I, A, ft or. IryV' ilei. lorn nitn f n- i . da M.c dill I'm, I In r ruff If (7;e ijll Hflte 0;.oUm.bimt . ' iiljlljlitil-itivcry .Friday morning V' IhoWlilmliW miinnifft mitr I ho cr oiiAHiiP.n nA mioaKw ay, KHMH.--7'j(ifflm-yi'rtr1 payu 'dl- OU I'llINTfltUtofKll, descriptions fiuwr wJiiiinftuiii'HM'iinii iiispiiieii, lh , , eiisuimimi'rrticfi. ltl,()l)MHl!l!U(il)IUi;rT(IUV. D'TINWARE. t'OIlMKTZ, dcalerln stoves & llhwuru, Main 1., above- court house. vl-nll M.- IIUTKRT, .moves nnuVtlnwaro, Uupcr1 ldock.MalllBi.,wctirMurket. vJ-il I CLOTHING, &.C. I.OWUNIllilUJ, merchant tailor, Muln t., 2d disr hIkivo American, house, !" ' ' M. M0IUU8, MbVehant'TulIdi' hurt Agent for thtfricw I'arniim wowing.innciiiiii., nrn-i " a i' irc-and Main mrculJiUivu,Mlliu'Htoio,, .- r . .. '. mini . DRUG.S.OHEMIOAl.S, AO. ' JYBItMIROS., druggists and apnthci.arls. limwern uhkjk'Mhiu su,- - win.. I' i.tfVJs. 'dfrnnilW "ana tef.lh'cwiry. Rupert block, Main St., west of Market. vl-uiri I'lll: cLO0Kay.A'J.PnES' Ac- BMIlVKUlTINaiSK,WaUliw.KlHl'ieli-H.iiiil Otilewolry Ac, MaluBtroct near WniM. '"" lUlH lflhltoirAUll. VnYetf-and clock maker, .onruimUioastcornorMalnaud Ironsts.vl-ni.1 K. f!AVAI)fl,'ui4ilBr;lnc!9ek, watches and -ir j0Wclry, Main St., Just below American - i.y . UATHCART. watch and clock maker, Marks tt., below Main.' ' T. vl-iH .minim ,. BOOTS AND SHOES. M. llliOWN.bootandshoomaker.Maluslrccl HOt,I,liDKlt,immuraclureranddeiilcrlnbKlji xt and shncs,MaInst.;oppo8llo Kplscopnl d'""" i " If , . MNUV KI.HIM, maunfaclurcr and de.iler In boon hmlniroei, groceries etc., lOant lllomns rg.Malnat. vl-ntl AVID llCTZ, l6ot and ahocu'inkur. Main St., below 41ar.tniau:B,BbjrB, went of .Market street. ;?M6t6NlL. I r n il I ,' ' ......n.l . 1 1 1 1 . r- It. UVANH, it. 1). nurecou and physician r piitli ildo Malu u; below Market. " vl-n I J U. II. P. Kinney snrceon dcntliit, ti-etli oxtritct ed without painiMalD St., nearly opposite lBoop.il tJlinrch. vl-nlH II. i M'KEfjVY.rM. l).,aumeon and physician north side Malu su', below Market. vl-uti O. HUTTKU, M.r U. surgeon and riiyhlclnu, Market uf., abovd Main.- " l.ni: It.- iL O'lIOWKUMorKeondenlUt, Malt; aU. above court houtto. vl-nl I r, Wjn.M.lteber.Hurceouund I'hyalilati.I'.x. Changs lIlhckovcfhVlbbVBooic.slore. ij-tiH 11. HOI! i Attnruevntltw. Olllce llart- man's building, Main atreoi. II ItfiffiWSXtiathByfatLaw.Ofnce. 2d llnor ... In Uxchaugo Block, near the 'Kxchange llo LU. ,.. r.;u MvulftiVl i v')"1 MlLblNHRV,3t"K&.N0y GOODS. IW. K ICLINK, Millinery and fancy OoodJ. .Main Htreet below Market. vln iu 1UH UZZ1K' UAUKtEY,"mlllliii'r, Itamsey -ibulldliiE.'Malust. !i'wiu vl-nll lBH A1, 'n! witllfl.'nlncy'iSlilKTnotlonii, b.k t Hlattouery, Kxchange block Main slreel. Vl-ll 1'KTKItM AN,. millinery and f.incy geHl oi I i.oslUi KplscOpal church, Main Kt. vl-n I t IW. JULIA A. & BAUK JIAHKI.KK, ladles L cloaks and dress pattcmJ, sou thcant comer nhi and, westet. vl-nl) IIHSM. IIUIUUCKBON, millinery and f:im-y Ib'ootls MaInst.,opposlto Ctutt House, l-nll iltH. M. 11. l'UHMAN, milliner, Main el., below I llartumn'sstoro.westof Marliett. vi.rt Hi: MIHSliM ilAlt.MAN mllllueiy and Unt) BOods,MaluHre,etJus below Aniel lean '"JJJJ IIOT10US AN1),.BAU)0NH. I...VL'tft'Kufcteralid eallni! saloon, Anurl euli lliiiise, Alain St., BallKer lai-iKl; Mtperlii iidenl. ' ' M III) 1 1 mivun V AtOliTT coulectiutiry, Imktij, 1 ana tiynter auluua," wlnlvUklLMtiul rttiiil, lli hiiiru block, Aluln st. , 1-nll iOX'itVKDn.Teonroi'tlWl'VlJHltnry, mill ter tmluoii, wUoltwiUttliiuUr retail, KxL'lmuyu Jlclc ii.in t.. n; vl-mi lXUilANUH UOTKJl; by Koons tt Ulailt, Main V1I1 t IjKAI'UCK, Main L nU( weatoflrou strtmU i .TOllKH IlUTKU by O. V,Ma.vuku, eafct end ul 'Main l. ' vl-un HTOllNUU, rtJu-wtiJiiyJiL wikxjii.MiUii fct.j uml OONB,it,ChAltK,"rcfrslinicnt Hloull, iix. '4AtVJW.'5ljinn;tmiMJXyi 'Ktocuru-h etc. .Main J Ml,, LtultiW itUU ' VJ-IH'J tM. ilHUr,ufc avwW, JU.,dfi kiikxhw, 3 iUpuUHfuu Uuur, (rout "ftiiucs, ituiiuiis. tie, II biui'-J-. -Uuiu, iotattuu, nMi, nun, n.nie,. U., IIUlLltyiUll, POJ'UM jluLU uUU MUlkCl ft, I. . I'Uii ;'"M'ft -if tm-f1 - ill ilOV 1,11, liulttuliU Lujtri, butils uilU htiuCA, Mum ntuu Cuutl liuiite. imili I Mum unii Uuurt lluunuuti Lunar A,l(KCi'ClKV,lvoy8totKtiuiist(rf,tMMiks uial V, hUtUuuury, Mumri;tulow Muruut 1LI4AM iUtAHMUB. Coufcctluuerli'.. Mali. al., near thu rullrnaa. .nU MUIKN)KNllAlili.iruiuna KtiHk uf iiieri'huii Vi. dlKbttml lumber, coruer uf .Malu ktruetaud i J. KOUHIKh, Uwiter in dry kok1s sreerf eb etc J HUIvo'b tJcb;MiD fct.T below 1 roil vl-ul. f K UIUTUM. arocerlcs A I'rovllona, Main M r, llu'i'Z dwifcr lu cholcu iliy gtMids, jtn notions. Malu t.. oiMHMltu court lioiibf. 1 IC. KY Kit, Kroecrieii un J Mwtu l.. uVkj w Went. vi , , robcrk'H und iceuerut nierclmiidlso 11 JllAMKH & A. E. HAYIlUltHT. It iI-ru ti Hcotimvri, aiiuth aide, tMroilooiu itbovti JSrubhtV -vvaiiomnuKur Binip, v -int. iMlfJCEliLANKOUS. JAMlii UAlllIAN,' Cnbluetniaker und Lluilr miilur rooms au Muln .trect. iu! CI M. CHIUeTMAN, naddle.lriiuk und luineio ) maker, oppolte Episcopal ehun h Mutiist., CI w. I'tmi'.l.l-. furiiliuro roonis. tnrru ntuiy I, brick ou Malu tt.. tint 01 Muiku M. vl-ni It J.TllOltNXON.Wull puiH-r, window .hades. Vi. am id lUluren, luuxirl block, Main bt. vl-n 1.1 II 1 UMENa-fOvJKil iiotogra,her, Kxcbaligu II, ,M"vn, jiiaiu.t., m'twauu conn noilhe. Vllli kl W.HAMl'LHaCO. Macbluh,tKKj.llliilii. 11. burg ucarrallroad.i Ciu.tliii;s uuulo at hhort Ni lice, inucbineiy molarnl rtpalrwl. Vi-n'i! f H. KUHN. dealer lu meat tallow. iie Llieui' I bflrlnrs alley, tuti'kof American It, o.t. vl.iili 1,1 'J, IIIDI.KMAN. Aireut MunMin's I'unner'l u J'i'lailar IdghtnlnglliKl. 'J-nl'J I i KiiHTIUt. Uluo Muktr.hlal While ali' hiiiel U. Tanner, Hootuiwn, vl-iu7 )I.OOMMltUltUT.llMlIKH LO., mauuluctureiK iiaud ileaterb In laimlicr, ol all kinds, plaulnu uiiiiuuir nie ruij.roaii. vi.ne 1 WITM A k . riharbl e wori; , near Miullmit lt cornur maul wnu Wltrhil iis Kll, ltlN(l,Kll,dul( l In iiliilios, oiaiiK aiu , ruelodtu.,ia (I, : W,('nrelrfurnltiire rixmu I 'Vylr vl-n I l W. UQllllINH.'ltyiior di ali r Mvond diir frimi 17, norlhwenl corner MalnalKl Iron wis nr I'EACXICK. Notary I'ubllc, noilhisul irni II Malu and Market t. i.ii TI.1IN A. fTtNHTflM. luiilnfll n nil nhtiratlM tl ,1 Insur&uccKMiinpany.uoi tin ojdrorncr Main and Wulnt. r JV - vl.nll i QAMIUII. 4A'())IV. Msrbl p Worlcn, FaH rlnonmbvrv, I le dittl Itruu ii Kton '.IM-if-i; r l vtn UUCKH0UN DIHKOTOHV. O, AW, II. mtOF.MAKEIt, drillers In dry aooda. urocerles and eeneral meret.aiull,e. irstatorq lu ninth (nil t, flown. v2-uK, JACOU& WM.IIAllItlH, dealers In dry gisals, groceries. drugs aiid,nudlciitii, Flndslorolu Dili end of town, v -nix. VOUfttR II! NO. .U. 0UANUHV1M.K DIltliCTOUV. U. tl. Ai MIXIAlKJI'.l,, phlclnn and ur.uni klslu t.t., nexttltKir to tJiKMl's Hotel. v,-nl7 HICK 1101 Kt, und refreshment salnu-i, by win. MoHtciier cor. oriMuintiuti i'inusu-iui7 AttM AN IIUOTIIIIHK, Tninieis and nlaonfnc tiiiieisoflinllier. on Main St.. below nodi' olel, .MI17 AVID UKUUI.Nd, ri.MirniHKlrlHl.M. I, and Dealer In grain, Mill Hlieet, M-UI7 (lVl;ll A ItnitHINtl, dealer In drj i.ods. gr. aln rocerles, lumber and (.lihtuI .Menu anility llltN" I'HY.MIHH, .laddie and liarniv iniaker Muni t.t.. anove inuwait nuiei. vi'in, A II. W, COM'.MAN, Meichiltil Ullur and . Oent's furnKhliiggoiitli, .Main Ml., t ext door tho brick hotel. VI-IH7 AMKH II. ttAHMAN, 1'abluet Make deltaker. .Main t., below 1'luo. did Ull' Vl-ll 17 tt.&C KIXU11NKH, l;lacksmlU,on Mill Htreet, near l'lue. vt-nl7 WIM.IAM IIKMJMI HhocmnKernt.1 muniinc. turor of Ilrlck, Mill HI., west uf l'.uo vluW i-wiu it Mf.rrrTvr.v.n. Iron riiuu.,cr.Mnchln- Jjlst, nnd Manufactuicr of plows, N HI HI.VI-1H7 II,F.S A. Wlt.MAMH A (o.,Tanvrsnnd Mnu ufactilrcrsorieatlicr, Mill Htrc,t. Vl-nl7 A. II. HKItltlNU A IIKOTIIUH, trpclllels and tlulldcrs, Malu Htreet, below l"ne. vl-nl7 AMUr.I. SIIAltl'Lliss, Maker f the Iiyhmt llialli Uradle. Main Kl. vi irATtMAN. niliitr. ntu! Harness maker , Orangovlllo,oiio(llo I'ramo cliurcli vl2nll CATAW1S3A "iHUKOTOIlV. UHQlJKHANNAorllilckIIotLl,.Ko,.tebnndcr proprietor, BOiilh-east corner Main and second Htreet. "nu 1). KINAHI), dealer In stoves and tin-ware, MaliiBtieet. vi-nli M. II. A11I1I:TT, attorney at law, Main street. v2-uia ILUCItT A KLINE, dry good, grocerlos, and general lucicuuuiniu., jituu cueuv ICEILK1I, billiard saloon, oysters, cream in sejison Malu Htreet. and Ice VJ-U1 K. IIAI.I.MAN, Merchant Tailor, Hecond Ht., Hobblns- llulldlng. v2-nl. II. J. K. ItOIIHINM, Mnrgwin and I'hynlelau, Hcco ml Kt.. below Slain. vS-ulS. It 1 IHTI.F.It. "tlittliiu bin Ilonse." North West . Corner Main ami Htwond Htreets. vi-nls. M. IIH01W1, duller in Uenernl Merchandise, Dry OiioilsJlr'erleN r .,, L1IIT STltliKT lHUIiOTOUY. KTEIt EST, dealer In dr gixrits, groeciles. Hour. feed, salt, Hsh, Iron, nulls, etc., Light reel. -n TEHWILDIUEH, Cabinetmaker, and Clull maker. Undertaker fl-UIU F. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, tlrst, door alHive school house. vl-ultl W. HANKKY, dialer InUather, HldM.'lliirk, etc. Ciu.li pulil for Hides. vl-iuii ) H. ENT, doalor In stnvoa ami llu wain in X all lis uraucnes. Vl-ll Hi OIIN A.O.MAN, miinufacturer and Ucalur In IIOOLS llllll SIIOLS. l-llill. J. I.IIIHEH, Jl. 1). Hurgeou and l'hjslclan. i Olllce at Keller's Hotel. va-uW II. IHVIN'n. Medical, Store Main Ht. und jiruircreeic Jiotiu. ESPY DIHEOTOltY. Janl maulactory. Mhopon Main htioet.op .....I,.. lIii.iih MM) VL!-lll r II U'lMlirnKIHHlt. 11, SPY KTKAM KLOUUINCI illLl-S. il. H. Kowler, rionriutor. --um r , llIjJliU.MII', IIIVU., m.uii-i in in j K'"""i entciirli'h.autl utiiier.il iiieu-hamlUe. l-ull W. KDOAli.Su'.iait'lianna VliintiM MHttinil ti n , '..I. .... vl .hi 1 1 DMA. iillllllll.lVWUJ - BUSINESS CARDS. on PRINTING Neatly exeeutid at this Ollice. pIIAH. O. IJAHKIilCy, A T T O II N i: Y - A T - 1, . V, ni.ooMsnuno, t'A. Ortlrn In tho Exchange Ilulliilng, lieeond sloiy. Wlilulyer A Jseouys l ouieeuoneiy, eecouu uljovu the Exehruge Hotel. IJluiiuisburjf, Jan. I, lsOD. M. ATTII It N K Y-AT-1, A W. Ashland, Hchuylklll County, IVun'a. c. w- MlLiI.Kll, A T T O 11 N E Y A T DAW, Oilloowlth I'- II. I.lttle, In brhk bulldln.; nil- tolnlllg l'ost Ollll-c. Jl 4- liouuuis, IHieu-i uj aim l'ciislons colIecUil. ibep-.u 01. O OIJ1511T I cIjAI'.K, A TTO It N IJ Y.A'JVL A W otlU'O cotntr ol Main and Market streets, oer Flist National Hail K. mooinmnrg. m, II. I, I T T U E , , " A'l'TO UN K Y'AT.IiA W . Olilco t.'ouit-IInne Alley, below the Col.liMlilAN Ollice llloomsbulg, l'a. G. B.wBIlOOICvYAY, ATTOHNKY AT l.AS J3I,OQMSliUlta,' PA. a-OKi'tcp-Cnurt House Alley, below the liimttaii omco. IJuiiI U7. T. I'UltSKL, MANUKAlfriMtKU V ' nil dealer In , ' rnT LAtU'J.l-HAUH, VA K..y..in?s, liUFKALO KU11EH. 1 1 0 it.SK- U N K ETfl dO.. which ho fot'ls ponrlilent lie cm hell at lowi-r rate iiitiii any oincr ptrsou mum eoumry. i-;x nniinfi for vourkclvo.. Hlujp urht iloor below tlia Tont Orlho Mtn htrt t-t, iiioonifauurif, l'a. eov. to, inuj, B OOK S T U Jt 10. 'llai tifiiU'ihtriii'tl. 1ih tiitr. taken llu- 1miiih lutely occiihlfil by Dr. 1', John iu-l ilooi ali iu I'.xcnniiK jiou i, wouin mmry um uiiuihh ho (Vaintvilint thcrn will conhilaiit Iv on liitln IV Ittll IlfKOllllLllI of HOOKH, STATJONKUY, AND WALL J'Al'l'.l AlhO Hut varlonu MnciiKhKN and N'cuMianw publlKht-ii in tins country, nidiiu lor wnleli u uh inoinptiy niu'iiuta in. Till; CIlUlfI-ATIt(I L1UUAIIY wlikli lias bii'ii In xUUnro for n yt ar, ditlx fi 11. i Mroniu-r Miirort ol ilio coiuinunli 'J h li'linx nro itakonnnn'. ami nuciiuonui ui.i ion nro uudlul lojusiiiy an tin rt'iiMjln th niitntt ff nlumi 'J ho iibiial !.iig Mod. ol NOTIONS aMI 1'ANn il)OlH, will Ik luj't up and no alUH )-nMil to -ul l.-fy hid whiuh i( iiuri-nari'. a. i . v i int. May 11,'MHr l!h i.iiikI.iuk, i'it : n 'i j s 'i' a y , it, C. UOWi:it, DENTIST, KoMXi'lllllly OtlflH llU MOrtMttOllIll hfl'Vll-lh t tlitt liulh i and guith'iiu u of Itlonihhuiit nitd vl clnllj. lie Niiunarttl to attend lotdltla- nii out oiu ratlouii In Oielineot hU pioli-Hxtou, anil is in lui-u wiiii iu' i it 1 1 i mi in win i'ontKi'Ai; Tki:tii widt h will bo liin itcd on tioldVl'lntliiK. 11 r and rbbir bnwc to looti an w-l Uhiht nut' ural U'L'lh, Tuth ex tractt d by all Iho new hiiJ iitohi iiirovi ti nuiiiiMin, a no an opcuii lulu on thr ti t 1 1 1 rnrcmilyniHl pioju-rly ntlendi-d la. Ibfcldi'iut' and otlleo a ft-w dooiw aUiyo thd t'lttUl UollM'i MUllU' hUlv, Itlmtumtair);. Jnn.lJtiMf JISS EIZ.IE JIAUKIiEY has Just Illumed tn.in 1'lilln.li Iphln, m,.l bus bought, und Is now olleiiug the h,sl t.,. i In. I lit of FANCY (intiDH, THIMMINOH. lloNNiriWAC ill-., evei exhlhlli-il lu lllirfuiisburg, uml Is pu puiiil to miiLu up uri4Mis ubdull ullitr ultlch. .i feiuiiie Munlr'ibe, a I shot I iiolli'f, and III the best anil IiATtHl Ml lliNt- -'! 1 I, I f Dooms lu Ihe Itamsey llutlilliigs, tn Ve.t Main Klieil, f.nl ni"' nv I er tariu' ;U t ul Hprlug Oralis. May 1,'CK. MERCHANDISE r iii.iii AititivAi, nr Hl'llINO ANIIHUMMr.lt IIIIOIiH Thu subscriber has lul iclitriied irmu Ihe r 1 1 1. with another large and .c!cct itsMorluieut of' Hl'HINU A,il) HU.MMl:ll UdtlliM, rurcliascd In New York and flilladelphln ul Ihe lowest figure, and which he Is determined In ell on ns moderate terms as eau be pris-iirei! el. whcrti In Ulooinshurg. UN sliick uimprls, ' I.ADIliM' Illtt'SVi (KIIIIM f thocholceslslylrHanil latest fashions. tngcl her with n lutgo 'assoilnienl of Dry OoinIs and Hit, ccrlos, consisting of Ihe rnllovvlni; milch ' - I'-irpels,' init'lolht, 1 eioihv ' I'tliliielta, ! Shun h., l-'lalihelN. , Milts, White U.,,,,1., I.lueni,, ItisipHklrts, . Muslins, t, Itollowuat tVlarvMirt- Jlll't hNMIIIC, ' ttardwnr' Ilonln And ;Mmon, (IiiLi and t!nA lltiop Nj'tH. LIiiihntllM I 1 iXllig-lllaKM'i, Tob.iesi, t , ilntlui, I Hi) 14:11 M, Ttuis, HUc, AlUplee. '., Uluuer, (Mnnaiuou, Nntmegy, ANDJN0T1ONS (IUN 11ALI.Y. n jihort, overythlug usually kept In eiunlo stores', to which tie Invites the attention of the public generally. Tno highest price- will be jaM for eouury produce in exchange for goods. H. II. MILI.KH A HON. Arcndo Ilulhltngu, lltoomshurg, Fn. September and Oct, Prices ,V T I. W. HAimiAN'ri, Kill HUM N!l'.ll DllESK OOOIM. r ft. liAWNH AT Zlui. 15 cl. liA'-'NH AT i -III flu. fin t;i. I.AAVNK AT . nilclH. 51 ,'2 DRESS (iOODH AT' $1,10 $1,111) DRESS (IOODH AT !)() f Ih. nnti. Dllli.SS HOODS AT lKfls. 10 ct. DItlWS (iOODS AT .'KflH. DRESS OOODS AT .'ill rtw. 2.-1 cl. DRESS (iOODS AT 22 tils. Lt)fl. DRESS (iOODS AT ISfts, TERJrS CASH OR PRODUCE. N KV HTO0IC OF CJLOTIirNG. Krffcli urilvftl or kaUj and wintku turnw. DAVID LOWrNKKItO UiVltcH alUnllon lo hU htot k of CH KAT AND KAHHIONADLi: CLO'J HINO. HtlilKhtoro on Mnln Rtloet,luod(Krfl abovot lie Aiiitrlcnn llou IIloomhblHg, 111., wherw ho hn Just leeelvcd irnm New Yoilt and IMilIudoIphlan full nsoUiiu-nt of MIIN AND ItOYH Cr-OTIIINO, liu-luJInii ton uioM liu.liiuiial.lc1, durable, nmt hniulhoim umsUtlny of UOX, HACK, H0(XI, UUM, AND Oir.-ULOTII COATH AND l'ANTH. of all .ort8,lz( mmdcolorw. Iln luui aNo rcplou" Ibhtd hUalrcudy laru'HtocK of l'AIdj AND WINTER HIIAWI, BTUIPED. riUUlUID, AND1'IAIN VKHTH, H1IIUTW, CltAVAaU MTOCKM, t iil,LAIts, lkVNUKEUCJIIUFH, QIX)V1H ' eUSPP;NDEIta,-AND FANCV AHTK'lI-t He nu.i conttantly on baud n Jareo'and wull-kt1-oct ed ahhortvht of CLOTIIH AND YUSTINUS, which ho 1- prcpnu'd to mal;o to order lnWinny kind of flolhintr, nn vtry short :othi',uiitl In iho bcHt manner. All Id clothing in niadu hi wear, and nuHl of It Nol' homo inuiiuluclnio, UOM YArt:JU AND JKAVErdtY, ol ovi-ry dekcrliHioii, lino und i hoiip, JMh i-hmioI Juwvlry U noli.urii.uM'd;in ihlhhuf. Cull ami uxMtiilin hUmni'ial iiNMrlinen (if vwrmtiu, wa'iujii, jeweliu , ac. DAVID LOWENllKlUi. Q C. M A It H Imviijuht lttrlMd lioin thu cuNliiu iiuuUtlH u Inrtfu uml u ll iVi tcctcd hlmli of 1) Jt V (J I) () 1) ,S, co n h t h i i a ii o r 'asilimuK. .KiiiiK, )Uhl hluKhid .V IlitMWi MindliiH, CllllcoLH, TlcltlllgH. TnUti I.lm iirt, (,'ollon All wool llaiiiu U, Al., ilC, A;i;ood htock of IjIUUliu llri'KH KuodM, IJiKftl bl ll'H A ( altlTIH, tVl'lti-M id all KlmU, (IoihI btlH'U tllK'llliM, tlui'iiuwan', Hlono uiro, WikaI a ultlow waif, Flour A Choji, AUn lillrh- u ti)Ktal Moup Jur chutihu Tin. IiiHHH, Ac, All koimN bold i-licun lor null or pio duct.. Ho would cill tho utU'litlou vt buirt U hU well mid curtfully tvulectcd lUhorUnvut which i-oii.uiUcNeii)lhlui,iuiuill kuLllii tho cn.uu try, fi'i-lliitf coiitldt'iit that hu vuu bell them yoo-ln ul uu h nlc'id iu Mill uhkuro tiatUi.wtloii, Uvl, 1,'tO-lf. C. C. MAltlt. FOR NEAT iUOl CUE.U' JOB PHlN'J'lNCl. i f.t il 'J be Columbian Olllce, Hloornibur I'm ULOOMSBUBG, PA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY "ILLIAM PI8UEU wmt TitOMAS OAUHON A CO. WllOMMAbB DIUIACUS IN IIOKimiY, men's FiinNisiriNo oobns, UNENS A.NOT10NH, ko. IS, south rouiiTit HrnubT vmi.Aimi.vni a. Juno t,'iM-Cm JOHN STU0U1' & CO., Hnccessors t,iHtionp a ltiotiif WII01.F.HAI.K DKADEItM IN FIHH. 'No. it North u hsrvt s. r.mt tie M-m v m. l'lilla,UI,hls Q V. IlIiAHON A CO., Manufacturers ol HI. CIW1IH AND WINDOW MHA tti. -Wafehoune, No. 121 North Third lri-"i I'lillailolphln, Q.EOUQE U. I10BE11TS, Inliirtf r and Dt aler In tlAHDWAUE, CllTDEHY, aUNB.'Ac. No, 111 North Third Hli eet, above Vine' Philadelphia. gNYI)EU,f HARRIS &. BASHETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of ( , MKN'H AND IIOYH' CUirlUNt). j Nos. Market, sud &2 Coiulilcree Htrwi; I'lHIailelpllla. JOHN 0. YEAGER & CO., Wholesale Dealers m HATH, OAFS, HTHAV,' O0OD3, AND ; L.ADHW FURS. ' No. !St North Third Htreet, Mar.I0,'6!)-ly l'hlladelphl. ' I E! HTABLISIIED 1793. JOHDAN AIlItOTlIIiH, Wholesulo Gtocers, and Dealeis In HADTI'ETEH AND IIHIMSTONE No 2 North Third Bt. I'luladelphln. I. II. WALTER, 1,111,. Walter A Kinib, Importer ami Dealer lu ! CHINA, ODAS-S, AND iillF.F.NHWAUH. No. tai N. Thlld Htreet. , I'titlsdeli lila. W. RANK'S Wlloi.f.Mii'; njiiAt.it, nr r, .nii ClOAH WAHKIHIUHF, ! No. 1 III Ninth Third Hired, lietween Cherry and Itacp, wi,l side, fhlhulelphlu. yARTMAN A ENOEIiMAN, rOMAULI, MINUri. si..virtlt , MANUFAUTOHY, NO.nrl MOUTH TIIIKDhTHKKT, I Hcieond lasir below Wood, I'll I I, A D KDP II I A. I. W. W'AKTMAH V F.miKI.MAI YyAINWRIUIIT A CO., WHOI, EH A DE OHOOEKH, N. E. Corner Hecond and Arch Hlreela, Philadelphia, Dealers ill TEAS, HYltUl'H, (XJFFEE.HUOAIl. MOI4WKI, KICK, Hl'lCKH, III llAUll UOUA, AC. AO, esOrdeis will receive prompt attention. May 10, lSli7-ly. 1'. H.1IOKNK. W. H. KIKtl. J, II. BEVUKUl JJORNE, KINO A HEYBERT, Wlllll.I MAI.I-. Iiltl ItUUlJ, No. 31 J Mlilkel Midi l'lIIDADEU'DIA. Onleis tilled promptly al lowest January tl, lb(8. KUjOl-1:, It. AllTMAN. 0. 11. U1LL1SUKU, it. MOKV, HTM AN, DIlililNGEH A CO., NO. 101 NOKTII THIItD HT. 1'IIILADKM'III A Two Doors above- Arch formerly ISM, MAUFAt-rflirilS AND JOhHHC-i in CAHl'ETS, COTTONH YAKNH, 1IA1TINO, Oil, CI.OT1IH, CAHl'ET CHA1NH, C'OHDACII.', Oil, H1IADEH, 0 RAIN RA08, TIE Y'AHN, WICK YA UK, W1.1DOW I'Al'KIl, COVKHLKCS, AIAO, W1M.OW AND WOODEN WARE. IlltOOMS, UltUHllnH, UiOKIhO UlASHUS, TKUNKH Feb. S.'tl'J HOTELS, &.C 'jN'OHK'S HOTEL, UEOHOK W. MAUOER, I'ropiUlor, Tbualtovu well. known hotel has recently under gone rail'ful cmtnges in us intei nai arraugemeum, and Its nr. nrletur aunouuees to his former custom aud the travelling public that his accomodations tor the comrori or ins guefciaare seconu 10 none in the rnitmrv. His table will alwava bo found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with all the delicacies ol the season. Ills wines and 11 nniirs feTcent that nonuhir hoveraire known as .Vcenr!"), purchiuied direct from tho Importing houses, are entirely pure, uuu iree iroiu uu oi souonsdrugs. lie Is Ihonkful for a liberal patron age In tho past, aud will continue to deserve It In IT-'nUfJl-- W XfATTfll,'!! L U M n I A HOUSE, B K UN A H D HTOjr N EH. JIavimj lutoly puicliaKtil and fitted up tho vfll'Kiiown uoniKon iioiai i'ropcrty,ioraUHi a KKW IHIOIW AltOVK THK COUJtr HOTHK, iiii i, i ill niuiitr niiin i'l mr nn-cv. iu hid tiinii i KloouiUniru; and hnvlny ohtafiu'd a Ilccnso for i 111' Mil mo HN II It 1? S T A U it A N T , tho 1'ioprtetor ha ttcterinluod Uitflvo to Iho pHt- pio YUHluu mo ujwii ou ouiiiuiMM or luttuturp, A MTfl.K MOHK UOOM. HU hUtdlnt nluo U exluiudve. and Is fit ted up in put miKuicKnmi rarriHK" iu inoory, iiv prom I m us that cwTylhliixuUjuttiiHi'MablUhuieiiiKhuI I... nii.iurfcii tn no onlrrlv nnd lawful manner and ht reKpectlully uollcltx a nhaio of Iho public JX(!I!AN(JK IIOTML, ' J lHX)OMailUUO,COIUMllIA CO.. I'A. Tho undcrslKiit d havln luirebiwul thUxitll k'miu-itaiul rcntinllv-looateif hoUN(.thn Excdianiri I Intnl. kiliiMLu no M A IN HTItEiriMn IIIooiiikIjui ir tniiuedluU'ly opptmlto tho Columbia county Court liouiso, ri'Hpoi'iiuiiy loiuriu inrir irieiiun anu ni hlli In ii'iiuml lluit Ihelr hoiiKolu mw in o for tho leceptton and entertainment of travellers who liiiiv uu uitiHitcu ut uur ii whii i. u ci r rub torn. Tuey havo Kpurod no oxpeusoln preparing tlm Kxchuuiruior thocuUTtalniiieutof thelri'uet.ta neither Hindi thero be anythlui; wanting on their imrt to mluUter tn their per tonal comfort. They iuunbU kiiaclouri,uud enJoyM uu excellent bus I uehk location, 'ininihiiyitit run uLull tinit-u bolwecn tho Ex cbunuo llotrl and thu varloun railroad depotx, by wiitch travelUrM will bo ideaHuutly CMnivt i edto cud from tho rtbptclHo ktatlom. lu duo thuoto Hi twL me earn, nuuno JtWouuburii, April J, I WIS. OWKN HOUSK HEHW1CK l'A, WILLI A Jl WILLIAMS, Proprietor, TliU v.i-11 Icuowit Hotel ban bctu ohtllidy ii lllli. und u-CuniUhed, with a low lo thu i-rlett eom Acouunodloiu Idvery rtublolMcouiHcled Mith tl.ti llk(lk.hlliblllm.-lll. Thoimr slll b mipplhd ulth tb eholeoxt wlneii, UquorMUiia uum. a fair iimrooi pairon O Ii A T K R O O V I N 0, KVBRY V A n I E T Y MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN TII0MA8, Atn CAHI'ER J. T1IOMAH, Sox. 277, Illnoiniiburg, I'u. Mar.lWWyr, (Clioifc sguttry. Botrothnl. 0 for ono lionrof kitcli enchanted light As made it fairer da) llmu In tho sky. When on tho wlllow.lsmk wo sal dial uUht, My old-time, loYonml II Awlillu we talked so low and tenderly, We felt Iho llslcnlug Ireis nlwvu us lean; Alid louder far tho silence seemed to mo That fell at last belw lcu, Her henit lay iloAllngon lis quiet thoughts, , I.lku walei-lilles ou a tranquil Inkoj And I,ovo within, unknown, because unsought, lay drcnmlng half awako. Ah, I.ovo Ullglitcsti,lrpiH'rccrknownl A whisper, anil ha turned, plain to view; Old as tho heavens seemed our story grown, Whtlo yet tho moon was now. And when she Kpokp.hcrnniwcrHecii el thewhllo Hwi eler for sweetness of tho lips that told, Setting n precious word within a smile A diamond ringed with gold. Then bloomed for us tho perfect centtiry-llowir: Then tilled tho cup nnd overran tho brims And nil tho stais processional, that hour Cliantul a bridal hymn. Ah, Time, ull ufter-days may fly away, Such Joy as that thou bast but once to give. And I.ovo Is royal from his crowning day, Though klngdomlcss ho llvo. gJUSffUautottS. Tho Misfortunes and Consolations of Fcregrino Twcezlo. My friend Twcezlo Inw, through lire, been tho most unfortunate, nnd yol tlio most fortuunto, of men. Every species of calamity litis befallen lilin,antl yet lio lins never oneo been unlinjipy. Misfor tune nnd ho lmvo over been nt war; slio (lartii(r Iter missiles nt liiin, and ho throwing them back nt her, or raising p bastions, behind which ho has en sconced himself, nnd laughed tho mali cious Jiulo to scorn. Lucky has It been for lilui that ho has been made of hucIi impenetrable stuff:" lucky for him that ho lias had n, thick head and a tough liido ; and that, like tiio tortoise, which oiicnsetl in its hard shell, lets tho pon derous wagon wheel pass over It with out llincliintr, ho also has been ublo to lot tho heavy car of falo drive right over hla back, without having a alnglo bono broken by tho pressure. Some men, when under tho lash of misfortune, suddenly imagine that thoy ought to bo religiou3,and talie. to praying most vehe mently whilo thu danger lasts ; others nro again opIimUts, iiutl when tho shoe pinches them, console themselves by quoting tho hacknoyod lino of tho poet, whatever is, is right;" while others- poor weak minded creatures I Hy lo tho bottle for holaco, nut) mill; o beasts of themselves, because fatohas proved un wind. Twei.'.lo, however condemns ull these methods, nnd consoles himself In ti manner peculiarly his own. When ever any facowllng, ill favored llend, of Iho many that follow in thu train of misfortune, stares him in thu face, my friend Tweeziesits himself calmly down nnd looks nt him. Ho quietly takes tho iiiciifcuru of liis deformity, and if tho iicud should have by chance any good parts about him, ho treasures them hi Ids remembrance. Then lie sliute his eyes mid gives loose rein to ills imagina tion ; which, nulling itwlf nt liberty to dixpurt, speedily depicts tho monster as ten thoui.nid limes more hideous than hori'idly K At tills creation of his fancy. rweezlo shudders, his hair Htands on nil and ho thinks himself Indeed an unfortunate man, to bo in thu prcnenco of a misfortuiio so great nnd so menac ing. This, however, only lasts for a moment and Twcezlo opens ills oyes again. Thu monster Is still there. 'Ha! ha I' says Twtczle, pretending to bo agreeably surprised, "is that you? Lord love you, I thought you wore a great deal uglier ; really you are not half so bad ns you might hnvo been. Your faco is really pleasant and your behavior ac tually courteous, in comparison with tho ono I took for you. What a lucky fellow I am, that Eato has sont 1110, in your person, a misfortuiio that I can put up with, Ha.niy gontl fellow I there is comfort yet In storo I" And Twcezlo rhapsodizing in this strain, actually re. Jo lees that a little misfortune has come upon him, becatHoa greater might,wlth as much Justice, lmvo bofiilli'ii him. Twcezlo nun x wero school reiiowp, uml ono trait of his early character will exemplify his peculiarphilosophy.I'cro giiup, being so easy and good uatured, shared tho fato of nil easy folks, and was always put upon, and became lu fact, tho scapegoat of the whole school. If any riotous urchin hud committed a fault, broken it window, knocked down n pio woman, or drawn a ciuicaturo of our pedagogue upon thu wall, Pero griucwas, pointed out ns tho delinquent. Straightway the awful ferul was put Into requisition; und Twcezlo and its thongs became moro Intimately nc quaintfd than was nt nil agreeable to the former. Tweezlu was nt this tiiuo but seven years old; hut his ruling mux im hail even then penetrated Into his brain, mid become thu guido of his con duct and his consolation in distress. Our pedagogue Mr, Tliuiiip'emwell had a wife, who had u very inordliiatu notion of her own excellence, both menial and corporeal, unil a very supreme contempt for her husband In holh respects. Thiimp'eiiiwell if rumor xpoku truly, now and then experienced from tills nlU'Ctlonalo partner it low proofs of tho superiority, which who niauilested hy imprinting upon his laco tho marks of her delicato lingers, and by letting fall upon his oyes the weight of her dainty fist. Ono unlucky morning, some sa tirical rogue III imturcd us satirists al ways are drew with chalk upon tint wall u very tolerable iTpicscntHtlon of one of tho striking, scenes above ullu detl to, which had on tho previous oven ing ngrutiibly relieved tho dull monot ony of thu school-master's life. When TliuiiipViiiwi'llcuiuoilown In the morn ing, ids eyes rit,tod immediately upon lids sketch of connubial felicity. Ho gazetl upon It in tiwliil silence, and then his faco grew so red, und tho veins of Ills forehead mj swollen that wo thought ho woultl hnvu sutrocated. Clenching his hand, and striking it against thu desk, uisetliug at Ihe sumo time an Inkstand nil ovei hi muiktt'ii nether garments, he, with it still small voice, oidcri'tl us all to stand up, Thu dieatl summons was obeyed, and wo stood In u lino across tho room. Tliuiiip' 1809. VOL emwell was nlwnys In a tremendous fury whenever hospoko low nnd bland ly, nnd wo accordingly prepared our selves for nn explosion. "Now my dear childrensaid Thump' cinwell, ' you know I lovo you sincoro ly,' and tho hypocritical wretch seized hold of his ferula us ho spoko, 'nnd I should die with grief, If one of you over camo to-thu gallows. Do you hear V "Now,1 continued ho after n short pausu 'I was telling you that I loved you dearly i and, as I lovo you, I must snvo you from tho gallows. Now, the littloutroclous vagabond whomado that drawfng Is stiro to be hanged ; nothing can savohlm from it, unless I Ontl him out and Hog him and conflno him for three days upon bread and wnter.You see therefore my dear children,' continued he, still In tho same bland volco 'that my affection compels mo to punish tho offender. Tlieroforo I ask you who did it?" No reply. "Tell me, or I will flog every soul of you from tho biggest to the least. Who was tho ntroclous reptilo that had tho audacity to do It?" Still there was no reply; and Thump' emwcll lifted his rod, and brandished it in air passing tho lingers of his left hand lovingly through tho thongs its it descended. Still nKOtieral Hilcnceprovitlledj every ono loolled Innocent ; and tho real cul prit certainly thu most Innocent of nil.- Again the question was risked, nnd nil eyes wero directed towards poorTweezle, who, though guiltless ns the babe un born, stood trembling nt tho bottom of tho file. His countenanco was pale, his oyes wero downcast, and his knees knocked together. As tho flcrco look of tho pedngoguo was turned towards him, my poor friond thought that ho might as well have been guilty slnco ha was suro to bear the punishment. "It was you, was it ; you incorrigible rascal?" said Thump'emwcll, seizing the unlucky Peregrine by tho napo of the neck. 'Now go sir, und rub it dir." Twcezlo did ns lie was desired. "Now mydcar little boy,"said Thum'p emwcll, "come hero I" Twcezlo kuew it would bo of no uu to resist, nnd so hu went. In a minuto afterwards, tho Instru ment of torture ascended and descended in rapid succession, and tho screams of the unhappy sufferer resounded through thu apartment. "I'll teach you, you iinp,to mnko sport of your superiors,' said Thump'emwcll, lifter hu had Hogged him till Ills arm was tired. 'And now;" added lie,"conio with mo I" Twcezlo, still bellowing, as If ho had tho lungs of ten urchins, was dragged by Tliuiiip'emwell lo n llttlo dark, dus ty room, used ns tho prison for Juvenile delinquentsand there locked up. Wo nil of us 1 lean I him roaring for about llvo minutes, when thunoiso gradually subsided, and ho wits us quiet as if lie had dropped asleep. Feeling acutely for ids sufferings, and indignant that he should l.avu umlerguiiu such scvero pun ishment fur uu offence of which ho was guiltless, I seized an opportunity to steal nway to condole with him upon ids wrongs. Tapping gently at the door of his prison I announced myself, and straightway began to consolo liiin un der tho pressure uf his evil fortune. "Oil, I iftn quite comfortable!" said Twcezie,8topping mo short in tho midst of my lamentations. "What!1 said I, surprised, 'after such a beating as that Infernal Thump'em wcll gave you?" "Yes," said Twcezlo. "And threo whole days lo ho locked up hero and condemned to bread and water. Comfortable did you say?" " es,quitocuuifortablc,"said Twcezlo 'one tiling only troubles me." "And what is that?' "That I was not guilty. However, I llitond to become so us soon as I get out and there's comfort in that." 'Well done, Twcezlo I 1 admire you for that! But Is It nol cruel neverthe less that you should bo confined hero for three days? Is It not disgraceful ?" "It Is rather,' replied Twoezlc; "but I don't mind it. Three days will sooner pass than n week, it might lmvo been woroul" Anil wjtli this small grain of comfort that his punishment might havo been more severe, Twcezlo passed tho term of big Imprisonment in cheerful ness. Happy Twcezlo I This was ono of the trouble of his early life; nnd Iu manhood he has not been more fortunate. Ill luck lias al ways followed him. Ho lias been in lovo, .mill been Jilted; ho lias played, nnd been plucked; ho has confided' tind been deceived; but still tho moro that fort tint) lias frowned, tho more stubborn hu has been iu defiance of her and tho moro eager to consolo himself, oven iu fate'.- darkest day, by rellecting, 'Hint it might have been worse." Another adventure in which hu was concerned will show his turn of mind. Tho Hon. Major Fllzllgglns, u gentle man who rejoiced in a great stock of assurance, a tolerably liiiudsomu per son, and it very afciimiiiodating con science, look it Into his hind to pay some very marked nlteiitions to Miss Jiilletla lllossiiiii,u young latly to whom Twcezlo was engaged. Thegu gallant ries of tho Major towards the fair Jul iellu wero, of course, not very pleasing to my friend Pcregrlno; und It may of coursu ho Inferred that no great poitiou of good will subsisted between him anil tho Major, l'eregrinu being an easy good uatured fellow, would never have insulted Major Fitxilgglns; hut the lat ter being an overbearing puppy. thought lit to apply uu epithet towards Mr. I'ervgrlue Twcezlo, which as u gen tleiiiitii, Mr. IVrcgriuo Twcezlo could nol tlo otherwise than resent. I was in coiisequeiicucouiiiiisnloiied lu bear an Invitation to thu Hon. Major Fllzllg glns to take a walk to Chalk Farm on the following morning, whero lie would Und a certain person who would bo most happy to exchungu shots with liliti. Major 1'ilzilggins was too much of a gentleman to rtjiel so courteous an offer and the next morning, accordingly, tho nu-etliig took place. "Sad rascal, that FlUliggliii!' bidd 1UT3H HOITj. DKM. - VOIi. XXXIII NO. Tweozle to mo, us wo arrived on the ground. "And a good shot I said I.IIkoa Job'u comforter as I was. "I'm glad of Itl" said Twcezlo. I was about to ask liiin whv. whon tho Hon. Major Filzflgglns nrrlvod on tho field accompanied by his second. Tho customary cold and formul civili ties passed between tho belligerents: tho ground was measured by tho sec- onds, ond tho principals took their places. There was an awful pauso. Each mtiu tired, and each man fell 1 Twcezlo was soverely woundod lu tho right arm. I knelt down nnd began to bandage up his wounds ns well as I was able, when tho second of tho Major camo.up to mo. iviiirm and anxiety wero Imprinted on Ills countenance. "Fordod'ssiikol'baid lie in a hurried tono, 'gentlemen, lose no tlmo ily ily! Major Fitzfigglns is, I fear, mortal ly wounded." "Good Qod 1" said, I, " I liopo not." "I fear so,' answered tho second. shaking his head dolelully. as ho turn ed to render that assistance which his friend so imperatively needed. To my unsophisticated mind tho aspect of af fairs was disagreeable enough. Twcezlo saw that I thoughlso; aud looking earn estly in my face, whispered in a confid ing tono Ilmight haveban tocrset How?' replied I mechanically, for I was thinking whither wo should pro- coed till tho disagreeable business had blown over. I might have missed him I' said Twcezlo; and hu fainted from loss of blood. I carried him lu my arms to a hack' noy coach that was in waiting, andjwo drovo away rapidly. Thrco weeks af terwards wo heard that Major Fitzflir. gins was slowly recovering from his wound, and that no further fears wero entertained for Ids safety. Not so how ever with poor Tweezle. His wound had proved exceedingly difficult of euro and at tho end of a month ho lay In a very precarious state., To add to this vexation, news also readied us'that'tho heart or tho Interesting and romantic MissJuiietta Blossom had boon touched by tho dangers which tho gallant Ma-! Jor had undergone for her sako. Rumor added and rumor for once spoko, tho whole truth that tho gentle fair ono, had after a short sicgo.yielded her heart and fixed a day whon sho would yield her hand to thocaptivatlngsoldier.his news I thought would provo rather too much even for thu comfortabio philoso phy of my iriend, nnd I hesitated about communicating it to htm. By somo means, However, It camo to his kiiowl odgc. "What's your opinion of my wound, sir?" said hu to me ono day after I, had returned from asolilary saunter through Boulogne. "Bad enough,' said I, 'but you" will recover in threo or four months." I doubt It," replied Tweezle; ("but still it might have been worso 1" "If ho had killetl you outright," said I, guessing Ids meaning. "Precisely so," replied he, smiling, ami looking quite happy to think ho hail escaped life, nnd had only received a wound which would conflno him for Hix months to ills bed, "And what do you think of wdmnn- kind in general,' snld Twcezlo again, 'and to Miss Jullottn Blossom In par ticular?" "They aro false In general,' said I, 'and Julictta Blossom Is falso in partic ular." "All 1' said Tweezle, chuckling, 'I am a happy man !" "I wish you a long contluuanco of your happiness," replied I. Twcezlo looked serious for a moment, and then heaved a deep sigh. 'I havo lost her!" said he. "Miss Blossom ?" Inquired I. "Yes; nnd a sweet crenturo sho was, rich, beautiful, and well born I nnd I I havo lost her i" Twcezlo made an effort to look sad. lJiut it might have bcenworscl" ho added, brightening up. For my part I was glad to see him 60 chcorful; but I could not well seo what reasons ho had for being so, and I therefore asked him. "I might lmvo married hoi 1" said Tweezle. Happy, happy Peregrine 1 Dutch Folk loro. 1. A baby laughing lu its sleep Is con versing with tho angel". 2. Rocking tho cradle when tho babo is not in it, is considered injurious to tho Infant, und prognostic of its speedy death. 3. A strange dog following you is a sign of good luck. 1. A stork Hitting ou a liousu is a har binger of happiness. To .kill Huch a turn wouid-Do a sacrilege; 53If you sco n shootingstar, tho wish you form before its disappearance will ho fulfilled. C. A person born with a caul is con sidered fortunate. 7. Four-leaved clover brings luck to thu person who finds it unawares. 8. An overturned salt cellar is a ship wreck. If a person spills salt on thu ta ble, it betokens strife between him and thu person next to whom it full. To avert thivomen ho must lift up thu grains with a knifuaud throw them behind his hack. 0. Aftereatlng eggs in Holland, you must break (hu bholls, or thu witches woultl sail in them over to England 10. If you muku a present of u knilb or scissors, tho person receiving must pay something for It; otherwise tho friendship between you would bo eut off. 11. A tingling ear denotes tliero Is btiinobody speaking of you behind your back. If you hear thu nolso in tho right oue, ho praised you, if ou thu left side, lie called you a scoundrel, or wimo- thing like that. But novel' mind I for If In thu Intiorcaso hltu your littlu lin ger, the evil noiikor's tongtiu will bo lu thu suiiiu predicament, ily nil means bite tho little linger. 12. If at dinner, a persou yet unmar ried 1k placed Inadvertently tictwoon u uurjrlod couple, bo suro ho or sho will get u partner within Uo tout. It's it pity it must hu Inadvertently. 13. If a person when rUlug throw down his chair, ho Is considered guilty of untruth. 7 RATES OP ADVE11T1BINQ, Ono pfiunrc, (Ion lines or its cmilva ' tit in iionimrcil typo) ono or two Inr.cr- tion?, fl.&Oj tlirco Insertions, J2.00. STACK. lM. 2m. Su. On. It, Onosqnair HM Twosqimrts...... .8,W Thred sqnaret... , n,00 Four sijuurts ;,im 13,00 0,00 7,00 !,! 12,011 14,011 (4,00 14,00 110,00 7,00 9,00 15,00 0,00 12,00 1S,00 11,00 17,00 25,(0 11,1X1 2tV .10,(0 JI0H l,00 liO.OO (luarlcrroluinn.,n,ou lalf coin tun... ...IVki tluocoltiiriu M :tn,nt iUI.IO 4II.KI ni,ll 100,10 Excculor'Hor Atliiilnistnilor'ti Notice. $.1.00; Autlltor'Hor Assiuiifco'B Notlco. $2.50. JiOt'jtl NoIIccm, twcnly fonlH a line ly llioycnr Iimi coiiIh, Citrds In lliu "Dlrcclorv" inliitiin. 2.(K)icr your for llio Ilrnt lv IIiich, anil 1,0(1 foreiicli udtlllioiiul line "Divided Duty." The iS'im under this hoad, tells, ii thrilling story, to show that tho ngo of heroic deeds Is not past-lhu hero In tills case being n poor employeo of ii railroad company, and within n few miles of Now York, Wo quote: Albert G. Drecker Is tho brldgo-tentl-cr at thu Passaic river drawbridge, on tho Newark und Now York railroad. On Friday afternoon, Just previous to tho tlmu for a passenger train to roach the brldgo, the draw was open. Mr. Docker know that tho train was coming. Ho begun to turn the bridge, so as to close the draw before Its arrival. At this moment lie saw his littlu son, who was only ten years old, nnd who was Hot far from him, fall from tho brldgo into tho river below. Tho agon ized father looked down tho track. Ho saw tho train coming swiftly towartl tho bridgo, nnd know that to do ids ut most thero was barely tlmo to close the draw. In tho water below him ills boy was struggling for life. A leap into tho stream nt this moment, and he could savo his child. But the train camo thundering down, and he know that If ho left his post for even a single instant a hundred lives might be sacrificed. Ho stayed. Siowiy tho brldgo was swung into position, and tho train passed safe ly over, and none of tho passengers know what their safety had cost tho poor workman, who sprang Into the river only to taka thence tho lifeless body of his boy. Is tliero any story of heroism to sur pass this? Think, If you cau, of tho ter rible alternatives of duty which wero preseuted to this man. Tlioro was no tlmo to dellbeiate. His son was dying. Ho could easily rescue lilm by leaping into tho river beneath. But that leap must havo cost many other precious lives perhaps hundreds and had ho a right to imperil theso? Tho agony of a lifetimo of suffering must havo been compressed into that moment of doubt. With subllmo nnd heroic fortitude, this uoblo father resolved to do Ills highest duty; aud to that duty his son was sac rificed. How many of us would lmvo douo tho same. Touching. Wab. Incident. Rev. Henry "Ward Bcecher, at his Friday evening praycrmeeting, related the fol lowing: "Not long since I found myself at Cincinnati, with a llttlo sparo tlme.iiud I thought 1 would improve it by visit ing somo of tho southern battlo-llclds and burial places. I first proceeded to Nashville, On going out to tho bol dlers' Cemetery, lobaerved a man plant ing a flower over a grave I approach ed him and nsked if his son was buried there? 'No,' was tho response. 'A son-in-law?' 'No,' 'A relatlvo?' 'No.' 'Whose memory ,thpn, do you cherish?' I ventured to nsk. After delaying a moment, and putting down u small board which ho had in ids hand: 'Well, 1 will tell you. When tho war broke out I lived in Illinois. I wanted to en list, but I was poor, and I had n largo family of children depoudlng on mo for their daily bread. Finally, as tho war continued, I was drafted. . No droit money was given me; I was unable to procure a substitute, und I mado up my mind to go. After I had got everything iu readinesw, and was Just leaving to re port to tho conscript camp, n young man whom I had known came to mo aud said: 'You havo a bigfamily.whom your wife cannot support while you have gone to fight for your country; I will go for you.' In tho battle of Clilck nmauga tho poor fellow was dangerous ly wounded. Owing to Bragg's offen slvo demonstrations on Chattauooga,ho along witli others was taken to tho hos pital at Nashville. After a lingering illness ho died, and was hurled thero. Ever since hearing of his death I havo been desirous of coming to Nashville and seeing that his remains wero prop erly nuried. Having saved sufficient funds', I camo hero yesterday, and havo to-day found tho poor fellow's grave.' On completing the story tho man took up the small board and inserted it at tho foot of the grave. On going to look ut it I found thlsslmpleiuscriptloii.antl nothing more. 'Ho died for me," Ili'.siiua the fact that lco is lighter than water, thero is another curious thing about it which most persons do not know, perhaps namely, its purity. A lump of ico melted will become pure distilled water. When tho early navi gators of tho Arcticseas got out of water they mo J ted fragments of thoso vast .mountains of ico called icebergs, and wero astonished to find that they yield ed only fresh water, Thoy thought they wero fiozen wn water, not knowing that they wero formed on tho land and in someway launched into thuseu, But if thoy iiutl been right tho result would have been ull tho saiuo. Tho fact is, tho water In freezing turns out of It all that is not water salt, air, coloring matter and all Impurities. Frozen bea water makes fresh water Ico. If you freezo a basin of Indigo water it will muko ico us clear and as white as (hat mado of puru rain water. When tho cold is very Midden, theso foreign matters havo no tlmo to escape, either by rising or sink ing and aro tints entangled Willi the Ico, but do not inako tiny part of It. RlIMAHKAllI.i: BltKACH OF PROMISE Cahf.. In tho Morris County, New Jersey, Circuit tho case of Eliza Garth- wait against Richard Powell was brought up. Tills action was brought for the recovery of 12,000 damages for breach of promise of marriage, Tho Plaintiff Is a widow, and lives In New York City, and is, osshn alleges eats old, The Defendant lives at Plunders, Morris County. Is a widower, and has arrived ut tho ago uf 77 Tho plaintiff alleges that dufffidaut promised to marry nor lour years ago, nnu sinco that tlmo ho has-broken his engagement und married another. Tho defendant denim tliero was any engagement on fits part, and, if tlioro Was any cngage mupt, lio aftiiwardsv learned that she. was u very passionate woman, und that sJ)o and her former husband livid very uuhtuplJvtogctueT,Bud thought tho bolt thing fur 'hint to do under thos,o clrcumi stuuees was to retract hti yrimiis.0. Th3 Jury camo into Court on Friday, render. ing a verdict of $2,000 for plnlnllir,