f KATES OP ADVERTISING. 1 (Ono square, (leu Hues or Its equiva lent lu nonpareil typo) orioor two Inser .I'M ; .! &an,, ill tions, ri.uu; inrec insertions, i.i ' .! . II . stack. lv, 2H, 6M. lr. Oue iuare....ll50 Two square.... x 80 Three squares-.... 8,M Four squares....... 7,00 Quarter column.. 10,00 Half column....... 15,00 One column........ 30,00 13,00 S,00 7,00 9,0) 12,00 18,00 11,00 7,60 0,00 11,00 H,00, 9000 HfiO' 110,00 9,00. 15,00 12,00 18,00 17,00 25,00 90,80 80,00 80,00 60,00 00,00 100,(0 1 JIM 9,leirpry Friday morning wrr nro Columbian Bu Idlm? near tho iwwt J(0flC, by 8iSBI,ES B. BROOKWAY, ! EtUfpiy Proprietor. UTitftMil-r.'Ew'olJftennra nycnr, paynr M. i a i,.rtitW 5Ev 36,00 10,00 u.m . t ft Executor's or Administrator's Notice. $3.00; Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, 2.60. Local Notices, twenty cents a lino by tho year-ten cents. Cards In tho "Directory" column, 2.00 per year for tho first two linos, and 1.00 for each additional line. ' : t -JOB PRHMMMfr'of nil descriptions BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY JULY 30, 1869. VOLUME III..NO. 30. COL. DEM. VOL. XXXIII NO. 23. yxocuieu wrmawaincs til css niicl dlspntchf ..I AC TU l Art ' - : .A r.jlr' rf')':(w fSWIYiW' in i iioa criil fill) V, .hWf-, .11 -i 1 i rUi ti., Ural, ill u , IS, rl 1 1 BtigO MltEOTORY. TIN WAKE. - jBealei'lH' stoves A tlnwarei, Main b,ivjase. vi-uu 'IWPTSpWVm and lltmrtrs, Unpen v 1-1H3 ft . bjoolt., Main lllftl Of,) at U Cl . fJ.- IXrWENnEnorKfrtlinhttttI16r, Mnlast., 2d '"I; dooXabove AtaVrUlin.uou'co, vl-nM foriOYn )BH09.,&drtigftUl't nnd apothecaries, vl-nlj Ill I Ml I ill .111 P W MJTS'Umgss1'-""' npothecory, Rupert Ut oiocsi main si., wwini .uuraei CLOCKS, WATCHES, AO. 0 irENUY ZUTrmaER, Watches, Rpoctacles and lueweiry ceo. Mainmreet, near west, 01. t ,...) i uuiu ur.ive.u.Y...'. nuitu un. hwi. luiii.i:!. "IJ near lontlieaM corner Main and I rousts, vl-nl 1 "ft'j i ' n i l " g ; B IT C. RJVTAUE. unici, II. mumis, wuiciie uim aU. Jewelryf.'Main'ist.;v.Just below American nUluuao. 4. t, j, nu vl-nU lM D CATHOART.'vratcb'and clock maker, Market Ut., below llaln.' ! , vl-utf ""' $$$fffoi shoes. fll M.flftoWNl boot and shoemuker.Mutiiklrcet opposue ioar uouse V1-U13 5Ah ROLLEDETLmann&Aturer aluldenler lllbootl and shooSfMaliist., opposlto Episcopal churcti Im-fJKNKV IJ3IM,WfttiUfactuicr und dealer' In (VbrtotS and SUoea, groceries etc., East lllooms 3.irg Main hj .yTtviJV vi-mi KXVID nfifei'bo'ol and shoemaker. Main st., "U below, Hartman'a store, west of Market street. "' w , .nw i vl-1113 .,r,yBOFESSIONAL. 'Jz t It EVANH, U. D. surecon and physician Bouth 'I BluoAiuashtJWUlWAiariteL. Rj II. P, Kinney nnteon dentist, teeth extract nltaJ Ari .wlthnnt iiMn: vlfkln at. . Yinnrlv nnnnsltn episcopal Chtucn.,Kbu f B.' M'KELVY.'il. U.nrKeon and physician I norlh aide Maui sW below Market. vl-nU rtiJ'O-UtJTIEJVMjiiIJ.'enrscon and Physician, juarKBt Sb, AUUV44ttUIU. vl-nl.t jf,tT." '' ' HiIti R".0. MQWEB?mrgeou dentist, Muln st. 1U su, vl-ntJ nDOTe oonrv noose. I'T.'WMB'WSfBe'BerJ'BSrgeon nnd l'brslclan.Ex- cnango JU10CK pyet;-vvcou s hook store, vj-na tJsWi- utf B. nonlSOW Attrniy-at-Law, Oinco Hart-Ir-f s . Maaul hull4Ut.' Main Street. Vl'-n24 11U .1 - ri 1 . 1, .11 ,'n . .1 RlKELKEAUoroey.at-I.nw.Offlce, 2d floor :, Wj In Exchange BJook.near the "Exchange llo obttoU' i . ' ri" rtilfl' vanl UBlliri ', f -VI ' -t .rthorjlrn, , 'ryBBXANOY GOODS. Tii, T , , , , .ilkfRSrE.. KLINE. 1 Millinery nnd Fancy Goods. ewhlMaln Stree below, Market, vlnltl JPiISS :LIZZiE';BXElLEY, mtUlucr, ltamsey MiiiVpfii IkJI stationery, Exch I; fenny good, notions, books. :ehAnze, block Main street. Yi'UM T.irl PETERMAN. mllllnenr and fancv roods on- poslte Episcopal church, Mnln st. vl-u 13 118. JULIA A.v" :HADE BAIIKLEY, ladles cloaks and dresirnattenij. southeast corner SZfalii'anaiwestlitt.lJW vl-n 1 1.,.. l ' L ' ' .1 - , 1 uKIISBMi DEIUUCKSON, millinery nnd fancy 'Tigooda Main at.; Opposite Court House, vl-ull iYns. M.B.FlJUMAN, milliner, Main St. 'Ml'llartman' store, west of Market st. below VVTllIE MISSES HARM AN millinery and fancy mnl, If.ln utM., Int I,aIaw A tnarlMn hnncn eoods. Main HtreAMust below American bouse. ei)i ..' Vl-ull lJH HOTELS AND SALOONS. It up 1 .,..'., 1 , , , bellf LEACOCK, oyster and, mating saloon, Amcrl Mtil cau House. Main su. Baltzer Lcocock sunerlu- id KJ indent ' - vl-nl5 ,1 inv I I'l I' I"' ;tSuljUMYEU t JACXJUY, coufectlonry, bakery, -pr'ii and oyster saloon, wholesale and retail. Ex- , htsiange block,' Main st. vl-nl3 olflltr" f U)X1 & WEBB, confectionery, bakery, and ovs usai tr saloon,, wholesale and retail. Exchange "XCIIANOEittOTEL, by Koons & Clark, Main '"t st., opposlto court house. vl-ulJ jj (MEIIIOAN AROUSE, by John Leacock, Main ,.,(t;st., westof Iromtreet. vl-nll iMfflnonKS HOTEL; by a. W, Maboek, east cud of u us Main st, rJ. - ' vl-nl3 BTOIINER: refreshment saloou.KIuln sL.lust I, above court houoe., , vl-uU i ''OONS'4'''CriAnKi'iefreshinent j MlSV change hotel.- saloon. Ex. vi-uu I . ERHA j?Tj AND QltOOEItS. lyi JACOBS. , Couletlonery. groceries etc. Muln u( st, , below. Iron, vl-u)o II. MILLEItrde&ler'ln dry goods, groceries, .U7 uui ,J.xcua ueensware, nonri'suii, snocs, noiious, etc. pge block, MiUnflreet, vl-ulJ 'kELSx.NEAL.'it Co., dealers In dry goods, jlv., llUfUllWW.Willvt HttlllHUII UUI..I 0111 Y 1 1, IJ ,f l O. HOWER, hats nnd enps, boots and shoes. ?.L Aiaiu si., aoove uonrt iiouse. in1 vl-nli it C. MAIUt,drygcodiana notious, southwest b' corner Mala and Iran su. vl-n n !1 Ul 13 BEE9HOITZ, dealer In Dry Goods, flro-I lit. cerie&-iiootH tinoes. ic-.corucr innlu aud iron li .l.JBRdWER,4lryjrd6ds, ei U .Mala and Coiiruioase alii roccrics, cvc corner ey vl-uM H ABEOKIiS.Y.Keystoneshoebtore.bookB and 'tm suiionery,LtuainiHoeiow laraei vi- "jfTILLIAM ERABMU8, confectioneries, Maln 'v'st., near the railroad. vl-uM Iil; MENDENHAllL,'general stock of merchnn 111. uisn lulu luuiuijr, ruber, corner of Main street and Ojrwlctroau. i. J vl-uU Pi-. fj. KQBBINS, deal' U'flblock.Mal dealer In drv irnoils irrcerleM etc. jiiainsc, uciowiron vi-1114 PlilK.,rililTON,'Grocrlcs & J'rovislous, Maln Riroei ueiow araei.f vi-uu ' 1 ' poT IVMITZealer fu'cholco dry goods, and i ii. 1 onomi.3?u4 s., wppoaiio euurt iiouse. Icn; jtjjUI Hi- .. K.iiYER; groceries And general merchandise ins. vain er,jauuTtJwvswtv ICPl .lJHTK'IT Olrp" CRAMER A. Ej MAYIIURST, Dealers lu r nrrwu.rlf.fl. 