THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, 13LOOMSBU11G, COLUMBIA OOTTY, PA. SClrc (!(otumbinn AND HLOOMSBUltth PA. KltlDAY MOllMNII, SKIT. 10, 1800. S- T1IK COI.UMUIAN Iiii the Iiargeu Circulation nT nn- mp?r published Ilk Vorllirrn PcimtylvAiiln, nitil Is ulio a much larger iliecl tlnui any of lt cotem pornrlet nnil It therefore Iholteit medium for RtlverlUliig In IliU section ofllin S(Mc Northumberland in lino I At a meeting of tho 811111111111? Coin nilttco of Northumberland county held In tho Court arouse, in Sunbury Seldom ber 7th 1SG0. Tho following resolution was unanimously adopted : JiCSOlCCu. THAT WE KUI.I.Y Al'l'IlOVK 01' THE NOMINATION OF THU IIoN CllAllLES II. 11UCKAI.EW, OP COLUM BIA COUNT V, AS OUB CANDIDATM IfOK tiiu Statu Senatk, and wk, iikauti- IiY COMMEND UIMTO TUB DE.MOCJltAqY OF NoltTUUMllEULAND COUNT.Y, IfOf! THEIll UNDIVIDED SUl'I'OUT. Thero was n full attendance of tho Com tulttec,iill tho townships beng represent cd, with onoortwo exceptions. Tho Senatorial Nomination. It will bo seen by tho proceedings of inu voiiicronco nt jNortnumucrinnd, published In nnpthcr column, that Sir, Uuoknlow was duly and regularly nom Inntcd as tho Democratic candidate- for Senator from this district. This result will bo accepted in nils' county ns u duo concession to our local claims and in 11 most fit and timely selection. And It is endorsed by throi counties ou( of four or tho district. The contest was prolonged, but tho result was nt all times secure. Our county presented lo tiio Conference a candidato of known integrity aim iiin nullity mid our claims, postponed three years ago. could no longer bo ignored. Tiio hcartv cndilrhCmcnt of tho nomination ill tho close of the proceedings by Mr. Jack sou of Sullivan and Mr. Wltliingtgn of Northunihcrh'iid, who had been rival candidates, furnished conclusive evl denco of success In tho canvass and was u due tributo to tho merit of our candl date oifd tho justlco Of our claims. Success will fellow (his nomination and our pcoplo will secure thereby Senator of whom thoy may bo proud aim wno win disappoint no Just expec tation of thoso who sunnort him. 'air, Buckalow's remarks nt the meeting In the Court House- on Monday evening wero received with great satisfaction hv tho cntiroaudlenconnd vindlcaled'lils position and tho position ,of"bur county boyond nil cavil or question. Thero will bo an earnest and general support, or mm in this county, which will net' uo connneu to party bounds In .cos.o tlv eeccuer's candiuato Is pitted against 111m wiui any prospect of n formldabli voto. But wo pah hardly expect that' so bold n pretenso as that on which Mr. Chalfant's support Is urged in Montour, can mislead any considerably number of tho voters' of the district. Tho treachery of'bno of tiio Conferees from this" county need not bo discussed at much length becauso It was unnvnll- Ing and fruitless. Tho" man in question .vvuhiiB;iui;iiiDui uuuiuy, mo vio lation of which stamp him with dis grace lie may bo dismissed to that very general contempt which ho merits while all honorable men may' rejoicd in tho clear victory of right over wrong, of integrity over 'baseness, of regular and honorable action over irregular and dishonorable intrigue, and baso'botray nl of an Important trust. Tho Interference with this nomination from Philadelphia-arid Harrlshurg by tho agents of corruption, is ono' of tho notlccablo features of tho'struggIpr7?6so ..(jimio ,m muir employers, lear tiio en trance of aii honest and nblo man Into tho Sennto from this district, and did their best to provont It. But their nrfs and efforts have failed, in thq nom ination, anu tney will bo forced to eonrront tho Ineormptablb and dread ed senator when their "cattlo bills," nnd"strcet car bllls,nnd"IIcrdlc bills," nnd otlior iniquities, aro presented to tho Legislature' hereafter. With mlin and satisfaction wo iilaco tho naino of our bcnatoriul eaiidldato in our political column nnd nnuouiico to nil our readers Uncertainty ofulstrlumnhantclccttoh. Tho IWCcotlng on Monday Evening. Tito Court lloii-uuin Monday Seplein- ber (ith, presented a scene long to bo ro- menibcred by nil present, our candi date for Senator nnd one of our Sena torial Conferees gavo to our pcoplo n iltliful nnd telling account of tho Into Sonalorlnl Conference, nnd of all tho questions Involved In its proceedings. Tho former spoko first of tho proceed ings ot tho Conference, and showed be yond nil dlsputo.tbb1regul6rlty nrid fair-- ncss of his nomination, and tho prepos terous and groundless chnractcnjr tho Imputations against it; Tho 202d ballot of tho Conferonco.lti particular was han dled In n masterly manner. Tho trick, and surprlso of tho Oth voto then given was duly described with tho prompt anu honornblonctipu of one of tlioKorthum bcrlnnd Conferees by whicli tho Iraud was defeated. Tho right of tlioConfereo to changorhls votabeforo tho result was regularly, announced, tho fact that tho Conference by n voto of six, to ono au thorized such cliango, nnd 'tho. utter fu. tlllty of tiio pretenso that a minority could by acceding nffect tho uctioii,of thomnjorlty, wcronll strongly put and plnecd boyond dispute.- Then' followed acinar and full exhibit of tho rcproson'-! tplton of Columbia and Montnur in both llblisos.of tho Legislature sluco thcerce-i tlou of the latter county In. 1800, result ing, in, tho iluqvitnblo conclusion ,tljat Montour, lias had ncr.iuu siiaro :ot .repi re? ontatloui and lias no peculiar Icluima jjpon the Senatorial, nomination at this time. A recital of tho ovonts of 1S6G H connection with dlitrict nominations canio next, including thcuftbolfisli hud earnest ollorts then mado in tills county' to sustain Mr. Clinlfanl's nomination for Assembly, ngnlnst most formidable opposition, nnd tho pledges then mado by him nnd his, friends to support Co ltitilbla county ttiomiuatlnn fur Sountoi' M-pledgen unkept fiiulitlicn oxcuscd up on grounils.whicii no longer exist. , fi nally camp 11 htateiuont of tho efforts mado by men at Philadelphia mid Ilnr- risbyirg to, nontroi thq,p' proveut quo from, being modoj Tho pro eeedings of .tholr ngout'nt Norlliumber Iatid,nnd their objects: in iustitutiiiglho raid upon .our district, wero given in earnest and Impassioned terms. Tho conclusion tiiat tho. rascals wquld bo wt'll whipped was greeted with general and enthusiastic npplalise. Mr. Clark, 'as ono of tho Conferees, endowed thosta)cinentH,of facts which had been made and dilated, upon tho cf forts,of thci legislative ringA to defeat tiio nouilnationof oar candidate.-' He fllfeo .explained tliathls'colloagub'iii tho .Conferenfco frdm tills'- county! wni dis-; llpctly.notiQcil'.by him tliatlhouN'drth.-l uniberlnnd Conferdra. wero abouttto vole Wjth tins county, whon tho treacherous voto for niMontotir nomindtloii was glV 011 by'him lit oppositibn to ihUMnstruc tion.nnd his clear duty. ) ' ' Upon the whole, tho inoetingwas woll caliulated to flxpublio opinion in favor of UiuiregUlar ami honest nomination of tho Conference, and against itlio seccss-i ion of a minority from that Confercnco upon, most frivolous nnd Insufficient grounds, Mr. Buckalow said,"tho'voice of tho majority is tiio volto of tho whole.'! jNovcr-weroitruer.wordsi uttered when: ,wp.como,to apply.-thorn to tbo lntnCon,- fereucc.i where three', .Conferees out pf eight undertook to defeat tho -will and .opij)ions)f their colleagues and provPnt ic3, inrce counues out-oriour ana ,iivo fjonferecs out of eight had tho right and tiio.power to mako a good and effectuali iiominatlonj and, having .done so their action will uo trlumpbautly, isustalncd. Another Triumph. California, which threw Its electoral voto for drant, has wheeled into tho Democratic column, havingon Wednes day of Inst week elected tho entire Democratic Stato Ticket, ami n Demp crnlic Legislature Tho possession of tho Legislature will defeat tho ratification of tho proposed Fifteenth Amendment. A n d n 0 wJBem ocrat s of Pen nsy I va n in , arouso to action. Our brethren In Vir ginia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mo;itann, and California have defeated tho enemy, and wo can do tho samd, by n strong, united, harmonious effort. 1 Is a mies Hon between Asa Packer and1 honbsty Ml i lift et.ln -...1 uiiu Diuu, mm ucury, corruption mm luiuvumy uu 1110 Oilier. YOU nrn todecldo whether Pennsylvnnlnns aro to control tho question of suffrage within her borders or whether negroes and Chlneso are to bo given the ballot throgli tnrougn congressional dictation. Wo can elect Packer, wo can prevent negro suffrage by an enrnest.hearly effort this 1'a.ii. The JlepuWcan continually prates nuout Mr, uuckalow's "coming down to uo a canuiuato for Stato Senator. W regard It as ono of tho most important positions in trio state, especially at this iiino wnen tiio stato Is being robbed uaiiy, wnen Treasury thlovcs unblush inglynttempt thoopen purchasoof men, and whon our entiro legislation Is con trolled by corrupt men. Tho pcoplo of both partiea demand and aro entitled to bo represented by me awest, and purest men thoy huvo. The higher their standing nnd tho creat or fhelr reputation, tho better thoy can serve tno Htato. On this point tho Pittsburg Commer cial, a Iladlcal paper, speaking of Mr. Grow, tho former Speaker of tho Hou&o of Ilopresentatlvcs, who was pressed for n nomination to tho Legislature, says Va think that Mr. Grow should hnvo consented, it is nccauso men like him, who aro tit to bo legislators, decline to go to Harrlshurg, that our Legislature lias lancn into uisroputo lor its corrupt and imbecile practice. If over Its char acter is redeemed, It will bo by men llko air, urow. jii our juugment, n no way ran they servo tho people so acceptably and what Is equally truo Is thnt in 110 way can thoy so much servo themselves. Columbia Coiiqty.. EbiTpnsM Paha-',"' TJni'on Dear friends', iiav'oyoii cver'heen at Blooms-.' burg and seen, in thatplcturcsquei pweb" 'tl(o-n'e'w,mpJfcstie,bulldiiig of" tho Stale Nprrnal School? If not then you have' not seen ono of tiio most beaulfji', ihpst promising, excellently planned, pfcr fcctlyconductedcd'ucatlonnl.instltutipns' not only of rcnhsi-ivs'iiin, but of all tiio Statea. , Standing oii'h lilll, surroundetl' with' blooming ilowcrbcds, wo comb first to tho spacious, elegantly furnished, "well lighted and well ventilated school rooms, abovoi which,) comprising- tho whole socohd storyj is tho chapel, ono of tholnrgesl and most magnificent Hint I hrivo over seen. In. the grand fourth story buildlm?. .fetill higher up, (ivortoworing.thochnp- ei, are 1110 reception, dining and .sleep ing rooms, rooms for teachers, privato rooms and, office for-.tho principal, roomy halls, hathlug rooms,, water clos-. cts, etc. Tho ladles Inhabit ono, tho gentlemen tho other wiug of tho building, with separate entrances a.n'd stall. Beauti ful kitchens.; nlljs coo'ked, washed and heated by ((team. A' engineer la stead ily .employed.. Tho, moat remarkablo. dlKcIplinu reigns in sejiool, play and study hours. Tho ciiorgetic-rrJ may al most say NapolepnIp-Prof. Carver. A. M., is.l'rlncipul, nby sc-eonded by such men nsj.jsaaocst, J. W, Forrco, P. 31, Bates, W,,A.iWiHimns, T. O. -Brown. mid a townsman of yours, Prpf, A. luuwig.. y.ery cxcplifciit.femalo.tpnch- ersauorn tho Institute., as, Mra-.llnst.- aiiss pmian, JMl.csCavver,Mlss I'owr, ell and .Miss Quest, Thq number of Bcnoiara HVjdlucrent departments, wus, laitjcar, nearly ipt,.,and, promises, to surpasstgreatlyr thjs number the present scjioply ea r. Bloomsburg may feel J ust- ly pro.uuor such an educational Jewel, and parents near and far piay safoly tuuuno tno oouies, mtnds and souls or their children to tills institution. Mtzerne Union. .now that tho terribio old war-horso Geary Is onco more on tho war-path.tho Now York World says it is well enough to revive his old story which ho told. with grout success, In his first fight for thoGovcrnorshlpofPcnusylvanla.about irignienmg stonewall Jackson to death According to Geary, that soldier lav- dying in his tent, and suddenly sum moned Qcnoral Longstrcet. whohothus auu reused : , - ljongstrect, did you observe that tall Imnos ni? form tii.dnv. kontpii on a black horso in tho thickest of tho iigui, as wo uiu uatt)o." tiuoth Gpii. Longstrcet: "I did, Indeed, my dear uuiiuitii,-- "aiuiL iniiii nn vmifltir una UUIl. lieurv." UXrlalluml Nlnnmvn I "jrark 1110, bewaroorhlm! Avoid him I Longstrcet, bownro of Geary!" With this dylmr injunction to Ids mm. rado tho horo of Shenandoah departcdj This dying injunction of Stouowall Jackson, as reported by Qeary, is now repeated to tho voters of Pennsylvania: nowaroor Geary J" Jackson, Miss.. Sent. 8.-TJ10 Nn. tlonal Union Itepubllcnn Coiivontlon iiiscmblcd hero to-dny. Juduo Lewis Oent was unanimously nomlnnted for Governor, ; Court Proceedings. Monday, Sept. 0th lftw. , Ooui t met nt 10 o'clock n. m., Present lion. Wm. El,wcll, nnd .his Associates, Irani Dorr hnd James ICester. Tho Constables' vcro sworn nntt their returns examined. The list or Grand Jurors belngenlled, lllrnm Cool was ex cused, and Ellas Krum win absent. Jesso Iloffman-vas appointed Foreman. Tho Ikl nf l'ntll JuroM was then called nnd 'damuel Iing and William Wllki-ion wero excused. Joseph Ikclcr, Samuel Stctldr, and 31. C. Woodward wero ap pointed tlp-slnvcs for tin) first week ; IlbnryJX Knorr nnd 'Michael Walter for tho second' week. Com. vs Adam Truckenmlllcr, Bo- cognlzanOo Fornication and UaMardy. Tho Doftfiulant nnd Samuel Frcdoriei: Vcro each held In $500 ball for tho up ncafatico of Defendant nt next Sessions. in the malttfr of Exceptions' to tho account of John F( lWlef, Adminis trator of H. J. Lybn, deceased, C. B. Brockway Wns continued as1 Auditor. Coiri. vs Snmtfci T. 31athcr. Deft, and John S. 31ather each held in WOO ball -fol-'tlie aptrrttrailceof DcfUot next Ses sldiWi '' IilhUil UroWn vi Sunn Brown. Ser vice of Alias subpoena In dlvorco set aside niul'ftnothcr directed to bo Issued Goo; Fv Kvos vs Jacob Swisher, ct itl rulo gran Wd to show cause Why record should uot'lo limondcd.' '' TlWttWfcr'Wrthosaldoftlidreillcstntij dfDoboralt JlVPrs1 was'continu6d. Gllk'on" A1riitlt"vs 'John U. LibV. Aiiclided-dbeWniton'.fltea 'by, ltoy6 of Coilrt.' . fJom.'vW CyruWmnd 'John 3f. Stack' hddso: Indictment cotiJplM'cy. CouVt gave tho District Altorn'ey leavo to oil' tcr n nolle jiivisfuf. Coin, vs Anthony- Murphy' nnd An thony- ludletment Assault mid' Batteryi Jury sworn nnd verdict rendered "not gullly," nnd Prosecutor, Peter Casl6w'to payUho'costs'. 1 1 Monrooflirulidfigo vs C, II, Purrfel. 7'7.- Fa. set aside nnd'Jiulgmcnt opened Com. vs.IIfcnry Ale. indictment Nul haneoi'wTtuu' Hill) "Jury 'called and1 sworn. Verdict uulltj'.- 1 Tuesday, S?pti Ttli. iNnthan Brothers vs Hi A, Woldoii featiL Judgment confessed by Deft'. Com. vs!J. Slottlne. Indictment As .satilt'and'Battcry., A truo bill. Coin, vs Peter Hlppoiisleel. Indlut mentA'ulsanep.i'A true bill. Doft. plead Guiltv. 1 ' r , Com. vs Anij Owen. .Indictment Larceny., A truo bill. Verdict not, Guilty." , - , . Com. va John W. Clayton.. A, truo 1.111 "' ' Cohi.vs Elizabeth Evans,, hitlictment Assault ami Battery. A truo bill, , (.OmVvs' PMriclc Kendrick. Indlfct- nicii.t A's'sault ami 'Battery. A truo bill Cdm. vsi'Patrlck and SInrgaret Brcn nan, Iildlctmciit' keeping n' disorderly1 house. A'-trub hill. " faohi. vs Jdlm L.andThonias Thomas'. I'lullctment'Aault'ii.iuf ilatiery: A'tritb' bill.' 1 ' ' ' llbriry aable vsf 1'ttcV irowfcr, ct nV. Ilbwerpermitled'tot'omo in a'nddefend Com. vs John'HiighcM. -llccognlznnce F6riiicatlon iuidBastardy.- Dfeft. and George Slrnusser eacli:h'eld in '$500 bail for appearltilcd"of Deft'. at next BeSsiPns, ' Com. vs ltichard Stout. Indictment1 malicidUs'misciilefi A truo bill. ' Com.' vs B. F. 'Stout. Indictment Com! vs Joseph Wallace'; inVyiuuA,, meiits ; ono for selling liquor 011 Sun dayjiiiidon'o fifr selling liquor to minors. Both truo bills;- Caces continued. Com', vs John W. Claytons Second 'Indk'tm'tntifor.Larfccuy. A truo Mil; iKstata' of Ct G. JllckettstlecM. On m'olldii'of 3Ir'.:Brockt-ay, J; Gl FrceJso nppdlnte'd Auditor tP file distribution. I MUiiW'T 'rnnilM-.lInn va 1?.nlifcrr.Trmv elj.' JUUgrabnt cnterdd for plaintlir for SGS'.OO. 1 Cora, -vs' James Areliy.- Suttty of tlid Pence; Deft; 'sentenced to pay tho easts, 'and td give ball in $100 for- his good' behavior for one year. Wrnx,ESDAY,.Scpt.18th. John G. lteliloy V3 Ktilttlb'nml Gablo, It. F.Clark nppolntod oxamlridr for both1 sided. Comi-vsIIiram Drown, catq continued until next sesslouo. Com vs Potur Collohan. Indictment Assaultund Battery. Bill Ignored,nnd tho Prosccntor,Tiioinivs 3I(inaglian, tenccd to pay tlie costs., Com, va Margaret ;Garru!i. Jndlcf mcnt destrying yiuilows. lllj-iguored, nmjl tho prosecutrlx.Miirgt Bieniiau, sentenced to pay tlie.eo.s. Com. vs Margaret Gar'r'ah.Indlctmcht Absaultand'jjattery. BlU Ignored a's above. ' " Com. vs 'Patrick Ganglion. Indict meiif Assault and B'tteryVBIll ignored, and tho pr6.seputor,"jQhVi Conway, son ten'i'fcd to liay 'tiio costs. Com. vs John Conway.- Indictment solllng'liquor witliout lleenife. Bill ig nored, nnd tho prosecutrix,-Ann Galla gher, sentenced to pay tho costs. Com. vs Calvin h. JIart. Indictment .disturbing auction. Bill ignored, nnd tiio prosecutor, G. 31. Berry, sentenced to pay tho costs. Kstato of Daniel G. Hut. On motion ofJIr. Frieze, O.B. Urockway'nppolnt. ed to mnko distribution. ,Com. vs Patrick Kllleen. Indictment m,l8demennor in office A true bill. On 'motion of R.F.CIarkjndlctment fiuash '5d by tho Court. Coin, vs Callmrtuo Horan. Bill ig. nored, nnd prosecutor to pay tho costs. Com. vs Samuel jr. Prentis. Bill ig norcd end prosecutor to pay tho costs. Comr vs 31Ilrs II. Fry. ltccog. surety of tho peace; after n hearing court sen tenced Deft, to pay costs of prosecution and enter with recognizance with ono surety for tho maintninanco of good or der and peace. Com. vs Edward Campbell, Bridget Campbell, ct. ul. Indict. Riot, hill Ig- nored. Prosecutor Patrick Gallagher to pay tno costs. Coin. vsThos. Kelly. Indictment As sault and Battery. Bill iguorcd.Ann 31' Ki ennui prosecution (o pay tho costs. Com, vs Edward Campbell and 3Iary 3I'Douald ct. at, Iml. Assault and Bat tery with Intent to kill. Bill Ignored and Patrick Gallagher to pay the coats, Com. vs 3Inrthu Wells. Indictment Nuisance. Jury Bwprn. Com. vs Timothy Thomas. 1)111 Ignor ed and prosecutor Marshall J. 3Iooro to pay tho costs. Com. vs Anu Gallagher. Indictment soiling liquor without license Bill ig. nored nnd Prosecutor Edward Camp bell to pay tho costs. Com. vs Catharino Horan. Indict ment forceablo entry. A true- bill, Com. vs Collins Sntllil. Indictment Assault with Intent to kill. A truo bill. Com. vs Jnmea M'Cormlck, Indict- mont Assault and Battery. A truo bill. Com. va Collin Sutllfl'. Indictment ssault and Battery. A truo bill. Com. vs Wm. Thomas. Indictment Exposure of person. A truo bill. Com. si Wm. Thomas, indictment Affray. A truo bill. Com. vfl Ciuharino Horan. iikiici mcnt A3.atutnn"d Battery. 'A truoblll. Senatorial Conference. -Wednkhday, Aug. &-, 180!). Ai. ninnntinnr of tho conferees of tho cduutIN composing tho Flft eolith Sena torial District, nt- ine vniiKirK jiuum.-, in Northumberland, .present from Voatmota uowity noocrt, v. v,mw, S. SIcNInch. Montour County Daniel BIInieycr, Q. W. Miles. , XorllMihbcrlamilOiMl! M.J. u. Willi- tngtoti, John P. Pursol. iAillivan County'-James Docgan, Mi chael 3Ioylert. . ... Robert F. Ciark, of Columbia county, was elected dhalrraan. Ge6. W. Miles and 3IIehacl 31eylert wero elected Secretaries. Nominations being in order,. James Ocegan nominated Georgo D. Jackson, of Sullivan County'. John p. Pursci nominated wnnam 1. Wlthlnirtfin.of-Nortliumberlnnd county. Geo., Vu3Illesl nominated Thomiis CIialfnpt,;of Jtontour Cqunty. J, S. McNinch nominated Charles R. Buckalow, or Columbia county. woven anil scconueuinniinonuiiumi' i Intia itou plofkn. which was carried. Tt wan moved nnd seconded tiiat when din linllnln'rirri Inkcn Ihov shnll 'com- liifcndtfrilnhhbbtlcniry'with tho counties, and thou !tako tho nntuos of bounties noxtin order uTsti.nlul eontinuo In Hint wav tlirouch all of tho. ballots to bo il was incu nirrL'uu iu inuuucu iu miu lot. Bik ballots'1 were taken giving at ench balloting 'each of tho candidates two vptee.. ., ,j 1. . Wlien.qn motion adjourned until ono iMik-Ic ft' in'. ' AttPr voting tho' 10th ballot and no hniiilnallii.i. 011 niotion of Jns. Dcesnn seconded by 3Iiclmel '3teylert, that tiiis AWFUL DISASTER ! AV0NDALU COAL BREAKKu iiUlliNJiiU. TWO IHINBRED AND TWO MEN IM- PRIS0NK1) IN TIIK mm., nun tinailv subdued. MIX!! PULL OF CJIOKU-JJAuur. TWO :UEtT EILLSD nt TRYntO TO ENTER. conferencp dp npw.adjouni to. mtet.nt liapone. on too ursi luuminy ui oij- leinnei't 'iiucincu negaitveiy. Alter liiu"Jitu uauoi wun no nomi nation, the conforenco took a, rccesH of Ilfteen minutes. Sovcrnl further ad- jouniments and ballots having been inuen ; niter 1110 innn nanor nau ncun taken with no result, OP motion of 3Ir. Sleylertj It was Jirmteeil. Thnt nflor sir o'clock, .on .tho. mom- Itu lr the iTIli Inslnnt. Hint his colleague Jnrnc it t-giiii. lornil y 1 Dickhii, bo pennUUillooafUlui vntonf Suillmu .(Joumvln tills co)ilcrcuco imlUJieyieri rciurn 'tliinhlconlctcncBor llio i n ival of lil-Hsnballtuto, ' Which' was adopted unanimously. Adjourned to meet nt .Vankirkillpuse, September -Mil, nt half-past, ntno o'clock a. in. ' In' tho night session abov6, 3Ir. Pnr sbll, of Northumberland, being indis posed and desiring to leavo, E. L. Re bor was substituted .in ids place to act as a conforco frqm, Northumberland coun- I SATfJUDAY, Sept. 1, 1600. Confercnco met pursuant to adjourn ment. Frcfeenr, Robert F.Clark, Chair--mhii'j Geo. W. SliKs, Secretary-; J. S. McNinch, DJiniel Billineyer, M. J. D. Wlthington, h. Reber, aud James Deegan, conferees, Mr.'3Ieyldrt having been 'delayed, it 'was'1 ' , lUnlc Cil,' That James Dcesnn bo pertaltloitlo cait Mr. Jlcylcrt'a voto until liU return, nml also act as Bccrctary ird. (tin. After tholOSth ballot, adjourned un- lit n . Rcasseaiblcd, aud after 170th ballot Half past six 6'cldclc, met pursuant to ndlournment: 3Ir. Moylert having re turned took Ids position as sccrqtary. and member ot 1110 coniorencc. . After taking tho 181st ballot, adjourn ed until half past seven this afternoon. 3Ict and voted 'up to nrid including tho, 200th ballot, and adjourned until half past eight. After reassembling and op takfcn tho i202nd, ballot 3Ir. Withington having ilrst voted for Thomas Ohalfant, before to the conforonce, desireatp Changbiirs Voto, and on tho motion to that effect beirig put ho ?a3 granted leave, with' but'ono'dlpseiitln'g'voto. IIo then vo ted for Wm. P. Withlngtoiii IIa,yipg prococded to tho iiOOth ballot witout.rp4ult13Ir.,3Iilc from 3Ionlour lh'oNcd'to'ndJpurn' tb meet nt Blo6ms bur'er oh loth Sentcmber.- which motion -having booh put was decided In tho neg ative., After takinctko "OStli ballot 3Ir. 3fe. jNinch not participating, on his request to uoso was nuoweu to ruuro lor iiueen minntfcs; on returning 1 Mr., 3IcNinch havinff. 'declined to voto. and havlncr 'wllKdrawnfromtIoconfetcnco,(tliocon ferciico.dccliu!hg'to ox'cuso' him.) it wns 'moved th'nthiscolleaguo havo the priv ilege of substituting a conforco in his place,vhich'waa nnanlniously agreed H... - ' , l3Ir. Clark then Btibstitutcd David Lowdnlicrg as conferee from Colunibin county. Tho' conforenco, then nrocecded to tako the 210th Ballot and tho 3Iontqur eonierces navingproviousiy wiintirnwn, -nr. iJticKaiow received tno uuani inous nomination of tho conferencd. by tno ballots 01 Columbia, JNortnumbcr land and Sullivan counties, as Sena torial Candidato for tho Julh Senatorial District. " ' ' fPlio ChAirman',3Ir. Clark' having been' requested by tho conference,- informed 3Ir..Bucknlcw'of his unanimous nom ination, which bcintr douo. Mr. Bucka- lcjw thanked tho conference and accepted the nomination. 3Iessrs Jackson and Wlthincton be ing present accepted their positions of ueicntcucauuuiaicsinniow appropriate roniarivS nnci pietigeii .Mr, Jiucuaiow a corqiai support. ROBERT F. OhARIC, Chairman, 3IiutiAi:r, 3tj-:vi.KitT, .Secretary. so tici: or xojiiXA tjox. Hon'. CitAiti.KS R. Uuci:am:w. ' Dear Mr'iliy tho unanimous action of tho iconforees of Columbia, Northumberland, nml Sullivan Coun ties, you nrp declared tho' Candidato of tho ICtli Senatorial Dlstrictfor tho Stato tsenate. 1 ROBERT T. CLARK, - ' 1 , ,- Chairman. JAMES DEEGAN, I I'AVIU l.UWIiiSlJIJllU, 31. J. D. WITIIINGTON, k: I. REBER, I 3Iichai:i. SIbvleut, Secretary. A DCSPATCH from Governor Hnlglit conveys tho gratifying Intelligence that tho Democratic victory in California Is overwhelming, nnd that tho Democrats havo three-fourths of the Legislature, In tho last Legislature tho Republicans had tho Senato by four majority, and tho Democrats tho Lower House by twenty-four majority. A Clioycnuodcs- patch announces that thoDemocrnts havo also carried Wyoming Territory, elect ing their candidate to Congress. Thus tho extremo West thunders In respouso to the Democratic victory In Kentucky, Teunessee,VlrgIul.innd3Ioutanu,Thc50 nro cheering auguries of the moro Im portant triumphs to coino. Philadelphia, Sept. 0. ATHLirriCS DUFIIAT THIS HAYJIAlv KM. One of tho bpst coutested games of baso ball over played In this city took placo hero this afternoon, between tiio Haymakers, of Lauslngburg, and tho Athletics, or this city. Tho Haymak ers kept tho lead up to tho Inst Inning, when tho Athletics mado six runs and sent the Ilnyninkprs to tho bat, with lour runs to ovorcomo. Tho Hnyma'.c- crs mado but thrco, however, and con- sen,ucntly wero defeated by a scoro of 18 to 17. 'i no game was witnessed by over iu,uw pcopio. Plymouth Pa. Sept. 7. Vnatnrilnv imirnlm' nbotlt ten o'clock, flro broko out in tho Avondalo Colliery, (Hlnii inn Pnnl rin..i leased bV 1110 U. JJ. & W. R. R. Company, and situated n mtio below Plymouth. It wns ilrst seen liv thnan nutahln. when ut) nt tho head of tho cracker, or stack, to which point il nnd run rrom tno 1001 01 uiu siiuu,-oi feet from tho surface. . .... Tho best nuthoritios docitlo Hint tno llro must havo been communicated from tho ventilating furnace, llro having been kindled with wood yesterday morning. Considerable neat nan been nouceu near tho hoisting npparntus, so much so that tho engineer could not oil tho sliiivcs. Tho llro burned so rapidly that thecu- glncer. 3Ir. Alex. Weir, was driven iromtlioengiuosoon alter, naving nau tinio merely to blow tho wnlstloand fix things secure, so that thero would bo no danger of explosion. As tho flro passed up tho blinft and into tho breaker, It riiBhed Into the' cngiiio room as stated, tho engineer not having tlmo even to secure his'hat. In an almost Incredibly short spaco of limo tho entire works wero ono mass of ilames oxtendintr un tho breaker, which Is situated on tho siuo 11111, liity or sixty loot ingner man tho Bloomsburg RR. track and running down thocracker'nnd picker rooms and chutes, to tho trc.ik. Tho llro when thus in full progress, was grand boyond description, imag inn n nhinn of flro runnim; un one hun dred lect at an angle of tlilrty-thrco de grees aud then almost perpendicularly into tho air another hundred feet, whllo dcho clouds of smoke enveloped all surrounding objects, nnd a laint uiea will bo had of this mngnlncent specta cle. Before pi'occe'dirtg further. It will bo necessary to say thai whllo this was tiio .sccno nbovo gro'itild, Two IIU.vdiied and Two human beings, minors nnd other laborers, wero in tho bowels of tho earth beneath this mass of flro, to al intents and purposes buried nllve, nnd with tho faintest of all prospects oi over getting out alivo and thosceno nbovo will bo better appreciated. ' Surrounding tho flro on every side, wero hundreds of men, women and, chil dren, ihofemalo portion of whom wero making tho air resound with their frau ti,. distress. Wives wero wring ing their hands willing "Oh J my Jimmy," "God havo mercy ;" "Who'll tako caro of my children'" and using L'tH, and Wm. Smith went Konotliirty-llvomCr.: cd dlnnof enna anil cui'1 hope, its tho gases and smoko and flro ....... i.i i i.n.i fw.n nasn(rn arottUU the circuit and out again. As It Is, Uio fears nro that tho smoke has I'Ciietrated l,n lutinr mlnnsnild stlffOClltcd nil the men. Tho main' doorway iouub o.oo. iiau.pasts XoV. ti.n ...i,ir,Q i. w nni. vnt been reached. lams. D.W. Kmnu t. i .v.. io jr. 'l'ho third hot of men, four In William Thomas uw ,' .V number, went down and fnmu back in KOno thirty ininutes, and to''' fifteen minutes, two of them so oyer- Kyholo lot of men de'ul on I conio Willi tno ciiects oi mo k j; " they are being restored wun great uim- eu . run iras is coming out oi nm .u mine very fast sinco tho passago way was opened. Stl'TKMnEIl 8, Confereqs every form of expression of endearment' nnd 01 WOO. iUOincrs wero crying uui for their sons, as only mothers can cry, and feeling only as mothers do. No persuasion, entreaty, advice, or conso lation, served to quiet them. 'This con tinued for at least an hour, when they lif.nnmnnnif.tpr nq thov sawefforts mak ing to extinguish tho ilamos, and the rpst of tho day tho outbrenks wero less frennpnt. nithnusrh it was heart rending to seo individual cases of overmnster !;.!f.r m-i!..1i u-nrn nvliibitert nliiontr tho cabin's ef tho miners. THE MINERS' HOUSES. nnriiio- flin rarlv nrecress of tho fire. great fears were entertained thnt all the miners' houses, Which aro situated on tho sido hill, botii ways from tho fire, u-nniii lie consumed. Tho heat was In tense, but providentially tho wind blow up tho hill directly in tho lino of the flro, burning only tho forest trccs.Whlch blazed away liko writhing fiends. Tho women however, removed all their household goods from their tenements, and in tiiis way for a time forgot their m Inf .iiA.4.SA!Uas.tho flro began to bo visiblo "neighboring collic'ries, men15gto"i0 flock toward tho burning breaker. Superintendent Leo worked with all his might, his first caro being toremovo tho blasting powder from immediate proximity to tiio fire, to n placo of safe ty. IIo also telccranhcd to Scranton. Kingston', and' Wilkcs'-Rnrro, for flro engines, superintendent, runups as sisted in tho work -of organization. Thoy mustered n bucket company, nnd lormeu a nno irotn tiio tain: auouc nity rods distant, aud thus poured water on tho most exposed places.' Tno flrst llro apparatus to arrive was the hand cnglno Luzerne, from Kings ton, accompanied by a full complement of men. This cngino wns hauled up tno niiito wiimn a iow, ieetoi uiecrncK er, and was at first fed' with buckets from tho tanks and subsequently from several wagons which contiuunlly haul ed casks of 'water to tho Bitot. Thoto jwero kept running nil tho atternoon. Soon tho Good Will hand engine, from Wilkps-Darre, arrived at tho scene on a This did not get to work for souio timo owing to want of water; Tins cngino lor a timo supplied Na.v-Aug.stoamer from Scranton. with water,-but it, was found Insufficient when it stretched its lioso to tho flro nnd worked well in tho process of sub duing tho ilames. Ntty-Aug steamer arrived on tho grpuud about, ono p,'clock. As soon as nnsqlhln nflpv itq nrrlvnl. if. ivna ilRnm. barked. With it went down -100 feet of hose. As much of this as was needed was run up tho bank to tho btono wnll (00 feut, high), and was liaulod to its .top, and strjitelied to tho inputii of tho bliaft, which was encumbered with burning timbers and all manner of debris. Witter wns flrst obtained from Good Will, of Wilkos-IUrre, nml play ed into tho mouth of tho shaft, but uen iiiisstippiy was lounu insuuicicnt, tho engine was let down tho bank bo. low'tho 'railroad, whore, In a swall, Is a stream of water, usually copious, but then very scanty. A cask was hero sunk, and irom that time slio took sue tlou from that spot. OrE.N'INd br THE TUNNEL. At tho foot'Of tho thirty feet wall Is tho mouth of'h tunnel which runs through tho coal to tho shaft, tapping tho latter fifty or sixty feet from tho sunace. tiio mouth oi tins tunnel had been chocked up with' coal, falling tim bers; and other debris, and after tho flro In Its vicinity had been put out, men were sot to work to open it. Tills, was effected shortly after four o'clock. At 1-20, Nay-Aug's hoso was lot down tho bank and carried Into tho tunnel, tho far ond of which wns a mass of blazing ruins. It was not n long timo before tho hoso was advanced to tho shaft opening, when tiio boys wero nbio to turn their powerful stream Into It. By flvo o'clock tho llro wns so far extin guished that men nbovo could eommnnpn clearing awuy tho rubbish nt the top of UIU DU.IU. THE DEUItlCK. WMIo all theso other efforts had been malting, a forco wns engaged In rigging n "horso power," with which to work n derrick over tho shaft. Thoy had nuout COO leet of rope and all othor necessary uppurlcnnnces ready by tho timo tho derrick was completed and raKed. At ten minutes to six o'clock, ovory thing being roady, n dog, enclosed in n box with a slat Inn. mw lt ,tn.,-.. n, l.r. ... ... -- - '.."..""" " smut logcuier wiui a iigntcu lamp, for tho luirnoso of nscorlninlm If It L. s uu ior n man to go down tho shaft. If i i , i ,s , mvo 11 would bo proof .....I, uiu mi us nut io not auu too loul for breath. Ho was ltt down ns fur as tllO bOX Would rn fnr It.n nlulriinlln,,,,!.. tho nit. when, nt six nVln,-lr ti.n i,. was muled up, tho dog was found alive, und tho ilrst beiitlinont or relief wns ox perlcnc'cd sinco tho llro commenced. Whllo thodn'ru'im ilnu-n II. n ol.n lulot was requested, nnd a number o f men who wero nt tho mouth or tho tun nel, hallooed down tho shaft In tho bono that an answering bound wouh, bo heard from tho Imprisoned men. 3Inny in tho tunnel and nbovogrotiud thought il . ,1 tt.l II nml thov heard answer, ui hk"'i hmuedlately, cheer after cheer went up , frnm tlionsseniuicu IIIU1UJ....W. , i After tl o dog wns hauled up, 6fforbJ wero mado to call to t hoso below, but hero was so much confusion around n mouth of tiio shaft, so many pcoplo telnWhoiod there, and all kW so anxious to rco what was going on ti nt " was impossible. A policeman, ni id othew mnJo every cflbrt to get tho peo ple back, but nil to no purpose. It wm Innlly thought ndv sabio to turn a stream of water upon tbo crow d to tim o it nwny.. This was accordingly dono with Good Will's hose. When quiet was again restored, an other louu call was made. latMe sllcnco wns observed by tl o vn t con course, numbering thousands, but no answering volco wns heard, and hopo U i T ". wnm nt tllO same tllllO making to send a man down to recoil noitrc. vumi-7v nV,i Jlr. diaries vurtuu, ui : i ..nni. l.nmnd ntclv signified his Intention of making tho attempt to rcacli ids perhaps dying and ninyl ap dead fcllow-mluers, hfs noblo-hearted man, who Is about tliirty-llvo years i o age, nking his life li. his haju , liookcd on ins lamp, anu oiyii''- sacrificed such ills descent should pro o A bucket was rigged, and ho stepped into It, provided withnlantcrn, n buck et of coffee, a wet towel, and a signal ropo, by which to glvo nollco when lie wished to ascend. (i-MO v. m, Tho descent commences. Alter going down n few feet It was found necessary to change tho program me n little. Ho wns honied up again, and ids lantern fastened to the signal rope, and it wns then lot down slniuj in;.;,ci,. 1,-iHi iir. Vnrtuo's second at tempt (which commenced nt 0:31,) and .. .111,1,, I.Ij i-nnnll Cjll r. M.-Signal from Vartuo to bo drawn up. In threo minutes lie readies llm Inn nf lllfl shaft. 3Ir. V. reports, that about half-way down the shaft ho found obstructions u-i.tnii urnvrntpil bis further descent. A pump was lodged there, upon which n-itnii n stick of limber nnd other ob structions, nnd although thero was an opening largo enough to go through, ho leared to guuow n, bupnusing ium u no illil. Ilin ilebris would fall upon him. Tho brattico work nroun'd tho shaft wns not much burned. Ho reported tho ail lorfectlv good nnd not inuen licatcu mi Unit two men would have to go down, ns they could work together to good advantage. it was 111011!? it uest to sonu uuwn fresh men. and accordingly Charles Jones.of Plymouth, and Stephen Lvans uajNoiimgunm snait, voiuniccreu. r G;6!l i'. m. Tho two men wero provl ded with a hook and n hatchet, and some other contrivances, and started down. They gavo signals to stop, two or threo times and wero apparently en gaged in clearing away obstructions. 7:02 i m, Signal to slack off. Thoy wero then seen lrom nbovo to bo at tno bottom, and to get out from the bucket A season of suspenco followed. 7:03 l m. A smothered bound Is heard, as of heavy pounding somo dis tanco from tho bottom of tho shaft, and it was supposed above thnt it was upon brattico w ork built lo close up tho gang way by tho buried men, and thus pre vent tho entrance of firo and smoke. 7:12 r. m Signal to come up. 7:13 p. si Tho men cmergo from the mouth of tho shaft. As soon as Jonesand Evans got breath they reported that they went 70 or SO yards into a gang way, finding threo dead mules as they progressed. They finally camo to a closed door, upon whieli they pounded, wailing breath lessly for an answering sound from the unfortunate men. But alas! alas!! no sound came, and thoy felt compelled to return, first having noticed that a cloud of sulphur wns pouring out through tho crevices in tho wood-work of tho door. They did uot attempt to break down tho door, tearing that tno suipnur would ovcrnowcr them in their partially ex hausted condition. They discovered nnothcr gang-way running in another direction, Into which tho lresh air ap peared to bo rushing. Jones desired to enter tiiis but Evans refused, nnd the plo'ro it alone" " "nt "rudent to ex This colliery lias been running less than two years. Tho cracker and other buildings wero finished In tho year 1SC7 Thoy wero built under tho supervision of '3Ir. S. D. Kingsley, and cost $150, 000. Tho Dickson 3Innunicturing Com pany putjn tho machinery. Tho lois. is eatimnicu at su,uuu. avondale's capacity. Theso works wero ranked among tho large-it and best In the Wyoming Val ley. At tho timo of tho flro nbout -loO tons of coal wero daily hoisted from tho shaft, although that was by no means Its full capacity. During suspension times theso works wero idle, and had only commenced work on tho2d Inst. Plymouth turned out nlmoH en masse to seo tho fire. Four or flvo thousaud pcoplo must have been on' tho ground when tho last Scranlon-bouiul train prsc'i Plymouth, and tho eriC3 of tho women hud again commenced, on nc count ortlio unfavorable news brought up by Jones and Evans. Lato in tho.'nfternoonMr. Storrs start ed for Scranton to get n relay of exper ienced miners, who wore, it was said to bo employed In tho adjoining mino to endeavor to open n passago to Avondnle, which was variously estimated at from twenty to fifty feet distitnt through tho . ..,ll. t i.n,"i. T ho men ascenti io t " '' or tho sl.nrt. .They repor in Mm iilnllorm Oil Win." M . . t' went ic ty feet express nn opinion thntTT tho mine nro boyomh?nl'(,!,H cry nllve; thnt sCelfe''" u down; thoy nro mi f buforu ventiiro irinv iirncceded about thlr- ?rcat deal or carboi lu nc Id ;n l" incK , o 1 1 n0.Wt) ' rctrintcii, niter coino c-oiiHlilnmM . . ".Ul llr llJIIVvj"1 --""v viiiin. tmiiiiii iuiit.t na coino conn u ora u u. ' t "-'uiunnti ., iituuir ...? - roiu mun wnll vnn n.n . .7 thick on tho bottom pi t no " . wlthstnnd flin r,, L" wiUh Charles Jones, nnd Isaac Thomas, u n otlior SHiicrs' Committee, now begin to descend tho shaft. (llrll 12 !!0. TllO SCCOIlll 101 " l s'd-ely. nshad tho Ilrst. Thoy peno. nted tiio gangway soventy-ftvo feet In enough to learn anythini,, St1 2:55-Tho air is gctl ni?K,ttt mines. Turn l,n,i. ,lln.K bttte.. mines, been found found in tho stnbio " mnn probably elcliinnn .LV't other u mlil(lli..iHr,i ,. .."M ei It X'Sor', m lngthis :iJgive circulation or w -u m ... cs belo 0 th t . . ".. 4 1, .... rpTiirn- I ..." u nil nrounu iu inu t-iiuu.iw, ...1 n.nn ... oiuu j. miner otceie, shl t 7 ... ... ..... inr,n iJCllisoilttlocum. i rt J Had this small uoorueeu iuum "i -i r,,,,,,,. there might havo been ft shnuow m - mwio, I DenlsonSlocum, drlVr T ' 0.10 A. st, WuiiXKsniv t tindUiobodiwwlllToiJS: ruiiidiy as possible. Tho if lipt niteriero to any groat ? 7:30-At half-past gongs which has Just rt-toriJ it thiiv wont, no ii... ..!..luni'" . . "1- IIUUP. ..Vt.V U 1 1 LIII1 I. IO., a . Which n barrier wns mw 'i:1 near packed around wih7? nnd p nil. l.,.. fi'i.i. ... "V """J'ccetiingnilttlB fllr!f Iinrrut. . , "i villi ii ( i. ii 1 ir structcd ns the first. couipiyted siivo it small "'""ff- , , , sufllclcnttondInltoftlles'! I can of course bo mado to lnilll .b6dy nnt, it , , do door or penetrn o tho ho hnd Just finished his tit o o outer gangway is cleared ,)rm,r,Jn tn , a,si" i nn Tim iu-n men nro not vet reviv ed. Doctors Throop and i,vernart, pi Scranton, and Wilson, or Plymoutn, I.. nmiilnnin. Tim wildest oxcito- mont prevails, and mo mass oi pcopio ,.r l-,,.,t l.ii-L- with I'ri-ilt dlfllcultV. ii. t o two niiuurs uiu Niitu ui. last. It M!oms lillo to peril llfu by any at work in lavincui. tin, T '- i..uii.