u THE BOY MAGICIAN:! OR, Tho Socrots of, the Soa. 01 1 A PTE II J. tiii: fitmoNiiH ov miimh-kan. Lulu 0110 fltitiimor artcriiouil, a down yours iigr), rt solitary wliltu tnnii Blood Imforo nn Idolnlram toniplu on nn island In tho South Piiclflc. Ho wus of itildrflo ago, tall, thht, nlill Kiiunt, with riiCRod foaturcsnml sorrow ful (.yes, und with ovcry ulsti of good lies' mid Intelligence. Bosldo him was n grim stono Idol, In Krotesquo human rorm, more than twice us tall as himself, which ho had Just fin ished, ni was Indicated by tho mullet and chisel In his hnuds. "it Is done," ho intiltcred. "And theo heathen llttlo suancct that I have cut my nnmo and story Into tho baso of una mill." IIo ran his eyo rapidly over tho In Kcriptiou in question. It was as follows: "Tho Stli of May, 1S52. J, David Lester, ol, tho firm of Lester & Nicluls, or Norfolk, Virginia, Bailed as,a passenper iroiu,Cliario.i ton for Hong ICong, via Capo Horn, in tlio ship 'Ilccla.' i A cyclono struck us in inid oexan, the ship foundered, arid wu took to tho boats, which all filled, with tho exception of tho ono I was in. After drifting several days during which tny companions perished, I reached this island. Tho idolatrous inhabi ants made mo a slave in their temple, and for nioro than four years t havo been U'jing menial f tficcs and carving images. I havo been chained every night, and wateliod con tinually by day, but havo nevertheless made three attempts at escape, and shall soon makes another doubtless my last, as I am resolved to succeed or die, preferring death to a long er captivity. I tncrcforo ?rito thosb words unon this idol, nravine anv ono who mav sec them to report my fate, if possible, to iny family, at Norfolk, Vn. Finished this in scription this 7th day of July, 1S57. For several minutes tho nrlsoucr eon templated these lines ih sllcnco, and then aroused himself, looking warily around. "Thrcq times I havo tried to escape in a cunoc,'' ho muttered, "and ovcry tlmo I was caught, and visited with tortures. To ho caught again In such an attempt win do certain (team, ietiwiu risK all tho first opportunity that offers. This longing for freedom and my family is becoming n positive madness. Oh, my God! what Is that?" IIo gazed in perfect stupefaction to the eastward, far out unon tho ocean. Thorp, miles and leagues away, was a hhip, her white sails gleaming as shu lay Docaimeu upon tno waters I THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, ULOOMSBUKG, COLUMBIA OOOTTJ, PA ''A shipl a ship I" cried Lester, sol) hingly. "At last, oh Heaven ! At last my prayer is answered I" THU riSISONKlt'S iiomi:. On I ho east hank of tho Elizabeth rlv er, Just out of Norfolk, and overlooking Ilaniptou Itoads, stood a beautiful cot tage, tho homo of tho wife and daughter of David Lester, tho prisoner of tho Kino lbianu in tno mr ratine., Near tho closo of a lovely afternoon in 'May, Mrs. Lester and her daughter sat tuscwer upon tneir lroiit.vcrartuaii The mother was a lovely, swcoHaced. sad-eyed woman of two and thirty years, Tho daughter, Amy Lester, not yet fifteen, was a strango compound of child and woman. "You aro thinking of father, dear mother Y" murmured tlio maiden, us sho marked tho lady's longing gaze. "Yes, child. Your father. my lius. baud; where is ho? Komowhoro under tno sea waves, wrecKou on n desert island, or languishing on nhostiloshorc? It is live yoarssinco ho left us on that fatal voyage to China. Jly reason as sures mo that ho is dead; yet, Amy, I can only think of him as Jiving." "It is so with me, mother," said' Amy, with a tremulous quiver of her lips. "1 dream often that ho is living that he is coming homol" "Wo need him hi a hundred ways," said Mrs. Lester, sighing. "If any thing wero to happen to me, Amy, I shudder to think what would become of you. You havo been brought up in luxury, and would feel keenly any chango to poverty." "Aro wo not rich then mother?" asked Amy, in surprise. "I supposed so dear, until threo years ago," replied the mother,sadly. "Your father was.a merchant and ship-owner, a partner of Colonel Nichols. But two years ago Colonel Nichols Informed mo that tho outstanding debts of tho firm moro than balanced the assets ; in short, Amy, that ho was on the vcrgo of bank ruptcy,hls fortune and ours nllko wreck ed 1" "I don't liko Colonel Nichols!" said Amy, thoughtfully. "If ho lost all his money with ours, how docs ho live in audi grand stylo? To whom do his ships mid great houso belong?" "To his nephew, Ally BclI. Colonel Nichols is Ally's cuardian. Tho Colo nel has nothing of his own, excepting a farm or two up-country which wero not risked in tho business." Amy contracted her littlo brows re flectively, and was about to reply, when tho garden unto swung on Its Illumes. and a boyish figuro camo lightly up tho waiK. "It's Ally, mother-It's Ally Hell I" oxelalnicd Amy, all smllesand blushes. "I'll bring him to you." The young girl ran lightly down tho verandah stops and met tho iiow-cnmer, linking her arm In his, and drawing him trentlv towards tho house. IIo was a lad of seventeen, nn orphan, the nephew and ward of Colonel Nich ols, llrighl and gay and lmiidsomo, Allen Doll woh nlno impetuous, ardent, and intelligent ono of ilioso noble, manly boys, who maturo early into grand and noble men. liny as ho was, ho loved Amy Lester with u pure and chivalrous love, which bado fair to deepen in time into tho great luvo of JUS inc. IIo was tho bearer of a letter from his uncle to Mrs. Lester, and having de livered It, hobtrolled with Amy down tho wide garden walk into tho cool shadows of a grovo nt tho bottom of tho garden. "I've bten expecting you this good while, Ally," said Amy, with charm ing frankness. "I thought you would bo down hero to try those scientific ex nerlments to-duy 1" "We'll try them to-night, Amy," ro Piled Ally. "Tho bluo lights show bet tor at night. I'm getting along finely in my chemistry, Amy. I like It best . . C . .1.-1!,. . -" til Itll Illy BUIUIU3. "I am suro you do." said Amy. o.irn cstly. "You aro tho nicest boy I over sawi" Ally Dell laughed nloud. Amy childlike simplicity and outspoken truthfulness wero her greatest charm in nis eyes. "Tho sight of that brig yonder." said Ally, ''reminds mo that I promised to meet uoi. xsicnois on Doaru or it direct ly after J delivered that letter to your mother. I must go now, but you may expect mo us soon as It's dark.1' lie clasped her In his arms and kissed ner. For u minute tho youthful lovers stood nt tho garden gate, towards which thoy had slowly walked, and hero thoy parted soberly Ally to go down to tho ung wncro no naa engaged to meet jus uncle, ana Amy to return to nor mother. Blio found Sirs. Lester, tlio open letter in ner nip, siicnt ami motionless as a utatuo, her nttltudo that of profound uesouir. "What Is It, mother?" cried Amy, in wild alarm, springing to her side. Mrs. Lester lookod ut her daughter wiut n woc-sincKcn iace. "O, Amy I" sho cried, turning to that brave, childish heart for strength and comfort. "Colonel Nichols writes mo that wo aro bcggersl Ho reminds mo that ho lias asked mo threo several times to marry him. And", Amy, ho says ho knows your father to bo dead, and ho offers himself to mo for tho last time. IIo reminds mo of my ill-lioalth, of your youtn cnu jioiniossncas. Ann no nays," und Mrs. Lester's volco broke down In a tempest of bobs, "that oil tho ono hand lio offers mo wealth, comfort, and happiness, on tho other poverty mid sorrow. If I refuso him, ho Hwrwrs to turn in ()ul. of our homo to-morrow 1" "Oh, ipothert" exclaimed Amy, with a sharp cry, as .ht hid her fiteu In her mother's liwoitl. CttAPTEHII. a DUsiMmATiisTiiucicifir.roitiiiiiiiitTY. ncford Ally Hell reached tho brig ly liig.ut tho wharf, Ills uncle, Colonel Nichols, had been there and arranged with the captain, who went by the nnmo of Hlley, to carry Ally off to China, for which service tho Colonel promised to glvo tho Captain tho brig and ten thousand dollars, in case the boy never came ouch, iiuoy was a ltiurjor er, who$o real namd was Snrouls, and uoiouciNiciioisiinu rouiiPd xurs. tester, and now wanted to rob his nephew and havo him murdered, and Ililoy klicw that, an t resolved thai Ally JJcllshouid never seo Norfolk again. "Where Istfiutad?" hu asked as lio and Colonel Nichols finished drinking sutces to their nefarious schemes, to which tno coionei replied: no suouiu uo iicio at uus very moment. Ah, I hear his step on deck now? Hern ho comes I" Even as ho spoko Ally Doll camo hur rying into tho cabin, his face flushed with ploasurablo excltemeuti "l'mi ust in tinio to see you on. uun- tain Hflov." ho said, not noticlnir the gulty looks of tho conspirators. "Tho wind is tair, ami tno cruw anxious, a good voyage to you, Captain. Drlng mo, some rarosncus wucu you return. They nro for a little girl's cabinet, and must bb pretty I" "Ayci, ayo, Mr. Allen,", responded tho Caittnln. heartily. "Didn't you seo my collection of shells In yonder state room? No? You nro welcomo to your choice 6f them nil, sir," no advanced, ami tiling open inostaio- roonvdoor. Ally bent forward and looked in. Willi a quick thrust, Ililoy pushed him into the little room, nnd hurriedly locked Itho dopr. With an exultant snillo Colonel Nich ols said adieu, and went ashore. uiioncxt lnnmio tuonurricd tramp ling of feet was blended with the songs of tho stout seamen, ns tho brig moved slowlylfrom tho wharf towards tho sea. Ally,' .-i first thought, on finding him self shut up in Cnptnln Ililcy's strtlo- r oom, was that tho two men wero joking morel intending to scaro him a littlo, and then let him out ; but ho Soon dis covered that tho Quickstep Wio brig wii.i Lilt tlilinrri Ei ml loir, inr whnrf. mil was stKpding down tho Elizabeth river towards tno ocean, Thelttuth Hashed unon lilin I "I sCo it all I" ho cried, leaping to his feet. "Ililey Is" taking mo to sea with him I . Captain Ililey 1" lny shouted, pounding on tho wall, "open tho door, this minute! Let me out, or it will bo bad for you 1" No reply was made to him no atten tion mild to his cries. IIo saw that ho wus fast. Eor'n moment ho was stunned by tho knowledge of his situation. Then ho drew up his slight, boyish figure, proudly, his eyes flashing deli anco. i "Tlio thing for mo to do," ho mused "is to! help myself. A by who can't light his own way will nover bo a man 1" Drawing from his pocket a match, of which ho usually carried a supply, lio lighted tho caudlo in its box at ono end of thd state-room. "I ;see," ho moiitaiw commenced, looking around, in tho light thus furn ished "Hero's a whole dray load of boxes' anil bundles. And hero's a can non too," added Ally "a small ono, which is expected, no doubt, to bring a big prico from those simple natives in tho South sea. "I 6m uso this thing," thought tho boy, with kindling eyes. "I havo plen ty of powder iu my pocket!" llofiad bought this powder Just boforo ho camo aboard of tho brig, lor tho ex periments lie had promised to show Amyjthat very evening. Without moro ado, Ally set at work loading and ilring tho littlo cannon as rapidly ns possible, smashing the door, und (jailing out for everybody to keep out of tho way. Thu captain nnd crow ivero (frnntie with fear, as thero was a kirgoi quantity of powder in tlio state roouii and tho nrosncct was that the ship would bo blown to atoms. Having n ueu t tno siaie-room and cabin wltli smoke, Ally seized ono of tho Captain's revolvers, burst open the shattered door, rushed upon deck, and leaped into the rivcrj "Thunder and lightning!" cried Ililey, startled beyond expression. "After that boy,nllofyou! Satan hlmselflsin him! A hundred dollars to tho man who first puts h baud upon him I" With a yell, as or blood-hounds, half n dozen of Hiloy's men splashed into tlio river, incited by tho promise of moiioycnnd sprang to the pursuit, whilo Hlloy, hastily lowering a boat, rowed after his men, whom ho soon overtook, ono i fter another, and ordered Into the boatJ They then pulled on after Ally, who nail distanced tho men whilo thoy wcrcjln tho water, but who could not compete with thu boat. Arriving at tin old sunken schooner, a long way from thosliore.lho boy climbed upon tho top mast, and looked back at Hlley, who was rapidly approaching. Tho cnptnln felt Suro of his prey, and was telling his men how to seize tho boy, when Ally suddenly fell from tho topmast, as if shol, and Immediately mink from sight. "Thunder and lightning!" cried Ili ley, "lie's gonoi" "OjOiio?" echoed all tho men In chorus. "Yes, gone!" and Hlley sprang to his feet, bending forward. "I saw him mil Ho fell t.'Htk Into tho wnlpr. mill went down liken bullet, without the least cry I run ior your lives I" tiio men ouoyeu. tiio Doal was quickly hesldu tho topmast, lint uo trace of tho boy could ho found ! 'I'll ttikomy Diblooath." said Hllev. "that the young salamnnder has not gono toward tho nearest shoro or an, other. A cramp or a shark has loo him!" The oyes of tlio scheming villain lit up strangely, nunou savagely. "And such helm: tho fact, men." nd ded he, "wo may us well give up tho search." ' The men resumed their oars, tho Can- A lUn 41IIH 41... l.,...t . . , !.? hum iiiu tjuui,ium iitu uuafcruiviriiou JU sllcnco to tho brig, wilh'Ally clinging quietly to the stern -his head Just far enough out of tho water to cnablo him to brcatho and thero he continued to stay until tho boat returned to the hriir. And then the boat being left lu tho water, at tno stern or tno urig, it occur red to Ally to unfasten tho boat from Its painter, let It drift down stream somo distance, then climb Into It, nnd row nway for Norfolk, which ho at onco din. Eorn mlniito or two thu boat eontln ued to sneed away In tho darkness. And then Ally climbed out of tho water into it, with a long sigh of relief, and seized a nair of oars resolutely. Crouching out of sight in tho bottom of tho boat, ho began rowing shoro- wards but softly, for ho was still near tho brig, and tho night was so calm ho reared Ms enemies wouui near nun. Thero was only too much occasion, ttsu proven, ior uus cannon. Tho boat had not been gono two mlu iltcs from tho brlg.'.when Captain Hlley wishing to go nslioro to seo Colonel Nichols, made his wuy aft. and discover Incr its dlsanncaranco at onco sent n couple of men after it lu another boat. Ally seeing that hu must again take to mil water, iook iiiu oars mom? wnn him, and went drifting seaward, with nothing but a pair of oars to support him. Tho night had now fully 8(1 In and tho tldo ran fast. Crumped and chilled by his long contluuanco In the water, tho boy was whirled along, growing weaker ovory moment: but Justus hopo was at Its ebb. ho suddenly beheld a nail behind him, rapidly approaching, under tno lorco or a ircsneuing nreezo. "A briir. eortalnl" hoL'ronncd.nftcru long look nt tho Hearing cloud of can vas. "It must bo old Hilov'sl Tho wind having comu again, ho Is oil' for Pacific ocean!" Ho regarded tho hrlg,ns It ennio near er, asking himself if ho should hall her. 'Let Uur bo what Sho may," ho mut tered, "friend or fon. 1 must hall her! My strength is Used tip 1 nhall eoun slip oir lroin thi'su oars and drown I roilunalely tho brig Is coming straight towards me. I will hall her!" Ho walled till tlio brig was near him, and then carried his resolve into execu tion. His l'ceblo call was heard and an swered; tho brig liovo to, u boat wns lowered, and ho wns taken aboard tho stranger. Tho boy hud only strength enough to learn that tho brig wns not Hlley's, and then ho fainted. ClIAl'TEHHI. It O It K V 1 1. Ij A I N V. Captain Ililey, verily believing that Ally was drowned, went nslioro to In form Col. Nichols of tho fact. Ho found tho Colonel Just coming from Mrs. Les ter's cottage, whero ho had gono an hour boforo, and stunnod Amy by in forming her that Ally Dell, her lover and hero, was being crrried oil to sea In tho Quickstep, and that she would nev er seo him again. Tho Colonel heard Illley's story about Ally's disappearance with breathless ltitercst, as thoy walked along tho beach; after which tho two villains congratu lated themselves upon tho boy's being thus completely taken cut of their path. Whilo discussing tho matter, they heard tho sound of oars, and soon saw a boat approaching tho slioro opposite n cottago belonging to an old retired sail or named Nicholas Collins, which was situated nt thu foot of Mrs. Lester's garden. In the boat was u man, and along with him was a female, sobbing convulsively. Colonel Nichols, with surprise, nnd alarm, recognized tho volco of tho weeper ns that of Amy Lester. Sho and her companion left tho boat and entered tho cottago, from tho windows of which a light soon shone. Colonel Nichols and Capt Hlley crept beneath n window, to spy nnd listen. They soon learned that Collins had row ed Amy off to tho brig in search of Ally, and that sho had thero heard of his at tempt, to cseapo and his consequent death by drowning. Amy was vehement in her denuncia tions of Col. Nichols, and declared that if Ally was really dead, sho would raisctho wholo country against his un do who had compassed his death. On attempting to rise to go home, Amy found sho was too weak to walk, and sent Collins for her mother to como to her. As soon as tho old sailor left tho cottago, Colonel Nichols proposed to iiiiey tnat no snouiu carry Amy on instead of Ally, and leave her on a plantation of ids on tlio coast, down by Capo Henry ,so as to silence her danger ous tongue, and also to glvo him a.hold on her mother. Tlio Captain agreed to this, and they entered tho cottage, com ing upon Amy so suddenly that, in her weak state sho was so cotnplctcl y over come that sho fainted away. "So. much tho better I" said Nichols, stooping and gathering her in his arms. "Now, lead the way to your boat,HiIey. On our wny, you must overset Collins' boat, to make him think she did it her self id a wild mood. IIo hurried out of tlio cottago bearing his fntil burden. Hlley followed hasti ly, anil tlio two made their way to tho spot whero Collins' boat lay- It was but the work of a moment for Ililey to push off tho littlo craft and overset it. "Thero, they'll think tlio girl got wild Willi grief and was drowned in an attempt to search for Ally again !" said tho Colonel exultantly, tossing Amy's iwhilo apron upon tho beach. "That apron1 will fix tlio matter beyond a doubt! Tho wind Is rhing, Hlley. You had better tako advantage of it!" Tho two hurried to tho waiting boat. Ililoy) laid tho unconscious Amy in tlio bottom, and then seized tho oars and rowed rapidly towards tho brig. Nichols, full of exultation. looked after tho boat until it was lost to view. "My ilrst plan was successful I" ho muttered. "Ally is dead ! I am a ricli man! Aud my second plan promises a liko success! When Margaret Lester's heart is nearly broken at Amy's los. I will. offer to restore her child on con dition that sho will marry me! The day of my full triumph is near !" Ho looked with gloating eyesseawai (I exulting iu hhevil success, until at last nearly 'an hour later, thu sails of tho Quiululrji filled, and thu lirig moved swiftly toward tho sea, taking with her Maigftiot Ldt' r's only comfoit thu dilni)t father's star of hopo I ClIAl'TKIl IV. J.lM'rUll KSOAl'lM AND Hi: AIM 1'llOM I liosu:. Wii left David Lester on his lonely island, planning Ids escape, Willi n ship in sight from tho elevated point where ho was nt work. Ho waited till night and Until nprlcU of tho idolatrous torn plo camo to chain him iu ids dungeon, wherp they nightly confined him ; and then suddenly leaping upon tho priest, lie boro him to tho floor, chained and gagged him, disguised himself In his priestly robe;, stained ids face brown withidirt, went to thoshoio whero tho canoes wero lying, entered ono of them, nnd paddled out to sea in tho direction in w(ilch iio had seen tho ship. Hu naddled for hours with all his strength, and had gono so far that tho lights oi tno island could not hu seen Lester. Sho has been living on his lioimtv these twoor tlneo years I Wiien your Interest in this ship was sold, I bought it, Tho Colonel owns the other hairi" , "Hut lids Is a baso fraud 1" oxclalmcd Lester. "Tho Colonel has been untrue to tho trust I reposed in him I I havo had suspicions or hift Integrity during my long exile, but I havo never dared to entertain them. I'll mako matters straight on my return. lean provomy claims nnd bring him to Justice tho dastardly villain My poor Margaret!" nnd lie groaned, Lester's threat concerning Nichols seemed to stir up nil tho malico of tho uaptain's nature, uo Dcneiu nis in tercut iu tho shIp,frnudulonlly acquired, threatened, and ho hated still moro tho lawful Owner whoso right in tho Cuelone lie had usurped. "it report speaKStriujY'iio said, "iurs. Lester need not bo called 'poor! 'Colonel Nlckold has long been pnyiiig her atten tions, and when I left port, live months ago, tho story was that they wero en gaged I Tho Colonel told mo himself that no loved ncr,Mnd meant to marry her. No doubt by this tlmo thoy aro married I" This cruel thrust struck homo to tho poor husband's heart, and uttering a great cry, lio fell forward with Ids f'aeo upon the table, wnllo tlicuaptuiu regard ed him with n look of mingled hatred and exultation. Tho Now York Ledger containing thocontinuallou of this story is forsalo nt all the bookstores and news' depots.- Ask for tho number dated Sept. 18, und lu it you will get thu next In stallment. Tho Lodger has tho best stories of any paper in tho world. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. THE NEW HAllDWAllE STOKE. NIC WiUS' ULTUA. llnvlng enlarged our btoio lioom unit Just i 01'KNi:il A NEW HUl'l'LV, illrpcllv from tlie Mnmif.icturGrH. luirrhimril r.,r ciiaIi, on u Uucllitlng market, w o nru prcpaiDctl to oflVr the RAtnc to FARMERS, MECHANICS, IIUIEUIIIIH. unci tliereitof Mankind, n Rpncral stock, rnm- riMUK iui iiiu itiuus uuu quniiur usually i.i'pi in a cltv llnnl Wnrn Htnrr. Kiiltnliln tn thn xrnntR of tho c6unty, at uniiHnnlly low prices. ju i io.sowuoniuu.ro riouHui liurc ironiti cootii In our lino cm k.ivo Money by looking In nt tho New Hardware Store.. rien-qglve usn eill nnilexiunlnoour jxtock Ac. Apr. SUSMyr llloomsbun;, l'.i. gTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. KUl'KP.T announces to his frlcnda and customers that continues tho above bnnlue3s at hlaold plncoou J.IAIN HT11EET, ULOOMSUUUU, CuUomiMs can bo accomodated with ' FANCY STOVIS of all khulj, stovepipes, Tinware, anil every va riety of nrttclo found In a o and Tlnwaro En Inblbbmcut In tho cities', and on the most reason. ablo terra?. nopalrlusdonoutllioshorlo.'it notice. a DOZEN JULK-I'ANa on hand for (tale. Jq"EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OM X.X STREET, NEARLY Ol'IOSITU MlLLEll' bTOllE, 1 m.ooMsnuna, tenn'a. The undersigned 1ms Just llttcd upnud opened 1119 UUt STOVE AND TIN SUOP, n this plnco, whcio ho Is prepnrod to lnnko np new Tin Wahc or all kinds In Ills lino, and do repairing with noatuehs and dispatch, upon tho most rc.rion.iblo terms. Ho also keeps ou hand BTOVra OF VAKI0US l'ATTEUNS & STYLES, which ho will sell upon terms lo suit purchasers, Ulvohlmacall. He Is a gout meclianlc, 6nd uciviugui mo puuuo puiiuiiiiKO. jacod Mirrz. llloomsburB, April :W, 1M7. and yet no ship had been found; and now tho wind was riling and n storm wns 'threatening. "Oh, Oodl Am I forsaken?" ho cried, In an awful nnguhh, seized with a fear that tho wind would tako tho ship from him. "Must I porlsli hero?" Atilhat moment when hope was dy ing, ho beheld n sight that turned all his wild wiio into yet wilder ecstasy. There, to tho northward, was tho ship standing directly towards him, with all sails'sot to catch tlio rising breeze, und not hair n milo away. "Yes. thero sho Is," houhotitcd. "Sho is coming this way. I am saved sav ed!" Ho raised ids aims to heaven, iu n muto thankpgivlng nnd sobbed aloud, tho glad tears streaming down his worn and Jinggard checks. Tho ship 111 tno nearer and nearer. 116 redoubled his wild shouts, his heart nnd soul lu his volco. Ail nnsvcrlng cry camo suddenly from tho blip's deck, and bho drew stenflily nearer bwerved' from her course slightly, nnd a ropo was thrown from her deck, falling into Ids canoo. Ho seized tlio ropo in despcrato eag erness, and n group of sailors leaning over tho ship's sldo drow him aboard. In, an Instant moro tho ship had ru b limed her courso. and was moving In stately fashion betoro tho brcczo. "Safe at hist!" murmured Lester, leaning against tho bulwarks, weak and nerveless as nn Infant, "Oh, tho glad ness' or this hour!" Poor man! IIo did not drenni ut that moment that his adverse rato was oven then relentlessly closing mound him j that lio was on ono or his own ships tho Cyclone: that Unit ship was commnndod by a bitter roo iu league with Colonel Nichols, who, on recog nizing him, would without reinoro consign him again to tho meicies of the Paclilu iu Ids Indian canoo- On Inquiry, Lester learned that tho vensol was tho Cyclone, and In tho llgnt or tlio cabin lamp recognized her Oai. tain. Tearing on his priestly robe, and wiping tlio stain from Ids race with its course lolds. lio exclaimed : "Captain Sales, don't you know moV" "David Lester!" cried tlio Cnptnln, turning ashy pale, and grasping his sta tionary sont ns though ho had received a shock, Lester wiped his biowsuiidsatdowu, tho Captain taking a beat opposite him. Ho had so much to ask, that Ids emo tions choked his utterauce.niiil prevent ed him from unserving thu look ordeatl ly hatred with which tho Captain ro garded him. Hut hu llnally piled his questions fast, and learned that his who yet lived, that Ids daughter Amy had grown into a lovely girl, und Hint both wife and daughter hud long mourned him ns dead. Hu also learned of his wilb's poverty. "Colonel NfchnU bettled nn tho firm niralrs," Bald tho Captain, u icrvcdly, "and thero was nothing left Kir Mrs, DRUGS &, MEDICINES. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For TJlsoosoa of tho Throat and Iiungs, euch as Coughs, Colds, 'Whooping Coueu, Bronchitis, Asthma, aud Consumption. Trobably never before la tho wholo history of medicine, has any thing won so widely and so deeply upon tho confldcuco of mankind, a this excellent remedy lor pulmonary complaints. Through a louc scries of years, and nmonir most of tho races or men it has risen higher and higher in their cstlma tlon, as it has becumo better known. Its uniform character and power to euro tlio various nfTcctlons of tlie lungs and throat, haroinado it known as n re hablo piotcctor against them. Whilo adapted to milder forms ofdUeage and to young eliildrcn, it Is at Uio sanio lime tlio most effectual leuicdy that can be given for incipient consumption, and tho dan gci ous affections of Uio throat and lungs. As a pro lsIon against sudden attacks of Croup, It should bo kef t ou hand In every family, and Indeed as all nro FOinctlmcs subject to colds and coughs, aU should bo pioJdcd wltli Uiis antidolo for tiicm. Although scaled Consumption Is thought in cut able, still great numbers oi casos whero tho dis earo teemed settled, hao been completely cuicd, nnd Uio patient icstorcd to sound health by tho Chcrru J'ecUiruU So complete Is its mastery ocr the disorders of Uio Lungs nnd Throat, that tho moot obstinato of Uicm yield to It. When noth ing else could reach Uicm, under Ike Cherry foifi! they subsido and disappear. Stutters ami 1'uhlio Speakers Und great pro tection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. llroncliltls Is generally cured by taking Uio Chcrru Vcctoral In small and frequent doses. 6o generally are IU virtues known Unit wo need not publish the certhlcatcs of them here, or do moro than nssuro tho public that its qualities aro fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For 'Fever nnd Acuo, Intermittent rover, Chul I'evor, Itomittont Fever, Dumb Acuo, 1'oriodlcol or Bilious Fever, &c, nnd indeed all tho afrectiona which ariso lVom malarious, marsh, or miosmatio poisons. As JU namo Implies, It docs Cur, nnd docs not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substanco whatever, It in nowiso injures any patient. Tho number nnd Importance of its cures In tho nrno dis tricts, aro literally beyond account, and wo believo w itliout a parallel In the history of Acuo medicine. Our prido is gratlflcd by tlio acknowledgments wo icccio of tlio radical cures effected In obstlnato cues, ami wncro ouicr remedies had wholly railed' Unacclimatcd persons, cither resident in, oi travelling Uirough miasmatic localities, will bo pro' tcrtcilhv Latin e tlio jtOVll CUnr. ilallr. Tor J.lrei- Cmnptntnts, arising from torpidity ui iiiu j.irt:r, Ik is nil excellent rcmcuy, fiumuiaiulK tlio I.lver into healthy activity. 1'or Illllous Disorders and Liver Complaints, it U mi i-Ai-ciicni rcinmy, pruuueing many truly re markablo cures, whero other medicines kid filled- l'rcparcd.by I1!. J. C. AVKn ft Co., 1'racUcal and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass.. and sold all round tho world. rmcv, $1.00 rrn noiiLr. Vot nil tho Wodlomo. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, purposes of a Lasativo Perhaps no ono medicine- U so universally io united by everybody ns it cathartic, nor was ever -' nny before so universal ly adopted into use, in every country and aniomr all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative I'M. Tho obvious rc.i. son Is, that it 1 s nmoro re liable aud farinoro inec tual remedy than any nllinr Thnln l.n l.n tiled it, know that it curod tlicm: thosowho have not, know that It euros their neighbors aud friends, ami all know that what it does onco it docs always Hut it never falls through any fault or ncglcctuf Us composition.. Wo hao thousands upon thou sands of cerlulcatos of Uiclrrcniarkablo cures of tlio lotion Ing complaints, but 6uch cures aro known In e very nelghboi hood, and wo need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions lu all climates: containing neither calomel oranydclcUulousdmg, they may bo takcu with safety by anybody. Their susar coating preserves Uicm orcrftcsli and makes tliein pleasant to tako,w hllo being purely vegetable mi harm can arlso from Uiclr uso In any quantity. 'llicy opcrato byUielr powerful Influence on Uio internal viscera .to purify Uio blood and eUmulato it Into healthy netlon rcuiovo the obstructions or the stomach, bowels, liver, and oUier organs of Uio body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by larrocting, wherever thty ovist, Mich dcrungo mentsns aro tho llrat origin of dibcaso. Muiuto iliroetloni are given in Uio wrapper on tho box, for tho followiug complaints. lutluiaso iWirapidlycuros For !.riiriaiii or Indignation, I-UiIms. iioM, JLuuaruui- and Iam of Apirtiir,thcy should bo taken moderately to tUnmlato the 6toni ai h and restore Its healthy lono and action. .f...r .'.i?.rr CoiiiiiUliuand its various symp. inim, liiiiuu. iirailacho.HlcU Iieuiluclir, .Tiiuiiilicu or Urri-u NIcLuo.s, lliiloiis Ti. and, Illllous I'overs.Uicy should be Ju die ously taken for each caso, lo correct Uio diseased action or remove Uio obstructions which cause It. tor jsysrutnry or Itlarrhiea. but ono in Id UoMi is generally required. For ItliriiiiiulUm, Clout, Orarrl, l'alnl. '.'.""!" "r. "" fain in , S!Si ll.nu anil lailus, thoy should bo cont nuou hr COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, Oornor oi' Main StvcoL nnd I,. & 33. Hull Konrt, BLOOMSBUBG, 3P-A.. .... . n 11 A 1HT IM) I) D. MACHINISTS. IRON AND MASS I'uuawmio; BLACKSMITHS AND IJ0I2BU MAKERS. MANUFAOTUllEHS OF STEAM ENGINES .& WATER WHEELS, cji:m.uai- m iciiiivi: woiik ai bkpaiiis. Ml Mi (JUAUINU. SHA1TIN0. 1'UH.UYH, HANGIX.. IIlIAnM.OL'ira, . saw aVEiLXs a-Eiaxnsra- of all i-sirasrios, CASTINGS l'Ott I'UHNAGKS GROCERIES,' Sec, p o n rnc;i i u r ,iv ii. i . Vim uniUlshjiK"! ","'' C"",y "uhm""'" to Uio rulillo lliat h.- 1ms "l-oiul n l'iiAI.VAl'ANUYUAJil)", FI,InSosiamiOFHUi. KliTH, UA1S1K8. AC, AC, AC. li V wn'oi.fcHAM! on iirltAil.. .. . fn i,ivtment of all Bonds In ill uioi i. .",'".-,:,, vnrlctv lit ' Ills lino oi uiisiiiu. . DOIiliH, TO YIJjIAO., . sultnUorortho llolldajs. l-artlcul.tr nlimition given Ul II It K ,v t Ml' UAlif.n, nf nil kinds, freRli every dn!'. , OH'itlSTM a"S OA K1U KH. 0 II I M T M An I 1 cnll In nollcllwl anil Millsfiuthiii will bo Kl-'ln'lf'vl"' I.VCOIIii. ttininntceil, Nov.Zi, iw A1X0 OAK WltilKI-S AN11 AX I. ICS AND liOMjlNd MILTsS. and (juni:i:ai .mi.nmnii oastinuh. G HAND OPKNINO (1UAN1I Ol'ENINO OltANl) OIMI.VINO (IIIA.VI) (ll'KXINII (IIIAN1) OI'llNINd MlSpELLANEoi,' )l.()OMHIIUIl(IN()l.MAI i,, " .ui 1I0AUIJ OF INHTliuw, 1,0 ni.:NUYcAnvi:.i,A.M rewnrnriiitclttrtunlri i,,i , "'w Hnrnli A. Carver n Tenchcr of French, lloK'S' iui "ranches; -"n . Isaac o. Htsi a . 1'roct.sor of Auci.nt u, , ' OrninTua'Irli'H-,ii I w r u' Friiressnr tifMnthcnmuS V,1' lionoinj- "Tlfr lM..foe I.', vt ' o Tcnclierdf uenErnphy, bluiirjj AMI innt tenchJr;,7,fe, Or miliar, J r ' MlSt Allrr. l InC Tenclieriif Music on the Vnv, 'mi, , ( Mttt. ITflltt. T i I ;ruuclicr ..f Vucnl Music and liT .BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, OAH I50X1CM, ,.,., l.ll.vil'tWIIiUjM i;svrjrnvun, AND liAUlUT MlCTAl i llKIiFIKlilVS aiOIiF.nilATKIi GLOW. VAhVM, ti'idv cdoivS, CilKOIC VAIiVHS, , " ' ' AllVCOOKS, OIli CUI'S, STHAJl WllIHTIilCS, 1 1 STX1AIWC CUAOES, aXBAlVE EII'H AND X,ISEIXGS , I'Al.t. I'Al.l. ,FAI.I. I'Al.l. '1,'AI.l. A N 1 1 AND AND AN'll AND of WINTIifl WINTKll WINTI1II iWINTr.ll ,WlN?'i;i! (IOODM, (iOOIIH, (!0(1I)M flOOIM, (fOODH ?-1"'"'"'l9"llrS'0 Joso Should bo taken . uy sympatny, or two i'llfi to nro. a S ,,'1,on rchcyo the stomach. bowel, tato hiilVhiVrff-"' !Lra" One l,o feel, Mcrabirwei fc, ''''? "'' f deciiliil,1 be terU W iihMlfrtlni bl conslsilne; ttt onnslslllli: of ,.rymi.lllie fif e-jniistliiu of DltY (looni, llltY (101 IDS, . DltY noons, DltY (IOODS nitY (loons, II ATM AND (JAPS, HATH AND'CAIK, AINU I1AIT-, ANM1 OAl'S, AND CAIW, HATH HATS HATH nooi'rt HOOTS 1100TH IIOOTH 11011'IH and snorji, AND HI10F.S, AND HIIOF.S, AND HHOKS, AND SIIOUS, Afjcnts and sole Manufacturers of Hall's ratciv. Double Discharge Eurbinc Wheels. BLACKSMITI-IIWG', A iihavy on Main fouoinos, AGENTS FOU SKIVE'S GOVEltNOJl;. .. AcicNowMioann to nn Tim simi'M'-st and iikst in tiii: would. REA3IEHS, TAPS AND T1VS, JIADE TO OllDliii. BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. 0HDE11S X'Oli lilllDQE HOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED , AGIIICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS or tiii: lati:st imiuiovuu rATTiut.vs. TIIIIESIIINCI 5IACIIINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye I&eapeiis Repaired, AND ALL IIXTUA l'Al'.Tii I'UHNIHIIKD. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPIUiyfORS OF HOHTON'S PATENT KAY HAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION GIVEN lli:AllY-MATl: CLOTHINO, IlllADY-MADi: CLOTHING ItllAHY-MADi: OLOTIIINO, IIKADY-MADK CUVlillNO. UXADY-MAM: CLOTHintl, . I,OOKlN(l-(U,ASSr.S, LOOK 1 NU-0 1, ASSICH, LOOKINd-OI.ASSm, LOOKINO-OLAHSIIS, LOOICINO-OLASHIIH. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOTIONS, l'AINTS AND OILS, 1'AINTS AND, OILS, 1'AINIU AKD OILS, 1'AIN'IH AND OILS, 1'AINW AN1J OILS, OUOCEllIKS, OltOUKItIRS, ' llKOCl'HtlKS OltOCIlltUlH. UltOCKllILH, OlIEKNHWAUK, liUllllNSWAIti:, (iUIlllNSWAltll, (JUKKNSWAUK, liUioL'Naw'Aiu:., lrAltDWAHE, lIAItDWAUl'!, HAItDWAltl:, llAItllWAItlJ, llAItDWAUH, TINWAlti:, TlNWAltll, TINWAlti:, TINWAIIK, 1 TINWAKE, HALT, SALT HALT HALT, BAI1', (iHii, KIHII I'MHII, , I KITH i'lKH, Way 7,'ra-tf OU JI O N li Y It 13 1' U N D K D , "yilEELER'S PATENT KAIL- CHAIN HOKSK-POWEIt. ThombRcrllierlicreliy kIvcs notice that lioliai repurclmscil tlio old ktand nt Llglit Htrcet from Win. fei'lmyler, whom lio is nuw iiiiinufacturlng tlio W 11 E E L E 11 PA T E N T , mid Is prepared to furnish farmers with tho most rollnblo machines ever oireicd t ) I lio public. Thu Wheeler Machine is uo Ionizer an experiment ns it has been lu constant llo for years and lllo yearly saloof this patent exceeds that of all oth ers combined. Wnrlcilonout our shop U warranted for ono year. Also, nu'ent for Wheeler's Combined Thresher mid Winnower. Fur fut (her piuticuhuK npply" to or address J. M. IIDLSIIl.Klt. I.liilil Htreet, Columbia county, l'n. Juno aiffJ-Iin. CIENTS WANTED FOR c a m n j: Ji L J A" their clianiln; M.rn:s . f Uvo apparatus. " V"VM " u"'Scs- Ml. J. V, AYVlt CO., Practical Chemists, LOWULT., MASS., V, ,S. .1, KtU.5. 18C9, .T0K,,UNTINO IN COLORS, V () It T II K P K O P U Kl COKTAININO Fu U Inst ructloni nnd rrncllcnl ronns, ndnptcil toKvory Kind orjiusincsx, ntul lotill tlio Hiatc-H ortL'o union. UY I'UANKLTN CJIAMIinitMN, OV THK UITKll UT ATIS 31A1I Thero lft no book nf tlio Iclml which will lako rnui: wun u inr auuienuciiy, inicnigcnco, una nimilfil vllvvvi -Xtifi),, l,H ir.ft s This U tlio Only Now Hook of tlio kind publMi- ti4 iur Jiiiiiij j t .ir, ii- jm piypaifn uy un aoio rraetlcai Jjiwyor, or twcnly-llvo yciirs cxif rl cuce, ntl U JiHt what rerj hoOy.ncciIv fonmlly uso, It is highly recommended br manyeinlnfiit JutlccH, lucliullns tho Chief Jubtlre anil other JuilytH oriloketulmsells, anil tho Chief Jn&tlco and entire liench of Connecticut. Sold only hy HnliKrrlptlon. AOKNT.H WAJf- l 1i HtUk' .(, IU 1..1. II. IIn.lf., l i -y.t iminut io, iui inuii.vtuiii,: No. 1 HprncoHt., Now Yoilr; Cincinnati, O.; and V-UICUU, ill, CAUTION, An old law-book, laiblUhcd inuny yeara ajjo, husJiiKt been habtlty relH&nod nt a new book,'1 without even a tultahlo mvlslon nf 11m nhknlum btatements. Do not confound that work with LimiiiuLTim u ijiwuooic ior uio t'conio, July iVfcy-;jm, JglLfjIAIvDS ! ISILLIAIIDS ! ! (1UALV (IHA1N (IIIALV (IKAIN UliAIN AND HI'IMIH, AN11 HIIIlllS, and Hi:i:ns, AND bKICDy, AND KlUIllS, &c. AC, Miss Julia M.Opu 100 Tcuchirof mod? ffi I.J Tilt! 1-ALL term will hn nnd until our lionrdlnu hull I.,.'.,"1 cy.on npiillcnllnn In tho ITInei,"1' " uo iiiriunoii wiiu Homes In " It Is better for Rtudents to 't iiliuiof tho (erni. 1.111 ui.. -L bio tlioy ran enter nt any timi! ' 1 - f March 20 Im. " me' OS fJNFAILINUEYKl.J! Ol'TIOtANS Aociib "AiirtMiui, cos, Huvr, Willi n view to nui t ll,i i. for tliMr 1 1! L V. 11 It a I j '" i'EitPj.:oTi:i)8i'i:ai! .or, iud Wl so. ., b Alms A. D VKlNIt WATIOSHi, iii.oomnvhd As their sotoAKcnt for this Pjc . ' taken nro to glvo nil nuilhii . . "J lmvo'coiilhiencoln tho ability 10'; lilect tlio requirements nf nil portunlty 1U bo tliusnuordul' i times 21' HI'IMTAUiia UNKCilALLEIU ,S Tjium 8Tiii:NOTiir..-i.o.1v VINO (IUAUT1R "fl Tuuinucli enuuotboi.aldasi. 'J 1! OltlTV over the ordinary ghM no tUiinncrlvy, wm-oiiuj of tt,t oilier uupleniaiit hcnsallun. I., from tiio jiecullar convtrnctloi ttlicy nro soolhttuj wul jtUamit c ol relief to tho wearer, Ml f. CLHAll nnd DISTINCT VWO.V id health! sight. Theynlo tlicoj W tan 1.1! aai XI nl IL FHESEHVE AS Wi-LU rpirv mniiT' au is tat1 And nro llio CIIIIAI'IMIh wnyn losllni; jianv i kails iujr neocssnry. :0: PE. 0 A U T I 0 X. 121 MIhh A. D. Wft&a iii KTATlnSr.ll, JiI.OOM.Sll I not h. ; i m MHl AT ' N11AL .1; LU.,. N11AL A- Ctl.H NKAI. ,t rtl.'H. N1CAL A Cd.'H. NKAL .1 flO.'H. Noilhwi.t corner oi ilulnuud Market htrecU, Niiillmeslcornerof Jlnln und MuikeiHlrcctn, Northwest corner nf Miuu und Mai kit Mtruets, Nnrlhn isl corner of M,itn aud Market hlrntin, Northwest curlier of Mi.1n nnd Mnrkcl Klieelti, McKI'.LVY. McKlll.VY. MllKI'.I.Vr. McKKl.VV, .ICl.l'.I.V i , WILLIAM II. (IILMOill: 11ns opened nllno Ttllllard Knlnnii in nddltlnu lo Ills well known IllisrAUItANT. lie hn'i U tables Willi nil I ho lalest lliipriiM'melil.siind lu perfect U1U1I. ,U 111, llilllll IIIU Llt'&t LAG Kit HKi:it AND ALU whleli tho market nirm ds. bYSTl'.US In bo bad ill nn nines wot u in reason, nisu llccf ioimue, ncuicti iripe, Liains, ac, etc. Hie public nro Invited In cnll, nnd nro prom ised smiM.iot.inii either lu billiuidsur lilusli- jueuis, ins CIUAIW AND T0I1ACC0 cuunot bo excelled. lUnoinshui'i;, .Ian. L'CO, 1A l'A l'A l'.., llLOOMHIUIlltl, HUKIMHIIUIKl HLOOMMIIUIKl, HLDOMSlliritd ,Uf,OOMHJUIIt(l, PA. Iltu.-N AKIl N.WI, IIHJ.N AND IltllN AND I HON AND 1U0N AND NAILM. NAHM, NAII.1, NAILS, in mine o,uiu. Iltlcs nnd at rednctnl rntm, uhviiy on iiaud. mmmm .EUICIH VALLEY AGIUCULTU- i- HAL CULM ICAL WOIIKK, OOK, HEAD, AND LEABN, THAT THE Urcat SliodlionccH llcmcily I of tiii: CT.i.uiiiiATr.ii isuian nn. lewis JosiiEwius, This lNrAt.uiii.is 1H:mi:iiy does not, like tlio roUonouN Irritating nulla un.l slronu causi lo to. lutlouswltli which tho peoplo havo Ions been liiiuibUBBed, bluiply imllluto lor n short time, or drlyo thu disease to tlie Lunits ns there Is lUnger ;f diilnir in the use of such nostrums, but It pro duces piirfcct nnd permnnunt cures of tho worst. !'.?.sf',VJ.,tl!ro,.,i0 clarrli, ns Ihniisaiidseaii testify. .i?-J ".V" fc'1'1,'; iH .' "r1"1 wl" w niipllcn' tlons. Oiturilinl Headache Is ri Ueved anil cuied ?i 'f.i1.' m"l!u 1 ' removes nlleiisl o bl e.U h. luss or linpiiliiueiit or tho seiuu or tusle, smell or iearliiir,WHterliii or vieiik eyis, und impaired iiieiiiiiry, wlir iieauseilliytlisvliileiicoof.utiirrli. ns they nil freiiuenlly lire. I oilei Iniiond f.itHi a t raiumf rare01 f fur " ,'aia mUm 11 ' rou ha li uy most nnyaoisTO nvi.itY I'nifK Only CO Cknts. Ask Vf.ni- llrii(.i,Uf f... tl. . Iimu n.if . I " ..r-Mui j inn iio lias not yet Rut It nn mlo, don't i,0 put oiriiy ue !!t',' J,"-!"11?' lulrt'r'lblo wursu than wdilhlessuli. ftute. but eiiiluso sixty .cuts to mi., nd tlio ...... ... , w pun. juu Hisi puiii. i our naelc- ases 1 1 .m, c.r one down for tW Kend n lw.1 1" lit stuiiip fur Dr. Huko's pniiipblet on tutirr i A -dress tho Pronrletur. it. v. iiimii'i.' vi n " ' ji.wi-jih, llurrAio, N.'V, SfOQO lo $r; gJi full iiarf'utWrf July 2, '(0-3m A', y, C'Aruiiun -Utvcoft. ill,! nvJIn 1 T,' llja "f Hhoilinnees, Coluin blni?iJrr.1.'0,y u n.nw for sal "' ' Union. .? 1 1. al, l)1,sfs,'li; treat remedy. Is warranted nnd in brond nnd emphatic, lausunse. we ran sale y say, may ii relied uimn to iJnliD a pormti nent euro of nl discuses ol tlio Xliroat LurnS Liver, Kidneys, lilirestlvo OrSini etc As wfcfl aSKCrilfll J. tho Vuilnn. .1.17. ri, ' :."'.!" "ul HUEINKl .t lIELFiUOir, .lANtiiAt-ruiii us or liitiiiNici'u comi'li;ti: II O N E JI A N U 11 E. pncciilintcd .i,anuiocomb.iils,.o reliable iu'. .'eitll2nSpr,,pe.,ufI1ONMU.lIHTorOH(.UND Tl.V.'iSfs'V UONL.wIlh Ihoaetuoeluneutsof rnmivTAK ,.'t,S o remedy pfVun tho arcatcst boon ever lnld m i i, i ,7,."L.'A! ff."d. TTK.i-. I llir- liumniiliv u suiiei- . nn ueuicrs in Medlclcino. OlIANO, A.MMONJAUAI, MATJTH, AJJD SUPER FIIOSPJIATE OF lorra. Imw ultdllkrcn c . DuiituHui, ii'iiuuio ana nnl ,?ir fi!'?nllulr",ld,Vn"allons nnullty lo Uiu-ed by dlirerent ProVortlons of lilul fatVin 1- urmers can save i money by rcducliw ti e riuaft 'V.V.1.t'".'.fctlvesl Wo iu.0 only llono and no 1-lioil .luuiiuu iuiur riiospnuto of Lime. Hend r.ir 'I urmers' Mnmna iini in i t.-. ; ."'-uu ior I tuu i'a lute by ' ' -"rac- .19ou.Hn. WALTLIt HUOlT.taiawlLtal'll Jlur, QMNIIIUS LJNE. Theiindcn.lgued would icsreetfully announce lo thocl zcuj, of liloomsbnrg aud the public gene rally thn lio Is miming nn 0MNI11UH LINE bttween this place nud the dlllertnl tullroaddo IKitsdally (Sundayi, excepted), to eouncct with the sovetnl trains Kin BoutU and West on the Qui" wlssu mid Wllllamsport llnllroad, and with those eoius North anil South ou ibo Ijicknwauna and Iliooni.buri: llnllroad. Ills Omnlbussis aro In , ,,a,i ,.,,, iim.,,. . dlous nnd coniiwtablo, ami charues leusouablo. ' . i i.uus wisnini; ui meet nr sco their friends do pai l.wiu boiioeoraislated ni.n i oasonnblechargo by leaving timely uotleo nt nnj of the lintels I.M'OII L (UltTON, l-ropileinr. QAUllTAOE 11 AN UFACTOUY, UloomsburL', I'a. M. V. HLOAN i. Iiltm-iirif thesuu-crisorsof WILLIAM HLOAN A hy.N ioiiIIiiuo Iho buslnoss of making CAISIUAOIX, JIUOUI.'A und every stylo of FANCY WAdONH. whleli Ihey Intra constantly on hand ( sulln.s tinners, lxover using anv mut..ri i i,i n, nud tuiploylng the most nperlenc.,1 workiuen they hopo to continuous li.iii.rr.. i u. i... siilUfacllim to every tunomer, All liisiieelinii ol .u. m-ru.iimioriherfusonablopiloe utkid for be same, Is sure to lusure n salt.. Jlny fiWJ-tf rM,l!?,,MIf,'S,SSfJU0 I'OWDKH AC JiiucaiSTswniTi: thus or thu (3 HEAT S1I03IIONEE3 HEMEDY I lAiisniAcra or i.Bi'rEiis.) (ll.nm.n W V .-i. .... . fLflteffe ! !:!V,":7 UemtHly U Kl vine ulb LiSt, edtodo-seveiTavl, how much they had been be icillc -,l froiii it,' 1 u,-0 1 l.avo sold out orit nualu. etc. . le. 1 l WlLLAltD N. SMITH. Rhermnn, N, Y,.Marcli 29ih iwn Dn. Vounu & 11110.-1 nil leu your lliL li HW col'l'llrin lT,'.dy jy,l'!S 'V'r m O 0 Uux con lriuid Dyspei.ili!. iho lesull has beuu aim It llives iiiiivcisul mil.fnciloii. nmio thai ut p ' Ji H,',"11")0 elivo had in llies oroforyears5 Justlili In rcciiniinendlni: 11. Homi i! 71 moiv, it will sell In thuo m.Vnth, T klx ,loz- ilYUO.-J l'XNNIMl. B1V.HKOOIU any otlitT new ui unrouuee i sutu nilUMIIlMlLl'M IfPHWu tf W "0"' n."a hu" III u liudlclno wo huvo uver nil,,..;,..1! as wu lire nitiirli. ..t ... ,. " . r - - ' iirLr'Wlk&LX) . 1S7 N. Morgan Kl Chicago, III. Ib. 18ih ism v,1'" Y,uvti." "'.-l iiiAo surd over ie ,,z or your Uuut bhiwliontis lleinedy nlunilv 1 mn! uriul iiunibirutllio Hliosbiint'. Tl' i l Kl l.,u uiilversnl satisiactlon, 1 10 ii" t urd f..?iK wiuiin I havo sold, but wimt si.eaks r It u ihn hmhest teiuis, nml ii(iiiinei.ihi io,Si..iL,r "'9 ns i inn nearly nut of 11. mum,, -i;,i ..V .' i,u gross lliuro lit lilieo. i le I , ."V nun u HKO. IlltOOKIUt. Ki "'inillj I Inilio pllits.SI.M. rursaiubynll dtulers lu Medicine. jhown's FAsrl.TiEialni ntOM 1'HII.ALLLl JIJA TO III.OOiIBllll.ici llouils, nt I'liiluilclphlu, must bo' di liver, ,l i 1 liner a Wh. mi MuikcJ Hluet Vur full luri tlculujs, npply to ' " I" Is tho ONLY Asrat , Uiis plnco. t,8rVK EMPLOY Xd Fl I'cb. lll,-0'),-ly. G-K )VEU A ItAKI eu iui 1,'lltKT I'lil MH ' r K Ii AST I l! ST I? IK an 1'AMII.V JT' ibti 0 hu SEWING Mife Al t., TT iu. Ulli IT ro n o7 ' M IU3 illlOtllWlV.M'A r:m ciie-ilnut wii 11 I'OI NTH o !' i:x' ;li Utl cv. lleulily nml Llastlillj " IVrfectloiiniidSliiipllcIiJ ""' Using both thuiulsdlri' HI1 No f.tsleulng of scums lo w of thread. AVido rango ut iipiillinue:i adjustment. Tho scum ictnlns lis l'1"') a washing and ironing. . Ilesldes doing all kind'-"' KewItiB Mneliliiis, tbesK l'- ' , mot lienutlful and pel mm" 111 1 ornamental work, II -B! lb vl r IT, T -()t- Vr-Tho lllgbest I,remi' " 1 t Hxiilbltiiins of tho I'lill"! M-' linvubcen nwaidcd the (H"""' Mnchlnes, nnd the woi k dm" 1 1 T. oxhlhlleil In competition. J -0l taTho very lilgbrsl lllil' ' I TIU1 MXIION OI' lloNul:'t''i the repribeiilnllvo nl H"' ur""'1 Mni bliu. ill Iiiu Lsposlll' " 1 ' l 1SC7, lliusnttisllnglhcli' t" all nlher Hewing Mrn hi"1- i - V (t it H Alt' II V of. 3D O jUsOOMSitm1'1 Juno iS.'ClMy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers