i EE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSHUllG. COLUMBIA COUNTY. -as .Mmtu . mWLA W7F Ht l.", v On WeftSiosday last a number of Glpsioi encamped bolow town. Tlioy nro becoming more numerous thn lormcrly. rntJKoii fjtfi CHA'r.--A tank nearly now, (Wk)MllMtefr hogsheads. Inquire at JAt.lL-reqiiMi of rawy of our readers wo '"Mpiibliaiitho rnlea .Mgulating Democratic ifinu S unary cloctionvtwl uounty uonvenuons. Uram EY nays It is better to havo tho Co. lumdian on tho brain "than nothing at all'' wo agrco with him nnd oongratulalo him ori having something there at last. Wk hare $Somnuinicntlon ncith- "Wk havo been shown an egg from Cedar 1IIII, near this placc,which measures 71 Inches tho long way, and 0 inches tho short way. It waijaid by a Brahma hen. A Temperance addross was delivered at tin sin i u i -JolumbUWtorite sent to tho "Sao and ho Town Hill ohurch on Sunday July 25th 9 NOW Agcn'i&Wdo not know who tho ' morning, by S. B. Chase, Esq. of v so . :. riln A t. mnni. Urcat JJond, Jjuzcrno county. Much xtiouitcr i lief wfcero.tfe Agency Is, concnuont' ..." . J1"T I ... - . -... cannot eowpiynnnn.uio ropicri, In tho afternoon tho samo gentleman ad- dressed tho peoplo assembled at tho Cambra church. Both lectures wcro excellent nnd mado a deep impression on tho audicncci. Accident. On Wednesday night last as Sheriff Millard was returning to town from Centralis, ho met a tram of cars at tho nar row placo in tho road between Kupert and Catawissa known ns tho point of rocks. Ills horso took fright and overturned tho Milky, breaking it and injuring tho Sheriff, though Wiferc tXBtWtBdW is' tiecJcl. i8ii nTHtflhrSiUli iejeirratihia cnblo hat boon sue- aX tl wifully Wd from Brest in France, and tho end ftiidod on IW island of St. Picrro off tho ''' last of Newfoundland. But little dlflicultv I'lfjp .n oxpcricnooiLTha oaVlc howovor was cut ''Miwo.eo owing to tho' difficulty of finding tho intoiCoro end. nu&TilE soldiers' orphans front this county ISiSPUd hkvohcen'Srschodl atMo-ii'-Dy and fortunately not seriously. Tho horso then tc,nu,l(cwhcro are' homo for a vacation. Wo arc ran off nnd nt last accounts had not been llAl:i jjornied that tho school will bo re-establish- found, V at Orangevitlo?, ,,fJeary thinking by this pvo to retain thoJuepuplican votes in that OiUTUAtir. John I IIcss of Philadelphia ni.' stion. Ail of which is wiso in Geary 1 I died at his residence on Market Street in " I this town,afternlirgcringillncssagcdthirty' rrtCTi(ulllB uourt .-iou-tr. laoec canio to grict 6;x years. Vpofe11"1 -" Tuia3r.1?0WR ttt coa clock' Mr- Woss although not n resident was well tlio heinO tail of akito. having become entangled and favorably known in Bloomsburg. Ho GDjYri10DSurQ..'1W9s.P6.no. r100' tl'Tcby pro- married a daughter of William McKclvy. "nTiVii ul"nBlU0,rB1 -BS B ana spent part ol ovory summer in tho town Baiotii, men wa aro informed, lost tncir dinners altlllO UHUIUUjJ VUU BHWIUg VI .HVIIUVblUVhl Can Any onU Teli.7 Can, nny one tell how men who absolutely cannot pay small bills, can always' And plenty of money, to buy liquor and treat when happening among friends? Can any ono loll how many young men who dodgo their washerwoman, nnd who aro al ways behind with their landlord, can play billiards night and day, and nro always read)' for agatno of Poker or Sevon up? Can any ono tell how It is somo men who owo their butchers, owe for rent, owo for laiU oring, lor shoes, etc., can yet havo everything that's nice oat oysters at night, wear fino clothes and havo all the delicacies of tho season? Can any ono tell how men livo nnd support their families who havo no incomo nnd don't wotk, while others who aro industrious and always employed almost starvo? Can any ono tell ho a n an who is too poor to pay four or fivo cents ft week for n nowspa- per, can spend fivo or sis times as much for segars and tobacco, M ay nothing of drinks? 11V . unit. ri-rr Wk sco.bv tho, i?o)ttWi'caii of this week t our' friend M.' F. Liilz, tlio Dry Goods rig v- srebant has gone into tho Southern hard vcii, ttre business as that paper states he has cot-iiihr,"L- Aocs forslo.f iTUs.wnows to us nnd Mr. ica j)j ii.tx as well. Perhaps tho Dr. has confused ' luivbf'. Lutii with' Dr. 'John. IIo docs get itnwt jngmwed somo times that is, every week. IIo possessed raro social qualities nnd his death will cause deep grief to his many friends both hero and in Philadelphia. Wo sincere, ly sympathiso with his family in their afllic tion. Felon on the Finoeb. Many persons aro liablo to cxtrcmo suffering from felon on tho finger. Thcso afflictions aro not only very painful, but, not unfrcqucntly, occasion per mancnt crippling of tho member affected J-Wm. H, SNYDEB .of Orangovillo whilst Tho following simplo concoction is recom )Oting Bertht,pIo on Saturday last, mended as a surocuro for tho distressing ail ICS. ne npon a'nest of copperhead snakes and mcnt. Tako common rock salt, such as is nitcj'h'ng into ithem" killed rtiiic' Two wero sub- used for salting down pork and beef, dry it in OT.'loucntly killed in' the same place. Somo of the oven then pound it fino and mix it with iai o.iun wcro three feet in length. Within tho spirits of turpentine in equal parts. Put it etnaEt fivo years oyer one hundred of thcso on a rag and wrap it around tho thumb and conmjjkcs havo bcnjdestrpyed in tho 6amo lo-lnsit gets dry put on somo more, and in 21 l- i,ti:ty. J.w'BuTcnra" Clattdn was arrested on rsday July 22hd o'n'a warrant charging hours wo nro assured the lolon will bo dead. 'WN Ft1 tn'o'IajooSybf 163 from tho person te 8AU George' Cooper. "'Cooper it is alleged was ''''yi'Hicatcd at .tfefl tiae.i A second warrant 'a. la ow also produced against ' Clayton charging . cii irnuv with a similar larceny from Peter Haver- UUR GtiE.VT Uoveunor. As a specimen of grandiloquent vanity and nothingness. commend us, above all others that wo havo heard, to a speech mado by his Scrcno High ncss John W. to the scholars of tho Blooms burg Literary Institute last summer. With' ... . .li-:i . e OdlOQII.r V 40A UUb BIU(iJlIlg IU UUMU IUU1VIUIUI WUWIIUUfl Ul .fu7ra5l.il waigrvbn'in 500 for tho first case and !T 1.7, "T""" lu. " . uirntM ,r vi.--j' v- . "lu pcrorauon wna wmcn no astonisneu rr.iyt Xh3 ."?nc0 those children. After informing them of kSyS&tZ la,,ffMg,ven by - vad attainod,J Pi'v.'?".11" ... proceeded to hold himself up as n model ' 'itair-Cr.PiMn"Ki.nw.!wWwiT. Tf nnr Imlo worthy of tho imitation of all tho vouue iiUng,itajcrg 'yjj'tojjtJopir bouquet fresh, lot mon lhon and thero presont. no told tho ni drop a tablespoonful of powdered char- young ladies tuatit their lives wcro in all r N I into the' water1 intended for tho flower spects as tuoy snouid bo tlioy might reach the p' 'e.c,'5k',nd th'eywilIY(Sp their freshness and ixy height then occupied by Mrs. John. W. t or rume, and look and smell the samo as I Know jujt githeredjliTho charcoal settles to botto a of the Taso, tho water remaining is line oik. i T ; ' -i;' ' " . i ., ,in.ij tid. It is not necessary to chango tho lailnW' or charcoal foreveral days. viTiim'0 Destbot xm Odor op Onions. ,., ,, y persons are fond Of onions, but on ac- nt of tho strong aroma proceeding from c,,unclpS-ni they' hesitafe to ' eat them. The odor, hoMmw'everi'ls very easily neutralized. If apcr- vlmliMie who has indulged in them wilt but chew '". "f Snp of assafoctida as largo as a marblo, or ""!' ! ty about a smallvial'full of sulphuretted hid office, rogen, from which ho will occasionally cqiiei.tircw tho cork, the smell of tho onior swill bo arrang'n. Geary, and likowiso said ho unto tho young men, cheering them with tho thought th at tho greatest among them miyhl bocomo ov on as he, tho 1 Governor of this great Common wealth!" Ho uttered much, ohl so much, more trash of this description not necessary now to repeat, vo will do him thojustico tosiy that his speech was successful in ono way at least it afforded infinite amusement to the children! Tub corumunlcntlon from Cntiuvlssa signed "Ailnms" ia refused until tho author sends his right nanio. rtlvf.rttl.ln vu (Irpflfln tlpnri. Thfl fnlluwlni; Ik tho Beoro or tlio nbovoolubi ni iInywl on the grounds of tho former lu UuUwlssn Tlinrdny Ju ly iru. o. it. o. 11. Aubott, 0..... -3 S Kline, p 3 1 WUmau 1st. b ..il 4 Carrentcr2ud b 2 7 Hood, 3d b 0 Kyor.lf....... ....! S Hlmrpless, cr.....n 1 0 iiouin, ri ....! Moycr, s s 1 5 3 3 Wlllard Hlto Yoeman.... Harder 1 Kehmlck 1 Rtcheld Infer 3 Notesllne Hotltngshend l Daeon 3 27 40 Innings I 3 3 4 ItlTcrslde." 7 3 3 3 "Uroclnn llend,"0 0 a 1 27 n a a i s n 7 5 0 0 7.Totlll.tO U II S 2 0 15 Scorer It. Young. Umplro Dr. Uobbini. Local KotlccH. Fun good 10-1 Sheeting go to JL Lutz'rf. Ijailicw wishing to purchaso n silk dross olthor black or colored will find it to their Interest to examine M.P.Lut.'R stock. IIo lias the largest and best as Bortmcnt In this county. TitKUH will bo n mooting of tho Aso viittion for procuring bed-clothing for tho Normal School, on Monday evo nlng next, Aug. 2nd 1SG!), nt the liouio of Mr. J. A. Kuiiiton. A full nttciul- anco is urged, in mattuM of liuportmiuo and demanding immedialu attention nro to bo discussed. MlW. J. (J. KllTTI.lt. I'rp.sldcut "Tun Q km" Kiiuit Jah Is by nil ten tluioiiy lliu very best lu the market They van lio obtained u( any store in tho country. Wholesale orders will lie filled by Moyer lire's, of thii pliic(',wlio Inform us that they experience gient dllUculty lu keeping ii) with the In meiiMi demand for them. The Jars an undoubtedly unsurpassed by any now lu use. (Jivu them u trial. "ircly unnoticed. ii...etho IIE wps-ohe'wiis las. week put upon tho ,oor sijiitcrn gable' 'of tho Episcopal Church, .f this N-'orasburg, and the timbers for the roof are ,. rr;'r'y thbtr places: It will be one of that ,n i finest and 'moBt substantial structures in Ulcomeitin; and iu connection with tho Normal spend " ool Buildings will do much to cluvato the g'nottlTe and edacatlon'of our peoplo, ;as well as mprovo and develop tho higher spiritual iiiuniu u hues of our moral nature of liumu' ; , . ., r,Jv7;?iTOAity. OnThursdayJuly 15tli,Jack- and it s Green, died of paralysis at Itavcnna ra should h'o. m tho forty-ninth year of his age. Mr. l"rc- ..k)cn was bom in" Bloomsburg and was a 3totlt51.ihewof E. J.Thornton. IIo was a man c9, riso 6A vcrsall' respected j", tho community in vmaiwniCUi ha jjyed, .Jie was a publio spirited, k erous. social tutizen and ts decnlv rccret j'xt ltooufc.by'a, iargn pirclo of friends. Ho was a tceptiniber of tho(OddFellow3 and Mason's 'ir6,om!J!ct'esad iu bwied with tho ceremonies , audTuim'ho former.. Mt aclicrseaos "''' rcumtUntLO0M8B0IUl,' NoMUL SCHOOL. Prof. ,,V,TOr has already taken up his quarters in Ton i -dre New- Buildioif On iho first of tho week NitY cw't. the heating' and. cooking apparatus jurg stat!!:0 f-ecly tested and wo understand formally -snted. The' Third and Fourth stories havo ia r iirf" ready lor several weeks. Tho second is ut or, quite finished, and everything will t C I 'nTroadinossibrtboonenine session. .onTViu?lioappointments of tho establishment ........- ...-..'.!' ...v. ! Lud dMWMct.sMu'eb labo-Tand oare and money e !!B'laBaB--I nn theao beautiful Itnltd. .ND llEBlj aD(j g-ygjg "ad' under Prof. Carver i doso f will tako iramediato cbargo of tho school, trial. Not.,. . . ...... itBiiiiig do tnauo a grina success. UrlarMCtlJ -j. ti't . im !m'eilnoVEa discourseth as follows : H',frifi'ifeiHOTTRDK.-Vhen tte Columbia county using im pultiean and tho Danvillo TnlcHigcnccr, a ull-5rt 'D4' leading Jlcputmcaus in this placo, mac. 8 d a chango In the Assistant Asossorbhip, j offllcih'Jy uttor that which is as malicious as it is had at ,&., We efytho (Mogul or any of his )1'JcH,J",tii.i"logUts, to nam'e'a 'wuglo, solitary leading ,d(lllt,ypub1ican of-Danville', who mado such re- imKi 'Xt ul" '16y '? '-i18 m&, an( produce . ' names, they rest' aider tho ban of false- s as well as. sneaking cowards. A fow aes were obtained fraudulently, by rcpro- "John, how do you miuutgo to look happy all the tliuoV I never t-eo you out ol humor, but I must confess I can not do It." "The reason is simple I buy my clothes of I.owcnberg. They always fit perfectly, look well and don't cost ino too much. A iiiau who can't lo happy with a suit ol' his clothes, had better st(i biiyiugaltogether and consult his rami ly I'hysleian. That's what's tho mat ter." "Oh!" MISCELLANEOUS. uly and August Prices A T 1. W. IliCitTMAN'S, l'OH HUMMKlt DltlHS UOOIH. 1801). JULY. T.800. BAR Cr '.A I NT IN DRY GOODS, 23 ft V, ct. 05 et. IiAWNS AT LA" N8 AT IiAWNS AT 22 els! 10 ct; M cts, $1,2.3 DltESS GOODS AT $1,10 $1,00 DHKSS OOODS AT 00 cts, R3 ct. DKIJSS GOODS AT l cts. 10 ct. DltliSS G00D3 AT BO cts. a.3 ct. DKKSS 000D3 AT 23 ct. DIU-SS GOODS A'l' r,o cts, icts: 20 ct. DIIESS GOODS AT 18 cts, TISHMa CASH Oil PltODUCK. jOKNTS WANTED FOll G J I A Ml Ji J'J M Ij 1 JV ' li II I DRY GOODS. M To my Wends anil IhnpnUlo ndifrnlly, thai all kinds nt mis' (loons, anooEitiics, NOTIONS, IIOSIKHY, I UJ.OVKS, GO TO AO., AC, M. P. LUTZ, MAIN KTllKUT, OI'l'OSlTK THK COUltT IIOUSK, D100MSBUB.O, FA. ' Al)r.lO,iU-tr. MILI MISCELLANEOUS. H1101IAND1 SE., QUEENHWAltE, , ' noti'6n's', AC, in t coimlanlly on luuid nnd for snlo AT IIAIITON'B OLD STAND, llLoousnuna, nv JAM1M K. BYEIU fAlto, Bole Agent for.i:u.M' I'iiosi-iiatk or UK, IirEO tutconitnntly on linnd. ftbS'C7, O It THE P E O V CONTAINING Vu II liikliurl Inns nnd Prncllonl Knrins, Bd:iHi d lu Kvery Kind urnuslncss, ami to nil Mh- Minus ol lliu Union. I1Y Flt.VNKMN UlIAMIIKltMN, (11- I1IK CS'IIHI hTAHH IIAII. 1 hero Is im book of tlio kind wlilcli will Inko i mile wild it for iiulhcntlclly. Intclllgc-nei-. nnd im)lolcnci.s." Xpriuoflrld ( Jiu,.) Urlmbliniix. This Is Hit) Only New Hook of theklnd imbllsh id lor many jx-nrs. Ills prepared liy mi aula l'iui-lk-Hl Ijiwyur.or twcniy-llyo years' eiiierl-eni-i-, imil la Just what everybody uccils fonlally "it" Is lilclily recommended by insnyemlnont Juiluis, Includine tlio Chief Jiikllre und other JudBesofMnshnchnseUs, nnd the Chief JuslU-o and entire lleuch ofComierllcnt. Hold only bv Hubserlptlon. AdKMrU WAN TK1 EVK11YW1IEKI5. Send for i-lrculnrs. O D CASK A CO., l'ubllshers, lUrlford.Conn,; No. 1 Spruce 8t., Now Yoikj Cincinnati, O.i nnd Chicago, HI, O A UT 10 N. An old lnw-book, published ninny years niiO, has Just been linsllly reissued ns ft new book," without even n sultablo revision of Us obsolete statements. Uo not confound that work with Chninberlln's I.aw-l!ook for tho People. July Z),-6!)--m. il.EH'S 8TOUK. KttKHll AltlllVAI. "I- Hl'HIKU ANIIUUMMKH (KiOlifl Thesubscrltier has Just returned Iroin llierllhs with nuolher lnrjiu und select tisboittnetit of 81'ItINO Ai.l) HUMMHU UOOIW, purcluued lu Now York nnd riilladelphlnat lliu lowest llEtiro, und which ho Is determined to sen on ns inoderute terms us can bo ptocurid elsu whero lu lUooinsburg. Ills stock comprises iadies' unEKs aooua of the choicest styles nnd latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Ooods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles t Carpets, oil Cloths, Cloths, CosHlinercs, Hlinwls, Klauurls, Silk-., While (1o.hU. l.llieus, llnopKMiln, Muslins, lliilloiirwaif ' IVilarwui'i Jilr.-lisWdli-. Ilt.l-.MI. :,i tin Hll.l -'.li.H-s I Iflln -tlltl I '.4.-. Iimii Nl'1-1, llliibiellus, lsiklllg-Ul.LShe l, 'li.Lucco, I'llllr, Kijnrs, 'I eaii, llloe, AlKpl.r, (lllU'.l. Cliiiiiiinon NlllliH-js. ANIi NOTIIINM HUN It.W.M. Hl.olt, eel llilim usually Kept lu aiuntrt sUll't-S, Itl Wllll-ll III tllVlfl-r. till Hll.Ullloll nl Him public t-eiaiatty. 'I'ho titglu-KL piii-i- will be .al,t forciiulrtry prtluf In exch.iugo forrf(odx S. II. Mil. t.DK AXON. Arcade llulldlngs, lllisiln-ibui-u, l'a. rjAHE IOST BUCOKSSKUIj I.ll'H 1NHUIIANCK CO.MTAN Y or tiih worn r, Tin: NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. ok Tin: UHiTKii h t a t i: a or a m i: it i u a ciiAnTi:nEi)iiYHrr.ciAi.Acroi'coNOitijs. OAS II CAPITA L, - $ 1,000,000. JQOOK, HEAD, AND L ICA UN, ' Orcnt SIioslioticc-H Hcnicily I OF TI1K CELtnilATF.il 1MHIAN VU, LEWIS JOSIIEI'IIUS, of the distinguished Tribe ofHhoslionees.Oolnm- Din 'icrriiory is now lor snio in ino union. This nil possessing ureal remedy. Is warranted find In bronil nnd pninhntle lnnuol. wo ran safely sny, may lie rellcsl tijion lo nake n perma nent euro oi an oiscnses oi iiiu .jiiuiu, huiik i.iver. Kldnevs. Dlcesllvo Orcnns. etc.. As well ns scrofula, tho vnrlous skin diseases, Humors. nnd nil impuruyoi tno uioou.cAcepung ino uiiro stsffo of Consumption, iminnnun wuero mis greni, rcnicny iihi. uix-m n usn for n short tlmo It has Indeed enected kouioofthomost marvelous cures ever recorded In tho nnnals or historical meuicine, hiicii ueing the rnso In addition to Its former renown in Col umbia Territory wo defy humanity lo dispute tho fuel that this Great Hhoshonees llcmcuy Is ino remedy or remedies or mo urn ceninry, nna the prcatcst boon ever laid nt tho altar of siiflcr lnir humanity. l'rico of tlio llcmcuy in inrgo pini", ;i,.i. lnnufactureil bv Jit. Yonmr & Uros.. nt Hyra- cuse.N. Y. ror sale uy nil ueaicrs in aicmi-icnii. 11 11 A N C 11 O V V I C H I PHILADELPHIA, ornui: urn ci.Aitr.Nci: H. ciiAiti;. resident. JA COOK11, Chalrmnn I-'luanec and I'.secutlvo Cummlltee. Hi:NHY 1). COOKE. VIcc-lTesldent. EJliaiSON W. I'CUT, Secretary and Actuary Fr.ANCIf) 0. SMITH, M.I)., l'hllndelrhla, Mt-dl cal Director. tot This Company Issued, In the first TKN MONTHS I luf Us exKUlice, r,,:i5 I'OLrOI E H , INHUUINO 15,142.800. CAJir-MEETiNO. Tho West Branch Cam p- Mccting Association, propose to havo a gath ering this year as usual, on their grounds near Wayne Station, on tho P. & E. It. 11. between Williamsport and Lock Haven. Tho timo for tho meeting to begin is fixed on Tuesday, Aug. 17lh, and is to continue ten days. flio tents aro permanent structures, two stories high, with good floors and tliingto roofs. In thcso buildings what U considered ono tent consists of spaco for sitting room in front, .oven foot by eight, and sleeping apart ment in tho rear, eight feel by nine. For this amount of ppaco $0.00 will be charged if on tho ground floor, and $5,00 in the sec ond story. Tho prico of tents will be tho samo in all parts of tho encampment. It is true, somo locations may bo moro dcsirablo than others, hut as tho tents will ho distribut ed by lot all will bo treated with fairness. July 31st is tho day appoiutcd for tho se lection of tents. A chart of tho ground will bo propared, on which tho tents will all bo distinctly numbered. All tents for which or ders havo been received beforo July 31st will bo drawn on that day by tho Executivo Com mittee. Tho names of tho persops will bo put in ono box and tho numbers of tho tents in another. Then, after both havo been well bha.cn, an namo will bo drawn from ono box and a number from tho other, and tlio number drawn will ba tho number of tho tent rented by tho person whoso namo has been drawn at tho samo time. If ono person should desiro moro than ouo tent tho ono next will bo assigned, unless that number should bo already drawn, in which caso tho drawing will bo continued until a tent is chos en with a vacancy next to it. Ample accommodations will bo provided, by tho Association, for boarding nil who do not wish to furnish their own provisions Tho prices fixed aro $7.50 for tho term, $1.00 per day, or SO cts. for a smglo meal. Special arrangements for children under tea years of ago. Excursion Tickets will bo issued by tuv. various railroads adjacent to tho Oamr-tuct. ing. If persons desiro, they can ltavo two tcnts.jsituatcd cither sido by bido or ono on tho first floor and tho other- on tho second, All tents ordered must bo paid for whether' occupied or not. Tho tents aro furnished with bunks, and straw for them will bo -.old at a rcasonablo prico. Tho tents havo open fronts, hence ehoets or other materia will bo needed for curtaius, and also to sopara to tho sitting room from the slcoping apartmont. Sleeping accommodations will bo ir.rnishcd in tho second story of tho Uoardiu g tents. Tho bunks will bo furnishod. 'with btraw only, talced each occupant. Porters will bo p rovided to servo tho peoplo, and, tho A-sooiation will mako a small charge for serrious rendered. Tents ordered beforo July 31st i nil bo furn ished. Order recoirod after that will bo furnished only if thoro aro tout i still unrcnt- Porsoni ordcrin. tout- sli null stalo on :u'5"'.r'.M G. W. 0. T. of this State. Mr. Chaso of wlileli floor tliov desire to 1,n Lnmlml. It w A 1'EsTlVAl! will bo held on .Suluriliiy Aug. 7tli I u the grove ueur .Inn Church iu Fisliingcrcok township lu tlio lifter noon und evening, for the beuellt uf the Church mill Sablmth School. A hileu dlil time is anticipated. Tim public are corillully invited. By onler of the com mittee. Mrs. Annik M'IIunhy, ) Com J. W. AudTKN. J mitlie. Iok CuiiAM Fj:.stivai,. The (iooil Templnr.s of Millvllle propose holding mi Ice Cream Festival in the Urovonenr thu rcbitlencc of Ellis Eves, on next Saturday afternoon tho 31st Inst. A pleasant tlmo for mutual pleasure, pro fit, nnd amusement is anticipated. I'i-iTivAr.. Tho ladies of tho Evan gelical Church of LiKht Street will hold a Festival in tlio School House, in that place, commencing Wednesday evening August 1th and continuing every eve ning during tho week. A grand supper P.-III bo given every night during Its continuance. tit BOVElt & BAKEIl'S Coun i:n Stone La yino. The corner titono of tlio Evangelical Church ut Light Street will ho laid with appropri ate ceremonies on "Vei.iisdiiy, August lth at 2 o'clock v. M. It is hoped Unit there will he n general uttenihiiice. l!U I'llWT l'UKMIUM E LAS T It! STITCH FAMILY. SEWING MCHMS, 491 HKOAIlWAY.NKW yohk. 7) I'luslnut Kliect Philadelphia,, V 1)1 NTH 0 1' :xoi:i. r.KNfK. 'this (iilni4iuy oilers tolls rollcy-HoMcrs l'EKFKtrp HEOUHITY by Us Cash paid up Capital of ono Million Dot l.irs, nnd guarnutccH lu Iho Insuutl, by Us LOW HATES or l'UKMIUM I.A1KIH UIVI1IENI1S IN AllVANI'l', Orn ltexcrslmiary Dividend of l percent. by II KETUKN PKEM1UM PLAN. (IIINKUAI. AflllNTH. I-:. W. CI.AItli & CO., llankels, No. 35 Soul Third Street, Philadelphia, (hneral Auenls lor I'ennsylvnnla and Southern New Jerw-y. JOHN A. tUKHTON, IlloomsbuiK l'u., Beclal Agent for Montour i Columbia Counties JulylO,'C9.-lyr ' DRUGS & lYiEDICINto MISCELLANEOUS. JNFAILINa EYE PUESEIIVEIIS. Messrs. liAZAnua & moiuiib, j O V T'l OIANS & OOULIS TS itAitironr), cosm., Have, wjlli a view to meet tbo Increased demahd .tor their 0 li L E 11 n A T i; I) PEBFECTED SPECTACLES, TTinuoaiSTS wniTi; Tiiua ov thk GBEAT SIIOS1IONE1-3 ItEMEDY.l (ADSTOACTS OF LETTERS.) Oenova, N. Y., Kcb. 18th, 1SC0. On. Yocttn & lluo. I llnd my sales of your vnlunble llcmedlca Rrcntly lncrcasln!;. In ract your UrcatHtioidiouecB ltemcdy U Blvlng the best of satisfaction, and doing just ns his recommenu- cu to uo, several Having eveu euuiu 111 vu iuh mu how much they hnd been beucfltcd from IU use. I have sold out of It iA SMITH. Bherman. N. YMnrch, 20th, ISC!). l)n. Y'ouNd & nno. I Btnrted your Great Hhos honees ltemcdy by giving nwny ono bottlo ton conilrmed Dyspeptic, the result has been ample. It gives untvcisal satisfaction, moro thnn nny other medicine e have had lu the storo foryenrs. Vvom what I havo seen of tho Bhoshonccs, I feel lustlilcd In recommending It. Mend mo six doz. more, It will sell In threo monlhs. etc. 1IY110N 1'IiNNElt. Wnlerlinrn. N. Y.. March ljlh. 18U). Di:. Youkci & lino. Your Hhoshonees ltemcdy Is giving good satisfaction, nnd sells better than nny oilier new medicine wo havo ever attempted to Introduce, nswonro nearly out or It, send us ill mint- tic. . ...... 127 N. Morgan Ht Chicago, III. I't'b. IStli, 16t. 1 ui. Younu t lluo. I havo sold over ten doz. of your Urcat Hhoshonees ltemedy nlrcadyandn great number ottho Hhoshonees Tills. It gives unUersnl satlirncllon, I havo not heard ono to whom I havo sold, but what speaks of It In tho Itlt.lipKt lernis. nml rrconiinenil it to others i nnd ns 1 am nearly out of II, plenso send me half n gloss inoi-ont once, eie.,eic. b OKO. UKOOICmi. l'rtco of the nemcdy In largo pints, 81.23. Manuractuicd by Dr. Young llros., nt Hyrn ruse, N. Y. .... For salo by nil dealers lu Medicine. G BEAT BEOUOTION IN PIUCEH AT l'HTKll KNT'B HTOUK, IN LIGHT HTKI.ET, OF SI BINO AND SUMMEB GOODS. THK subscriber hns Just received nnd has on hand nt his old stand lu Light Htreet, a largo nnd select ASSOBTMENT OF MEBCIIANDISK pnri liai.ed id tho lowest flgiuc, and which he determined sell nn as moderate Icrms ns be proeuu-d elsewhere lu Light Htreet, mu i ami ou couxmr ntonuch. His stock consists nt LADIES' DBESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ulnghnm-. tlaunels, Hosiery, Carrot, HUks, ishnwls, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Mallnelt-. Cnsslmers, fottouades, KcntucHy jeans. AC, 40 (JHOOEB1ES, MACKEBal, 0.ueeuwsre, Cedarwaie, llaruwaro, Meairiuei, Drills, Oils, l-ainis, it. HOOTS A SHOES, HATS & CAPS lnshiirl even thing usually kept In a cou ' o .tur... Tim oalrouaueof his old friends nu" the nubile geuerolly. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. riui nar. Light Htreet. Nov. S 1867. DON'T INTEND AbTONISiiING Tunwonr.li rusteisa on., uutwatkk. K A Y'S PUMP S, USIID AND ADMIRED BY EVERY OSK. Kspcelally tho ladles, being truly tho ladies' irlend, working muth lighter and easier than the old tree ) ump. They don't make such a slop nnd lion l collect, so luucil icuuruuuu Lliu iii-ir lu iiiu winter, tlio water not ruuntugso longarterpu nip lug. Having taken tho ilrst premium nt every Mir tney nao uecu exniuueu; also reconiiiieu deilbyull Insurnnco Companies, ou nccounlof flMIE KIDNEYS. THE KIDNEYS X Altr.TWOln number, situated nt tho upper partoftho loin, sui rounded by fat, nnd consist ing or tlmo putts, viz: Iho Anterior, Urn Iulei lor, nml the interior. 1 ho untertor absorb-i. lutcilor con&Uls or tis sues or vclus, which servo as i deposit for Iho n i onductor iilsii,termlnallng In nslngle lube,nnd called iho Ureter, 'i'ln) nreleisnroconnected illh the bi.idder. ... '1IH- bl.iddi i- Iscwuiposcd of vnrlous coverings or tissue, illvMnl Into purls viz: tho Upper, the i.iiui-r. the Nervous, and tlio ilucous. The miner expels, tho lower retains. Many hnvo n desire to uunatu without the ability ; others urinate wtlh out tho ability to retain. Tills lrcijucntiy occurs In children, ....... To cure these nirectlon wo must bring Into actio the muscles, which are engaged In their various functions. If they nro ucgtected.Uravcl or Dropsy mny ensue. 1 no reader mus talso be made aware, that how ever slight may bo tho attack. It Is sure to nirect the bodily health and mental powers, ns ourllcsh und blood;are supported from these sources. Uout, on KHKuaiATisM. rain occurring lu the loins isludlcutlvoof tho above illscusos. They occur iu perbons disposed to acid stomach and chalky eoucietlous. The Ouavki.. Tho gravel ensues from neglect or Improper treatment of tho kidneys, uti Appointed Miss A. D. W EBB, J HTATIONEIt, jiLoomuujia pa., A. their sole Agent for thbi place. They havo taken enro to give all needful Instructions, nnd liavo c-nlldcnce lu tho ability of their agents to meet tlio rcqnlreruchfti of nil customers , An op portuulty will bo thus nOordcd to procure, nt nil times BPECTACLES UNEQUALLED 1SX, ANY FOlt THE1U STRENGTHENING AND rilESEn- VINQ QUALITIES. Too much cannot bo said nslo their aUl'KUI OUITY" o cr tho ordinary glosses worn. Therajs no glimmering, watering c the ttgliS, itluinca,. ot other unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary, from tho peculiar construction of Iho Lenses they nro toothing and plcatant, causing a feeling ol relief to tho wearer, nnd rHODUCING A CLEAU nnd DISTINCT V1HION, ns In tho iininr al healthy tight. They are the only Spectacles to PBESEBVE AS "WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And mo Iho CHEAPEST because tho 11E.ST, nl ways lasting iianv 'years without chango bo lug necessary. -:Oi CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEBB, HTATIONEIt, jiLooMsituna pa., Is tlio ONLY Agent appointed lu this place. ,8-WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLEBS. I'tb. lOOVU'. g L A T E B O O F I N G, r. veny variety MOST FAVOBA'BLE BATES, JOHN TIIOMAH, AND OAHl'Ell J. THOMAH, l!ox.rr, Utoomsburg, Vii. Mai-.19.9-lyr. A Special Notice. GBEAT BEMEDY. FOll THK CITRK OK THROAT AND LUNU DISEAH1M. Dr. Wlshart's Pino Trco Tar Cordial. It la the vllnlprlnciploof tho rino Tree, oh atned bv a peculiar processln the dlstllltallon of the tnr, by which Its highest medical properties nrn rntnlnpil. It Is tho nnlv safecuard nnd rcllablo remeily which has ever been prepared from tho Jnlco of the Pino Tree. It Invigorates tho digestive organs and restores tho nppetlte. It strengthens the debilitated system. Itpuriaesandonrlchesthe blood, and expels from tho system tho corruption which scrofula breeds on the lungs. .... It dissolves tho mucus or phlcjm which Btops tho nlr-pnssages of tho lungs. .... Tta lif-.illnir nrlnrtnlo nets unou the Irritated suruice of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pam and subduing lniiammiutou. f ettllig out more water in less iimoanu wiin less abor, they throwing n barrel of water n minute. All we ask Is atrial, nnd vo nroeonlldent wo i-an please you. Aeslii: It Is moro simple. It having no lower box packed with tow nud tallow, which Is tho grentcst trouble In the trco pump. Another great advantage is, that when yon get im now pump you aio not compelled to drink forn wholojear 1 ITC1 PINE OR IlLACl. OAK WATER. Our iiuinn belti madeof wild cucumber wood. wincn is ircoirom inbie, uisa ihms lunger in ivu ter. It has also many other ndvautaces, which cunouly bo found out by using them. They huvo ueeu ill uso iu luo uurinerii iii i ui inc niiiiu iui twenty years; selling rapidly every wheie. All nrilers throueh tho nost otUco or leltat Ills resiuenco iiepuurn sitccl souin hiuo iu inexi.u.. in, will oo promptly niionueu 10, oy WlLI.IAMSI-OllT, PA. ALLEN KAY. Manufacturer. A. J. PRKSCOTT. CATAWI-WA, r.t. Agent. No orders w 111 be received unless nddressed to Mr, Kay or lo Mr. I'rescolt his agent. July iiVU'J-ly. it I. tim rnll rf v.nnt nf ftlmlv mill esnerl- orgaus being wiulc.tho water Is not cxfelled from 1 ment,nnd ltls offered to the mulcted, with tbo thu bladder, but allowed to remain , H becomes 1 positive nssurnneo of Us power to euro tho fol lowing uiseases, h ino patient nas noi iou- iuug delayed n resort to tho means of euro : Consumption of theLungs, Cough, Horo Throat nnd llrcost, llronchllls, liver I'oiiiplnlnt, llllnd nnd Weeding Piles, Asthma, Whooping Cough Gr BEEN WOOD SEMINABY. A UOA11DINU SCHOOL l'Olt UOTll S..S. s OMETHING NEW. Proclaim the joyous News throughout all tho land I Dr. Pierce's Alternative "Extract, ov Golden Medical Discovery urresta and cures Consump tion In Its early htagos,and Is u positive ly Euro and certain remedy for Bron chitis, Laryngitis, and all lingering Coughs. Sold by druggists, or encloso threo dollars und twenty-flvo cents to Dr. B. V. Piorcc, ButTalo, N. N- and gtV threo bottles frooofpxpr(Wfliarges. EB, Don't iiuniiMiiuciOEU with tlio foolish Idea that Catarrh cannot bo cured I The world moves, and medical scleneo Is pro gresslvo. Tho proprietor or Dr. bage's Catarrh Bemedy will pay 500 roward for a caao of Catarrh which ho cannot euro. BOM oy urugyisis ul nny vuuim. aud each packugo makes u full pint ol tho medicine ready for u-o. Cm get It by mall for Sixty Cents from Dr. It. V. Plerco, Buirulo, N. Y. .v-Dlting that thoro had been a resignation, ino uun.s win uo lurnisnoawiu btraw Til et Pfn bolh tu0 M'tcan and tho ,itK. m twcnty-Ovo cents a night will J0 cl t House, f'rtr, talk, of a "Ilevcnue Inspector," who ,tandlsl'i)y... , T I.. .I.!- !. ! !.. Columbia i-wi tuu cunngc. su rupiy iu una is is uiuy lnBtrett,"S, I llnllSC. P.1. tand I Men's iifvl'e!ry to sajfj lhat there it no tuch officer. vy sloxa'W eUm? nea"" ,.shocsei;;iiNew hiU'of tho I. 0. of 0. T. at 'oitcr-. woaw BiH,' Ltnefae'cpunty, was dedicated ly cd 7... ... t i ildtki'lt-jBk4,''pB,;8i,UTday, July 21th, with tho iutontion of tho Association to furnish llicutiouWui,oprfte oereuioDk-s. Anoxhitition by supplies of every Li nil at war.1 kct rates, and nj;ruor,wuglvenaUho church in thoevo-1 to provido all accopiinodation s essential for oJff' wwUWlBCnt consisting ot Ilia- tho couilort ol the quests. It isliop Simpson caunoUl'wi,0''W'5'u'CIlnl'arcsi0s '',cy and other oniinent Clergynieu havo been iu "Sve S''"8 UjWjMtd with crodit tathoor- vited and aro expected to ho nlt tho Sleeting. ,-ciTssiiis "Jjiana to tho pwMpants. luo addressss iCS 'the covered by MaiwiC'Pavcsoa.'tllufr, Jones, 'too, LookhaW, W.' J. Backalew and II ,, Iluckalew.'iliaWed careful tuought. An ' u-vilnal roero, on Iliwllngton wasrocitedby ,nust'.'wi ft. llhono of Cambra. -U ras humoroiu. 1li"'J''"ilti'O0Wl)0ac1 n'1 was t6?hd with marks WxaTBitANciiCup-iiKOTNa Association ptiy l.ippreciatiou by tho awfienco. 'Isoclc Haven, Pn. All baggago should bo distinct; lyjnarkcd Wayno Station, Philadelphia &Eriolt. ll caro of YCit Branch ta njp-iui joting Assoc! ation- Lottcrs orderlivj lents or dj.iring iuforma tion should, bo aaurosscU: lliaulyaud Elasticity o( stitch. lVrfcttlon and Hliupllclty of Machinery Using bolh Ihrtnds dlrei lly fioni the sp.sil.'. Nofaslenlngofseaiiisliy baud und no vriwtn uf thread. Wido rango oi niiplli-atlon without chango r lldJUHlllKnt. Tho seam ulalns Its beauty nnd llrianess nllr washing and Ironing. IU-sliUs doing nil kliulmf work dono by other Hewing Machines. Iheso Maihlncs cxecnto urn most beautiful und i'iiuuiient Embroidery nnd i-i.u i...iri,Mifl lices leave uj Inform her Ilk nils nud tlio publio generally, that she lias n(h--ucd in 11L00MSUURG, a Iresh slock nl giHHlslulhollueiir MILLINERY lUld TRIMMINGS in luuinei llou with Dres .Making! and Is pru puiid lu luldllliiu, to COLOKbTltAW II Ai nu Ihiishurlust liotlce.nnd In the best stylo of the ui t. Prices cheap and woi k saiisniciory. Mll-H. K. Kijni. Light Street, tvtnlibr t, INi7. Having resumed the charge of this Institution nftcr nn absence from the county of nearly seven vpntK. I resnectlullv solicit n lnlr shsro of tho publio patroange. nnd trust wo shall soon llud the school established ujiou Its former hauls of usefulness ana prosperity. Thol-'nlt term will open on Monday, August lUth 1 ho terms for a qunrter of eleven wet-cks will be. lioardlngund Lights 9 Vi Toll Ion In English, from .....!7 to i9. Other branches extra. All bills payable, one lialf lu adviiucc-thn balanco at tho inlddleof e.u-11 qoarter. 1,-f.r fm tin r ..nrtlciilnrs mill r ess WM. UUIKIEKS, Pllncipal. Millvllle, Columbia cu , Pa. July lil,'u9-0w. ornaiuenttil work. I -OJ- IMilliulelphU MarUets. I-'UlUll , ... Northwestern superhue at (.ujuiiB J.- Northwesteru exlra. - - JUS Nollhwcsleru luiniiy...... Pennsylvania and Wesleru suis-nlne... 5.(u.io Pennsylvania and Wesleru extin 07.VSI U.7S .H.r,iriM I7.ii . 11.04. ll.Tli .. KJiUvtlUS r.l.-. .. rs.i.s.i,i-'i.iu , i,KI.U ... Sl.17CvSl.17 7lk-(ul.'iii tai.'ii ., i.'i.io Hcc I IJu i7a2oio l7.U0iali.75 11.74 J.75 lk.ll!o IhaVe 118.55170 j-Tho IllBhest'l-remhiinsnt nil tho liilm Inhibitions of Iho United mate ami Europe, hate been nwnidc.1 thu drover Jt Daker Setllng Machines, nnd Iho w.n k dono by Ilium, whert vi r oxhl-llcd lu cuuipellllou. -10J- 4,-Tlio iry highest prlie. TIII5 Cltoart Ol- Till! LKUION OV HONOU, was coiuem-u. tho rcprisenlallva ol tho Urovcr a linker Hewing Machines, nt tho Exposition Itnlvcrselle, l'lirls, 1SC7, thus ollcstlng Ihclr great suerlorlly over nil other Hewing Machines. TVTI.SS L1ZSCIE BABKliEY has Just leluiliid lloul Phlluililpliia, unj has bought, und Is now olleilug tho hi si assortment l-'ANl'Y GOOIiH, TltlMMINU.-l, llONNirlHie. M., ever exhibited lu llloomsbuig.and Is prepared lo make up ill esses nud all r.thir articles ni n-iuaio wardroba, nl short notice, and In tho hist nnd LA TKKT Hl'RlNll HTYLKH. Rooms iu Iho ll.misy miuuings, uu vt ilalulSlioel. Call and no her varii-u sioru ui rlprlng Goods. May l.'IS. "PUBLIO BALE. n pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court ot Columbia County, Pelinsyivnuia, ou hatuh- 1JAV, ACUUST7U1, ISU'J, lit 1 ueiis.- ill iitw ." noon, Peter llltner und Mary Ultner, udnilnls. iu said counly, deceased, will expose to sale, by nubllo vendue, on the premises, certain mess- TRACT NO. 1. All that certain messuago nud nut lying in snm iowuuii", ."' ,,", Kliuiuei Jveuer, uwiibw .-i-i', w.. ......... siph lllllcg John Ullleg nnd olhers, contnlnlug Penusylvaulimnd Westeru laiully .. l-euusyivuiiiu uuu n h-.m u. .... live uour ............ Whkat Pennsylvania red, H bus. . Houiuern CallfornU " ' .. ' white ... Ryu Pennsylvania rye, bu UOKM leuow, y uiui, Oats vbus -...... Pitovisios Mess Pork, V bbl........ Messlleef, " Dressed Hogs, V &....... Hmoked Hams " ......... " hhoulderstti Lord, fi St Hukdh Cloversoisl w bus ...., Tlmotliyseed V bus.......... l-'laxseed " CA vi XK Heef Cnltlo V -.......... Cows, si heiul Hiiekp-V lo ....---. lloos-li 1W H -..........-.-.... . V OR H A L H II Y J. A.. 2D O 3aA- 1ST , JlJ.OOllSlWllO PA. Juno WUMy END ONE DOLLAB AND GET y return man oue oi lAJHinu h l"Ji.t..Mi KH.nl iho rlilust lulllal 1'rench Nolo Pa per. Al Ihe 1-uiies aio in lojo wiin i nem. Address LOUINO.l'ublMier, JKIU-Sm. llnston, Mar,s. CJEN hoi'& riAlln MISSISSQUOI BOWDEB AC- JL tuully cures caueer uuu - ir.:ri,V oi thoHkfll. HeeteiKirl to U I. MtsUcal H, clel) bUitenunu oi P'O'sltlnus Jlelrculaf' ril',BJ ' upplleatlou tuC'HAH. A. DUIIOIB, llJ lkrlHI, New York rpiy. nox , JI8-W-:im 112 ACBE3 & 151 PEBCIIES on which la ertctod n Houso.Uaru, nud th? usual TRACT NO. 9, A certain tract of timber land In said townsilip, ixmnum ujr luuua w.v. ..- ner, John J, Cook, Jacob Hower, aud -tners, ion-talulng 10 ACBES AND IU J.'JJHU.l.. T ..in ll.n uln(n nf unl.l ileciULSed. SltuatO 111 tllO township ol I,ocnst, aud county aforesaid, U-oousuuKU, Juno -A lsou CONDITION OF BALKl-Ollo-tlllrd of tho pur- chaso money to remain lu tlio premises uunug thu natural llfeof Mary llltner, widow of saldde o'dj and at her death to be paid to the heirs ofsuld ueceascui .uuuio " , , , , Vi i J. iifrt -F.m :!k.r..r... ..r r...f,,nrili or the remainder to bo mid ut tho striking down of the property, the ouc-fourtli less tho leu per cent, nt the ooullrma. lion ubsolute,uud the remain lug tluce-fourths lu ouo year therealter with Interest from Iho eon- uruillliuu nisi, iw.i.im.,1 . i i ,,, i iSViSr " v ""pMifit'iinNKR llU.tl,a. ,,,VL. 1.131' NOT PRKJUD1CK USURP YOUR IH3A-HON.-It Is n fact that, hi Ihe minds of ninny persons, a prejudlioexhls egalust what are call eil patent medicines; but why should this pro vent you resorting loan article that has such nn nrray or testimony In suppnit it ns 1108T1.T Tl'.ll'S STOMACH lU'lTKRKf Physicians pics cribu 11 ; why should you ilNenid It? Judges, us ually considered men of talent, havo used nnd do u-olt lu Ihclr Innilllesj why should you ipjict II? Let not your prejudice usurp your n-ason lo the evi-rlnsthig Injury of ymirheallli. lfycmnr sick, and renulro n inedklne, try Iheso Hitters. When tholMsllly enei-gles nro worn out by anx iety nul need nsllinulant, this is Iho liest that cnu bolnken Ills tempi red nnd modified by hyglenlo heilnniid rools, which prevent It from feveilng tho bloislj nnd hence It does not produce n mem temporary excitement, In be followed by Injurious unction, but communicates a n-t-liianent imteucy to tho entire vital organization. Homo of Itshirbal constituents nresllghtly sop orltlc, so lhat lu cases when,- sleeplessness U ono of tho accompaniments of nervous disease, n dose of It taken towards ucdllmo will tend to produce quiet nnd rcfrtshlug slumber. I'or .mlpltnllou of heart, tremors, hysterics, running ins, geuenu restlessness nnd tho causeless rears ami uisiress, Inir fancies to which ladles are especially subject, under certain morbid conditions of mind and body peculiar to their sex, tho Bitters will bo louud tho most agreeable and col lam oiau eouu ter-lirltants, Tlio constitutionally nervous may readily keep their luilrmlty In constant check bv tho uuuy usoof tills healthful vegetable tonlo: and those who luvo "shattered their nerves," as the phraso Is, cither by Imprudent Indulgeuco or undue physical or Intellectual labor.wlll And In inn vi talizing elixir n prompt restorative. 1SG9. TIHILADELPHIA AND EBIE JL RAILROAD. HUMMER T1M13 TAULIi, TUUOUai! AND D1UCT liOUTE UETWKKN flll-A' PEM-HIA, OALTIUOltS, IIAUUlSUUllO, WIL-LIAUSl-OHT, AND Tilt OREAT OIL REGION OK TENNHYLVANIA ,..voruli. nml sinllnioiiLriirins. It is lrom this de posit that the stone Is lormed, and gravel ens-ics. DitorsY Is u collection of water In somo parts of thu body, nnd bears dltlcreut names, nccordlng to Iho pain ullcclcd, vis: when generally dIUusod over tho body, It la called Anasarca: when of the abdomen, Ascitis; when ol tuo chest, ilydrotho- r"riEATJiENr. llcliuboid's highly conccutralod couuiouud i;xlr.i ilucliu is decidedly ouo of Ilia best remedies lor diseases of tho bl.nidcr.klUncys, grnvcl.uioiislcal selllngs,rheumiitlsm,und gouty ilfectluus Under Oils head wo havo arranged Dysurl.i. or iliillcnlly und pain lu passing water, scanty -ccidlon, or small aud lieiiuent illschar ...,u ,., ...,n,.i-. KiMiiurtirv. in- stomiiiiir of watLr: ileinaturla, or bloody uiluu; Gout and Rheuma mntlsm ol iho kidneys, without nnyclmngo lu qiiuuiil-, but Increase of color, or daik water. It was always highly recommended by U.o lalo Dr. Physlck, in tueso nUections. Tills mtdlcluu Incieases tho powcl of oils lion, nnd excites tho absorbent- into lieulthydeg trclse, by which tho walery, or calcauous, dciios lilons, und nil unnatural enlargements, ns well ns pain nud Intlamniatluu, nro leduced.aud Ills taken by men, woman, nnd thlldieu, Dllectlons lor use anil diet necoinpauy, I'H11.AU--1'J1IA, l'.i., I'eb. -j, 1M7. 11. T. lli.i.nor.i', Druggist: DKAUbin 1 liavo beeu a sufl'ucr, for upward ,.i tii-.-ntv v.-iii-H. with ariixel. bl.itldr. nud kldncv allcelioiis,aurlug which tlmo I havo used various medicinal piepiuuitons,and been under the treat ment or thu most eminent physlclans.cxircrltu clusbutllllloiellel. ... Having seen your preparations extensively nd erllsiU, 1 cousulttdwith my family l-hjsiclau lu iiguut to using your i(iruci. iiucuu. I did this becausol had used U kinds of adver lisid lemcdlts, nml had louud Hum worthless, and bomo quite injurious ; lu fact, 1 despaired oi ever getting well, and determined to use noicm edles htreulier unless 1 know of the Ingredients. It was this that promptedlno to use jour lenic dy. Asjou ild erllsed that It was composed of buchu, cubebs, aiuUuntper berries, It occurred to mound my physician ns uu excellent combina tion, ami, with his udvlee, after uu examination ol the article, and consulting ugalu with the druggist, 1 concluded to Iry lr. I commenced Us u-iu about eight mouths ugo, ut which tlmo 1 was cuuilneil lo my loom, lrom tho Urst Isiitle 1 was nstoulslicU nnd grnttUed at tho bcucllclal ef liet, and uller using It thrcu weeks, was able to ...tilr ..ut. I li-lt iiiueli Uko wtitlti!! vou a lull slulemenlol my eusuut that time, but thought luy luiproveiueni lillgui, only im iciuinirur, uuu iiu-i-i-iiiiii fsiucluih-il lo dcleruudhco UltMould eUccl a pcrli-ct cure, knowing then 11 would bo (u greater tliuo iu you, Ul.u inuru naiinii.iui v iu 1 1 tim n.iw nblo tn ri'isirt lhat n cuio Is ctt'ei U-d alter mins Ihe remedy lor mu months. 1 liavo not usiil any notv tor threo luoiith-i, nud fn-l us well lu till lespeetsns 1 overdid. Your Ihulut belug devoid of uny uni-Ieasaiil laslu and odor, u nice Inula and Invlgoralor ol Iho s) stem, 1 do not mean lo be wilhout It wlicu over occasion may icipilio lis uso In such nllV-c- IIOUS. 1, iUCUllllCIV, Klinnid nnvdonbt Jlr. McCormlck's slatemcnt, ho letcls to iho follow lug genllelnenl lloll. Win, lllgier, ex-liovernor, rem) iviiiun. lion, iiios. ii. i-lorcuic, i ; ii iuf i ,iii i. Hon, .1. 0. Unov, Judge, Plilladelphl.t. llon.J.H. Illack, Judge, Phllndelphl.i. Hon. D. It. l'orler.ex-l.overuor, lVnnsj Ivaula, lion. I'illis ixjms, jiiuge, i-iiii.ii-ii'".. lion. It. c. Ililer, Judge, Culled hiales jvmrt. lion, II. W. WiKolwnul, Judge, l'hlladchihUi. lluu. W.A. Poller, city Kollillor, Philadelphia, ii... . lillf.i- i.v.ilnv.-riiiii'. l-nltrnrllla. lloa! I Hanks. Audltor-Ucnornl, Washluglou, Aim many oiucis, ii hutmuij. Knl.l bv llrueeests and dealers everywhere. llewaio of counterfeits. Ask Mr llelmboldB. Tuko noother. PuiCK-l,i per lsitlle.ortl butlles for WA Delivered In uny address. Descillw symptoms lu all coniiuunlentlons, Address H. T. lim JlllOI.l), Drug, and Chemi cal Warehouse, S'JI llroiulway, N. Y. , Nouo nro genuine unless done up lu stocl-ni-emveit wrapper, wllh fac-Mmllp of my Clieinleal Warehouse, nnd signed II. T. HhLMllOI.D. June is,-eu-.iii. AND BLOOMS- T ACKANVANNA O-l UURU 11A.1.UUA11 On nnd IUrM.iy 1Mb, IMS, Passenger Trains will run as follows! doing North, Arrive Arrive n. in. a. m. Bcraulou II .13 ie.li) Plttston.... 0.10 KlUKSlotl .......... P.1U Plymouth.... s.30 Hhlckshluuy,-. 7.15 iierwici ........... e.i Uloom .. UAi oauvuie 0..-1 Leave North'd..- l.U 10.0J IW5 O.-JS K.t 8.1(1 7.S0 CM Leno U.-JU UolugBuulll. Ix-avo Lcovo p. iu. n. in. 1.00 o.2j Leave 4.37 .1.E- 5.1(1 U.VU S.VS) 1I.3S U.l) 7.11) 7.H S.21 S.U) ll.OJ Arrive Arrive 8.10 two lll,llll,., .W., wo nro olten nsked why are iiotolhcrrcniedlcs In Ihe market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds nnd other Pulmonary nircctlons equnl to Dr. L. II. Wlshait 'a PlnoTreo Tar Cordhtl. We answer 1st. Jt cures. not by stopping cough, but un loosening nnd assisting n.ituro lo throw oirtho unhealthy matter collected about tho throat and bronchial tubes, causing Irritation and cough. 3d, Most Throat nud Lung Remedies nro com posed of anodynes, which nllay the cough for nwhllo but by thclrconstrlnglng em-cts.tho fibres becomo hnrdeucd,nnd tho unhealthy Uulds coag ntulto nndnro;retahitd In Iho system, causing d seaso beyond tho control of our most eminent pin blclaus. SJ. Tho PlnoTreo Tar Cordial, with lis assis tants, nro preferable, because they removo tho cnuso of lrrltallou of the mucous mcmbrnno nnd bronchial tubes, assist the lungs to net nod throw oil' tho uuhcalthy secretions, and purify tho blood.lhussclentlilcally making Iho euro perlcct. Dr. Wlshart has on Hie at his otllco hundreds nnd thousands of Certificates, lrom Men nud Women of unquesllonablo character who weio nuco hopelessly given up lo die, but thiough the l'rovhlenco of tlod were completely restored to health by Iho Pino Trco Tur Cordial. A Physi cian In ultcmlanco who can bo consulted In ir son or by luall.rreo of charge. Prico of Pino Tree Tar Cordial 81.50 ner llottle. til per dox. Hcnt by Kxprcss on receiptor price. Address. "L. Q.C. Wlshart, M.D.Noii-NorthiM.BL.PblladcIphlal'a. May -l,'00-3m JM P O B T A N T N OTIC E. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY O P DBESS a O O D s, AT THI3 NEW STOBE, BBOWEB'S BUILIUKO, l'ho sphudld riuims of J.J. liltOWER, ni" comiilelid nnd nowoiicii lu tho pnblle with tho V 1 N 1-3 H T K T O l K ever oll'ered in lilooiusbur((. All Ihe N B W B S T S '1' Y I, V. S ur Prr sb (iiHsls, Hllks, Clolhs, Oisnlman, Lliu ns, riunuels Ac, (! A It P E T H of every 1 1) lo nnd for nil prion. Oil CMnths lu great variety. A full lino of SUI' E B I O it OpB () 0 B B 1 E H. f - Coll'ecs, Tens", SiiKtirH, Spices, w-arrnuteil pure nnd gooil. OLASS AND (iUEENSWABB, lu carefully nssortcd vnrlety. a L O V E S, II O H 1 E H Y, HOOP HKIUTB, COR.4I3T1J AND A COMPL1.T1-: nsMirtmeiit of WHITE OOOD"., Tho public ro twrnestly Invlleil lo examine thcso lluo goods, Ufora pur chasing elsewhere nnd nro guaranteed sattslac llon, No expense or trouble lias lcn spnnd lo mnko THU MOST COMI'I.KTK establishment In this section of lUc htate, May 7,'CO-tf J. J, linOWER, Uloonisburg l'a. Connection made ntHcrnnton by the 10.10 ii.ni. trnlu for Great llend, lilnghanilon, Albany nnd nil points North, tost nnd WcM , ..WW...'. ELEOAMT BLEKflNO CA118 On nil Night Trains. the June til. I'VJ. Admlulstiulors. q-illri 8 EC BET OF KNOWLEDGE. jTlilrty.two iiages, practical receipts for beauti fying the complexion, destroying warts, freckles pimples or other diseases of the skin, removing superlluous htlr.propagatlug lu itrowth.or when faded or gray restorlngitlolls original color, -or cleaning SIJ or silk gloves, laces, ribbons, etc. Rheumatism, ague uud fetid breath cured by fol. lowlug Its advice, benUreo forto tti. Address 151 Kullon Btreet, N.'V. N, ii. Parties nro making SAUO to I Jxu u year by manufacturing und ulllug lrom Iheso re ceipts, July lOtO-Sm. fin nml uftr lllnNnAV. Anr. tflllll ISITQ. Trains on Ilia Philadelphia & Erie Hull Ho.ul will tuu ns lullowst WI3HTWARD. MAIL TRAIN U-avcs Phtladelplila-....10.n p.m. " " Norlhumberluud.JI.Viu.ni. ' arr.nt l.'rle u.ailp.m. l'.UIll 1-'.XPR1-Vlleatet Philadelphia....!!.:) in. . " nun u..........m..ii i.ui. " urr. at i:rlo ...lo.uiu.iii. ElIIRA MAIL leaves Phlludclphlu....8.tt)u.in. i i' North'd. ..,..!..' n.m. " urr, ut Lock Haven .7,!5p.in, EASTWARD. MA1LTRA1N leaves Erie .....11.15 lulu " " Norlh'd ...'i.u) U.U1 " " urr. at Philadelphia .Jl.-iu.in. ERIE EXPREft.1 leaves Lile...... -.fl.'ii p. ia i01bU....H..,...VlllU.llli urr. ui i uuuueii'uia......iu p.111, M all mid 13xnresH eouuecls Willi Oil Creek und Allegheny lllver Hall Road, UiiKgnge chocked turougu, A. I TYLER. General Superintendent, WUltainsiiort, OBTHEBN UENTBAL BA11 WAY. and after Muj UUi IsUI, Tuilus will leavoNoi-.Tiiuuiixiii.AMi as follows i NORTHWARD. tH A.M., Dally lu Wlllluinsisirt, (except Hiinilay) fur l-.imira, i iiunuiiaigiia, ii.h iiv.iri, i,un ud......ul.... It, I.I..H ait.l Sl. k'llllM. OV) r. w.. Daily, (exci-1,1 Hundays) for Elinlru nud lluuulovlu i-.ilo Hallway fiom Klnilra. 5.M P.M., Dully, (except Humlajs) for Wllll-uns. V" ' TRA1NH bUUTHWARD. ;B) A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for lUllltuoro, WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA, ,00 P.M. Dally (exceptHuuduy'slfor Uallliuore Wush.nglo.,uu.lPn...u.clli....i.H Ueuciul Pusfttngur Agcul Abi lttu 11. Pisku, Oen'l Hupl., CATAWISSA BAILBOAD On mid after MONDAY, Nov. 13, lke8. Passenger tiulusou theCnlawUsaltailrondvi-lllrim ntllio lollowlng iiuincu nourt : Malt Hoith. STATIONS. Dep. 7.50 n,m Vllllnnspprt. ' 8.3) ' Muney. " 8.50 " Watsontowu, l).10 " Milton. ' V.M " Danville. i' iu.w ' lluiirt. 10.2j Catawlss 11.10 " Rtugtown, 12.30 p.m. Huiumlt. 12.15 " Ouukuko. .uu " jM Aiuiiuuy June. ' tJj Arr. C.li " 10.50 "DlucTumaquu. Dine, it evil In if. I'liUAdclnnta. 1 To New Yoilt via, Ri-ul lug or Mnuch Chunk, l-'rom New York via. I UV1 V..'"""' f 11118 4fn Iferth Air,C.16p. m. DC11.&.I1 " 5.13 " " 1.&5 ' ' OO " ' 3.5S " " SSi " " 2.28 " " IM " " l.W " " 1.M " 1.10 " lu.lo a.ia. tsl-i A Prlu LL KINDS OF JOB PBINT1NU neatly executed at Tuxtl. uuuian t-Uiuo riuung umcs, NuChango uf curs bclwien W Philadelphia. faiusnorl und UEO. WUU11 Huy'U riONBUMPTION CAN BE CUBED lly Dr.CC.GarrUen'suewpitKfssoflreoliuiiii Call or addiess Dr. C. G. U ARRlbON, DU boulh ElOHTllHt. l'hllndelpliln. Pu. ..-.,. l'.H.-Hiclalnltculloulvtulo THROAT uiid LUNG Discuses. '". t-i. d1 n A DAY. tlVJ AUiluss A.J.J IU.AM New York.