a THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ,,lni)nO, FRIDAY, iKPT, 10, 1R0U. " ' " If' y jjno4.ing to ILo Co(irt'nott.J bu Mon I bt&lng, was prosjdod oyer by H6n, John H -4SSn?& '"e-oad between itoptrt ftnd Catawissa ,5n materially IwprOTollilnco wo called Jj , n to tho sul)jccliW c'TOBFMD&(tJ3r'l3inOi 'lied nt fd, on last WedncsaSjlIornlng. Ho liable, feat.cM.slatfaff,, ' '6"BaptltjCbureh of tills piaca liavo in 'lc io Rov. Mr. Mceeb, now located at "''jhoreto beoomo their pastor. Ju want news, family tending or a rc- 'JJ1Ocraocratio newspaper, subscribo for amman. 1N6l'on,y'1'lW, 'get your r 10 mito it. ,, . .. i WipMPROMisE lias bceni effected in Lu '?.!punty betwpen a'ppctora and tho I, Work' has been fully" resumed, and n,j ult' sh6dld bo ' a ccrcasb in tho pticd Its- ' ' ft - jivo tho most of our paper this week n ';:count of a terrible mW disaster as iri!i.h. ' Wo" aro'suro that W readers 'i j.l uudcrobligatioc. lo us for giving" so aeepunt. rr UX. . Jj-fricndiThomas Gern"glily,-lias' placed on. sr. renewed) obygations Jy pending us iJa"'''ten new subscribers from Centralia. tthcjnds there hato begun llio campaign ... " . ' pt jI'e Boards. JTIjo Supervisors of Or tiiownship deserve credit for having Ml ?d with. the law tn placing' guide boards forks of the different roads in that f,ip. Let others, tsko pattern. pressure 'b.pon"ourH:olmjns 'of tho isir,port and matter, rclatjng to tho Sen mWiomination, has fnducc'd'us to defer "J?" liar number of tho', Colombia County II UUlll UU2b WCU&t WIlEN tho Monlour County candidate for Senator bolted from tho convention, ho count ed upon tho support of certain Democrats in this county. In this, wo aro glad to announce, ho will bo mistaken. Wo havo to meet a single Democrat who will voto against Mr. Buckalow, tho regular nomineo, and many prominent Republicans who respect his abil ity ahd know bis honesty, will support, him. Td those acquainted with tho charactcr.of thooiicct, tho misstatements of the Rcjntb' Uavi respecting tho Senatorial nomination, will fjass unheeded. Tho object of that pa per Is to strengthen its own parly by the diJ vision of ours. Tho report ol tho bcnatorial conference is grossly untrue. Tho true, ojjicuil account, signed by tho ofllccrs, is given in another column. It will bo seen that Mr. Buckalow received tho votes of Northum berland, Columbia and Sullivan counties. Tesipeuatuhe op AtiausT 18C9 at Ill.ooMSiiurtn. Observed at sunrise Max' Imum 71, tho 21th J Avcrago fil0; Minim urn 17, tho 8th. J ms montti was a pretty warm mon'.n : on tho 28th tho thermometer stood at 111" at 3 51.. 13 above blood heat llardford prolific, grapes good to cat tho 30th; Delaware grapes good tho last; Hal J win, apples good for slewing tho four ast days of tho month. Tho Baldwin being long keeping winter apple, seems then a desirable profitable apple, as families can uso it fresh as long as four, five or six months. Besides it is large, smooth, handsome, well flavored and productive. Allisntown. l'n.. Sunt. 8. Tho Al- len.own Iron Works wuro burned yes torday: loss $300,000. Olio thousand men havo been thrown out of employ ment. Tho works paid out $100,000 in wnfjes every month. Auction. U. 1. I'.vcrctt will hold an auction at his store, in Denton,, on, the 18th of September, of clotlis, caps, gloves, and notions. Wo would tleairo our friends to attend. ' 'MM! Itrt. ; - , . tlietE is1 a "very largo am6unt 'of cnmina I this court, and tho most of ii is of a oe 'Saractcr. Pcopto'ill ooi lose their re5i for law1 Wil tliey arc 'mulcted in iirt'pral times. , , . ""! r thej just protest against 'tho' innumerable J' and affixes to-the'-'nameS'of -'persons, 3od in: 'Amoricaj "Honorablo," e," and endless' military titles cover Socument. A piece -of poetry which 3 this week bits' 'E-s-qj"hard. 'ASil JVAL. The, Democratic- Guard, otii.ro published at Sunbury, by Beimen tjSfsBrandbnfwill hereafter be publish "'''ilton', in tho saaio countyT This will BiiE OjWant which JiascenIong needed democracy ,ofj opponent! of old a .i; uuunauu. Buy1, your Tinware, at Smith Bros', Or- angeville Pa. What's tho uso of saying Catarrh cannot u cured when Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy is so suro and positively certain that tho pro prietor offers $500 reward for a caso of Ca tarrh which ho cannot cure. A full pint of the medicine is tnado by dissolving one fifty cent package of tho powder in water. Sold by druggists, or send Sixty Cents, to Dr. R. 1'ierco, Buffalo, N. Y., for a package by mail. Buy" your 'stovo pipe at Smith Brothers', Orangovillo, l'a. Take Notice. That all fees duo for Re cording, &c. must bo paid Iiefouethe vmsT op December, at which tima tho terra ex pires. J. 0. Freeze, 4t Recorder. " Fortner has been appointed Dcpu ioriL.nuo Collector for this County, wo aro wd. The Radical VRIng-'-'-hcro made i Hi )pposition,.butfaiIod. - tin considcra- ur.i;.this generous amount of patronage, a;sa shonW doub(o her usual majority. IXVlrill Bradley spoak'.thoro? r. xr . Vr'K of itMab6rrrigmeril-,'Fivo years 'o closo of tho jwarJho .premium on ittil.'3G.u Tlic'greonbaeks ih'which you ,!". 1 aro worth but seventy cents on tho s.and in, addition'-lyoti mnit'bear tho 1 of taxation to help pay tho bond hold- net o receive doublo for an investment p osts them no labor.'1 ' -' ,sLi.. - wil. Burned. On Monday evening, ah i barn of John U. Lciby in Catawisa ''J?' 'p was burned, down; i Tho .light of tho ras seen hero. It is supposed that it on firo by somo person who passed la oadf lime ,Tbo l(js is quito heavy Why, about ?3,'000 as tho barn was I, E th his crops. Insurarco f 1200. it. alu:-rt F. Clark, in his speech in the .0(lL Jouso last Monday night, in one i m: t sentence paid Mr. Buckaluw tho jvi.i possible compliment. Said he, "Mr. miuK-t has been in public life for over a "l.V.of a century, and tho highest proof .win. it $isintrfty;isaioJfacfthat the Mi MS JffttM to Wat' liaru raij -iFP's Sales. On Saturday last S'u Millard'yold'tlifl'Swisher'Tannery to .cW Fall & Young for $1021, and the j lundnsisting of 78 acres to tho same par. X ". 37,00 per acre.i .. . roiJ ' onday ho sold a house and lot in lkiw longing to Silas D, Edgar to Wm ,'."?;. S200 ; and tho farm of Benjamin iSiuiDf, George Gilbert and I. W. McKolvy ni.ift-). tlieri jerJU- D TO NATURpZATIpN. The Vig- J tie t immitees or last year bold their po- .-ri!, ' ' . i .1 rvt ; Bi"' mil iiuw ouea aru apnuiuieu. J.uey t once send hero to bo naturalized land iur J ns who are entitled to it. Court i;r"!r: nect again previous to tho election, n ii'i ii 1st bo attended to at once. We will I'llici. )ach Democratic Foreignor, entitled "JjJ-.ilization, receiyos hisapers frco of therW'mself. ' Our'frien'ils in Centralia and iheW-m, especially, should bo on the Mill w- ?I "...viS ., a ri'r ; iwn has been visited during the past u'iKe'ieigenU from Dahvillo to spy out tho ""j11'. situation, and excite discontent, if uetfei" among tho Democracy. But th Xtt ras to reach tho people. The Co Affs0l' was for tho "wholo ticket," and iii ti. be touched, Tho llmuUican was nnlld, (wo presume out of that fund of . XT .1 t I . .1.. ll-.l! 'r .iwCommitteo to defeat, Mr. Buckalow, W r !:. 11 probably was not paid to one con MAltV now is doing all in its power for ZZg caudidato, tiistandino tho exciting and earn 'i'iSiu' 1 '"r nominations in our couuty this usi,"'.'- Convention was harmonious, and itiui!;"ted candidates aro entitling them ci future support by their activity in rrrpji, ! tho interests of tho party; I I ' Convention on tho' contrary w: ?fj.!itn ended, and somo of tho old stagers n disgust at tho manipulation of ir ff'i; Whitmoyer, & Co. Tho JlnmLU- i'li J,'!' h published two days before tho ". VitAN, had not tlmo to givo mi accoun It in their Convention I All agrco j p 'C sport was a faithful one, fiiti'KJ'; will bo four separato tickeU or slij 'j;!!'!',-r ;d at the' coming4 October clcetioi i:il-'l.Viikli.jii1.l ".T,r,i;.. i r..,i,.i' iVXIll'"! '"'"""6-u' ' Court: OQQ ? lioa.ln.l ''Slnln'1 fiip I one headed Couity" for Sena iseutativo and all'couiity officers. iaded "Township" (or "Boroueh. """"jilliif ,may bo,)-for Justice of tho Peace, i IT ,i Klectlon, Supervisors, etc. Oui J S"0 tho different boroughs and town "w' T,i better arranga to havo their ticked " J,'",ti fi, ip or borough officers piinted, tho ffiji ' c olUer tIckct Iocnl jVoIIccn. Buvyour stoves at Smith Bros., Orange llql'a. POLITICAL. NOT I 0 E. Tho TpmnrritlflHfnnilln r?nmmUtpAhf ftiliim- lift cmintv nro rGnunntMl Ui mint nt tho olllro of the UDilerslEiicil, on Hatunlny, Hcpt. Htli IBM), nt ono o'clock r. si. for tho trniiwicllon of Impor- mill DusiucM connccicu villi mo rnmnniq,,, All. 27,'09-St. U. II. IIIUK'.K Clinlrmnn, FOR GOVERNOR! ASA PACKER, OK CAU110N COUNTY. FOR JUDOE OP THE SUPREME COtfUT: CYRUS L. PERSHING, OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. FOR HTATK SENATE. cxAXtxxm a. DuonAi,nw, OF COLUJIRIA COUNTY. FOR nnt-nnSESTATIVE, onoiioa scott, OF COr.UMDIA COUNTY. FOH AKHOCIATiJ JUDdl:. CHARIjES F. MANN, 1IRAVKII TOWNV1III. FOR rilOTlIONOTARY, WEIiLINQTON II. UNT, fcCUTT TOW.NSIIir. von itr.aiHTnn and nncoRtiKR. WUiLIAMSON II. JACOBY, nr,ooM township, FOR TUU.VHURIIR. DAVID LOWKNBKUQ, llt-OOM TOWNSIIIP, MERCHANDISE M ISS LIZZIE BARKLEY lms Just returned from riilliulelphln, nml linn bought, find Is now offering tho hostnftiiortment of FANCY (lOOUH, TRIMMINOS, UONNHT8 Ap. Ac, ever exhibited In lllooinsburg, nmt l pre pnrcil lo ninkn un ilrpfiKrn nml nil other nrtlclwi of fcmnlo wnrlbe1 nt sliort ilotlce, nmt lrt tho best and 1,ATKBT Hl'UINO BTYIiKS. lloorna in tho Ramsey Unlldlng, nn Went Main Htrcct. Cull nnd tco her vntlcrt slock ol Bprlng Goods. May 168. FOR COMMISSIONER, CYRUS BOBBINS, usius-aciiEEK TOWNIIIir. FOR AUDITOR. U. J. CAMPBELL, MAIN T0WNSU1P. FOR COROXtR, CHARLES O. MURPHY, CONVNOIIAM TOWNSHIP. Sdptomber and Oct. Prices I. W. HAIITMAN'S, FOR HUMMKR DRKAS OOOUM. ".Vet. LAWNS' AT 22 els. ct. LAWNS AT -10 cts, LAWNS AT ' fiOela. $l,2r, DRESS GOODS AT $1,10 $1,00 DRESS GOODS AT 00 cts. Co ct. DRESS GOODS AT 48 cts, LEGAL NOTICES, AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rSTATE or i.eonaiiiibtinkmAwdrc'it. Tho umloraliincd Imvlnif bconnpiiointed by tho Oriilinlm' Court of Columbia county an Auditor tniimtrllmto tho balance In thohnmlsnr MIcImM r.Kyeriy, Auminuiraioror i,. mincman miu o; lllnonl township In nnld county, Uiwnscd. "will ortlco In Itlooinsburi! on Halurday tho !Blh day of Auk. A. i., 18i9, nt ten 1,'clutk n. in., lor thu f tir- piiMCOl ins npnouiiiueni. in in-mum iih.ihk I'liiliim iikiiIiihi mid istnto will bo rcunlrcd to prcHcnt Ihcin nt thai lime, or twcxcludid Irom nny 8tmi oof Iho fund. ,,... M UJ'.Ulbl... l.UUlH,llll AukM.'M-IU Auditor, A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. jETATK OF JOHN HICHAIIIIS 11KCKASI.1I. Hcticm of adiillhltlmtloitoirtho estalo of Jno. lllohnrds.tato of I'tne township, Columbia oo., deceased, liavo been Rrnnteil by tho Register' ol Bald coil lily to Rosallndnltlchardsot said twp. All persons having claims or demands Against the estato of tho decedent aro requested to mako them known, and thoso Indebted lo make pay ment. ROSALINDA RICHARDS, Aug. M,'69-Ct. Administratrix. TOXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J2i KSTATK Ol- JOHN CONN Kit, DF.C'l). LetUTN testnmentnry on tuo cslnto of John Connor, Into of Henlon township, Colilmbla comity havo boen uraiited by tho Register of Columbia County to KmanucI fjuihnch, of lien ton twp. Columbia couuty l'u. All persons liavlne elalins iiEalnst tho eslatonro rciiueslcd to present them ,to Iho Kxeentor In Ilenlon township, Col umbli county, l'a, Thoso Indebltil to tho entnle clllieron lioli'.JiiUKment, mnrliinco or Imok no. countw III lunlio payliicul to tho Klecutor with- "MliU- nMANUEI, LAUIIAOII. AUZ. 13.'C'J-(!V. Uiututor. ?Xi:CUTOR'S N OTIC 13. EST ATE E Light Street markets. rvirrpclei! weplrlv liv fptcr Knt. wholesale and retail dealer In grain, flour ft feed nnd general mcrcnanuize. Goods sold as cheap, as can ho bought else- whoro'at Smith Bros', Orangevillo, Pa. Wheat per bushel Ryo ' Corn " Duck Wheat Oats Wheat Flour per lot) lbs.., Buck Wheat Flour .... Corn and Oats Chop Ilrnn, Rutter per ro Eggs per doz., Potatoes pr bus urieu. Apples " Smoked Hldo meat pr rj " Shoulder .. " 11am " .. Lard " lb .U 40 ... 1 30 .. I II) ... 1 CI si ... t ... 1 ) ... 2 49 ... in ..1 41 IS ... H of JOHN I, HlS, dccease.i. uciicra mniiltirv mi llin iutittn nf .Ililitl 1. 1ICSH. latooi lllnum I wp, Columbia County, havo been granted by Uio Register of Columbia county, to I. W. McKelvv of Ulooin townshlp.Coluinbla Lo., ra. All persons Having claims aguiunii- -Mi.i" nro rwiiusHd to present them to I. W. .ll JVIIVy, ItlOllIllNlllllK, MPtiimu,.. v., .. ... thoso hulebled to Iho estate, either u notour book account will makepayment tnhltii wlllioul doiay. W MCKKI.VY, Aug.ai.'ou-cw - INSURANCE AGENCIES JOHN A. FUN8TON & CO. UROWER'S ItUl Lb I'NO, JIT. O if it Nit UJlO, PA. tlenernl l'lro yutl MTo InsiilRiicu, nml Rent llslnlo Agency, Hpcclnl iill'iillon wlh hn given In iiugollatlng loans. t-l""" H'M-8iii Q. L O 11 13 MUTUAL LIFE' INSURANCE COMPANY 1 v NEW YORK. A G E N O Y . 40 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 35 cts. 35 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 30 cts. 25 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 22 cts, Philadelphia Markets Floor Northwestern superfine at...... Northwestern extra- , Northwestern faintlv Pennsylvania aud western superfine, Pennsylvania and Western extra Pennsylvania and Western lamlly Pennsylvania and Western fancy Rye flour WHEAT- Cold WeaTiier Is coniinp; on; prepare for R. S. Ent of Light Street has all tho very hest fitoves in the market. Tho Morn- inK,01ory and Gold Medal Cook Stoves es pecially cannot Co excelled. Call and too inC 2t Pennsylvania red, Tfi bus..... nuuuit-ru California " " " whlto " Ryk Pennsylvania rye, lnw Coun Yellow, " Whlto, " Oats bus PitoyiaioNS Mess Pork, y bbl less Doef, M Dressed Hogs, 14 lt Smoked Ilainv " . I' Shoulders V 1 Lard, Tilt) BkkDS Cloveiseed bus rJ-imotliyseed? bus . Flaxseed ' CATTI.K lleef Cattlo V lb- .-... Cnv.-s, head siikkp V ID - - tlouH n iw ms - 13.253 3.W 6..Wi 5.75 , U..J . 5.1XK36.50 5.7i 0.75 , 0.5illl.ll0 11.5U(n.2i S(i.'J5 ti.coei.7o 8iOO(S82.75 S.I.15CJH.10 tl.40a$l.'l5 S1.2U 11.17911.17 SI1.50 UIM 8Uc6.Dc lfuCSl'Jo 13c 17c20Jo S1.17 20 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 18 cts TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. 1869. September. TF YOU WANT GOOD X 1869. REAL ESTATE SALES. Plluy Freeman, President, II, C. Freeman, Sec. Cash capital over $2,O00,(irt), all paid. J'.'IJ. ROB1SON, ULbOMRBultC), PA' UKNlUtAI, AOr.NT, For Lii7eruc, Lycoming nnd Columbia counties. Aug.aVKMy. JNHUUA N C 13 Wyoming et70.0iK) :ina.... J.WXI.OHC Fulton 300,01X1 North America WWJmo City - 110,01)0 International 1,400,000 Niagara 1,000.000 Putnam 530,000 Merchanu , - 3.10,000 Springfield -. r.ro.ooii Farmers' D.invlllo WJ.UiO Albauy City 4W.0O0 Lancaster City SfO.mo York Horstl, Death & '1 heft fti.ooo Home, New Haven ,000,uw Dauvlllo, llorso Then FRIIAH 11ROWN, fieuf, mms ra-ly. llLooMsnuuu, Pa SCIHNCli ADVANCES. A soon ns an nrllcle purporting lobo of utility lias been tentcd.and Its merits endorsed by publlo opinion, iinprluclpleil lartlcd endeavor to replenish their depletes! pnr- sMbyconnlorfeltlna, .and nubstlttillug n spur ious for tho gcnulno allele. Homo llino since, meicury. In UioiIUkuIm of i llli. powders, tit.. .was given for nil diseases of tho stomncli nmf liver, whllOOiilnllin wail freely lulmlnlslonil fur Iho chills. At length HO.-JTF.rXRlfH STOMACH HITTi:it9 mado ltHjfulvehtnnil nu entlroncw syslciii of licnllnif wris1iagnrAtci). Tho licncfl claleovcls IflliH vftlttaltlo proparatlon wero nt nnco acknowledged, and mineral poltous sulTur-1 cd In fink Into that obscurity lo which nn en lightened ago hntf consigned them. Tbero liavo been many spurious Hitlers palmed' upon tho community, which, after trial, liavo .been .found perfectly jHorthlcss, while JlciSTKTTJjii-q as pruveel n blessing to thousands, wlm owo lo ft their restoration to lieallllhtnt for manr yenri wn have w-atehcil tho ktcaity progress of 1105 TKTTl'.IfH BTOJIACHHITTURB in public rsll- niatldii.niHliU benlflclcutollecls ns n euro for all complaints arising from tho'stomacli, 'of n inor-' bid nstiirc, nnd we nro tree in say inai aiwi no relied upon us it certain relief nnd remedy. Ill proprietors havo made, tho bovo preparation,, after ycarii nf careful study.hnd.slttlng, nnd uo now reaping tho rcwnrdci.tiiiitu n nils vaiua blo speclfld. nnd which they so richly merit. H Is tho vhly preparation of tio kind lliat s rullft,i ble In all coms, nnd it tliereforo demands Iho at tention of tho affllcleJ; 1800. SEPTEMBER 1800. IN D Rlr GOODS, P I M P L 13 S. 1-ua ,ni,irt!imp.l will rheerrullv- mall fflil:kl Id all who wish it tho Recipe and full directions for preparing and using n simple and lleantiful Vcguiublo Halm, lbatllllmiuedLitely remove rau. Freckles, plmpks, llloiclus, and all erup tions' and Impurities orihoHklii.'lonvluglliotaiuo soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. He.wlll also send (ntri.) It'Strnetlons for pro ilnclDg.by very simple means u luxuriant growth of Hair on a bald head or smooth facolulcs than, thirty days from llrst application. , 'I he aboo canboobtatned by return mnll by nddresslng THO. F. CHAPMAN, chemist, p. u. llox 51ZS. ID j llroadwoy. New York, Aug. u.'ou-ly. HOSIERY, 1st bT.rONS,' ., Ill- ; i GLOVI3S,, ,., , '(.6 TO ' ...i' js-i , i, ' ,M7 P:: LXTTZ. I ' '' -..MAIN fiTUIIKT opposite '.the court ii.ouse, dloo&xSdtjko, pa. Arr.lo-lf, JOR SALE. WlllbeoUercil rorsaieniuio residence or mo subscriber In Flshlngcrcck township on Friday Kpni.mlwr 3rd lMill nt 2oclock In the afternoon if not previously disposed of,tho follow Ing REAL ESTATE, sltunto In Fishing Cieek nnd Benton townships. ONI-: TRACT ol timber land In Fishing Creek, liearBtlllwatcr, couttlinlng belweeu thrco nnd f.mr hundred acres. ONK '1RACT hear Btlllwalerln Renton nnd Fishing Creek low nshlpHcontalnlngone hundred and twenty acres, twenty acres ol which nro Im proved, Iho relnnlnder Is henvlly timbered with lock oulc, whlto oak. chestnut, and pitch pine. Un lids tiact is erected a stoiy and u half DWELLING HOUSE, nnd new framobam. Ihese tracts will bo sold cntlro orln nny desired portions. bcverAl build tin. lots near Htlllwnler. mi the main road. Terms mado known oil day of sale. Persons desiring lo purchase at rrhalo salo should ad- tiress or can on rpiIE MOST SUCCESSFUL X LIKE INSUkXnCK COM PAN Y or TI1K WOttLt), Till: NAT I'OW A L LIFE INSURANCE CO. UiNITUD B T A T K 8 O F A M K RICA July 30,-t0-llw. WM. IKKLLR. Stillwater, l'a. BLACK SILK FOR DRESS OR HACK OO TO C. U. MARR'S. Illoomslmrgr Market Ileiiort. Wheat per bushel S1.25 MO Ryo ' : .... I Corn ' . 1 00 Oata. " 0 loUrncr barrel H w Cloveiseed 00 h InlKct-il -i IU llnttcr 40 i-us . Z'l allow .... V 'otatocs no Ilrlu.1 ApiiIch.... 2 51 Hams - '2ft Kliltw nnd hhontderH H 'Jtl lird ner nounil z Hay per ton ...... HaH 1 o x.Umiii:r.' Hemlock Hoards tier thousand feel.. Sltl 0' l'ln " " " (ono Idch) ...i.. o2 Joist, Hcautllng, l'lank, (Hemlock)..- 15 oiiiiigies, iso. i imr iii'iiisiiiiu. i' 'I " 2 " " 7 0 Siding " " It - It t'1 Iron No. 1 Scotch Ii I l- 312 No. !i " " - SICI llloom SJ9 Receipts of "THE COLUMBIAIS" for Aug. 1860. Columbia co 11 v Davis HWM'Hcnr Koloninn llelwlg II J Ileeder M 1) Trescott Isnuo Ikeler John Locknrd J J (lelser W H Decker .lohii Allen J II Casey it JOIO J M Hower M U Keller Frank Chrlstman Win sterner. It It Johnson Colamb'n Co iienry Dosk James Rrybon Andrew Iiubnch David (Slimier Levi Cox Wm llecru M Mlllnril A H Kllittle Adam (Jablo JSM'NInch Silas M'llcnry Thomas II Colo J M Tllmnn Thomas Hellas Win i-orsytii Peter Rmgler M A Ammerman Frajik Keller I1 V Rluard Maybcny Hughes J UWerkhclser neury tinier HlankH A II Wolf Wm Keeler 1) CAlbertson l?st Uco llrclsch Miller .1 Wolf 2D Olobo Mutual LIfo 2(0 1 Insurance Co. 1 ( Geo Foelker (CO Hi 2 U 3 Cj S C) 3 t'l 2 t:i 2 I ' 1 C) : uo 2 1) i a 5 35 ii I 00 15 i 40 1 U 2 00 8 00 2 51 II 40 3 VJ lo oo 1.7 1 to1 2 caj 2 00 15 :.' 2 W 2 call 2(0 j m 2 tl 2 (9 15 00 2 III 2 (It 5 (.ilMorgan Samuel ,4 I iujhcoI) Candy 1 50, 3 10 1 oo, 2 00 3 8 Riverside II II Club K Is I ooilMary Chrlstman 2 00 J II Oulck PeaseoACn. 40 10 HMl'utleilglll4Co21)tO uioomsourg iiasu Hall Club H. V Kdirar J O Freeze Wm M'llenry Clark Haines Win llonbon Win Rlcbe Andrew Croll Wm Y'ost IMillln Wilson Mrs, Samuel llluo go i It H lint .sli LoremAU (1 W Abbott Daniel Hhuler HMPettlnglllaCo 3 '.'5 8 50 3 75 17 (0 2 I I 2 I I 1 CO 1 00 2 ( 1 2 f3 2 00 2 50 4 10 I ( 1 I) I 00 2 1) 2 IJ List of letters Remaining- in tho Tost Offlco Sept. 1st. 1800. NAMES. Hulmcs. Wm natter, nr. NAMES. Alo James, Adams. J u Allen, George. iiaiicu, airs ji Illatn. Edsar W llachman, S C lirandi, liimau carl llrccliblll, Michael Ronaurtz, Jacob llutlcr. Alba ii llutlor. Allmnll Clay well, Mrs Jer. Clark, V Crevltng. J i,uvis, r rancis DeKorcfit, Charles llenoe, Susauuuh (Jncoljy Geo (2) joncs, josiau iveusey, .niss a it Kline, II ivucu, unarics Larlih. Ainuuda Ijng, M 1' Meiieu, Maria susuu Mellck. J Michael, Lydla Miller. Uvun Moor, Mary Noel. Tlbv Ohaleruu, l'atrlc-k ,unvcr, liaenei I Iper, saiah J , Is-eillUo SSiSiiO (V(u7o (llii.ill.W E 1) II A M Church. Hchool and rarlor Oriraus and Melo dcons ol every description, nt minced prices Send for a copy or thu last edlllonof tho "SILVER TON G U E," which will bo mailed free to any address upon application to thu oldest luanuf'icturuas of Reed Orgausand Melodeolis In America. H. P. NtEUHAit & SON. 1 13, 113 & 117 East 23rd bticot New York. Aug.l3,'UI-3ln. JV YOU WANT GOOD HLACK AND COLORED ALPACA CHEAP GO TO C. C. MARR'S. F YOU WANT A NICE SET TEA WARE CHEAP GO TO C. C. MARR'S. TF YOU WANT A NICE FAN FROM 13 cts. TO 81.2) LOUR AND FEED. The umlorslenedthnnkriil for iwist nnlronace bogs toanuoucu lo his Irlends and to thu public tlMthls NEW MIIiL is now hi complete running order, nntl tlmt ho Is Itrepanitto do nil khulnof Allllhi without delny 'utiles inm n dltlHUce can Imve their prists tirotmd wltliouL delay, ko na to take tlioni liome tho somo dny, uml us u rulo till, work brought to tho mill can bo dona hi twenty -four houra. My jUL'fccnt nrinnj;inents aro fcucti n toprttcluda tho in cukkity ot Moptilns tho mill on account of Ice, lilgti or low water. TIIK 11 EST FAMILY 1'I.OUIt. as well ns tho lower grades, nudall kluds o CHOP AND kept on hund lnqunntlty, and for salo at tho low est current tales Giuln ot nil kinds purchased, LlghtStrept, Dec. VGS-tf. TBTEIl ENT. M AMMOTII GROCERY. J. II. MAIZ F, MAIN AKI1 IltOS UT1IKET, UL00MSUDH0 PA, The Largest and Rest Btock of Groceries and Provlblona In the County. A uplendld lot of Hiiui!, BIdomeat aud Bhoul ders, Teas ColM-ei and Hplccs. Forolgu aud Do inoHtlu Fruits a upectatty. A largu lot of FRUIT JARS on hand of tho bent patterns. GOODS DULIVEUKD TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN Juno 18,-C!)-tf JM PORT A NT NOTICE. Donegan, JameH I'ollock, Nathan Denot?. Murt'aiet M Itudv. Daniel Dodge, H MelRlrled, Thomas vuuh, James a nieiu, riiiion JA'ftHH, ha ran j-j Kellbuah, John Fox. ilargaret Fowler. Idn (Jabert, Wm ueit'U, wm tJulou, Alllo (ieiRer, Win (JoidonJ'Uos H Gordon. 1111m V rrous calling for the above let tei a will pleuso Bay they uro adverllrted. ltl.ooMbiiuitu, Bejit. 1, Ibti'J. Kchueppenhelher. J smith. Mm M 11 iHnel. Jane elltver. Maria Weller, John 11 WcUh, Joseph Whlieiiilil.l'erry Wollu, W'oir.Ktcpheu MARRIAGES. PIIII.Lir-rOST-AUB. .11, ntthe Iiouko of Hie bride's fallicr. by Rev. P. F. i:yci-, Mr. II. II. Phllll.'MOITunklunuock, Woiuli.g Cti. Pa., and Mlw Hullle A, 1'o.it, ol hlikkmilnny I.u zeruo Co, Pa. DEATHS. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY O F DRESS GOODS, AT THU NEW STORE, UROWER'S UUILDING, The i.plendld rooms of J, J, UHOWKH, nro completed and now open to the public with tho F I N 15 B T B T O 0 K over offered "in Rloonisburij. All tho NEWEST STYLES or Drens Uoods, Bilks, Cloths, Cusslmcrs, Linens, Flanncln .tc, O A R I E T S of every btyle and for all prices. Gil Clolhs In great variety, A full lino of S U I 13 R I O R Ci R O C E R I E S. Coirecfi, TettH, SugtUH, Hrilc-eH, wairauted puro and gooil. GLASS AND QUEKNSWARE, 4 In curofully nshoik'tl variety. 0 L O V 13 R, II O S T E R Y, HOOP HK1RTH, CORSHTS AND A COMPLKTF, mttortinent of WHITE GOODS, Tho iiiilillii tiro enrtit'Mtly Invllcd to eiiimino Ihcso fine goods, before pur chasing i-lscw hero and ftio guarauteid sailslac- Hon. No cxpinseor tiouble has been spau-d to mako llli: MOhT fllMPLKTi: cslahlUhiiiint III this Mclloiifif Iho Btulr, J, J, HROWlUt. May 7, VJ.tf Jlloomsbuig )', HARTMAN-In llenton on Hatunlay Hopt. 4lh 1.8 .Mrs. Ciilherino llartmaii.ngid (13 yiurx II moulhs nud 6 days. M'KIERNAN in Convnjliani township, on the Uilh ult, Daniel T, M'Klvruuu, iij., In I lie nil Ii i ear onus age. "Jteiuittcut In IMce." DF.MOIT-John Dcmott.at Madlrm lnwnkhli. Columbia County, aged 4J years 4. Ii days, oj Ilvi-r dlseuse. raWPM Tn llnnmorn. nn the 2nd Inst.. Maz. gle, daughter of A. H, uud Ann Powtll, aged uuuui a ) ears. I'OWLLL-In Duniuore, on the Slh Inst., James, son of A.U.i ud Anu Powell, sged I )ear and f miiuuii, MORRIH Near Numrilla. lClh lnsL. Mrs. Han nali Morris, ngid 60 years, II mouths nud V (lO-TO C. C. MARR'S. F YOU WANT A NICE LUSTF.R LAWN OR MOHAIR DRUBS CIIL'Ar, OO TO C. C. MARR'S. F F YOU WANT A NlCE AND GOOD FAIR OF OAITKRH CIIHAPF.R THAN ANY OTI1F.RPLACF. OOTOC. C. MARR'B. July Ki.'UMf. ICE. 'iho nnilersleiipd would reaneclnllv notlfv nil perboiiKlnUehted to lilm on txjok account, hy noto or othei'wlvo. tn cnmii forward urnmntH' nml fettli. 111m rtcpnt lnftkrH hv n difcfiktmiiu Ilr uaUe It neet-fcsary to collect In ulL outHtnndlntc ar'ouin,4. tie ieeiH inauuiui iu lUHiinenus mm iicichhois for their nan natronnco nnd ccntldenco and tuihUthey will sco the nccehHltyforn prompt roiuutauco wun mis lenuesi wiuioiu iui iner no- Ilea Aitjc. S700Sin. llenton, l'a. jJILLEIVa KTOUE. FUKHll AUUIVAL OK SIUUNO AND SU.MMi:it (JOODM. The subscriber ha turn returned from the citlt with another large and select assortment of 8PRINO AHD SUMMKU QOODH, purchased In Kew York and rhlladelphlaat the lowest figure, and which ho Is determined to sell on as moderate terms ns can be procured clue wheio In IUoomsbuig, Iuh btock com prists IiADIE.4' DHKSB GOODH of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large ;assortmeut of Dry Uooda ami Gro cer fen, contesting of the following nrtlcleb Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths. CassfmercM, HhuulM, Flannels, Nllks, White Goods, Linens, lioopHkliU, &I lib 11 US, Ilollowwaro Cedarwaro QueetiHWHrit Uaruwarw hoots aud HI iocs, . Hats and Caps 1 Hoop Netb, Unibiellu.l. IrfK)UlnH-Glasu.i, Toharco Collee, 8 u tars, Teas, Ulce, Allspice, Gluuer, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, AND NOTJONH GKN UAI.LY. In Bhoit, over-thine iihualty kept In country b tor es, to which no Invites the attention of the publlo gmiernlly. The highest prlcowlll t paid lor country pioduce In exchuuge for (foods, B. H. MILLKR & HON. Arcudu hulldluj, Dloomsbuii;, ltt. PRIVATE SALE, nt.' v a t.tta nr.K itr:AT. totatk Tho nndersltrned. Executor of Cvrus Fry. late ofliloom township deceahed, oilers at private fialoaccrafn houvo nnd lot,iiluate'' In Illooms- nurif, on iiocjc street, oouuueti oy iois oi i. w. t II. l. llaitnian. nnd bv another lot bclonttlni: to hftld eMnte, contalnlnc; seventy-three feet front, Tho lermn nto rcnbonable, nud posbg-siou will bo given wlthlu thirty days niter tuo rmie. It O. JVUJlt Apr.50,0J).tf Executor. on sali-;. Tho buliscrlhrr oT'eis at iirtvale salo tho oron- erty of John Allen situate hi East liloomshuig aim coiiriisunK oi iwo nunumt; iqih, on ono oi which W erected apnod TWO-hTOllY FUAMK DWELLING 1IOUHD with necessary out-bu Id hies, A Kood wcllof wntoron thP premises. For JALU i n. l.VAftpl, 111 oo in burg, Fit full jmrtlctilms apply lo PRIVATE S A Ij E V A L U A 1( ; -or 11 S T ATI, Tho undersigned oiler nt private s;xly their farm sit unto In Flhhlnircreek towns bin Col. co. bounded by lands of Abrnham Young, Fhlllp p yiLiuim, anu iienry r) cr cvuiutuiu ONE IIUNDHED ACltES nlMiut seventy ncrcs clourcd "nd lu uood stntoof (-uitivaiton.ine uirmiicutiiiiity iiiuDer. -nicroaiu r.n tlio premises iifrnma hnusoaud out buildings. iruiue uurn hiiu oul uuiiuiiigfg. goou wuiitr uui Ihrlflv fruit ttcCK. TerniH reusolinblu. Fosierf'-loli given ou tUe Hint oi April next, i or ii.-iriieuu'in uppiy 10 CIIARLl:a J. KRAMl-:itHROH. Sept. .1,'6'J-tf. . On tio prelulM. , ..rfr - ' . . 'PUIILIC WALE ' . X .. (jv .VALUAI1LU REAL- FJ1TATL'. HK SECIIET OP KNOWLEDGE. I liirlw.f wn tintrnu iiroctlrjl t'oplntq for be nn 11. iui? iho comnlcxlon.desttnvhiir warts, freckles' imnlM nr other dlHuubes of the skin, leinovlutc buportluoua halr.propn gating its growtu.nrwhen faded orKHiy rustorlue it lolls original color. For cleaning umor sins gioves. lacts. nuuuus, twj, UtifnninMntn. fltiiie ittid fetid breath CUied hv foN lowing Us advice, bent frco for SO cts. Add rets 151 Fulton Htreet. N. V. N. 11. VarlIc'aromaklni:82tXtoSoX,'U a year by manufacturing nbd belling hum these rc-. tlpis. juiy io, uv-om, CllAUTEUi:DDYSli:arALACTOFCONGUllS9. CASH CAPITA L, - $ 1,000,000, 3ATENT OFPICE. I men torn who wish lo In'liobiit lelttrrf F.ilfcnt tirumitlseitto wiinsel withH'NN ACO.,'dllorb of tho sci i- s 1 1 no Am Ut ican w ho ha o probecu tcd el.ilmi befuiM thu Patent OHUefor more than twenty yearn. Their AmeilcnnKuropcauratent Agency is uio most, eA.ieoriu in 1110 woriu, Clin.rirtiii less than nnv othcr.iLllablo nnenrv. A l'ainnmct, coniainiug mu lusiiucuous in II It A N C II OFFICE: PHILADELPHIA, O F F I c i: 11 S : CLAUL'NCU n.CLAKK.Phlladelphln.Prcsldem. JAY COOKl;, Fhiladelphld, Chahnian Finance and Hxccullvo, Committee. HilNUY D.COOKE. Wnhlngtbn,Vlco-lre'sldcnt, EMKIUSON Vi:i;T, Philadelphia, .Sccielnry nnd Actuary. FRANCIS G. HMn'II(M.PhlhuUlphl!i,ArrdU cnl Dluctor. -lot- This Company issued, In tho UrbtYl'hVU of Us exibtencc, 7,070 POLICIES, INSURING OVER 19,250.000.00. Tho Annual Premiums upon which amount to over $750,000.00. Tho undersigned Heirs of tho estate, of Jacob tioho into of Allium township, Columbia county, incensed, win esposo n iaiunnHsie, m ru i Ur du v the -1th dn of Senlember lcu." nt 10 o'clock hi thu forenoon by l'uhlio Venduoon tho preiii l-iis, certain T II A C T O r LAND, (or farm) situate In 'Mount Pleasant townhIpt Columbia county odjoiulng: land of J nines Grimes lllovmifibuig Ha 11 load Iron Company, Mahlou IhiDilhu'iliomaHTiench nnd Klalungcreelc, con laliltngitbout NIN'IY ACIlEHiund HEVKN1Y TJinEK n:itcni, nearly all cleared Jind.and In a good htato of cultivation, 'Die- Improve menu aro u good twoblory fiamedwelllughouho, ti'iimo burn, lramo horso b table, frame wagon nhed, aud olherout buildings a pump near tho bouse, and all borta of fruit. lAto the estate of the bald deceased Bltuate.Jn Mount Pleubant townshln.countv aforebald. Termu of sale will bo mado known on tho day of sale uy llKHi'Fit J. Keller, P. D. Kklluh, HrKl'UKN UolIO, K A It A II OOllO, M'DIA ANN 1 1 KM, Wil. JJfH4. FANNVM. KlSTWIU, llENJAMINKlSTLEIt SAVII.LA JKELK1I. W. 1. JKELEK, Jit. I'leuBiint, Aug. 20;tO-t. VAI-U.AllI.Ii REAL KSTATEI Tho undcrslzued ailralnlstrator of the estate of Mulhlns Applcman, Into of West Hemlock town Hlilp Monlour county. dccoat.pil, will exposo to Im nun nine nn inn preinihuK on rsuiiru!iy..-3epnrm. ler 18th, at ono o'clock In the afternoon, thu foN lowlui; T It A C T O F L A N 1), bltilnle lu ftnd lownbhlp. bouiHlcU nnd flescrlbed n9 follow:!, to wit: on tho north hy lauds of J. 1). Chllds, on Iho cast hy lands of heirs of Samuel Rrusler, on liiehouthby landd of Levi Wright, and on ihowchthylamlsnf John Wolf contuln Inir 95 AL'RIIS AN1) 7J I'yitCIIKH. kevenlv acres of which la cleared lar d and In n irood btnte of f ulttvntlou, on which la elected ii TWO-STOUY FKAME HOUSE, Rank Rarn,niHl other outhutldlutri. with a ffoocl BprlliK of water at Iho door. There Isnlso un ex cellent npph orchard on Iho premises. TIIRMM ill' HALK: Tin per cent of the pur eluifco money to bo imld utllic mrlliliiK dowu of tho property, uud the balance on thu nrat day or TV T K It Oil AX DISK. NOTici: ih iii:ri:iiy (iivi:n To my fill tula uud Un. l ubllu iihilnlly, that ell kluitiiol DHY GOOD9, (lUOCEllllCS, QUEENKWABR, NOT10N8, AC, uiu (uiatautly on hand and for fcul. AT HARTON'S OLD BTiNI) llLoouunuiia, uy JAM KB K. LVER, i-Alio, Hole Akeut for;i:i.I.l' TjiOBi'llATKor iuk. Laivo lot coubliiutly cu bmiu. ifebb'trr, 'j HE 11AIU. A Youuc AetrcbH will lommunlcato to thoso Interested, lnioilnut Inforiuutlou concerning the (Mouth, rictenntloii and RcautlfylUK tho Human Hair, Those honoring her with ucallnt her resldencu, will receive the dctlrcd inforina Hon nnd full partliular. Thoio who cannot mako It eonvenlent to call, will recelvu tho Baino (mrx) by mnll, by nddreilnif Slim ANNA UAIH'ION. Ibl UleeckcrBtritt. Auk. I3,'Mm. New York. Till'OHTANT to liun.mnw, iioUHRHOLiiinw jltknanw. Tho undeuluued would iiuiiounei' to tho clll reusof Hloonisbuiit nnd vlclulty Hint ho U pro pared to cxeculo II O UH II, H I O N. AND O R N A M K N T A I 1' ,V I N T I N O In all ll liium liiM. I' A ! Ii'it H A N O I N O Curefully attended lo. Ktrlct attention to builuetii uud gooil workman bhlp It U believed will meutufulrsliow of publlo patronuKC. Hhop on Cutlmrlno Htreet botween Third nud Fourth, Mar.S,WI-. WM, V. JiODINE. BLIO SALE A 1.1 (I otuerarrauiteiutuiH are made belMecu tho ad ininistrator mid purchaser. . Adinluliiliatoi-. 37)1111 villa ItiMHnetiper. nlciuo uonv three wecka nud bond bill to thin oifleu. Aua.7, oKir. i ril. IpTO, when iKu.Hei.Hlou will bo given, unless P O It SALE. llio midf-mli'iif d olfeiM to dlsno.soof nt mlvato bale, on leasouablo terutH tho VAIiUAHU-: HOTEL STAND, at L'BhtKtnet, Columbia coiiuly. l'a., known iik urn -i uiuui iioiei, - nun now ocmipicu uy raui uei Ivlllie. It Is favornbly loealed for tho traiiHuetlou of buslutss, and it properly keptfWould not lull to ll-ioril u ii iiiiismiiu nieoiiii'. Rail oiieslioiiH as lo title, iKissehNlou.oniiditlons ite illsfnelnrlly uuswcu-il by (.'. II. IllttlCKWAY, AuB.SO.'CO-tf Agent. Till: NATIONAL LII-'I! INHtHtANOlI COM I'AN Y, of thu United htalci. of Amerku, ullbldu unerjunl ecnrlty to Its Tolley holders, nnd ooni- hliieHnllthendvnutnKea ofl'ercd by other Coin pnnlcN,wtthscverul,peetilInrtoltsetf. ItA wuir dei fill success proves the most popular Llfo In Kurauco Cornpnny lu the world, with Iho lnbllc. ns wcllns with ARents. for Insurauce, or for Agencies can be mado to tho Coimmnv direct, nr lnnuv'nf thn fillowlnct -s ' - 'vac (IKNl'.RAI. A OK NTH. 11. W. CLARK 4 CO., RnnkeiM, No. sj Honlli Third Hlicet, l'lillndelphla, acnernl Aifcntn for l'euusylaiila and Southern K.w Jcrmy. 11. S Russell, 'Mnnniter. JOHN A. I UNSTON, Rloonisburg l'a.. Hpeclal Agent for Montour i Columbia Couutle' July lVtlf.-ljr JEW STOCK OF Fresh in rival of CLOTHING. nvoutom, Ih Kent gratis, ll?09-3lri. A.l.l.nku MUNN & CO.. DT.l'Jik Ron-, New'York. fJOJIESTIO ECONOMY! LA Jill HjIiIUIH WAltl'Ctl I Anew, cheap durable, healthy, aud Hi laooit coYEniNa i A MiUtltuto for oil-cloth nt 9ne-third tho cost. Tills carpet Is protluced by apecullarconibhia on of Ktronfr. heavy rarer, rrinted In ornameii' tal colors, ami coated with a tough, dafttlc,' water tlon of (tron(r. heavy pippr, printed In ornamen proof enamel which receives tho water, prnttcls l nu roiora aim puper eituurt r. V(Uiiuik, mm il-ii- dcr.H the carpet bright aud beautiful In tho ex seine, iiH uuvamnjjcs are as iouown : Ith cost rcuderHlt jLvnllahlo lo aJlelabbGM! It Is exceedingly smooth and kIoJ. nhd It accuiriu- laieBnexLionodUbtiiicuoes noi rwiuiro 10 oe ifiltnn nn nnd ole.ined llko other eanict. nnd thill dave much labor and ttroublo; llyi re-coatlng v. Itb tho CampllUoiv j:namel'occaslonully ns tho caso may require, (which cohts but ntrllte,) it will ifiisL iniienuieiv. even an a-ro.nuii aiwa.vs anneur iwvtfnnd bilftht h( Its tivo no rellanco whatever H placet! upon tuo paper lor wuir, uui eeiuhive-' ly upoubhu walerproof eoaliur. tho, llKUicd pa- icr iJeillR ubeu only w secure inevoiorN. i-njier iak rcci'iitlv been used for a vuiletv of nurnoses. even for tnuiUX'roofs.llonr bites nnd Wearlngap- paiti.muino uibi nieiuii;oiiuer m r.urope ur America, to convert It Into carpet or floor cuve linr.'all concodolttobo an entire sucrefeit wo havu purchased tho right lor Columbia county nnd mn furnlHh tho t-ftiiet lb merchants at iimimfacturcvti pilces, flS-TOU nio inviieo m ctiii nro cxiunnin uio gocU at our stove. .MKiji-yw, iu, Uiooiubuure;, uec. nuvu. c. no we it, naHOpcnotia urM-cus8i HOOT, H1IOE, 1 1 AT OAV, AND VUIVSTOUK at thu old stand on MalnStreet,lhoomburB,ntew uooisaoovo intM ourL Jiouse. ins hiorit Jftcom inM il of tlioervatOKtnud bCLtbtvlcs ever ofkr cd lo thocltluisoi C'oiumhla County, lie can ucVommodato tho publlo with tho foltowiuxls nt Iho lowest rates, ,ajcu' heavy doublo toled shfU bonis,' men's double and single tap KoIeU It Jp iMVHf, men'H heavy htogaMioet of all IdndK. nan' Hue boots and shoes of all grades, boy'tt douiiioHohul booth nnd.sliito of all kinds, mcn'u 'gloyo kid Italmorat bhoe.men'w, woinen'B.boyh'H nml niUscK lastinggalUTS, women's glovo kid lMiun verv nnc.women's morocco j-iaimoraisanu calf hhoe-f, women'Rrry Ilno lcld buttoneil galt ejK. In Miort booUnl.alUiescriptlonR botli peg- geunnur-owuu, N6V IH 'TIIK TIMi; ,TO KUBSCltlllK TIIK imi.hfclDE' COMPANION, . 'till; t AiithY stouy rAPnn. Ono t'OPJ'.bne j carl.'..'.: ..9 .1 00 Tour Copies' ui 10 00 i;ighl Uopies, " t , ww ' 'AtiyJperibnfecndlugtaclubor ' EldllT SUBSClttlilUW Ai ?J0 00 ror ono year, will bo sent ono copy frcCt and bo entitled, to dalngle Copies atSiO. Vo commence, August 31st, T1K OK EAT arORY OF THE YtjVR, lilE MIDNIQlIi, MAUKIAGE; WHOSE WIFE WAS SHE? BY "HATTIB," Tula Sfory, Iho best cv6r penned by this talen ted id fat orlte author, will be commenced In a couple or weeks. The subject H n novel ono.nnd treated In a manner that makes It Intensely In tcreitlng and exciting. A (eautlful young girl U married nt midnight, aud in clrcurasiaiues that mako lUhnpoKible for her to find out. In niter I'le, whether Kho Is really tho wlfoofnlm who clatmtob her husband, or of him whom feho thought fho Ufts marrying. The laselnatiou Hint surrounds the wholo nuhjecl, lspnlnfully In .terLfitlmr. and not tho leaht lemarkablu clrcum- KlHitce eonuected With It, H tho fact that it Is a rruf story. ro rcauer oi '1 JIE FIRESIDE COMPANION, Orofnny other jmpor. should fall to road this most remarkable of all htorfes.. l'a r ties should order In advance, copies of Tho fireside Com panion, containing TIIK MIDNIGHT MAUKIAan; OR, WHOSE WIFE WAR SHE? ' GEORGE MUNUO, Aug. nGfl-lm. . 1W William Street N.Y. To Manuli CON T I N U E To Alanulucture our uelUknown Alanines. Aimer Thtxphate of Lime nnd Atntnoiitateil W(nur,iind ahiibuve lor talo B 11 U V I A N Q U A A' O , No. 1 Genulno Government, It-lhli Guano.Ijind riastcr ami Hydraulic Cement tnyether with n 'complete nsmtment of llurnlng andUrcahliic Ollwnt lair. market rates. Super.l'hophateor llrnt, - - - per ISW lbs. inuuoniuieu r eniiizer, - -Jt. no. A DISCOUNT TO;DEALKIta. AlJUEN & NEEDLES, 42 South Deiawaro Avenue, rhlladtlphla. EVrAuiisiiED in lir Hale by the Ulccmtljui t' Iron Comraio . Aug. 18,WHdm There Is iiiothiui Hint can comiviro with tho ease, beauty and comfort of tho OOJIETIIINC NEW liliAKK P.ATBNT OIIAIIl SP1UNQ. It is IntcuJtil tobu fastened on the front feet of thnt chair, nud answers all the purpose of a roclter, without the liuonvenknio ut,lhat npe 'ciei of chair. A bpechnen can be hcen at ihU otilfil . i. . . . 'I'lio A trnt. for tlio unin ntnl flttlnr nf lliom la hrepftveO to supply them, nnd Phnw their mode of working, anu wo thiuk they will glvo inat coinpletesntlf ictlnni 1 HM ."VC9-SI. Iron Street, lilooiusburg, l'a. Mi nt. nf Tfll'O MsiM ftTd i Vll VATIrtVO fwIiiclwompfl'.PR all the new nnd 'inpnlar varl- otlliaut pi Jets which cflUUoLlaiUouil.ull. TUtm gomU aro'irered at the IrtmM. ciu-h lates and will ix$ guainnteed.toglo sutlHf-ictlon. A. call is solicited bctoi-io purchhslng tls-eulieiti as It Is beljuved that U Udr bargains 'are to' bo fownd thjui .it any other phi.';u hi.tbo county- Dec. IV67 1 G BEAT JtEDUCTION JN I'lUOia AT l'li'Mlll UNT'H HXOUU IH IilOUT HTBV.ET, or I'ALT. AND WINTEK U00D8. DAVID IXJWKNHEnO Invites attention to his btock of CII KAP AND l-'ASHIONAHLE CLOTHING. ftt his ttore on Main Street, two doora above the Aincilean lluuso llloomsburir, l'a., wheru ho lms Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND r.O Yti' CLOTHINO, IncluUliif: the most rashlanable, durable, aud hauilsoino IIUMSS COODM. consisting of HON, SACK, ltOCCI,aUM,ANDOIt..(JI.OTIt COATO AND PANTS, of all sol ta, stzeKiiml colore. Ho hasnlso icpleu Ished Ills alicady largo slock of I'AJ.I. AND WINTEttMIAWLH, riTOlPEl), I'lOUUED. AND l'UVIN VESTH, H111UTH, UllAVATH, STOl'KH. CV3I,I,AltS, 1 hVN UK U HCI 1 1 Kl'H. (I I.O V KH, aUKl'ENDEIW, AND l-'ANCY AlfnCLli) Uo nas constantly ou baud a large and well.se CCtlKl lusoitiouut of CLOTHS AND VEHTINUS, Which ho la jirenared to make loonier into any Kiuu or ciouuug, on very short uotico, riui in the betit manner. All bin clothing la mode to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture, GOLD WATCHES AND JKWELltV, iduNeiydescrliillon.linoundclieiip. Ill uisool Jcwilry Is notRurpassoil lu thls'nlace. Dull uud eviiinluu lilsciierat assoi tmen of cum 1 1 NO, WATCH IX, JEW KI.HV , 4 0. IUV1D LOWENllllltd. yOOl. WANTED. The huhserlber tlcslrcs 30,0110 POUNDS Ol'1 WOOL pUMl'Sl I'UMI'S FOH SAIjE. llm iindPi'hlL'iied beus leavo to Inform the clll' zenif thU place and vicinity that ho ispit-pured to rurnin.ai.MuuT nonce, one oi me oesi jui EN l'UMl'rtfor Wellsand Cltiteins ever oilered to tho public. 'Ihey uro uuamuletd to tbiow nioru wnier In lehit time and with lesa labor than any other pump In this part of the country and iney cannot ne burpiKSP4i ior ueuuiy tir mimi, tir bluipllclty ofariaugemeut.aho combining cheap ness nnd durability. Each pump beiug wurr.iut pit tn iwrfnrtii It wolk well or UO tutlo Ellas Shuman U ugeut for ('olumbla county. 1'rlco 7.cciitM per lot laceu in iuu wen. immcrs oy man nr oineiuuo promptly mieoueu ui. j'. nil u.ii Kept. l,'(M'ly CalawiMi, l'a. a n s a i e. I'UUl. JIHI'1I i'Ul-, WINTEH SEED WHEAT Aivl other I'.MIM CEED-', from DelU'n Exjirl lut-litill Tarui, Cliuinbeisburt;, Pa. IIKhl's and liiiuiihlo) lleardliss; Weik'H nud Trtudlvt'U'H lliaidi-il White Wlnuls; Fieiiili While an. I Hiil Chair- Purple Btraw Hoarded Hid Mediterranean, and Ouiinuu Amber lieardless, are the best, lurllest, haidlestHUd uiost liroduc tivu Wheat, thut can be ri-coiuiuendt-d fi)r Ktn ctal t ull l in Ixii. I'i Ice ! 5 per biuhel. 4 poiiiuU ni uny lilml uy mall, iist paid, lur SI. Twenty heads ufdllleleut arlellesselit post paid, for SI. Twi-uly nlhervarlttleMor Wlieut.Hariey undOal. of last yeui's Importation, bio Di lts'n Exixsrl. mental l-'arm Journal; seud nnd snbscrllMi lor U; only tl,W per year; thu most uselul Journal prluted, A'ldresa (1 Kll. A. DEIT., (,'hambersburg, Pa. Thu Earlleal, Hardiest, uud most jpnxluctlvu Itcil Wheal 1. the 1'rciKli Whlto Chair. Hept.3.'Wl-U. In oM-hiuiKO for Puncy iindKlaploiIryK'Miils of nil varli I lesuuileM-ryHlile which liolcei'ps constant ly oil hand, both or Ids own inauuraeliiru and other Hist class mills. Tho hli;ht-st l-lty prlcis will boullowcii. purueHwiiiiiudlllo their ad. vantage todeal with us and thereby sa.u thu proill of traveling agenls. J, i:. MANHH, June 1,'uU-yin Murdansvllle, Pu SWiINO AND SU31MEII GOODS. TIE subscriber hae Just received, and l.c.iai baud at his old stand In LUW Stre.t,,alarge and select ASSOBTJfENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased nC tho lowest ilgnru, and which ho determined to sell on ns moderate uu-uui.i4 bo rrocurcd clsewheio lu Light H rett, ran cash on cov.vrjir MtpDvez. Ills K.fJi consists uf LADIES' DBEBS GOODS, eholcesl styles tuid latest fiwlflons, Calicoes, Muslins, Olngliams, 1'lannelr ' Hosiery, Caipeis, Uks, rihawls, BEADY MADE QI.OTIHNO, tii.tluetis, Cusslmcrs, Cottouadcs, Kiiitinky Jcaus, 4C, ' .tn 4C. anooEiuns, hackebal,, Qut)t.nswaie, Cedanwire, llaulvuie, Medtcluos, Drugs, Oils, Paints, ic. BOOTS it SHOES, HATS a caps In short everything usually kept In u ismniry store. The patronage of his old rrlemN u14 the publlo gcueially, Is respecllully solicited. Tho highest maiket price paid lor coi mLTj pio duce. PETLW.ENT. Light Htreet, Nov. 8 1W7. rpHBOUQH -TICKETS TO TUE X- ' "WEST, Via" ' Pi:x-syr.v.NrA qnxritAi. kailroap. niis .rtriinnnV 1irm rilnrpil fnr unlw nl llin ,llr. omce of thoLackawkuna..!: BlootusburK It. 11., In iiiuoiiisuuig a iiiri;u u-oriiueiu oi uiruugll lick etSjto all the principal points In the WfSTv "n'OHTII WEST, ANDROUTH WEST. liiKKOito'elieckeil throuah from Philadelphia on4 HarrlsburgTOXIlhTINA'noN.aDdairs will run through dally froml'hlladeiphlaand Hnirls. burg toClnoIiuial.LoulsvlllViiiud. Chicago j , ;wj t u.p u t q.n a; n, g e. lEamllles emigrating to the West will eousult thdir Interest by inking this lino. Eor further Information nmptlclrets. apply to If. W. ltOIIINBON, Agent, . Lackawanna ?Uloomsburg It. It. Auj,20,'9-r, 1ATXWISSA B'AILROAD-On aud J after "MONDAY. Nov. S3. JblW. Passemrer trains on the CuUnviss llailrouil will mu ut tho followlns named hours Mail HocOi. btAtiomj, B AUG H ' S HUl'EB It AW llONII l'HO.Sl'HATE Ol-' JilME. niDc STA XJ)A UD W'A lillAXTJJJ). Wo oiler to Farmers, tho present full easou, UAl'tiU'8 HAW l.uNKSLTI.ll 1'IIOSI'll ATE Of 1-1 Mi; us being highly luipioiid. 111. lull's lii. w lluuu super l'liosphulo Is, us Its num.. lu Iiutes. iu-prtd by illssolvlug Haw limn In oil of Vitriol Unit Ih. Hones thut havo not been deprived of their organic matter thu J reuse uud glue by buriilngoruiklug. It, there ure, presents to the uso of the t'armer titt thu valuable, propejtlus of Huw Hours lu n highly tiiiii-cutrtued lorm renderlug u at onco ipilek lu mi lun uud very irmauiiit, Hm" l-'iumers ure reeomiuended to purchase of trie dealer loouted III Ihelr neighborhood. In sec I Ions whtru no denier Is ytt eslabllslied, tho 'hosphute may bu procured directly irom thu uuderslguid. 1IAUOI1 & hON.-S, Manufacturers, Oltlee, No. -M H, Delaware Ave., Philadelphia. AUg. l!,VJ-3lll, "PIBST CLASS GOODS. It A It 13 ll.A II G A I N H. liiesnbiwrlber bu Just thoroughly resioched lilahtoic. Ill C'utawlssu. lately ix-tupled by M' Nlilflll A Hhuinau, nud now oilela ftlr sulu A COMPI.ETH KTOCIC OP DUV GOODS, (lrii.terU-s uud geueral inert-luiudlso which for quality uud variety will i-oiuparo mvorably Willi uuy In tbueouiitry. llu bus a Insili iuiiti liu utol SI' BIN G GOODS whleli hn will dispose of for cash or country pio duiv; Aiming bis Dry Ihsids u)ll bu luuml all iho latest uud best patterns of MUKLlNfi, . , tllN(IHiMH, O.U.KOJM, PUNNi:iil, I--.1IAW1J1, HII.KH, CAKSIMEIUS, H1IOAHCI.OTIIH. COITONAIII'.M, IIIIOCI'.UIIX 11LASSWA11E, fJUP.HNSWAllE, llAUHWAHP. i:i:daiuvaui: DHUOM, OlIJs, PA 1 NTH, VAHN1HI1I-.H An ilts .t caps, hoots & shoes belonging to his business, he osii ullorJ l luwvi'Uiuii most deali-is, "HUKi: MAtts ASH kHAl.li I'KOHTS.' COAIj OE ALL KINDS Cuustaiilly on hand and tor sale at tho lowest luurkt'l rutts, MOItO PHILLIPS PHObPHATi:. t,..)..! nil n.itlnn ritlil In lhO SPlCCtloil Ol llulld' t... .....,..rf..l ctitlrv Mh linliles' T.uils. uud llurdwuiu of 'all kinds, to width tho utlintlou ut buiideis auuoiiieis.1. r.iiuesieu. a H A I N 1'UIICIIAK n D. A fair share ot publlo rustlom Is desired und no eiriirts will bo ruliuil to tlve i ullio sutlsi&o ,'"0, JOSEPH H. KN11TLE. Apr. lG,tu.tm Catawissa, Pu, TOU I'BINTINC IN COLOHS, O Neutl vnmitvd ut this oillte. 0.VI r. Hjlly, (except 8iinituj-) for Elmird and llull.ilo vlu Krie lliillwuv irom llmltiL 5.M p.m., Pally, (eretptKundayn) for Wllliams- port, , ; TItAINH HdUTIlWAllD. Si.SU A.M. Dally (uscciitMouduy's) lor HaltlmorB. WII.JUNUTON AND, PHILADELPHIA. .ml I'.M. D.llly (oieeptHunday'sjior llaltlmoro uiMiinihujiiHuu i uiuuieipiim. Gener Al.KIII'JJll.l''liKE. Ueu'l lu his litiKliu-kM. As bo liovs nud sells lur rnsli he can UllorJ to keep Ills pllees l.u low II not jus iiioim is Dep.7.Qia,m WilltumsiHirt. 'f S.'-D " Muncy. XSi Walsonlnwii. " U.I0 " Milton. B.6a Dulivllle. ' M iu.12 ' ltupert. " 10.25 Catawissa. 1 " 11.11); " litnstown. ' " 12.50 p-.m, hummlt. ' 12.15 " Ouakake. ' " XM) ," 1.. Jtahouy Jnuc. ' " -J.I5 "Jilue.'Tuniiiqua. Dine. I'blliKlelnhlo. " 1fti.n I jo sew iori via, nead ltr. lug or Maucb. Chunk. Kroiu New York via. I -.un. ii i-iuiui.- r r'cura between -VIllln Phlladelplila. 3TaU Korth Arr, Q.10 p. nt. Dep.S,l '( 6.12 " ' 4.13 " 4.10 " " :i.ii " " .-1.15 " Arr. c.43 1.50 " 1.40 " 1.2U " 1.10 Mill a.lr.. $.15 7,01) NoClidn''u't,f Tur between -Wllliainsisnt and ecu. ii uiu euyi. BA1L.- TVTOBTIIEBN OENTBAL XI WAY. uu aud alter May vth Itl'J, Tiulns wil leave NoKTllDHUlcuuuu ns follows ; NOUTlJ'ARD. 4J A. M Huspenslou llildge, uud N. Kails. a. si., usny io vviiiiamspori, (except Pnuday) lorUllulru, Cauiluilalsilit. lloeheitlvr. Dlllfulo. KD. K. VOUNO, ml Pusseiiger Agiui, IWupU- PHILADELPHIA AND EBIE UAILUOAD.- BlIMMKU TIME TA11LE. TIIKOUUU AilllUIUU-r KOUTS, HLTWKt-N til I LA DKI.11I1A H SI.T1MORK, 11 AllIllHUDIIU, Wll LlAMSl'OUT, AND T11K oi;i:at oil ih:oion oi- punnhyi.vania, ELFUANT HI.Kkl'lMU OA11S On all Night Tialus. .ni i.iiii nun diu.i'a i . ....a. u... . " Trains uu the Phltuih llihU i Kilo ttull Ituiul will run us follows: WiaTWAlin. MAIL TItAIN leaves lMilladclp)lla....10.I5 p.hi. oiiiiumueiiuuu.u.i.1 u.m, " air. at Krle H u'jo.m. HUM: HXPItl-Nlkuvii Phlludelphla....ll.60 in. ' " lNort'd o.aip.m, 1 ' urr.ntllrle 1ii.uoh.hi. KLMIIIA MAIL liuvis Philadelphia s.uou.m. " " " Norlh'd.... ...4.25 p.m. arr. ui lAit'Kiluveu ,.l,idp.iu. KASTWAIID. MAll.'l ItAIN (raves Krlo .........11.15.m f.uriii-d .....io a.m. ' ' nrr.otl'hlludeliiblii .25 n. m. :U1U llXPHIa haves lrl... U.23 p.m " " Nnrt'il.... .u.suu.m. " " arr.atl'lilludelphla 1.10 p.m. Mall nud r.xitress riuitiet Is w lib OUCritkuud Alliglieny Kl.er Hull Kiuid. Hagtugu checkeil I uniugu. A. U TYLKIt, General Huteilnteiulcut. WIl'luiusiHjrt, I ACKA WANNA XJ III' 11(1 1IA.I.IIOA1I AND BL0031S- on uud murMu) lOlh, Irui, I'ssstugerTialus will rUU US follOHS! tlulnis North. Going Houth. ArrlVt Arrlvn l.cuo I.eayo n. ju. u. in. p.m. a. hi. Kiiunum..... ii.U 1U.40 Plttston 0.10 K Int. ion ......... S.IU Plymouth b.iAl Hhlekshluuy... 1M liciwlik 0.U llloom ..... .......... MA Danville ..... S.VJ Leave ISortirU .4.45 10.M VM V.VS S.I5 s.lo 7.UU (1.52 lAOVi U.-JU 4.UI l4tte 4.S7 5. lu &.SU tail ti.tu MS 6,10 Arilve 5.25 .40 .y (lie I SA". U.JI U..'ll T.n 7.51 s.21 V.Vi Arrlvi. am 10.40 U.1U. .. . 1.. .. . Ui.ru lit nil 1 train lor Great llend. Ulnsi-smtou. Albany and ull ,lt. North, l.t jJ0UN1)i 8ui,.t, FOB NEAT AND Ulli-ifvl- JOB PRINTING. t all t.t The Columbian Otnce, Ulooaibuur Ta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers