The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 20, 1869, Image 3
TEE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOU1UT, li LOOMS.BURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. "Mi hill? , ft TIT' fl- - . vmvaa, VRtOAY, auo. 140, ihoo. !,'r'-aAnA Stoves at Smith Hro'r.TiiiSliop "''isi.svillo, " ' KtriKO boon cominonccil on tlio new m, ul'sCliureh and kbcine rapidly jmih 'jratd to coniploUgBy "fr RtclinngoHolililwiiiK repainted J'lj and will lootcjilkoj'a now establish' t"lien OnUuiJ.rKoona and Clark nro cilnod to keep upVytith llio march of tuhf Vcmeat. , " ' - in,, - "M Iho Stockholder cHlto HcpuUt'can 'Uik ridppcr todctcrmino'tho selection of ini leal director fur that paper, woventuro iljj njecturo that the choice of UraJloy was ,lajt licalcd by tho coin turning up head, iij 5, arc indebted to M. CMcGollum, Asst. ""isor, for sotno very fino Early lloso l'o of his own raising.' They are certainly ry Cncst wo have yet seen and are ml suited for roasting purposes. Thursday night tho 12th imt tho 0S..Jship Firo Co. had a grand torchlight sion. They looked and marched re- ' 1 1 t mi . 1 . I. uiitiiuiy well. J.uuru bvcius iu uu muvn tliia Co. as .their pride in their engine lcmsclvcs as a.oompaoy indicates. hn t 111 Jjj't "cullud" population of town becamo "1. porous on Saturday night last and in iud in a frco fight on Mam St. near tho IlbteL They wero finally dispersed by ablo Woodward, after ono or two of . had received rough treatment. "Arch" as engaged in the affair as ho generally nil such occasions. Itr, , .. . in RAHAM Swisueb, a former resident of t ytown, but now a farmer 011 tho banks )) Mississippi, recently shot a largo eagle, Hi weighed 30 pounds, and measured f feet between tho tips of its wings. Ho ta fcent us soycral feathers of tho noblo J'ftnd we havo utilizod tho prcient by noting them into pens, with one of which ,iiiptico is written. u , : peoplo of Philadelphia aro becoming .', fly disturbed at tho very low state of j Schuylkill. JNotbmg like tt lias ever '"-'known beforo. It is thought that in tt, of a serious fire, the use of tho neces .If water to extinguish it would lcavo itho (ithout the required amount for daily tho various manufactures and for pri- urposos. A truly bad state ot affairs. JE.-J , ,' 'tnOiDENT, On Saturday last whilst tho Vbcn of tho German Reformed Church injoying their picnla in Hendcrshott's wi near town, one. of the number, a boy uiir.J Nathaniel II. Sweigart about 14 years '""), was badly bruised by fallingjfrom a I Tho breaking of the rope was tho Ais of tho'accident Although his bruises ' dnfulho is so fortunate'a's to havo no -i7.,D limbs; admitted into our columns last a communication "of personalities ".otl to tho Editor of ho Republic.. if If wna itnilni. olvnm rmvinnit k'a? Justified by a proper object. Ills 0a. t abuse of individuals and mlsrep- tatlon of tiicts concerning them, sred it timely to postlilm as an lm; ii jr person to play critic upon men r than himself. In addition to cx- '.'l5- S many of his 'falsehoods (as wo done,) it was both lit and just to j" jo his falso pretensions to ro J"" nml credit. It is to bo under- i henceforth that ho Is no saint, nor o'j. by naturo or character to bit in nent upon others r,','i ur.on Stovks at Smith Bros'. Tin Orangevillc. nw . i.1; ieuaLiCanuy orders that one percent, it), January. interest on tho 8tato debt of iiraaia snail do paid at once, incro is ".'poo in tho Treasury, which is a httlo lalt tno amount auo. liaiucal t aper. ierl Canby orders I Is this not a beau' . ccord to remit to futuro generations in iiucrica? What if Gen. Canby should 'al Pennsylvania to do as ho bids ? If ho 'JfVor t'ie lat0 ? Virgiuia to obey, why r. k s not uo so to any otutr state I "ucu. nr.! orders 1" Is this not a beautiful com .miry upon ltopublicanism? In the name J"!f)y virtue of my military office, I order ko obey mjfieomnuindil American He' niom,is' becoming wonderfully power ud liberal when ono man can order a i.u. (o obey his commands. ji'V k Reason. A correspondent this week, :ts tho statement that Bradley had no !i,mi, which ic seems was mado under a mis i'i;ihcnsion of tho facts, in our last isue. Hf'3s aghost uy, i th poor Bradley of courso we can have jjK)ntroversy, Wo regard him rimply as ljU atd libeller, at a' talary of twelvo hun .fM-'Jollars a year, 'of the decent andrcipcct 1,11 utizens of our county : and if w have ,,i obliged to ventilate his character and in oi cdenlp, it was that the people might -r .t.- ! .....i.e.! "'""ait of tho num. '"'tcr having settled the status of tho Med atoOirtctor, wo shall probably turn our at' IX tin to the men who own him j and test .lucstion of their fitness, and standing, uorals, and manners,' as examples to tho i of our country. ... . ibk Bl.UNDEuma. "Micinsadied.leav ' b 1',q l-lnirilnm in Anitm'n ti hi twn Anna il lis nenhew. Ineurtha not tatisQed o . ne tho kingdom with tho two tons got them murdered, tho other ho drov tho countrv was finally murdered- In I ia after thrico bribing tho Konmn Sen (CO. liepulilmn. e' ignorant arid illiiera'ta Medical Direct 110 Iho Republican writes hi'i self a letter ,rvi Berwick and signs, it "Blooiusburg ""'"t House)'' in which letter occurs tho I'h'W , "eloquent extracL", Tho Knglish is k'id criticism, and tho grammar is ahead iiulliouj! but tho historical knowlcdgi '!Sm yed is vastly moro surprising than oith ji""Wo venture to say nobody but Bradley k- blynJercd upou a country called "Apa 'ifti'i" and "Ingurtha" is an individual; i " Uy uukuowu. M" o country referred to ia Ai iut, a region 1C" which ho oughj to '.bo familiar, and tho i ' r.'.hiirlK Hmmr,.i,m ..nli.l.rnt. tho annals' of the Roman hiuniro. littlo learning Is a dangerous thing, an lUX' lev has so little, that it Is thrico dancer t"C jutting his own throat and that of his negro Jury lu Marlon County,Soutli IllH!" Una .!. !..... 1 l.-.l A 1 Wiggings for.assault with In ton t Al. Btilng somewhat puzzled to set n " on a voraictr.they llnnlly ugreod up "hoada or tails" to Uoterniliio ---idi prlsorter should bo nciiultted und th convicted, Tho result was that "5iiury acquitted James Wiggins ami rvVlcted.Hdward Wlgglns.wltli thirty v 9 in-tho State penltentlury. Theso 'Uomo of tho beauties of Itudlcul ro .U1J' ..... .. . .... l ruction in uio Duuiii. Wm. Pins Stoveh t Smith Bros . Tin op, Orangovillo. UrtAljt.EV trims his wh6te mind tlil-t week tho ferreting out of typographical errors tho Coi.u.viniAN. The Montcur Demooraliu Convention iq- commended Wednesday of next week (Aug. tli) in tho tuna and D.invillc m tho placo for holding tho district Senatorial Uoiifrrcncc. Huv. Mr; Muecli, l'astor of tlio H.ip tint Church at Jersey Shore, will proiich lit tho Baptist Church nt tills iilacu, on uoxt Sumlny inoriiltiR at 10 o'clock, A., M. Wp. Ihvo nothing to eay to tho Dr. except that it would bo well for him to read over his own columns this week, which ho certainly cannot have dono from appearances. Ho cau icarccli no to quoto Ins own words, how may mistakes ho will find. No, Dr. you cannot "nor Tun Nkw Insane Asylum. Governor eary will lay tho corner stone of this fino Wilding, near Dativillo on Thursday thoSGth st. at 11 o clock, Tho ceremonies will 110 doubt bo iuipresslvo and well worthy of being witnessed. It is expected that there will be lurgo audienco presort. The Frosty Valley String Band visited our town on Friday last and discoursed most sweet music to the edification and delight of our citizens. . 1 The famous Athletic Base Hall Club of Philadelphia will play a match camo of bao ball at Catawissa to day (Friday) at half-past twelve 0 clock. To morrow (Saturday) they will play the Independent Nino on tho Fair 0 round in this place. Uamo to commence at 2 o'clock. Wo adviso all our readers who can, to witness tho fine playing of tho famous Athletics. It is too bad entirely too bad that, when Bradley has taken the trouble to bunt up all tho miitakcs in last week's Cot.UMlilAK, his own paper should havo been more full of errors than usual which is saying a great deal. Yet such is the fact. Wo do not ro member to have seen as dirty a number in a long time. Bead and practice that littlo pas sage from t-cripture, Dr., about motes in other peoples eyes and beams in your own. The following Is tlio scoro of a gaino of baso ball played on tlio Fair Ground In this placo on Saturday afternoon Inst, between nlno selected from the town and ono from tho Normal School. As ill be seen tho Town nlno wore victor ious, tho largo number of runs mado on tho sixth Innings proving too much for tholr opponents to overcome : ".SCHOOL NINE." "TOWN NINE." O.K. :1 5 Aprleman, e... I 4 lluckalew. p 1 5 O.K. Blllmeyer. If. 1 a I'lUrK, 2 u H...... MentlenlmlJ, c... Mellclt, c r. Knaup, 1 b ... hi wiill, 3 b Ncnl, k h ...2 H ...:z it ...;t 7 ,..-5 2 ...2 0 ....a ...a a ....3 7 Penman, :1 b .1 5 Waller, hh 5 Lazelle.lf a 1 lluicrt.2b 5 I M'iiuivy, r i lilltunbiuitur. p.. l'hllllps, r f. S 2 Hhutt.l l I 17 M i .1 I 27 31 Inning I ft 0 7 2 27 7 I 2 1 Hcliool nine 3 0 ! 3 ...Total. rou'n nine. S KOI i :il Umpire lVler Freivo. hc-nrers t Kyerly, tni Kehuyler. Local NuIIccn. Paxton & Hauman at Itupcrt havo for sale a very fine Michigan Amber Wheat at $2.00 per hushel. Samples can ho seen at their oflicc. We call especial attention to the advertise ment of tho Ulobo Mutual Iilb Insurance Co., in this iiiuo. This is a live, progressive and reliable company on a perfectly safu and permanent basis. Wo heartily recommend it to our friends. ' IIoiuinir.E ouTttAdKS aro daily perpetrated ly unprincipled men who sell inferior cloth ing for good, and at exorbitant prices. Avoid these rascals as you would poison and buy our clothing of David Jjowcnbcrg who Hov er deceives you as to tho quality or fit nor robs you by charging double prices. lie can not bo cxcp lied. ' If you wish the best and cheapest Flour, buy of Barton's mill wagon, which visits lllooiusburg on Tuci days.Thursdays and Pri days. Wo aro also prepared to furnish Choi: and do hauling from any of tho mills in tho neighborhood. Orders can bo left at Miller aud Wolf's store. Wm. Hon Hon, ti Wagoner. Festival. A Festival will bo held at the new Methodist Church in Buck Horn, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ICvenings and Saturday Afternoon, August 2Gth, 27th and 'JSth. Tho proceeds will bo devoted to the payment of debts incurred in building, A urge attendance- is earnestly hoped for. uy Oudeii oi' Committee. If you don't want to disgust every body with your orTcusivo breath, euro your Catarrh upon wt'ich it depends. ?i00 reward is ol fered by the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy lor a case of Catarrh which ho can not euro. It ia sold by druggists. Can get it for Suty Cents by mail from Dr. It. V, Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Post Omen Regulations. Tho follow. ing rules, though not yet officially adopted by tho P. 0. Department, aro practically observ ed to such an extent as to mako it desirable that they should bo published for general in formation: When you call at tho office for your mail and tho Postmaster hands it out, ask him if that is all. If you ask for the mail and ha tells you Micro is nono, tell mm them ought to be then go homo and send tho rot of tho fami ly around to ask at different times througl tho day. Don't bring your mail to the office uiiti! tlio mail closes, then curse tho IVtmaste for not unlocking tho mail bag and putting your letter in. When you want a stamp on your letter. tell tho Postmaster to put it on; il ho ilon like it, let hhu lick it. In case you put tho stamp on yourself, soak it in your mouth long enough to remove tho mucilego; it will then stick until it is dry. Bo sure to ask tho Postmaster to credit you for stamps; if ho has any accoinuiodta lion about him at all, ho will do it. If you havo a bjx, stand and drum on It until the Postmaster hands out your mail ; it makes him lively, especially tf ho Is waiting on bomo ono clso. When you send fur your mail, never in any case Bend your card along; but curso tl Postmaster for showing an unaccommodating sphitif ho expects you totakothut trouble, If you tako a periodical from oitsido of tho county, insist on being trusted for tl postage until tho end ot tho year. It nial uo dilfcreuco that tho law requires tho Post' master to swear, ouco in llireo mouths, thut ho has given uu credit for postage. Uo is e pected to treat that provision as an empty lorui. Uloomtbiirg Market Kepnrl Wheat per hualiel tlyo " (1.2J 1. 10 I 21 ...... w w Cirn " Ontii. " ..a.. our xr oarrui S 00 ivprxiM-il K Oil Klnmepil , Holler -11 i-kk f Tiillow IJ Tntnliir . .VI trlcil Apples - i -i tnms '. Vi Hlilpmilid Hlmnliluru - - ill Irfinl per pnniui. Ti liny ir un rs w r.U.MIlKH. llcinlrx-k Iln-iril nor thoimnnil fppl- lis 0' I'lnn " " " (onn Inch) IMi In Hi. Kcnnlllni.. Plnnlr. (IImii ix ltl I i 0 8llllil', No. I 'IT tlinilNaliilH ) "j Hnt( n. , RON No. 1 ttcotrh pljj No. a " ' .... Illooni ,..A.. tli Ill) SI!) Light Slrrtt JlntUrln. Corrrplrd wcrlilv livpplpr lCnl. whnlPKnlo nml rolnll tlpnlcr In criiln. Hour A rci'il nml KPiioial IIICIClllvUlltKO. Whuat ijr bunliol SI in live 1 .10 Corn " .., .,j.. 1 00 uncle Wlienl . . l uu (lata ..., 00 Wheat Flour irrl(l U - 121 Iluck Whput Flour i m Corn and Oats Chop, a 4D until, .... ......,,. I ti llnllr per H :U Vhkh per iIok M 20 1'olittoeM pr 1ms M Drleil Aon on " a oil Hmukod Hldo meat pr lb H. IS miuuiuer II am " 22 IJird " ta Si I'lillailelplim Market!. LOUH Northwestern superfine at $'i.iV 5.&1 Northwestern extra- &.&xi$ 0 75 NorthwcHtern ramlly usmq u.73 'cnuHyivaulaand weMteru supcrllnc... a.0ou,il.5O 'cutmvlvaula and Western extra fV7.Yflt (1.75 nnsylvaula and Y'etern ramlly H U.5iK'ill.(Kl uitiinyivaiiia huu veHierii iaucy ii.tKgi.i live WH ro uuur H. sii.) hkat l'enimylvaiila red, V Ijui. .... ll.Olfflll.Til California " " ....... 11.20 " while " tlLllffllLlo RVKPplinsvlvaula rve. ubla S1.4'Jfn.81.1) CoitN Yellow, " SI.20 White, " J1.17WII.I7 OATS Vbus Ucral.'ic UOV1S10NH MCMB t'orK, -p bbl....H... AlVHH lleOI, " 91. HJ l)rc.ed lloi, p lb Slc(l)o Smoked llama " ltcCclUc " Hhouldera V lb 11c Lard. Pi npffl'-M',' KKiis Cloveraeed Vbu s.vo$iuJu i iiuoiuyticea p: H 4. it FlaXheed " M. S.V Cattle lleef Cattle It Ueanjc lOWH. A lieuO fcS.Vtl ill IIKkl- U lb ll47i: OO-H V H PM lM0il4OU MARRIAGES. IvKIiEIt WK.WEIt-On Hundavtho lilh at tho rarsouago In Orunnuvlllc, hv tf , M. Hjour, l- M. Ikuler to Miss Hurati A. ti caver, butli ol lion tou. DEATHS. ACICSON III llerwlek. on Frhliiv nlirht fitli. In. sUint.Mftf. KllKubeth Jatksou, Qed about Ti years. HUr.L-Iu Hcrwlck, Julv Sllh, lm, rtoay n., uuuKUierui r.. x. aim .lary 4 iiuu. ueu J years, 4 months, and a days. EVANS. At llloomshurg, on Wednevjny Aup. lbth, Mrs. llaiiDah Kvans, aged about OS years. MERCHANDISE IX)UIt AND FEED. Tho underslcned thankful for oatronnca be4 to aunouee to his llleuds and to tlio publio uia NKW MIL L Is now In complete rmmliiR order, nml tlint ho N nrepured to do all klmUof Mining without ilolity 'urucH jrom h iiikiuiiou ran nuvu uitir uriMH riiiiiul without delay, ho hh to tnko them homo the same day, and as a rule all work brought to tho mill can be done In twehlyloiir hom. My present arrangmtmttt nro Mich (is to preclude tlio neceshiiy oi Mopping mo nun on ncvouui oi in, high or low water. T1IU BKBT FAMJLY FLOUIl. na wo) as tlto lower grades, nml all Ulndsn CJJOP AND ent on hand innunhtltv. and foraalo at the low- ebl eurrcnt rateH. drain ol all kinda purehased. MuhtBtrtet, Dec. 4,'liS-tf. I'lSTEU ll.N'T. M JSS LIZZIE DARK LEY tuti Just returned from riilladelpliln, nml lias bought, nml Is now oUrliin llio htbtahhortmcnt of FANCY UOODH, TltlMMINUH, 110NNETH Ac. Ac, ever exhibited In Rloomsuiirff, and to prepared to liiakumi droned and ull other ui Helen of female wardrobe, at bliort notice, and In the bent aud LATKHT SPUING HTYLEH. ltooms in the I Ui in Hey Build In km, on West Main .Street, Cull anil kco her varied Mock ol Hprlne Oomls. May 163- July and August Prices A T I. W. HARTMAN'S, I'Olt HUMMElt niVHH GOODS. 2Ti Ct. LAWNS AT LciH, 15 Ct. LAWNS AT IOcts, fw Ct. LAWNS AT noctH. 1,23 DUKSS CiOODS AT $1,10 f i DIIICSS UOODS AT !M)cIh. 1,IM Kiel. DUKSS GOODS AT IS els. 10 ct. niiEss ooons at a-cts. ar ct. UHKSS GOODS AT SO els. ".I ct. DltKSS GOODS AT 22 ( Is. 20 ct. DHICSS GOODS AT IScts. TERMS GASH OK VKODUCK. 1869. JUiA. 1SG9. TK.VOU WANT GOOD X lll.AUK 8II.K l'tlll DUKSH Oil HAClv OO Tl) V. , MAUU'H. JK YOU WANT GOOD III.ACK AND I OI.OUKI) AI.l'ACA UlIKAl' (10 Tl) 0. II. MAIIHU F YOU WANT A NICE BET TKA WAHl'i CIIBAI OO TO I). C. MAllll'H. F E YOU WANT A NICE FAN KHOJl UiU.TO ll.Si 00 TO 0. f, MAUU'H. TE YOU WANT A NICE ujmti:h i. AWN OU 11011AJH DUUhrtt'llKAl', 00 TO IS. C. MAUU'H, TE YOU WANT A NIOE ANDOOOIIl'AlllOKOArrKHH CIllJ.U'UUTHAN ANY OIllKlll'I.ACi: OOTOL',0. MAUU'H. Julr m.'oO'tr. LEGAL NOTICES A UDITOU'S KOTJC13. XV HITATi; ItV t.Ml!t Altlt 8TI NKMAN DI C'll. ' 'i'hu undt'rfd((tiLi I ui vl iik ht'fcitnmoliiU.'d hf Ihn OipluiiV t'otiil or C-oIiiniIiIii count mi Aiulltor toitiMtrllitilu thult.itimw In tho luittd of Mlelmol JMerjy, AiiininuiriUi.r or I,. HUiicmitii into or Itliiom louiiHhlp In Kald oiml, iWn-acd( will inrt l the nnillo-4 lnt(triHicd.nt Ihr WotlioLtiiarv'n oilier In if loniii4t ui refill KitnMiylho ssih dny of aiii;. At il, inai, aiuu o ciot-K iu in,, lor iuu ior ptiM'of Inn npM)liitninil. All I'I'Ikomh IkvIm Halms nmiltm mid ittitii will no icmtlicd in tri lrlit tliom fit Unit lime, or lmrludi'd inmi any Mmiunf llioluml 1 1 Mt' 1 1 1 l-Wltl.MA m, A.lii.'.il.VMI, Aitdltoi. A DMINJS'mATORVS NOTICK. 1 V rSIM I h ol.l MKAKM, ItKC'li. i.eitriKftl fiilininiMiiitlttn on Ihorstalu or.laim;N Mean or i.ocmt towiiHlttp, Columbia romity. ileoM., tiiuo booh blunted by Iho lU'Khtcr of wild eounty, to Peler Kut of HiMlt twp. All per Hons luivtHfclalmHordetimnd8aKaluiil tlioilreed cut aiu icmirKtcil lomako them Unowu,and thoso inucifKii io maite pajmciu. July l(l,')2)-Cv. Adinlnistmtor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIUK. KMTATKOf JAfOll Kit, J)l.Ut liiatorH oiadmlniKlralton on tlio cHtale of Jacob 1'A'or liitu of (irc-i-mtood two.. Columbia Co. defeated, havo bicn granted by the ItOKlntcr of Columbia county to H. H, Miller of llioom town&hlp. All person h bavins clalma jor demniuH against tlioC'Sluto of the decedent nro requcsteil to make them known, and thoso lu delitul to nialcep.ij meut. r. 11. iii(jiijit, July 2-I,'(D til. Administrator AUUITOU'S NOT10E. rarATE of m:oitou m'jiiciiali. dkiuakii. In 1 1 if urpluuii' Court lu nml for xuM Cuuiily li In Huh toiitiilncil! liitiininntliror me pennon rornpiioiutincnuil AilmlnNti'Hlnr liHllxliihuto ltiud In tlio luitulH of J.ll.lkelrr Aiidllmuf theesiutuurUcu.M'MU'lmo m i; n. (.'. u. iiuruivy iippoiutiii .uiiiiur nay i;iu lMiti. lvr. oir. Icrnnui n inn tno ricoru juiy ijiii.imij. JliWDl! Cut.KMAK, L'lerk. O. 0. Nntlce U litirrbv elvcn Hint tho undi-n.limi-d will nttonil totliuilutlL't of lilt upjioliitiiiciit nt hi nillcu In llhioirisljiirir. on 'JIiiun!uv. the 2nd il.iy uf M-p., lhf?i, nt lu o'clock A, AI. when mid wiicrc iwrilCN imi'rcmca niiiiii iiiiciin ur uo tic b.iricd irum coming for rtslmruofthi! fiiiul, a. a. n.vitici.h.Y. JulyfflVUMw. Audltur. A UDITOR'S NOTICK. -STATU Of CLKMUKL O. KIl'KiriTS OF.c'h. Tbu nmh-rsfttnud. imiHiitUed liv tlm Orohuns Courts ol Mu II I van eounty and uf Columbia coun ty, respectively; An auditor, to ilk adlitrlbullon ol tbu leal exlatoof Clemuacl U. UlekelU dee'd taken by tho helrn al the appraisement among tho Utylm am) letil represeutullvea ortbosald de rodent; will attend al the KeglKlerM oillco In lUoniiisbnrif In Columbbi count v. on Frulnv thu l?th day ot entember A. 1). Iit. fur tin nuronxe ot pcifoimlnn the duties oi his appointment. At men wiuuuim ju.H'u p.uiM'H may, ii uiey pleaM', bo pieeeiit, J. Il, KllKKi:, JJ O T 1 U K . 1 ho public uto here rebv notllhi I not to liust or iieai ttiuuonn .Micmer ou my lUfuuiii hh j win nav no debt h of his imikltnr nor e.irrv out aiiv LMiilracts tillered Into by liu Ii.ih lurfelted tbeaitlcle of agreement between in. Said Mleh n.r ii now resionigoii my iano. ht'tlAULOAF, Alltf. ti.'W-tf. II. IvIMI. S IlhKlKV'S SALK. llv virtue of a certain writ of rierl l'aelas tssti eil out of the Court ofCommou 1'leas of Colum- ida county, tested at llloomsbum tho II, day of iinj iwjv, win uo vAmtu iu luiiim- tin to oil mo piemUeson Saturday Heptcrnuer 4th, l.!)iit ono o ciocic in uioaiteinoonoi nam uay an ine ueien dant's rlijlit, title and property In the following described real evtate; situate In MadNoa town ship Columbia conty. between Jerseytown und tuiimuc; ami ikmiiiiou at ioiiowk: 1st. A tract of land coiiHlNtlnir of about kavi-ii! v acres, bounded by landa of William HIiuUk on the north, by tho "awlshcr Tannery" and lands of Joseph .Masters on the cast, by lands of Joseph iisier.oii iiiu Koiiiii. iiuu uv laiius oi wii a l Mbull. on the west; On which are ereeted a two Htory Framo House, a l'ramo Barn, and all nec essary out buildings. Thcio Is abundance of ood water,nnd n into amount or excellent fruit, The whole In irood wtate of cultivation t 2nd. At llio same time and place, "The Swisher Tannery" cimMstlnornbout two acres ol ground with Kramo Dwelling House, I'lamo htable, 1'iame iannery, &c. iiiih jannery esiaunsii' tnent. Is lu all iLs anuolnlmcnls llio most com. phte in tho country. It has 17 vatN beside pools lor lime. bait, leach etc.. baik house, bulkr hmise engine house, bt-ain bouse, etc. 11 Is ItH-atiil In a Kood tmtlc lejilon.and isa most di-siranie prop, ertv. Seized, taken lit execution and to h sold as I he piopetli of Jiieob A. Hwlsbcr. Mt)ltli:CAl MlI.hAUD. Au.lV' Siierlir. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICK. ISI'AI'K OV .lllllN ItlCIIAItl'S HKCK SKO. lA'tfus ol admiiiiMrallon on tho estate ol .Ino. Hh-lmrds lalu ot Pine townshln. Columbia co.. deceased, have been Kranled by tho HeKister ol viiidi-iiinil v lo Uosallndalllchaidsotsald t o. All persons ba Iiik elalniK or demands nualnsl tho islato of tho decedent aro requested to make them known, and tbost IndebteiUo make pay- II It'll l. iiun.uiinw.i tm.fiiiin'.-, A iisr. n,(.!M)t. AdtnlnNtraltlx, REAL ESTATE SALES. TKSIRAIiFiK TOWN IMtOl'KRTY XJ AT I'UlVATi; haij;. 1 he house and lot occupied by A. F. Yost.eor neroiWest Htieetand thoproponsl KomthSlreet extension, HloomsbnrK, l'a. I olleied at 1'iWato Halo ou ery leasouablo terms. lbo house Is new and veil llnlshcd and for an ordinary lamiiy is comnimtious ami louvemeui Tim tncatinn Is the most dirflrablu In town, be- hiK beiiutllul and hcalihful, removtsl irom tho oust aim llolse,Hlltl luuvviiiumij m-ui iu mu uuv InesH ofthuplaeu. 'i h hniivn will lm sold iiaitlv furnished Ifdes- I red, and a luxurl.iut Kiutleu can also no houht. rohtMsslon pi veil tt any time. 1'or run her particular, ttims Ac. apply on the ptcinlsoKor In JOHN A, KUNHTON E CO., Ileal Kstale Agents Urower's llulldltig, HloomsburK, l'a. July 2:t,'i)lKm. JJ ?Olt rf.VLE. Will bonftiTfd fur sale, nt the residence of the suhscrlber in nstiinptrei k townsinp on rnua Sept tint er iirtl Isi!!i at "oi-hu-k In the ulleruoon 1 not previously dUposcd of,the tollowing R K A Jj E S T A T E, sltiutle In n&hliiK Cieik und Hen ton townships, urii-; t iirtH oi limner iiinu in j-isiiiuk i.reeK. iieurstlllwaler, eoulululnu belwein tbiee and litiir ImtnlrrHl ncroa. ) tNU 'JHACT Mar Htllluiler lu lJenton and rislilin; creek toMiislitpseontaiuiiixonenundreu and ttriity ut res, twenty acres oi uhlchaiu lm pi'oM'd, the leutiilnder Is he a lly Umbered with lock oak, white oak. ihestnul, nml pilch pine. (mi i bib unci is en cum a sioiy mm a nun I) YY K L L 1 N O HOUS ti and new li.nnebain. Them Uiul will bo sold in jiH or I u any uesneti portions, never.M nuuu tmrlols near Stillwater, on the mum load, Terms liuido known on uay oi saie, jvr-ious desiring to purchase at prlvalo sale should ad- trisf or t an on .i. i ur.iir.iii July .in, b'J-iiw. mmwaier, i m PRIVATE HALE. Oh AltLH It of lllootn township deceased, oilers ut private saie a cer'iiiii imusu mm ioitmiiiuii-u in jiiuiinif (in Itnek Stieet. iMitindpd bv lots of 1. V. t H. C. Hnrthnaii.nud by another lot belonging lo said t state, eonntmin Kevenij -inree icei Irmit. The terms aro reasonable, and possession will bo Klen within thh ly days lifter I e sale. r.JtH.W-tf ' ' Kxtcutor, IOU SALIC. TboKuli-icrlltornirtTH nt pilvnlo nolo tho iirojv. crlv nf.Iiilm Alli'li hlLlilllo lu Kilht llloolilstjuri! nntl cquMulliii; or Iwn bulldliiu tult, on ono of wlilelils rrecleil n tsnoil TWO-hTOHY I'llAMK J)Vj;i,l.lNU J1U11MW Willi llcresHUiy otUlllliit. Incs. A uooU well of watorou th MeiulMfH. for lips, nil lull imitli'iiliirHiiiiply lo JAUOli H. KVAKH. July au.'ua.uw. itiuuiuiiiiiirii, riii PUIIUO SAIiE I or VALUAlir.r: UHAI. USTATH. Tlio iiMilei-filsznfl HelrHof tho cutnto of J,iroli do in lutoof ai til in towhfftjip. coiuiiitiia rniuuv ilcci'tiNnl. will cxoso In liubllo Mulo, on Hului. uuy llio uu nay oi Mriin'iniitT i.y, at iu o I'jot- HI llio lori'noon uy i iiuiio L'liiiuu on tno prn Ctl llllll T R A U T O I'1 L A N 1), (or .irm)sltuatn In Mount rieasaiit townsblii I OIUMIUIII CI Mil 1 1 ,V iiitjuiliitili j.iimkpi jnimn m niu lllllltlllKllllItr ui ruin I nm 1 tllll HI IV. .MHIIIUI li.imllu.'lhomasTiench and Klshlngcrcck, eon. talului! about M.NTV AC'IU" and Hl'A'llNTV THi:l K ' 'Aiii'in v al Licaie.1 uimi.un In a uinhI btuto ot rultlv.itloii, iho lrupnne mo ul h are a uiwj 1 1 w o klnry liamodwellluif houso iiioiitt barn. Jiame lausu klulile. fiutiin wiilioi s tied, and other out failldliiis, t pump near lb in (use. iiuu uu wi in in ii iiii. ijitothaefciulnurihoNUlddU'enscd Hllinlo 1 Almml lMraMiut lowiwhlti. county ufircNHiii, Terms of sato wilt be made known ou Iho day ol mi io uy lliri it. i. ki:m.kk, r. i. kmj.kii, HlKl'HUN (iollO, HAIIAII OlIIIO, IiVOIA ANN lll-HS. Wm. 1Ihs. l AN.NY M JClSTI.Klt, IlKNIAHIS KlSftLU JSAVll.t.V I K Kl.Klf, Ml, Vleasatit, AUK. -V.'liJ-lt. W J'3 0 () N T I N U E ToMunuIactuie our welIUnou Munureo'i'jtcr fitoittiMtW of Ante ami .ihhhoiihuui uiuir,unu uiao nave tor sum j' jj n u via Ar a v a x o No. 1 Gcnuliia (lovcinnii'iit, 1. lull (lniinn.T.nnil riuti-r mill llvilruullc (YllIPl together wild n coiiiploioaKHorlinont of Uuriilii uuil (lii'iiHlni! Oil, nt fair matkit raloK, HUii'i'.riiiHiliutoorilino, E-ro oor'-inwiiH, Mmmniliitcit l-'irllllicr, ilo, A UlbCOUNT TO DlIAl.lIIW. AI.l.KN & NKKDI.IH i;Huutli llcluuais Avt'liuo, I'hlliuloliihlu KMrAULlUIIKll IN 1811. For Hilo by tho Uliuiiiuhtiiu Iiuu Company, Aug. i;y iKi'jiii SVU- l-)K NEAT AND UHEA1' JOB PRINTING. Call bl The Columbian OOlce, Uloumnbur l'a DRY GOODS. 1801). JULY,, 1801). ie1 rroxj wyvisra: B ARG A I Iff IN )KY GOODS, N-6'J?JdNH, 110SIEIIY, ULOVUS, GO TO M. P. LUTZ, MAIN STIIUKT, . OPPOSITE THE COU11T HOUSE, DLOOMSDURO, FA. Apr.m,0!l-tf. ILLER'S STORE. r ItKMli AllHIVAliUr" HPUINQ AND HUMMEH UOOIXS. The HUbHcrtber htw Just returned Irom tho cltltft with anothor lare and so-led assortment of SrUlNO A'WD HUMMKH OOO IW, purchased lu New York and Philadelphia at the lowest figure, and which he U determined to Kelt on as moderate terms ah can be procured clue wheie In Inoomnburif. UU Block iomprUwH I.ADIK.S uni'Xs ooons f the choicest htles und latent tashions, together with a larjio 'assort incut of l)iy OikkIm and (Jro cerlcs, couhIhiIh of (ho followlus article: CarpetH, Oil Cloths. CIothK, CufcMliuercs, Hbawls, KlaiiiieN, SIlkH, White lioods, rJnens, Uoop HklrU, M lull us, llollowware Cudarwaro (liu ens win o, Hurdwate Hoots und Shoes, Hats und Caps Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, tiOoklnif-fJlasKe i, Tobacco, l)ilee, Sujjar.s, Teas, Ulce, Allspice, (Jlniior, Cinnamon, Nut megs, AND NOTIONS OKN HALIA. In short, everything usually kept lu country Mores, to which no Invites tho attention of tho public generally, Tho highest prlcowlll lm paid r counry produce In exchange for good. H. H. MIM.KH At HON. Arcade Itulldlngs, llloomsburg, l'a. J3IPO It 'J' A N T NOTIC E, -M. ON I l'l CENT DlSlTiA Y O V D U E S S G O O 1) S, AT Till! Nl'.W STOllK, nUOWEIt'H UU1ID1NG, The fc).U tulia looms of J.J. imCJWKlt, aro conipklol nml now open In tho public with tho !' I N IJ H T H T 1) (J K uvcr (jllc'i'cil In I!Ioonisbur'. All llio N E W E H T S T Y L E S ot Drcbu GoHl4, BlIkH, Cloths, Cadblmcrs. I.lncus, riannols &c, 0 A n PETS of tvciy blylo uiul lor all pnei-H. Oil Cloths lu variety. A full lino or aUPEltlOK GltOCEKIES. Colleen, Teas, Sukius, S)k'es, wauiuittU puronml cikkI, GLASS AND QUEENSWAUE, In eurofully nsborted variety. GLOVES, II O S I E It Y, HOOl1 SKI UTS, COIISKTH AND A COMPLKTE nhhOitmontof WHITE GOODS, Tlio imblic are earnestly liiyllcU to cxumlue thcbo tluo gooUv, before pur chasing el&cw hero and aro guaranteed batlslae- tlon. No expeii&o or trouble has been spared to malto . TIIK MOST L'OMPI.LTK c.stabl Wjlnont In llils union of tho Htalo. J. J. llllOWKll. May 7,'oO-tf ltloomsburg Pa. jIRST CLASS GOODS;. i. . x. r. is . t. j .v. i i I?. Th., knlivf-riher bus lust tborouuhlv reslocked Ills Store, 111 CatuwUsa, lately occupied by M' Nlncll A Hhumau, anil now oilers lor salo A COMPLETE STOCK OF DllYGOODM, (Iroecrlcs and general mercliandiso which for quality and varu ly will comimro luvorably with any lu llio country, lie has a fresh assort ment oi SPUING GOODS which ho will dispose of for cash or country pro duce. Among his Dry Hoods will bo found ull Ihc latest mut best patterns of MUSLINS, (I1NG11AMS, CALICOIM, FI.ANNELS, SHAWLS, HI LICS, CAKSIMEUS, UUOADCLOTIIH. COTTONAUUS, JEANS Ao.,Ai'. UnOCEIUFX. (ILASSWAUE, O.UEENSWAIIH, HAUDWAllF. CIHIAitWAltr. DltUOH, 0 1 US, PA I NTS, VAIINISHEH Ac. HATS A. CAPS, ROOTS & SIIOICS and. In fact, a coiniihio lino of goods, bilonslng lolllS UUSIIHh. .s II" oiiys .iiiu B,im nr ,. lie call allorJ lo Keen his prices as low if not lower limn iiiottilciilci. Ills moltois "UII1CK HAl.VM ANIIUMAM. I'llOl l IS." COAL OK ALL KINDS Conslaully on huiid and lor salu nt tlio lowest lilarael rales. MOHO PHILLIPS PHOSPHATE, Especial attention paldtollinsi-leellonot llllild Ing nialellal, Ciillcry, Mishanlcs' Tisils, and Hardware ol all kinds, lu which the uttenlionot uulldeisanuoincrs is rrquesieii, OHAIN PU IIUU AM EI). 1 A fair share nt publio cusllom Is desired and noelliirls "III buoiulltid loglvu enure satuiac JOSEPH 11. KN11TI.F. Apr. Ili,t'l Cm Cutuwlssu, Pa. jERUII AN HI 8 13. NOTICE IS HI'.UEIIY GIVEN To my friends und tho publio generally, that ull kludsur DRV GOODS, GROCERIES, (iUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AC, ato constantly ou huud uud for sulo AT HAltTON'S OLD STAND, IIloousuuko, ur JAMES K. KYKK. --ltio, Sole Ageut for.iai.lii' 1'iiobhiatk or mir, Uirgo lot coiulaiitly ou bund. feb'tt7, INSURANCE AGENCIES. rjOlIE MOST SUC'CESril-'UIj 1,1 l'l! INHUItANCK C()MI'AN'V or TIIK WOlll II, Tin: N A T I O N A li MI'-U 1NUUANGE CO. nr tub UNITIill HTATUB Ol' A Mil Ull! C'llAUTUllHDllYHl'KUlAljAUTOl'CONOlirji'. C A H II CAPITAL,- 1,000,000. llltA'NOll OKFIUKl l II I Ii A 1) E L P II I A, O V V I C K It H ! ' CIAIlUNCi: 11. Cl.AUK. rrcsldent. JAY COOKK, Chairman l-'liuiiicoand Kxeeullvc Commltlee. I1KNUY 1). COOKK. VIccl'rcKldcnt. K.MKRSON W. I'Kl.T, Kicnlary and Actuary. KUANCIS O, SMITH, .M.D., l'llll.ulel,hla, MiilU eal Director. This Company Unicd, In (ho llrst TEN MONTH I of lis exlKtcnee, ,;!& 1' O Ii I 0 I E H , INHUIllNH 10,142,800. This Company alien In Its Tolley-lloMeri PERFECT SECURITY by Hi Caxh paid p Capllul ot One Million Hoi lars, and KUaraulcex to tho limured, by lis UiW HATUS Ol' I'llKJlIUM LAltDIt U1V1DKMH IN AIlVANCl.', Or ii Itoveulonaiy Dividend Us UETUIIN PREMIUM PLAN. aUNEKAIi AQliNTri. K. W. CLAltlC & CO., Bankers, No. 33 Boutli Third Street, Philadelphia, Uencral Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JOHN A. PUNSTON, llloomsburg Pa., Special Agent for Montour 4 Columbia Couutlog July 10,'C0.-lyr JN SURANOE AGENCY. Wyoming.. JF.lua .. Fulton J170.000 l.ttJO.OOC ;o,(xx) North America SfKUXIO City.. 100,010 I.IUU.UJO l.OOU.UU KIO.OOO .'cni.oui f.vo.oio f,OI,l) I'KI.OU) JO.IJIO (i"i,IW) I,IW),(X) International Niagara .... Putnam Merchants Spilngtleld . Farmers' Danvltlo , Albany Cily LaneasUrClty Yoik Horse, Death A Thell Hume, New Haven Danville, Hoiso Thell PUMAS IIUOWN, Avent, maistiydy. llLooMsnuHO, Pa J OHN A. PUNSTON CO. O V F I t) E IIROWER'S RU1LD1NG, Jl I. O O M N H V li a, V A. (iflicral File ami Life IhhuraHce, and Ileal Estalo Agency. Special attention will lc given lo negotiating loaus. Juno U'Odin MISCELLANEOUS. JEW STOCK OP CLOTHING. Fresh arrival of FALL AND WINTEll GOODS. DAVID LOWENUEIIO Invites attention to ids stock of CHEAP AND FASIIIONAULE CLOTHING, at his store ou Main Street, two doors above the American UoiKe nioomsburg. Pa., whero ho lias Just received from New Yoikund Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOT1UNO, lui'ludiug Iho most fashionable, durable, und haudsomo DltEMS GOODS, consisting of UOX, SACK, HOCO, GUM, AND OIL-GLOT1I COATS AND PANE'S, of atl toils, sizes aud colors. Ilo hits also replen ished ids already large stock of PALI. AND WINTEll SHAWLS, HTUIPED, FIGUUEIl, AND PLAIN VIMS, HIIIItTX. CHA VA'JH STOCKS. COLIIIS, 1 l-A N DK EllCl 1 1 EPS. G IX) V ES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY A11TILT.ES He nus constantly ou baud a largo and 'Ctcd assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, which ho is prepared lo luakoto older lutoany kind of clothing, on very short notice, aud In the best maimer. All his clothing is mode to wear, and most of It is of home mauufaetnre. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWEI.UY, of oviry description, flue nml cheap, ills casoot Jewelry is not surpassed in llilshilaee. Call aud examine his genet al assorttueu of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELKY, if. DAVID LOWKNUElia. yy O O L W A N T E D. 'ino suuscriucr desires 30,000 POUNDS OP WOOL n exchange for FancvandStanlodrvL.oo.tA of nil vuneiies aim every siy iow tiicu no Keeps constant ly ou hand, both of tils own muuulaciuro mid other llrst class mills. Tlio highest city prices will be allowed. Parties will llnd It lo llii'tr ad vantage to deal with us and thereby suvo the prollt of traveling ngeuls. J. E. SANDS, June i,uu-um .iioruausviue, l'a OOL WANTED. Tlio subscriber, aeent of tlio LeMlsbure: f.lotli. Inj Mills, desires 50,000 l'OUNDS OP WOOI.IN KXUIIANUU for all kinds of elntli, eassimers, satiui-ts, nnd nil mini oi jiuiiii.'is mill iiuiiiseiSi lie isalso preparetl to do roll carding and full iinriugiiuit i loiniiiessinginino nest man. . r. AddiLss (IKOIKIM VANCI5, .liiuus'iii-m Oiaugcvillc. lfa. g 1j A T It O O V 1 N O, r. v c n y variety a T MOST FAVOltAMiH ItATKS, JOHN 'IIIOIIAS, AN1 I'ASI'UH J. T1IO.MAH, llcix. IT77. Illoomsbutg, 111. Mar.lli.iitl-lyr. r TIIK HKKT. MllliKon'H l'oi)ttr 'Jubular I.lulilulni' It. . u the Uvht nrtccMou aiialnkL dkakiL-r bv Ii v ever liivnedn. The kuUcrlbir is ngtut lor U u "jiu iii'iiuih, unit uu Diut-rh iy mull nr JU tLinilll Mill UU ItlDIIItlllV ULlL'lltllTll in. Muy liM ti. 11. HIDLKMAX, K N TI S T U Y , II, C. HOWKlt, DKNTIHT, oilers hU professional services to llio ladliM mul Kwullemen uf llloouikburif und vl ululty. lie U pupa ut I to attend to ull tno varl ou operation In tho lltio of hU prufefcidou, uud l rlUYMU'U -tVIUl UIO lUIl'kb lIllMllOt-U lilul bbAIJI Tkintt which will bo Uuur tod on gold plutlug, kllverund rubber bate to Itk us uell uklhe ut urulteeth. Teeth exttacted by alt tho new huJ most upiiroetl methmU, und ull ojwratlous on tlm teeth carefully und properly utleuded lo. Hesldt-nco nnd olhcu u lew doors above tho Court llouke, same klde, llliioiusbuig, Jau.Sl.'tMlf rjiliH ICSIY HOTEU W1V, C0I,UM1JIA COUNTY. XA. Tho utiderlguetl would Inform tho travelling public Iliat hf has tuken the u!mvo uutnt-d istub lUhiiuiil uiul thnmuuhlv riMtted the buiuu tor the tw-rfcit couverdeuco uf liUuuefcts. UU iurder will bo htutktd with the U-kt thu rimrkel ull old. The choicest liquors, wines und cigars ulwuys tu UO IUUUU IU JIM I'WJ , WII.UAM I'KITIT. Apr.'iJ.tTJ-tf Kiipy, IV MISCELLANEOUS, 0 NEA 1 LI NO EYE PREERV Ellr). JIlVHrrt. liAZAUUrt A MOUItlfcl, OPTICIANS A OCULISTS tlAllTriillO, map,, lave, Willi n lew In mi it llio lm .1 iiunnmil (heir. 0 I; li K II II A V 1. II I pereegti:d spectacles, Apiioiutud ' MIhh A. D. WE1J1J, STATlbNl'.lt, RLoumuuua iA.t As llielr solo Agent for this place. They have takdi care lo gtvo all needrul Instructions, and havo eeiifldcncc In the ability of their agents to meet the requirements of all customers . An op porlunlly will bo thus afforded to piocure al all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED UY ANY FOll TH El 11 STRENGTHENING AND 1'HESEU. VINO QUALITIES. Too much cannot bo said as lo their SUPKltt OlllTY over the ordinary glasses worn. There Is no glimmering, wnvtrlng of the tight, tltzitncu, or other uupleasaut sensation, buton the contrary, from the peculiar construction of tho Lenses Ihey aro toothing and pleasant, causing n feeling ol relief lo tho wiarcr, and PRODUCING A CLKAU aud DISTINCT VISION, as lu the imiir al healthy tight. They aro the only Spectacles to PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIQHT1 And me the CHEAPEST because the UKNT, al ways lasting many ycaius without change be lng nccf ssary. :0: CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEIJR, STATIONElt, ULOOMSliUllO PA., Is tho ONLY Agent appointed In this place. egy-WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. 19,'09,.ly. G ROVER & RAKER'S PlltST PHEM1U.M ELASTIC STITCH FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, It)', HHOaDWaY, NEW YOIIK. 7M Chestuul Sticet Philadelphia, POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Ueauly aud Elatllcllyol stitch, l'erfecllou and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads dlreclly Irom tlio spool.. No lastcnlng of scams by hand uud no wusto of thread. Wide ruugo ol application without cliango of adjustment. Tho scam iclalus its beauty nml llrmnecs alter washing and ironing. llesldes doing all kinds ol woikdono by other Sewing Machines, theso Machines cxcculu Iho most beautiful and pcrninncnt Embioldcry and ornaineutul woik, Ot M'tr'llits IKsIhfI ricmlutiisat all the lCalm mid KxliIMtloiiH of the Uullcil HtatcH uiul Kurope, lmvo been u ward til tlio U rover a Uakcr KowtiiK Machines, ami tlio worU done by them, wlicrevoi' cxhlLUcU In comi'Ctltion. -JOJ- 3-Tho vwy hlgluU piUe. TIIK CHOSS OF TJIti LKOION OV HONOll, was conferred on the rciuifecumuve of tho Oiovcr a IlaUer Hew lng Miuhluey, at tho IC.xpojltlon Untverselle, Tarls, 1Mj7, thus attesting their great Miperlorlty over all other Hewing Machines. P O It BALK 11 Y ju.aoMsnuna pa. Juno liVtw-ly 1 MlOMKllUHdNOItAlAIL'lHHlANn KIT i;hai;v jinmi n UTr. llOAltl) OK INSTUUCa'ION. UKNHV CAUVtill. A M.f Vtlnclpal, ProtohKur nf Intellectual mul umrul hclence, i aid theory uiivl praetlcn of leaching. Miss Harali A, Carver, lieeeptreKS, Teacher ol 1'reiuh, lUiluny und ornamental bruiichfs. Haac O. llest, A. II., l'roroHsur of Ancient ijmguaguH ami J'ngllbU Uiummur, J. W. Fcrree.A. M. lrnfcsKur of Miilheiuutlus, mul pmvlUxU uy Uommiy llev. 1. V. John. A. M.. l'rofo kr or chemlktry umt phyUcs, V. M. lbitcs. . Tcaihirof geography, hUlory !Uok-keUlug Julius Urowii, Assl tiuit ttacJierof uiathemutlcM Ur mmur, I'.nglltth MUl Alice M. Carver, Teacher of iliuicou thu piano uud meliMleaur Mrs. lUltle U Host, Teacher of Vocal Muxle und liislmmeutul iuuaH MUs Julia M.Ouest. Tiucturof model ricliool. Thef .VLli term will commence Au, 9, and uutll our Umrdlun hull is rcudv for ucciu i y, ou application to the Pr 100111, Mudentu IK lllllllkilWl Willi IUII1C It piUUAlllll iUllllllCH. Itii better for ktudeuts locoinmeuceut (he op nliiof Iho lerm, but when this Is imprvct Jcu bio they cau uter ali uny lime. luuriii o louo. KOTIUIN. Till'. UUKAT MISDICMi llsrAKE.-f foi- inoriluys was an Utter li.ealcct of winllary pre caillloiu. No elltclent means wero nU'iplwl tor tlio iiroWhtloii of plckness. Hewtrago was un known Indues! dralimgo waitraroly nllcinpien In thocounlry. llciiorolhil werolcfllo lot in llioiinbllnHnsiln.nndilnnictla eloanllness, tho great nnllilole In fi brll'o diseases, was sadly niw lieled. It Is not sii how.. W'Jku laws, phll.iu. tliM.ple lnl Kill Ions, mut Ukllaut snnllary Ilee, liae, lo' great extent, lelneilldl tho CVII. Nor Is tlih fill. I'ruvelillVo Modlenllou lias help- it v to Iruicrt tho rates or riionaiiiy. Il Isiinilnnluuclttosnrtli'iltcni of thoii'.ands isealoslcltneFln nnbcallh srinons In cone ipii msj of liivlnr; l(ivli!Ornleil llierr sjslenn In ndumcu liy n eonrm of IIOS l irri nu hh'.m AOII IIITTI'.IIX. 'Hits puivdiiil iwi'rinl vi table ttiulo and alterative cnlnprlKc Ihoextinels and essenws of n. variety ufrixila and licrW, re nowned for tholr utrchKlhcuiiiK, soothing, vital lrjng and purifying properties. Theso medicinal agents aro Incorporated wttli a spirit absolutely frco ftoin tho acrid polsou which denies, moro or less, all tho liquors (if commerce, and their cITicl is diffused through tho wholo frame by this ne tlvi'.ycl harmless stimulant. The rotult Is such a conditioner the sybteui asicuders It ull InU tin- pa vlout lo Iho exterior cautcs of disease, buiIi as damp, fog, sudden alternations of teniciatuie, 4c. Htroigtli.audtho penccl reguianiy oi uu tho functions of tho body,nro the bist sare-gn.uds ugiiliut ntmosplicrlo poison and llio effects of uu wl.olnsomo water, and HOSTJ.TTEIl'S mi i j.ili aro llio best StreiigthculiiR and regulating medi cine at present known. For dyspepsia and bil iousness they aro a fepeclflc absolute, A GREAT REMEDY. FOll THE CUllR OF THIIOAT AND LUNG DISEASESl. 1r. Wisliart's Pino Tree Tar Cordial. It Is tho vital prlnclploof tho Pino Tree, ob ilned bv n peculiar tho dlsttlllation of tho tar, by whtch lla highest properllen urn rpfjiltittal. Jt Ih tho only 8flfej?unrd anil rctlftblo remcly which has oyer been prepurcil from tho Julcu uf Die l'tne Treo. Jt InvlgoraLeKtho Jlaestlvo organs and roatoret Ihn appetite. It hirenthcnH tho ilcbllltntcl sytitotn. Jt purlQuH mitt enriches the bloot.1, inul expeN from tho RThlcin the corruption wLlch ncrotula breefUon (ho lniiKft, It (lisiolvoH tho iiiucusor phlegm which Mopi llio rtlrpiiSH,ists of tho lungn. JtH heiilln principle hoik upon the Irrlhitdl kurfucoot tho lungs and throat, penetrating to each dUcisoil purl, relieving pain uiul biibduln tntlammatton. Ittsthe rertult of years nf Minly nml experl ment. and Ills oilereti to the nillkU'd, Willi tho poHltivo asKuruiico of Its jHiwtr to euro tho lol lowing diseases, If tho jmttcnt has not Ick loiitf delnyfcd u resort to the means of ruie : Ciiiisuiiiptlon of the Lungs Cnuh, Sore, nml Jtrea.t, Jlrouchltls, laver Complaint, lillml and Illeedlm,' riles, Asthmu, Whooplnu Cough Plptherlu, ttc.Ae, We nro often asked why aro nototherreniedlt-H lu the market for Consumption, Coughs. Colds and other i'ulmonnry alti-cltoni equal to Ur. Jj, Q. Wlhart'H Pluo'ltteTar Cordial. Wo answer Uu It euresot by slopping cough, but by looKenln and assisting nnturo to throw oil tho uuheuitiiy matter coiiecieu uuouiiueinroai ami broneblal tubes, causing Irritation aud cough. 1M, Most 'ihroat nnd Lutig ltcmcdlcs aro com losed of nnodnes( which allay the cough for nwhllo but by thelrcoustrluglngelltictti.thuxibrei btcomo hardened.nnd tho unhealthy llulds conn aiulto and nreretalned In tho system, cauhlo d se:vso beyond tho control ot our most eminent phyMclauH. 3d. 'J'ho I'Juo Treo Tnr Cordial, with its assh lantH, aro preferable, bocauae Ihey removo tho cause or irritation oi tho mucous mem bra no aud bronchial lubes, assist the luugs to act and throw oir the unhealthy secretions, und purify tho blood.lhus sclehtlilcally m.iHlnc tho euro perlect. Ur. WLshart has on file nt his orrlco hundreds nnd thousands of Ccrtlilcntc, liom Men nnd Women of unquestlonablo character who weio ,oiH4j hopelestiily Klveu up to die, but through tho 'l'rovldeuco orOod wero completely rcstoied lo health by Iho I'lne 'JVeo Tar Cordial. A Physi cian lu attendance who cau bo consulted In pev Mm or by mall, free of charge, l'rlcoot I'luo'lno Tar Cordial UJM per Uottle, 811 per doz. Kent by Kxprcbs on receht of price. Address. "J tfc. C. Wishart, M.D.NotiNortli iilit..Vhlhidelphlal,a. May glD-lim THE KIDNEYS. THE KIDNEYS AUI2TWO lu number, situated at the uppi-r jiart of tho loin, surrounded by fat, and consist ing of threo parts, vu: the Anterior, tho Intel lor, uud the Kxterlor. 1 he anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tls mics or veins, which seivo as n deposit for tlio uriuoaud convey It tothoexterlor.Thoexterlorls a conductor nlso.terminatinff lu uslnyle luUvind called tlio Ureter, 'Ihc nielersnroconnecte! with tJie bladder. 'l'ln niiulilur i rnmnoscil nf various coverlmrs or tLssues, divided Into parts viz: tho Upper, tlm J4iwt!i. the Nervous, and tho Mneoiti. 'Iheupner ejtiH-H, tho lower retains. Mauy liavendcjiiro to lit iiiuUj witlaait tho ability ; othLis urinalo Min oiitthonblllty U retain. This lrcquently occuih In children. Toeurothcioa(Uctlons,woimitlnlusin1oncto;i thu nnistles. wldcJi aro lifriucd lu their arlous functions. If they uio nenloclod.U ravel or liropy may eiHtio. 'iho leader mus Inldoho mado aware, that how ever MtKht may bo thoattuclr, It is mho tu nllVet the IxHlily health and mental powers, as ourilesli and blood;Hrohuportoil Horn these sources. Uout.oh HiiKUMATiHSi, l'aluocenriltiln Iho loins is indicative of tlio above disease.. They occur iu persons UUpcscd to at Id blumach uud eh.Uicy concictlout.. HiK-UuAVhU Tho gravel ensues from uckIutL or impioper treatment of the ktdueys. Tiieso oruns bvmn wealc.tho watel Is not oxpelleit fium thu Jjladder4 but allowed to leuialu; It bt comes (uvi'risl and w;dlment lorms. H is irom this de posll tlial Iho blouo Is Jormed, aud gravel eiibuts. Uuoisv Is a collection of water lu some parts ol tho body, and bears diHercut names, according to tlio paru ullectcd, v:n : when geneially dlllusetl oer tho body. It is called Anuuren: when of the ulKlomen, Afccites j when ui the chest, lldrotho rax. Theatmknt.-lleluibold'ti hiirlilv concentrated compound tixtrailuchu Is decidedly ono ot the be.t remedies lor diseases of tho bladder.Uldueys, iy a veJ, drops teal swelllugslrheuniutlsm,und gouty aiTectluns Under tliU head wo have urruuged HysurJa, or dlttlculty wid pain lu pushing water, beauty secretion, or small und frequent dlschur gcMorwatir; htrungury, or stopping of water; jltmaturla, or bloody urine; Uuutaud Uheuma matlsm or tho kidneys, without any change lu quantity, but increase of color.or dark water. U was ulwuys highly recommended by tho late lr. 1'JiyblcJf, ui thcftu uttecllons, Tnls medicine lucrekses the power of ex Is tion, und excites the nbsorlv?uts Into healthydeg ercxs. by which the watery, or calcareous, depos itions, aiJil nil unnatural enlargements, as welr as pain iuiU luilaunnatlou, nro reduced, uud It Is talteu by uv-U, woman, uud children, JJijecttous for uatumd dUt accompany. IVJlLADKI.l'JlIA, VA Feb. lb(i7. II. T. UKL1IOI.U, Urugglst: DkakMik 1 Jiavobeeii a suirerer, lor upward ol twenty j ears, wlli gravel, hl.uUUr, aud kidney allei tlons,dtiring vhieh time I havo ued arims medlelual prep.uatloiis.and been uuderlhotu-at-iaeuiot thu moot eminent phyfclelnuH.experb u viug but littlo relief. JJiivlngkccn yourprenar.itlons extennlvely ud vcfiJM.d,l comultcd wilh my latnliy phsieHn lu Tt nu Ut using jour J,xtraU liuclni. I itui UiU heeuuhcl had utcdull Itludsofadver Used remedies, and iuid Jound them worthlehs, undsomo iUltti Injurious ; In Jact, 1 ilehjdiiil oi eer getting udl(und deter mined to usu no rem-i-dlo- JiereaJlrajfjlesti 1 knew of the Ingredients, it was this that nronpted ine to uso our rime dy. As you udverUsed that it was cuiupoKed of buchu.eubebs and jujiiijpr ber occurred to jmiundmy pli sleiarwis.un excellent loiubluu- oj jLc article, nnd comuitjig ngulu with the druggist, 1 concluded lo try It. J coimmnccd its 10 about eight months ngo. at which tlmu I was confined to my room rtm tho Jlrst biille I was ftstoulkbed uud gratlUtd at UUo beneIcial ef fect, uud alter uishJg it tliruo weeks, was able to walk out. lfelt much liko writing you a lull kUHKineniot ruy cusout that tluuj, but ihouifht iny tiiipiovemeut might only bo temporary, and ihejehnv concluded to dciernndbeo it It would eUU'L h perlect cuie, Jcuowlug then It would bo of eu'utor valuu loou,und more kuthfatorv to 1 liuj ii jw nblo In report that n cure Is eiTected ulter Uhjug tlm lemetly lor livo mouths. I liavc jrot used any now for tin ee months, and feel as well In ill respects as I overdid. Your IlucJru Jielug devoid of uny unpleasant hislu and udor4u jilcu loulsand lnvlgorutor of tho byhteru,ItlojJi jnean to bo without It when ever occasion may require Its uso in such ullee llons. . .M.MuCUKMlCK. Should any doubt il r. WcCormUk's statemeutH ho relets to tho lullpwln Kcfitlemen: Hon. Wm. lUglor.gx-tioyernor, reuusylvanl.i, Hon. TIioH. li. b'loieuce, rhlladelphta. Hon, J. U. Uuox, Judge, rhltudelphla, Hon. J.H. Ulack, Judge, lVdladeljdila. Hon. 1). 1U I'orttr.ex-Uoverivor, l'eniibylvaiua, Hon. Kills I.evls, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. It. C. Oi ler, J udgo, United htates Com t. Jlun.O. WcKtdwunl, Judge, fhllailelnhla, Hon. w.A.l'orter, CltyKJliLitor.i'hiladelphia, Hun, John Klglor, cx-0overilor, Calltornla, Hon. H. Hanks, Audltor'Ucnerul, Washlugloii, 1). c. And many otners, ii necessary, hold by liruggeMs and denleis cvmulieii, Ilewaro of counterfeits. AkIc lor Helmlmid s. Taku uo other. l'uKK-Jl.Wper bottle.orjl U.tlles for Jd.O1!. JelHiretl to uuy addreirs, Jksi ulm ..ui. w lit ull i,kiiitiiiiiiiiidlttiM. Ail'lrecsll, T. JIHnMHOLP, Hrug and Chimin il iVanliouse,iyi;irouway,, i. K..iin am miiilllllii lltlll-MM 1 1 fill U UI) III KltCl-Lll- Kritl wrupper, w Hh Uo-hJmne. ot iny Chemteal V ilieuouse, nun oiyweu f,... .111 11 0 I.V'ltl. I H 1 h s. rim iimlci-sltino.l w 111 4-hccrfullv mail (ftu'.H U nllwhowUhit llnv i;eclio und hill diuctloiw (m prciutiln And iihlng iv slmplu und lleautilul Vii-uinlitn ILilm. Iliat will luiuiedianilv ri'Iitojt 'lau, Kreikles, I'iiHjiUtt. lllolchis, uud ull ciujh tiuiH und Impurities ortiiot'-klu.leavlng the Mtuui toft, jettur, biuooth und beautiful. Iti will ulso send (hikk) Inbtrur tlons for pio vwy simple me4iuiii luxuriant growth III j 1 h it uu it iiiiui iieuii nr iiUNiii i.nmn i i thlriy.dAvs ttoiu llrst application. qhoabovucuulobtimied by return mall by luUUuHiiuc 'I HO. V. CHAl'ilAN, CheuiUt. T i UK SECRET OF KNOWLKDOK. rbliLvu'o l.uoH. nractical recuiuU for buull- ylue tlw com pU-at lou, di'niroylug arln, fuck Ira iuupl.i. oroLlutriilMvai'aof tlio .kin, n:molii .iii'ttiiluous lialr.pioinii;aliuir lu ttruwtli.ortu-u tailed oteruy ic-kUirlni:UloUiioriilual i-iloi. For i U-iuiluH aid or Kllk lovftt. luu. rlbbom, i-u. ltliMimatlinn. auue and (Vita brralu imiu'U bv lol. luvi uu; 41, uuviliV KUl irtse loruuci,. Aiiurini. v, ii, imu.ia .v . v.. I'll Pultun btruil, N, Y. N, Il.-l,iu-lliiureiiiakliiBailoKiri uyiar by luanulKilurUii; ami ulllni; Irom IIiok. 10. il nln. July 10,'OJ ..ui. pATUNT QVinvii. Ini ntoni wliowUli tolaliuoiit UlUM l'l'tius nro ud l.wl loi oiMiM'l Willi 1 1'NN A it I iluoi 1 or Iho hak.N'1 ino Am mii-an, bo liu u ioko, u. tod rliilm, Uluro Uiu ratiut ulllre lor iuui iImii twuiity jium. Tbilr Ainnliiinl'.uioii. auraUnii Alitla-'y l tb" '"ol itmkio lu tbu wotlo. i:uarKii k ibau uuy utlitr i,llableui!iiiy. A I'anil'l'U't, i-oiitaluliis lull lunltucliouii to linrntoi., Inwnt trull". AiMiww , . ,., 9lL N .V IU.. JISCV Jm, S7 l'ark Uow, Nw YoiV, UU. iuu will