THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BL()0MSIU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. iOfltc ltotumbian -AND- Uoomslnivij jjjcmotvat. P.ltOOMSBUUO, PA. i.'iiiii.w MiiitNiNU, kui'iv it, mao. t'TIII! CI)I,:II1IAJV has (tie I.arKt-tl I lirtilallim or ly miitr imbllilifil 'lit Northern Pcim.ylVAiila, nml Is lo a iiillttt Inrgcr sheet tlmll any oflUcottm tirnrlei nml la therefor ill lust nuilliim lor uilrrrlUhiR In lllla section ofllio Ho tho Votora of Columbia County. Tlio Democratic Stnnulnrf CoiumUtiu have mailo inquiry Into Uio fuels per tulnlii!? to tlio nomination ofn Senator ml tmnlltlalu by tho Honalnrlnl Confer- citL'o :il Norlhiinibcrlaml. anil titxiti it view or tho wholo fiubjeqt hiivo ileler nilni'il to submit to you n brinf udilreM, Tlio C'nnilhlaio nroscnliil to tho Con fiwiK'c! by tills county received on tlio. 2l0ili, ballot tho votes or nil tuo six Co tiff roes nro-iont In tho Cimforoiico, rciircsuutluir tho counllw of Nor- thuuihorhiiiil, Columbia mul b'ulllvun. ThotiHifurwsifroiii Montour county had withdrawn lirovloiwly from tho confer cue -, iw had ono from this county whoso plnco lad been lined by our remaining ('inferco under a resolution or tho Con iVronco. Thq Con forpuqe, consisted, then of six members, representing .threo, nmiitli out of four of tho tilstric'.wiicn thu nomination was, made, ntul Iheirac-, tloit wns unanimous.. Upon, this state incut, considered alone, there, am bono ilnnbL of tho rotriilarltv of tho. nouiina tion and of tho i-onscquout obligation of tho counties roprescnteu In tho Confer ence to support it. It has been endors ed by tho Standing Committee of Nor humberland county (22 out of2S mem- bers present) and by this Cominiltco In u resolution published herewith. It is known also that it Is acceptable in Sul livan county and will tbero receive from our party friends unanimous sup port. liut itTs Opposed lii' Montour county by tlio candidate whoso conferees sccedt ed from tlio Conference and ho h.i plac ed bis own name In his newspaper in tho nl.ico annronriato to that of a 'resr'u lar nominee". Shall his ofipOsitioh bo rind Is it placed upon (food rounds? These are the'ijucktlons to bo eomiidered and an Answer (0''f ho' latter will bo tho main, object of tills nddrcss. Tho single' alleged reason for opposi tion to our candidate, of'h lesal charac ter, tho only ono founded upon party laws o usages, Is presented by tho sccc- ding conferees In n statement published by them of the proceedings 6f tlio con ferenco. They say that on tho 202d ballot In conference thelr'candldato r6- col voU 6 voles, (boing'n uiajorlty of' tho whole,) that tho 'result was1 duly an nounced nnd that Ids nomination be Mini) complete. It this bo fio, nnd noth- 1'ig further appears to countervail their Hlaloment, another nomination' could not hiivo been .regularly 'or properly made on tho 210th ballot without n re consideration of tho former vote. . The answer which Is presented' to this statement of liio' seceding conferees In tho olllclal'report of thd proceedings of tho Conference and In papers' from Indi vidual Conferees Wio 'constituted the majority, is however very lull and com plele. Tho'allcdgod facts' upon Which tho nrjgiiment for a Montour nomlna tlon rests aro by thoso papers disprov ed In tho nmlii aiid tho futility of (ho argument based upon them made most evident. It Is not true that a nomina tion was made coniploto on tho 202d ballot. It Is not truo that n nomination was then announced by tho chair. It 'Is not true that tho votcas first taUon was announced by tho chair br by any' one else, but it is certain that as soon as tho roll-call was concluded a recess was'ta ken for o minutes, tb'at'upon reasScinb ling a con forco asked to cliango'hU volo and was allowed, jo uofio by it majority voto of tho conference, that ho changed bis voto from tho Montour, 'carj'dldato' accordingly, nnd that tticn tho' result of tho 202d ballot was" reported for' tl0; first and only tlinq and thoio was no nomln atlon. It was Indispensable tq a libra inaliyn that n majority Should mako nnd complete Itj 'that Uioy should not withhold their assent from it beforo it was proclaimed by them or under their authority. Hut further, tho seceding confcrees(or two of them) took a direct part lit the proceedings when leavo was given to cliango tho voto, and thoy wcronll pres ent ns members of tho Confcrenco for soma tlmo afterwards. After tho 206th voto ono of them moved that tho Con fcrenco adjourn to meet at Bloomsburg on tho I5th of September, and his mo tion was voted upon and rejected. Two ballots further on, another asked Icavo to lotlro for fifteen minutes and was granted leave. Can Conferees who have acted as such bo permitted to repudiate tho proceedings In which thoy havo ta ken part? Isltto ho'tolcrated, for in stance, that after voting oil tlio question of allowing a member to change his voto taking tho chances of success in the decision to bo made they shall uot bo bound by what hdononiul concluded from questioning it as valid afterwards 1 Hut this may bo thought narrow ground, however clear In point of legal! ty. Wo chooso to put tho miration broadly upon tlio clear authority of tho majority of tho Confcrenco to control Its proceedings to ndopt nnd administer its rules within tho gcneraral principles of parliamentary law and to nnnounco its eventual nnd dellberato cholco ofn candidate There is no question thnt tho correction of tho voto on tho 202d bollol,uu(i tho nomination of Mr.ISucliu low on tho 210th, wero by a clear and fair majority of tho Senatorial Confer once. Wo may go further nud say that Mr Withlngton had an independent right to change Ids voto oil tho 202d ballot, n right of which tho Confcrenco could not Justly deprlvo him. Tho general print;! plo applicable (o his case Is well staled In Uarclay'd Digest, ono of tho most re cent .American works on parllmentnrly law and practice and published under authority of thoNutlouul llousoof Hop. rcsc-ntatives. Wo quote i "A MHMIlliU HAB Till! lliajlT TO CirANclHIIlH VOTI5 JlKl'OKi: TJIB HJX'I WON OI1' TllK QUESTION AB III'.JJN J'l- NAI.ItYANI) COKCJI.U8XYJ2I.Y I'JIONOUNC i!D liv tju: cjiajii." JJarclay's Jilyest, . 107, ed, 16C5.) It is truo that some legislative bodies liavo adopted rules which limit or reg. uliito this right of changing a voto, but as noiio of their rules wero adopted by tho Conferenco It could not apply or enforce them, They uro entirely inap plicable to tho present question. Mr, Wlthlngton's right then was good with out any voto of tho Conferenco, but Its resolution would havo conferred that right If ho had uot possessed it before, What wo havo said wo bcllevo an. swers fully tho objection mado against nellon of the Conference. Hut it re mains In consider whether the itcNInch vblo given on the 2H2d ballot ami which has fmiiNicd dm only excuse for this conl roversy, was not fulso nnd fmudii- lent. Ifor If It win, It ought to bo reject- ed from ueeotuiu rfml hold of) If IC hud never been given. Fraud will vlllato any" contract However solemn in form, nud It ought to vitiate and destroy in popular estimation any voto given in a Conference. Tho MWineh voto wasglven in viola tion of tho inslructlonsofourCon vent Ion. That body instructed our Conferees to uso all fair and honorable means to secure tho nomination of pur candidate. It was not fair nor honorable to volo for another when Ills nomination was likely and In fact had Just been prom ised by the Conferees who could mako it. It was not fair nor honorable to give that voto without notlco to thq candidate, betrayed or to any Mend wlio could Inform him. Hut 11 Is said the sessions or tho Conferenco laid been prolonged and it was time to como to a result., Who had mainly caused delay and prevented a result before, but tho very Conferee In question? It was tho knowlcdgo of his trcnchcrousintcnUons (hat kepi tlio Mpntour candldnto conn dent and protracted tno Conrerclico. It w'as expected mul bellbved that ho w6ul'd betray his,. county and her ca'n dtiiatu as soon 'as a 'tolerable oxcuSo could ,be founded on thq lapso ofunioln Conference, lto had been, in privato consultation with tlio Montour canui dale nnd the hitter krtow perfectly1 Ills' position and objects and Counted upon his support. The circuiustances 'whlcli provo complicity and mutual under standing between bur Instructed con feree and "tho candidate; Of another county, aro In' fact numerous, though unsuitcd for detail in tho present nu dress. Hut (his is not all. Thcro is., reason to ndd'tho Imputation of clorrup tlon to that of treachery In tho present case. A respectable gentleman' of this county hfflrms to us that our Beccdlng Conforco dcclnred privately to him that there-' wn $3,000 to bo mado; In tho Conference, and asked Ills opinion whotherh6 should tako it. Now it Is upon tho McNinch voto .that tho Montour cnndldato Etands ; lto lias no pretense for bolting tho nomi nation for Senatof except tho fact" that that voto was, in some way, secured for him on tho 202d ballot. It is a bad voto to strind'on, and wo believe if will bo found a bad voto to run on beforo1 tho Jioljeft' voters 'Of tho 15th Senatbrial' uisiriet. l'-Tho claim ofthi.s' county to tho Senn toriui nomination at this time is bellov- (Vl't'obo a1 reasonable and falr 'ouc; 'For hIiq Hits !hot liad iu Senator in 12 years while Northumberland nnd Sullivan havo each had 'recently.' 'Mr. lluckalcw' resigned two years ofn Senatorial term when ho went abroad in 1S58 and tlio vocajicy was filled by Keller of Snyder county, slnco whom JVortliumliorlanu has'.hail two Soiiatorial terms ono filled by allepublleaii) and Sullivan ono. As to Montour county, so far as wo aro con c6rned, compensation has been made toiler for lackof direct representation In tboSonato by an cxcojs of representa tion in tho House, anil if tlio usago of .two representative torm3 to cach coun- ty nllernatolyshall bo kept up, slid will havo tho Itcprcsontativo two out of tlio threo years of tho next Senatorial term. "Now the Democratic voto of Montour last fall was 1C07 whllo that of Colum bia was 1022. Tho latter has therefore about two and n half times tho voto of tho former. Yet In tho Jast 15 .years (slnco local contests ended) Montour has had tlio representative 8 years and. Columbia -7, and tho former (as. beforo istated) will havo tho ltepresontativo, under usage, two out of tho-obit-thrco years. Takltig 'tho, wholo timo slnco Montour was erected (19 years) tho caso. U not so strong, as this county car ried lleprescntatlves several years upon local quostI6ns prior to 1851, though Mr. Jackson, in 1852, was tho cholco 'of Montour and not of this County and his nomination was coerced in Conference. Placing him on tho. Mon tour side, tho account will stand cloven years to each county at tho end of tho coming Senatorial term, if tho usago bo kopt up. Wo think tho usage botween tho counties a good ono on grounds of convenience and policy for it avoids controversy in nominations, but it Is ono of extreme liberality to Montour and can only bo kept up. by tho excr ciso of discretion mul forbearance in tho making of district nominations, diving as it does to Montour moro than doubio her share of Itepresentatives, it must bo taken into account, In cousld crlngthoSenatorlalquebllon with which It is connected. In regard to Senatorial representation it only remains to nay that Col. Dost was Senator when Mon tour was erected and for some time nf terwurdsnnd Mr. Duckalew subsequent ly. Tho tlmo ofservlco of tho htter was In the samo proportion to thu popula tion of this county that that of Col Jlcst was to tho population of Montour. Upon tho wholo tho point wo mako Is this: That there Is no sucli offenso to tho local claims' of Montour In Mr. Duckalow's nomination as will Justify or excuse any opposition to his flection, In that county, whllo it Is for the com mon interest of both counties in their future relations witli each othcr,that his nomination should ho sustained. 11Y OIIDKR OF THE COMJimT.n. Sknatokiai.. It will bo Been by out Isstio of this week, that wo havo placed tho uamo of Hon. Charles H. Duckalew, at our mast head ns tho Candidate fm State Senate of tho 15th Senatorial Din Irlct. Our friends In Sullivan county will rejolco with us, that whllo wo havi lost our own ablo Senalor, Mr. Jac cson, ho ohoiild bo replaced by bis own most intimate personal friend, nu ablo poll tlclau and puro patriot, and ono wlu has been an universal favnrlto with oui people, and who will honor and ennoble any position with which ho may bo en trusted. Ills name has ever been u watchword (if strength and unity, wllh tho Democracy of Northern I'ennsylva nla, Inid wo do not doubt ho will receive every Democratic voto in this county. Wofchull publish tho proceedings of the conference In full In our next Issuo, and know that our frlciids will bo gratified with tho result of our nctlon. Sullivan Democrat. Think of it. laboring meal Five yearn alter tho clout of tho war. tho nrciiiiuui on gold U 1.30. Tho erccuLacka in which you aro paid aro worth but surdity cents on tlio dollar, and in addition you must Lear tho burden of taxation to hchi pay tho bond hold ers, who receive- doubio for an invcetment wlneh co-sis (liooi no labor. Tho Senatorial Conference TltlSL'AHK J! AI1H Ul,fAND TUB AlTION ot-'Tiin MAJonii'V rtMiV vindi cated.! Tho several papers 4 published here with fully explain Iho proceedings of the late Senatorial Conference anil nu swor in n moil elfecltial manner (be mllttlmcitlH of Iho seci'dors from Iho Conference. Tho proposed bolt in Men lour ('utility Is by them stripped of all pretext or excuse and presented before" tliOTicoplo of -tlio district in its truo col ors as a nimplonct of Insubordination. to parly laws and an open defiance of tho principle that - thu liiHjority shall rule. Fdr nothing enn bo moro certain than that thu majority of tho Confer enco had completo conlrol over their own proceedings and. Inula right to fix and niiuoutico their dellberato and final cholco of a candidate, in spite of tho opposition, protest, or secession of tlio minority. It Is not denied that a clear majority of tho Confcrenco nominated Mr. Duckalew and in duo form an nounced his nomination totho people. It Is not denied that when tho tricky nnd base voto of 'McNIncii Avas given in Conference, tlio apparent majority for Chalfaut ptoduccd by it was unreal and false, not representing in fact the (litontlon,, will and purpose of a majority of tho Conferees. Nor is it denied that,a majority of the Confer enco .deliberately resolved by a formal voto that one of their number should bo authorized to change his voto nnd thus prevent a, fraudulent result from being cousiimmateiT. Now tlicso' points beinc conceded, no question tegardihg tho validity of Mr.'lluckfdeW'snomlna tiqn remaliisfor dispute. Whether nil the proeccuings upon ino iai-u uauot were exactly regular or not becomes' an unim portant question, and therefore if every tiling asserted by the seceding Confer ees as occurring on tho,202d ballot wero truo It would not eirect tho' nomination mado on tho 210ti.. Kven, if the' major ity reached ajual result In, an Irregular maimer if they made a mlstako upon' a question of order by changing tv volo Instead of reconsidering it still, as It was competent for them to control the final result of tho nomination, their ac tion would bo valid and could hot libw be called in question. A mistake of means when tho end was right and proper, would not bo a fatal or Impor tant objection. iDutlTiis view of the caso Is unneces sary. For the papers now published show conclusively, (in confirmation of tho.oiUclal report of tlio Confcrenco,) that the, rc3iilt of the 202d ballot was uot.nunoiinced nor a nomination declar ed, when Mr. Withlngton cliauged his vqto. The action taken was therefore ontirely regular nnd in orde. IIo had a right to change, his voto as tho Con fLenco, had adopted no rules which ex cluded or limited such right. Dcsidos, ,liq,ivolo of tho Conferenco would have given him tho right if ho had not , oth erwise, possessed it. Froni.ourjioint of vlpw "0 differences of statement between the majority and minority of the Conferenco aro not im portant,, In forming nu opinion upon ilia general, question of the nomination. Dut wo must say lu regard to those dif ferences that tho poccders llro very thoroughly contradicted. Tho strong weight of direct evidence and all tho probabilities of thocaso aro against them. Each ono of tho five (original) majority conferees contradicts them; Mr. Meylcrt In tho official report drawn by him and tho four others in the sup-, piemental paper.-, now published. And all fair preemptions run with tho ma jority. They are all fair, intelligent and honorable men who will nppeartq very gicat adviinbigo wlien compared with M'Ifinch and will not suffer when con trasted vith Dillmeyer and Miles. Their statements drawu up at different times nnd 'places aro consistent in all material respects, and bear tho impress of truth upon their face. Besides, It is moro likely that tho official report of tho pro-, oeedings of thq, Conferenco drawn up when ,thp facts wero fresh at tlio ad journment and approved by tho ma jority present, should bo correct and re liable, ,than a htatcmcnt concocted by the bceeders somotimo afterwards to justify their conduct. Tho nomination Dually mado by tho Conferenco was a fair quo and it has all tho sanctions of regularity and usage. 4t is now effectually viudicated against misrepresentation and will, wo doubt not, bo triumphantly sustained by tho people. Meeting of tho Standing- Committee. A meelingof tho Standing Commltteo of Columbia county was called by tho Chairman for Saturday last, but on ac count of tho unavoidable absenco of tho Chairman, was postponed until Mon day last when tho meeting was held. There wero present E. U. DJcketts, Orange; C. a. Barkloy, Dloom W. II. Shoemaker, Hemlock; ItohrM'IIenry, Denton; J. D. Knlltle, Catawlssa; Jesso Iloflmau, Centre; and C D. Brockway Chairman. Absent U. J. Campbell, Maine, and Diehard Thornton, Con ynghiiin. On motion of E.G.Rlckotts, (seconded by IlolirM'IIcuiy, it was unanimously llesolval, That the Standing Com mitted, op Comjmm a. county havino attentively kxamineu xhk tho ckedinou oi tub senatoiua1. con feuenck, and the individual STATEMENTS OV THE DimEIlUNT CON-I-'EIIKES, AK8TllONai,YO"ri!K OWN- ion that Tin: Hon. G'uahlks It. Duckalew iSTiinunauLAii nominee 01' THE DEMOCUATIO I'AUTY l'OU THE XVtll SUNATOItlAI. DlBTllIOT, AND A3 such pi.kdcie him tiieih healtty sui'l'okt, and earnestly commend him to the i'ull and earnest hu1' i'out op the democracy 01-' this County. Jccsaleetl, That tho Chairman bo au thorized and requested to prepare an address totho people of tho County giv ing our reasons for lliNiiclIon.ncconipa nied by such documents as bear on tho subject. Oilier business in preference to tho campaign was Iransactcd.nnd Vlgllanco Committees for tho dllfereut townships appointed, n list of which will bo found in another column. Northumberland in Lino 1 At a meeting of tho Standing Cum mittco of Northumberland county held In tho Court IIouso itiSunbury Septem ber 7th 1&C9. Tho following resolution was unanimously adopted : Jienoli-ed. That we i-'ully aiu'hove OV THE NOMINATION OK THE HON, Charles It. Duckalew, ok Colum bia COUNTY, ASOUU CANDIDATE FOM the State senate, and we heakti i,r commend him to the Democracy OV NonTIIUMllERLAND COUNTY, X'OR THEIR UNDIVIDED 8U1TOUT, Statement and Answer of Messrs. Clark and Withlngton, Conferees. Wo havo road tlio statement of the seceding conferees from the Into Sena torial conference' at Northumberland ; nnd also Iho circular of .Tnmta S. Mc Nlneli, contained In an extra oT tho lUnelvk (iunttt, Issued at Danville. Ami wo pioper In statu in reply lo thoio documents certain particulars v'h!chdo not fti)lu'ppb.rt'in the bpicjal report of tho proceedings of tho confer ence. At an early 9tago In tho proceed ings It was agreed at tho suggestion of Mr. Meylcrt thai until n nomination should bo effected tho votes upon each balloting might bo simply reported by the, Secretaries without being formally announced .by tho .Chairman. Thi3 couho was fo'llpwed uniformly through out; Mr. Meylcrt, tho senior Secretnry, always reporting tlio voto when present. There was no agreement dispensing wllh the rightor duty of tlio Chairman to announce. a final result and proclaim the nomination whou mado. When tho 202d ballot was reached the counties wero called in their order un der tho rule of tho conference, commenc ing with Montour anil ending with Columbia. Upon that,balIot tho North umberland copferoes gave; what wero we'll Understood' to ,bo complimentary votes to Mr. Chalfaiit ; anil when Colum bia was reached Mr. MpNlheh gave nn unexpected Vplo for thq 'saMo candidate Whcreup6n Mr: 'Miles', ond of thb Sec retary, said that Mr. Chalfaiit had fivo votes. Mr. Clark,, Iho Chairman, then asked If his-nanlo Was not t6 bo called ? It was called, rilul lie" voted for Mr. Dttekiilbw. Then, vlth6ut liny report Or'unnouiicoiuent of tho void by cither of tho Secretaries' or tho Chlllrmnn, tho conference, on motion of Jttdgo Dcegan, and without dissent, adjourned for fivo minutes. Imulbdlaicly after reassem bling, Mr. Meylcrt stated that Mr'. Wlthlilgtoti diislrcd to cliango his v6to. Tho Chairman decided that ho had a right to'chango his volo, tho result not having been announced; but objection 6elngimado by 6110 of tho Mbntour con ferees, Mr. RebcT moved that his col Icagtio bo permitted to cliango his vote. Tills motioit Was submitted to' tho con 'ferenco, ntld wns agreed to by a voto of six to one, Mr. Dillmeyer not voting, and Mr. Miles voting against it. Wo desire to stato (Jlstlnctly that Mr. Mc Ninch voted Vor this motion, 'hrid'had announced his intention of tlolng so previously. Mr. Wlthlngton's nnmo was then called by ono of tho Secreta ries and hp vbted for William V. With lngton, as stated Jn tho official report. Tho result of'tho ballot was then re ported and there nomination. The subsequent rirocee'dings bf tho conforoiico'appear In tho official report. Mr. McNinch nnd tho Montdur con ferees did riot withdraw from tho con ferenco immediately .after' this 202d bal lot a.4 is stajdd by hllm They remain ed' for a number, of ballots'; Mr. Miles, of Montour, offering n motion after tho 20CtIl ballot, ''That tho conference ad journ to meet nt DIoomsburg, on tho 115th bf Soplcihber," which was rejected ; iind Mr. McNinch asking leavo' of tho conferenco aflcr tho 208th ballot, to re tire for tho spMco bf fifteen minutes, wlilch was granted. Mr. Chalfaiit was also admitted upon two occasions and mado remarks to tho conference. Wo havo said that Mr. McNineb's votojwas unexpected in view of thd fact that lie had voted under his instructions' for nearly two hundred times for- Mr. Dttckalow, whilo n nomination could 'not bd effected, and that ho wits well informed Just beforo thatvotd wasglven that Mr, Duckalew could and would bo nominated during that session by tho votes of tho Northumberland conforecs. This information was conveyed to him by Mr. Clark when tho eonferonco inet to tako tho 201st ballot. IIo was inform ed by Mr. Clark that lib had Just learned from Mr. M. J. D. Withlngton', conferee, that his brother Mr. Wl P. Withlngton, ,tho candidatrj, had becotno convinced that his nomination was impossible, and that inasmuch ns ho believed that Mr. Duckalow was tho second cholco of Northumberland county, ho desired that his conferees should Voto for him, and that they would presently do so, and mako tho nomination. When- therefore upon the second voto there after, and when Columbia county voted Inst, McNinch broko his instructions and voted for-Mri Chalfaiit, there was Just causo for that indignation which was openly expressed beforo tho con ferenco by his colleague IIODERT F. CLAltlf , M. J. D. W1TIIINQTON. September 11, 1800. Tho Scccdcrs' Statement. Tlio Seceding Conferees havo put fortli an extraordinary htatenient ol the proceedings of tho Cotiferenco. Tho first part, obviously compiled from tho nbovo official report, it is uuneeentrtry to republish. W6 glvo however tho conclusion of their statement in full, simply remarking hero that It is with out dato and was no doubt made up at Danvlllo some tlmo after tho confer ence. .. Tho02d voto wns cajlcd 'for, which rosultcd'os follows: Duckalow, 1; dial fant. C; Withlngton, 0; Jackson,-2. Af ter all tho Conferees hnd voted Includ ing Mr. Clark, tho Chairman, and con siderablo timo had elapsed waiting for Secretary Miles aroso In his lilaco ami read from ids tally list tho 202 volo vi ril.nlr..... r. -,....,..., iwtn. VMIUIIiUU, u, Jiuuiiuuiw, 1 V lllllllglOll, 0: Jackson, 2. Whereupon Mr. Clark Chairman, announced thnt on tho 202d voto as bororo stated by tho Secretary, Chalfaiit had 5 votes. Mr. Miles then moved tomukotho nomination of Thus. Chalfaiit unanimous. Aftor which a motion was mado to adjourn for 11 vo intmitnj wltlnli lm..l,ir. 41m Conferenco adjourned for llvu minutes. Tho llvo votes cast for Chalfaiit on this void were iiiimoyer una nines Irom Montour, Withlngton and Dehor, from VnWIiumlint-t.iiwl mi. I -MIKTIi...!. r ....... tt.v. ..... II, ...... w. .iiikii JJIIIM Columbia. On reassembling, Mr. My Iert asked leavo of Conferenco that Mr. M. J. I). Withlngton, who 011 tho lust voto had voted for Thomas Chalfaiit, bo permitted to cliango his vote. This tlMu Al.lnnlA.1 1... Hill.... ll ''' wiyijiivit in iiy 1'iiii-n mill unlets on tho ground that Inasmuch as tho last voto had been announced by both tlio Secretary and Chairman of tho Conferenco and an adjournment had in tervened between thomiuoiiiicemeutnf tho voto and tho request for leavo lo cliango his voto tho application was too lato. After hoiiio discussion thomotloii carried. Whereupon part of tho Con fereas withdrew Including tho conferees from Montour and J. 8. M'Nlneh ono of tho Conferees from Columbia county. finished so far as related totho selection ui 11 i-uiuuume. fJEO. W. M1DKS, Sec'y. V(I. tU'ft lit Ilin Rltlilitnfliil vt. . do certify that tho foregoing report of tho doings of tho Conferenco is correct and a truo and full report of tho pro- u. n. iu-iNiixuu, tuiumuia. DANIEL) MMjMEYUII, Montour. Tiottcr from Hon. James Dcegan, Con fcrco from Sullivan County. UUSIIORE, Sept. 11, 180U. Kditor ColumiiiAn: Dean Sins In nddltlon to tho cncloseil pfipor.whlch you may publish iryoti think proper, I desire to nay a few words In regard lo (ho Conference lately held In which 1 served ns a member. This I do became I sco that what was ildiio lias been mis represented. : 'J ' 1 Tho official report of tho' proceedings of tho Conferenco was written out .or finished by Mr. Meylcrt ufl.soon as .ho could do It upon tint adjournment of tho Confercnco.nnil tho report was then reait over by him to all tho six Conferees present and approved by them nnd signed nt tho time, ns was tho uotlflc.v tion to Mr. Duckalow of his nomination. Tho facts wero nil fresh in our minds and wo knew that tho report was cor rect nud true. The report-says, thal,Mr. Withlngton changed ills voto by leayp of tho Conferenco beforo tlio result of the 202d ballot was announced by the chair; nnd this was tho honest truth., For as soon as tho majority of tlio Con ference saw tho trick of tho M'Nlneh voto, which was immediately, they felt no desire to carry it into effect nnd tho proceeding wns stopped. I moved the five mlnulo adjournment tit bnco to pre vent any reporter announcement or tho voto and it was agreed to wltliout dis sent. Then when wo nil caino together again, Mr. 'Withington's voto was changed upon full authority and tho in tended fraud prevented. After all this for the first and only time, was there a report and arihounccincnt of tho vpo upon that ballot. It had not beforo been announced by tho chair or by any ono elso. It Is truo that beforo tho ballot wns concluded when taken first, that is before the Chairman (whonvas always called last) voted, Mr. Miles said that Mr. Chalfant had 5 votes ; but this was 110 report of tho voto a'tho ballot was not concluded and besides ho hnd rio authority to announce a nomination. It is true also that about tho samo Instant that I moved tho5minuto adjournment (which was ns soon us tho ballot was ended) Mr. Miles tried to introduco a motion to declare Mr. Chalfant tho can didate. Dut ho was not recognized by' the cialr,aud his attempt therefore was no part qf,tho official proceedings. And Ids motion if ho had boon allowed to makq it,-I-fuppojo wouldthavo been Ir regular' nt that timo. In point of fact I was recognized by tlio chair instead of him and made my motion for tho recess of 5 minutes which, was agreed to ns be fore scaled without opposition. Thb attempt of tho minority of three Conferees out of overrttlo their colleagues and forco upon thoin n, final, result to which they were opposed, is absurd upon its face. Kven if they could havo kopt Mr. Withlngton from chang ing his voto (which they could not) and havo forced 1111 announcement of the voto, tho majority could at once havo reconsidered tho voto and havo mado any nomination they pleased after wards. Tho 202d ballot was not recon sidered by us only becnuso when an nouiiced and accepted by thoConferencc, it did not show a nomination produced by a fraudulent voto. Despcctfully Yours, James Dkeoan. Reply of IVEr. Rebcr, ono of tho Conferees from Northumberland. Tlio statement signed by J. S.M'Ninch of Columbia and Daniel Dillmeyer and Geo. W.Milo3 of Montour, in relation to proceedings of Conferenco of tho lSlliSen nlnrjnl District, tUNorth'd., on Saturday Sept. -lib 1SC0, is Incorrect in certain particulars. On tho 202d Ballot fivo votcu wero polled, as stated, for Thos Chalfant. Tho Secretary had neglected to call for tho volo of Mr. Clark, tho Chairman. Mr. Clark's, namo was, then called, when ho voted for Mr.BuckalOW Immediately thereafter, James Dcegati of Sullivan county moved toadjourn for flvo,mlnutes, which was carried unani mously. No result of tho voto had been reported by Mr. Meylcrt tho Secretary, iwno nau reported tno result 01 an pre vious ballots when ho was present) nor was it announced by Mr. Clark the Chair man. Upon rcasembling, Mr. Moy lert tho Secretary stated that Mr. With lngton of Nortli'd., desired to ehango his vote. It was then moved by 1110 that leavo bo so granted him. Tlio ques tioit was nt onco put by tlio Chairman, and was decided in tlio afilnnatlvo' with but-ono dissenting volo, namely Mr, Miles of Montour. No question was raised by Mr. .Miles, or by any other Conferco as to tho propriety- of taking that volo and no .objection wad mado to putting tho vote, by any member of tho Vyonieienco. Mr. AVIthington then cast his voto for W. P. Withlngton of Nortli'd., and tho result being announced Iho conferenco proceeded to tho next ballot. After sov- eral ballots bad been taken (Messrs, Miles and Dillmeyer of Montour and Mr, M'Nlneh of Columbia not voting) Mr. Miles moved that tho Convention adjourn to meet at DIoomsburg on tho Jth Sept. This motion was not carried. Tlib'conferecs of Montour and Mr, M' Nlneli of Columbia afterwards retired from tho conferenco. Mr. Ijowenberg ofColumbla was chos en by Mr. Clark ofColumbla, at tho re quest of tho conferenco as conferee vice Mr. M'Nlneh. On tho 210th ballot Mr, Duckalow received all tho voles, (two from Sullivan, two from Nor thumberland and two from Columbln,) hlx, and was declared tho unanimous nomineo ofllio conference. B. Ii. UK I! lilt. Sept. D, 18GU. A Contradiction by Judgo Docg.m. I have seen tho Htatenient of J. K. McNinch, (without dato) In regard to 1110 ocnaioriai nomination ntJNorumm berland, llishtateinent ofn conversa tion in Mr. Ducknlow'ri room on tho evening or tlio nomination, so far as ho refers to mo, I pronounce on my huiior as a gentleman, to bo wholly and absolutely false. I nover at that or any otner tlmo heard such u proposition from Mr. Duckalow. ITo nover con ceded that all conlldenco in Mr. With ington's making tho nomination was hut ; nor did ho biibmlt any calculation and propose that tho conferenco adjourn without making it nomination and ho would run as an Independent candidate. Instead of Mr. Duukaluw speaking in thu manner represented by Mr. Mc Nlneli, ho expressed more confidenco than I then frit In regard to mnkittg 11 nomination that evening In conference, and said, ho thought wo could reach 11 nomination and should go 011. I am t.orry Mr. McNliich should seek to cover up his treachery by referring to 1110 for a corroboration of his faUo statements; but slnco lie bus done so thu only courso for 1110 is to pronounce them us I now do, so far as 1 urn refer red to, as falso from tho beginning to tlio end. JAMES DKKfJAN. Dusiioiie, l'a.,Scpt. 11, lbO'J. A Brief View of tho Senatorial Nomination. TO ItOIlEIlT 1 CLARK, i;A"l"AJ' 01-' THE LATE SENATORIAL t()N- VI'.ltENCi;. Hii..fiomo neoiito have it slrangu1, v..r..tivnf mind. They aro forever trying nieiilally.lolook round a corner. Whatever is fair, straight, and regular hai ho charm rorthem. 'IV their imag ination tho.ctnyed lino Is tho Inn of beaut This peculiarity of mental vis ion is very well illustrated by certain critics upon the lato Northumberland Senatorial Conference. Tn that Conferenco four counties were represented by eight Conferees, in 1 . II..... W lii nil. looking over me procoouinns, r parent that there wero but time men in tho Conference who desired tho nomi nation of Mr. Chalfant; whllo Jive de sired tlio nomination of Mr. Duckalew. NotwltlHtandlngthevotecastontho202d ballot, not a singlo member of tho Con ference regarded a nomination as having been mado; which Is proved, Mnt, by n.niniianni nf tho Conference tnni iur. WIMitimlon of Northumberland should bo pcrmltttcd to cliango his voto; Sco oiul.y the subsequent motion of Mr. Miles of Montour, That the Conference do now adjourn to meet at DIoomsburg 011 tho 15th of September ; ami lura, that upon that motion being lost, a minority of tho Conferees withdrew, leaving a majority still in session. Now a majority nover retires from a Convention or a Conferenco. Having tho power in its own hands, it can nic tate terms and mako nominations. It is tho dissatisfied and dofeated minori ty which retires from tho contest, nnd attempts to Infect tho outsldu body with its own spleen nnd discord. As it was tlio business of tho Conference to ninko a n6inInat!oii, so 110 nomination was made, until a majority hud consented to announce some gpntlcni en as tho re cipient of their votes. The official pro ceedings announco the nomination of Mr. Duckalow, and' aro signed by six conferees out of eight; the Conferenco having filled tho place ofllio retiring member from Columbia; wiillu Mr. Chalfant is declared nominated by three out of eight. Hence the perversity of mental vision Which cannot see tlio regularity of Mr. Bucknlow's nomination is something wonderful ; and argues an imperfection of intellect not a little surprising. If the majoritj Is to rule, there is no ques- hnd Ion, which being, done, Mr. 1 ' J lew thanked thecoiifeienceiiiidaivepltd 10,1 WUhlnglon bo lug lire.' cut accepted their positions or lofi ded candidates In a few iipproprlato riMnarks aiid pledged Mr. UurknloW 11 iioMKIlT K.ChAUIC Chairman, Michael Mevlert, Secretary. xoricit oi' .mtf.v.t riox. Hon. Charles it. Hucicalew, J)citr .S'iV:-lJy' tho unanimous action of tho conferees of Columbia, Norlhumberland IBo; ties, von are declareil tho Candidate or IboYsth Senatorial District for the Suite Se,mt0 ltOllEHT F. CDAltK, Chairman. JAMES DEEOAN, DAVID IiOWENllEllO, M. J. D. WITIIINUTON, E. D. HE BE It, Michael Mevlert, Secretary. Conferees. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . UKNKHAL EI.ECT10X IMIOCI. AMATION i... ii.n 1,... ..r ihN Commonwealth It iVmiTila th'o ifuty of tlio Hlieriir or every county , Vito no 1V0 o( tl l'ewl Election, l.y imbiloatlou in ono or mom liowniwperi iu m UuMWttlUO IIP1II tion left for debate. Yours Truly, F. Senatorial Conference. Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1SC9. At a meeting of tho conferees of tho counties composing tho Fifteenth Sena torial District, at the Vankirl: House, In Northumberland, present from Columbia County Itobert F. Clark, J. S'McNinch. Montour Count)) Daniel Dillmeyer, u. w. Junes. AToiViiii;i4cr(irf(oHii-M.J.l).With- ingtoii, John 1'. Fursel. Sullivan Count) James Dcegan, Mi chaol Mevlert. Itobert F. Clark, of Columbln county, was elected enmrman. Goo. W. Miles and Michael Meylcrt were ciecteu secretaries. Nominations being in order, James Dcegan nominated Oeorgo D, Jackson, of Sullivan County. John 1 Pursel nominated William P, Wilhim;loii,of Northumberland county, Geo. W. Miles nominated Thomas Chalfant, of Blontour County. J. S. McNinch nominated Charles It. Duckalow. of Columbia County. Moved and seconded that tlionomina- tlons now close, which was carried. It was moved and seconded that when the ballots are taken thoy shall com mence aliilinuetlcally with tlio counties. and then tako tho names of counties next in order first, and continuo In that way through all of tho ballots to bo taken. It was then acreod to nrocecd to bal lot. Six ballots wero taken giving nt cacu uaiioiing eacn 01 uio cantlltlates two votes. I .When on motion adjourned until ono o'clock p. m. After voting tho 10th ballot and no nomination, on motion or Jns. Dcegan seconded by Michael Meylcrt, that this conference do now adjourn to meet at Laporte, on tho first Monday of Sep tember ; decided negatively. After tho 21th ballot with 116 nnmi- nation, tho conferenco took a recess of tilteen liilnulos. Several further ad Journments and ballots havintr been taken ; after tho 115th ballot had been iiiKen wim no result, On motion of Mr. Meylcrt, it was JifAoJivil. Thnt finer Mr oVloek-tm Ihn morn lug or tlio'Tth Instant, thnt hlscollencuo, James jjoeau, uu iiermiueu to ca&i mo vmooi Kulllvan County In this conference until Meylcrt return ioaui couwrence or uie urrivui oi nu Huuiiuule, Which was adopted unanimously. Adjourned to meet nt Vanklrk Houso, September -1th, at half-past nlno o'clock a. m. fin tho night session above, Mr. Pur sell, of Northumberland, being indis posed and dcsirltiL' to leave. E. L. lto- ber wns substituted in ids place to act as a coniereo irom iNorinuinDcrianu county- Saturday, Sept. -1, 18G0. ' Conferenco met pursuant to adjourn ment. Present, Itobert F. Clark, Chair man ; Geo. W. Miles, Secretary ; J. S. McNinch, Daniel Dlilme.vor. M. J. D. Withlngton, E. h. Uobcr, and James ucegan, conierees. Mr. Meylcrt having been delayed, it was Itetalved, That Juiiu Deeirnn bo. )ormUto,l to rutt Air. Muvlel t'H vote until liU return, nml nlm. Alter tuo loath naiiot, adjourned un til half-oast two n. in. Reassembled, and after 170th Int. nujourneu until hair-past eixo'cloclc p. in, Half past six o'clock, met pursuant to adjournment; Mr. Meylcrt having re turned took his portion as secretary and member of tho conference. Alter tali ntr tlio 181st ha int. in num. cd until half pastboveu this afternoon. Met nnd voted up to and including tho 200th ballot, and adjourned until half past eight. Alter roassomh Iiil' ami nn tnk-in 11, n 202nd: ballot Mr. WilhliiL'ton having first voted for Thomas Chalfant, before tho voto was announced by thu chair, to tho conferenco, desired to cliango his vote, and on tho motion lo that ell'ect being put ho was granted leave, witli but 0110 dissenting vote. Ho then vo ted for Wm. 1'. Withlngton. Having proceeded to tho 200th ballot without result Mr. Miles from Montour iiuned to adjourn to meet nt Dlooms- burt; Oil 15tll Kentemliiir tirlili.l, ...oil.... having been put was decided In tho netr atlvo. fa After t.iklnc tlm ynsili Imllnf r. nr hliich not participating, on his request to doso was allowed to retire for III teen minutes, on returning Mr. McNinch having declined to volo, mid having Withdrawn from thncnnrnreimn III,,,,.,,,," ferenco declining to oxcuso him,) it was moved thathlscolleaguo havo tho prlv llego of substituting a conferee in Ids placo, which was umuilmoiuly agreed to. Mr. Clark then Kiili-iMlnliul 11,,.t,i Dowenberg as conferee from Columbln county. J.iio conferenco (hen iiri,',-i),l,,,i ir tnko tho 210th Dallot nml ihn Mmiiniir conrerewihayliigprevlously withdrawn, -. uutnmuw rcceivcu ino unani mous nomination of thu coureroiico by tho ballots of Columbia, Northumber land und Sullivan counties, us Sena torhtl Candldato for tho 15th Senatorial District. Iho Chalrman.Mr. Clark havinc been rwiuestetl bv tlm einifereiiee. InlVirmml Mr. Duckalew of Ids unanimous noin- , nit T.l 111, l u i Hhcr. ir"rc.S..TnuU 1 r ml" im to tlio .luatm.'fl el. ctorsot oliim-hloroitnty.llmliiKe ... i.i:i 1 ...ini. 1 in urni niMuav in Iho wuitofmieli qualification ciiroMiiPli Krimi m voir, l " , 1 ! nil '111 "Ml , IULIIII1 DO II tin. I , 1 cccilliiu lrn lum.lie,! il"ii,VV nn - In iinv term m.l ..v. , ,,'"rfiu 1. ; Cecil. uu lrn liumlieiliiolinr, ; : "h- In liny term nut .Mn-nllii.te1'' ffl Ifnnyoiionliill vole nt in, i''' II illilrlcf, or i.ilKifwiHo rnm . ''" '3 limn onco on io hlltneilav n. .,U i .W fol.l ami i ellvcr tn tho liSSf1.! ,;, llier, wilh tho Intent IlK ?,1'' UI l'"U ciiiniihi.lh.r t ,K'f JZ, rclu.hiK Klnill, on loin Id, ',,i,l'- VS Mini .Imtlt'M Ill-Ill llltv iior i, :J"..' 'A hill Sill eh ii OUI !ii KCI .1 Mi Vi! Ill, "aid month,) nttlioievcwl dlilrlctf within the couniy, ui wu. ,,i,iihnie or ncnl lie-ler fcvmitii', i-t - t-- Vienlon townsliln, at tho public house of An drew T. Ilicler, In Un) town or 1 enioii. UIOOIU lOWJSIIU',". IIIUV.UH1 v..v- .. L ijoroiisli r.urwlck at tho Town Homehi the bi-oiiSli i.f lierwlvlv ., ,,, nnrouii iei,iiin-., i.. "a v ...... nh'-Sl'n etc townshle. at the imljllo nchool liwuio near Kvausvllle. .u'mii-l Konli-ubiiuder,' In Iho town ol Culawlssn. Centre townlil), ut Iho kchool houao near 1.R- r.) elte Creasey'ii. .Norm uouy imii"'" ..'-'.;' "'" "', ''""- -'." near the colliery of John Andrews l. soiilli :nvni:lmni Dlstrlel nt tho liouio c.f Thomas KllUer, lately flxeduyii voteortho cltl- r.enioiinaiiown-niii. Klkhlnitrrfoktowiiihlp, nt tlio rubllohoiineof llmamlin Unnnusi. .... , , Fmnklln township nt the I.iwruneo bcuooI house. t M . . , ,, , T .,,. Ul'eenWOOU lowusnil,, Ufc inu iiuu.u "i o,.-,v,n 1 l'lemVock township, at tho public liouio of Chas. II. Dietlcrlcli In tlio town or lluc-U Horn. JacUion townkhlpnt Iho house ol i:7cl;lcl Cole, 1 est, township, ut tho public lioiueof David Yeiiuer lu Mlabtuwii. Miilllu lownshlp, at tho public hotiho of Aaron lieu. In tho town of Jlimfnvllle. MaiiKou lownslilp. nt the nubile house otSam-1 ucl lllmby, In Jerseytown. Ml. 1 JOU&.UU lOIYIisiuii, at UIU 1IUUU UI Jl, ,1 . Mellick Montour township, nt tho homoof Wnv Hol Utntshtaa. Maine township, ut the public housd of Abta bjm K. Sliumnu. liii-irinecrcekiowush n. at Iho liouio fovnwrly occupied by Oeo. W. Drelsbacli. Qrauge iowiiiup, ui, uiu puoiiu nuu.u ui Clin ton W. Vaplo In Oruugevllle. l' tho Centre School House late ly fixed by nvoiu of tho citizens ofwld townytilp. DUKailoai lun iiuip lib inu nuu.u u. iiuuis ,u,u Scot t townshlp,at tlio public of Wm. l'ett- AMvhil-u'llwo'nndpIacei tho qualified clecUirs' wUleleel by ballot thefollowlng State hud Coun ty oillcern, vK j One person fordovornor of la. ono person lor Judge ol tho supremo Court,ofl'a. onuperKou lor Stale person for ltepresentailvo ono person for Associate J udge.ono person for Pro tnonotury one person tor Iteglster and lleoorde r, one nerson for County Treasurer, ono tieriimi fur .County Commissioner, ono person lor County Auuiiur,H,,u uuu irbuu tur vuruner. It is ifurtlicr directed that tho election polls of tho several districts shall be opened between tho hours of six nnd seven o'clock. In tho loreuoon, and shall continuo open without Interruption and adjournment until seven o'clock lu tho evcu liu; when tho polls shall bo closed. l'ursuaut to the provisions contained In tho 7(ith section of the act llrst aforesaid, tlio Judges of thu aforesaid districts shall respectively titao charge of tho eertldc.vlcs of return of tho elec tion or their respective dlslilcls, and produco tliein lit n meeting of on Juilgo Irom each dis trict at the court house, In Illoomsburg, on tho third day alter tho day of the election, being on Friday, tho 15th day of October, laoy, nt 10 o'eiock a. m., then and there to do and perlorin tho du ties required by lawof said Judges. Also, that wncro n Judge, t,y sickness or una voidable uecldeul, Is unable to attend such meet lug of Judges, then the certificate or return Khali be taken cuargo of by ono of tlio lusiw-ctors or clerks of tno election of Iho district, who shall do und peiform tho duties required of suld Judge unable to attend. Tho return JuUgcsof tho lleprescntatlvo Dis trict, composed of the counties of Columbia und .Montour shall meet ut tho Cuurt House. In llloomsburg, on Tuesday tho nineteenth day of y'-w'i ""-.'i uu, mo ri-iurus jor num ber of Assembly. Tho leturn Judges of tho Kenalorlal dis trict composed ot tho counties of Columbia, Montour. Northumberland nnd Sullivan, shall meet ut thu court house, lu Danville, Montour county, on Tuesday the ntnetrentii ,i:,v ,,f i-ini, ber next, to muku out tho return fur tno member of the Senate. Tho following Att. nt AnpniMv vn,ii,in the mode of voting In the Commonwealth of riu') iwiuki, was pusse iiiarcu loin, 15(it. nnd reads thus: HECTioNl. Holt enacted by Iho Senalo and IIouso ofltt-liresenlatlTL-s of lfiH('nminr,,iu,i,i, of l'ennsylvanlalu Oencral Assembly met, and it Is hereby euueted by the authority of tho samo that tho qualified voters of tho several districts lu the so oral counties of thu commonwealth, ut all general, township, borough nud special elec tions, ure hereby heieufter and it quired to voto by tlckels printed or written, or partly printed and partly wiltteu.s vcrally class iflcdas fol own: Ouo ticket shall embrace tho names of nil Judges of Courts voted for, nud la belled. OUlSldC. "JUuk-.lllI-V!" llflrr., Ll..,,l embrace tho names of ail the State ortlccrs voted for, and bo labelled "Mute :" ono tlekct siiaii om. brace Iho names of of all county oilleers voted lor, including Uioolllco of Senalor, Member nnd Members of Assembly, If voted for nnd mom bers of Congress, It voted for. und be labelled "County ; "one ticket shall embrace the names of t.i. muni,,,,, umceravoicu ror nnu no labelled, "lownshlpi" one tltket slinllembraco tho nniiif . " liuiuusii uiuc-es voiou iur, una Lo labelled "llorough :" Hkction 2. That It shall bo tho duty ofthoHhcrlrr sv. yiu. vuiiuiuu ui mis c;oinmoiiwc-.uili to ltscrt lu their election proclamations, hereafter """i ."w .no. nvckiuil Ul 1I11S UCI, notice w liuuuny uivkn, That everv nerson i-rnt1rf .Itiktlo, l'caco who shall hold any olllce or iippninlnieut of profit or trust under tlio United Slates, or of this btate, any city or corporatcd district, wheth er a commissioned ollleer or otherwiso, u subor- uiuaiu unire, ut ucnv iv no is or siiuii uecmpioy- ed under tho Irt-glslaturo, executive or Judiciary Department of lids atato, or of any city or of any Incorporated district, and also, that every mom ber of Congress and ot tlio Htnto Leglslaluie, and of the select or common council of any city, or commissioners of any Incorporated ills! I Jet, Is u. m,v ,ii,-.iin,uic ui iiuiuiujr e.Ttrcisin)5 nl me Mum u iN iio.H ,ii,iin-ui uuuuge, inspec tor or Clerk of any election of this common wealth, nnd that no Inspector Judge or other of ficer of sueli election shall bo eligible to be then Voted for. Tho Inspectors and Judgo of tho elections shall meet nt their respective idaces uppoluicd for holding tho election lu Iho dlstiict lo wlilch lliey resiwcUvely belong, before seven o'eiock In the morning, und each of said Inspectors shall no. point one clerk, who shall bou qualified vuter of such district. In caso the licrson whoshall receive tho second highest number of vutes for inspector shall n,,i iitlcudou Iho day of any election, then thopcr. sou who shall havo received the second highest illi-illloll.ilH.lllid l, Tin ZV '.'"til, less llian Ullcu nor iiinij, m'. ''1.1'" i r liny cisoiiiioii,uaiint, '' lonwi-attll liL.r,iitili b ,() I ,. iinnllllcil rlllr.eiis,) ninth hi .t,,.,.'."1 i' fleet Inn lor Iho lullposu , ii,,,,," r.ens inialllled to vole, t,o Bl'a !' iuis mill ifiy uny siimnol eifctil , . dollars lor every suclioirc-nsi " Oil cdfornny term not o.cecdh,Ms,J ' . i tub nnoisTiiv'; 1 ,! Inlsnglve oniclal iinlleotnii.. lumblii i-ouuly tlmt, by ,,"?' . Act further iiipnleinontiUtitlmiS:- r h clecllom of this Comiuoiin-,.,, ' . April Kill, A. 1). 180). it I, ?' " tni i.T.3. Aller tho assess ntm. h1' ,lr lileled on t in tenth ,lnf, I. uf Tuesday In October or cawi ,! ' Bhutl, on tho Mon ny Immeii. muku n return to tho county J." tuo names of nil persons "". tho return required to lioin-,"i, second section of this act, nolln . ' nnintf tho observations and ci,,i;, ed to bo noted as nrorcs.ild ni i mlssiouers shall lhoicu,ou c,,, , added to tho return require! ly tlon of this act, nud a lull ana & of to bo mado, eoutulnliii-1:. . sons so reinrned ns resident iT, K ward, borough, towns ulnar nris.,,, 11 Iho same, loaeihcr wllh iii0 nsl blanks to thu olllccrs or tho elc-7 ' ,. borough, township or precinct n o'clock lu tlio morning of tin,',, , October, nud no lnau shall i,,, "" nt tho olecllou on that day u-u,,,, ,' ' said list, unless ho shall iiiAke" ," See. I. On tho duy 1,1 clu whoso uamo Is not on the sum tI. tho nuhl lo volo ut said election least ono qualllled voicroi in, ' ness to tho lesldelKti or (lie a. y dl.nlctof which hocl.iiia, tj,'," peridd pf nt least leu dais inn? "r eleetlou, which wlliuss shall tj,,' " n. a written, ur piully writivn tin I .': ulllduvil to Uio fact state 1 by him vlt snail define clearly where it,.', upeisou so claiming lo Ik ay,,. wtl son so claiming tho right to tow '! nnd subscllbou wrltti'i, .1-71SC partly printed alUduvIt, ttniinir . 1,p kuowledguund belief, h, re ,0 boul, tlm lio Is n citizen u tin ' m ot l'eniiiylvnnla and or the Inli. '. i 'I lie has loslded lu the Cuniiiiui, 00 or If fnrmtrly n lliertlu, lliereii om,tiai, no lias n sided ilni, ucxVl'lecedlni; sulci tlcctmn, , , . , iuocil lulu tlio district l,,r Hi, therein ; that ho has pild a nJuj , 0rtl niliiiu,nu;u.... mi, i, .n ui,. . da boloiosald elecllou; nnj,,,, Jllll C-lCI'-otl, nilii mm aiULU H ,111, V . , mil. vu.. i,u mil l,tUIUIltU,, pro-luce his cettlllcalo or imtiu , , amln.ltluli; tho said all!da i when nnd where the tux elnlni.i Uio allld.tvlt was nsstsM-,i,ni,a, to whom paid, and Uiu f,i c, siiall be produced tor exatuiii ,u ullUavIt shall Hlalo on lihulliui boell lost or clestioyoil.or lb u tie u any, but If the petsou soemm role shall taku and suhsc.uu.-iii, ,,' Is a natlvo born citl.i-iioi in,-1..,. If born i-lsowhtie, shall Mnii-ih i, net davit, and Bh.ill iirodueo cvnlw . .,, been nuturullieil. or lh:d ho I un' red, or that he Is elilllled toi-iuit, oil Ol Ills lutiier n naiiinillsilui, ther statu ill his iilllJavlt tlutnc, of taking tlio ullldavli, 1,,-u, twenty-one nnu iMC-iiiy-iau , resided In Iho Htate una jearn.i district1 toll days next prcmliiu . ho shall bo elitllled to vol,-, ,v not have paid taxes; the s,u,i t personi making such claims, au,j of the witnesses to their nsidiuu , crved by thu olectlnu board, m, . ihn nitetlnn thev shall be tudui,. or. voters, Hilly list nnu inner , i , law 1(1 UO men ny ill" reiuniji. l, thouotary, ondnhall leiuain , .1 tliu protiionotnry'H olllce, sunjM iV tlon, ns other elecllou papers uu (lie nnieersliall llnd that the ninilli 1 t possess all tho legal qualifl number of votes for Imli.n nt. tlm iv, ... .".. : ,..;,.. ..i.,, s: . '-.v uicccun i-iuciiuusuiiiiiic-v ics inspector in his place. An, In Miin Ilm nn.ini, i..,.,. .i..n , -"i .,111 n caso tho person who shall havo received tho highest number of votes fur Inspector shall not attend, tho pt-ison elccled Judgo shall appoint uu inspecior u his pHco-and In e.tso the porsSn' t-leeled Judgo shall not attend, then tho Inspec tor who reeelve.1 the hUhesi number ol voles shall appolutaluJgolu hUplaco-or If any va cuuey shut cnniluuo In ti,,i finiini f.. ,i. ofonp hour alter tho Hint) llxed by law for iho openlngo the election, tho qualified voters of tho township war 1, or'dtstriei for which sc , olliceissuul havo been elecled. present i.t sue elecllou shall elect ono of their number to ill such vacaucy. "" ,.n miui5 1 l",uul,y -ho several n-.essors speeiors nnu judges, when called on, In relation vo a 'Kcir ii?c i SU,7 L'! .! In relation lu tho assessment to the said luspec. tors or eltlu r of tlism shall from time requlro. 4.u,,vi.uiiiiuijpcrmuieu 10 volo at uny elect onus nroiesnhf iIulm ,l vl-i.ii f age of twenty-ouo or molo, who shall havo resl. decl lnthls hlau at least ono year, and In tho eleetlou dUtilet where ho oilers to vole let tlovs mmedlately precodlnu such loclloii.nud wil" In two years paid a bUlo or county Ui wl i , shall havo besn assessed ut Isast ten duys before tho election. Hut . cltlxou or tlia Uuited htatci w ,'f! 'f"l";vlously been unualltlcd voU'rortl" UnlUdStaUswholias previously beenttiiuallllcsl volercif this h am und luturnccf und wlm sh i havo In thu o eethm , li.lrli , . .'."' 'v' ?,!!?,.liiw '"' u volo alter leading tween tlio uSu of tweuty-ono 11 d twelilyhwo years who hayo resided In tho o lection ffica leu hays us uloresaid shall bo eim e to volo although ihey shaU nut havo paid tax. iJ!.".??r l)C,r,!0" '''ul1 l'reveut or ntlempt to prot vent tiuv ollleer of uny election uuder this tie. immhuldlmj such election, or uso or tbrcalcu any vlo euco to any such oiilcei-. or sh.i I intti. rupt or Imiiropeily Interfere with him lu the oi eiullouotliftuiy.urkiliblockupthowludows prnveuuot, any window whero t ie saine l iXy be liolcllug, or snail riotously disturb tho peati ut such election, or shull tuo uuy Int iiildailuS threats, foreu or violence, with dc-slgu 1 to lull S euce unduly or overawo uny elector, or - to 1 "tt. vent lilm liuui voting or to restiulu thu fi eciom of choice, bucli person, 011 conviction, shall 1,0 iXli1i'.oru,,,','?r,;.U'au "uuu'hruud If nii,fwirn,m O,w"-U,y"uit,whero tho trial of such luBwnotKVesMeht"ortloclv and not eni tied to vote Ihereh.. tht on'iou'vle; ttou hobliallbosenlenceil to pay u lino or not less than ono hundred nor 111010 Uiun one tlious. nud, and bo Imprisoned not less thini six iimnthsnoriuoiotluiilwojoars Ifany person, nut by lawquulillod, shall fraud, uleutly volo ut uuy election of ml, iximii m wealth, or belug otherwise qua llled shall voto out of his proper dlslilct, If uuy jtrsou hnowlUB HA ilat yjl irs ' cm ors, of 'crs 1 1 1 Ctl the 35 '. tl or they Khali he tn;rimi(nl t or ninoes fill. ill ho mMeiUo "i. hy tlio flection dnictrd, the wuil dedt vhcro tlio elutmnnt rl.iMn and the wont "hku" w horu li i nu tho miao words ht'Iux n-tit 111 eiicu crua rcv'fet-'iiTciy on u c vndpyutituuh t'luctlim. 0 n aiVL-n mulur mv hand, nt myoCT! tinrir. lliN l7lli diir of ht'littmlir our ijtu'i oiiu iiiiiiihuwu uiui nu'i 1 nine, nnd In tho nlnt ty-r-Jiutin -r penui'uuo 01 luu umi-'iM.iiB' .IWlslrl.l M 1 ts siieriirori' tlm 1 a t. Jllontiisburt;, HAjitainher ir,l ' D U I! Ii I O S A I- 1. VAMJAiu.i: iu:ai. ,-i In nnrsunneo of an ord,-roidi ol Colilinhla county l'ennsyU uu noveinoer 11, nuu, 111 inoeinii. n llliam Hess, admliiMi.Uor. into of l-'lsliliigcieelc tuwnsl j 1 ileceascd, will expose to sul,-. 1 on tho premises, tt c-ettaiu un -n Tit act or i,. sllunle In tou-i,i' suld, bounded by lands of inn nud John Andrews on tin-1 1-. tnosouin, rial 11.111 Biniin mi 1 -l'e.iler und others on the nun1,, -lllINl)lli:i) AND THIIll V-l I VI ' or loss; of which one hundu'i.t- lahd. Thero lson tlmpreuu' 1 House. Kruino Ham, out iiuu-,-- nndgood water. Als-i, A CEIITAIN LOT Ol;b.. sltuatoin tho vlllago of Asim.i township, ndjoiulng Willi un ! ltuusnn.andconieluisrnltiii.-i foutlh ofnn acre, wheiiuii i -Dwelling IIouso ono and a n 1 " a rrnlilo Htnble; lato theo.t 11 ' situate lu tho township and m 1 I Jlni: L'UI.I M e3-'ONl)lTIONS 01' "-AI.I oue-thlrdnriho piirchasn mun the ndmlnlslrnlor on the third of tho purcliaso muiiev . bo paid on Iho coulli million ui tho purcliaso money In one lion or sale, with Inlell-sl fi-nn si.; tho remaining Ihhd toinni or the purch iser during the ii-ui. Hess, iho widow of Joint lb tho iutuest llieieufto l.e iinin -ly her by tho purcli.i" 1 or Uieir heirs and itstUus hoM toberocovcied by dtstiess o, aroiccovi-iablulu this Count'-n1 hcrdeeeaso licr share of the 1 shall bo paid lo the pi rsuti -thereto; tlio tuo lust pnj 1111 ' boudsniulmorteiiKoon Uie pi m grouingou II10 premises el reserved. Deeds will bonrnd"'" or puielnuicrsund possession -n ' Ises ulven 011 iho tirsl day ol II 1 chaser or purchaser t-oiui'Ui'U 1 stated coudillous ol Kile, Tin I lortliocouveynnelnetuud lh- 'l , III.IM 1IERH, I" ' Auctioneer. , x l-'HllINUCIlEEK, Hepl. 17,'W-U- V I Slot I'rt , apr On bd ol ' iarl , .11111 uc h: ill' ol 'US Vi Ol til fal ur rci n : 1 11 ilo 11 i if 10 mi- C: dl irfi D.I iat o w crl ICI ol trj a rsi QO-IAUTNI31tSIIir N"1 i'he undersigned liavo enlcn-l 1 till, nu l.,r...,..i:.i.u I M.ii-hhi mi ' l-'oundry hereloforo oceuplc I.1'.; 10 iVilicihi 01 Tho books of Iho lalo Una ' ' it. ikier, to whom all peis.m. " apply loomsburj; Juno 11,'W-tf. l'lilludrlphla Jlarkil- F1.0UI! Noriliwosteru superhuu ai -soriuwesteiu t-xtia. Xitrttiiviikl.-ri, l.i hi 1 1 v l'ennsylMiul.t and WisU-n, " Pennsylvania ami Wesbib 'xl l'elinsvlvnnliL mul Wi-stcih t-UU I'euusyivuuiauiid Wtslein 11" icyu iiour -, , iViiuat IVunsylvjula reu, r ; Houlhern " California " Willie Hyk I'ennsvlvnnla ne, V Cons Yellow, " Whin- otTH fbus I'llVlSIII.Nb -.Mess I'ork.V Mess llei I, " Dlt'ssed llu, I1 hmoUcd Hull-; 11 hhould' I.nrd. U HltKli.1 tiiiveist-c-il V bus . limoiiiyst'cd r ou-..- I-'l.lVKI-l ,1 - - CAT1I.H Heel Caltle V r Cutis, sjl lic-ail Riikep II It, itous--)t 100 'PIIILADKIil'lIiA JL UAII.ItOAD. CI ts CI 5 111 'c II a a C ai 1 ii ii TIlllOUOU IIKI.l'IHA IdtOAD. .. ,, , f II ANII III11I.1T noun-, ' u 1IAI.I I""""! LIAMSl'llltr, AS '- UUIIAT Oil. Ill-.UIDN lit u ), KI.MIA.Nr SI.KKliN" ' Oliull Night 1MI" f),i i.ii.l iiflMi- M11VHAY. Ai"- I Trains on tho I'lilladt-lphl-i Al '' " ; uiu us ioiiowsi WKSl'WAltl'- ''-ir'MNolullmfc i " " nrr.nt li'!S"T"V.'i,.. KltllJ IJXl'ltKfcMle-tvet I'l"1" 1 , Nut Id. " " rr.t Kile-.-.' , UI.MIUA M.UI, ley"'K!!i,'h1 i " ' urr. ut IAlel.ll,ll' KAHTWAltO- ! MAtl.TllAi: loaves Ilile....- " Noiih ,.",; irr.llt l'hlladelilll" 1:1111-: KXI'ltl-HS leaves l-rle.",- , ' " iUI I 11 arr.utl'hll-" '',1; u. ' Mall ami HiproMs eonnei-ls , Allegheny lllver Hall lloel. '" through. Ail iw GonorulSupeilulcuJoi"-1 ' JltOWN'tl FAriT KltKh'l" ruoM i'iui,Aiu:i,iii'A 'iU und inletinedlalo I"'"''"-,'!'',"',!','-euro und despatch und ut l" ' , , , Hoods, ut iiuladilphla, " , , t llllntr Ai Cu's. BIIMaikel 1,11 tleuluis, ttpi'ly lo ktuS, ' Ausf.Ui.' It, II. 1M"'1'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers