THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOniAT, BLOOMRIUHIO COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. l II til 1(1, VitlbAY, SEl'T. 1, lt.(,9. ,,' ?m of mailer tclalivb To tlio Sena ' niiiatYiifl ' li'arf eroirJeJiYr' feVctal nfiona winch' 'oimresa froiiftSyyoin'lMsj Terr! i lurgu mnjrtrltj ok- nLria r lias npiiBUttQCufiliSMht'riiinii tnry of Wnr, i(iplticoJof (leu deceased.' ' it.lLtt,sonslu8ion'5fi!''riJBiTliuiub" outh's column"Jand Oio jJjI'armcr'H .liu weolc to givo room to nn'unlin Ker story. S 4' ''lit -fifl fi Mnino clcc(ion,:Cliambcrlaiirn(Ho liiaJiriiyU'LSfwfdtfS.OOO'firid 0,000 tuUycar it mstyhJl(,qoq. Last Itnilicals carried ovory counfy in (lio L .t. -i. '!?. jl I ..i.i.. ' a yvur muy ioau.iOUi,4iuui piuis.uij will bo n, Mag'escntatipri by tlio lfloonisuurg to tlio U. ot U. A. 31, uy tlio 23th iiist. in'thef Hall or tlio 1 lirower's building. Tho order will o'c'oclcI'ratontatlon at 8. ' wilt bo a collection taken up jn St. , jU'copal 1CnurclilYtr',tKisl ptilea'ricx't Tor the benefit of, the) familiei of the miners. It ,ia hoped tlio attend f)Oliarso'!lnd,tlfo!mttuntol (ho col irrefpoiidingly so." .' orthutnberland Democrat, Sunbury , jullivan DpnpcnU, ajidjCoLUMiu-VN 3HAT hoist Mr. liuckalow's nanio as date forBe,rfn'for,iIwlillnyrr. Chut 'pporled by Ms otcnpapcr and icick uazeUe,UiCiUU?r;oJ whtvh im ago bolledarjalns him ! cinocratio Standing Committee bavu ncctings to b,c cabled Jt, federal points unty in tlio' cV)3ro 'of'uio canvass. orseytown wiU.'probably bo held on of next week but notice, of that and cm will bo duly given by.. hand bills. , - i ..n'flj l1: 'f .1 cnfa'of-Ooluihbia'-county against iho.County Trcasurcr.ln tho matter 35 stolen'; Edinc'lhriffMcoJ'frOm tho , tho Court otdcred.MriYolio to pay mt. AlltIio.frotJi.t,nlk;Jof.,tlio A'c l,,thorcforc,alI tq tho,grquud,aa do llio nwcrfions ol, fuat pcrtectly utitc- 'rjends must not'j&rgft that tho elections Qccutfhis, Fall, at tho . ' ' 1 'O .1.... 0 ji.s, tuo gcnprui cieciiuii.,, ocu mm. 1 are tclecic4,n.ithoywill fctreiigtlien 3 tickoU Nominationsor, (ho differ- 'nship offices should bo j made at :r a lull noticd 'trj'all fcohecrned, and ts fhould bo pnrit'cdJ 'Tli'oy mu.-t bo 1 a fcparatp, elip. , ..,K , v of tho P. 0. of A.' was organ ilooiusburg on last Monday ovcuitig l'rcs. J. Harry James' and brothors aps No. 106 and te l. TBrbttier Hon- Camp, .Nd. :110wai present, alo Leo of No. 9S,jWhQ,as.yitcd in the of tho candidates. , The Camp has lartcr-motrbership and tho inembcrs milled to mako tho order.a success. uckalew was tho unanimous choico ba .cqunty fof Senator.),, His nomi iudorhed by thrco of tho four Coun o District. How, then, can any man ns to bo a Dcmocrat'.tupport Mr. whoso nomination is endotced by o Conferees, ono of whom grossly the confidence! reposed in him by talaw, and wjio violated, tbp in.-truc-ur County Convention ? rcngth of a party consists ii its oi n ana its' alt lierfe'iico W'thJ party can When men attempt to bolt or sc i nominations fairly made, they aim low at their own party, and aid tho n in its defeat, "i'lio piajority mu-t If a minority can dictato rcMilts in need in holding dclegato election", ins, or conlcrcnces. All cannot ho ea'es whero thcro is n contoht for DAI.K -Actual investigation h is nit ono hundred and soven lives wcio o Avondalo'difastor. j'.It leaves nsv- widows and ono hundred and filly, crless children. Tho latter number icreaod to ncarly( two hundred. Largo of money are being collected all over try, for tho relief of tho widows and and a subscription has been opened rst National Hank of. this placu for lose. There thould bo a liberal ro om our citizens. Communicated." ' rfNlssis. A IJentoniaii'sends in tho 'Items: ' l! tRl'uNNV. Tho Itepubliean parly ibia county nominated a full county cing in af'hopelesaininority" as they cn,uontly are awaro of the fact that bo beaten, w-?jh,Ls is going nterpriso with a'krowledgo of ecr eat. -.Thoi object tV-'khow their . Well they wilffindTtVu"t. d man. Governor deary was glad was nominated for ro-clcction. Ho nd talked considerably of. tho high onfeicd. and confidence renns,..! if bo will bo to much pleased uller ol uctobcrr Canpiiute roil Statu Kkmatk.. arlos H. JJuekalqw.polumbia county's moieaucr oi ino (jmqcralio pally junty, and its guido noil friend in tho invation. To his ability and wisdom ittnbulo our grand, and btill increas irity. An honor to tho' nation, Stalo nlry j A Democrat in whom tlicro is J Pure, upright and honcat. icrala, pitch in. Wo havo uu opjior oprovoour fidelity to, tho defender piincipleti, when it was considered in high places to speak tho tiuth. yal,"and their press havo not thaken lo impression upon his purpoMi. May attend his every ttep. Local JVotlci'N. ivory thing in tho in'u..ieal way go to vtllK TlMK.-TliftlPall elections aio on and bcavicr.clotbtng will bo no for comfort at meetings over tho Loweuberif has n'siilcinli.l ,., ,11, w .-. w.,vvUll stull'ssuilablo forovvrcoats and suits 3 wouu auvtso our inonUs tu oxamino. m uro reasonablo and his ttylu ul ii his goods is unsurpas,cd. Court rrocccdlngs. TIiuiishav, Sept. Dili, ItGU, CI. W. Ulltenliouso vs M'Cren. Uy iigret'iiient of counsel J. O. b'rcczo Ks. iippolnii'd to tiiku tustluiony on both KllKtS. Mil. of niclmrdllrttl dee'd. On mo tion of Mr. l'rcezo, Mr. llrockwny np liiilnted to innko dlstrlliutlon. Coin. ' Jiiiiii'ri H nnd Clmrlw LiiiiKilon. liidlctincnt illsturblii; vo llglousinuollii(j. Dill Ignored utiil proso etitor Uoyd 11. Johnson to pay tlio costs. Coin, vs J. S. Sccslioltz. Indicliiiuiit Asjuultntid Uuttery. 1)111 lu;norcd,coun ty lo pity costn. Com. vh Jorcmhili Mottlno. Indict Assault and Unttcry. Vt-rtUcfaullty." Sept. 10th, Sentenced to pay u flno of $5.00 and costs of prosecution. Com. vs Collins Sutlllf. Indict. As sault with intent to kill. Verdict, "Guilty". Sen'enccdto pay it lino of $100.00 and undergo nn Imprisonment of 10 days In tho county prlton nnd pay tlio costs of prosecution. Com. vd Joshua Womer, Washington Wager cl at. Indict, ltobbery. Leave granted to enter nolle pros, upon pay nieiitof costs. Coin, vs JosliuaWomer, Cornelius (Ja- blo cl at. Indict. Assault and Duttury. Leavogranted to "liter nolle proa, upon payment of costs. Com. Wesley Perry. Indict. Larceny. Leavo granted to outer nolle pros, upon paymunt of costs. In tlio matter of the est. of Jacob Marklo dee'd. Ileal Kstato allotted to George Marklc. Upon his petition James Durton Exo tutor of the estato of John Glger dee.'d was discharged from tho executorship. Petition for road In Juckson township, viewers appointed. Petilion for road in liunton Iwp. viewers appointed. Petition for review in lllooin twp viewers appointed. Petition to vacate a road in Hiigarloal' twp. ylowers appointed. Petition to vaeaton road in Sugarloaf twp. viewers appointed. Petition for road In Catawksa. twp. viewers appointed. Petition for load In Greenwood twp. viewers appointed. Petition for road in l'islilngcrcel; twp. viewers appointed. Petition for road in 31 1. Pleasant twp. vluwers appointed. Petition for road in Sugarloaf twp. viewers appointed. Petition for road Pino twp. viewers appointed. Petition for road in Franklin twp. viewers appointed. Petition for review In Jackson twp. viewers appointed. Petition for view toassets damages in Sugarloaf twp. viewers appointed. Petition for view mill vacation in Mt. Pleasant twp. viewers appointed. Petition for view and vacation inFiah ingcreek twp. viewers appointed. lteport of road in Sugarloaf und lien ton near Kdson's. Confirmed. Keport of road in Bloom near Port Noble. Continued. llcport of road in Jackson near Sarah Young's, review granted. llcport of road in Greenwood near Sereno. Confirmed. llcport of road in Hemlock near Ilea- glo's Mill. Confirmed. Iteport of road in Denton near Isaac Gibbon's. Confirmed. llcport of road in Greenwood near A. P. Young's. Confirmed. PitniAY, Sept. 10th, Com. vs Martha Wells. Indictment Nuisance. Verdict "guilty." Sentenced to pay a flno of one dollar and the costs of prosecution, and also ordered that tho obstruction mentioned in tho In dictment be removed and tho nuisanco abated within thirty duyj. Com. vs Collins Sutlill". Indict. As sault and Dattery. Tho Deft, being con victed on ono charge, and committed at tho samo time, therefore Court order nollepros. entered. Com.vs Catharine lioran. Indict. As- saultiuid Dattery. Ileiognizeiiheof Deft. forfeited. Com. vs Catherine iloran.Indicl'roiit 1'orcihlo Kntry. Itocog.of Deft, forfeited. Com. vs Win. A. Marr. Indictment assault and tmttory. Tlio Court ordered n ioe ywoif.eiitcred on payment of costs. Com. vs Theodore Winner. Indict ment Fornication and llaitardy. On application of DM. Ally, and Prosecu trix thu Court order a nollo pro", to ho entered on payment of costs. Com. vs Wm. Thomas, Indecent exposure of person nollo pros. entered by leavo or Court on payment of costs. Com. vs James M'Cormlck. Indict. assault and battery Deft, plead guilty. Sentenced lo pay a flno of $10,1)0 and costs of prosecution mid undergo tin Im prisonment In tlio county Jail for a pe riod of sixty days. Coin, vs John L. Thomas mid Thos. Thomas. Assault and D.Alterys Deft. plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a flno of $10,01) and costs. Com. vs John W. Clayton. Indict. Larceny. Deft, plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a lino of $10,00 and pay costs of prosecution and undergo an imprison ment in tho county Jail for u perioil of six montiis. Com. vs Elizabeth Kvaus. Indlctineut assault and battery. Deft, plead guilty. Sentenced to pay a fino of $15,00 and costs of prosecution. James K. Trlfolpieeu vsilannali J. Trifelpiece. Subpoena in divorce On duo proof of legal borvlco of tho sub poena, O. G. D.irkloy appointed Com missioner to tako testimony. Petition for guardlun of minor chil dren of John J. Hess, dee'd. Mary C. Hess mother of bald minors appointed guardian. Dall in $1000 to each wuid. Isaiah W. MeKelvy, surety. Petition for guardian of minor chil dren of Kmeliiio Thomas, dee'd. John Thomas appointed guardian. Hall in 20(X) to each ward. D. J. Waller mid Jacob Schuvler. sureti. Petition for specitiu performance of contract uetwien James .Monaghan and 'lhomas Lnnu'don. Ilulo granted loui pear on tho first day of next term and bhow cauao why a decree of speclllo per- loriiiaiieo shall not bu made. Keport of a road In Conyiiglmiu Twp. near jonn Mcu.mnld's, confirmed nb.,11 lately. ileport of road In Denton near Joel Keefer's referred back to nolo tho im proved land upon tho diift also lo stato whether tvrlttm notlco was given to tho owners of tho land through which road, or if not whether they or any, and which or them were picM'iit at tlio view, Hi'.eo.Ni) wki:k. HiiX'TK.Min;ii ID, ISO!), Court met agreeable to adjournment. Priv-cnt Hon. Win. Elwell, and his As sociates James Kestorand Irani Derr, Eiipi. In tho matter or tho appraisements of tho real estato of Joseph Pelklngtoit, dee'd. Itulo granted 011 tho heirs of the dee'd to appear on tho first day of next term, nnd accept or refuse tho said real estato or show uuiso why tho fcamu should not bo I'Ohh Wm. Mllnes vs Edward 0. Gieen . (i. On motion of Mr. Froczo Sheriff to return his writ Money in court and 0. W. Miller appointed Auditor to dis tribute funds. Report of Auditor on application of guardian to sell real estato of minor children or 0. 1). ltclfsnyder, dee'd nt prlvatOKiile. Sale ordered bond in $2000, Gcorgo Scott approved ns surety. Petition of Hannah Duss for citation to Wm. Lulz executor of Peter Lutz, dee'd.' to flleaccounts. Citation ordered. Jcsso 1). Dice vs Nathan Cromls. Iteplevin for one mule, blind bridle, collar and halter. Jury called Sept. 14th verdict, in favor of Dolt, and PUT. to pay costs. Sut'T. Mlh. Petition to change tho place of hold ing election in Fishlngcreek twp. The Court tlx the place or holding tlio elec tion in said township at tho Iioiimi or Eniandns Unangst. John Pricuvs Samuel Gensel. Jury called. Deft, with leave of Court with draws the plea of "not guilty" and enters tho plea of "Justification." Plir. surprized nnd cau-e continued. Samuel Gensol vs Daniel Dower. Jury culled Sept. 15 return verdict, flni'ing $:!.fii) for PI IV. and each party to pay half tho costs. POLITTCAL. KOlttiOVEltNOlt: ASA PACKER, l)V UAltr.OX COUNTY. FOlfjUDOS 6rTHE SUJEEHS COUItTl " CYHUS L. PERSHING, or CAMlir.t.V COUNTY. FOll htatm hi:nati:. CAMES It. BUCSALBW, OP COLU.MIU.V COUNTY. FOll HKl'ltUSIlNTATIVK, OBOB.GX3 III' COI.UMIIIA COUNTY. KOIl ASSOCIATE JU1HS1-:. Cl I Alt LIJS P. .MANN, IIKAVKII TOWN.-.IIII'. FOIt l'llOl'lIUNOl'AllY, WKLUNGTON II. KNT, scorr Tow.ssiiie. FOIt llKdlHI'F.ll AND lllXOUIIIIIt. WILLIAMSON 11. .TAC011Y, lll.OilM 'loWNSmi', Foil TiiiiAsunr.i:. DAVID LOWKN11EUG, 1ILUO.M TOWNSHIP, I'Oll commissioni:iT, CYHUS IIOHIIINS, l'lSHINOCUKKK lowxfinr. FOll AUDITOR, J. CAMPDELL, MAIN TOWNS1II1'. rou coiioxEii, C1IA11LHS G. JIU11PIIY, CON YNO II AM TOWNKII 1 1". IMoomalmrK .tltl(t llciiorl. iur Ijushel S1.2-. .! I i' 1 to ivvo " Coin " OiltK. " Flour ht tj.irrf-l CloVdli'.(l ,, Fluxst-cil , llutlul s ui s on - mi I) ...... 12 SI ii:" T.ill.iw - lMUlttii'S , Drie.l Apple llimm : si . .. . l!5 Sl.k'N tun! Shoulders I.iird per pouuel Jlny pur 1011 '. , t'O 25 12 ll I.UMTIClt. 3l.mlK-k Hoards p(-r Ihounn.l !v t- I'llu " " " (olio llichl .. . isn'j' . I.. ... 1." .. 7 tU ... IS J SI2 gm .... jMSt.Srautllnu', I'luliU.dli.inloc k) Shlii-jICM, No. I prr IhouK.oid HidlliK II. 11:0s JJil. 1 Hcotcll pi(i... -No. 2 " ' ., Iilootn MARRIAGES. i:i:ic-wanii'i:-(iii npt. mil i.y riv. d. .1. WalHi r, Mr, Airicl or I'alnwissn, lii Miss Sur.vli Wulili-k of Mount l' .M'AI.I,I.STi:l!-l!OYi:it-Ali). SI Hi liv It.'N. A. II, llollcnslliif. Charles M. .M'AUMpr, lo .Mliw Kiito Iloyi'r, liolh of ii.'Mvlck. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J.OMUS FOIt THE PEOPLlOi. I'ariiiK In Maryland 810 lo per ai-re. rrult, True!:, I! ruin, (1 razing raimv i-traulaiH lur. 11, 1". UllA JIllllHH, It, K. AK.'Ilt, I'VdcraUbiir, Miuyl.ind, Hunt. 17,'G'J iw. JIUDGE LETTING! Tin. cominHsionciw will nu'ct nt llio houso of I.Ziklel lo:o lit rtuarlo.ifiwp Monday tho trrtll lns.tiii 10 0VI01 It, a. 111. to uotlvn proposals to Imlld 11 ..tnu n lr.ii-lc. .( ,:.i. i.ri.i.... on old nlmiinviiiH near Kwklul Cole's nfoii'sald, said bndiiu In Iw 71 r.-.-t ulaitmunts; 1'l.ui and t. pclUcallon fail hun'i-u ut llilaollltu.or at tho uridKU mi uay ni iclllni;, if. COM!, ) D. YF.A..F.H Coin's, u . ,. W.M.ll. llL'ICK.j Supt, 17, VJ-il. Q.OVKItNOH'S CAMPAIGN UAl'rf, CAl'J,S, iKij.;., Cauiiiaigik Torelie. Price, of Torclios, ?25, Sin, Hi, and Sl'J per liuialii d. I'unil for lirlcc-llht und ciw gravln of Cihim nnd Capotf, i'llll.U' llII.L,.Mniii!lr, Sll I'llDIK'll KlllKKT. l!t',nli.Muil:rl 11.11.. mitt i,i.. . S-Mllllaiy Companies, Unllmiiisiniidotooiilcr. (Sept. 17,'MI-l't. A UDITOIt'S NOTICIO. XV r.srAII'.Of NAMITIII, MATlll'll, 1IKT.ASK1I, 111 tliu Orpliuns Court o. Ilia uounly of Colnm bin. Tho Auditor nppolniud by luport ilUtrlbulloii ot tho balaneo In thu hands or John 1 Mather. .'.xiciitor of Kaiuuul Mathe r l.ito of (Irermwjod twp. Uolinuiiin eouuty, deu'd, will nn-'it thnpaittes Inleiesiud.lor tho purposa of his apiKilutinent on Tlmrwlay tbo'th dav or Oito Jkt 1WIU at ti n o'clock A. M, at his ollle o in llloo un burn, In haldcounty. All palllm Intniktiil are reriueated to ntti'ini, or bo debarred finm eoni Ina In for a part of tho said fund, IlOIIFllT 1 CI.AIIK, Auditor. Sept. 17,'olMt. DON'T IN i END ATONIS.UNG t-J ninwom.i. i-i'Jii'iso on, hut watch. K A Y'S P U M P S, USUI) AND AH.MIUED 11Y KVUtY ONI.', bpirUlly tho I.iiIIok, belns truly tho ladle' lilend, wurklUK muUi lliihtornml easier llun the ol.l tri o i uniji. Tbey dou'l mako such a slop and don I olltii mi mueli Iceaiound tho Hnor lu llio. i inter, ibo water not ruuiilns so loiiiiiilier puiiip Inif, llavlui; taken tliu ilrei pieiuium at every flrlhey liavobteu inhibited: also i eonimi'U- ueuuyaii insuraiK-o Companies, on ueiouutol L'utiinis outmoiB wnier lu less t lino and wltn less ..nor, inoy uiiowinj; a narui ol van r.i inlnuie. All uo uskliiatilal, and wu arai oiilldent u euli pletuu ) ou, AkjIih It 1 minoslinplo, liliuvliii; n lowir box poekid with tow and lalliiw, wFilih I. the Kriiiitestiioiiblolii ii.etue pump. Aiioihiri!nai advnutuijo i, that wbi-n you et t a new pump 5-ouuioiioteomH.ludioililnk fra Hiiolu year PITCH l'INK Oil IlI.AlK OAK WATl:lt. Our Mliun bclnu mad.iof xl-ii, i n ,,i.u .,..,.1 Mhlon I, fieo fr.iin taste, also lusts lonijei lu a. lir. II lias nisi, innny oliiir ndwiiiiun. wlilih eauoniy bo round oui by uslnis tliein. Tboy huw lu en in use lu llio nortlierii isirt of tliu tsiata lor vt"mi si'iuiik iiipioiy uverywnero. All ordeis tluouitli the ssl otllcu.u leu nt bis .ese.eoru jiepiauu Hlliiei solllll Hltlu vt llio lias. Ill, will Ih promptly iitlemlud lo, by A 1. 1. I.N K AY, Wli.l.UMsnniT, Pa, Maiiu'iu uir. r. A. 1. riti.-.corr. O.VTAWISSl, I'A. A Ill-Ill, Nu'TilerH ulll Im nc-Hid unless a,K)i, to p.i. .iiv ornniir. I'lesisjll liuiiKuul, July l0,'i.u.v, MERCHANDISE I iviisy LIZZIE l)AUKLi;V J.TJL lias Just ritnintil rroni riillnilclpliln, and linn boiiuhl, and Is now ollerlng tlio bestnsMoitmiiil uf ANUY (I0O1W, IIIIMMINCIS, llONNirTH &r. Ae., oer exlilbtlod hi lllo.)iiisburi;, nnd U preiarisllo hiakvup dresses nnd nil otht r nrllelenol reinIO waiilrolie, nlslioil liotlee, and hi the best niul I.ATKHT Bl'UINd STYLISH. Uoointt in the ltaiubey nulldlugK, un West Mtiln Street. Call and see her varied stock ol Hprlrg (loodi. May 1,'Gt Septembor and Oct. Pticew 1. W. MAUTMAN'S, Fllll HUMMHIt DllF.s.4 (IOOHH. LAWNS AT L'2cts. ir. it. LA1' NH AT 1(1 els. iV, cl. LAWNS AT CO els. $1 ,!!.' DltKSS GOODS AT $1,11) $1,IHI DUKrtS GOODS AT !)llcls. fir, et. J 'DRI'XS GOODS AT IScls. 10(1. 1)1! UrW GOODS AT .T.cIh. et. DRESS GOODS AT .10 chi. let. DHRSH GOODS AT 22 els. Jllet. DUESS GOODS AT IScl.H. TEIIMS CASH Oil PRODUCE. 1S69. September. TP YOU WANT GOOD 1869. l.i.Aci; biLK Fon imr.s:s on sack til) TO C. (.'. MAllll'iS. I" YOU WANT GOOD lll.ACl AND Cl)LO:il:i) AI.VACA ClIlIAl' GO TO C. C. MAIlll'H. "F YOU WANT A NICE HUT TI1A WAItlJ CIIHAI' GO TO C. C. MAltlt'S. I1 YOU WANT A NICE FAN FItO.M tl.Si GO TO C. C 'MAIlll'H. J? YOU WANT A NICE l.UM' I.AWN OU MOIIAIll DHKSS CIIUAF GO TO C. C. MAHll'IS. JF YOU WANT A NICE AND GOOD I'AIlt OF GAI1U1W ClinAI'IIIt THAN ANY i OTHEni'LAUK (IOTOC. C. MAlllt'rf. July 10,'ffl-ll. N o t i a k. 'llu utliluiftisiKtl Avnulil rrsniPlfulK' tinttiv nil ! istiii r lii(J'liii I to lilm imi book nccmiiit, liy mill or .ilht rwih.i, in ronio foi waul iruia'Ily :nul si MU. His lu i'iil lot-Ms by ii tlKT-iriniK fun iiiiiKuit n K.i4 1. tni-olktt hi nil nutslntulInK lUToimlP. He li'.lH ilmnklult'i his lrkinN ami nt Uliliiirh lor llii-lrwiht pniriiiiiiKur.iul vurt llilt-iico nml i.itstmllioy will Kim liuntccssliy torn prompt rfnilhtiu-u ultlt tlil.HfHhL wll limit nirl Ik r no II''t'. JoilN .1. mu-.m;y, Ai vf. 1.7,Xli-2ni, Iti-nlim, l'u. MCI' ntrxii AKitiVAU in TliiibubNcrllier l.iw Hist reluinoil Innu tut; cti-s with finollicrlarjyianil hvU-ci iissoi i infill or Hl'llIMI AiWt HUMMMlt (JOOIW, Itnu-lmso.l In New Yoi k un.I I'lilljulnlplilu t, i(ih lOV.'M, IIIIHMlini wlllcli lnt Nttrtt-riulIKnl lo ki'II otitis UHnli'tiiUt iiinin ii.i fjin tut hri.ruifl i Iho ulieit) in llliKHijfchint;, UisM4M'k Liiiiiiilhe4 I.A IHlS' imi-SM MOfJlH ol'Holi-it slyltH mul lulfs! lashlutii'.tost'ih. r wltli u Iiu'ko .itKsoi tiiifnl ttf lry 'h.m1s mul (ln- ciMlt -I, nilsllli;j uT III n i'ollowlnt: Hltlt Ich I'iorcis, Oil (Mollis, CldtllH, t:Hsliutirw, Mhawlx, Klnnii'iU, u'iit4(io(4i.. Much, I1ooj Kl.lrU, llolluww 11 nt I Vila ru an l ii uo ii b a i ff , 1 1 .u U wu i - ItiMitrtanU SlifitA', '-- Hut.i uidI dps iioop NitJ, tJiiibrellaH, Loolt 1 l a ss a f , Com , HuurK, 'L'vuh, Klfv, All ip Uo, Clminuioii Nntnui;i AN1 NOTIONH OICN JtAM(V. In t-hort, uvcr thins usuuliy lupt In rounirv h tore. i, to which no Invites tho nttcntluu of iho puhllc goucnilly. llio highest prlculll ho pal l for 'iniu-try produce In fxclumao lor omlH, H, II. MIIM:!tfeKON. Artado llulliUnH, )ilooiiu.burg, l'a. QHAKOKVILIjK foundhy, .rAcniM: auov ani auuicuxx'Uiial woujcb. Tho mul era Itfiii'il ilthlreH to lutonn hli irltuUtt uial llui puhllu geiieinlly, that huhuK luhullt nnd i-nlau tI hi I)umtry ami Maclilnu Shop, ami iu moved till liiu huuincH iroai lilgtit btrtui. in tho ahuve iianuU placu, ihfro in t-umicu'.lon with lihi 1 uunJry ho will coullnuu to inaiiuit.turti Wheen-r'tt Hallway Chain lltrne-l'owi:r an I Thrt-ftiuT, (inipiovod), Cam el I'm l'alfiit, Tiiiti:siii:H anicli:ani:u, L'lthor loveuhot lor Tit'itl-lowtr or undershot with Levtr Tower, ill alo jnuufat'lu(OJi lo oulcr ami Ilt4 Up all kliuNol 1 Ihh 0 K A 1C i N U , I'iii'ular rtiiw Miuidiciw, Vutuut HXulvn for Haw Mills, tli t.Ueht improved lion licam l'iouu or diileivnt KIiiUk Wooduu Una m I'lowv, Douhlo I'oin i'liiux, and I'low 1'olntH uf vuij lfulti i sou yum taily uhed throutaiut tlio comity, iVllar (i in lew, Hlovtu.hlod and hlelyh HoUk, imd in InftuviryttiliiUiitni'ially jnadoinn eoitnlry roundly, wlHhlnu 1" purrl 1110 .Mat-lHiieH wttuld do welt to OMiiniiiu liUnuu'hlncH.iiiid lii luipiovunH'iitH laudoon thu power, hy which nt I ii. M JOpu I'tnl. ol Ijit) Inctlon U laUen on", Ai U MAC.'IUNIM AH13 WAUliA.N'Ti;!) to 1,'lt fi UfKul mt Isfacl Ion and t rniM Hindu to mitt oiuuiuTti, ah liimih er if unity piouneu nuten In t'Xetuuuo ior 1'Iowh and ciiMiltn'H, Tiiaukiul to Ills ulcnd and puiioiiM foi paM (ayorH ho vuaildhliU i-onllmm to holiwil lluinuue. WIl.UAl H' iMJYLKK, A pr.H.Cl). if I ) a Kife V il lu IM, Will M.A'J1 A.SU OJlUA-l' ilOJ'J PKJN'CING. ( mi hi Tim ruliiiiikpiii lillirc, lilci.m.l.ur l'u LEGAL NOTICES. I A DiMlNiSTHATIlIX NOTICE. JO. Ksr.VTK of Tltll.MAS '..INCHON 1II:(.'UASI:1I. LetlerM of llillnlillslratlort ou tho CKbita of Thomas luiieilon, latti of C'eiltlnlln lloro' Colllln- oui co., uqeeasi'u.nnvo ouen Kiauieel uy ino llefjllf. terof Willi county lo Wluiitlort Limiidoii of leu trnlluIloro'All pel sous bavliix claims or demands ntralnsllllucstiiluof thcde'cslcnl iiiti reiuestcel to mako iliem knowu, abd IIioho Indebted to iiiuUe payment. WINNIIKIHT I.ANODON, Hepllu.'t'J-t'l. Ailiuliilslriitilx. ADM1NI STll AT UI X NOT1 CE. lTATIIOr IIAMlr.t. J. M'HIEllNAN llEc'l). l.ctlcrsondinlnlst ration. iii lliocstntoof Daniel M'Klertuin latoof Conybittmui (wpMColumblaCo. deeeaseil, liavo been unuiled by lb lleelslcr of Culumbhi cuuuly, to Ami M'Kleruuii of llio Raino place. All persons liavlni; claims or de mands nitaiimt the wild cslnlo nro rcquiAtcd lo iiresent Iliem forpettlcincnl without itclny, nmt ihose Indibleil t'jinakupamcnU ANN M'KIKIINAN, Kepi, 10,'CU-tl Ailmiulstiairlx. 17XKCUTOH,S NOTICE. Ji IJirATK OF JOHN D1..MOTT, llEU'l). Itultcm tesbtruenlaly ou tho estate ol John Do mott, late ofMiullsou towiiKhlp, Columbia conn ty havo been Rranteet by tho ltenlster of Colum bia counly tn wllm Welm ir of Madison Town, shin Columbia county, r... All pei-aons liavluu ehiims Halllsttbu esuitearo requested to jilesenl them to the Kxeeutor In Madison Tomishlp. Columbia county, l'a. Thoso ludcblcd to tho cm late either uu nuiejudnmeiit, mortitasuur book lu count will mako pnjinent to tho Executor without demy. ii!LA:s wi:u.ivi:n, Hept. U.'O'J-Ow, Uxccutor. ADMINXSTUATIUX NOTICE. STATK tJFJ'JUN hlCIIAlHJ1 DKl'KASKP. 1 riii tern of ndmlnlstrflllon tin tho citato of Jno. llh'hard.'i late ol l'iuo township, t'ulumula co., dtt-t'asud, have tx-in BrantPd by tho HciiUter nt said rou my to ltoKailndalilc-liaidsol ald twp, Alt IHMKon having clalini or dcinimiU against tho eKtuto of tho decedent aro iuinelud to mako tla 111 known, nnd thoso indebted lo innko imy iiiviiI, ItlWALilNDA HKJIIAHIH, A 11. 1 1, Wt-lit. AdlilllllMlutl).T. ?XJ2CUT()Ha NOTICE. i.ftieiA lestaiiienlarv on tliu tblale of John Connor, la to ol Jienioti township, ColumuU county havo hucn gi anted by th Itpglstor 01 Cotumhhi Ciainty to kmnnuel Idiubaoli, of lien titn two. Columbia, roitutv 1'o.Atl uorsouH httvlUk rlainiH HKainst l ho esUitoato requested to present inem 10 m I'.xecnun' in 110111011 iowii.sinptt.ii uiiihl-t count, I'a, Tlionn Indchud to tliu t stato either on note, jmmmeiit, mortmiKi' or uoon nc etiuutwill tuaUu payment to thu Kxccntor with out di lay. KMANtWI LA1TIIAC1I, Au'j. lVtf (iw. Kxeeutor. 1?XKOUTOnS NOTICE. KSTATIC U of JUI1N f. llH, dowiused. Pttcr testanii'iiliuy on tlio estato or John 1, JliM, into ni lllooin two. ColuinblA Countv. liavo been mauled by tliu UeHlsUr of Columbia i-ounty, to I. V. Melielvv ol ldiMini ttiwnhhlP.Oduinbhi Co.. lt. All pe im his ha lli etafmn against tho ostato aio iem isleil to pioout tiieiu to 1. w. .M'Kilvv. liiiiiinislaiiir. Coliuuhliv Co.. I'a.. and thosu liiilehli il lo llio Llato,rllher on nolo or limilt nmaiut will makepaj iiieut loiiim wmioui tiriay. J. w. iiieKiii 1, Kxeeulor Ana. tiVdJ-0'iv REAL ESTATE SALES. PRIVATE 8AIjE. Ol-' VAIAlAnrdi ltlAT. kstati: Tho undcrhtntd, llxttutor id Cyrus l'iy. Into ofllioom township ikeeisod, oilciH nt private sum a cer'.aiu nnuso anil ioi,niiuaio'i in 1 nonius. hui-L'. 