- ni j,., n it i nii-n nn nn . n,..,.,. , . " - ---r o-uL luiinui iuii--iiii'i7 iw ..w .. .. ....-n the gas Is so strong, JNo attempt t reach tho ma! mine until the outer gangway nr ...... Ul nils. . y.lO.liOloro sending down liny inuiu men, the precaution was taken to lower lighted lamps into tho pit. Finding llnit llinv luirnpil freolv at llio bottom, at threo o'clock four men descended tho shaft. After ten minutes nbsenco they returned in good condition, nnd report ll.n ritiiuwiilii-ni much l Hirer. . ., 1 .- ..... i- i, ...!.!.(.. I...II" Aiiotncr set Will louuw wunin nun un hnnr. nnn it is noueu mat exniuru tions can bo soon pushed deeper into tho mine, and that developments oi in icrewt. will follow. 3.80. Another relay of four men next wi.nt, down thn Rhaft. Thov nroccedcd along tho gangway, through tho first door, aud about soventv-flvo feet furtli or. when thov onencd n door leadlnc to tho furnace. It was found to bo full of burnim? con . and Hint tho flro hnd com munlcated with n heat) of coal, near by. which was also n Making raabs. Ouu of tho party becoming overcome .with tho gas, tho rest retired nulekly, and.barcly reached tho' plntforin in timo to 'succor tiirco oi mo number, un reaciung tno mouth of tho shaft ono of tlinm wus carried out bodily by four men, nnd tho two others assisted out to tno open air. where they wero resuscitated with great difficulty. 1.00. A consultation was now held and sad and serious wero tho delibera tions, ah euorts, so lar, to renovo tno a D3IINISTKATIIIX .Nf men or get ai mem to-uuy navo neon i xa. laTAns or tiiomas utt LcltcrH ui namlul!.trutiuu oi TUomas l.ungclou, Into or leutr. pruparing to join nn mkj upon tho opposito side of the , by crnwling back. Thhba,..1 moved, when tho whole f.rf.'i congregated logeiiicamli on tho other, dead. i No hopo remains of aft., of tho wholo vast nunikJ, preparations nra goingonfe. removal of tho bodies, Mb'1 with tho poor nrrniigcmeiii'n ing, will tako tho great" t day. Tiio condition of tlfJt stnntiy Improving. i H.-iu. At, tins timo the tn . to bo brouirht un. 'tuJ11 heart-rcildiiig in tho oxtrerlc 1 wives. Bisters, and ciiiidrc' ndar the openliiL', anxiom.t discover tho features of thej.i Our want of spaco forWOi i . Of each cas1). Morning' NEW ADVERTISE. JTOTICE TO TItlSI'ASI All persons nio hrrt-by ho: paa on tiio lnnds nftlio uudors.t Cuntro township, fvr tho l-urp. tnltlni; fruit, nriuiy other ol,Ji nftcr tills uotlco wilt lio t'linls1-. :i law. ICnxTHE, Sept. lO.'tiO 8THHD Theso men want ilnu-n nn ii.n .n,,i train at 7 o'clock with 3Ir. Storrs? nnd forty pr fifty men beside the passengers nlsp 200 feet of hose. It was reported during tho afternoon (said to bo on tho authority or 3h. Weir tho engineer nt Avondalo;) that when tho firo broko out ho was letting into tho shaft 3Ir. Steel, stablo boss, with a lot of straw, nnd that ho was no moro than half way down nml must eonse quently havo been killed. Ho has a family of six or soyon young girls. Wo could get no further particulars in rela tion to 3Ir. Steel's fate. Avotfiuu: SuArx, 12 o'clock mid, night. Sinco Chaso left I learn that sovcral parties went down nnd two wero suffocated Thomas W. Williams pf Plymouth,and David Jones.of Cranii iunnel. After going down onco or twlco, Williams's dead body was brought out by David H. Davis nnd llcnj. Jones. Thos. L. Williams went down nnd dragged David Jones somo dlstancoto tho shaft, then camo up. John W. and Isaac Thomas then went down nnd brouuht hia iifn.i i.n.i.. All wlio nttempted to go down aro now No other attempt will ho mado to go rlntvn until n r..nii i . . r.n.A; .1 " ?"..a.",V u nnn ian nro " " ui uiuKiinit, a canvass ..U.U" uh, ret-.,ouiiiai n r can bo forced down. All who havo beendown say it Is verv hot. Tho door is closed and loud calls havo been made, but no answer. V10 ?nl i1'0,1'0 fur tho Ine' l tho mines Is their having shut themselves out entirely from llio draft. Tho cngiiio and fan will bo ready bv flvo o'clock. J J 9 o'ci.oci;.Tho most experienced men nil agree that every person ii, tho !? j.urlshoil l'reparations , hastening to force nir down tho shaft. hoiira dcscont WIU b0 mm,u within in 10.20. Thninns r .-..,., w,..,.. uiii iu jwuniiaie, aro mill:. In-' tho first descent or tho Shaft. Thoy proceed nnlv nnn Immli-n,! ri nnd lower threo lumps, which burn freely. Obstructions prevent tho lamps reaching the bottom within fifteen feel! lO.-U-Carson and Davis remain In tholr ; position, reconnolterlng tiio Shaft Tho lumps still burn. The fan continues to forco down air. ilH10 wo men hnvo ascended and tho Minors' Commit tco aro getting ready to go down. Thoy w.ll tukouxes, saws, Ac, to clear tho passcro. T. 3Iorgan, of Nnnti uot at them to-dny worse than fruitless. Tho ulr bos been forced into tho mino all day through tho gangway, in which stands tho iur- naco. It had been understood sinco last night that the coal in tins furunco had been drawn out and extinguished upon tlid Hist alarm of fire. Such was the report ot those who flrst entered tho mine Monday night. It now seems not. und that tho voluuio olair seat into the mino has swept over tiio burning lur naconud curled nil tho gases and smoko thercrei'rom into tho inner recesses of tho mino. This alone, continued as it has been all day, would' bo enough to havo caused tho death of every inmate of tho mine, even if any had been ,ror- "iintQ enough to havo Im" nlivo this lnornilit;. 5:00 Hoso is being let down tho shaft ns tho firo must bo extinguished beroro any further progress can bo made.- 7:10 At0:ii0, four men, went down' nfter letting-'down water hoso to tho end of tho uirplpo.nnd overthe furnaco to put water on and'deaden thti 'flro in thu furnace. They returned in fifteen minutes, saying that tho water hoso was tangled in tho Shjiito that they could only partly nrrango it, nnd thoy could not find tho holo by Which they expected to enter. At 7.10 another relay of four men went down. Thoy returned in about twenty minutes, reporting that they had been at tho furnaco and found everything nil right except tho flro In tho furnace, which was still burning. Ihey could not arrange tho water hoso until it was hoisted up a little. They were not seriously affected by tho foul air. 8.30-At 7:50, John I'rico, Evau 3Ior ris, Wm.JI.Thoinas.aud Elijah Thomas, went down, making Slotris's second trip for the purposo or arranging tho lioie. They wero down twenty min utes, and Uvnn 3Iorrls was brought out insensible, falling before ho reached tho carriage, this second tiip proving moro than ho could stand. Ho was resuscita ted in a short time. Tho others were all right. They succeeded iu getting the ho;o ready to haul up. T V 1VrI,-:At 8:25 i'-M.John Williams, John Hopkins, II. W. Evans, aud 1)! .Evans went down, nnd staid 25 mill ules.causingconstderableanxlety among thoso nbovo. Tho hoo was carried for ward to tho furnaco, thirty fiot. They reported that thero was no firo except that In the grate, which seemed lo be llli Ulll. n vV0r" Ipwell.orTnvlorvillo.Tl.os. rX ?f 1 u"ovuo, and Thos. E. Davis, or ISaiitlcoko, n Commlttro or Miners beg hi to descend tho Shaft. Thoy pro! ceed slowly and with enro. 1 At U 05, Win. S. Price, Lewis Davis, O. D. Davis, and Win. 31'Qregor went n?2rjj,,,JUt1!lf.t(;r twenty mln ut AfW,1 110 now developments. rAt H','10' 1I0S' M- i'riee, 3lirk Evans, 1rny and D.W.Ueeso went down nnd after n lapsoof 1C minutes returned and reported thn imai ,.in,i i.. " ' for the water, the Idea' being to' tl row nr nnar ,? 8B0,,n,&t Ml0 ,t00f nt tl Pressure ' i,ml let U M on tboiurnaco. h lo theso inen wero down.thoso who anxiously awaited tho result or their descent wero considerably scared by tho ,.ir ii B 0fr-lt' cnused b7 tl10 cooling o if ot tliosurfacorock. Fortunately no uuu ua nun, o'dock."Th0 Wntr WflS tu"lcd 011 nt 10 At 11:15, D. 31. 3Iorgnn, It. ir. wn. &,A'1,,,u"w. AVin J. I'rico i n. n t'1 anl 'flftcen minutes. Dad nir is coining up tho shaft. nnTi ,?m 030 13 forclnK wator upon tho flro nnld Uo.lllJi K00d execution. Tho men dkJ0not ndvnnco further than tho fur- At twelve o'clock David S. Jones. Joli'lPwhi'6'011' Sa!nu,t!l Morin,2Sd John Williams went down, and after remnlnliig twenty-llvo minutes Insldo dltion, tho bluo .lamp that now com nenced risliig making them quite sick. XhS 1'rf,,sl,(,! 1,8 1,10 others wero At about tho tlmo this gang asked lo bo hoisted, (icorgo Morgan, who was wa chliigattho opening or tho sin It, had to bo removetf anil al except four or flvo wero driven from the tunnel.tho bluo damp that was coming up tiio s mft making Morgan sick, uuiF placing who might bo in tho tunnel 'in a very perilous situation, , ":0,5-'i11'!llnK3 nt '3 tlmo nro at a stand still, except as regards tho water going In upon the rtirnaco and tho rising of tho bluo damp. Ko ono has been down sinco tho gang last reported, nml although an cilbrt Is making to get another gang to go, and although threo who have not yet been down aro ready, thoso Iu authority are ulraid to run tho risk, unless somo ono who has been down, goes along. Ob.ervntlou thus far convinces us, ns it also doos all who lila co.( deceuKed.liavo In-en eras" lernf Bnlil county to WlnnelorlU.11 tmllulloro'AU pcrhonftlialni&. ugnlnKt the cututo ot the ihoiili-.i to make tlicm knoM-n, ftnd Ui) luuku payment. WINNXFur.I..t Bept 10,'CO-Ot. J- A D3IINISTItATUIXWn XV. 124TATK OF IJAMFt. J, IV 1.1'lter.sofailnilnlstmtlonnuL,. M'JCIern.ln latoof CouyiiKliamti; R ilecwiscd, Iiavo heen grauU-ilt r Columhla c-onuty, to Auj 1TL. sniuo plaeo. All iktmuik tirjl IIIIIJUUS IlKUIUftl lllti m.l.l Kl.1, , prcKunt them fni-Kottlciiunl m I ihono InachtcU to luaku paym. . Sept. 10,'CO-Ct . .) E"XECUTOIt'S NOTK'fo t KSTATK Of JOHN llKMUTt J IiotterH U'&tprut-niary uuiliet molt, lato of Mailt!,on tuuisliii ly luivo liui-n grauteit by tlii. l(.. liln county lo tjllaa Wcliitit m 1 . fihlii Columbia couuty, Tn. All 9 I claim af;uliibt tho c-btateiirert.,., them to lho i:ei-ulor In M- I Columbia county, 1'a, TIh.mj.i- . lalu cither on uoto. Jutlgiru-bl.ii iiceouut will mal.o i-ii)iiiut c vllliout delay. Pept. 10.'C9-CV. r p D II L I C S ALU -01- VALUAllLi: llKALls'-1 Iu purMinncoof an orilerotli of l.uzcrno countv. l'u.. on Mu: October lhLUutouu o'clmk tu 1 any lit the hoimo ni i,oi.i lics adJulnliiK said iirt-tulse lu. Columbia county la. ii,n.i.uli-1 trntor of tliu Kstato ol Jil, Im , bra.i Luzerno county deiiii-rfJ1-wilo ulltlioue twocontliruoiw to. unto in tho towushlp 01 Lotukiii-, Columbia adjolnlni! Iiinil. ot.'-' nail L.00 and others. 'Ihelirstu nlnctynluo acus ami blstj wlilcli Is moro than half iljaril slato of cultivation, Uio balin . cd. Tho second thereof mmr -1 acies, of which a few ncri nn" J part of It 18 limber laud, comiu ty white oak, ihistmit, jtii'J Umber nil of which woulJ iii million leetoflumiien lueui"" quality. IlothorhaldlracUiK,, 3 Hprlugs and a stream of Muter ' mild tracts- nnd a public row Joins outnld tiacts, aUo me trailts of Kood timber InuaMtom Hlilri adjoining laudi hcu-luta'-TI10 ilrst thereof conlaliilnsli', ' cs, tltosccond thereof contaliilM1 ptrches. tho third thi reol conta -W pcrclien, the fourth tlieitiJ?--aiul33 peiches, tho tilth H'"' acres and Ul perches, strut mu liforesald tracts nio consWewiu ed laud lu that vlciully.and bay vantaiie by laylns so near im , liood loads to market, vu: i.i' -i trnlla, nlno mlle3 to AshlanJ mlieno Catuwliisa. Fannirsi oiieiators, Bpeculiitois uud i.U'" remembor tho day of s ue. An examination of suld l'r0L bent recommcidfttlou of It. 1 , ,lltrtll:llcdodmlulstnltorwlllW, l.fivli Leu imtlioadolulil'" i'ny previous to thodiiy off1'?; deslro of hhowlns said Um',?: and every person Imvliiua ii""; belore the sale, also ouoot ship (near Hlabtown) wU0ful" Tnuel, Joseph CttllaiidullierMj moro or less Improved IuJ property of said 'JfeSLu.W TEI'.MH OF BAUif'reu l" clioto money to bo naidiu iii ' lho property, 0110 tulrd less IW.K dayofAprlHs7Uat which I'JjJ,' be Btvcn.ttie reinalnlngoue ttu of April 1B71 with Intercstna day of April 1670, tho p'inj'f'ov aud stamp. 1"v'' i. IIitqiisvilli:, Sept. 10,'(i'J TOST .-FIVE IW U WAUD.-On Monday tnj twocn lleadershott's lirw l; near Iron, a small leal her if init S25 in inoney. two golO I ' ;v will bo paid for Us return ton; Woomsburg, Sept. 3, , OTIOE. My wife Karali, liavlnu kJ wlthoiitjiwt cnuso or pioi hereby ilotllled not to trust " wlferiarnli as 1 will not pn JJ'f or any bll Is of her coutrui-U lleuton towi.slilpCol.eo. m' ucpu a,'i-3t rjliOACIIEHS VAN'l'l:t'' bovon Male und t!dl'",,'''S!t wanted for lliosi-lioolsoft"-"" Columbia couuty. , , I.lberul willies will bo P-iiJ',,. ( Applicant will appear f. , Creosy's Hi-hool Housu, 11 Jrlcl, on Wednesday the ' ur,j li-o-j." i'''';ni:v!v'iii.- Cbntiib, Kept, iVUMi. 1 ., , C10-lAItTNESIII' rl.o .l l.nvnfllteKJ.1 sl-'oiuidersundMni''li''ii Iry heretofore occuphj1! 1 Tho shin as l''ouudry (ir'xiK'i; . The Imolisof tho lalo tltm' K. It. Ilder, to w honi all iw',l,u lllodmsbnris June U,'HM TIIOHNTON auuoiince ; ,u, nv. inui t J.-f". l,o till fM-- wouiu noiiu....vy :- .,Iui uuri uuu viciuuy, 1 ' t nua coiupielcussoiuii-. pi W AIili I' A I'll It, all (other Booitsiu lilj ; J10, , newest and niost l'l'r, in u'' and 1110 ... IIUWI-NV UUU i'"",-,,.., 1 ia u1? day uru olwuys to bo f"".1' USt. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers