The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, July 16, 1869, Image 1

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    : DA. ANU-
.Kilt iPf.) fig'WM.
""hiWIshcil every. Jr lilqy
u.ho ColuinblanBulldlng
near lho
i. . -
nn a n. rmnnuwAY.
Editor and Fropriotoi'.
lrtMB. Two' dollars a year, paya
i o ln advance. "'
B FBINTINCtfof fill de icjlptionn
Oi intod Willi nentHWB nnd il! patch,
jnsonablo ratJa&
XJHMBT. ilJcliHnrnrt ui'. .r,.M-iln
"lli.,iliovaenort3ior..'i!!i il-nll
m. mn'Kirr,
r. Uotwt rml 1'mfiuf, ort
rt..viti'f Mnv.1 Mill
tilncK, Mai 11
-rn -
lit 1W.WKNIlI31Wl,irViJwirtU,.bf.'T.Ia:i.U.i d
ilunrU)T Amcyt-u. , ,. VI r .j
IYKB AW'.!., ..iWglfto fiiali.-H . tl.s.
niw'er.' MopV Mnjirfit. 1 1'uu
'"J,P K.. dr.tVliiV;''"!,
l.Ki-k,, Modi atr; irr ?t hrn-ik.t. v i-'i J
Lock;' WA'ital 159. &P.
V n w
ny Ac. sttvliimijvt near , era Pi;
inuilipast norpcr,MBln m.l Irmi it -.l-lill
Ii.ftAVAfrD.ilTOler.lH clock;
lewplry, Main' fcVrfJnrV '"'
clock i, vrr .'tei- nul
CW lttmi"lll
lltf" ,A1 iicaUT, wntSi nMfhU .miilr,., M.iilcrt
it... liriovMaln.Mitv. vi-nu
k M. BROWN, unnt nod ah-em rtrr.Maln .slrrrt
'."iijMVlto Court llno-m. M iilJ
, l'OM.liTrn.nipnn twiner -in.! .l.-i l( r 1. 1 Tio.ll i
C RWl n!lOt,tISltlt.,ol)p'VIW 1lrllilli.ll
... ,,;' M mi
HWlvY ir.Ll!!M.manufaturpr nnd .idler In
C(i Main bv
ikio-.t ami enosa, croprir i-ji i-v-, i.-i. .i,.ii-
41 8.VIl UBIZ, boot Mul RliM.miUrr, J
'i KixSow Ilortiijan'a nlora, v;ii'l nl .Marl;
Main fit
f lew rt.
v'-'i' I
11VAN8, M. 1. BursPon atjd phvrlplnn soull)
b. nan Alain t, botow Mtirlu t. vl-n4 I
lert. K. P. Klua-y aun
Malri nt., ifarlr DlirMto
oiBijcopal Churcii.
KU. M nibuv I, lii nuiK.' il ...11. nii.nn.
notiorllisMaUnlii irt., below linrkct. vl-iiu
,. UHOTElt, J). Mirpim nml lJ!irlrlan.
teMrotBt.,nbOTOMaln. vl-nJJ
U. O. IUcnn,nrgoouiInt 1st, Main rI
yj boyo court Hpnac ' - vl-nH
h Wm. M. RdMr. arirRSo. nml l'hrslcHn.Mx
?lhiiKO llloafc OTrVeib' liook Rlon v:i-n2)
SSla. nonrao:
'tiornfjvet-Idiw, O.Hco llnrt-
ivll IKKUm.'Attomey-at-Law.oraro. M ilnor
ou, la rlticS-, ncjir t'jg "JAcliauKs lln
hatfm ... ,. . N-""
1 "'lIIiLINKliY AJANOY 00003.
ItofSI. J!. KMN1J,, Millinery nml l'.ancy Uonli.
Uwilaln Ih'Iow' tlaifcct. vima
f&a LK'ilB 'U.UIKLWV, milliner, lUmrcy
M iilMlnB, ,, . vl-nlJ
6KS A. 1. yKmi,' rsncy rokIi. nolHrw, Iwohs,
ilMlonorj-, Ksenanja hlivlc Jlnlncirm;t.
. . . r f r( f vl-n 13
trriirrKM AWrnlluA(ry iml Juicy goo H op
t fnioalta KiiUmop.'UoJinioli, iiulu St. vl-uiJ
llxi ,,. i, i, . .
Units. JULIA A! A aU)Hl!AKKI.nY, Wlci
i, xiloiUiaii't 0V.iifttarii iftmtllcnsl corner
a nua weal et. , vI-uU
fSSHM. DKlliflOIUlOMvTnllllncry ana fnney
gooilii.Malnct.'.opgolUo i (3m t liuino. vl-ull
' S'A M.U.FUltll.N, milliner, Main r.t bolow
'iKt larlniau'a storo,.w.o,jl, ui Mailiot t-U vr.U
JfiSti MIfWES IIAIIMA'N mlllliicry anrt fancy
cimokI, Uulu lc;i3tOa6.1H)vAiiierifCUilioilLU.
ifllit . t u, vl-ull
rstiKACOOK.nutornnil eating wilinn, Amcrl
, m Uiiuso, Mnin t., liaiticr Lcawk toporin
W4nlU. .'l ' -- yl-nti
nJLtUJlYKU 4 JACOJIY.-'cmifiifilonry, b.i!:cry,
TJl'unUnyi'torafoon.iwn'jla-aliiiinii rciiUl, Ux
'tllilifco Wocli, Main BU vl-nl)
,S . VUaD..6ctkirierr.
Imhr-ry, mill oys
roloou, njyilepfll iul ivt-ill, Jiiehanijo
-TILVNIIU noillfa, by.Ko.:i , A ctajlr, Jlaln
3aW!!IUOAN HOU3a,'liy'J0llM l.l!Al-ll(, Mulu
1., wtnnrrjJiUcat, . vl.utl
,CK HOTUli, by (J.W.MAli(iri!,.r.stPnil nf
icn'unlurl. vl-n.i
nruvnATrMTi .nr.nalV.'rtu:.l .'nl!.'mlTnl..ri . l..u.
iyjTjoYot'oiirtUouci.;r t-i
cii ' 1 " ... ' . .
. 0N3 & C'LAJvlf. rcTtiishMPi'
Jl han5o liottr;;A"j; '
i.i'i:i, l'x
Tl tl-MJ
.llolii 1 i 1
, i it..
VfATOFai, Confortloaery. 6we.lf.. i-u. Jlnlu .
SI.AlILLKB..dlcr;Ul Jli
XiufOiawatuTJioBr.iinil, i-li.w,.jii
0118, QtP.
ito " "oc-tr,Bfn,."r'rw
ilinfl' I Wtf.".. iV.i .
ltntKLV.V fIKIi'tfCb.; dtnli'rii lu 'diy cU,
'ysrocarito,-mwpTifUj.nail, ina, iron, uaim,
'J nortnmoHwaKvr.Mrtluiiuu Miraet M-i'l-iiU
u b " ;
Ml O.UOVVElliKatf and'eaja, hv.f,
'in W Hum at, niu7ftCourt(HoaM'.
iio l,
lie a .
j., J ii-.'!: j; 1 ' M 1
iinvD..fJAIia;ibiintinml uotlmm, nouthrrcst
ill"'. ilMOWKlJjlTryenoUi, i;, oteCMiior
ialn nna,omrtnoMivl!oy "
111 V
junutalloc-jy, -UikhtBKM'iw- .Murlrot
'K'ri il..
IfrfJrlLLIAM EHAHMDS, coulcctlonorlOT, Main
ixtu" t., ucarttrnUroBU.
?MKNXTliMIAlUi,rxonoral toclt nf loorctian
JwinUtu noil luuljrt.Qornor ul .Main tieeiauil
,7i'H-;eltroal. - "' vl-ua
mrf" ' . ' :' 'ji . : '
w". noBBir?n'.Virpji)tn-i''M2,AftYTii me.-
lil7oWocl,Slalnal.w(irio,v;rv! yl.nrl
gtrcai buow''OTfa'ot;.', - ,;;'X'un
i.i ii, . ; i , 'I.1. tts 1 rli..r, 'i.i. ,
nhifw notion?.
KYCB', oilie'Bi caioV aiiuf'rf VauiiW
1SAlalnai.,uVi9V,.')t, : , tl-nH
" (mAMKliTA A'ifi'ilAYIli'Y. ri1. iitnialn
Ilrocerlen, l,'.jifcciUirnc. i.iul NuUhiih,
tlnwniioulhT.1(l0i'tu diioig, Hlvn llroii'ti
llbjt4TrfAV:-filic'nV(!icr. aii'l t"i:l r
J '.j.yv iwum,
,iniii.Truoiii3in KuJii rtict t.
iMf a. rimiaTMANriia.Mii,iir
lander, or,i.r!io;!iiU.isl .! nit ri-d lnriiem
T, or,i.r!lo;iiil,'.isl ! nu ll Main r.t..'
, Vull.1
m, W. WUW'l'LtWU.'X. r""'0. IJireo story
,lirlH(.n IAtiiKi.;,i;li.rM'IVfl it. vl-nt:
unlliysWTa'lVir'r.""v.-ltiilW l l.n,!ei,
ul rtl.liirul.porV.t-l'l)lni.t, vl-utl
IKlttllNTVHltVr. -iVlM.II'k fO.M r 'I'.-rHnlinn
i!t'dI) M'! MaTji.tAiITHfftqfoiut". l-nl'l
'.T,,' v.,iMii)trxai:'Wj.-.iiiiii.'i!!,ii .titii.nos-
iVi f'H'tt near wlliiwd. Crj!irt.uii:i.vlf.l ii'l
iJao-U'' caar.ilnary uuul4 nut rcnrf .1! iCJ
htfitf1" 'B3tl W.?'Wl''tJ!'
vl.mj'J.TlIlir.KlfAH, Akhu (lunroiiV (Vip rTe-
7lu., '
tllnatiialtvrjHV.d Wlilloand Inurv
wi; ijiauur.ii LUIIIIKU lir.. mannf-ietiuers
re l' lid dQAlere In rimtK.j. nf nil klnila. nlniihn
a(3iirOie ratv
"ii'?!! warms TWrJ.. kjiiiiihwi
JwroerMairwMt-Wlrlieiiil.K. , vl-nlt
IJITUIV! . . .. . .. ...
M" lI.HlNOHlMCiHAIer 111 vl fnw: nreiiw I'm'
. niipiieMtfl.Mi..y.iV)rnipjnirnltiiroirwiii
'I.?, .lu ik. vl-iitl
1 ,LSMkn
iiurvniruct, uuiner iair, aim Jroubts. Vl'nl-
L' rE.COOjnNitoryPubllo,ijthoaiitcorufr.
J. Mulu and Market at, vl-iiU
rf?.V ' '
jr P UNA. KUNBTON, mntnal and caih rotea ftra
jjlljjjurau ooinpany,uor tucatcrviner,MUjmn
""ii T
ouilJkrOKIi' JAOOltY', MarWa and llrowaPtnna
S'oika,Kai(llloomiiliurt;,l!eiwietiroad, VI-1.J7
nrt. O. A. MEOATMir,!., rhjulclnn nn.I Brrwoti,
JSlamtl.,nciti!oorUiUixnl,n lletcl. M-n
DtUCK 1IOTKL ana riifroiiliiiieiit aloon. by
JiWiii. MaUUcr our, uf MaHirnJriiioi.t.Vlm
1 TAIWAN IiUOTI.Un.1, TiTinnra riul mniiifri'
I tna'.iji'i i.miiir, nil iui n.
i ;.v loi.Is'
DAVlll lir.nUINU, KloiirnmU'ilil Mill, nil 1
Dr'.icrln, i.'ji: I '. i-nU
pOV.'f"! miUP.IN'l, ilcalr In iliy t'lci..,
JV,. loi. i. . in' 'i :.,l ftitt'inl AlorCliiii.JIii
M.ilii '. vl-ulT
Jlitlll ('itV.'.iKt:, ,'lilla ami TifiriieHimMic.r
Jli'a . l .oHjr,n Hulol. vl-n:7
ft I:. V. .COLKlUNrMerctiant tailor" un.l
ti tt:o r.rtr-i: r.Mlsl.
il il.' :i ii i.'ini'-i'ri.
;.'vl'i, .
mm"!,. ii-ai ''.ooi
D'AMPUl. nAIlMAN,Cnlilllrt!:i!.ir
iiiiuucr, iiilm Hi., iielow r.ii. '
UTIll Ull
MKllIA1.1i l Knt.T.KH. CnnrfflJ.iiitry, oj-Kiom
r" p... ,n:ipnoUt, fnilMo.VV' fllil.
Hit. A O, Kr.J.CI!N'Hn, riirb.iulii'K,.
, Ktir t, ncarriuo.
i fl'll
Wlt.TilA ft nKt.ONO, Wioi,nV-raiil riniuil-c
turerul llfaie,r!i!llll.17i;Uorriiio vlni9
LnVlS It., Iron rounder, Marliln-l.-.t,
nn.I M mn tattmor (t y'.-m, Mill Bl.vl-n IT
MILKfl A. WILI.tAMR ft m.rniinemMul I"H
Hpoturcnof I'allier.JJllll l.ti."t. vl-nl7
an.! ' Bltiii-rtiarirr, I'Diu
,1 L'triT.1, opivoiltc tho Acuijciny
Alt. HE1UIJNM A llKWllEll, raiwnl(u xiiit
, U.ill'li.i!i,M.!iiUtrci.,lji.luiv Titie. vl-ni:
(JAMtlKL HItAnPL!Cn, Maker pMhallaylturst
O lltaln Crstllo. !nln (St. vt'nB.
I. HAltJIAN, niilillo and hnrnm iokir
, Orai'!rovtlle,opp.lLori'.'iwucl!iiu-li. vlvll
pr. i;iri;tor, wutli-saM crnor SLitii ana ivcoml
D. HINAHU, dealer In stoves and tln-waro,
MainHlroct. S-ul.'
rtt. 11. ADMIT r, attorney at l.iw.Miln etrwt.
rtll.IlRltT A KLlNK.drTcooilB. aroryrliw
x ciiirai inercnanawa, aiain tivrcci
and lco
vJ-n it
cronnt In Beaton Jlaln Street,
. nobbnm' nullillns
P. ITALf.MAN, Mcrrluat T.'.lior, ffLeoml Ft.
.11. J. If. IMMMNfl. HureiHiu nml riiyslelnn,
1 second lit., tinlmv Main. r.'-nis,
11. KIH'I.EU,"l'nttiTlTOHonRC," North Wnl
, Corner Main and Heomil Htreels. v2-nls.
MM. ntlOCOT, tloaler In OcncralMcrchnmllsn,
. Uiy Clouds, Uroccrloa 4c. v:-iiH.
jKTKIt EST, dealer Jn dry eooUs, Kwrli.
' tl.tllf fr,.! D.ll flul, ,nlt ..7. 1.1... .
filrcot. vl-nll
TEHWILLtOEIt, Cabinetmaker, Underlain r
and Cbalrruakcr. vl-n.'j
Wheelwright, find dnnr
JJL abovo sebool'lionso.
W.-ftANKEY, dealer inLcatlior, Hides "ark,
etc, Cauli rUllf'rlll(lri. ' vl-nw
Rfi. RNT, dealer In
aU 113 brandies.
fiMvuH and tin .ware in
JOHN A.OMAN, manufacturer ant) dealer In
buuts ami sboet. Tl-nei.
J J. LEIHEli; M. I. Snr!.txm and riiyiilan.
Ofitoo at Keller's r.-nl.l
II. IKVINE, Mo-llcU Utoro Main Ht. and
llrlaicicelc llavi. -
T I). WEKKlimSKlt, lliot and Hhm Store
I ; iiu-i liianiueiiMy. tiiirprn piniihTreei,oii-
hiiUo atcani Mill.
va-1 1 'A
risi'Y btkam ri.ountNti ll I f.LS, c,
S. Fi.wlc r.
v.'i' :o
11 F. rtl!IOJIAltl, ftllltO., dealrtB in diyjimlB,
J), KruccrUs, and inincbaudu.e. l'.'::ll
rn W. EliOAU.fliitaiulianiiariniitng Mill nml
.i.. ,tlo Manufnetory, vi2:ill
I (l. ft'V.'. H.-r.llOr.HAKIitt, drmfs in dry
ilcoil", ijiiiful.. and f unt.ral nnrr'n.utl.e.
lull loi j,lu"J i:liJ'.il "1 limn, v-ril.i.
TACO.IIAWW.HAl'.Utn.'it-.'eia In dn- f.m.Vi,
"l ITiTfyrf'o'''"",r,Vl l"'ll'"03. I ll.l lli'lllIU
ui.ii.i ci.ii f.i uaii. v-ei'n
'l ACOH A.RVmilKn,.Valpr in lllilo, Ii.itlier
n j;aii(.i.. iuaiuion vn;iiiunpi..iiiin.i.i iriiuiuv
J0, l.,.......:
. . , pjniNTlNO.
Nuatiy oiceutoit at din onico.
A T T 0 JVN R Y A T - I. A W,
Oinco In Hie Uxcltansu i:nllilln, femivl Mory,
over W'ldmycr A Jaeoby'a C'onlvvtlonery, rion-l
door nliovo tlio JJxtbrnRe IloJel.
niomiabur;, Jan. 1, hin.
y 5f. L'VELLE,
Ashland, Beimylklll Cnnnly, l'cnn'n.
. , ' TAT.VP BMIi Y-- AT- 'LAW.
' Onloovl11) E..JT, r.lllte. In hrlcHJiulldliis: ml
Jnlntnj t'oMtyileo. llniintlex, llaek-lHiy nm
Tciislnnit eolloeledi " " sp:S)J7.'
ipbiiEiiT v. crnii,
V' 4 m m i i kf in ? ' a in I i
A i A l' t 1 J' j A U V. 1
Hiinrjr ol Milt mvl Market strode, over
First attonil infKiiiwJtwri,'.
Oflti (V.'lH.J.ii. TAllry.ljel.nv the OILUMtllAK
illil'l,- n.
IlLOOMHlltma, PA.
Ofclxiu-.nurL llnnvi. All'.v!
tielmv thp (w.
flllf''n III. I. it.
IJttlll ii7,
T p. l'UJllilJIi,
v . ' ' .... ...
JIAlCniJVt, HAPIII.K, AP.1I Tlllinu
mid dealer It '
t'AHl'irr.llAON,' VALWEH, rLY-NKltt.
ntiKrALo r.onc, iifiuiM:i.inK6H'. r.,
Mrlileli li TiIk eonfldent lin chii neil at jamrM
rain limn any tnjir iimhi in ma iiuuuy
nii.M. lire. ui
llurC, lUinnml
Nov, I5.JW7.
Klum Unit, ilutn' lulruz, tba IVint Oittna .Main
nvi.M'v. ii.i.i.iHi.i..K. .im.
'It.ii iiitdi.i uliinoj, liavjj r: tafcGii tl.n rima.
niiuy inipiv.1 uy I'r.j j.-iiii.tinni i-.t nuin..
Ilu i iiuuKO ltiil.ii. vouM tmtlly tl.i" eitlf. mnl
inouoi'my nine vuiD.unLiiiiij i.n nunii
U Ilin il' iiH I'lirin hi . ,
lio'oi;., i j'A'noiiiijiv. Atiii wall PArr.ii,
AlvilLe. wIkiim MJ'.xlni'O nfd JIeviiVeni
iuni.:il 111 n.ll'l.Tr.rjniry, t-nitfj iiir WHieu Mill
l-i) j inriiiiiiy mmniuii i.
'i'lIK ClIltULA'lJMi I.lCHAnV
which law been in isiacfen,r-.iH for
ii... Llimiii.r kii.iTMirL ..1 l&u eoinuiunitv. 'Ilia
Urj.1' nio Iwiimlili-, and aiilltlonal wlm.-rllKis.
lirOHnOllUU IIIJ1.IUI) I1M UiillHiv.Ji i.ij i.iiiu..,
of vohuinw.
Xliu mur.1 liiii'erlcwU of
r NOaiONH AMI PA NOV auoim.
Trill lialcrr.t up nii.1 uo V'dun i-paied to Hrttlsfy
iiwwiiu4uiuuiiHwn.. p. WEDI1
May 11,' illiH.iiisburs, l'o
thomas uauhcin oo.
miAUins in jioaTKiir,
MniiV rttr.Ki'miKrt noons,
r.t.u:.n nonoNfi,
mi, I . !or.T:J tf.iiPTit rTi.r.irr
.liiup J,-. J-r-n
JOHN KTP.Otri' A fl
Hnntor nunnr.ip ll'0Hir,
wiiiiiiii'Ai i'''x in i inn,
H N'olli V I inn ii..' i t.-iii V,1.,..
tiliAIJON A !
a w
M iwnfAiliirtiu'ii
nil i.i ii ir. anii Win now .'it'iliv.
Wnn liii.i.., M. 17S Hiutli f'Unlntreol
l,iillii.,l.i n.
Imtmitci and HcMm In
KAIlli'VAIll'.i'ttll.Un.HliNrt, P
No. ''11 N'.rlti lti t'llrwt. niifiyp Vina.
WYDI-ilS, IIAUUIN ,t MAltfU'71'P,
Maillllr-lll-lr I'l'l J.ilil"-ri..i
vm ti A.NH tsuypi' ft.irrm.Mi,
Mm, iijit uJiiri.i t. cinl 'ijl f .-inirturivt-iirMii,
Q.KOKOK ',P()I!Iii; Kit A ( !).,
u?ieFnie jicnicin ,n
W l..l'J'.T A Wtl.LOW WA 111., Y AlltlM.
iill.Oloilif), Wlfl:j,Tirlnrflrasriit', ntf., ie.
aiTAr.l MirketPt. ft'iH t;hureh Rt., t'
Jimo 5,'li'1.
Vlio!e81o Pep.: era In
l.Aintvy runs.
No. 2'.7 North Ktipct,
MarintD-Iy riillailrlplil.i.
JHTAIJliIi'IlEI) 17!.,
Vliol..A'ito(lr(K.eiH, r.ijil Ur.;ilinlu
HAIl l'.K'n. It ANH Illtl.MKTDNr:,
Nli'JiaNtrtliHilril St.
i piulmlelniili.
il'ip A'aJi.i - i '
I "ip.ii u- -it. i. ri,r .
. i. (11 W-i AN"ill,i
.'.'l .11 N. 'I Hid Si
' t'lilU.lei,il.
V. itANK'K
W IIUJ.U,) I, t' I ' M i V'm, 'I.NIII. 1-', Alll
Ultl.VIt SV.UltiilllllMK,
No. 1M Nf,ith'H,.rlrtiiwi,
,iwei, iai-iry mid line.., wftal sltUi,
. l'hllHfilpbla.
IllllAl,l,i, cirk 11 r-1 I'.ifA II
Ml. 315 K0RTI1 TnillP UTIIKIT,
.'.1.11 1 Pocr ti.iT Wvt.i-1,
nttl.APEI.IMI I .
W. u.n.i.i l l"ni,Mv
t .
. V II II Ii;r. r. A Ii 11 " It III- K US,
N. I'", i 'ill i.i r SlM.ii.. I ill.. I Am i lilm .l.,
' I'illHiill.llllA,
lll'llji'l III
Tis,svr.tiii,i 'ii'i'mcwi'iiMi. .iiiiarisLM.
uior, MirriH, ri ivmi snn.i, .to., Af.
HT."i.l. r i HI i.'c.lwi prninpl atlenll.iii,
Uli.y in. isi,7-lv.
11 HIW.NK, ' '.7. .1. KINI,.. I. 11. rilVllUIJT,
V. liVI.I jM.iw ill, I -IIUI 111.1.
KivJi 1 :arl;it Mi rut,
'f .ruiLADiii.iiitA,
Older, ll!jpt I'Tomplly at liwevt
"J.uiu iry i. !', "
Taal'jrr.,!!. ap.ihak. f, R. iUM.ian.Kn.' u ni.v.
:;o. k,i Nouiii tiiiiik i'iiii.Ani;i.i iiiA,
Two Itoym nliap.Ar'UJarinPly iH,
MAmn'.MjriMinn anti jonnnci in
oAr.i'Kw.f.'orlfiS'n iiattinu-,.
OIL t.'t.OTHF, C.U1PL"!'. CHAlNfl, COKDAdi:,
otLniiAnjp, auAiN-nAOB, tie yarn,
wipij v,in;l, wttiiKiw r.WK, cvhiilew,
nunoin, nnrariF.ii, jioKiNn olavct, iuuhhii
Puii. wm
Ui;OU(.V: W. MAl!Ufi:il,.l'rtvprlfttnr.
Ihanbuvn wolLLnovrn Ualil limi in nttv nmlct-
nuc r.i'i Tfti hinurM in it-, jun mi! jirr.vir-nipniB,
nn'i viri r.r tirfn-jiiiiniin(fia in niJ!'nu i n nnitn
nrtil tie ii ivfillm vntillo tint hit ncxmf.latlni
lor inoconituii.iti ins t;u.v,i.uti m imu in
tJm oomiiry. Jl fa intilg vhl Muny4 1 n !nwl wip-
lvtnxn (exfepi tirt pnvUar JiovejRii linotiji as
liniw(.nro fiitfrftiv iniivt.pit'ltlrfetfiom till pol-
kimrinsilitvjM. Jl .-ilhuuUi.innrnllr.rval iv.tron.
i v
II .- It N A
HAvif! tat. iv .i.i- ' art HHut no tlio
a-f ti itiwv.i dii ul'.; iVoinrty,
,v il.'-.i'. mi iv- i i,t ii i i';n.
i.n ! "i ilu "IIp." n.i 'nvi. in i-o tnwii ni
rli. nil. .ii;u .ul ,i it: .i.i.' i. . iihi inr
. 11.1.-1
11 .W S T A U U A N Tf
1 1 ifi r Liu) liir tui.ti l:t 1 4.1 1 ll't'. It l i.i iHUUtslttti
K U I LI ll'l" 1M(I'. I II IMI-K't I'll :"! I KM.III
till c. ii.l lit HIS I.. I IV Mltil I IU .'til lilllllHl t
p:ic:iiAJs7iK mvrEh,
Tna iniilurrilrnittl
navw: inin-iiii uin-weu-
,lu(t:ilil Ii'1 H't, Oki Ki)iaiik
tri...... nntiitiipiilinll.i
Jiiitel.uilii&lblin ,v A,iwftriu'.ivr,iii junniuiiuuriE
n..iKe. r.m.i.t.dilv rnfiirm Irn.iiJ i unit thu
fur tliu it AiVtlon ainleiitPltiiliiiiiiiiit nt travel
wh'untVbudtfrrfHii'd.iiiftiYiip " wlu! tiiclr
una. Ui'i.1 liaioi.pipiliiocxiwniUi pwm
Ulilli 111 ,l-ni llll IP'H lliririirilMHillfclli.w III nrurr
Una. Ui'i.1 liaio.piPilliocxwniUi pruMriac
Ui.jU.rrliiiuoA ) llieuntnrlaliiiiKiiluitlielruiAla
UMl'jr uin t ' hi'rii l nni tnUi'S v nOn(! u ihelr
HWl icr u m h ' uiTii 119 inu inui i ii.iiuni; i'u i.ivj.
'Mrt toinlnUti r .unii.uiil rkvnrmt. 'I buy
Mri in iniiiMii r in nun .uriinuiii lwiihii. i ui
loiuali 11.U..HP11,', ibjulk uii iiPPtlint l
ir.j. I.i.ill.'..i.
ili.rt.llnH..uiiiii ntnlt tlniuH liiitv.'..r.n thrt l.'x. .. Il.tlj.1 .i.iil I hri v' ru.!l.l:l.l detll.lil. t V
Wllioii im eucM ivin jr. pijicmitiiy rui'v..3 t"i
and tromtlinr.'Mr' live iIhIImu In d.n. tlmt)
men. ine null. jvi'iipi'-i i,.i..
, lllooiusbni, April s.riiji,
ihiuvvrt; pa.
WlIiUAM WlUilAMH, Proprlcloi'.
Tlllti well l uo'in Hutol 'ill "Mitln ly Mltl-I
nml VLfutiilalicii.Viiin aiicwunu3 lMiirii iiiiu
mt ti,..l iUitiviml..t..i nf purity.
Aiwmuiuillniu l.Hiiy Uluolelsooniifpted with
1 1... A.I 4
A LlentiM will Iia oliiaiueiV (it May Term nf
Court, wlioit tlio luir T.'lil no onppiicd wuu uip
rliuleeuwtiiM.llrinorii anil Kenaw, A lair khaie
rl imtmnnEo In 1 dine: leu.
Apr- H,,o)-0iii.
llatH barp of ll-.c rude wind,
rtrnel: vrlldly u.'. fr.ia,
A'l llilif li lo nip.
Tlio nnlKt ul 1 110 Vlli!,
The Unto a'l.l tlullr.r,
Ti my v."iyv."n-l n .
Jlirt trial i. i,m '.m
My vo'.co to ill oflivn
Ns'tr, r.o'er could I 3 Iralnr J ;
Such iKeudodiarinoili. I
I.nt Ihmi (n thy vlMnp
lli e.o;iI uVr my 'iml,
Till tU?rnicli nf Winn tear?,
IVIiljre'rei eoul I cnnlrnl.
To 1'ioflyec roailMrjMa it
Tlion Uudcuiit loply,
To 7.iphyi u fort 7lilnper
'J'luiu broallicst but a ri'di
A f.oul .uvklllni! feollni
Awmj-'nlofithy ilia,
nubilnlnj tird powslve.
Aii t!:a taclndy d'ci.
'ibeu,H:iip,liq thy linen
liiv, fullnf Uindrrnei,
iVi wliollj' Ihlnooiii.
Thou ivuid'ftl rinntli., arypet intr.fttrel,
III ctilliliiood sono by,
Aa thPii do 1 lnro 111.",
a.i then, tilt l die. air
rr.o riiTrsr.-cwETtT. rtvj. o. noLtAMii.
TI.ih It ball over tlio onrthl
That wlih'li Vv'o catltiiofiUrert,
And prlzo for Its mirpaiylna worth,
IiPhrays larent.
Itou In L.ip.l In mountain pllco,
AudRlula tLolnoiaiilfnif;;
Eut col.l.ililiPB gleam In dim dctlliw
And lonely koi'gc".
Tlio r.noiry mrlip lleclai the land
Willi hcapo.1 run! raunded ledjsi'a,
Hut ill rni.n-li lilda lieneatli tho iiud
The lr rlarry inlBee
Tlio (luny ni mica clog tho twlnp,
Tint Liveepa tho lizy river,
tint pearl.i poraj alnRly finni tlio brine
Willi the pa'"dl7ir.
Uo-l (lvci no value unto men
TJnr-.i-.trliPti T.y mepd nt liboi ;
And Civ 1 - . Wottli tina ovei lnn
ThoelouiM nelrhtioi'.
Wpih livery hill a rner lotri mli.e,
And ii'ililen nil lho niounlalu.;
Wtr nil thn rivers fid with wluo
lly 1.11'clesii I'lHiutnliiK;
l.lfo uould bo ravisUinl or IU xest,
And choru of ita niotillinn,
And titnti Into the .Immteiis rejt
Of Inanlilon.
lip the l.mad tied Vatuo rcari mr.lhv;i tw U'rliifj pjrtlt.vanl
To summon mon to r.otil..r riphorCfl,
And UW tlioiu worthv.'ivii.
Tlio story of tho ducat with tho Torn
lint ui;d rugged hablllmcnta was full of
inlorest to tho llttlo p.trly of listeners,
nnil was narrntel In a pleasing mnnner,
anil was ljilefiy as follows :
He had been shipwrecked on lho const
of Maine, about six woeki before, with
tlio lo. of cvorythl'ijr, antl bail been
dependent upon tiio charily of persons
in tho (owns ho had passed through for
niciiiiH (o icacb Boaton, wlioi'o ho Knew
he would be agisted (oBnltimoro,lil3 ru
sldenre, by tho association of Odd-Follows,
of which ho was a member. Ho
said ho had loft Baltimore six months
boforo nil supercargo of a ship' bound to
lho North Sea, and. was shlpwicckcd on
his loturn voyage.
"I had no claim," ho said .proceed I ni:
with liLuinrnitioii, "upon tlio dlizona
of lho nmall towns I passed throuRli,lx-
yond lho ordinary ono of charity, which
hiis bpcuno co often reiterated that I
find il bos Rot to uo liitio iicciifxi. i
liliow if I could meet p, brother Odd-
Fellow I .'.hould find n friend ma a
liome. Xn rortlaiul I Junuirtxl, but
fouqd Ihovo was no lyidno rslabllshoil
tiioioj and iiImo In l'ortaiiiouin nntt oth
er towns, liniuiy, tins aiternoon i
rruilicd Btnton, u otinngcr to ovGry per
son lit It. I had provlouwly drawn up a
papor alalins my eiltmtlou.ln which I
had put tho Rccret dolj'iiatio.i of a mcin
berHhin In my Ol der, knowing that If I
should by clianco piacnt It to a brother
ho would Immediately recognize thu
mystic. sign,1 and oxfeud to mo; ragged
and wretched as I was, lho fellowship
of his hcuitnnd Imnd."
At thai) wordi! Jniues Lay Ion turned
slightly and glanced at both hH wifo
and brother-in-law, whilo liquid smllo
of prldcftil triumph T-parkled in his
"I had been to .several hollies," con
tinued tho fitiangei', "without obtain
iiigoven courlesy fium llw servant at
tho tloor, yot h.or.liig lVovidenco would
at length bring" mo to that offt.'FeHow'
of tho Order, of whom I knew thcro
was a largo mim'ticr in l;olon. I had
inquired in tlio ritieti of two or three,
asking irauy of them would tell mo
whoi-ol could iliulnn'O.ld.Fcilow.'whsn
taking my riuiii.inn a.i an odd oim lliey
only called mo mi 'odd-follow, anil
bmloniowalk nboMt my liiuiuc.n! I
bad jitoiod by'. door when some-
thlnt; within mo pi-omptisi mo to turn
back mid oueo innro mako nn effort;
for on fliulliigu member nf tho Order
iliira ndcil my lioiiiisof sustenance and
shelter to-night, tw well tw my roturu
to HallliiiOio, x now feel lhat rrovl-
dcni'O protublttl mo lo t-.ll at your
door, and I cjiinof bo too' Eratoftil for
your 'hospllallly and klndpeurt to a
"A brother of our Order lu novcr a
Htrunger," Ii1 Jamci, kindly, 'I'focl
happy In Ming tiioiiivtrtimeni aifiomg
you lho service you ntxxl, Ourbrothfen
meet (o-iilL'hl and J was going out,
when you cnllcd, tonttend tho meeting.
I will lay ycur t:f.o l efuio il to-night,
tttid, a-1 Kavo no cpave bctl, If you will
put tin tlii.i c.unblol wiapiir'r.and oblige
mo by wearing this hub Uic tho night
U roui!i out I will rtoinp.inyyou ton
comtorlublo Inn which lira mi tlio way,
and find you u lodging. To-morrow at
ton o'cl ifk tall on nm heie, and 1
will Icll you what wo have done for
Tho fi loudly kludnciB of James' voice
and his manner of nivo.iklng to this way
farer, struck bothhl-i wife and brother,
and his hearty and cordial hospitality
and opcuhaudod benevolence, made a
deep impression upon llioin. They ro
malned silenl for several mlnutca after
Mr. Iinyton und tho stranger had left.
At length Lewisspuko!
"This Is Indeed wonderful! Ilem-iv
forlh, Cilliurliie, I am an Odd-Fiil-low
Tin1 Wiititnof lho wanderer wereiii
qtiiied Into by two of the "brethren,"
Mini c.nly ne.'tt moriiiiig, by tho Order,
to tlio Inn ul which Jttmos had left him;
and in a short, time, under their kind
liivuh, there wm a inmiifost change in
his wardrolii! and extnrnnl appearance
Money was also placed by thorn ln,lM
Imnd', and I hey pailil from him wilb
(hut J'eliowhlilp and goed will which
U m beaiitll'ttl a characteristic ol tho
'it is ul ready Ipilf-paM ten o'clock,
James," .mid l.owK who. had wallfyl at
home to wo lho Issue of.lus brollier-ln-
l.iw's bonevoloiil toward tho
gue:,! ot'lhooveiiingbeforo; bo ww,nlso,
after n nighlM sleep upon It, lens zeal
ous lit bocomlng an Odd-Follow. Tho
argiuuettls of James bail been partiaUy
orgoUun, und tholr Impression In u
niniintir paisiil a-ny. "(I should not bo
surpiisiifl, brother," ho Kiid, laughing,
as the bauds of llui clock judical ed Imlf-
paM ten, "If you novev raw your new
cambiet wrapiier morol"
"You will not triumph ovei mo,l,ow-
i.t," annvorcd Jamro iileasnntly, "ho
Will yot be hero."
"You wore i-o gozierotu.too. as to loan
him your new beaver, bought laluly at
Barry's. You had bejt call in to-day and
purchase nuother for your's Is by this
tlmo at a pawnbroker's, or on ILs wny
to Ililtimore or Kymnic.oiiiii! Did you
look, C'alliatliin, to see ir iiuylhlng was
niiiiiini; Irom the front entry ?"
"You laugh nt lup.Lowis," said Jumcfi
Kaylon , "but rest atsiirod you will not
lui vo lho victory. "
"Ho may Iwn rogue, though an Odd
Follow, airl so deceive you."
"Nn. Tho priMciplifl of our Order
liav 'in Intluoiieo upon lho moral man
thai no temptations can weaken or
IhiMW n-ide. 1 r it weie not, If In-should
jii'nv. u in;;iii', y.'t I Iptve bill done, my
duly in mice. -ring a brother. I inn free,
the guilt, remains with him."
"And mi do tho new nun tilt I wrapper
and Ihelluny. 1 f you eo either ofthem
Hfriin, I will become a member of an
Order wiiimt moral power is such as to
bring iii.-ii'.-) vines in lubjeutiiiu to its
"Wlmtevr m olive, Lewis, muy lead
you lo become an Orld-Fellow you
wouid, believe me, find il greatly to
your iuttrcit io be (me,espcelnlly
should travel. Everywhcro you would
llnd tho hand of fellowship extended
to welcome yon, and in tho face of a
Mi'imger find lho binllesofn friend. But.
wc never urge,uot oven inviteany ono.
If you will bo ono of us wo will open
our arms to welcome, lovo, cherish, de
fend mid befriend you through weal
ami in woe."
"If your Irlenil returns 1 will oiler
my.u'lfat your next meeting. On hi
good mi lh, you M-e, T have hung lho-
faith und honor of your whole Order."
"Ami on it I am willing 't .diould
ban,'," said James firmly. "There U
the door bell."
"If it bo your Barry and wiapper 1
am an Odd-Fellow from thin day," said
Lewis, laughing.
"A gentleman wishing tb'Bi'oyou.Mr.
I.ayion," said tiio maid.
".Show him in." '"
"Are you suroitls a gentleman' and
nol tho man that wai in re Inst riir;ht ?"
asked Lewis.
"Ye, Indeed. Don't I know ngoiiilo
man from a, loafer like ilm! II took
me hall an hourtlil.i mor'niiiglo get lho
mud fiom hisiicelio'iTilin rug! Tills is
a genllemnn, Mr. Lewis, you may lo
suiti on II."
"II la not your man.JameR.'irjahl Low-
is, with a pok of triumph, ns tho girl
Mdurneil In tho h.ijl,
"ion are light," said Jaines, as she
iisheitd in a very gonllenmnly looking
man who,bowIng politely, slooil as If ho
exported to bo recognized'
"You do not know me, I see, sir."
"Now you speak, Ido,"iwid Mr.Iiiiy-
ton, approaching anil extending his
baud. "Now, Lewis," be said, aside,
"whal think' you nf my camblot and
His tnolbei' made no reply, but Mood
surveying IhOHtiangei wilh inereduliiy
mid iimprii'e.
"You will pardon my delay," said
ho, "but I was taken In hand by two
bielheren, whom your kind mention of
my mlsfetiuiio brought early to my Inn
tills morning ; mid (hey would not bo
satittled till they had taken mo ton
clothing warehouse and provided mo
wilh a hand somosiilt of clothes, liesides
other conveniences of which I stood in
need. II is not aquarlerof an 'hour since
they lot me go, when I directly hasten
ed hither. Your hat ami coat, sir, I
brought and have left in the hall. I
know n ji liov; lo thank you for your
pre:slnj; Juinca' hand in both of his
own ; "I hope you will not fall to pre
sent my grateful nckuowledghienls to
the society which has r'Ogeiicioiiily con
tributed lo my aid, and accept for your-
i-i'irnnu raiuiiy my wwt ivi-iu-s ruryour
"When do you leave ?"
"In lho ears this afternoon. I fcludl
bo lu Baltimore probably in three days,
when I will wrlto to you, and assure
you that 1 have not been an unworthy
object of tho rt'gard of my Order."
"I'ardon my Inquiry; but have you
any money V"
I'Yes, furnished mo by tho two breth
ren ,.enl to execulo tho will of lho Lodge
in my behalf."
filiorlly Hftcrwnrdi', Mr. Druinond,
for bo gave his name as Henry Drum
ond, took his leave, followed by tho
kiwi wishefl of bolh Lowis and Mr,
."Now Lewis," said James, as tho
door cloned on their guest.
"I havo sacrificed my prejutllccfl to
facts tint I can r.o longer rosul. I mast
yet oak ono ludulgenco brother. If tlio
result turns out us I wish. I will bo as
strongly tho advocate of your Order m
I havo boou its oiiponenl."
"Numo what you wish."
"Frankly, Hum, I hnvo to confiw n
lingering suipichin that, wbllo It ro
maln.i, will not leave inn r.o free to net
ns I would wish, should 1 concluded! Ihj
propof'oil as n candidate for inemlinmhlp
in your noble ftuli'iiiily. He siiyshe
Wits ship wrecked six wee!"i egn on tho
eoasl of Maine."
"Till' tan bo proved, Hum, by refer
ence lo Toplllf's lllis."
"No; Yot 11 would bo will enough lo
look lor such u Khlpwrock In tho rejiort
er's bit. Ho said tho iiamoof hi" ship
was the 'Trident.' Bill ibis Is not my
objection atone. " 1 f bo was wrecked fclx
wcekn ago in Mainonud In n man of io
speclablo connecllo.t in Bidtimoie, iiby
did ho not write from tho first town for
means, and tbero wait lilt ho had board.
Ten days would have brought him n re
ply mid mnncy, If his talobe s. truo one.
Itntetul of Hint be wauderafrom town
to town; and is six weeks i niching
thl i city. I mustcoiifiNS thlslookH very
"But ho rotujno.t tho coat and hat,
brother this wui trst enough uf Ida
honcrily in lili narrative," sold Ctilhii
1 1 no, who had a moment bofon- entered
t lie loom, and waa listening willitlecp
liiteieot U) their con vecsatio.l.
"It was his iiollcytodo so K-ildes
bo;bad no further need of them, Wing
well uuppliod with cloth and mpney.
This goes for nothing with mo, I will
wail unlit ho fullll.i his pienii-i' in wri
ting fiom Ba'llinioie. If he wrikM.even,
I will advance no further objections,
and shall bo ready moot cheerfully to
enjoy myaclfln a nocicly which Is dia-
tlngulshed by bmevoh'iicn so noble,
and by a code of pi ineiples so pure."
That very day James look LewH
with him to Toplifl'V, and after turning
over a lllo of paper.) for several weeks
back, saw under dale of Doeemlwi 23,
an extract of a letter dated Ca'.tine.Mo.
which road ns follows :
"Wo had a south-ra t gain blowing
hard for tlio last forly-ejhl hours, and
last ul;?iit lho i.'hip Tridenljbound f.vmi
Cnpenlingcn to Balllmore, was driven
fl.ihoio three leaguoj from lighl.
Out of a ercw of twciity-oiie.fceven havo
linen lost, lucluuin; the Capbiin and
Mate. Those who worn saved cauio
a.ihero with the lo(s of evctylhiiig. Tho
ship is fast going '.o pitw..,a!ii' will
probably, Willi her oargo,be a 'at i !ojs.
No insurance. Among thoe saved are
tho supercargo and second mate, and
one pn'-aengor, n Swede.
The young men on reading this para
graph .lilcutly exchanged looks. Lewis
saw tho expression ot tilunipli on
James' faco, and Mild, U3 If he were not
disposed altogether to give it up i
"This la all very well ; but be might
have known of tho wreck of this ship,
and so told his tale."
"You nro incorrigiblo, Lewis, I boo
plainly"said James laughing."! uco you
havo iitlio faith, after nllinour Order."
"Yea 1 havo in it. I believe It now to
bo till you have said, but I am,l eonfes,
munitions of the person who haisolict
ted its charily. It seems no strange that
a perfect stranger lo you should have
been so hand-imiicly rcc'ivcd and suf
fered lo dopai t. Surely ,your open hand
ed bonovolence, which admits no suspi
cion, must leave you exposed (o decep
tion." .
"Sohioin Rjr iipne apply who are not
of.our Order."
. ' ."And you contend that all of It are In
fiilllliioin morals'?"'
' yi( far aa Ibocacro'l, characlor of our
Oulor's chaiily is eon'cernnl, liieio aro
few who would make it the instrument
.oi fraud or vice."
' "If you geta letter from Mr. Drom
ond, I am silenced nave In praUo," said
Lewis, as they parted, each to go lohis
jilai-o of liusluivis.
James Lay ion whs ajiiniorpatfrior In
tin cxieiif.ive jewellers cfliann.'iiment
lu Washington stiwt. to whicli tiudoho
bad icgujarly norvwl an howst tippren-
llceahlp. His lato employer had a few
mouths before taken him into parlimr
slilp, He lived In genteel stylo In a
pleasant part of lho city, and was pros
porous lu ids affahs; wlilleho was to bo
envied as we hevo wilneesod, hi the und eonilorl of hl.s domestic
airnugemeiils. Ian1, to Foster, wlui-'.osis-
ter ho had inariled, was alro u Junior
pari tier lu a respectable dry ftoodit store.
lie win a young gentleman of strict mo
rals mid oi' couKideialiio Intelligence.
The wanue-1 friendship had long exis
ted between tho two young men, and
nothing hud over occurred to Interrupt.
lho hiumoiiy of their fniteriiiil inter
A week ten d.ijs a fortnight pa-Mil
and no letter had been lecciyX'd lioni
Baltimore. Lowis was about lodcclaro
himself the vlclor in his opinion of the
shipwrecked stranger, mid Jaines'
hopes in Ida Integrity lu misgive him,
when a letter mailed at ualllnioro was
Inotiglit from the posl-oilltv. Without
opening it Jaines lefl hNslnie.imi wont
to Lewi?, and exhibiting the ouUlilo
bi'oku tho seal. A i ho unfabled it hur
riedly, a bank nolo fell from it, and flat-
tero.l to the lloor. Lewis caught it and
"A hundred dullnr note, its I live!
Head tho letter 1" ho cried eagerly.
James read as foliowe
BaLtimoiih, March 10, lfyv
My JJcttr JYietul and Jhothrr : I am
happy to Inform you of my safe arrival
hero yo6lenlay, having lioen detained
In Now York by lllne.v. I am now quito
well agaln,'aiid haston lo return you my
acknowledgments for your kind assist
ance, and that nf your Lodgo. Tho
amount of money gcneiously advaii(.ed
mo, ami Ihe bill for my wardrobe, is
Homolhlitj; under (ho amount I enclose,
which I bet; you will tlo inn the litvor
lo return to tlio Society, for thorellefof
others of the Order who, like me, nifty
bo thiowii by Frovldeiuoin a coiulltlifm
lo call for its bonovolenee. I pray you
will prosent my rejjaids lo your family,
and accept the iwjuraiiecH of my groto.
Ail friendship. If you, or any uf your
friends should visit Baltimore, whom l
shall remain und onraigo in lho inetvau
tlio liuslucss, I shall esteem myself sig
nally happy in extending to yon our
hospitality. Respectfully,
I)l!M.--V01i. XXXIII NO. 21.
Your friend and lnimbluicrvmit,
To Jnmco Laylon, Kiq.
When James had finished tho letter
he looked up nnd met Lawls'n eye.
"Forglvo me, James," ho exclalmeti
wiiiinly and wilh much feeling. "I will
no more doubt nflcr llii) Ihe purity of
your Order, nor (ho pilnciplcs of Its
members, than I do (he goislnesj of
your own heail aud the excel lenity of
your understanding. From (bis hour I
am heail ami bund with you. in your
next meeting 1 hopo you will not forgot
to proposo mo as a candidate for Inltia.
tlon as a member of lho noblo associa
tion of the "Independent Order of Odd
A Tunny tticlrtenf.
A very funny mistake was made by n
Juror yesterday which provoked much
merriment among thejudger. and nltnr
noya of the Circuit and Common lieos
Courts. It occurred In this way ; Both
CouiIh had Juries empaneled, nnd
through mistake an old gentleman ser
ving on tho Jury of the Circuit Court
Blrayed Into tho eouiiuoa I'loas Court
and look hi t seat among tho rct of the
Juroift The looms of the Courts aro very
much alike, nnd such a mistake could
easily lm miule. But the fun of it was
that tho trial was about commencing
when ono of the nrjns-eyetl attorneys
discovered that Ihowweic thirteen Ju
lius in the box. At'cuich wits at once
instituted for the itilcilopcr, and tlio
old gciillcuiuil was pounced upoiiss tho
Imgusjuror. Ho pioU-ded Iotidiy, und
bis'utcd that bo had liven silling on the
jury the dey before.
The Court ventured the remark that
tbero must boa nihtakoEomewherc.but
llioold gent was determined lomsfutain
his position and if thiitcen Jurors bad
been selected instead of twelve, it was
not his fault. The SheiilTwas complete
ly boat, and could not forlhelifenf liim
account for the baUei'a do:;on.
In tho moaiitiiiiclhcCitciiit Court was
nniiMo to proceed for the want of the
ab.-ent jiiror.Tliey had I'o.u died for him
In every direction. Thus It will be seen
Mist (ho wheels of Jmlleo were clogged
in belli Courts one having too many
In tho Jury box, and the other not
Whilo the problem was undergoinga
solution tho old gent took n -ntrvcy of
(he room, and nil at once lho truth
Hashed on bin mind that ho bad got into
the wrong room.
Jumping to his feet ho exclaimed :
"Well, I'll bo uvorlastlngly dar.hed If
1 habit got into tho wrong box. Every
thing in tho room 5s exactly tbo samo,
but you can't palm olf that erejudgo on
ino,!" Tiio'pcal of laughter that followed
this quaint exclamation was almost
equal to lho oponing chorus of tho Bo s
ton Peace Jubilee. His honor for tho
time suspended tho dignity of the hourt ,
and enjoyed thojoko hoartily.
When tho misaing juror turned up in
lho Circuit Court, aud tlio mistake was
explained, tbero was another roar of
laughter, in which the Court look a
hand. Inilimiupolis (Sentinel.
BaucKENitiDai: Salut,3 the Old
Flao. General John C. Brcckenridgo
nud Ex-Governor Bealah Magollln,of
Kentuckyieft this city yoilcrday morn
ingon the Superior railtoad, piopoilng
to go bystago from the iermliiua to Su
perior City. Arriving at'Wyomliig they
found the slago broken down, the
weather wot anil disagreeable, tho roads
bad, Ac, and thoy relumed to this cily,
leaving for the same domination via the
river and railroads lo Green Bay and
Marquette, ami i.o up thoLako. They
will return by shigo and railroad to St.
Tlio excursion parly of (he Minnesota
First was on boaid lho samo I rain re
turning irom White Bear, thnweueof
their festivities yislcrday. General
Brcckenridgo descended from (ho plat
form its tbo regiment' wxi forming, ex
changed commonplace Habitations with
a few aequaiutaticies, and then turned
lo look at the veterans. They unfurled
their old flag, and thu baud slttick up
the Inspiring strains of "Hail Colum
bia." Tho Ef.-Confedoralo e.hieltaln
listened a moment to the glorious mu
sic, walchrd the liaiiui r as Its folds
spread nut to the In coze, then reveieut
ly raised Ids bat from his head, waved
It toward the stym aud stripes and ex
claimed, "That is the old ling, alter all;
thank Gi-.l for ii 1" ThU w.f. In a qui
et cornel away iiomiheciowil, without
ostentation, or .itiinctiug the notice of
more tlmu ime or two ob ei vei.s,nnd lm
seemed to bo uiieoiwioii of their pies-
eiice.--tit. J'(wl,Miim.) J'ii)i.eci;Jitiw 18.
A Dutchman'.) Escape. Yuu don't
never hear upout der graledinilblo acci
dent und mitrow uigapo. voLcum near
ktioi klii!i.dor llfeoul ov miucpndy, ish
It? Velll dells you spout II. I Itocs
In der pack yart of my pordlng house a
gouplo days ago, veil a neighbor next
toor dells mo upoul; ii mailing vol ho
saws uptown nyiii-r mteiaru nveiiuu
doo or dro months ago. He dell mo dls
tog is parking and hollciiiijr, und vag
Ing his dall, nml roiling over mil his
pack, so dat every lcoples vaa fi Igltl-
ened Into do mlddlo of next week over
It. So do bollco-inans cum along mlt
dheeir bliiKiUng rewalwora, und afJer
voundeng apotit dhrco voinans und a
half doioas shlhlren, dhey shootod dat
mat tog tead, und ho died from it, und
Ish tie lasd ov liim. Now you nooi vol
a pigesgapo dftt vat for ice, for If I Isli
ub by der blaco vbcro dat tog, may
po it ish dat I voul.I calch der hydropho
bia or sum odor p.ul dings vot peiongs
mlt tdl mat deg.s. Ii'tlish tling ould
lhapiTen mlt me, vby iMviurn I vould go
tictui nut iiiiuseji ; so i iiiiu.-s u isit a I vasen't near vbero
dat mat dog wis. It goes lo abow how
eaTCluss pooplo- ought to po mlt tloui
self, und how tcr togs oiiglitto lookcn
for dhtirowirelf, voudbey lsluimd vits,
A win run, describing one of the en
gageiucnla lu tho lato war, gives tho
Intercjtlng item ; "In lho Initio we lost
the brave capiutu .iiulth, A cannon
bull took off bis bead. His' last words
were, 'Bury me on lho spot where 1
fell.' "f
One cqiinrc, (ton Hncw or lln fulviv
loiil In iimiiiirrlt tyMi) oni'or two in.Mr
iiiiiii, i.onj uiifo iiiMt'irimiH, tiM),
nrACr. M.
3u. Cm, lr.
r.B sqnaro li.Vi
Tvro ininarcn 3,5)
Tlinv iiinrp. S,w
Kour inuftrcH,.H.7,oo
(Inartcr oolnmn., 10,00
1J a I f ool u m n..... 15,1X1
Ouo column - "AW
6, M
7, no
11,110 t,W 110,00
7,W 0,00 11,00
0.00 1J.00 1(1,00
11,00 17,00 ari.w
I MM fl,M BOflO
wot snfio w.oo
luw.uiu ...IHi b(,;.v IWJJO
UxctiilorV or Ailmlulhlrntor' Notlcoj
i3,oo oo.oo lWfe
M.OOj Aiiilltor'nor AwlunccM Noth-pi
Lociil NoIIcch, twcrily cmiIs n line;
by the yenr ten i;iit-j.
CanU In (ho "Plmtory" I'oltiutn,
$2.0'l per yt-nr lor the llrat tvr llnnfl,
nml 1.00 or oiuli addltlonul line.
A Good Yum.
AiiEiigllshmanhud been tclliiigsnmo
hard ptorles about tho London thiovo.i,
as wo were going down tlio Ohio river,
when a Hoosler named Case said that
the Western thtevm amid beat that nil
to pieces.
"If that Is so, I'll not uo any finihrr
West I think," enld John Bull.
"I should not advice any ono to n,"
said Case, quietly. "My brother once
lived there, but bo hnd to bovo, id
though bis biifcliioji was Ihe he. t in the
"What hti.slnews waa he in, pray?"
"Lumbering had a saw-milt."
"And thoy stole his limber C"
"Yes, nud saw-logs, too."
"Yes, whole do.ons of black walnut
logs were fpiiibvl off and emiled away
In a single night, He tried every way
lo prevent it ; had hired men to watch
bis logs, but it wnsno iui They would
whlpthcin away as easily as If tbero
had been nobody there. They would
steal them out ot tho covo and even nut
nf tho rail ways."
"Good gracious I"
"Just lo give youan idea of howthey
steal out there did you over work In a
"Well, ono day my brother bought
an all-flrcd line black walnut log four
foot llirco at tho butt and not a knot lu
It. Ho was determined to hoop that
log anyhow, aud hired two canny
Scotchmen lo watch II all night. Well,
they took a small demijohn of whiskey
with them, snaked tho log up tho stda
of the hill abovo tho mill, built a fire,
and then sat down to play koords, just
to keep I hem awake you see. 'Twas a
monstrous big log bark two inches
thick. Well, ns I was Baying, they
played kcerdi and drank whiskey all
night, and as it began to grow light
went to filccp a-slraddlo of tho lo?.
About n minute after daylight Oeorgo
went over to the mill to xo how
they worn gelling on, and tlto log was
"What wore thoS.okhincii doln'?"
"Sitting on tbo bark. Tbo thieves
had drove an iion wedgo into tho bott
om! which waapolnled down bill, and
hitclicd a yoke of oxen, and pulled it
right out, leaving tho shell and tho
Geolchcm sitting n-straddlo of it fa!t
asleep I"
The Engii.ihnian hero nroce, dropped
his segar Dlump into tlio spilloon, look-
at his watch, and said ho thought he'd
go on dock and neo how far he'd bo
down tho liver boforo morning.
KuEPisa Funs. Ladles nro often
anxious about keeping furs frco from
mollis during tho summer months.
Some ono advertises to send Hie irvjiil
site information for $1.
DarkmvHls all that I noeossaiy. Tho
"Miller" that deposits Hi" eggs from
which moths aio batched, only moveu
la lighl; tho moths Ibein-rivea work
in d,iil:nsi. Hang the fun I a-ory
dirk cls.'iol, and keep tho door iliut;
keep il alwiyi dark, and you p-an have
no trouble. But, a closet dsor aro
f-fiinrilmoi left opes, the h"tlev way Is
to lho articlea loosely In a paper
box, put this in a plllow-evic, n;-wrap
around with cloth, and hang up in a
dark closet. Camphor, splcw, or per
fumes, nro of no ue. Continual daifc
nesi Is stifllrlcnt. And do not take out
tbo furs In June and July to give them
an "airing," for oven, then enmnth the
enemy, and It may be that in llfloen
minutes after exposure, has deposited
an hundred eggs. If you consider an
airing liirtLspon-'ahlo, give the furs a
good switching and put them qulokly
, Tin: lato Judgo Saunders, of North
Carolina, says the Halelgh Standard,
was noted for hisillegihio mnnii'Tript.
On onooccaslou a prlnter.who bad been
perplexing his bralu in declpbeiiitgan
artiolo of the Judge's said : "I am in
favor of Fending Judgo Haundon lo
China." "Why so?" asked a young
lyisi, 'wo have no minister to that
country." "I don't propose lo send him
ns a minLsler. Ho could make an hi
dcindnt fortune innrklug leu Uixes."
Jtuil BU.L1NC13 hits lii.t'ii expoi luieut
iug on pills for the good of mankind,
ami says: "Ffyti nro looking altera pill
mild az a pet lamb, nnd nr. searching
a, a fine t with comb, buy Doctor King
homo's silent pcramhulaloiti, twenty
bovcn lu a box, sold by all luspeetful
druggists. Thczo pills tlon't phool
loinul, but attcr;d strictly tew,
and are uz good lu the dead of night as
nn alarm clock."
Why am sheep tho mast dissipated
itnfumls in cteation? Boeaieo Ihey
(;itmbol in (heir youth, upend mo-d of
their days on tho turf ; lho brv.t of (hem
nro blacklegs, and thoy mo sum to be
fleeced at last.
The increasing number of suddeu
and unexpected deal lis ocriirrlng In our
midst, warns us losceino r.nmo eorlaiu
sum for tho benefit of our families
should the Destroying Angel visit us.
Thero Is no belter way than to Inko out
a policy in tho Mutual Llto Insurance
Confpatiyo. New York, tlio eldest nml
wealthiest Company in tho United
Slates. Assets thirty-two millions or
dollars. F. Coolky, Agent,
Columbian Offloo.
Woui.u Almanac Yo havo yel on
hand nonio eoplca of this valinblo book.
No oilier publication of it ip'izef -.n'-aiiis
as much uieful infeuntion, roluioal
and gei eral. BIsIJ.,im lnl(U ii'nt: to
the Farmer, the M.oi utinl end h Me
chanic, nro put into Km iiio'-.t rxiuvenl
cut and readable form. The Impt r' tit
nvent3 0f lho year nv chroiiieled for
the eiiilou?, whllJl tbo Folitlc'fi'i will
tlnd tho votes ol all lho t;tniea at the
ktst I'rivblentlal elPCtinu r.r.d litindieds
or iw.lllliiil Jolting impnilivit to have
ul bund fur n feience. Price only