te Qpotumbian -AN II- 8 ImyggJcmotMi 1 1 LOOMSDUHO, PA . FIUI1AV hllllWIMI, Al'dtlHT !10, 1NI10. rllM UOI.UMIIIAN li. III I.ar(.C tllrt-illnlloit or Mlijr ni.r ptllillllicil In nrlli-rit lcnu.ylvi.iil, ami L alio n in.trh larger lieet than mix or ii colcm lnrrle ami it therefor Ilia bel maillilm Xni- mlt crlltlltg III Ihll atctloll orilia Stale. Radical Statesmen ll luu over buuii iluciiKil nu liniiosul Ml- ttuiil Id imitiufauturua silk ptiracotit uf tlio imilcrliil furnished by tho oar of llio fenmlo pig, lmt its nearly us tills feat iiw bo ncctiiniilishcil by ordinitry (or nxtruonllnary) liumtul menus lias bet'n done by tlio Iteiiubllcnn parly lit tho mailer of their "great mon." In looking over tho political world tlio mind of tho ordinary observer U stag Kered at sight of tho being who fill tho re.U places of tliolaml. Positions which tlenmnd both tact and ability for their crcdIUiblo lining, uro given to those "whoso want of both la marvelous to IjoI li friends and opponents. Political trickery, truckling to tho powers that bo nud the possession and enunciation of principles which aro or dinarily held to bo Incompatible with the character of either a Christian or a gentleman, have apparently taken tho jilaco of tho keen diplomacy and grand powers which characterised tho admin istration of air.ilrsln tho curlier and bet ter days of tho republic. Claiming from tho beginning, to hava incorporated Into their ranks all tho Jirainsiw well as tho morality of tho a'otiiitry, they huvo thoeirron(ery to put aorwaiu, in ovidencooflhls, men whoso 3giioraneo, Imbecility and profligacy nro amtnrious. Slitrl: our leprchenlallves abroad In lio pcrnons of Washburno and .Sickles. The former at tho Court of Franco pos sessing not a whit moro knowledgn of H'rciu'li than he does of KuglUh but ;ven thathiirpamlug his informalionou anatlem dliilomatle. Sickles' In Spain, with a character who'o blackness Is 'so iller that his prlvato vices becomo vir- lues when compared witli his public CrlllKH. I'ora President wo bavo ono whoso talent Is undoubted for "gratefully ac cepting" every thing oirered, and for "llildllngwhllstltomoburns," but these iialillc.ttioiw however gratifying to himself run! frlondsaro not calculated to promote tho general interests of tho country. Questions of moment uro held in abeyance whilst his Excellency, tli porta himself in tho wnvru at Long Itr.uich or dances badly at public balls given in his honor. If wo turn to our own State govern mem wo nnu out lltuo to enliven our minds. An Executive wo have in name aud but little else, "oound nutl fury slg nifying nothing," u man who If vanity una seir Importance were cardinal vir tuns might rank with tho archangels. Ouo moro brilliant act of this party if culture and intellect and general Intel ligence should bo recorded ; they have chosen as their standard bearer forthe coming campaign, John Covodol Com raont is unnecessary, as the sterling abilities of this enemy of English gram mar and political purity nro already well known to tho community. Tho most unpardonable Injury which the Radical party has inflicted upon Iho country is this that they have placed ignorance and vlco In tho places of In telligence and virtue, and have folsled upon us blackguards for gentlemen.' Montour Nominations. The DemocrattcConventlon of Montour county mot at Danvlllo on Monday last (Aug. iuth,) and nominated William O. Uullor-for Prothonotary and William Yorks for Commissioner, Daniel Blll meyer of Liberty twp. and George W. Miles or IVitivlllo were appointed Sena torial Conferees instructed to support Thomas Chalfsnt for nomination, and W.U.AVeidcnhamerand Michael Ureck hill Pepreacntativo Conferees who will no doubt concur with this county (un der usage) In the nomination of Hon. Geo. Scott. Thoro aro now, we boliovo, 12 election districts in Montour county, of which tho four wards of Danvlllo con stitute one-tliird,nnd twodelegates from each district nro chosen In Conventions, (as in tills county.) Tho Democratic vofnof Montour beInglG07(forSeymour) ttohavoasarcsultan average ratio of "fl volrs for a delegate in Convention Any careful reader of tho dally pa pcrs must havo noticed tho great num bcr of largo fires which havo occurred of lalo in various partH of tlio country. Within three weeks Just past, property valued at nearly Jlfteen millions of dol linn bus been destroyed. Such tremen dous losses may well challt'iigo tho care ful attention ofhuslness meii.Thcrcsuru ly must besomething radically wrought tho administration of Kiro Department nllairs or thoso of tho Pollco, olso with tho present admirably constructed ilro engines and apparatus thosu things would not bo. Tho ovll bus becomo so great as to deserve legislative notice. In two weeks Philadelphia has lost by the llcry element twelve millions, or nearly bo.of property. If tho Police aud Eire Departments cannot protect citizens from these frightful calamities tlio aid of tho law makers should bo Invoked Tiiutiu-ulnis although a bouiu what raro virtue in Kadical circles. should bo commended whenever and wherever discovered. Wo aro pleased to record tho folio wing opinion of a shin! ng light In the partyof'hlgh moral ideas' In which wo thoroughly coincide. Said tho editor of tho Now York 'JYl tunc In ISM: "Governor Ocary Js either a very dig' nifled man or a very pompous one per haps a little of both. Ho U a profound egotist, mid talks about what ho Is mid Intends to bo in a somewhat ostentatious manner. Governor Ooary is a very de termined man without the capacity to determluo on any systoniatlccourso. Ho has an iron will without a purpose, bis only aim being to carry through the measures pf incorrupt faction, and that w unuer instructions, jie u merely a pqlU(clun and the. miserable loot of a miseraoto jacuon," Tub loDg-lost American caglo is now found. Ho cornea up black as nigrltu dlnous night, this pcr-roud bird does, in tho person of a corn-field Cuff just elected (o tho reconstructed Xforth Car ollnu Houso of Kopresciitatives, to represent Wilmington City, tho wealth iest nnd most Important commercial constituency In tho Old North Slntp. Eaglets Is lils name, und Africa his na tion. And coal black is his hue, this gem of (Jladtcal) legislation. Representation of Columbia and naontour in tuo iicgisiaiiirc. Tho following Hepresentatlves have served from tins liepreseniaiivtullsirlcl in tho Legislature since I Ml, (prior In which dale local mu.Hlluus nlfccted tho choice of KepioiA'ntatlvo.) HCSSlll.NS. Ul'.l 18.1.1 1 18.10 JiihiiO.Moulgoim'iy, Montour. 18,17 18.1S J 18.1'J ) 1SG0 f Peler Kill, Columbia. Samuel Oakes, Montour. 1801 Hiram It. lCIIno, Columbia, 1802- I.evi I. Tate, " 1KC3 1 1801 John C. Kills, Montour. W. H. Jacoby, Columbia. Thomas Clialfant, Montour. 180.1 ) 18G0 1807 ) 1668 I 1809 George Scott, Columbia. It will bo seen that a re-election of Mr Scott the present year will bo .In confor mity with usage, and that Under tho u?age, If adhered to,Montour will have tliGllcprcscntatlvo for two out of three years of tho next Senatorial term. Tho Democratic voto of the two eoun ties at tho Presidential election last year was as follows: sKYJtoun Columbia -1022 Montour 1097 Thus tho Democratic voto of this county was about two and n half times that of Montour and that, wo beliuve.ls about tho usual proportion. It follows, that during the last fifteen yenrs Mon tour lias obtained more than double tiic representatives she was entitled to In tho Hou.sc upon n principle! of numbers nnd rehitivo weight uf population. Hut it has been thought expedient and has been found convenient, to dlvldo repre sentation equally between tho counties and such has been (ho practice. To bo sure thcro was difficulty In maintaining tlio usago when Mr. Clialfant wai a can didate tho first timo, in 18G0. For great dissatisfaction was produced in Ibis county by ciii'iim.slaiiccs attending the district nominations of that year, und tho lleprei-cntallvo Conlerees of this county, tho Standing Committee, and both of our Democratic newspaper.-? united in pulling up Col. Talo as a can didato agaln.t Mr. Challant. Only by energetic effort was that formidable movement defeated and the nomination of Mr. Clialfant sustained. Thocirctlm stance which then .stung tho passions of men and produced tho dilllculty was, lhatwhiloMonlour (the smaller county) took tlio Representative nomination, tho votes of her Senatorial confoiees de feated a Columbia county nomination in Senatorial conference, although when Mr. C. was nominated lie and ills friends had agreed that they would support a' ColumbiacoiinlySenatorialuominatlon. Tlio Editor of this Journal, in common with others, supported Mr. Clialfant at that time in order to sustain party ua gcs.und accepted his explanation that he could not control tho Senatorial confer ees of his county as as excuse for tho re suit in Senatorial Conference, tint we do not dc&lro to over see again the same strain put upon the Ildelity and magna. nimlty 'of our party in this county that was put upon them at that time. Turning now to tlio upper House of tho Legislature, tho fact appears, that neither Columbia nor Montour has had a Senator for twelve' ye.irs. Col. Uest of Danvlllo was Senator when Montour was erected and Immediately afterwards 'Mr. Uuckalew of this county represen ted tho district. Taking into account tho relative population and Democratic vote of tho two counties, tho terms of service of thoso gentlemen balanced eacli othdr, in other words wero propor tioned to the relative political weight of each county in the Senatorial district. Upon the whole, Montour lias had her full share of representation in the Legislature, and In fact, for a longtime, nn excess as compared with this county. Wo aro not careful to have an exact nc- countstatcd between our countlesjto In sist to its full extent upon tho principle of popular numbers in our representa tion, but our exhibit wo supposo Is now timely and may bo accepted as instruct ive. That harmony which has existed almost without interruption between our counties for so many years, will bo best preserved by a frank acceptance of facts and by tho avoidance of all undue prctciifcionsorelaims by cithcrcounly In its relations with tho other. Bradley's littlo Lies about Gen. Bnt. It is our duty to repel unjust assaults upon our candidates whetherStato, Dis trict or County, and as occasion thai I re quire during the canvass that duly will ho performed. The Jlepubltean of last week assaulted Gcn.Ent in a small way, and 'wo shall now answer it. It said : "There is Ehl, who, besides being a resident of llloom,camo very near coin ing over to IhoKcpuhlicau party during tho war. Ho wrote some pretty strong letters homo in omiosltlou to tho l.'Ish. ingcicek democracy nnd at ono tlmu wo ocnovo was anxious to uring ins regi ment up hero to belli put down tho In surrection. Wo go In for tlio General every timo. A distant view of tlio omeo or Surveyor General recalled his waning nlfections to thoDcniocratlc. par ty, and tho position of Prothonotary in n county Court, in recilUy, may secure them." TO AM WIIICU WK ANSWKU: 1. Gen. l.'ut is not (and lias not been) u resident ofllloom, but pf Light Street. no did not coma near to going over to tho Republicans during tlio war or at any other timo. !1. Ho did not wrilo strong letters home In opposition to tlio Eislilngcroek Democracy or any other Democracy, in hisniimuaudin our own, wo defy the Jlfjmbltam to produce any such letter or to prove that It ever' existed. I. He was not anxious to bring his ltcgliiieut hero to put down an Insur rection or anything olso. ill fact his Rcglmonl was. discharged and dispersed so mo timo before tho idle gcd insur rection and tho Invasion of our county, Its term of.scrvico expired in thoSpring of 1801 whlio the troubles here were in tho Summer following. "Liars should havo good memories." Einuily.n vlew( whether uearor dis tant) of the oQlco of Surveyor General did not recall his waning Directions to tho Democratic party. Ho was nominated impromptu In the State Convention In 1868 for Surveyor General when ho was absent in New Jersey nnd had no knowl edge or expeclntlon of such an ovont. Three years beforo that tlmq ho spoke at length at the Nob Mountain meeting and four years beforo ho acted as u Democratic Commissioner In the taking of tho Army voto. n sprvIcQ for which ho was roundly abused by tho Vuhmibla Cointy Jlepubucun. Ho was also n speaker at Democratic meetings In our own and other counties In 18C0. THE COLUMBIAN Tho Columbia County Invasion. XIX 1 ill' iiviait). TlIK WIT.S-KHM AHAM LUTZ! -This wUncss was examined against Hants', and Colley but not lii tho Daniel Me Henry cave. Ho resided In tho village of Ilcutnn, was u pump-maker (and farmer) and about the lime of tho trials an inn-keeper. That hu was n man of strong passions was shown by a transac tion subsequent to the trials. Hohr Mc Henry sometime after his return homo from prison complained of tho testi mony against It I tn which I.titx had giv en bn tho Itant. trial ; whereupon Lulu struck lihu violently with u hand-saw and cut his bead suverely. Considering tho small slzu of tho man assailed and the great prostration of his strength by Imprisonment, and considering also tho great lnjustlci of testimony given be lilnd his back without uotlco or oppor tunity for cross-examination or reply, this assault appears not only very re prehensible but bs convincing proof of tho unreliability uf Lutz us u witness. For It exhibits u passionate nature, lia ble to bo carried away by any strong Impulse beyond tlio limits of Just and considerate action, But there is a particular reason for not subjecting the testimony of this witness to sovero criticism, or Insisting strongly upon facts that would tell against him. For ho died about two years slnco of pulmonary dl8easo oud It would now bo ungraclouo becaiiio un timely to subject his memory to much of odium or censure. Hut wo aro com pelled In tho full performance of our task to pats his evldenco in roviowand accompany thn exhibit wllhsomo ex planatory remarks. In the Hantzcase, Lulz testified that hu had heard of tho Hauls', meeting but did not know Its object, and that upon oiln occasion (tho timo of which ho could not .state) hohud hoard Kant, say that they (tho people) should save their money to buy powder nnd lend to shoot tho abolitionists. This remark was made after a failure to ralno bounty monies to clear the township. Ho fur ther teslllled to n convers itlon with Uohr M'llenry to which allusion has been already made, and which was manifestly Intruded Into tho case with out reason or Justification. Wo omit it because it was wholly Irrelevant to the casoon (rial and its introduction plainly unjust to an absent party. In the Stott K. Colley case, (Nov. 2Jrd 0J), tho testimony of Lutz was as fol lows: Adam Lute sworn : "Jtosido in Don toil; know prisloncr. Last harvest, about July, got Into conversation with him about the draft and about election. He claimed Woodward .was elected j Curtln put in by intrigue. Ho stated wo could never whip tho South ; we had been whipped in every engagement, lost every batilo. He said our armies were all cut up whilo the south was In good lighting order. Ho said wo could not HU up our aimhs; volunteering was played out, und thcro was no uso in drafting. laskedhim why tlieycould'nt fill tho armies by drafting; lie said, they did not Intend any moro men should' bp sent south to be slaughtered. I told him if a draft was made it would be enforced. Ho said, If tho Govern ment undertook that thero would bo war at home, and tho bloodiest times I ever heard tell of. Ho said I would bo sorry that I had over lea the party. Cross-examined : Wo came nearly to having blows. We talked somo before that day. He said wo had never given tho poutli any chanco to como back into tlio Union. lie spoko In tho way I stated." Itn.MAnKH : Evidenco of conversa tions between disputants, detailed by ono of them, Is always to bo received with caution. It Is In human nature, even when thcro Is no unfair Intention, to color such norratives according to tho bias of tho witness. Hence tho circum spection and critical caro with which sucli evidence is received and considered in Courts of justice. Upon tho faco of tho abovo testimony it appears that tho parties to tho conver sation hud a warm dlspulo about poli ties thai they had ''talked somo beforo that day" and that thero must havo been moro of tho dlseourso between them than that reported. Thcro is hero groat opportunity for tnUtnko not only as to tho actual language used but also as to tho connection In which it was uttered. Hut the declarations of Colley, (as suming tlio fact that thoy uro reported with substantial correctness,) fall short of criminality. However Improper and censurable they may bo thought to bo, their utteranco violated no law and could justify no conviction. Audit is to hu romombeml that thoy wero spok en In excitement and not deliberately and that they wero very probably pro voked. Tun witness UoiiuuT La Favi:ttk CoM.i.v: Tliis person will make but a single uppeuraiico In our narrative, as wo havo tho record of Ids testimony In ono casoonly ; but whilo ho remains be foro us for Inspection wo shall endeavor to do him justice. His position and his testimony aro nllko Interesting nnd qulto untqtto in tho history of tho trials. Ho was particularly earnest and con spicuous In the trial of Mr. Sleklo, (one or the prisoners, to whom lie imputed a prlvato injury,)but his best title to dis tinction arises from Ids appearance as a witness against his own brother. That was u spectacle wortbv of commemora tion nnd woshould esteem ourself great ly lu fault if It wero overlooked. No I this patriotic citizen who could spurn the puny ties of fraternal affection when thoy impeded tho performance of duty; who could rlso suporlor to tho ordinary feelings of humanity at the call or his pat ty and becomo tho willing Instrument or political vengeance upon his brother, must not bq forgotten, nor must one atom of Ids valuable testi mony bo withheld. Hero Is what ho said pu tho UUrd November '01, on his brother's trial, when tlio question was whether tho latter who had already undergone nearly throo mouths of dun goon liro, should bo further persecuted and punished ; Jl. L. F, Cbltey, sworn. I livo lu Kenton ; a shoemaker by tnido, I know Stott E. Colley j ho is my brother. On flonday ovenlng after thoy mot at Hantz's, I heard Stott E. Colloy say, In Benton town, "If the soldiers cumu on that side of the bridgo thoy would butcher ovory devil, or d d ono ono of mem," no naa agunj i saw two others with guns that evening Mathias Ivlluo and Valentino Full. Through tho day saw squads or near twenty armed men ; somo hud arms, homo few had none, I AND DEMO Oil AT, I heard Philip Knouso say, their Inten tion was to glvo tho soldiers fight on their way, rrom Hloomsburg to Ucntoti. If thoy found tliehl too Rtrong they would lay In tho brush. If tho soldiers como up and behaved themselves they would not disturb them. If they dis turbed, or endeavored to arrest the draft ed! men, they Intended to fight them. Ho said ho knew the drafted men had no pe.teo Torn long tlmoand they would not stand It any pioro. P. Knouso left that night; not heard of htm slnco tho arrest, Ci'oss-ccamlned: Thcro was a good deal of oxcltemcilt in town. I wajno nearer to my brother than across tho street. I supposed ho was excited. Thcro was great excitement in tho neighborhood. My brother was not present' when P. Knouso spoko what I havo detailed. I think I saw him that day ; I saw him at Applcmans. It was n common talk that the soldiers would burn tho houses of tho drafto.1 men." HEMABK8: 1. Hero again wo havo Irrelevant testimony, Improperly nnd unjustly Introduced, In the Intemperate and defiant declarations of Knotlso. Stott E, Colley was not jirosont when those declarations are said to havo been made and as In no way responsible ror them, nof was any connection between him and Knouso shown. Nor was the latter ono of tho arrested men. 2. Tlio witness locates his brother on tho opposite sido of n street at the time of ids nllcdgcd romark,a position which might causo his ianguago to bo misun derstood; docs not glvo any dlseourso or clrcum stance which preceded or fol lowed tho speaking of tho particular words to cnablo us to judgo of tho cred ibility or ids statement, and is unfortu nate In putting his brother's language in an alternative form. 3. Tho statement of this witness that "it was a common talk" that tho sol diers would destroy property, Is evi dence in explanation of tlio Hantz meeting lo which wo shall hereafter refer. 1. Wo havo occasion fo repeat hero our remark already mado about tnu caution or rather prudent distrust, with which evidenco of conversations should bo received wliero thoy occur under circumstances llko tho3o now in ques tion. For such caution or distrust is particularly nppllcablo to Mr. It. L. F. Colley whoso zeal so far outran discre tion when ho was beforo tho Commis sion as a witness, that ho wos checked once or twlco by tho President of tho Commission and directed to como to tho point and contlno himself to tlio questions asked. The witness who vol unteers testimony may thereby provo his zeal but. will not Increase his credit and may safely bo classed as unreliable. His testimony upon any poidt in doubt or controversy can hardly stand alono, but will require confirmation. 1860-1808. In 18C0, under Democratic rule, tho number of ofllcors and persons employ ed in aud about the House of Iteprcscu tntlves at,HarrIsburgand their salaries wero as follows: Ono cluk 41,000 Ono assistantsclcrk...! 800 Oao rciklcnt cleik 1,000 Four transcribing clerks (each 050)... 2,000 One extra do , 400 Five sergeants-at-arms ($450) 2,1250 Five doorkeepers ($450) 2,250 Five messengers ($450) 2,250 Ono postmaster 700 Tu o extra messengers (S450) 900 Ten pages ($110) 1,100 Fourteen pasters and folders (t 300) . . . 4,900 One marshal of rotunda 350 Ono lircinan 350 Ono man in basement 350 Total officers, fifty-three $21,750 In 180S, under Radical rule, tho Houso expenses und officers and employees, aro thus stated in the official record : Ono clerk $2,000 Ono assistant clerk 1,400 Ono resident clerk (J. A. Smull) 2,500 Six transcribing clerks 0,000 Ono ass't resident clerk (W.Cooper),.. 1,000 Ono do. (W. P. Smull) 800 Six ccrgcants-at-arm.! 0,300 Ten doorkeepers 10,000 Eight messengers S,100 Two postmasters (principal and ass't)... 2,200 Thirty-eight pasters and folders 30,500 Ono marshal of tlio rotunda 900 Ono ass't marshal of rotunda 800 Ono engineer 1,000 Ono fireman 900 Ono assistant fireman 750 Ono superintendent of closets S00 Ono assistant do 750 Thirteen pages 2, SCO Tlireo additional officers, titlounknown. 2,400 Ninety-eight officers $S1,2C0 Thero aro tho llgures to bhow tho ox travaganco of tho Republican party, as compared with Democratic economy, ami flyurcs won't lie, you know. Tlio number of members of the Legislature has not been increased slnco 1800, ami no valid reason can bo given for tho In crease of useless ofllcials. Let tho tax payers or the Statu remember that thcro will bo no reform until there Is a chango In tho complexion or tho Legislature, or an honest man in tlio Gubernatorial Chair. Geary Is tho willing tool or tho "roosters" and "pinchers." Ills re election would bo tho greatest calamity that could berall Pennsylvania. Tho corruption which has developed such hideous proportions under Ids fostering caro would coutlnuo to Increase. It would take moro than sixty thousand dollars to pay for extra pasters und fold ers and other useless otllclals about tlio State Capitol. Let tho tax-payers of Pennsylvania place Asa Packer in tlio Gubernatorial Chair and thero will boa speedy chango for tho better. Lancas ter Intelligencer, PnouAHLY but a fuw of our readers nroawure.uow that thoPuclflcltallroad Is compiled, that a Journoy around tho world can bo mado In eighty days, which cstimute allows for ordinary do lays incident to travelling. Moreover, tho entire distance can bo traversed by steam either on land or water, save about ono liundrod miles in India, be tween Allahabad and Bombay, over which n railroad Is now constructing, Tho particulars of this marvollous trip for it Is even moro than marvollous wo condense Into tabular form for con venient referenco, as follows: Now York to San Francisco (rall)"7 San Francisco to Yokohama (bteam- ship) 21 Yokohama to Hong Kong (steam ship) c if"S Kong lo Calcutta (Bleamshlp) 12 "Calcutta to Honibay (rail) a llombay to Cairo (steamship it rail) 14 Cairo to Paris (steamship & rail) 0 Purls to Now York u Total IS i.i?uU0Hta ii'i" "' b"'aU ' u" """d"! n"io BLOOMSBUliG, Ocary and tho Stato Debt. I.v his rcnorl to' tho legislature in January, 1807, Mr. Hclmont Treasurer Komhle. ooklnc sharply to filling nn own pockets and thoso o! other people about tlio Hill, recommended to tho leglstaturo tlio funding of tho Hiato debt and proposed to lift tlio outstand ing Indebtedness by a now loan, ito and Geary prepared a bill for that pur 1ho nnd placed It In tho hands or Con- uoll. Chairman ortno I'lnaucpomiim; ted of tho Senate, nnd If was passed by tho radical legislature lu obedlenco to "their demands. Joint W. Geary opproved that bill on February 2d, 1807, nnd It becamon law. Then began tho oycratlons or tho Treas ury ring, and during tho process of rundlntrthodobtInl807,aoary,Kcmi)ie, llidgway and Council controlled tho nrocpss nnd nocketcd tho gains. Tho handling of thlrty.flvo millions of dol lars was "a big tiling." Who; profited by it ? By that bill the rato of Interest upon nearly tho wliolo thirty-llvo millions was increased from flvo per cent, to six percent, per annum. To tho tax pay ers of tho Stato this was ati nnnual loss of three hundred nnd fifty thousand dol lars. No man demanded tho change and only In tho necessities of the Treas ury ring was tho operation deemed n good ono. Boo its practical operation On December 1, 18C0, our wholo debt was $35,022,052. On this the people paid an annual interest of $1,807,130. In 1807 wo paid nn annual Interest upon our debt of $2,257,033. On December 1st, 1808, our wholo debt was reduced to $33,2S0,0I0, nnd lu that year wo paid an nnnual interest of $1,901,190, or nearly $100,O00moro Interest than wu paid when our debt was over two millions larger. Tho wholo expense of placing tho new loan wns'$90,000. This went mainly to radical newspapers, tho organs orGenry, Kcmblo & Co. For tho three years ending on Dc ccmber 1, 1809, wo will havo paid, by reason or this splendid financial opera tion, over nine hundred thousand dollars moro than wo wero required to pay by tho old law. Wo chnrgo that this was dono In or der that Geary, Kcmblo A Co. mlgh retain In the Treasury, during 1807, an average monthly balance, of over threo millions of dollars, and in 1808 or over two millions. Wo cliargo that tho Auditor General and Stato Treasurer's reports fully bear us out in these fuels and figures and wo challenge denial. Wo charge that Joint W. Geary was a part of tlio conspiracy to pcrpctuato tills stupendous wrong upon tho peoplo and that tho ring lias filled its pockets by his connivance and with his consent and approval. Patriot. Communicated. A COltnECTION. Mk. EiJixon : Sin. I like to see Justice dono oven to a political opponent, nnd therefore call your attention to a fact which will, I think, convince you that Bra'JIoy has at least one ghost. Don't you remember thecaso of tho young man, Gitling I think his namo was, who worked" for Jolin B. Pursol ; and who had some slight affection of the throat, to which case tho lato Medi cal Director was called ; and who to show his ignorance of medicine and Ids knowledge of surgery, performed an operation upon the boy, who died with in twenty-four hours thereafter ? Although tho man Is an unmitigated failure in, all respects, still It is right to glvo him credit for what littlo ho has done. I am Sir Piiii.o-Buath.ey Le IUysvim.k Pa. Aug. 13th 1809. Mn. EiitTon : Thinking that per haps somo items eonccrnlngcrops, pros. pects etc., from Bradford, might not bo entirely without interest, is my ex cuso for, writing you at this time. Grass nnd grain havo como in good; potatoes com and other crops promise an nverago.yicld, tho farmer Is well ro warded for his labor In this section this season. Wo aro also expecting a largo ijiehV of Pachcr and l'ershlng votes in October, as many Republicans havo ox. pressed themselves in favor of tho la boring man's friend, Asa Packer, ovor tho "Bogus hcroof SnIckersvlIIe,"Jno, W.Geary. All tho Indications nro that the Democratic candidate will iccelvo a hearty support from many honest men who havo heretofore acted with tho Re publican parly, and who now wish to aid in tho restoration lo tho form of Government bequeathed us by our nn costers. Tho rail road from Piltston toTownn da will bo completed in a fuw weeks when wo shall haven much nearer aud cheaper communication with Nuw York andPhlladelphlaand thelron andConlrc glons of Pcnua. Great credit Is duo to the able and elllcieut superintendent of construction Col.V. E. Plollct, wdio lias labored incessantly for tho completion of tho road during tho past threo years, and Is now about to bee tlio work con- Bumatcd. For tho past month I have failed to re ceive all tho uumbcrsof thcCoL'tf mman. However much I may dislike to loso tho papers, I am consoled by tho reflection that thoy havo beon tuken by somo "Loll" V. M or tlio party or "groat moral ideas" who needs tho instruction thoy, contain however loth ho may bo to prolit by It. Wishing you and tho principles you aitvocato tlio' fullest success, I am yours truly. S. W. The Presbyterian Manner speaks In tho following complimentary manner or the nominees or tho Democratic par. ty, ror Governor nnd Judgo or tlio Su promo Court: "In 1805, Mr. Packer founded atSouth Bothlchom, a sclontiflo school, under episcopal control, called tho Lohlgh University, nnd enclosed It with a tract of land fifty acres In extent, and with $500,000 In monoy, and It Js believed ho intends giving an additional $500,000, making ono mllllou of dollars. Ho is said to bo u man of most oxomplary prlvato llfo who dispensed Ids charities with a mostllberul hand." "Ever tlnco Mr. Persldug was admit ted to tho bur ho has resided in Johns town, where ho has met with complete success, and has alwayo maintained tho highest reputation for Integrity and Christian character. Ho Is an nblo law yer. HoIsanElderln tho Presbyterian Church or Johnstown, and Superintendent or Its Babbath School, For four years' ho occupied n prominent placo. In tho Pcnusylyanln Legislature, and no tonguo has dared to whisper tho slightest Intimation oreor ruptbn against him." COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. POLITICAL. FOB GOVKHNOH : . ASA PAOKER& CP CAltnoN COllNTV. 7ron judoe of the svpheme cotots CYRUS L. PERSHING, VO CAMIUltA COUNTY. fou btati! hi:natr ,,triTT'a i littrtlf A 1.MW. (SUHJElTO TIIK DECISION OF Tll CONMaiCKSj) FOB llEl'ItlHHNTATIVH, , OKOIIQK SCOTT,- (SUIIJKCTTO Till! DECISION 01- TIIK TONrKllKKS.) FOB ABSOClATiJ JUDUE. CHABLES F. MANN, ItKAVKH TOWNSHIP. FOH ritortlONOTAUY, WELLINGTON II. KNT, SCOTT TOWNSHIP. l-OIl ItKUtSTr.ll AND llECOlMKIt. WILLIAMSON II. JACOI1V, 11LOOM TOWNSHIP, KOIt TIlEASUttEIt. DAVID LOWl.NBKUO, DI.OOSI TOWNSHIP, i-OU COMMISSIONER OV'IIUS HOUBINS, rntlltNQCKKKK TOWNSHIP. t-oii Aunrron. U. J. CAMPBELL, MAIN TOWNSHIP. Fon conoxuit, OIIAItLES 0. MUBPHY, CONYNIIIIAM TOWNSHIP. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T7XKCUTOirS NOTICE.- ESTATE JLJ of JOHN 1IKH.M. ilorciHoiI. liCltem tt-istftinciitory nn tho cstnto of John I. IIpms, Into of ltlnom iwn. Cnhimbln County. Imvo uppii Krnntcd by tlio Itclsler of Columbia county, to I. W. McKi'lvy of litoom townfiliip.Coliimblu Co., l'u. ah persons iiavms ruunit hk-uusv hid mii urn irniinuloil fn nrcKfmt. tliPtil In I. W. MWvi-lvv. Hhrnrnttbiii-if. Columbia Co.. I'll.. Hint thoso lnik-hti-il to thu ("tttilo, cither onnotoor uooic fimniiii win nwiKniHiynieni 10 mom wmumi delay. J, V McKUIA'V, uxecmor. Aug. i!0tVJ-Gw G I O B K M U T U, A L LIFIO INSUHANCK COMPANY NUW YOItK. l'liuy rn'm:iu, rrosltlont, II. C. I-rcoiinn, Hcc, I'nsli iniillal over SOOO.IKW, nil wiM. J. B. BOBISON, BLOOMSBUltG, PA, UUNKUAI AOIINT, For I.uzoiiio, Lj coming nml Columbia coil n 1 leu. Aug.aPUMy. rpHBOUGH TICK UTS TO TIIK X WUMr, via. PENNSYLVANIA OUNritAI. llAILItOAI). This company lias placed for halo at tlin ticket olllco of thu Lackawanna A Uloonishnrc It. It. .Ill liioomHunrK n large assortment or ihrough lick, cut iu nn inu principal pouus in ine WEST, NOItTII WEST, AND 80UTII WEST. llnggago checked thrnnpli from rillhulolphla and HnrrlsliurR.TO DliSTI NATION.aud earn will run uirouguuutiy iroin rnilailelpiuanutl Harris uurg ui I'luciiiuaii, j.ouimuelnuu uiuctigo WITHOUT OHANQK, Pinnules emlgrntlnir to tho Wctt will consu ineir micron!, uy talcing tins line. Formrtlicr Information nnd ticket, npply II. W. IU1UINSON, Agent, Lackawanna A Illooinsljurg It. It. Aug. !,'09-tr. JIOH SALE. Tlio imdersftxneil ofTotH to dlsnosonf nt nrlvnti VALUABLE HOTEL STAND, at L'ght Street, Columbia county, Pu.. known as ino Mvainui, iioiei, nnu now occiljilea by Hum- 11 la favorably located for the transaction or business, and If properly kept, would not lull lo return n handsome Income. Questions as to title, possession, conditions etc satisfactorily answered by ('. II. nilOOICWAY, Aug. Wl.'OO-tf. Agent. S; IIEBIFF'S SALES. Itv virtue of sumlrv wrll'w r,r Vmi.lllln.,l IKiuas, levari l'aclas, and Klerl I'acius, Issued out of tlio Court or Common l'leas or Col umlilft county nnd to me directed will bo exposed to snlo by public venduo or outcry nt tlio Court House In !!ocmsbui'g,nt one o'clock lu tho nrter uoon of Monday Kept. 0th lsiiu, tho following real estate to wit t A certain Tract or Land sit uato In Madison township, Columbia county, bounded nnd described as follows, to wit: On tho north l.y lands of William llarber, oii tho east by lamfsot Michael lillllielm.on the west In lands of Moser and Hhetler, and on tho south by lauds or John Hwlsher.coiitalnlng about lmiucres more or less, on which Is erected a Log Houso, with the appurtenances. ' Suited tatien lu execution mid to bo sold as tho property ol Joseph Wlttund Henry Slilptou. ALSO At tlio sumo tlmonnd nhice. tief.illoii.lii.,'ri.,i. of Iind, hltuato In Montour township, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Win. O. lluiley nnd Oeorgo A. Krlck on tlio Routli, l'elcr M. Kuishner un inu esi, i.ewisiviKii nn mo norm, nnd Hur ley iuicl.1, r lelt on Iho east.eoiitalnlugnlioul nhm. ly-ilvo acres, moro or less, nbout keventy-tlvo "V. . '" ... niuu.wiieri'on is ereelwt nl riiiuo levelling Hnuse.u newlinnk llani.Wag. on lloiiso nnd Corn Crib, wllli a i-prlni; of water near.tho houso. Tneru Is also nn apple ouliaid on the premises; wllli thonppiirlen'inces. Seized, taken In execution und U bo soldns tho u. ittlljliuilll JV1UII1, ALSO: At tho samo tlinciind placo the following pleco or tract of Wood Land, sjtuato In Main township l-oluuilila counly, bounded and described us lot lows, to wit I Oiithoiiorllibvnpubllo highway leiulliig lioin CatuwlKwi to Mllillnvllle. on tho east bylandofiJeoiKu Ingeiilniger, dectased on thu soulh by toiuTof lunTel M llfcr. Vnd oil iho' west by u public road lending from Kspy to Maluvlllu, cuululnlng six Acres, nmro or luVS. Seized, uiUeu in exeeutlon and to lie sold us the ... uwiBuuiigcuucrger, tits: u. A I. S Oi At the Rnmo time and place, tho following des. crlbcdLotoruround,ltiiaio 'in tho borough or Centrulla Columbia county, bounded on the ... -"iii juines, on ino south by Wood Street, on tho east by Locust Aveiino, nnil on Iho west by nn Allev.helngln fronton Locus" Avenuoliriy leet. and ono hundred and lorly HweuTilg House.'" H n lw,M""y "ranio Seized, Uiken In execution nml to bo sold us ALSO! Altliosamotlino and place, a certain Lot or uvD u ...uuiju, nuuuiu lit lllO IUW11 Ol ISspy. county aforeiiald, bounded on tho north by un nllev. on tlio east hv nt, nllnv II. ......r. :: Main st reel, and on tho west by lot or Peter Hceco V v ' nuuureu auu .ix. I m iui-ii is en-ieu 11 IIVO story I ramo Uwelllng House, u Kraino Stable, wllli the appurtenances. sclzl, takcii In execution and to bo sold us tlio A IH Ol i..,1, 'i",wV,,.'0.U'!0.tt,"11. '''"co' " certain Lot or amity, bounded and descilhed iuf Ulowi t wit On tlio north byn j,ublluroad,ou tho wisl by in n ley, on the west by lot or Thomas Idlgar. a 3 on t lioBoulli by un alley, contalulug about' oin fourth of uu acre, moro or Iom.oii vhlcli Is e 1a.iUttw.,l,0?L!l!,0Ji!r.V rec- ramo Hulnxl, taken . In execution nnd to bo sold us tliopropcrty-orsilusIJ. Kdgiir. .1 L B O t ffW.i' "K "'' t'le 1101 lli I y land of William culp on tho uat by land ore. ltody on tho south by laud of Hamn.,1 i,-ui...- '..i:..f.! tlio west by laud of Jacob Jlludcrlller. contilii. uu Twelve Acres, more or less, w"ier u eo. i Kob. A LSOi At the Oroun I. . r.Tm. . '".t'." .ct'.' . . "f nudtorty'feettoanAlley.o V-niK t..Hoy;i&wyrdU.Va tU 10 olJ - ALSO! At Ihukntnn II,.... ..i ... .... Two.sL,rV T.iV,,tv ",V.?n. '.u' ln UIoolubu'rg.VndcouutyS,u'ulbr, (and now occupied by WllliuS T I'-rasmuJ f.i .' Cjiiileellonory and Kiult Ship) und 1101 or iilrd0buii)'l1!,i'.HJ MX e'"W ' mruSiJS SS A I, B 0 1 .A.''!1..!umo.,l9 nud Placo. a certain lot nr rleli iLimTi r ".7"""' u" lu" "Ui h by futi f.i. ""'I " I lie wint byun alley wherein nrmlffi'l; JS f " '" e"f utlou and to bo sold as tiro projierly of Ooorgo Pelfer und Ueoigu Wuiniii la Aug.l3,'ltf MUUIIKUAIMIU.AIHJ. rihenir 13 ANKUUl'T NOT1UH, "tub DisriiiiT it'KL'T 1rJ t.V'i'J, rvANiA 1TI1K WMIwiri i.ini"-- --i I.v mild a. U. H. MarMinl ii Mtiwoiiger. Ang,H'rc--?t. T7XECUT01VS NOTIOH. uu.S re, a mb n Comity to Kmnmicl tautmcli, or lle loi wV.CoUimi.!a county 1U cl"lmsiiKnlntlhetMon either count will'nSo ("iynSiC to thS Kiccutor with- out delay. r.MANUKI. LAUIIACII, Kxccutor. Aug. irC9-Gw. T 1 II K AD WE h Ii 8KKI) WIIKATI nn, n,i.tcrlirncd would call tho attention of Kariiiom lo ft ucw and very ii I ruble yar eiy 01 Wheat, which Is now ouercu ior yiio diamine;, at ii ore nn iinV;, n Knr- SnJn i-iinn t J0 vrcscnt season: It is n lted Wheat of ty t t in v. S U P li U i U " I 1 1. - 1 1 with n bearded hend of extraordinary idio and uniformity. Tho yield tho present ;non will nvernsn ten bushvlH to ono nundrtll kheacs m oriunary siw. i-L-i-ima ... Wheat should Rend ill thel ordinary fiUe, wlslduB to procure this iplrnnlersatonce. Price Wheal snoui, 3ls?r hushi'l J, H. M'NINClij lvnn r 'urimce. Or J. 11. JVii ..r. .j Calnwlssa, l'a. Aug l.yuo-ij. Tho Annual Kxnniinntlon oi xencners for tin) Comiimn Bchools of lllooin School ... .J... ...Ill l.A lw.1.1 In II. n Afllllltn ill IttOOniS- bnrgon .Miindny tho 23rd Inst commencing at 8 o'clock A. ii. teachers desiring Kmployincnt In rhUI dlstrlcl should be present nt the Kxanium. lion as the linani n iiireciinn nm-i... . their Tencners ai iiiaiiiiuc. l1yOr,.er..,.e1io..r. WJ 11Att CK Aug. IVW-Sw. Bucrclary N li K 1) H A M (.'hiirch.Hch.wliiiid V.nlor Oigaus and Mel). ili'OUsul eviiv ili'sellptlotl, III reillli'i'il prices, Send for a copy of tho Inst edition oftho - 3II,V E It TON O U E," n-iit... tiritl l.D tmiMixl fifufn nnv iiilJresH linon npplieutlon to tho oldest inanuluelurors ofueeil urgans nun jyj m in. ll A 117 J;asi.iiid Huucinow iik, Ana. Uu-3iu. 1 li E II A 1 It . Young Actress will communicate lo thoso lutciested, linpoitunt Information concciulng Iho Growth, l'rcscrvntlon und llcautirying the Human llalr. Those Imnbting her with a cull at her lesldence, Kill receive the desired Infonna. tlon and full parlliulnrs. Thoso who cnunot mako It convenient lo call, will receive tlio sumo (rui:r.) by mall, by addressing Miss ANNA CAMPION. 181 Illeecker Street. Aug. U,'ca-Im. New York COLUMBUS MALE AND FEMALT ACADEMY. The f?ohimliii4 Acndcmv Is n Classical. Scien tlllc, Normal and Commercial Institution, locn led at New Columbus, Luzerne County Pu. HUMMKHTEUM COMMENCE.-) AUOUST ajlh Tuition from tn to J10 por term It weeks, ltoard ' S2T:' t.i ncr wrelc. Studants desiring to board themselves can pro. euro rooms 111 per icrm. For additional particulars address UKV. JAMIW S. KILLOOUK, M. 1). Aug. 13,'ii'Jtl. Principal. OW 1.4 THE TIME TO BU11SCBII1K ion FIBKSIDE COMPANION! THE THE FAMILY BTOKY l'APElt. One Copy, one year J .1 00 Pour Copies " lo (10 Eight Copies " , 'JO 00 Any person sending us a club of EIOIIT SUiiSCItinEllS anii 8il 00 I'nr one year, will be sent ono copy free, nnd bo i-niiwcu lonuu nillgio copies aisAOU. We commonjo, August 31st, THE OltKAT STOllY Of TIIK YUAIt, 'HIE JIIDNIGIU MABHIAOEj OH, WHOSE WIFE WAS SHE? II V "II ATT I K." Tills Siorv. llll" best over nfltitir.,1 Itvlhld Inl.n ted und luvorllu aullior, will bo commenced lu n ample, or weeks. Tho subject Is n novel oue.and rented lu n manner that makes It Intensely In tercsting and exclllng. A benulimi young girl Is married nt inldnlglit, nnd In clrcumsuuiees that make It Impossible lor tier to lind out, In after lie, whether she Is really tho wlfo orlilm who claims to holier liusband, oror htm whom she thought she was marrying. Tho lasclnntlou that surrounds tho wholo nubjeo, Is palnrnlly In teresting, and not tbo least romurkiiblo clrcum stiinco connected with It, Is tho fact that it Is n Iruo Story. Norcidcrot 'HIE FIItESlDE COMPANION, Or oruuy other pniier, sliould fall to read ihls most lemiirkabloof nil Stories. Parlies should older In udvnuce, copies of Tho Piresldo Com. p.iuiou, contalulug THE .MIDNIUllT MAHItlAUK; WHOSE Aug. 13,'GlMm. WIFE, WAS SHE (IE01KIE MUNltO, US Wllllnm Street N.Y. Gr HAND JUHORS. llrlnrcHik-UcoiBo .Miller, Jlphrnin Trow bridge, 1 lieuton-Klott E. Colley', llerwIiklloro'-DlugniunSeiley, U-vl llred bender, Juliu llueh. Centre Jesse llollmuli. (Ireenwooil-Johu s. Mather. llcnilock-Cjrus Onuor, Wni. S. Maisliall, John MUUr. .luckson-Absolom M'lrenry.llenlnmln Hess. Lwmt-Joeph lillllg, Daniel Stiiie,- M.i isou Samuel Johnson, .Mllllln-Daulcl Ai Hess. Jit. l'leasant-Jaeob Stroup.Emnnuel ailbcrt, Maine neiijuinlii llurinlu, Francis FRinlng. Itoiiilngcreek-Hlruiii tool. Scott Ellas Krum. PETIT JUBOBS FIBST WEEK" llliHim Wm. Oelger. llriarcreek-Win. Wllklson.CharlcH Uced. .u!dertMHeurIy.1,aV'''JC''tm'al, K'"CS' Al0X- lleaver-Chus. Michael. Jeremiah Culp. lleiwiek lluio'-Wm. w. Stephens. 1 .'."jT 'i1' I't,":". Iai I Hutchison. l.elt?,JicbciriTgh!L0DB'Jr-1,u"lel ' 0cur; IVntiulIu lloro' Henry Onblo. l Uliiugcuck-D.inicl F, Holder. l iuukllu-lteubeu Knlttle, IKinlock-LevI Wrlght.Jueoh llurrlsJackson I V' ?'.','iu.1,'lJll!u'"''!o1111" Miller. Mllllln-Johii Lutz Christian Wolr. i ad sou-Win, J. Allen, Morris Masters Montour-Isaao Mowery. ' ' Mt. Pleusaut-Johu Waulcli. Oraugc Hiram It. Kline. w,,V"r!.''h'cl't'l'l,,vrt'll!l,l!to'ln''.a'0. Craig, w 111. Dielsbucli, Oeo. F. Craig. Cinis v. Scolt-'ihoiiuiH Crovoilug Hr. ' ' SECOND WEEK, Illooni-Oeorgo W, Sterner, Sauiucl Shinier 1 eulon-John Poust, Peter Ijiiibacli. ilerwlck IIoro'-Lewla Euke J Uaver-Jole lhedbeudcr. cob Ma"fe1leT.I"'1U,lloW0r' T"omai HJa. Cenier-Heu'ry n, Hornby, teiitrulla lioio'-Jereinlali I'uliilncer Joekson-Jacob Lunger, ii',!""1":'1"1 ."'Oder. lhHlnli Yeoger. Yeuer " ,JuU"'1"' WuMelfcr Win. jl, ItlcttFVn,LUSrt'11 KU""' "Ul!" '-''". TL.1irfffl2' Mu,HU' J0"" U Mi(;,V,tour,-lk"!u uur Avails. V.,..u"rI?nao.Bttt'l,lenliclser, I ino-Josliua Savage, itu-hiird W. Lyons ltoarlugcreek-Oweu' lloaghmd, ' Scott-httwiuel It. Kline, Alirou 'lioone Hen. J.1111I11 F. Itelgboid, Wesley llucile. ' ' Siigarloar-ueorgo SteaJmou, III testlinony Ihut the loregolng Is correct n drawn liom fho wheel, and enteied 1 nin in! mlnii les or tho otiira. 0 liiiv o eieu itiP it i ? Aitesttt,'',UUJl" "'''." ' July A.'fiiS W.y, KnicKUAUM, Clerk. &lnnlr.nl IIMk.1 Hi...... ELIIAHAYMAN , ' I Jury THOS.J,WULLlVElt. Comls; gmnaE imiLDiNai MONTUOMunr Colk, ) Attest. wTo ock"' i'"' Win.' Krlckbaum 010 ' ' Aug, u,'uo.n. EN DOLLABS ItEWABD I Tlio uiidorslgiied oiler tlio abovo roward ror imH'i'i'V"1 mlJ rel."r" "" lticl arSI nd evening Aug. sth. Mi nu n. Si i i 1 1 iM' i.Tr""'' Aug. JUOWN'S FAST FHEJOIIT FU0.M PaiL.VIIELflH.V TO ULOOMHUUlta J and lutcmiedlato luilnts. aoodn forwarded Willi caro and despatch und ut low rates, ' uuuus.ui, ruuauuipnia, inusl iw deliveieil ut Ul ner & I'f.'M. Nil &l..i-k..t ut,....., ..... llculwsTnppTy t.. " " v" . .... "Ail iiuiunnu.-y, Proprietors. Alia. tM.'(2).tr. ll. It. Hcjiol, llusnubiirB, A.R,lMUI.tllll-lwl,.M., MU0C'I1, QOUHT l'ltOCLAlU . WlIKItRAS, llioltotl. Wlu Jiiilg. or in. .umirt of olii to'. of tho roaco n ii-iiciiu ouu 'c!ivcry.(.iM.i t'm. f tho 1-eaeo und I i.nViV ;u." '(! : plum's Court lir tho Ail, j,!?l"t yyoMilii,nna tho lion, fn,l Ki-Htcr, AHNochita Juiltn I huvo lMiied their nay 01 1 of May, In Iho yc'rwf'ta lr rrnw inousanu, moillrect miner nnd llciicrnltiuHrt!1 and Orphfin'B Com I, una iv "".iw 111 nitnuiiHiMMK, in IILOcotliitv VJ III) lllKi All) 11 IV. Iii.ii... niday, being "'t nuo ono wiA, AN ) WHKHKAM AIA11. l"'. I ",."',i" "liu Wfl-U mini mid I111111. iiii,.i..i V!L,'t1HTi Oyer and Terminer, UeiieraiiK'"' tho l'eaco, Orphan.,1 Wmtla, , in lllooiiinuurK lu lliecouui, ' second Monday he nj tho isti. .tl ' next, mid to cuntlnuc. one i',S"i Kolicoisiicieiiy given, tot iV ut cea of tho Teace. m.,i Y!'"!.C aid County of Columbia, thu ii thero lu their proper Person it1,,!' forenoon or mild tflli il.iy . . nrds, Iniiulsltlons mid iiti,, , ft do thoso things which to j,, i, to Ira dono. Anil tho,0 ,,' recognlianci), to pinseculo oncru tiiai nro or may u 5 snld county of fjuiuinbin ,.L thcro to proscculo them M rors nro requested to Iw pinutS nnce.ngreenbly to their lion. , . ul,rK V10"ll,ofll. 1,. h. of our Lord, ono ti ii!. dred nnd lxlv.,?i""1.u third venr of thu 1 mlm.. BUitca of America. .MOiUiiri,!,1 uioomsuurg, Atig.u, isj, TIUAL LIST FOIls A. D. 1300. KIUSTWUK Wllllnm Davis vs Margaret Ps Tho West llrancli Insiir. Shlve. 0 Kiiwnril l auel, ai. vajohm. Thomas J. Vnndcrsllce vs iS I.avlna Davenport vs WllluS 11 John liilemau vs Mlilmel tW,' John Cooper vs Daniel IIonitL Conyngliuin township vs vJSt Isaac r egely vs James v, s,uih Abraham Young vs Jucob w, Churles 11. Oreen vs PottrKfi Samuel llenner vs John IIinH Lucas N, Moyer s UvorgeW n David Lenls Hunrdinii r ,1 Hessdec'd.vs Collins sulllir. win. iiieier vs doiiti Haniii A. II. Erasmus vs Mn 5 V,'" heoor ilenryUlger. ' josepil 1 nomas VH Jnllll cmn Peter Appleman vs silns p. vL Chriatmun Fox vs Jnhu Joiicr" Henry J. Yeaplo vs Isaac hnilu SECOND WKfiK, Ilcnry J. Yeaplo vs Is.inc hriimi lludoltili Shuinaii vs tleorsi. Bt John Applegato HThoiiMsiMt lleurv Uablo vn Peter II, .u.'.Y Austeii Church vs Andrew (Ian .lesso D. Hlco vh Nullum uromi! Jolill l'rlco vs Saliiuel (Icimi, Siimuel tlensel vh Daniel limn llellbeu II. King VHEllkhiiUh. Jolill U. Lelby vh loiiytKtiaiui, Hubert (Jnrrell vh llarny M ,rr, Sal a 1 A. Pcteriuuu luiurr. v. i-t. nt. ... Udwaru l ergeson vsi'oluml.111 ICdward Slimier vh Columbian. Samuel ltiehard vsColumljiao' Henry Jtunes v Coluiubl,i ixii V. Welchel vh John F, (,'aslin (jldcon Aindt vs John U. I., (leolgc Nungessor vs Jnmli) ', ItobcrtS. llnliiplon vs llklw.1, Thomas Uonllcld vs Uriah a DrfiilelS. Iiubarlt sI,oll7(o A A J. ltclunehl vh Lackuuacn Hoorgo W. Lott vh Win. fcitatl Alexander Colly vs AllimiCi l'eter Schug vs Charles ix-e Josepli II. Creasy vs II. K. iwit Columbia Co. vs Jacob YoliL.i Columbli County. RlCQISTEIt'S NOTICE. herein' elveu lo nil Uvutitt otticr personn lntc routed In the spcctlve dccfKlents und mlnon, ll 1MK UUMllMltirilllUU IlIKI KIlitruUQ been Hied iu tlio olllco ul llio ly bla county, uud wilt bo hrcnteJ tlon und allowanco in tie OrpU. held In UIoomHburg.oti M0111I4 of Hopt, lbtill, ut two o'clotklaa vuld day. 1, Acoouutm j'. iu uniwiorn 1 Zvlgler latoofHcott twp.dec'tl 2. Klrtitnnd tlnul nceountof (Juardlan of Win. 11. Vocuiu nun Yociun dee'd. a. Final iicooiintof l):iiikU'. I He lx)iilH non of Jucob 1 Uulirtut 4. Account ofl'. V, a J. li.M. Kx ecu torn uf Daniel Mellcklitci f. First nnd linnl accouutct ndm'r, of Jacob tanrlilu.ilcuU (J. Account of Ijawson Ui.gi.ti, ry Kxcculorn of John M'iUury, lwi. dee'd. 7 First nnd llnftl nrcount ol ndm'r.of Ann LaubnchOtcU H, Frst nnd final account ul Un of Thomas ll. Xmvt, dee'd. I), Account or Kill a Kline. Is lminKllnoa.H filed by Ji.Um Klljah KllnudfcU lu, first find flnnl npeountot ndm'r, of John IIIldfcl'rcnlnl,il 11. Accountof John Wt'inurA llarttnnn, dee'd. ll!. Final account of I. W.Hftils It. H. Mcrrell, due'd as (jiimitllau bciiilvr. 1-1. I'lrnlnnd llimlnccountoiA utorof Abraham lttjrui tli-cM. II. Final account oniiztklali oflieiij. J. Itoone. dee'd, 15. Account ot Haiiiut'l Khn Chris tana KtHiier.ai tiled by 1 ndm'r, of fcam 11 el Kitmer, dtc'il 10. First and HiihI acconnl uf Kxecutor ol Jacob Kama late two. dee'd. 17. Vltst und llnal account ut h of l'eter Hons lato of Flshlngi'm IS. Account uf Kllan Weiutr, Weaver lato of Franklin twp. t'r 10. Flnul uccouulottSannicKV Anna M. Wolf, minor child oil- IM. TlioaceoniUof CIuhK-h II, Kxocutorri of Abraham Has, m Creaky, lulm'r. of Charles J I. J if ill. Final account of MoM-sauJ ndm'r, of J)anlet llower, late n dee'd. 21. First uud final account of' adru'r. of Joseph Uobb.iix UU twn.dec'd. ii. Account of A. l Heller, n. Ktsner, lato of Mntllson ilecM. Ji. Flrt nnd llnal accountolJ' lilluert II. Fowler. Kxecutor ul Into of IlorouKh of UurwUktilit' l2H, FirntHiid llnul account of nndLavlna Davenport uditi'r. port into or Ilerwlck llarou;;!.. 0. Trtynnltil npcount of 1VU Guardian uf Iuatali Halter. 1T7, First und tlnul ucconnt of J ofllannan Kline, lato ol Soi!' t&. Account uf ltolert t I John llcalcr Into of KUhiuufftik IU Acenunt of Klla- JU-ikIiU" Neviu K Funk. :ia Account or David It. H Wolllugtou Mowery. j llloomsljur Aiik'ust (J, K'J. Thofollowlni; ftp praise menu soiiai property set upart to W Imvo been tiled In llio otllrO w Columbia couuly, under 11 tlio OrplmnV Com t to bclitMi and for haid csnuuty, on MmiJJJ Kept, ihtrj at two urelocU r. u- PVctintlmiu In uiwli i-i m til lllHtlO itlcd.nr wlilch all 1 (lUllllliu 11.111 ...lr. .,lf, TbOUH ll 1. Widow of Wm. Kltclicuof 1 dee'd. , , 2. Widow of JtMCpli Kikendil dceM. 3. Widow or Win. M. Kid. 0! i. Widow ot I'etf-r K. lU'it'!" 5. Widow ol 1'ldllp M. btui; dce'il. . , It. Widow or FVdrrlrk ''' dee'd. 7. Widow ufreterKmeryofi ilecM. , . , 8. Widow of leo. lhelhfli JOII.S B AUOII'H HAW IKlXt l'HOSI'IIATl SUPEIl MoRK STANDARD M Wo oner to Fnrinern, llio V lUl'llll'M HAW UONHSUI'Kltl'"' n bolng lilubly Improved. IluUilU'H Ituw llouo fcur','.1 nanio lu lcalpn. preparm u) iioiipk in on or vitrioi-H'i"; not been deprived or tbelr " (jroakoand uluo by liurnliiM' loro, prison! to Ilia usu l I nluablo properties or 1UW conccutrulod form rendirluiJ net Ion nnd very pcriiianeul. AS-l-'uriueniuiu rewinun'"'", tlio dealer located 111 tlielr ui'lt lions wliero no denier i i' Pliospliatu may bo proenrta ' iiudersltrnnl. . IIAIIOH BOSH. ' Ollleo, No. so H. Delaware M AUf. G.'oiKiui, TyTAJIMOTII GIIOCKI X X J. II. M A I 'I MAIN ANII iiioNMnwr.111 Tlio Largost and Host HIm" I'rovlwloim In tlio County. A uplendld lot of llumi, rJU' dera, Teaii (Joireea nud Bilii iiuwtloKrultiiaiipoeially. A1" V 11 U I 'I' J on band of tlio best pattern- uoouh i)ui,ivi:ni:i) to an TOWH Juno 18,'W-tf QO-l'AUTNEUailll' Tlio undcraliniod havo nl'r.1 klilp ua Poundurit und Mur " 1 ' Knuiidry lientoforo """UJ," ji tnSoi't' Tlie liook, of tlio lato. firm K. It. Itele.r, lo wliuin ull I"'''" apply, llloon.kliuri: Juno 11,'liti-li.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers