KATES OP ADVEBTIOING. One -qtiarr, (It'll lino or lli ciiiiUh I'lit In nonpareil typclotioor two Wer. lent In iioiiimrcll tvnci tlont, jl.ri; three Inscrliolix, 2.(W. SPACE. H. 3. or. lr. Onusquam., ... Two KrpinrcN.. Thrrc squnres 11,110 6,00 7,no 1),(X) 12,00 1S.00 H,'J0 7,110 0,00 11,00 11,00 I00 16,00 110,00 tl,U 15,00 12,00 1K.O0 17,00 23.CO 10,80 80,00 30,00 00,00 ... 3,10 ''shed every' Friday morning ,1 Columbian Building near the Niouscv.by ' ""if bor otuI EKopitiotpi'. I 1 MluWpil "is. Two ttoBnrs fftfjravr; pnyn- nlvrinco. ' WAW Knur squares.. .7,00 luni ler column,. 10,00 Half column 1,".(X1 Oiio column 80,00 80,00 40,00 00,00 1O0.CO lYocutnr'H or Administrator's Notice. W.00; Auilitor'aor Assignee's Notice, 2.60. Local Notices, twenty cents lino by the yenr ton cents. Cards In llio "Directory" column, t2.00 per year for tlio llrst two lines, niul 1,00 fur each additional line. BLOOMSBU11G, PA., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1869. .id with ' tieatiibea'.ntid' VOLUME III NO. SC. COL DEM.-VOL. XXXIII NO. 25). 11 UlSpiUCll, Sue 1 JfijMjjPBB? MUjfffllY. METZ. dcalerlH BtoVM A tinware, Main ovo court house. ' vl-n 13 ltUPEHT, stoves nnd tinware, Hupcrl c, Mnln kUi west of Market. ' V1-1H3 CLOTHING, .APtvv , i 1 : ' fENBEIta.mrrcnanttalUir, MalnBt., 2d ' above American house, fjin-i vl-m3 ' lOKllIS, Merchant Tailor nnd.Agcnt fur slew I'tirhnm Hewing Machine, corner of ind Main Street ftljUYe'Mllltr'B Store. i Ifl.r VS-uM. J'nuo87omaMiQA'Lsy. tc. I DUOfC drtlgglsM arid apothecaries, 'er's block Main t. ' V1-U13 iit?. ilmffirtat Mil a not1ifJa nr.. ltnnert fit. Main t. west of Market.. ... vl-uM CLOCKS, "WATCHES,, fO. r ZUrriNaEK. Watches! Spoctaclennd ryosc. Main Street noariW est Bt. YJul5 V i i T . 11EHNHABD, Watch and clock" maker. lOulheaatcorner Main and Iron ts.vl-nJ.) v,VAai5,deler In clocks walctieB and ' Iry, Mam at., just below American JOAIIT, watch and clock' VnaVcr, Market IlowMaln. 1 1 vl-nM BOOTS AND) BUOES.i l', UOWN, boot and nhoomaker.Moln (street 'alio Court Itonse. ' ; .' " Vl-nl3 i uEDEH.rannnfactUfcr'nnddeaierlnboota 1 ihoes.Malnst;, opposite JEplsoopal ehurch t KLEIM.-mahnraclnrerJnnd denier In I and shoes, groccrlotroto., East Blooms , Inst.- ' ' vl-nll , m , . r I,. ,V n 1l! 11KTZ, boot and ulioomakcr, Mnln t., i'.'r llartman'g store, west of Market street, vl-nll PBOS'ESSIONAIi;': r ANS.M. D.sargeon ana physician fcoutli lilnsU.bcloVMarltct.. , 1 ;, ., vl-nl3 . '' ; ' i , ,' V.il ,t... i F. Kinney Surirboh doutist, teothcxtrnc t Uhout pain. Malu St., noarly orposlta lcuurdi. ; . . mi inl ,vl""'8 KKLVY, M. D. BUrBeon and physician nlilo Main St., below Mnrkot, ' vl-nlJ TT1SK, M. svjfgson1 'and Thyslclau, t su. above-Main; vl-m ' - O. HOWEH, anreeou dtnttst, Main St., .n.'court house. ' ' vl-nti LL , L , , I ,, Ui , i. M. llober, Surgeou nud riiyslcl.m.Ex- e UlocK over Webb'B llooK store, va-niti . llllHON, Altorne'y-at-rW.lifnco llart s bnlldlng.MalnHtrcet. VJ-U20 1 1 , r:EtiER, Attorney.at-Ij.wlOfllcc, 21 Iloor 1 ' tchnnue llloclc; near me "ISxchnnBo Ho- INEBY & FANCY GOODS. KLINE,. Millinery. nnd'Pancy Ooods, J Jtreet uolow Market. vimo .17..IK llAniCLEY, milliner, llnmsey .liiig.Malast., ,, .vl-ufl '. D. WE11B, fancy coods, notions, Ixioks, mcryy Kxohnnge block Mnlustrcot. H u " ' 1 ' " ' t.. EltMAN, millinery and fancy goods op- Episcopal church, Main st, vlui3 ,, UL1A A. & BADE UAUKLKV, ladles i s and dress patterns, southeast corner d west st. r '.,"v. vl-n!3 .. DEUHICK80N, millinery and fancy t, MulntopposUo Votut lloilsa.1 vl-nll . U. KUltMAN, milliner. Mala St., below 1 1 nun's store, west of Market su vuii IH.11 11ARMAN .mllUnery and lancy Mulu street Just below American bouse. Ol'KLSi AND -SALOONS. OCK, oyster and eating saloon, Amun. II" ouse, Mulu sW, lKiUtoriutoeU. suiKnu- 'Ell & 'JAU01iy, coilfectloury, b.iucrj, yster suloon, wnolesala and retail, Ex lock, Main si. ' .. vi:uu OUANBEVILLE DIBK0T0RY. DH. O. A. M1X1AUOEI-, physclnn and surEeon, Stain St., neit door to 6ood'B Hotel. vl-ul? BltlCK 1IOTEI, and refreshment saloon, by Wm. Mnslcller cor. of Mnlunnd l'lnesl.vlui7 1TAUMAN nilOTl lEItH. Tnnnc rs nnd mann fnc fl tuners of ltnlher, on Mnln St., below Uoods' hotel. v2-nl7 ifAVn) HEltniNO Flour nnd Orlst Mill, Uenler In grnln, Mill Street. V and -n7 nOWElt Si HEUtUNO, donlcr 111 dry gwids, J groceries, lumber and general Merchandise Mnln st. - vl'nl7 PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY "y I LLI AM PISIIEH WITH THOMAS CAUHON A CO. M'ltOI.ISAI.R DHALIUIS m Jiosninv, MEN'S I'UHNISIIINO aooiw, I.1NENS & NOTIONS, NO, IS KORTIt I'OUItTlt HrilKKT l'UILADVl.VJUA. lino 1,'0'J-Cm JOHN FHYMIHE, saildlo nnd hnrucssmaker Main St., above the Bwan Hotel. vl-tH7 u7w7"cot.EMAN, Merchant tailor nnd , Ucnt's furnishing goods, Mnln Ht., next door to the brick hotel. Vl-nl7 JOHN 8TKOUP A CO., Mucci'ssois to Kironp a iimtiicr W1IOL1-WALE DEALERS IN Hull, No, S4 North Whnres, inn' Ui NuM V ii.in., PblliutelplilH JAMIM 11. HAUHAN, Cabinet Maker, nnd Un dertaker. Main Hi., below l'lne. Vl-nl7 H, H.4C. KELCHNEIt, Blacksmiths, on Mill Htreet, nenr l'lno. vl-n!7 G. WILLIAM DELONO Bhocmnkernnd mnnufac turcrof Urlck,MlllSt.,wcstofrino vlnll LEWIS It. BCHUYLEn, Iron founder, Machin ist, luid Mnuufactutcr of plows, Mill St.vl-nl7 MILKS A. WILLIAMS A Co'ranncrsand Man ufacturors of leather, Mill Btrcet. vl-nl7 All. IIEHIUNU & UUOTHEll, Carpenters anil , llnlldcrs, Mnln Street , below l'lnu. vl-u 17 SAMUEL SI I AIIPLEHS, Mnker of I he I Inyhurst Umlu Cradle. Mnln Ht. v2n5. hnrness maker Omngovlllo, opposite Krnmo church. vl2nll T M. HA11MAN, saddle nnd s 0ATAWISSA DIUEOTOUY. SUHtlUEHANNAorllrlck Hotcl.fi.Kostebnuder proprietor, south-east corner Main and Hecond Street. "i-llPJ 1). IHNARI), dunlcr In stoves and lln-unrr, Mnln Street. v2-u!2 WM. It. ABHETT, attorney at law.Mnln Hlreet. V2-UI2 GILBEItT A KLINE, dry roikIs, griHerles, and general merchandise, Mnln Hlreet v'J-nl JOHN O. YKAGKK it CO., Wholesale iietiirrs in HATH, CAPS, STltAW (IOOHS, AND LADIES' l'UI'.H. Nn. 