The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 20, 1869, Image 4
IcoxTisUEn rituM rtiwT paok. arnttcincn, each of tlioso Institutions wiw rullril by tlio nmno of Its rounder. Ouy'ri hcMpltnl In Iiondon hivi become blstnrltnlj It la well known In lilornturo. 'llioViuwrtr Uollcgo nndCorncllUnlvorsl. ty, In tho Stnto of Now York, will bo permanently known by thoso nnmos ttmnnir tho charitable Institutions of that jjrwit State. But wo turn to our own Stale. Huron Huccawrul btwltioss man, to whom tho C'lieral dovlopcincnt of Industry nnd wealth In tho country had brought largo nnd unexpected fjiiins, was wiled upon to determine in iita own mlud,uuderhls ti'HHutiIbillty to I'rovldeneo and to hla follow citizens, what ho would do with hit Hiirplus means, Just after tho wur, when IiIl'Ii rates of vulun nnd 1ii11m1i.iI business threw great profits casually In to cortuiii hands. llu determined that here, within our borders, upon or near uiu uaiiKs 01 1110 l.etiiKli, in a region beautirul by nature and adorned with hnrma nf trill nin.t t. 1,1 erect an Institution ror tho ctiuwtlaii of youin, not eontined to any sect but open to tho young men of any or tho families In our broadCommonwealth.wlio might freely compete for entrance, and for whom provision should bo mode. Ho imdnwu I It, us you know, largely, uiv " m it lanus nnd money, it was opined In temporary buildings on the tlrt or September, 18C0. Tho main stlUetllrcs will be eniiiiileteil srum. mill in nil probability wiMilii the limit or iiiv ni. no wjii see tlio mil accomplish iiiriil of his great, benovolentand mag- WilU III lift tinitiTnit It was notlcalluil, after the examples which I havo heforo montloned, by tlio ii.uuu in us luuiiiiur. ii was fallen 'l.ehlgli mivcrslty," nmt as sucli It will tnlowii to futuro generations. Tho good man who established It was will ing, nay desirous, that It nhould bo des ignated by a name appropriate to tho M'CtiDIl in Which It Win tn lw.,l i d ids own name should not bo ilh tli-ogimtlon turning men. His name liini i ver will be as-ociated with one of mo iii.iiu ouiiuings, and ho will bu re mt'iuliiieil In Hie liMnrv and country for tlio establishment or oiio oi our leaning charitable. Institu tions. In contrast to this, tuko tlio cise or (Itrnrd who held his wealth until his (le.ith, and projected in his will a pecu liar institution to bo organized and to hocomliicted by others. What was tho result'.' His charity was mismanaged, mismanaged In tho construction of tho building designed to execute- its main purpose, and mismanaged In tho In vestmiintorthorunds which holoft. More than this, his will was tho subject of timlmif'wl mill niimnot llltr...!!.... I. .I.r. . n - ...... -iiiv. iti iuu courts both or our own State and of mo uimeu mato. Nay. his w 111 was i"ijected to u powerful critlcis m by -.'.uui'i , uuner in unit oi nia most cele brated arguments, in which ho Insisted that tho will did not establish a charity ntall: that if was unchristian in Its spirit mm in iiu provisions, uecauso it cxclu ded ministers or tho Qospcl from en iraneo willilii tho Institut on. at nil events in any ofllcial capacity, and ror other reasons with which 1 need not troublo you. This man or wealth, who held and controlled his entire fortune to uioiasupomentornislirolcftbchlndhlm n legacy of dispute, of difficulty, of mis management, and even of nunrrnl nml contention In his own city, extending through a long aeries or years. Thus that great charlty.for I will call it such, although noblo In ita purpose and do- oiuii, was loagreai extent aimtnislicU in Its significance and valuo by its post ponement until death camo to the donor; Our candidate for Governor judged unlet,, isuuiiu juugeu Deiicr. no fol lowed, If not more illustrious, inoro wise and judicious examples. Ho prop, erly and wisely determined That his charity should bo executed during his I re, and that ho himself would see to it that his whole purposo should bo car r'9d i. complete oxecutlon. Gentlemen, I have gone ovor nil tho topics upon which I propose to address you to night, not in so satisractory a mannbras I could desire, but still, I trust, in a manner which has aflbfilcd you some degrco or instruction. This Is in opening meeting or our canvass ror thi) election or 1SG9. As we havoadml rulihi candidates, ns wo hnvo a good iniuw, us theopposltioulnwo candiiTnteH wlm mo weak as wo tltiuk.antl unsuilcd tn llio i.laicsfur which thyy aropropos I'd, mid abuvo all as reform In our Slate ullairs, financial and otherwise, Is an indispensable necessity demanded by tho common Interests or tho wholo peo ple and by tho honor or our State. I cannot doubt that the decision will Lo in favor or tho mo ror whom I havo poken ton glit. y0 may bo assured hat In electing thorn w will glvoa now nn? of uf?' .Posporlty and honor to t has o pol tical institutions under which mo live. Applause. FARMER'S COLUMN. To JlAKuBt.Aci:nEKttv Wine. The following careful receipt tor making this excellent and wholcsomo wino we find in the Country Otnlkmun, Vo glvo mi inn beason mat our readers may imvii hi. onco mo ucnctlt or It: Havo ripe fruit mash it into a pulp with a heavy woodon maul, and throw tills into a vat (a tight barrel with tho head out,) and continue adding new pulp till tho barrel Is full. This may oc cupy a week or ten days. Tho fermenta tion will throw tho fruit pulp to tho top whilo tho seed that havo been BOperatcd will sink to tho bottom. When thUnn. curs draw otr tho clear liquor from the vnt by a faucet, n few inches from tho bottom, into tho barrel you Intend to keep tlio wine In. Thon, to tho pulp that remains In tho vat, add ono-hair uio measuro or water that thero has bocu purojuico drawn oir. Mix and stir this and leave It till thopulp rises again, and draw off tho clear liquor into tho barrel. Tut tho pulp into a coarso crash bag, and press It as dry as possible, and add tho liquor to tho barrel, which should now bo full. Add to each gallon of liquor two or tiirco pounds of light ycl low or whlto sugar. Two pounds will mnko a wino about tho strength ofclar- ui, uirco pounus mauo a strong wino, port yenreoiu will makoa good Tho.wlnoisnow making ltsoir. nml will throw off at tho opon bum- all tho Impurities. Tho barrel should be kept full by tho addition of liquor kopt for unit purposo, ana, if that gives out, sweetened wutor will do. When tho impurities aro all thrown out, put tho hung In tightly, nnd boro a gimlet holo tn it or tno barrel at tho highost point, to nllow the escape of the gas. This can bo plugged up ifcuro bo taken to onnn It onco a day to rollovo tho pressure or gas. w tien tlio fermentation has gone far enough that Is when the wino Is of proper flavor, which tho makor must Judgobythe Insto ruck tho wino off Inton barrel porfumed or steamed with sulphur.ondbunirit up tightly, and lot It stand fo ripen. Tho fermentation is now stopped, and tho wlua should ro main undisturbed for sevorul months. It Improves by ago in strength nnd fla vor. Jt may lw drawn off again if unv now fermentation not up, and Uio bar rel bo again sulphured; but Unit fcoliloiu occurs. As (hublUor principle or blackberries IHIn tho seed, carp should lie taken at tho first drawing off Ut get us tow as posslblo Into tho barrel. However, age remedies that, nml If tho wino is for jiR'dlcnJ uso tho blller principle had bent bo loft in it. An ordinary cellar Is fool enough to keep wino lu. 'J'ho sy phon Is not necessary. THE THE YOUNG FOLKS. Mnstor Snip, But then tho tailor licganhls game onco more, and Hung tlio largest stouo ho had in his wallet with alt his force, and hit theflrst giant on tliuoyu. "That Is too bad," cried ho, roaring as If- ho was mad! "I will not bear it.'1 So he struck tho other a mighty blow. He, of course, was not pleased with this, and gave him Just such another box on the ear, and nt last a bloody battle 'be gan; up ilew tho trcM by tho roots, tho rocks and stones were sunt bang at one another's head, and In tho end both lay doad upon the spot. "It Is a good thing," said the tailor, "that they let my tree stand, or I, must have inatlon fine Jump." Then down horan,aud took his sword and gave each of them two or thrco very deep wounds on tho breast, and set oir to look for thosotdicrs'. "Tliero lie tho giants," said lie; "I havo killed them; but it was no small Job, tor they oven (ore trees up in their struggle." Have yoirimy wounds?" asked they. "Wounds that Is t likely matter, truly," said ho ; "they could not touch a hair of my head." But the soldiers would not be lieve him till they rodo into tho wood, nnd round thoglaiits welUirlng in their blood, and tho trees lying around torn up by tho roots. Tho king after ho had got rid of his oncmies, was not much pleased at the thought of giving up halt ills kingdom to a tailor. So hosaid, "You havo not done yet; in the palaco court lies a bear with whom you must pass tho niglil, and If when 1- riso In t! o morning I find you still living, you shall then h ,vo your roivard." Tlio klntf thought ho had thus got tld of hlln, lor the bear had novcr yet let any ono, who had como within reach of his claws, go away olive. "Very well," said tho tailor, "1 am willing: who's afraid ?" So when evening came Master Snlii was led out, and shut up in the court with the boar, who rose at onco to give mm a friendly welcome witli his paw. "Softly, softly, my friend," said lie; "I Know away to please your' then at his ease, ns ir ho cared nothing about tho mattcr,he pulled out of his pocket somo ilno walnuts, cracked them, and ale the koruols. When tho benr saw this, ho took a great fancy to having somo nuts too; so tho tailor felt In his pocket, and gavo him a handful, not of valntits,l)ut or nico round pebbles. Tho bear snap ped them up, but could not crack ono of them, do what ho would. "What n clumsy thickhead thou art!" said tho beast to itself.; "thou canst not crack a nut to-day." Then said lie to the tail or, "1-riend, pray crack mo the mils.' "Why, what a lout you are," said the tailor, "to have such a jaw as that, and not bo able to crack a littlo nut ! "Well, oo inenus wun mo, and I'll help you.' So ho took tho stones, and silly changed them tor nuts, put them in his mouth', nnd crack they went. "I must try for myscii, However," said tho bear: "now I manage, I am sure J can do it myself."1 Thon the tollorgavo him tno conuio-stoncs again, and tho boar lay down and worked away as hard as ho could, and bit and bit with all his force, till ho broko all his teeth, and lay down quite tired. But tho tailor began to think this would not last long, and that tho bear might find him out, and break the bar gain ; so ho pulled a fiddle out from un der his eoat.nnd played him a tune. As soon as tho bear heard it, ho could not lieldjumpingupiuid beginning to dance und when ho had Jigged awn, tor a while, the thing pleased him so much that he said, "Hark ye, friend, is tlio flddlo hard to play upon y" "A'o, not nt all," said tho other; "iook ye, 1 lay my left hand hero and then 1 take the bow with my right hand, thus and then I serapolt over tho strings thore and away It goo? merrily hop, sa, sal fid, lal, lal" "Will you teach mo lo fiddle," said the bear, "so that I may havo music wlionover I want to dance?' "With all my heart, but let mo look at your claws ; tlioy aro so very long, t hat I must first clip your nails Just a littlo bit." Then Bruin lifted up his paws ono af ter another, andtho tailorscrowed them down tight, nnd said, "Now wait till I como with my scissors." So ho left the hear to growl, ns long and as loud as he liked, and laid himself down on a heap or straw in tlio corner, nnd slept sound ly. In tho morning when tho king camo ho round tlio tailor sitting eatiiiK bis breakfast merrily, and master B looking very much as If ho had had a bad night's rest. So tlio king, when ho saw an tins, burst out a-laughlng, and could no longer help kccplnir his word : and thus a littlo man becamo a great ono. Woncs for Boys to Rkmemiiku Liborty Is tho right to do whatever you wisn.witiiout interfering with tho rights or otners. Savoyour money nnd you will find It onoortiio moat useful friends. rakoearo of your nenniiH nnd Hinv will grow to dollars. Intoinnercnco is tlio all tho troublo In tills world; bowaro of strong drink. Tho poorer boy, if ho bo Industrious, honest and 6avli)g, may reach tho high est honor In tho land. Never bo cruel to a dumb animal; remembor It lets no power to tell how much It suffers. Lovu ov tiu: Bkautikui.. pinco a young girl under tho care of a kltul hcurtcd, graceful woman, nnd uho un consciously to herself, grows into n graceful iudy. Placo a boy In thacstiib llshment of n thorough-going, straight forward busluc) man, and tho boy bo, comes a self-reliant, practical bimlnaw man. Children uro susceptible creatures and circumstanced, ami senses, nnd ac tions, always Impress. As you Iniiu. onco them, not by arbitrary rules, nor uy uiern example aioue, utit 111 a tlions. and otlmr ways that sneak throinrh beautiful forms, pretty pictuies. otc. bo inoy will grow. Teach your children then, to lovo tho beautiful, Uivo them a cornorlu tho garden for" ilowors; en courago them to putlt In shupo of haiur- lug baskets, allow them to havo their fuvorllo treeti; learn them to wander In tho woodlots; show them wliero they urn best vlow tlio sunset; rouso them li the morning, not with tlio stern "Unit) to wtrk,"Dul with tho enthusiastic 'sco tlio beautiful sunrlbol' buy for tlienl pretty pictures, ami encourage them td decorate their rooms In his or her child ish way. avo them an Inch mid they will goninllo. Allow them tho privi lege and they will make your homo beautiful. Pruirle Winner, CPIAJMHUN-AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMS HTJKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, re. W. SAMPLE & CO., Ooi-nov of Main StrooL arid j, & 13. Hail lloud, bloo:m:s:btt:b,g-, 3?.a. MAOH INiSTS, IRON AND-'RRASS 'FOUNDERS; HIiAOKSMITHS AND BOILER MAKERS. MANUFAOUllERS OF STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS, ji:m:iiai .ii vciii.m: wouk vm ituiwm.s. MIM, (JIlAUt.Va, StlAi-TIXU, rUr.LHYH, 1IAS0KUM, linADIlt.OCKHr SAW OVEIIL. C3-E-A.RI2STC3- OIF ALL .KHSTDS, oastnos l'oit ryitNAoics AIMO IWIt WIIUIII.S ANll AX MM BRASS CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS, OA it lioxi'm. ' ' ' - 1 ' COM POSITION IIKIiKIKLD'3 OKUMIKATKI) It LOB 10 VAIAT.H, STOP COCKS, OIIKCK VANVKS, " " A I It COCKS, 01 Ij CUl'S, HTUAM WIIISTU:.'!, STEAM GTTAGES, SXHATWC VXVS AND riTTINTCIS aojsraawisrTi. - Agents and solo Manufacturers of Hall's 1'ntrnt Sonhlo Disehargo Turbine Wheels. BLACKSMITHHSTG, HKAVY Oil I.tUIIT KOlllllNHH, AGFiNTS VOll SHIVK'S GOVKltNOU, M.'KNOWI.KIKIL'.H TO 111! TI1K MMI'MMT AND IU-ST IN Tllll WOULD. KKAMHKS, TABS AND DIES, BOliTS AND NUTS OF AM SIZES, t ORDERS FOR BRIDOE BOLTS AND IRONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURNISHED AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OP THIS J.ATIST IHPItOVKD I'ATTKUNS. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. Buckeye Reapers Repaired, AND AM. i:XTIl.V PA HTM KUltNIHIlED. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF I HOJtTON'S PATENT HAY HAKE. ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION C1IVEN o n m o n i: v Mny 7,'i-'l-lf rilEELER'd PATENT RAIL- WAY CHAIN II O R S E- P O W E R. Tho subKcrller hereby ulveH notlcu tlmt linliau ppurchftHed tho oltl slantl nt I.lRlit Htri'et fruiii .Vin. Uchuyler. wliero liu Is now umnuftioluilnix tlio W 11 E E h E H P A T E N T , unit Is prcpart'ri to furnish furiuciH wllh tho iiut rellahlo ninehluoH ever oia-reil DllioiHihllc. The Wheeler Machine Is no longer nn rerlmeulnii Itliim been lu coiii.tiint uko for veins mul tho yearly feinoni uutii'aicnirxceeiisiiiai mi uiioiii er pomhlileil. Work ilonu nl our nhop u wnrrnnteil for ono t'ur. aimi, imriiL lur lit'eMTH (iiiiiiiiiku TlirfHherniiil Winnower, i'nr further lartlruLirH iinply to or aililrem J. M. IIUIXIfl.KIt, r.Ifiht filrcet, t'liluinhlaeounty, I'a. Juno V'hu JjClENTS WANTED FOR c ii a m n n j. i A".s' FOR THE P E O P h E! CONTAINING Fu 11 InKlriictlonii nml Practical Forins. ailaptcil to livery Kluil of mulriess, ami to nil tlio Hiuliti of tho Union. ' IIY TOANKLIN CIIAMIlIOUMN, 01' T1IK UNITKll STATKil "Alt. '. "There Is no book of tho kind which will lake rank with It for authenticity. Intelligence, nnd completeness." JiprlHorMaiMuu.) ItepiMieim. Tilt Is tho Only New Uook of tbokllld linblUll-' ed for many yeai . It Is prepared by an able Practical lAwyer, of twenty.llvo yeari.' experi ence, and U Just what everybody ueeiU for dally use. It Is highly recommended by inanyemlueul Judges, IncluUluK the Chief Jui.tlco and other JuilgeK of MubbaclmsetU. anil tho L'hlef Juhtleo anil entire Uench of Connecticut. Hold only by Kulrrlpllon. AUKNTH WAH TUD KVKIlYWHUUli Bend for clrciiiarii. 1 u. v. uamk x co., I'ubiimiorii, llartford.Cunn,; No . 1 Hprnea Ht., Now Yoil:; Cluclunatl. 0.; nnd Chlcaso, III, CAUTION. Au old law-book, publUUed many years ago, lias Juht been hastily reissued as n new book," without oven a suitable revision or lis obsolete statements. lo not confound that work with Chamberlln's I.iw-lkwlt for tho People. July 2),'eo-3m, Jim iNKAu.iiii.M IIkukiiv does not, like tlio wiUouous lrrilallug suulls and strong eau.tloso luilouswttli which thepuoplo nave 1iid bteu iHi Vi!811' "'"'I'ly pallluto tor a shoit time, or .irti.v.. i. ., ' k" J,U ;i"gs us mere is uuuger f doing In the uso of such nostrums, but It p?o. duces perfect aint ..V .i.l :.r . . wi"iltfc!lruM!0 ".'.V4."1'- M "'ousands can testify. iw If by iimgie. H removes oilenstvo brealh, toss ir Imimlrnient of the sense or taste, sine "or hearing, walerlng or weak eyes, and Impulrid memory, when mused by tlievloleuteof cuiarrli! nilUieyaUfreiiiieiillyiire. I offel Ingood fullli a sUiidiug rewaid of iMi fur n ease of lalairli thiit 1 viiiinot cure. ' FOlt HAI.K 11V Mtwr DUUUOIH-rrl I'.VKHV. Pjiici: 0)ji,y Til CKxru. Ask lour lb iigglst lor tlio IlKMtnvi but If he lias nut yet got U on siilii.nou'i bo put oil br iu vi.tliig iiuy miserable Morse lliuu wolllilesssub. klilule, biiteiuloso sixty rents tn me, aud the lujjiiiMly will lie sent you iiosiiuild. Four pack, uifes t2.w. or one dozen fur I'Llm. .iu,In.hi suuup for Dr. Hugo's painpfilet on Catarrh. Ad. Ires the Proprietor, It. V. I'li:ilL'i;,M. 11.. j m--i. ;iurr4t4, n, x( July 2, 01-3iri rnsin-ririiiii,sMMiii n hiiiwm H'":i Jl'idioij-tOT25,aia5 jUfoil blti miw utW-'M r. IWrMni urn Mi ntvMiii-!, r, QU bus jJZSS? AN1 HOIililNG JIIMiH. ANni!;i:uAir .mininu ('aktiniih. CAHTliNdS. j .i. i tl . aC-. a 'J m. ti AND BABBIT J I IOTA L if. x - oisr hvktd. MADE TO OltDElt. it k v u x .n k n , JglLLIARDSl BILLIARDS I! WH.MAM II. UII.MOItK llasopeneil a flno lnillar.1 Raloon in addition tn Jils well known KKSTAllltANT. HoUnsStablos with all tho latest Improvements nnd In pel feet order. He keeps on hand the best i.aoek nnnit and am: which tho market atfurds. OVHTKItS to bo had mi iiiniK wiieu in hcnsou, niso iicer Tongue, . l-.l-l .llWt VIUIIIB, Ikl,, ive.i Thopnhllenro Invlleil In call, and aro prom Iseil HiitIsf:ictloii;elltier In bllllnrilsiir u'licsli iiiL'mn, ills 'UIOAItS AND TOIIACt'O' cannot be cxcellei, lilisimsUuri;, Jan. i;ia. T EUiail VALiLEY AORICULTU JJ UAI. CHEJIICAI, WOltKH. BREINia & HELFRICH, MNUFACTUHKISS OK IIP.KINIO'.S COMPLHTK BONE HAND R E. A concentrated ninmnocomblnlngthorcllnblo furillltliigpropcitlesofJlONKDUHToraitOUNl) llDNli wlfh Ihonctlvo elements of I'lIltUVIAN (1UAN0, AM3I0NIACAL MATi'Klt, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. NOTIL'i:. Wo prepare but tho ouo artlc Kiiaiauteclng It ns standard. reliai.iA o.,,i .,, for1m:..!'uw''r Hr,,llC1' milS variations lu quality to Milt ll lerent rilcusof pilces are eeiieniily pro. v i. " "'"eieiii proiwriiona of ndulturaUon. arincrseanuiv; nioney by reducing the nuall niillVV, VM w,B,oouiyUoHoauduo l'ho 1 hattoUuanofor Phospliuto of Ume. Hend for tSS'S """a Unfile," For sale at Maiiufao turer's rata liy A. J. ALnEUTBON, nohrsburg, Pa. xrr u,.d-,l0.1. 1lKH ' : Illoomsburg Pa. Mar.Hym-Oia. WAIT u SCOlXCatawlsSapj, (Government I y PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE USPlTKIJNrs1CO. TlllCOltEAT IlKAIl OlT.tlimasfornll kin, I- .,r .". ahJKecoud.haud?aud soM ,V.f H UIIIU UI inn cniL - IT A Tl M 17 U O yji'nf I..???, Team Harness,' Ambulance Collars. Ueto.ItaltersB T E N T S eoinf.iSL' W?'," ""H W"19- '" lit and t.ln Sml'SS'lla"" t0Vtr"',HaeUn'gl i'!! oiler?.!"1'"1' ""a Ukl ""'' wo liaVo'ever pllciatl,m.riUM""'tlvu r"oe hM ' tne on , Hlnall orders by Impress, o. O. II '"l-l'iJl'UUTUW0,l-.KllKAl.l1Uli. QMNlilUS UNliT " V 'rilw would ll'SiHX'tnillv i fll I ..... it III i ' . . " ' " ""-"""iirg ami ine pub b aono rallythu lielsiunnlugaii omniiiuhi.ini: hitmen this place und lliodiii,.m.,i r lt.dally(S,,dayc,cpt,l),i.nnictwlth e, going Bonthaud Weston t hoCaia! wlssa and Vllliaiu,..t, and with tbne, goluif Norli, aud Bontl.nn u,u IjickawaiinaaurJ llloomsbnrg ttallroail. Ills Oliililliiutsci are lu vitful .v,..iiii., . Ileus und comriirtable, und rhurges reasonable. I Vlkf ItlH ul.lilm. t .. I .. : , "r seu tncir friends do. parl.can lwaneomod.Hi.d Uy.n reasonable cliarg. by loavlug timely notice at an, of tho hotel. jniAiu i, uiiTON, Proprietor, GROCERIES, &c, QON F E 0 T I O N U It V . Tho nndeiBlitncd woirtd resnectfully anuouueo to the pubila that he has opened b FI118T-CI.AK1 CONFKOTIONKHY 8T0IIF, hi the building lately occupied by Fox A Wtbb where ho la prepared to furulsh all kinds of PLAIN FANCY CANDIES, KltUKClt CAND1M, KOHEION 4 DO.MIHTI0 FllUITH, NUTH, IIAISINH, AC, AC, AC. BY WHOLXSAbK OH HKTAII. tn short, a hill rutnrtment or all goods in his Hue or busluess, A great variety of DOLLS, TOYB, Ac, sullablofortlie llotlitays, Particular atlcntlnn given to II UK A I) AND OAK KH, of all kinds, rrtb every day, 0 II it I 8 T M A 8 O A N D I E B, Oil ISTM AS TOYS. A call la solicited, and satisfaction will lie guaraiuceu. Nov. 22, 1887. KUK1IAUT JAlDns. G.ltANI) OPENING OUAND OPKNINIJ UltANI) OPKNINO UHANII OPKNINU UHAND OPKNINIJ or WINTEH WINTKIl WINTKIt WINTKH WINTKK FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL AND ANll AND AND AND (10ODH, IIOODH, IIOODM, tllltlDM, tlllODS, coinl.llni; ol consisting ol consisting or onnalsting ot eollhlstlUg of IlllY DltY IlltY IIUY DltY IIOOIW, (IOODH, CIOODM, HOODS UOIIIN, HATH AND CAPS. HATH AND CAPS HATH ANll CAPS II ATM AND t'AlU HATH ANll I 'A 1 m IIOOTH 1 101 ITS HOOTS I '.DOTS IIOilTH AND H1IOIX ANll HIIOIX. AND Hlllliw' AND HIIOKm! AND HIIOKS, ItEAIIY-MAIli: t!MTIIINO. IIHADY-MADH CIJITIIINU ItllADY-MAHU CIXYl'IIINll. ItEA DY-M A 111': 1,'LHTIIlNll! HEADY-MADE CIXlTIIINll, UlOKINd-ULASHEH, I All I K I N I l-l ) L A KH Km' IIOICINO-IILAHHIX LOOKINII-OLAKHIM I)OKINU-ULAKHF.h; NOTIONH, NOTIONS, NOTIONH, NOl'IONH, NOTIONH, PA 1 NTH AND OILS, PAINTS AND OII.H PAINTS ANll uun, PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS! HKOCKHIEH, UUOC'KKIrM OIIOCEHIES OltOCEItlRS OKOCKltlEH, lltJEKNHWAItE, liUEKNHWAHE HUEICNHWAIIE liUEKNHWAHK liUEENBWAltE IIAItDWAHE, IIAltDWAHE, HAKDWAHK HAUDWAIttJ HAUIJWAltK, TINWAItK, TINWAIIK TINWAItK, TINWAIIE TINWAHUI HALT, HALT HALT HALT, -N HALT, FISH, FIH11 FIHII, FITir FIHII, GKAIN AND HEEDH, HIIAIN AND HUEDH UHAIN AND HEEDH, HUAIN AND HEEDH UUAIN AND HEEDH, Ac, Ac., AV NEAL NEAL NILL NEAL rfcKKLVY, McKELVY McKELVY McKELVY, CO.'H, CO.S, CO.'H. CO.'H. CO.'H. it.eil'.liV 1 NEAL Noi li wi st isimer oi Main and Markot Htreetn, Nnrt iweslis.rnerof Maliiaml Market Htreets, Nun iwmlniriierof Main and Market Hlreels. Niirthuesl.siuieror Main and Market Streets. Niiilliwesti oriii r ol Main and Marktl Streets IILOOMHlllHtO, PA.. UIAIOMHIIUIU!, PA HLOO.MHIllIlta, PA.. IILOOMHlllHtO PA. IILOOMHIIUUO, PA. I HON AND NII.S. I HON ANll NAILH IIION AND NAILS lltON AND NAILS IKON AND NAILS, 111 largo quantities and nt reduced ralca, alway JOOK, READ, AND LEARN, THAT TUB Great Shoslionees Rcmrily ! Ol' THE CF.U:nitATEIl IN11IAN DR. LEWIS JOSHEPHUS, '""tlhliulsheil Tribo nrHlioshoiiees.Colum b a f erritin v lu iinur r,... .nin i.. ..... ,,.... ' ..,'f!'l.".al.',ll'""l'.,Krcnt,'e"" warranted jnl alllmpurlly or tho blood, excepting tho llilrd" 5Jau w'ierH t'.'5 ert remedy has been In uso ror a short tlinu It has Indeed cllecttd somoorthoinoM marvLlous cures ever rowrdtd i . . ' uisioricni tned cine. Such helni- the case in utiti it im. i iiu r..v...nv f umbla Territory wo dery humanity to dlsmite Uio fact that this Hreut Slioslionec; ItemcJv Is tho remedy of remedies of the lD'h Cci turyTiuid Iiib nunumlt0" ver laW al 11,0 aa' Klfer- rrieo oi uiu itemedy lu largo pluts, J1.2L cuLe N. Y a"X UrC"-al H'ra- forsiiie by all dealers In Mcdlcicluo. JUUGGIBTH WltlTE THUS OF THE GREAT SHOSHONEES RESIEDY (AllimtAUTS OP LLTTKlia.) Ilflinva M V i.i.i. Hit. Youno A IluoI 'nnd my sa'lci or Vo'ur valuable Itemed es ureatlir lii(iririn '"1 your arcatsiiohhoiitea Uomcdyls Blvlugtho belt or saiuraetloii.aiiddolngjust as Itfi reSmSiSS ed to do, several havingVvei eon " I , ,St how much they had been bencmcd from Iti use I havo sold out oflt again, etc. etc. W1I.1.A1 III) N. SMITH, Uln.r....... XT v. .r ..... .. ... im. v..!.-.. Tl 7.Vi '.".f'.fiss"'.. . - : r iuucu vuururpiiLN n. las bcenamula. UkIvvm unlvtrw.1 kutuiuctlou, culler iuwtU lu tl I' lUtll Willi t I Iiiiva tiMit. s.r .t. ui more than uny IllltrU HU'III wi.ll In ll..,..T..,...n . . ..... im tut i u j iidii ma, vu JtVUUN KKNNKlt. Wiilnrtiiuin V V Mw.i. mi. r.i.r. Hit. YiiUNUAlluo.-Vou'rsiloshoiues lteme-ly Is glv ng good satlstacllon, und tells better than .... i uuier new uieuiciuo wo havo everattemnted hluhelt t ,?.' "1 " . u. . " ?:al" in Hie u. I am nearly out of l leo .end me I ,.1 a gross more ut ouco, itc'.llc. 0 '"'lf u ui'.u. JiHOOUElt. Price of the itemedy In largo S3. Manufuctured bv llr. vimKi, iftl'T. . cuso, N. Y, orsalobyall dealers In Medicine, r,VuS1?nSH!SS(iU01 I'OWDER AC o ii.. r','1'"'li,erand Scmrulous Dlsiasea A I.lT KINDS OE JOH PRINTINU 127 N, Slorgan St., tTilcagu, 111. Feb. 1Mb. Ism Dn. Youu A IIKO.-I lia'uoldoverteuuus 'of your Ureal bhoshoiiees Itemedy already iiiud l Breat number of tho Shoslionees i l" nil KeiV.JI "','.'v.,;rfa.1 "Hsractlon, I hava not ilVd uiiS! IRON, TINWARE, C. OT0VE3 AND TINWAIIE. A. M. UOPKUT announces to his friends and customers that coulluucs the above business at Ills old placo ou MAIN 8T11EET, IlLOUSisiiuiiu. Customers can be aceomoitatcd with FANCY HTOVEH of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety or ortlclo found in n hhivo auu innvu.e Inlillsliment In thecities.oud mi tuotnoit reaaou alio Icrms. Ilepalriugduuoatlheshortestuotice a D0Z1JN MILK-PANS on hand lor sale. ATKW BTOVK AND TIN SHOP. NEAItl.Y Ol'l'OalTlS MI1.LXK' 8T0KK, UN MAIM MIHKKT, IlLOOMHlllTUU. TKNN'A. TUB undersigned has Just ntteil up and opened Ills new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, i.. ...t-t I. In makO HP , ,wT. Wiiicnr all kinds In his line, and do repairing with nealnesa and dispatcli, upon the must reasonable terms. He also keeps on hand STOVES OF VAIUOtm PATTEUNS A SIDLES, . . . ,,. .... nrm. tn mi it tnirclinsert Hive bimn call, lie Is n goed liiechanle, and deserving of tho public I,'llml"lJ'A(.0i) Mi,;Tz, llloomsburg, April 2H. ISS7. JaToH KrHUlTll. J. H. HKI.T7.KI1 g SI I T II & S E L T 7, E R, Importers and IValors In Foreign nndDomestlo II A It 1) V A It E, ' II II NH, I'UTLEIIY, AC, NO. IIU) N. TllinilH'l lil.n', All. I'll, TJIM-llir.T., PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 2.', (,7-tf. NRW STOVE AND TIN tfIK)I ISAIAH HAUIiNntK'H. Mnlti Street ono dKr nliovo K. McndcnlinU's IttmijoH fotiHlunlly tm liaiul, imit hir wile nt tho Tinninsliinll ll lirnnchcaparcfnllynltcndotlti nml Rrttwrattlon Kuuruiitecd, Tin work nt" nil kliuU u liulcMifo nml ntall. . trial U rt'niicstctl, Aiir.y.OU-tf rPIIE NEW IIAUDWAUESTOnE I TCI.' 11.IIS ITf.TIl A Having enlarged our "Ktino Itoom ninTlust OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, directly from tlio Mnnur.ictnrers, nuicliaseil for ensh, on n declining market, w o are prcpatsed to oner me Rinio lo FAUMl'.ns, MECHANICS. IHIILDEKH. and the rest of Mankind, a general Mock, rora iirlslng all the kinds and qualities usually kept In n city Hard Ware Store, suitable to tlio wants of the county, at unusually low prices. All tliosowlionrodcslrlousor purchasing goods In our lino can savo Mouey by looking lu at tho Now Hardware Store. . . Please givo us n Ml I and cxamlno our slock Ac. lU.1 1 .1.1 . YJHktliX. Apr. SUO-lyr Illooiusbuig, Pu. gHARPLESS & HARSIAN, KAOI.K I OUNDIIY ANll MANUl AlTUlUNa HI01' STOVES iSt PLOWS WHOLESALE A ItETAIL T1IK CkLEUllATllD M0NT1103E 1I10X BE.IJI AMD THE IIUTTON WOOIIKX 1IEAM PLOWS. Castings and Firollrlck ror repairing eltySlovcs, All KUlllS OI llrilHR Or oil.llurr ,n m "AHPIJESS l.S. IIAItMAN, Mnr.ll).-G9-tf. .u,...iui,, QRANQEVILLE FOUNDRY, .MAWU.MS SHOP AND AOHICULTUUAL wonivs. The undersiunpil ilonlrA n i..r..vm i.... and tho public generally, that ho lias rebuilt nnd enlarged his Foundry ami m.i.iui, !....! . Ll s;,na,,nn1i,!;."!;i;.1?c",from.L,Bi'ti''t'u to mo ;"r;, i""vvi. v.u m cuucc;ion with wiiiii,,1" .S0""11"?. lo manufacture ThVcShVMlmpr iilllLJSUUU AND CLEANEU, S)!!i7lSlw Tad.Power or undcishot wan i.eer.i ower. Ho also msiiufactiires to ordcrandllts mi all kinds of "'"""'"""i i" SI ILL UEAlll jffl. tiou L'enelallr uswl ll,r,.,ii,,.V,. .i. IIION ICETT'LES, HELLS lnVa,lV.'v.rvl,.il,ovt'',s,(''!.l,n,, Wf'ah Sohs, and !'''', " "...lMne ,;l'."f rM,y """'u " " country h ounUry. i hose Islilng ui puivluso Machines would do well lo examine lils uiiiiTTlnca 'uul uiS iiipruvemenls made on the 1-lwer. y wl, di at least 20 .r lent, or the friction Is taken 5 Al l. MACHINES AHE WAIUtANTED l eirCrr.;, A -,h ".lc.c "'.ry lrluw taken Thanklultohls trlenm nnd nitrons fauns he Mi,Hl,lMIieoiiti,uoli!slkit i fur past WILLIAM HCIIUYLEH, ' OrangoMllo Pa. Ai.r.9, JkJ E W PI RSI, NATIONAL IRON WORKS DILLMYEIt & IIENRIE. THosuh,crll.ersrespcctriillyeall the nllcntlon orthujulnesscominuiilty to their Woikssllua. eil on tho L. II. It, U. above the Hojiot. ni.ooMMtvita i'a. FOUNDElts, MACHINISTS AND IKON SMITHS. SI A N U F A (J T U R E R S OF Steam Engines, Hollers, Saw and Hrlst-MHI Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys nnd Hangers. They iso make all klmHor Threshing Machines or t ho most appi oved MtteniH nnd t he Celebrated Mnntroso Iron Iioani Plows, Cook, Parlor. liar, room and Woik-sliop STOVES. Heaters and a rnllossoitinentof Flro bricks, nnd castings con- on- J' l,oa'1 for rcnl'm8 Stoves. Several dlflerent sizes nndileklgnsorCellarOrates. They aro also prepared to furnish far Wheels and Axles for Mining purposes nnd General Mlnlii" callings. Iron nnd llrass castings rr every de scrlptlon of job work. Agricultural Implements madoniulicpalied. Particular ntteutlon given to tho lepairlug of all kinds of extra parts on hand. Juuo l',').tr. Q UEENWOOD SESHNARY. A IIOAIillINO WllOOb JOU I10T11 SEXIW. Having resumed tho cliargo or this lustltnilnii after un absence rroin the eouuly if nearly VoicX Xf.hM' ,rV""!C"un' K0"c" lair ihJre of the K'o ieloo rSaf.V(J!,,,V, f wo shall sijo,; , usefulness and pfosTwriii-. " 1 eVer',:rrJ''i?""nl'l'ay.ABUktlCII, no. lloardlnc and l.lfi.i a. llm.;,HM .r.''."'.'.V.' "even ueetks w ill Tuition I n English, from ...S7 to a, half inc. v"V...l..V.. "'.' lwyauio, one. inner i.rn.ii.n ....... . ..: uie. mil.. qnartcr, " """u'eui Mien ror lunner particulars address Mii,;u.!.:r.cp''', MiilVneolSiiib'ia'eol,,. July lUtl'J-Cw. T)ON'T IN1END AbTONISUINO 1J TUEWOBU. l UMnstl oit, i?ut watkiiT K A Y'S P U SI P S, USED AND ADMIItED IIY KVEltv nvi' Ipeelallv tlm iu.nnu UtlviUlIllL'U t i" uiu not inn l'i'i'CH I'INK oil IirACK OAK' Watph twenty years, iell ng' ap i y ivi where'atU IV Wit-LiAsisi-our, IM, L1.EN I.-AV . . Miinulartiirer. CATAWlssA, Pa, J-PIHCOTT. Noi.uhird vi-lll i.n , . . i Agent, Mr. Iay or lo W ."i '"''Ii' sscd In July lOUMv, "B'l". pOWDER KEOS AND LUSIHER, W.M.MONKOEAim., Huiuirt. Pa.. Manufacturers of POWIIEitHEOH. 1 "J dcalem In all kinds or LHMIIElt. lvo notice tuat they are pr. pared n, aeco,,sl,lt, U ir cmu.m will, ami JB ,licill,sl .ll.-ifl . PA. DRUGS & MEDICINES. Ayor's Ohorry Pootoral, l'or Dlaoasoa of tho Throat and Luurs, iucn o7 Coughs, Oold5, AVhI,Ine Cough, Bronohltis; ABthma, and ContumpUon. l,lv novcr before In tlio wliolo hlitorypt Prflli SSn Iho nS cico of maaklnd n. UH excellent r&v ??of ?m "men Tary complaints) Througha lone IS,.;. VrVenri. and among most of tho, races of niMi itliiis iiscn hlslicr and higher lu tncir osiima. Son it 'it becomo better noni. Its uniform ffinctcr and power to euro tlio various affections ?r tlm luiies "an 1 throat, have mado It known ns a iy iiilWcr forms ordlseato mid to yoiingcWMrcn. It Ii at ho Vamo time Uus most effectual n?'lV,V't1,rann l.i ilvcn for Incipient eoniunipl on, and tlio i itin. ;5r?,u s affccUons '0r Uio throat and lungs. As fi jirp. fK agalnA Suildcn Croup, It rtonM Sb Lent In hand In every family, and hnlcciUi a j ;fe soiiictlmcs ihjcct lo colds anil coughs, U Koti'S To j rovl .led with U.U aDtldotc i for llicrn. Aliliouiih settled C'oiiiiiwil'lloii Is thought In riffle sill groat numbers of coses wlicrp tlio dl- .ml tho natlcnt restorcil to sonnd hcalUi by tno K Vreeloral, So complete Is it, mastery over mo dUnrucrs of Uio Liiags and Throat, that SToinoat obilhiato of Uicm ylcl3 to It. When ne-Ui. lag c ho could reach Uicm, under tho Cherry Vie tornl lliey snbsldo ami disappear. Mna"ri ami 1-uhU SpiAkcr, flnj great pro- l"ll.0.'raii'alway reUcvcd and oflcn wholly cured vy u. nioiirillts Is generally enred by taking tho Chrrru l'trloml In amall oml froiucnt uoica. ..... . l,. v,.,na Itynnn Hint HI. llCflll not miblUli tlio ccitlilcates or Uicm here, or uo mo o than assnro tho rohllo Uiat Ita quallUca aro fuUy niohitalacd. Ayer's Ague Cure, w Mr? Aruo. l'orlodleal or DU oaa FoTjr, fto., and lndood aU tho affections which ariso ft-om malarious, marsh, or miaamauo poisons. As Its namo Implies, It docs Ciins and doca not fall. Contalnlngndwer AMcnlc.qulnlne.IllsmuUi, Zinc, nor any oilier mineral or poisonous snbstanco BO genuiiuiy uiu i.o in.iifi.-n mo Our prldo Is gratlUcd by tlioarknowjcilgincntswo rcccivo of tho radical cures effected In obstlnalp cases, anil w hero ouier rcmcuics una unuuj' .win. Unacclimatcil persona, clmcr. resident In, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will bo pro tccuil by taking tho AOVE CVltK dally. For l.tvcr Complaint!, orislnir from tonildlly or the Liver, It la an excellent remedy, aUmulatlng the Liver Into healthy activity, ,,.,. For Wllous Disorders and Mvor Complaint", It 13 an excellent remedy, producing many truly rp- .....l.i.i l.w. nl W mr.,lti nnaliml fAllcd. Treparei nil AnnH by 'nil. .1. C. Arun ft Co., Practical ond Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Ma9., and Bold all round tlio worl. 1'rtcv, $1.00 rrit bottle. Ayer's gov, For restoring Gray Hair lo ils natural Vitality and Color. A ilrc&iiiig vtlitch ii. (itife ngrcenlilo, lii'iililiy, mul ctl'ocliinl 1'nr I'lTscning tlio Iiitir. Faited or gray htiir m soon risldml la "!i original color in'ri the gloss and fnnhntis of youth. Thin Imir is tliirk- cued, falling lmir clicckcil, nnd bnld ucss oliun, tliou;Ii tint tilwnys, cured by its use, Nolliin cm rc;loro tho hair where, the I'olliilcs mo destroyed, or tho gluuili utroiihied nud decayed. Hut such ns rcmitin rim bo saved for iisofiilucis by this uppliintioti. Instead of fouling the lmir with n pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean mul vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent tho hair from turning gray or falling oil', nnd consequently prevent baldness. Frco from thoso deleterious substances which make some preparations dangcious and injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso cau bo found so desira!!1 Containing neither oil nor dye, it liooj not soil whilo cambric, and yet lasts long ou tho hair, giving it :i rich glossy lustro aud n grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, 1'HACTICAL AND ANAI.VTIC.II. ClIUHSTS, LOAVKLIi, IUASS. riuou $i.oo. K. b.5. I Mil. J) It. V A Y h () JUS ' rTr OLIVi: llltANl'll I! I 1) T.K n a AmlldnndngveealileTinilo rilliuiilant, Kioin. nlilc mul C.uiiihiiidvo , , U 1 T T K Jt K , '. ...I ' llxtrnfledcnllit'ly li.uu llntnnnd ltiits. High. J ' Ml 111 l.ll HI DYSl'KI'SIA, (I KNI'JHA Ij DIC11I Ll'J'Y,- . ' , i iiii(l-I.().iarirAppijtIto;' ' . II' . nnd nn i sn Kent Vm relive fur pi iinsMim.rni! fumi llpiiirili rnnrilui Dowels, Klnluli nee Rnhl Kvor'ywliorn. P'H,.Vr.. 11.1 Mailictflritt, Plilla,ufi,iiK J. K, TAYLOIt A CO, ' Kept. liW-ly. , ' H. 'IllVINK'H UHUAT INDI'AN M E D I (j j jj K USKIl roil HOUK THAN tomi lltAlUIHni ...r.... HOOTS AND IIRItUS. cured luidhcalthy by using th'0lr caM' MO uuw UUKAT INI1IAN MUDICINa It has never (ailed to cure Acue I'm. i ,, rungeuient or the Blomach. ' t0"r""1' 1)u- 'Jlils niedUlne (spiepaivd imly by May7,'iil)- yr ' '. JltVINH. Light Street, pa. "niCAFNICSS, 11 h XJ l.'ut.urli Healed wit J. lHAArt, M. Ii., nml Pi .i,- nnd J:ur, hh tint lull ULINDNKSS AND ii uiu uiinoki suoesB, by 'rnfessnr of IHtratci o (A, ti. aslu ra, im VTeiet, In' ' ,,riet!o ' JBl .tolre'i!ah?;u';,tlio,rrUJ w",,oul """' Jan. Hi, 'ij,.r foNATIlAN llKi.SIW-niTa TONHi M.."'. ,.".t.ll;"' Imsiieyer failed lo euro thi. wnrit 7,',H AddHSS A.J. lULLAM, New Votk. a i i iiiujiKiiiK, n y, un min-frtie r llnriiipfli. ,.i Lejuin, loilnml.) Xu. Arch Htreet Pliila leino yet dlsejivered r.,r tlie eurul I insiu.if.t!ir Dysi.cila. Liver Co.nnlnh.i ii....,.'.l.7!ll"l'tlm iitt in in Hiii'Daiu: in inn u at thy Thlui t, flilst uiiil J h'.lI." .J made entire y nf roots ai d herbs Ji'W.. Ji"1' V'K'iy j rmii MAOIO COJIll-'IMiCTU AVLV X, iiiatiilwliu solid .lyo. Vun wet iuu, lmir und iisoiliuri.iiih und It n p'eXanei t black nr briuvn. (Iuu ennui sent by mail r'!r ii i-J , AddliM Wf. PATl'lleJ, JL-(,U"1' Hpringui Id, Miiis, .RAM r,. JUwiwp.iiN ('.'.('Alt iiieiil,A,r..'.,IM,.j,' ( ii 'Ml" KArWAin. --. Ac- Kx- l.ress Mall eoin. "x at l7" 40 MS ;i.r. !l 40 0 ill II (X) ti IS 12. 9 .10 .lor'TrRSY.Jori 'l-Jl.fWs. 7 15 -..New II.,"'.' i ".I ... . I... "I"'. 7 no 9 : Leu .. " phii .', 5 SJ !":::w r, n 3 01 :Tn.,,i I 41 Ihl'.U I .'II ll'.IO llmi Z'. fkuM. la! -lcilj l.a, " u"uilC MlKfV.ta' 3 41 3 M .1 lo u.:i.i 2 CO w :::s !i u. lu 1' It 0.5.1 6.10 l.Oli 4.11 3.4"i 3.15 S.GU r.M AlNewIlinnptouf;,'-""' JtrKey.rorNcwS-ur ih,rtt vllle, liasti.u, e "rK'IJIUt NewVorha'JffllS town, I'iistou, Ac ' AtMniiniikiii'huni, Lit., lor PlillaiUh.i,,', 1' Uv?.r!.,.y.1.1!?. '.".'Ill ft n:iL"nVr,Y.iV -i" " '. .'-".. barie.lianvllle, iii;;1;!!,11! l)ehlHl.;.vlliid", 'jy'ji"' Allllllitlliiiil .ullllit ,. Uiu, liui",','"' tllU WO Kl. V I.' ., it. a. niiNiiy, ut,;,V" JlOADlNti liAlhu BU.Sl.MlMl AKUA.SUKll. prent IruiiK l.u.u tri, . .nr.1"-!",.:!''':;:!:"'''''.'-"! AllenlVwnV'ttJu,,a! TlulliM li-nvi. II.. ..i i .U) 10.1. U.,CIIIIIMt,', tllli I'll. Itiilliuiul, nudarili, ll.lll., in 11,1.1 II, . - uiiil U.UU ii.m rospeiilvik i Uruve, Allentuwn APiutfr 4,IUp.ui.,sUipiili,s atu.,,lltl sUUliiusjlhu l, llpm. trumi and uusiiueliuutui lbilinut ;l :m ii... iti.ii..i. .i" a.m. nud liuu in., uud aujjj i.i.i.i ..i. ui ... '.., , ... ,,,, ,m iiceumpauy tho .uo . ' iraiiis uiiiu ..l.willniutut Tralii leaves PliUudclphlsiu B....i.i Vllllliuil 11,11', rroin lteadlna al li,lii i,.i leiwo l'ottsvineat7,1l'l.ija,' kin at 6,-2innd w,:Ua. m.,Av 12,1U noun Tiiinaiiua al ,ju lor Philadelphia, niul xn ) lmnna llnllroad at 7,i im. iiriuu. in., jor 1-iiiuUroicu Heailll.t. Af.iii..... ......... b - ......u.,uium i at 7,50 a.m., returning luv Po'ttstown Aecoiuino.liloi tnwn ut U.'Ai ii.m. fan. ...... at 4,'JU IMil. Uulumuin iiullroad Tuin. 7,00 a.m., und U-15 p.tu, lor It l.r f !rttiml.lfl ' perkloiueu Ibill ltuulTn Juncllnu at D.OO n.m., nud I iAiaveHUlppaclr altujam noctlng Willi similar trulus On Kundays, leave .New it adelphluK,uu u.iu.anua.1',.. ruuuiug ouly tu IlcaJlni. Ilurrisburg S,S) n.iu. auj V IleudlugHl li.M.Mi.liHI.Lu Ilurrisburg, nnd l'.',.Vi iun. i. York, ut (MOn.m.and t,iUi Conimulntlnu, Mlleiw.V cursiou tickets In nml Irani rates. llaggllgclleckelltllrol!l;,' . cacu imssengcr. 0 ,, ,, Limn Heading, Pa., Apr, Alw 1KU). )IIIIiADICLI'IIIA JL ItAlLItOAD.- HUMMKIt TIMK Tllllouoil AMI rjlHICTIiOn. UELl'lllA, UAI.TIMIIIIS, H LlAMSI'llltr, I tlltKAT OIL Itr.UION UK ULKUAVl SIKEfi , On all .Nielli till nn, I tift.r ti.......v Triiinsiin lliu Phliiuiiiiiiiu l ui. It IIHIIMVS WIM'lV.l MAIL TIIA1N ll'.nis I'Mla. i :: ..." KltlK IlXPltlissiVaMi'lC lU.MIKA MAIL le.iU's I'iii! i ' ' arr.utLik IIASTWAI MAIL'l'llAIN leavisllrlo... " " ' Nnrlbi . " " nrr.atl'lill.i.t KltlK KXPHIHs leans Krl. ' .Nun '" ' nrr.olHill M..I .....I l'u AU,Kh.y u'lver'ltall K tliruugh. (loncral SluiierlufeuJ rtATAWISSA HAH liUer M ON HAY, tialnsoii thefnlawlssallai iiiimwuin, iiuiiu-ii iiiium .Vnfl SmIIi, srAim " ' ...I". 11,111 Williams k SI Mlllii'V. S..'iU u.lii K.SJ 10.12 lll.M 11.111 r.viu I ill Walwiulu11 MlltKll. 11:1111 Ilk'. Itllptll. ratiiui-. ltliiglusu, Kiiinmll, liuiikuki1. un. l.llll 1., ...... I- ' "lHllc.'I'iiinaiU.i. Arr. uiu . " lu.50 ,ll'.i.l.n. . l'lilhulelph IToKoW Yolk 1. 1 I... r Mnitrll I'rum New V' Maiuhl-iira NoCMiangoor eiirsbelurt PlilludLlphia. TAGKAWANNA A XJ 1IUUU IlAiLUOAD On Wlli.lW1 urn us fuilows: (Joins .w Arrive Arrl p. in. a. ni Heruntou a .45 W PltUtun., U.IU Kingston S.I0 l'lyinoiilli ......... Hlllckkhlliliy,... 7.45 llerwick , U..Vi llloom li.o.i Danville 5.2J o.i M 8.1 IX Hi Iasi. t: Mran I .I'UVrl North'd 4.45 Connection lundo at train ror llrent lleliil, all points Nurlli, ICast I :i i ii." ana v 1. IOUTHKHN JI- On and after Msy leavo NuUTllUHUKULAM'' KOKTIIW-1 lai A. ll., Dally to VIUIaiol for Kluilra, riinaudalun' Huspelislnu llrldge, w iM v. u., lially.leiii'l'lt""1, vir. iViu luliu".1 &.6S f. u., lially.leiceplW" 1 ' T1IAISH HOtlTI WW A.M, Dully (except 1" WILMINGTON AM' P.M. Dally ( Washiugluu and 1'iilw' lb ui-rs Jiuuv.n 11. 1'niq:. H'2 ri.itltIAIK JIANI lllisllilsbiiri M, 0. HUJAN 1 lliiihiieei-HHiiisiif WILLIAM M"-' CllllllllUU Uiu liiHluissi.r 1"" oAitiiiAum' uud every style of 1'ANIIY w.t' wlilcli Ihuy liavucnusbintl)' toiuers, Nevir uslns "' " and iniploylng lhei'"'1(V thev bona to coutlnuo as r.i'i luitlsfaetlou Ui every euslo'" their work, uud nf then"" Im saino, la miro lo lusur" May V'J-lf rtONHUMin'ION ''" Vlly lir.ui.tlsrils"!) ',; Klllirt'llHL Phlladell't''1'' IMS.- M(lnl atSinl"'"1'' Ll'NII HlseaseH.