'Confectioneries and Notions. r,l'-!ottown.Baiitllde,1tWQ doois above llrobst's ," Vjn'agonmakershop.- ' - v -ulS. ,a 11-'- ' . MISCELLANEOUS. AME8 OATMAN?CbliiflmftUcr nu Chair r maker rooiuM on Main street. v3 n31 Jf.nnflL ..-.--., - .. .-,,..., I M. CHRIBTMAN,kaddle,tr jjf. .makery opposite Episcopal ir iittnrr.intr . n. 11. . . . 1 unuRiWAn. eHuuie.irunK nmi iiaruriiH nun 11 Main hi.. in" P Rl W. CORELL. I ,;.nf. brick on Main . fttfnlture rooms, three story I 1st., wesiorinruetbi. vi nu , lg 1 ,1, 1 J1U1VC. Ufi t-Wl11! imiwi. wiiiuuiy SOUtlCH, ti I. and fixtures, Rupert block, Main st, vl-nli ,il. .1, , ...I , I, . I ' n 1 m . .mw. 11 IT.K ro. Machinists. Kail Blooms. A ill burg near railroad; Castlugsmadeut short 1 lice- .maomnary maua aim icpaireu. abyt;'l,Jltj . ,1, 1 1 1-. ntoa, VKUHN', dealer In'meat tallow, etc,. t. .erlln' alley back of American lir iko, U0US,'t4,'.'lMiri-i. "T'.-ii Chem, vl-ull -P'J liIDLEM'AN'AtientMunM)n'sCoipcrTn. T,l',Wr.WtStulngKod. V2-U1U til MsriH iii-iivtVira I POSTER. Glue Maker, and Wlilto and fancy 10 iD&VViuAM.HcbiUawu,. vl-nj oftM' ,h .., "audd" HOXLUMriEn UO mannfactnrera ooer, .or all kimlH, iiiiinini; viuy blo works, near southwest III MieVn. i iiMuors in i,un 1 COIf SOrP.ff: nr HO ft Laift&lnf 111 ulnnnii nfirs1i flllll melodeoni. nt U. W. Corelru r urnl tm o rooniH I " m w, iiiih-x UI1VI BCLUIIU UIJV i norJiWMiTOrn.W Maluand Iron hU. vl-nU I VKAO00K. Notary l'ubllo, northeast comer eUlMtiy' Main and Market, st. vl-nl3 luitrWmi-,. ., . , ,,M1N A. FUN8T0N, mutual and cash rates fire OW luiuruuce company .uortheastconifr Muln and AHIIA 'est St. vl-ulJ a of'f'i'AMUEL JACOBY, HarMe aud Brown Stone J IVSS Worlu,EastniooinburBiUelwlckro?d. vlu7 litafli. OUATiOEVlLLK DIRECTORY. Hit. O. A. MEO AIIQEU Phyalclan pnil ""W'iV I) ilalu Bt ucit door toOood'a Hotel. vl-un unicic HOTEL and rcfrCKlimcnt saloon, by l)Wm. Jtastcllcr cor, oliainnnu i-inew.""! TTAItJIAN llltOTIIEIW.TanncM nml mnnnfap 11 timers of leather, on Main t., below ood' llolrl. V2-1H7 nAVIU 1IEIUUNO, Flour and Orlst Mill, and -nt7 Uealcr In urulu, Jllll Street. V BOWEIl ft I1HU1UNO, donler In dry uoodB, tirocerlcnt, lumber nuu ircncrol Mcrcliuudlse Mnln st. vl'ni7 JOHN l'UYMlUi;, saddle and linrnessmnkcr Main st,. abuvo the Hwan Hotel. vl-n!7 rWw, COLEMAN, Merchant tailor and . Uent'nrnrnlshliiBEOod.i, Main Ht., next door to the brick hotel. V1-HI7 TAMES 11. IIAUMAN. Cabinet Maker, and Vtv O dortaker. Main U, below l'lne. Vl-n MICHAEL C. KELLER, Confectionery, Oysier. Sc.. Ac.on l'lnoHt., between Mnln and Mill. IT H.&C, KELCHNEn.Illncluimllhs.nn Mill 11. Street, noar l'lne. vl-u 17 WILLlAM DELONO. Bhocmnkcrnnd mannfiic turerof llrlck. Mill HU, west of l'lne vlnlD LEWIS If. BCHUYLEn, Iron founder.Mnchln lst, and Manufactmer of plows, Mill BUvI-n 17 MILES A. WILLIAMS & CoTnnucrsnnd Man ufneturers of leather, Mill Utreet. vl-nl7 JOHN KELLEIt, Boot und fiboomnker. Tine Street, opposite tho Academy vl-ntJ 4 n.HEnrtINO& unOTHEU, Carpenters and , llullders, Mnln Street, below l'lne. vl-u 17 AMUEL SHAitPLESS, Mnker of thoHnylmrst O arnln Cradlo. Main St, vn. T M. HA11MAN, saddlo and harness mnker O urangevuie, opposite t rnmo cuurcn, CATAWISSA DIRECTORY, SUSQUEIIANNAornrlcknotel.&Kostebnuder proprietor, soulh-enst cornor Main and Second Street. v2-nlli CI 1). ItlNAItl), dealer In stoves and tin-ware, U. Main Street, u-wure, V2-U12 w M. II, AU11ETT, attorney at law.Maln Street. pILIlEIlT A KLINE, dry goods, Krocerles, s, and 2-nl2 A general mcrcnnnuiso, Alain Hired T KEILEIt. billiard saloon oysters, and lco Jj, cream In season Main Street, BK.DAT.LMAN.Mer . ltobblns' Uulldlng. . DALLMAN. Merchant Tailor, Second St., Du. j. k. n Socond St, It. ItOIHlINS. Bnrgeon and I'bysiclan, below Mam. vz-uik. B. KI8TLEn."CnttawlsaHonse."NorthWekt ' , Cornor Main and Second Streets. v2-nl8. M, JI. BROBST, dealer In GeneralMerchandlsc, Dry Qooda, Urocerlet &o. v2-nl8. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. PETEH ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries, Hour, feed, salt, flsh, Iron, nails, etc., Lluht reet. vl-ul5 JTERWILLIOER, Cabinetmaker, Undertaker and Cholrmaker. vl-niu TT P. OMAN A Co. Whcelwrlghti, first door H above school house, JW. SANKEY, dealer In Leather, Hides, Hark, etc. Cash paid for Hides, vl-nM RB. ENT, dealer in all lu branches. stoves and tin ware In vl-nltl JOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer and denier In boots and shoes. vl-nftl J. J. LEISEll, II. 1). Burgeon and 1'hyslclan. Ofllce at Keller's Hotel. vlMiCT AIL IltVINE. Medical Store Mnln St. and . Ill larereek Itoad. ESPY DIRECTORY. T D. WERKHEISElt, Hoot nnd Shoo Store ml nnd manractorj-. Shop on Main street, op. poslto steam Mill. EBI'Y STEAM FLOUBINu MILLS, C. S. Fowler, I'roprlelor, v2-ulu F. REIGHAR1), 4I1RO., dealers in dry goods, groceries, and general merchaudlse. vl2ul 1 rn W. EnaAll.Sustiuehannarinnlng Mill and J, llox Manufactory. vllinll BUOKHORN DIRECTORY. O. AW. H. SUOEMAICEIt, dealers lu dry cuods. sroccrles and gcncrnl mcrehnndlse. irktktmo lu south end of town. v2-nH. JACOD 4 WM. II ARItIS, dialers In dry cuods, groceries, dimis and medicines. Firetstorelu north end of town. v -nls. JERSEYTOWN DIRECTORY. , TACOB A. SWISHER, dealer In Hides, Lenther ti IllarU etc. Madison township Columbia couuty l'a. vl-uio BUSINESS CARDS. JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this Ofllce. QHAS. O. UAItlCLEY, A TT O Jt N K Y-A T-Ij A W, HLOOMSllURO, l'A. Olllco In tho Exchango Building, second story over WUlniyerd: Jacoby's Confectionery, Second door nbovo the Excbrngo Hotel. Illoomsburg, Jnu. 1, 1mj9. jyj M. L'VELLE, AT'l'O llMKl-AT-liA W, Ashland, Schuylkill County, l'enu'a. c. W. MILIjEH, ATTOUN K Y A T h A W niiiAAinin. ir t iiha i. . 1.11. 11.... ...1 Jolntnji Tost Oinco. j-l!ountIc8. llack-l'uy nnd 1 I'oialons collected. T OBETIT F. CliAIlK, All U IV Ll'Al- j Offlco corner ot Mala ami MiuUcl t-tr-L'tta, ovtr rirht Kallonnl Hank, lJlooinhhuig, Va. g II. LITTLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Olllre (Viutt-lIouM! Alley, below tlio Col.UMUl AX uuico iiioomboui-g,i-a. a lUlOCKWAY, ATTORNEY AT LAW HLOOMHHUlta, TA. ira OKHfK Court Houso Alley, below tho Co- j. H. PUBSEL, HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTUUEU, and denier In CAitrirr-iiAos, valises, fly-nets. nurrAio noiiEs, hoilse-uinkkth to.. which ho fuels confident ho can sell at lower rate than any oilier person lu ths country, l-lx ainiiiu fur ourselves. Shop first door below the l'ost Offlco Main Ktieel, Illoomsburg, l'a. Nov. 15. INj7. O O O K S T .0 H F. The umliTBlgiutl, huvlun takt-u tho roomu lsla nSAimla,) I... TlJ U tn, .,nv ,lnr nluiVu uie r.xcnniiRu jioiei, wouia nouiy me ciuscni ui (lie i-ouniy timv i litre win uoroiiNiuuiiv uii imim U (UII UBHUllUll'llli "1 BOOKH, STATJONERY. AND WALL I'AVER, Also tho various Mngaslucs und Newspaptrs nuuusueil lu iuis cuuiury, uiueis lor wuicu wu ue promptly uncuueu iu. THE CIRCULATING LUlltARY which lias been In exlstenco font year, calls for the stronger suppuil of lliu coniinuuity. The urms nro reutonnVle nrVilcala t J Jatily I nf volutins. ILllV. UUll llUUllluiiiii nMuw ilutl. an lucreiuejii iiib uiiuivtr TI10 usual huge stock of NOTIONS AND FANCY oOODS, will bo kept up and no pnlus spared to satisfy A. D. I.BI1, May 11,'ui-tr Illoomsburg, l'a, PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY yyiijiiiAJi fisueh WITH TllOM"AH CARBON CO. WlIOt.Bm.E nuATJins w Jiosiunr, MEN'rl I'URNISHlNd 0001151, LINENS NOTIONS, NO. 19 nonni FOt'nTlt ftTnPKT lVtll.ADKI.MlA. tine 1,'e'j-Cm OHN 8TK0UP A OO., SnceesBors to Htroup A llrolhrr, WHOLEmaLI: DEALERS IS hhH . VI .Nnttli Whsrvis. si, 11 '.A r.iil V 1 . , n. l'lillHii-l,nin f W. ULAUON A CO., Manufacturers 01 (III, CLOTHS AND WINDOW SII I A 1 1 1 n VVarrlinnsn, No, 121 North Third Mi, rhlladelpbln. Q.EOUGK H. IIOBEIITS, Importer and 1) ider lu IIARIIWARE, ClITI.EltY, GUNS. Ai . No. 311 North Third Sti eel, above Vim. I'lillnilelphla. SN1 YDKIt, HAItUIS A I1AS.SE1T, Muiinriictiiror and JnhhitrH m MKNN A Nl itOVK' C'arnilNti Jms i2 MHrUci mid S'i CtMiifnT' Mrw t. IMllhKlclplliti fi EOItOE FOELKElt A CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN & WILLOW WARE, YARNS. OU-Clotbs, Wicks, Twines, Ilnvki ts, ilc, cte-. I'J.tril Market 81. & 236 Church St., 1'bllada. JuueS.'CS. JOHN 0. YEAC1EU & CO., Wholesale Dealers lu HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AMI LADIES' FURS No. K7 North Third Slieet, Mar.lD.X'J-ly Philadelphia. SfABLISHEI) 1 T.N. JORDAN 4 URUTUEIi, WbolesnloGroceis, nnd Dtnlers In SALTl'ETl'.R AND BR1MS10NI. Nn2l9Noith Third St. I'lilladelphlu. II. WALTER., Late Walter A Kaitu. Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWA IlK, No. 231 N. Third Mtn-el. miUilolplllK. " JJ W. HANK'S vv uui.i-A i.ri 1 uu rtuuo, siN 11 rr, an 1 1 CKIAIt WARKIIOIISK, No. lie North Third street, ijciwee-n Cherry and Itiue, auhi Idc, Philadelphia. "Y"AUTAIAN & RNCJELJ1AN, TOHACCO, SNIIFf XEUAIt MANUFACTORY, NO. 313 NORTH T1II1IUHTIIKKT, Second Door below W.wkI, P II I L A DE I. P II I 4. W. WAKTMAN I' IINIIKLW.I, A I N WBI O H'l' A CO., WHOLKSALK (I IIIM' K US, N. E. Corner Second and Arch Hire!. Pllll.AliKl.rilM. Dealers in HAS, HYRUI'S, COFFEE, SUO A It, .MIILAWSKH, KICK, SI'ICLS, III IJAHII KOlll, AC, AC. tA-Orders will receive prompt ntleiitlon, May 11), 1M7-Iy. 11. llOKNr. KINO. J. 11. KKVIIMTT. TTOltNE, KING it HKYBEItT, JLJL. WHOLVHALE DRY GOODS. No. 313 Mlllket Stieot, PHILADELPHIA. Orders lllletl iromptIy at lowcv.1 Januarys, ISM, lljor K. it. AltTMAN. C. 11. UI1.1.1M1W.R. X, MOKV. A KTMAN, IHLLlNGKlt A CO., NU. 101 NOR'IH Tllllll) ST. PHILADELPHIA, Two Door.s above Arch formerly 220, MAN UFA1TU It tlW ANII J01IHKH.S IN CARPETS, COTTONS YARNS, BATTING, OIL CLOTHS, CARPET CHAINS, CORDAGH OIL SHADES, GRAIN HAGS, TIE YARN, WICK YA11N, WINDOW l'Al'EK, D.jVEKI.KTS, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAR IS UUOltS, UltUSlIEH, LOOKING IILAKSKH, CHVSUS cb. r,;m HOTELS, &.C JfOltK'S HOTEL, ui.unui; w. MAUGiiii, proprietor. 'liu nluiu.i L'ell.l:iriwn lintel hlis recently nilcr- gouo rad cal chuuges lu Its Internal arrangements, and its pn prietor announce s to his former custom and tho travelling publio that his accomodations lor lliocomiort oi'liis guesiiarosueuHM v uuuv ,u the country. His table will always bu found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with all flm ilrllfvu.eBOl the season. Ills wines und 11 onors (except that popular beverage known ns "McJlenry"), purchased direct from the Importing houses, aro entirely pure, nuu iree iroin an poe drncfR. Ho Ik ttinnkful fornllberal natron- ngo in i no pasi, una win cohuiiub ,o uebm ve ii in ttieimurc. ur.uimr tvt imuuum c () L U M 11 1 A HOUR E, n v BERN Alt II STOHNER flAVTNn lately nuicbased and fitted up tho well'kuown itooisou liniei i'roperty,ioaieu m FEW DOOrcl A HOVE THE COUI1T II OU3 1, on the same side of the street, lu the town of Illoomsburg; und having obtaincAia license lor uiosnuiuasa 11 13 B T A U H A N T the Troprlctor hus. determined to ylve to the pw pio VlsillHU me town cm .jiuiuck ur iienjun,) A MTTLK MOUK ItOOM. IIU klnhlhiFT ftlwo Ik nitfiiiil vh. Hlld In tit It'll 11 1 tn nnt liiiL'L'leHninlrarrlui't'ii In tiiedrv: He irom- ltiCH that cvcrythhii! about hlxfHlnhllsliineiitHliaUi bo conducted In an orderly nnd lawful nmnneri and lit respectfully nMJolu unbare of tne publto I uuonat'. lim n TXCHANGE HOTEL, Tin- nttiifmicned lm vlni? nurthnsed tlil well' knuwuundceuUaUy-locutedhouKP.the Exchange tl,u r..imllnii nml elilerlulnmeilt uf travellers who may bo disposed to favor It with their cus tom. They havesparednoexpenselu preimrlng thoExchttiiKoforthecutcrtalnmentoItbelrBuesls neither shnll there be auylhlug wanting on their part to milliliter to their personal comfort. Ihey ruusels bimepous. and enjoy au excellent uusi- iiess location. , , Omnibuses run at all times between the 1.x. chango Hotel and the various railroad depot", by which travellers will be pleasantly conveyeei i, aud from tho respective stations lu due time to meet ine cars. jiuunn at i;i,ivvr, illoomsburg, April p, IBM, WEN HOUSE lll.HVH;iv l'A. WILIiTAJt WILLIAMS, Proprietor. This well kituwu Hotel has becu entirely refitted nud refurnished, llh n view to the peiiect com fort und convenience of guests. A commodious I.lvery Htable Is connected with thoestublUhinint. ....... A I.iccnso will bo obtained at May Term of Court, when the bar will be suppll.-d with the choicest wiues, liquors aud scaurs. A fair share of patronage is re,tn He I, Apr.li.'Mi-em. Tho Midnight Parado of Napoleon. Xuvyeited by i German JUtlhut, 'TM dead of iilfihi, nnd tho full moon's Unlit IsMrucIcwHh ocllpso pale. And deep nud low, like n voice of wot, Through the forest comes tho gale. TLs llko the hour when thlufri have power Of might nnd mystery; When rcnfion nhnken, and mnn awoken To nil ho d rends to see. And on yonder cloud, llko n mighty nhroud IIuDRo'cr tho lifeless earth. Aio Bhlftlug bright, on tho dazttcd night Btrango neencq of grief and mirth; Mrjk. hattlcn. banquets In high halK wild plains with corses fit rowed, Kings crowued.klngs tretched,ln funeral p.illi, KeaM, ngcant. frenzy, bloxl. 1 he ro to tho deep thy walcra sweep, h'oft Heine throiuih myrtles wound; 1 here to tho brown Italian plain Tho Alplno torrents bound; Theie through tho Austrian's pleasant field Thy billows. Danube, pour; Tho Tui ltlsh lance, tho Iloman shield Lte mouldering on thy &hore. And there tho Kilo bathes ninny a ptlo Of old Kgypttan klngt.; There Dnieper's bed 1 gory-redj There, Don, thy crystal spring? Aro dark und faint with tho corse's taint; And tho wild Cosnnck sweeps by, For tho Judgment has come, nnd tho snow's tho tomb Wiere the murderer's host must Ho. IUit what is tho sound rolling rouud and rout. T 'Tin the beat of u midnight drum: Aud from many Aland the spectre hand. At tho sound of thnt larum come. From South and from Xortu.thcy aro Hocking forth, From the Held, from the ocean wave; For these are nil who held earth In thral I, Dark battalions of tho grave. And they come on tho plain, llko drops of rain Falling thick In athuuder shower, Hut no footstep's fall, no trumpet call, Is heard through tho sons of power. The moon's last light just quivers whttu On n liar vest of holm nnd spear; Hut no cyo of man could stretch from the van Of that host to tho cloudy rear, HUH on they como from thoearthXdeep womh. In column nnd square nnd Hue; All tleshlcss bono, with eye of stone The moonbeams through them shine, ihit their angora grasp, with deathless elmp. Tho bridle nnd lar.co nnd sword; Aud tho cables Wiivo o'er tho ghosts of tho bravo Which ooco o'er tholr glory soared. And on fi out nud ou wings, their chlefialUK und kings Ou their pawing chargors ride; i Thero ho whoso crown was cloven down On tho Calabrcse mountain's side, Theie ho who fell when Austria's yell Hang wild from Marengo's plain;! Thero ho whoso blood dyed the Lelpslc Hood When tho German shivered his chain.! And he, the last, on whom Death had cast Tho grasp of his ley hand, With eyes tint smito llko tho arrow's flight, In tho front of tho host takes his stand. On his brow of gloom la waved no plume, On his breast Is no steely mall, Hut an "inoN cnoW throws U lUshe down On his spectral vlsago pale. And by his Blda Is simply tied A little long-sheathed sword; No gold Is there, no Jewel raro lit trays tho battle's lord, Hut the lightnings wreathed rouud that steel ' unsheathed, And tho thrones of Europo reeled, For the tslckle of death was In that shenth, And tho world was Us harvest field. On Ids charger white, through tho Jlvelnuic night, Ho passes In palo review The skeletons, to whom earth's thrones Were onco but duU aud dew; Aud the hanueis hloop,as each ghastly troop Moves before Its sllent'lord; Ami one word of woo each murmurs low, Saint Uhlena Is that word! HllUon they crowd from the wonn and I ho shroud In llcshlcss millions on; And tho star of pride is on each tdde, s nd tho spear in tho grasp of bone; Till tho march decays on tho chieftain's gaze And tho thistle alono is stirred, As tho wind comes low with one word of woe, Baint Helena is thit word I Muiut. fDessalx. jroulatowbUl. A company having located ft mill in tho western country, and by tho report of an iigent suspecting something wnn wrong, sent out another agent to sen atiout thingH. Horeported on his re turn Hint ho had "found tho dam by tint mill slto, but ho couldn't Und tho mill by a dam sight." A EiTTi.E live-year old boy wan bo- ing instructed In morals by his mother. Thu old lady told lihn that nil such terms us ''By golly," "by jingo," "by thunder," etc,,weroonly minced oaths. und but llttlo better than any other pro fanity. In fact, she wild, he could tell a profano oath by tho prolix of "by" all such wcro oaths. "Well, thcn.moth- er," said tho llttlo hopeful, "thero's it big oath in tho newspapers 'By Tele graph.1 " Tho old lady gave it up, and tho boy Is bowlldercd on morals. Little Freddy, who, through pa rental Indulgence, has grown into tho easy position of household tyrant, but Is, nevertheless, constrained to hold to tho uso of such polito forms of filial ci vility as "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," ro- cenlly camo to tho breakfast table with clouded brow and general air of discon tent. "Havo somo butter, Freddy ?" n&kcd his father. "No," was tho sharp reply. .'No what?" asked tho father with boino emphasis. "No butter," answered tho unyielding Fred. Swearino Chinamen. Tho Tidal Wave, a papor Issued at Silver City, In tho Territory of Idaho, details tho our lous method of administering nn oath to tho "ColcstloLi" In that region. Tho HVire says that "tho trial of Ah Clioy ami All Kam, now going on in mo dis trict Court, for thu murder of Ah Son, is creating it greater Interest than any trial that has over occurrod there, on account of tho novelty of tho method of swearing witnesses, A roostor'o head Is hacked olf with iv.cnlfe.iv saucer broken, tho oath written on yellow pa per, burned, and tho smoku, In which U riupposed to bo tho spirit of tho burn ed oath, blown up to heaven lu each ease. Tho prosecution und defence each bwoio llvo witnesses, killed llvo chick ens, biokp five, baueers, burned ilvu nieces of paper &e. After killing tho thlekf tis they aro thrown away by tho Chinamen, and considered unlltfor use, but having had their throuta cut, nicely bled, &c the American Heathen eon slder tht'in noun tho wor.e for having bi'ouswprii by, and wo con fes to ItiW' Ing bten guilty of tliosucrllego of as histlng to tlevour it portion that was really fat, tender, and good to our un Hitnctincd palate." PERFORMING PLEAS. It Is with it grim satlsfuutlun that wo hear that vengeance him lighted upon tho dUlurbers of our midnight slum ben, and that those llttlo tyrants of tho night, tho fleas',, havo nt last been pun ished for their numerous inlsdeo-ls. lIr, Kltcliliiguian Is now to bo found at 221 ltegent street, corner of Maddox street, with his troupo of performing fleas, or as his handbills lnvolt,"TraIn- ed Apterous Insects, tho only speci mens of thu Artlculata In tho world over taught to perforin." Mr, Kltclilngmati isayouiig English nutuofgood address with thu neatest fingers and tho ino.it Ingenious turn of mind I over camo across, an J I supposo there Is no man In tho world who knows mow about fleas and their habits than he docs, and ho can tell their history with 11 groat deal of quaint fun. I entered tho room when It was blow ing nud raining hard, and very cold; I found Kltcldngmau warming his fleas. Thero Was a bright flro burning, a bit of wood was placed on tho mantleplccc, Ononosldoof tho wood wero the car riages, ships, etc., drawn by tho fleas, themselves suspended by their, harness in mid air aud as quiet as mice. Poor things 1 possibly they wero taking a nap, or tiicy might havo been frighten, ed by thu thunder. Certain It is, as Mr, K. informs mo that cold weather shuts them up, and they do not perform so well us when it Is bright, shining, and warm. On a miniature billiard table, tho sur face of which is whlto paper, so that tiio lloas can easily bo seen, tho performance of tho learned iuaccts tako place. All all tho apparatus Used has been most beautifully carveu out of ivory by Mr. Kilchliigui.tti, and exhibits great neat-no-is and design on tho part of the flea trainer. I was first shown au Ivory box with glass at each end; lu this wcro several fleas being broken into harness. Wild llea are put In here, lind if they jump ami kick thoy causo tho wheel to revolve, ami at lliu sumo time knock their heads on thu top of tho wheel. Two or three days In the "training wheel" with no food soon brings tho lluas to their senses, ami then, llko young troop hures in a cavalry riding school, the trainer "bits" them, und be gins to "handle" them. But the Ilea has to bo "bitted" (or harnessed) If you please. Mr. Kitcliluglium tells mo this operation is exceedingly dllllcult, for tho Ilea must not bo pinched,' crushed, or his legs broken, or ho Is' good for nothing ; nnd, at tho same time, euro must be taken not to let the wild colt escape, which event Is very likely to happen In tho hands of a clumsy train er. Th 0 flea must bo taken between tho finger and thumb of the right hand, and then, by dexterous manipulation, trans fern d to a position between tho finger and thumb of thu left hand, uu opera' tlini requiring some six distinct quick but careful movements. Tho Ilea must bo r-o arranged that ho Is hold tight, while his head only Is visible; his head must l,o placed In a favorable position for receiving the noose. This uooo Is made of exceedingly lino hair, joined with a peculiar knot; It is slipped over the Ilea's head, and made fast, but not too fust, or tho Ilea will bo throttled, I uggested that tho hair might bu fasten ed to thu Ilea with gum, but Mr.K. tells me hu has tried It, nud there Is no yum which thu Ilea will not break when it lecumes dry. Tho flea having been haltered, ho is at once fastened 011 to thu end of a long louse chuin, of exceedingly lino gold wire; tethered in this manner iu is allowed 10 kick and plunge and hop (and possibly swear) us much as hu likes till hu isllrtd. Alter two or three letheritigs ho becomes tractable,uud can bu put into regular single or doublohar ness. Il Is must euiious to remark how that lliu elephants 01 thuluresiol'CVylon aud tho Ileus ofour bedrooms uru uliko subjugated to thu service of mail by tho process of biarviug ami tethering ; only, indeed, tho ttickiu required ditl'ers cuusiilerably iu strength and iorm, but tho principle is thu same. When thu ilea bccoiuu tractable ho Is fed by being placed on u bit of raw beef, at which hu sucks greedily. Quiero, coula wo not utilize raw beef as u bait for it "Ilea trap" to entry about with us 011 continental tours, etc.; by s.-lllng the fleas to Mr. Kltctiluglutm wo might help to pay our hotel bill. Tho regular fleas aru fed over night upon tho back of their master's hand; ho feeds us many nn eight or itluo at n time. Thoy bury their probosces deep Into tlioskln, and, when sucking, turn their tails up into tho air liku a duck turns his tall Bkyward when hunting for worms in the mud. They would, If allowed so to do, feed for four hours; Mr. K. has ob served that they act llko ptunps, that tho blood will run out from them when their stomachs aro full. Ho therefore leaves them on his hand till ho knows by this sign that they aro as full nsthey can hold, aud then ho takes them olf his hand. But this must bo donu care fully, or thu proboscis, thrust into tho tkln, llko tho boring tuba of an artesian well. Is liable to bo Injured. Sometimes tho lloas will feed freely .sometimes they won't eat at all. Mr. K, thinks they havo thelrtempors llko ourselves; somo- times they feel hungry and up to work, nii-i sometimes Htm ai tneir iusks ami oil' their feed. A performing lien, If well looked after will llvo eight or nlno months. A great many llvo four months, Somo fleas aro chlcken-lioarted, or havo bad constitutions, and illo In harness In n fow days. ICvery nlglit each lieu Is put Into 11 bcpnratu sleeping room ; flannel Is cut lino squares and ono Ilea iilnced between two of these mliilaturo blankets. Thu blankets are piled 0110 over tho other, n, Ilea between each, till thoy tiro all stow ed tuvay lu their berths. (Tho plluof ilea containing blankets Is thsn slowed uway In 11 box for tho night. Thero aro eleven or twelve klntVi of (leas. Tho tlog flea, tho eat Ilea, tho pigeon, mole, hedgehog, marten, etc, fleas. Tho lloas of dlll'erent nations also (lHfer. Tho Bolglan Ilea aro good, tho Ilusslan Hoa3 aro strong, powerful, hard working tough skinned IIohh. Mr. F, has Kusslnn fleas sunt over to him by post from Ilussla. A good Russian flea Is worth fourpenco or sixpence. Think of that yo navigators nbout to mako a trip with timber shtp4 to St. Peters burg, what n paying cargo you might bring home, and tho Chancellor of tho Exchequer has not as yet fixed nny Im port duty on fleas. I wish ho would. Tho best fleas of allnro thcKngUsli flea-; thoy llvo longest, cat least, nnd work tho most. Bravo, old Kngland ; beat tho world again oven In tho matter of fleas; but stop I of course tho English lloas nro good, for do not tlicso liens llvo upon truo English blood, and thereby literally lmblbu tho national character istics. Mr. IC. keeps his stock of un trained ileas lu a stoppered bottle In flannel wool ; cotton will not do ; ho has sometimes two or three hundred fleas on baud, and ho very seldom let ono escape. A good half hour may bo spent watch ing tho fleas in their exercising. An uufortunato Insect Is mado to flro off nn "Armstrongguu." Tho mechanism by which this done is very ingenious, and tho flea must flro tho gun even though hu seems terribly frightened nt tho noise. Tho "Insect Hercules" draws along at a sharp pace an ivory "Hno-of- battle ship" over 500 times Its own weight. It is most amusing to sco tho llttlo wretch pulling nt this load llko a mliilaturo dray horse. Tho "Flea Blon- dln" performs ou tho. tight rope; tho Flea Sibyl" tells fortunes aud answers questions through tho medium of tt re volving card; tho "Insect Leotard" (this is a clover trick) swings backward and forwards on tho trapczo ; two fleas play at "soo-saw," they aro mado to tako their spriug from strips of glass, for they would hold on with their prong liko claws to paper, and would not perform nt all. A gravo old flea draws up a minlaturo bucket and lets It go again with a run. Tho "Royal Mall" Is druwn by a team of fleas, and tho "Derby Tandem" trots smartly round tho arena. Thero aro other performers bcsldo tho nbovo; but I must not for get to mention tho "punishment wheel," uu Ingenious contrlvanco upon which aro placed idle and refractory fleas who misbehave themselves In their perform nnco. Nor must I rorget to mention an instrument which Mr. Kltchingmnn has ncivly brought to perfection; It consists of a most delicate spring llko a watch-spring, so lino that ono can hardly see it. This spring Is intended to measuro tho actual strength of fleas, and It Is called a "pulexomcter." In my "Curiosities ot Natural His tory" I havo a chaptei on performing fleas. Tho education of tho day has ad' vanccd In tho matter of fleas as it has in tho matter of children, nnd Kitch Ingman's lleas nro much more learned competltis'o examinations may havo something to do with this remarkable fact and thoy aro much better perform crs, than tho fleas of ten years ago. I cordially recommend my friend a nd nil interested in seeing what an Iu genious and persevering young En gllshmnncan do In training. such minute insects as ileas, to patronl.o Mr. Kitch- ingman and his learned specimens of Pule? Irrilans. Frank Buckdand. A Family Crazy on Ilcllglon. A horrible case or religious aberra tion recently occurred in North Carol! nr. A Mr. Loud, Jane, his wife, and four children, named Sarah, Polly, Ell and Nimrod, became Insano by attend ing a "protracted meeting," nnd began to sco visions. Sally claimed to bo tho true Gotl ; tho mother often saw Polly 011 thu crosa, nnd sometimes herself felt on her head tho thorny crown, und felt In herbido tho spear, as her Savior had donu beforo her. Thoy held meet- lugs in tho llelds, and wero seen ono day with their alcoves rolled up above tholr elbows, knocking dried chestnut burs about from ono to another until their naked hands and arms wero cover ed with blood. Ono night, while Sally and her mother discussed somo passage iu Scripture, a dispute arose, both of thorn claiming to bu God. Tho mother thought Sally was tho dovll, and order ed her sons and husband to tie her ; they did so, nnd thrust her, her hands tied together, out of tho door. She at tempted to get in ; James seized a bit of board and tried to push her away.whllo tho mother, unablo to hold tho door againit her, ordered Eli to hhoot thu dovll. Hoflred.hittlngherln tho hand, and then, us they described it after wards, "tho dovll scrambled oil" tho doorstep." Soon sho was back again, puttl ng her bloody hands in at tho nolo nthe top of tho door, when fc.ll was iigtiiu ordered to Hhoot. Nimrod loaded tho rlllo with two bullets, gavulttoEU, who said. "Father, must I shoot ?" "If nothing clso will do," snld ho, "you must shoot;" and, said Ell, "this tlmo I plumped her right between tho oyes." Tho body lay outsldo tho door until daylight ; thon tho mother ordered tho rest to carry tho dovll to tho log neap nud burn It. This they did, nothing bolng left but a bit of tho splno and skull, a rib or two, somo portion of tho abdomen, und tho oullino ortno swell. Ing shoulders and hips In (ho nsli03, Thu family wero taken to Jall.and while thoy wcro all occupying tho cage.u room grated with Iron on the top and sides, tho sons killed their mother by choking her. A trial resulted In their acquittal on tho ground of Insanity. A qentI.eman standing In a erowd felt tho pressure of two femtnuio feet upon his patent leathers. At thu first thu sensation was delightful ; but Mion tho pressure began to feel tho least bit uncomfortable, "Mauain," no genuy suggested, "you are standing on my feet." "Your feet, sir?" "Yes, Mailaiii." "Goodness I beg your pardon, sir; 1 thought I was standing on a block of wood; thoy aro qui to largo sir I" "Quito; but you covered 'em, Mnd aiii-i" 1 Shower of Simile. The great storm of lust Friday night will bo long remembered In this Stato. Iu addition to tho details heretofore glvoii, wo havo information from a reli able citizen of great damngo at Taylbr vlllo. Tho storm hurst in Its full Airy at that place about dark, and the rain fell In torrents. Tho electric storm pres ented the samo features as here. Tho wind, however, was moro violent, and without intermission blew In great strength from every direction. Sovcral buildings wero damaged, nnd young hickory trees nctually twisted off by tho wind. Tho growing crops wcro pros trated by tho wind, nnd beaten Into tho ground by tho rain and hall. But tho most singular phenomenon, nnd one whlchwas not vouchsafed to nny other community, was a shower of snakes. We have heretofore read of showers of sand, of fish, and sometimes of flesh, but nev er beforo of n shower of snakes; and yet wo nro well assured that the phenome non which occurred on last Frlduy night can bo described In no moro fitting terms. On Saturday and Sunday last, every ditch, brook and pool 011 tho pralrlo nortli of Taylorvillo was allvo With nondescript creatures, which havo boon described to U3 as being from ono and a half to two feet long.and of three-fourths of an inch to an inch in diameter. This diameter Is xcry slightly lessened at the head and tall. Tho tall is flat, llko that ofau col, but has no caudal fin; indeed, thero Is no fin at all. Tho head Is in shape that of an eel, but tho mouth Is that of a sucker. Tho eyes nro small and tho cars aro simply orifices. Immediately behind tho head, on each side, Is a flip per, llko that of a turtle, say thrce founhsof an Inch to nnlnch in length, including tho limb, which has a perfect ly dovclopcd Joint. In color, theso snakes, or whatever thoy are, tiro of a dark huo. Tho number of theso creatures is bo- yond all estimate. They swim in every branch nnd puddlo of water. Their inodo of progression, in addition to tho un dulatory motion of a snako in tho water is by tho uso of tho flipper described abovo, and they swim entirely under tho water or with tho head and a few Inches of the body abovo the surfaco, thus Indicating that tho flippers are nut absolutely essential to motion. Thoy aro perfectly harmless. Boys and men tako them from the pools in hundreds, and they are brought to town for in spection. Wo aro willing to admit that our knowledgo of Ichthyology Is not suflV clcnt to dctermlno what they are. Eels havo teeth, ao carnivorous, and some species are very voraclous'and bclligcr cnt. Theso crcaturesaro of tho genus ovelopterus or sucker3,havlng no teeth nnd aro evidently unprepared for attack and except by flight aro defenceless Furthermore, thoy have no fins, nnd their flippers aro only adjuncts, and not their principal means of progression They nro not serpents as they want fang?, either hooded or naked, which invariably dletingui.sh the order o ophidians. Wo will not worry our readers with any speculation on a subject confessedly beyond our knowledge. Wo aro prom Ised somo spcclmcns,wh!ch will bo sub mltted to naturalists of acknowledged ability, whoso opinions wo shall lay bo. fore the public. It Is tho universal testimony of all tho peoplo of the country that no crca turo anything llko thoso wa3 over bo foro seen by them. Tho slzo renders it certain that they have not been do'el oped there, as It is practically iinpossi Iblo that they could havo grown to that slzo without having been teen. It, Is qulto certain they wcro novcr beforo tho storm, and It Is almost equally cer tain tho storm brought them there. This storm, which passed over so largo an extent of country, und was so vio lent, undoubtedly gathered, as do most of such storms, In tho vast pla!usof tho north-west. It was a tornado, aud, In passing through tho country, disturbed tho usual atmospheric and electrical con ditions, so as to produce, In addition to tho central tornado,a high wind, heavy ralu and an electrical storm. Tho most ilauslblo theory which occurs to us ns accounting for tho presonco of theso fishes, Is that tho tornado in passing over somo lako or river In the immense unknown region of thonorth-Wtet,drow up water, and with It theso animals, which aro evidently amphibious. Tho tornado then sped 011 Its mission of ties- ruction, passing perhaps miles nbovo tho earth, and occasionally, iu at Ship man, striking tho earth. Near Taylor villo tho central body of tho storm was dissipated, as shown by tho fact that tho wind blow in gusts from all direc tions, nnd theso creatures fell to tho earth to astonish thopcoploand perplex tho scientific. Jlllnoh Slate Jcerlster, June 1. Watering the Cow. During tho Atlanta campaign ono of our Generals, being rather unwell, was fearful of a bilious attack, owing, as lie eupposeii, to tho too free uso ot coffee. Tho com missary procured lilni a cow, which yielded him a good sized bowl of milk night and morning. Frank, his body servant, and Ben.tho cook,wero respon sible for tho nppearanco of tho milk on tho tablo morning midovcning. Ono, evening, after n hard day's work, thd1 General sat down to tho tublo untlclpa- ting his usual refreshing repast of bread nud milk, but upon tnstlng it thought it appeared to bo diluted with water, aud suspecting surreptitious lovo had been mado to part of tho original, ana tho quality of tin. remainder sacritlccd to a delusltory quantity, " Frank." said he, " wluit Is tho matter with thu milk V It is half wtv tor." "1 duinio, General; 1 didn't put no water In It," said Frank. "Somu ono did," said tho General. 'Ahk Uei if hu known anything about It." In a few momenta Frank returned and, with ti very gravo face, said "Qoii crul. Ben says he didn't put any water In tho milk; but ho watered the cow Just j before he milked her I" IlAvrv Boy: "I say.boy why do you whlstlo so gaily ? " "Causo I'm happy, mister." 'iWhnt makes you so happy?" "Causo I got a nowsldtt ; look-a-here, nln'tltnlco?" "It don't look very now, what la it mado of?" "Why'tls now,causo mam made It yes terday out of dad's old un 1" "And what was dad'soldtin Hindu of ?' ' "Why,onoof granny's old shects.what icr mam gavo her." The Rev.Kramer ono of tho Presi dential brothers-in-law is. proving a very prolific source of "Notes," Iu which capacity ho is doing tho country more good than ho is likely to do as Consul. Wo heard yesterday of his being nt a prayer meeting at which special efforts wcro on foot for tho conversion of sin ners. Uro. urauviiio Jioouy was Dies slngtliojob. After a good deal of ex hortation, which seemed to have pro duced llttlo effect on tho sinners pres ent, it was announced from tho pulpit in a stentorian voico that "General Grant's brother-in-law will now lead in prayer." Tho idea was that tho Dlvlno Spirit, obdurato to all othor invocations, would Immediately "como down," like Captain Scott's coon, whou Informed thatOrant'd brother-in-law was on hand. Tho Rev. Kramer suppllcated.but with what result wo aro not informed. The persistency of tho Postmaster of Minn, Now York, is too rcmarkablo to pass without recognition. Ho recently addressed tho following communication to Washington: Mina, Chautauqua County, N. Y. I May 18, 1809. J First Assistant I'oslmaster-General. Dear Sir: "I asked you for my res ignation somo time ngo, nnd recom mended Alexander D. Holdrldgo to bo Postmaster of this olllco; It Is the peo ple's wish, and ho being n Republican and I being a Democrat, I thought it would bo immediately attended to. My business is such that I must go to Iowa, to be gono two or three months ; my wlfodied last July; my daughter and deputy must bo absent also. I am an old man, born In 1800. My grandfather was a cousin to Ethan Allen ; and now, "Ify ie Great Jehovah and the Conti nental Congress" I demand my resigna tion." c. b., r. M. Bill P., by forco of brain nnd gift of gab, has come to bo looked to as authori ty In tho community of Black River Forks, out in Wisconsin. He Is a cross between a lumberman, politician and lawyer,and was never lackiug for a loop hole through which to slip when ordi nary men would have acknowledged themselves cornered. Bill had been called upon to defend a worthy citizen against an indictment for assault and battery upon a mlserablo vagabond, "contrary to tho peaco and dignity of tho peoplo of tho Stato of Wisconsin." Tho ovldcnco was conclusive, and Bill attempted not to Justify or mitigate There seemed no way to escape pun ishment; but when Bill camo to ad. dress the jury ho laid down this rule of law : "You can't convict this defen dant unless the prosecution provo the entire allegation. Proving a part will not do. Wo admit tho assault and bat tery, but tee deny that It was contrary to tho peaco and dignity of the peoplo of tho Stato of WIsconsin.and the prosecu tion hasailed to show it." Tho Jury so held. Judge Hackett, It is understood, will hold this as a precedent in certain ca ses to como beforo him next term. An Arkansas Judge had his law olllco close to a certain doctor's In fact, they were separated only by a plank partition, with a door In it. Tho judge was at his table, busy with briers anil bills iu chancery. Tho doctor was wri ting a letter; and, pausing for a mo ment, called out, "Judge, isn't c-q-u-i tho way to spell cqulnomlcal ?." "Yes, I think it Is," saIdthojudBo;"but hero Is Webster's Dictionary, I can soon tell you." Ho opened tho book and turns over the leaves, repeating aloud "E-qul nominal, equlnoralcal." Finding the proper place, ho runs his oyo nnd finger up und down tho column two or three times, until ho is thoroughly satisfied that tho word In question is not there. Closing thu book with a slam, ho lays his specs on tho table, and, rising slow ly, breaks forth," Well, sir, I've always been n Daniel Webster man, and 1 vo ted for him for President; but any man that will write as big n dictionary us this and not put as common a word as c-qulnomlcal in it can't get my voto for anything hereafter." Going Home withthi:Giris. The outranco Into society may bo said to tako place after boyhood has passed nway.yet a muiutuuo uiKo tno luiiiiuivu beforo their hearts aro proseniaoio. 11 is a great trial to a tender or tough age, for nny boy to go to n uoor Knowing thero nro dozen girls wlthln.nnd toknock or ring with absolute certainty that In two minutes all their oyes will bo upon him, Is :i sovero test of courage To go before theso girls, and make n satisfao. tory tour of tho room, without stepping on their toes, and thou sit down and dispose of one's hands, Is an achieve ment of which few can boast. If a boy can got so far as to measuro off ten yards of tapo with ono or tno gins, uuu cut it short at ono end, 110 may siuuu u chanco to spend a pleasaut ovenlng; but let him not tlattor himself that inn trials of tho ovenlng aro over, 'lhoro comes at last the break up. Tho dear girls don their booth and put on their shawls aud look so bauey, so mischiev ous and unlmpresslblo, as if they did not wlshany one to go homo with ineni. Then comes tho pinch, aud tno noy nu ing tho most pluck inake-i up to tht prettiest girl, his heart In his thiout, and crooking his elbow stammers out (ho words, "Shall I ho you homey" Sho touches her finger to his arm, nnd thus thoy walk borne, about n yard apart, feeling "ns awkward at goslings. Ah soon us Mio Is tsaro Inslda her own door, hohlruta homo, nnd renlly thinks ho has boon and done It.