'St7 North Third Hlicl, Mnr.l0,'i,0-ly Phlladelphln. L, KK11.I.U. billiard tmtnon, nyhtcrH, uinl k-o c renin in season Malu Btrt-ct, v2ul'J K. DALI.M AN, Morchnnt Tailor, Becond Ht., lloblilns' llulldlug. V2-H1S. EBr- nn. J. K. itonniNH jj MecoinlHt., below Mulu. Hurneoa Rtid riiynlclnu. vs-n is. J II. KiSTI.Klt'CiitlAwimillonNP," Worth West .Corner Main iiud St'couU ytrootn. vil-nis. MM. nilOUMT, duulur in Uuiivrul MtTclmiulNc, , Dry Onads, (IrocerloH Ac, v2-nlH, LltlllT STUEET DlltEUTOltY. 1)KTElt NT, dealer lu dry gootls, groceries, tlour, fet-d, halt, Iron, nulla, etc.. hlght JTKUWILUaEI Cubluetmaker, HUd CliitlruiHktir. UuderUikor vlulO IT U. OMAN & II above school house, Wheelwrights, llrsl door TW.HANKEY. dealer Inrnther, lIldon,Ilark tf ouj. umii am lor uiuch. vl-nll) RS. ENT, dealer lu tlllU brandies. bturos uud ttuiwareln JOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer nud dealer lu boots uud Hhoen. vl-ntl. T J. TjKIBKK. M. 1). w Olllco at Kellcr'H Hotel. Burgeon aud riiyslolan Vi'Uil ir. I It VINE. Medical Htoro Mnln St. nud , lirlnrcreel: ltoml. ESPY DIUECT0RY. T D. WEItKHKISKIl, Boot nnd Shoo Store . 4 uuu luauinciory. nop poslto steam Mlil. on Alain street, op- va-ni WSPY STEAM FLOUItINO M1LUS, C. 8. Fowler, SU t'ronrletor y2.nltt Br. HEIOHAllD, A 11110., dealers In dry romIh. , groceries, nnd general merchandise. vl2nll ,, VICllU, confectionery, bakery, and uys ""loon, wholesale, and retail,' Exchange - W. EDUAH.KusiiuchnuuaPlaulus Mill and uox Atauui-ictory. NUH HOTEL. bvJCoons A Clark. Mnln Dosltecourthoaie. . Am vl-nlJ BUSINESS CARDS. T CAN HOUSE, by Jouh Lkacock, st of Iron street. Main vl-uU HOTEL, by O.. MAtTOKn, cast end of I .r vi-nw i INKlt, refreshment snloon.Mnln st.,Jnst a courthouse. ' vl-nl3 JOB PllINTING Neatly cxecnted at this Office. A CLARK (o hotel. refreshment ftnlonll. Kl vl-1113 ICH ANTS, AND CmOCERS. iiu rnnl..t!rtnprv. pt-UCcrleS etc. MnlU ilowlron . ' i : ' vl-ulS nf .BILLElt, dealer la' dry goods, groceries, U"usware, nour, salt.inoes, notions, etc i, nioek.. Main street.' vl-uu . i VY NEAL a Co., dealers lu diy goods, rlus. Hour, feed, salt, nsu, 11011, nuns, liieust corner Main auu Market st. vl-uki K i uvkk' iiillh and ouim. Jioota and snoes. u st., ubove Court House. vl-n u AUK, dry goods and' uotlons, southwest jr Malu and Irons!: vt-u i jEI'SHOLTSI, dealer In Dry Ooods, tlro ' is, Boots HU0l,s, c.,corutr malu nnd Inm . - oWKlt, dry goods, groceries, etc,, corner i."'i.-i.i.'v irnvRtnnnRlinMsuiro.books and ' imurv. Main bUbelow Market vl-uU .tam RUAHMtlH. confectioneries. Mnlu near the railroad.' ' ' vl-ml J DENH ALU, general stock of incri han .. ..n.i i,imMr.nnpmf MAln street and road. '' ' Vl-lllJ QHAS. O. BA1UCLEY, A T T 0 11 N E Y A T - 1. A W, HLooMsiiuna, ta. Ofllco In the Exchange Building, Kocond slory. over Wldmycr A Jacoby's Ccmfecllonery, Second door nbovo tlio Exchrngo lintel. Bloomsburg, Jnn. 1, lTO. jy H. L'VELLK, A T i UHfl r, 1 -A 1 -JJA v , Ashland, Schuylkill County, l'enu'a. Q W. MILLEll, A l 1 IV is r, i .vi i, -i , nnim Willi M. If. Llltle. In brick Imllilliu: ml Joining l'ost Olllee. d-Bounties, l'.uelt-l'.iv nnd rellkloiiB collected. sepl b. JOBEHT F. CLABK, A x i u it n js i . i A W OIllco corner ol Main uud Market sheets, five Flist Nallouul Buuk, Blisimshmg, l'u. roau. t ' 1UHNB, dealer In. dry goo.1. grcerles etc. JJj 'Mblock-Malnst.. bolowlrou vl-n3 -- H. LITTLE, TitTON. Orocerles A lrovlslon8, Malu t. below Market , ' Yi:"" LUTZ dealer In oholco.dry goods, and Ins. Main U, opK)slta, cvrl house. " YEit,-groccrtes nnd general merchandise t St.. abovo West. vl-u 13 t.VMEH 4 Aj K. HAYHUUST, Dealers m u1' Mtfirlen. . Confectioneries II And Notions. u. south side,, two doors above Brobsi's UMUI IIHflf. . -,.ti,. ' '' MISCELLANEOUS. I CADMAN. Cabinetmaker and Chair- inl rooms ou Main Btrcet, 3-n'Jl CHHIbTMAN, saddle.truult and harness er. onnoslui .LnlsDOiwl church Mulnst.. , , sail id tteonMainst., west of Market st. vl-mj ' lf,,l,K10-rSKT until n,n urtmlnw ulin.lua ,a M 'Oxtures, Itupert block. Main st. vl-ul ,,isENHTOCK, photographer, Exchange ek, MjKist., opposite courthouse, vl-ma '1 A T.ir V M, fV. U..M..I.I. Vn.l lllnn.ne. I IT near railroad. Castings made nt short machinery mode and repaired, -2-u23 s alley, back of American nf ise. vl-uU IDLEMAN. Aceut Muus'ou'b Confer Tu- 'jLlghtulnglUxl. V2-IU9 Ttin. nine Maker, and White and fancy uer.bootlown, V1-U17 1SUUAU uwnnti lUMiuuiiiiii.i. ealers In Lumber, of all kinds, planing I' .rthe rail-road. vl-u lb ,lill. "rM AN, marble works, near southwest , ,,ier Main and Market Bts. vl-ui3 (,r' iiiMdi.KU. dealer In rhinos, orenns and u,u' lodeons.atO, W.Corelrsfurulluro rooms nrf'1 lirmuiuu ll,unr .lnlr unnnml tlnor I rolu thwest corner Main ami Iron sts. vJ-nU 1ACOCK. NnUry l"ublto, northeast corner in and Market at, vl-nll ATTOUNEY-AT-LA W. oniiu (oiirt-IIouso Alliy, Iclow tho coutmiuan IJIUeu lllooinsiiiirg, i-u. c. R BHOCKWAY, ATTOHNKY AT HLOOMSnUltCl, W. BLABON & CO., Manufacturers ol OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW H ADls. Warebouso, No. 121 North Third Hlrei Philadelphia. QEOltUE H. BOBEUTS, Importer nnd Dealer lu 11 A11DWAIIE, CUTl.EltY, OUNH, Ac No. ml North Third Hlreet, nlsivn Vine rhllnilelphln. NYDEH, IIAUB1B A BASSETT, Mnuuraeturers and Jobbers nf MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTIIINH. Nos. G2" Mnrket, nnd 622 Conimereo Ktieel. Plriliulelpbla. ABLisin:n no:i. .K1I1DAN AllltOTIIElt, Wliolesnlodrocers, and lknleis 111 HAl.TPETKlt ANDlllll.MHItlNi: N2l!INillhThllil SI. I'llllailelphln. I. H. WALi'EU, IjUo WnlterA Kauli, Imporloi und lioatei lu CHINA, GLASS, AND tlUEKNHWAKK, No. Sll N. Third Htreel. Phllndelplila. H w ' "WHOLK HANK'S MA I,E TOIIACCO, HN II IT, AND CIUAH WAUKHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Street, between Cherry nnd llaee, west side, Philadelphia. "yAUTMAN & ENQELMAN, w -iUlIALUW, BSUl'f A NkUAlt MANUFACTOHY, NO. 313 N01ITII TllllUI ST11HRT, Becond Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA, J. W. WAKTMAN 1'. ENMRI.MAN Y"AINWBIG1IT & CO., WHOLESALE OltOOEltH, N. E. Corner Second nnd Aich Htreets, , Pill, io"" vi.ieis 111 TEAS, BY BUI'S, COFFEE, HUd A It, MOLAKHEH HICK, Hl'ICKf, III CAim SOI1A, 46, AD. Orders will recelvo prompt attention. MnylO, WI7-ly. C. II. HOHNK. W. B. KINO. J. 11. HlCVllPUT. TTOBNE, KINO & SEYBEHT, W'lIOLFHALK DltY COODS. No. 313 Mnrket Stre.it PHILADELPHIA. Ordeis Illled promptly at lowest January :1, 1SCM, E-S-Q. nv ofrn nLAsufi;, utn. I woutler wlint llio letter, mean t I wonder II they show Thnt snino mu stationed high In life. And some nro standing low! If yen, I wonder which they mnrle 1 1 cannot toll can you 7 Whether 'tis honor or dlgrnro Tuba nn E-s-ij. 'TU true that lu another laud Tliey do a meaning own, And note tho futntcst ray that's shot From the sclutlllaut throne; Hut, sending for a bootblack here, I cannot tell can yout Why 1 should, would, could, ought to write, "Ham JouRon, E-s-q." And writing to n man of purls, Whose claims to honor How From mighty deeds or stirring words. What do the letters show ? That they will lubtroenst on him I cannot think can you? Wo nothing ndd, sir, though wo wrlto Addendum; "K-s-q." "Hut wo mustsomodlstliictton mnkol'' Indeed 1 'Tls very right; But qultu a, easy for the blind To tell tho dark from light. What com t shall sit tlliou tho claims 7 I would nol daro would ynn? Say who shall bo n slinplo MAN, And who an I-s-q, If thou would'st challcngo iticu's respect, Bo labor that thy nnmo Mny glisten with nil Inborn light Upon lliu scroll of f.mit ; Our fry sehoollioys.stf, would laugli-- Auil so, I Ihtiilr, would ou O'er 'Coliimeiitnrles willleli by J. I'U'tnr, ll-s-i." I luilly wonder moit of rank, And men of genius-, too, Dnti'l drop forever, nnd at once. The senseless E-s.q, Hcc, gelitletneli, wo nameless folic Alo nplng after oil; I liluni'l thnt J ou still will usn Plebeian E s-q. I'm no reformer; would not cIioomi To lunkn myself a lunrlc For Custom's arrows, whlio her curs In stupid chorus baric; Follow tho lashloii, tf you ple.iso it mny bo incut for you But let mo slioot for rarer giiino Than (snnmou E-s-q. Goory's Soliloquy. Ant Oijilain Jhtkt. I'm (Jovernor "linns" of tho Keystone Blute, For lobby Jobs I sit up lalej 1 leave the people to their fnte, For 1 um Uovernor Ucury. Oil I I'm the fiivorlto of the ltlng, The Jolly Blug.thejolly ltlng, I'm King of the ltlng, I'm King ol llio lllug, For I nm Governor Geary. IV tu Herdlc's bill lu hasto I sign, lo make incoming's delegates mine, Oh l don't I pUy my game quite line, Since I uiu Governor (Jcary ! Yes, I'm tho favorite of the King. The Jolly ltlng, the Jolly Hlug, I'm King of the lllug, I'm Klugnf tho ltlng, For I am (Jovernor Geary, I'm lor thehllpp'ry Oil Pipo bill, 1 caru not for Venango's will, The oil-men will not 1111 my till Though I am Governor Goaiy, Oh I Pmthofavoilloof tho Hlug, The Jully ltlng, tho Jolly King. I'm King of the King, I'm King or the HI"" I k-vo tho boys who fold and paste, And sign their llttlebill lu busto, Nor pultcr long about the waste. For I am Governor Geary, Oh I I'm llio favorite of tho Hlug, The Jolly ltlng, tho Jolly ltlng, I'm King of tlio Hlug, I'mlCijigof ltlng. For I um Governor Geary, I'm Governor "Hans" of tho Keystone State, jly foes did Pucker nomluuto, I know 'twas dono to seal my fiito, And I'll not bo Governor Gcarv, Oh I I'm tho victim of the ltlng, Tlis quaking Hlug, the breaking Hlug, I'm His broken tool of tho bunting King, And I'll not bo Governor Geary. Major r. It. AUTMAK. v. if. niLUNMKIt. N. MOIIY. AJITMAN, DILLINCIEB & CO., NO. 101 NOUTH THIItD ST. PHILADELPHIA. Two Doors nbovo Arch formerly SO, MANUI'ACTUimW ANb JOlllllCIUi IS CAUl'ETS. COITONH YAHNS, BATTING, OIL CLOTHS, CAHPET CHAINS, COHDAGi:, OIL Hit A DEH, GltA IN BAGS, TIE VA11N, WICK VA1IN, WINllOW I'.U'Ult, fOVKHLKN, A 10, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAHE, I1ROOMK, I1UUSIIKH, I.OOKINO ULAKMIOI, TKUHKB Flll.VlM MY FIEST MONEY. HOTELS, &.C. IOJUC'S HOTEL, OEOItOH W. MAUHElt, Prnpiletnr, The nbovo well-suown hotel has lecenliy undei ,.r,.i,. ..iil cl, iiffsi lii its inlet iialnriuui!t mellts, und Us nr. prletor announces to his former custom Hlidlhu tllivellllig public that his lieeoiuiKlatloiiM for thocomfoit of his guesls urn second to uoiio in tho country. Ills table will always bo found sup piled, not only with substantial fond, but with nil tho delleaclesol the season. Ills wines and li quors (exci pt that isiputur beveriiRe known as ,l,Jfc-M,v''),piiicliaseddlicft fmm tho Importing houses, mo entirely pure. and free from all poi sonous drugs. Ho Is thankful for a liberal patron ago In tho past, and will continue to deserve II In ' .... 1 ' ii-, li, i. Kr.MTriP.ll lliuiiiiuie. ...... LAW rA. .ra-Owce Court House Alley, below tho Co- lumtitan Ottlce. lJaiH'67. J. B. I'UBSEL, HAUNF.SS, SADDLE, AND TitUNK MANUFACTUHKIt, and dealer In OAKPirr-BAGS, VAL1HUS, FLY-NI7TH, uunfAtJi KoiiKs, ioiisB-niaM;i:ra ao which ho feels coutldint be can sell nt lower rate than any other ierson lu ths louulry. Ex amine for yourselves. nliop lirsi ooor oeiow tue nwi uiucu wum Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. riov. to, iso. L U M U I A HOUSE, 11 Y 8TOHNEH. II E It N A P. D Havinii lately luiiclinscd nnd titled up tho well-known Itoblson Hotel Proiierty.lcH'ated u rnw pooiu auovk tmk i'Ouiit iiouhk, imthosnmo side of the street, In the town of llloomsburg; nud having obtained u llceusii for the sumo us a B E S T A U H A N T , B OOK S T O B E. published lu tins country, orders ior wine ue iirompny atteuueu to. Jn and Market at. A. KUNSTON. mutual and cash rates fire auee company ,northeatcorner(Maln nuit . " vl-1113 KI. JACnUY, MrMe and llrowu Btono , J!ait Itloom tbtirg, Berwick to) rt. vln Tho undersuneil. having. Inken tho looms lately occupied by Dr. 1". John next door abovu I no r.xcnaiig lioiei, wouui iiihu;- inu ,himi,.,u tho County that theio will be constantly on hiind n full ussuliueut of HOOKS, bTATlONEHY. AND WALL PAl'Elt Also the vailouw MagaslueB untl isewspapers en mil THE CIUCULATINO LIBHAHY which bus been In exlslence for n year, calls Tor tho stronger support of tlio community. 'I ho terms are reasouuble, and addltlonul subscribers aro needed to Justify mi luereiiseln tlio mimur ui soiuiiies. Tho usual large slock or NOTIONS AND FANCY (lOODS, will be kept up and no fuilus stmred to sntlsry tlio wuuts of purchase!, .V, 1. .1 Clli. May 11,'N-tr llloouubuig, Pn, llio Proprietor has dctei mined to glvu to tho peo ple visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MOltl) BOOM. ... ... t. , ... I I. HI....1 Id JUS SIUUI1U5 U1K.I l ". . to put bngglesand carriages in tho tlry, n0 prom; Iseslhat oerythlng about lilststahllshlneulsbull . i.,A....i it, n ortlrlv nnd lawful muliner! and he respectfully .ollclls u sharu of the publio lutruunge. uuyu ur-wi, HOTEL, PA. BUCKIIORN.iMRECTORY. W. It. SHOEMAinSR, dealers In dry Is, groceries andigenernl merchandise, ore In south end of low u. v-nlS. E N T IflTR Y, H, C. HOWEIl, DENTIST, fully uflers his nrnfessloual seivlces tc the ladies aud gwutlemen of Blooiusburg and vl rliillv. lie is orenareil to attend toalltbuvart ousoperutlous In the line of his profession, uud Is provided with the latest Improved 1'oucki.ain t?i ri U I A wM. HAHHIS, dealers In dry gooils, rles. drug, nnd medicines. id of town, '., First store In v -Ms. 'rvfcs-ii ulilph will ha Inserted on void nlutlmr. silver and rubber base to look as well as the nut; urul teeth. leein exirucieu uy uu iiie new uiw most approved methods, und ull operatlcus on tho teclfi cartfullyand properly attended to. Ucsldeuce uud oltlcu a few doors aboe the Court House, same side. , llloomsburg, jau.si.'esii IXCHANOE BLOO.MSllUltO, COLUMBIA CO., The nnderslguud having jmiehnsed this well known nnd eeulrully-locuud house, the Exchange Hotel, situate on MAINh'litEET.In Blooinsblllg Imuiedl.ilcly opposilo the Columbia couuty Court House, respectfully Inform their lileuds uud the fiuunc 111 geuerui iiuiv t.icu oui.u.a ...... ... or the reception andenteitnlniueiit of truvolleis who mny bo disposed to favor Itwllh their cus tom. 'ihcyhuusiuirediioexpensoln preisirlng (i. i.,v,.it,,imrnr the cute rtnlmneii toft helruuests neither shall there be anything wanting ou their iurt to minister to their personal comfort. house is snucj ucss location, .l.noll.ltkl.M 1 change Hotel and the various railroad depots, by which travellers will bo pleasantly com eyed to nn mo respective siuuoiis in utm ,,,o,w and from the respe tniwi i um curd. llloomsburg, April 3, IsOS, KOONS ACLABK. OWEN HOUSE BKHWIUIC PA. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, l'roiirlctor, This well known Hotel hus been entirely roAttttl uud refiiriilbhed, with u view to tliu pel feet com lort IIIUI (OU eilieoeu ol glli'Sls, ,7,0 KUSEYTOWN D1RK0TORY. I A, BWISHElt, dealer In Hides. Leather etc Madison towushlp Columbia county I vl-ntu SI per. OET 1101. 1, Ait END ONE DOLLATt AND hv rlmii limit olio or I.tlUIIStJ 11 iXUH. ol tbo richest Initial Freiuli Note pa. All I he Lauics uruni mvo wuu iiieiu. Address I.OIll.NO. Publisher, Jl'J'eU-Sio. Boston, Musi A .'oiiuiinillous l.lverv ht able Is connected will! the Cbtubllslinient, The liar will bo suiiplU.l wltli the choicest wines, llqnorsand segurs, A fair sliaro of p-Hrou-age Is requesti d. Atr. 11,'W-tiin, s A T E UOOF1N a, r. v e it Y v a it I E T y A T MOST EAVOBAHLE BATES, JOHN THOMAS, ANIi t'ASI'EH J. THOMAS Box, 177, lllisimsbiiig, Pn. Mnr.ltl.MMyr. It was a slxpt-nco ! Now, clean, ami shiny, beartntr. upon it tlio imago und BtiDorscrinllon ofourtiuccn: Vlctoria.u 0.. Brilitunlitruiii, Ac, Just llko other six lionet's, lint no while, so glossy, and so well struck, that no oilier sixpence on earth enild havu homo comparison wilh it. This was not n fact open lo question I hail nlreudy classed itanioiif; tlio ur- tides of my belief, wlion taltiii"; tho "sixneneo" tloliciitely holwoen my lln tiers I laid it tenderly upon my hcd.ttud then knelt down m the Iloor In onicr to have a hcllor view or it. TliU wtw my llrst adoratitin of MiiitHiioii.iny llrst worship of thu voldoii or, to speak hy thu card, thu silver calf. I was ilvo years old; tho sixpence was four years and a half my Junior. Kiur years ami a half 1 This was u (jreat deal, tho ad vuntnuo of uko was nianifestly on my side, and this, I suspect, hail not a llttl to do with tho soinl-pnlroiilxltih glances which, notwithstanding uiy Immense veneration for this Idolized blxpenco. occasionally ventured to throw upon It For I should not, I feel, havo traml Huts at tin elder slxiiene. An octo tjenarlan coin, for Instance, would hav impressed mo with a certain degreo o awo. It micht havo heen roumi ti world lu thohrcoehos-pockotof Captal Cook, It might havo witnessed Trufalgi from thownlstcoat of Lord Nelson, might havo passed through tho hard lingers of tho Iron Duko. Aslxpeneo of that bort could not havo been vlowe with tllimauey. No, It win bcottcr hnvo n young nnd Inexperienced six pence, u sixpence with all Its troublo before It, llko n youthful bear. It und I were moro ou a footing of equality i tthcro was no need for 1110 to stund up on ceremotiy with It, and I could freely glvo vent to my sentiments In lu pro- bonco without transgressing tlio laws of nroiirietv. There was no fear of its looking sourly at iiie.tw much us to say, 'You llttlo simpleton, It Is lamentable for a coin llko mo to fall Into such Ill bred hands us lyours. Nor Butko, nor Sheridan, nor Charles James Fox, all of whom I know most Intimately, oven grinned at mo iu you do; and tho young William r tt to whom l was Hiiro- duced by his Illustrious father tlio Eurl of Chatham) never lauglieil at mo." That was the great advantage of a young slxpenco, It being so frosh to tho ways of society. There was no danger of its having learned Its manners from tho Prlnco Begenl, or modelled Its do meaiiorupoit that of Lord Castlerough. It could afford to bo Indulgent IT I chuckled too loud, and could iniiko al lowance, If, lit thojublliint prldo of po session ,1 rubbed my IuuhIs too ecstatical ly. Bcstdca, considering tlio matter from a more material point of viou', a young slxpenco was larger, brighter, heavier, tliun an old onoj thero seotned to bo moro of It; there were no disgrace ful patches of black about It, such as spoke of a sojourn lu a dust-bin, in tho till of a rug-shop, or In tho purso of an cncononilcal swoop. Tho features of tho Queen upon It were not disfigured by scars, crosses, or knife-murks to prove that its former possessors suspected tho honesty of their familiars, nnd wero obliged for prutlcnco' sako to mark their coins. It had no unseemly holes bored In It, and no Hebrew had sweated It to the thinness of n bit of tin. It had everything In Its favor beauty, youth, distinction, and novelty. For you must rotnember It was my first sixpence, tho flrst coin upon which I had over gazed as my own, tho first money of which I had ever had the freo disposal. True, a few specimens of tho currency had oc casionally passed through my hands, in tho shape of ftigltlvo half-pence ; hut as my mother had always requested mo to put theso into tho poor-box, I could scarcely ho said to havo had tho full en joyment of them. Henco thN money was Indeed my llrst, and O l'ltttus I tho gold mines of Peru, madoovcrto moby bond, duly signed mid healed, would havo delighted mo less than this six pence. It was my father who hail given 11 ml', and under nteinorablo circumstan ces. J lo had been a long whllo invol- ed In ono of thoso stills In Chancery, hich nro tho triumphs of our legisla tion. Sevcn-and-twenly years had it sled, but at the end of that time, by a nippy dispensation of Provldenco, ho had been so fortunate iw to gain his auso. Lawyers, solicitors, and barris- rs had, however, been to work so mer rily that, nil costs and expenses paid. tern was left of the estato which form- 1 tlio bono of contention tho exact sum of Ilvo pounds ten shillings nnd two pence. Threo letters nnd a consultation omour family solicitor, Informing us of this edifying result, swallowed up 10 Ilvo pounds of this total, nud tho conscientious member of Lincoln's Inn ibu scrupulously forwarded to us the remaining ten shillings nnd two pence, merely deducting therefrom six and ght-pence, price of tho onvclopo in hich tlio residue was enclosed. My father thereupon ranged seven sixpences on our breakfast tablo. "My boy," ho said, "sco what conies of going lo law in Clrcal Britain 1 Your Mother as told you that I havo won my suit n chancery V" "Yes, papa." "Well, then, look 1 That Is all I gel of it;" and ho pointed grimly at tho sixpences. I opened wide my eyes. "All that you get of tho wholo t' ." posed, as other suits arc.of ncoat.walst coat and trousCM. "Why,- papa, thoso aro only the buttons!" This deplorablo joke hurt earned mo my sixpence. My father had thrown it over to mo, laughing, and, llko a dog who Is nelted with a bono, 1 had rusiica hastily oir with It for fear ho should think of taking it back again. Six pence 1 For a timo anything llko cool reilec- Hon was lmpossiblo. I was too giddy, too startled, to think. How think, in deed, when ono has slxpenco! My six penco was as a moon of which tho rays dazed mo; my head swam, my lingers tingled, my eyes saw whirling tnrougn tho air In n fantastic gallop sevcrnl mil- lipns of sixpences, nil whlto, all lately issued from tlio mint, all Hearing upon them, llko my sixpence, Victoria, D.O., Britaiinlarum, Ac., with her Majesty's head at tho royal arms. At last, however (and happily, loo, for 1 was a small boy, and unused to theso emotions), tho intensity or my bcnsations subsided. I grow moro phil osophical, and after a time was enabled to bring upon tho subject that was an Horblng mo a becoming amount of self- possession. You know, ol courso.wnat It was, this subject that was absorbing moV It was tho oxpendlturo of my sixpence. Llko a Chancellor ol too i'.x- chequer with tho surplus of a years budget, I was woudoriug what i biioiim tlo with it. Momentous question! But It needed a refreshing breezo of out-door air to enablo mo to solve It With dullness, i accordingly rosofrom my bedsldo,whero I knelt llko a Persian worshipping uio sun, und having mm my euow my slxpenco upon tho sill ol uio open whitlow, "multu cordo volutaus," be gan deeply to meditate. Now. It may. perhaps, bo accepted as a symptom of my great precocity of spirit that I had not uoon mergeu abovo ten minutes in rellcctlou before I hadinadoup my mind upon ono capi tal point, to wit, that thero wero only three tilings upon which my Blxpenco could worthily bo expended, a donk ey, a gold hunting watch, or a powter kiiilr! . Tho onlv question to decldo was upon which of theso three my choice should nltch: and hero was tho rub. I had on artistic admiration for squirts, pewter Miulrts esnccially. which I classed amongst the sublimest contrivances duo to tho ingenuity of man. Their use as mediums for tho conveyance of ink or boupy water upon tlio passers-by in tho street hud always struck muus peculiar ly nractleal.and I think, ou the whole, my sixpence would gavogono to tho nurchaso of ono of theso astonishing In struments had not it rellectlon suddenly fallen upon me, and drenched my en thuslttsm as under abuekot orcold wut cr. I could nut remember ovor haviiiij boon a L'i'owu un man mako nso or a sottlrt! My father, for Instance, had, to my certain knowledge, never Hpent ms morning in squirting ink upon the pub lie throng tho drawing room window; and I could not recollect ever having heard my uncles advocate this species or pastime. This was important. Yos tertlay I had been a boy, anil could tlo boyish tilings ; to-day tho ease was al loredj my sixpence had laid upon mo tho duties of iimuliooil; It was necessary to bo cautious mid dignified I dis carded the squirt, nnd two things then rcmalticd'-tho donkey and tho gold watch. Onco moro I began to ponder. Tho purchaso of ft donkey, I reason ed, olfered unquestionable Inducements. Thero woro, first of all, tho advantages of locomotion; lu tlio second placa,thcro was tho satisfaction of personal vanity, for it was not to bo doubted that upon my first appearance in public upon tho back of an ass I should become tho cy nosure of neighboring oyes, aud at onco take rank itmougst tho parish celebri ties. This consideration nearly carried my voto by storm; but then, on the other hand, n donkey, I could not but admit, .was ti less handy possession than a gold hunting watch. Tho latter would go Into one's pocket, whereas the former would not. Indeed, It was more than probable that tho donkey would need a certain amount of space to move about in, nud if so, what waste bo dono, for wo had no stables? Second thoughts bring counsel, I was a sharp boy, and I remembered the staircase, ir tho dllll cully or bringing tlio donkey up to tho third flour could bo onco overcome, I should bo happy to allow him to sleep In my bed room; thero would bo ample space for liini In the corner closo by the wash.hand-stand; and ho would bo a sociable companion when It rained. Thero was no fear of his catching a cold or a cough, ns ho might do If left down stairs in lliojiird. Yes; but how about his rood? The postelinlso of my thoughts, whlsh was at that moment going twenty milcsnu hour,here struck oft" a sudden In a deep rut. I had never thought of tbo food. 1 was llko tho Irishman who had a clock. I had for gotten tho works. I could not think or asking my rather to board tho donkey The tiling would be Indelicate arier ho had generously given mo sixpence; and yel, rrom whulover point or view I con sidered the mutter, tho donkey, 1 was compelled toown.must eat I be came miserable. I think I cried. "1 saw my donkey depart nt agalIop,and scam per nwny into darkness, carrying away with 1 1 1 1 ii upon his back my hopes, my illusions, and my dreams or glory. But after a fow aoeonds my donkey returned as he had departed, at full gal lop, Tho Idea had struck mo that his maintenance could bo cirected by nn equitable distribution of my dally meals with him. This was tho straw to tho drowning man. Having decided that my coming donkey should bo nourish ed upon roast mutton and batter pud ding, X was about to rush out to elfect my purchase, whcn,attractod by a noise below, I thrust my head out of tlio win dow and saw a small boy, aged ten, throwing cherries in tlio air und trying to catch them in his mouth. Why Many Wives Tado. "How inaiij. pale, lifeless women you seo lu the West, and In the East, too, for that matter. Young, fresh looking women marry, and In live yenrs you scarcely recognlzo them, whllo tnclr husbands look as fresh ns on tho day of tho wedding. Ono causoor this Is complicated houso keeping. When a man undertakes a bdslness, ho finds learned men ready to assist him ; ho knows what thero Is to do, nnd becures help accordingly. A young womnn goes to houso keeping very often without any help nt all, or perhaps with one awkward girl. Thero aro threo meals to get overy day that means cooking; nnd then comes tho dishes to bo washed after each meal. It would take about forty fivo pieces for breakfast and supper, and seventy for dinner Tor a family of five, ono hundred and sixty-llvo pieces to bo carried from the dining room to tho kitchen every day, and washed and can led back. If you havo six rooms In your house, thero Is ono room to bo thoroughly swept and cleaned dally, besides brushing up tho others, mnkliig beds, bringing lu wood and currying water. Twice a week then Is brcntl-making; twice a week yeast making, ono day washing, ono day Ironing, all your pan tries and safes to bo washed out onco a week, dairy work lo attend lo, besides Innumerable Jobs In tho way nf preserv ing, Jolly making, piekellng pork, cur ing hams, putting down pigs feet, look ing over and nipping oft" your apples twlco in winter, and making hogshead chcoho, minco-meat, a thorough houso cleaning twicoa year, then bowing on dresses, aprons, shirts, drawers, gowns, Ac, by dozens. Then supposing tho houso keeper has a baby, an average six months old baby weighs about eighteen pounds. Say she has this child In her arms forty times n day, (a cros Infant Is taken up much moro frequently), and often sho works with tho right arm, whllo carry ing tho bundle, or u baby about In her left. Who Is it thnt says there Is noth ing In gymnastics equal to tho endttr nnco of a mother's arms. Even when tho day's labor is accomplished nnd sho goes to bed, sho still holds her baby, and does not sleep soundly for rear or rolling on it or its getting uncovered ; she must attend to Its wants several times in tho night, und must bo in a constrained position for fear of disturb ingit. I havo heard women say they would give anything for ono night or uudis- turbed sleep, with no caro on their mind. Then In tho morning up and nt it again. Don't you seo why women get pale, and why thoy aro sometimes At this sight I rorgot, for tho minute In llttlo cross, and why their husbands tho donkey, the roast mutton, and tho wonder that their wives don't look batter pudding,and considered tho cher-1 iirnttsc.ojulJ.ij:ir'-vJl. .nty .cc.'vjrc.i.V' tv. Tho cherries roso and loll, out ai- ried1 wuvs into tho small boy's moulli, and Tlio wives don't reason on tno matter nover into mine. Liko Tantalus with they tlfink it Is all tho man's Mult, and tho How and ebb or waters, I began to then they turn cross, and so things go find the thing monotonous. Hono or at sixes and sevens, and this is tho place two cherries would only havo fallen on when woman's rights should bo taken tho ground now nnd then, tho Interest hold or. I don't think voting would Jlaggagc. i'iif, recent treatise of Professoi Jsuae C. Bcdlleld, on the law of hatlmonts, furnishes curious Information In refer enco to tho responsibility jmd duty ot an Innkeeper in taking caro or tho bag gage or his guests. Thero secnls to bo no doubt that nn Innkeeper Is held strictly rosponstblo Tor tho Baft) keeping of' buggngc, but tho question has arisen whether ho is llablo for everything a travollor may choose to carry In his trunk, or only for such nrtlclcs or wear ing apparel and of personal uso nnd convenience ns nro ordinarily taken on a Journey. This latter principle how exer, seems to bo firmly established by tho current or decisions. Thus in Massachusetts, In one case It was decided that a Colt's pistol nud it dozen silver teaspoons arc not properly part of a traveller's baggage. And in another tnso in tlio samo State it was decided that tho Innkeeper is only re sponsible for tho guests' baggage, and that term Includes articles for use nnd convcnleneo on the Journey, but not merchandise nud other valuables, Mich as sliver knives and forks, and spoons. Iij New York It was held that a watch, poncil-casc, and twenly-flvo dollars lit money, lost by a guest at n hotel, wero not to bo regarded as baggage, within tlio meaning of (ho New York statue. Bnl where a guest had been put Into n room with n followlodger against his remonstrances, whereby tliu precautions r locking his door, Ac, required by tho statute, becamo impracticable or un- availablo tho Innkeeper was held re sponsible, and his negligence was held to bo sufficiently shown by the loss or thu goods from thoioom under tho cir cumstances. The truo rule upon this subject, It is nsserlcd, seems lo bo (hat tho responsibility of tho Innkeeper ex tends to all tho money nnd gooils which thu exigencies of tbo traveller's busi ness require him to carry with him and that where tho sum Is or considerable amount, thu traveller is bound to use tho ordinary precautions provided at tho inn Tor its safe keeping. In rerer enco to tho rights of tho innkeeper, it is held thnt ho has a lieu upon all tho effects of a guest lu bis custody for his bill, and this extends to his horse, har ness and carriage, for tho keep of tho horse, aud probably for tho whole sum duo ; although a livery stable keeper has no lieu upon horses placed under his care, tho difference being that the innkeeper who keeps a stable for tlio accommodation of travellers is conse quently bound to recelvo all that come, whllo a mere, stablo keeper Is not bound totakoall that come, aud may either reject or rcqulro special contracts for thorn whenever ho deems it prudent. would havo been enlivened; but no; one, two, threo, four, nil anno down llko plummets without deviating nn inch rrom the right course, and each laugh of tho small boy (for ho wtw mer- help that very much ; woman's labor should bo made n study. In the flrst placo men must renlizo that It Is a great labor to keep n house. A great many women sink down un ry) gave me a violent inclination to seo dor tho weight, then everybody says, his head punched. I don't know what "poor thing, sho always was a weakly spirit or evil prompted me, but some good Tor nothing creature," und tho sucli spirit inspired mo with a baleful "poor thing" has been doing moro for desiro to substllulo ror one or tho railing tho last ton years than threo women cherries a pebble, a plcco of coal, or a bit ought to do. of soap. My eyes sparkled. The youth had thrown a plump blgaroon rather whatHlkkp Will Cube. Tho crv higher than usual, nud stood with his f()r rwt llwrtiViiy.sbceu louder than tho hands exleniled, ins lieaii uirown ''"I'M (.ry for-food. Not that It Is moro im his eyes shut, and his motitn gaping pnrlnnl, but It Is often harder to get. until it should return. Tito temptation ,rho )(,st ml mmM r,.,,,,, smlmi Heep, was loo strong. I ftflt frantically around or two men or women, olherwiso euual mo to llnd a projectile, and In sweeping (lm omi who siu0,s t10 l(!St wm , (ho my handover llio window-sill eatigiii at ,u(Ht Im)m, healthy, and ellleienl. something which, without pausing lo I K1 . .i,,.,.,,..), i,,..,,,. Irritability look, I throw wilh all my might und of jm,l(,r peevishness, uneabinew. It main nt tho small boy. Tho thing Wuit.uru insanity. It will resloro to struck Hint in llio eye, ami men nouiiu ed on the pavement. A shout or tri umph escaped me; but at tho same in- slant 1 burst Into acold sweat and btag- gered. Tho boy had stooped to pick up tho thing that had lilt him, nud was holding it in his fingers. "Thank you!" ho shouted joyously, and disappeared In tho distance. 1 had thrown him my sixpence 1 All the, YcurJtoutul. vb'or mi over-worked brain. It will do much to euro dyspepsia, particular ly that variety known ns nervous dys pepsia. It will relievo the langournnii prostration felt hy consumptives, it will euro hypochondria, it will cure tho blues. It will cure tho headache. t will euro tho headache, It will cure tho heartnchi. It will euro neuralgia. It will euro a broken spirit. It will euro sorrow. Jntleou, wo migni hiiiko a long list ol' nervous maladies that sleep will euro. Thoeiiroor sleeplessnoiw, however, is In ono or tho villagesor KenlnfJ.-" 'Prcebyteriuu clergymau preached in tho samo houso "night about," botlt preachers being present at each meeting. Ono evening tho Prcsbytoriau, after a discourso on Infant Baptism, proceeded to baptize several babies. Tho llttlo candidates made a great outcry, which, of courso,wiw noted by tho Baptist man. Next day a number of tho converts of tho latter wero to bo immorscd in tho river near by. At tho appointed hour a largo concourse gathered op tho banks, tho Prosbytcrjau being of tho number, and standing closo by tho water's edge. After tho candidates had been immers ed tho Baptist took hold or his Presby terian colleague, nnd said : "Now, sir, 1 will immcrsQ you." Tho latter, amazed, demurred. "Como along; I'm In a hurry!" re plied tho damp divlnq. and dragged his brother into tho water. Alarmed and indignant, tho young Calvinlsl declared at tho top of his voice (hat hodld "not bellevo in Immersion, was opposed lo i(, and would not sub mit to it." Thoaudleiico wero much excited at tho scene. Tho Haptisl released his hold, and said : "Young man I will not lmmer-o you to-day: but If over again I seo you bap tiring llttlo ones against their own will, and spito nf their cries and kicks, as 1 saw you do last night, I will itlp you in to the water (is surv's there's a Gotl In I rati ! You bet ! LhT us puay 1" . ..nitinndit .t.ivl tt.tiltirU. In tiincin u'lin Connecticut, runs two branches ol ""i i" ,,Jm , , ,i , to wit: a grocery and a (Ish mar- Bravo responsibilities 'riilmWt Tho grocery ho runs himself, tlio " " "-". " '""""j" .iiinrL-ot I.v n ilnmitv. and every UP lul ""i -" " "i " Often a severe Illness, treat- Itathor Too Sharp. An etiterprisingbiisiiicss man of Hart ford, I ratio. ket, Hull, un,,. iii. .,,!-,. j w.inriw nr tin! regained. proceeds of tho day's business to tho od by i.owerful drugs so deranges tho proprietor. A day or two since thogro- nervous systcmthatslecp Is never sweet ccr found In his llsh market returns, a. Hfter It. Or, perhaps, long-contlnuwl fu (t..n.,ioH,. i.iii ir iiiiin't wutchlulness produces tho samo ellect; like to lose It, and l.odid'nt quite want or hard study, or too llttlo exerclso of to take the chances of trying to pass It. " "uvular system, or tea and w dsky Sohocalledonanolddarkoy who was drinking, and tobacco using, lobreak hanglng about tho premises, nnd said 1 ""' in 1,1,,, J UUUH .J, "Sam. hero's a llvu-tlollarblll that's a suuicient oxercisoto pwycu wen llltln .Iniilitfiil If vnn'll (uko it mill nuess, linn piciisiuit uccuimuw.... miss it. I'll trlvo vou a dollar out of tho uoou air.unu not too vw m. nu..u. change." "Very well," said Sam, nnd ho took tho bill and went oil. Later lit tho day ho returned, having accomplished tlio feat, and handed over rour dollars In good money to tlio grocer. That night tho grocer in counting over tho caih ro turns iroiu Ids flsh market, was moro surprised than delighted toseo tho iden tical flvoln tho pile 1. Freedom from too much care. 5. A clean stomach. (1. A clear conscience. 7. Avoldanco or btimulunts and nar colics. For thoso who nro overworked, hag gard, nervous, who pass sleepless nights wo commend thoutloption or such nan Its as shall securo sleep, otherwlso lira will bo short, and what thero U or it A Happy Bubuke. Watty Morri son was u Scotch clergymau, aud a man of wit and humor. On ono occasion ho entreated tho officer at Fort Georgo to pardon a poor follow that was -sent, to tho halberds. Tho officer oflercd to grant his request if ho would in return grant him the favor ho would ask. Mr. Mor rison ngreed to this, nud tho olllcor Ibu n'cdlntcly demanded that tho ceremony of baptism should bo performed ou a puppy. Tho clergyman agreed to It, and a party of gentlemen assembled to witness tho no'el baptism. Mr. Morri son desired tho officer to hold up tho dog as was neccssiuy in their baptism. of a child and said t "As I nmn minister of thu Church of Scotland I must proceed according to tho .ceremonies of tho .church." "Well then mayor, I begin by tho usual question : "Do you ncknowl- dgo yourseir thu father or this pup- y V" A roar or laughter burst from tlui rowd, nud tho officer throw tho candi date for baptism ujvny. """' "'"I""" 71 .I t 1T,.HI. Look hero," said he, sharply, to his iuiy iuipcricvc,-icM.... n, Hill market clerk, "hero's a counterfeit who did you tnko Itof V didn't you know it was bad?" Clerk took It and looked at It a mo nient "O-yes" said ho, "I remember now I took ItorSitm, tho ilurkey. 1 thought It was u llttlo doubtful, ami wasn't go- Aeon uittei: onco paid a visit ton school, to hearsomoof tho classed go throuuh tho exerclso of what Is lermoii object lessons. ' 'Now, can you tell mo anv 1 1 nir about heatY" was onooi tno (mentions. A bright llttlo uoy neui forth his hand, in token ofbouiokuow ing to tako It, but he wild hu got It of edguln ronervo. "Well, boy," said tho vou. ho I thought It was all right." 1 teacher, "what do you know?" "Heat Furtherexplanallon was unnecessary, i expands, cold contracts," was tno ans wer. "Very good ; now give iiioun e. WATEithiwnbout SlOllinesthowelg'fit nniplo." "In summer, thu days tiro of nir, tako bulk for bulk. J long 5 lu winter, tho day 1 lire miori." A Stkong Case. A rat old gcntlo. man who had been bit In thocnirof his; leg by a dog camo to Jonah in n tower ing passion, decalrlng it was Jonah's dog that hail bitten him. Expecting nn action for damages tno wag urew up tho following articles as tho ground foe his defence: 1. By testimony In favor of tho gene- rol good conduct of my dog I can provo that nothing could mako him so forget ful of his dignity as to bito a "call." U, Ho is blind, und cannot see lo bile. a. Even If ho could co lo blto It would bo utterly impossible for hliu to go out or the way to do bo 011 account or Id hovero lameness. 1. Granting bis eyes and his legs to Im good ho has no teeth. r,, .My dog died blx weeks Mnco. tl. I never had a dog,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers