jOENTS WANTED FOH c ii a m n i: n , a",v "l liero Is no Ihx.Ic of the kind which win ii... 1c with It for authenticity. Intelligence, uud ipleloiicss."-.S).,-,,iu1fl(.l,K,.w.".i uuti.X tins u the only Now Hook ofthekltid i.ui.iui.. . lor Illilliv veurs. L u F O H T II E I' E 0 P L EI (JONTAININO Ku II Iiislriietloiis nud 1'iudleul Furins, ndnMcil lohverv Kind or I'nslnesn, und to ail t ho HiuU of thu tin Ion. 11V FltANKLIN CIIAMUH1ILIN, OK THU UKITKll TATt5) JIAlt. ran Coin Traetlcnl Ijiwyer, of twcnly.llvo years1 eiperl. It is hljiljrfrccommcnilcil by manycmlnent Judges, Including the Chief Justice, ind ithti Judges of Miissni buietts, nnd the Chief ji sticu aiuleullrollenchorcoiincctlcut. Ko.d only l.v Kuliscrlt.tion. AOIIN'TH U'am T lVte'1.'.,1?"!;-, V.c!!!i fr cliffrsV AN" .,.IhUAHK t o- 1 "bllsliers, llarlfonl camiii Chicagi'oiir1'' N"W Yu,1,i WVl"'ti; it? ml CAUTION. An old lawbook, published many years aim has Just been hastily lelssncd as u nmv IkhiC without even n snltil,l,. V."w. statemenls. Do not confound that work with 1 jiVi afyj? $ ljw'-lloolc for Iho l-eoplo. PO MAN UFA CTUJt ICRS, M v?..V1?; ''iNTI.LA- dcrslgued. It Is a it"iou io iiiu uu. suun i'iti:vi:.s-Tivn of fh.-alk in rtfam Thonrllclo will bo rnri.uii.Mi nt u.v t. rhosmnu'fo?'0 W"' rlB"" to ,nuk0 '' TEN DOLLAIW 'jljANNUM FOlt EACH THO 1 UUt rill Tu frtf mnllnr. .1... ' Antl'Lnmliin" iviuiiih inr I'diMitiAu ut. .,... '...i for sule nt fair roiiV. ' ALLEN A NF.UDLIM, Dealers lu Oils, N0.U8011II1 Dohiwuro Ave uuo, Flillmlelplii,, Clrouliua will lie sent 011 npnllcullou .ep'.'I'tl'J.llt, WILLIAM 11. ClILMOItK iiiiH openeii a unit iiiuiuid Hniism In addition to his well known IlllSl'AUItANT. Ilu has 3 lablcs wn n un 1 lie. liuesl improveliu ills und 111 pi rfi ct IACIIJII IIKEII AND ALE which Ilie-iniuUetnirordH. OYHTEIW to be bad ivi-i:!' ,. . V.. . i a,so iw Tongue, I'lckied tripe, Clams, A;a, An. 1 T!"M"dttc tiro Invllcd to call, and uru prom Isod sjtlslm-tloii .elilier In billlniiWur icirc-sh CltlAlt-H AND TOI1ACCO enlllii,tboe.celli-d. lltiHililsliurg, Jun. l.'tll. GROOERIIiS, &c, IliAND OPENfNU OKAND OI'UMINd tlllAND OI'HMINd C1IIA.ND OI'i:NIN(l OltAHD OI'I'NINII FALL AND WINIT.II (IOODm, FALL AND WINTHIt tlOOIW, FALL AND WINTEIt CIOOIM, FAIL AND WINTnll (IOOIW, FALL AND WINTEIt HOODH consisting ol conslsllng of consisting of coiKlsllitg of consisting nf : DHY (itlOliM, DUY UOOIM, DUY CIDODH, DHY OOODH 1 DHY CIOODH, HATH AND OAl'H, HATS AND OAl'H, HATH AND OAl'H, HATS AND OAIW, HATH AND OAl'H, MOOTS AND HIIOF.H, 1I00TH AND HHOEH, HOOTrl AND MI01X, 110OTH AND HH01X, 1100TH AND 8II0m, HKADY-MADK CIiOTlllNO. ItKADY-MA UK C'LOTIIINH HKADY-MADi: CI.OTIHNO, HEADY-M A OF, UI.OTI 1 1 NO. UIIADY-JIADE CUU'llIftJ, I30i:iN(MH.AHHIX, LO01CINCMH.AHSIH, LOOK I NO-O LASHES, LOOKtNU-ULAHHKH, LOOK1NO-UL.VKHEH. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, I FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND 0II.H, CIH00EHIH.S, OHOCKIHEH, CIHOCF.HIKH, OltOCEltlES. OHIJUKltlEH, tlDEKNSWAItK, tlUFENSWAHF, OIJF.F.NHWAHF,, llllKHNHWAlli:, , . UUEENHWAltK HAHDWAHHv HAHDWAIti:, ' HAHDWAIti:, HAHDWAIti:, HAltDWAItE, I, TINWAUF, TINWAltll, , 1 IINWAHU, TINWAF.H, 'W , TINWAHt, I.IWllfIt(ITtl 1.,..,. - -noAitii ok-inhth,,,,, Pnlth IIENItY t'AltVlllt. A K. . iilat iiiriworoflnlellr..i..i... . "' """JsWkS' tiuM.ry,,,,.! i.mciio;,"r",,;;i;,ji;i hEd M Iss Hnrnli A. Cntv. r 1. IBH Teacher of F.cch, 1' Mrj. llnliio I Tonchor of Vocnl nti,i ...rt,..ut, tiislru'n. r Tho KALI, term will comm L7.iT' and until our liar.llng imii .T,cnfe Iff 5f ,u I......S..I-U uu nomes .u;,; r'-e It Is heller fnr u'mk J nlngof tho term. 1.1,1 i, .Wii-. bio thoy can enter nt unv tlm. " K .March a; ims. 1 HALT; H.U.T HALT SALT, SA LT, FIHII, KIHII, F1K1I, FITIi FISH, (IHAIN AND Hi:i:i)H, OltAIN AND SKKI1M, OKAIN AND RKKDH, OltAIN AND BKK11.S, UHAIN AND HEEDS, AC, Ac, Ac, AT .dcKHLVY, NI'AI. A CO.'S, McKHI.VY, NI;aL A CO.'H, McKHI.VY, NKAI. A CO.'H. McKELVY, NIIAL A CO.'S, McKULVY, NEAI. A CO.'H. Northwest corner 01 Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Mnlu and Market Struct. Nortliwost corner of Main und Market Streets, Northwest corner or Mull, nml Market. Slreptu. Northwest comer of Main and Market Streets, nLoo.Msnuiui, fa., ULOOMSliUKO FA 11LOOMS1IUHO, PA., liLOOMHllUHO FA. IlLOOMSIUHtO, l'A. IKON AND NAILH, IKON AND NAII, IKON ANU NAII IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In large quant itles and a1 reduced rateR, ulway IRON, TINWARE, &.C. branches,' ""at, Oiiilnn!1aSr.'''s',ll .1. W. I- '1 i.rcRnor or M nt ii.. ....' n s' -rroro ioir'cbl'.'.'D'A. M. V. M tt-J.. ! l tcuH,oorSri'i MIaAII..t .. r.lf Tenchcr bf Jtuslo ou lha wf,4"', 'A! blc -U0YI 1 . TJNFAILINa EYE l'ltl:vp SS. -".'.TUMI Messrs. I.AZAItU8.t.l0nEElUs? OPTICIANS &0 OULlLn"- ItAllTtOKI), CON'S,, rtl Live, wllh 11 view to meet ll,U,.ri. Hoi ' " ' 'or llicir jToAl ' B tE II H AT El , .PEltFECTED Sl'KCTAm nJM. 1 U.opr Api.uli.u-.! , "'" ; mm a. d. w i:n 11, A;??; 1E. jew ouse MTATK1SEII, Mar UEN1 boo tnrgM , , JU.OOMS1W1U) Pi'iwi ) beli As Uiclr solo Agent fur ihu am . JSC' laktn caro to glvo nil needful insirc 'Ml, havo eonlMcnco In llio nbllliy of u it3S2. meet 1110 rciitlromcnls of all ciwaip, ij JJjJ- portunity will bo thus nirwdeit Uitrr P Umca- n-Bfi Hl'ECTACLns UNElHtAUXD liyrbplsco THKIIt STIt KNOTI I F.N I N 0 ASIIT. J VINO CIUAI.1TIIX , Too much cannot bo said as to tUijJ. OltlTY over tiiu ordlunry ginwuin'nMl no jlimincriiiu, mutihty 11 the mjf j. , " atxr other unplcnvniit sensiitlou, Inn oil! ,T T.Vi rroin tho peculiar nniistriifiiun 1.1 , llicy lire toothing olnl phasiwt cjulii' ol relief to tlio wmrur, ami ITO... CLIUUnnd DISTINCT KlS1 ullutiltliy iljihl. Tlicyarc llic onlHt.WI.'lal PllESEUVB AS WEI.I.ASl;f T1IESIG1ITI And ure the CHEAl'EST UcmuC. waya lasting many uuiu u ltln.ii tt lug nmssury. tai ESS HUB -su: ui ji. CAU'l'lll ,N Miss A. D. WI.UB,, JsnooMsnvna n AuMit J" 4 Pot Mcloi Malnji Mi ISS goo. QMN1I1US LINE. Tin. nndi-islgiioil would icsjwl fully announco to u. j.i.s.iusuurg und tlio nubllo geue nillylliti liolsiuutilngiin OMNIUUS LINE iHtwcm this piaceaiid Ibedlireicnl rallroiul do isits.lnlly ciuuiiaj connect with tho several Imlnsgning n,,ti, ,) West on the Catv wlssiimid WllUiimsisirt Kallroiul, and with those going Norn, and Houibon the Ijiekuwauua and Hloomshiirg Ibillrond. HisOiiiiilliiisMaiirn lu gissl condition, commo. dlous nml niiiiiuiinbie, nud ciiui-ges reasonable. IVisuns wishing lo meet or seo tliolr fileuds de part, ran be acconiislalisl ii,n reasouublecharga bv leaving timely notice nt auy of tho hotels lACOIt L OIIlTON, l'roprlelor. QAltHIAOK MANUFACTORY, llloomsburg, l'u. M. l.'. BIX) A N A riUOTHKll the sti'-t'CNsorsof v 1 WILLIAM HLOAN'.riiONljr' coiitluiih'tiie. business ormakltu: v CAHKIAcTks JIUUUllM. nnd every stylo or FANCY WAOONS, wlll. il limy bve consltintll-tin lumd t . lomers. Nuur using uny muU-ilul but u,0 Hst ...... employing uio si eiisjrleiifitl workmen un j iiuio uicoiitiuuoa., iieretoforo lo glvo entire . ..........., ... ui-rycnsiomer. An liispocllou 01 tiielr work, and of tlio reasonable price asked for IB ollru , insure n sale. Mny 5,'01Mf f-piIE NEW HAltDWAItE STOUIi L un i'lus tn.TitA. Having enlarged our feloro ltoom and Jnst Ol'ENKIl A NEW SUl'I'LY, dltectly from tlio Manur.iciiircrs, purcliasul for rush, ou n declining murllel, w e uro prcpu'iwil 10 oirer llio s 11110 to FAIl.ML'llS, MIX'HANICH, IIUILDEUS. and the ret of Mankind, a geneinl stock, coin lirislng nil Ihu kinds and qualities usually kept in a city Haul Ware Store, suitable to tlio wants of the county, nt unusually low prices. All tlioso who are dt-Hlrlousof purchasing goodi In our lino can save Money by looking In at thu New Hardware Store. l'leaso give us a lmII and nxnmlne our stoclt Ac. . KUNYAN A WAUDF.N, Apr. J.1.(,u-1 j r llloomsburg, l'u. gT0VES AND TINWAjTe. A. M. KUI'EH'I aunounics to his tilouds and cuMomers tlini cuutluues the above business ul hlsold place on MAIN STHUET, I1L00MS11UKU. . Custnmcrs cuu be accomodated with FANCY STOVES or all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every mi rlely of article found In a Stove and Tluwaro Hs labllshinunl In Iho cities, uud ou tho most reason nblo terms. ilestli ing douo ul Uio shoi lest notice. i" DOZEN MILK-FANS ou baud for sate. jEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. 0 MAIN STREIiT, KRA KbY OI'l'OSITfc MILLKlC H I'll It R, BI.O0MH11UKU, FENN'A. iii'i'Vw ,u"ucralgned luw Just mted up and oi.ono.1 Ilia lllJAV STOVE AND TIN SHOP, 11 this place, wlieie he Is iirepsied to make uu "' wAitEoi uu uitiiis Iii is line, and Tib m.'.'i't r'j'r" ',n?1"U!,'i 'lU-ll. upon the . .. ,..... iu uisii kcuis ounand STOVISH OK VAKIOUS I'ATTHIINM.i-htvi t.-u VriieV.h?lr '" "n1 "I?"'. lenu" u! "ult purchasers! de rvl?',, i", l'ae. moomsburg. April a. Iss7. ,:,AC0" MKTZ- M'ffa Is tho ONLY tlii.s place. esrWE employ no rorT'jK ivb. vj;wsiy L v Q.KOVEJI St HAKIM'S I FUtHT I'llK-MII M EL AST I 0 .STIC I v ..J...:i . . .1 t'l .'rildli' - 1 .I ;i , a.kI ..111 FA .Ml LI JArou k. Smith, u. It. BtU.T7.Klt j-OTIOE TO IIUILDEUS. m,V, iTf::.." . "y!J y. tho noaui of y i,1fl"; 'l house, two sltuies high, 1, "1 ou,k!i of 11 ooinsbiirg, t't.lunibla countyrFn Finnn,, JfOTIU E. Tho undcrslgiKd would rcsicfuly notliv all uuu Indebted to Itlui uu Usik liicoi l.v rile or oiberwik. in .....,. ft.... "V"1 .'.' ami settle. Ilia rcceut l.issea by a 1 JtfuU, ,0 mako It necessn ry In rolleel Iii ull ouUtandlnS lEW ''""''""'unkfulio hi, f, -u i , J irWgblHira for their stiironagoniid cum di,io nmr trusts they will siu (ho necissiiy fori! iVruiiiut eoml,llan.owfll,ll,.le.,ueii,,:, t uiaiou. im. Q.CT THIi IU0ST, .I'i."".'"' !'' Tubular Llgblnluu i;.t . .". S.";1, Pritciiiui against tl sasier by riuhlih ever Invntdo. The subsirlbcr la ,'je! rfuitlS bove Invention, mid nil orders .y iiuiil ir In Ml,y,,'wl ' 11. IlIIILl'MAN, lary, Wept. 81UJ.3t. WM OW'. Secretary. yE HAVE ON IIAND " COOK HTOVIW, l'AULou sroviH, BTOVi: I'll'I.' TINWAlli: A HOUSE FUKNISHlNo CIOODS At prlcea that run not fall t suit purchusera ISMITH IIHO'H. JJiLJJWf, OjangjvnKp.. IOMMS FOlt THE PEOPLE. r),W","W u'"1 w " per acre. Fruit I ruck, ral.i ur;!,,g Fa,In., cl'm ulari nc. ' H, 1, t'HAMIIHiiM, It. E. Agent HctfJwaiw. l''''i'"ttirg. Maislau'd, QO-PAUTNEKsTflP NOTICE. 1 uu iiiiucrsigned liavo entered Into ro.isi.iiu. ;V.,'W',,,,ll'.LiYi:it npply. ' ' '" liidt-bUU thonia liliHinisburg Juno ll,'(ii)-lf. DNIKS AND tnijajt success, by . J'WIHtl OJ IA4 Mcillcilt OitUut nFAFNESS, IILIN uiul Air, (.;.(. ,).. . Ket den 1 1 !. ffr'if.: aornurly ll fur tiainlimUoii, g MIT II A SELTZElt, Imr', Foreign und Itoinosll? II A It D W A it E, OUNH, OUTLEltY, AO., NO. 109 N. TIIIUU STUKKT, A11.CALI.0WIIILI., Nov. 112, I'HILADELFHIA. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH IIAnRts.-till.-ir B Main sircct one door ubuvo II. McndenliaU'a Irlu'l'lJ TrmtSs'ted.'"1""' '""1 rvtall. A Apr.u.O'j-if JT K W FI11M, JSAi'IONAL IU0N WOItKS DILLMYEIt Si nENiiIE. oabob','b';rllJt'r"rt'",,tc',u,l'ml, "10 iitlon 01 tno business eominiinite 1,. n,,.i. " n the Ul.. II. U. ubVe The T.J1,r,''",lUa- JII.OOUHIIUIIU 1A. I'OUNDEllS, MACHINISTS AND IKON HMITIIH. M ANU F A 0 T U it E it S nw Hlcai.i Engines, Hollers, Saw and Clrlst.Mlll ?." .' r1""'"."'' ''""'y" l Hangers. Moulr,.e Iron lloan IMor uJ t"" room und Work-shop STOVES. Healers ind n rullossorlmentor Firai.Hek. ...,.1 s laniiy on hnuJ for m ; dlllireiit slues mid designs of Cellar Orates. They uro also prepaid lo furulsh Car Wheel, and Axles fur Mining uuriMisiji and ri..i..,.i ...... oastlngs. iron and nrusaciisllngs for every do. scrlplloi, f job work, Agrkulttiral I.nplemeuta uadu and repaired. I'artlcular attention give," to the repairing of .ill kinds of Hmiwrs-extra parta on hand. wipers, eira ILK. d cuu leudeii WW! Ilii.n CjUlllgl noxV f . terj ulckj iiXL'I it.T. IMK1 AsUT DOBK Mali BSST .'ub. l00 SEWING MACHIIte MJAi Ci st , 103 IIUO.MlWAY, MiW HI. 1XC11UI ,, .Uitrv TJI) Chestnut Slrut l'lillHlJiw... u. ' '. ll. J, CO. 1'OINTS OF EMr.l.l'- . j- Hcnuly nnd Elastlelly of nllA I'errccilnn mid Slmpllclly of Ms" Using bolh thieiids UlK-ctly fioin't Nofusteulng or seams by Imtwi - of thread. "wfdo'ruiiga ol appllciiii"" "l""' adjustmout". Tho kcaui retains lis bcaiil' "i"1 washing and lion I tig. Sji' llesldes doing nil kinds of wort" SeirillD Mnr.Mi.iia IlinkC .MlllllHa' tiiL' most bemitlfuluud iiuiiuiin. ai 1 "' oruamenlnl u-oilt, I'K, tier Jjtri -tl jragot 3-Tlio Hlglust Fieiulunisid sin' .Exhibitions of tho United Muiu" r havo been nwaidcd thu C I rnMr "'" Machluea, nnd tho work dinie by Hi" n tt oxlilbllml In eomtlllon. iJiii1 -tot -Tho very highest ptlw, Til1 Wwr THU I.ECHON OF HONOH, " 1 K.T thorciirtsculallvoofthoOroM'tJ1''"" tP Machines, ut tlio Exptnltlun Viilier" IW, thus attesting their grcal ml" all other Sowing Machines, D.'.T Jin 1 M ,1V'1 yesi OA! V t 11 H A ! r. IIY 111.00 TAi tort Juuo K.'tio-tr. JllllO VtJM-ly