THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOQMSBUKG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. mm leoo, t, I MB get tho belt quality of prints at, iLaU' for 12 ct.. iTtn. SAW ClIKAP nearly now jtnquiro at Vi'holda aoreral Mice. IflIOt;aHU(Hii'i N) BoserMr: ia the sun sec uis teft us, tho iFt few 4l;'tll0 ntrlits linw. eooliW 'TO 'Tin " Vw "" 1 ' ""' uieintojtewjjiusdcsli), tlioflic;, ppeiri n great oumbors it Into ami a.hg thvtf Wol bet"tJouJor lll'o ojuu. abHJlpossiblcvr.lIvir eucct-ss is tlNtE'fl hoW, Hotei)'aJ)'idly approach--mpletion anjd will 1 whon finished an "Jj'cnlto tbo.Main.Streala'.'It will afford !:' uch needed accoinii"odtion lor guests jSpublid dayfj callfor,'! Mis, ' i I i " fiiend.,'hrold rotSeinber that this iwiro elect .Township, offiacra to talio tho tof thoe whose terinVwill oxpiro in tho :. Noaiaato good men and it will --alien the State Ticket. , , , m. i ,ij.. ..Iroad.Jive'r'ttia mounUinsin Conyng Jbwiishiparo'inaterH not "to been workedtor ong jimo owing to 'icf funds, i It ia proper enough to pro ""'pcklcsa espepditur.b'y-'iegtslatlon, but nghways'shonjiqtlperniittcd to bo impassable.''''' i" ur.mjnr, .talks joul . "prejudices," ' hes," itf'.- la til' slashing editorial of 'sek. Doctor, So not murder tho King's h in this manner, or,wp shall insist on ting you a'cbcip" 'edition of Webster h,! j (? & .llltfA.'P iT'i ii ppillingsgatoslang, and newspaper black en our colpdrary ;5j unrivaled. Call plitiealOTnyebid of "ruffians," cu;lI!shin.coIansVf:Untriiths in refer i ouf locd.nomiQLtions, whilo it pan tbo depraved i taste of, a few of bis ;. most riiuaeato.'and disgust tho ro tVile members of his party, mm' '". " i .. - - sww: That' u;beautiful town is Ejui going ahead , in a business point bf i shown by Uhe faotthat John A. a k jeuterp'nsing Firo and isuranco AgenUj,tjv0 last takon out a i Broken License.' ''Brokers pay fifty 1 per annum. ! t.,jn.. '"" , ..,.., rercnNATE, OnTwdey afternoon last ufcgcr appUcd 'ta Ge'or'go1Iteiswick for a "hating procured SfbjoV be started for iit climes.", Mr. R.'i brother ascer tain geatfemaa'i Mteattons starto d in andjjrM lucky recover tho wend boggy at Bhiekshinriy. Tho thief u.r.wever rade biGseelf searco. 'can get a 6orieit"-' S,; '95 or 2.25 at LuuA, V,J.lft3ff ii i, ii , i ' jj r itDLEv U terribiyi disgusted and befog !?tand ia'tKcJ'CotefpHi'county Invas Jjj He doeii not (know and never will who is tho writer ; "and 'tho paragraph m .Jksi'RqiuUi'cunin relation to retraction jolutely'ahd unqualifiedly false. But tiuf wou,l (,0 out of his clement in tho ll(11ous Accident. 7-Jpbn Dill of Centre (Ihip ctwith'an 'accident a few days hicb nearly caused bis death. Whilst -11 a load of grain the front wheel sank icop rut' throwing him from tho load . rtMckjm his head and -was rendered in Jii,1,) for some tiirie; 'Weard glad to learn 'rlh'M" recovering atlaaVaccounts. lik 1 ooianizB, Our .County ticket having ik riaod, it Is a''duty,inoumbent upon 1 ,nsrat 'to forget jail animosity incurred Hot tho empaign. "Tbo defeated as well a sx, successful candidatea should striko nd do all in th&r!pjrcr to insure suo- Orgoniie clubs, 'circulate democratic and thus pave'tho;Tyay to a grand T in October. - " i ' ,.T 0 IVES BUC9ltMHBn8INK33. The jis man wbo'p'.;ts bis sign in a neffbpa 0 ' es a muoK,wisr ihiug than ho who "'.'abovo his door, which no one would 'pl.neglectiig;tJffbe? man who adver-yii-form's tlio'putirio' that' tho wants busi turbid bis card is an invitation to custom Jomo deal with hiiu. Whcro ono !'reada a sign in tbo stroet,fivQ hundred j ia in a newspaper. moot r r . '. t. An. exchange 'says, "If a child !o not allow yourself to get out of and indulge inbaiBUcnd threatening rL. onons. They ' will do no Rood, but, on ntrary, Biay.r.r6daieyiL Tho littlo ,r Uas no other Way, to &ako known its save by Ibmo crying appeals, which 'fait of ftwakenir '.anger and rousing ro-mte-nt, should touch tbo tenderest chord oriniihotheVa heart''' " lyMCilHlM. Tho-AUentown Democrat aSild Fellows shou'jd ba on their guard . gffajperson giving tho' . namo of ltice, es round, fn'a collecting mission. lie u-'nts himself to bo 'from Chillicotho. uwK'nd is now' in this section, having visit- , iiiiiatown last week."! Ho is an arrant lm vnd has lieen following tho business a year, ' He is about 23, of medium r I build, dark coraploxion, and tells bis ru .auch a pathetic way as to iuduco ul ae' ' .- 1 J?- i . (Htny person wnpera pim 10 uivusi. .ltH xa wishing to purchaso Dross goods w liofc tan w outuiuu witwu "i. tun rVntM. IVLnUls-lfrf.. Takcof ginger, bruised id, ona and a balfjOunces; cream of one ounce: loafragar, one pound - 1' 1 . . L . I. - . 1 .. 1 1 jsunon sliced; put thorn "into a pan and I 9.r nimrta of boilinir wa tcr unoii them oh? uHi nearly cold put In a;litt!o yeast, and licit bout a minuto. Lot it staua till next ?.;. en ' strain and bottle it. It is fit to; .Bfin three days, but will keep good long la fortnight , Tho cork should bo tied 'ud-tb.bottlei-plaoed upright inn loe.f-"' i ' to test FOUfi'. Tho writer of tho bJujj'Bg, which wo quote from a Provincial aTin jspeaka as one with authority, and wo iV the advantage of .our circulation for rl ol whenaoevcr it may concern : ce a thimbleful in tbo palm of tho . ...and rub it glyvwitU the finger. If SN't'ar .amcwthaTdawa, feeling gcntlo and iiS:r"iJt is of fnfcrteruality, though of mrnu,,Migu-pTiewi, anu wuito as 1110 iiu'inow-riit, ana will never make good eM.ind wholesomV bread. But if the yjihi'.ba rough in thepalm, feellnglliko fine nd baa au orango tint, purchaso confi A''l It will! not dUappoint you. Such iiwijhateyer uiay'.be its branded reputa tt'i'if longli its prioo bo at tho lowest figure, LjOtlXU gUUUf llfilll, UUVIIV1UU9 VIVUU, r A.tMk "Adams" of Ciitaw!ssa,tliis week gives us his proper name. It is too Lite, as bis com munication was put in tho wasto paper bask 6t as soon in thA di-toovcry was mado that it was anonymous. l'AT Himtkb, in whom tho Ittpullican is so deeply interested, was not present at tho Democratic Convention. Betides, ho is a resident of Northumberland county, and in no way, sbapo or manner interested (n our local politics. Truthfulness, however, is no ingredient in tbo composition of our colem porary. A Fact Which Should bk Rf.memuehed. That Asa Packer, Dcmocratio candidate for Qovcrnor, was a dclegato to tho Dcmo cratio Nafonal Convention held at Charles ton, in 18C0, from which I14 bolted, and united with tho southern secessionists in nominating John 0. Breckinridge as the ac cession candidate to defeat Stephen A. Doug las, tho regular Dcmocratio nominee. llqnib' li'can. So few real Democrats take tho HepttWoxn, that it is scarcely necessary for us to deny its numerous falsehoods. Tho above is unquali fiedly false. Asa Packer did not bolt from tbo Dcmocratio Convention of 18C0, and did not voto for Breckinridge, but for that emi nent patiiot and Statesman, James Outline of Kentucky. Ben. Butler, however, a bright and shining light in Radical circles, was a delegate at the same Convention, and total fifiy-itccn times for Jeff. Davit I Tub Columbian savs tho Orantrovilla Or phan's Bchool is to bo re-established. Of courso tho news is not reliable and hence tho remarks aro without foundation.-iWuWrin, Doctor, what is your definition of reliabili ty? On tho 20th of July A. D. 18C9, Gov Geary informed Prof. Henry Carver and It. W. Dowman, two gentleman of veracity and reputat'on, that the Soldiers' Orphans' School should Ic riturncd lo Orangeville. But, hold I Bradley is right; ice have ok.'j UOt Geary' t cordfor it I The Bidowalks in this town aro certainly a disgraco toil. No two aro of the samo height and scarcely two of tho samo kind stone, blick, wood, ashes and dirt aro used to form tbo walks but nono of them can bo called highly successful, nnd tho result is "confusion worse confounded. " The editor of tho Republican labors under tho idea, common to people of weak intellect, that tho proper manner to refute a statement is to say '"tain't" so." This is all very well when any proof is adduced to support tho denial. Tho Republican's articles aro worth but littlo when they bavo nothing stronger to support them than, as Col. McClure says, "the Governor's word," The handsomo countcnanco and manly form of Col. L. L. Tato lightened our sanc tum on Monday last The Colonel assures' us that his paper is an established fact, and in a good paying condition. Ho represents tho Democracy as being active in Lycoming. We hopo they will achieve Columbia county majorities ere long. They bavo tho material to do it Dubino a recent visit to Ccntralia we wero shown through tho hot-houso and admirably laid out grounds of Joseph M. Frock. Though located in the midst of a barren, sterile reg ion, they exceed in beauty, extent, nnd vari ety anything of tho kind in Columbia. He has indeed mado "tho desert to bloisom as tho rose." His grapes, especially, are not only of tho best varieties, but nro in a very forward condition. Luzeunk Politics. Tho difficulties about the Lute mo County Democratic Convention which wo mentioned last week bavo been re conciled, and that body will assemble at Wilkcs-Barro on Tuesday, August lOtb. Wo aro informed that there is an informal agree ment to bold tho next Convention at Scran ton1 Wo hopo our neighbors will preserve harmony in their ranks, becauso wo look to Luzerne for 4000 majority this fall. ON Tuesday last we wero visited by Mr. J. W. Brown, one of the editors of tho Morn ing Hitn'ot. We aro glad to learn ficm him that tho best of feeling prevails throughout tbo State in reference to our nominees, and that the chances of success arc on the increase. Mr. Brown is enduaroring to increnso the circulation of the Jhtriot. It is ono of the best dailies in the State, and preferable to any other becauso it reaches us at 7.15 in the morning, giving tbo news ten hours before tho New York or Philadelphia mails arrive. It derives additional importance from tho fact that it is published at the State capital, and is an uncompromising enemy of rings, frauds an d corruptions of all kinds. ItUNAWAY. On Wednesday morning last whilst a young mare of David Armstrong of Hemlock was standing in front of Mr. Hob, bin's house on Fourth street in this town- boy passing by struck at her with a stick causing her to run off. A numbor of boys took up tho cry of "runaway" frightening her still more and rendering it impossib'o to catch her. The buggy was smashed to piec es, hardly any part escaping injury. Tho mare was very badly cut iu lour or fivo places. This is tho second runaway which has been caused by boys, and it is high time an exam ple should bo made of somo of thorn. For tunately no ono was in tho buggy at tho time or loss of lifo might bavo ensued. Mr. Aimstrong informs us that the innro was perfectly gentlo and quiet. Tho blow with tbo stick undoubtedly caused all tho trouble. T11 noutiii tho kindness of M. W. Jackbon wo wero recently showii through the macbiuo Bhops of Jackson & Woodin at Berwick. Al though intimately acquainted in that town, wo havo never visited them, and wero there foro much astonished to seo a largo number of excellently arranged machiuo shops, in tho place of tho dingy, ono-horfco foundry which occupied tho site in our boyhood. A largo new engino has been placed in po sition, and daily additions aro being mado to tho machinery. About 150 men and boys are coti.-tautly at work manufacturing cirs,thu3 giving employ ment to numerous mechanics and laboring men in and around Berwick. Uoys ns young as ten years find constant employment, thus enabling them to acquire a trade, keep out of mischief, and cam n livelihood for themsclrus and parents. Wo wero much pleased by the visit, and feel, assured of tho futuro prosperity of tho little Borough. The following is tho score of u game of base ball played on tho Fair .around In this place on Tuesday afternoon last, between the III vcrsldo club of Catawissa and tho Independent nlno of Blooms burg. "MIVfcllBIDE.' "IudeDeudcuL11 O.U. O.K Kline. D ..I Vurr,or.......M...a 8 CarpeuUr u I K Ever. 1 b.........J M. Eyer.Ub ,. ' 5 Lunar, r i 2 llucka,ww. p...HH.,.Ha 1'euiuau, 1 1 Hharplean, o f..... 1 Bcolt. 1 f..... a Mover, Sb ...,...8 Abbott, c....... ..3 Hite r I. 6 Mciuiuger,s u.,.M...a ApcUmau, I b,. .a iMVllCK, .. lllllmoycr, Hhutl,3b. 27 20 Umpire Charles Uuaugst, Bcorcr. gfl. 27 67 I.ocnl Notices. A camp meeting for Columbia circuit will bo held In Contro township Colum bia county on tho land .of Mr. Josoph P. Connor to commonco on tho 10th of August. Tho peoplo of tho community nro respectfully invited to ntloml and tnko part In tho exorcises Irrespective) of denominational distinctions. P, II. Kibhut,, Preacher In charge Camp Meeting, On Oriiiigovlllo mission, on tho land of Mr. Ellas P. Bender fivo mile northeast of Orango vllle, on Fishltigcrcck to comnicneti August 12th. H. P. Hkmur, Pastor. N.B. No huckstering allowed within tho limits prescribed by law. TuiiUE will bo (D. V) n M. K. Camp meeting held In tho Mcgargcll grovo ono-fourth of a milo from Ornngovlllo and C mitts from B'oorasburg,coinmcnc log Aug. 18th. Hacks will convoy pas' sengcrs to tho ground from all liiipor tnnt points, MlnUlers and Members of adjoining charges cordially invited. J. Fearon Brown, Pn,nM J.Edwards. ')lwtow. Think you tho proprietor of Dr, Sago's Catarrh Bcmcdy would ofTcr $500 reward for a caso it Catarrh which ho cannot euro If his tcincdy was a hum bug? Propostcrot'sldoa! Sold by drug gists everywhero nt fifty cents, and It propares a full p nt of tho mcdlclnn ready for use. Tueiie will boa Campmeetingontho Bloomltigdnlo circuit, Aug. 2oth ana coutlnuo nlno days. Tho ground is 8 miles from Shlck; lilnny, from which placo hacks will jonnect with overy train to and from tho ground. Tho preachers and peoplo on tho District and adjoining circuits and stations arc cordially invited to attend. " B. P. King, 1 Vnstnra A.C.Crosthwaltolas,ors' Moyeu Bros., havo Just received another lot of "Gem" Fruit Jars. They aro determined if possiblo to keep up with tho immenso demand for theso Jars, which nro decidedly tho very beat in tho market. The Saksapauili.a Dicanns or Yucatan. This singular set of peoplo are descended from thouncleut Azteetof Southern Mexico, and still retain some of tho peculiarities which Stevens nnd Prcscott gavo their ancestors. Dr. J C. Aycr& Co. employ a small army of them in digging Sarsnparilla root. Pro vldcd with narrow spades, a coll of rope, and a bag of water, thoy aro ready for tho forest whero tho wild banana fur nishes them with food.und thick-leaved trees their only shelter, Few of thoso who find themselves rpjuvenuted by this product, know how much they uro Indebted to the toil of theso humble la. borer-s, who dig health for thousands of Dr. Ayer's patrons, while they some times Iomi their own. Boston Commer cial. Receipts of "THH COLUMBIAN' for July, 1869. Miirllu rinuigaii 3 2 0i ami i:vrctt 2 Ci (1 1: Huviibo G I J. JurobTrmiii 2 (U John IC Ulriuu 12 10 Jacob Ynliu 4 M Dr W M ltubtr 1 SO Amos Hun lo A col Michael Kruntz i 00 Jusepli htnt-lchout.0 ' I.J A 11 Drown 1 CJ IJ P Wright 2 I ) Wm Puller 2 I J Thus Donohlio 1 III II A Welilensaul 2 to EUaH Ci'i'HHy 2 OJ MHApi'lcmnn HUM Mt.inlu' A ...... . I.., In.. til! M P I'owler Uviardlali it 00 a ui KH lint 3 10 Est Mary (loir J M EdwurUi Allen Kixy Isaacs M Cuko Churleif Unhurt J U Vandcitillcu M II Coles J O l-'rcczo J b Hall 1 Ui Moriiccui miiiuiii U 2j 2 LD. Jacob Dlctlt-iibacli 1 1 2 IJ School Dl'li.ltliiillt S 01 ' i Ji filiuouai I'uoiisu 2('l lag Uoiuinlttce a uo 4 t) 4 (J 3 I ) S o n lllttcubenucr tu OOcarlicart 4 ( li Est Pclcr Dallmun U t'jKVm TBIiumau Cuu njihnm twp 6 OJ 2 IJ Hon J McucyuuMx 0 t riiiiin LTeasv i- .ii uurr U M Drawn Michael "J'racy Est A Oljlflbser Juliu J (hlln I-'ourth July Cum- mlttco Win lMmvlor a uy J It ltice .1 oo n t lAlexn Uer Kuouso : IS - t ) William inner John W lluutcr 2 CJ 5 U 2 00 I i j wclllvrr 11 Ella Dr M M'Henry 2 I 1 1 01 2 CO 2 CJ ill) 1 1 2 C iHoac jiaseunucll Lewis Ulrtoll I'unltl J mluo Joseph L Lamou Dr E W Wells Est Oeo Pfcll O W Miller (I corpe Lelby 2 l) IJ CJ 3 00 2 CJ 4 O 3 CO 2(1 2 0) !1 8 I J 2 L) OO Barklcy .Samuel Creasy John Huey II llOSCUhlOCK L H Conover' 2 I ID w ii Hiioemaker BumuclJolinsou 2 I 1 . 2S ( MO A WHbhoo maker KamiiPl Hliurpicsa Jolin D Pursel John Nunscssor Ucn II Littlo DrCW Mlllllu James J Meeker Joseph II Lone; 4 t 2tJ .uiiuu oiiocinuuer OllStcsboUr J W Kramer V J&humnn 4 (0 2 O 4 2 f 1 0 2 0 ItcubenlUlbboDU EKhtrmau I'lnrlt Iirlnlc 'Peter Uearhart 4 () 2 ty 2ti U I) 1.1' jouu jvencr 3 10 Abraham llartman 1 18 Samuel M'llenrv ills J II llartman & Co I,o M wenner John C Snyder l'urmelee A Co II K Hartmau J W Chcmbcrlln ouiCahler Jr Diehard Edwards ueujaraiii M-ueury 4 u Slmnn l-'rv 1 ( r crceK ucuooi District 10 (J 10 47 2 JohnUKeeler p S Shoemaker IJacob Kemblo 4 O H3 2 ( ) 5 OfM Wm Ilteler Namuel Hhorplcss at 1 1 uartlu Yorks 0 11 CarrutheK 2 2i inoinaHuluocnt 51 VUKIlno 2 (1 Ulooiusburg filarkvt Iliport. Win at per bushel - ItVB " ri sc 1 23 00 lu Corn " OaU. " . Elonr per barrol Coveroed m , 10 Ul . 8 OO , 2 Ul 30 20 12 75 Flaxseed , H. lluttor - Tallow Potatoes . Dried Apple.- Hams . 2 M 25 Hides and Shoulders 20 1 4U a per pound liny per ton I.UMUElt. Hemlock Hoards per thousand feet........... I'ltin " ' " (oueluchl 23 . 21)00 118 00 . IbaAj . 15 10 .. 8 (0 M 7 fj Joist, Bcaiitltnt:, Plank, (Iluinlock) .. Shingles, Nu. al lr tlioiandM......HW Hiding - " ft. . 18 l 1 HON NO. 1 SCOtCh Pig M No. 2 " " llloom...MM. n . -Ul 110 U'J Light Street Markets. Corrected weekly by Peter Kill, wholesolu ami rt-lutl dealer In grulu. Hour & Iced uud geiieiul !uerciiuimit. Wheat per bushel .tl 30 Hya " ' 1 30 Corn ' ' W lluck Wheat ... 1 U) Oats 70 Wheal Flour per 11)0 Its 4 Ul Duck Wheat ( lour 4 M tutrix Chop, . 2 60 llruii. llutter ier tt Eaits per iloz Potatoes pr bus Dried Apples Suielceil HMu mi at pr lb c Hhoutdi-r ' I lam ' , l-aid " in ... ........ Plillailel plila Ilarkcl EiAiuu Northwestern supernnnal m Northwestern extra ...... Northwestern family Pennsylvania unit Western stiiierih Pennsylvania uud Western extra... Pennsylvania and Western family,. Peniisylvuulu uud Western fauuy... Hyu dour Wukat PeunsylvuuU red, V bus. houthem " ' ... I'alliornlu " 11 ... " whltu ' .. llvic Pennsylvania rye, V bu&....... COUN Vellow, ,..., White, ' .... OAm vbus PuuvisiONS Mess Pork, y bbl Mess Ueef, " ....... Dressed Hoks, i lb.,H HuioUed Hums ' Shoulders V Ijird, o ro................. Sgllus t'lovelseed VUus 'l'iiuothysced V bus. ..... Flaxseed ' w OA-rrMt lleef Cattle tb.... , KlUM 3.23 ,...5.3ik. (123 ... WW 7.75 ... 5.00,10 to ..5.7.K3U U.75 ,. U.OiK.lll.lU I1.50U21 7.21 , ri.O''gii7 . tUfUX Ifju , tJ.lVgl3.IU . jl.l' IJuCilJue . I1.I7MII.17 , ;ne((8s) IJo 17e20ljo l7.0Ud.IJ.75 14.74 12.75 . Vesil wows, u neuu HutKV V 18 HoOS (t 1U0 Ujs . 116,41170 Ktgng- FOU N1CAT AND CHEAP JOB PRINTING, Call kl.Tl.u I'uliiiublkii Olllci, llloomsbur P MERCHANDISE; July and August Prices A T I. V. HAIITMAN'S, TOIl HU.MMKIt DUES!) UOODd. 2oet hAWNS AT l!2cls. i5ct. IjA'-'NH AT 40 ets. 55 ct. LAWNS AT CO cts. $1,25 DltKSa CIOOD3 AT 91,10 1,00 DHKSS GOODS AT 00 els. 65 ct. D It ESS GOODS AT 48 cts. 10 ct. DKESS QOODS AT 35 cts. 35 ct. DKESS GOODS AT 30 cts, 25 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 22 cts, 20 ct. DRESS GOODS AT 18 cts, TERMS CASH OR PRODUCE. REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIOUT STREET, SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE subscriber lias Just received and has nu hand at his old stand In Light Street, a large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, and which be determined to soil on as moderate terms as be procured elsewhero In Light Street, roil cash ok coiwriir pkoduck. Ills stock consists of 1.ADIE8 DRESS GOODS, choicest styles aud latest ftixhlous. Calicoes, Muslins, Ulngtiunis, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Batluetui, Cassliuers, Cottouades, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AO aa GROCERIES, MACKEltAli, Qneonsware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Puluts. Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS 4 CAPS In short everything usually kept In a oou ' ty store. Tho patronage of his old h-leuds au tbo publlo generally. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 18CT. S' OMETHING NEW. Tho underslcncd leirs leavo U Inform her irlinds and thu publlo generally, that sho has opcut-u 1U 11LO0MHDU11O, a fresh stock of gooda lu tho lino of MILLINERY and TRIMMINGS lu connection with Dresa Making; and Is pro- parcu iu uuuuion, to CO LOU HTllAW HATS on thu shortest notice, aud In the best style of tue art. 1'nces cueap anu worK satwiaciory. MRS. E. KLINE. Light Street, October 4, 1807. jyj-ISS LIZZIE BARKLEY has Just returned from Philadelphia, and has bought, and Is now offering the best assortment of FANCY aOODS, TRIMMINGS, BONNETS xe. Ac, ever exhibited in Blooinsburg, and Is prepared to make up dresses and all other articles of female wurdrobe, at snort notice, and In the best and LATEST SPRING STYLES, Rooms in the Ramsey Buildings, on West Main Street. Call and see her varied stock ol Spring Goods. May l.'OS. 1869. July. 1869. F YOU WANT GOOD BLACK SILK FOR DRESS OR HACK GO TO C. C. MARK'S. JF YOU WANT GOOD BLACK AND COLORED ALPACA CHEAP GO TO C. C. MAUD'S. F YOU WANT A NICE BET TEA WARE CHEAP QO TO a C. MARK'S. YOU WANT A NICE FAN FROM 15 cts. TO 1 1.55 GO TO C. C. MARR'S. E? YOU WANT A NICE STER LAWN OR MOHAIR DRESS CHEAP GO TO C. C. MARR'S. TF YOU WANT A NICE AND OOOD PAIR OF GAITERS CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER PLACE GOTOCC. MAHR'R July l,VJ-lf. pLOUR AND FEED. Tho uuderslgned thankful for post patronago begs to auuoiu-o to his friends and to llio public that his NEW MILL Is now In complete running ordor.und that he Is prciiaredto duall kinds of Milling without delay l'urtlps from u illstancu can huvu their irrlsls ground without delay, so as to taku them homo tho samo day, and us u rule all work brought to thu mill can lie done lu twenty-four hours. My pruscut urraugments are such as to preclude the neccbfclty of stopplug the mill ou account uf Ice, lilgll or low wuier, THE BEST FAMILY FLOUlt. as well as tho lower grades, aud all kinds o CHOP AND FEED kept ou hand In quantity, aud Mr sale at the low est current rules. Grain of all kinds purchased. Light Street, Dec. 4,'IJ!Utf. PETER ENT. TITAMMOTH GROCERY. J. II. MAI, E, MAIN AND IKON ST11LJ.T, lILOOMSUUKa 1'A, Tlie Lsrgost and Uest Stuck of Groceries uud 1'ruvUlous lu the County. A splendid lot of Hams, Blde-mcat and Hlioul dcrs, Teas Coirees aud Spices, Forelgu aud Do. luestlc Fruits a specialty. A large lot of FRUIT JARS nu bund of the best patterns. GOOIJ.1 DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE TOWN Juno IVGV-tf rpiIE MISSISSQUOI POWDER AC- I lunlly cure Cuucer ami Horofulnuit IHkooao Jf UioHkiu, H'e rejort tu L. I, Med I cut Hcltty, Htatmfmt.i of IHivulclauH In ciriulur uent frea ou nmltcatlonlo(JJlAH.A.r UUUOIH, ll IVJirlHI., DRY QOOD8. 1800. JULY, 1801). BARGAIN IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &0.t AO., GO TO M, P. LUTZ, MAIN ST11EET, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, 2JL001WBBXJB.O, TA.. Apr.lO.Cj-lf, jyriLLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL UK SPRING AND BUMMER OOODa The subscriber has Just returned rroiu the rltttii with nnother largo and select assortment of SPRINO AtiD HUMMER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia ul the lowest figure, aad which he Is determined to sell on oa moderate terms as can be procured else where In Dloomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles i Carpets, OH Cloths, Cloths, Casslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Bilks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirt, Muslins, tlollowware Cedarware Queenswuru, Hard war Hoots and Shoes, Huts and Cups Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, tjoklug-Glassej, Tobacco, CoUee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allsplro, Ulneer. Clunuiuon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. Iu short, uverythlug usually kepi lu ruuulry stores, to which ne luvltes the attention of Die public geuerally. The highest price will be paid for country produce In exchangb for goods. 8. II. MILLER A SON. Arcade Buildings, Dloomsburg, Pa. JMPO R T A N T NO T I C E. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF DKESS GOODS, AT THE NEW STORE, BROWER'S BUILDING, Thu splendid rooms of J. J, BKOWElt, are completed and now open to tho public with the FINEST HTOII K over otl'ered In iJlooinsburg. All tho N J? W EST STYLES of Drch-s lioods. Silks, Cloths, Casslmcrs, Linens, Viauiii'ls Ac, CARPETS of every style and for all prices. Oil Cloths In great variety. A full lino of SUPERIOR GROCERIES. Coflves, Teas, Sugnru, Spices, warranted puro aud good. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, in cnrel'ully ussorted variety. GLOVES, HOSIERY, HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS AND A COMPLETE assort meiit of WHITE GOODS, The public aro earnestly invited to examine these fine goods, before pur chasing elsewhere and are guarautetd satisfac tion. No expense or trouble has been spared to mako THE MOST COMPLETE establishment In this tcellon of the State. J. J. B ROWER. May 7,'69-tf Bloombburg Pa. THIRST CLASS GOODS. RARE BARGAINS. Tho subscriber lias Just thoroughly restocked his Store, in Cautwlsiiu, lately occupied by M' Nlnch A Shuman, aud now offers for sulo A COMPLETE STOCK OF DRV GOODS, quality and variety will compare favorably with nuy In the country. He lias a iresb assort ment of SPRING GOODS which ho will dispose of for cash or couutry pro duce. Among his Dry Goods will bo fouuu all tho latest auoTbost patterns of MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES, FLANNELS, SHAWLS, BILKS. CABHIMERH. BROADCLOTHS, COTTON ADEH, JEANS Ac, Ac GROCERIES, GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE CEDARWARE DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, VARNISHES Ac. HATS & CAPS, BOOTS ci SHOES and, I11 fact, n complete lino of goods, belonging to bis business. As ho buys aud sells for cash hu can allorJ to keep his prices as low If not lower than most dealers. II IS motto Is; "UUltlC BALLS AND SMALL r-ROflTS." COAL OF ALL KINDS Conbtauily ou hand and for sale at the lowest market ratos. - MORO PHILLIPS PHOSPHATE, Especial attention paid to theselcctlonof Build Ini mnloria. cutlerv. Mechanliv' Tools, and llardu-uro nf all kinds, to which the attcntlou ol buiideis auuoiuers u requesteu, ORAIN PURCHASED. A fnlr sliara ol nubile eustlom Is desh-od and no cUoi Is will bo omitted to glvo eullre satlslac- IIOU. JOSEPH B. KNITTLK. Apr, U.OU-Cm Catawissa, Pa. yj E ROHAN DIBE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Toiny friends and the publlo geucrally, that all kinds or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, NOTIONS, AO., are constantly on baud and for sale AT BARTON'S OLD STAND, Biooamnuno, nr JAMES IC KYER. Mj-Aho, Hole Agent fortELUii' PiioariiATK or tur, Iirge lot constantly ou baud. ItebS'OT. INSURANCE AGENCIES. 'HUE MOST SUCCESSFUL JLtv LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ' OIT T11K WORLD, ' Tilt NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. . OrTIIIC UNITED HTATKH OF AMERICA ClIARTEREDUYfll'ECIALACTOFCONOftEHH. CASH CAPITAL, - 1,000,000. BRANCH OFFICE! II I L A D E L P II I A, OFFICERS! CLARENCE II. CLARK. President, JAY COOKE, Chairman Flnancoand Exccutlvo Committee, HENRY D. COOKE. Vice-President, EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M.D., Philadelphia, Medi cal Director, -toi- Thls Company Issued, In the first TEN MONTHS I of lis existence, ,3!)ft POLICIES, INBURINO 15,143,800. This Company offers to Its Policy-Holders PERFECT SECURITY bv Its Cash paid up Capital of Ono Million Dol lars, and guarantees to the Insured, by Its I-OW RATES OK PREMIUM - LA HOE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE, Or a Reversionary Dividend of 100 per lis RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. GENERAL AGENTS. E. W. CLARK & CO., Bankers, No. S3 South Third Street, Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. fftlfkr & vtrirciw,., tii . . biieciai Agent ror Montour Columbia Counties July 10,'69..Iyr CHARTER OAK LIFE insurance COMPANY. Mr. R. W. 8weony agent for Columbia and Lu rcrna Counties. Dear Sir. I take pleasure In acknowledging tho receipt ol fivo thousand dollars from your company, being for the Insurance on the life of my husband Calvin B. Kelfsnyder, and tako this occasion ol recommending tfin nlrARTMlt mi; r.iut? iu. SUKANCE COMPANY, for Its promptitude nnd fair dealing. Tlilscompany makes no deduction ul OUTSTANDING PREMIUM NOTES, but cancels and returns them to the Insured. J&ATK V. ItEimNYllEll, , Catawtasa, Pa. Apr. 24tb INK). Insurance can be effected with K W. SWEENY, Agent, At Catawissa or Bloomsburg. May 7.'li3-3ni JN8URANOE AGENCY. Wyoming . .... . itu.(jdii .Elna,.... ... 4,uoo,ux Fultou 300,000 North America...... .-u.l.liii City I.VJ.Oou International 1,(00,000 Niagara 1 ,000.000 Putnam 6110,000 MerchanU x,0U0 Springfield 670,000 Farmers' Danville...... 0OJ.000 Albany City............... 400.000 Lancaster City a 0,000 York Horse, Death A Theft... U5.0U0 Home, New Haven 1,000,000 Dauville, Horse Theft FHEAM BROWN, Avent, BLOOXSUDiia, matats-ly.' JOHN A. FUNSTON & CO. OFFICE BROWER'S BUILDING, J3J.OOM8H vita, PA. General Fire end Life Insurance, and Real Estuto Agency." Special attention will bo given to negotiating loans, June H'C9-3ni MISCELLANEOUS. EW STOCK OF CLOTHING. Fresb arrival of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. DAVID LOWENBERG Invites attention to his stock of CH EAP AND FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at his store on Main Street, two doors above tbo American Houso Bloomsburg, Pn., where ho has Just received from New York and Philadelphia a full assortment of MEN AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Including the most fashienable, durable, and handsome DRESS GOODS, consisting of BOX, SACK, ROCO.GUM.ANDOIL-GLOTH 4 COATS AN D PANTS, of all sorts, sizes and colors. Ho has also repleu. Is lied his already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, STRIPED. FIGURED. AND PLAIN VESTS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, ll-ANDKERCHIEFS. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS, AND FANCY ARTICLES He nas constantly on hand a largo and well-se. ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VESTINGS, which be U prepared to make to order Into aur kind of clothing, on very short notice, aud lu the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of homo manufacture. , GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY. of avery description, flue and choap. Ills caso of Jowclry Is uot surpassodln thlslplacc. Call aud examlue his general assortmcn of CLOTHING, WATCHES, JEWELRY , AO. DAVID LOWENBURG, "UOOL WANTED. The fcubtcrlber desires 30,000 rouNixs OK wool In exilian go for Fancy and Staplo dry goods of ull varieties und every sty lu which Uo keeps constant ly on baud, both of his own manufacture and other first class mills. Tho highest city prices win uo uiiuwtHj. l'unies win nuu n 10 lueir ' ml vuntago tudeal with us and thereby save tho protltof traveling ogehts. J. 1 MAX I'M, Mordausvllle, Va yOOIi WANTED. The subscriber, agent of the !cwUburg (.'loth luj Mills, desires 00,000 l"OUND9 OF WOOL IN KXC11ANG12 for ull kluds of cloth, casslaiers, sntlmts. and all klud of Ihuiuels ami bluukeU. He Is also prepared to do roll carding and full tug, coloring and cloth dressing lu the U-st man ner, Address ,0(rto GKOUGE VANCE, Juue 18,'693ra Urauguvllle, ro. gLATE ROOFING, CVEBY VAEUTY MOST FAVOUA13LE RATES, JOHN TIIOWAH, AND CAHPEU J. T1IOMAH, Jlox.277. lilooinsbuiK. Ta. Mur.l9.CiMyr, Q.KT t; THE BEST. iiuuiKJU's Copper Tubular Utchtulve IUa. . the best pr tectum ugalust disaster by llahtuiiu ever luvuedo. The subscriber Is agent for tt bove Invention, and all orders by wall or In ergon will ba promptly atleuded to. Uay 15,'W & U. lUULKV T? J. TIIOUNTON AjJt would announce to the cltlsusof Ulooiust bunr aud vicinity, that he has JuM iecei ed a lull and complete assortment of WALHAlEIl, WINDOW HHADEH, aud alt other goods In Ills Hue or business. AU the newest ana most approved patterns of the day are always lo bo found lu hi establishment. Mur.vw-tf WaluHt, below WarkeA. MISCELLANEOUS. m TJNFAIL1NG EYE PRE3EUVEIW. Messrs. i.assaruh & morris, OPTICIANS A OCULISTS UAIITD'ORD, CONN., Have, Willi n view lo meet thelncreased demand for their CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Appointed ins A. D. WEBB, M STATIONER, llLOOMSDVllQ PA., As Ihelr sole Agent for this plaeo. Th?y have taken care to give nil needful Instructions, and have cenBdence tn the ability of their agents to meet the requirements of all customers . An op poriuulty will bo thus aflbrded to procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOR THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PRESER VING QUALITIES, Too much cannot bo said oa to their SUPERI ORITY over tho ordinary glasses worn. Thero is no glimmering, irawrliij o (Ji rtgM, dlitlneu, or other unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary, from tho peculiar 'construction of tho Lenses Ihey are toothing and jAetuant, causing a reeling ol relief to the wearer, nnd FRODUCINO A CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VISION, ns) In tho nour ul healthy tight. They are the only Spectacles to PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And aro the CHEAPEST because the BEST, al ways lasting manv ykabs without cnango be lug necessary. CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, BLOOMSBVna PA., Is tho ONLY Agent .appointed in this place. Jffi-WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. m.'OD.-Iy. G ROVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC r . i 74 STITCH SEWING MACHINES, i'Ji IIUOaDWaV.NEW vork. TM ClKbtmit Street I'lilliulolplila, POINTS OF EXCELLENCE. Denuty nnd Elasllclly of Perfection aud Simplicity of Machinery. Using uotu threads dlroctly from tho spools. Nu fastening of seams by linud and no wasto of thread. Wide rango ol application without cluinge of adjustment. The scum retains its beauty and llrmucss after washing and Ironing. Uesldes dolug all kinds of work dono by other Sewing Machines, tlicfcd Machines execute tho mast beautiful nnd permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. jot 49" The Highest Premiums at all theKalrsand Exhibitions of tho United States nnd Europe, havo been awarded the Grover A'Baker Sewing Machluea, and the work dono by them, wherever exhibited In competition. -tot- O-Tho very highest pfizc, THE CU0S8 QV THE LEGION OF IIONOIt, was conferred ou the representative of tho Grover a llaker Howliitf Machines, at the Exposition Unlverselle, Tarls. 18C7, thus attesting their ereat superiority over all other Bowing Machlues. V Oil HALE DORA3ST, jihooMsiiuna pa. Juno 25,'tiO-ly BLOOMHDUHQ NOUMAL BCHOOL AND LIT KHAUV JNHT1TUTE. 110AH1) OK INHTUUCTION. HENUY CAHVElt, A. M., Principal, PrOff bfeor of Intellectual and moral srieure, and theory and practice or U-uchlug. Miss Harah A. Carver, Preceptress, Teacher or French, Hot any uud oruuincutal branches. Isaac O. llest.A.Il., lVoftvtHor of Ancient Language! and KtiglUh Oram mar, J. W. Ferrec, A. M. IroressororMathematliw. uud practical as tronomy lit V. D. a John, A. M., profe sorof chemistry and physics, F. M. Hates, Teacher of goography, history & Hook-keeping James lirown. AM taut teacher of mathematics Ur uu ns r. Engl Uh Miss Alice M. Carver, Teacher of Music ou the plauo und melodean Mrs. Hattlo L. Ileet, TeiHlwr of Vocal Muslo and Instrumental mus' Miss Julia M, Quest. Teae-hi r pr model Hctwoi. The FALL term will oommenou Auir. P. 16U8. and until our loardlug hull is ready for occupan cy, on application to the Principal, students will It Is better for students tocommeuceat the op ening ofthu term, butvheu this Is luiprvWiea- uia nic, Mart :y can eutcr ut any tune. ,-11 V 10W, ORUGS&. MEDICINES. JM30K, rtEAD, AND LEARN, THAT Tills Great Shoshonccs Remedy 1 OF TllR CKLKI1UATKD INDIAN DR. LEWIS JOSHEPIIUS, pf llin distinguished Trlbo of Bhohonces, Colnm- ui erniury m now ior sale in me union. This all possessing great remedy. Is warranted and In broad nnd emphatlo language, wo can safely say, may lie rolled upon to make a perma- nentClireOf all lUsf-Osr nf thn Tlirnnl l.nntra Liver, Kidneys, Digestive Organs, etc., As well as scrofula, the various skin Ulseases, Humors. nun nu iiiiiuiriiy ui me uiuoti, excepting tile 1 1.1 ni stage of Consumption, I In Canada wlicro this grrat remedy 1ms Iktii In use for, a short tlmo It has Indeed Directed some of tho most marvelous enrcs ever recorded In tbe nnnalii of historical medicine. Such being the case In addition to IU former reuowu in Col urabla Territory we defy hnmanlty to dispute tho fact that this Great Shoshonees Remedy Is tho remedy of rcmcdlos of tho lPth Century, nnd the greatest boon ever laid at the altar of suffer ing numanny, . Price of the lie rawly In large pints, 11,23. Manufactured by Dr, Young & Bros., at Syra cuse, N.Y. ' ' For salo by all dealers In Medlclclnc. JjjituaaisTs W1UTE TIIUS of the QllEAT SHOSHONEES REMEDY ! (ABSTRACTS OIT LETTERS.) Geneva, N. Y.. Feb. 13th. 180U. I)n. Youno A Bno. I And my Bales of your valuable Hemodlea greatly increoAtng, In fact your Great shoshonees Ilemedy Is Riving the best ofsatlsractloa.anadoluff Just as UW recommend ed to do, several having even como In to tell mo how much they had been benefited from its use. I have sold out of It Again, etc. etc, VlLIiARJJ n. smith. Bherman, N. Y.,Marcli, 20 Lb, J SCO. Dit. YouNd & lino. I started your Great ahos hnnneH Itemed v bvclvlns awav ono bottle to a confirmed Dvsncntlc. the result has been amnio. It elves universal satisfaction, moro than any o ther medlclno we have hod in the store foryears. From what 1 havo seen of tho Hhoshonees, I reel Justified In recommending It. Bond mo six doz. mora, it win sou in mreq jnonius, uvc, 14YHOK FENNEIt. Wfttertowni N. YM March 13th, 18C9. Du. Youno A liiio. Your tisioshoneea Itemed v la giving good satisfaction, and sells better than any other new medicine we have ever attempted to lntroduco. as wo are nearly out, of It, send us In haste etc B. LEWJB A CO. 127 N. Morgan Ht., Chicago, 111. Feb. ISth, 1809. 1 m. YmiNfi fc llito. I have sold over ten doz. of your Great Shoshonees Ilemedy already and a great number of the Shoshonees rills. xt gives universal satisfaction, I have not heard ono to whom I havo sold, but what Mwaks of it lu tho highest terms, and recommend It to others; nnd as L am nearly outof It, please send. mo half a gross moro at once, etc., etc. Price of the Remedy In large plnU,!1.2. Manufactured by Dr. Youne Jc llros.. at Syra cuse, If, Y. Of Ull unUClfl IU A1AVU1UAAAU. THE KIDNEYS. THE KIDNEYS AUE TWO In number, situated nt the upper part of tho loin, surrouuded by fat, and coubist lufc of three parts, vlt : the Anterior, the Interior, uud the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists or tis sues or veins, which serve as a deposit for the unneauueuuvuy it iui,uuuJLi.cciur. auuvalvjiiui ia a conductor also.termluatlng In aslngle tube, and called the Ureter. Tho ureters are connected with tno wauaer. Tho bladder is comDosed of various coverings or tissues, divided into parts viz: tho Upper, the liOwer, uio nervous, uuu mo muwus, auu umwr expels, the lower retains. Many havo a desire to urinate without tho ability ; others urinate with out tho ability to retain. TUls frequently occurs in children. To cure these aflectlons.wo must brfng Into action tho muscles, which are engaged In their various functions, if they aro neglected.U ravel or Dropsy may ensue, ' . Tuo reader mus taiso De maao aware. inai now over slight may bo tho attack, it Is sure to ail'uct the bodily health aud mental powers, as our Uesh and blooujare supported from theso sources. Uout.oh UUKUUATiHU. Palnoccurrlngln tho loins is indicative of the abovo diseases. They occur in persons disposed to acid stomach aud chalky concretions. Tub Quayei. The gravel ensues from neglect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys. These organs being weak.the water Is not expelled from thu bladder, but allowed to remulu: It becomes feverish, and sediment forms. It Is lrom this de posit that the stone Is formed, and gravel enisUCM. Uitoi'SV Is a collection of water In some parts ol tho body, and bears different names, according to tho nnru allected. vlx : when generally dllliued over tho body, it Is called A natural : when of the abdomen, Ascites; when ot tho chest, Hydrotho- rux. TitcATUBNT. Ilelmbold's hlsrhlv concentrated compound Extra Uuchu is decidedly ono of tho uosircmeuiefiioruispnsesoi 1110 uinuuer,Kiuuoys, gravel, dropsical swell lng4.rheumatlsm.and gouty utTeclions Under this head wo havo arrauged lysurla, or dlniculty and pain lu passing water, scanty secretion, or small and frequent dischar ges of water; Htrangury,or stopping of water; Hematuria, or bloody urine: Uoutaud Kheuma mat ism of tho kidneys, without nuy change In quantity, but Increase of color, or dark water. It wus uiwaja uiguiy icvuiuuicuuvu uy mo iuio ui, lii y tick, in these aHectlons. Tnis medicine Increases tho power of exls tlon. and excites the absorbents into healtbrdec erclse, by which the watery, or calcareous, depos- juuuh, uuu uii uuuuiurut vumxBuiueutw, iia wen as nam and lnllaminatlon. are reduced, and It la taken by men, woman, and children, Directions for use and diet accompany. riiii&vK.i,i'niA. i'A,, rev, i&u7, II. T. Helbold, Druggist: DkauHiu I liave been a sufl'eicr, for upward of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, und klduey allectluustdurlng which tlmo I have used various xneuicinai ircparaiious,aau oeeu unuer mo treui ment. of thu mot eminent physlclans.expcrleu clng but littlo relief. Having seen your preparations extensively ad vertised,! consulted with my family physician In regard to using your Extract iluchu. I did this because I hud used all kinds of adver tised remedies, and had found them worthless, and somo rmlte Injurious ; in fact, 1 despaired of ever getting well, und determined to uso uo rem edies iiercuiier uuless 1 knew of the ingredltuu. It was this that prompted me lo Ubo your reme dy; As you advertised that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, audjunlpcr berries, it occurred to me and my physician us an excellent combina tion, and, with Ms udvlco, after uu examination of tho urtlcle, and conbulting again with tho druggist, X coucludcd to try it, I commenced lis iue ubuut eight months ugo, ut which time 1 wus confined to my room. From tho lira bottle I was astonished and gralltled at tho beneficial ef fect, and after using It threo weeks, was able to walk out. 1 felt much like wrltlug you a full statement of my cose at that time, but thought my improvement might only bo temporar, and therefore coucludcd lo dclcraudsco if It would eilect u perfect cure, knowiug then it would bo or greater value to you, und iiioru sulhdaclorv to jue. I am iuw uble to report tlmt u euro W eireeted ulter using the remedy for live moullxs. I have not used any now ror three mouths, uud feel us well In uli respects as I over did. Your Iluchu being devoid or any uupleusuut tasto and odor, a ulco tonloaud luvlgorutor of the system, I do not mean to bo without It when ever occasion may require lu use in such aticc tlous, M. McCUltMICK, Hhould any doubt Mr. McCorralck's statement. ho refers to the following gentlemen : lion, wm. isigier, ex-uovernor, i'ennsyivunla, Hon. ThoB. 11. Florence, Philadelphia. Hon. J. U Unox, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. J. H. itlack, Judge, rhlladelphla. Hon. V. It. Porter, ex-G over nor, Ponus lvuula, Hon. Ellis Levis, Judge, Philadelphia. Hon. It. V. Urler, Judge, United Htatcs Com U Hon. U. W. Woodward, Judge, Philadelphia. 1 1 ou, W. A. lorter, City Bol ici tor, Philadel ph bv. Hon, John lligler, ex-Governor, California. Hon. 11 Hanks. Auditor-General. Wash luu ton. Anu many omcrs, ii necessary. Hold bv DruKKests and dealers everywhere. Iltiwnro of counterfeits. Ask for Helmbold'a. Take no other. PuicE-Jl,25pcr bottle.oro bottles far SUM lellvered lo any nddrebs. Describe symptoms lu all communications, Address H. T. HKllUOLD, Drng nnd Cheml eal Warehouse, GUI llroadway.N, V, mme are gcnuiuu uuim uuuu uuu : raved wrapper, with foc-Eimlloor my I'iiemlcal .VarehouKelutdslgucd H, T. HELM BOLD. JunelVtKKIni. P-a, has opened II O W K It, pened a first-class UOOT, HHOE, HAT CAP, AND FUU BTOltK at the old stand on Main fttrcet, lUoomsburg,n few doors above the Court House, HUbUM-kiseoiu jtosedof the very latest and best styles ever offer ed to tho cltlnens of Columbia County, Hocau acooinmodato tho pub) lo with tho follow lug goods at the lowest rates. Men's heavy donblu holed htoga boots, men's doublo and single tap solod kip boots, men's heavy stogabhoes of all kinds, man's fine boots and bhoes of all grades, boy's double wiled boots and(hoes of all kinds, men's glove kid Hal moral shocs.meu's, women's, boy a'a ana miHses labiuig gaiieiv, woiueu h kv 1'ollslv.vcry Jlae.womcn's morocco llalmomls and calf shoes, women's very fine kid buttoned gait ers. In short boots of all descriptions both peg get! aud be weil. tiv wuuiu uibu cuii liiieitiiuii iu mm iuu iwu luelitof HATS, CA1U FUItH AND NOTIONS. which comprises all the now aud popular varU etlb at prices which cannot fall tu suit nil. These 0min araouereu i ui tuwesi awn rairs unu will bo guaiantced to give butUIuctloii, A call Is boilcited before purchsslng elsewhere as it is believed that better burguluq are to bo fund tluai at auy other place lu tho covin ly, Dee.e'07 JjENTISTIlY. 1L O. 1IOWEH, PENTIBT, Itespectfully ofTcri his rofenlonal sen-Ices to the ladles and gentlemen or Dloombburg ud vi cinity. He Is prepared to attend to all the van ous opVratiotuTlu1 the line of hU profc. on and Is provided with the latent rrovi PonexLAiw Tkkth which will be lnfcerled on gold platlna UlvVr and rubber bae to look as well asthe uaf uroMceth. Teeth extracted by all the uewau-l most approved methods, and all operations on the teeth eurefully and properly atteuded to. lUiildeuce and otnre a few doors above the Court House, suiue side. Dloomsburg, Jnn.31.'ttitf