CSEfc" 3W3 irotfOMWMB'Biigtmr bloMsbtjiUJ, cOTiflUOA. COUNTY, PA. SEke cfattiinlnaii AND- BLb&M&ttUAG. PA."' aw FIUOAY HOItNIN(l,.Ttl.r3, IK0. ,t5t izz" -tfc- ta-THU OOl.UMlltAfr Iiki iIi. Largest Clrcnlatlmt nf any p.ptr piibll.Mil In, Northern l'onualaiiU, anil Ii alio, V much larger thti than any 'of Itaiotriii orarUi and la therefore (ha belt medium' for advtrtlilng In this, ste;lom ortlqfjstate. Ann tnckFi;v,, Last woek wo.lirlclly nnnouricwli itho, rusui. or mo .Jjeiiocratlo Conyuntlon wnicn nssemuieu; at Ilurrhiijtirtr ou tho inn inst., ttntl In, this issue vo,b1vo tho liimitiuinga oi tlio Upiivcnllon nml 11 hkt'lcii of our nominee. By thenomlnjitlou or Jutlgo 1'ncker, ior uovernor, Bucopss ip tijsurcfl nttho cominR election. Ho l3,tho.llrnt.rholco not only of tho Deiin'cnitiq nniK.es, but of a largo number of Renuhlinins wlio deslro to gco. a puro udmiiii.Jratlou of ourainie uoverniuent. Judge I'ncUer la of humble origin. Starting, n penni less boy, lie was sueeesalvuly farmer, carpenter, boatman, merchant and mil. lionalre, a flno c.vamplo to our j outh of what Industry and honesty mavuecom. pltah. Ho has verified tlieuyliig "that at. I ti, . . - - ' -mure is no position n lire,, howoyer humble, but may o niied with digni ty His vast, wealth, iluslead of helng ut-L-u ior ms own personal aggnuidszxv mcnt, has been devoted to t)io endow meiilorcollegcs, tho relief of destitute churches of, alt denomination, mid Uio amelioration, of the condition of tho working classes. By Ida instrumental! ty rnll-rofids and cauuja huve been built, uur coai regions uavolopcd, ntid.herolo foro Inaccessible regions of our Strito brought luto direct connection with tho centres of trade. OUr opponentsadmit that hu is honest and capable. These are pr'imo requisites in a caiidldatc,and wo aro glad to' know. mat tuousanus of Republicans will sup port mm because ho possesses- them. no is beyond a, bribe. With him, us Qovernor, corrupt jobs, special legisla lion mid extravagance la bur. JLeglsia. lure would bo checked, iuut,thq.cornior unw wuo jmesi iiarrisburg would b driven lo tho wall. That ho wlll bc elected wo, liavq ,nol mo snguicst uouotjunu .then I'oimsyl vnuia will intvp a Uovoruor or whom she may bo proud, thoi coal and iron Interests an earnest aud powerful 'aivoi vnw, uiopeopioortuoHtato.un honest, incorruptlbloExecuti vc,nnd im cconomi- uii miministraupn, C'ji iis I,. Vernliliic The Dcinocrallc Convention' was pO cuiiany lortunate in tho selection of Mr, rershiug as a candidate for Jutleo r . i. t..: -. .. V " oupremo joun. Ho is a' gentleman somewhat over forty-years of age, and-ranks"nirforio of uio most ominont lawyers in "Western Pennsylvania Ho road law1 with P'ehn sylvanln'rf Bren(est JUi'lst.- iron. Jorn. inlali S. Black, tirid from1 'the tfmo of ma admission' afoncO! took .a' leading rank nt the bar; Fora nUmberdyears no representetT'Cambra cbudty in- the Legislature;' and'was'the leader 'of tho democratic party on thtf floor of the iiouse. During hii term" of service" as a legislator ho occupied the imporfant'pV- auion oi mcmDer or the General andLo cal Judiciary Committee. As'a speak er ho is terse, loglal and fluent. By nature, habit and education lie is pe culiarly1 fitted for a seat upon' the Su preme Bench, aud he will adorn the po sition which has been filled by n Gibson, a Black, a Lewis and aW6od'V.1rdi Tub condition of Wyoming County is deplorable. She .has not now,,n6r lias she had for somo years a Bop'ubll can paper", although the two 'partly aro nearly equal, in numbers'. Having suc ceeded In running tho Beinnemiin jority uptoahlgh flgmoin thls"c,ounty in- Jvi-iJuuiiuwH scut our clevc rim Coliimlila County IimiNion. XV Til 10 TRIALS. tlcforn procciillng to hu tn up thocnscM ofStott I'.. Colley and Daniel Jl'llenrv with a detail of tho particulars which grtvo them pecu'lnr Interest, wo shnll lay n solid foundation for our remarks by recltlllir tlll-OUL'li nevornl niimlinnt thu main parts "oTniu leatlmonv Toin for fio pnsecutli)i and Jtho.dcfenco, KrvXHi)'M'lifcnV ab A witness: Xhls.porsou.commouly.valled JJdrIi- Ilonry-.t was a non-rcportlngdrafted man niu was.uiiquebflpiiably gqilty oractlvo C)j)osltloi) tq thu euforpement of tho cyi.scripiion (uwst umL that both, by spvefcli and conduct, llu was arrested on Dm 19th u'f Meflteinliur 1SC.1 In.a stato of'luto.xlciil.lonjand piaccdJn,thoJali at Bloonifburg. There ho, was visited by two of tholeadlnirltadicaisof tho towni and tliough tliojnturcoursobotwccifhim ami lhe;n ,'ns, secret,' ,'thprq Is, good, reason tijbpilfivejudglngby.subseqn'cpt events, thai nn nttempt was mado to securo.hlm as a fitness against. qurcltl zefls who had been arrested nearly throo vecKB borore. Ho was, however,, taken pn to. Ilnrrlsburg aud held In confine mint there until the 22d of October, when ho was released upon condition that ho would become a government Witness. Tho negotiation with him was finally concluded by-Col. Albright, and lie was suddouly transformed from ft culprit to a patriot, was put ou gov1' eminent pay; nudbecamo the main sup port nml Instrument of tho nroseculion. in all tho trials which subsequently took place.. Upon his testimony, maluly.all f ho earlier cqnvictlous .wero had, and thereforo an examination of that test! liiony, of tho contradictions to which it was subjected and of his general charac ter and credlbllity.becomoimportautin pur investigation. Jn tho Daniel M'Henry trial, on tho nin or.iJeceinber.ho testified as follows Zdtcard M'Jlcnry sworn : "I am a Carpenter, and reside In Benton townr ship, Columbia county: -know Daniel M'.Honryj I was at Rantz's barn about lhaaJth of August last. Tho meeting was to resist tho soldiers at.Bloomsburg iom taking, tho drafted men. Tho meeting was gathered ywhen I got there lit 11, o'clock; I,supposo lOOtolia.thero. Thero wei'o some speeches madc,Samuol Klluo,mada (ho first iono: poi advised thorn to form into squads or.' companies lo.rcsist uio soldiers.; nothing elso said. DauVelJuVHcnry was.tho noxt speaker. I Understood him to say ; 'theso wero critical times.; ho thouglit they, wero unanimous In icsjsting tho draft, the peop'lo wore, unanimous, inircsistlng tho unm ium uio soiuicrs.' That ls all ,1 recollect of Ills savin' thatdavt T.imvn I hem u ill Wo speech j I spoko in favor, of resisting tliq soldiers; I told them as, tho bid men wero cncouracrinEi-.it.nnil ns wn jvcrpdraffeii and had,npt,'roported, wo, coum, uo, no ucttcr. than resist; I. said moro but don't, recollect. I did not hear anyothcrspeech. .Daniel M'Hcnry spoko a couplo.or threo minutes.; tho speaKing was aoout a or a o'clock In tho aitern'obn. (A, portion of, tho .meeting was armed j I, supposq jibout,, one-half )vero. xnq meeting, formed into squads almost. all. There, "yfero five, squads, Samuel K1I no jvas Captain of ono squad, Jacob Bhultz of another, a young, man from near Orangeville of another, Ellas Kliuo .another, I was the other. " Tlio squads elected their Captains. Thcso squads did not, afterwards, .resist tlio soldiers that Xknow of ; from vhat I undersfopd tho, soldiers were, too strong. Part,of, tho squads yeni to ,tio moun tain, to keep, out of tho way. I heard thq story that the soldiers were coming up, to burn, and destroy property. Somo beliqvedltnnd somo did not. Wo ro- sistod tlio soldiers toprcvcntthcdraftcd men. from, bclng taken. Xnttended so-called 'secret meetings;' I was R-raembcr, J. joined In tho spring of ,lgC3,in Jackson township, ,near the union Church. Wo wero required to take an oath, which was, 'tosupport the Constitution of tho. United States and resist tho.cpnscr iitiou act.' William E. Bobcrfs administered the ontlrto mo. nftcr; what wo aro at present concerned wiin is hisgenoral credibility as a wIk "ess. HaSTOsd6rsa by thtfEdltor of tho munifyt1 County llcptibltcaii pending Sip trials, wbVdcclaredj that "he, irfietM !,' tin fMTrnVirvl !uvt I A Wlity loJuhtU he Mme.ljjf Thisjwaa in December. InTanuary following as wen(c'3nfldorico anil frlondshlp, In select find It stated In tho (hlumbia Democrat of 21st of that month McIIcnry upon TOmlnK-toBloomsburg"Wflffcl6sctctlTdr several hours with tho samo Edllorno ddubt'ln HlToctloniito consultatlou'updtf tho progress of ovents. But was ho a crcdlb'Io vTtnc3sT"tcrifib'T5nb'wrng statement made by all honorablo geutlo man, In the Dahh JlcIIcnry trial, an swer: Jini Trtifmfiii, aUdrtl:-"! resldo In Sugarloaf iotvnslilrf, fthd am n farmer. I kubw'tidwardM6Hcnry. I had ft conversation with him In Benton nnd also In Harrisburg. Ho told mo In Bohtbh "Ir tho conscripts would stick td him till ho got thtiri togclhor, ho would soon' drlvd tho hell-hounds' (tho soldiers) out of tho county." I met him In Hnrrlsburg nt Park House, tho tlmo of Colloy's suit, I Baid,'Ed Mc Ilcnry you havo altered your opinion slnco i spoko to you ut Benton.' no said they had caught Mm.and hand-evtf-ed him, and he could do no better than wear as he did, and that tie innocent at suchtimcs must suffer Kith the gullti." But wo go further ; wo will cllo tho strong tcstimbny upon his character which' was given on tho Colley trial. ABOIIGSS OF Mil. 1ICKAL1W Ui-ON TAKING THE CltAlll AB mBS- k idknt;oi T"B .dkjiporAtio btatk CONVENTION, IvLY 14th, I860. ( gentlemen ad'&presenlatlves of the Vemoa racy 6f P&iniyhaiiia il thank you forj this H signal markv'pf your ting mo lo prcsldo over tho delibera tions of n body so numerous and respect nblo.Tmd whoso Uutlesj'tobo discharged (witli fidelity nnd dlllgonco, ftjosp Jra portaill. Thcs'o nro"hot nloro words .of form or of usngo j thoy nro slncoro nnd liearlleH,Jfor I can assuro you If I know my own nature, If I can ludgo of tho pulsations of my own heart, thoy aro In complcto unison wlth' you In our com mon great enterprise of csUbllshlngnnd 'maintaining truo republican principles in thcso' governments of ours; Stato and Federal, upon which (ho'prospcrlty nnd welfaro of our own pcoplo depend as well as tho progress of frco, liberal In stitutions throughput tho1 wholo earth. Knit to you nnd to our great party by tho sympathies and labors of n Ufotlmo It affords mo gcnulno plcasuro to thank you for this innnificstatlon of your con lldcnco nnd esteem. I understand, Gentlemen of tho Con vention, that I havo boon assigned to this chair not as tho representative of any one of tho candidates whoso names will bo presented boforo you but by tho common action of tho friends of all. My selection, therefore, has no significance with rofcrenco to tho ultimate cliolco, Jacob Wcllivcr. farmer of Benton, tcs- Which shall bo made of candidates by this tilled, that ho had known Ed. McHoury body. So far as I om abiOj in admlnls twenty years, nnd that his reputation for truth and veracity was .bad. Ho Would not bclicvo him upon oath where ho was particularly Interested. n uciam jisii, a larmerorsamo neigh borhood, testified that ho knew Ed. Mc- Henry fthd that his reputation for truth was not very good. William JBflnh, of Jackson township, testified : "I know Ed. McIIenry, his reputation 13 pretty bad. I' would not heuovo him on oath." tcring for a brief period of ' tlmo thoso rules which apply to your proceedings, I shall endeavor to bo Impartial nnd Just nnd to expedite tho transaction of business; Wo nro nsscmpled upon this July af ternoon for tho purpose of naming, as we hope and believe, tho seventeenth Governor of Pennsylvania (Great an plauso) under tho existing constitution of our State, which was established in 1790. Wo think (and in this wo bolievo when thoy goastroy by his veto. It Is most Important then that tho pcoplo of our stato should pln'co Koro at tho Capl tola Governor wliFla 'ntblllgont, able, firm, faithful nnu courageous ft man who, will bo a rallying' point around whbm nil thosound elements of public thought and of public notion can con centrate. Ynn know that within nnd beyond Uio limits of our Sfalo, great complaint has boon mado Inrccont yoars.and with good reason, in "regard to "tho action of our leglslatlvo bodies. Why has this been so : why has tho moral tono of pub lic life been so low at Harrls'burg ? Why havo private, local and corporation blli3 by tho hundred been rolled out of "thoso halls of legislation, at tho solicitation of prlvato parties, to vox, plunder and corrupt tho pcoplo? Why Is tho charac ter of our Stato and of Its citizens low ered In this manuor? It Is becausoyou havo had an Incapable and unworthy occupant of tho'Exccutivo Chamber, a man around whom wholosomo and honest opinion could not rally ; n man who would notlntcrposo his constitu tional power against bad nnd corrupt legislation ; a man who, Instead of re sisting ovll in tho government, yields to It nnd becomes its instrument nnd tho instrument of men whoso evil rep utations aro known throughout tlio Commonwealth. Is there n remedy for this condition of things ? Yes, thcrols an effectual rcmody which we feel con fident will bo supplied by this Conven tion nud by tho people. (Applause). I do not mlstako when I say that no matter which ono of the candidates be fore us for Governorshall be nominated, he will, If elected, pass luto ofllco with ft will, a capacity nnd a support requi site to purify and Invigorate tho gov ernment nnd redeem tho character of our people Having selected such a candidate, let us assoclato with him sme lawyer of ability-ond Integrity who will go upon tho Supremo Bench not to obey tho behests of party but to oxecuto tho law: not to tamper with Hiram Ash, testified; "JtfcIIcnry's our opinion agrees with tho onlnion of elections nnd'tho ballots of tho noonlo reputation ior truth is not good, I uo our leuow citizens generally throughout (npnlauso . but who will stand to his not think thatl would beilevo him on the Commonwealth, nt least with tho oath. I would not. opinion ofa decided mnlorltv of them! cross jxammca; "I iiiinK It pretty that. tho man who now fills tho Exccii hard for. him to toll tho truth, Ho is a live chair In our Stato government is man not oi lm word. I do not know of unsulted to tho performance of Its du his naving given evidence; 1' havo. tics ; that ho has not oxhiblted in his known him othcrwi'so to speak false:"' great- ofllco that fidelity and ability Joan ravage, mrmeruf Jacks'm town- which aroidcmandcd bv our common snip, nnother witness, said, ho know interests iin thoso various positions of uu. iucnenry nnu ins reputation for governmental duty which wero estab truth' was not good. lished for tho protection of tho puonlo uiunui ji. Zimmerman, oi I'lsning- anu mo. promotion of thoir common creek said ho lived a distanco from Ed. welfaro, McHcnry who was considered n rowdy. Gcntlomon, nt this tlmo tho omens it was n hard question to say whether aro ofgoodand not of ovll. Wo aro on ho' would bcllovo him on oath. titled to expect if not to claim, that tho aioscs J ocum, farmer of Benton, tcs- pcoplo of this Stato at tho election in duty through good and through ovll re port, always announcing with fidelity the doctrines of Gibson and Black, und of other great Judges who have Illus trated and honored our Judicial nnnrfls. Our opponents, upon a former occashiii, having imprudently placed boforo tho pcoplo a candidate for Judge upon tho ground (announced In their platform) that ho would represent their party and do their work in thoplaco In which they proposed to put him, encountered a mortifying defeat. That same candi date, dofeated then, is now again bo foro tho pcoplo of Pennsylvania, and In view ,of ,the .attltudo assigned him by, I, la mi'n nnpfit T rvnntnrln Iin la n 41f tilled; "Iknow Ed. Mcncnry, his ,rep- October noxt will dotermino that, there soclatofor his principal upon tlio Bo utal on for .truth is poor. I thInkLI shall bo a. change, in our Stato policy, publican ticket, the candidato for Gov Huuiuiiukwugvuniiu," "nil,, now men Sliail. P0 called unon to krnnr. Wlinn n rnmmnn 1W . ol.nll ross Mixamwcu: "wouiuuotbeiiovo nummister our domtstie .nffiii f nn. nvprtntn ti,nm wi, i.nnn. nf n, him In any thing ho had nn Interest in; plauso,) and will at tho samo tlmo in- pcoplo of Pennsylvania will onco more ho woudnot tell tho truth; Ho has directly pronounco condemnation upon boploccd, uponasecuroandstablofoun- ureu, uuumuk uuu euiuiiir un since a inu uoiicv oi inn nrpiiiink niinnni I .loll (Annin, hftxr T 1. !, ...1 i, ! 1. .1 I A .1 ... t ..!...... j i t ... ........ .1 ' iivaiu iiilu BHLui uu wuum i i-wuiiuiaii-itiiuH WJ11C11 Wltiun tlio lirinf uo so anu so, and then do tho rovcrso." period in which it has hold power has shown .its incapacity, and, its unfitness good; so tho people for, thoso places, of trust to which tho pcoplo of tho United, States' assigned it. yno iact which Is cheering which is lion. Irani Derr; "Ed. JlcIIcnrv's cnaracter is not say." Samuel lihone, Esq. or Benton1 said ; Ed. McHcnry's reputation Is riot very good." John O. Dlldine. of Benton, said : Cvoiumiitilcatcd . Centralia, July 10. 18C9, Mr.-EDiTon : Tho Corner Stono of the Catholic Church. in this placo was laid on Sunday the 18th.inst.Fisst.Mass was licmocrnUc State Co'rvchUoh. KsrknE HAiuwRt and oniA xt&nvsitot, ' Tim Democratic Stato Convention met In tho hall of th6 Houso of lloprosonta tlvos Wednesday mof nlng at nbout half pa9t ten o'clock, and was called to order by lion. Win. A. Wallaco, chairman of tho Domocratlo Stato Central Commit-too. Col.'Carrlgah, JohnO.Barr nnd David Caldwoll,Esqs., acted as temporary secretaries. Cpl.Carrlgan read tho list of delegates ELECTION Or TEMl'OHABV CHAIRMAN. Genornl A. II. Coffroth. I' moved that Hon. William Hopkins, of Wash-, ington, bo tho temporary chairman of this convention. Carried unanimously, amidst applause. Mr. ZIoelcr mado amotion lo appoint a commlttco of sovon to oxamlno and report upon tho contested elec tion cases from tho rural districts, nnd tho Philadelphia contested cases wero referred to tho Philadelphia delegation. On motion of Mr. Cassidy, tho follow ing was adopted: Jlcsolved, That until otherwise ordor cd, tho rules of tho Houso of Bopreseu tatlvcs govern tho proceedings of this Convention. Tho Committee on Permanent Organ ization was then appointed, tho Hon. Georgo D. Jackson serving from this District. rASTElt3 AND l'OI.Iir.IW. Mr. Hastings. Would It bo in order at this tlmo to move tho appointment of tho requisite number of pasters nnd fold ers. Laughter. Tho Chairman. What number docs tho gentleman propose ? Mr. Hastings. Twenty so vcu. Bo flowed laughter. Mr. Monaghan, Who shall not bo paid out of tho Stato Treasury 1 Tho Chairman. Tho gentleman Is now in order. Laughter and applause It was moved and seconded that tho Commlttco on Permanent Organization meet forthwith, nnd bo requested to re port to tho Convention at as early an hour ns practicable. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. M'Mullen, tho Convention adjourned to meet at 2 o clock. AFTERNOON. Tlio Convention was called to order at about half-past two o'clock, Mr.IIop' kins In tho chair. Mr. Petrlkin, from tlio Commlttco on Permanent Organization, said : I havo tho honor to announce to this Conven tion tho unmo of tho Hon. Charles R, Buckalow as tho, unanimous cholco of tho Commlttco for President. Great applause. J. II. M'Cormlck of this Senatorial District was selected as ono of tho YIco Presidents. Messrs. Petrikcu and Zlegicrweroap, pointed by tho temporary chairman to conduct tlio President to tho chair. Mr. Buckalow was received with em phatic demonstrations of applause. Af ter it had somewhat subsided, ho dellV' cred an address which wo produco else where. Mr. Hopkins then offered tho follow ing Ilesolutlon, which passed unanl mously. . i liesolved, That this Convention- lias McIIenry's reputation is'not good ; not ors pendlngtho convass for tho noininn' wen enough acquainted to say whether "on ior uovenor. very littlo of bitter x would bcllovo him on oath," ness has been oxhlbited, and I bcllovo Thcso citations of testimony will an- wo may expect that whichovor ono of an omen of success-is tho frond iwiin X to7""' JU?" wus ioivea, xnat this uc which, upon tho wholo. hal rBva l ed '?K Hnann'" .. learned, with tho deepest sorrow, of the amongourcandidatesand their sunnort- n" ." " Tu::,r.r" . . """uf "UUI" 1110 "on- Arno,u I'lumer, Jate- Harrlsburg and second by our worthy l'astor father M'Diarmld. At ono o'- lv of Ymnnm mnniv im nntA nlnnl. 41. C 1 f, 1 . , , ,, " . . ' " " o"uy dcuooi moi m tno a delegato to this body, and that in all u"""" "uuso.uuu uuer receiving tno tho relations of Hfo, public nnd private, necessary instructions from tho teachers. TTr 1JI 11 trior waa n trinilfi) rf rmltr swer wo' suppose on tho Questions of tho distinguished gentlemen who havo , ,7 " vo uluoronl worthy of tho imitation of all who sur- ni,n,ni ...ui.....;i u 1 u 'iT i . u;Kuuoua. J.iiomumoersoitnoccucro- vlvn Mm Kuuuu wuunug green crosses, unuer tho On Motion of Mr uimniuiur, vspueiaiiy in view'oi tno iact uuuieu snau uo selected as our that not ono witness 'was'called on' be- standard bearer, willreceivo the cordial half of tho prosecution to sustain Ed. McHcnry against this strong impeach-1 ment. Wltii this cxhibit thcroforo wo will closo our present number. lr frlpml DurcreKH in tl.ot i .:' ""Ht" nuuuiuaiereu mo oaiivto imo. mhsionarv bSftvm as nof nccret meeting at ,klel missionary, but Wnilam was not a sue- Coin's: T think Ooi t( rv,nii cess. Yost was thon oxiortcd. hut 'th TirTr, .i "".. " ...rv i-nierprise also failed. I hm m tviitt.,..., iv.i 4i i. With renewed courage, nn.f ,.. ),... "7,, r,. .''irYJ. ... ,"uuti"1 " C?T. ca.1,Ua1' Y".1. ven- tbft.Wri I don't know whether ho was tures Into Wyomlugjahd vlli.sopii Issuo I uie lunKhannock Republican Tost is a goon leuow, and pecuniarily wo wish mm succoss. ijo has. been the mainstay on tlio stand or iiot; I do not recollect that ho said anything about tho draft.ln his specch.i Dp.not recollect, of seeing Daniel;M'Hpnry .at any .of theso. secret ..iuiiiiuu1 ui iw tjinco nlnrnl mnntltim.. T II. . i nuuil lull, UUU WO UOUllt tlio 1,1,, lit,, htr... T .,.... !.!., , t 7... t L Ul af concern to lugs In his neighborhood Tuiiijiv him miinn " . w' ' I ' . ... . .u . .ua-ruiiii7it:u.; vuu'isuy i was ar- I rested. fur Hftmn nfrpncf na thnf nlini-cro,! FUN AHEAD. Wohavorfi;iio.l(I.'I', I on Dernndant. T , ' bUi' I w, -m- 11 V w UtMlt.M MIUU uu i urn list oi tno l'enusjrlv.nm State Ajricul- ' not report; I can't say who arrested iuiui oocieiy. Winch m nt Ii.m.l.n.. I. ma nr whnrn I una nt-robfrul . rri,-ni ., . ..miwuufu l - ." in.wtuii 1UUJJ1 inc&Mnn nntll 1 1 KU0W I Was in tho mnntv Inll. nnfl T Oct, 2nd. Oar friend. Amos J'l, Ifnnw f was drunk: I was in rnnflnnmnnt. fmm inpruiuuiwrmud n President, ami o, l,l tlio lOtli of Sontemher till lhn '?il nf comrauo uapt. Wcconlcey SccrcUry and ono October;' I got my liberty. I do not' 01 tllO Committed on Arrll!n.rn.nl I know that llliv drnftml mm hut mvcnlf xf.i T.vn. . ? " jw. uaj. i-mur, wo oDjervo. is ona of .n f'n,. wero set at.l her v. Col. Albrhr .1. tnhl llllttcq ou jacks and mules: .TnSn MoW J..i I mo if I wnnlil innlrnn ilonn l.i-raot dm ou oiamons ana mares ; Judge Black, Frank uilUcultles up Fishingcrcek, as far as i uruan aim JOO. Vaillilrt on umM Yl-I knew. I could hnvii mv' Whorixr T nu. Scott on wagons, carts, drays, bo.-, N. G. not drunk, nt Bantu's. I don't reracm- T ir w W q0ls' Uco V' J)n "er of ,mvInt' Bal Bautz's that wo nnd M. Wi Jaclou.O!i (eam cueines' n,l I would trim aimlo treca and would turn castings; V. U, Drieepacli and Jesso Horlon tho ditches. I did not understand that New CoMJMnua, July 21, 18CJ "Mr. Editor: I havo frequently seen cautionnry notices in'your valuable pa per (tho' Columbian) in relation to horso thioves.andPatontright peddlers. Between tho two the odds Is the differ- once, and tho caution always in order, support as well of thoso who havo oth or preferences as of thoso who havo sun. poricu ins claims. Applause.) Now, Gontlomou.It would bo untlmo Iy before our nominations aro entered upon, to address you at length upon thoso public questions which portalu to uio approaching election. Other nccna. ions will bo Bought.by mo for perform Mnrshalship of James Kcaly Esq..' as sembled on Ball Boad Square for tho samo purpose. At this tirao tho Ashland Cornet Band, arrived and took its placo at mo head or tho wholo delegation which marched up town to meet tho St. Patrlck'sBcnovolcntSocIety of Ashland. This society deserves particular notice anu unuer tho Marshalshlp of Martin Monahan and Lawrence Harinan Esqs., Zteglcr tho resolu tion "was ordered to bo printed, nnd copy sent to tlio family of tlio deceased Uio Committee ou Contested EIcc Hons mado n report, which was adopt eu. THE I'liATFORM. Mr. Hughes, from tho Commlttco cn Bosolutions submitted the following re port, lug that duty to my fellow citizcns.and I i3 inn vervflniirlaiiinffpnn.imn rn. The Democracy of Pennsvlvnnin In others will tako up tho burden, and men looked well and all through bo- invention mot, do unanimously do- 6'""inuuiuiu,irura ono cua to uaveu With remarlrnhln rnarirWni.mi,. "uiu m.u very uppropnato, out moro is also inp .oiner, tuoissues of tho hour-living At two o'clock r. jr., tho first excursion u TImt 1,10 fcieral government is another set of rascals prowling through vital, important-will bo discussed be- trainarrlvedfromShamnkln u,iM,nhf limited In power to thecrants contained uio country, who should havo n passing fore tho pcopjo and as wo beliovo thoy threo, thousand people. It contained tho 1,1 tho Constitution ; that tho exercise of i.untc, uuina mu ukiuiuul' rou scoun- wm uo unuerstooa hv thorn nnil o not S mmnlfln fTnv,n,oii... t.... . UOUhtfulrnnsl tnl nnlnn.,ni. drels thnt come from tho State of Ohio, and righteous Judgment will bo niti. Kmrnnv oi r.i..i .... ous to tho stnhintv r ti ., 1 and elsowhero, cxnressinrrn'Breat deal raatolv.nronouncpii. iniwiii,.fnn,iinn rnn.in w'r ...m ' . nml the c,rnt r 7. of qvmnollU, f. t, H. .n;:.. "L.TI - """"""B ouooaepira xemperauCOBO- l'"I"u, anu U10 vnnJnna i.TT.i V uHiuuiB oi past years, not- ciety; tho Junior Sons of Temperanco ulneratic party will never consent ffonr bnE Gap, also tho Daughters of tlmt tho st of Pennsylvania shall i. if , , , t. - , I'uity uuvurauy, wo icmperanco irom tho samo placo. P. P. ou"u""cr uer great right of local self- mu mi jiupeiuinnu comment of tho fu- DllIanEsq.,MarshaI.nndJohnMnnnni,i govornmcnt. , ... .t."11 ,UJ"1-U moa'i R I. Ward and uiiip uuimcyor ou colleetiouj ; h. A. Maclc cyon glass, Ae.; Wni.q'.l'orbyth oucbtl,,. ic; S-A. Birkeiulino and O.- Y. r eiglcr o.i.ui naru, piano?, y. 1 , With ingiou on unlaksiuco; .entries. )uu iciioiiou? prpnety I'cttr Hcrilio auiiiapt. Vtialiatit arp placed on. the .Com ,njiB u UUWU9, jiumpKins.-wjuathcj, &a the meeting at Ilantz'a was occasioned by fear of tho Harvoy vlllo boys. Absa. lorn M'Heury was at Bantz's, I heard uaniei ai'Uenry's speech, distinctly. was examined in thcso Columbia countv prisoner cases. A question submitted hero by counsol for .Defendant, but ob. jecieu toj l uo not recollect that I threat oned thatl would convict Daniel M' We hayo likewise been honored by being I Henry ; I .do .not recollect that I said ill placed on a Corapittoe, aitdsuohaliitl TlM' Sunburv Amman fva II.. 4 n. t.i.. WSi rccenllv iMSnrinrlp,! will. ll, ,7..'l.-. f ... 11. ' mw uvitimuwn 4.CUUUff4XIl WIJ1CI1 Vfl nrPEl'.ln,n, ia nn ...I. Untional tlander on the Doctor. Tho Colum bian Is tho nama of a wwhy wothy sheet pub hjhedinthis place, pari Jolinsonisin, part Deniocratio and the remain Jer eubject to tho h jj. vwsv uiuucr. nr. .innn ,ttmn n... 1... ....:i... . ill iT ' " -. u Kujiijr ui jiuvinir iiir nomA I, Inn m, 4a . - , ' , , r- -... v. n.,.v..LU ,y OIU.44 hep Wioauwhich under his management buf- uuiWl au JiQUltCm we presume tho Amencau was led into the error by (he close rceciublanco of the I Joined; I do not knoVnny namo used vaiqimian to tlio Columbian, which Las erv. When I was Initiated. Dr. John for model. As lo our, bcine snb- He-cross examined : Sometimes tho jecttotue hifihwt Udder, wo would simply meetings wero called "JCnights of tho remark, mat no Jtauicajba. ofer hceu awe I uoiuen Clrclo by way of reproach and 10 puy us.norias mojiocicoi the LUumbiun bometimcs not." Muce it oauio. under our control etr been I Tbo foregolnjr' testimony of Ed. Me- under par. Henry, which Is exact nnd complolo as How well, (bo Jlepw!can Las "buffeted given by him, may be taken nshlsro- tLeattiiclcgoftLa Democracy'' is thnw,, lv I vised and ilnal statement of fact. Tim 11,a rAt .1.. 4 ,.ri' 1 . 'I r..ii.nn.i .M...t. t4 i...... . ji iu uoubied. 1 upon material points, will annear hero. thacars coming to Ilarrisburg I know what to say and would say it. Danlol MHonry had no moro to do with tho meoting at Bantz's than I had. I A nucs Hon by Mr. Herr for defence, objected to nud overruled. I told men wo wero drafted, had not reported and -tho best tiling wo could do was to resist. Tho noxt day Valentine Fell nsked mo to go up with hlra'to Sugarloaf to cot noonlo 10 turn out ana i went with him Jte-examtned by Prosecution : The 60- cret meetings wero called "Knights of tno uoitien circle," l do not know when ning, as though wo had no scientific men In Pennsylvania that nro canabio turo: wo .still.hollnvn tw. D of! manufatturlng thoso rods or'that wo ted for self-government; wo beliovo that mu uu .muerius or coai suitaDio lor tno American people, misled and mis manufacturing them. Besides, you nro governed as tliov hnvn 'ncarlv nlwnvfl siirn til lm nlinntn.l I ,lnn. 41.1. i . ... . . " ",u 1 uiuruuiur will muck nn assistant Marshal. f hat tho attempted ratification of Theso societies formed in front of tlm 11,0 Proposed fifteenth amendment to Priest's residence and wero duly re- ' 0 Fodoral Constitution by tho radical ccived. Tlio procession marched up the IuemlJOra tho last Legislature, and iiium sireui, 10 inoneau and then turned "'" iu uumu tno samo to you wain ngntning rousget such as aro been committed thoso constltnitnnni tin. r,i irn,itn n. breach nf timtr niriMni , .. 1 ,t,M , . i .. . mu luiusi. i luviu.v uuiuru uio illsuon. 1'rIosLi nml " ".ouiuuuu w:ming sucil ratlncatlon tlmo meet again. Thcro is yet another from thoso places of nower whMi !, Lthor .,c,i.,uJ 7?. tlQ3f anu Rhnni.i i.n rnmnt.. . . , T " Tl ? " u.et..iii3ui;u uuuuue gentlemen ,...,1,, itjiuuieu uuu ino vllfnra nn 41. n I amcnrlmnnt Clilimlf4n.l 4. 4I. . i , I . , ..... 1 I uu tliu UIVUOIUU. mu lieuiilU III thO lOflflOra l,lm l.nltn.tMn. I ... I mt. .n . I .1 .11. . . iwiuwi ; ,, "" "'"s " cuusu- j.Uu xempcrancosoclotlcs looked well 1 u l u"3 ,ur ncceptanco or rejection. tUtionol ruloand followintr their own nnd iin,lnr Mn 1 y t. I a. Thntfhn-notnn.4..,T,... ..in.i. , . ' I "w i4,.tiuiui.Ub OI 1 I It -... WW .. JIU1 1J, ui i LUH- scuish ends.hayo polluted tho sanctuary Dillan, John M'Donnld, Patrick Car- sylvalla I? opposed to conferring upon ?;mZermCn, nf , , Idc!'. Umo th0 noy nnd othew lhoy nnot Aiil to bo tllQ "gro tho right lo veto, and wo do u-oVi ,i. , .viim .uo uemers successiui anu or great benefit to tho u,D,"la"cal,y Ieny Iiat oro Is any This agent has a stopping place perhaps Authoro : r TuXT 71, L S"' 'L., ur"nt Sunday -wer in uongress or elsewhere snmn nrflnnnn ,nn r. 4i. -.ir ... ; . " . 1 v"i-i""uau. ) iuuhuu wen ; ono thousand c h 1. lu '"'l negro Buurago unon tho ncn. flnanco ? , ? Vr w . of dron at lcst were in tho proceaslon all P1,0 of lhu State In opposition to their iinanco, stato aud national. AVmlnnnt ilrnssnti in mi ,!. ' . I will. i.u .. .. .. . nuu ureuu Easnes. aZv-ltTvaam f iQ0V- . Ut 4 'C0fk p-sr" th0 Wboloproccs-- rolbhn In tho administration of ... "'ink titu iiri LuiiL Niiiin in- mini innrni nn i - inn nm omi ni.i L'lu deLtcdniw Inin tw ; n i "V,. , . ""'cr ji'i)iar- a"'OBovornments,nnd . ' 8lx p".cent and Clia-S- " houso toM-ards tho Church follow. ' tho management of their financial f. tiu Li.u iiitTi'itKii iinrntiiMn..in i l ai t-i i . . . nnnctnfwiT,m.V V f 1 . y V , "'8noP3 nd several Priests ,alr3" imperatively demanded. them w Tin J . . ii J 'cuiu mo iinuiiimcnls of their or. - x"al 1110 movements now being iiiem, wo do not Imllnvn n.ot iu ,w aii.i. n. j. . "4 I ......i t n .. .. . "w"b man has our most - ..u.7 . . ...... u. cimiBi iu mu luui, l BWClllllr nr nnr wll..n.. -I r..t t. hot largo enough to satisfy an olil fash- government three or fn,,7riT ' Zu , mpll0tx ' Tho larS aiJ UKI11n1or ,no ,aborInS ioued School master o chLtiso his ,.u- what Zl L 11 TeJlJT: ,?.r 1" r5"latcd P'oecssion ; thogreatcon- co-operation. ...i1 tit mi . . . . i. - . i --- tuimvi iiuiuy. win nn I uuurNii ni nnnmn no 41.... ...nii . . I . ,m..i i.. . pus wuii, xnis graitiug in tho root is all a cheat, as they novcr make n treo Hint is worth anything, butyour only thai in n ' "r. ?v? .' '"liEU'"m.crlne rtuo Sn at this mo- stltutlon," tho disregard of the mnin . i. t"""""iiii ui uiu uiiirnii i muni 113 ir pinnrnd nu-nt i i I i. . n.. ... - .. " 1 1 1 m 1 1 w in irr nnri mi'n ifmm n rn iu.i I ni.i 1 1 i , . . " - -" I - n .r lii u itiiiiiiiu nnri i lv Liit'i i'i ii in iitn 1 1 1 in-nAKi a tree,, lob 0 lVST "" fef 'on creaturo called a Justico of tho Peaco at to havo .innn ,m, ., " Ll ",BM " y Benutuul from their seaU in Congress of roiiresnn. ll.i -. . "I - l"'t Hl 4UVU11UMN H lln J I I tl A T'rl lllf ah mill IU ti x ... I i A I .1 I ..... " anisianco. xousct outyourtrcesand neae8omnnvnnr,ivi..,n,i..i .. "" r.:Z...''??ir uuives cieany elected, tho establish a number of years'aftcriwhen you havo of tlio public debt which still contS After tho Iavin7nnhn , T J"?, 0iT,n"ltary fiovornmenta In States almost forgotten Vhero your tree, came OmteMupotttho l t Z aSSh T0tlW ' U"l0n and iho oyMthrow of all fipm.you may have n small rlckctf pass mans ' topic . wSS tavllo ua to 32 ami Sat K ttoffinH1? ?V" 'enimenls lliereln, are acts of tree, bearing a' few gnarly sour apples ; bate and conclude Tw tl, a few add lion B Bov Bhh on Rhn,,nf. IJ CllU!:cl, T1' aud usurl'ation;tl,at tend direct- but mo,t likely tho trees will dlo before al words, m -V' mtiJSSfiX aS,CM, ly l U' dcatrucoa of nil republican bearing at all. This does nil well ,.., . - '''opmtfprmcrcced for tho occasion nud government and tho creation nf tlm Tlio ofllco of Governor of I'nniiflvl- preached a very Imnresslvn imilln ....... ..i.i . , I mi.. t. . . -...v.... Huaoiuppeu aoout thirty years i"u "uverenu uisnop is a first class cimugh If you really beliovo that there is moro pieasuro in antlclp tho enjoyment of a thing. ways procure fruit trees of some nursery nov v0rv nttin 3" , 1 "erQ h To ,v,0,n ttempt a syuo man in your own, or somo adjoining KK tottt at- w-ould bo suporllUous;lt i.. ,.. . , j""'"b lacncu tothatotllco. But n fuw nr n nni Inir nnd wisdom, nml ni i.uuu iy . caso jou ennnot grow them nnnolntments. n.,,1 i. " , must havo dcrlv TXXr?,"'" n : w:v::,::. "ws from. Tim ii,t miis; r "rr "'"u worst forms of despotism. is more plcasuro in anticipation than In Z, "7 :;f nSakVr and liard t. nT? ffi S,aS 7. That our soldiers and sailors, wi.n You can al- ns ,ln...u ,, ' . .?. . 1 ""lon 01 which he would fall tocarrvcnnviH,, carried tho flag of ourcountrvtn viinn. ! t iii,iu la I 111 IIVIIII niinmnt n aimnnnl . I., ii i . I t Yiir. 4- i. aii . " Qursclf. Vox. synopsis iu this nlaen must bo gratefully remeinhnrnd. nn.i llsilt wna full fl I nll II. . " nil H,nUmoV,M.i. " ' . . Kuaronties given in their favor ....... vu.uuim I IllUh UO Inlllirilllir Knrrln.1 l..l , tion. Ofa vacancy, devolve unnn Hm rin..f Iho Catholics of Contralla nnd or. Ills nnnln.iln,, . i' . ", v'Vu vy may WCll lie prOUd Of tho ro- 8. EdUal rhrhts nnil nrnlnnl.. r. timir,.. i.i .. '..'.. i-nw iu out mm, u was a nay novcr to ho fmw,.., ... j " - v"u" iui "a cod editor, has purchased aq half interost iu dlctlonnnd'authorltvaroredniJii.. "Ino thousand strantrers nil m.L.i omo nnd abroad: tho assertion nf Wo wish hiui compared (o what they wero In formnr Ji b.y. wo.rd na dped to build a American nationality which shall com- ro still Important There were theVr ProtSMlo eTlZV?1 ',oIu ii. t r. , . . .. I " .j, iuii;uui:iJUKruaiiv ii:. c . sa ui ciieerinor I . . ",u "ooumuu vi mo iiituuiiuB wanuara. wo wu u mm cnmnnrnil In wlmt abundant succesn, and trust.that tlirouah h is I f lrn( Tin I II wes that now divide the Democracy of .Lv. nrlnr nni n i.i i " 1 : nm mnnn,, 4i....i'i ' '""uuuve tonennInBfi-ii,n,iin,.ft,-..4i ni.. . 'i rn . .. 7.7 I' i ".i"b iu recommonu i i -"j."" '"u hiiuio ii wasa mair- . bB"Buunuiiijuti,Kn COnilnB. The tlmo IS ausnicioua for rinr a. ihm,. f u... i- ..v. , "u Uiflcont nffiilr nnil mill i". r.'S1! tv. minlllii.i iS.... lion and harmony, o7 15 LZ ZTZ ZZfiSZ WT rights. w-moiui iyANIEI.' v. TiVVTirlv n mi..... .... . ii. iiiul iim nrouent nternn rn,inn..n and taxing system of tho general govern ment is grossly unjust, nud moans ought nt onco to bo adopted tocauso n moui.i catlon thereof. . , Tlio report was accepted ami unani mously adopted. NOMINATION FOU OOVKtlNOll. aencral CofTroth movodthftt tho Con cntlon proceed to placo In nomination n candidato for. Govern or. Agrccd..to, whereupon Mr. Petrlkin nominaicu General Georgo W.- Cass. ''',, Mr.Dclahuntynomlnntcu wanioi iu. Fox, of Philadelphia.-- Mr. Georgo V. jacKSoni nomiuvi;u Asa Packer. Applause irr. Ti. a. Cassldv nomluatcu uonorni Wm. M'Candlcss, of Philadelphia. , Mr. Sutton nominated Charles uogors, of Philadelphia. Mr. Ancona of Berks then in a unci speech nominated Gen. W. S. HancoCK, amidst much applau30. Mr. Wallaco then sent to thoSccrotory tho following letter, which was read: Saint Paul, May zisi, ibou. n.. .i. Km. T lind thnnlnasuroto ro- nmw. mi... . - . ... i eclvo your favor of May first last, Just . -L . wr....I i.h lA.llin lnsl beioro leaving vnsiiiuisiuiu' My occupation nnd duties provcutcd mo from promptly replying to your, communication; u clrcumstanco to bo regretted, for I was ns well prepared to express to you my vlows then as now and by having promptly written I would havo nvoldcd tlio appearance or hesitation. ... Mv views on tho subject, concerning which you havo addressed mo, havo nevor changed, and I havo fully ex pressed thorn to nil persons wlo hayo in any way communicated with mo to that cud. I nm adverso to Intruding myself upon tho public, und have there- torocver avoiucu wniuiiKuuy"""B publication, although I havo authoriz ed my correspondents to mako any other proper uso of my sentiments. I feel highly honored by tho preference shown by my friends in oldNorthamp- tnn. iiviimsanil In that letter. I. must say, nnd without resvation. that under existing circumstances I cannot permit tho uso of my namo In tho con vnntlnn shortly about to assemble Wero I In civil life, "o distinction would bo greater to mo than to bo'Gov ernorof Pennsylvania. I havo followed thoprofession of nrmsslnco boylioodjnnd now having acquired cousiuerauiuiuuu, do not wish to abandon tho service Beside, I do not wisli to enter upon n llfn in which I know I havo had no ox- nerlenco or education. There nro thoso who could servo your Interests better than myself, whom tho people wnniri bn nlnnscd to honor, and who would render moio efheiont servico to tho pcoplo of PenuMylvnnla than myself. l am truly your oocuiem. scrvum, WiNriELu Scott Hancock. Addressed to Messrs. G. II. Goundlo, William Mitchell nnd others. 1 Mr. Ancona. It is tho dcslro of tho masses that Gen. Hancock should bo tho candidato oi this Convention, not withstanding It is not his dcslro to havo his namo presented. With his namo wo willmarch forward to victory over tho strongest foe. Ho lo woli known ; ho has nevor turned his baok on friend or foo npplauso, nnd ho will notrcfuso to accept In this case. I shall insist up on casting my voto for General Han cock. Mr. Delabunty, on leave given, with drew tho namo of Daniel M. Fox. Tho namo of Charles Bogers was also withdrawn. Tho Convention then proceeded, to ballot with tho following result: Packer 59 Cass -IS Hancock 21 M'Candlcss C Mr. Cassidy withdrew tho namo of Gen. M'Candlcss. A second ballot woe then takcn,which resulted ns follows: Packer CS Cuss -17 Hancock 19 Tho clerk having recorded ono moro voto than thero wero delegates, although Mr. Packer had received two of a ma jority, tho Convention decided to tako another ballot which was ordered, and resulted ns follows: Packer 05 Cass....,., 37 Tlio nomination of Asa Packer was then made unanimous, followed by en. thuslastic applause and cheers. Tho convention then proceeded to nominato a candidato for' Supremo Judge. Tho following gentlemen wero placed In nomination. Hon. Bobt. J. Fisher, York county: Silo3 M. Clark, Indiana county; Cyrus L. Pershing, Cambria county ; G. B. I-ox, Montgomery county: Wm. r Jenks, Jefferson county; Bosselas Brown, Warren county; Henry Chap man, llucks county; Samuel II. Boy- noius, iiaucaster county: Henry D, Foster, Westmoreland County; Alox nndcr Jordan, Northumberland county; uamiiton auicks, Dauphin county; Edgar Cowan, Westmoreland county ; James B. Ludlow, Philadelphia; Wm. J . JJaer, Bomcrsot countv : Samuel Tl GUmoro, Fayette county; E. S. Golden. ivxinsirong county; William Elwell, Columbia county; P. M. Kimmell. Franklin county; Samuel B. Wilson. Beaver county; Charles D. Mann, Del- awaro county; Jacob Zleglor. Butlor county; jno. Trunkoy, Morcer county; ji. uraiiam, uumucriana countv. A motion wasmadotondlourn.whlcli was not agreed to. After somo discussion, all but tho fnl. low! ng names wero wlf lidrawn : Messrs. Fisher, Brown, Jenks, Boynolds, Chnp- uiuu, jwer, uarK, Trunkoy, Golden, Alrlcks, Wilson aud Pershing, uio urst ballot stood as follows: 1'orshlng M Brown Clark j8 S-H. Boynolds .'.'.'."".'.'.'.'.'ll Wilson in Chapman n Alrlcks ".!.Z"""Z.".. o Jcuks ..V.'.V.'.V." 8 Fisher j Trunkoy 2 Golden , !"" 2 Tiio second ballot resulted as follows; Pershing. C9 Brown ,J3 Alrlcks "' o' Clark j",;," o Mr. Galbralth offered tho following: Jtesolrcd. Thnt Hi Convention is hereby authorized to ap- nnlnf 11 fit n I .111., n... r. . i. viiotiuiuu ui mu Biuio vjt'liirui Commltteo on tho Joiut recommonda tion of tho candidatos this day noml nated, nnd that tho State Central Com mlttco consist of thlrtv.throo momboM. ono or moro from each Senatorial dls- met, equal to tlio number of Senators from Said llktrlct in Iin n tho delegated tiiercof. 11 Several amendments wero mado to this Ilesolutlon, but nil woro dofeated, Including tho following ofTered by Mr. Wallaco:- ' That tho Chairman Iin nnnnlntnrl hu tho candidates this dav feclectod .' ino origiual lUssolutlon was thon passed. Tho nomination of Hon. Cvrus L. 'orshlng was then mado unoulmous. Tho following was offered nnd pasbod Jlcsolved, TlmtthU rjonv,iit der tho thanks, fir 11,1?' tntlvps assembled, to uJM Wnllnco, for tho energy dlsi, 5 until lug zeal manifested UuiVE tiro chalrmnrfshlp of thoHi.i'S Committee. mf& Tho thanks of tho Convci,,- Ci thon extendi to tho 0C,S aud tho body, after glvng Z f clioors for tho candidates, 2iv. without day. ' A BALLAD. Hanaeryhtobrty Eln day ntUarrlsburf Dor boobies coomoU llko fori, Ai Ioy bat got do wort i l p Covods nf hut dlo lager, IVi DorbehldlnglndlW6lti McCluronrcoomaa mltir., ,ml' Und Simon lioldt dlo gelt, Hani deary hat a burly, f Und Sambo nn wor dort ' Und .ititlmuf dlo attain Und ngoa kluscr won, .1,;. Auf Booked'tor loll arncnOn,.., MltmoalunclnueonwM. ,rtl uAarSShr.s.kir: om i m Ii'iii AmlUt Im by le limn Ooary hat cln barly Ea wor cln day la June ' lint It is gam vorbrncken, Already, ilmtlcb looin ' Dlo I'ACKElt hat cln bartr i . , ... 1 lui.iuiuuvemscr nun Und all. aio lelt sio gaou mitlfvn ,on J atUlmmod for elm w ,jCg Hans Ueary hat oln barly, b'ofi Whcro Is dt barty nowt rnl Where It do lmnntr lommJ Mil Klnuor und mit vraot 1 1 Whero Is Covode, undlagcru. U-U Und Simon any bow J noi Hans Qeary hat a barty )3 u Whcro Is dat barty m,t ) Ci, llAKH Buim'1 POLITICAL, ji ,W1I FOB GOVEBNOR. $ ASA PAOKBHh" op cAnnoN countv o-B fob jroaE'or the sotmibjF'?1 CYRUS L. PBRSHfS OF CAJIBItIA COUSTT ?K ' .ho County ,ConvciiUoa,0 Tlio Democratic voters of tho tnti in Columbia county are roqucilollmlcal usual place of holding tho gcneraltitWi. Saturday, tho 81st day of July, UfflvrfM? hours of threo o'clock in tho aricrntor en o'clock in tho afternoon of thtdrV,' Im 1.1.1 In. turn n.Hnn. .n v... . a County Convention to bo held u IIouso In Illoomsburg, on Monday. IjiM 12 o'clock,noonj to select two HcnatoriJ, to meet similar conferees from tlieor? of thoDlstrtctito nominate n candldii'-on twoUepresentotlvo conferees to mretfi . ferees from the' other county lntbtwft nominate a candidate for Memlwrotiii'i and to nominate one person for AMooivi one person, for ProUionotary; oit vritl ltcgtsler and Ilocorder j ono penoa liv one person for County CommlbtiloneriU.u for Coroner; and ono person for citt"" tor i To be supported by tho Dcmocm0? the coming election : By order of tlio Commltteo. JOIINA.Fn9el CandldatcsTor fYomlnaA".1' ssi1 The following gentlemen have tetsjai for nomination to.tho several Ccramji'f.i be filled by, election tho present jrtir.ii ' names will be presented for the contfi?r the Democratic County Convention: -ItEPIlESENTATIVF, jas GEORGE SCOTT, ?eP CAIAWI83A toWKSUV. JjjJ , (Sulijoct to the decision of the cotin ' ! lumbln nud Montour counties.) ASSOCIATE JUDOE. J. K. JAMKSOX, MAIN TOWNSHIP. ico i..i a., to Utl SAMUEL CItEASV, oir Mivr.iHTowNsnir. )ne d II. J. REEDEll, IS' FltANKI.IN TOWMIIir, "b a"c CHARLES F. JIA.N'.',?d 11E.VVEB TOWNSHIP. Ogi I'ltOTIIONOTAIiy, Ttl )ft 35c WELLINGTON H. KM,:ly HCOTT T0WN1I1I1'. Til JESSE COLEMAX, M hloox TowNsiiir, nr HEOISTEn AND ltlXOMlYJ ed Jti B. FRANK ZARR, 1IEAVEH TOWNSUIP. WILLIAMSON II. JACI I1I.00M TOWNSim, JOUN SNYDER, OllANQU TOWNSHIP, Igl mil dpi .ho J. ;. pti tioi C III 3. -Cc ft DAVID LOWENDEBC,,v, nLooa TOirNsmr, yj .lie J. S. SANDERS, II EK WICK IlOItOCOlI. jp s? OYUUS ROBDINS, n TltEASURCn. COMMISSIONKB, KlSHINOCnEKK TOWNSUI'- II. P. WIIITEMAN, f fJllEKNWOOD TOWNSl"11' Jc, DAVID SAVAOE, 'i l ISIIINOCnEKKTOWN""'' im of JACOB S. EVANS, in QUEEN WOOU TOWNSHIP 1 SMi Illooiuibure Market lt'Jj, -if Wheat per bushel Corn " Oats. " Hour per barrel. Cloverseed Flaxseed............ nutter Tuflovi I'otatdiis Dried Apples ... iiuiua 3, Sides and Shoulders ., ijiru per pouuu........ Hay por ton T 1tltTlT,ll iT IJUJ.l,,.... ,u Hemlock Boards per thousand fert-tf V l'lne " (oueio- Joist, Heautllng, riank, (llemlocli)- J, Bhluuleii, No. fpor tliousuud...-.-"-V, " " 2 " " ill Bl,ll.. .. .. ...'T H.u.ua T I, ,i v No, 1 Hootch iilir'.. No. 2 a uiooin ""- t' Wglit Street Marks"- rv.H.(a.i ,,.,.,.. mt. n-bol'T t retail dealer In grain, flour teti a inerehaudlie, j Wheat par bushel IlV .1 . Corn M ,..M.....-.... ti lluck Wheat . Oats Wheat Flour ner lijIIs..... -"',! uuck Wheat Fwur ........"-"' Corn Chop, ........-'..? llran. .... "i llutLrtii,rtt. J Kggs per ilo?., Dried Apples " r ' i Smoked side meat nrtt - ..-' ( Ulini.l.li.H Ham . IV, V1IUU uimnimousiy: I rj,ra