011 Itoel: Slrotl. touudrd bv lots of 1. W a Jl. iMIaitman, and by another lot belonging to -ald (Mate, eonlatntu hovcnlythU'o fiet iroiir, j no lernis nie leasounujo, una possession will bo ul on within thlity day. alter tho KnU I. S. KUIIN, Api.aVi'Ml IJafrutor. I 1 JU V A T K S A li F. -O I' ll II A I V A I. II A II l 1: II H T A T K. Tim ntrer lit prlvato will) lliolr limn sllunlc lu l-'isliluiri-ri.eli township Col, e-o. Iioiimk'il liy lnnelM of Abriihnni Youui;, l'lilllp .ilil'iiiuiiu, iiuu iiuury r.yci cuinuiuiUK ONE HUNDRED ACHES about tovtnty acroKcluired'Mid In Kood tttaloof euiiiviiiion.tiio naiancoinrmy iimuor. xnoio aio (11 uiopronuscH a iranio iiousonuu out ouiiuiukx. fianiolmrn and out buildings, good water und tin 1 1 1 v lrult tuts. Terms reasonable, l'oses-lon ("Iveu on the Hist 01 April neJEi. 1 or imriiciiiara appiy in Cir.VHJ.LS J. KKAMliU & UHOS. H.'pt, HnD-tf. On the preiulfei. 1 7 O li S AJj R. 'Iho understrrned od'eiH tndlxni.Mf.rtfjil nrlvnto VAIjUABLK HOTEL STAND, at 1 uhtHlictt, Columbia county, Ta.. known as 1110 - aiuui jioiei," ani now ootupieu by Sam 11 id IClli o. it is Xavoiably located for tbo transaction of business, uua n piopeny iiopi, would not Jail to rttiun nJi.indoumo income, tttRhtiuii.s as to title, pObhobulou, conditions etc bv C. 11. IIHOCICU'AV, Agent. Antf.'JVCO-tl. O It S A L E. VVIU: IIUKU llOUS ANU KOWLS, WINTKH SEED WHEAT And other TAUM HKKDH, from Delta's j:.peij mental l-'nim, Cliaiuborsbiiifr, I'a. DlehlV nnd Jtuii'jlilo 1 llenrdles-H; Week's and Treadut MV Ito.mhd Whlio WIiuiIm l-'n-ticti Whln and lUdChall; Purplu Shaw Hoarded Ued MidltoiTauenn, and lioimun Amber IteaitileK., nre tho I test, oaitlovt, liaidlest and most p roil ac tive Whrats tliat ein bo leeommendod to, gen eral eulltVAiUon, rrlert tr ter bnshel. J 1011 nds of any kind ny mall, j ost pnld, tor 51. Twenty luads ofilitrerent vftiicttes Mnt post paid, tor f. Twenty olherNniictlcsot 11 ley and Oats ol lasi your'H ImiiiirtatJoii. Sou Deltvn Uxpeti im ntal i-'tum Journal; vlihI und Mibstiribo tor tt; oui f tvo ai; tho jmut useful Journal 1 linli d. AdditK . IKO. A. DUITZ, CluinUrfcbunr, I'a. The Iwnlltst, llaidiest.and most pmduellvolti'd Wheal ts Iho 1 ivuih U'liilo Chad1. S.'pl. -i.'Wi Jt. p IT II , J O s A L E ft i' vai.uarm: uiCAh itsyxie. In pumuinooof an oiderofthe Orphans Conr of laizeruo county, l'u., on Monday the 2ith t Oet'iher lHUatono o'clmlc lu thu utlornoon of Kaid day ut tho housn of Ia n Is ou thu prom-ivt-H adfolulnifhald tiiomlsesln Ixjciut township Columbia county lfa. 11x1 hou lluahcs Adiululs trntor of tho IMate ot John Hughes lutool Cam lna, Jai7erno countj' dccLiied, will oximio to wilo all thoMi two continuous tracts of laud bit unto lu tho towukhlp of Lociiftt In tho county of t.oluinblu iiiljolntn lands or John I VI it', Han nah Leoundntherb. ThoIIrhtthorcorcoutalnlnj; nluttynlno acrtH and Mxty hoveii perches which Ismoiethaulialf c levied nnd In a good statoof cultivation, tho bulanco Ik well tliubcr eit, TIihw eond lheionf eontalnlnx ulncty two acres, of which a, few acres 1110 cleared, tho hutU part of It 1 tlinber'Iand, eoiihistliiu'oflaiu thflf ty wlilto oak, tht.tnut, yollow pliiu nnd other tinibi rail of which would mako pciliapn be v oral million fU't of lumbci; tho land Isof excellent quatlty. Kolli of Ktld tract-mo will wjttio.1 wltli sprinu-iaudaHrcaianf v.uter' ntiiuliiif tlnouh KaldtratU und a publlo rosd tuns through or Joins 011 tald tracls, Uvo olher lontiiulus iraeU of uood tlialH-r land tdtuute lu hald town, ship ailJoiuiu luiidi hentoforo dcbcrlbod. Tlio 'J. ho tlrht IheicoliAJiitalulm; UI acreHainl li pci ch en, thokeeond theieof (outalnln O Heron und 70 peiches tho third thei out eonlatidin; 37 aciiM and ti'jpeichea, tho fourth thciool eouialnlm;".! acrtu aini; pi'idies, tho llltti thereof eonlainliiK W acHdandUlieuhef,Mrii.t nieaMire. Alt of the al'iroMiid tiaclK nro eonolueied tho best timber ul landlu that vicinity and havo the greatest ad Miniue by laying no mar tho bctd maikut and good rorttU to market, I: hcven utile lo Con inilla.ii'no inllei to Ashland, nlnoand u half miles to Catawlsstv i'aimeiv, I.uiuhorjneu. coal opeutorii, Bpeeulalom und othuiH will ploaholo lemoiuber tho ituy of nalo. m An exanihiatlou of bald property' will hotho host it-ioiumenditlon ol it. Theiefoio tho uu dculned ailmlnUtrutor will bout tho hmuo of I,uUi la'O on tho aiijofiitni,' pumUca, 0 buttir day provlotti to thoday of miio wllli u lew and dcMronf hhowlnuald Umber and laud to nil and every person having desire to Bee tlio name bcloro tho unlo.also ouoother lot lu samo town ship near Hi ibtown) adjoining lunds of widow TioxtJ, Joopli Call and olheis.coutalnlni; 'd acici mnioor hss i m moved land 10 bo soiiIuk tim i;toi'triy of nld iieeoaMHi. 1 K. U. OIiMNOS. Clerk, O. C. 'i Tit MM OX HALC: Ten nor cent nf llui oui'. ehasV luoney tobopaldat tlio rtiikfu down 01 llio p.'OjH'tiy, ono iiuro ivm uiu it'ii per eeni- on tho i-oifUruiatlonofHalo, ono tliird on tlio tlrht day ot April J7i at which time b8evilon will I'll 111 VCIl U'lltlllllllrilHIU "'" I 110 11 I t, I HI J of Anrll IS'J with lnten fcton sauio Iroin tho nrst day of April lfil'tUiopureliMFer in pay lor deed and blauip. jawftUiN iiuuiii.m, Ailmliihlrtdor, 31i iilhVirJd', Hept, St. n: OTICK TO 'rUKSjl'ARSUHS. H0.H.111II10 lniul ill tliu uiuIeiblKUeil, Kltuuto In 1' u iounlil. for tlio iiunvbu uf liuulliiL'. tnklPK null, r uny utile r oljcet. All olliuileik uller ilils iioticn will Iju runli-li.; Inrrorilliu to l.iu. hTKl'llKN 1 'i'ffll', fi'iii'iiu.v l'uiu:. Cl KillK, Hopl. lO.'tH-S'. I ii kt i-Tvl noLLAiisTtk- iJ WAltl). On Meiiuluy .'veiiluLT, Auit. anli, lio. twifii'u Druu Hto.e mul Tlilril Ht., neiLr lrnii. n Miiull le.rilli..r iHn'liet tioeik. rontnln- inie Ji'i in iniiik.v, two Kf.lel rlui;i.tAe. liruivuul will lu i.tlil lor 1U rt'luin to iiiMUke-riicr. 1 MAHV CllltlhTMAN lllfl illOlllltll, Hl-l't. J, Itdtl-'lt o t 1 0 :. Mv wlfeKaiali. hnvihir leftniv lud and boa lit wlihoutjufl ctoioo or proncat)on,n1l piuoiu aio bi-ribv uotilUd not to liust or hurbur 111 v kitld wtfoHaiah ix I will not f ay for In 1 nuiluluuiiicu or auy on in 01 hit louuat uiiKaiier hum uaie, Jkiiion lowukhlii Ctd.ui, July loth ID. Ht pi, yui-yi IJUU1C ItltlNK. i-i'd-n Mult mill Unco l-'i'inrili. leiifli.rM in. ii.oImI li.r tin. ni'Ii.miU unvutriihi liool I.Utricl 4 iilinniilii . ouniy, I 11 . 1 il mil.. H will 1 1 1 nlil. li.u'iiiK ui'l n)w ur 1 numliuitlnn nt r. ll.. Kilnml Hl.llM-, ill ('..llri' K-'llndl lis a-ii-t,.iu VmIii'si1ii Hie .111I1 .l.. of Kf ,u 111I1. r, i nt. 111 filiUT ... ui.iiHHini 111 lurc'iuri WlXl.liV lIliSM.HicittHry, .Niui:,Ke.l,8,'I.-ll. INSURANCE AGENCIES Q. Ji 0 11 E M IJ T U A li JjIHi INhUItANOE COMPANY O V NEW YOIUC. rihiy riceinnn, riesldciil, II. 0, l'repm.111, tr r. (ih enpllnl over $'.VXV, nil paid. . Ii. KOUJfiON, JlLOOWSDUItG.I'A UKKKttAIi AUr.ST, For Luzcrno, Lj coining nml Columbia couuttci, Aug.20t.9.1y, 8UIIAHOK A 0 13 N C V Wyunilng 8l?u.tmu 1,(J"W,0UC ,IJllU 3Jl),'J0 ivywo 1,IUO,IXjO 1,'Xfl.OUO &W,(XI SW,()"U 5TU.0W 4 1.000 a 0,000 M.000 l,000,r!0 una Pulton. , Knrtli AinrrlCH City Inlcruntlniinl Ntngfim , rutunra Merchant Hprhinl(i,l 1 ....1.. l-flrmcrN Diinvlllc Albany City Liincastcr City York Horse, Death The-lt Homo, Kew Haven Danville, IIon,o Tliclt KKIIAH IHIOWN, Aftnt, t.ialK (,l-ly. llLOOMKHUltfl, I'A ijnilR MOST SUt'lJllrJHl.-Uij 1.1 VR I.NHU11ANCK COMl'ANY oi' rill: (VOHIJI, . 1111: ' .J. A T,,l O N A I; . I.IIMC IKSUHANOK CO. Ill H T A T IJH OK A.MIIUIOA C 1 1 A I ITK 1 1 1". 1 1 II V M P IX' , r , A ( T 1 1 V Cl I N (1 1 1 VX. O A M II 0 A 1' I T A li, - I.IHIII.OIII). 11 1 A N II II II V T I (! Fii I' II 1 Jj A 11 K U 1 II 1 A, o r r i ii i: it b: CI.AItlMCK II.CI.Al!i;.Vlilliulollila,l'rilileiit. JAY COOKi:, l'liil:ulol.lil,, ciialnnnn rinanco una l.xceutlvo Cominlttco. IIUN'UY D. CCiOKH. Vn.shln3t(jn,VI.'o.l'ieklilinl. jaiKlWON W. l'inri', l.ilKulclplilu, Kcctolury anil Aetnnry. I'llANClS (I, H.MIT1I, M.IL, I'lill.iileli lila, .Mciil- eul rilrct'lur. tot Tills Ciilnnaiiy I,miI, lu the (list Y1IAU ol U C'Xl.stene-e, 7,070 POIjICIEH, ' iNHUiiiNO ovur. 19,250.000.00. Tlio 1'ie.intuins on which nmimut to o er $750,000.00. uir. jn.viiu.mai. Lira IKSL'UANlJK (OJI I'ANY,"of tlioUnlkil Stall's of A mcilin, ullbrih uucejuiil sicurlly to 1U l'nlley lioldcn, nml com- Ijlnca nil tlio mlviintiiges ullercd by other Coin- Ihiuiok, wltn severnl, peeullnr to llkclf. Its won- ileirulsuecess proves tho most popular I.lfo In- Eurnncei Company hi tho world, with iho l'nbllc, us well in with Agents. forliisuruuee.or for Agi'nekw ean bo mini., tn thi-Ci'inpnuy illieel.or loriny of Iho f'.llowlni!: (IIINKKAI. A(li:.NT.S. II. W. CLAIIK A CO., Uniikois, Xo. M South Third Street, Philadelphia, Oeneral Aeents for ronmylvaula nnd Southern Ktw Jeiey. 11. fc. Itux.scll, Managi r. JOHN A. rUNSTOJ,-, Illoomsbi.rg I'n., Special Agent forJInntnui'.VColuinhlaCounllcs July l(!,V).-yr jVjKW STOC1C OI.' OI.OTIIINO. Fresh arrival of FA1.I, AKJJ WINTKIt (IIIOIIS. HAVI11 IlVKNIIi:l!(l lnvlt.-s nlti'utlon lo his Mock of CII MAP ANIll'AKIIiriNAlll.l:cl.(IJ tll(l. nt his Ktoro ou M.iln SIliit.lHiiitDoiaabovollicAiilillralillnus IHooiiiKhiiii;, .;lif wl.mi Ih hftsjust iciiliisi f,m NcwYoikand I'hll.uli Iphla ii lull assortment of .MlIN A Nil IlOYB' (XdTIII.VO, luilu.ilng llio must i.ikliinablo, iluiablc, ami Iialiilsiunu lIllP'sM (Jill 1 1 IS! coiislhtlng of ' IIO.N., HACIC, no('a,Clir.M,ANIHIIL-(II,OTII COATSANIlPAN'm. or all wins, Mz.s nnd colors, llohnsnlw) replen Islu d his already largo Mock of I'AI.l. ANll 'INTl:ilrJIIAW, HTUU'i;u, ri(JUIIEl), AKI) PLAIN V1MTS, SIIIUTS, CltAVATH. STOCKS, (KiLLAlml ll-ANIlKKltCIUKKH.OrlVIS, fU&WIMJiaw, AMI) 1'ANUY AUTICIJCS Ho nn.s conMauily on hand a hiriru and utisl iisHuitm-eut of CLOTHS ANII VF.STINHS, which l.o Is propmcd to maho to order tnlonnv kind of clothing, ou very khoi t notice, and In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of it Is of homo mauufacluro. UOLII WATCIIK1 AND JKYV1XK V. oloNwydckerlpllon. lino and chl'iin. lllri nj.n l Jewelry Is not urpa.sed In thls'place. Call uud esuiiiinc iisMutinou o. CLOTHIXtl, WATCIIUy, JKWKLUV, AC. I1AV1II I-OWI-NllKltO. E a ua u'ij HAW IIOSK I'lIOSl'llATK tan-Kit OV liUIK. MARK A'7'a ATM HI) ll'A UliAMTJU). AVo oiler to Furmeis, Iho pirhent fall bcafcou, DAl'Ull'H HAIL' llll'K HIIPI It I'll (IM I'll ATI. .11 I IMI us being hluhly improved, ll.llll.ll'u D..1U lln.... L..... Hl.n. ...... . . IU n. II. name lut li-ntci.. prepared hy diMolvlng Itaw Hones lu Oil or Vllrlol-thatls, Hones that havo not litcn diprlwd of their oriiaulo ni.iller Iho uitasoaud gluo by liuinliigorbiklng. It, l lieu lure, prikeuis lo thu tho Farmer oil Iho Miluublo ihi'Ih rlli nf Ikiw Hones In n highly concciitruioo loriu renJeriiig lu action mid veiv ni'iiuiineiit. air Fiiriiicrs nro rccommeiideil to piirchaso of mv ...aiL'i iwuim in nieir ininiioorn.iiHi, in sts lluiis when) no dialer Is i-i. ci,iiiblii,i,id, iho l'hosphnto may bo prucuiuj dliettly iiom ti e uudcislgueil. , llAUlill A HONS, liners, Olll''0, No. VUH. 1 t law in v Al' I'lilladi Iphia. AUK. ,'lsl-3ui, pU'OH'fAXT" to nuiunaiK, iioiihi:noi.iii:it.s &Tt;NANm 'llin iindirslynid would iiiii.ouiko lo Iho .111 ceus. if HIiiiiiukbuiK nnd vlelnlly thnl l.o 1 pie pilled to l-Jtis-lllo 11 OUrt K, H I II N. ANII () 11 NAM KNT A I. I'AIIITIKO In ull 1U hlliliehCM. I' A I' M II II A N fl I N (I niL-lolly ultcndcl lo, Hlrli't i.lleiitloulol.iikliiisuiidKii.slwiiki.iaii. hli it Is lulli-wil will li.Uillll.lll Khoworpubrte pllllllllllgl'. Shop nn I'lilliiiilno siuet Utwun Thlnl uud Fourth, Mar.l.'Oi-ly, WM F. HOliINi:, rRADt m'i: i u, .(i riei:s SClKNCi: AI)VANlI'i. An soon iik uu iitltulv lmriHirtlui; tu hoof utlhly ho-been te-leil.nnJ lu nu rllK endorMsl by puhllc opinion, iiiiprliieliilwl pnrlltsiiuliuvor to replenish their Ucptttwl pur hm by couiiterroltlnK, mul Mibstltullnu u cpur lousror tho Ki'imlnu mlklp. Homo (Imo ulnco, meifury, lu llieillmulni of pills, pnwilei", Ac., wan ulvill for nil iUh..(h or tho hlotiiach and llicr. vrlillotililiiluowiuiindy admlDUtemlror IheihlllK. AHeiujthlliJ.ilKVtnU'.SMTOJIACll lUTlKUS iiiudo Uu udvsiil, and an entire new tt)Mciii of healing iriialuuuiiuriiteid, Thu bciKtl clulullccls of IhUMitimblo priparutlnn wcio nt unco acUilowleUgod, nnd mineral poisons Buffer ed lo bin It Into tu it obcurlly lo which nn en lightened ado Las consigned them. Thcro havo been mnriy spurious Hitters palmed Upon tho community, wlileb, lifter tilal, havo been found perfectly worthies", whllo IIOftTIITTKI.'H has proved a blcHblng to Ihotisniidft, who oiro to It Ihuli' lefttorutlou toh(ulllintiil for many yearj wo Iinto watched tho steady progriM of 110H- laniiWH HT0MAU1I U1TIUIW In public esti mation, nnd Us beulllclcut cllects as u cArs for all complulutM uilsln 4 Irom the stomach, of li mor bid iiuturo,nnd wo Hru free toiuy that It can be I cllod upon ana certain lellef nnd rtmodyi Its proprietors have mailo the above prcmnitlou, after years of careful study and sitting, and are now leaping the reward claimed by this nlitn hto i Celtic, nnd which they so richly merit. It is tho only preparation of tho kind that Is relia ble. In all catiri.nhd It thcrefoie demands llio at tention of tho ullllctcd, : I M V h E H. 'i'lio undcrsfimoJ wilt rliwrfidiv mnll (invvi tn nil who wluli it thu lUx'lpo and mil directions lorprcpailnand ublntf n shnplo and Jtcautilul iiiciuuiu iii.iiii, i nai, win iniiiicuiaiciy remove lati. rrcckli-. 1'llHtilcs. IllnlrlifH. nnd nil i-rtitw ttotiH and impurilitH ol tho hlclti.loa vlntf thowmte nun, uiciii, MiHHUii aim ocaailllll. 11 Ulll ulvo hi'lld intKKl Imlinoflnn-a fni very Klinploinutfhi,Hlu.xurlttUtgrowlli in j in 1 1 tui it. uitiu iu'uu ur niuooLii iwulll IVHH inail thirty day8 irom first application. J ho alHio can Vmolitained by retnm' mail by addresslhK 'lllO.F. CllAl'MAN, t.hemUt. I'. o. Ilox 6IW, 1U0 llroadray, Now Voik. ryUH SKOIIET OP KNOWLUDHK. 'ihlrt.two oatre1:!. iirnMeil rt-lr. Tnt immii. fVltll' llltS MtinniiXI(01. ill HMrtvllii unrli frfL-li.4j pimph-mirMlierUlHCawaof llio f kin, removliic supeiiluous linlr.propatiatln'K lis Krowth.orwhcu faded ormy icrslorliiKittoltH orialnnl color. Kor ricuium Kiuor mik Kiovef. lactH, riuijons, etc. Hln u mul iKin, iifiue mid fetid lueaili cured by Jol Inwlins IIK advice. Kntlieo for.VictK. AtldrcM IM l-'lillfiii Hi i- ) K. V N, I!. t'arlitH uro making S2wt) to ijAJO nycar hy tnailutadurlii and f-tillnglrnm thco re tll. July 10od Snu lnenlnrs who wish fi. inhp out lMfm-a i..,.n... ill oiiilMsidtociiHIiscl with MUNNivt CO., Editors ol IheSeiEMinu AntnicAN, wbohiiNuprosocu tcd claims In ruin Iho l'ntent Ofllco ror inorothnn twenty jours. Their American Hurissin I'nlcnt Agency, Is tlio jnont oxlcuslvn lu thu' world. Charges le-ss than uny other rcllablu agency. A I'limiihli't, containing lull HtKtiuctlons to inentorh, is hunt gratis, Addlihs JIUNN .t CO.. Jllin-Sm. sr lUrl: llow, New Yoik. OMESTIO KCOKOY! CAJUMI.I.ION C'AIIPISTI A new, chad. Unrable, healthy, and 11 , KLOOK COVEltlNQ 1 A MiU.muto for oll-elotli at ono-thlid Iho cost.. ThlsouriKt l.s iiroduecd by apocnllni'combliui IKin oritronK. luavy paiicr, pilnicd In oriuunen tal colois, und cuated wfthn touh, clastic, wuter proo! enamel which lecclves tho water, protects tho colors nnd paper endures wnshlnir. nnd ren dciK the caipct bilijht and bcautliul in tho ex tt.cino Its advantaBCS nic as follows ! Its cost renders It available to nil classes ; It Is exceedingly smooth and Klossy.nnd it accuinu latcs naxt to no dast ; It does not icmilro to bo taken up and cleaned like other carpet, and thus saves much labor and Iroublo; Ily re-coatlng wltli thu Cuuipllllun HnamcPoccaslonullyiis llio ease may 'require, (which costs but atrllle.) itwlll last iUilcMil'ielv. oven mi fii-i. nn.l iilimVU Dn.un. new; and bi lull I : lu Its use uo reliance wlmUiver J l.iw ujiuu inu isijier .or wear, llui exclusive ly upon sho walcr-nroof coatlni;. tho llerured ra. per beiiiK used only to secure thu colors. Paper has recently liven used for a variety or purposes, rv cn for trunk. , roon.Uoiir bans nnd wcurlngnp- America, to convert It Into carpet or floor cove Inir. all concede it to bo an cnllio success! Wu ll.ivo purchased Iho rlitht for Columbia connlyiiud inn fiirnlshthuoariicl to incrchuuts at nilinulaetuiers ptlccs, te-y.iu uro IliMtcil to call nl'd examine Uu) buNis ui.i.irsiiMC, .il'Ji.J.V J , XVCJAUiV CO, liloonisburg, lXc. H'as-tr, S C II O W 13 It, ipencd a first-class HOOT, BII0K. HAT UA1 AND FUK HTOllE. at tbo old stand on Malu8treet,l!loomKburB,afew lllKirs llOOV.I thoCiilirt. llnncn. 1 1 la Ltlr iV...rt iswedoi thu very latestand bcsisiyles ever ouer ed to tho citizens oi Columbia County. Ho can accommodate I lie publlowIllithofolIowlngBOoils nt tho lowest rates, .lien's heavy double soled siosjn ooois, men's double aud single tan soled kip iHiots, men's heavy stoga shoes of all kinds, luuu's lluo boots aud shoes of nil etudes, hoy's glovokld lialmoral's, women's, hOys's l'ollh very tluc.woiufu's morocco lialmoralsaud oalf shoes, women's very Itiiu kid buttoned gait ers. In short boou 61 ull descriptions both pec god and sowed. Ho would also call attention to his flno assort ment or HATS, CAPS, i'UIIS AMD NOTIONS! ttiilcti comprises nil the now nnd popular vari etur nt prices which cannot fall lo suit all. These goiiils nio oticrtd nt tho iowiwt ciu.h rates nnd will ho euaianlecd loglvo satisfaction. A cull sspIlclieel be riiro puichssliiK cNewhcro ns It Is believed that better targnlm nro to ho foind limn nl any other piaeu In the couuty. lice iri7 G HEAT RKDUCTION IN PRICES AT l'KIIill KNT'S ( BTOKK, IN MGIIT STUKI5T, o V fit itiNO ANDHUAtsruudooua. Till! Milm illKjr has Just rets Ivcil and hanil ul bis old sl.iiul lfi UitM Kti.'it,alur;;.iand select ASSORTJIENT OF MKHCIIANIJ1SE puiclinscdnt (lie lowest Ufiir... nn.l uhlrli ho ditermlncd lo sell. in as iiusleiutu t. rms nn bo pns-unsl clscivlu rn In Ughl Sllcct, voit cavii on wu.wiiv rncwucK His slick (.insists of I. A O I EH' DRESS CIOODS, choicest styles and latest fiwhtotis, Calicoes, .Muslius, , Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpcta, , Silks, Shawls, HEADY MADE ChOTlIINU, Hall lulls, Cusshuora, Coltonades, Kentucky Jinua, da, AC .tc. Ci HOCEUIES, MACICKUai,, (lutiuswaio, (Jodiirwiirc, lluidwaio, ilcdIUu., Druss, Oils, Pnbils, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HA'iy A CAl'S 111 short everything usually kept lu u coun'ry store. Theiuilronngoof his old friend a"" the public centrally. Is lespcctmlly solicited. Tho highest market pilce paid lor couu try pro duce 1'JE.TEIt KNT. I.lijhl Slicct, Nov. K Im.;. JpillST CLASS GOODS. II A It 13 11 A 11 (I A I N H, "Thdsubsi-rlher has Just thoroushly lesiocked iim.u.u. in & uiuwisii, uiieiy ..ciuiuqu toy 51' Niiicb Shuuun, and now il'ois ;or salu a stock of jITty goods, Groceries mi.w.linn,lle.i u-li.l, o.v 'lualiiy and variety will comiaru f.norubly with auy in tliu luuiitry, Uu lux ti fiesh ussoit mint of S 1" H I N Cl GOODS which hu will dispose of for cash or uouutiy pro duce. Among bis illy Good will bo fouud all tho latest and bci patterns or MUSLINS, GI.SGHAMS, CAMCOKS, FIANNEIJJ, SHAWLS, S1I.KS, cassimi:i:.s, IlltOADCLOTHH, iivrroNAiins, JKANS Ac.,c. aiioci:nii. GhASSWAltl:, (IIIKIINSWAUK, HAItllWAHF. CHIIAItWAUK llltl'GS, OJI.S, PAINTS, VAIINISIIKH Ac. HATS A CAl'S, HOOTS A SHOES, In fai't,Aioiupleiollnir gisid. brlom-lug lohls t iiBlii.K. 'As he l.ui h and nils li.r .s.kii ho uin uitor.. lo Im p hi ..tins ns low II not .v?,-t M, .. U.tlAl. UClllUK. JUS IIIOIIO IS "UUKU AUS.NAI.I. l-wiriTV." COAL OF ALL KINDS Cnsloiply on lumd nml lor sale ut Iho lowest mo no riniii.ii's niusi'iiATK, 1'iiti-eelal at I ( nthiiiiiHld tuiliotsj.ii ! t.i.n ltnii.i Inn mutt llui. t mii-rv- Md limit, t,s..i . ...I llaiduuiii td all kludx, to uhlrh the utt( utVtii nt ii im i mil in it 1 1 iit-iiiit ClltAIN I'll U Oil ASK 1). A l.ilrsliari. .il puhllu cuslloni Is ilislll.l and .oil "...inn it. give . mire sutuu.c JOSVpll U. KNITTI.F, pr hl.tlllim Ciitawissu, TOD I'lUNTINO IN COLOItS, U Niully exuuUsI ill this olllce. 1H0J). 1801). IIP "YOU "W-A-HSTT .A. BARGAIN IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 1108IKHY, ' . ; Ol.OVICSj ; (SC., AC, OO TO M. P. LUTZ. " maW sTnrrrr Ol'l'OSITK T1IK COUHT HOUSE, Dr.OOMflBTJRO, FA. Apr.Hi,(i'j.f. K CONTINUE ToManulneluro ouf well-known Manures, Stijter I'hottilMlc vf IAint und AmmvkittUU lirtlllwr t nil also liavo for salu , 1' K 11 V ViIA M (TUANO, No. 1 acnalne .Government, I- Ikh Onano.Land rialiter and Hydraulic Cement together wltli a coinplele nSBortmcnt of llurnini and (JrcnslDK Oils, at fair market ratefl. Hupcr-Vhosphutoorilmo, - - - tto per 0Gi) lbs. Ammonlatcd Fertlllter,' i' - VX tin. A 'WdpotNT TO IJRAI.KUH. AI.T.l;r ft NLlIIJl.KS. .ISBoiilii Helawilfo Aenno, nilladilpliln. I tSTIUJllLIl in l$ui. For Snlo l.ylbc Dltlcriisbnifc'lioii I'oinpnni. Aus.ljVUmiu ..literals nolhlnf!' that ran boui(.aro Willi Iho, bcauly mul isiujurt of the. ULAKK PATENT 01IA111 Hl'lUNd. II Is llllcuded'lo bn fiiRb?licil'nl.'lli'n friSt.L f.. I ..f Iho cluiir, imd iiuslvcrH all Iho puriises of n locker, -without thuliicouvpuloueu oi that .pe des or chair. A Hicclincii.cati be keen at tills ulllco.. TuoAKciurorinofnioniui iiiinif! ot mem, is picpurou to fcupnly them, and Mtow lliclr iuihIo of worlilnR, and wo think they will ulvo ino-t coiniikto satisfaction; 14JU11.UI W. Alilill l, AKClll. Sept. SOS-St. Iron Htieet, Woonibburg, pa. 'piUlOUGII TICKETS TO THE JL WKST, via. l'll.N.VSVLVANIA OUNTIUL ItAILllOAU. Tills comnanv has nlaced for sale nt llio ticket oiilco of tlio Lackawuiinn A liloomsburg H. l(.,ln llloolasbumnlariio iissorlmcutof thruuuli lick- els to alltho principal points in tlio WEST, NOUTlt WJiST, AND SOUTH VtEBT. Biu:2;l20 chocked thruush from Phllatlelnhla aud Ifarrlsburg.TO DLbTINATION.and cars will run tnrough dully from Plilladelphiannd Harris burg to Cincinnati, I,oulsvllIs,nud Chicago WITHOUT OIIANOK. Families emigrating to tho West will consult their Interest hy taking this line. For lurther Information and tickets, upply to HWV. HOHINfaON, Agent. T.ackawanua A ltlooinsbuig It, It, Aug. M.'UO-tr. JEW F I 11 JI, NATIONAL IltON AVOEKS BILLMYEE Si HENHIE. Tho subscrlbersrcspcctfully call tho attention of tho business community to their Works sllua ed ou tho IB. it, 11, nbovo the Depot, nz.oo msii un a pa. FOUNDEUS, MACHINISTS AND IltON BSIITHS. MANUFACTURERS OF Steam , Engines, Hollers, Raw and Grlst-3.1111 Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers, They also make all kinds of Threshing Machines oflhe mostapproved pattcruaand tho Celebrated Montrpso Iron Beam Plows, Cook, 1'arlor, Dar room and Woik-sh'op STOVES. Heaters and a mil assortment or.FIro brlc'its, and castings con staully on bond for repairing Stoves. Severe! different sizes nnddeslgns of Cellar Grates. They uro also prepared to furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Mining purposes nnd Gcucrnl Mining costings'. Iron and Itross castings for every de scription of Job work. Agricultural Implements made and repaired. Particular attention glvcu to tho repairing of all kinds of llcapcrs; extra parts on hand. Juuo i;,VJ-tr. Jacoii K. Hiiith: , It. g M I T II &( S E L T V, E R, Importers nud Dealers In Foreign' and llomcsl Ic j:l n, it,", ..itffcjrf;; II A 11 D W A R E, ' urjis-ii, oiiTiiKity, &c, rJO. 1UII r. TIIIHIl'sTIIKCT, All.CAI.TJlWlIf I.I., l'lIILAIIHU'lIIA. Nov. 2.', w-tr, J M-1' O R T A NT NO T 1 C E. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY O F 1) R E S S O O O D S, at Tin: ni:w STORE, HKOWER'S UU1LDINO, Tho spluidid .looms ol J. J. lillOWlUt, mo coniplclid nn.l nov," open to tho public with tho ! I N II S T HIOO K over ofllwd In Dloonisburf;. All tlio N K W IC S T S T Y l.KS of Diess Gooels, Bilks, Cloths', Cnsslmers, Linens, Flannels Ac, O A R V E T S of c(iy style nud for all pacts. Oil Cloths In gnat Ynrlcty. A fllll llllO of SUPERIOR GROCERIES. Coffees, Tens, SuKurn, Fhlccp, warranted puro tmil gocsl. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, In carefully assoiletl variety. GLOVES, II O S I E R Y, HOOP SHUt'IS, OOIlhKTS ANII A COJIPLKTH assortiucutuf WHITE GOODS, Tlio public nro eiirnc&tly iiilled to examtno these tine goods, before pur thiislug elstw hero and uro guarautcdl tatlsloo lion. No cxpeuso or trouble lias btdi to mako THU MOST tOMPI.KTt; cstubllshineut lu this section of tbo State. J. J. lino Willi, May7,'(a-lf llloomsburg Pa, "JVJEAV STOVE AND TIN SHOIN ISAIAH HAGKNHUCII, Mnln SUeetouu door iibuve H. Mciideiibull s Hloie. A huge nss.irluuul of bto(, H. titers ai.d ItiitineM (onslaully on baud, und jor sale ut li.o lowest rates, Tinning In nil lis branches carefully to, uud Kallsiaitloii viinriinl... il. Tin work of all klii.U whoiesaloaiul utnll. A tllal Is r.micttod. T? J. TI Jjit would burg uud lc' THORNTON Id Kl. UUUIKSl till 111! I'll it. lib Of IIICOIIIS- !, . .."I. . .) , .l.k .1.' UIMJ .IS. .... , ..... nnd complete tistorlnieul ('1 V AM, PAPUH, WINDOW H II A IU S VIXTl'lll-K, (IRIH, TAKSKIX, iiiidiillIolhir(:o.lslnhls Hue ofbuslnos. All llienene-tiiiHl luosl nppiod ni or Iho .lay me nlmtlsK be found II. Ms sUil.ll.hiudil, Mur.5,''11 H MuliiM. UlowMuik.t. i LL KINDS OF JOll PRINTINO j. neatly esecuU-d Rl 1 mM.i. iimhian Ht'aia I'llultDgOmce,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers