THE YOUNGJOLKS. Tho Throo Crafta-Mon. "I)i:au clilldron," sfihl n poor man to U ftiur sons, "I litivo nothing to glvo you; you must go out Into tho wldo world nnd try your luck. llcgin by h'liriilng mhiio crofl or nnothor, nnd bco how you mn got on." So tho four broth oh look thoir wntklng-atlckB In their liunils, nnd their llttlo bundled on their nliouhlorn, nnd nfter bidding their fulli or good-bye, went nil out nt tho Rixto to gether. When they Imd got on Boino wny thoy carno to four cross-wnyH, each loading to n dlflercnl country. Then the ehlest said, "Hero wo must part ; but thW dny four years wo will como liaek (o this s.ilt; nnd In tho tnennllmo eiii'h mint try whnt ho enn do for him wlf." So e:ch brother went liU way) nnd iw the eldest was Impelling on a mnn met him, nndnsked hltn whero ho wns go ing, nnd whnt ho wanted. "I mil go lug to try njy luek in tho world, nnd should like to begin lf learning some nrt or trade," answered hv. "Then," nut il the 111:111, "go with mo, nnd I will touch you how lo become the euunlngest thlefthnt ever was." "No," said tho other, "that is not nn honest cnlllng, nnd whnt can one look to earn by it in the end but tho gallows?" "Oh 1" Bald tho man,"you need not fear tho gallows; for I will only teach you to atenl whnt will bn fair game; I mcddlo with noth ing but what no oiiu else can get or euro anything about, and where no ono can tlnd you (ml." Hollu young manngroed to fullou his trade, nnd ho soon showed hiiiM'lf -o clever, Hint nothing could escape liiui Hint ho luul oneo set his mi ml upon. I'hc -.ccotid brother nlso met a man, who, when lie found out whnt ho was setting out upon, asked htm what craft ho meant to follow. "I do not know yet," said he. "Then como with mo ami bo a star-gazer. It Is a noble art, for nothing can bo hidden from you, when oncu you understand tho stars." Tho plan pleased him much, and ho soon became such n skilful star-gazer, that when ho had served out his time, and wanted to leavohis master, he gave him n glass, nnd said, "With this you enn sco all that Is passing in the sky nnd on tho earth, and nothing can bo hidden from you." Tho third brother met a huntsman, who took him with him, nnd taught him so well nil that belonged to hunting that ho becamo very clover in tho cruft of tho woods; nnd when he left his master lie gave him a bow, and said, "Whatever you shoot at with this bow you will be suro to hit." The youngest brother likewise met u wan who nskod him whnt ho wished to do. "Would not yon like," wild he,"to bo a lullorV" "Oh, no !" snid tho young mnn; "sitting cross-legged from morn ing to night, working backwards and forwards with a ncedlo and goose, will novorsult mo." "Oh I" answered tho man, "Hint Is not my sort of tailoring; como with mo, and you will learn qui to another kind of crnft from that." Not knowing what bettor to do, hoenmo In to tho plan, nnd learnt tailoring from tho beginning; and when ho left his master, ho gavo him a needle, nnd snld, "you can sow anything with this, bo it as soft n nn egg or ns hard as steel; nnd tho Joint will bo so lino that no soain will bo seen." After tho space of four years, nt tho II mo ngrcod upon, tho four brothers met at tho rourcro'; and having wel comed each other, Bet off towards their fnllier'n home, wherothey told him all that had happened to them, and how each had learned somoemft." Then, one day, as they wero sitting before tho liouso under a very hlh tree, tho rather said, "I should llko lo try what each of you can do In his wny." So ho looked nnd said to tho second son, "At tho top of this treo thero is a chnf lluch's nest; tell mo how many eggs thero nro in it." Tho stnr-gaMr took his glass, looked up, nnd said, "Five." "Now," said tho father to tho eldest son, "takeaway tho eggs without let ting tho bird that is sitting upon them nnd hatching thorn know nnythlng of what you 1110 doing." So tho cunning thief climbed up tho tree, and brought nwny to his father tho flvo eggs from under tho bird; and it never saw or felt what he w.n doing, but kept sitting on nt its ease. Then tho father took tho eggs and put one on each corner or tho table, and tho fifth In tho middle; nnd said to tho huntsman, "Cut all tho eggs in two pieces at ono shot." Tho hunts man took up his bow. and at ono shot struck all tho flvo egga as his father wished. "Now comes your turn," said ho to tho young tailor; "sow tho eggs nnd tho young birds in them together ngaln, so neatly that the shot shall havo dono them no harm." Thon tho tailor took his nocdle, nnd sowed tho eggs ns ho was told; and when ho had dono.the thief was sent to tako them back to tho nest, and put them under the bird with out her knowing It. Then she went on sitting, and hatched thorn; and In a few days thoy crawled out, and had only a little red streak across their nccks.whero 1110 tauor nau sewn them together. "Well done, sons I" said tho old man; "you havo made good uso of your timo, nnd learnt somoUiing worth tho know ing; but I nui suro I do not know which ouehttohavo the prize. Oh I that a timo might soon como for you to turn your skin to uorao account I" wot long after this thoro was a great nustie in the country; for tho king's daughter had boon carried off by a mighty Uragon, and tho king mourned over his loss day and night, and mado It known that whoever brought her back to him should havo her for n wifo. Tiion tho four brothers said to ench oth or, "Hero Is a chanco for us; let us try what wo can do." And thoy agreed to too whether thoy could not set tho nrlu coMsfreti. "I will soon And out where sho is, however," snld tho star-gazer, as ho looked through Jilsglnsa: and ho boon crlrd out, "I sco her nfar otr, sitting up on n rock in tho sea; and I can spy tho (irngon cloho by, guarding her." Then ho went to tho king, nnd nskod for a Hblp for himself nnd his brothers; and UioyBalledtogothcrovorthnBcn.tll! hoy 1111110 111 mo ngni jiirco. Thero thoy found tho princess sitting, as tho star gazer had said, on tho rock; nnd tho dragon was lying asleep, with his bend upon her lap,"! daroiiot shoot at him," paid (ho huntsman, "for I should kill tho beautiful young lady also." "Then I will try my skill," said tho thief; and went and stoloher it wny from under tho dragon, so iijilolly nnd gently that tho beast did not know It, but went on nnoorlng. Then nwny thoy hastened with Iiorl THE full of Joy In their liont towards (ho ship; but soon came tho dragon roaring bo hind them through tho air; for ho nwoknnnd missed tho princess. Dill when begot over tho boat, nnd wanted to pounce upon them nnd carry off tho princess, tho huntsman took up his bow nud shot hl'il straight through the heart, so Hint ho fell down dead. They wero still not safe; for ho was such a great beast that In his fall ho overset the boat, nud thoy had to swim In tho 0111 sen upon n few planks. So tho lal lor took his needle, and with it few largo stitches put some, of tho planks together; nnd ho sat down upon these, nnd snlledaboutand gathered up all tho pieces of tho boat; and then larked them together so quickly that tho boat was soon ready, and thoy then reached tho ship and got homo safe. When they had brought homo the princess to her father, thero was great Kjnlciug; nnd he said to tho four broth ers, "One of you shall marry her. hut you must settle among yourselves which it is to be." Then Ihero nwuii quuriel between them; nnd the stur-gazer said, "If I had not found the prinrcss out, all your skill would havo been of no use; therefore sho ought to bo mine." "Your seeing her would havo been of no use,", said the thief, "If I had not taken her away from tho drngou; therefore shrf ought to bo mine." "No, she is mine," said (ho huntsman; "for If I Imd not killed the dragon, ho would, after all, have torn you and tho princess into pieces." "And If I had not sewn tho Ixiat together again," said tho tailor, "you wuuld nil Imvo been drowned; therefore she Is mine." Then the king put in 11 word, and said, "Kaiii of you is right; and as nil cannot havo the young lady, thu best way is for neither of you to havo her: for the truth is, there Is somebody shu likes a great deal hot ter. Hut to make up for your loss, I will give each of you, as a reward for his skill, half a kingdom." So thu brothers agreed that this plan would bo much better than either quarrelling or marrying a lady who had no mind to have them. And the king then gave to cacli half a kingdom, ns ho had said; nnd they lived very happily the rest of their days, and look good care of their father; and aomebody took better care of tho young lady, than to let ellhor (he dragon or ono of tho Crafts men havo her again. FARMER'S COLUMN. GlMHDINO GltAFKS AND PlIACU Tkeks. Dr. Trimble exhibited speci mens of leaves blighted with mildew. Mr. Fuller said: "Sulphur is a good thing to apply. Hollows for tho pur poso nro 011 sale nt tho socd-shops. Mix tho sulphur with water nnd sprinkle tbolollngc. However, If grapes wero planted on suitable soil, thero would bo less trouble. In somo respects, tho Clin ton is superior. I havo nover known that vnrloty to bo disenscd." I)r. Trim ble also showed a box of borers. Just now, ho remarked, thoy may easily lie found In poach-orchards, nnd thoso per sons who havo been so Injudicious ns to neglect their trees until this Into day had better go to work at once. A knilo will easily rcmovo the pest. Ho will bo found hidden beneath llttlo globules of exuding gum. Dr. Trimble cited eases recently observed, where tho borer was destroyed by certain parasites, and ho said ho had never previously seen proof that man Is (bus aided in his usually weak warfare against this enemy. Mr. Union said; "I find great tiilvnntngclii putting threo or four tisponiifulls of powdered sulphur around mc largo trees nnd more around tho small ones. In fad, this application seems to pre vent tho attack of tho borer entirelv." How I Kaihk my Eai.i. Plan. When tho pigs nro two weeks old I put tho sow In tho pen or yard with tho fat tening hogs, allowing them, of course, to hnvo all tho swill nnd corn thoy can eat. Ordinarily, however, I boll pota toes and pumpkins with a liberal seas oning of meal, for tho first two or threo weeks of tho breeding, which Is better for tho sow than com. In tho mean time, have, n hole In thopen largo enough for tho Juveniles to go Iti and out, and then provide n side dish for them of sweet milk, with n llttlo meal or shorts added to it. In case you do not have milk enough for thu sow and pigs both, glvo It tho latter by all means. Previous to tho setting in of cold weather, they should havo access (both old and young) to n grass plot, but nfter hogs get fleihy nnd aro full fed, they will cat but llttlo grass. By tho woy,it Is surprising how small a grass plot will suffice for swine, after thoy havo been fed upon it for n year or two, when it has onco beconio fully en riched by feeding on it. Tho writer has kept six or seven full-sized hogs on a plot of n trlilo over on eighth of an aero and for thu most part the feed has been good. C or. Country Gentleman. Staiili; Wimdowm. Diseases of tbo oyo iii horses may, in many cases, bo truced to the wretched custom of con fining animals in dark blables. Any one who 1ms been for fcomo timo In it dark room, knows what tho effect is of coming suddenly out Into tho bright sunlight. Tho horse Is no loss sensitive. Bring him suddenly out, and you no- tlco that ho stumbles ngainst almost everything that Is in his wuy,uud stops with tho utmost uncertainty. This blundoring is not tho fault of thu poor beast, but of his owner. Tho oyo must gradually becomo accustomed to tho change. Tho cirect of tho common modo of treatment cftiiuot full eventu ally to bo disastrous to tho eyesight. Tho detention In dark sbtbles must have n deleterious Intltieneo upon tho optic norvo by wcnkenlng It. Tho retina feels It also. Objects nro reflected upon ft dull surfaco nnd they aro not clearly discerned. Thonuvter wonders what Is the matter ; his horse used to bo Mini footed, but nowhoHtumblosentlrely too fretiuonWy for his credit lit tho market. Ho used to bo very gentlu nnd could bo warranted as altogether safe, but now ho bhlcH ho abominably that tovcml times he bos very nearly upset tho car- rlngo, and tho ladies or tho Iioiimi nro nfrnld of him. Ho Is lining character and rapidly getting it bad name, when tho poor bruto Is ns deserving of conll denco us over. Tho niiium! would In fact bo safer with absolute blindness than with imperfect vision, for It Is constantly alarmed by objects which nro seen Indistinctly, whereas In tho former case it trusts entirely to thu bridle. Ear mors will do well to iiiako a note, and lot thoir horses havo light. Journal of (he Farm, COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLQOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNIY, COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, N. W. SAMPLE CO., Corner of Main Stroot nnd Tu, & 13. ltnil lloncl, BXi003yrSBXJHC3-, DP .A.. , MACHINISTS, J RON MmVUKSMITIIS ST 13 AM ENGINES & WATEll WHIRLS, a:i:itAi. .11 aciiiyi: woick a.i itnivmts. mill (ii:lui.V(i,:MliAi"riN(i, phllhvh, hanokkm, iihaihii.ockm, S-aw ovtit-iXj GKEA-iRiisra- on? -A-XjUi icusros, (JAHTiNiis kor eljrnaces, AISO rVIl WillXf.M ANII A.NLIIS BRASS CASTINGS OF AT.I. KINDS, UAH ItOXUH, i 1 ; 1 II'1 !'i , . COMPOSITION CASTINGS, P.HLFIELliVI OELEItRATEP ULOP.E VALVES, STOP COCK.'!, j WlKCK VALVES, . , , . ' STEAM WHISTLES, sihaik auAOES, stxjaivx nru and nuiNas .' 1 ' t , 1 1 CONSTANTLY OW l-lyvtNID. ' Agents nnd solo Manufacturers of Hall's 2?a'tcnt Double Disclinrg-o Turbine Wheels. BLACKSMITHIKTG, IIKAVV Oil L101IT t'OUOI.VCIH, " AGENTS FOli SITIVIJ'S GbVEUNOIf, AuivNowr.umir.n to iie:tiik himw.rst an'd'iiist in tiik woum UHAMUKS, TAPS AND DIES,, HOLTS AND NUTS OV ALh SIZES. OltDEHS KOIt WUDOH HOLTS AND IKONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CIIEKIIKULLY EUItNI SHED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS (IV TIIK r.ATIiST IMl'ltoVKIl I'ATTKKNH. THKESIIINC! MACHINES, ' A SPECIALTY.- v IJijckrvr Rkapjtcrs Rn.p'Ant rd, AND A Mi r.XTIlA PAWN V.UKNISJIIUII.' MANUEACTUKIOKS AND PK()PKIETOKS OK 1 ' ' '' I I O.I .TON'S PATENT HAY KAKE. ALL OKDEHS EXECUTED WITH O 11 ,M 0 N K V May 7,'W-tf LEU'S PATENT KAIL- CHAIN IIOIIS K- P O W E 11. The subscriber hereby given uoLku Unit IihIuih lemirehtiM-il tliu M Ktnntl at IJjjht Htreet from viu. Si'luiylcr, Mlioic JioIh now timnuractming the W II K K U K It 1 A T K N T , ami Is prcpniTil to furnish rnrmn-H with tho most rclhiblu mm hiiios (ior oilerul I thojmhllo, 'J'hu Wheeler Machine In noloiiKtrnn experimental! H lias been in constant tiMt for yearn nml llio yearly Milool lhUiu1entexeeettstlmt f all oth er cutubliicd. Wntlttlonu ut our hhop Is warranted for ono year. Also, nj;ent for VhoelcrH Combined ThiL'hhcr anil Winnower. Vox lull her naillcuIurH nnnly to or ndtlross J. M. llUISilIKIt, IJht Street, Columbia county, l'a. Juno ijou-Jm, QENTS WANTED KOK C ,1 M 11 1C R L 1 A",S' 'mm V O II T II E P E O P I,Kl CONTAINING Fu It lDBtruclloufi Hud rrndleal Furnis, tulapted to Kvery Kind uf I'lulnebs, nud to nil tho Htatcs of tho union. BY VllANKMN CHAMllUItl.IN, or Tilt: usirtu br.VTj.i hail "l'heroU no hoolc ofllio kind hlell will Inkn raniv wun u lor luiuicnuciiy. inil-lllt;eiieo. (Hid conipleleneW .SVrl;uIW(l(.U.) Jitpublfcun. TlitK U tho Only Now Hook of I ho kind publish ed formally jenrH. It is prepurid by nn able I'ractlcal !awe.r,ut twcnly-IUo ytaiii' oxicrl euee, and U Jiiil what uvcobody uoedk lor dully UHO. It U highly reeoiiiiuended hy many eminent JudtieM. Inelutllnu the L'hlel Justice und othtr JudtfCK of MassiK htiMdU, and tho Chief Jusih-e und eutlro llench of Cohiiecllent, li Koia only uy Kuiisrripiion. AUlvslH wASi iru E.I mu tviii.iu'M ' ncuii jur i-ueiiiurti. No.'lHprneoBtNow Voiki Cincinnati, t').; nnil uiuuign, in, OAUTIOK, An old law-lHwk. puhllshed many yean no, hat Just been hastily lelssucd us n now Imm1(,'' without even nhiillahlo revision or lu ohsolelo HlaleineulK. lio not ejiufotiud that work with Chainbeiltn'it Iw.Iiook lor Iho l'eople. July SVtU-am. Thl Inpam.iiii.k ItKUKiir ilces not, like Iho ixilsonoiiH IrillallniSHiiutl's und slicinn eiuisllcwi lillloim with which the peoplo hae Iouk Ih-oii hiiinhUL'KiHi.Hliuply palllnto lorauhnrt tiiuo, or llrlvo Iho dlseas.' to Iho I.iiiikh in Ihero Udaniter id doliiK In iho iio or .noli nosiruuit, hut It pro duces pcrrccl and perriiiincnl cuies i.r tho worst iMseHofchionlo inlarrh, UHihousnnilscjin testily. "I'olil In Iho iloud" Is ruiul Willi n lew uppllcu. tloua. t'alarihal Headaelio Is lcllcwd and cured us If hy maule. It removes oilcnslvo hn nlh.losii or liiiiuilrniiiit or tho sense or taste, Mm II or Iwarlnif, wnlerlnu or weak tyis, and luipalrid memory, when caused hy llieNloli nceiif eaiarili, us they all rmimntly are. I oilet 111000.1 i.itih n standout lewuid of 8"Jiu for n ease of 1 aiatrh that I cannot cure. 1'nit ham: iiv iiowmutiiuis'i'ri nviiitv- ruirK Only 0) Ckxth. Ask oiir IlrilL'fflst for the ltkkii-!iivt ir l.n has not yet not It on sale, don't ho put oil bj ue eentluu auv jnNerahle worse Ihuu worlhh hs suIh slliuie, but eneloso silly tents in me. und Iho Kcliuslv will ho scut von twist lial.l. l-'.ilir i.fiflr. uitcHi.iu, uronoilonn UiriW. Meinlnlwoivnt Hlnmp lur lir.H.iRo's pamplilitou Calarrh. Ad dress Iho l'roprlelov, It. V. i'lKltl'i;, M, I)., jiw-4in, lli;r'ALO, n, v. July2,'W-3ui flj Wlialc!J. Y or 10 IS-.ryT ruraji AN J) W M asrj!0l) Hit S; AND HOIIjHH MAKHItS. ( 1 1 AND ROLLINO MILLS., ANI lll'.N ATTl' COCKS, t l 11 OILOUPS, MADK TO OltDElt. I PKOMITNKSR AND SATISKACTION OIVKN It H V II Jf 1) r. 1) . JglLLIAKDS! HILLIAKDSI! wii, mam li. i; i i.Moiti: llns ojipunl n Mnn llillliiril Halnon Iti lulrittlnn to lilHWillknuwu 1 1 1 -STA U It A N T. HutinsatubUw with nil UiohUCHt Itnprovoinenlsaiul In perfrt't onlcr. lie keeps on tiaiul tho boa XAGKIt I1EF.II AND AM! whli hlhoiimikctnrrniiN. OYSTIIItS to ho lut ntnll IliiwN when In Honsnn, Hlso llcef ToiiKue. Tickled tilpe, Clanis, Ar Ae. '1'hu pnhlie nru Invltetl to eall. nnd lire prniu ised hiitlsnictlnit;cilher In klllluidHor h-HinIi-lilcnts. Jl In (IOAIW AXIJ TOIIAUCO cannot he excelled, nionmsburg, Jan. 1 EIIIGH VALLEY AOUICULTU XJ ItAli CIlIiMICAL, WOltKH. BREINIG & HELFIUCH, .MAUfAfrUl!Kl!S or iiniciNiG'a cojii'i.j;te B O N !: MANUll 15. A concentrated nmnurecomblului; the reliable ferllllilngprupertlmofliONKDUSToraUOUND BONK, Willi tho nctlvo clcmcnlsof I'KHUVIAN C1UANO, AMMONIACAI. MATTtlt, AND SUPEH PHOSPHATE OF LIME. NOIICI:. Wo prcpaie but tho ono article. Kuaruiitrclns It ns slundam, reliable and unli si d 01 .l . i..;....i.uinin,igt ruospuaieoi j.une. Menu for , 'irmm' Manure Uulde," For sale nt Jlanufae. A. J. AI.I1KUTKON, nohrshurt', l'a. J.J. ItoliniNHio lIliHiiusl.urL'l'ii. Mar.IVW-Cm. WAI.TKIt SCOlXCalawIsM,!' QMNIHUS LINE. Thoiinderslt'iieil would rrapcrtruily iinnouuco lo inoeiiizeus 01 iiioorashnrij nud Iho pnbllo ueno- iiuiv tun no is running nu O.MNIIIIIH I.INK bitweeii this plucouud tho dlUcreul rulliiuulde ouU dally (amudayaexcvpUsI), to romieot with the several trains KOlnu Houllinnd Westou IheCnla wlssannd Wllltamsisirl Uullrond, and with thoso Koing north and Bouillon tho Iackawaunaand iiiiHinisourK iianroiul. IllsOmnlbussesiiro lu t'oist condition, commo dious niul eoiuforlahle, and rharuea reasonable. I'eisous wlshlni; in meet or see thoir friends do. purl, ran huiuunilHed iiui icasonahleehaii:.) leavniR iiuiHiy iioiicoiauiiy or he hotels. JACAIII ( UIHTON, Proprietor, QAltHIAOE MAN UFACTOH V, ItliKiintihuitf, 1'u, M. II. KMIAN A UlUlTllCIt Ihemiccessorsof WIL.I.IAM HUIAN A Illl.N conlliiun Iho l.uslneu of niaklnu CAIlUIAtllM, IIUIKJIIX, nnd eveiy stylo ol FANCY WAdONH, which they havo constantly 011 hand losullriis loiuera. Never using nny material but the but anil employing Iho most cxs.rleurisl workmen they hojsi locuutlnue as heretofore to lIvo emi .atlsfactlon to every cuslomtr. An Insnoctlonol their work, and of the reasonable price asked for he same, Is sure to Insure a sule. May .VB'J-tr ("tONSUMPTlON CAN HE OUUED wily Hr.CC.Oaii Ison's new .riessorti(alinenl ., 1!.''r.",.l'l,., ".',''''.n. OAltlllSON.VIl Hoiilh IIIIIHON, VII South 1.IOHTH St. Plllludell.hhl. Pa. 1 io?iTnlt'U!ulumf''11 K'""'" THItOATand I'HUOATaiu Feb, ,'i.y. iltiiliicrent Ideas of prices are generally pro ueed by dlllerenl proDoitlons of n,iniii,;,Y..,, it 1 ,iin.-j uniutN iiiiu variations in nnniit.r ! ai-mers can sovo money by roduclnitthe nuaIN LV IIIItmS.'lVH U'D II.. i.l. Iln..n GROCERIES, &c ONFEOTIONEltY. c The undenilened would rcsnectfullr announce to tho puhlle that ho has opened n FIItHT-Cl.AHS CONKKOTIONKUY Bit) 1 115, In tliol.ulldlng lately occupied by Fox A Webb wheio ho Is prepared to furnish nil kinds of I'l.AtN A FANCY CANDIIH, FUHNIIIIOANDIKH, FOltF.ION A POMIWTIU FlttllTH, N UTS, UA IMNM, AC., A(! AC. II V W1IOI.FHAI.K Oil I1KTAII.. 'In nhoil, a full assortinoiit nf all goods lu his lino of imslness. A ureal variety ol IIDIjIjH, TtlYH, Ae., siillahle for the Holidays. Particular attention tflvcu Vt II It It All ANII OAK KH, of all kinds, fresh every day, (MI HIHTM AH CAN I I KM, Oil I HTM AH TOYH. A rail Is solicited, and satisfaction Will he Hiiaiuiiiccu, Nov, . turn. CCKHAHT-JACIIIH. H HAND OPENINO U (lUANn tll'KNINII (lltANl) Ol'n.VINd (lltANI) OI'IININll (IHANI) Ol'KNINll or fa 1.: FA I. ANII wtNTF.ii (mora. WINTKlt IIIK1IW AND FA 1,1, ANII WlNTI'.ll (IIKIIIH FAI.I, ANII WINTCIt (KHIHH I'AI.I. ANli wliNri:il (I00IIH, ronslstlnc ol mnslstlni; of rolislstliiK of OHUHlHtltlK of ooliitlslliis of OOOIW, noons, (IOODH, OOODH ooohh, HATH ANII OA IN. HATH ANII CAIN 1 1 ATM ANII CAIN HATH AND CAIN HATH ANII CAIN, iKMriN hoots HOOTS. HOOTS hoots ANII SIIOIM. AND HIIOIN. AND HIIOKS. AND HIIOKs! AND 8II0KS, HKADY-MA1IK CIXITIIINU. Itl'.ADY-MAIIE CI.OTIIINO huady-madk ci.oti1ino. 1 1 i:a d y-.m a i k cloth i no ui:ady-madk clothiu, IiOOKINO-Or.ASSEH. LOOK I N 0-0 r, ARS m. LOOK I N O-Q UAKSKh! LOOIv-INO-OLAKSHM IXX)KINO-OL.VSaEs; NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS, notions! paints and oils, paints and oils PAINTS AND Oim PAINTS AND OIIJs! PAINTS AND OILS! OKOCKUIKS, OUOOF.KIKH tlltOCKIHh-S UltOCUIHIX OKOCEltlKS. (ItlliFNSWAltK, liUKKNHWAItlC, illKHNSWAIH.: UIIHUNSWAItU llUKUNHWAHM HAItDWAllK, HAIlDWAItK, IIAIHIWAltK IIAItDWAltl: HAItDWAllK, TlNWAItF, '11NWAIIK, T1NWAIIK, TINWAItK TINWAItK, SAIf, HALT SALT SALT, HALT, FISH, FISH, FIHII, FITII FJSII, (IILVIN (UtAIN tlltAIN (IIIAfN IIKA1N AND HliUDS, AND HHKHH, AND HKKDH, AND HKKIIS, AND HKKDS, Ac. Ac., AT JlC'UCLVY, NHAI, MlKIILVY, NHAI, .mi kiilvy, ni:ai, Mi'KKLVY, NKAL Hl'KKLVY NKAL CO.'S, CO.'H, Ctl.'H. CO.'S. CO.'H. Noilhwistisuliiirol Main ami Market KlleeU, . 11 . 1 111-1 1,1 .,1:1111 an, 1 AiuraeL rireeis, .Sort iwesl corner or Muni and .Market Stri!, Noithwest comer or .Main and Market Klieels. wesi mini 1-)( Main and Marki I Klrools, IILOO.MHlllIHO, PA., III.OO.MSIIUHO, PA IlLOOMHlUIItU, 1'Ai, HI.OO.MHHIIUU PA., HMIOMSllUiUI, PA. IKON AND NAILS. I HON AND NAILS. IKON AND NAILS 1HON AND NAILS IKON AND NAILS In lair.e quantities and at reduced rales, alway JOOK, HEAD, AND LEAHN, THAT THE Clrent Shoshonees Ilemcdy 1 Of Till! CKI.K1I1IATKI1 INDIAN Dlt. LEWIS JOSHEPIIUS, of tlio dlstlnjru Ished Trlbo of Khoshonees, Colum bl.i.Terr.1.lorJ' ,low to" "l8 In tho Union. 1 his all iMissesslug great remedy. Is warranted nnd lu broad nnd emphatic language, we run v , ...... u ,v,,.-t uiiuu iu ivaae a perma nent cure of all d senses ol the Tiimm 'i Liver, Kldueys, Digestive Organs, etc., As well as scrofula, tho various skin diseases," Humori. and all Impurity of the blood, excepting the third Since of ColiaillilnlWm ' 1 ""m .lu Canada whern thin nmnl .nmii. , . In uso for a short time It has Indeed enectcd jomeof tho most marvelous cures over recorded heroin "n?l.llVl nA'S' iimhla Territory we defy humanity lo dlsrafli iiiumei. nun whs ureal Hlioslionees Itemedv Is the remedy of romedlcs of the lUUi Century, hud lug humanity: " " u '" "uur ",Uir' Prlcoof tho Weiaedy lu largo pints. S1.21 eusea,N V y Youus 4 Syra- For sale by all dealers lu Meillclcluo. JQltUtKIIBTS WUITK TUU8 OF THE OHEAT SHOSHONEES UEMEDY I lAiLsruAcrs uy lkitkus.) (leneva. N. Y.. Fob. I.llh Ism liic loUNa A lluo.-I Und my sales i f your vahuil.le Heine, lea greally liioruulng, Iii',T your UreutHhoshonees Keniedyls KlvlnKlhobest .1, Muwiiisi, auuuoing just as ills recommend ;l In do, several haying even coino lu to to 1 1110 how much Ihey had been lienoiUod fi'uu Its use ,i,.w,,t,i ,,u in it again, ew. etc. j.,1,1, Vi WILL. lAltll N. HJI1T1I. Sliermnii, N, Y.,March. Suth lsau . nu. lousa A liito.-r siarhsi vour llri.tit uli. m- nonees iicinedy by gl lug away ouo bottio io a con Inncd Dyspeptic, iho result has been Am lo ItKlvtn uniu.isal snllsfaetluu. more tha i iiv JustlniHl lu recoininondlug It. Scud luo six . R, -i "iiw iMtiiiiiis, eie, IIYItON FKNNlilt. Walcilf.uM M V ir .ir.i. ...... Dlt. Youno. a lluo.-VourH osho niii iVinlv Is glv ng g.asl sallsfaetlon, nml sells bUtcr tlu S any other uow iiifsllriiie wo havo e ver uttoiiii' tell KBff ""wo,,ru mi,r,yJ!.u,t.?Wi'ilS''! highest terms, und rorom mrtniu iur;y ,mt or li ' IleaTo' VSrt'SS", gross more at once, i tc.elc. lul It toothers: and "'o. IIHOOKKK. ifiuuli'ic ffLT!t.,,vJtlW'-: .. cuso, N. Y. ' " ul "Z"1' rursaieuy all dealers lu Midiclue, T I.IUS,?"SS!SSSH9I i0WDEH AC oTthe SkT..; sTh, n. s-r to uTm1Si,s2SW' ' rflW-, A LL KINDS OF JOB PJtlNTINn l'-7 N. Moignn St., Chlcogo, III, Fib. 1Mb 1WJI Dil. YllUMl A IIUO.-1 halool lowrleudoi of your tlreut shoslioneis lieiuedy nlroauy NTiui n gient nuinlwr or the Shoshonees T Pills i ti tiS IRON, TINWARE, &C. TOVES AND TINWAHE. A. M. ltUl'KUT announcca to tils friends nnd customcra Hint continues Hie ftbovo business nt his old place on MAIN BT11KCT. llLOOJISIlUltO. Customers cnu bo ncconuKlalcit wltli FANCY HTOVKH of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tluwnre, nnd every vn. rletyof orllcloriiniidinriHiovoaiiu jmnai" lihllshiiient lu Ihecllles, und on Ihoinost reason. alio terms. Iti p.ililngdoiientlhoslioilistnollcn. 21 IKIKKN MILIM'ANH on hand for aalo, TVTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STKKKT, NKAIU.V OITOSlTK NII.l.KIl' HTOHK, nr.nnMHliUItO. lT.NN'A. fur uiuUrslBUcd has Jnsl llllisl up and opcuod his now HTOVE AND TIN SHOP, in lids place, where he Is prcpaied lo make, up iwTiii WAiiKofnllkliuls ill his line, nnd do i paltl i! wllh matness and dispatch,, upoi Ihe iiiosl reasonable Icrins. llu alsu kicps on Imnd Kl (lVT.S OF VAUI01IS PATTKItNS A STYIiKM, which he will sell upon ti mis to suit purcliaseis. Ul'Vhlm a rall. lie Is n i gned niccVanlc, and deserving ol uioi J ACOIt MKT.. Kloomstinrg, April!. IHJ. .I.usin K. smith. !. II- SKI.T.KU M ITU & S E L T ft E 11, f Inilioilcrsrin.l liealersln Foreign and Domeslie iMIi. ss:"..',lt I'' -ya? UAH D W A It 1.", O UNH, CUTLliltY, At.'., NO, l(W N, T1IIHI1 STKKKT, AlI.l'AI.UlWIII PltII,AI)i:i,l'IUA. Nov. JAOT-ir. NENV STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAOENIlirclI, Mnlu Street one door above 1. Meudeuhairs Slorc. A large ns&ortuieut of stoves, He.iteis and Itauges constantly on hand, nud for sale at the lowest rates. Tinning hi nil lis brnuclicacaielullyutlcudcdlo, and satisfaction guaranteed. Tin work of nil kluds wholesale nnd retail. A trial Is lequcsted. Apr.u.tio-tr THE NEW HARDWARE STORE. NE PLUS ULTRA. Hnviiig enlarged our fetoro lloom nud Just OPENKIl A NEW SUPPLY, directly from tho Jtnnufaclnicis, purchased for cash, on a declining maike(,w- o nro prepatned to oirer the samo to FAUMERS, JinciIANICS, BUILUEUS. and the rest nf Mankind, n general slock, com prising all tho kluds and qualities usually kept In n clly Hard Waro Store, sullablo to Iho wauls of the county, nt unusually low prices. All thnseuhoaiodcslrlQusor purchasing goods In our lino can save Money by looking In at tho Now Hardware Store. Please gle us a call audoxamluonur sUick Ac. P.UNYAN A WAllDEN, Apr. SUD-Iyr lilooiuiburg. Pa. gHARPLESS & IIARMAN, XAOLUlOUMIItV ANllMANUl'Ar-lCKlM! UIOI', HTOVIX A PLOWS WHOLESALE A m.TAIlj THU (TI.UlllATKII MONTItOSE IKON IIKAM ANII TUB 1IUTTON WOOllKN IIKAM I'UIW.M. CnslliigsnndFliollriikriiriepalrliiKcllvStovcs. All kinds of Hows or Iroiuusilnginado tuonkr lllKin sluut notlc II. F. HHAUPLKSH A P. H, nifMimsbuig, l'a. Mar.l'J,'ii'J-tr. HAItMAN, l'roprlotois. QRANtlEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE HIIOPAND AUllICULTUItAL Tbo undersigned desires to inform his fi lends und thunn illo generally, that he has icuulll and enlarged Ids Foundry nud .MacIilnoShop.and re. moved all his husliu ss riom Light Sheet to the above named place, whcio lu connec'.lou wllh hlshoumlry ho will tlnuo to iiianuiaiturii Whcc er's Hallway Clmlu lloi-so-l'ower and Thresher, (hnprovwl), Carncll's Piilent. TIIUKSHElt AND, ellher overshot for Trend-Power or undershot Willi lAtver-l'ower. Hu also msuuf.ieluii s lo oulcr nnd Ills upull hludsnr ,""'""'" ,U"N '" M I L L O E A R I N CI , iiff"nirSi"y -yuiullels, Palent Slides lr Saw Mills, ihe latest Improved ion Ilium plows or 1 1 111 lerent kinds W.'siden lleain 'p i "... S uh h! Corn Plows, and Plow points or iveiy durrln Hiiii generally used thlnughout the eniiuly lltlJN KEITLIX, HELLS Cellar Orates. Hlovis.Sleil and Sleigh Sob s, and ',m,'. .''''i"'1"11 K,"'i "".'J' '""'lehia eouuliy l oundry. '1 hose wishing to purchas.i Machines would no well lo examine hi, muclilii.s. and o. inproveiiieiits made, on iho power, by which at h ast tho ruction Ntiikui oil ALL MACHINES AliE WAItltANTEIt to glvo goisl sal Isfactloii nud lei nn made to suit michasors. Alt kinds ef crunlry piisluce take In exchange loi Plows and castings. Thankiul to hls mends and patrons lor nasi ravouhowouldslllleouiiniioi.JkoHeiiihosanu. wuco-if WILLIAM SL'IIUVI.EU. Apr.w,oii.f Orungevllle l'a. E W F I R M NATIONAL IRON WORKS BILLMYEU & IIENRIE. Thosubscrlbersrcspeclfullycnll the altenilou in me ousinesscommuniiy lo their Woikssllua. in on mo j,, u. u, u. nbovo tho Depot. it loom mi una j.. FOUNIIE1LS, MACIIINiSTO AND IKON SMITHS, ir -v- t . ... . -i jv a u r a u T U R E R S Ol .r-iigincs, uoiiers, Saw nud Gilst-MIII ....cuiueiy, .-.nniiing, pun, j s and Hangers. They also mukonll kludsof Thrashing Machines of tho most approved patlernsaud IhoCelcbinted .u..u.sU .ion neaiu i-iows, cook, lVnlor.Dar room ami wurk-shop STOVES, Healers nnd n ..... U.SOUHUICIUOI me nncics, nnd castings con sinnuy on Hand for lepahlng stoves. Several .....i-.i-ut, uuii uesigns orcelhirGrates. They u. pripaicu io furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Mining purposes, and General Mlulng eastings. Iron nnd Uinw castings for eveiy de scrintlou ol job work. Agilcultural Implements ........ .....,,.,. lu, ,aiucuinr ulteutlon given to ho lepnlrlngcfnll kluds of Hoopers; extra Juno l','o'J-tf. T)OH 'T IN i END A&TONISiilNCi XJ i-ujiriKu on., liurw.vini K A Y'S P U M P S, USED AND ADMIKKD 11Y EVEItY ONli Our mii.ii. . ennonlyhui un of hi Li, Vi" """;!:? wlildi the isistojllcoor leitat his niuu I hv WiiiMAMspoiir, Pa, ALLEN KAY. , ,-1",".lf"eluler. A. J. I'KESCOIT. Catawima.Pa, . - . .Ae.iil. lr. ICay orloiir . P s..,, i''l i-".'. ."' lo orders w .HV or l July fcfj-i. v, k pOWDER KEOSAND LUMIIEU W. M.MONIiOEA L-O., Kilpelt. Pa.. Mnniifiulurers of VOWDEIt KF.OS. and dealers In all kluds ol UMI1EK. glvo nonce Hint they nro pruvued m.. m... ll.elr rusu,,,, will. dl.,tch, d on tl,e,h(,,lkt Q. ii o ri e m u imTaV EII'E INSURANCE COM PAN V o r NEW YORK, '""y ST"Vr'M- I'Ke.nan.H,,.. lupuai uer ti,im,Ut, nil J. II. ROIUSON, IlLOOJISHUIUI PA. OKNLUAL AdHNT. l-'nr Luzerne, Lyeoini,,B lllia Columbia Aug.av.!lly. """l. pieVS, , " WB ro '"utWeiil ! wo can you are .WriiM'fi.'n 'ffii1?,? 1'ITCTI PINE OH BLACK OAK WATl-o PA. DRUGS Sl MEDICINES. A.yor'3 Cathartic Pill3, tho purpoaoa or a jjxuo Pertitpi no one mfll clan Is so unlrcraallyro nulrcd bf crcrylioily ns a rntlmrtlc.nor was ever nny bcroro so unlvcnali ly niloptcd Into use, In every rountryandninoiig nil cI.hcj, ns Milt mild hat cfflclcnt purgntlio nil. The ohvlom rc.v lion l,tlintltlamoroio llablo and fivriaoro crrcc tual remedy Minn any ,,.. Thonn who linve mmmm .. iii rKthut i fmerVoV themcver nnd makes 1 in My: "":';-IhnM1,triifitlons W Vorrocnf,liorcrcr they cjW. such dcrnagc- thn b" ",fir the following complaints, wlylcli Uicso '""n'r'ipep'Ifror Inillffe-tlori, Il.tle... ,... liiiizii'ir mid I.o. of Aiipelle,tliey " -ail tl i talcn moderately to stlmalalo tho Btom " and rcitnie Its healthy tono and nction. loi- Idler C'nmplulnl and its various fj-mp-tains, unions HeuiIacUe.McU "' " J iiinillce or Clreeit Nlclmrss, ''"" I-i ll" and ItlHons vrr, tlicy should bo Ju llclouily taken for each case, to correct Uic diseased not on or rcmovo tho obstrnctkjns w lilc i cjuso It. For lSTseiiiery or lllurrUoca.but ono mild do'di generally required. For Hlieninatlsni,ouS, Gravel, talnl tatlnil of llf Jlrurl, IMIll III llin Hill, Iiuck and tolni, they should bo contlnuoudy taken, ns required, to change tho diseased action of the system. With such change thoso complaints '''For'uroiisT and llropislcal Swellliisrs they should bo taken in largo nnd Iroqucnt doses to pro daiotliocffcctofadrasllcrurgc. For Hiiiiprcsslon n largo doso snonlil bo taken ns It produces tho desired effect by sympathy. As a Mnntr Ml, tako ono or two I'HIs to pro molo dlgosllon and rcliovo tho stomach. An occasional doso cumulates tho stomach and bonds Into healthy action, rotorcs tho appetite, and Invigorates tho system. Hcnco it Is often nil vfuitiiircoiis where no serious derangement exuta. One who feels tolerably well, alien finds thatadoso of these I'ffs makes him feel decidedly better, from their cleaning and renovating effect on the dlgcs nro apparatus. Jill. .. C. AVEll . CO., l'radleat Chcmttlt, LOirjlLL. -lf.lSSi, XT. .1. A. Ayer's air viffor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. f, A ilrcsising which i in oucc iigiccablc, lii'iililiy, imd eflccl ual lor ircscrving tlio liuii-. Faded or gray hair is soon restored In ih original color aitli the gloss and frctliiicss of youth. Tliiu hair is tliick- ciieil, railing hair hrt-ked, and bnld-iic'-i often, though not always, cured hy its use. Nolhin' can restore tho hair where Iho follicle-i mo destroyed, or tho glands alrnpliied ami decayed. Hut Mich as remain can he saved for usefulness hy Hits iipjilicnlion. Instead of fouling tho hair with a nasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean mid vigorous. Its occasional uso will iiucnt tho hair from turning gray or falling oft", and consequently prevent baldness. Erco from thoso deleterious Mihstaucca which mako some prepiu-alimis dangerous and injurious In Iho hair, the Vigor cau only benefit hut not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clo can ho found so desiralj Containing neither oil nor dye, it iioOj not soil wliilo (iiinluio, and yet lasts long on tho hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre und a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co,, ritAC-lIUAI, ANU AN.lI.l-llaVI. C'llK.MISTd, LOAVELL, MASS. rmuii i.oo. R. '1' A Y L O R ' S OLIVi: I1KANCII I! I T T JO R S,r,eahleTnnle mihinlini, kiiiiu. achlcnnd Caiiulnailve 1! I T T E R S , Dxliniledenihciy , Hetlnniid i:n(,, um,. lybciiellclallu DYSPEPSIA, OENERAL DERILITY, nml Loss of Appetlto; nnd nn ejei lient Co. n ellve Tor persons mure! ,. from Iilsiinhinoftho HowiIh, Flatulence, Ac. Sold EvcrywliPi'o. epol, No. tl I Mail.rt street, Philadelphia. J. K. TAYLOIt & CO, HepLI.Wly, A,11- IUVINESaiUA;IMNTMAN M E D 1 o I N K . U8KU l OU MOI.KT1IAN l,nv TUAIUHNOKUMANV ''"'""''hecessfulmcdlclii yetdlseovcred for iiir,:..... . . "I psui, Live DUeaKi. A,.,,r. i ..'..'! er complaint, Kidney i luado Vnflrely of ' 1 u"illu,u or Luiikh, nud ROOTS AND IIERiss, One doso eui.dundhenlihy hy usTiiithu a' ""w . . " '"i"iniltll W.W..J i inniAN MHIIICINR Ithasiicerlall,i i ruiiBimeut of ihoKiomn'Jh "Blu'i evernndlle- i unpo nil who nro o 'Ibis I'HdlclnoiK prepared only ,y by the fVn wi.f. a...i $10A,)AY-, J1JU1-31U. A.J, 1-lILLAM. New York, QETTJIKHEST. Van NEAT AND CHEAP Call a Tho Colurub! t Olllce, lllooindiuTr.. c'or nil Mutiiclno. J"rSfY Medicine Slore In "hiwo, '), ,,,,,,I1UV1N):' rjl-.AENlCSS, ULINDNEKI Ak'n lor ixniifli.Vlon wl""mt l'". Nochargo Jan, JVii'J.-hr rMiE MAlilO COmTi-TEIOTII AUV ' -w"'"' l"lui!Ueld,Mas. Una linenllon, and all iiidira i.. . .in' rl,.,u M'iylS.w K.H.1III)U:.MAN. t.UOMHIItllttl Hnnu . . . KltAltV INsititi...... ""tllttsiMUh IIKNltY UAItVKU, A. J, " OUA Prof esuor nf Intellectual nt.,i J' Vl i f r. theory and I'raViitO ' .taowj erioS .MIsHHarah A.Cnrv n. Teacher ' eiien, iiolan. ;.-' in: ""oiciioh, ""SMI IIU lftannn tiA.. . . i roieisor ni Ancient Iju ;,'"i III l "taminar. ""Xutod Profeaaor nf .Mat heiimii. ' 'V iroiiiimy ''ACJolm. . . nur ui ciit'in ui-.-. -----,erofJ.A,!fete " Tcnt'lHI-nr h..i'.t: "X ra nml 1 .IicFAMj term will fmm a "".I! 'V rJ.Ml 1 1! 1 'N ll ri nml fv. nil mill i tpniinii 1.1 1 1. i. . liwu i fHUl - III IIIlM,u;. - ... mi 1 li r fT 1 1 in Intrni 1...1 ...i . . "nun, rilWLT It U """"i ny lime. .,,. i "'ii lb. . NEAILINO EYE I'ltPp'"r nuiiin .M0L'welryi " o 1 T I U I A N S & iiiM'i OC U L 'tTITIIAII "Id llAltTTOiiu. ..... ofelowM llne,wllli uvlewlomett,,,,,, 1JUU lor Hicir "I . " ... i. iriiii'i. ii.iii ,i... nil siiiieH oi tfltY K . -I'l'oiiiiui Maluat. A It l i.l .. 1.. , OlS II11U Mtuo A I. STATI0KKH. ULOOmiiUlUlh ikeu enro lo glvo all needful it. k. uieev uiu rcquirciuenia or allniLi,,.,,,,.. IHiruiuiiy will lH)lllusnl orJJl,rtU8iao 'I'll I. lit SlTIII.'V'l'lliVTVl in. 11. II. VINO tiUALIIIIJ, . . . U....U... K,uiitn linn I from tho peculiar construction they nre toothing and pit amM. aai- oi rcnei io i no winrcr. and Pml.l.l . in. ic nn'.dl'.iliVli in V I-.Lli i'lulng, en HiriiiTi . . .. And nro tlioCHKAPlXTlMu'. Ihe necessary. :0: TUT T C A U T I 0 X und lll.GOMtill Ulld li Is llio ONIjY Atrciit mn iiiii'i', JllJ'l1 Illlll... G '1 ui'i.i v. it t 1-imi'v ri1 I A , 1 1 west 'H 11(1 J- h An l I I n 1 1 'li Htt I 1 1 1 N hi :oiw. ODiimin wr iriniu,iUlJ in... It UHi 11 HUT lUflhilliLvv Iff A 4. i:rM IK .. a iisuii: inn ii inreaiiH uni'iiiji adjuhlmcnt. WnshlhL'nud IioiiIiil'. HesldiM doliiK nil kinds of i' oriinmeiilnl worlr. ten 'l ho Highest Pieinhiai" in, in, m ,u nn' , ,ii , , . . . .. i i..t.r i'. Maehliw'M nml llm urmk ilnlil'l'Jw" -jot- M-Tin, fiiiti lil.t ini.1 lirlWi 1 1A1 A H4 iji.tiiiirv ill' nui""" MlKlHlitH, Ut tlltl JiVJilWllH'll ItOUIll iurr ii. ...i. .mftttfr" A . K 1 1 I. IKI. T I' II It n III I! ra in .A.. 15;v JlLOOMSItVli' r 1A.NW H via. aiiuiu B j. - lock, M ft. IjWIi. SrtfS. " s. OLOC "V --L r .,i ,,,, ... Juno S5,CV-ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers