.PMi.-H, .. i naif i , . , i . I 4 J . - 1 "" ' THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSffipm COLITMBIACOTOTY, JA. THE YOUNa.EOIiKS. . dtp? ,- XifbJJRir t :Tho Fox's Brush.. Tin; KliiK.ortlm Hust luuln bcnutlfiii garden, linillti tlio burden, sloqU nth- ttant btb UnUlun rippled. Lest tiny Wtw jMMliH'S COLUMN. vaHMAT.f; KARM8 MO.ST PllOFlTAIlLi: I? n- i innii.iiiriiisimviiyH tio rulimi mo Mrtf. .Ci?l prolliTliorom-a tlumaiiiuts of farm tiw; till over thu' United fcSuilm, vli6 thorio tipplcis phouldbq stolon, t hoy Mwnya rountrOt hut nhout thn tini6 when ttipy hegm to fcrow rlpo, II wtib found thnt nvprynlKht rtnb of them whs (tone. Tho king liptwmn very niiury iu this, mill told : EnnU'ner lo keep i watch under thn treo nil nlclit. ! Tiirj fihhTener Bc'iit4 elitcst son lr wntcli, hut nhout twolvo o'clock ho roll asleep, and In tho'morhliiR nnotliur up dIo was tiilssliiir. I'lieil 'tho'Sct'Ond ton' win but to watch and nt nildnlRht,ho.too full uoteop, nnd In tho mornliit; another applo was iont; Then tho third toil 'dlrcrcil lo keep Watchj hut tho gardener at first would not let him, for fear somo harm should coruolo him. llowover.at lust ho yield cd, and tho young man laid himself under tho treo to watch. As tho clock struck twolvo ho hoard a rustling nolso In tho air, and a bird camo Hying and sat upouMho treo. This bird's feathers woroallofpiirogohhand nn ltwiustmii- pini? at ono of tho apples with Its beak1, tho gardener's boh Jumped up and shot an arrow at It. Tho irow, however", did tho bird no hnriu, It only dropped A golden feather from Its (nil, and flow awnv. Thn trohlen fiddlier wiim f liorV brought t8 tho king In I ho morning, nnd alt his court wcro called together. Every ono agreed that It was tho most beauti ful thing that had over been seen, and that It was worth more than all (tip wealth of tho kingdom: but tho king said, "Ono feather Is of no uso to nio, I must and will havo tho wholo bird." Then tho gardener's eldest son set out to find this goldon bird, and thought to find it very easily; and when ho had pono buta littlo way,lioeatno to a wood and by thosldq of ,tho Wjiod ho saw a fox sitting. Tho lad was fond of u little sporting, so ho took his bow and made ready toshootatlt. Then Mr. Reynard, who saw what he was .about, and did not like the thoughts of being shot at', cried out, "Softly, softly I do not shoot me, 1 can glvo ypu. good icoun&ei. i know what your busluess is, and that you want tp ftnd tho goldeu bird. Yoit win reacu u vmugo in mo evening, am when you get thero you will sco t'wi Jnnsj built ono on each sido of tho streei Tho rightrhand .ono is very plcasan and beautiful to look at, but go not in there. Heat for tho night In tho other; though it may seem to you very poor and mean." ."JjYhat.cau such a beast as this knowabout thomattcr?'! though tho silly lad lo hiinscif. .So 'ho shot his arrow at tho fox but ho missed it, anil it only laughed at hire, set up Its taij above its back, and ran into tho wootU Tho young man went.hla way. and lu tho evening came to tho vyisga where tne two inns were. In, tye right-hand ono were people sjtigl and 'dancing, and feasting bii tfro, other looked very "Sci .'Vi vwr. j. buoiuu do very Bit-1 W said lie, "if I went to that shabby kWW, and. left this charming place;" so Ijq wont Into, thosirmrt liouso.and nip and drank at his ease; and thero. ho stay' d, and forgot the bird, and his, country too Tiuio passed 'on, and as tho eldest son did not cor0 hack( ana uo tiding were heard oflilm, tlio second sow set ouL '.'.i tho Ramo. thing happened to him. Ho met with tho fox sitting by the road, Bide, who gavo him tho same good ad vico as he had given his brother; hut when ho camo to the two inns.his eldest ..brother was standing at tho wlwjov whero tho merry-making was, and call ed to him to come in; and ho could not withstand the temptation, but went in, joined the merry-making, and there forgot tho golden bird and his vonntry in tho Mime, manner. Time passed ou agaln.and the young est son too wished to set out into tho wido world, to seek for tho golden bird; but his father would not listen to him for a long while, for he was very fond of Iris mii, and was air.. id that some Ill luck might happen to hlii) nlt,o,amVhln- der hts coming back. However, nt last lt wasngrecd liohhmihi go; lor, lujtell tho truth, ho would not rest at homo. As ho camo to (ho wood ho met tho fox who gavo lilm tho' tamo good counsel tnatliohad given the other brothers. Hut ho was thankful to the fox, nnil did , notjShoot at him, as his brothers had done.' Then tno fox said, "Sit upon my tall, and you will travel faster." So ho sat down; and the fox began to run, and away they went over stock nnd atone, so quickly that their hair wills tied In tho wind. W'hen they camo to tho village, the young man was wiso enough to follow tho fox's counsel, and, without looting about him, went straight to tho shabby inn, aim rcsicu mere an night ut tIs easq, In tho morning eamc tho fox again, and met him as ho wa3 begin .ning his Journey, and said, "O , stroght forward till you como to a castle, before which Ho a whplo troop of soUIIetB fast asleep and snoring; take no notlco 'or them', but go into th"e castle, and pa.s on and on till you como to a room whero tho golden bird sits in n wooden cago; clofo by it Htands a beautiful golden cage; but do not try to tako tho bird nut' of tho shabby cago and put It into tho haudsomo ono, otherwise you will bo Borry for it." Then the fox stretched out his brush again, and tho young man tat himself (lown.and away they went oyer stock and stone, till their hair whlstlod In tho wind. lleforo thocastlogatoall was as tho ' fox had Mild; so tho lad weut In, and found the chamber, where the golden mm nung in n wooucn cage, itciow stood tlio golden cage; and tho threo golden apple.--, that had been last, wcro lying cloiuhy Its side. Then ho thought la hlmself.ttlt will bo a very droll thine : to bring away such a flna bird ' in 'this shabby cage;" so ho opened tho dcor and took hold of the bird, and put it in to tho gulden cage, Iiut it set up1 nt ' wicu Mich a loud H'i'Cam, .that al the hdldlers awoke; and liey took him prls uiier, and carried him beforo the king. Tho next morning tho court wit to Judgu him; and when all was heard, it doomed mm iu tno, uuius.s no should bring tho goldeu horso, that could run rs fast as tho wind, If ho did this ho was to havo tho golden bird given him forhlsown. So ho set out onco morooii his Journey sighing in great ucsiiair: when, on a sudden, lie met Ills good friend the fox taking his uiornlng't walk. "Heyday, young geutleinanl" said Iloynard; "you sto now what has happened from your uot listening to my advlco. I will still howover, tell you how you may llnd tho golden horse', If you will but do us I 1x11 you." (Cbifnt(fif.) would make nioro clean money to ills pn?o of one half their latid.nrill yirU tho remainder thoroughly, than they now mako by going over such n large I .IM. tlltll f ... 111 Hirudin, mm largo larius can do eiuii vated with hioro net profit to tho pro prietor than ' Bumll ones, by proper management. Yet arcordliig lo thi present system of management, Hiimll farms do return tho most profit. ' ; The' reason of this Is, Unit it farmer with only a small mtmbvT of acres is iiidio npt to ttll heller, manuro morp bountifully, and perform every opera tion more thoroughly than if ho wcro required to work double tho number ol acres. If a farmer, for Example, work twenty acres, ho must necessarily koop a good team, anil uncomplete an assort ment ,of tools and farm implomcnts as If ho wcro cultivating fifty acres. A good team will usually perform all tho labor on llrty acres and rcqulro very liltto morn euro and feed than If they perform only tho laborofn twenty-acre farm. Taking this view of tho subject, it will bo perceived that It costs com paratively moro lo carry on a small farm than a lnrgoone. Hut the chief argument against largo farmers Is,:that farmers nro llablo to work over a great bieadlh of land without doing every part of tho cultivation thoroughly. Tho. man with n small farm will make moro manuro In comparison to his neighbor who cultivates twlco as much land as himself. For tills reason tho farmer who has tho greatest breadth of cultlvatablo acres will not usually ralso as bountiful crop3 as if ho tilled only half of tho amount of land. A thor ough going farmer may cultivato fifty acres wltii as satisfaclory proflt.ocro for acre, as ho can till twenty, if ho manage Judiciously. COLUMBIA IRON WORKS, IV. W. SAMPLE CO., Cornor of Moln Street and L. & B. Iiail Iiond, t St A. H BLOOM3BTJBQ, "EVf- y IV U 0 GROCERIES, &o, ONFEOTIONERY, Tho nmlfrelirnra would riwpetftilly announce to the publlo that ho Iim opened a FinaT-CLABB CONFECTIONEIIY RTOUK. in ihnhnilillnirlMolroMnpK'duy Pox & mu iliirA hn la nrpnftrcilto rumlHh 111! ItlntlA Of , w . - ; MAOlliNISTS, IRON AND BRASS FOUND E R S ; '''vnuSNDira.13' DLA0KSM1T1IS AND UOlLElt MAKERS. MANUPAOtTUHERS -OF1 ' ' STEAM ENGINES & WATER WHEELS; j Gi:i:uAii ai.iciiiAfn work am itr.i'.vins. i MILL (llUUINO, DIIAFTINO, TULLEYH, HANQKtW, HEAD DLdCKS, MILL C3-E A-DRHSTO- OP ALL .KHSTIDSj OASTINOH 1'Olt FUItNACKS AND IlOIjTilla,5IIM'S. F011EI0N & IJOMESTIO E11U1TH, NUTH, llAINtNS, &(!., 40., AC. WII0I.K9AI.IS OK nKTAIIj. In ihorl. n ftill iwoilmcni or mi roou in ti in lino nf liualncu. A erwit varieiy 01 DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho HollJnys. rartlculnr attention given to 11 HEAD AND 0AKE8, of all kinds, fresh every day. OH It 1ST MAS OANDIEK, OniSTMAS T0Y8. A Mil Is solicited, and satisfaction win w guaranteed. NOV. 22, 1SC7. ECKIIAKT J AlAJim. AIBO OAK WHEELS yVNU AXLUS G AWD GENEUAL MINING CASTINGS. BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KINDS, OAIt BOXES, COMPOSITION CASTINQS, AND I1AB11IT MRTAIi BELPIEIiD'S OEIjEDUATED QLOUE VALVES, STOP COCKS, i , CHECK VALVES, . . ' ' ' ' ' AIIl' COCKS, ' . OIL CUPS, , , STEAM WHISTLES, SXBAIUC OUAOES, CTEATO nrD AKTD riTTINOS CONSTANTLY OlST HATsTIJ. Agents and solo Manufacturers of Hall's Patent Doublo Discliarg-o Turbine Wheels. BLACKSMITH 1 1ST O-. The Fahmeii's Shop. Every turn er should havo n shop fitted up frith such tools as aro used by tho carpenter, Joiner, machinist nnd blacksmith, or with thoso that would bo valuable In making ropulrs. Abovo nil, wo consid er utjooil font latlio very desirable. It would bo impossible, within tho limits of n nowiipnper articlo to moroly notlco tho ndvuutagos of this, machine nnd Its varied uses. A goad foot lathe costs from sixty to ono hundred dollars, mid tho money Is well oxpeuded lu tho pur chase. Arliclw of uso nnd ornament made of wood ami Ivory nnd metal, may bo turned out by tho foot lathe con- voaloui lor uso in tho'houso or on tho, ftkrm. tlio practice on tlio latho is, ono of tho jnobt fascinating pastimes, for a 'litormy day or un unemployed evening. Apart from its uso in raakini; nnd re pairing, it is a pleasant companion for tho business haunted mid brain weary. Ono who adopts it as a companion of Ills leisure hours will soon become nn adept,and tho moro ho usc3 and becomes acquainted with it tho better ho will liko It. Ho will bo surprised at tho number and clegaueo of the littlo, nrtl eles of uso and ornament ho can produce from tho rough material, tvnd at tho pleasure that tho practlco of a mechan ical art can, afford. M'-,Sj.- j.,t4i HEAVY OH LIGHT FOItaiNOS, AGENTS FOR Sl-IIVE'S GOVERNOR, AOKNOWLEDCIED TO UE THE RIMI-LEST AND IHST IN THE WORLD. "HEAMEItS, TAPS AND DIES, MADE TO OUDEH. HOLTS AND NUTS OF ALL SIZES. OUDEHS FOR, U1UDGE DOLTS AND I HONS SOLICITED, AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FUItNISHEl) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF THE LATEST IMPROVED PATTERN. THRICSIIINO MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. - . Buckeye Reapers Repaired, 'i . . AND ALL EXTRA PARTS KURNIHIIED. - ; 'Is MAJJUFAGTUREItS AND PBOPRIETORS OF ' HORTON'S PATENT HAY : RAKE. . . ALL ORDERS EXECUTED WITH PBOMPTNESS AND SATISFACTION CIIVEN May 7,'ia-tr OP. MONEY REFUNDED, Hints on Horse-Flesh. As flvo years aro required for tho completion of tho bono structure of the horse, it Is im portant that ho bo carefully used until that ago. If ho Is early over) aoKcd.tho ligaments which, unite his on a hundred and thirty bones nro prevented from bo comtng sutllclontly llxed to tho frame, and ho is dwarfed, and wears out or dies long before reaching tlio, full twen ty-five years which should bo tho aver- ago duration of his life nnd vigor. Tlio muscles of n fine horso ought to bo thick nnd very long; tliickncas ensures strength nnd length an extended sweep of limb. Propoily constructed harness is an es sential to tho comfort of a horso as easy clothes aro necessary to tho comfort of a man. If hiirupxs is not well fitted o tho form, tho veins nro compressed, cir culation is retarded and diseaso ensues. When in motion, tlio horso regulates ins centre of gravity by using his licnd and neck. Tho check rein Is therefore Inhuman and injurious. If a horso Is compelled to run when his head U held in a vertical position, tho gravity is thrown too far back, and lie advances with difficulty. Tho cars may to culled indices of a horse's mind Jutellisont animals prick up their cars when spoken to, vicious ones throw their ears back. A blind horso directs ono car forward and ono backward, and In a deaf horso the ears aro without ox presslon. Tlio ears of tho best horses aro short and wldonpart; tlio eyes aro well open, and tho forulu-nd is broad, A broad forehead indicates good brain. Tlio Arab tnys: "Tho horso must lmvo tlio flat forehead and thu courage of n bull." Tho horso treathes by his noso nnd not hy hla mouth, hence tlio nostrils should ho hrge,so tho free air may bo taken in freely. Dealers enlargotho nostrlls.of their horees by artificial mcans.Tho moutu oi a young noreo is rounu; in i. i. . -1 . i i ugu ii uui:ujiiur.liHriuw uuu uiuilgiliuil. Tho Arab says, speaking of his horse: "Tho first seven years aro for my young brother, tlio next seven for myself, and the last for my enemy," A horso has only ono Jugular vein, a man lias only three. Tho wltliors can never bo too high. Tlio higher they aro tho cosier tho animal travels. Tlio loins should bo short, tlio chest sqtmro and tlio shoulders well dovcldped. Tlio veterinary surgeon wha said, "No foot, nq horso," was perfectly correct. Tlio hoof Is a curium and complicated median lam ; an elnitlu buxk which expands and contracts its thu horso raises or puts down tho foot. Shooing should hu done with caro aiu'.silll.or tlio natural form of tlio hoof is- destroyed. Above nil so nobio an ualmal should bo treated with tho grccJvst kindness, nod no pains should, V) snared to mako his bonds, us easy t w.iiir.iw may be.iJc. Lrmcioter. The sooth of tlio willow begin to sprout within VI hours after falling to tho ground. Those of clover, wheat and other grains gerinlnnto In threo to flvo days. Tho fruits of tho walnut pi no and larch, Ho four to six wccka,bo foro sprouting, whilo tboseof souiospe cles uf a-ili, beech mid maplo, aro said not to germinate- before the expiration of 11 to 2 years. Thobo sceU which nro starchy and thin skinned gormlnato most readily; thu oily socdi nro moro slow, whilo thoso envolved in thorny envelopes require tho longest tliuo to pprout. OOL WANTED. ThaantAcrlber.nsentofllio Lowlbbure Clotli- ln'Mllls, desires ao.ooo rouNi op wool in excii anoe for all kinds of eloth, casstmers, satinets, and all kind of llannelsnnd blanfeeU. Ho la also urenarea louorou canuncana inn- lug, coloring nnd clotlk dressing In tho best man ner. Address ...,. Junel8,'(0-3m Oraugovlllc, Pa. CIIAllTElt OAK LIFE insurance COMPANY. Mr. E, W. Sweeny agent for Columbia and Lli- rcrno Counties. Dear Sir. I bike nleofiuro In acknowledclnctliorccclntol live thousand dollars from your company, beluc for tho Insurance on tho life of my husband Calvin II. Kclfenydcr, and take this occasion ot recommending the CHARTER OAK LIFE IN SURANCE COMPANY, for its promptitude and i.ur ueaiing. 'jniscoinpanymaKcsnoueuuciioii ot 0UTH1ANUINO i'HEMIUM NOTES, but raiiccis aim riiurns lut'iu iu mu iiiKuit-u. liATE 1. UEiraNYDEn. Catnwlssa, Pa. Apr. 21th 110). InsuraiH-o t-uu Iwcllecled with It. W.H WEENY, Agent, At Catawlsba ur lUooiusbui, May 7.'KI-3m HT AMMOTII OrtOCEUY. J. 41. IIAI z.i: MAIN ANP IIIOK STKEET, IlLOOJISUUIlfl l'A, TheLargestnnd Best Btoclt of Groceries aud Provisions In tho tJonnty, A splendid lot of Hams, Bldo-meat and Khonl- ders, Teas Coffees and Spices. Foreign and Do- mestlo Frnlts a specialty., a largo lot of PliUI T J A It S on hand of tho best patterns. GOODS DELIVERED TO ANY PA11T OK THE TOWN June 18,'CO-tf TDOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER. JL .. W. M. MUHllUU X LU, Hnpert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDEIt KEQ3, and dealers In all kinds of LUMBER, glvo uotico that they are prepared to accomodate tholr custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest orms. J)ENTISTKY. II. C. 1I0WER, DENTIST, Iteinectfully oilers his professional services to mu luuteH uuu euniiemen oi iiioonisuiirK uuu vi cinity. Ho Is nrenared to attend to all tno vari nus operations In the lino of his profession, and Is provided with the latest Improved Pouceuun i kkth which win ue inserteu on Roia piatlni silver and rubber base to look as well nsflin nai urai icein. Teem exiracieu by an tno new ana most approved methods, and all operations on tho teetu careful Iv and nronerlv atLfmlcul tn. Residence and olhce a few doors above lho l,ouri Jioufce. i.ame sine. Illoomsbure, Jan.31.'(str LOU It AND FEED. I he nnileralfrneil llinnunil fur n.tt inntmittifn bi ts to anuouco to his friends and In tlio publlo that Ills N E W M I Jj It Ireparcd lo do all kinds of Milling without delay Arties from n distance can hnvo their grists is now In complete ruunlni?order,and tliat liols ground without delay, so as to tako them homo mu kuino uuy, uuu us a rule nil worj urouifiu lo tho mill can bo done in twenty-four hours. My present nrrangmeuts are such as toprecludo tho iicreshiiy oi niupping me mm on account or ice, iwitu ur low waier. THE BEST FAMILY FI.OUU. ns w ell as the lower grades, aud all kinds i CI10V AND FEED kept on hand tn nnantltv. andforsnloat tho low. est current rates. Uraln of all kinds purcluMI. Liglil Blrect, Dec. VCS-tf. PETER 12T( WHEEIjEIt'S WAY PATENT- ItAllr CHAIN II O It 8 E-1 O AV E It. t Light Streot from Tho subscriber hereby gives notice that ho hat euurcnusea Llie old sluna Win. hcuuyler, wliere lie Is now manufacturing repurchased the old stani WII tho W 11 E E li E It V A T li N T HAND OPENING OIIAND OPENINfJ OIIAND OPENING OHAND OPENING UllAND 0PEN1NU OF FALL AND WINTEH OOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting or consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, boots and snores, BOOTS AND SHOES, HOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTHINO, READY-MADE CLOTHINO READY-MADE CLOTHINO, READY-MA OB CLOTHING, READY-MADE CLOTHIMG, LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES, , LOOKING-GI.ASSEH LOOKING-GLASSES LOOKING-GLASSES. It .NOTIONS. .jNOTIONS,. O NOTIONS, NOTIONS. NOTIONS, ' r PAINTS AND OILH, PAINTS AND OII.t PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND 0I1-H PAINTS AND Oll.s; OROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, IfUEENSWARE OUEKNSWARE O.UEENSWARE UUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, SALT, BALT SALT HALT, M ' SALT, FISH. FISH, fish; r i lit FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS, IRON, TINWARE, &C. QTOVKS AND TINWABE. A. M. RUrERT announces to Us friends and customers i that MAIN STRE451I.41WUJUOUV..... Customer) can ho accomodated with FANCY, STOVES of all kluds, Blevcplpes, Tinware, and ovtry va rlely of article found In a Btovo and Tinware Ls i nn thomost rcasom able terms. Kcralrlng 'one at the shortest notlco. S3 DOZEN MILK.-?ANB on hand for sale. DRUGS & MEDICINES TONATHAN HEISDElt'S TONIt J oi -imtfii l.ns never failed to euro tho wors' kind of DvsrcrslAt 1" th most nwcftl mV IclHO fit illcovered for lho euro of Consump lo; Dvineimln. Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, and al D(.e..ra lho Throat, Cl,e st and Lung eindsoid-byjonall Vmylkill Haven, Pa, and bf I)rngr will convlncoany pne'wno No family siiouiii Domes, l A Co. Be! gisw, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ion pCTIiiifiKO tub ia.. EW STOVE AND TIM SHOP. . v AnnnnlTtt MlLLElt ON MAIN BTHieet i " The Ills new ...n.mmmn fP.NN'A. undersigned has JnstfltW up and opened Tim t-i.niitstlon tlds ex cellent mcdlclno cajoys. Is derived from Its cures, many of which aro Iru marvellous. '!ter"tc cases or scrofulous dis ease, where the fyslcm teemed saturnted "n Itli corruption, havo been purlOcd and cured uy It. "i dUordcrs.wlilcliwrronir. y nnpnn.i i,v iim Rprorii. tons contamination until orrntTV A Nil TfN SHOP, i... where he Is prepared to mako up th(,TWeT0 pnlnfully affllctlnir, Imro been rnillcjl ly R wAMo fnll kinds "a his line, and do rcj uch .Treat numbers In almost erciy tcc n wUh ncatnUs and dlsratch, upon the ff7ne Couatry,that lho public scarcely need to In this uk".."- ' ..A tl nnaicu. ui'ui. ."v . ..li niirnhascrs. enemies tiv: ""N" "v;.Vii..;nStiih,iion. "IlKiWi'JSr ffe 1. n R0, mec-haulc. and -ffi,Do enfecb Warn1 .,"i:?.il.,,,rfi,nrubllepatronage, i, hniiteicltinuasiispiolonofitsprocnco. Agnin, llloomsbnrg, April M, 1867. J. R. Bkltzcu X - t. ' . tmnn if. Smith. Q III I T II & IS E D T Z IS li, Imioi tors nnd Dealers lu Fort Ign and Domcslio mmmsp mm , Into ono or other 1 A in tlio latter, tuber. tie" may be suddenly deposited In the lungs or hcait, or tumors formed In lho liter, ,r '''l' lis presence uy w - " ,r " , ,.r. LsIIIa thl ftili-MitlHII'Uht I ill visible, even lien no acta on inplouis of dlwn'e appear, persons amiricu w u" i.- y Ti-itrr .Sore j:rt, and oihtr citiMlons ;r II A It I) W A It E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, , 109 N. THIRD SrilCKT, All.CALlOWIIII.b, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. S2, C7-tf. lar and nervous fjsicui-. , , .,.. NHIillll I or I curl Till mi,j.tn,t " ,, aro emeu bylt,theuRh a lonirlraioH required lor I subduing Uicr c obtlliinte niiiladles bj an)-im -But lonj continued nro rf mis mcftij lac ! ' f lho connilaint. Ltmmrliaa or II hllii, I Iflliif monly soou icllevcd and ullimnlcly eureil i' IN purlljlng and Intlgomllng t'pt. J unite lniee. Inn" for each Clie are found In our A minnr. sup. i.llml mills. Hlmimnthm and (lout, idi N EW STOVH AND TIN SHOP. "ARE UAlin.r . ..... ..""i'Vi nv inent of . -tlio subscriber hs i. .. -": his Htoreln Catawlssi i..'.'i?'oCi,brM much Hhtuniui, and iiowY&SSltH i;uMn,mK STOCK Or t. i arworlcs and ksneral m..-.. '3HJ .luniiiy ami vnricly wui .wk . i in thoconnlry. i.:"PrUlts1 hp JUNG OOmnMri which he will dlsposo of r .. ll'Vtl iluce. . Among hli Vrt "aiS.ti VI tno latest nnd best patleri TV ( . MUSLINS. B (ItNniiAtiu It CALICOES. ifcpl 'FLANNELS. SHAWLS, Bl SILKS. CASSHj-SJ iUVr- ' tir.(vTa ' - IIARDU'lnn . . , i. CEDAnWAIti: DRUGS, OILS, 0WE1 paints. r ab VARNISHES Ac. HATS & CAPS. I!.inTo,,lil ... nnd, in rac n complete llnenf to his business. As ho buys, lower tlian mostdenlem nL VijT.tn" "(iniCK SALES AMD SKll..1 COAI. OF ALT. iffji Consfnully on hand and In. markot rales. ""IlYZl MORO PHILLU'S rri(m.relrM Especial attention paid tothrt,wM BEl ing material, Cutlery, MectanSiiin J Ilnnlwnrn of all ItlnilJ )V;irJ,t',0,1 builders nndothers ls request, J Vv O II A I N PUUCHi!lryvl A fair sharp ol public cullloB,," ' 'I mi uuuii inn uu omuieu togiTeeJ I ipr. iivij'tiiu (l. lit. IM.WOS ISAIAH HAGKNBUCH. Main Street ono door abovo E. McndcuunU'i filnrn A largo iissuiiniL-iit ui emu-., j.v.,,.-. Ilnnges constantly on hand, and lor' sale at tho lowest rates. . . . , Tinning inall Us branches carefully attend! m,.l .nl(.rn.tln Pllfirniltr Pll. Tin work of all kinds wholesale nnd retail. A trial ls requested. Apr.D.UOlf rTUIE NEW HAItDWAltE STOBE. I NE PLUS ULTRA. Having enlarged onr Storo Room and Just 1 OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, directly from tho Manufacturers, purchased for I cash, on a declining raarkct,w oaro prcpalned to I offer tho samo to FAltMEKS, MECHANICS, BUILDERS. and tlio rest of Mankind, n ccnernl stock, com prising all lho kinds nnd qualities usually kept 1 In a city Hard Waro Storo, suitable to tlio wauls I fir Hie rnuntv. nt imnstinllv low nrlces. I iiiosowiiourcut'Kirjousui jiuri;iiai.iiig gumig In our lino can savo Money by looking In at tho I Now HarilwnroHlore. I I'lcaso give us a can ami exainino our siocic Ac. i ituisiArt iv wiiitui-jis, Apr. 23.19-lyr Bloomsburg, Pa. n. .i.n n,.n .1... r. nni Mm llilitjintr 1 iii.,n lull. blood This AIKMIMff..l la gicat u slorcr fur llie flicnglli and tljmr el llie Oflim. Tliosotilio me .nii.fi.M aall l.t'llnt, ie;nn .Idil.MiTlitMS.and lioublcil Mllli .yiions .I. nrefiriisfous or I'mrs. nrany ...I li e aireptUiiis PyinilUllllUUU Wl. t.rri.".-- - iclicf and convincing itldmte r lb u- tnratlid pott cruiton trill. nr. "-i n r. i v. i Dr. JT. '. AlEll . c:., i.unpii hisi : rrartlcal omf Aunlulltnt I'll' ft- I I SOLD BY ALL Dr.UMiHT KVI'L.V !n i.i Ayer's; lair AC, Ac. Ac, JglliUAItDS ! .BILLIARDS ! I alcKELVY, NEAL & CO.'S, MCKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S, McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKKLVY, NEAL A CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL A CO.'S. Northwest corner ot Main and Market Streets, northwest corner or Main ana Market streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest earner of Main nnd Market Streets. Northwest earner of Main aud Maiket Streets, I1LOOM8BURO, PA., BLOOMSBURG PA BLOOMSBURG, PA llLOOMSllURO, PA., BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAII.M, IRON AND NAIIJSi IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, In darge quantities and at reduced iaU-H. alwuv UU UHUU, AT K ? GOAL Y A I J. i The unuerslgncd rcKprclfully It D, In form tho gHARPLKSS & 1IA11MAN, EAGLE iOUNWIYAKI) MANVI'ACTUKINO hllOl BTOVIiS fc PLOWS WHOLESALE & RETAIL Till: CKLE1I HATED MONTROSE IRON 11KAM AND TIIK 1IUTT0N 1VOOIIF.N 1IEAM PLOWS. CiRtlncn mid Flroltrlckfor rernirlnirplt vRfovrs. All kin Us' of llrass or Irou casting miulo to order 1 iijiuu hiiui t injure. Illoomsbnrir. I'u. i'rnnrlctnrfl. mm QBANOEVILLE FOUNDBY, MAU111I.U H11UI" AMI! AGRICULTURAL WUltllLH. Tho undersigned deslrrs tn Inform Ills frlfnrls and the publlo generally, that ho has rebuilt and enlarged ins 1 oundry nnd Machlno Shop, and re- movcu nu ins uusincssirom L,!gut trtel lo the above named place, where In connection with his Foundry ho will rontlnuo to manulnclure Wheeler's Railway Chain Horeo-Power and lnrcsucr, iimprovcu;, uarncil s I'uteul. THRESHER AND CLEANER, cither overshot for Tread-rower or undershot with Lever-Power. He also manufactures to .truer ami ins up ail ainus oi MILL QEABING, Circular Saw Mandrels. Patent Kllilps r.,i Mnw Mills, tho latest Improved lion Benin Pious of uiuereut iiiuug tvooueu itcam plows, Double 1.UH1 i-iuwH, uuu 1'iiiw i onus oi every descrip tion generally used throughout the county, IRON KETTLES, BELLS v.-iiui viiima. biuhs,oiwi UUU ClClgll 01CS, UIIU In fact everything generally madelna country ! oundry. 'ilioso wishing to purchase Machines would uo well lo examine his machines, and the 1 , , , 1 u luwer, ny wuicu al ...to. i-u Lkut, ji .uu i.iuuuu .a U1KC11 OU, ALL MACHINES ARE WARRANTED to glvo good tatlsticlion. and terms made to suit l'uiciiii&ers. aii kiuus ci ccuntry prouiico taken Iu exchnngo for Plows and cnsllugs. Thankful to his friends and patrons for past ......... v..,.., run uimiuuu ill Kill I VI llieMllUC. .om ii, D11.1.IAJI Bl.llUVl,i;i. -li"'vw-' urnngotjiict'U. For resloring Cray Hair lo ils natural Vilalily and Color. A ilicssiiig which, is nt uuci! (igrccablo, liciillhv. mill cflcctunl for lu'eicrvin;; lho ' hail'. Faded or'gMj hfih is sopfi restored to its original eolor inVi the lots aud icsuiesj of youth. - Hun luur" is tluck- cncil, fulling lmir vhcclttil, uuil Imlil ncis nflon, thoiij-h not nlwnys, cured ly its use. Nnlhinjj. enn rcloio llio hair where tho follicle nro tlestroycil, or tho "laiiiis ulioiiliioil nml decayed. But Eiicli ns remain can ho mVcd for usefulness by Ihis rriplicatioii. Instead of fouling tho hair with a rasly sedi ment, it will keen it clean hiul vigorous, Its occasional mo will prexenl tlio lmir from turning gray or falling oil', nnd consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious subsliiiiccs' which mako somo preparations dangerous nud injurious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but uot harm it. If wanted; merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing clso can lie found so dcsirali Containing neither oil nor dye, it uoc1 not soil whilo cambric, nud yet lasts long on tlio hair, giving it a ricli glossy! lustro and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, ' Practical and Analytical Chdmists, LOWELL, MASS. j piuoa $i.oo. i Fcb.6,lS(S. BWBTOOKOFaffl Ercsli arrival of posltol FALL" AND WINTER a"1 r.S.tll Tn,m,.l Invites attention to his stock of RY CHEAP AND TABU IONAMI Jaiii at ins storo on i , . , , . ID, .'uuu mii.-i.-v, ihuuuuin UOOYCtlitptf . Bloomsbnre.w : whero ho lias Just rocclted tmi 4-uiiaiicipiiia n mu assorlintntol MEN AND BOYS' CLCItMai lucludl.ng tho most faslilniH-- UUUUQU111U ivltl . , , DRESS GOODS, pis' consisting of E2l BOX, BACK, UOCO, GUM,4.vihI'K1 OATH ANII PlT(i f -1 of nil sorts, sizes and colon. H.i-it Ished his alrendv larcrn Rtni-lmf ketl PAI.Ii AND WINTER Rtl AWIl I. I B 1 1(1 1'il.lJ, i Hi U U4.1J, ACf, - SHIRTS,' CRAVATS, Slwig II1VNDKKRCIIIEI.-S, GLOVES, JJJJl SUSPENDERS, AND riSn'l lie nas constantly on hand limn ectod assortment of CLOTHS AND VE which ho is prepared lo !natt!ir,-r kind of clothing, on very slwrlM,''' best manner. All his clothing b I ana most ot it is ot nomo insniflj . GOLD WATCHES ANDJI7I of overy description, nno and clm jewelry Is not surpassedllu thttiA.'J oxumlno I1I9 general assortmtn : CLOTHINO, WATCHES, JEHjH uaviuui:! 1869. July. TP YOU WANT GOOD M-J I wj BLACK BILK FOK MltaiJ aOT0C.lt r YOU WANT GOOD 1"S 31 LACK AND COLOUKDAUC GO TO a J citizens oi JUooiiiKliure nnd Columbia county Co'h Furnacej with n good pair of llullulo HtnU-n I that tlicy keep all the dlllercntnuinherH ofstovt) coal ana Belecled Jump coal for Kmlthing mirpo ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvy, Ueal A WILLIAM II OILMOItK Has opened a flno Billiard Saloon In Addition to hlawfcll known It E8T A U II ANT. HohnHS tniilts with nil the latest Improvements and In peifcct IjAGEU BEEIl AND ALE which the markbl tflords. OY8TE113 to bo had nt all times when lu Reason, also lleef Tongue. i iCHIt'U iripC VlULUli, IVU, Tho public nro Invited to call, and are prom Isetl fcatlhf.ictlou either lu Ullllarilnor refresh- CIOAUS AND TOBACCO ' ' canuot be excelled. Bloom&bure, Jan. 1,'CO. on tho wharf, to welirh coal. liav. nntl Ktrnw ILlkowlse a hoigennd vagon, to deliver coal to thoso who dcslro It. As they purclmkan, larye amount of conl.thry intend tokeep a buperlor ur- 1 1 11: if, uuu wii in 1110 vtjiy Kiwt'HL prict'H. I'lriio ran nuu exiiminu ior yourselves neioro rurt nas- THE Undersigned will take in ex chnnso for Coal nnd Groceries, tho following named articles Wheat, llye. Corn, Oats, rota toes, Lnrd, Ilam.Blioulder.and side meat.Bntter, EgKS Jlny, Lc.tat tho highest cnth prices, nt hih Grocery Ktore, adjoining their coal yard, , J. W. IIKSDEUSIIOT. Bloomsburg Mar. 19,'CO-ly, 0 MNIBU8 LINE. The uuderslgnod would respectfully nuuounce to the citizens of Dloonubnri; and the public gene rally tha ho ls running an OMNII1USL1NE between this place nnd the different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with the several trains going South and Weston the Cuta wlssa and Willlamsport Railroad, and with thoso colng North and South on the Lackawanna nnd Illoomsburs Railroad. Ills Oraulbusscs are In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. l'ersons wishing to meet or see their friends do- part, can be accomodated npon reasonable charga by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB L QIRTON, l'roprlolor. -QOJIESTIO ECONOMY I CASiriLLION CARl'ETI A new, chf ap durablo, healthy, aud II flooh coYEniNa 1 X substlluto for oilcloth at one-third tho cost. nud ls prepared to furulfcb fanners with the most reliable machines ever otlered t the pub He. Tho Wheeler Machine Is no longer an exrlmeut as It lias been In constant use for years and tho yearly saleof this patent exceeds that trail oth ers combined, Worlc done at our shop U warranted for onr year. Also, aaeut for Wheeler's Combined Thresher nud Winnower. r'or further particulars apply to or address J. M. lll.'l.SlIII-:lt, Light Htrcet, Columbia county, l'u. June M.'oO-lin. Thjt carpet Is produced by npecnllarcoinblna tloiNBbtrong. heavy paper, printed In ornnmen tal colors, nnd coated with a lough, elastic, water proof cnninel which receives tho water, protects tho colors and paper endures washing, and ren iters tlio carpet bright and beautiful In lho ex. tkome, Its udvuntugea are ns fuliotva t Its cost renders it available loallclasscs 1 It is exceedingly smooth and glossy, audit accumu lates next to no dust j It dues not require tn bo fatten up nnd cleaned like other carpet, aud thus saves much lalior and troubloi 4ly re-coatlng with the Campllllon Knaincltorcaslocally as llie cane may require, (which costs but n trltle,) it will last IndotluMely, even on nge,and always appear iiewniul bright : In Ils uso uo reliance whatever Is placed upon llie paper for wcjir, but cxrluslvo ly tiiion sho wnler-proof coaling, tho figured pa per being used only to secure Cue colors, l'uiier has receully been used for a variety of puniosis, even for trunks, roofs, Hour bags and wuirlugap pnrel.hul the llrst attempt, either in Euioiki ur America, to convert It lulo carpet or floor cove. Inir.all concodo It to bo an entire suectss I Wo have purchased lho right for Columbia county and ian furnish tho carpet to merchants at manufacturers pilces, -You are Invited to call apd examine tlio goods at our storo. M'KELVY", NKAL& CO. llloomburg,l)cc. H'eS-tf. SIOQQl? Jn!y VCO-Sm FOB NEAT AJD OUEAP JOB PRINTING. Call a Tlio Colnmblau Offlc, Illocmfbur ra JNSURAN0E AOENOY. Wyoming. $170,000 .Etna 4,O0O,O0C Fulton. 300,000 North America 800,000 City 150,000 International ....... 1,100,000 Niagara 1,000.000 rutnam IBO.OOO Merchants ,.. 331,000 Springfield 570,000 Farmers' Danvlllo ....... SH,000 Albany City .. 1J0.000 Lancaster Clty;...T.T:.''.... . arO.OOQ York Horse, Death & Theft .. w,ooo Homo, New Haven . 1,000,000 Danville, Horso Theft FREAS I1ROWN, ffenf, malSC9-ly, BtoOMSllURO, l'A QAKIUAGE MANUFAOTOHY, llloomsburg, ra. M. C. SLOAN & nROTHEK the successors of WILLIAM BIXIAN & SUN continue (Uo business of making CARRIAGES, HUGO I EH, and every style of FANCY WAOONS, which tiioy have constantly on hand lo nut cus tomers. Novcr using any material but tho best and employing tho most experienced workmen they hope to continue as heretofore to give entire satisfaction to every customer. Au Inspection ol their work, nnd of the reasonable price asked for ho same, ls suro to insure a sale. liny 6,'(,Q.tf JJU'OllTANT ' TO 11UILI)E1U),1IOU.SEHOLHER.S 4 TENANTS, 'lho undersigned would nnnouiico lo lho elll tens of llloomsburg and vicinity that ho Is pro pared to t-xecuto 0 UK.!:. H I 0 N, -AND O R N A M E N T A L P A I N T I N a lu ull Us branches. 1' A 1' E It IIAOINO Carefully altcuded to. Strict attention to business and good workman ship It Is believed will inent afalr show of publlo patronage. Shop mi Catharine Strict between Third and I'ourtli. Mttr.5,'0P.ly, WM. F, IIOOINE. QEND ONE DOMjAH AND OUT K? ' jetuni mail one of LORINQ'u DOIJ.AIt JlpXl-H. M lho 1 chest Initial Frencli Note fa per. All tho Ladles are in love wllh them, ii7.,is AddreAs LOUINU, rubllsher, n0-3a. liostou, Mais. Olt'S OLIVE BRANCH E It H YOU WANT A XIQtj hk'I'tica w.tni'.riiL'xi 11 ao Toty TF YOU WANT A KIQ" X FAN FROM. lilKIulJ CO 10 Cl- TF YOU WANT A X1CI- LUSTER LAWN OR JIOIIAIIttM CO TO eta T EHiail VALLEY AOniCULTU- XJ HAL CHEMICAL AVORKS. "BHEINia & HELFIUCir, SIANUrACTUnERS ov IIREINIG'S COMI'LETE H O N E M A N U It E. A coucentinttd mauureconiblnlHgthe reliable fertilizing propertltsofllONE DUST or GROUND BONE, with the ncllvo elcmcnU of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME NOTICE. Wo preparo but the ono nriifin aaranleelng It as slandard, rc ftb?J ui ! i, ft 'J.?1.', , .?-.'?"" Fradea ?nd varfatlons In nt n 111 tn , " . ull i measoi pines aro eenetollv firn. ducedbydlirerent proportions of ailiil " ration Farmers can save money by redniini ihU 'Si'Pft sultillllerent Ideas of pikes aro f;('l.'.e'n.hclvei. WoiiseonfyUtmoaud no i'hoi; i.miiiuuiiaiiuior t nospnato of Lime. Bend for 'Farmers' Mmuirn tlnl.lo 'i v.rl,"v. -uu Jor tuur's lato by """" al "urac. A. J. Al.nEn.Tnnw tii., w J.J. ltOlllllNS A I a. IlloomkbuiL' l'n Mar.l0,'0U.Cm. WALTER SCOn"cSawilsa ft. fJIIE ESPY HOTEL. ESl'Y, COLUMBIA COUNTV, l'A. T?n 'llJf "'gued would Inform tho travelling publlo Hint he has taken the abovonamcd cs all. the perfect conveuleuco of his guests. 1 lis larder will bo stocked Wllh lho best Upmarket ihmi .1''?.;".01.'.t8l.1!1!"". wines nud cigars alwavs tii bofouudluhlabur. Apr.23,C0.lf WILLIAM PETTIT. Espy, Pa. 0VERNMENT ftPROPERTY AT PRIVATE SAI F IfflTKINfcCO. A?.1!S?"EATJ.IE,, 9,iAitTKns for nil kind. f .'.V :0'.D.,1', Ncwanif Second-haiul L hS m.? 1 ihhu ui uiy coji, ' ' Wheel and Lend Team UarnL a.i i Llsht nml Heavy liprSn. i? "nn.n WrrlLla.VC0' unIhe(.argc-kt and best a,sorl!itCen"0l,&vo'eCveV plkallon.r',e"CrliUve 1'"co free ,m np. Smullmdersby Expicss. C.O D MM UAI. UKiaicripN to whosaU mum (formerly on Front tit. n.wi May Vurk. J. la a jJttll.lV,'(il)..lyr T hi ul lilnrlr . -.,., vMviuiiiuBcm uy mull for II, HE MAOIO COMU TEETH AIIF I fWW''. A?"- Vo,Vt your haii il'."; "'"".'t..""1' .Prouures a pel inaneni AialldandngreeableTonlc Htlmnliint, Klonj. nchlc and Cajmlnatlvo . BUT E H 8 , Extracted entirely from Herbs aud Roots. High. lybeneflclaUn 1 DYSPEPSIA, j OENEHAL DEHILITY, nnil Losof Anjiptitoi and un cxcdlentComcllvofiirpeiMinssiim.ilng fmm Dlsoriiersoflho Bowels, Flaliilcuce,,tc, .4i Sold Everywlicro. rpot, No. til MarkttSlreet, Philadelphia. ' J, K. TAYLOR i (X), BopU,'CS.ly. ' litTirnKMTTj Tl.lo T. .. IUonoSs' iVr fiSff. !J?f 2A.WfP.tto illlons will, wlUclT tl neon X iV,," 1".. so, been uu ons win. ,i,i,? -."""ii u humbuBL.e,r. i ft i-'r.itT"!''0 .'ve long slandlug1 reward Si Vvm1""' 'Bood falilin I cuniiot curl? 1 r " ,a" or ,!'a"'' H't 1 OR SALE 11V MOST DRUaglsTii EVERY , , PweOnlv SOCbmts., i,.kJ'r?"rP'"lilstfor the UioieuY! but if h , . 11 ""'e. UOU't bo nut oil' liVn, ccpllug any m sernbla vnrio ii,, ,.! ...?.'' s (lute, bul enclose sixty Srits Tto ST J:"nK0,wly bo sent you 1x1st paid, v 1 IiurrAbo, N, Y, 10PA7i'PMi?iiaiiTi -vTrnTf,.; - A1viiU4'if Khlna.U!&fe".V.nfn. j Erf.ll HILLMYEIl? tub Y- i:N RIE, E. I. Htler. to who.,', all PcronVlndeMe'ds'M illooinsliurB Junoll.'co-tf, C?1 fj A DAY. Address JU'lKWIin, Auurcss A, J, FULLAM, New York, TF YOU WANT A AND GOOD PA1R0FG13 CHEAPER TIIAXAfi other met ; coTor.f July lB.'oo-tf. TW" E W F I It 31, NATIONAL IllU.t BILLMYER Si HBl Tho subscribers respectfully al I of tho business communlly Intel ed on tho L. B. R, II. abovo the ri JIL0OMB11CBSI FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS! SMITHS. M AJJU1' AOTUBl StcamEnglnes, Boilers, Sa Machinery, Shafting, I'uiiepi They also mako all kinds of W of lho mostapproved pnUenUBJ Montroso Iron Beam rio',i room and Work-shop STOVES. full assortment of Flro brlcK,l Stantlv on hand for renairlul'l dlirerent sizes nnddeslgusort'' nro also prepared to rurnblittl Axles for Willing purposes ana castliiES. Iron and Brass cflsUtf I scriptlonof Job work. AgriculWl maue anil rennln.,1. l'arlicuuu to lho ropairlns of all kuUi parts on hand. Juuo lvea-tr. i.ooMsnuna normalsc1 I :IIAIIY INSTITUTE. BOARD OF INSTBrfll HENRY CARVER, A.! Professor of Intellectual and J! ineory ana pracui-e - ... . . pml auss sara 1 a. w "ijii branches, lRnno0.1!eil,A,J Professor of Auclcnt IJinpufl lirauim" .. . J.W. Ferrie,A.VI iroii ssor or aiaiiieiuaui' irouomj 11.. ti n .Tnlin. l'rofo sor of chemlkttf " pny. iusi"'i -1 Teacher of Ker.grni James lir"-! akki innt teacher oi ii" I , t ur iiii"" '1 0 Miss Alice M.,fJJ Teacher nf Musloou the pis'" I ... . Mrs- Jlnltlo I;,gfl toaiuer vf Vcal,iiusio ami Miss Julia M,ffl Tcacutrof. modili .Thu FALL term will eolil?5l and until our UiardluK hn. "Sil cy.on application to theff lajji bo furnished with hpmcs In WM It Is better for students lorlSrj pninnnriitn fnr. n wm-ii - i hie they can enter at any ll" March 20 lsua. pviips.i pyarps fob! llie nnderslgued begs lf,' ftf 11 iis sr mis piaco onu vic'""inii to furnlsh.al short notice, on"-, 1 P. I'UMl'Bfor Wells uua Sjiftt lit Hi. m,i,i,. n't.... urn RDTu moro water In lets time and any other pump In this pa'Ki they cannot b.t,urscd fof fj slinpilciiyOrnriangciiient.s.l0,:, uess sua duraliiilly. fac" ) "or A I ed to lierfuriu Its worU ' i,iii.Sj Kiiuinan la agent for I oi t" mall or oihtiwlso promptly. Ji.vSelJ cvpi.i, lo-iy