MAIMER'S COLUMN. Oi,i) t'oii.N rou ltoa I-'eedino. Ono or tho Icndliicncricultuml Journals snys of feuding hogs, "begin with rcfiiio Rrnlii, bron, nnil unsound corn find fin ish oir with old corn, If tlicro ho any on linnd." Now this "old corn" la tho subject of our story. Why should wo finish off With old cornnmt not with now ? What Is lu tho old corn Unit in wanting to tho iii'WV Is this groin liko wine, tlmt Im proves with ngo? Wo do not moan to rldlculo tho Idea. Wo havo great res pect for old notions, prima facta, and will not treat them with disrespect un less wo can provo them Ifa-rcspcclful ; and wo confess as regards this, wo want tho direct proof. It Is ovcry well-set tied fact that good, firm pork cannot bo mado of such ordinary slop3 as nro fed to hogs, nor of pumpkins, turnips, cab bages, Ac, and that corn Is tho best of food for tho purpose But Is It tho nunl Ity of hardness In tho corn that makes tho meat firm, and therefore tho harder tho better, arid therefore old corn better than now? Supposo wo grind tho old corn, how then ? or suppose we soak it ? Tho dryness and hardness of old corn Is a serious objection of ltaelf, and It b0' hooves thoso who maintain the superi ority of old over now to show In what It consists ; or If that cannot bo done, to satisfy us by caroful experiment that tho fact 13 as thoysay. Do not let us hold on to this old notion because It Is old. Tlicro Is another Httlo matter wo should llko to havo settled In this pork business. Will pork, killed In tho wrong tlmo of tho moon, "shrink In tho pot ?" That is If you kill on tho dc. crease, will a big plcco of meat, put in tho pot como outa small piece, and vice versa f A great many pooplo practlco this notion who will not own that they believe It. Tho writer engaged to sell a lot of pork, on one occasion, to a very intelligent gentleman, who requested that it might bo killed when tho moon was all right, remarking, with a smllo that tho ladies thought It of some Im portance. Whether swine's flesh Is subject to this sort of lunacy wo will not deter mine, but suggest that tho matter bo sol at rest by a fair trial. Exchange. Training- Horses. Colts aro left entirely too long before they aro taken In hand for breaking In. Their futuro life should bo a part of their earliest education; instead of, as generally now, left to go as they list until tho tlmo ar rives for tho professional "breaker" to practlco on them. It is Just as easy while commencing to fondlo and pet with them, to learn them to bo obedi ent to tho halter and other things ; and they would then bo brought to work rnoro easily, and with u better spirit than thoy now often aro. Wo saw at tho close of tho war n soven-yoar old, which had hitherto known service only as n cavalry horse, "broken in" to go in a heavy wagoon. Tho cruelty It was nothing else "necessary" though ,it seemed to bo, shameful. Tho owner had bought him for that purposo and he "would not pull." Two men with green clubs beat him for noarly an hour, during which tlmo ho broko tho wagon and tho gears nearly all to pieces In his roarings and layings down. IIo learned at last that all this meant that ho had to pull forwnrds,and ho over afterwards mado an excellent driving horse. But nil that suffering might havo been avoid ed by a proper training when young. Thero nro some horses llko some men, whoso naturo Is essentially vicious, and with whom the rod cannot bo spared without spoiling tho child : but with a proper training of tho colt, it would bo round lu horso-ralslng, as In child rais ing tho old rules of kicking and cuffllng Will bo oftencr inoro honored In tho breach than in tho observance. Ph fto- delphia JPress. Cokn Foddeii. A falling off in milk, and tho neglect to provide food for soil ing. Induces many to turn stock Into meadows early, and boforo they havo become thickly coated with oftermarth It Is bad economy, very injurious to meadows, while tho Boomingly "fair leou'i is swept away In a fow days, and a scanty yield of milk is tho result for tho balanco of tho season. Thero is no crop, thercforo, that pays tho dairyman better ono year with another, than the few acres dovoted to corn fodder. Corn fodder should bo fed in tho stalls, as thero Is no waste, besides the stock thus fod aro more quiet and less disposed to hang about, waiting for their feed, as they do when tho fodder Is given them In tho open field. Bach cow in tho stall gct3 its proper sharo of food, and thero is no hooking or soiling of the fodder by master cows. Tho herd should bo fed TCgularly at stated hours, and they soon become accustomed to tho time, coming of their own accord to tho sta- blcs, and during other portions of tho day they will feed more in tho pastures. Corn fodder for soiling should bo wet tea before feeding. It is a good plan to cut In tho morning and lot U lay In tho sun till afternoon and then feed. In this way somo of tho external moisture will bo got rid olf, and tho food will bo preferred by nnlmals, and produce bet ter results. Corn fodder Is very succu lent, and docs not need to bofarthor diluted by feeding when tho dow or water is adhering to it. Botter reduce tho water in It by wetting and partially urying. Oannino Coiin. Mrs. William D, Ilozelton, of Marhopac Falls, In tho Michigan Furmer, says: I tako tho 3voot or oven green corn boforo it gets too old, cut It from tho cob, fill my cans full, pressed down. I then tako a boil cr, lay somo sticks In tho bottom for my cans to set on; I then lay tho covers of tho cans on looso, fill the boiler with water bo that It will cover half way up mo sides or tho cans, put tho cover on tho boiler, boll for thrco hours briskly, tako out and press tho covers on tight. Will keep well and hnvo all tho flavor of green corn. Holding urMiLic, A writer in tho Cincinnati Qaittle says tho best way to provont cows from holding up their milk Is to milk tho forward teats per- locuy ury, men cnango to tho two hind (cats and milk very fast, and tho desir ed result will most likely bo obtained. I havo tried this experiment on an old, inuloy cow that possesses a great deal of obstinacy in this lino, and with success. Another writer suggests that It is a bet ter way to tako two stones, wolghlng 10 or 0 pounds each, and tlo to them u ropo two feet long, and when you go to milk hang It acrone thocow'fl back. THE THE YOUNG FOLKS. Tom Thumb. A poor woodman sat lu his cotlngo ono nlgiit, smoKing ins pipo ny mo fireside, whllo Ills wlfo nut by his sldo spinning. "How lonely It U, wife," said ho, as ho puffed out ii long curl of smoke, "for you and mo to sit hero by ourselves, without any children to play about and amuso us, while other poo plo seem bo lmppy and merry with their children!" "What you say Is very true," said tho wife, sighing, and turn ing round her wheel; "how happy should I bo If I had but ono child I I f it wcro over so small nay, If It wcro no bigger than my thumb I should bo very happy, and lovo it dearly." Now odd as you may think It It camo to puss that this good woman's wish was fulfilled, Just In tho very way sho had wished II; for, not long afterwards, sho had n llttlo boy, who was quite healthy nnd ntroug, but was not much bigger than my thumb. Bo they said, "Well, wo cannot say wo havo not got what wo wished for, and, llttlo as ho Is, wo will lovo him dearly." And they call ed him Thomas Thumb. Thoy gavo him plenty of food, yet for all they could do ho nover grew big ger, but keptjust tliu samu Blze as ho had been when born. Still his eyes wero sharp and sparkling and ho soon show ed himself to bo n clever llttlo follow, who always knew well what ho was about. Ono day, aslhowoodnian was getting ready to go into tho wood to cut fuel, ho said, "I wish 1 had somo ono to bring tho carl after me, for I want to mako haste." "Oh, father," cried Tom "I will tako euro of that; tho cart shall bo In tho wood by tho tlmo you want It." Then tho woodman laughed, and said, "How can that bo ? you cannot reach up to thohorso's bridle." "Nov- or mind that, father," said Tom; "If my mother will only harness tho horse, I will got into his car and tell him which way to go." "Well," wild tho fathor, i'wo will try for once." When tho tlmo camo tho mother har nessed tho horso to tho cart, and put Tom Into his car; and as ho sat thero tho llttlo man told tho beast how to go, crying out "do on 1" and "Stop I" as ho wanted: and thus tho horso went on Just us well as it tho wood man had driven it himself Into tho wood. It happened that as the horso was going a littlo too fast, and Tom was calling out, "Gently ! gently !" two strangers camo up. "What nn odd thlug that is!" said one; "there Is a cart going along, and I hear a carter talking to tho horso but yet I can soo no one." "That is queer, indeed," said tho other; "let us follow tho cart, and sco whero it goes," So thoy wont on into tho wood, till at last thoy camo to the placo whero tho wood man was. Then Tom Thumb, seeing ills father, cried out, "See, father, hero lam with tho cart, all right and safo! now tako mo down I "So his father took hold of tho horso with ono hand, and wiih tho other took his son out of tho horso's ear, and put him down upon a straw, whero ho sat as merry as you pieasc. Tho two strangers wero nil this tlmo looking on, and did not know what to say for wonder. At lust ono took tho other aside. nndsaId,"That llttlo urchin will mako our fortune, If wo can get him, nnd carry him about from town to town as n show; wo must buy him." So thoy went up tolho woodman.and asked him what ho would Uko for tho llttlo man: 'Ho will bo better off," said they, "with us than with you." "I won't sell him at nil," said tho father ; "my own flesh and blood is dearer lo mo than all tho silver and gold in tho world." But Tom, hoorlng tho bargain they wanted to mako, crept up his fath er's coat to his shoulder, and whispered hi his ear, "Tako tho money, fathcr.and let them hnvo ino; I'll soon eomo back to you." So tho woodman at last said ho would soil Tom to tho strangers for n largo plecoofgolil, and thoy paid tho piece, "Whoro would you llko to sit?" said one of them. "Oh, put mo on tho rim of your hat; that will bo a nico gallery forme; lean walk about there, and seo tho country as wo go along." So they uia as Ho wished; and when Tom had taken leave of his father thoy took him away with them. Thoy journeyed on till It began to bo dusky, and then tho llttlo man said, "Let mo get down, I'm tired." So tho man took offhls hat, and put him down on a clod of earth, lu a ploughed field by the side of tho road. But Tom ran about amongst tho furrows, and at last sllpt Into an old mouse-hole. "Good night, my masters 1" said ho; "I'm off! mind and look sharp after mo tho next time." Then they ran at once to tho placo, and poked tho ends of their sticks into tho mouso-hole, but all in vain ; Tom only crawled farthoi and farther In; and at lust it becamo quite dark, so that they wero forced to go their way without their prize, as sulky us could be. When Tom found thoy wero gone, ho camo out of his hlding-plaeo, "What dangerous walking it is," said he, "in this ploughed Held ! If I wcro to fall from ono of theso great clods, I should undoubtedly break my neck." At last, by good luck, ho found a largo empty snall-shelJ. "'I'hls Is lucky," said he, "I can sleep hero very well;" and In ho crept. Justus ho was fiilllngaslcop, ho heard two men passing by, chatting totrethcr: and ono said to tho other,"How can wo roi) mat rich parson's homo of his sil ver and gold?" "I'll tell you," cried Tom. "What noise was that?" Mild the thlof, frightened; "I'm surol heard somo ono speak." Thoy stood still lis tening, ami Tom said, "Tako ino with you, and I'll soon show you how to get tho parson's monoy." "But where aro you V" said thoy. "Look about on tho gioutid,"utisworcd he, "and listen whero tho sound comes from." At last tho thieves found him out, and lifted liim up in their hands. "You littlo urchin!" they said, "what can you do for U3? "Why I cun get between thu Iron win dow-bars ol tho parson's house, anil throw you out whatever you want." 'That's a good thought." uaid tho thloves; "como along, wo shall seo what you can do." (Continued.) TmuTV-Fouit persons In tho Insnno Asylum at Indianapolis hocamo insane from tho cxccsslvo uso of tobacco. A Wehtekn editor says :-."Tho march of civilization Is onward, onward llko tho slow but Intrepid tread of a Jackass towards a pock of oata," COLUMBIAN AND COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, Iff. W. SAMPLE t CO., Corner-of Mnin SLrcot nnd L. & 13. Hail Kofid. BLOOMSBUEO-, MAOIUNISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS; BLACKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKUHS. MANUFAOTUlUiUIS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, fji:xi:uAi. .haciiim: wokk and iuuairs. MILL OEAllINO, BHAFTINO, FULLEYH, HANUEItd, HEAD nLOCJCB, SAW LXXjXj GEii.EI3Sra OIF .KIHSnDS, CASTINGS VOW FURNACES AND AIJ10 UAH WIIIIKIH ANll AXLES BRASS CASTINGS CAIt BOX ICS, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, BBLFIELIV3 CELEBRATED GLOBE VALVES, STOP COCKS, : CIIECIC VALVES, AIR COCKS, OIL, CUl'S, - STEAM aUAOES, STBAIVI Agents and solo manufacturers of Hall's Patent Double DIschargo Turbluo Wheels; BLACKSMITHI3STQ, HEAVY Oil I.IUHT FOItGINGH, .'. AGENTS FOB Sl-IIVK'S GOVERNOR, ; , ACKNOWI.ElXllll) TO 111 REAMERS, TAPS AND DIES, BOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. ORDKIIS KOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OV T1IF, LATEST TMVI10VEI) TATTEIINB. THRESHING MACHINES, A Buckrvr Reapers Repaired; A Nil AI.hKXTIlA l'AUTH I'ttllNmilUI). MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF ,1-1 OUT ON !S .PAT ALL ORDERS EXECUTFI) WITH O It M 0 N 1! Y May 7."CJ-tf WHEELER'S WAY PATENT RAIL- CHAIN II O R S E- V O W E R. ThubuUcrlber hereby Klveanotlco that ho has repurchased tho old eland at Light Street from win. Hchurler, whero ho la now manufacturing the W II E E L E R P A T E N T , and Is prepared to furnUli farmers with tho most reliable machines over oirered t , the public. Tho Wheeler Machlno U no longer an experiment as It has beeu lu constant uso for years and Iho yearly sale of this patent cxceodsthul .f all oth ers combined. Worlr douo at our (.hop Is warranted for ono year. Also, agent for Wheeler's Combined Thresher and WlnnoHcr. Tor further parllcuhirs apply to or address supply to or awre;s J. il. lIUI.SH17.i:it. , Columbia county, l'a. Light Blreet i,'Mm, jGENTS WANTED FOR 0 J I A M JS J-J 11 J j 1 iv'.V F O R CONTAINING Vn 11 Iuslructlons nnd Pracllcnl l'orms. adapted to Every Kind of liusluess, and to all tho Hlules of Iho Union. 11Y FRANKLIN CHAMUEIILIN, Ol' TI1K UNITED (STATES UAH. "Thero Is no book of the lclnd which will tnl:o rank with 11 for authenticity. Intelligence, and completeness." AV'rOiffIcldt.VfW,.) Uftmblicnn. This Is the Only New Hook of ihoklml publish, ed for many years. It Is prepared by nn ablo 1'ractlcul lawyer, of twenty-live years' experi ence, and U Just what everybody mids for dally lle. It Is highly recommended by many eminent .ludires. liicludlmz the Chief Justice and other Judges ofMassDchusetts, and thn Chief Jusllco uuu cnuro lieucn 01 uoimccucui. , Bold only by Huliscrlptlou. AGENTS WAN TED EVEltYWHEIti:. Bond for circulars. u, 1.. uAnr. tit t'U., 1 uuiisurrs, iiuiiiurii.iiiii,: No. IBpruceBU, Now Yotb; Cincinnati, o.; nnd Chicago, ill, CAUTION. An old law-book, published many years ngo. has Just been hastily reissued ns ' u iww book,'' without ovou n suitable revision of Its olinh-lo statements. Do not confound lhat work with Chamberltn's Law.llook for tho 1'coplc. July iHOWm. This I.Nl'AU.nirx Kuukiir does not, llko tho poisonous irritating sunns nun siroug uui.iicmj. lullous with which tho peoplo havo lont! been humbuuged, simply pnlllnto for n short time, or drlvo tho dlseosu to ihu Lungs as thore Is danger of doing lu tho uso of such nostrums, but It pro duces perfect nnd permanent cures of thu worst ensesof chrnnlo catarrh, as thousands can testify. "Cold In the Head" Is cured wllh u few applica tions. Catarrhal Ilcadacho Is relieved and cured as If by magic It removes ollenslvo brealh.loss or Impairment of tho tenao or tasle, smell or hearing, watering or weak eyes, ami Impaired memory, when caused by the vloleiuoof catarrh, 101 they all frequently aro. I oner lugood fulih n standing rowurd of g&OO for n cusu of eatari Ii Hint , turnout cure, EOlt BALE 11Y MOST imufJUISTH )'.VKUY W1IEIIE. J'jiick Om.vGQ Cents. Ask volir Uruirulst for Iho Ittuktiv l.nt ir tit. has not yet got 11 011 salo, ilon't bo put oil by ac- Idlng any miserable worso than worthless sub lute, but encloso sixty cents to too, and the Hemedy will bo sent you postpaid. I-ournack ages Via), or 0110 dozen for I3.U0. Bend n two cent siump tor ur. Huge s itampmeion cuiarru. AU dress (he I'roprlelor, It, V. PI KltCE, M, !.. J120a-3ia. llutfAio, N.V. CifUlUSaJlMUlW July t,'Xhiax T II E PEOPIi E inaU --"- Ml at MUEvrtB... n. raCfizr feii vjSrZiin 11, AiSSJpn?wu2 rrf?i t-tn tu s olytttxU, r. DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COOTO OA. ROLLltfa MILLS. AND OENEHAL MINIMI CAHTINGH. OP ALL KINDS. AND BABBIT METAL STEAM WHISTLES, MPD AND FXTXXNGS ' THE HlMfWVST AND UEST IN THE WOUI.l). MADE TO ORDER. AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED SPECIALTY, 7 1 E N T HAY RAKE. PROMPTNESS ' 1 AND SATISFACTION GIVEN 11 K r U N 1) I! I) , LIARDS ! BILLIARDS 1 1 WILLIAM II. UILMOKB Has oncned nUnoBUltftrd Saloon in add It ion to his well known 1U-STAUUANT. IIo una 3 tallica Willi nil tho latest Improvements nud In perfect uruur, no Kcvjm uit uuuu 1110 lh;si ,0 LAOKU 11EEH AND ALE which tho market affords. 0YSTKU3 to bo had nt nil times when In Reason, also Beef Tongue, I'icKieu iripe, uiiuns, etc., xc. iii I'uuiiu iu mil tvu iu vniii uuu in o iiruiir lued satisfaction either In btlllnnlnor refrowu int ma. jiih UIUAIW ANI TOBACCO raimotlm excelled. JJloomsburu, Jan. 1,'6'J. 1 T EIIIGII VALLEY AGRICULTU J-J UAli CHEMICAL WOKKS. BREINIQ & HELFRICH, UAKUrACTUKKlUJ Or nniHNia's complutk BONE MANURE. A concentrated innnuro combining tho rellablo fertll Izlng pi opertles of BONU DUST or 0 HOUND 1I0NH, Willi the ncllvo elements of 1'EllUVIAN OUANO, AMMONIACAL MA1TG1I, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, MjTIL'I:. Wo rreparo but Iho ono article, guaranteeing It ns slandard, rellablo and uni. form. 1iwcr grades ami variations In nnalltv lo suit dllleient Ideas of prices nro generally pro duotd by Ullltrent proorllons of odullurallon. .-viiu.-iHruiisavo money ny reuuc ty themselves. Wo uso only llono jauuie uununfor rhnsphaloof Llmo, Mend for ...nui-.N iiiiuiuru uuiuo," rorsaiont Alanufao- A. J. ALIIKltTKON. llohrslillrir. l"n. J. J. lKllllllNH To. llloonikl.iir,' l'n Mnr.lO.' WAl.TKlt BCOn'.Calawlsial'u. QMNIBUS LINK. Tho undersigned wonld respectfullvnnnonnrni tho citizens of Illoomsburg uud tho public gono lanyiim no is running an OMNIUUH LINK between this placo nnd the dimrent railroad. pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho several trains going Kouth and West on tho Culn- wissa nnil wuiiainsisirt Ilallroad, aud wllh those goljg North nnd Boulhon tho Lackawanna nnd iiioouisburg llallnuul. HlsOmnlbussesaro lu good condition, commo dious aud comfortable, and charges tcasouablo, rontons wishing U meet nr seo their friends de part, can bo accomodated upon reasonable c hui g uy leaving timely notlco at any of tho hotels, JACOU L UIItTON, I'roprletur, QARRIAQE M' AN UFA OTO RY, Illoomsburg, ln. M, O, BIJAN Jl IlHOTHUIt tho successors of WILLIAM HLOAN 4 BON continue tho business of making CAI1IUAU1M, UllGdllM, and every style of FANCY WAOO.NU, which they havo constantly on hand to suiti-im, tomcrs. Novor uslnc any material Lut the best uud employing the most experienced workmen they hope to coutluue as horctororo to glvo entire satisfaction to every customer. An inspection of their work, and of the reasonable pries asked for ut same, is sure to insure a sale. My8,'t).tf rpiIE JIISSISSQUOI POWDER AC lus ly cures Cancer and Bcrofulous Diseases ot Ino Hkiu. Hee reimrt u U I. Medical lcty Btoumenu of 1'hyslclaus I n circular sent frio on n pllcallonloCHAH.A, UUI10W. lid PearlBt Nuw York City. Ilox;i05U. ' jifw"T GROCERIES) , &o ONFEOTION E'R Y. . c The nnilcrslBnoii wonm respcevruny uddouiico In the publlo that lie has opened FlItST-CLArM CONFl'XTIONl'.HV HTOHE, In thotmll.lltic lately occupied by I' ox A Wtuu KUOrO 110 IS prcpnrctllo luillisil iui Minn hi LAIN A FANCY CANDIES, HKNCII UAND1EH, FOItUIUN & DOM1V1TIO I'llUITS, NUTH, UAISlN.S.AC.AU.Ai:. ny wiioLKSAMS on hktaii- lis lino of business. A Brent variety of ... - MaaiM-tmntil. nr all irnn.lH 111 DOLLH, TOVB, Ac., snltnblo for the Holidays. Particular attention given to 11 II IS A 1) AN D CA1CKB. of all kind, fresh every day. OHIUHTMaB OANDIEH, 0 III HTM AH T0YH. call la solicited, and satisfaction will 00 Kiinrahlocd. Nov. 55, 1807. KCK1IAUT JACOIW. ""IRANI) OPENING (IRANI) OIT.NlNd Ol'n.NlNd Ol'UNINd Ol'UNINU (1I1ANII (lUACil) (1HAN1) or WINTIUI (1O0DH, (IOODH, WINTKIl (100DM, WINTPIl (IOODH WINTKIJ OOODHl KALI, AND PALL AND AND FALL AND I'ALL AND conslstlnK ol confuting of consisting of conslstlnK of cvuslstlng of DItY DHY DItY DHY DItY OOODH, 000 DH, OOOIW, OOODH UOOIW, HATH AND CAIft, HATH AND OAPH, HATS AND CA114, HATH AND OAIH, HATH AND CAIN, HOOTS AND BnOES, HOOTS AND MIOKM. HOOTS AND SHOliM, HOOTS AND BIIOICS, BOOTS AND SHOES,, HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, HEADY-MAKE CLOTHING, HEADY-MA DE CL0T1HHU, LOOKINO-HLABSEH, LOOk'ING-GIVBSlH LOOK I N O-O LARS I X IOEINO-QLASSKS L00KIN0-ULASSE1. NOTIONS, NOTIONM, NOTIONS. NOTIONS,' NOTIONS PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND PAINTS AND OILS, OILS, OILS, OII, OILS, OHOCEHIKS, UHOCEltll'-S, (lltOCEItim,, GltOCEHlliS, UHOCEltllW, tlllEENSWAHE,' ttUEKNHWAHl-:, (JUEENHWAlllC, UUEENSWAHE tlUEENSWAHE llAUDWAUE, HAHDWAllE, IIAHDWAlti:, HAHUWAltl;, -IIAUDWAHE, TINWAltE, TINWAHE,, TINWAHE, TINWAKK, TINWAHE, -,. MAI1', SALT . SALT SALT, HALT, ' PISH, PISH KIHH KITH . Plan, OltAIN AND SHEDS, GHAIN AND HEEDS, (1HAIN AND HEKD.S, UltAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, o., &C, C.j AT McKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'H, McKKLVY,, NEAL i CO.'H, Mt'ICELVY, NKAL CO.'H. McKKLVY, NEAL A COi'H. Ml-KELVY, NEAL A CO.'H. Northwest corner ol Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Mnllu-t Htrei ls, Northwest coiner of Muln ami Mill lfet HtreeLH. Northwest corner of Mulu and Market btri-cts, IlLOOMSIlUKU, PA., ULOOMHllUKU, PA 11L00MS11UHO, PA., I1UJ0MS1UIHU, PA., ULOOMSnilHG, PA. I HON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, IUON AND NAILS, IKON AND NAILS, In larire miaulltles and at reduced rates, alwav OU 1IUUU JOOK, READ, AND LEARN, THAT THU Ureat Shoshonecs Remedy I Of THE CELETJUATED 1NL1AN DR. LEWIS JOSHEPHUS, of Iho distinguished Tribo of Bhoshonees.Colum bill Territory Is now for stile 111 Iho llnlnti. This all possessing gient remedy. Is warranted and In broad and emphatlo language, wo can Bun.-,)- sua , iiiuy uo rcucu uium lo wane a perma nent core or all ll!hPlll (il lltA Tlirnn, l-u-r-d Liver, Kidneys, Dlnestlvo Organs, etc., 'As well ns scrofula, tho various skin diseases, Humors, uuu itiiiiuiniriiy ui ino uioou, excepting tho till since of Ciiiisiiinnltim. j iln Canada where this grent remedy has been in Ube for a shoit tlmo It has ludeed eilected somoof thomast marvelous cures ever recorded lu tho annals orhlstorlcnl medicine. Buchbelng tno case In addition to lis former renown in Col umbia Territory wo defy humanity to dispute the fact that this Great Shoshonees ltcmcdy is tho remedy of remedies of tholO'h Century, and lug humanity. Price of iho Hemedy in largo pints, J1.23. Mnnuf.icliircd by Dr. Y'oung A liros.,at Byra- Fur s-ilo by nil dealers In Medlclclno. HUaaiBTS WHITE THUS or THE GREAT SHOSHONEES REMEDY (AasTiacis or mutehs.) Geneva. N. Y.. 1-Vli. 1.111, irco Dii. YouNn A lino. I Und my snlcs of your Vllluablu Hemedius greatly Increasing, lu f.u-t your GreatShoshnnees Hcinedyls glvlugtho best ol Ballsractlon.aiiddoIUK Just as His recommend ed lu do, several having even como In to toll mo .7 , ,,ivj iii.ii ui t-H m-iii-inci! ii'oln lis Use I havo sold out of It og-iln, etc. ele. ' it 11.1.AIIII n, SMITH, Bherman, N, y.,imrcli, SSth. 1MB . Jin. Youmq A into. I slnrleu your Uri- t sif. nonces ueinniy py giving away ono IkjHIo Ion counrmed Dyspeptic, Ihu result has been amnio. It gives universal satisfaction, more Ihan Any other nicd clnewohavohadlulhosloroforveaVs f .' "l 1 "uvo fc0n 'ho Bhoshonees. I tivl ttfiVPf,' i'. iiVV"?!'11""- " uie sl'x doz! more, It will soli lu thrco months, etc. HYHON FENNEU. Wuterlown, N. V., March 15th. IMiO Dii. Vouko Jt lluo.Vour Blioshonies Hemedy Era? M wo,,ru '''aiS? 1 N, Morgan St., Chicago, 111. Ftb. lsih una Dn. Vounu A hnvo sol 1 over "n'uSx of your Great Shoshouets Homedy ulioadi laml a great number or the Bhoshonees lMlls.l It YvVs universal satisfaction, 1 have not heard oni in 8rol.nSoUrleU,Ito.ric!:ac1r"0 ""d UEO. IlHOOKEIt. Price of I ho Heinedy in large pints. 11.85 cus'e" N. y';1""" Ly "r Vuu,' "'i Byra ' For 'sale by all dealers In Medicine. JJROWN'S FAST FREIOIIT FHOM PIULADELl HIA TO IlLOOJISUUllO and lutenucdlatp polnte, Ooods forwardod wllh earo and despatch and at low niles. ,uruoq "ul) IRON, TINWARE, &gj TOVES AND TINWARE. A. it. KUI'ElVr announcci lo his friends and customers that Zlln..c, the above blc it hh; n Id r to"" MAIN BTIIEET, IlLOOMSIlUKU. custoniers enn bo nccomodaled with FANCY BTOVEH of all kinds, BtovTrlpcTlnwnro.nnd ovcry va rlclyof aitlclofonnainnBtovoMid Tinware 1 InblWimentln tlieclllcs.nuitonlliomhstrcnsmi. able lerins. UcpalrlnBdnnoatlhoshorli'stnotlco. Si DOZKN MILK-PANB on hand for sale. N1 EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. . . MtT.l.KR1 ON MAIN STBt.r, "g' " " nLooMsiiuno, tennIa. Tilt: undcrslsncd has Just fltlcd up nnd opened """""stove and tin shop, !!cr?NM BTOVEH OF VAU10US PA1TKKN8 A BTYLEH, nroK'a!Ten.rM deserving of tho public Patronage MKTZ Illoomsburg, April IB. 1SCT. acoii 1C. Smith. J, It. BBbTZKH 8 R L T Z E R, s MIT1I & lmportersand Dealers In Foreign and Domestic II A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLE11Y, AO., NO. 409K. TIIIIinTnF.ltT,AB.rAM.OWIllU., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, 07-tf. N EW STOVE AND TIN SllbPi ISAIAH HAGENBUCH, - Main Street ono door nbovo E. Mcndcuhnll's A largo assortment of Moves, Heaters nnd Knngesconstnullyou hand, and for solo at tho lowest rates. Tinning In all Us branches carefully attended to, and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of all kinds wholesale nnd it tall. A trial is requested. Apr.y.w-u fPHE NEW HARDWARE STORE. X NE PLUS ULTRA, Having cinaigeu our rciuiu i.uum uuu just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY', illrectlv from the Manufacturers, purchased for cash, on n declining market, w o are prcpau-ud to oner the Mine lo FAIIMEHS, MECHANICS, I1UILDEIIS. and the rest of Mankind, n general stock, com prising nil ino Kinus nuo quaiuios usually Kepi n a r-ttr llnril Ware Stole. Millablo to Hie w-anls of the county, at unusually low prices. ah iiiosouiionicuciuiousoi purciiasing goous In our line can save Money bylooklug In nt tho New Hnnlwaro Store. Pleaso give us a cull and exam Ino our stock Ac. KUNYAN A WAUDEN, Apr. 23.63-lyr Illoomsburg, Pn. gUARPLESS & HARMAN, llAOLE 10UND1IY AKIl JIAKfrACTUltlKQ tllOP, STOVIS & PMWS WHOLI!ALE & ISETAII. THE CELEIlIlATEIl JIONTltOIK IKON 11EAM ANO . THE 11UTT0S V.'OOlIEK 1IEA5I TLOH'S. Cast liurs and l'ii'o lhlck for reoalrliiireltvStovfi. All kinds of Hi ass or Iron casting mndo to order upon snort nonce. j. c. miAlll i.i-.-v, ,v i . r.. 11 AIIIAIS, Olloomsburi;. Pa. l'mnrii-lors. JIar.ia,'(l'J-tf.' QRANQEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACIllNJJ SHOP ANll AOKICULTUHAL WOHKS. Tile' unricrshmed desires to Inform lite,,q and the nubile generally, that helms rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and MachlncShup.nnd re- iiiuvuuii.i inn uuniuuna iroill Llglll ESiriei lO 1110 alsivo named placer whero In LonuecUon with iiisvuuuury no win couxiuuo 10 niaiiuiaciure Wheeler's Hallway Chain Horse-Power and iiiresiiur, iiiupruveu;, Darnell's I'atcnt. THlinslIEll AND CLEANEItl clllicr .overshot for Trend-rower or undershot wllh Jvcr-Power. Ho also msuufaclurcs to UI HIT UUU Up III! B1UUS Ol MILL GEARING, ClrcularBaw Mandrels. Pnti-nt. Sllilpa ri Mm Mills, tho latest Improved Iron l!im Plows of uini-ii-iib kniui , unuuui iicam l lows, uouule v uni j iu, iiiiu i niw i-iiims oi every ucsciiij lion generally used throughout tho county. IKON KETl'LIiS, HULLS Cellar Grates. Stovps.HIeil im.l uii.lirli ,..1 In fact everything generally made In a country I-oiin Jry. Thoso wishing to purchase. Machines would tlo well to examine his machines, and the Improvements made on tho power, by which at least 1S1 ptr cent, of the friction Is taken oil. ALL MACHINES AHE WAKKANTHD to give good satisfaction, and terras made to suit purchasers. All kinds cf country produce laktn iu exchange for Plows and castings. Tuanklul to his friends nnd patrons for post favors ho would still eontlnuo lo solloittho same. , WILLIAM BCHUYLEK, Apr.O.CO-tf Orangevllle Pa. Jl E W F I R M, NATIONAL IRON WORKS MLLMYER & HENRIE. Tho subscribers respectfully call the attention of tho business community to their Woikssltua cd on tho L. 11. H, It. nbovo the Depot. 11 1,0 OilS 11 una l'A. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS AND IKON SMITHS. M A N U F ACT U R E R S OF Steam::Eiig(ncs, Boilers, Saw nnd GrlstOIIll Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers, They also makcnU UludsSf Threshing Machines of the most approved patterns and the Celebrated Montroso Iron lleam Plows, Cook, Parlor liar room nnd Work-shop STOVES. Heaters and n full assortment or Fire bricks, nnd castings con stantly on hand for repairing (Stoves. Several different sites and designs of Cellar Gintes. Thoy aio nlso prepared to furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Mining purposes and Geueial Mining castings. Iron nnd Brass castings for every dc scrlptlou of Job work. Agilcultural Implements made nnd repaired. 1'nrtlcnlar attention given to Ifio repairing of all kinds of Keepers- extra parts on hnnd. Juno IViilMf, T)ON'T IN j END AbTONlSalNa" J TlIEW'OllI.Il 1-l'JIl-lNU oil, UUTWATr.ll. K A Y'S P U M P S, USED AND ADMIHED 11Y EVEKY ONE. Especially tho ladles, being truly Iho ladles' friend, working : much lighter uud easier than tho old trco limp. They don't mnke such a slopana ti 1 i,' cct t(? mnc" lco Bnnd the iloor lu tho winter, the walernot ruunlngso longaftcr liiitiin. np-, .Having taken tho ilrst preinlum "t'overy fair hey have been exhibited1: also rcconimen? ded byall Insurnnco Companies, on account of Kotllngoutmnro water In less tin oi ml wHn le?s hi bor, they throwing a barrel of water a i ulntite Idcao u 'Urla1' "ua wo aro ro'ldent wo ein ABHiui it is more simple, ithavlng Imx packed wills low ami inllow, wfi greatest trouble In Ihetreo nunin. Anr UO lnwrr If l t lhn uuvnniago is, mat when you e t u new 011110 you nro not compelled to ilrlnlt for n wholi yi"ir Another (,'iiut liiLJi pjni; OH I1LACJC OAK WAT EH. SV.Ui'.'V'r '"tf nindoor wild cucumber wood Xr 11 hi,'.'!'""" '""".nlw' lasts longer In wiu ter. Jt has nlso many other ndvontnsS wIiimT caiiouly bo found out by using tl5i,,ey,aTO twenii'v1.''? "' 'o,"rllfcr.i part of I e Btitofo? twei ly years! selling rapidly everywhere ,,,si .'l,.!.''"',"1"111 tl,u 1' u'lleooMcH nt his , .'V 1 ."'Mniinnuel smith hldo of iho ij i. Ill, Will bu piouiptly itllciukd to, liy i Wii.mam,.oiit, PA. A iSfwUnir. CATAWIKSIM. M',lKK"'B7t J"0 U(sJl'( pOWDER KEGS AND LUM11KR, W. M. MONHOE A CO., Iliipert, Pa., Manufacturers or POWDEIt KEGS, aud dealers in ail kinds or LUMI1UH, glvo notice that they uro prepared to necoimai their custom with dispatch, and on tho cheaist onus. 1 goji etTi incTnew. The iinderslgned begs leave lo infni-m i Dllc'liedlu"1 '" I1U'J" Keneially( that slie hoi HLooMsiiuisa, of goods lu tho lino of a frMU ltotk MILLINEHY UllU TIUMM1NQH !:arT.'ar'nl,Uto,,rC"a """" "uj ' "" COLO II HrilAW 11 ATS lha a?i""i.rfc,t "."""'.nnd lu tho best slyio of Ihoatl. Prices cheap and work satisfactory, Mght Street, October I, lW.11""' & KLINE' ,T l'lNTINO IN COLORS, Neatly cxeculed at Mils ollleo, 1 J mar a DRUGS &, MEDICINES. L In I -i-T.nni ,n rtninn i" " n.1.. nllun lllllt CX ccllcnt meillclno enjnys, Is derived from in cures, many of which nro tm rasrvcllon.. IiiTrtcrMo cacs of Scrofulous illi case, where ino Fj-flcni fccmeil fnturntcd lin corniptlon, bale been purllli'd nnd rlirfil by II; fccrofnloui niroclloas and bV the scrnfu- r... n.,(n, nftl oil unlll ,i tai, . .... ; mol tin' sntloii" I'nmiis nilcibeils 'l ll-e uiincu- i,Vii.ii.,.niil, s limn nii'ls leiiulic'dfor ,lll , ... -. - . ,. . . .. n-clK-tup, Il.i'ioiiild.tlr.1. eiimiTlmn i.r II ?,., f fill 11 rv il... Iii.i'll.e raiHI'ii- ).ul-ons lu mo ,i l? i i- f i '.'' " ' '" " ' v i'1 , u l iri-r l.'r Hit-Hictu.Hi lindiyli'r I'f Hie T.V'll'ln. 'I it, lit, M'rfJrt". M" r..ntilHl U1 .rrou -fr- art ir nn r I In .fffclitn'iii.ili'' Til I.JHl JlilMil'UI.U iii-i hum I If. l't'll if 11" ll"I"'.T(li ,i I 1. 1 (tVllRl .X .,. t I. Jl.l , If 1 1,-Illi, ' I'M.!. iv . n. 'ii.'l iitnl.(ll U.I. Ill.t "l l-T- Ayer's Oherry Pectoral, For Dlsoases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whoopuis Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in Iho vrliolo history pf medicine, has anything w on so wiueiy uuu upon lie conlldSnco of mankind, ns his excellent ruincdv for pulmonary complaints. Through long tcilcs of years, nnd nmong most of tho races of Men It lias risen lilghcr and higher In their eetlma. t on, as It hss becomo better known. Its uniform 1 liarncicr nnd power to euro tho various ruTcctkras of iho luuifi and throat, luyo inadj Unown ns n re liable protector against them. WhUo ndaptcd lo milder forms of dlacaso nnd to young child! in. It Is nt tho same tlmo tho most effectual remedy that can be given lor Incipient consumption, nnd tno dan rcrcms nl'cctioni of Uiotliroatandlungs. Asapro Clslon ngainst sudden attacks pf c;ij. It fliould bo sent on hand In every ram ly, nnd Indeed ns n 1 nro sometimes subject to colds nnd coughs, nil thould be provided Willi this antidote Tor ;tlicnv Although settled Ctoiuuiiipflou is Uiought fc, iii irrnnt mimbcrs of eascawhero Ino dls- .nnmn.i crtiii-,1. linvfi been comnlctclv cured. nnd tlio patient rcslored to sound health by tho Vhtrrti I'eeloral. So complete Is Its mastery over the disorders of tho Lungs nnd 1 hroat, that t'io most ohnlnato or llicm yield to It. When noth ing else conld reach them, under tho Cherru J'cc- lornt nicy siiD.uiumi'i ui3.ii'i-iai. Wurris nnil i'lilillo Speaker find great fro- tr.rllm fmr.1 11. Atllima 13 always relieved nnd often wholly ,-n-.l l.v 11. lirontliMt Is generally cured by taVIng tho Cherry J Vi omI In small nnd frcriucnt dosca. f.o generally aro Its virtues known thatwo need not publish tlio rcrtlOcates of them here, or do moro than nuuro tho publlo that Its qualities aro fully mainuiincu. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and JVguo, Intermittent .Fever, Chill Fovor, llorruttont Fovor, Dumb Aguo, Poriodieal or Bilious Fovor, &o., and indcod all tho affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatio poisons. , As lUnimo Implies, It does Cure, and docs not full. ContainInaiicihcrArscnlc,Quuiuic,IlismuUi, Xlnc. nor nnv oilier mineral or poisonous substanco w h.itevcr, it iu nowiso injures any patient. Tho number and imrinrlanco of its cures m tlio ague dis ti h-l, are literally beyond ncf ount, nnd wo Dclicvo w Etliout a iarallcl In tho history of Ague medicine. Our piide Is gratified by the acknowledgments wo receiic of tho radical cures effected in obstlnato, and w here other remedies had wholly failed. Unacclimatcd persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatio localities, will bo pro tected by taking U10 AdVE Will', daily. For Liver VomiAalni , arising from torpidity ti uiu j.iver, 11 is nu excellent rciucuy, suinuiaiiiis thn T.lrr-r liiln linnlthv fli-flt-llv. For Iiilious Disorders nnd Liver Complaints, Ills ui, excellent iciueuy, prouucniK many iruiy re- ni.n kable cures, w hero oLhcr medicines hail failed. Prepared liy Du. J. C. Artn A Co., Practical nnu Analytical unemisis, j.owcu, aiass., anu sola uu ivuuu uiu nunii. rnici:, $1.00 teu jioitle. Feb. 5, lsoa. A H. IRVINE'S GREAT INDIAN 51 E D 1 0 I N E. VSIUirORMOllETIIAX F0KIT YEARS IN j the most successfulmedlcinoyctdlscovered for I Iho cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, ;idney I Disease, Aguo Fever, nnd dlscnso of Lungs, nnd I Is made entirely of k l I ROOTS AND HERBS. .. Que doso Will convlnr-n nnv I I. gives 11 a r.ur trial. No famllv shonhi bn w'lf,?uf ,"u ls aonlsblng what eurcl it luw cirec oil In Centre uud Ilrlarcrecli towmhVs ol Huutlugdon, and where It lias boeu iiseS Lit co ast sprrug. People who havo been Tm lcteu w Mi tho iibove diseases for tho last llfteen y ars when .... v uoiilj ,UU OHEAT INDIAN MEDinrvi.-. ranJSLVnr n!M,'.,t"j;? ABU0, Fever uud Do- Agents wiinti-il T his mediclno Is prepared only by .. . A. 11. IIIVIVI' .....m. Light Street, i'a. . MISCELLANEOUS. IV EW GOAL YARD. cTtfns 'Ar iiS !. '"If c',"!uy inform tho 1 " : cdinfcK wmmmm . n csnirc by criilitlnnli nil Hie H " or nmi ue i n.i.i lv Minn iihl'ird uml idll Mr eliKiI !? u w r ihl"suil Iliur i He. t. .Mnillo Direr , ,l rr. c ''". l"ilV.d In our Almaiuir, .up. S'mll. Ill,.,llv, nnd (W. .en ii.i-.lhv ncii.iiuihill-ii- of e.Hriuuuus innllcn ",! - l!l"l, ilelil uiu.kly to It, n '' !, .. 7. r..,. ; e.i,H.I.iFi' .Kee.wlienai, l hopo nil who are nftltcted with tho nbovo W'p,ll'f,ft 8ront inihan xintu- r. "''.which can bo had at A. H. 1HVINKS Medicines oro In Light Blreet Columbl 1 county Pa., or of his KCiicrarngent . It. UOHDNEH. S(W:S HenutyaudEh on lio T ,li 1,. JtSS? )'f cJf..1'M'1.ul. "le Perfection and Klnipli'"! " K ti SiV , ,,.i?a,)uw?6n, to deliver coal to .HUM, who uts ro it. As they mirel iiiTi :TnrA call AS i i,nTii' 'u.l" Pleaso lug else heTeV 'j. "?TnK ?lWa AUGUSTUUMAbON'' THE uiMlersIBned will tako In c chango for Coal anil nrnrn. J . Oroccrv Mt.,VrT-,n 11 S r". M bis - .j....ute ...ui, i-uui yaru, llloomsbuig Mar, 19,'fa-lyl yoOL WANTED. IuVmi 'KsV:f.!:'nEC,,t 0"h0 --"Vlurg Clolh- 00,000 POUNDS OP WOOL IN EXCHANGi.- 1 1 1 repareil tnilo roll eardlnirond roll. "A "Almriis"1"' ''"''''"I.Mntl'SteUn'a!!: Jiinol8,'iu-3n. Gi-'niifin v,.,.. Oriuigovllle, Pu. HK ESP HOTEL. ESPY, C0LUMI1IA COUNTY, l'A, f i "VBi' ecr.innl'iS-acu'ce ' K ioreiu,.fl!,"at,o.Ut" Wll"uut '"""' Jan, W.'ui.-ivr rPHE MAG 10 COMll-TlhCTirATuj X eoalijl wllh solid dyo. V.m uct your hair h a'ikS'i.S'.V'Vir '!,',r" "l'nne..t ....,, -w..,uVii, uy man ior si.'ZL JirC0-3m. I-A11U.1, HprlngUeld.Mass, 10 A DAY JWOMin. Addrtss A 1 IMTI.T A l , v, . .lib. .1. New York. Q.ET T .Tlunsoii'i 'HE BEST, Miinsou's Copper Tubular LliihlulDi! 11.,. !li"nl: rriite,nvenkucoorhls gii st, Illi if.r.iJ ( will IjcstoekHl with Iho best Jmnunrkotn .ids Apr.Kl,l,0.1f WILLIAM IMOTIT. v(,y highest I"' ! Uly'la' ,11' 110X01!. "J ftmW-ny UW-,;veoI.heU SSSS?a Machiuis. at the B., '""best pruclloii nualnst disaster by ti ever liiviudo. Tho subscriber ls sieLCfor tl.S Isjvo Invention, und nil orders by mall or In ersou ui i i.u ...m iu u,ii...iiiui w I My iym E. II. 1IIDLEMAN. A LL KINDS OF JOB I'IUNTtntii r,ooMsiiuit(iKonMAI77 UOAUJJOFLS HlilNIlY CAIIVKU. A ,. M rroftssor of Inlollcctiml ... . inenrv n,.t .'.""i lfita. I StlnnRnrnl. A Teacher of Frencli.' ffl'JVs'l branchen' tlmnn l i Profcfisor of Auclciit l Professor c trons,.'Mh. rrofoBorVcl,?mJfeA-jl,r Teacher of EoOBra'r'i.y!',,';. I I Tnl... Assl taut teacher of hVIffi; S Or Miliar;1' r'e" Teacher of Musfc'ml'tfi",',,.., J' lln tr.., . - Teacher of Vocal Music ana ?. Miss Julian, n s: Teacht r of iiiwiid) ThoPALTi tern, ,m 'I- and until our lardliig ban l.?"'..? cv. on nnnl cat on m R,; ,,. "(, w bo furulshed with homp i,,rS?l! It Is better for students l.l, 75 enlncoftho term IS,, JK''Mil ble they can enter at nnv iiS,.1"1 .March a) 1688. UNFAlLINGEYin-REvI MCSSrs. LAKAlll'.U)Ju OPTICIANS iocr ij HAiiTponn (j,. vc, With Mow to inettlbvi,, ,.a for 1 In , fcr c E I. K 11 n ATI PERFECJl'lCD Hl'm AI'l'Olnloi Miss A. ). VEi;a, RTATIONEp P. XLOOMIWIX- As their solo Agent furtl,., (i tokon care lo glvo all uicifm . a havo csnfldcuco In llionwiitju meet tho requirements nt nilo portutilly will bo lluis uirwdj times ".al F. Itl ill iTi ul SPECTACLES UNEQl'ALLEi . T H El U STItENOTHUXIM, Al.T VINO tlUALlTiR : Too much cannot hcsnldiuio..ic. OHITi" over Iho ordinary glna, no ollmiieWtijr, mn-rrfaiir nlOntt" other unpleasant sensation, ttlcDl from tho peculiar mntirocikit " they nro tooMny andikmi oail ol relict to tho vrtarcr, sm CLIUU and DISTINCT VHIOS ul heitWiy ttyhl. They are ttect,LJ PRESERVE AS WEUi'u,1 THE SIGHT' U: in And nro Hie CHEAPIXIIura WnjH IttHtlllBMANV VKAIUSIKui, lug necessary. -0- ,u. tc 0 A u tiosh; Miss A. 1). Will'" sTATiava m7 h : lUjOOMsnuniiiz in IB tho ONLY Agtnt H1I3 pliico. tS-WK EJIPLOY -Milt 1( Fob. Hl,'ftl,-ly. -.01 Q.ROVKU A. ISA KKlt'i 'j1 ii ' KHWT l'llKll'lil .A 'PI ELASTIC STI "' i'. mi i.r is in b. SEWIHfi im imoAiiWAi.M- ii m Chestnut Hntt rri, s. nr In rl' H i:xt'-l'iti Ll t., l'OIN T H O V lni-lliilyf ""- ci. Using both tlireads iIImHJ"-- l'o lustcnlns "Ii'1' mini.) of thread. ot WJdo rnngo ol uiipllentlen adjuslmcnt. Tho seam retains lis In""') ''ir IV washing and Ironing. ii Dcsldcs doing all kl"1''"" Bowiug MiicliliHS, most beautirul and ' rnnuum L . iii ornnmciital wolk, ir-TlioIIIghistl'rii"l'"s g Exhibitions ot Iho rn"l"'j ..,rfi Imvobi-cii nwarded mom" ,1 Machines, nnd tlio work drnffV exhlhlled in cniniK lill.'". n V O II B Al'i II V 111.00 1 . r Juno ayco-iy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers