The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 06, 1869, Image 2

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PIltUAY MOUN1NU, AUflUST a, 1809.
H- TIIB COMIMHIAN hn ths Largest
Clrenlntlon sf any paper published lit
Northern Pennsylvania, nd U alio a
inch larger sheet than any of 111 CO tem
poraries! and Is therefore the best medtnm
fmr advertising In this section ofthe Stale;
It is with slncoro pleasure wu plnco
In our political column this wrok, tho
iihiihm of candidate selected by thu
County Convention for oursovcral coun
ty o(lciH. Thoy nro "good men nnd
true," and mostly personal friends to
whom wo aro drawn by strong bonds of
sympathy and coafldcncu.
Charles F. Mann, of Heaver, will con
uluda a lone political career of activity
ond Influence by tnklug a neat In our
courts; General Ent will asuumo tho
duties of Prothonotary 5 Mr. Jacoby
succeed Col. Frecro as Register and
Recorder : Mr. Robblns wlllcomo down
from Fishlngcrcclc to act Commissioner,
and Mr. Lowenberg, an ever actlvo and
courteous gentleman, will take charge
of tho county funds. Tho subordinate
fKHts of Coronor and Auditor will be
suitably filled. All these results have
been proposed by the Convention, and
will bo Bocured by tho action of tho
We are strongly opposed to lndlserlm
liiatn pralso of candidates. Looking
over party newspapers, ordinarily, just
after nominations, one would suppose
that all the nominees were taints uiui
that virtue would die with fheiu. Buf
In the present easo tM-r-: is real cause
for I'oinmumliiig tho notion of tho Con
ventiou and thu men put in nomination
by it.
Mr. Mann has great natnTal sagacity
and bound judgment, and is well ac
quainted with tho.peoplo of tho county
and with their affairs., Of Gen. Ent we
can hardly trust ourselves to speak.
Wo have known him many years tw a
Soldier and a Gentleman In common
with others, but wo have also known
him as an intimate and trusted friend.
lie is all over right, and having recently
entered into tho " holy estate of matri
mony," may bo accepted in tho futuro
as a model man. It whs no doubt to
many persons an unpleut-ant thing to
withhold support from our present Fro
thouotary (who has muUo an excellent
offleor energetic and Accommodating,)
and select a new favorite! .but tho
principle; of rotation was. thought to
Justify li not demand it.
Tho volco of tho county was very
strongly for Mr. Bobbins fur Commis
sioner, aud his nomination was .but
duo recognition of his merit and of tJio
claims of his, township.
Williamson n. Jacoby as an old .cam
paigner and printer, could not bo beaten;
though a pair of worthy gentlemen
tried their hands at unhorsing him., lie
kept his seat firmly and won tho prize.
The fact is, Smoketown was for hlmt a
fact overlooked by Ills competitors until
it was too late I
Mr. David Lowonberp; was very suc
cessful ,iu his first political enterprise
among our, people. He had mors than
u threo-fourth's voto, among tho dele
gates and all opposition to him .was
abandoned. Even tho Goliath of tho
Berwick Gazttlc fearful of David's sling,
retired early from the engagement.
It was difficult for the Convention, to
tlx its cboico upon u curidid&to. for As
sociate Judgo, and the scale of choico
was well balanced for a time between
Mifillu and Beaver, with a goo 1 outly
ing voto thrown to Main and Fanklln.
Finally, It was thought, that Beaver
had tho best iai() und her candidate
was taken.
undoubtedly Just, Is free from nil the
objections which condemn tho Craw
ford county plan, anil would, wo bo
lluVe,lmveiiiiiol -military effect If adnp-
tedt Wo know of no obstacle to It or
pretense of reason agalnit It, save one
it tcoutil decrease the relative power of
$mall district in Convention, But this
effect, or ono equivalent to it, would
follow from nu reasonable plan of re
form and ns any objection would npply
equally to tho Crawford county system
Ih fact nothing, but' habit custom
usage could reconcllo any reasonnblo
man to the present unfair represcnta
tlori of dlstrlc's by which Franklin,
Fisbl.ngcroelr, Roiirlnfccreok, Locust,
Berwick andMadisim aro placed upon
mi equality with each other. Each of
IhcHo uistricis (in common witn oiucrs
of llil) county) have two delegates. Their
Democratic vote, respectively, at tho
last. Presidential election mid tho nutn
her of votes required In each' for n Dole
irutej,.nrous follows':
13 ij"
Hero wo seo Unit ono man in Ffau)c
Hn has us much power In tho making of
nominations as four In Madison or jflvo.
or six In Locust or Fishlngcreek, etc, not.presa tho caso of Bloom with
329 Democratic votes whore KM aro ,ro
quired for a delegato, but wo do say
that gross inequality of privllego among
voters extends throughout tho county
and mast bo. sooner or ator, corrected
in souio proper form.
Hon. Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk, Pa.
Tho undersigned, a Committee, up
pointed by the1 DemocrntIoStnte:Con
ventlon.held at Harrlsburg on tho 14th
Instant, In pursuance of authority con
forred upon them by tho Convention
hereby uotlfy you that you woro iluly
nominated by said Convention as tho
Democratic, candidato for Governor of
Pennsylvania, at the ensuing October
election. Ou behalf of tho Convention
wi4 respectfully'requcst yournecoptanco
of the nomination,
n n. rtiifiirAi.Ew. 1
Lewis C. Cassidy. !- Committee,
It. Emmet Mojjacwan, )
Philadelphia, July 21, 1809.
It will bo seen by tho proceedings of
tho Convention that two propositions
for reform In tho manner of making
nominations' wcro presented to that
body, but that neither of them was
udopted. Tho question of change will
no doubt conio up again in future Con
volitions, and it was perlmp.-f well that
tho Convention gavo time for full con
-sidcration of this Important subject be
fore iltvUIvu action should bo had,
Tho two propositions onVred wero
very different hi character though look
ing to tho same object and inspired by
blmllitr views ; tho ono being for pro
port lonnl representation and tho other
for tho Introduction of the Crawford
county system. Ultimata changotiuay
bo rcgurdfd as Inovllable, but thu ques
tion Is what formshallltassumo? Hlmll
wo abolish the Delegato system or re
form 11 Y
TI(o Crawford County 'plan of nomi
nations has a plauslblo appoaranco and
upon first view Is well calculated to win
assent from friends of reform ; but In
our opinion It Is a very bad plan and
quite Inadmissible upon many grounds.
In addition to tho objections to It here
toforo statod In our columns, wo will
mention one which has boon developed
by experience and Is concluslvo, to wit,
tho Inevitable tendency of tho plan to
produce and encourago fraud. Tho
popular voting it permits Is under no
guarantee of law and does not admit
of scrutiny or roviow In any convenient
manner. Unfair or corrupt 'voting way
bo practised under It witli impunity and
havo full uml disastrous etroct. un
truo, coerced or corrupted votos must bo
counted to affect tho result, because
thero Is neither tlino nor machinery for
Investigation and even if theso could
bo had tho expense of investigation
would be intolerable. The great socurl
ty for fairness in elections is tho rivalry
of parties or or candidates, xnoy waiwi
each other and all concerned nro put
upon their good behavior, Even at
Delegato elections this rivalry oxlsts in
full force whorovpr two ucJtota nro in
tho field, and whore thcro Is no contest
thorocan bo no Inccntlro to fraud, for
Uio result Is certain at all events and
cannot bo aided by falso votes. But
uudbr tho Crawford County plan io all
districts where thero la no contest, or
but little contest, thoro Is a strong in
ducement to swell the vote and no pro
tection against false voting or falso .roi
Yegraut, pay we Insist thatourpros
out Delegate plan Is very unfair and
unsatisfactory aud require amendment;
bujf wo nro not prepared toglvo it up for
tho Crawford county plan.
Tho proportional representation of
districts, which was tho otlior propo
sition Mibujlttcd to the Convuutlou, Is j
Philadelphia, July 30, Itso.
Qentlemks: At tho first con von
lenl moment I remv-'io your communl
callon', Informing mo of ray nomination
by tho Democratic State Convention
of tho 14tli Instant, for tho offlco o
Governor of" Pennsylvania. I deslro to
mniid 'dim nckhowlcdsmonts for this'
high evldenco of tho esteem and' friend
shippf my folios-citizens, and to say
that I, accept tho, nomination icnuereu
Having, at' tho solicitation oi my
frlonds (thoucli with unfeigned rcluc
tance), been lnduco lo permit tho use of
mv namo for tho nomination, my no-
cerjtanco becomes a matter of courso, if
not a" duty: but, I announto it wim
deep sense of 'tho responsibility assure
od. 'Mv reliance In accepting tho po3i'
tlnn nf n candidate, and in agreeing to
perform Executive bcrvlco for tho'peo
pie, is not alono upon my own strcngtl
or pood intentions, but malu'y Upon
noimlar indulgenco and generous sup
port, and' upbn that superintending
Providence which can bless mo laDors
of nubile' men.
If I shall bo placed, by tho votes of
thd people, in tho Gubernatorial chair.
I Bhall endeavor to moet tno oxpecta
tlons of friends, nnd'of all who havo at
heart tho truo interests or our great
Commonwealth. 'To this ond 1 shall
labor to secure those objects in which
wo.'fcel a common Interest and concern,
among which are tho preservation of
tho Stato credit ;' tho reduction of tho
oxpensos of tho Btat'o government to
tholr lowest practicable point, thereby
lessening .tho burdens and taxation of
tho people; tho encouragement or a lib
eral system of improvements for inter
course and trade, in order that produc
tion may bo Increased, labor moro
amply rewarded, and general prosperi
ty secured; tho Just execution of tho
laws: (Involving n cautious and sparing
uso of tho power to pardon offenders),
so that good faith shall bo kept among
tho people, and erlmo bo repressed ; tho
promotion of thu education of our
youth by a general system of organized
schools, aud by special Institutions of
learning, so that knowledge and virtue
Bhall becomo moro and inoro tho solid
foundations of our f.-co political system;
and, lastly, the, restoration of purity
and character to our government by tho.
pultlng down or preventing of Bpecinl
and corrupt legislation, and of all im
proper uses' or management of 'tho pub
lic funds'. To theso general objects,
howover, should be added, a careful at
tention by government to tho Interests
of labor. Having earned my bread by
the labor of my hands during many,
and I may addl'tho happiest years of
my life, and owing whatovcr I posaoss
(under tho Providence of God) to pa
tient and honest toll, I can novcr bo
unmindful of tho interests of tlioso
with whom my cntiro life) lias been m
soclatcd. Inasmuch as my pursuits, and train
lng havo not qualified mo for spce:h
making, or for solicitation of votes, It
will not bo expected that I shall under
tako tho performance of actlvo duties
in tho canvass about to begin. But my
llfo, conduct and character aro boforo
my fellow-citizens for their examlna
tlou, and they will afford them better
means of Judging of my fitness as n
candidato for popular support, than
anvtblncr that J could now say.
I mq, gentlemen, very respectfully
yours, Asa I'ackeh.
To Hon. C. 11. Buckalew, and Lewis
C. Cassidy, and 11, E. Monaglmn,E-:qrs.,
Merchants' IIotkl, )
ruiLAiiiLPuiA, July i, 1SC0.
Gentlemen : Your noto of tho 21st
Instant lias been' received, informing
mo of my nomination as tho Democrat
ic candidato for Judgo of tho Supremo
Coiirt, by tho Stato Convention, which
met at Harrlsburg on tho 14th Instant.
Tilts distinguished honor is tho moro
valued, as l( has been conferred without
solicitation. 1 accept the nomination,
and should tho action of tho Convention
bo ratified by tho people,! shall endeav
or to discharge tho responsible duties of
tho position with Impartiality and fidel
ity. OvnuS L, Peushinq.
To lion, diaries ji, iiucKaiow, liowis
O, Cassidy nnd It. Emmet Monaghnn,
liqrs., Committee,
ho Columbia County IiivuhIoii.
niciiAiin Stiles further consid-
red as a Witness : His testimony
n theCoia-ry case : On tho 22nd of
November lf&l Stiles was examined ns
witness against Stott E. Collcy nnd
testified to declarations mado by tho
latter n year before and also to an nt-
tempt of Intimidation directed against
himself by somo person wnony un
know. Wo glvo Ids testimony ns It was
ltkhard Stiles, sworn ; I rcsldo In
Ronton township; n farmer, I know
Stott E.Colioy.for ilflccn.ycara or moro,
I.wosnn enroling officer for tho first
nlno month's .drafted men; nlso .revised
third enrolment after second enrolment,
I received n lotter about tho 1st of last
May, Evidence of the contents of the
letter objected to by the Defense but atf.
mlttcdbulht,Commisson. Found a let'
tor nailed, In n coffin and tho lid turned
down, Cofflu as a solemn warn
ing charged mo with .dragging ,my
friends and neighbors to, n field of
slaughter In dofonco of .aiitinferior raco
of beings gavo. mo solemn warning.
Lotter produced.) At ono tlrao at
In Benton township had n conversation
with tho accused. It was nbout ono year
aco. aftor tho clectlon.of 18C3, JIo con
tended If thero had been a fair election
"Woodward would havo been Governor,
It was through fraud Curtin was elected,
ThoDcmocrats would try thoballot-box
oncomoro; if thoy had not lair play
thero would bo blood spilt.
Cross-examined : Prlsonor novcr
threatened or intimidated mo; I do
notknow who wroto tho letter produced
I think the conversation, with him was
in November 1803, about ono month nf-
tcr election."
Remarks : In tho foregoing testl
mony tho attempt to create prejudice
against tho Defendant by irrelevnn
mntternnd strained Inferences, Is very
evident. That it was not successful In
producing tho conviction of tho accused
was1 not tho fault of tho witness but was
owlug to a vigorous and Judicious do
fence by which tho weaknessof thd caso
for tho prosecution was fully exposed.
Tho alleged conversation with Collcy
it will bo observed was In November
1803, too rcmoto in tlino from tho ovonts
of, August 1801 to authorize its intro
duction as evidenco (cpccially as no
connection was shown or pretended bo
tccn tho conversation and those
events,) and was in itself Inconsequen
and unimportant. Stiles says that Ool
ley complained that tho election had
been unfair, but said his party would
try tho ballot-box onco moro and' then
inhey had not fair play thero would bo
blood spilt. Whothcr this declarntlbn
be considered n prophecy dr a throat is
wholly Immaterial j. in either caso It'
was contingent upon a stato of facts
Which' might novcr occur,and it'dld not
by any necessary consequence import
that Collcy himself would bo'conccrned
in tho shedding of blood. Besides, ns
an appeal to tho ballot-box was to bo
ogain made, which could only bo at tho
expiration of a wholo ycar,it would not
seem that tho catastropho foretold was
a very pressing danger or very likely
ovor to tako place; Tho truth is, that
this conversation between political op
ponents about an clection, to which 'ono
of them testified n year afterwards', was
ns 'wo havo described it, Irrelovant;
as testimony and unimportant in char
acter. Wo cannot bo certain that Stiles
recites it fairly; but If ho d6cs, as bvi
deuce Of guilt it is contemptible aud
Tho coffin story, may ho thought a
very grave matter at first view, but its
importanco will disappear upon exami
nation. Somebody acted very improper
ly in playing a rough joko upon Stiles or
sorlously attempting to alarm him.
"Whatever may have been tho motive of
this unknown offender tho net of annoy
lng Stiles was n wrong for which wo
have no'dispoaltlon to mako any excuse.
But what had Mr. Colloy to do with tho
coffin transaction, nnd why was it in
troduced in ovldeuco against him? Tho
answer to this question Is easy and It is
ono pregnant with Instruction upon tho
subject of military trials. Mr. Colley
had nothing whatovcr to do 'with that
transaction nud proof of It was Intro
duccd on his trial in contempt of nil
law andjustlco and in splto of his pro
test, only to'prcjudlco his caso and se
cure an unjust conviction. This would
not havo been allowed In any regular
Court of lustlce. but It was In keeniii"
with tho character of n Military Com
mission. W0 will only ndd, that SUles
was probably never in tho slightest
danger of actual Injury from his un
known disturber. Tho people who send
auonymou3rlcttcrsnnd glvo secret warn
Ings, very commonly Jack, boldness,
courage, will aud onterprlso for tho ex
ecution of unlawful or violent designs.
Wo havo now mentioned every item
of testimony given by Richard Stll&s in
tho Rantz aud Colloy cases, and havo
subjected all Important points thereof
to distinct examination. Tho conclu
sions to which wo como nro not favora
blo to tho witness, but thoy aro fairly
drawn from his own language and rest
upon considerations which must bo ac-
copted by ovcry Impartial and careful
oDservor. lie was zeaipus in tno perso
cution of Innocent men, his neighbors
nnd fellow citizens ; colored his stato
montsof fact against them to tlfo'polnt
of self-contradiction; intruded Irrele
vant matters into his testimony, and
exhibited throughout a strong partisan
spirit which howover nllowablo in elec
tion contests is' wholly out of placo in,
the administration of Justice.
Stiles was not examined as a witness
on tho trial of Daniel M'Henry.
Whothcr his budget or worthless infor
roctlon was exhausted, or tho Commis
sion tired or him, is uncertain. Ho
seems to havo collapsed upon tho coffin
question and to havo disappeared from
notlco nt Harrlsburg, But his rownrd
for sorvlco dono,was not withhold. Ho
subsequently served ns a dlstlllory Store
keeper In n small way, and Is now, wo
belleyo, an assistant Assessor of Inter
nal Rovcnuo under' Radical appoint
ment. -
pur notice of this witness .might bo
thought Incomplete If wo did not niou
tion that he Is n disabled soldier of tho
war. Ho wont Into tlo sorvlco, to bo
suro,undcr bounty, very Iqto in tho. coiir
test, but ho gavo an arm lo his country
and has bcon represented as an object of
patriotic sympathy ou account of Ids
loss. Wo aro disposed to admit this
plea as reasonable, or nt all events as
entitled to much consideration; but ono
circumstance in tho caso chills a little
our ardor and makes us pause and co
llect. The arm lost by Jllcfmrd Stiles in
the war was the very rljht arm raised by
htm as a witness, at Jfarrtsburg,chett hd
teas sworn ayainst his 'neighbors I
Tho 'Convention jnct agreeably to tho
call at onb o'clock in, tho afternoon oi
Monday lost. Tho 'Court Room was
Tho meeting was called lo ordor by Amotions to support Hon! C. R. Buck
John A. Funston,'tuo.cuairman oi inu
Mesolvcd, Tlmfllobort F. Clark nnd
James S. McNInchbo senatorial urn-
fcrces from coiumuia-uouniy, iu "ivy
similar Conferees from Montour, Ivorth-
uinocrianu nnu duuiviuh'-'V ..'v . ,
thopurposo of selecting nicntidldato for
Countv Committee, when Daniel M
TTonrv was elected President nnu joiiu
G. Quick nnd M. V. B. Kllno Secreta
ries". CrnmrocKway wascnoscn rcaumg
rlnrk. Tho credentials of delegates
. 7 I . ' .t 1 . . Jil.Lu
from tho different districts wcror men
offered and read by tho clerk. Tho fol
lowing nro tho names of tho dolcgatcs.
Beaver. Isaac Klingcrmaii, Henry
Benton. I. K. lCrlckbaum, A. L
Berwick. A.D.Socloy, J.M.onydcr.
Bloom. It. F. Clark, John Leacock
Catawissa. M. V. B. Kline, Peter
Centralia. Thos. Gcharly, Martin
Centre. Washington Shaffer, Jcss'o
N. Conynciiiam. Cornelius JJumH
Jas. Dougherty. ., , i
S. Gonynqiiam. ThoSfKilkcr, Peter
JPranklin. Rcubon ICuittlo, Jolin
Greenwood. D. O. Albcrtson, G.Q
IIt!mi,ock. D. B. Waancr. G. L
J ackson. 0 co, Hurllman , Emanuel
Locust. Henry Finkp.uilcl ,Stlue,
Main. Nathan Miller, M. V. B
Mtt'VLiN. D.W. Montgomery, Isaac
Montour. J. G. Quick, Isaiah
Mt. Pleasant. Mathias Gilbert,
Joseph Ikelcr,
OiiANai!. II. R. Kline, John Keller.
Pine. John P. Lore, Thos. M'.Brldo.
lioARiNOCREi'.K.-John Mowroy,Jno,
D. Houck
Scott. R. J. Millard, Jacob Tor wllli-
SudARLoA r. Ezekioi cole, Aicxan
dor, Hess,
On motion of R..F. Clark tho Conven
tion proceeded to tho nomination or
Prothonotary. A. D.,Secloy of Berwick
nrcscntcd tho name, of Wellington H.
Ent. Charles Reed of Briarcreok mat
of Jcsso Colcman..Mr. Coleman however,
withdrew his namo before tho first bal
lot nnd Gen. Ent ,wns nominated by
Mr. Scoloy offered tho namo of David
Lowcnberg for Treasurer and J. M.
Snyder offered J.S.Sandcrs. Mr.Sandcrs
withdrew. Ills nnmo and Mr.Lowenucrg,
liko Gen. Ent, was. nominated unani
For Register tho names of V. H. Ja
coby nnd B. F. Zarr, wcro presented. A
ballot resulted as follows : Jacoby 30,
Zarr.22. On motion tho nomination of
Mr. Jacoby was mado.unauimous.
Tlicro wcro four candidates for tho
offlco of Associate Judge, C. F. Mann, J
R. Jameson, Samuel Creasy and H.J.
Reader. Mr. Boeder's namo was witli-
drawon after tho fourth ballot and Mr,
Jameson's nfter tho fifth. On tho sixth
ballot C. F, Mnnn having received 28
votes was declared to bo duly nomina
ted, Samuel Creasy received 21 votes.
Cyrus W. Robbins and J. S. Evans
wcro candidates for County CommlS'
sioner. Mr, Robbins wa3 successful by
a vote of 10 to 12.
U. J Campbell, was .nominated by ac
clamation .for tho office, of Auditor, and
C. G.' Murphy in a similar manner for
Col. II. R. Kline offered amendments
to tho Rules us follows :
Mesolvcd, Thati tho. rules of nomina
tion adopted by tho Convention of 1801
bo amended as follows:
Tho first Rulo slinll bo changed to fix
tho tlmo for tho annual Conventions on
tho first Monday of August in each year.
Tho second Rulo shall bo mado to' read
as follows i-ThoDclegato Elections'shall
bo by ballot, and cncli. general election
district shall bo entitled to Delcgales'in
Convention in proportion to its Demo
cratic voto n3 cast at tho most recent
election for Governor or Presidential
Electors. Tho wholo number of Dele
gates in Convention shall not exceed
sixty-rour, and, in choosing them (ex
cept m districts cnoosing nut one) cncli
voter shall bo entitled to as many votes
ns thcro aro Delegates for his district,
and may glvo his votes to tho wholo
number of persons to bo chosen by his
district or to any less number; and tho
candidates. highest in votes shall bo tho
Delegates of tho District,
Tho ninth Rulo shall bo changed to
nx tiio number ol tno Staudlng Com
raitteo nt nlno instead offlvo.
Tlioelovcnth Rulo shall bo changed
so ns to. provldo that in Convention, no
name shall bo peremptorily struck
from tho list, of candidates until nrtor
tho fourth instead of the sixth voto.
Tho twelfth Rulo shall bo numbered
13th, and a now 12tli Rulo Is hereby
ndoptcd to read as follows :
XII. Tiio Standing Commllteo wlion
over necessary shall mako an apportion
ment of Delegates to tho sovcral Dis
tricts under and In strict conformity
with tho Second Rulo, and shall pub-
ii&n such apportionment together with
iho Rules In tho Democratic nowspanors
of tho county, at least two weeks boforo
each nnnual Convention.
Tho first resolution was withdrawn,
tho second was rejected. Tho resolu
tions to change tho 9th nud Uth rules
woro agreed to, Tho 12th rulo was
not acted on froni tho failure to accept
tho second
John Keller of Orange offered tho
Resolved: That wo thot Democratic
voters of Columbia County, shall hero
aftor voto by ballot dlrectfor tho Candi
dates respectively, And each election
district at tho samo tlmo elect a return
Judgo who shall present tho credentials
beforo tho Convention, Tiio votes shall
then bo counted, and any ono having
tho majority, not of tho Wholo, shall bo
duly declared nominated for said office,
In caso two or moro Candidates reeclvo
tho samo number or votos lor tholsamo
office, tho Judges shall then voto raroce
for tho said candidates, oach having
outf voto, nnd nny ono receiving tho
mninrltv nf fllll whriln iiilmlini- i-ran..t
shall ho duly declared nominated, And
lurincr, ineso judges snail have the
right nnd privllogo to net as Delegates
in electing Conferees. Ac.
Which was rejected.
Tho following resolution was offered
by R, J, Millard and unanimously
Tho following resolution was niso
adontcd unnnlmously.
Jtcsolvcd, That lion. Jonn iuciyuyii
ntia -nmi .Tnrrtps 'TtrvBnn bo Conforccs
from Columbia County to meet similar
conforccs; from Montour County vlth
Instructions to support nun. uw, ,pw
for .Representative of thls.District.
Tho following gentlemen wcro.cnosen
for tho standing Oomtriltto-0. 11. Brock-
way, E. G, RIckctts, C. G. Barklcy, w,
II. Shoemaker. Richard Tiiornion, u,
J. Campbell, Joseph 15. Knittio, nonr
McHonrv and Jcsso Hoffman.
Robert F. Clark offered the following
which was adopted:
llcsolved: Thnt wo heartily approve
ii,n nnmiimfinn nf Asa Packer for Gov
ernor and Cyrus L. Pershing for Judgo
of the Supremo Court, known ns they
nro to bo men of cxpcrlcnco In public
nffalrs, of great purity of character and
csuraawo in nn mo remuuus ui busi
ness nnd prlvato llfo. They shall re
poIvo from tho noonlo of this county a
greater majority than thnt given upon
any lonner oeeaaiuii iu owtuumuiutiiw.
Mcsoh-ed: That wo cnuorso Asn i-acic-..r'a
lMtnr nrrpntlnt' tho nomination for
Governor, as nn'ndmirablo statement of
policy to bo pursued in Stato affairs,
and ns furnishing complete proof of the
wisdom of his selection as n canuuiaie.
Hon. C. R. Buckalew, boing present,
was then called on to nddress tho Con
vention which no did orieny. mr,
Buckalew spoke strongly in favor of
tho Democratic nominees for Governor
and Judgo of tho Supremo Court, nnd
read Hon. Asa Packer's letter of accept'
ancc. Alter manning mo ueicgtucs,
and tiiopcoploof thocounty whom thoy
represented, for tho confldenco reposed
in him as evidenced by their support oi
him for tho Stato Senate ho closed his.
On motion tho Convention adjourned.
Thcro was porfect harmony from flrat
to last and nothing unpleasant occurred
to mar tho general pleasure.
.. ...... ..ii uitwll. l'rculilcnt . ..t.uL SS
WllK.nKA,ino i n . ' ":' ,V, Terminer .ami A UiUii.iOJ.HATUll'a Nnt.Vl
V' . .i.mrfpr HCSSIOIIB r FJvTATK OF J AMI - IUM Hf i
IrtUinn iiimiMiiiiinirnuoil on II IE J
Menrn or LK-nt IwnHl.ip, 1 JJf
county, to rotor Ent of 8mm . iir'835i
Rons inwlgclalmiioriIcmimasBll'.u,li1
1 Oencrnl Jftll "c"S'r.;,nn ' loan nixl Or-
A .mcilnr llio c"l'citr: mm 1 crr nnil Ji"
Iinvo lisuoil tlicir preii-i-v, v - ..... on0
InUolitcil to mnlto pnyinent.
il K3TATK Of Dlt.J0It!r. xtrJt5 Sltl
iucrii pi niiminutratlon on ui
fmlllJECTTO nm bicision' opMii tokiitnuiia.)
GEoiiaE scorr,
nexl.liimn nuq mi" ?, mn 3aAga, lmvo " Mloom
Mn A. i). on6ihou twp. All per.on having iififf"1?
nlno will to w illrcctcil for I'"" SR?lon8 Sf nR"". tho estate of tho ifccwJS'," u,nV
OyclaTcrmtuor.aencra to, them known, aai IS110
I , , ,. U DUO
. . 11. P. Pvt.. , .
Ity of Colliinuia ou iu
isllulay of Boptembor
iocoiid i MonOiiy l'elns I ho
KiSS'SSi Wo' 'coSffi lof tho A dministratorotT
''""J !lr l!;fMShTyn,ol Bi Pt., witirthelr rec Chrl. lanna RelchaTj, Utoof mK''"-
DEAVEtt TOtrsanir.
rccoanlwncc, to r" ,". t tho jn of tho
nnr-m that aro or may .'.".,, 'ih.n mid
for ltnaisTi'.R And recorder.
m,ooM ToWKsmr,
forenoon or i saiu ' "'""j'ihor'fcmembrances. to county deceased, havo been ml?Ppe
nilWcn lo ?thelr olllccs appertain HoKlslcr of said connty to Wi&dil
dot iow tldngswi' fn io u fauni by whoso address la .Buclihorn OilnSPS l
All persons navinB claims gilniir-lblB
requested to present them to K Rir" .V?
Illoomsburg, Columbia county V. "'rful.1
Indebted to make payment, " NS
Jul y 2,'U9-Ct. Admlnlst, atTRhNtR
ll of ANDREW OHLAbH EH, dece'Cnl tl
lateol nioom twp, Columbia Oo5nwi.uou '
ernnlcil by tho Register of Columffiniirili
RlneliardterKer oi Horwlck ltowAS" "
ah persons jiavniK claim.
nm lo nresiit il..... .-T?..
!8S. $ i 'S'LVS J?Stend:
third year of tho inuencnueiico " ,V,, "
"talis of America. MO lUEUAl MILLAR .
UlDOUlSUUlliii oub'"!
l umNacnuKK township.
nro requested to present tliew io v.l .
Oblasser, Uloorasbure, Columblsiv,
thoso Indebted to the eitatoltiti', ,'
book account will mako payrac nt .
delay. RINtlUliDtELof th
'iano. 25,'UO-Ow
- then I
llElSIILINn-STINEU-Atlho M. E. lVirMmaRe,
In uranceviiio. jmy rjin, v ncv. i . r. Miss Bus.m miner,
an oi tins couiiiy.
S'fllA Y.
'flic Democracy of Pcnnsj Ivatiia says
tho Lancaster Intelligencer havo it in
their power to elect Asa Packer Gover
nor and Cyrus L. Pershing Juilgo of the
Supremo Court by n large majority. Tho
cntiro voto cast nt thoStato election last
October was 000,130 j of which tho Radi
cal candiilato for Auditor General re
ceived 331,108 and tho Democratic can
didate 321,731, tho Radical majority be
ing 0.G77. At tho coming Stato election
thero will bo a very largo falling off
from tho voto of last year. Wo need
n6t attempt to enumerate tho causes
which will comblno to produce such a
result. It has always happened that
thero was n'ercat falllngoiriu tho popu
lar voto of Pennsylvania tiio year after
ah exciting Presidential campaign, and
If will undoubtedly bo tho casd'thfa
year. How great tho falling off will lo
It wpuli bo'dlffleult'to foretell ; but it is
perfectly safo to predict that, (ho voto
cast for 'Governor this year will not
reach 'that cast for Auditor General last
year by at least thirty thousand, wliilo
it is pr'obablo tho falling blT will not bo
less than fifty thousaud.
Tho fact, that thero will bo a largo
falling tho vote, is tho ono tiling
to bo kept' steadily in view during tho
present campaign. It is perfectly safe
to say now that that party xclUba success
ful next'Octobcr whicli polls its men vote
Viost fully. As a general thing tho
Democrats of ' "Pennsylvania havo had
tho advantago in what' nro called' tho
"off years." Heretofore, tho masses of
our party havo been steadier aud moro
reliabld than their opponents. Wq
elected Sharswood by bringing out our
voto better than tho Radicals did. That
year tho .failing off in the voto of tho,
oiaio most marKcti,. uiero ueing
nearly twelve hundred Democrats iu
Lancaster' county who failed to vote,
and moro than a, proportional number
of Radicals. Wo owed our success in
that campaign moro, to tho exceeding
great apathy of our opponents than to
our own energy and promptitude It
will not lio safo for us to rely so largo
ly upon tho apathy of.bur opponents In
iho present contest. If wo do wo shall
bo overwhelmingly beaten.
Wo can certainly elect our candidates
if we poll our full vole, even without,
any help front dissatisfied Repulilcans,
To get out tho Demoeratio voto of Penn
sylvania is tho great work set beforo us
In tho present campaign. To that end
every effort of ovcry actlvo man n tho
party must bo constantly directed.
Every Democrat in tho Stato should ho
at onco mado to fuel lxla ludividul re
sponsibility. An efficient working or
ganlzatlon must bo Immediately perfect
ed in every election district ; such an
organization ns will bring overy Domo
cratic voter'to tho polls on tho second
Tuesday of October, aid bring him there
prepared lo vote.
Tho Registry law"may bo unconslltu
tlonal, but until tiio decision rendered
by a set of partisan Judges Is ro ycrsed It
must bo regarded. Thero must bo no
mistakes mado, no I053 of votes through
carelessness. It must bo diligently
scon to that no votor is deprived of his
constitutional right of franchiso by any
uovico or tho uospcrato Radicals.
Wo ilced not detail to our readers tholr
duties, Theyknow'thcm nlready, and
will uo Kept fully posted as tho cam
palgn advances. What wo dcslro to do
at present, Is to itnprcaj upon tho minds
of overy Democrat tho assuranco, that a
f ull'poll of tho Democratic voto will olect
Packer and Pershing by a largo'majori
ty j and to fasten upon overy Individ
ual member of tho party a solemn con
viction of his own individual responsi
A great nud crowning triumph lies
within our grasp. By electing Packer
ami l'crshlng wo can put nn end to
Radical mlsrulo In Pennsylvania, and
gladden tho hearts of ovcry truo patriot
111 tno lanu. .Novcr had any political
organization moro solemn responsibili
ties resting upon it than has tho Demo
cratic party of Pennsylvania in tho
present crisis. It is n contest In which
every individual Democrat ought
"To feol as If himself wero lie
Ou wuoso nolo urtu hung victory,"
Lcf tho watchword of ovpry Demo
crat bo "( full vote fs certain vlc(ory,
And tp'onsuro tho full pol of our ranks
labor earnestly, nnd untiringly. So shall
our success be nssurpd boyom". tho pos
slhllity of doubt.
Democratic Victory in Ken.
TUCKY. Louiavlllo ilr-Knali-li frl fit (ltd
that Jas. W. Tuto tho Democratic caudl
ditto fgr Stato Treasurer was elected by
Mi overwhelming majority of 10,000 to
Ulm.r Irnm Mm 1-M.MMlPe Of 1 110 MlUSCriULT 111
Madison twp. about tho mlddleof July, ftbrown
bull two years old. lareo horns. t reward., will
bopaldforhlsretuin. JOHN J.
JlAmsoN, Aug. oiiu-uw.
O T I C E .
i.n..l.lli nrn ImrnWlinllnnl lint, tft trilst OT
deal with John Mlchlcr on ray accou-it as I will
paynodebtsof his ranking nor carry out auy
contracts entered Into by hmi.ns ho 1ms for!o Ril
thoartlclo orn-irecmeniDCiwei-n us. rsmu iuivn-
lerlsnowresiillnironniy laud.
unaAKLOAi-. Au ir. ti.'Kl-tf. R. KILE.
f iwTATB nt" l.rnVAItl) STINUifAN DKC'H.
Thn iin(TPi-.trmfi! imvltK hponnnnomtod b Iho
Ornlmni' Court of C'olnmuta county ai AutUtor
to distribute tUo bulanco hi U19 hand of Michael
F.Kyerly, Administrator of L. Stlnemnn Into of
Lloum township in hnld county, deceased, will
meet Iho parties lntcresled,ntlho lYothnLotary's
oilico In Uloomsburt; on Saturday tho 23th day of
AiifT. a. n.. iwfl. nttcn o'clock n. m.. lor tho pur-
poieof his appointment. All porcon1 having
claims nanlnst said cstato will
prefcent litem nt tiiat 1
nny bharo of tho fund
reonlrcd to
present them nt that tlino, or be excluded Jrom
X A. li. 1SU. FJItST WEEK.
William D.wti va Margaret Krahauy.
Tho West Brauclilnsuranco Co. va Slmou C.
Iklw'ard MTall ct. nl. vs John Sweeney.
Tliomns J. Vftiidersllco vr Hubert Howell,
havlna Davenport vs Yv'JIUam Kllnetop.
JolnKIoleman vh Michael Cronan.
John Cooper vm Daniel llower and Zlinmerman
Couypgtiam township va Voter L. ICilue ct. nl.
Isaac t egcly vs James YV. Sanltey.
Abraham Young vs Jacob Woollyer,
Chai-les H. Green, vs Tetor 8chui.
Hamuel llenncr vh John Illnteilltor.
I.upas N. ilover vs OeorcoW. Collamer.
Davld I.cwiH Cluardlnn of tho heirs of John
llessdec'd. vh comnsfcuiuii,
Wm, Heeler vs John Havngo ct. nl.
A. ll. Krnsnnn vs Matthew Wynkoop, Garni
hcoof Henry Glger.
Joseph Thomas vs John lloup,
l'eler Appleman vj BILib 1'. Karns,
nnu ist iiuu). rox vs John Jonei.
HcniyJ.YoiplovalKf-aQDiuin A teiio tenant.
Henry J, Yo.iplo vs Isaac Drum A teno tenant
uuuuipii mmmuu vs uuuru iirt'iscu.
John Applegalo vs Thomas 1'ollc.
John AppIc,sato vs Thomas rolk.
Simon C ohlvo vs lltiuuali K. Arnutrong.
Wm: Nugent vs D. RHeybert.
Nathan llrothera xh Hi nrj' A. Wcwlmisaul,
JU'iiry Uablo vs IMcr llower Jt terro tenant.
Austen Church vs Amliow Clark,
Josso I). Ulco vs Nathan Cromis.
John l'rlco vs (Samuel Genscl.
Samuel Gomel vs Daniel 1 lower.
lteubcu H . King vs Kllsha 11. 1'urnol.
John U. Lelby vh Couynghani townslilp.
liobertGoncll vs Jtarny M'llreartv.
Mara'i A.l'eterman (idm'r. vs Vatenlluo Stout
I2dward Ferguson vs Columbia County.
Lid wan I Hliniler vs Columbia County,
isamuel Ulchard vs Columbia Covnty,
Henry James vi Columbia County.
F. Wuiehol vs John t Cnslovv.
Gideon Arndt vs John U. Iciby.
Geoige Nungesisor va Jacob Yohe Jr.
Itobo.tH. Hamnton vs Richard Wutklus.
Thomas Ueulleld va Uriah Chamberllu.
DjiUcI H.Lanbach vs Iowry Cole.
A a, J. Hcluoehl vh Liiekawiuuia a 11. H. H. Co,
George W. Lott vs Wni. Schuvler,
Aloxandcr Colly va Allnas Coio,
lVter Hchug vs Chntlcs Lee,
JoA'.ih 1L Crcasv vs II. K Dollmnn.
Columbia Co, vs Jacob Yoho Jr. Treasinerof
L.oiuiuui 4 county.
We o fur to Farmers, mo rll"c"'
IlAUrl'8r.AWB0NEBU)'Klll-a031'lIATK01? I.IMK
mucins. W''J v."! U nsll.
not been dcprlvod of their orBnnlo mntter-tho
Kreiuo and Kluo-by burnlucorbJ tluii. It. tlie.-o-lore,
presents to Iho uso of tho 1-nrmci o tho
TBliiablo properties of ltaw Hones In a Igb y
coiieenlnitcil form-rendering ltatonco quick In
net ion nnu very pcniiiiuvm. i,, nf
l- armors uru ruvtiiiuiici.wc..
tho dealer located In their nelahborhood. In bcc
tlnns whevo no dealer Is yet cstAbllsheil, the
l'liosphnte may be procured directly from the
unucrsisnc". MoylS.
J1HIIUI1 Punoi
Oin-e, No. SO 8. Delawnro Ave, I'lillndclplila.
Aug. u, uu-jiu.
riini- .lavs was nn utter Lculcct of saullary pre
cautious. No cftlclcut menus wcio naoptca lor
the prevention of slcuness. SGweraga was un
known Incltlesj drainage was rarely attempted
In the country. Heaps of olTal were lea to rot in
the public streets, nnd domestic cleanliness, the
ercat nntldoto to febrllo diseases, was sauiy neg
lected. It Is not so now. Wlso laws, phllan-
thionlc Institutions, nnd a vigilant sanitary po
lice, have, to a great extent, remedied tho fivll.
Norls tills all. l'roventlvo Jledlcatlon has help
ed materially to lessen tho rates of mortality.
It Is not too much to say that tens of' thousands
cscoro sickness In unhealthy seasons In conse
quence of having Invigorated their systems In
advanco by a courso or hustettkkm axvn
ACH BITTERS. Tills pure and powerlul vege
table tonic and allcrativo comprises the extracts
aud essences of a variety of roots nnd herbs, re
nowned for their strengthening, soothing, vital
Izing and purifying properties; 'Theso medicinal
ni-r-ntu nrn Incornnrnted with n. SDlrlt absolutely
freo from tho ncnu poison wnicn acmes, moro or
less, nil tho liquors of commerco, nnd their effect
is duTasod tlirounh tho wholo framo by this ac
tive, s et harmless stimulant. Tho result Is such
a condlt ion oi the system ns renders It all lut tin-
jim-fout to the exterior canses of disease, such'as
damp, fog, sudden alternations of .temrcrature,
ic. Strength, and tho perfect regularity of all
tho functions of tho body.aro the best safo-guards
almt ntmosphcrlo poison and tho effects of un
wliolcsoino water, and IIOSTETTEIVS BITTERS
aro tho best strengthening nud regulating medl
clnontpiesont known, l-'or dyspepsia aud bil
iousness they nro a specific ab&olute,
A UMliN lollv A TUIl'a
lAittt-rs ol administration on the n 1 roau
Hycr lato of Greenwood twp., aS'uJ.
deceased, havo been granted liylbVDTns
uuiiiuiun. ...... j w n. ii. aiyu, , Iwv.,
township. All persons lmvini t' VZ
demands ngalnst the estate or iiw dCof fu
debtcd to mako payment. ' 'pcklc
July 23,'C9-Ct.
.110 pai
Xlioro will i
' bo lint flftceu to
twenty lloiiubllcann in tiio lc;lulnturc.
hereby given to all legatees, creditors and
oilier pcr&on- Interested in tiio estates of tho re
spective decadents nnd minors, that Iho follow
ing administration ana guardian nccounu havo
n-uii nitiu m iiiuoiuco oi ino uegisier oruoiuni-
blacouilty. aud Will bo lrLsetll(lil fnr i-nnrirm-i.
tlon and allotranco In the Orphans' Coun, lo bo
held In liloouisburg.ou Monday, tho lata day
of Hept.lHi'J, ut two o'clock lu tiio nftcrnoon of
1. Aciount of E. 11. Crawford ndm'r, of Danlol
Zelgler lutoofHcott tw.i.dec'd.
V. I-'listnud llnal account or Abner If. Walter
uumuiuiiu nill.ll. locum llllUOl cmia or Will,
Yocuin dee'd.
:i. l-'inal account or ILiiiIel P. Itolirunrh ndiu'r
do bonis nou of Jacob 1'. Itolubnch iluo'il.
1. Accouut pfl'. w. J. 1). Mellck aurvlvluv
Executors of DanlclMcllck lato or Hcott tn, dee'd
6. First and Until account of John Vcuncr
(J. Account or Lawson llughcs nnd ItohrM'IIcn
ry Lvecuiorsof John M'Henry, lato or llenton
7, I-'Irst nnd final account or Tctor Laubach
ndm'r. or Ann Luubach dcc'il.
o. r thi uuti iinui uccoum oi ueo, u Low, lulm'r
u. ,uuiiiu.iiiii.,un.u.
0. Account or lillla Kline, Executor or Abra-
iinui iviinoas iiiou uy jusiau Kline, ndm'r. or
lu. Klrat nud llnil nccouut of John HeinboW
ndni'i-, of John llildel'ieutal, dee'd.
11. Account of Jolin Wcnncr,adm'r, of Boloaiou
12. Kl'nai account of I, W.Hnitmau, Executor of
u. B. Merrell, dco'd as Guardian of ulara Bitten-
IS. Flrstaud flnnlaccountof A. B. Browo Exec
utor of Abraham llArcrnr .lon'.l
PhH.S'lAL0' Sam,ucl .KlsPeri Executor of
rtuni'rTSrta niicV K,.'.i&.V" '""
10. First anil flnul nwmnm ..r nfi.nt.i.
Executor of Jacob Karns lato of Flshlugercelt
twp. dee'd.
If. First nud final account of II fj. Hess, ndm'r
of l'eter Hess late of FUhlngcreek twp.aeoU
18. Account of Ellas i, Weaver, ndm'r. of l'ijtcr
weaver luloori-'miilcl m iu. .,v.n.i '
1U. Flual nccountof ttamuslCieasy Guardian of
' -n . ...u " . o'uiei WOlIUec'U.
r,iSR:.W."m,V "-'.iP:0. ol the
fcu in licl
in twp.
li First nnd final account of Clinton rtobblns.
ndm'r. of Joseph lato of arec-mvood
a. Account or A. r. Heller, adm'r.
of Bnmutl
ICisner. IuLb nf Mntllirm ,lnn-.f
n.i : i1,' ir "J a ".nal ?.ccon4t f M. E. JacUson and
(liluei-t H. Fowler. Executor of John F. Fowler
latooflloiouKhofllunvlck.dec'd. r"iuwri
, f . "Mu uwuuu- Joun lieichuer
af.ar5!au'1o'r,iSaWSltle0rf B Ka"cU""-
T,th-,.itCCn0iUnV ?S IH',V0U t'' Claik. Joeutor of
Jtiui 1'ibiiiuEcreeii, uoc u. Miff
Nov'lu l-ri'Snkf 1'"u" 1Ieuac"Uu". auardli?6;
Blooinsbiirg August 0, 1859. ' Jteglster,
Tho following appraisements of real and per
sonal OrOOf-rtV kf.l. tlTlflft n tvl.ln.Da .1-. . A. . -
liuyo been llied 111 the olUce of the Register of
will bo weseuted for absolute conllrmatloi. to
the Orphans' Court to bo held In llloomsburir. In
mid for said county, ou Monday, the (Ith day of
HP: ;W ft'two o'clock v. u.. isald dsy. unless
7 . J . w.""v,.i. vuumiuttnuus uru previously
,"i?dr V; l.lc1,1 oil lerous liitoresttd in bald
estates will tnke uolicoi
a. Widow of Joseph K'kcudall of MlfUIn twp.
i wid0WiiJ.m' M' ,'"t'0' Bcolt lwr, doo'd.
&. WldOWllI I'lllllt. Vf U.nnlu .irllllli.
dee'd. ' . ".. -
.."AWdow of Frederick Lohrmau of Locust
7., Widow of l'ttcr Emery of Fisblugercck twji
S. Widow of Cleo. Ilrelsch
of Catawissa twp,
UU11U1VO iUXlUli, awVjr
-t- .estate op OEonaR M'MiciuuirDIJn
In tho orphans' Court in and forf
is thus contained: be.
liiiuomaiteroiinopciiiionforM. -Administrator
J.H.lkcicrAtldltorof IhuestaloofOwli in i
dco'd. c. o. uarkley oppoluted Ami ,
ceruneu irom mo record July m . n
Knlln la ItftrAhv ivlvoit 11m,
will nttend totho duties of tils nrilling
day or Sep., IMS), nt ID o'clock A.
where parties interested shall MMnlltin
barred Irom coming for nshareorilii''"uw
juiyavoiMw. v-a-mhi&
. .. . . I. bin
in toe vrpuaus- uounoi Lomraliliu. v.
tho matter of the cstato of FrederlclEtile m
cd. On motion of Mr. Clark, am' y
estnto, E. H. Little Esq., nnvu,
mnlto distribution among tno l'-H!i-'vnB
ceueuu ny iu ,
From tho Record. JESSE COLEiuj rail
Will attend to tho duties of hit ipp-tl BBC
uis inoomsuurg.ou naiQrojf,' it.
of August, 1800, nt 10 o'clockA.Slv0
wncro parties iniercsicu may mum
E. U LrfIL,ut
juno zj,u-.i-4i. u nr
UK11W1CK aAZCTTE coti '
.per i
The undersigned,- appointed by '.
Courts of Hulllvan county and oICotBcr
ty, Tespectlvoly; An auditor, to tlleilnnvii
of the real estate of Clcmuacl O. Ell,
taken by tho heirs at Uio appraUtit CI
tho heirs and lc-al reprcseutailvmij... .
cedent; will attend at tiio Ilegii-tU6
llloomsuurts ill vuiuiuuiucuuuiy, osr mnJi
17th day of Uoptcmbor A. 1). ism, M
or perrormlng tho duties or his nfucnd b
wlilch tlmeniid placo said parlle tt
pieasc, oo present. j,u,ikwvTC
.Tnlv 9.-1 'lf'l-lt.. i , -.
I'lio undersigned will chcerrully mall (fuee) to
all who wish it tho Hccipo and lull directions
for preparing and uslug u slmplo and Beautltul
VciiL-lablo Ikili.i. Hint will lmmedlatelv removo
Tnu, Freckles, l'lraples, lilotcbcs, and all erup
tions nuu llllIIUllllCS UI LUU Clilll.lUUYlUg luusuiuu
sou, clear, smooth uud bcaulirul.
lio will iiihu hLiiu I KiiKici liiKiriicLiunH irnr. very slmplo means,a luxuriant growth
or 1 bur on a bald hond or smooth raco In less than
tinny nays noin nrst application.
Tlionhovecanhoobtalncd by return mail by
addressing THOS. F. CHAl'MAN, chemist.
1'. O. Box Out), Wi llioadivay, Now York.
Aug. G,'U)-ly.
uy virtue oi n wni oi joran nctta
nf lltn nnrt nf Cnmmon I'leflftfifl'rJrhl.'Rl
tyrvml to mo directed, will ho expo j
sale or outcry at tho Court Houe!nBaa
Haturday August 7th tho roUautufS tta
to wtt : That certain bulhling 1W "w
piece oi RTOunuin ouui i.ioomuci if no
comuy on mo-corner 01 rouria
itoaa wireei generally Knuna aiuuubj
which said lot is sixty feet moreotfttn(f
nnd one hundred ond sixty lett d!-ul""
Itoad utieettoticolt'a Alley.aaJUiuc. W(
dwelllnc house sixteen feet bytrr'
iramo, aud two btorltslileh uluiiuitjju
bftck of main bulldlnu. aUo frume.t),1'
twenty four feet and ukltchtuattu ' t.
uv i wen iv iour leer.
weizcu uikcu iu oxecniion uiiuwai
lirlarcreck Ucorgo Miller, Ebhraia Trow
bridge. lieulon Stott E. Colley,
Berwick Iloro'-UiDgiiiau Beeley, Levi Bred
bunder, John Ruch.
Centre Jesse Hollmnn.
Greenwood John H. Mather.
Hemlock-Cyrus Graver, Win. B. Marshall,
John Miller.
Jackson Absolem M'Heury.HeuJamln HehS.
Locust Joseph llllllg, Daniel Slluo,-
Ma lson bamuel Johuson,
Mtuilu-Uanlel A, Hess.
Mt. Pleasant-Jacob Btroup.Einanuel Gilbert,
Maine Benjamin Harmln, Francis Fleming.
lloarlngcreuk Hiram Cool.
Scott-Ellas Krum.
rS.U "??1SMIIEH TERM 18011.
Bloom Wm. Oelgor.
llrlarcrcek Wm. Wllkison.Chnrles Reed
I'enton-A.L.Davto.Jcreiulab, Btlles, Alex
ander M'Henry, '
Beaver Chas. Mlcliael. Jeremiah Culn.
Berwick Boro'-Wm. BtephensT -s
Centre-Wm, Delttcrlck, Levi Hutchison.
Catawlss-Bamucl Long, Jr. Daniel c. Gear
huuit, Jacob Crelgh.
t'c-nlralia Boro' Henry Gable.
FUlilugcrcck Daniel I-'. Hosier,
l-'raukitu ltcubou Knltiin.
llemlock-Lpyl Wrlght.Jncob Harris.Jackson
1 tidy, Aurou D. Guilts, John It. Miller.
miL-uat niHuunj- onyuer,
MlUllii John Lutz. christian Wolf
Madison-Win, J. Allen, Morris Masters.
Moutour Isaac Mowery.
Mt. l'leasant John Wunich,
Orange Hiram It. Kline,
Uoarliigcrci.k-Wellliietou Adams.Oeo. Craig,
Win. Hit; Isbach, Geo. F. Craig, fUxi. c. Eckl
Bcolt Thomas Creveling Sr.
Bloom-Gcorgo W, Sterner, Samuel Shaller.
lleiiton-Johii Ioust, l'eter Laubach.
Berwick lloro' -Lewis Eukc.
Beavti Jolo Biedbcnder.
tubrMrueUe7.lBa,'0llu'Vl;,' TUoulM M'He'Ja
Cuuter Henry R, Rcmby.
Centralis lloin' .ipromlai.
uuLunuu jiituu Lunger,
Locust-John Snyder. Isaiah Ycager.
YetU ": y Jlas';ller Win. 11
nichiSSlFralL S? Bl0Ut lru"11 M,Cu"'.
Tn'o.VTontS:' E' Haua' J0,' '
?'.;.,..touC-1',"acu''r Lvaus,
MllUiu Isoao Bwcppenhelser.
rine-Joshua Savage, Richard w. Lyons.
Roarimrcreelc nwn lrn....i.i
Scott-basiuel It, Klluo, Aaron 'Boone Ben.
Jamlu F. Iteigliard, Wesley Riicklo, '
nuKunoai ueorga Bteadman,
111 tebthnoliv that tho, iu
drawn Irom the wheel, and entered upon tho
minutes ol tho olllco, wo havo hereunto ct oil?
AtU-sT '""-"'"'"y "t July A, l).lSo
Wm. KmcHUAuai, Clerk.
t-r .Q,fI.0f,l!SS!.M!.llllfd, Sheriff.
,7-.Vlo"n "AlfllAfl, i jurv
Tho Tr
T 1 O E.
Treasurer Of Cnlnmliln,,,l.r ...m ,.
school warrants; forStato appropriation. If the
sum bo handod Hi befuro llualkettlemcnt with
... - - ' ' " iviviuivllAUM,
S T R A Y.
Cnmo to the premises ortlio subscriber in Hn.
ganoai township. Columbia Co., on or about the
uurthday or July n dark brown mare, about
rourteeii years old, star ou her forehead, scar on
left hip, scratches ou botli hind reet uud sllchtlv
on front ones. '
Tho owner is requested lo provo propeity nay
expenses nnd tako her away or fcho will bo sold
C'KNTUAL July lll.'ta-St. m.ivi.H.
TllO nnilf.rklrMW.,1 linv. anl.,n.l n.nnl
ship as Founders tho National
Foundry heietoforo occupied by l'uter Blllmyer.
.,J?.",.1.'.0"I"or"1o 'n' fl'ni will lw settled ty
L It. Ikler, to whom nil porsons Indebted should
illoomsburg June 11,'CO-tf.
Olio underslgiieil wduld Inform the travelling
publlo that he has taken tho ubovo named estab
llshmentand thorouglily rellttod tho samo for
thO Perfect C011V(,litniu .if lila irni,l. 111. la.iL
will be stockisl w Itli the best tho market allords.
...v v..w.vEa. Hui, wium au ciKurs always Vi
bo found III hU bar.
Apr.WD-lf ji,py ,
iieatlv executod at Tuicflni. nuui tt mnM
nrowrty of John Martin Ouj,'d. Kin
July 2J,3 MOllUKCAir'Tj
-n a
gllERIFE'S SALE. l0or
By vlrtuo of a writ of rieriruckj
out of tho Court of Common rim i, rT
county, nnd to mo directed will bi- ivJI
IllllUlO HHIOOUlUHl'reilllAeS.UllMUUW. vb.
BfTJ, at 10 n.m.the following deKfiK '
In Centralis boro' Columiila counti,
the north by lot of Michael Fulis
east by Locust Avenue, on the souls KflV,
W. Oi diner, on tho west by an alW.s
ty flro feet front by ono hundred u. '("C
deep, on which Is erected two Kern's
nouses Willi llio appurieuuiieeii
Seized taken In execution and lot Ihe
property of John Slgllnger ,.
in I
Tho liouso nnd lot occupied by .U'
ncrofWcstSlreetnndlho propow'JS m
extonsion, illoomsburg, i-a. is u"""oa -Saloon
very reasonable term, i,""1
rno nouso is new nnu wen uui-w-. in
ordinary family Is commodloui itJ.n""
Tho location Is the most deslrablt. D
lng beautiful and healthful, rtniwi
dust and nolso.and conveuleutly wpwp
lness ortheplace. 1 1,
Tho house will bo sold portly to?10,, 11
lred, and n luxurbint gurden can w om(
l'osscsslon elvcn nt any Hi": '
mrtlcukun, terms. Ac. npply ''".'Jfire!
Real W Ills
llrower's BulUltig, W
July 23,'CO.Jui. 1
F0R SALE- :aa!
Will be offered for salo at the r'1;0T1
subscriber In Fishlngcreek tovv$fu
September 3rd 1KW at 2 ocloek tt'.'L'ntn
not previously dl sposcd of.lho lo"-
situate In Fishing Creek and BenW 0
. ONE Tit ACT of timber laud to i&
near Stillwater, containing UW-nt,
four hundred acres. .iTmoi
ONE TRACT ear Stillwater I""!01
Fishing CrecktownsblpscouWnW;
und twenty acres, twenty crc
proved, tho remainder is henvllrij-vii
rock oak, white oak. chestnut, tM
on this tract is erected a story oM' JS
Lmebarn. These trocU'nU
any desired po''.'!011.,:.?-(.i
ig lots near BllllwaUr, on tne wfu
Terms nintln known on day el
ileBlrloir In tmrrhnsnut IirlVOlO
'dress or call on "Sift
Juiy ay,ii-jew.
and new frame barn.
entire or In
ing lots near
nu. . t. T-uTATll J Dl
j;: mi' .
1UD wen KUOWU 1WI11I it...- , . r.v ,
Columbia county will bo offered i
elUicr In lots or tho wholo TNI
deslretl. It consists of .
more or less, on which Is erected ''" ne
and log bam with orchard, B",.;t 2
io. About 70 acres cleared land. -regarding
terms apply to
May 21,'tltf-lm Jil,
1 no unucrsigneu, jixecum. 1 1
to said estate, containing f Vied
front. The terms me reasuiianu,"-,,,
wilt be given within thirty dsslJjn. I
The subscriber oirers nt prl"'.!'tl
erty of John Allen situate In Wft, Ll
nnaconsutlna of two bu ld ytTuJlf.
which Is ereoled n good TWO S'"; BJ
DWELLING HOUSTe with nffi'i,
lues. A good welt of water nu Mm if
fail parficutars apply to J At ysgj H
Initnlnnnlm .villi In lake 0!! i.'in
Inventors who wish to in",yiii(iiii
ore advised to counsel with ,UA yt'
or Ilia HCIkNTIFIO AUKii'CAN, Jf'r,
tod claims bctoro the I'ateiit oni ' r'
twenty years. Their Amerleanl-" Vbl
Agency Is the most liul!"-!!!
Chaives less than any olher re W-iB1
A. l'ninplilet, contululni' 'f", i
' Ml'
37 rark !
J3 by lelurn mail ono of I.O'f WI
BOXES, ol Iho richest I'll!l,a',fviini!l(
per, All tho Ladles uro In fSusit ,
Address L01J,lJ,kl