AND BLOOMSBUna, PA. FlllOAX MOUN1NO, JULV 30, IIBB. V TItH COI.UMUIAN has the Largest Olrenlatluii of any ,pcr published In XorOttrn Pennsylvania, and It also a nneh larger sheet linn anr of ItseoUm- porarlesi and la therefore t he best medium. for RiiTtrtmBig In Ihle often nnni state Our Convention. Before nnotlicr Issue of Tini Colum bian, our Convention will liiiVo irirM ami porforincil its uutlen. All ngrco tlmt It is tin important, one. Upon it will ilcvolvo the Bclcctlon of candidates for tho various ofllcca to bo filled next October. A bad or imprudednt nomi nation will weaken tho ticket, as a weak link endangers rt wliolechaln ; wo therefore) hopo that our best men will bo selected ; men devoted to our wind plrs, and energetic In disseminating them. Thu delegates to bo selected should bo tho best men In the County, whoso ol Jeet will bo tho patty's good and not the advancement of selfish or personal ends. They should be men who' will' faithfully represent their constituency, and not be swayed from duty by any consideration. Wo havo not expressed through our columns n preference for any candidate; nor will wo do so now. They nro all competent to perform tho duties of 'the several offices1 to 'which they may bo nominated, and tho nominees' will re celvo our hearty, undivided support. We would counsel harmony and moderation. Our opponents aro expect ing divisions in our ranks, and wo must disappoint them. All ennnot'lw nomi nated, and tho unsuccessful must abldo by tho verdict of tho people. Now, as ever, Columbia county In'ust present an unbroken front to tho enemy, and' by 2,(100 inaJorlty'expreBS her preference for Asa 'Packer and Cyrus L. Pershing, John W. Geary. It is oftentimes tho duty of a Journal ist. to wrlto upon topics utterly trifling in themselves and only meriting notice from tho momentary lmportanco with which Fortune has Invested them. Thq man whose name heads this article is a awe in point. By one of thoso unaccountable freaks which occur in politics ithis person lias been raised to u high place in tho land, whilst possessing In: no do greo, however remote, any of tho quail ilcatlons requisite for tho position. Weak, vain and pompous, (destitute of ability and of the tact which oftentimes supplies its lilaco, ho hits in tho gubcr national chair, despised alike by friends ana roes. Of his 'oratorical powers tho wholQ, people havo had opportunities to judge, and although it is not a post tlvo disgrace for a iriaiLto bo un ablo to m'ako a' speech, yet it is, in that case, wheq ho docs not hold his tongue. Ills statesmanship is ovidenced in his "supplementary rproclamati6n" on tho election of- Foster over Covodb ; Ids legal acquirements by thobill,whlch ho sat up all nighttto sign, and which had tor Its' object tho destruction of a Judicial district of tho state. Neither Justice, truth nor patriotism havo any placoinhis narrow mind. With him tho success of party measures and of John w. Geary are tho beginning and tho end or all things. Fit representa tive of a party which esteems Daniel E. Sickles a gentleman and John Covode a scholar, ho presides over tho destinies of this great commonwealth, an object of mingled admiration and contempt; admiration that having so ltttlj ho has romo to bo so great; contempt for his vanity, his Ignorance., ond his general emptiness. Tho time will como when Pennsylvania, looking back over her list of Governors, will slop at tho namo of John W. Geary, and wonder what pinplothey wero In thoso days, who could choose such as this .man t6 rulo over them. ,And so say we now. A nisRiaccftii Hun. The Democracy or Luzerno nro In n sadshapo. One branch of tho Standing Commlttco has called for a convention to meet at Scranlon.and another branch for ono to meet at Wilkes Barro nt tho samo time. Wi'thout stopping to In quire which faction Is right, wo tleslro to say that If tho people or Luzerne do not tako this matter in hand and at once, thodereatof tho county ticket this Fall is Inevitable. While this would be oproperpunhhmontto tho wrangling politicians apd offlco seekers, It would bo a serious blow to th.0 party. After placing Luzerno's favorlto on tho ticket as candldato Tor is cross in gratitude for her to imperil I1I3 chances for election by local squabbles. Broweu vh Bradley, Thcso two bright and shlulng lights of Radicalism, and exponents of the truq faith to their adherents lit Columbia and Montour, are having Ult. As umpiro wo aro bound to seo fair play, though llku tho old lady whoso husband was fighting tho bear, it don't make much dlfforcuco to us which gets worsted. Browcr lust week-put In tho following noino thrust: ".squat iow. equal. low, yo com mon mortals, for tho owl of Columbia has hooted. Pains, penalties and vcn. geance dire, aro threatened ugalnst tho hapless wight, who neglects to bow to mo uignuy 01 brainless pomposity,'' "Lay ou McDuir." The fact that Asa Packer is a man of nigii personal ciiaractcr is not a maiitlo wiuo enougn to nwo tho Ulsairectlon and profligacy of tho Democratic loaders who nominated him for Governor. J'rat. The Democrats nominated Asa Pack er becauso of "high personal character" and for this reason thousands of Itcpub- llenns will Bupport him. Bo far from mcro being pny dissatisfaction, no nomination ever' secured such hearty support. The South Carolina Legislature (re constructed) Is composed of tho follow ing cholco Radical material: "Of tho Gil members, CO aro negroes or imilut toes, and io whlto j 22 read and wrlto (8 grammatically); tho remainder (11) mako (heir mark with tho aid of an amanuensis j nlnonro tax-payers to an aggregate amount offMO.JO; tho rest i 1) pay no iaxfa,ant tho body lovlospu tho whlto pcoplooffhofifnto fur 1,000,. 000." The Cloltimlilti County Iuvitsloit. XVI THE TRIALS. Thk witness Richard Stilus: This person, who may bo ranked In position If not In Importance uoxt after Eil. M'- Henry, was n swift and willing witness for tho prosecution, and though his re velations of fact wero not very Impor tant nor at all rcllablo In their details, they wero well Intended to securo tho parly objects 07 tli6ir6'96cUtIoli. 'Tliclr' particular selection, their coloring, and tho spirit and temper of tho witness all Indjcatcd or pointed toward that object.. A member ortho HarrHUurg linr who was orciiunscl for Most of 'tho Dofdil dants.whnio cases wero tried, recently remarked to'us.lhatof all tho witnesses upon tho trials ho, thought tho Worst of luchard Stiles, who seemed nniniatcil by a malignant spirit for enjoying tho sufferings and hardship of his neigh bors and whoso evident purposo and labor It was to.lnjuro them as much as tiosslblo by his testimony. Stiles was a holder of certain small ofllces,by political fav6r,durlng tho war, and became very zcatotis t6 promote tho Interests and gratify tho passions of thoso to vhnm ho was Indebted, for his appointments. His evidence in Tirr.ItANTZ cask : Upon tho Itantz trial, In October, Stiles testified, that ho heard of tho Itantz meeting on 11th of August, but was not thcro; that ho attcuded a meet ing at tho Ash's School House about tho Ias.t of March 1SCI, at which twenty to twenty-live men" wero pro-tout ; ho bo-, tho School Directors called tho meeting lo know" whether tho, people would bo willing to bo taxed to ralso ri bounty for volunteers. Somo wpro in favor of tho proposition and somo wero not. "Itantz was opposed ; advised tho people to keep their money to buy arms t6 fljilit at homo. John II. Davis said, 'John wo can't do It, wo aro too weak.' Rnntz said, ho thought not ; ho had been id Bloomsburgthat day; Jurtcamo from Bloomsburg. ,IIo said, lawyer Frcezo had old him, Illinois was about seced ing and tho Statu of Now York. m8 about to go out of tho Union. Rnntz said, Abolition loaders' had seven pock ;U and novor were satisfied' till they got them all full of money. Meeting ad- Jdumcd to meet again 'without doing anything." Tho witness proceeded to state a conversation ho had with Elhvl M'DTcnryon lllhof August, and an other which ho hftd with Ranlz In 1$02, in which tho latter said' his son Jonab was not of age lo bo enrolled, and mado declarations similar to that abovo men. tloncd about fighting at homo. Ho (tho witness) "went on, and left him' talking.' Stiles then detailed a conversation he had with William Applcmau in the spring of 18G.1, iu regard to secret meet Ings, as follows: "I bald to him 'I heard you had a secret meeting at Ash's School House.' 1. told, him lunderstoOd they wero sworn to, resist tho draft : understood him to say thoy wero not sworn at all : ho said thoy did tako up on" themselves an.ob' support tho constltutoln of theUnltcd States and of tho Stato of Pennsylvania. I told him I, had been stralghtly informed tho object was, to resist tho draft, and, if so, thoy would all bo arrested and put Into prison; and ho replied, Hhero would not bo prisons enough to hold us.? Jly sister, Mrs., Peter Applcmau, In formed mo of the object of tho meeting ; also Daniel ICarn who said ho had been in, but not till It was finished, unless ho would bo 0110 of them." In answer to questions by 'tho Commission witness told spino particulars ho had heard about, tho Itantz meeting of tho nth 'of August, and said ho had seen men armed going to and returning from it. " Cross-examincd:Tbo meeting I speak of concerning bounties at Ash's School House was tho'flrst meeting. Thoy ad journed to meet again without coming to a conclusion ;J think, Samuel Rhono was Chairman ; I think therowasavoto taken ; I think tho majority that night was iu favor of raising tho money; Rautz did not vote at all; voting was by , raising tho right hand; I kept a sharp look out ; thero was but ono mora meeting; then a committee was ap pointed to canvass tho sub-districts ; John J. Stiles, Thomas,Davis, Wljliam Applcmau, Joiin It. ICeclcr and others; I do not remember if Lemons's hauling was on that day or not ; Itantz did not opj.oso my nomination for Sheriff;' I consider Itantz a man that talks con siderable." JZcumlned by the Commission ;"I can't stale who voted In tho minority at tho meeting to ralso bouutles. Thero was a negative vote taken, I think Itantz voted against it, and spoko right out against it." Remarks. l.Stiles sald,on direct ex amination, "tho meeting to ralso boun tlcsjadjourncd wlthoutdoingfljiiM&iflr." Then, on cross-examination, "they ad journed to meet again without coming to a conclusion," But pressed by fur ther questions hu Anally gavo to him self a flat contradiction by saying; "I think there was a voto taken ; I think tho majority that night was In favor of raising tho monoy." 2. Speaking of tho samo meeting ho said, on cross-examination, "Itantz did not voto at all ; voting was by raising tho right hand ; I kept a sharp' look out." But again I10 flatly contradicted himself in saying, in answer to a ques tion by tho CommissIon,"I think Itantz voted against it and spoko right out ngalnst it." 3. Stilcs's narrativo of what was said by Hantz at tho meeting must bo great ly exaggerated, if not agross fabrication. Samuol Ithono Esq., who was President of tho meeting, testified subsequently, that he "did not hear Hantz mako any remarks ; mado no public speech ; heard no remarks from Itantz ;" and no wit ness was called to corroborato Btllcs. Besides, Esq. Ithono testified further, that within a week after tho meeting Itantz told him "wo must help tho boys, tho tax will bo high hut wo must try and pay it ;" and William Applcinan testified, "I took subscription for boun ties, John Itantz subscribed 1100.00 for himself, nndfciVOO for another man. Theso wero voluntary subscriptions In addition to tho tax.'' 4. Stiles says that iu Ids conversation with WHIInm Applemau concerning tho secret (or Club) meetings, ho understood him to deny that tho members wero sworn at all. But Immediately after. wards ho admits that Applcmau told him thoy took an obligation to support the constitution of thoUnlti 1 States and tho constitution of Pennsylvanla,whlch was in fact tho very oath of Initiation as shown by abundant testimony jipon thofcovcrai trials. THE COLUMBIAN Tho foregoing car-marks of falsohood or misrepresentation will cuablo all our readers to Judgo of tho credibility ond valuo of testimony bylllchard StllosT Of cqurso trToimputatlon that Col.Freczb had over told John Itantz that Illinois and NowiXork woro about to sccodo froirtha ;jrnlon;iwastllorly falso'and preposterous1, .Stliesjo2v!that Itantz iafdthaf lavyoTFreez3 had said, wlml no sano man over thought of or bcllovcd much less uttered I The Blmplo expla nation nil this is, that-Btllcs misrep resents what was said by Itantz, If, In fact, tho latter over said ono. Word upon tho subject In question. AVoslmir confludp oiir examination of (estlmnny by thl-nvltness In bur next nlimber, supposing that our readers have had enough of him for tho present. (Jciu j nml Gardner. Tlio certainty of Geary's defeat for re election as Governor of Pennsylvania .siiould not deter tho pcoplo of tho Stato from tiio contemplation of what n bun gling and burglarious, being )io Is. Iu "Radicalism of which Cameron is tho moral, Kcllcy tlio sapient, and Forney the refined exponent, tho' nomlnco for tho highest offlco of tho commonwoalth could not well bo other than tho person In whoso solitary self aro rolled all tho contemporary characteristics ,of theso thrco saints of thoorder of Ulysses. And nlthough this doughty Governor has nl allowed cxpresslvo sllonco lo muso his pralso during tho thrco years of his rule, und;nltiiough ids friends andthopapors curscii with tho candidacy of him nro fondof'perinltting him tiio samo trlbuto and nono other, it becomes duo lo him and to history to put on1 record a feat In hU lifo yhlch makes him "ono of tho most remarkable men In our country." That Gcnry can wrlto his naino is solely Infernblo from 'thd fact that ho has never "mado his marlr." But that ho can or does write his messages Is not' maintainable: When In Kansas, ho most assuredly stolo' them. Slnco ho has been In Pennsylvania ho rao3t pro bably has hired tho preparation of them. And tho man who, from tho intrinsic etiaracter of tho documents and from tho eternal fitness of things could most certainly havo'becn' bought for thobusl- ncss, Is ICcmblC, tho fjtato Treasurer. However thai may be, wo invito atten tion to what are below printed In parallel columns extracts from Gov. Geary's lriaugural address to tho Legislature of tho Territory of Kansas In 18j7 and tho Inaugural address of Governor Henry J. Gardner lo tho Legislature of Massa-, chusetts two'years boforc, in 1855 : UXTAO'T TOM GOV. EXTRACT V 11 O'AI henry j. Gard ner's INAUGURAL ADDRESS DEUV EUliD TO T,it,E lilMIStATUUE OP MASSACHUSETTS, JANUARY 0, 1855'. Gentlemen of Hie Senate and Jlousa of 'Representatives That gracious Bo Ing,In whosohands aro allko tho desti nies of indi viduals GOV. JOHN W GEARY'S INAU GURAL ADDRESS DELIVERED 'T O' TltE TERRITORI AL LEGISLATURE OP KANSAS, JAN UARY 12, 1857. Gentlemen of 'the Territorial' Legis lature' Kansas : Tho all-wiso and beneficent Being who controls allko and of nations; has permit ted .us to as semble this day,iri .trustcd with grave responsibilities and duties ' Iknownosafor In-' dcx In official ac tion' thnn a consci entious conviction' of duty ; nonomoro fluctuating than tho attempt to satis fy temporary' ca price. Principles nro enduring, and, I f disregarded, sooner or later tho verdict ofcondem natlon will bo re corded against thoso who aro false to their re quirements. Let us, then, bo truo to our country nnd our duty. Lot tho success of princi ple, not of party, boourdc3lro; tho benefit of tho Stato, not of a faction, our n 1 m. Massachu etts Senate J5ocu me)iiVb.3, or 1855, tho destinies of in dividuals and of nations, has per mitted you to con veno this day, charged with gravo rcsponslbilllitlcs, For official action, I know no better rulo than n' consci entious conviction of duty; nono more vnriablo than tho vain attempt to conclllato tempo rary proj udlco. Principles nnd Jus tlco aro eternal, and If tampered with, sooner or la, tcr tho sure and In dignant verdict of popular condom nation against thoso who aro un truo to their load ings will bo ren dered. Lot us not bo false to our country, our duty, nnd our constitu ents. Tho triumph of truth and princi ple, not for partis an and selfish ob jects, should bo our steady pur poso ; tho general wolfarc, and not tho' interests or a few, our solo aim. Kansas Journal of Councils for mi page 21. Thcro follows moro of tho samo pa? pablo literary thloving. Robbery would bo tlio better term, becauso it is larceny accompanied with violence. Geary not only stolo Gardner's sentiments, but ho put just such a Geary twist on them as beclouded them with his dreary sense without destroying tho Identity of tho passage. Tlio Pennsylvania doubles tho compliment to tho Dolty In placo of o slnglo trlbuto of tho Massachusetts Executive. "Gracious being" becomes "tho nll-wlso and beneficent Being." But this multiplication of adjectives was clearly meant to propitlato tho Power whoso eighth commandment Geary was at tho moment breaking. Yet worso remains behind. Governor Gard ner's Yankees wero permitted to "as somblo" ''Intrusted" with "gravo re sponsibilities." Geary's Territorial tramps ho must needs "conveno" "charged" with tho samo "gravo rcspo slbllltles." Andsoonnre8tolcnnounsbuttcrcdwlth superfluous qualifiers In tho hopo of forcing down tho loafberoro tho thort Is found out. Qardnor dlscovercs that "principles nro enduring." Gcnry declares that "principles and Justice" (which Is no principle with Geary) "aro eternal." Justlco probably Is eternal. It has been twelvo years, however, coming rounu tocatcn witness to day's oxposuro of this sorry plagiarism. As for principles, which ho also dubs will immortality, wo leavo this exhibition or tho sort ho had In Kansas Iu '57 to tho calm consideration of houtwt Ponnsy vanlans or 'C'XWbrld. The Soldier's Homo at Albany, Now York, has been closed for tho lack of an appropriation by tho last Radical Lcgjs turo for its support, and two hundred inmates havo been taken to tho govern ment Institution ut Augusta, Maluo. Lo, tho poor soldier I AND DEMOCRAT, Opinion of Aloxniiilcr Stephens. Aloxandor II. Stovons, Vlco Presi dent of tho lato Bouthcrn Confederacy, publishes a communication In ono of tho papora on tho situation1 nnd futuro prospecta of tho country. Ho closes as follows 'Tho Federal machinery for tho last ton years has boon abnormal In ltsactlon.4 It'ihustbd brought back tq Jcflersonlnu doctrines and mado to con form in Its workings with tho organic principles of its structure before thero can possibly bo a -return to tho days of pcaco,, harmony, prosperity and happl "noss Which forinorly.markcd'our course. There Is no other hopo for constitutional liberty on tlils continent. Judgo Nich olson may dream, dream's about another constitutional amendment providing n now modo.of electing tho Presldont.but tho remedy1 lies in ri6-such dovlco as that. It lies simply in bringing back tho government In ltd administration to orlelnal first principles. This IS lo bo done not by secession, however right ful nnd efficient a remedy that might bo. That Is abandoned. Nor is it to bo dono by forco or vlolcnco Of any kind, oxcept tho Torco of reason and power of truth. It Is to bo done, ir nt all, at tho ballot-box. Freo Institutions nro more generally lost than established or strengthened by a resort lo physical force. They nro eminently tho achieve' mcnt of virtue, patriotism nnd reason Wo aro drifting to consolidation nnd empire, nnd'wlll land thero nt no dis tant day, ns certainly as tho sun will set this day, unless tho pcoplo 01 tno sevo ral States awako to a proper npprccla' lion of thoUangcr, nnd Bavo themselves from tho Impending catastropho by ar resting tlio present tendency of public affairs. This they can properly do only at tho ballot-box. All tho friends of constitutional liberty In every election and Stato must unlto In' this grand ef fort. They must seriously consider nnd oven rccousldcr many questions to which they havo glven but slight nttou- tlon hcrcto'forb. Thoy must acquaint themselves with tho prlnciplc3 of their government nnd provido security for that futuro by studying and' correcting tho errors of tho past. This is tho only hope, as I havo stated, for a cOntinu nnco of oven our prcsent nominal form of government. Depend upon it there is no dlffercnco between consolidation and Imperialism. Tho end of cither is tho overthrow' of liberty and tlio cstab lishmcnt of despotism. I givo you tho words of truth In great earnestness, words, which however received or heed rd now, will bo rendered otcrnally true by tho 'developments of tho futuro." Tho Hook of Chronicles. A Bllblical correspondent of tho Lan castor, Intclllgqiccr sends tho following to that paper : Messrs. Editors. Permit' mo to call tho attention oryour readers to tho following extracts from tho lGth Chap ,tcr oftho Second Book of Chronicles 1. And Asa reigned in his stead. In his days tho land was quiet ten years 2. And Asa did that which was good and right, 3. For ho took away tho altars or tho strango gods. 8. And Asa had an army or men thrco hundred thousand. 9. And thcro carno ngalnst them Horal Geary tho Ethiopian, .with an host 10. Then, Asa went out ngalnst him and thoy set the battlo in array. 11.' And Asa cried unto tho Lord, "Wo rest in Thee, and in Thy name wo go against thls'inullltudc." '12. So tho Lord smoto tho Ethiopians beroro Asa, and bororo Judah ; nnd tho Ethiopians fled. 13. And Asa and the pcoplo that were with lilm pursued them unto Gerar Geary and tho Ethiopians were over thrown, and they could not recover themselves. as "an History repeats itsclt" wo may look forward with confidence to tho utter overthrow of tho modern ar my of Ethiopians, by our Democratic Asa, on tho 2d Tuesday of October next Communicated . Mr. Editor: Tho Commencement Exercises of Trinity Collego, Hartford Conn, took placo on July 8th In Roberts1 Opera House. Arthur McConkoy of New Britain, Conn, delivered tho sal ulatory, and Geo. O. Holbrooko of New York city tlio valedictory oration Many uistinguisucu gentlemen wero present, among whom wero Bishop Williams,chancellor of tho collego, Gov, Jowcll, Pror., Noah Porter or Yalo Col' lego, Dr. Qallaudot or Washington, D, C, Rev. Drs. Stowo of Hartford, and Gccr or Now York. Tlio following honorary degrees wero conferred M. A. Joso M. Garcia, Rio Janeiro Rov. John E. Smith, Westport, Conn Colly Jones, Salisbury, Conn., D. D, Rov. T. E. Lawranco, Now York, Rev, Henry Olmstcad, Orcat Barrlngton Mass. Rov. A. M. Stovcus, Geneva N. Y. Trinity Collego is tiio leading Episco pal institution of tho country. It has produced a larger proportion of Bishops and Clergy than any other Collego in America. At present its prospects aro bright nnd with tlio asslstanco which should bo given it, would rapidly risi to its proper placo among tho first of tho land. ErsiLON, The Noshvlllo Republican Manner glycs n picture of tho stato of society In Its section of tho country which is any tiling but inviting. It says that inur dcr is becoming a flno art, and that hardly a day basses without somo of tho local reporters Informing til public of "somo shocking tragedy that makes tho blood run cold ami the world wonder if wo aro not degenctat Ing to bestial depravity and inhuman ferocity." It oven suggests tlio Idea that It would not bo a bad thing to hang any man found with arms concealed about his person. Noshvlllo Is In Ten nessco, and Tennesseo Is that Arcadian section or our common country upon which Radical rulo was to havo such a pacific efi'ect. Important to Know. It may bo Important fur tomo pcoplo to know that whero n widow ro-marrles beroro tho issuo or n pension cortHleale, tho clill. drcn, lrnny nio living, nro olono enti tled to tho back pension. If n widow ro-marrles during tho pendency or her claim for n pension, sho Is entitled to tho pension to the ditto or her ro-marrl-age, unless tho soldier left minor chil dren surviving him. ToMKitoY's Dijmooiiat' of NcwYorli City, has not suspended ns reported In many papers. On tho contrary It is its lively as over nnd prepared to fight Radicalism ns only "UrIck"oin fight It, BLOOMSBPltO, Democratic Ilnlcs. mm., fnitmvltur nrn tho rules and laws which govern our. political county nf. fairs! :K ,,,, ,Tho undersigned appointed nt tho last county convention to prepare somo rules for tlio'regulatlon or nominations hereafter, and report tho samo to this convention, do report tho following 12 Itulcs for consideration. Thoy conform hi most respects to tho iio'irrna n rthnmrtv as heretofore exis ting nnd wo havo endeavored to mako thcmconclso nnd imcmgiuiu. Aslfghtchangoindho ttmo of hold mt 11, n nninial conventions, ns contour nlated In tho first rule, Is rendered nec essary by tho fact that tho Court II01130 will hereafter bo occupied y inocourm on the- first Monday in Soptcmbor and for somo Umo afterwards. C. It. I1UCKALEW. GEORGE MACK. Sent. (11851. F.McBHIDK RULES. I. Tho annual county Convention annual county shall bo held nt tho Court Houso in Bloomsburg, on tho last Monday In .Vugust.atonop. m.and tno Dcicgaiu ilccllon sltnll bo held on tno Baiuruay previous, at tho places oi nouimg i" general elections In tho several election districts, between tho hours or 3 and 7 o'clock in tho afternoon. II. Tho Dolegato Elections shall bo by ballot and each general election dis trict shall bo entitled to two delegates. III. ThoDelegato Elections shall bo held nnd conducted by n Judgo and clerk, to bo selected by tho Democrats In nttendanco.nnd tho said officers shall keep n list of voters and tally of votes counted, to bo sent by thom to tho Con vention with their certificate or tho res ult or their election. IV. All cases ordisputod seata In Con vention shall bo disposed or openly by voto artor hearing tho respcctlvo claim ants and their evidence. V. All delegates must reside in tlio district thoy represent. In caso or an nbsentdelegato ho may deputo another, irho rail to do so'hls collcaguo.In ntten- dauco mav substitute, for him. In oth er cases tho Convention may fill up the representation rrom tho citizens of tho district In attendance. VI. Tho voting in Conventions shall bo open, and any two members may ro' quiro tho yeas and nays on any qu( tlon pending. VII. Special Conventions may bo called when necessary, by tho Standing Committee, tho proceedings or which shall conform to theso rules. VIII. All county nominations and all appointments of conferccsnnd of del cgatcs to Stato Conventions, shall be mado in County Conventions. IX. The Standing Commlttco shall bo fivo in number, ono of whom shall ro sldo at tho county scat, and shall be chosen annually in Convention. In case of vacancy tlio Commlttco may fill up their number. X. No member of tho Legislature shall bo chosen by this county as a Del cgatotonStnto Convention during Ids term of office. XI. In Convention a majority of all tlio votes given shall bo, necessary to i nomination, and no person named shall bo peremptorily stricken from tho list or candidates until after tho sixth vote when tho lowest namo shall bo struck off and so onnt each successive voto tin til a nomination Is affected, XII. None of these rules shall bo nl tcred or rescinded unless by a voto of two-thirds at a regular annual Con von tlon. Tho above report was on motion adopted unanimously and the Con vcn tlon then adjourned. Xcws Items. ESylt costs $50,000 anlooo to kill In (linns in irixona. iST-A Swedish woman lias written soventy-nlno novels. loSf Illinois has 700 Masonic lodges ana nuouD iu,uuu members. BST Nearly a'lhousantl men will soon uo at worn on tno noosac tunnel. ESP A Kansas lady thinks tho loss o. nor voto worm siu.uuu damages. Hop John II. Surratt has trnno Into business in itauimorc. i-Tho ballet trounoat tho llerllni upora nouso consists 01 -lsu persons, ESyTho total rccoints of tho Boston juuneo was ncany ono minion dollar C5J-A rat's nest with &500 in bills therein has been found In an old freight car on a iv.eniucKy rauroau. toy-Only thrco thousand miles of Wlro is required to complete tho tele grnpmc circuit of tno giono. rsy A man In Now Haven has Invent ed a machliio by which ono man can sow six hundred pairs of shoes in ono ttoy. CSf A wlso man of Canada finds that tho frogs aro building their nests In tho mlddlo of ditches, and predicts n dry IS?" A Kentucky Nlmrod fuctrnd tlilr. ty-soven opossums as tho fruit of ouo uays sport last weeir. iSPWoaro reliably informed tlmt smaller man than Knco-hlKh-mlah Is mcntioncu in tno uidio: iilll-dad. Shoe-height. Job 18, 1. CSf A Savannah neero attemnfml tn escape from an officer by shamming death, but was brought to Ufa by poil .b uiiv ma jjiuiuii us hu my on 8P Tiiero is a man I n irn v.wh n mnn. ufactures artificial ccw. cMd in im r.,,it as good as tho genuino article; which ho ouna ah jiuuvu uuuuj puruozen, BSy A lady in Baltimore lias immor tallzcd herself by shooting a mad dot?, whllo two men wero searching for a hatchet with which to kill him. e?T,T,i3 Jlorrlbl nimr reaches ns that tho 6100,000 Craig has engaged box so rto cloven or tho twelvo Jurymen who gavo her tho monoy. iST On Wednesday a monster cannon rrom tho Fort ,1'itt foundry , arrived nt vuiuuiuiH. at weigns iio.iuu pounds and has a twenty inch bore! tSF Woman is composed or213 bones 103 muscles, nnd 300 pins. Fearfully and wonderfully made, and to bo hand led with caro to nvold scratches. 4Qy A convict In nn Illinois prison smuggled hlmscir outside, tho other day, In a collln, having ousted tho dead man and nicely stowed him In a barrel. tSTTho earthmiakes In Pom havo opened a rotten placo, rrom which Issuo gases that destroy all nnlmal3 within a dozen miles. Kllpatrlck's 6,000 mum mlcs nro to bo found near that spot. toy Tho Presbyterian church'at Gouts Y 1 o rcquiro total abstlnenco as a con ill tlon of membership. Tlio pastor and nil tho members, numbering thrco hun dred, havo signed tho temperance pledge 8 An liisano man, named Samuel Morrow, residing near Reaganstown. Westmoreland county, hung hlmscir with nropo mado or hickory bark, on Mo'Hlrtyl'Jst. after flrst.kllUng his wife w ith a c ub nnd attempting to kill his thrco children, COLUMBIA COUNTY,PA. . . . POLITICAL. FOR GOVERNOR t ASA PACKER, OF CARBON COUNTV. MB JUDOE Or-THB BUTMMB COURT i GYRUS L. PERSHING-, OP CAMURIA COUNTY. County Convention. - MllMi'lnranrihAliAvrrAlDttttrtN In Columbia county nro requested to meet-"!: tlia I S!t5rJiy. tbo mtdty of July, lnuo.between tlio hoursorthrcoo'clocltlntlio nflernoon nnd Bov ?S o'clock Tin tho afternoon of that; . y. nnd elect by ballot two persons to represent the I ltt let In nounty Convention to bo Hold nt tho Court I Imiso in Bloomsburg, on Monday, Aupust at nt lio'clock.5oon; toscrMttwobtnalorlnrconferees U, meet s mllar conferees from tho other counties of thoDlstrlcUo nomlnatoa candldato fomenaton l "oKcrrSenUUvo conferees toinect similar con ferces from tho other county In thq District to fomlnato a candldato for Member of Assembly j nnd to nominato onoccrson for Associate Judge ouo person for lTofhonotaryi ono person for lU Rlter nnd Recorder : ono person for'l ronsurerj ouo person for County Oommlsslonerj ono person tor s To bo supported by tho Democrat lo party nl I lOCOIllltiff eienmui llyordcrofthefomml tee ..,.MHTOS. Chairman. CnndhlfUcs lor Nomination. Tho following gentlemen havo been mentioned r nomination to tho several Couuty oniccs to bo nilcd by election tho present year, and their names will bo presented for tho consideration of tho Democratic County Convention! ItnntESKNTATlVK, GEOllQK SCOTT, CATAWIS1A TOWN11IIP. rMiiMort. In the decision of Iho conferees of Co lumbia und Montour counties.) associate: juhou. J. 11. JAMKSON, MAIN TOWNSHIP. SAMUKL CREASY, JlU'f I.IN TOWNSHIP. II. J. REEDER, FItANKLIS TOWNSHIP, CHARLES F. .MANN, linAVKU TOWNSHIP. rilOTHONOTARY, ELLINGTON II. ENT, SCOTT TOWNSHIP. JESSE COLEMAN, I1I.OOM TOWNSHIP. REQIBTEU AN1J RECORDER. B. FRANK 55AHH, BBAVKll TOWNSHIP. WILLIAMSON II. JACOB', m.OOM TOWNSHIP, JOIIN SNYDKlt, OlIANRKTOWNSHir, TREAMURER. HAA'II) LOWENBEKG, I1I.OOV TOWKSnlP, J. S. SANDKHS, iiEuwicic nonouait. COMMISSIONKK, CYRUS UOBBINS, nslllN(;i iti:iiK- TOWNSHIP. II. 1'. WIIITEMAN, lllll'KNMOOl) TOWNSHIP. DAVID SAVAOE, 1'HIIINnrilEI.K TOWNSHIP. JACOB S. EVANS, imrrNwoon township. IlloonitbiirK Market rteport. Wheat per bushel uyo ..;.;"";r.".. ,r Corn " Oats. " Flour per barrel ......, Cloverseed KluxKeed l'.uttcr EgKs .....' th iiow ..!.". .ir." l'otittiies , Dried Apples ',"'.V.."'7." ft ."J) 1 i DO 111 UI , 8 00 2(10 .'U SO , 1'2 75 , 2 M Bides and Shoulders., Lard per pound , Hay per ton . S3 LUMUUR. Hemlock Boards cr thousand feet, line " (one in ,. fid 00 . Ita2i) , 15 (JO S 00 7 DO ..... 18 00 f 12 t;ji WJ Joist, Scanning, Plnnk, (Hemlock) J. tnna Innhl Shingles, o. l per thousand.... Siding I HON . No, t Scotch pig , No. 2 " " Bloom rt. , Light Street Markets. ??irirSSa weekly byPetcr Knt. -K-Uolesule and retail dealer In grain. Hour it (ml and general merchandize. Wheat per bushel SI : l: .... so ...... 14)0 50 .... t -V ..... J.'j0 2 CO ..... 1 60 ; " ............ Corn " Buck Wheat OaU Wheat Flour per 100 Its..' Buck Wheat Flour Corn Chop, Bran. Butter per Si Eggs per doz . ."."!n!17.'.!" Jo Potatoes pr bus JjJJ ".l'A' -V" :."''.-"":i"- S ) jir iw ig ouuumer , a) Ham Lard MARRIAGES. FRMIRE-WOLF-Ou Tuesday evening at tho Luthern church, by Rev. Mr. Dlrnm, o. P. Fry. mire of Milton to Anno E. Wolf of BloomsbuVg. DEATHS. J"'J LEY-At Morrlstown. New Jersey, on aWboulJl;years.:5l', Bamuci'' "oadley.Vcd E VERETT-On the 21st inst.. jirs. Mary Evcrelt of Oraugevilie, aged 70 ycaramonlils, Tand si CONNER-In Ilenton, on the 20lh, Mr. John. Conner, aged 71 years, 10 mouths, and 11 day. ' MAliaEIlUM At Catawlssa, on the mornlni! it July Isth lbC!), Morris Marple, youngest sou ut mid 2 days.11' ld,le,,lcrM'lrli""uBed2monIlis 1'V''t!, Sly7f1?,ir' ?Iay M1". llusa Allco He s, daughter of Richard ami Susannah Hess, agoil years, 8 months, and 1 day, ' b Farewell her friends In sadness said Whilst weeping round her dying bed, Wo part with you to meet no more Till wo havo passed this Jordau o'er. Her spirit then It soared nwuy And left Its louely houso ofclay. How sw eet aud calm she breuthed her last And all her conflicts now are past. Her spirit soared to heaven above Where nil Is peace, nnd Joy, nnd love, A ud may our souls like her's arlso To greet tho Saints beyond tho skies, Where all the ransomed shall sit down In glory round the Fathers throuo To pralso tho undivided three And set oursouls nt liberty. Why should wo weep or grieve, or vMi, To call her back from dust Tor she has gained a homo In heaven Where gold will never rust. QO-I'ARTNEHSIIIP NOTICE. 'I he undersigned havo entered luto co-partntr-Wi Ip ns 1 puudcrs and Machinists, at the National J'ouudryheicloforeoccuplcil by l'eter Ulllmyvr. PETF.ll ,.''?,'e.,,Kiol"'.of '!' lateflrm wIliYo'teufleaiiy .1'.. 11. tkler. In ulinm till l.,.l.l.t,..i rz llloomsburg June ll.'CJ-tf. NEW AllVIM'iSliMfflno JJO'M Tlio Trrmtii: 0 E. - . . . .llt nnV till Trramircr or co umimj .v " r; ,,,o I mm thcstfttoTTOiwurcr, Vot Trcnuurcr, TOR SALE. "T-hn subscriber offers nl prlvnto salo tho prop erty of John Allen situate in East Hloomsburg anJnlitlngolt whlchis erecieu.. k,,"" :;:r-n,,t.bnlld. UWLMjINM "Y,l'7'' .ArnmlsM. Vot RAND JURORS. 'ffiSSiSLSSrifffter. EPlirnm Trow- lionder, John H"?1';,. Centre Jcmo Hollinnn. iielmVoWr7anerr Wm. fl. Marshall, IocusU-Joseph llltlltr, Daniel Htlno, Ma Ison-Somuel Johnson, M?ric7-a Malno-llcnjamln Harmln. I'rancls Homing, Uiinrlngcrcelt Hiram Cool. Hcott Cllns Krum, DET1T JURORS FIRST WEEK V FOll BE1TEMUEU TKRM 1M). !i&7ck-WWilUlson.Charlcsltocd. lleuton-A.ll.l)avls, Jeremiah Htllcs, Alex a"&erhttTMIcl.ael.Jerc.nlal.Culp. Swlck lloro'-Wm. W. Htephens. liiitro-Wm. Dcltterlck, Ivl lluUhlson. CalawsSmuelIJonB,Jr.l)anlel C. Hear heart, Jacob crclgh. Ccniralla Uoro'-llenry Oablc. I' lslllngreCK unuieil'. uwici, liemloclc-Levl Wright Jacb Hnrrls,Jackson I eldy, Aaron u, uuiies, uunu ... .uik., Iicust-Maberry Hnyder, Mllllln-Johnl.ntz. Christian Wolf. Madlson-Wm, J. Allen, Morils Moslem. Montour-lsaao Mowery. Ml. l'leasant-John Wanlch. .. ..nllln,m 11 lllnn. lloarfiigcreek-Wclllngton Adnms.Oeo. Craig, Wm. Drelsbach, uco. r. i-Taig, v nos. k. Hcott-Tliomas Crovcllng Mr. BUCOND WEEK, llloom Oeorgo W, Sterner, Bamuel Shaffer, Denton John roust, l'eter Laubnch. llcrwlck lloro' -Lewis Enke, iin......lnl. Tlr.lhnnriir Ilrlarcrcek Isooo llowcr, Thomas Miller Ja cou itiasieiicr. Ccntcr-llcnry R,Hcmby, iwiti-nlla TlnrM'rprrmlflh Fnlirluirrr. rishlngcreek Geo. D. Ileal", Cyrus U. Whlto Urcenwood John Eyer, Jackson Jacob Lunger. .Maln.-StacyJohn.W'm. Mostollcr Wm. II M au'lson Russell Stout, Hugh M'Collum, lrnlt Kr Mt. l'lcnsant Joseph II. Bands, John C. Tnomos Thomas Jones. Montour Issachar Evans. Minitn Isaac Swepponhelscr, I'lno Joshua Bavugo, lllcliard w. Lyons, Unn-InrrMvinlr Hu'wn llnntTlniitl. Bcott snwuel R. Kllno, Aaron lloono, Ucn jamin ueiguuro, csiey ltucuie. KitfTiirlnnr 41enriro Btcnumnn. in ii,.tlniniiv f lint. fhA fnri-nlnrf Is correct as drawn from tho wheel, nnd entered upon tho in1nntrR nMhn nfllre. wo bavo hereunto let our hands und seals this iiOlh, day of July A. I). 1WPJ Alien W'M. KmcKDADM, Cletk. JMOrillTHI itlllllliu, oilviiii, KI.ISHAHAYMAN. 1 Jur: THUS. J.WELLIVER, Com'rs, A UniTORS NOTICE. f raTlTH nv mennntt ll'UICIIARIi nCCKASED. jti the orphans' Court In nnd for sold County It I I u tlma mnlnlneil AilinlnlHtrAtnrtnillstrlbuto fund 111 tho hands or In tho matter oi 1110 petition lorappointmcni ui J.H.IkelerAuaitorof the cstaio oi uco.jumiciiiio dec d. u. o. liarktcy arpointeu .uuuor way ixu liwi. rcr. uur. , . , ccruneu irom 1110 rccoru juituulm JEBBE COLEMAN, Clerk. O. C. Notlco Is horeby given that tlio undersigned will attend to tho duties of Ills appointment nt lite nfllrn in lllnnmflbiirff.nn ThniNdav. tho 2QLh day of August. 1809, at lu o'clock A.M. when and ivhrrn ii.irtieu luteiestcd shall nttend or bo de barred Irom coming for nbbare of tlio fund, CO, HARKLEV, July30,'C0-lw. Auditor. F Ott SALE. Will be offered for halo nt tho resldenco of tho subscriber In FKhlngcreek township on Friday September 3rd 186H at 2 oclock In the afternoon If not previously denoted of,tho following REAL E S T A T E, sluialo In Flshlnt; Creek and Reulon townships. iinH main oiiimucr taiui in ristuni; irecu, nearBtlUwater. contulnlmr between threo and I four hundred acres. ON E '111 ACT near Btlllwalerln Ilenlon and Flshlim creek townshl ns contalnlnaonohundred I and Im enty acres, twenty acres of which aro 1m- provcu, tno reraaiuucr ib ucaviiy iimuereu Willi lock oak, whlto oak. chestnut, and pitch pine, tin this tiact Is crectcdn story and ft half DWELLING 1IO USB, niul new frame bam. Theso tracts will be sold I entliu orln any desired portions, Bovcral build- iiiKioiHiieiirniiiiwaicr, on me main ronu. Terms mado known on day of sale, l'crsons ucsiringiopurcnasoni prlvnto saiu shouiti ad- dicssorcallou July ao,'ta-6w. Stlllwaler, l'a, SALE OP VALUABLE REAL INSTATE. xno wen Known lwnr larm near iiohnburg, Columbia county will bo ottered at prlvato sale, either In lots or tho wholo property as may bo desired. It consists of SEVENTH -FOUR ACRI3H, moro or less, on wlilcli Is erected a fmmo house nnd log barn with orchard, good well of water Ac. About 71) acres cleared laud. For particulars regarding terms npply to NICOLAS KINDT, (Iroonwood twp, or MAT11IA8 KINDT, Mt. Pleasant May 21,'UO-lm' PRIVATE SALE. OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undersigned, Executor of Cyrus Fry, lato of Bloom township deceased, oUerB at private sale a certain houso and lot, situated lu Blooms burg, on llock Street, bouuded by lots of I. w. i ll, v. iiannan, anu ny anomcrlot belonging u said estate, containing Boventy-threo feet iront, Tlio terms aro reasonable, and possession win uo given wiiuin iiurty uays niter tno saio. i, n, nun, Apr.SOffl-tf Executor, CIIERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of n writ of Levari Facias issued out oftho Court of Common Pleas of Columbia coun ty and to me directed, will bo exposed to public Saturday August 7th the following real estate to wit : That certain building located on a lot or piece of ground in BouUi Bloomsburg, Columbia couuty on the corner of Fourth Street nud Rail Road Street generally known as Bcott Town, which said lot Is sixty leot moro or less In width uuu imu nuuureu anu Bixty leei uecp irom Kail ..uitu mrcei, iu bcuu a Aiicy ,anu ino ut lUlldlnc Is a dwelling houso sixteen feet b framo. and two stories hli-li wli y twonty four fect tuaonestorysuop back of main bulldlnE,aho frame, eluht feet btr twenty four feet and a kitchen ut end eight feet by twenty four fect. Seized taken In execution and to bo sold as tho jui'pt-ny oi joiiuiunrun uugoi. July'iiyoa MORUEOAI MILLARD. Sheriff. IIERIFF'S SALE. By Vhtun of n writ, nf Vlorl l.vlnu out of tho court of Common Pleas of Columbia the north bv lot nr kiiKimoi i.v,i,1,',ir nn ,i, uenirni IL linn rVllltnl.ln W "icusi Avenue, on the south by lot of E. .icJ'''yier,.on 1VBwe" Vyn "cy. beW twen ty live feet front by one hundred and forty feet cicep.on wlilcli Is erected two frame dwelling houses with the appurtenances w 1 Selzejl taken In execution and to bo sold as tho ,.. tj ui dun ii otgiiuger ,, . K MORDKCAI MILLARD, July SB 1800. Sheriff, JOHN A. FUNSTON & CO. OFFICE BRO AVE R'S BUILDINO, n i. o o u n n v n a, pa. iiierai Flro and Life InsuroHco, and Real Kstato Agency, Special attention will bo given to negotiating loans. (Juno irC9-3m "TOOL WANTED. Tho subscriber desires 30,000 POUNDS OF WOOL In cxehango for Fancy andStaple dry goods of all yarletlesaiid every stjr lewhlchlie keeps coustnnt. ly on nana, uoin or his own inauulacluro and in'f "i l'lali 1,l"lli' T,u I'lgliml clly jirlMS ; , i-uriics wm uimino meir ad vantago to deal with us and thereby savo tlio pinntof traveling agents. J.K.HANJM. Juno-l,'ii-Sin Mordansvlllo, Pa E S T R A Y, tune tn thn nreml.Mi r,r llm .i.ia.ii.. i.. u.. garloaf lownshlp, Columbia Co., on or about the lourthday of July a dark brown inare, ubout i i. , . . . ".. ml lUICHIWi, IKUr fill left hip, scratches on both hind feet and slightly on frout ones, ' The owner Is requested to prove prniwrty tiay expenses and tako her away or she w 111 bo sold wiuiuu ill ihw JAM1C8 J, MEEKKU. CtNTiiAI, July 10,'00-ilt. pATENT OFFICE. Inventors who wish to tako out kttcis ratent aro advised to counsel with MUNN & CO., Editors oflhoSciiiNTHioAWKiiiMN.wholmveprirsecu. ted claims beforn 11k, iti imna r.. . .,r.. teuyy.l""'.1' 'I'lK-'lrAmerleauEiiroiK'am'ateiit Agency Is the most extensive In the world. . 'W . ,i"uu uny oilier rename agency, A I'umplik-t, coulululuK full Instructions t Invcnlors, is bent grails. Address J12CfJ.3in. 87ruikRow,NewYoiV. FOR NEAT AND OIIEA1' JOB PRINTING. Call nt Tlio Columbian Office, llloomsbur Pa LEGAL NOTlcTf A DMINISTRATOH'8 Kq "letters of administration on th-'il io?nsli n, ooi'-wt om liavlKClnlmsor demanJ.;H f1 cut nro requested tomnkotheiniKl"i indebted tu make payment. July 10,'09-Ow, rntil A DMINISTRATOR'S vTi XV KSTATB. Or DR. JOHK 1. vtVi't letters or administration ",!, Dr. John P. KlnKO lata nr iB-JS bla co., doccaBcd.havo been Brniii.j!M. tcr of said county to M. F, yZ.W twp. All persona having claim, 'li ngalnst the estate of tho ueceileS to make them known, and thon t make payment, July 2,'09-CU A DMINISTRATOR'S Now: XI MTATBorcnniSTtAssAt,!,"". IiCtters of ndm'r at tonlj nan IX" Chrlstlanna llclchard, late of mS Register pf Bald county to wiO) whoso address Is lluckhorn CoioSif' All persons uaving claims siaimTitV. requested to present them to "r ii if 1 Itlnnmsburc. Columbia bhimW Indebted to make payment, ' l July 2.'C0-6t. Admlnlitrau I EXECUTOR'S NOTICP.11 It of ANDREW ODLAbSKll Cf l.lnn.nlll.,!, 1,1 llm Attn,. ..'." latool llloom twp, Columbia CoSSjc granted by tho Register of Uolnmii ltliiehord llerncr oi llorwlck liom?;, l'a. All pcrsous having clalnulnS nro rooucsled to present thcro ti, Oblasscr, llloomsburg, Coluinbfh' those Indebted to tho ctate,(itjj Juno.!a,'C0-0w UDITOR'S NOTICE. s In tho Orphans' Conrtof Columbli tho matter nf tho estate of KredtritA cd. On motion of Mr. Clark, Aiir estate, K H. Little Esq., appoint maKo uiivriuunou iiuiuusiue tiebr c cedent. . By a. Krom tho Record. JESSE CoCfjl1 Piouco is iiereuy given mat ih,7. will attend to the duties of hu t? his olllco.ln llloomsburg.on Satuti, I or August, jbov, ni iv ociocka.1. Wliero parlies iiiiercsicu mayattmi lilLLlllL? 11ERWICK QAZETTE an ADMINISTRATOR'S y KSTATB OV JACOn KVEB.Cinl Letters ol administration on the !. Kycr late of Greenwood twp,, if deceased, have been erautcd byttH Columbia county to B. II, v,' township. All persons liuvli, . uemanus against vuo csuvio oi lb,. rcnui'Hieu iu iuuu.u .uviii uuuwd,l deblcd to make payment S.1UI July W.'CO-Ct. Ad. AUDITOIVS NOTICE. , K8TATK OP C LEMUEL O. Sin Tho underBlBDetl. opnolntcd t,T ' Courts ofHulHvan county and cfcsj, ty, respect Ivelyj Au nutlltor, to Dldr oi uie real esuno ui vicmuuei u, taken by tlio heirs nt tho appralki the heirs and leealrcproscnt&lrtj&i luo lieirs anu leEairi'pruBtQLaup,!' ccnlent; will attend at the Illoomsburg in Columbia coumi, 171b ilav of Hentcmbor A. D. Nit,. of performing the duties or hu tpm which tlmo nnd place said pania i please, bo present, J.o.r' July23,'lilMt. DESIRABLE TOWN Pi' ATI'RIVATESAUl Tlie houso nnd lot occupied by 1 nerof WcstBtreotnnd thepropusetl extension, 111 oomsburp, l'a. Is oSt,' Bale on very reasonable terms. Tho houso Is new nnd well nnUhc ordinary family Is commodlouiu.. The location Is the most deslrau ing beautiful and healthful, rciw dust and nolse.nnd conveniently hi lness of tlio place, Tho house will bo sold partly fan ired, and a luxuriant Karden rami Possession given at any ilm particulars, terms, ,ic, apply on lb to JOHN A. KIM Ileal L' Urowcr's BulIdlDg.lIU July 23,'U)-lm. THORNTON All' wot burg and i ould unnounco to the cltlu. lurtr and vicinity, that he lino lim nnd complete assortment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW yixTUKES, conns, tah and all other coods In his line tit tho newest and most approHd n. day are always to bo found In thm Mar.VCD-tf Malnbt.W '.'ACliLllb' lNSTI'ltit ion Tin: sixth HMt Iu the groat work of emanclpiu Horn tho thmldom ol lguoranrc,ic? barbarism, tho Tenclicr holds aver orricc; and that Toucher who luuin and n clear npprohonslnn of Ibn work Intrusted In his hands, Mill (1 ovcry opportunity for personal In well as tho elovatlon of his office, In compliance with a remiestlM teachers wo havo mado arransfiti special Term adapted to tho van of Teachers. Able Professors will f nnd dally lectures upon melMi and management of Schools. Mil tlngulshcd Educators of this and havo been invited and aro expec'1' givo us tho benclit or their cir can but hope and trust that Mil Teachorsof our State wlllcomeu son of refreshing, and spend at I1 their vacation iu study and,inakls, nnco of, and In comparing nolen teachers, Como then and let us all units It ward tho great causo of humu Wooxpoctto have our flno B nlshcd so that a largo number di board In the Institution, andll a convention of teachers shoulJ 1 occupy that noble structure. A cordial Invitation is eitcm Couuty Superintendents to tato!' parnttoiis and exorcises, rlso Sd to visit tho School. ItwIllaffotdD opportunity to securo gooJ tcai teachers good positions. Wo will furnish Text Boon . fit of tho teachers oxceptlnjli a teacher wishes to study some i n which caso thoy will bring tliclr pense for Board, Books and TuiuV dollars per week and teachers can short a tlmo as tliclr circunuUuw The Term will commence Ju" tinuo until tlio opening of Fall X' For further Information auma HENRY CAB' Principal of Bloomsburg 6tat May 28,'09-2in II. IRVINE'S GHW H E D 1 C I USED FOll HOltETHAN lOHTV tU Is tho most successful medicine jj tho cure of Dyspepsia, Liver U Dlseaso, Ague Fover, and dUcan is mado entirely of ROOTS AND HE One dosojll ono.who gives It a fair trial. Nf without It. It Is astonishing L eil'ectcsl I n Ceutro nnd Brlarerew Huntingdon, and where It ha" ' lastsprliig, People who baeiJ tho niove diseases for the last W no Physician could reach im cured aud healthy by using tM GREAT INDIAN HO" It has never failed to cure M rnugement of the Stomach. I hopo nil who aro aftllctw . J dlsenses will apply for the gi!1 CINE which cun be had at MedlclnoStovo in Light Stri'ti1 l'u., or of his geiicralageut Agenls wanted. ,, This medicine Is prepared om May7,'C0-yr C. HO WEB, uiieued a first-class BOOT, SHOE, HAT CAP, ASP nt the old stand on Main Street,' doors above tho Court House posed of Iho very latest and w J nl to the citizens of ColumyV accommodate tho publlo wlU'U at the lowest rates, Men's h sloga boots, men's double an kip boots, men's heavy slots men's lino boots and shoes ji double soled boots audboe glove kid Balmoral shoes,uieu aud misses' lasting gaiters, Polish very fiue.wuuieu's vVS calf shoes, women's very n n ers. In short boots ol all dest"' god nudseweil. ,.,, Ho would also call attention v incut of HATS, CArs, FURS AS" which comprises all the new f etihs at prices which cannot " goods uru ollercd at the l"ff will bo guaranteed to give " Is sollcltwl before purc)issln " believed that better barga'u ' Hum at any other place In l" " Dec, ' . ET THE BEST. union's Conner Tubular the best prtecllon a"'"" ni ever iuvuedo. The u,cfJJSe bovo iuventlou, iI,U,VfSii erson will bo promptly al. llyv IS rol ' l" '