Democratic Ticket. STATU. For Governor Asa Packer JUDICIARY. For Judeo of tlio Supremo Couit Gyms L. IVrshiiw (XJUNTY. For Stato Senator Oliarloa H. Uticknlow For Assembly (loorgo Scott For Associato Judge Charles F. Mann For I'rothonotary Wellington H. Ent For llegistcr and Ilccordcr Will'ismson U. Jacoby For Treasurer David Lowonberg For Commissioner Cyrus Robbing For Auditor U. J. Campbell For Coroner Charles O. Murphy STATE. For Governor Aa Packer JUDIOIAHY. For Judzo of the Supremo Court Cyrus L. Pershing COONTY. For Stato Senator Charles It. Buckalow For Assembly George Scott For Associato Judgo Charles F. Mann For I'rothonotary Wellington II. Ent For llegistcr and Ilccordcr Williamson II. Jacoby For Treasurer David Lowenbcrg For Commissioner Cyrus Ilobbins For Auditor U. J. Campbell For Coroner Charles G. Murphy STATE. For Governor Asa Packer JUDIOIABY. For Judge of tho Supremo Court Cyrus Ij. Pershing COUNTY. ForStato Senator Charles II. Buckalow For Assembly Georgo Seott For Associato Judgo Charles F. Mann For Prothonotary Wellington II Ent lor Register and Recorder Williamson II. Jaooby For Treasurer David Lowonberg For Commissioner Cyrus Robbins I' or Auditor U. J. Campbell . For Coroner Charles G. Murphy STATE. For Governor Asa Packer JUDICIARY. I For Judgo of tho Supremo Court "v Cyrus Ii. Pershing VCOUNTY. ForStato Senator Charles IfcBuckaIov For Assembly GeorRolScott "Pnr AcsnMntrtTinIfFrt Charles F MannV. AVollington II Ent $ For lleirlster and Ilccordcr 1 winiamson n Jacoby For Treasurer David Lowenhere; For Commissioner Cyrus Robbins For Auditor U J Campbell For Coroner Charles O Miirpliy STATE. For Governor Asa l'nckcr JUDICIARY. For Judgo of tho Supremo Court, Cyrus Ij. Fondling. COUNTY. For Slato Senator Charles II. Uuckalow For Assembly GeorKti Scott For Associato Judgo Charles F, Mann Por Prothonotary Wellington II. Ent. For Register and Recorder Williamson II Jacoby v Por Treasurer David Iowenborg Por Commissioner Cyrus Robbing For Auditor U J Campbell For Coroner Charles a, Murphy THE THE YOUNG FOLKS. Concluded, Tin: king's sou soon catno up to her. and took her by tho hand and daucrd with her, nnd no ono clso! and ho nov- er left her linnd j but when niiy ono elso enmo to rwk her to dntico, ho mill, "TliU lady is dancing with mo." Thus llioy danced till n Into hour of tho night; mid then nho wauled to go homo! nml the king's son said, "I shall go and lakoearo of you to your homo;" for ho wanted to wo whero tho bcautl fnl maiden lived. Hut sho slipped away from him, unawares, and ran off to wards homo; nnd, as tho prlnco follow ed her, sho Jumped up Into tho pigeon- Iioibo and shut tho door. Then ho waited till her father camo home, and told him that tho unknown maiden, who had been at the feast, had hid her self lu tho plgcou-h?usu. Rut when thoy had brokon opeu tho door thoy found no ono within ; and as they camo back into tho house, Ashputtcl was ly ing, ns sho always did, In her dirty frock by tho ashes, and her dim llttlo lamp was burning In tho chimney. For sho had run as quickly as sho could through tho pigeon-houso nnd on to tho hazel tree, and had thcro taken off her beau tiful clothes, nnd put them beneath tho tree, that tho bird might curry them nway, and had laid down ngnln amid tho ashes in her little grey frock. Tho next day when tho feast was again held, and her father, mother, aud sisters wcro gone, Ashputtel went to tho hazel-tree, and said "Shake, shako, hazcl trcc. Gold and silver over mo! And tho bird camo nnd broughtn still finer dress than tho ono sho hud worn tho day before. And when sho catno in it to tho ball, every ono wondered at "her beauty: but tho king's son, who was waiting for her, look her by tho hand, and danced with her ; nnd when any ono asked her to dance, ho said ns before, "Thla lady isdiincing with mo." When night camo sho wanted to go homo; and tho klug's son followed her as before, that ho might eco Into what houso sho wont: but sho sprang away from him all nt onco into tho garden behind her father's house. In this gar den stood a fluo largo pear-trco full of ripo fruit ; and Ashputtel, not knowing whero to hldo herself, Jumped up into it without being seen. Then tho king's son lost sight of her, and could not And out whero sho was gono, but waited till her father camo home, and said to him, "Tho unknown lady who danced with mo has slipt away, and I think sho must havo sprung into tho pear tree." Tho father thought to himself, "Can it bo Ashputtel?" So he had an uxo brought ;. and they cut down tho tree, but found no "ono upon it. And when they camo back Into tho kitchen, there lay Ashputtel among tho ashes; for she hud slipped down on tho other sido of tho tree, and carried her beautl ful clothes back to tho bird at tho hazel treo, and then pill on her llttlo grey frock. Tho third day, when her father and mother and sisters wcro gone, sho went again into tho garden, and said "Shake, shako, hazcl-treo, Gold and silver over mel" Then her kind friend tho bird brought n dress still finer than tho former one, and slippers which wcro all of gold : so that when sho camo to tho feast no ono know what to sco, for wonder nt her beauty; nnd tho king's son danced with nobody blither; and when any ono else askod her to dance, ho bald, "This lady Is Ma partner, Sir." When night camo sho wanted to go lioniu; and tho king's son would go with licr, and said to himself, "I will not I030 her this timuj" but however sho again slipt away from him, though in such n hurry that sho dropped her. left golden slipper upon tho stairs. Tho prince took tho shoo, and went tho next day to tho king his father, and said, -'I will tako for my wife tho lady that this gold slipper Ills. Then both tho sisters wero overjoyed to hear It; for thoy had beautiful feet, and had no doubt that thoy could wear tho golden slipper. Tho eldest went first into tho room where thobllppcr was,nnd wanted to try it on, nnd tho mother stood by. Rut her great too c"6uld not go in, and tho shoo was altogether much too small for her. Then tho mother gavo her a knife, and said, "Never mind, cut it oft ; when you are queen you will not care about toes ; you will not want to walk." So tho silly girl cut off her great toe, and thus squeezed on tho shoe, nnd went to tho king's son. Then ho took her for his brido, nnd set herbcsldohim on his horse, and rode nway with her homewards. Rut in their way homo they had to pass by tho hazel-tree that Ashputtel had planted ; nnd on tho branch Bat a iiiuoiiovo singing Hack again I back attain! look at tho shoe I The shoe. It too famuli, una not made fur you I 1'rluce I prlnco I look ugnlu lor thy bride, For bhu'N not the truoono tliat slis by thy side.' Then tho prlnco got down and looked at her foot ; and ho saw, by tho blood that streamed from it, what a trick sho had played him. So ho turned litshorso round, and brought tho falso brido back Inlinitlinnm nml onM ll-rut-.!,. ' .1-- rignt unuoj let uio otner sister try and ifub uij mu o.i')'vtr,wxiiviiM,iu.weiiiinio tho room and gotlier foot intotheshoo, all but tho heel, 'which was'loo huge. Rut her mother squeezed It in till tho blood came, and took her to tho king's bum , nun iiu bui hit us 1114 uriuo Dy Ills sido on his horso, nnd rodo nway with her. Rut when thoy camo to tho hazel-tree tho llttlo dovo sat thcro still, and sang "iiock again I bade ngnin I look at tho shoe I Tho shoe Ih too suml I, nml not made for you t l'rlnco 1 prince I look ugaln for thy bride, For sho's not tho true one that nits by thy bide.' Then ho looked down, and saw that tho blood streamed so much from tho shoe, that her whlto stockings wero i line rcu. do no tunica ins Horso and brought her ulso back ng-tin. "This U not tno truo uncle,' said no to tho father; "havo you iioothordtuiL'hlcrsY" "No." said lio;"thero Is only iv llttlo dlrtyAsh puttel hero, tho child of my first wife; I am siiro snu cannot uo tno undo'" Tno prlnco told him to send for her. Rut tho momersaiu. "ino. no. s no is mue 1 ton dirty ; sho will not daro to show herclf." However, tho prlnco would havo her como : nnd sho first washed her fuco and liands. and then went in and oourtestrd to him, and iio reached her tho golden slipper. Then ho took hor clumsy shoo off her left foot, nnd nut on tlin imlilim sllppor; nnd it fitted her as If it had been mado for her. And When ho drew near and looked nt her f.ico ho knew her, and said. "This Is tho right bride." Uut tlio mother anil both tho s sturs wero frichtencd. and turned nnln with anger m ho took Ashputtel on his horso, aiiu rimo uwuy wiin ner. Anu wnen thoy enmo to tho huzel-trco, tho whlto dovo sang "Homel hunitit look nt tlin alinnl. Princess the shoe wu mado for you I l'rlnco I prince I take home thy bride, t or the U the truo ono that blu by thy bide I" And whon tho dovo had dono its song, It camo Hying, and perched upon her right shoulder, and so went homo with her. COLUMBIAN AND DRY GOODS. 1800'. S13PTEMBE11 1800. iip yoxj WANT B A R (J Ji I Iff in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, C1L0VRS, AC, AC, GO TO M. P. LUTZ. MAIN STREET OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, BLOOMSDURa, S?A. Apr.lO.OO-lr. pilEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT 1'KTKlt ENT'S STORK, IN IiIQlIT STREET, or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Till! subscriber has Just received nnd has on hand at his old stand lu Light Street, a largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, and which he determined to sell on ns modeiate terms as be procured elsewhero In Light Street, you cash ou country rnonvch. Ills stock consists of IjADIES' dress goods, choicest stylos nnd latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Sattnetts, Casslmors, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, AO., 4C1 40. GROCERIES, MACKEltiVii, Queensware, Cedarwaro, Hardwaro, Modlclnos, Drugs, Oils, Taints, Ac. DOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS In short everything usually kept In a conn'ry store. The patronage of his old friends nm' the public generally, is respectfully solicited. The highest market price raid for country pro duce. KCrUIl ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1867. IRST CLASS GOODS. It A it E B A 11 Q A I N S. Tho subscriber lias Just thoroughly restocked his store, lu Cntawlssn, lately occupied by M'- Pillicu tft tsuumau, unu now ouors lor t.uiu A COMl'LETK STOCK OP Dill" O00D1, Groceries and general merchandise which for nuallly nnd variety will eomnaro favorably Willi uivarieiy w tho couulry, auy in tuocouuiry. iie uiut u uesu imaoip ment of SPRING GOODS irtiliOi lm i 111 illunitun nf fnr Pfiull fir millltrv lirO iluce. Among his llry Goods will bo found nil mo latest nun ucsi paiu'rn m MUSLINS, C1IN0IIAMH, CALICO KM, KfiANNEIfl, SHAWLS, SILKS, UASSIMlUla, ltltOADCLOTIIS, COTTONADES, JEANS Ac, AC. . lllIElWSWAItE, HAItnWAltH"' CEDAltWAItl! DlttJClS, OILS, V A I NTS, VAllNISIIES Ac. HATS & l 'APS, ROOTS A SHOES aml.tti f.ict, a comiiU'tc line of goods, inhuming tohls business. AKhobiiys nnd st'lts for c-nsli he can uirorJ to keep his prices ns low If not lower than most dealers. Ills motto is "QUICK rAM!S AND hMAI.I. 1'KOKITS." COAI, OF ALL KINDS Coustuutly on hand aud lor talo nt the lowe.! market rates. MOUO I'1IILLU"S l'HOSl'HATE, Especial attention paid to tho selection ol Uutld Ing material, Cutlery, Mechanics' Toots, and Hardware of nil lclnds, to which the attention ot builders aud others is requested. CHAIN PU11CHA8ED. A fair share ot publlo custlom is desired and no caorts will be omitted to give entlro satlsluc tlou. 11.1CNITTLE. Apr. 1(1,09 em Catawlssa, Pa. J M P O R T A N T NOTICE. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY O F DRESS GOODS, AT THE NEW STORE, RROWER'S RUILDINO, The tplendld rooms or J, J, llHOWEIt, aro completed and now open to the public with the FINEST STOCK over offered in Rloomsburg. All tho NEWEST STY! E S of Dress Goods, Silks, Cloths, Casslmers, Linens, Flannels Ac, CARP E T S of every stylo nnd for nil prices. Oil Cloths lu great variety. A full lino of SUPERIOR GROCERIES Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Spices, warranted puro nnd good. ill vmumuj tiiuin:uuvaiii;ijii issuneuj-vai a L o v e s, iro siehy, HOOP BKIHT8, COItSETS AND A COMPLETE assortment of WHITE GOODS, Tho public nro earnestly invited to examlno Ihcso Hue goods, before pur chasing elsewhere nnd me guaruntetd uatlslno tlon. No expeuso or trouble has been spurn! to mako THE MOST COMPLETE establishment In this section of the Stale. J. J. I1U0WEIC, May7,'C-tf llloouisburgpu. DON'T INI END AbTONISHlNG TllK WOUI.ll I'UtiriHO Oil., 11UTWATKK. K A Y'S PUMP S, USED AND ADMIIIED 11Y EVEIIY ONE. Especially tho ladles, being truly the ladles' friend, working much lighter aud easier than tho old tree ) ump. They don't make such u slop anil don't collect so much lee nrocnil the Door In tho winter, tho water not runiilngsolongartcrpumiv Ing. Having taken the first premium nt every dedbyall iusurnnco Cnnpnnh, on account ot f:ettiug out more water In less time aud with less abor, Uiey throwing a burrel of water a minute. All wo ask Is a trial, nnd wouro confident wo can pleiwe you. Again! jb is more simple, 11 Having no lower box packed with tow and tallow, which Is the greatest truuble 111 the treo numo. JLnotlif r advuntage is, that when you gut u new pump you are not compelled to urluk for u whole year PITCH PINE OH BLACK OAK WATER Our puinn being mado of wild cucumlier wood, which Is free from tuste, also lasts longer In vs. ter. It has also many other advantages, which runonly be found out by using thein. They have beeu lu use In the northern mn of the Stutu for twenty years; selling rupldly everywhere. All ordurs tiirouuli tin mutt fitlW-n nr rcsldenco Ilepbuiu street south sido oftbellus- iu, win uu promptly utieuueu to, ny EN KAY. WlLIJAUSl'OUT, PA, llunnrat'turer. CATAWI8SA, PA., Agent. No orders will bo received uiilesM ndilressil in Mr, Kay or toMr. Proscott tils agent, Jiiiy 10,'eti-iy. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, DRUGS & MEDICINES. Ayer's Hair For rcsloriiuj Grey flair lr its natural Vilalily and Color. A dressing which li al (inert ngrcciiblo, iii'iihliy, nml ciTcctimi I'm' iri'fcrving llio Intir. Vmhd or gray hiii' is soon restored In ih original color wili the gloss and frc&hhcss of youth. Thin hair is thick- cncil, fulling Irnii' rhcekcil, nud bnlil ticHi nneu. though not nlwnys, cured by ils tide. Nolhinit win rcfloro llio Imir where Ihu fnlluIeM nro dcelroycd, or tho glntnli nlioihicil nml decayed. Rut Mich in lcmiiiii can be wncd for tiscfiilncss by litis Application. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean nud vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Frco from tho30 deleterious substnuces which innko sonio preparations dangerous and injurious to tho hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wautcd merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can bo found so dcsiroJ' Containing neither oil nor dye, it uuc not soil white, cambric, aud yet lasts long ou tho hnir, giviu'g it a rich glossy lustro and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PlIACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL ClIEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. riucij $i.oo. Ayer s sT1i- 4- n t1 i Pill. purposes of a Iasativa Pcihnps no one mtnli cinol4Eu universally re ciulrod liy ecrboily is n cjtli.irt3i, nor was ci cr nny before to universal' 1 mtoiitcil into use, in cVury conn tiy and nr.iunr nil ct.ssc9, fti this lUlltl liiit eiUciont purathc rut Tho obvious rc foii U, tint it U a mou rc ts-.-Tl." atjk usuic nnti inoic ciiee ttT&ttsFJ rcmedv tlian iinv ---4-rr.fcTt other. Thoso who hao tried if, know that It cured them: tho3o who lmo not. know tjut it eurea their nciyhbors nnd n lends, nn ( all know lint what it tlocs once it does always that it never fall ihrtuih nny inult or neglect or ItJ composition. Wo lino thousands upon lhou t.mds of certiilcatefl of their rem.n kublo cure3 or tlio following conilalnt8 but such cures nro know a in c cry nH hboi hood, and wo need not publish them, Adapted to nil agv-s and conditions in all climatcsi cout.ihih a neither calomel or any deleterious drufr, the maybe taken with safety by nn body. Their ro.iLhi? preacrve3 them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vcgctablo no harm can at lo fi om Lhclr tiso In any quantity. 'i'licy oper.tlo by their powerful influence on tho Intern il viscera to purity the blood and stimulate- it in to hcnltliy action remove tho obstructions of tho Btomach, bowels liver, nnd other organs of tho bo ly, restoring their irregular action to health, and by coirectincr, wherever they cist, such derange incuts as nro tlio ilrst origin of disease. Minute directions are given in tho wrapper on tlm box, for the following complaints, which these rills rapidly euro: For Ii.rMitciMia or Imllfffttlon, XUtlos mt. ts.vnr ami of Appetite, they Phnuld be taken moderately to stimulate tho stom ach and rc3loro it3 healthy tone nnd action. I'ov WAwr Complaint and Us various symp toms IHllout IEMilncliP, Nick lleuiluclics .Tarmilitn or J rccn Hlchiirs llilioui Colic and lllllou X'ocrit,thcy should beju dkiously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove tho obstructions which cause it. l'or lljHcuevrxor iHurrliuea, but ono mild diHO is generally required. I'ir llIiriimatlMiii, Clout, Gravel, Palpi tation of tlin Ilrart, Pain in tlin Nlilc, IlacU nnd lioina, tlicy should bo continuously taken, as required, to change tho diseased nctlon of tlio system. Willi such chango those complaints disappear. For IlropHj and IropnJcal tSuollinpii they shouM bo taken in largo and frequent doses to pro duce tho cTcct orn drastic purge. For NupprcNslon n largo doso should be takca ns it produces tho desired cITcct by sympathy. As n Dinner IHU, tako ono or two Villa to pro motu digestion and relieve tho stomach. An occasional doso stimulates tho stomach nnd bowels into healthy action, restores tho appetite, and Invigorates tlio system. Hence It is often ad vantageous whero no serious derangement cxi-ts. Ono who fools tolerably well, often finds that n doso of theso Villa makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on tho diges tive apparatus. Jilt C, AVER A CO,, Vractlcnl CItcmlsta, LOWELL,. 3TJLSS,, U. S, A, Kt b.f, Ulfl, JOOK, EKAD, AND LEAKN, THAT THE Urcnt Shoshonccs Renieily I Ol' THE CLLEUIiATEI) INDIAN LEWIS JOSIIEPHUS, pf tne ilistlnBtilshcU Trlbo of Shoshonccs, Colnra. bl,S.Terr,l,tory 18 now ,ur 81,10 ln ltl0 Union. I ins all possessing grent remedy. Is warranted and In broad and emphatic lungunce, wo can saiely say. may bo relied upon to nako a perma nent cure of all diseases ol tho Throat, I.nnus. Uver. Klducys, BIkcsiIvo OrKnns, etc., As will as scrofula, tho various skin diseases, Humors, and alllinpurlty of tho blood. exccptlns tho third stiiReof Consumption. Ju Canada where this great remedy has been In use for a short tlmo ltlms Indeed eirected Miiiio nf llio most mnrvi'louciires over recorded lu tho annals of historical medicine. SuchbeliiK the caso In addition to Its former renown in Col" umbta Territory we defy humanity to dispute tho fact that tills Great Slioshnnees Itemed!- Is the remedy pf i emedles of tlio ID'h Century, and tho preutest boon ever laid at tho allar of suiler 1UK humanity. J'rlco of tho Remedy In larijo pints, i 1,23. MannMctured by Dr. Young Ji llros., at Hi in cuse, X. Y, for sale by all dealers in Jlcdlctclno. QuuaaiSTS white Tiiys.oi' rnn aitEAT,SlI0.5HONEES REMEDY r"'r (AlAntACTS Or LETTERS.) llcnevn. N. v.. Feb. 13ih. isi. iik. Vouno & lluo. I And iny snlos of your valuable ltomedies greatly Increasing, In fact 5r?ur,V5s,l"!i'10bl10,ccs ltcmedyls ulvlugthebost ot satisfaction, anddolng Just as ltls recommend ed to do, several having even enmo in to tell mo ...... .uul mrjf ,mu ueeu uuucuieu iroin its use. I havo sold out of It again, etc. etc. Wil.l.AHJJ H, B.MITI1, Hhermnn, N, Y.,March, sotli, lm. VoiiKa jklnio. IstaiiedyourUuatKhus i uyKivniB away ono uottlo ton conllrmed llysieptic, llio result has been ample, ltglvis unljersal satlslaetlou, moio than any other medicine wohnvo had In filestore forycars. l'Tum what I have seen of the Hhoslioneos, I feel Justliled hi recommending It. Hcnd mo six doz. HYitoN ri:.SNi:it. .. Watertown.N. Y Murch 15th, ISC9. l)li. VOUMU .t lino. Y'ourHhoshonees llemedy Is giving good satisfaction, and sells heller than any other now medltlno wo have ever attempted tolutroduce, uawearo nearly out of It, send us lu hasto etc. h. LEWlb A CO. l'7 Morcan Kt.. f!hli-jii'n m v.i. icm. km Uii. Youno lluo. I have sold ove'r ten'iiui.'of ...v wuiaiiuiirca jiciueuy aireaoy mid a great number of the Bhoshonces 1'llls.l It gives universal satisfaction, I have not heard ono o wnpm I have sold, but what speaks of It In the lUKhest terms, aud recommend It toothers : nnd as I am nearly out of It, please send me llulf a gross more at once, etc.ctc (IEO. IlUOOKtm, I'rico of tho IlfiiiiKly in large pints, fl.M. ciul.a,N. yc.,urtrt Ly ,Jri Vo1"""' at Bjra Kor salo by all dealers lu iledlclno. K 00KT1NU E ToManutaeturo our well-known Manures., SViper aUotavJforaTe' "J A""Ha"tu'" W,aud 1' ii U U V 1 A iV QUA K O, No. I Ucnulue Oovcrnmcut, yim uuano.ljiml I'laster andllydruullo ftment together Willi a ramplete assnrimcnt if llur luir and Greasing oils, lit fair miirket riiteJ. "u""ut huper.l'lK.hpliQleof lime, . . nmrffliiii,, AmiiiniUuted Ktrtlliier, . . . jj v 'SH?11"' A DISCOUNT TO DIIAI.IUIH. ' AI.MIN 4 NiaUlMS, 13 South Delaware Acnue, l'Jill.vlcliihla, tbTAIII.ISIIED in 1813. Ati!jnwim I1omi,burt Iron Conipany, I iTc r ail tho COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, Iff. W. SAKEPLB & CO., Corner of Main Street and L. & 13. Kail ltond, BLOOMSBUEG, PA- 11A01IINISTS, IRON AND BRASS POUNDBUS; ULA0KSM1TIIS AND HOILER MAKERS. MANUFAOTUKTUltS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, aiACiuxc work ax kijimika. MILT. OUAltlNO, 0UA1TIN0, l'UU.KYH, HAHOKiy, HUAD IILOCKW, CASTINGS EOU FURNACES AtJUl CAIl 'lli:i;l.l AND AXI.V.4 BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, OARflOXES, u BELFIELD'S CfiliEDltATED C1L01JE VAIiVES, STOI' COCICS, CHECK VALVES, stbam: guaobs, sxiiAivx nrs auj) riiTiwais CONSTANTLY 03ST Agents and solo Manufacturers of Hall's Tatcn Boublc Discharge Turbine Wheels. BLACKSMITHIISTG, HEAVY Olt LIGHT I'OnOINCS, AGENTS FOR SI-IIVE'S GOVEltNOK, ACKNOWI.EDUED TO I1E TI1H BIMl'LTT AND I1HST IN Till: WOULD. ItEAMERS, TAl'S AND DIES, 3IADE TO OHDEIt. BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. OltDEItS FOB, BBIDQE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OP THE LATEST IMI'UOVED 1'ATTEllNH. THRESHINC1 MACHINES, Uvckkyk Reapers Repaired, AND ALL EXTKA 1'AIiTH l'UUNIHIIED. MANUFACTURERS AND lUtOI'ItlETOIlS OF 1-IOllTON'S PATENT HAY HAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION GIVEN O U M tl N i: Y May 7,'cu-tf CHAIN 1IORSE-PO W K It. The buticriber her&liy plves not iro that holms tepurchused tlioohl Btuud at Mght Htrect from win. (Schuyler, whuro Jto In now mnnufacliirlng tho AY II 13 ELER P A T K N T mulls prepared to furnish farmers with tho most reliable machines everoirered t the public Tlio AVlieeler Mnchlno In no longer nn experiment nn It has been ln constant uso for years nnd the yearly saloof this patent exceeds that f nil oth ers combined. Work dono at our Miop is warranted fur ono vear. Also, nKcut for Wheeler's Combined Ihresher nnd Winnower. For further particulars apply to or mid rest J. M. UVUHIWAKM, Light Street. Columbia conn I y, la. June 2j,'G9-Im. jGENTS WANTED FOlt C JI A M li i; 11 L I iV $ FOR T II E P E O P L E! CONTAINING yli 11 IiiMrnolloliK anil rrnclicnl Forms, nilnr'teil lo 1 :very Kind of Busings, nml lu nil tho Htatni of tho Union. 11V FRANKLIN C1IAMIIEHLIN, 01" TIIK UNITltU STATES HAt. "Thero li no Imok of tlio ltlni! which will lako rank wlih It for authenticity. Intelligence, nnd coninleleneSK." NprtnuflchH3lnn.) Republican. Thli Is llio Only Now Hook of Ihokiiul imbllsh fd formany jenrn. It U iirenareil Ly uri nbio l'r.ictlcnl Lawyer, of twcnly-ilvo ycaniMexnerl. cuce, ami la Just what everybody ueeds for daily uso. t It Is nlghly-recommonrledliy manyomlnent Jut Ices, liieludlna llio Chief Justice nnd other Judgesof Massachusetts, and tho Chief Jnstleo Chicago, ill 0 A U T I O N. An old law-book, imbllslied many years nco. luis Jiut been li.-it.llly u-ImiiuI ns n now liVig wlllioiltoeli nBultablorovlsloli of Its nlisolelo fctauments. Do not confound Ihat work Willi Cliniiiber Ill's Ijiw-lluok lor llio l'uonle. Juiyltl,'tU-3in, 'VO MANUFACTURERS. UiRliUlo uio" ALLKN'H l'ATEN TANTI.I V iVeriiBiiedT'lVrs ""''' "" "I'l'""""" l" tho nn. BURE 1'ltEVENTIVi: (IF KCAI.E IN STFAJI IIOILEIW, Thonrticlowlllbo furnished at Hix Doi.t.aim li" Sn'oiV" Wl" w" rli"u lo ,"'l'io "' TEN DOLLARS I'Elt AN'NUJI liOlLEIU 'OH EACH Tho materials for maklnir llio" Antl-Ijiinlna' W ,.'ilii,i,'"!'.ca m- " 'reslrr.d.nt l!.w ,,?lc 5. forifiliKil";"?' "r """''''"'""J ALLEN & NEEDLliS, Dealers In Oils, No. South Delaware Avcuuo, 1'hllniUlpliia. Clrculnrs will bdkent on njiplleatlou, kcpSl'llS-lat. O T 1 0 E. Tho miderslKned would lespic ifally nolliy nil ,'.V1i0.I,Vll"',r.l;'lk0' ,u l'""u forward piiu .ily nud settlo, Ills recent losses by u dUastiou" 1 o iunkoltnec.ssHrytoeoli,.(.i nf n oiitstaTidli S nocoiints. Ilo leels thankful to hi. fr ei 1,1" 11 .V.1! f Wil'Ji" ?!r""f'f.'" lllronagu r.nd co ndoii o Si.7, i? o..w 1 ';l'y. .w u 11,11 u'' """V t' Prom a Ilro. o. 1 iiiisi'jiifst wiiuotiiiiirtheriio- Aug. l7,'C0-2in. ju j, m iir.Niiv IKutou, l'. QETTHEUICST. .Miinson's Tubular Light; il!-,1"1 ,r,"-i'i''; nguinsi .uw;;",.; ghtuliig IUk rbyiightt:- g ngeui lor 11.0 WHEELER'S PATENT BAIL- i Uuy l5' 68 E. 11. IIIDLEMAN. AND HOIiDlNO Mllil-S. AND UUNIIKAI. M1NIK0 CASTINdM. AND BADUITIHTAL AIR COCKS, OID (JOTS, STEAM WHISTLES, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED A SPECIALTY. 11 E V UKDID, JglLLIAUDS ! BILLIABDS 1 1 WILLIAM II. OlLMOIiE Has oprneil ft lino lliilinnl Suinon ln fi'lililion tn fait well klionn ltKSl'AUItANT. Do Ims3 luhle Willi nit tho latp hi linproVL'intnts mill lu i.urfect order. Ho kctrH on hnnil tlio best LAOKIl IIEEII AND ALE which Ilia mnrlcet nfforils. 0VSTE1W In holmti nt all liiiifs when In hcrison, also Det-f Tonmie, l'lckleil irlpp, Claim, 4c &c. Tlio pulillo nro inviltil lo cnll, ami nio iirnm lsed Kallsrurtioii;eliher In hllllarils or u'fiehli- JiieuiM, Jim CIUA1W AND TOIIAC'CO cannot be excelled, lllo.imsburi;, Jan. 1,'CO. 0 MNIBUS LINE. Tho undeiBigiicd would resicctfullynunouucoto mo citizens 01 uioomsuiirg and tho publlo gene, rally tliu ho Is miming nn O.MNIHUS LINE between this placonnd thodlllerenl railroad de pots dally (Vundnyg excepted), to connect with tho several trains going South nnd Weston UioCntn wlssnand WIIIIaiasi)rt Ilaliioad, and with those going r,orti, nnd Koulhon tho Lackawanna and ninomsourg itnilroal, Ills Omnlbiikscs nro In tfood condition, coiumo. nous nun comioriniiic and charges reasonable, 1'ersons wlshius Ui meet or tee their friends de. pint, can bu accomodated upon rensonablnchargs u) lutvmg uuiciy nonce nt any or tho hotels. JACOB L QIUTON, Proprietor. Q AltR I AGE MANUFACTORY, BUnmsinirg, I'a. M, O. SLOAN & RnOTIlKU tne successors of ' WILLIAM BLOAN. continue, Hie builiica! of lanklne cAiiiiiAfjEa, uuaaiES, . nnd every stylo of FANCY VAQONB, which tlicy havo constantly 011 hand tn tomcis. Nover nslng nny material but llio best nnd employing tho most experienced woikmeu thy bupo to conllnuo lis hcrctoforo to glvo entlro satisfaction lo mciy customer. All Inspection ol uicirworur, nun 01 mo reasonuijlo price asked for lie same, Is suro In iusmci 11 sale, JIfty 5,'M-ir (H'lCE TO HIJILDERS. i ronosuis wm bo ricelved bv Uio llosid of Kept.ii,,.,i).3u WM I'ACOCK, Secretary. "yE HAVE" ON HAND COOK BTOVIM. I'ARLOU HTOVFJJ, STOVE l'll'E, TINWAItl'l it HOUSE FUHNlHIIINd GOODS At prices Ihat can not fall lo suit riirclm.eis UM1TII llllO'H. Sept. Sl.' ajunjyllle, l'a. J.JOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. iv,.,'iVl?,,"l J,u,l:ylan'1 "J inZ per ncre. Fiuit lrucla1nli.. Farms, cl'iriulaVs id; 1,1 H, I'. CUAMIIEltS, 11. E. Aliilii, Bepl. 17,'C3-Iw. . .Miiui.uuiij. iuurjiaiiu, QO-PARTNERSHIP NOTI0E." '1 ho nnderslgneil havo entered Into eo-nailiu r. f.1 I '."."J:'.'"'" ll" ll"d Mnehliil.8,,u ,u$ iVmiT """"" '".feiuioioouunud by ivii-r lUllniyur HOI, IV ,-.-... itluvulUI ed blioilld iiiisiiiisuurg June 11,'OMr, DEAFNESS, IJLINUNESS ANI) j i2"J r!'alt'.w .""tlio utnioit su.;. llliitttr.ti brfclc school Iioum-, tw o stoi les high, n, tl 10 "own of 11 oonisinirg, Columbia tuiinly, l'u. l'lnn 111 k oe. ll calioiis can bo seen on nnd nfitr t I 'm B Hie 17111 Ills .. bv nun vln. 1., w. 1. by T,.tio. .'. 1 l"llUi' fi"' wiSArih streit, l'hlla ?,M r.i r1? c','" VP l I'lsolllce.'lbeii i": 1 , uc n'J-Vtt5u I" nccompany Ihi r li . 1111 hff ,"'!m "" J101'1 Muctke Vf. PA. GROOEIIIBS, i'tc., G SNINJI HltANI) Ol ffl N (1HAN1I O 'lMNfl tlltAND Ol'ENINd FALL AND WINTEII IMM A AND WINTER HOODS. FALL AND V NI I'ALI, A Nil Vli'tJit" i""'i ANI) WINTHK (100 DH FALL coniWIng ol coiiHlitlng ol coinlnllim of COlKlHtlllg of ogmlsllnR of DUY (lOiTl)M, DRY (100DH, DRY HOODS, DRY (IOODH DRY (100DS, HATS AND CAIH, HATS AND OA , HATH AND t'AIH, 1 1 ATS AND CA11I, HATS AND CA1H HOOTS AND MfORH, HOOTS AND H now, Kiors AND 8II0ISS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, READY-MA 1)1! CLOTIIIMl READY-MADE Ct.OTIIINU, I ADY-MAD11 CLOTIIINO, READY-MADE CLOTIIINO, LOOK INO-0 LASSES, I,00KI.N(1-(ILASSF.S, I10KIN0-0LASSES, IXJOKINO-OLAKSKS, IAIOKINO-O LASSES. NOTIONS, NOTION'S, , NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, FAINTS AND OILS, FAINTS AND OII.S, I'AIN'IS AND (HUM, I'AINTH AND DILI, FAINTS AND OILS, (1K0CERIES, uroceries, uuockhiix, hhocerii:s, groceries, (tUEKNaWAUK, II 0 E ENS W A R I ', OiriJENSWARE, llUEENSWARE, HUEENSW'AltE HARDWARE, 11ARDWAKE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, SALT HALT HALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, 1'ISIl, F1TH FISH, (1RAIN AND SEEDS, UI1A1N AND SEEDS, 11 RAIN AND NEI'IDS, (1RA1N AND SEEDS, ORAIN AND SEEDS, Sc. Ac, AT HIl'KEl.VY, NEAL .t CO.'H, MclCEI.VY, NEAL & CO.'S, Mck'lOIA'Y NEAL & CO.'S. MlKELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. McKELVY, NEAL 4 CO.'H. Norlliwesl corner 01 Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Mai ket Streets, Northwest comer of Main nnd Mark t Streets, N 01 iliwest comer of Main nnd Mnrket fltrectH. Northwest corner of Main nnd Mnrket Btrcets, IILOO.M.SIIIIUO, I'A., I1LOOMS111IRU, I'A 11I,00.MS1IIIRU, I'A., IlLOOMMIlUllO, I'A., I1LOOJ1HI1URO, I'A. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAII-S, 1 HON AND NAII.S, IKON AND NAILS, In largo quautltlcs and at roducfd rates, nl way on I1UUU. IRON, TINWARE, &C. rpm: XEW JIAUnWAKESTOIU- 3 Ni: PLUW UI.THA. iiavlijs onlargcil our .Store Uoom nud Jn-U oij:xi:ii a m:v hvvvly, directly from tliu llmlf1l(,lu'crl,, puicha.sid for casli,oniidecllnliu:mHrl:ultv v ate prepmrwd lo oiler the turne to FAUMIiUS. MUfllAXICM, ltUlLUKIW. untl tint rct nf .Mankind, a em-ml stotli, rotu nrlKliiti nil ihu klndutui timlltl(" ustutlly kept In a c-liy Hard Waro htoro. htiUuhlu to the wuiun of tin county, at unusually low prices. All whourodeslriousor puri'linttlut; goodn In our lino ctu have JIunty by looking; In at Ihu .New llnrdwuro Hlore. rit-no alc u-i a c ill nud oxamlnonur htoclc Ac. HUM VAN & U'AUUKN, Apr. 23.tO-lyr lhooiiiiburt', I'a. gTOVES AND TINWAUE. A. M, niTPKUT unuoiuicei to his (ticinN and etistorm-ra tluu coulluiu-s the ji bio UnsluoM at hlsold place nn MAIN STItKm1, llLOOMSllUIia. CiutoinerK can be accomodated with FANCY HTOVliS of ail kinds, fHoveplpt?ii,TiuVHref MiiX every va riety or article found lu uHtoveftud TInwaro ICh tabllshmrnt in tl;o cities, and on tho most reason, able terms. Hepairiug dony at the nhortest notice, S5 DOZEN MILIC-VANS ou hand lor sale. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN BTBEET, KKAHI.Y Ol-J-OSITB IIILLKU' HTOltn, IlLOOMSIlUlia, I'ENN'A. The undersigued I1113 last fitted upandopoucd his new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, n this place, where he Is prcpnied to malio up newTi.N WAi'.KofKllUliuIs In Ills Hue, nnd do rcpalriiijr wltli neatness nnd dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. Ho also keeps on hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS & STYLES, which ho will sell noon terms to suit purchasers. ulvo him n call, lie Is a cotid mechanic, and deserving- of tho publlo liatronaj-o. JACOB METZ. nioomsuurg, April 2I.1KC7. JACon K, Bairn. t,. n, Sisbizr.n gM IT II & SELTZEK, Irnportersnnil Dealers lu Foreisn andllonicstlo H A It I) W A R E, OUNS, OUTLUIIV, AU., o. I'M N, TIIIIII) BTHI'OT, AlLCAr-LOWIUM,, ov.ffl;M6p,1"A1,!U,- JEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAU 1IAUEN11UCII. o,,,. .1 .. .. Htoro. iiuUtu v.. jiciiuenimirs A. lureo assortment of Stovos. flenleis nn.i lowofuX81um trial N'reqiiuu'l lt"""' " Uuklaio ,lu'1 A SEW FIRM, NATIONAL IRON WORKS 13ILLMYER & nENniE. . Thosubscrlbersresneetfullv ..nil i. of llio business comuiuiiltv w.i... . od on tho L. II. lt, It, above tho liepot, iii.ooiinn ujih j'.t. rouNHEits, machinists and iron SMITHS. M A N U F A 0 T U R E H H OF Blcniii EiiKlnes, Rollers, Haw and drui.Min Machinery, Shaftlm;. l'ulhys nml 11,,, NRIlinij,1'''5' 1"''I H'udsof TlireshliiB MiKhlms' ttlcil by 1 'H'o inostuppruvid lullemsund thofeltbrnUd Jlonlroso Iron Ream Flows, Coolt, l'ailor liar, room ud Worli-shop HTOVIW. Healers and a full assortment of I-iro brlelis uud castlnmcon. staiuly on hand for irtmiiim. sinu.,. u . illlliriiil sizes uud deslnns of Ctllur Urates. They nio nlso prciwrod tn furnish Cur Whtels nnd Axles for Minim,-purposes nud (lencnil Mluluu eustlnts, iron and llrassrustlmr r,.r .1... icrlptlon ol Job work. AKrlcuUuml Iinpliincuts maileuiidrcisilred. I'urlleulur utlenlloii Kleu lo Ihu t 'pnlrlnu of nil liluds of Rcairs' extru i'urli 011 hand. MISCELLANEO'. BLDOMHturuil t,oiij,A, . , EIIAItY lNHTIHl" IIOAIID OF INH1 HENRY -'Anvi:u, A. Sl. , " the,'""!ll.'.ll i'"inoi,ti.: 1 1. MlsiHnrnli A.Cnrw. 1, oncher of French,' il'& oraiiriK,; " IsaaoO. limi -I'rofessnr or Ancient iSinii'' l'rofessor of MalhcmimS A3 iroinmy.'1""1! l'rofo BoVof'chcm&VliJ Trncher of Ecnarapiiy.'!,!,, Asl (nut tcaofelrte , "f miliar. ' Teacher of Musloon tno 1?,"" 'eachcrorVocM,;,rc'& Miss Ja j, 0 Teuehiruf niodcist Tlio FALL term m nnd mil II our boarding hail K : cy, 011 npnllcntlon to the l'r i7?' 0 inriiisiicii with homes In pi,;," enlneof llio term, hut wlmrir ,"M!ircf.r2S,!s,0,itCrnU,,)-,"' "jjnfailin(ieyi:m1e Messrs. LAZARUS OPTICIANS & 01 llAurvoiio, COM llnve, wllh n low to meci umi. for tliuir O E L E 11 uAI PJORFEOTKI) ,Sl';ci Miaa A. 1). ' STATIO.NEK, iiLoomnvixi h lhclr solo Afcnl for Hi., f. Inkcn enro to ulvo nil necJlui ta liavoconildcncoln llionluiiij j meet tlio requirements ol uIk. poitunlty will bo IhusnUnrHi times Hl'ECTACLra UNEQUAI.U . . THF.IU.STRENaTIIEXlM,! vino Too much cannot be sal I lt. ORITY over til u ordinary ci no glimmering, wavering if V' other tin pleasant seiisallon 1; from tlio peculiar const . they are toolhliig wul j'ltumn ol relief to tho winrer, nat ' CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VN til healthy stghl. They are i!i PRESERVE AS WL1.L TH fO SIGHT And ure the CHEAl'I-sTI. ways lasting many ii:.u.s 1 lnji necessary, :(): 0 A U T 1 11S mihh a. i). in STATION1:!!, JILOOMSIIUU, Is llio ONLY AKii,'. tills pliico. JSTWE EMPLOY Mi Feb. lti,'C9,-ly. Q.ROVER & ISA KI !: FIRST I'll! : 1. 1 4 CJ '11 III c T o u a 1 iv -1 " FA Mill Q! 1? W T W fi Miff 11 '1 11 1 11 11 1 nui 4M 1mo.1nw.1Y, NF' 730 Chestnut Mint rw i' 01 nts or i:x-El IlenutynnilElasticlty'ii l'crfeetlou und fclnipllril 'Is UsIiik bolli thrends dlrn-HT1-No fastenlui; of seam' t1)' ll" of thread. wiuo rniiKO 01 hit'" ndjustiaoiit. Tlio seam rctnlns Its l.cuu:i washing and Ironing. Uesldesdoln;allllllds,'''' Reulng Jlnelilnes, Hi'" 51 ' most beautiful nnd eriiw" oinnnit'iilnl worl:. 101 3-Tlio Illgliesl I'lUid'-""' Exhibitions of the I'nttt-a linvo been nwnrded II" Muchines, nnd llio worU ' 1 exhibited In competlllo"- O-Tho very hint""1 lr " TUB LEHION oF1Iu-nu1'" llio represeiitullvoofll"'tir"u' Muelilncs.nt thu i:.vpo.iH"" " 1W17, thus ntmiliiil ll'i'lr ' nil other Huwinit M.uliUu' OK i II V cr. y;00.1.V"7" Juuo votr. Juno S5,'(H-ly