7 EE 'COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, Bf.OChVIUHG. COLUMBIA COUNTS. IttmKtiW STUBAYt JULY U3, 1S0U. 6neAp. X 'iti'tfi l&Ms MTcrar'iiogslieajs. Inquire nt 'irtji .jtiHt.ji..- MjtV.Kl). CL JoHM iSS'reslgncd his post lUA'tciohctftifcorraril, School. An t is txsing wimM oaro hia services nt is .?au&M(aWiNmtatha nauio of Uenl, s tcrtti MMvrnslitp as a candidate lot) Iw&WridAer. "During tlio war n 1 1 mw EieUofJ talked of, hanging Ji'mi, now they mint torun lum Tor Count . Irfiifclbri tXrtiy '(icmpH tncel." rgive'MwBunjIejj'irrenisrks ai I'rcsi t of tho'SCitaCoirraition in nn nccurato pftoviicdl'fj-'oniJb'o'wporlin the I'hila AAJ&M krid NcW feYork H'orM. Tlio 'iirtin thoIIarrlsbargii!i(n';( nnd many papets(ln;ihjSgitJi-AYas quito impct- ofan'nii)Ji"A'rlha)Oweu3 was arretted on iday last on the 6liarg6' of stealing jew i muslin, etc., from 'Henry Hodino and ' liam Shaffer,. Sho (hjid. been employed tltVant by Ihesfi gentlemen, and took tlio oIcs whilst 1st theirretaploy. After a hear before the MHirorsh'5s,wa3 committed to ior trial. My,. 'xsta . Uufriond Banders appreciates tho vaiuo ' newspaper in ia -.contest for omco, nnd JS informed .pf'h)n prospects through MamiiJot'tha? Gazette. It is , certainly "iasy way or reaching the cars of tho peo' -lrat'wb faBoy.lif'hJs'Tconipctitor Kliould i-1 1 "' V'V' , , , . ' H.tno samo plapJeriy" would couiplaui, -wniij-casoq, .kjioM. ni niUitljllTiVT.?, i , . , Z ffilti5 iK ary.glad f.o AjnjDWfcq that our friends "Hilways fin'd Derao'cVatia daily nowapapeis rv, O'Bopk and News depot of A. 1). Webb Mo'ottq'.thb'Esphango Hotel. Let evory hr.ojjnb,b(ggtit,and read. Tlio now SoiUmjjtjdlpijiant Support your )Hj; paprnrr-BWwigBre!' coming 10 uiooms n arri.rcquesled.tOj' call and get a paper ' .ho eampalgn'forwird brilliantly. .fXAvli.il, '""i-o mechanios, laboring nieu, and farmers' ioro inioresiea.in we result or uie pona mil'.'.' 'J'it.,''J'- s'O.u.u , ItmlcoupnaioananyjDtaur classes oi people iKftfifefWiiieditors nnd public 'tujjslyrwalloftoyoolelmlyon. Lei u vfArthw timaodvioh in his sphcro. liilMrtpiii victory, tho idajnvofaahoajfetfincorrnptiblo Governor iiu )f a.n.npnghtviialErtil Judge. !mWMaW9HKr?r-0n Thursday mrJaly(lSttf,atj!,'tttfeh)pt was made by iwmCs tO-fSseaiaiUce into tho houso of n S BlIW, ? wtft OrawtevULo ForUnatcly rowiwtfjtfiidMdipy.tiio noiso of ro 5g mik'iadmtfcdOWn stairs when tho .inrMbitiMecaniped. Thcr ad,mWMmim. Our frionds in SMtt look put for -jeiiows. tnatr inairarrcsc may do eucct anything. ' .... ' jiii..-...VU.:.i,. i.. ,' Ri'JiitDjnillips, ofBerwick, ugjhe conUaot forbuilding somo thir mpaiiy houses .Newport, informs us he has seventfien"nearly finished, lie is IT, liir. riUrinsWnge'tfi'e'orl rapidly forward, 'tinlfWflftfiAHft ItfVvlmnn TPU to tlm In. ccBfm, TWniwId'iowea'.in'iNowport at this !et,'JtinUvliago will soon out- led its morp;ptetenttpus neighbors hero a. h ireaf..Wflka.Barro had bettor look ! .pur laurels rr&ran ton HcjmlUcan . tr i u I.. 1 '. ,1 . '.SV, omiSTOn Sa'ttt'rday'cvening Mr. II. ir. iner with.his wifo. land littio daughter u luja, buggy. ,lo Centrnha. When ill, ig'overthoBliilroadlrack n 6hort dis nr. above tpxn,.hishorsobccamo frighten, a car etandinc onitho. track ami ram. .VNS.e'd b'ackinc.iiJiMriBonor iuinned from r. aggyWcatctf tnTJorso by tho head r evont lnm from baeking over tho bank. Y )f tho front wrjeels broke oft" and threw Bdnoj'.andtho.little.'girl out, but for- KNU'y did not injure them much. Adco- TilE-EAqra'ff gX5iisTI1(!rQ " a "luiplo l"' iralliblattelby.whic), up to tins timo r' ;nuine gMciDPaol.10 bill can bo distin mOTedsfVoni2th8'oopnterfeit.i It is thus: .rtist hashi8oqbe44'10'' in tho oyo of d agio.iurnuiift.iiiuoi)nn;r uguro on mai ' oiinatl'o-i'df fcilfeSuMng tho "0" to form ir. .. .,! ' ..i.'.ii. . ..... apliot uipfcjjajitj. growing tlio .1 . ,.,ho ehsdiifi! yet'soas to make tho wholo A Dtiblcr'fo'ihaTnakeS eye when onco vour tion;if!cillU:.ad very distinct Eeenttogti gagmficr. ,r, irAK7rThorg;,Will',bo a festival at.tho S. ChufeK,jAjyury1a'isbingcreek town- Columbi puntypttSaturday tha 31st fjnftioBtittA'lfflonKli'tho day and Bgfl'thprpceedV;f,'iwhich aro to pay HiEG, arpcting 4"d "ohurohjfand purchasing ir, y for tho' HabbatK' School. A general ,tion LaJ 'esteftdcJ.'Ut, all; a good timo is 18, 'paled.' If tto old folk's wish to bobenov j it. and gratify their ehildron they will bo s?.Mpi9?r,non ?,so' c,an .aa' y, bringing their ladies and purchasing ,. eanjickj3.Bea.qdie9i.&e., &c. INS, , teali ,n,vn, .;:,, . im' iAf.DTTho choice of the !p pf, "olunbjj po4ulbaving been noiu ' d' for Gpverthr question for1 each Jcrat ,to:.copsider.t4tiiflin' can J aid in pliant" -lUptlfl'.stipwMy the mostcffi vOti aldHhatoanbevjih,is.tho circulation m"'' imocratio. .newspapers'.. For instanco, a of this week' Columbian, giving us ft M, in aoCbiidt of the Convention, tho plat. smr , Mr. Buok&lew's Speech, nnd a sketch n idgo l'ackervwould.be-of far more scr i ii'Jian a wpek'g arguropnj. If ono paper have a, good efrpetnft constant success "..'if them(onld ie invaluable. No ;V",l;ratiatookiSoortp'kehi3 county pa- Tmd for fifty cents'ta can send it to his "1.. 'blican npighbor during the campaign. .'!."!! 'j way overy man-rand woman too for "Butter can contribute their share to- -d ih'e eucVe'e's 6f the1 ticket. :4 ibaolt.1 MondiyJpftcrnoon, says tho tou:t7B,'ii'MK K. B. Hrockway and fo'iocWKrflaxo wereWturhln'g from tho Cole- n afEfoiliiiiL'i Jiland, and just before '"linit the Lackawanna bridgo, Wr.ilrock J.jt'NToljjsi'ui his'pockot remark- -tithauad 'iotyoVhad Fourth of July r;:lredflWW W tlw baok. At this 9n'-'!WB.ll"59n rowdies approach rk.ii' BAlfVktyBBimddquiandod of Mr, 'MtfMMaidlKetg. Mr. S. eaid ho did nut a ;.e "nomo"- and -Bent the bully to the ""d. This brought re-infuroements to tho . .. ...... noarrest8..ltia apity tuoy did not at' 1 HU ; yuqFneiji lnteirOKatoU lUr. U. "ekppTledgedl&';fact and received a .for tna intelligence. Mr, B. then '.'-4iW,s9 n?.5onl) half dozen prang .C-"'"jMr, lland, knocking him dovyn, bea '"".'.'.-ticked tiiw AbsV unmercifully, Thcro RrlSIiT i S , " ' uisvnirgeu. UlUDLEythte I'c'cV'has IliO COtVJtllfAN on tlio brain. I,t(r fellow, how lia.Equirmal S6moboly ti i'(t bo hurt By refcrcnoe to our oicuangoa woi obsorvo that thoy all encountered tlio same difficulties wb did in getting out their oditions last week, i ' i i i Pmtl SlIACQWriESSEV who was stabbed al Dark Corner a few weeks ago has iiuilo re covered.. Tho intended ,murdercr lias not' been arrested. A oami ofBasoBall will bo played in Catawissa, on Thursday afternoon, -between tlio "Ittvorsido" and "Grecian Bend" Clubs of that place, on tho grounds of tho former. A lively time is expected. Mu. Qeouok PttEsoorr of Catawissa ,is rapidly completing his contract ot building ono hundred now cars for tho Catawissa 11. R. Co. Thoso carswobcliovo aro exclusively for the transportation of lumber. At tho late Dcmocrntio Convention, nuito a number of light Gngcrcd gentlemen mado their appcaraueu, and cased a number of gen tlemen Of their poikct-hooks. Among tho suflcrcrswas UlysfcesMcrcur, who lo?t about 400 and Mr. Buekalow. rt. r! 1 Kl T UMI- P P nd J. Harry James, Ksn., ofCcntralia wcro ! i ti,. t.:.i. ni.ni.ii.. n. Ill UUVUUUUUU Ub KilV Alien xwiuuiivlll vuil- vention held at Chicago during tho paslwtel;. Kepiillican. Wo venturo tho assertion that neither rep ress ntcd n dozen Irishmen. "J. S. W'says,"! can't makonny speech es, nor nni I much on an argument; hut I can contribute my eharo towards tho election of Asa Packer, tho poor man's friend, by circulating tho Coi.t!sliitAN,whioh hhall epci.k lor mo." That is tho right talk, and tho sura r.iad to succes". On Friday of last wouk whilo Patrick Oon- Iklo of Ceutialia was carrying somo tools from tho blacksmith shop to the Breaker be longing to llobert CorrcIU'O was ttiuck on tho back by a mining car and knocked under the body of tho wagon. Ho was badly squeez ed; his breast bono was broken, also ono of his ribs. Ho is recovering slowly. 'i'nosa dosiring a neat and healthy homo in Blootnsburg,can not do better than tosco tho property offered for salo in this week's issuo of tho Columbian, by John A. Funston & Co. Tlio houso has just been built, and being located in a quiet, cozy spot is just tho pl.ice to spend a cheerful life. Tho price asked is very rcasonabio and terms convenient, tice ii by all means. The contest for local offices in this county we aro pleased to see is being carried on in better spirit than is usual in such cases. Tho candidates, whilo earnestly contesting tho field dopend moro on argument than abuso of their opponents. Tho effort of tho Repub lican to sow discord in our ranks will fail and whoever is nominated will.roceivo the full, earnest, and hearty support of tho party. Ouu amiablo friend Bradley, after getting into hot water .with a largo and rcspectab to portion of his party in this county, with n facility for mischief which is remarkable, has created a disturbance in Montour county,and tho two Doctors nro giving each other alio 'pathic doses at a rapid rate. In tho languago of Ulysses, "Let us havo peace." AT.l'otts' Colliery near Ashland two men wero blown up by powder last week; ono has sinco diod.sovcral others nearly lost their live by firedamp in consequenco whereof tho mines havo been ldlo up to this writing, but will resume work this week. Mr. Kckard of Lo cust Dalo tho insido boss is a good business man. It is hoped that under his efficient man ngemcut accidents by fire damp will bo ob viatcd.' This canbodonoby proper attention to tlio air-ways thereby supplying the noons- sary (imoitni of good air. It is hoped that our representative iu the legislature next winter will read the ventilation lill as passed for Schuylkill county last sess ion and havo a simitar law passed for Col umbiacounty miners. They too aro deserving of protection. 1)b. Saou'h Uataukii Kr..ui:iY Is jio Ptoit Medicine humbug gotten up to ilupo tho Ignorant and credulous, nor Is it represented ns being "composed of ruro and precious substances, brought from tho four corner of tlio earth, car ried soven times across tho Great Desert of Saharali on tho backs of fourteen camels, -and brought across tlio Atlantic ocean on two ships." It is a simple, mild, soothing, pleasant ltemedy, per fect Specific for Chronic Nasal Catarrh "Cold iu tho head," and kindred uiseas cs'. Tho proprietor, It. V. l'lerce, M Di, of Buffalo; N. Y., offers a reward of ?-jOO for a caso of Catarrh ho cannot euro. For salo by most druggists overy where. Sontby mail, postpaid, for six ty cents. Address tho proprietor nt nuovo. -An Epitoii's' Vexations It has always been an ambition on our part to iuo a neat well-printed paper, and wo bcliovo that as a rulo wc havo succeeded in so doing. It is a difficult matter however, especially in tho fcummcr ecaton. Tho workmen, paper, ink, rollers, and machinery must till bo iu good trim, or a badly printed sheet will bo tho res ult. Last week wo had difficulties enough to vex a Job, and almost made us regret wo had ever taken upon ourselves the onerous and responsible, duties ofun editor. In order to got tho news of Judge Pack er's nomination in the paper, wo took tho night train immediately nfler the ad journment of tho Conrention, and readied homo Thursday morning iu a tired and ex hausted condition. In running off tlio out- $ldo ofyour edition wo soon' discovered that tliingsTould not work. Tho'iollers would not tako ink. except in, patches, tlio damp woatMr haying almost spoiled them. But mattcrewero much worw iu running off tha insido. Tho 'rollers toro to pieces. Wo bor rowed 'bouIo from the' Republican, but bo causa of our Democracy or for somo or tho reason, thoy would not work. Our forms wcro carried over to their press, but it was too small. Wo then attempted to get them on our hand press, but thcro tho tamo diffi culty occurred. By this time wo nilsocd the Thursday evening mails for tho first timo in mx months. New rollers wcro then east, but after laboring until midnight wo were com. polled to givo up tho attempt for tho ulght, Friday wo managed to got somo scaly look ing papers into tho up river matljbut our roll era again gavo out and we could not use tlicui until lato in thoaftcrnoon, and in our hasto to get up the Fishing Creek mail that of Cata. wtssa was startcdBenton-word. Our now roll era wero too green to work longtind our cm. ployccs wcro kept up all night, and only fin islicd their laborB Saturday morning. Of course the niassof our readers will good humorcdly "accept iho situation," knowing that "accidents will happen in tlio beat rcgu- lated families." Somo grouty individuals will complain bceauso it la natural lor them todo so, and will blamo us notwithstanding our unwearied efforts lo givo them, a goqd Taper. fjocnl IVottcuN. Third Strcet.Qrttdott School will ojion August 2nd. Toncticrai Mrs. Wynkoop nnd MIssBcnlO Smith. 2t Festival. Tho ladles of tho Kvnn- gcllcnl Church of Light Street will hold a Festival In tho School llousu, In that plnco, conimcnclnB wcdnesihiy ovonlng August 1th nnd continuing every eve ning during tho week. 2t CouNi'.u Stone L a yinq. Tho comer stono nf tho Evangelical Church lit Light Street will bo lnld with appropri ate ceremonies on, Wednesday, August Ith nt 2 o'clock l. M. It is hoped that there will he a general attendance. 2t 1'r.usoNAT.. Wo learn that tho Hon. . A. Ilolllns, luio Commlssloncrof In ternal Rovenuo, Is now acting ns Presi dent of tho National Llfo Insurance Company of tho United Stntesof Amer ica, at tho Company's Branch Olllce, in Philadelphia, during tho temporary absenco In Europe, of tho President, 0. It. Clark, Esq. Mr. Rollins has been an activo member of tho Board of Di rectors of this Company sinco its orcati- IzatloTifriuil In giving to ita Interest the benefit of his personal co-operation, and tho advantages of his enlarged exper ience, and extensive acquaintance, wo confidently look for a ronowed impetus lo bo given to tho already unprecedent ed progress of this great National insti tution. Tkn Months' Wouk. -To obtain from Cougn M a charter enabling an as sociation oi tliianciers to transact busi ness in uvurv State of tho Union : to organize a eomp.uiy under such a char ter; to open a main ollluo ulul Install a htiitt' of ollleors therein ; lo select lead ing ltnanciers anu uu-niiess men as gen eral agents for transacting tho business of tlio Company in tho boveral sections of tho country ; to havo theso general iigents'so carefully examine their respec tive districts as to select mo most cm- dent and resnected men as county agents j to havo theso county agents, in turn, uuiKo juuicious EOiccuon ui lucai agents in cities, towns and villages; to prepare tho multiplicity of blanks, rdmis", orders, Instructions, pamphlets and other documents with which to sup ply nil theso agencies; to Inform tlio puunc, iiirougu mo uieuiuiii ui uib newspaper press, of the existence of such an organization, the financial basis upon which it rests, auu too grutinu work of lis claims to public approval and support; theso things would seem iu uosumcient looecupy mo nrsi iwoivo months of such an organization, leaving lo subsequent years tliotiecoiniilishmeiit of actual results. But we liml it nuta bio oxeention to .such n cimr.-e in the caso of tlio National Llfo IiiMiralm1 company of America chartered by Con gress in July, 1808. nnd uonsequently noc yet ono year oiu. it lias iiihi an oi tho above mentioned work to do, and It is hut rational that. In doing this. It should havo mot with tho opposition of old established lusurauco companies. But the new Company has dono far more. Indeed, Its suceesmu record, for the first ten months of its operation, has been most remarkable, and utterly unnrecedouted. It. has already issued no less man .),;uu policies, reiueseniini: insurance to too amount oi owv jtjteen millions, an amount exceeding by near ly $0,000,000 that Insured by any Com pany prior to 1803, in any full year of its existence, aim nearly uouuio inut over insured by niv othor company in too worm, (luring us entire nrst year, After such an authenticated statement, tlicro am be no (ioitol wtmt too invest Iiil' nubile thinks of tho National Llfo. Bomo oi too especial advantages oner- ctl by tins company aro .sot lortn in the nuvoittscmcnt oi tuo local asonts. in another column, and Its oncratlons will bo explained, in luruior detail, nt tlio oflleo of this agency. We believe tho National Life to bo well secured tho naid-up capital of ono million dollars is a good baso to start from ami ilr.it it will nn honestly iw well its Mict-CMruiiy carried on. Plillailel))liln 31iu U.il.. FLOUlt Northwestern siipertitir al , .. Northwestern pxtm Nortliwehteru fumllv IVnnsylvnnlii mill wcjilern iiiei iliti1 l'cnnsylvnnlil Hint Western cMrn rellllsv'Uiilihi Ulul Wi'Nleui r.ilulli WW. S."Z 5y;(t G.US c.iju. h.:sj 0 7VS C. t'eiiusylvunia Hliil WtU'in luney ...... live limn WllKA'tl'tflinsylvunitl led, y Inw. . t7.' ll.u tn.il.Tu r-Houiiieru CttllforliU. " .,. " white' ' .i Hyk reuusylulit'i rye. W bu.i Vi.VH t ATI. 5-VJi (J.IM.10 Sl.l'i'.vSl.H IMiBOc it.l7S.jl.17 "l('ft.'t:5o S3l.SU iltjil i;cai Mi: J7l l:SlSy t7.'!t.55 I'oKN Yellow, ' k " ...m...... While, ' " -. Oats I bus (. ntoviMOJM .M(a l'ollt, Y bbl Mess Ueef, " Dressed llots, l lb Smoked IfatiiH " " HIloilliU'ln Ii Uj Ullil.lflb Hlli:li.s- t'lovelseed "Nbns Tlinotliysetd is bus Kluxseed " (Hrri.K lieef Uiltlu y Cows, l ht-ud BHEKl' "P Ui h M lloas-fi 100 ir.s 3 SJ.75 Issdilli.X NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADMINISTBATOlt'S NOTICE. KHTATE Or JACOn EYElt. DKC'n Letters otudmltilstrntlon on the estule or Jitvob lver Into of Uuenwood two.. Columbia Co. deceased, havo been granted by the Hi-ulster of t-uiuiiiiiiti cu uuit to ij. ji. miner oi mount township. All persons having claims o demands nirntnst the estate of the diu-edent m requested to mako them known, and those In ueuieii lo uiauu iiayiueni. M. II. 3111.1. 1. u, July W.'U-U. Admlnlstmtor AUDITOlt'S NOTICE. ESTATE OF CLKMUKL U. 11 1 L'K K l-l'ri IlKC'jI. Tho undersigned, appointed by the orphans Courts of Hulllvan county and of ColumbU coun ty, respectively; An nudilor, to tlto ntiutilbutlon oi iho real csuiiu or cieinuaei u. ihckcm ueo u taken by the heirs at tlto appraisement ninone; the hulls nnd lerul reliresentnllves ot tllUKaltl de. coUcnt: will attend ut the Kculstor'i olllco In lilooiuhbuig In coiunioiaeouiiiy, on Friday 1110 17lb ilnv orisentember A. 1). IbOJ. for tho nuroosa of perfoimlnH the duties of Ills nppolutment. At w liicil liuieiiuu jiuieu sjiu pttiiii.-N iniiy, it mey please, bo prescut, J. U. KUKK.H, Jul) vl,irji, muiiur. DESlHABIiK TOWN PROPERTY AT 1'ltlVATK HALU. Tlia houtia ftnd int oocunleit bv A. V. Yntt Mr, nerof WestHtrectntitl tlmiirop.k'.c.l FonrthHtrect oIpnlonflilooinsliiirK, 1'a, is oirereil nt J'rlvnto Baiu on voiy rmsoDiiuid ierns, 'J ho house is new nnd well llnlshoil nnd for an cnunnry nuniiy lscommnuioiiH nna convcuiont Iho location U tlio most tleslrablo In town. he. lnt! beuutiful Oiul bonlUifuI, .rnmoved from the dust aiui noise.anaroiivi'nieiiuj' near 10 tue bus- 'J im houso will bo Mild brtrily urnUbtd ifdoa- 1'ilMiOSSlOll if 1 ven KL ITor furthpr urweimirn. itnni, sr, i, at ,, ii)iv mi mu piumisesur Ileal libtato Audits bfUtHT a 1UIUIMUU, IHUUIIIMJUIU, J'il, July 23;t9.:n. gim Sly vlrtt: HIKF'S BALK tiu of a writ nf Levari Fiu-lni lusitpilnn of Iho Court of Common liean of Columhlneouii t nud tu mu dlrot'ttd. 111 bo cxnoKod to Dublin .ale nroutory nt Iho ('onrt iroin.olu lilotmifchurir, Haturday August 7th tho following real t'dttttn m iv ii imv I'eriuiu uniiuiim 1'ietiieu un u int or plecoof enmndliiHoutli Illoomsburi;, Columbia eouuty on tlio corner of Fourth Hlreet nnd Hall inmu otreei Kuneruuy Known un neon itiwn, which said lot Is tdxtv leet moro or less In width ftiidono hit ml rid nnd fclxly leet deep fmni Hull Uoad Htreet lo Bcott'w Alley .And the building 1 n dwtilllug house Bixtctn ft-tt by tvunty four feet irautc, una twobiorieAiiiuti witu ft onefcioryntop back of nialu bulldlnu.aUo frame, eicht feet by wcuiy lour iucinnu n Kiicnei iy twenty four feet. Helmed taken lu execution and to bo sold us Iho nrnntTt v of .Inliti Mnrt In (liicrcl ropeny 01 JulyiiVW Hheilir, S IlEUIFF'S SALE. llv virtue of a writ, of Vlerl l.'ailiui lnuuifcl Out ot the Com tor common Pleiui of Columbia county, und tome directed will uo exiuibed to llioiio biiieuu mu 1 ruiiimeii.uii Aiunuoy, AUB. luin lwJV, ut IU a. iu. thu following OetcrlLi letcrlLpn real etato In Ueutialia boru' Oolnmhla oouutv. county, uouuaut ou tho north by lot of Michael Fedderolf ou the east by Locust Avenue, on the kouth by lot of K, W. (.'miner, on thewf ki by an nllcv. belmr turnn. ty tty e feet front by ouo huudred und furty feet deep, ou which Is erected two frame duelllug houses wltli the appurtenances HeUeU taken In executluu und to be sold ns tho property of John HiailnKer MOltliliUAlMlI.LAIll), JttlySlKOD. hhrilir, miscellaneous: July and August Prices A'T ' 1. W. HAltTMAN'B, i on mm m Kit fut!W3 oooih. 2.r c't. LAWNS AT 1 lets, 'ir, ct. LAWNS AT 10 ct. ."i et. LAWNS AT f.0 cts, $1,2.. DP.KSS OOODS AT 91,10 $1,00 unicss aoons at oo cts fl.'l ft. wnitwsaooua at -iscts, -10 ct. D11K8S C100D3 AT 35 cts. .1.-1 ct. UUESS GOODS AT .10 elf, 2.-. ct. Dllli&y OOODS AT 22 cts, Oct. DltESS GOODS AT 18 cts. TERMS CASH OH PltODUCE. A GENTS WANTED FOlt V O U THE PEO CONTAINING to Every Kind of Business, ami to all tiio Blutuj Ol mo uuiun, IIY FltANKLIN CIIAJUinitM.V, til' T1IK 1N1TEI HTAT1-S 11A11. "riii.ro U HO boulv Of tlio kind Mlilch u-ltl tnlm rank with It for nuthcntlcttr. lntelhcrcnpo. mill COIIipieicli(.'s. njiriiiyfriiniajT,; lirpuuitcrm. l nis is me 111V iUW IIOIIK OI Lllf! lvlllll Till ill ca for many ycais. It Is prepnmt by un nblu 'radical Lawyer, oi iweuiy-iivo years' exnerl nee, ami lu Just wlml every boily neeila for ilally uw, II is iittiiiiy leconniieniieu bv in.iiiyeiiilncu illdL'Cf). llirludlim the Chief Juftllcu utul nthn Juiluexof MiihsnclillSPttK. nnd 11m L'lilcr Jiikfli-.. nun eniue ueiicii of uomiLclicui.. Join only ny Niuj.-ctlHon. Auram WAN TK1) r.VKltYWlIKlti:. Hrndfnrilniita. O. I). CASK i CO.. I'llblUhnni. II.irtfnr.1 I 'niiii No. I Hpriu'oHt., New Yoik; L'lnctmintl, o.t and UU'IlM, in, CAUTION. All olit luw-lpiuk. DllbllRhed mnuv ins fi.. us lust lif en hasrllv l'l'lhsned us n nnw ItiMitr wlllii'ill even n sult.ible revision of Us nlwilnri. Rt (trinentit. Ho not confonud tint work wltn ii.iiiiueriiii .s jj iw-iitiniE 101 I no reotm1, LEGAL NOTICES. A DJIlNISTUATOn'S NOTICE. T1 ESTATE Of JAMES MEA1M. HKn'n. lA-ttcrs nfHdmlnlstratlon on the estAto of James Clears in j.ociul lownstnp, cotumuia count ilec'd.. have been Rrauteil by the lteclstcr of sa! county, to Peter lint of Hcott twp. All per. sous havi hc claims or demands oiralust the derp.1. ent mo renucsted to make them known,nnd thobo liiueuieu iu uiaive payment. July 18,'09-Cw. Administrator. A milNISTRATOIt'S NOTICE. xjl niiTATn ok nn. joiix p. KLtiau dkokareii. Letters of administration nn thn putntn nr Dr. John 1. Kllico lain of ltlnnm l.wn .l'nliiin. bla co.t dceeascd.have been granted by the Ileuls- erof said county to M. V. Everlev of llloum twp. All persons having claims or demands oguimt tho cstato of the decedent nro requested to make them known, and those Indebted to inline puyuicill. . , 1 r. J.l UMbK Y, July 3,'03-Ct. Administrator. A DMINISRATOIl'S NOTICE. Xl WfATil OK ClIltlrtTIANNA KEICIIAKD, UICC'D. Letters of iidm'r tie bonis nan, on tha eutnte ni Clnisllaunu Uelchard, latcof Madison twp. Col., Counly deceased, have been cranted by tho uemster oi saiu county to wimam Mastelier, whoso address 1h Buck horn Columbia county Pa. All persons having claims against tho estate ure miueBieu 10 present inein xo jut ii. iKCier, isq.,or Illiiomsburg, Columbia county, in,, and thOKc IAM MA8TELLEII. July 2t9-6t. Admlulslmtor, deboai non. IXICOUTOIl'S NOTICE. ESTATK U of ANDREW OULASSlSIl.decua-sed. I.ettei Lchtamentury on the cstato of Andrew Ob tanner, l.iloot Uloom twp, Colombia County, havo been run ted by tho Ucghder of Columbia county, to ItluLhard llcrgerof llorwlclc lloroCoiumbiaCo. l'a. Ail persons having claims against the estate are requested to present them to Mrs. IauiIsu Oblasser, llloomsuurg, Columbia Co., I'a and iiiuM) inucmcu xo mo estate, cuner.on uoteor boolc ai-count will make pavnient to her without dotay. UINKHAUD IJ BUG Kit, U.XCCU101', Juno. 2VC9-CW UDITOS NOTICE. lu tho Orplmns' Courtof Columbln, Counly. In tlio matter of tho cstato of Frederick Itohr.ilceuiis ed. On motion of Mr. Clark, Attorney for tho cMato, K. 11. Idttlo Esq., appointed Auditor to make distribution among tho heirs of said do rodent. By tho Court. from iho ltecoru. Jiv coijKMAlv, Clerk, police 1 hereby given that tho unuerslgnod will tiltend to the duties of Ills appointment at Mi oiuce.ln llloomsuurg.on Saturdiiy thu 7th day of AtiRUkt, lf-f'9. nt IU o'clock A. 31. when and where naltks Interested mnv nttend. U H. LITTLE, Auditor. Juno Sl.UU-lt. lUERWlCK UAL"1TII COl'Tj QALK OP VAI O ItK." The well known It' LUABIiE AL ESTATX. Itohr farm near rtnliKljurL' Columbia county will hootlercdut pilvatu tale, filher In lots or the whole properly an may bo UVftllt!, 11LW.1SISU1 HEVENTY-I'-OUU ACKIM, more or less, on which In ereeted a rrmun linun and loir barn with oichatd.Kood well of water Ao, Ahnnt i') acres cleared land. For pattlculars ickuiiiiuK u i iii .iiiijiy ut NIUOI.AH KINDT, (Ireenwood twi. or .MATIIIAS KINDT, Mt. I'lrasant ' May ai.'OO-lm OOL WANTUD. The HUliscrlher deslren 30,01)0 rOUNUS Of WOOL In exchange for Fancy aud.stapledryu'Hidv of all varlctlcsund every fctylo which he keeps eouitaut ly on hand, both of hU own manulacture nnd olherllrtit clan mills. Tlio hlshcKt city prices will bo allowed. Tairflen will find It to their ad vantaeo to deal wltrru- and thereby nave the proilt of travel I Dtr iiveutf. J. K. HAN1W. Juno JlJ-am Mordausvllle, Va 1869. julv. TV YOU WANT GOOD 1869. IILAI'K HII.K I'OH DllKSH OU HACK 00 TO C. U. MAItll'H. Jlf YOU WANT GOOD lll.ACK AND COI.OUED ALPACA CIIUAP 00 TO O. C. MAltlt'rl. YOU WANT A NICE BICTTUA WAUi: CHEAP ao to a o. jiAitit'H. JF YOU WANT A NICE KAN KUOM IScU.TO IX 00 TO V. C. MAItll'H. TI' YOU WANT A NICK I,IW1'I:HLA'N OH MOIIAUl Mmi C1IHAV (10 TO U. C. .VAItll'H. TV YOU WANT A NIOR AND (10011 PAIlt OP OAITIIU' C'HIIAPEH THAN ANY OTIIF.IU'LACK (lOTOC'.C. MAItll'H. July 10,'ra-tr. OHN A. EUNSTON v CO, O V V I C K R ROWER'S UUIIiDlNU, 11 1,0 O .V 8 U VJi t V J, ticneral Klro and Llfo JubiirAHce, and Kcnl ICntato AKtiiuy, Hpul-d attention will bu ulvtn to tirto(laUn(( loauw, Juno 11 '00 -3m 6 A M 11 U It Ij J iV' S P Ii E I DRY GOOPS. 1800. ,TUJY.- J 1800. B ARGAIW DRY GOODS, i ' I I NOTIONS, I10S1E11Y, (li.OVKM, AC, AC, (IO TO M. P. LUTZ, MAlS'tmiELTt ' ' OPPOSITE THE COU11T 1IOUHE, BKOOlYXaHURG, FA. Apr.lD.W.tf. M' Ilil.KIl'H HTOIIK. fltlWlI AHUIVAl. OK Ml'UlXU AND UMMKK (10UDM. Tho subscriber him Junt returned fiom thii rltUu with nnotlior largo nnd select nssortmeut of Bl'ItINO Ai.I) HUMMKK GOU1W, purchu-scd In Now York nnd Dillndeliddfi ut tho lowewt fltftiro, and which ho In determined lo wll ou ns inoderntu Icnan uh can bo pionni-d cJm where hi Ilknimsbnrg', ills tdok romprHcA of Ibu choteoNt btyh'K and lutettt fmOiloii, tOKoltu r with a largo iiHsorlmLiit of Iny uoods mm Uri cerlceonsltlnjof tlio to!lowlnartlcleK: " Carpet m, on eioth.i, CtothB, CahHillUMCM, ShawlH, f'JaniieiH, t White (jtxds( , I.IDCU8, , Ho(jp Skirt ' Mctbllnx, 1Io11ouwhi t'edaruai QiletiinwuH', HnnUttM lioots uiul KinOA, tTaU ttud Cap4 t, , Hoop NvIh, Umbrclluft, looklnsilasMu, Tobnwo, Codec, AlNplbfl QlUll, Cluutiiiioii, .1110111', AND NOTIONH UK.V UAfd,Y. la bhort, uverythlni usually kept in fountry stores, to which nc IovIKm tho attention of Hi public geuerully. Th highest prlcowlll bo raid for country product in exchange Cor rtood. H. H. MII.LliilA.SON, Arcadu lnlldlni;, IJloomUmi'K, Vu It EAT REDUCTION IN I'JITKH KNT'JS ftTOHK. IN MUHT HTHEKT, or SPUING AND SUMMER UOODS. tllU subscriber has Just received and has on liaiid at his old stnud In Light Street, a largo and he led AfcSORTMEN T.OF, MERCHANDISE puiUmsednt the lowebt figure, und wlilcU Jie determined to sell on moderate terms os bu pMH'ured t Ibfwhvio in Light Strt el, wit cash on coiwntY rttojwch. ills stock consists ot Ji A D f E H ' DRESS GOODS, choh'Mt ulylCHAHd lntesl nwhloi.M, .tllrotw, MnUInf, tilnghaniH, Kluunalrf, Hosiery, CarpU, illkn, ffihuwU, JIUAUV MADE CI.OTIIlNll, HallnettH, CiiM-linets, Cottiiuudeii, Kcutuctey Jenlin AC., it! &l- OUOOHHIKS, MACKERiUi, , IIurdWBHi, Medlcllul. Qiieensw.are, Ctdaiwiue llrllsH, UUh, 1'alutn, HOOTS & HHOKS, HATS & CAPS ii khnrf Aviti vt hint nntiallv kunt lu a COtl" ry htoro. The ratronate of Ills old fileuds tow 111 pubUe ueuerully. Is respectfully bollclttd. Tlio highest morttot prlco paid for counir rrn- duce. TETKIl F..NT. UuhlBtreet, Nov. H 1807. S' OMETIIINO NEW. The uiiilenilinieil het's leavu to Inform her frlouds and the puhliu ucncrally, that uho nus opened In J1I.OOMKI1UKO, a lleib .ilock ol tioudh lu the liuo of MIIiLINHllY and TKIMMINGB lu vounecltou with Drees Maklnxi mid Is lire p.ued lu uddlllou, lo colon ariiAW ltAta on tho khortcit notice, and In the best stylo ol luu at l. 11 ices meap uuu wum Bittii.M.i.w. j . MIW. K. KLINE. Lljht Htreet. Oetohor 1, 1W17. JISS IA7AK DARKLE Y haa Jviit returned from 1'lilladelphla, ulul Imti bouuht, and U now otreitux the Ust ussorlinont of FANCY OOODH, THIMMINOH, IlONNICI'H&e. Ac., wax oxhibited lu llloomnburff, nnd iapiepaiedto uuike up dresbeH nudall other artltltm or remaio wlrdrobo, at nhort notice, and In the but und It A T K H T HPHINO WTYLKH. Hooma iu the ltanixey llulldlusa, ou Veil jraiulHtrect. Call nd bee her arled fctocu oi Hprlng Qood4. Way 163. puiujc SA1.I:. lu purbtiauce of an order of tho Orphan Couit iiav, At'uuHr7lh, 1SCD, at 10 o'clock In the fore. nuou. I'iiter Ultner ami wary miner, uumiuut tnitorsof Join llltner, late ol Locust lowindilp, lu wild county, deceased, will expose to sale, by public vendue, on tho premUe. certalu men.- .....rrik. mi, I Irnnta nf Inml viz 'riMii'Nii i. All ttmfc certain meh&uaee and Imct lylu In iaid township, bo unded by and of hamuel Keller, Oeorgo Hupp, Teter Bitner, Joseph 1111 let; John llllteg and otherf, contnlnluu 112 ACRES & 151 PERCHES ou which U erected a House.Barn, and the uual outbuilding!. i41 . , . XltAvl nu. . wceriam iracv oi umucr juuu In nald township, bounded by lanus oi t'eier uii ner, John J. Coolc, Jacob Uower, cud other. cou tatnlut; 10 ACRES AND 10 PERCHES. r.Rintha iitnto of tald deceased, situate In the to Uftlilp ot Locum, und county uiorefeaid. J1XSK COLEMAN. Clerk. rnvniTtOV nw HALK: Onethlrd of tho dup oliautt iiinnnv tn rninnlii In thu oremlboti durlntf thu natuial Ufoof JIury llltner, widow or buldde c'd; und at her death to bo paid to tho helnt olsuld deceakixli unuino imerebi meieoi iu oe reuu lnrlv nml niinnallv i-uld her durlni; bur life, 'leu percent, of oue-fuutth of tha remainder to bu lUUU lit IHO biriu.ui uuwu ui I'lui'viiJ, .mu oneduurlli Ivss the ten per cent, ut the cuiillnna. tlou ub.olute,mm tho rciuamiutf uueo-touruuin UUy Jk'Ur lUblUlUT Willi JUVt'lCb II Will IUU UU4I itrmallou Nitti. l'oKkhsion will bn (dveu April Jt,lo7u, Tho puiehascr must pay for deed uud MUlllpM, 1 diiia iiiiiicui MAHY lUTNli.il, AdmlulstratorN. Jlino :VJ, 1MU, T 113 BEORET OV KNOWLEDGE. 'ililrtr.lwa lmei'S. mactli-Al ruoolnlri for boautl fylpt! tbeixjuiiilexlou,iIttoyluB v.rlii, frecklfii ptiDplodurutUcrdtscuiicttof tlio nklu, rciuuvlnu Mipciltuoui liMlr.proiuiifutlui: IU Kruulti.orwlu'ii l&iK'il oruruy rettorluuittuUn original culor. Fur cleaulutf Iilaur vllk utuveM. laces, rtutioui, cto. .Itlifrutnutlkui, wiiiu unil IcIUl lirealh ciuoil by ful liiwlus ll uilvlw. Hint Irce lnrunu. AUilU't.s W, II. IIOOAN CO.. 15U''ultoiibtrttt.N,y. X, H.-rnrlica are limklng t.xit) to iouuu a year by luauuluitiirlnis nii'l telling Irom Ihiha u rClyi.i. July liioa-aui. MISCELLANEOUS. ffifrVikjil A N I) I 8 E . mruur; jn lif.iu.ijj iiivmj To toy fik-uJinnd thapnblle Kdieinlly, tlmi nil kinds ot DHY (lOODa, Olt66'EIUl, ' QUEliNHWAHK, NOTIONS, AC, are ruusUmtly on liatnl ami for salo AT llAUTON'S OM) HT AND, lir)6SDCiirinv f i i JAMKH If. KVEIU .iJtfAln, Bole Agent for KI.UH' 1'iioshiatk or litr. Ijitkb lot eolistniitly on hnntl. fcUS'trr. rjJjlE JIOST SUCCESSK.UIi 1,1 I'M IKSUUANl'li COMPANY , of Tin: woni n, TIIK N A T I O N A Ij ' LIFE 1N8UHANOU CO. or Tin: HTATIIH OK U N I T I! I) A M 11 II 1 UlIAUTHUUIIllYHI'IX'IAIiAlTOl'CDMIltlSW U A S If CAPITA Ti, - $1,11110,0(1(1. II It A N U II O !' 11 I Ii A I) U Ij 1'' I O Ml P II I A, t) r v 1 1! i: itm CI.AItKNCi: ll.CI.AItlC. Piesldi lit. .1A r COOK!!, C 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 I'lnaiiie nnd Kx.i-ullvl "S AV'olrnultlei. , " Jf. " " iH NItY I). COOIvi:. Vlcii-Piislilciil. E'.'EItSO.V IV. Pi:i:T, Heerutuiy mill Altllary. l'TANCW II. K.MI1 II, M.I)., Pl'ill liUlphln, Mull "..eiillDlfcetorr i KU Tlil-t Coliipaliy l-Mlcd, In Hie (Hal 'I CN MONTHS I iof lis existence, .-,:j!5 P O Ii I C I INSUltlNtl 15,142.800. E , This t'oiiipnuy olluts toltsPolley-IIol.lers PEHKKCT 8ECUIUTY liy lis Ciikh paid tipi'apllal (.1 One Million Ho! Lira, nnd tunt.-ihlics to Iho Insuiol, by lis LOW 11ATU1 OP PUK.MIII.M LAI'.GR DIVIDKNIH IN AllVANff, Or a Iteverslonary Dividend of loo per teut.by its KETUIIN PUEMIUJI PLAN. OlINEUAI. AOENTK. 1!. W. CI.AltIC A CO.. I!nnltern, Kn. 33 .South Third Htreet, riiltndtlpliln, Ocnernl AgcntB fur Penimylvaulii niid' Southern .o7 Jersey. JOHN A. IUN8TON, 11 inkb..rg Pa., Biweliil Agent for Montour &Coliiiii.!aCniintles July JCCa.-lyr DON'T IN i END AoTONlS.ilN(J 'Til E WoTiT.U PUMPINO OIL, TIL' r VA I UK, K A Y'S P U M 1 S, USKD AND ADMIRED BY KVIHIY ONK Kspeclally tho ladles, bclns'truly the ladle friend, worUing much lighter and easier than tho old tree Lump. They don't make huch a tlop nnd don't collect (.o mneh Ice nround the floor in tho winter, the water not running bo longafter puinp- iii. iiuvinK miitu uiu iirsu piuiuium at every fair thev have been exhibited: nlso rpcommon- deilbyall Insurance Companies, on account of cuiiiiiK imuuuru wuitr iu ickh nine uuu wim icsi j,iuor, uiey uirowing n uarrei oi waiera numiic, All we aslcls u trial, and we nro confident wu can int uitu j un Aftdlu : It is moro Klmple, itiiaviim uo lower pflcucu uuu tow ami taiiow, wmcn it tuo Kiealest trouble in thotrco pump. AnolhcrKruu udvuntaKo ik, lliat when you get ii new pump you uie not compelled to drink forn whole year riTcu riNK on black oak watkii. Our pump beim; madoof wild c ticmnher wttod, which Itt ficerrom taste, also JastH longer in uh Ur. it has nlso many other ndvjintnscn, uldch can only bo found out by ushuc them. 'lli.yluve Ueu In uso lutlie uorlhcrn pint or the .stale Mr tueuly years : solllu rapidly overy when. ni iinier' luroiinn iiio post oiuco oi Kit ill ins rsldeuce IIcDbtnn Htreet south sliki of Him ll.ii. in, wni oo piuiupuy uiLonuod iot ny ALLIEN KAY. Wii.MAMiiior.T, P., CAr.iU'LNSA.PA. Munuf.n'tiircr, A. J. PllKMUi'iT. Auoul. Kootdord will ho ineivi I unless tutilrt'H.il (o Mr. ICay or lo Mr. TrcM-ott hlsngent. jmy Ji,uo-jy. q.iu:knvooi) skminahy. A HUAKHl.NU ht JfOOL VOIt 110TII SIIXIIS. II u vine l'L'buiuiul tlio cliartro of thU Institution nfirr no uliM?iieo fronitiio county of nuaily suven yearn, I rcsiitctiully holielt u. lair t-hnic ot tho public patronnprc, and truM wo Kim II soon Ami tlio school established upon 1 tv foinu-r IuisIh ol UMclulueKS and iirosperlty. j no rait lenu win (pt'uoniuomiay,AUKUM loin 1 he tenns for n nuaiter of elovL'ti uinkh will bu. Hoarding aud LitTlitx if 15 Tuiliou In English, liom $7 to 3D, uuier brands extra. All bills paublu, one half in advaiU'e;lho baltinwat tho middle of taih final ter. i or jumitv pariicui.iic. ana r ess WM.liUUCiKMH, Piiiurlpal. MlUvilie, Columbia to , Pa. July h'.VJ Ou-. LET KOT PltlHUlJlCi; UriUItP YOUH UKA- SO.V. It la fact th.it, in the mLudu of 11111113' poiMiiiN, u prejudice exltM nguiiiht what ate eall- ed patent iiU'dieliUH; but why should this pre vent you resorting to an uillWe tliat has Mich un tinny of letlmony to mrrort It tu IICHTLT- Ti:irs HTOMACH linTIUlH? I'hy&ttlausMeii- erlheil; wliyMiouhlyou dlhcnrd it? JudgcHfus. unity cuiulitcrcd men of talent, havo lued undilo uso It lu thuir fumillfs; why should ju njct It? Let not your priJudUN nisiitp jour renon t" the cvi ihi-tlni; Injury ut your Jicaltti. If you nr Mck, and requlii' a medicine, tty tliCho Llltti r. When tho bodily cuciulcHuioworn tail by mix letyaui need aMiinulant, thU U tho bist that cau lie taken Ills temiared and mod I lied by hyKlenlti hubsuind lootH.whlch picvcut it liom feverlufstho blond; aud heuco it does not produce n mere temporary exeitemeut, to be followed by Injurious rcactiou, but eomniunlcaleH a per ma non t potency to tho entire vital organisation. Home ofilnherbolconstliuentnrelthtly sop orific, othut lu cases where Klceplen.ne.sH is ouo of the nccompanimentK of iutvouh disease, ftdofto of It taken towoids bedllmo will tend to produce quiet and refreshing Bl umber. For palpitation of heat t, tumors, hysterics, falntlugfltt, ccueral restlchhncis and th cauele8sfcor! and dlslrehs lug f.incics to whic li ladles nro especially hubjoet, under certain moibld eoudlttouii of mhul and body peculiar to their fcoi, tho niltoiH will ha iound tho most egrtcahlo aud ceitntn of all counter-irritants, Tlio constitutionally nervous may readily keep their Infirmity In constant check bv the dally uso of this healthful vegetable toulo; and thoso who have "nlmttered their nerve,' as the phrase Is, either by imprudent ludulgouco or undue, physical or Intellectual labortwlll find lu this vi talizing olixir a prompt restorative. J S T R A Y. f 'iimo In the nrfeiiilMCu of llm htiluirlttoi In K11 garloaf townshlj, Columbia (x).,ou or about tho foutthduy of July a dark brown mare, about lourteeu years old, star ou her forehead, wear ou leit hip. scratches ut both hlud feet und "HllKhlly ou front ones. - , 'Iho owner U requested lo prove ir4iiwriy:pnyl expinbcsnndtakuhernway or slio will bu bold according to law H , aAPii.rs j 1 iMi.r.niMu CKN'iliAh July lO.'U'J-at, JpATIINT ()FFH,i:. luvoulois who wlbli Ut tnkuoiit letters Patent mu advised to cuuuhiI with MUNN tl CO.. Kdllors of thoHcu.NHUO A MKitirAN, wholuive prosecu ted claims befoia tho patent Clllcofor moiethan twenty years. Their Ami rlcuu Kuropeuu Patent Agency Is tho most extensive in thu world, Charutm lessthun anv other reliable nceucv. A Pamphlet, containing full Instructions to inventor, is bent Krai is, AudrcbH MUNN & CO.. JISCD-aiii, IT7 park Uok, New Vrk, TV AIIE MJSSISSQUOI POWDEU AC- unllv cures CaiwL-r nnd M rfifnlaiik Disontw of tho Hklu. Hue reoort to Ij. I. Mitllpid Hoclelv. btatemenu of Pbyulcianuluelrcularfctutlreonn aitpiieatiou lULiiAH, A. 1U Jtuin, Ikz i tuuisi. iow oik Lily, nox 1041, jr.ri-sm DaU OS A' MEDICINES. JOOK', HEAD, AND lil:AUN, 1JI1 lilh (Ivoat Hliorilioncc.4 ltemedy ! OF TUU t-KLKIIKATKll indiAk 1)11, LKWIS JOSHEPIIUS, of tlio (llRtlnKutMtied Trlbo of BhoRli6neo, Colum bia. Torrltory is now for ftnlo In the Union. This all poinesflng srent remedy, 1 warranted and In broad nnd emphatic latignnKe, we'ean safely sey, may, bo relied upon to ivalto n permo- nenicnrooi mi uichmch ui iiio iiironi, liiuiK. Idver, Kidnern, JHarntlvo Oignns, eto., As well an scrofula, tha various Mclti disease, Ilumon. nnd nil impurity of tho blood, exwptlug tlto third rtingaoi unnsumpiioD. ((In Oannrta where thl gront remedy Imi been In ubo for a ehort timo It has Indeed ell'ected some of the most marvelous cures ever recorded In the annajn of historical medicine. Kuch being the caso In addition to lis fonner renown in Col umbia Territory we uery immanuy to UHpute tlio fact tliatthli (Jreat HhoshonccA llcmeuy Is llio remedy of remedies of tho 10 h Century, nnd iliouioatettt boon ever laid nt tho aUar of miller irjgiiumnnliy. rrlco of tho lloiaedy lnlarucplius, 51,si, Jliinufnetured bv Dr. Yonnir A ltma..nt Hi-rn.- elino, N. Y. t or Niio ny nn ucaieia in aicdlclcmc. JUlHKIIfHTH WHITE THU9 OV Till: OllKAT BUOSIIONICl ItEMKDY I (AllSTItACXS OF LKlTniW.) (leneva. N. Y Kcb. I.tth. lSiai. I)n. Vomit! & II no. I Und iny nalos ot your valuablu ltemedles Kcatly liiercashm. In fact otir Ureal Bhosbnneeji UemedyisKlvlnlliobcst ofsaturacUon.nttddolnKjaHt ns It In recommend ed to do, Kcvural liavlug even come, lu to tell mo nowinucii iiioyjiiui ucen ucnunicu iroui iu use. j jiavo koui nui oi n ncam, cic. i-ic. VlLLAIUi N. HM1TI1, Hbermau, N. YMMaruli, EOlli, 180s). Un. YdUNii & lino. 1 stattt-d vour Great alios- honeeH llomtdy by giving away ono bottle ton confirmed Dyspeptic, tho i ostilt lias been ample. It Rives univcifiai sauMacnon. mora man any (ither niedielno wo have had in thuhtoioforyoitrs, Troni whut I havo seen of tho BlioPhonees, I feel justified in recommending It. Mend mo hIx dou. morff, it will hell In three months, etc. 1JYKON FKNNUH. WiiU-rtown. N. Y.. March 15th. Ht.9. l)u. Youo & IJuo. Your bhoihouee ltemedy lu irivln-r irnnd Katlsfactioil. and sella better than any other new medicine v o havo ever attempted to Introduce, as wo are nearly out of it, send us in nanio cic. xj. ir a wu. 127 V. XIorL'tin RL. Chicago. III. loh. ISth. IRC!). Dn. Youno fe lino. I have sold over ten doz. of jour Uuat HhoKhonees Kemedy alieady nnd a uriut number of tho Slio.sl;oiiee3 Tills. It gives universal satisfaction, I havo not heard ono to whom 1 havo wold, but what fc peaks of it In the highest terms, ouu iccommemi it toothers ; ami as I am nearly out of it, please send' mo half a cross more nt once. cic.,eu C1KO. MIOOKEU. I'rlco or the Kemedy In largo pints, 51.21. .Manufacturtd by l)r. Young & Uros., nt Syra cuse, N. Y. Tor sale by all dealers in Medicine. rpiIE KIDNP;YS. THE KIDNEYS X AUU TWO iu number, situated at the upper puit id tho loin, Mirruundod by Kit, and consibt iiill or Ihrt'O parts, viz: tho Anterior, the Interior,- una me ivweiiur, '1 he anterior ubsorbs. Interior con-i-.tfl of tU- Mies or veins, which servo an ti dcpoN.t for thu iiruiniiim cuiivuv il lu lhu l'all'iiui. iiiu uxiunorii a co ml u i. tor also.termlnailna lu usIukIo tubo,and calhd thu liieter. 'lhe urcteisuiecouuccUd with the bl.ulder.. Tl.o ohiditL-r is conioosod of vnitoiLs coverings or (IsHueH, divided into partsvls: tho Upper, tlio Jower, the Nervous, and thu Mucoui:, The upper expels, tho lowtr retaltw. Many havendeslio to ii nn u 10 wunouv uiouuuiiy ; oincra uriiuuu wuu out the ability to retain. Tula firquontiy occurs lu children. Ti)curothe&canLCtiom,we must nriuts into ncuoa thn iminclfR. wlilrh nie ciimnrcd in their various niucviouM. ii iney,uro iieaittieu,uravei or dropsy may ensue. Ine reader inui lalso bo made aware, that how ever blight may bo the attack, It ! huie to atlect the bodily health and mental powers, as ourllcsh nnd blouO are tunnurted irom ihtBO buuiceii. UOUT, oil luiKuaiAnsu, i uiu uccurrin in iuu loins 1h ludleutle of the uboyu tluteubos, '1 hey occur In perHons disposed to acid utoinach nud clmlKy concretions. T ins (Ji:avuu The gravel ensue from nc ulect or 1 in pi ope r1 tivuiineut of tho kidneys. Tlieso oigausbeinweuk.tho water Wuot exptlledfroia the bladder, but nllowcU to remain; It become feveribb, and Kediment lurins. Jt Is Hum tuts do ik it Unit the btonu Is lormed. and uru el ensues. niivi'ax it u coiieciiuii ui wuttr in kuiiiu pitrm oi the body, and bcaibdlilcrent iimueH, accordiug to thonaiit uittctril. Vissr when uencrully (Unused ovir tho botiy. it ii called Anasarca; wnen ol tho abdomen, Ascites; when 01 the chest, Hjdiotho- lax. 'i'KUATMi'.N r. llelmbold's highly concentrated compound Kxlia lluclui Is decidedly ouo ol iho bcbiiemtdlo-ilordlkcascHot the bladder,UldneyB, L'iavHl.oii)iHlcnl Hwt'llhi'rs.rbciimiillsiii.iiiid iroulv uifectlous Under this litad wo huu uriuuged Dy.surl'1, or ililllcully und pain lu tusslng watci, beauty fctctttloii, or small and neijuent uKchar m sol waicr: htiaiiiiiirv. or htoDuiiiir ol water: JlCiuatuiia.iu bloody urine; Gout, and flheumu- mailMii oi iho utilticih. wlllKJut uuy cIkuiko in Uiuiulity, but lucitnsuoi' color, or ilailt wuler. It wan always highly lccommcuUcd by tho lalo lJr. 1 jiysicn, 111 lUL-hu uueciiou. 'I uis jntdicluu intrea-sen tlio power of exly lion, and oxcUcn thu absoibentb into hcnllhydcg Lictsc. by uhich tlio waterv. or calcareuus. deno lllons, aud nil unnatural cnlirgeiuuulfi, Hi welt as piun and lnllauunation, aio ieuuctl,imd It is IkLcii by men, woman, und thlldiou. Diiocttouti lov iHoauil uli'l accompany. 1'iiliiAijfci.l'iUA, i'A., 1'tb. ai, li-JT. II. T. llKLUoi,!'. l)ru'-laL: IJUAuHiu i havo been a buiTeicr, for upward 01 twenty j enri, v 1th gravel, bladdLr, aud kiducy atrcction.s.itiulmt wluclitiinui have used various medicinal prwinitallous.Midbeeu under tho treat memui iuu iuo-i iiuiuuui i'uyiiviuu,experitU' clngbutilltluiellef. iiavlus been vournnarllons exttulvt lv ad- vertheu, 1 coiiMiited with my family physician 111 jtgaru 10 uniug jour j-...u'aui uuiun, I did this because 1 bad used all klndaof lutver tUcd icmtdlts, and had louuil thiu orthlois, and homu (pillc Injurious ; lu tact, 1 desjialred ol ever getting well, aud ileiei mined to uu uo rem edies Jicreaiier uuieas 1 knew ot tho IngndlcnU, It was this that uomitcd 1110 to uso your reme dy; Abjou advertised that it was coniiwjacd ot uutiiu, cuueua, nuu juniper ucrric, it oceuiieu to me anu my pny hician aa an ojLceiieut eomblua tluii, and, with hlsadvite, ufier uu examination ot tuo article, and consulting nuiu Willi tho duiggUl, X concluded to try il. I cuiniueuced lib ue iiboul eight months iuo, ut whieJi time I was couilueit lu my loom. Mum. tho lirbt bottloX uu astonished and gralllled at tho beneilcial tl Ket.und niter Uiing it thrco weclw, was ablo to walk out. 1 felt much Iiku wiltiu you u lull btaieuicuiol my etu-oat that time, but tiiouglit my liupiuveiueut might ouiy be lcmpuiar,aud Uivivfuio concluded to itetei und &eo It It would etUU a ja.rlett cure, knowing then It would bo oi gieater value Ij you, uud luoie saUs.Ln.lorv to mu, luiiiiuw ublo to lepoiL that ucuio btcllected alter using tlio rtuicdy for live mouths, I havo 110L used uuy now ior Uuuu monlhs, and ft. el us well in nil rtspccUas I overdid. Your lluchu being devoid ol any unpleasant taste and odor, a nicu tout? aud iuvlgoiator of IhoHjrblem,! do not mean to bu without it vvben vei occasiou may renulio its uso in such uilec tunitt, M.Mt'U'.'ltMICK, HI ion M Auvdnuhl Mr MctTorjiik'k'rf slatement. lie leleis to tho following gtntK men 1 lion. win. Jfiyier, ex-uveruor, i'euubyivania. lion. II10N. II. I'joreuee, X'liiladehihla. Hon.-1. C. XCnox, Jude, Philadelphia, Hon. J.H. black, Judge, Phlladeiphla. ilun. 1. It, Porter, ex-oovernor, iVnnsv Ivaula, Hon, Lllis Jvis, Judge, Plilladelphla, lion. It. C. Uiler, Jude, Unltitl htutes Couit. Hon, ii. V. Woodwaid, Judge, Philadelphia. lion. W.A. Poiter, City boll(.ltor,Philau'eihla, Hon. John ltlgler, extUovernor, California, IIuli. K. Hanks. Audltor-tlt-ncnil. W'nshlnutnn. 1C. . Ami many otners, u UL.essaiy. hold by Drueactts and1 deaieia evervwliero. llewuro of counterfeits. Able lor liclmbold'ti. Tako no other. Piaci SI.2j ner bottle.orii bottles for ?U,.), Uultvercd t uuy nddios, Uebcrlbo bvnintums In nil communications. duress 11. i. iiiajJiuuLiiJ, mug aim l neuu-ri ui uienuusc, aui uroauway, j, 1. noiio aro guuuum uuiess uououpiu hittien ravtd wranner. with fac-tlmlln of un (Miemlcal iVmcltouso, ami signed II. T. IIULMUOLD. A. 11. IIWINK'S UIIKAT INDIAN JI K D 1 0 I N K. l'Oll M.OHKTIUN 10II1V YEAliS INlimiMAH V la tlionioMt f.ucccHi.fulmoiIlv'liioyctiltYcuveiiil fur thoiuroof Dyapriislu, I.lverC'ouiplnlnt, KKIliey .il.rur.1', AKUII rV'VtT, UUU Ulftl'IPIU (II LUUg", uuu Ismnilo vlllhllj' of UOOTa AND IIEIU1S. Ono ilono will convlnio any ono.who kIvoh It a fulr trial. No lunilly, bhoultt liu wltlioutll. It UnstonUhlni: wlmt cures It liai illtK-li'il lul'L'titru uud ur arcrceic low lu.li ns. albo Uuutlni'ilon. anil Mlieru It hua lie-vn tn.ciI.hlnro lusl hprini;. IVoplu who liavo lici-u altllcUHl with 1110 auovc uiseuiit'H iur iuu nisi iiiiui-u i'uim.wiii'u 110 I'liybiclau t'ouhl roach their rahi) aru now cureu uuu ueniuiy uy u.iui: uiu UH1IAT INDRVX JIUlllCINK. It lm imtir IiiIIihI to tuie Amic. V'oim'iiiii1 lit. runuemi'iil uf thublumuih. I liono all Mho aru ulltlt'tfil wllh thu alnii' dUfiiKiii wmiipply Mr thu urciil imiian mi'.di. uiii, wiui'ii inn i-v uuu in . 11, jiivinj.h Mt-Uh-luestiiiu In I.tulit Ktiu-t I'oluuibl.i I'oiinly I'h., or of I1I.1 uriH ml i.m-nl . It. liOllliNHt. Aui'ntx Miinti lieu. IhlHI iuuIIi'Iuk In picpnii it (Hily liy May7,VJ-lyr 'l'.ili'l hliicl, i'a. Q.15TTHK 1I1CST. Aluiibuu'H Copper Tuhulur l.lulitutui: Ili.l 1 iuu iii'ki prieeiiiui (tL'nium uixiibier ny li ever liivuedo. 'Iliu kutu.(rlliur 1 ajtuni Ior the uou invcniioii, ana all (iiuei. hy mult or lu tihoii wilt ti pininptly altciuloil to. MnylVW I-:. II. IIUILKMA.N. riONKL'.Ml'TlON CAN 1113 CV1U D v'lly Hi'.t't .llurrlann'uncwtaiii'rMiiftreiitiiii ot . a 11 or tulilit'vit Hr.( U. llAltltl.-io.N, ill buulh i.iuiu 11 hi, 1'iiiiaiuiphi.i, 1'it. . r.h. -Hiiiilul atioitUni c vinl TllItOATiind M'all iiimiuii, lin, vi'-ly miscellaneous; TJNI-1AILINa EYK I'llESEIlVKllP. Jlessrs. i.AZAitus & Moimis, Ol'TIOIANH A OC II r. I 'i H ltAnironD, conw.i llnvo, wit a view to meet tliclncrcuscd dcmtnj for their o is I. e n n Aftii PEUPKCTED ai'IiCTACr.ES, Anointed Miss A. D. WK1IU, BTATIONEH, jihooMsnuita pa., As thtlrolo Agent for tilts rla. Thoy liao Inkcucnreto giro nil needful Initmcllona, inut luiVo conlldeueo In tho nblllty of their ngciits to meet tho requirements of nil custoraetn . An oji lxirtnnlty will ho thus nObrilod to procure, nt nil timet M'KCTACMM UNEQUALLED 11Y ANV roil T11K111 HTllENQTIIENINO AND I'IUi:il. VIKQ QUALITIES Too much cjtnnot Lo nala ns to tholr BUI'KItl- OHITVover tho orJtnnry glasses forti. The.ru It no plimwrriiij, wawrfner c thn al'jht, illatntn, or other unpleasant scusntton, huton tho contrary, from tho peculiar construction of tho Leiikcn llioy nro sxthta ami pleasant, causing n fnillii;; ol relief to ttie wearer, una ntODUOINO A ULK.VK uiul DISTINCT VISION, as In tho nnfitr nl healthy tiiM. They aro tlio only Micclaelni in l'KlOSICItVK AS WICLL. AS AS1T THE S10HT! Ami aro tho CHKAI'IJiT btriimo tho lll'ST, ui ways lustfns JIANV rctr.i wlthnut ohango Iw. lug neeetmry. CAUTION. MIhs A. 1). WH11U, STATIONEH, 11 L 0 O JMVi UH Ci PA., Is tho ONLY this plnce. Agent appointed lu 65 WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. 10ct),.Iy. A T K HOOPING, IIVERY VARIETY MOST FAVOUAliLE JtATKS, JOHN THOMAN, anu OAHPKlt J. TllOSIAH. Hex. 277, Rloomslmrg, Va, Mar.19.C9.lyr. Spcclnl IVotlco. A G1U3AT ItEIEDY. FOR THE rtTRR OP THHOAT ANU LUNU DISILVSCS. Br. Whlmrta Piuq Treo Tar Ojnllul. It Is tho vital principle of tho Pino Treo, ob tained by n peculiar proccss.ln tbo dUtllliatlou of tlio tar, by which ita hlgbcht medical properlips nro retained. ltli tho only Hafetainnl nnd rclinblo remedy wUlch hnn cycr been prepared from tho Juico of tho Pino Tree. It invigorates the digestive organ f, and roAtorei It purines nndonrlches the blood, nud expels from tho BVBtcm tho corruption which scromla breeds on tho luutrs. It dissolves the mucrtn or nbteam which kIoiw iho air-passages nf tho lungs. Its healing principle nets upon tho Irritated surface of the lungs nnd throat, penetmtlns to eueu uiseiveu pari, relieving pain ami summing Innammotion. It Is the result of years of study nud ox perl ment.uud ltlsofTered to tho nmicted, with tho positive assurance of Its power to cure 1 ho fol lowing diseases. If tho patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure Consumption of the Lungs, Cough, Horo Tin oat, and Breast, lironchttK laver Complaint, Itliud nnd Bleeding Piles. Asthma,, Whooping Cough DlPlhcria, Ac, &c. wo aro often asked why are notother remedies In tho market for Consumption, Cnuglm, Cuids and other Pulmonary ntluctlonH equal to Dr. L. tj. Wlshart's Pino Treo Tar Cot dial. Vo answer 1st. It cures, not by stopping cough, bur by loosening and assUtlug nature to throw oil' tlio unhealthy matter collected about thuthroat und bronohlal tubes, causing Irritation nud cough. 2d, Most Throat aud Lung itemed io-s aro com posed of anodynes, which allay tho cough for avvhilo but by thelrcon&lrlngiugeih-cU.theilbreN become ha rdened.uud tho unhealthy tlulds eong aiulte nud nro 'rotalned In thu sytdeni, ciuiblng d seaso beyond tho control of uunuuti emiuua phjbiciaus. Ud. Tho luo Treo Tar Cordial, wllh lis assist touts, nro preferable, bceauso they remove tlio cause of lnltallou of tlio mucouti inembrauu aud bronchial tuboH,03Hlst the lungy to act nnd Ihrow oir the unhealthy secretions, and purify thn blood.thut scicntiUcally malting tho 1 111 o perk (I. Dr. wishart has on tile at his oillco luindicdH nud thoiKauds of Certificates, liom Men nnd Womcu of unqucbtlonablo eharacler who wero nuco hopelessly given up to dlo, but through th Provldeueo of Uod wero completely lesloud lo heaun by tuo l'ino 'iTee Tar Cordial. A Physi cian in attendanco who can bo consulted In per son or by mall, tree of charge. Prlco of Pino 'irco Tar Cordial S1.HJ per Uottle, ?ll per doz, HiUl by lxnress on rerclntof nrleo. Address. "I. O t Wishart, M.l ).Noiti North SdSU.Phlladfclphla Pa. May 2109-3111 J. M V O It T A N T X 0 T 1 U H. JIAOMI'ICENT DlSl'IiAY OP li 11 E S S GOODS, Al1 THU NKW STOKH, llllOWEll'S UUILDINO, Thu i-pkiidlil looms of J, J, IiltOWlllt, am coiupli'tiit uiul now open tu luu puhlli' with tho !' INKH'l' y T O r K ovt'r oH'orcil In Illoonisburi;. All Hit' N K W U S T STY L 13 H of Diebs Uoodx, Silks, Cloths, CussImerH, 1,1 iu n't, FJauuela Ac, O A H V V) 'V H of every stylo and for all price. Oil Clollis lu great vailety, A lull lino nf SUP K It I O U 0 It O 0 E It I IS ii. Coilecs, Toad, KtiKurs, MpU't., warranted puro and gootl, GLASS AND QUEKNSWAJtK, In carefully assorted variety. 0 Ij O Y K Ht II O S I E H Y, nonp hkiutb, (xntstrrrt and a coMpM-rn-; assortment of white (iooi)St TJio iublIo nro earnestly Invited to examine theso lino good, before pur chasing elscwlicro nnd mo (juurnnUnl Hullwliic tton, NoexpcUroortioulJolms Utn sjwtd lu mako Tin most coMruTrn estahllshmenl in tlits nccllou of tho Mule. j. j. imowr.u. May 7,'09-tf Rloomsburg Pa. HOWEK, " uah opened eued a Drst-clastt BOOT, SIIOK, HAT CAP, ANU FUH BTOHK at tbo old stand on MaInRtrcet,ItloomMiurife? doors above the Court House, ills slock b com io.edof the very latestand beststyleieer oihr ed to tho el t liens of Columbia County. Hucan nccommoiluto thu public with the following gtKids ui me lowest iaie. mvh nenvy uimum nuwi s toga boots, men's double uud tingle tup Holed UJp tMHiiM, jucii m neuvy iiugu siitH'it uiiiii kiiihu. men's tine boots aud shoes ol nil grade, Ui) 's dtitiblo Miled boots and sIiocm of all kinds, men's tjlovo kid llahuoial bhooH,meu's, womn's,bov s'tt und misses' ia&tliiK palters, wpmen's kIovo Kid I'twisu very nue,womcu siuoriwco ujiinomiwuiui calf shoes, women's try flue kid buttoned unit ers. In khoit booU oi all decripllonH inilh pec ged nnuseweii. jio wnuiu uisu run uucuuuu iu in uuy ivssuti mculof HATB, CAl-S.FUltH AND NOTJONH. which eomprlsi all tho new and popular rl etthsut prices which cannot fall to suit ult. lUvtv Booda nro ollercd at the lowest cash rates and win ue Kuuruuiceu ioki uititiM. U .ollclttil before purch.slug ckewiivra u ii i bcllcvcil that belter burgalus are. to bu losuil than l any oIIk r piaeu lu the county. Due ' 4 LI. KINDS 01' JOli 1'HlTINO V neallvexi uttiUl Thei i i m .! nema I'rlullDs omc4,