THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ELOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. u (pimumnn A Mil BliOQMSBUllG. FA. VlttDAY MORN1NO, OCT. t, I HBO. a- THIS COI.UMHIAN liss (he Largest Circulation of any paper published lit Northern Pc....iylTanli noil li nliio a tmtcli larger theet than any of It cotein pornrleij and li thererore (lie best medium for advertising In this section ofthe Statei Democratic Meetings. , Democrat lo meetings will Ik) held at tho follow lug named places; mu riuani ai ma school Home, nmrslcuck'i Tnvoin, Friday evening, October 1st, Franklin At the Hwnmp Hehool House, Bntur ilay Kvenlnit, Octolwr 3d. locust At Slabtnwn, Moudny evening October Ccnlio-At Half-way House, Monday ovenlnii Ocloberttli Vlsulnijcrcck Tuesday evoolnz, October Mil. Inla Tuesdnv cvcnltn October 6th. Ilohrsburir Wednesday evening, Octolwr Cth. Mnluvlllo Wednesday ovcnlng, October Cth. Sugnrlonf At llio house of Ezeklel Colo, Thurs- day evening, October Ttli. Heaver Valley Thursday evening, October ?tti. HenUin Friday evening, October. lh. Mlllllnvllle Friday evening, October 8t!i. Iluck Horn Haturdny evening. October Dth. Oraimovllle Saturday evening, October Bta. Mifflin At Klkendairn School House, Saturday evening, October Bin. Centritlla AUnday evening, Octolwr lltli. Tho following named gentlemen will eilgAgo uiuiuiaiiviws, uiiu two or mora, win nuuress each meeting: linn. II li llitnb-Alan, If HIa.I. I.'. John (1. Freeze, K. 11. iiltlle.'Ksq , 6n. i.V. Hi , Ksq.. Col, r.nt. Jan. llrvsoll. lr.. W. If. Jiunl)ir. n. W. Millar F. Cooley, W. 11, Mlioomnker, Ciipt. Ueo. W. Ult, rapt O. II. llrockwny. Tho Vlgllanco Committee, of each Township will seo that proper nrrniigeraenU aro made for lliesn meeting1!. The eoplo generally are Invited to attend. Ily Order ol the Islanding Committee. U. 11. llllOUKWAY. Chairman. Tho Decoder's Candldato at Jersey towu. Aflcr tlioailjourntnentof tho inretlng at Jersey town on Saturday last, Clinl fant appeared at Smith'!) Hotel and do Hvfcml lilmscifoi a foolish and rambling dlsoonrso from tho iioreri. Ho went on for thogrraterpartofan hour(sulij6e(ed li nuie interruptions,) reciting hU grtovunceannddelln'nslil.spoiltloii. Ho ii. funned hts licarcn that ho Intondod "to d.o gil'no;" that Mr. HUckalow hail not contradicted ono of Jl'Nlnch'aatato lUPiita: that tho chairman of tho Stato Comm'ttee liad toldhlm that if hhttate mcnt of facta were correct, ho was this noni- luce: that Jlontourcountv was ontltled to thonomlnation andJIr. proved It in an artlclo written thrco yean ao ; that Mr. Rnclcalow had not dono hli duty In tho Senatoin opposing nml ilcnouuciiijr llaillcal misrule; that ho (Jlr. II.) had kept Dr. llrowcr In ofllca for sovcral years aa Assistant As sessor; that Peter Ent had said no ono should bo nominated iu Conference but Mr. U.j that Col. Cake, of bad political antecedents, was in favor of Mr. li's nomination ; and that Mr. B. had held high position nnd had an advantage of prestige over him as ho was but a poor printer. Ho also delivered himself of a mass of twaddlo upon tho subject of Mr, Wilhington'a chango of vote in Confer ence. That chango was not according to parliamentary law and usago, bo- causo It was Inconsistent with n rule of tho Pennsylvania IIouso of Itcprcsenla tives and decisions founded thereon! Tho nnclcnt practice of changing votes In tho Roman Scnato ho made light of nnu uarclay's Digest (published In 18G5 by order of Congress) was derided as an old musty work quite unworthy of at tention. Besides, ho said, Mr. Wlthlne- ton before changing his vote had cono to Mr. Buckalcw's room and there a a consultation had been held, with the uoor bolted, and tho chango of voto con cocted. Tho foolish man did not know when ho said this that most of tho per sons In his audience had in, hand at the raomcnt,sHpsofMr.MeyIcrt'8 statement llatly contradicting and overthrowing tho wholo of this story. Ho said sun dry things of little importance about tho Columbian nowpaper,- and de nounced Senator Jackson (whoso Con ferees did not support, him. iu Confer ence) very strongly. Ho denied that ho had paid M'NInch money for his vote, but did not deny that others had done so, nor did ho explain at all the suspicious and frequent intercourse be tween himself and M'NInch before ahd pending the Conference as well as1 since. A 9 In theso disclaimers ho hid omit ted ono Important fact, Mr. Clark asked If it was-not truo that ho (Chulfant) had had an interview' With the known agent oftlfo Philadelphia "ring" tho night beforothd first meeting of tho Confer ence at Northumberland. Tho q ucstlori wa an emuarrasiiig oiif, but lid win iorceti to ackuowlcdgo that such an in terview had taken place. Ho retorted upon Mr. Clark by asscttlng that tlio latter had offered a certain suin to ono of thoNorthUmbcrland Conferees' for ids voto. Mr. C. branded this statement aa an utter falsehood and demanded his Tho licnatorshlp. Tho loth Scnatotlal Dlstrlct,compo3cd of tho counties of Northumborlaml,Mon- tour, Columbia nnd Sullivan, is at this moment tho battle ground between In tegrity nnd corruption. Mr. Uticknlew, who has been tried by ovory test which can provo merit and condemn baseness, represents tho former j while- Thomas Chalfanl (heretofore entccmed by ,us honorable) rcprcsclits the latter. Tho Issuo is no. longer, to be. hidden undor words of dispute 05 falsehood concern ing tho honliiiatlblf. It was iniulo up' beforo tho Conference Urs met. Its form only nnd not Its substnnco has changed since. As it Is ono of transcen dent Importance to nil tho people of this district, it shall bq presented to them, In plain words strong In tliclr truth and earnest If not Indlguant in form. Men in Philadelphia. nflUlatcd with men elsowhero, turned their eyes' early upon this Senatorial District as a point ordangcr tti their unholy tnUlo. They aro known as men 'of tlio "ring" and It is their business to get rich and becomo powerful upon tho corruption of the Leglslaltiro and tho plunder of tho peo ple. TJiey learned 'that ft was likely thatKr. Buckalow would l)o chosen to tljo placo ho formerly filled and honored lit tho State Senatd and sit there for three wholo seaslons their enemy and tlio enemy of all men Hko them, nnd with ability to mako his .opposition to them efficient nnd formidable. Th'ey read his, remarks in tlio Stato Conven tion nnd his sneceli mado later at Sun- bury, with a perfect comprehension of the spirit which inspired them nnd of tho objects of reform at which thoy pointed. Thoy determined if possibio to defedt his nomination, oral nil nvents his eIectIon,aud look steps for that pur pose. (Their names are known' and tho men they employed nro known.) Now Chaifant appears upon thosccilc; u mau of moderate abilities j poor ; am bitious; with self-conceit gro.itly devel oped by former elections td and seryico in tho Legislature. Ho was it ht.subject for the inanlpulatlon or tho "ring" nnd they turned thdr attention upon him as an instrument for their purpose. Ho held control of a party nowSpaper j ho was pretty certain to carry tho Conven tion of Montour for nomination, and ho was a fresh man whoso' character had not yet been broken down In tho sorvlco of tho "ring." Tho selection wa3judl clousnud tho instrument (or victim if you will) vns found pliable and ready for his work. Wo can now understand what was tho reason for frequent Jouruoy by Chaifant to Philadelphia and Harrlsburg beforo tho Conference and even beforo tho pri mary election In Montour. Tho negoti ntlon was proceeding between tlio high contracting parties, and It is to bo ro inembcred ui J'AVncA teas 'visited at Calaicissalj Chatant Irforc thi Conference met, ns wns mentioned by us in our last number. But we'eomo to clearer ground;' Tho night beforo tho conference first met, Chaifant and tho known agent or tho ''ring" had an Interview together iu tho town of 'Northumberland, It was In tho night timo and Chaifant had driven down from Danville. Ho stopped at tho Leo House whllo the ngent register ed at tho "Vanklrk House. But they came together and after duo timo tho agont went over to Sunbury nnd Chai fant went back to. Danville. When and how this interview was projected and fixed, and all that passod between tho parties, may not bo fully known until that .day of, account when all human rascalities shall bo revealed. Tho next morning (August 20th) Chaifant ,camo, upon tho down train when it reached Danvlllo, meek and innocent of look, and with his conferees accompanied tho gentlemen from this county to North umberland. At tho lattor place, tho agent of tho "ring" was encountered at tho railroad platform., Ho had como over,from Sunbury and ho "met Chai fant and the others ho, knowi as if after a long separation. Presently ho look occasion to explain to each of tlio latter that he happened o bo at Sunbury on business, heard of tho conference and just came over to look on, orseowhat wns dono. Ho rcniained nil day, re ceiving nt intervals several despatches oy telegraph understood to bo from Philadelphia. Ho discoursed in favor of Chalfant's nomination wllonover ho prudently could, and to 0110 gentleman, supposed by him to bo safe, declared early In tho, day that ho could draw on a friend for $2,000 to seciub It. Later, .wo bcllovo, lib exhibited a despatch witli n remark that It was good for that sum. Finally, ho Inquired confldentl. ally about Mr, Jackson, of Sullivan, This oxpedltlotiiprovdi Llll!nct)ytcon federncy nnd'a crjniiuohobject bQtween tho parties. -Again, Immediately nftor tho iioinlnntloiijt'Nrnch prepared a circular and printed It, In which Mr. Buckalow Wns denounced nnd belled. Tho latter had then given him no pro vocation for that iunult, niid It mint havo been made In duo execution of his engagement to Chaifant and tho "ring." In fiu't,that engagement apparently ox tends to tin whole canvass, nud does not seem to havo been limited to n 'treacherous voto upon tho nomluiitioil, Finally, tho corruption or his Confer enco voto Is shown by tho facts that it vai given ngalifst his instructions without notlco" to his candidate of ills colleague upon it ballot when his county voted last nnd Just nfter dis tinct notice to him Hint tho Northum berland conferees woro about to voto for thocaiidldato'of this county. Tho case U comploto' against lilm without direct prooTof ills declarations by Mr. Mnrtz or nny ono else. But tho'so declarations wcro indue to mora than ono person and thoy nro decisive. Tho onlyjudlclousoxplanation of them which hdwevcr false might havo boon plausible that they wore not mado In earnest, Is now entirely shut oflY For by Ills obtaining a direct disclaimer or denial from Martz, by practising upon his weakness, ho 'excludes ontlrcly any 'innocctlt Interpretation of his language. Ho would Hot wlsli to havo thO' Words denied If thoy wcro Innocent or harmless. authorKy'forak u. a aint . ! whether ho was a candidate In earnest,' tatcd.but being had pressed by the 'IJ- II MUUHj-J HU tt'UUJll "blow" on him (tho agent) If ho np- crowd for an answer, finally said l(is auiiiority( was JI Winch; whereupon incro was n scornful Jfiugh all round. Wo bellovo'thesjiealwcr himself smiied at tho folly and futility of his own cnargo backed bysuch n witness, proached him rdra pureiiaso. Emboli! enod at last, ho went to Mr. Jackson after midnight, mado his infamous nro- posal and was spurned. What Is nu- 3-3. .1 . ,. . - Tho t-ceno upon tho wholo was instruc- "lellca"i'".0wnonhatpo3t-mldiilght live and a pretty general conviction was "Z7" lr' T V . t. op0",y produced that the seceder's caudidate, ., ,? , Mr; rekson to 0 conference Judged by his own exhibition , of him' "'f"1' of September, Immediately self, was not very well suited to a, seat I , , ho "omInnn was mado, that he In tho Senate After Chaifant concluded M',um-ltl " "'rB B"n to sell out Mr. Buckalow being loudly called for. "UCKn,0W. "0 expressed his eimnfnrivnr,lnil:,l..fn, r... .,' rea,1ne3Wlully cxposo tho matter at utes amid general attention. Ho said meetings, in our section, If that tho published statement mado by M'NInph nf n nrlvnin ....!., i. upon nis ropuiso,. anil probably also - ' " 1 ' w VW . UMI blUlt UU' I tween them prior to tlio lato mooting . lmey ndmonltlon, tho agont m . m . . 1 iMii. nrrniimnnH Ami r im..i..i 01 1110 late uourcrenco, wns uulrue, and i 1 V V 7 . ,. "'"',B"urr ho stated clearlv what nnt.mllv ,,n.,l,,ttra,n' ( wo bollevo 21 o'clock) between them on tho oeraslnn rnfi.rrnii lV,,' WU3 next "car" rrom In consulta to. Ho said ho would not Hunk In rn. lott wi.tM n Particular porsou nt Harris gardtotho proceedings of tho Confer- w"i"r "'"sfcoini aay, ( Aug proceedings of tho Confer ence. Ho was content to stand ujwn tho full statements which had been nub- iigneu from tho majority of members In cluding that of Mr.Meylert, andhe had no ucslro and ho did not think it neces sary to bring theso matters Into heated discussion upon tho stump. Ho closed Willi an Invocation to tho audience against trading off xotti and iu favor of securing a full voto and an honest ox- presslon of public opinion uv...uo.ivmiuuoi,guti, v HU H.orn .,.o.n torn i l. ... nnrlnnxn wnrn,nn,ll,ni,nlr.,i.i ... . wivuu lu "10 Zl. 1 ' ,r uonroronco nnd inquiringif ho had hot- uunu tvuiu u in i u l iiiKiwrainfr ir tvna i i j . " . . . , T . ' "-'r wko n, was mnitoboforo tho Confer VCJJf UVIUCUl ll.Ul HO JiaU lOSt CfOlinU nnnnmnt ,) ;n. . , , . bv his ilfimnnsfrntlnn ,1 .. ."" yicr Muymcn , ....v.. mutch vi4 i nnii fifitn in tinnniifd Trio r.m..!- i.. Wo have been tervlows with nhnir.inf iin.iin . - j.vumu V1J U 27Ui.) was in telearanhifi wun uuujant. It might v o ato conn denco if wo wcro to glvo other vpry dis tinct proofs in our possession of Glial fant's association nnd complicity with tho "ring" ngent,,nml wo shall' .forbenr for tho present. Tho foregoing points nro suincieut for our purposo. Wo now turn to M'Nincli. Clialfant's conreucrato from tho outset, or at nil events from a timo anterior to tlio Con- icrence. ma slatomorlt to Murtz flmi men from his support. assured on good authority that a' con- nco ands S B sidcrablo number of men in Madison i,tm i, iuif.n(Url i. ' ''" . lilm Im. ,tt.,i l,AP. ll. i . who were inclined at first to support n" m nT nimlrnnt. nrn nnu, annlmm i. "fil""" kiuu ih 1110 ZiZ . , i ,. . t. -' !' miter regarding his ovpntual voto, all point to ids corruption. But thero aro two other facts still moro convIncl'nL'. Tho first is. that ho went ilmvn in TW.. At (lie Democratid meeting on 'Wcddcsi I vJllo in the nlirht hilfnrn tlm laat m t.u I day night last a full towniliip ticket was I ing of tho Conforcnco. to Inform Glial. MMn,U....I I. I . III t f t. .1 I - . ... . ' mm oi mo report or Uoslgn of ro-liitro- (IllClngMr. Purscllllto tho Conform.. him mid regard his claims as preposterous. uvmiuaicu, wuicn win vo jouna in tuo pou- oil column, Poor House. Tho following correspondence will ex plain itself. To Messrs J. A. Funston, J, Schuyler nnd B. F. Hartmnn. Gentlemen. Many of our citizens aro inquiring about tho question of a Poor IIouso. Somo townships aro being called upon to voto on tho question. Will you glvo tho public, Information, through tho papers', as to tho expense to your town ship, and the saving? And niso, what would bo tho cost to each one of tho eight or ten surrounding townships, If thoy shiuld como In now? Yours respectfully, Isaac Leidv, Sept. 'X), 16G9. Wst. HowkiJ. A.NSWHlt. Bloomsiiuko, Sept. 1!8,1EG9. 'lO JlltS. ISAA1 I.K11IY ANU W.M. llOWKI.t. Gi:xtli:mj;n. Your favor of the iMth ilist., is at hand. In reply we would say that tho Poor tax of Bloom town ship has during sovcral years past, been ono per, cent, upon our valuation, or about two county rates. Under tho Poor Houso law, we, in May last, purchased a farm, with tho appros'al of the Court, for tho sum of twclvo thousand flvo hundred dollars'. Upon this farm wo havo erected a largo brick houso with slato roof, at a cost of threo thousand, threohuiidredaiidforty-fivodollars.hav liigeigiiieon rooms, iiesmcs cellar kilcli- enjln addition to thofrnmo iioiibo which was on tho land. About ono thousand dollars, havo been expended In stock andout-nt. 'Total $10,815. Tlio expenses for our survlccs ns Commission, Includ ing tho purchase of farm and building, will' not mako ono hundred dollars.Tho number of paupers upon our township, boford tho purchasooftho farm, averaged about1 liriy. But three adulls, havo been in tho Poor House, ono or theso lately deceased, leaving but two inmates, nil tho children Iinving been put out.'to good places for homes. Wo think that with all tho disadvantages of n late start, and building, tho farm will meet nil the ex penses' of tho poor for tho yenr. Then two nnd n half years assessment upon Bloom township, at preslsely tho old rate, will pay for tho property and stop our tax. As to other'lownships coming In un der, the provisions of tho law, wo would say, that ITseven or eight or tho neigh boring townships voto toeomo ln.U will require from each ono of them, about ono county rate and a half, to mako them' equal with Bloom. And this would not bo paid nil in one year. Any township coming in now, will voto for Commissioners In our places, nt tho next fall election. Should tho remaining townships of tho county, becomo convinced that It would bo to their Interest to como in, n very small expenso would render tho present buildings sumdent.and wo havo also n written rerusnl of ndjolnlngland, at a mddcrato price; sufficient for tho comfortable support of tho Poor for tho wholo county. And tho rato for theso townships, to bo npplied to the Improv mcnt and additional purchase, would not exceed tho total of ono county rato and aiiairfor each township. Yours respectfully, Jons' A. Funston, 1 Jacoh Sen uyi,eu, Commissioners. li. X . -UAHT.MII.V, J P. H. Any ten tax payers iu our township, calling on tho (.onstablo to post a notlco for a voto upon tho ques tion "Poor IIouso" or "No Poor IIouso" can havo the question voted upon at the coming election. Senatorial. Tho Democrats of this county havo thus fyr aclcd with great prudence Jn regard to tho difficulty existing in this Senatorial, district. Most of them treat tho matter In a Jocular way, and do not permit themselves to cot excited or to intiuigoin any controversy or Jtcated nr- t;ujni.-m on iiiusunjccc. Kucii n course js.commen,dablonud wlso. Wo can seo no reason why nn issuo between thoprl vato or political Interests of two lnn.i should bo permitted toconvulson wholo District, or do thosliulitestiiilurv to tho S(ato or local tickets In either of tho counties composlngit. If thero aro any who cannot ngrco ns to who Is nomlna. ted let them uereo to disagree on that. but ccaso to ngitato, mid turn ti(cir har monious energies nml united labor to tllO SUCCUSSor I'lH'klMl Vl-shlm.-,,,,,! m',i- r. . . r V. respective county tickets. If tho Itadl. eals shall confront .us with a formidable Senatorial candldato of thoir own. urn. uuiitu wumu uiciato mat tno Democratic voto or tho en tiro District should bu con. ccntrated as nearly as possibio ui.on ono man. Our Conferees, and tho Standing Commltteo of this countv. have Willi. mltted tlio party hero to tho sunnort of jur. iiucKaiew. in tho balance of tho District (except Montour) tho situation appears to bo tho tamo, nnd. in our Judgment, to east a solid, voto for lilm win uo tno only way to prevent tho elec tion ofu confirmed Itadlcal.sliould they nominatoone. It wnulil hniuitin-nu Vn. gards candidates that tho pronces pf every Domocrat (n tho DIs- ..' . "uu,u "u Biven up rather than that throuim our illvlHinn n,n ir.n. Amendment to the limstitution and tho power of Itadlcallsm shouM ntnvn nir ruvcrsal and llvo. NorthumberlaM C'dun. Democrat, letter from Michael IVZoylort, Bee- rotary of tho lato senatorial von ,A ; feroncd Hon. Charles 11. lluckatcw, DmauSiu.' I luwo rend carefully tho statements of tlio dllTorcnt members of tho recent Senatorial Conrcrenco in which you were noniliialed as our can dlihito for this district. 1 have been absent from lomofor (bo last ten or twul vo days returning on last whllo thestibject Is pretty thoroughly ventilated thero nro n few points of discrepancy to which 1 would deslro to ndd my testimony. It has been usscrted thntMr. Wlthing- ton gave no Intimation of lilsiicslro or In tention to change his vote, until hu had retired from tho Conference mid visited Mr. Bucknlow's room. Tho facts on that point are as follows : Tho 202d ballot had been ordered, and wo wero nil taken by surprise nt Mr. M'NIncli's Vote, nud beforo the result of tho voto had been announced by cither tho chair man or myself, Col. Decgan moved nu adjournment for flvu mlnutos, which having carried, tho members generally wero leaving tho room, nnd Mr. With Ington having got near tho door turned lo ino (I was sitting at tho table ns Sec rotary and copying tho minutes for pub lication, )and said"Mr.Meylcrt I chango my vote." I said for whom do you voto ? Ho replied "lor Wlthlngton," and then turning again, loft tho room. M'NInch, tt'io had not yet left his chair, then camo to tho tablo and took a chair by mo. I said to him "Mr. M'NInch, I was never moro surprised in my llfo than at your vote," "probably n few votes moro would havo nominated the man you camo hero to nominate." Ho replied "thatho knew nothlngof that," (thougi In his published statement he admits that ho had been so Informed) "that wo had had a long and arduous session, that it was getting late, and ho desired to end tho matter ; that some body must bo disappointed nnd ho had concluded to tako tho responsibility." But said ho "I wish tho nomination to bo fair nnd fqitarc, and I will voto to allow Mr. Wlthlngton lo chango his voto" and wo will til start fair again." (Ho having been present .viicn Mr. Withlugton camo to me (before leaving the rooom,) to request that ho bo per mitted to chango his vote, nemc of us three having left the room.) Mr. M'NInch then left, nnd I remained In tho room copying tho proceeding.-, until the Con ferenco ro-asscmbled. After tho Con ference was called to order, nil of tho Conferees being present, I mentioned Mr. Wlthington's deslro to chango his vole, nnd on a voto being taken, Icavo was granted with only tiio dissenting voto of Mr. Miles. I then called his (Withingtons) name (as Secretary) and ho voted for Wlthlngton. Tho 202d bat lot was then for the first time declared nnd was for Buckalow l.Chairant l.Withlng ton 1, Jackson ". Tho chair having announced tho vole, directed tho ballots to proceed, which was dono accordingly. In somo or the statements the fact of Mr. Miles of Mon toil' having movul an adjournment of the conference to llloomsburgtotho Iflth of September, after tho 20(ith ballot hail been taken, Is denied. On that point in addition to the official report, I will state what occurred informally. Alter tbo20Gth ballot hud been taken Mr. Chalfmit was brought Into tho room by Mr. Miles, mid thero being noiuu infor mal discussion participated iu by Mr. Chaifant as to tho stato of tho confer ence, I stated to Mr. Chaifant tho fuct that Mr. Miles had made -such motion, which took Mr. Chaifant entirely by surprisu.atid on his turning to Mr. Miles for an explanation, Mr. Miles admit ted tho fact, and excused himself to Mr. Chaifant by saying, "that ho wns so much excited ho hardly know what ho did,1' (nnd its tills was exactly his stale of mind, it may account for somo discrepancy in his report of the pro ceedings,) "but ho wished to quit tho Couferenco? I said nothing to Mr. M'NInch that looked like nn ndmlsslon or Mr. Chal fant's nomination, except my oxpres sion of surprise at his voto. Ho volun teered tho remark "that ho would voto to permit Wilhington to chango his voto nnd all start fair" before ho left tho room; on his return und whllo tho sub ject was under discussion, ho mado no objection, nor did ho deny his (Mr. witniugtpii's right to change. In con versation ho admitted that ho had dono wrong in changing his voto without consulting his colleague and giving him notico of his intended change. I do remember nny thing further that would bo of use. Should there bo nny point In which my testimony would aid In putting this matter truth- fully beforo tho public please Inform mo. I remain Yours Very Bespcctfully, MICHAEL MKYLEBT, Laporto, Sullivan county Pa. Sept. lil.lSG'J. the Knstcrn Business Colicgo nt Bang r Mo. has clinrgooAho Commercial De partment and will make it in nil re spects equal to nny Commercial College, cither forsueliar wish toconnno then selves to that courso or for tlioso who wish to study tlio Commercial Course In connection wi li other studies. James Brown, Assistant Teacher of Milhomatlcs am. English uraiinmir is n young man of culture und n thorough teacher. Mies A ico M. Carver has had charge of tho P ano Music, from tlio commencement of tho School, and thu department now employs two teachers till tho time. Miss Neltlo Powell Is Assistant. Mrs. Iattlo L. Best, n grad uate of ono or tl a best Musical Acade mies or Boston, is eminent both as a teacher or vocal Music and a singer, Wo nro confident that thoso who deslro to make music'ii peclally, will Audits good advantages in this school as ill any or thu Musical Academies In tlio largo cities, and nt less than one-fourth tho cost. Tho Trustees congratulato them selves upon having collected a Faculty for their school or great merit, having Hpared no pains or expenso necessary to securo teachers or tho highest merit in every department. Wo can most earn estly recommend tho school to the con (Idcnco of tho public. Tlio Boarding Hall is a magnificent Building warmed throughout by steam and furnished in tho best and most com fortablo manner from kitchen to chambers. Most of tho Faculty board in tho Hall, and havo their rooms on tho same halls with tho Students, so as lo render nny nsslstanco tho students may need out of school hours. No person can visit this board ing hall without going away fooling that ho has visited ono of tho most hap py nnd well organized families that ho has over seen. Unliko most Boarding Schools tho tables nro furnished to tho cntlro satisfaction of tho Students; nnd tho tablo ellquctto is such as to cult! vato politeness, nnd fit studonts for tho civilities of life, rather than sclflshncs-., Tho next term oiiiiuenccs Oct. lStii 1SG9. Studonts nro admitted at nny time; for terms send for Catolaguo. J. G. FitKEzi;, L. B. Itui'KiiT, Secretary. President Confidential. CEXTIUIitA, Oct. 1, 1SG0. Editor Columiiian, Bradley Is making a great prating,b j cause tho Hon. Charles R. Buckalow is now willing to accept or an office n gnv lower than tho ono which, lately, ho honorably filled. I supposo ho doi recollect that Gov. Snyder aftcrservli g as Governor or Pennsylvania nine years accepted the samn oillco Tor which M Buckalow is now n candidate. William Wilkins nrter bo) ig a Representative 'u Congress, a U.S.S nutmyi foreign Minis ter Plenipotcntii ry, accepted tho same houorabio offico f r which Mr. Bucka low is now a cam Idatc. John Hlekma'i a Itadical, wns u jng timo in Congress, then went back to the Houso of Itepio sentativcHorPoiit lylvania. JohnQulncy Adams wns once "resident of thoUnitcd States and nfter ds Presidential term went back to Con ,'ress lo tho end of his days. Theso gent, emen did notconsidor themselves disgr; eed by serving thoir country in a Uttlt lower capacity ; but most of this took placo beforo Bradley's swaddling clothe; wero dry, so that he don't recollect. Vox. TakkOut Youh Dajis. Complaints aro again mado that persons 11 ving along tho Susquohanna nro violating tho law by putting flsh dams In tho river to prevent tho passage of fish. Wo call the attention of trespassers to tho fish law passed by tho legislature of 1SG3, which, among other things, says : "It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to build, extend orplticonny fish basket, fish trap or other device, permanent or temporary, across or at nny place In tlio Susquehanna river." "And nny person offend ing against tlio provision of this section, their nldors or abettors, shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd, on convictiou thereof, shall bo fined iu nny sum not les3 than ono hundred dollars, nnd bo imprisoned at tlio discretion of tho court far a period of not moro than twelvo months; ono half of tho finoabovo men tloncd to bo paid to tho informer or complainant." Ucceipts of "THE COIlt7IVI23IAK, for Au?. 1063. Dloomsburg Stato Wormal School and Literary Institute. This Institution is now thoroughly organized and ofTors excellent ud'vah tages to young men and women who deslro to fit themselvea"for Commercial Business, Teaching, or to prcparo for Colicgo or tho Professions. Tho Princi pal, Ileniy Carver, A. M. is too well """ii" i uiiuui iiiu jMiucaiors oi youth to need u recommendation. He will glvo tlio Normal School especially tho1 ueuciit in ms eminent hiuress teacher. Isaac O. Best, A. M., Assistant I'rln fipal. Js ii graduato of Hamilton fii lego end has been eminently successful in teaching thoLalln und Greek Inn- gunges, nml Is u first class Disciplinar ian. Miss Sarah A. Carver bus been tho Preceptress of tho school from Us Inception and has few equals us u teach- er aim manager of young Ladles. J, w. i'crreo, A. M. Prof, of Hkriier L.ll . - . . " iuiuiiemuiicsiinii iMUural Sciences has had largo exporionco nsa teacher und Is u gentleman of fino culture. L. A. Ludwlg, L. L. D. Prof. Our. man Language and Drawlne-. nml As. slstant Teacher of Qrcek, brings to his ueiiarimotit tho energy and Scholarship ofngradunto of a Kuropoan Unlvorsity nnd thoso who wish to studv thu Mmi. crn Languages havo hero an excellent opportuulty of taking lessons of ono wno Bpoaics most of them In their puri ty. Miss Mary K. Iieaman. AKsiii,.,f Preceptress Is a graduato of tho Oswego Normal School, and Is fast l.rnvliif f liof sho hoi not attended that Training School In vain. Prof. V. M. Bates, Supt. of Modern School, and Miss Julia Quest, Assistant, glyo ovidenco of their fitness, in tho fact that their depart "ient is full of Industrious pupils. Prof. r. j. wiiiinms, recently manager of V It Tubtu V iluu A Hoblusou Jll.uilcs Cue, Wclherlll .s uo. lUt John lltighcd Hlchurd IlL-motL Jacob Miner A nd lew Clark Hughes John lleavtr llooiue Craig r.ii.iKmiumun Joll.l Wllitmr.vnr M itugcnuiu-h Will. lllimeiiHtf-fl Oeorgo ltwhel W Crovellng Chas Michael Moses HchllclllT Allen Manu cyrua Johnson Hteplion 1'ettlt, UeorgeSliumaii CouynghamTwp -Jlariln Unugheu liaiilel ll.ebtr Hamnul mis; JumcK Harry John Moinu John W I)ll ()lllertllesi M M Hower Ileubt'ii Fry John Vaupelt cnaileii lu-cd 1 It Johiihini Uaiio Hnyder Win MmllloM A IC Huillli I'uliu A: IVUIt Waller Kiolt Jiuienli lless W Cirk Jnsei li 1 1 i-k AliMili-m lii-Hcr Hloitiicolley Levi TiiiiiuuH I'.iittiir.i Henry II T Clark 3 5 i i 1 1 i, 2 ( I 21 CI' 21 I 2 ')' :i 3i, 2 10 t u 1 111, 7 4 I 2 01 2 00 2 Oil 2 Hi 2 I 2 0J 4 . SMI 4 a t 1 1 2ll 2 3 2 2 ' 2 On 2 III II 2 I ( 2 l 2 l 2 li l C 2i, :i 1 1 2 I 2 I 2 I Jeremiah JInllliiu .Iiuum llraliany II V Mill...- ' I'.itl'redcriclcUolirll i NViulHeltellch al W hi UviiiiIh 2 l III' Crostiey r, t Al All nr,l r... , - John CorntlUon a tnJ Jacob Michael I nd. UUoctor lllanlcs John Itunyan M UMhlino J A Funston ! Co li U Uletterch Win J liycr I-nac Hower Kllas Yost I J l'l' l'enler 2 ool Samuel Vet ar 2 to,. WinT.S!ium.iii 7 M Ooorgo W I'juat lliorga Kviuih I-owliDictlerlcli J A Doi an F u i;jer ISlenllen Klfcller 2 in' (leoHteadman 2 (. 1 rhos Cl-'uwler A ii Atbertson H 11 Johnbon Aaron Hmlih A J Kline Irani Derr . OHhua ltobblna' I'cler Ulrton I.iilhi rll (Jlvion Wm Kern John snyder llM'Colliuu JV esley Itucklo UaulelKlefer I'M JI AnpliMnan II J Cuinpliell Alfred jf'iienry Wm U Irion Jaeoh Wanli-h I K l.lldlno Jolm llam.ltou i.hsii.,, ,,,,. A II Whllo Ulehard Tliiiiliton i on a: jiaiion i J I' I'.. .i Jouea WeUter -. --r iirovo I'linr.-li Kliklii JohllHliillh -J lliatlicoloAC'ii JV II iluiiley J, II KlUlllo 1 I 1'lVuler a UdiiiiiK JosfShoemaker Aunui .Mlller ItcubeuIIurtmau i NEW ADVERTISE oHK'HUAIi Kl.nOTIO.V l'HIICIiAMATKI.V u-iirmctq. bvltiolawsol IhlvCoiniiionweiiltli " ."ii.' .I.,iii ..f 11, n H ")ltIVATI'2 SALB Ul' IIIIJUIiiiiiii ..u.... Thorn will lie nirertnt fur natn Iho properly ly- ........... in i.n rin nu rrniii -irmryiiiw i eomprl.lint two hundred nor on noon lj, one hundred and Ally of which nro eleared, Iho b.u mien in imlcniiilflirniimttlinlicr. I-oriiarucuiara am. ".-J. Oct. lCD-lm JctBeylowiijlJrt. "7"ALUABLK Hl'JAL IWl'A'l'Ji xun Will lio noli! by Iho iindoMtaiM KxoOHtor of the i last will and Teatninent or Wm. Wardln n o of Centro townHili. In Iho county of L'olumbla d wod. All thai corlaln inoniingo and tract it li id illnalo 111 renlro lowinhli; Uolunibln eiiunly, luljotiilni? Inmli of H.iiu i.1 Ciovei ,,,, UeniKo W.nluiller, CliarlcsUo and l)nld lo conlalnlng ONU llUNDltniJ AND HIXTY A- KIM moro or le, actual amount to bo niccrlnlnod by Kurvev. aboiil one hundred and thirty iirrcj of wlilolila Improved nnd lnnRind flat" of eullivn, and b ilanco well Umbered. Whereon H erecle.1, KiiAJtn Pwnr.t.tNa, OnolMnnkdwellliiu Hnusp n l-irpto bink Ihrn i. ul.n.l I'r iu 1 if HIV. TWO tfOOll Oils or Water, onont thu bam nnd the oilier nt Iho l'lank Iloiiicnnd iigood Kprlim of never Inning water nt tho lramo dwelllnj liouio with pprlns Teriii'madoknown bynpplloatlon either to tho underKtiiuod, or Udwnrd M. Wurdln lllooinsburg Columbia county 1'iv. mi- t, ft ,,rii l iiH-ession oi imuu iirennsi", win uu B"v,m --I--- lfi't'iho above properly Is not sold on or bffoi-o tho Cth day of No. ember nel, I ho s.imo win uo iXPOSeU lOpUDTlC flllOOIl Hill M.-llli-. J MK-S WAItlllN. Kxeoulor, Weathcrly, Ciubon Co., I'n-i Oct. 1,C9 Ow. "neaftr'towiAlill., nt Ibo public homo of Henj. ' iwrnou township. nt .Iho imblhs houso of An diew T. tkuler, n lliolnwn or lleiiloii. moimilowislill,nl tho Court llouo,liilllooiiii- ".r ... ,.-...ll. nl llinT.tu'll IIouso. In tho llorOUll liemif if - "IESSIujS'i CcntTali at tho public hou,eul II. A. Wnmrm."k township, nt Iho public school houso "uiVwi'ss-Vtimiislilp. nt tho house , of S.uuuelKste.l)..uuer. i .-. 'V' " V La - Uoiiiroowu'iiiri f'oVttcinuuhani District nt tho nehool houso ii.-ar tlic coltiiVy f John Audtewu Co. Huul . O iyiiKli.iii District lit tho hotiso of r,..'.'.1.1, it i it.-r. lately llxedbyiv votool tho cltl- 1,U"" .It. .........Islsi I-'isniuucrffKisi-vtio"'!1 i Km;anUimU lowushl,. at tho M.wranco scliool llOUHO. ,, n. ,,, ,,rt,n nr T,lul.i,b Grefliwooa lu.iusitii'i n:.1'1!.t,t.?;,tn. at tho miblle houso of Chas. Ii! Dluttcrlch in tho town of Illicit llorii. jiicltson townslilpat tho houso of Uzcklel Colo, ijicult township, lit tlio public houso or David vuulii'towndpl'at Iho public houso of Aaron .ft...- in II. n Inxrti nr -M lltllll VlllO. sin.'iimin towiishlp.tit tho public house of Sum- nel llimny, iii jeiBij i....... . , ,. Ml. 1 ICaS.lIlL lUIYllsini'i . pUBLlO SALK In mirsnnnco of a Manflnto tsuod out of tlio Court of Common l'lem of Colmubln counly.nna to mo tureciou. wm uoexpanini m muiio nuu tlio promises nt Malnpvllle, Cnliunol , Co. Va.tun Hnturany thea)tM day ofOi'toiicr nosi ni ono oclocic in tue nnoinoonoi wuaiwy, inwnniu. Iulc dcscribeil real estate, to wit: A ccrUln nis"- Huuffo una imci oi lanti smini" in tho county or Columbia, bounded and described rs followH, to wit! bc2lim.ii" nt n htono licnp, tlionro liv Iniiil nf .Tiir-nli Hosier KOlltll fdxty-slx nnd n half degrees wist nKiety-etirnt iicrehes to a utone; tbenco by landoi Wm. Jlnllt, south seVen-ty-slxnndono-fourlhdciee.i west, ntnuly-four perchos to a stone: thenco by Und of JfWib Khu man north, eight degree vc-d, foitthieo perches; tbenco by land of tho uiiiib south sixty degrees west, thiily-four perehes to a hickory; tlnnco uy iflim oi jcun Huuiu.m norm uisuiceii .ioti'um. fiirtv.nno iipielici t) n stune: thence bv land of tho Karno soutli hlxly-slv du crees wejit,thlrtyc!sht nciclus to a pot; thenej bv ifind ot fJoorio nnd lluduln h Mliumau. not 1 1 tufhfi ilfiriees west, sixteen nint ii lmlf nerclits tonpo't; tiiunce by mud of tlm same, noith two nnd one-fourth decrees east, olio hundred nnd twenty-two perches to a point tlio I'mno House: thenco by land of tun nima nortb, slxty tx degrees easd. clffUly-fclx ptiehen to a plno down; thenco by i.iod of tbosiune south seventy ihteo and one-fourth decrees ensl, lllty-tuo perches to nn on It down; tlien'o by i.iuu or lien- i' ti.tnv flidenn f 1 ai rliOfift. .Tii'in 1C1 1 tiTO rnillll nnd Jnmic Yi tier, north blxtysix nnd one-half I'ejirecse.iSMinny -seven perenei iuh kiuhu ih-i thciifn miiiIIi spA-tnteen deirrecs vest, two lnm- drod nnd sixty perches to a Mono bean tbo placo oi oegiunniSt commnni'.; live iiuumniuiiu miw iv.tlv ntnl imn 1. n I f n orn j iio-it t ii r:mi I rn. Tho nlmvrt trnct fif land U iniHLMteil. nnd well timbered, wllb Itoclc Oak, Yellow l'lne, Pilch l'inoand cnosinut, , n MOHOIX'AI JIILLAUH, Oct. lCO-tf. hheaiir. pUDLIC SAliK. Ol-' VALUAMjK ltUAL IjSTATII. In pur&u.uico ofnn order or the Orphans1 Court of Columbia county, l'a. on Saturday the Luth iiaym isovemner, taw, iu iu o cincic in i no lore imoil. Will T..vllllli nn itliil Win Jl. Yetter. Ad- itiInKti:itors. Ac of Daniel Yettei. httt. nf Mulno township, In bald county, deceased will expose to snloby publlo vendue.ou tho premises, tiio fot- lowliiK real estipte, to wit: Trnct Xo. I. Hltuatein said township boun itfil 1 Iniiild nf .fiirnli Urnwn Ili-tirv tllln.' Daniel Ihower, nnd i).inlel Hcliiljold, contnlnliif; 01 ACltKS AND GO PKIICIIKS neat measuro. Tlio ImnrovetnentHon this tract nio n ono nnd ono half storv l'intmt twt;IIln!i Ilntisn n l-'nim Uarn, nod (dher out bouses, u ood welt of water m i no uixtr oi wiouwi'iiin; n unoii appin nietiard ill i rivi.i in lii tl i ii ii ii in i uiMU miiiu ui CUIUV.I' llntl. Triiciflo.'j. Hiiurtto in nn hi tmcnsii n mw1 bnundeil by lands of Stacy John, Jaeuband Allied ii'iiiT, mm lien s ui iienrj- l uwurm, ueo u, con tiiiiiu MO AGUES AND 131 PERCHES. Tho lmpiovemenls on lids tract aro a Two Mory Miono uwemuu umiso, a ood lunlt ll.un and alt iiecossjiry out luiil'llua ahpilun nf never f.illiU'' wider nt tho dwellhn; iiouv. n iiMMt mnmi nt Ibu It ain nnd lionet lu-o nhDliMiwiinriU u.-nfti orehani.avlneynid.nnd u geiunil reltctiun of Koodliult. Ono hundred nud twenly ncn-s of cieareu lanti, ana lunKitod slato of cultivation tin b.ilnucn is widl timbeiod. Trnct No. 3. sltuato In hnld township.nnd uuiuuivu u liinut ui imuoJl'ii iiiiillilill aiul owl eit.belrsof Jacob (iearhail, deu'd., Jnlm dear bait, Heniy liowni iu, deo'd., and Jaiub nud AI lieu it-'iiur, iimiaiuint; ISo ACltKS AND 10 PHItUflKd Tho lmprovemenUi on Ihls trnct arc a ono and ono halfbtory frauio Uwclllnu a bdoJ Ilanlt llarw, a kooiI well of water nl tho door of tho 'Iwelllui! house.llUil out hulllllm;s, iibchhI youtlz lip lie orehanl. Tlio laud allcleaiedand In nsoodsiato of cultivation. I.i.tothoetaloofi.alildeeeaseil. situate In tho township of .Maine and countv nforcMilil. JliSSH coUl.UA.V, cicrl:. f OXDITIOS9 0F3AI.E: reii.e eeut.ofouofoiirlh of Iho pu eha.e money 10 bo paid at Iho hUlklm; down of iho properlyj one-fjurth of tuo-t birds less t ho ten per ei nt, at the continuation of sale: ono-llilrd oi Iho puichaso money lo remain c halKed unon tho said iuoiii1mh ilurlns Um natur nl lire of l-.ilabt-ili Yetter, widow of Daniel Yot ler, nnd tlio Interest thereof in bo nnnuatly nnd .(uulaiiy paid In her by tho purchaser or pu. clmseib on the Ilist day of April of each anil every year iliirllnj hematuria life; snld lute' est lo be coiiiiiuled fruiii tho llrst day of April A. 1. lk.p.and ...o baiancoof Ihopurchasonionev lobo pa i d lnono year fiom the conllrination of llio sale wllb Inteust on tho banio froni Ihe Hrht day of WIM.TAJfT. MIUMAN. n,i . vn ,f WIL.LIA.M II. YKl'I'lllt, Oct. 1, 63-tf. Administrators, The'reforo1! 'mi itniX'AI .MIIJ.MllMUgh Hher- V. tilcntly voln nt nnv el.n -wimllli, nr bcinK i,i,,.r,?''',i i. : nut ..I 1,1a ,io,k r Is "?.; Wh . i f --.V.'1. K ; r t ' i Miiin,ifnKf ball nu conviction 1,., i.!.1!'" Iii,'' euroBlieli pirnon t i-eeillii twit lmtiilteil l..i fi'L1. ati, " r In any li-rm not exi-ec iBi'lli ,Vs!r!cr;:roWhe!i0'S iiiiui iiiu-onii uio Niuumin., """i- ill. rold nnd deliver t.t t ,o ' Kelber. Willi the Intent llffi ?.'i Khali prncii in aiioihcr to ,f,".'Tt" ' fciidhm hIii.II, m IOII.W'"0'.1 miin not less limn nil" ,,'.," t .lre.l.lollar,and bo fn K' '" , lesslbaii tlueo nor I. ! ,?eJ,! ii any person not quulin.. , "i mon wealth mtreeably ioi,u,, ..iallloa0ens,)Sif,,i0';!u, elections of April 17th, A. pUliLIC SALE ' OP VALUABLE UL'.YL KSTATU Tho underslKiieil Heirs of tho citato of Jacob r.yor, lato of Oreenwooil township, deceased, will cxposo to pub c halo on tho picmtsi n at tlm lnl ""to wf ' 1 followl',B't'1 1. Tlio Fnriii Kltunln In Tllnn... ...... i.n . by main road lrndliiB from Uloomsliui'a tol.l-rht Hlrcet, lands of James Krcoje, Mrs. Jlaun JI' vy. heol &Co. Hi. liuttcr, llloomsbuij-Iiou Co. and others con talnlPR noout ITU ncresrto bo tol u In two parts ns follows: ' ' n. i nn ensi.-iti ivht nnnn ........ lSi!)?"n"fl" ,Ullr,i 1-1 'roctc.l n jrliino buildings, , 1 ' m'Kr "eocssar ou (,,,- remalnlusj poillon ortald farm, It belli' thowestcrn poril.m of thosamo conlaliilo'' aboiV iu acres moio or less llio two parts to bo divided by n line rutin ul- nenru- imili, .,.i .;.,i. ""ut" a. A lot citntalnlnj about, a ucrcs adjolu'lii" thu i,",',.!t.1,cj trapt tl-ltiion li tl' " ".till dwelling liouioaud Mabli: with oilier out W. iloore.braham-Younrw Appleinnn ami oihers upon which Is erect d 2 4. A'frrm mnlMn llobblns Heirs of tobtrt J ontRomery. ducM .... ii . . ' "4,v"i iiiiaino iiouso rn. with nil tbo ncccksoiy out bulldlnes. m lying houih and unjoining No. foil nnd ba a. a re ,ai,7. ? V .K1.".?.0,""-" lrtion cleaml iho taoln-io SKIS mo,oCn,,.adJOlUlU- 1 con l.Ji ?,'lirin?,klumt8,lM,''lttli'so, 'P-i bounded . Aboni 1(1 aeiesinoroorless of tho eastern oilii.uof Ihoknmo (No. 7. lylii unrili nr ii. b ii. Aboul lSmeremnnro or less of Iho western portion oflhosamo (Nn. 71 li-liiir norili .fr 11V Sksarg .. .... bAbci,cuv fepuug or woter im ihoiieinUcs, ..S..'A,V Hi u..' .7u Plillailelplili, pinrueu, J-'Loiru Norlhwcstern supenineat Northwestern oiiih AiirlhiVMulr,, I.,.. .11.. IVl'ISwirdaim:.' ffiF" FA' '' !;,!; i.?.!:.":1""1"'. elern exlro 0.7.Vtl 0 7 em yivania SS3 Wc.S iiyo Hour " ""i f WIIK.T-lVniisylvunlu7tol.-'ii''i;;;V""""i ma!,- Bonlheru ' 1 JVSIiSVn California ' -u" ltYE-l,eillnvlvnnln..."i?i.... ''??H.W CollN-Yellow, ' '.. " White,' ii I'liovimoNs-ilcss l'ork, vrnZ'.'.'..'.''". riu) llr..k.A,l 1V... .1 li" ... M!--U (jiuoUcd Hani's"' .'.'".".', 1 n '! .i'l"JUlllVIt HitUM Cloveisecsl w bui'.'l','.'.' Jiiiiouiysceuv bus .. Klllvu,....! It OATILE-lieef Cuttle lb..".... . Cows, head ... Hulls ft luu Its M " 8e&ae I7tiallt 13c iTcaaiuk iMeWt 1.3 U.6i OeillUc tntm.a FOB NEAT AND 011I4AP Call ul Tho Columblau Offloa, Ulojra.bVr IM 1 1'''li;l''raaliiiUT of trait No. 7 lieln" Ih bcr and of s-ud tract lyn Hul 1 or'i.i cn eU conin ulng about 73 acr. s, mor" or lo I-. .:.. I' . " WiImiii nnd 01 ii is.eoiiialnin. a umt j-iaces, upo which is ereclcd'u boiil" an,l it bniJffi;lu'fv-;--.)ry B..u.'nVV.i'-C,m'f0r ftl":"V" 11, Two lou within thu town ntnt nf .Vo..-- . uiio nit wllb 11 llio town plot n aMSS!w',,c,,,,,",wtaJ?5'M''' ...I..; ..1 1'.'ul WII'lH Um pl( wb ch ere erected Inimo ilu town huv""11 vacant lots wiihlu f liver's ory Iraniii lot pf said town ivi-inii!f nouses. uio pioioisatd ".imilmcrMM 4ISlli1 Of KALI'S. " Wednesday (Jet, ailli, No. 3 lo ue s, Id HliuVdV. oit-ata. M' Nos li 10. 11, l'a. ;,!,, PiViii V-. 1!U0W 011 day of s-ilB. AdniS S-er', JuunV. .J'rCr' WllllamWer, Amilo 'eTiver Hag Washlnatoi. WelUver, t""lr OAIU) TO TUB LADIKS. Iltooin und v Jeluitj? th t hi" A? ?"? lJ0 ' n tiFniin 1 ? v Proprietor. Oct, itu-aw. A iih kTnds OF JOB IMUNlUNli Montour township, at tlio houso of Win. Hoi- "falne township, at the public houso of Abrn. iti'anngcreelciownshlp.nt tho houso fonnarly occupicuuj v.. . ... '-- ,,,,,,, ,,..,.,. toil V. Yaplo In Orangevllle. ,.i.. ,,.,, ,,1 nl. 11, ul VlltroKu hool Uouso latc 1.. ll.ul I,. 11 VlllO nrtlHinltizeiii of said lowushln, HUJianoai iuwiihiu mw mmi" v;!i tY v. tho public bousoof Win. rttt- llAt whicK'tlmo nnd plnces tho quail lied electors will elect uy imiioi inoioiiowin ouuo uuu tuuu- Ono nerston forOovtmor of V. ono person tor JuilKeoflhoBuproiuo Court.ofrn. ouoperHon lor Htnturieualc.ono pernon ior uepreieniauvo tmo person tor AaouUio J udijo.ono person for l'ro H.MnntiirviinotieMoii lor lieirlftler mid Recorder. onopcrJonlirU)urity Treasurer, ono porsou for County Coinmlmloner, ono person lor County imiiinf nml imn ncrrtnii for Coroner. 11 IS luriiiui mirtiiti iu.m mu iivtintn rui" " the several umucii nimu uo openeu ueiween mu limirt nfKi nnd seven n'c 1 00k In tlie loi'ctioon. nnd Vhatl conttnuo open without Interruption and nujournmcniiuiiiihovcn n ciucitiniuu uven Imr U' ii'tl I IIH Mlilll IJLS ClOtUU. Piii-mii.uil to tho ttrnYiMonH contained In tho "(ith bectlouof thu act llrat aloresatd, tho Judges ot lUO aiUltB-iiu uiujtus biiau renjituiiveiy liinu charge of tlio corlllicntes of return of tno elec tion Ol llieir iei'i:i;inij ui-n 1 iciet, nuu iiu-inat 11 mectiiiL' of ono Juduu from eachdls tilct atlho court bouse, In lltoonisbui'tj, on the third tiay alter ino oay oi 1110 eieeiiun, ueniou Krtdav. iho 15th day of October. JsW. nt loo'ciock a. m., then and tncro loaoanu Knrm tho du ties requtrca uy iuwoi Haiajuusoi. AUo, that wuero n Judge, by sicknesi or una' vniili.tihi nccidcut. U unahlo to attend snub meet' tug of Judges, then tlio certlrleato or return Htiall it iftitt'ii riiiiiiro of bv ono of tho lusni-eLorrt or elcikftof tbo uicctton of tho dUtrlct, who shall do nnd perforin tho duties requited of K.ildjudo unnblo to attend. Tno return Judges of tho llepresentatlvo Uis trlct, composed of tho counties of Columbia nnd Montour bliall meet at tho Court IIouso, In liloonisburg, on Xuosday tho nineteenth day of October, next, to malco out tho returns fur mvin ber of Assembly. Tho leturu Judues of tho Hcnatorlal dis trict comiKibed of tbo countloM of Columbia. Montour. Northumberland and .Sullivan, clinll meetat theeouit house. In Duivllle, Montour county, on Tuesday thu nineteenth d.iy of Octo ber next, to maku out tho return lor the member or tho Senate. Tho toltowlng Act of Assembly, regulating tho Hindu of voting In tbo Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, wns passed March lOLh, nnd leads thus: tthtrnox 1. Holt enacted by tbo fScnato nnd Houso of Representatives of tlio Commonwealth oi l'ennsylvaul.i In General Assembly met. nnd It Is hereby enacted by tbouutborlty of tho s.imo that tho qualllled voters of tho heveral districts in the fceeral counties of this common wialth, nt nil general, township, borough nud speelal elec tions, mo hereby heieaftcr authorized und re quired to oto by 1 1 fleets printed or ilLten, or paitly printed and partly wrltten.s verally class llUd as lollows: Ono tfeket Khali embiacu tho names 01 uiuuuKes 01 courts oted for, ami la ludlud. outside. 'Mudlelarv:" ono tleket shall embrace tho names of all thu Stato olll 'ers voted for, und bo labelled "State;" ono ticket fchatl cm braeo tho names or nf all county ollieors voted lor.lniludlngthooilk'o orsenalm". Member nnd Membt'is or Assembly, IT voied lor and mem beis ot CoAgrebs, II voted for, und bo labelled "County;" ono ticket shall embraeotho names of all lownsnip omeers voiea tor mid no labelled, "Township;" one ticket shall embrace tho names or all norouuomeoi voiea ior, and LolabelloJ, "Jlorouuli:" Hix' ThntltBliallbo tbo duty oUho Sheriff in ino boeiai voiiukiu 01 miff uomuiouwcaitn 10 l.ihert In their election proelamntion-j, heieaftcr ssUvHl, tuo lira t section 01 mis act NOTICE IS HKItEIlV OIVUX That every person excepting Justices or tho Ppjipo who shall bold nnv olllru or imnofiitmrnL or piolit or tiust under tbo United Slates, or of tills ntaie,nuy cuy or corpora mi iiiMnci, wnein or n commissioned ollleer or otberwfse, a subor dinate ollicer or ngent who Is or shnll boemploy tit under tho Legislature, executive or Judiciary DCpuruufiu ui nut niair, m 111 imj' uiiy or ui any Incorporated district, and also, that every mem ber of Coumcssand of tho Stato Legislature, nnd of tho select or common council of nny city, or commissioner' m nny iiiuoriMjrii leu uiHinei. is by law tne'ipnblu of holding exercising nt tho timo thootllco or nppolutmeut of Judge, Inspec tor or Clerk of nny election of this Common wealth, and thnt no Inspector Judgu or other of.' tleer of such election hhall bo eligible to bo then voled for. 'iho Inspectors nnd Judge oftho elect lonsshntl meet nt their respective places appointed for holding tho election lit tho district to which thny lespeetlvely belong, beforo seven o'clock In tho morning, und taeh of said Inspectors Khali np po.nt 0110 clerk, who shall boa qualified voter of such district. In case tho person who shall leeelvo the second highest number of votes lor inspector shall not ntlend on iho day ornny election, then Iho per son who shall have received tho second highest number of votes lor Judge nt tho next pric-cilln election shall net us Inspector In bis place. And In case tho person who shall have received tho highest number of votes for Inspector shall not ntlend, tho person elected Judge shall Appoint nn Inspector In his place ami lu c.iso tho person elected Judgo shall not nttend, then tho Jusmc tor who rteelveil the blithest number of votes shallnppolutttJmUt) In bis placo or If anvva caucy shall continue in tho board lor the simco of ono hour niter tho timo lixed by Jaw for iho opeulngoftho election, tho qunlliled voters of tho township war ), or dMrlet for which such omcerssoaU havo been elected, piesent ht snob election nbnll elect one of their number to nil such vacancv. ' "Its hall be tho Uuty oftho several assessors respectively to atteud nt tho placo of hold li s every general, special or township diction, du r ing tliouholo timo such election is kept open lor tho purpose of (jiving Information to tho In-spei-tois nnd Judges, when called on, In relation to the right of any person assessed by them SS yoto at such election, nnd on such other matters m umiK iu uio usessineni to tho .n il insneo tors or either of them shall from timo requiK-. ''No riersonshall bo itimiii...! t.. l..v,,-.. election as nforesul-.' Ihanft whlto citizen f iho V.f. (t,nJoue.1; ,,)0.rt' ww have resl- :";lu ".v "o year, nnd in tbo election district where bo oilers to vote tea OnyS nimedialtly i)rtcedlngsucb elecilon.u id ; wl th in two years paid a Stato or county tax which shall bavobeen nshesed at least ten days beforo tho election. Itut u citizen of tb9 Uuiicrt HU eS who has previously been n qualilied voter or the United h ates who has prevlousliacennr.uaililtNl voter of Ibis stato nnd roturneif and wbo shal havo in tho election district nnd nnld tv,. i V'll Il"y 'UllBBM I .u'nffifcSSnliI,!!'-?, S";a.'' plcU-,1 on tho Icutli .l.y ' , H 'l-ues.l.iy In October nt Jj 1 1 u , shall, ot. Iho Mon ay ii,V, maiion renin, tn th.. c juniv ,. n too iiainos of nil ln rsou, ''- llio return require I to in uiS t soeouil secllon oftuhac n 1 iiaino tlio observatl nuaall V. cri lii bu Jioteil as alorcsiiij, 'JJfc- ntlssloners shall tbcreui,i i ?l n.Hluil to tho return ri,iiir,M t''iln,'1,,''' , of to bo mndo, ioniahihi LB7" nous . reiuiueri as u sJiem .V 1 .v.iru, iiuiuuxn.uiwiw Minor . ho same, loselhcr wltu' tuj1,"' Ji btatilcs to tho otllccrs or the iu ' boroiuli, lownsblp or pri-eii,,, ,'. u'elocK in tlio niorubiaof iKw 't October, anil 110 .iiaiiinah L nt tho electliiii on Hint ilay wiT.L f aald list, unless ho shall iii.kt'- to vote, as hereinafter iciiulr' J Blv. i. On tho uay ' 'jj, r whoso iiaino Is not on the u 1 1 Iho right to voto at salil eKu, , ' t least uiio iiualttlcil voter of the . ness lo tlio resnlcnco of uiC 1 district of which hoilahni V period of nt least ten dais n,? eloctlon, which witness miniiiS; 3 n written, or partly written nl,., nllldavit to tho f.ict stato iiVy h,, vll muilldellne clearly wiieifff' 1 tho person si. claiu.iut;ti. Ikhu son soclalinlui! thorium to rub t' nud subscribe a wiltieu or to partly priulod allldavll, bUiK c knowlodgo and billcr, ninrc li ,1 born, tlm ho Is a ritlMuot ilu of l'onnsylMinla and of thu r. 3 ho has resided In the Commoni or If Mrmerly a el lien tlitrom t therefi 0111, that ho has rcsuloitu '1 next piecodlliK said i-lcctlon moved Into tho district tnr di t.'ierclu; that ho biup.iiiaM', wlthlu two years, which wai as... ' lias a bcloro Mill election: aoj lf) clll.on, shall also state iku' what court bo was u.iluulk l I' proJuco his cirlillcaio nr ima, alilluatloli; tbo said . 1 when und where tbo l.ix cl.u. I, the, mil. to whom paid, ami the m j shall U, iiroduccd lur exumn, atlldavll shall stato on i.l.siiu been lostorilesttoyc.i.ortluu II any, but If tlio peisuu Bit claim votubhatl t.iko and Mil)scj.ijiu -t lsn natlvo born cltt.en of Ui i If born elsowbere, shall btatt,!1 davit, und Htiall pioducu becu naturalized, or that Iu i.. zed, or that itolsentlth-il tncu u nn nr III u flit Iter's nntiiMiM ill. . tlicr stato .11 his nllliUvli tii.i ' of tailing tho allldavlt, l .... twenty-ono nnd tweuty-twu t resided lu tho IStato one yearm t district len days next pruciluj, no snail no CIlllLlCU III .uiu, ai not havo paid taxes; the talii;" ncisous tunltltm sucli eliduis. m of llio wltuirHsct. to their ft-siiKa. t erveit by tno election Dnirii.iiim, . tlioelccllou they shall liuttiun of voters, tally listuhiloilnri law to bu llted by Iho itluinju.v ' iv. ami in.ill leiuaiaiia tlio protlionotary's olllce, sui.. aioresaiu, mull bu ei.tltlcd to voto i tier rSiTi in,, lut hi s htate six inonlhs. lTortde that iKH years who havo rcslucdXT ten hays ns aforesaid shnll bo eniti to vo o nlthoiiirh they shall not havo n.iht a Xti, klinll l.n . " '"iV'i i" voio whoso name. Is not conlulucd Hi the list of taxable i In ProS .uunu i wo years of itHtalo or countv laV assess. or the oath or nlllrinatlon of other, t at bo has p..l. sucliHta. or on i.uiuro to pr, duco ureee nt ahull mako out i to llm iu.i,,,,,' .,..,"L.u.u.rctlPf i,..i...... .. i .,....,. - one yenr next resldcnco In iho disiH,'.; ,i 1 r,,Q.' act, and that ho does verily bel e.o fm,,, ., ia wlieieui-on Iho iiamu nrihi, f."rV..,. . lY...,. 1''v.'!!u!,.lul"'."lerl.-d 111 tho nliihabe . I herifo 1 v wrl i f,.'!l"'una !l "n' ,'"1"' ''PPoshe .i i., J. r""'K Iho Word "tax." If ha khall til. to voto by reason of lmvln i, l,l tai. ,,? Iho woi1l nIJe."lfbeliall bo nd n tieiyto t'i,? or vottii in nt in- Mil... Wi. ,"heXr,a o?V,'. "L rlijU . to of f yiuailtlid citizen, It khall Li tutiuly J III) iispeetors to exauili umeli peisou m iia Ii I .Mil. shall bo suiile e t 1 roof thcr io ' but shall make pr,,Uf hy llt ,,,ul ' " ShZSlfi '.'."'J "Mlmi. ami simi ilSt'hrh .F'M'"- It uud i,a'vi,,,U','uuf',rr,;'illl''-lloflllo eslile no ?,,ii t! i.Vf "? M1," ns aitrekulil. shall bo ud. in 1 WiM: r v.?,wU!J.Jf.1".r.fou ,linl1 prevent to prct miit. f. Km m!0 ""y101:1101' " this iio. any ;vlo JnoS,ouu.uc o lcer. or" sha lute," ruiit or liunrojierly Interfero with lilin In tho ei edition of Ids duty, or shall block up lliowludows or nvciiuo to 1111.- window where the same ma? ba holding or shall riotously disturb tho peata MJiXi 'fe "r ."""I "ko.uny lull ildffli of cboi,? lJ,Vm,"t""!urt0 Kklriilu tho freedom S ,t "i liSi01.',.1"-''""!' "" conviction, Hiuil h 1 u"y. kui" "t txcotdluu live hundred V"""". "nu inilirlsoued lor anv limn ii... I..LU it?i','ii !'''inoru Ihun twelvo months, and If oirl ,iLhii ,w",tu ft"". w"e" Uio trial of such oiiciisii shall bo had, that tho person su otlt-ud-ins was not n ti-siii..,ii .,r n... ,.il r, :;f."7 or luwuklilp where tho olleusa was cominltteU una t yolo Ihereln. theu ou iouwi llou ho shall bescnlencod to pay u tluo of not i'"fi" ou" ,'!"1,uf" "" moro Ihau ono Uious. and tiulhirs, and bo luiprtsouud uot less thai, six mouths nor moro thai, two years .. .vinuiilnui,iijr iuwiuaiiiieu, shall fraud- tl'in.iiH (A tier election paiiersart otllcershTinll llnd lhat the ai.i.i . i possess all tbo legal ipi lint at ' or thoy shall bu permuted tn. , or ..sines shall ho added to Hi i by llio election olllcers, ttiewiiru ded where llio claimant claim. nnd tho won! "ano" wiieru lie . ojjo, llio wiluo wolds tii-hiu ad. 1 llieacli ease respectlMlyiititk . volilllf ut sucll electl'ill. 1 .SVC A. Itshall bu lawful firm 7eu of tho district, . Iho proposed voter Is eiiiilauaj 1 lrieut taxahlcs, to cliullenye IU son; whereupon thu siniie immi suilriiKo ns Is now requited i u. . llclv iniulo und ncte nu by it. nlidthovotoadmttlfdoi rJ .1: thoevldenee: every perMiii.K . f, turallKed citizen shall berniu. 1 naturallMitlun tertlllcaleitt ih. Yotill, except wtiero ho Ii ti 'v 1 cmseentlvuly.n voter lu tiivu oilers liis volt; nud ou lli'.in ,, Ilia received, U shall be Ilu- ill 1 otllccrs lit write or slauii mi i woul "voltd," Willi the . any election ollicer oi ollln'iis. ond voto ou tlio a mid d.i , tn . eerlllicato, excepting wi.eiei j. l voto by virtue w tbo n.ii iralt f. ers. Ihcyaud the pernou u " o.lri vote, l)ioi. uo olli'li'Uii- t hlh misdeiucanor, nnd 011 m.. nuoil or ImpilHoiieil, or Out 1, . Ihecoiirl; but tbo Duosii.i.i 11 ' died dollars In uaeli ease, .1111 . ohuyt-iii; tho llico putiNli iii-iii I oucouvictlon.on ibo,.in.-t-ri.i. ucalcct or reiuso tu iiiuke, hi . 1 tho Indorsement repined uii.i zatli.n eerlillcate. . .See. 0. If uny elettlou 1 ill J . ncBlcct to reiiuliubueli pn.i 1 rago as is prescribed by itu. 1 .s 1 which this is it supplcintiil, 11 ) crlnit to volo whoso uatuu . u sessed voters, or wh'.io lijia .1 Ktsl by any qualified voter in 111II such person to voto ..l.liuui r proof, every person so oibn iiiu -vtcllon, bo guilty nf a lunli m- siiall bo seutouccd, lor iu-n pay it line not exceeding 0111- iiu. 10 tindcririt all luinrlsouiiiL-at u year, or cither or bulb, at Ik , court. 1 ike. 0. The i-esneetlvoaistsior 1 Judges of Iho elections shall eai to luiiuinisicr oaths 10 any iu. right to bo assessed or llio lUta"'' rcyard to any other matter urdu bu done or Inquired lutubv- nn. under this net: and anv wllfuiu- any person lu relallou loauy'.' concer.iliiK which llicy fclnill be calcd by nny of aald olllcers huai. jierjury, etc. 10. Tho assessors slmll i.' , same compensation lor llio tl--spent lu porliiriulni; lhilutliu -a Is provided by law forilu'irf other duties to bu paid by ' ' , ' loners ns lu ottier case; nivi u lul lor any assessor to nswi-s u ersoi. whatever witnin iciiu. , ho election lo bo held on tin' October In any year, or uitliui'f fore any eb ction for elector. . Vlco-l'iesldcnt of Ilia I lilted -! 1 lion of this ;umvIsi II shall 1 und sulijeet thu olticers sm H.aJ 1 excecdtnir 0110 bundled dullar. mcnt not oxcctdluit Ihne m 1- 1 1110 ulscrettou nt 1 .iiejuri. Nee. 11. On tho petition of ni . of tlio county, stating uiulu ' lly believe that frauds will ' 1 1 lection nbout to bo held in ,1 bo tlio duly ol Iho com lot coium county, It In session, or it aula I vacation, to appoint l.vqju!: telllumtclllzeusot Ihucuiiiitri at said election; said oversew" , , from dlllci cut political purw. , peetors beloni; In dltlcieut 1 1- 1 both of said Insiieetors tiolouj'. cul parly, boll, of tho oveinfj ' liom theopposllo' shall bavothorlKlit tobeiriseUl of tho electlou, durlnir the ' Is held, the votes counted nuai nutnudktisntd by ilioclc.tloi). 1 list of voters, ir Ihey kce V"yj ' person oltcrtnir to vulo, an I m ' Ills witness undor o.ilh, In ns;" suuruuo at salt election, '' Peru ptodnced; and tho tulietrs nro lequlitsl touH'ord totald."1 nnd appointed e.ery ioiivrku lor IlioillschorBoiirihelriluh';.' lion olllcers hhall iclino to ;' lo bo piesent, and peifornl 1 fcHld.or If they shall l'o,urA",;' pollsby vloleuco und lullnil" polleil ut such election tlWrhl by any tribunal trylnii 11 louU " Hun; iwritfnf, 'lint uo iicrson Hon shall bo appointed an o.en , Aic. 11. Anyuikeksor.clcotw111 npiioluted us an tivcister, refuso to perform any duty em without leukouublti or leiail iu . Ject lo 11 penalty ofouo hulJt'V. any assessorshall assess uii.i who 1s not qualilied, or kh.ill,ll 0110 whiilsqualllled, hoslia" i demeanor In olllce, ami on ' " . ed by lln.i or liiipilMininelit, , to an 1 rtlon for ibiinauis b) w and If any person shall inui'l" ' , deraeu nr dotroy any ll-l "'),. directed b Ihls act, or lc '' kiuiio Iriini Ibo plucii win re It " Iraudulcut or inlclilevou J, proper purpose, tho person s j uulliy ill 11 Iiluh iiilstIeme iuor.-" khall bo punished by a in",", hundred dollurs.or linprlw'""' ' two years, or both, at nieib-1'' ,, Set. H. .Ml electliins lof , toivnshlp nud 1 lecihiiuitlli tri held on Ibo second 'I'tiesdas nil provisions ortlio laws n-.' " of such olllcers nut li.i-ipnt" !" , tl.o persons elected I u iu;h , "'".. Mum tuliollielr plaivsut i i'; J! terms of iho persons liuldi"; timo ot such elccti m; ".lt a olllooof ossussor or us suiui held, under thl sad, until tl'0 eight hundred nud kevcni)- j) , Ulve 11 under my hand, ut 1 burir, this mi. day of K-pUi ' 'l. our lird 0110 Ihousaud ciilh; nluo. nud lu Ibo nlnety-fyu'l'1 ) penilcncoof tbo Uiiltwlf'ii Bherlilol'l'i'lY nioointbnrir, I'n. hepleiu1"' FANOV FUlf JOHN rAHE'.R,h U'i' LA1)I,:3' rch Street, JllddlooflliobJ bth Hlrect Houth HI'l'. ,',! )r,Iaiiufaclurcrand I,r"" JIS Arch and Dorter. 1, null, v ,.r Uavlua cularueJ. iiimude vy'. ji old una favorably Known, f.L ' 'JiiJ ; favorably Itnovim ;i J-j niported 11 vory luW,"i utoralltlio.llllViv "fTt'u , !u!:!wr.'T,rKUH' liuvlnii sorlinent up i ino tiiust suiiit.. "r, ,,f l'oh l,..,, ,'......;!. Z onll and largo niidlieuut'lful sifc.trt i li.l-T n.Ht .....1 ,.,ll..ri-ll. I P ell at as low prices its any v louso In this city. All .11. .......... in ..lied 1-'.1.. 1 '""""""" JOH? . VWM.i.. TlHAnliHIi"''' Oct