THE. to THE YOUNG FOLKS. THE JJIOnEgI(BijK)3I,INOa, The lonlly roolr.r litvil ociwcil tlicir ernwilij;, in, . . i ....... i.i it . - . ... r I JioiipcrwuWli,' "' ' To hi turn KiiUH.m-hdr'liciiintlrtlio porjlU' Tho Driiiv cclilod lion1, with Itfcr mioMicfc , ,Iufllit?r, And1 llio pert lilt) KnAmin1), VrUli tc p knotssn ml. Tho. ducks nll'auripi witli tho meadow'-pf! water, i Kacli,puloi(hJfilJl4i!ttJlud.wi!Utup bed. Wont up to liod.fulttifli Earn fen. so .cozy, Where tlio dovus.OTuro Hlcoping in tli tiny liovwojm . Tho swnllows.worui tliontiiino; uf'.Junu 11101' itigarosy,' And awako 'iujd.,th rafters rat 0110 lillo mouso, i.,'', -in . i "But.wlicr'S 14 thft'6!drSlVvo ?" wid.1 .b Binder, Ere Ii6 fell fnto Clumber; "and wliuicj' said he, , , "Aro licr seven fiiio oJjnga of'liilo I wonder? , aiforiiould kecil,bct,tcrruii3 tri.lllo lhuiiy. "And havo tliotii alt eafoly In'.beu'ere'tho shadows, , Make the sly loses bdlil ti cimie oitlj their dens,- . And pro,l round thoIfarru-J-Urdil Uiat bordl tlio meadow, And ioci with ,ihc,ir cunning joyes into tho pen." ''I can tell yon whore thb graV "gdojo is, mr Quackt'd a hoat-bO, ileepy UuctlinW'turii ing her head: j "She's down in tho, flcjd,. inhere:. the. wild brooks wandor,i .', ' And trying to hasten the Khslings Iri bc ''Hut tliey liko their yellow log 'Wet' in--tli c water. n And liko to fit up 'with iJib owls!. liiid the bats: 1 "ThoujOi 'twas bnfy last' wb Vthnfi 'ti'itf white Utick,s''daoi:htcr: " v . tho cntll ''And Uio lf nol cvjno'fnihpjigtt . jYi'q Qyr , (lug shadows i. i Arc thick as'thcinidnighl'is.'ortr' tlidlc; inu a leanui dm tox uvea tiicre in (lionicni As'vrickod and cunnirife'W tiuhiftgcu'nle! Then in camo tho gray goose, quacViug an 1 ' Molui'nrr' ' 11 n " . .... .j i i i . ..But n'6vcr gosling would follow her thordl 5,hcyJ.would slcepallnight whPre-tho firoflttis 'were holding -" Their' tiny gold angles "to Wighlcii'thp'ai Bo ho nrs'dto1pfiU'l'i!W .'tlla.ganaJr 'ft-slecplng; - ,'ii'.'i " 'lJutlho gray goose siio'wct all hci 'kcrcli i, iff through,',.,. Over her woo naughty'daughlcrs'Ta-ncbpinJ ' Unt pftJoprgwhero.tho .for. prowled! anil lWUl Winds Wow.l , . i Well, what da you' th'ink m' ' tho'. in'brulii Only a small 'Ivifc of '.feati'iow so- nrarli- " , lAndpych'reilji.illy:foxIH-'ok'if over tin FUigofliie Pit only Baliy'i Itlglift-A Ualjj-i BlatyUy n 5 nJn'VQty'oia',to.;wrilo-iin onol It ,wak irty; 'birthday .yostcrd'uy and I don't liavo milk out of ray bottld anyimoro-tliliavo bread hrid milk om or a bowl.. Hrldrfpttlcs my'blb imtlfci ...j tun. nun lypwi. ,uio ory ja&t-rMiq tlown't uiidbrsfiiiKl tiint I UuiQ.lo awallow. Wlien il ilmt my.ltm aria.pjittel', tihoisays.iWhcro.nowI taltq your ssupper liko U' darlihi' I canH swallowA VbplOjliowl.atft.tjnioi ;aoa A loyyanU.BhpgiYfa.uift a hakf ,Afto? that X ha ve tho stotnach ache. Lying awako wJU' Jt.'6rie;ulelit, X bo pn to think that I hadti' u)y Jlglity j iiiuij, want, -cm. .diowi to tlou't know tret 'cm know. I'cri'jiiri can-but that u-ju. - x aiuk, mo putvnat ujmoiii p It? T'i('y;oiy',ply6 trVllropi( tcunaki inopleejn thenlfuelihot:and" sick 'nnd mupiii all tho next- UaV. Ono bf m tn hnvn ilpnns. i, ,ow, how jiui i not to havo 'em, "Shtaa It comcS;aBaIat ' . . ' '; Tin) tnodt CQUifortalilo thing 1 trvrt had w:w an India rubbor bottlQ. viiat ro wpthcrfS.madQ for, if a baby J.n't to; liavo ono? Who liiYPhtoU nutelng bot-i tics? I lmto him whoovor ho was'! ; 'I havo a mother; 'voir toowii Iailvi Who sayashti comen. ,ia,i8omeUra(;s; nd tolU other iJadios that. ho Is "not; ntontwl with Brldcrotl't NolthoMun I, for that 'matter ;', biit you, hco myi mother Is not .thinking1 bf 'niy; rights, but of liors.. Sho wants to -vote, (Hid! wanting to do, Intakes n toroat deal of mo. loly,rUcI.t)o, fQn.tha:ownpa-l pcrs. V,hon I want tP flpd.Qut whether ho fa rcalLv mv mothur. ami ixvin ti taik lo Ifcr, sho says ('Dridget, yonJ iijuai rvay inno itrni uarjin' ciiiitt away notllsturlw mo ilroadfully !' Brldgot la big anilcoarbo; Jigr groat' jcnoua, oriknuuklcti hurtino. Hho tios' strings ftfQ.tlght, and jogs mo too hard. My own raothoi1 Is'.Boft and' fair, mid lier.sKl" 4 llbp qljkijcl.lljlko to touch lior. I'm n, lail'y '(j baby, and orip.of ny rit'iim is, uint u muy snoum nanuio ami dandlo mo. No ono boos It, I'm ojT. on Bridget, 'Jlauinui don't Hko to sit at tlio tabid jYJth Bridget, hut.sho. lots ho fcel, mo.i I'erhaps I havo arlslocrtttlo'rtotlh.iH, too;' ,Who pares for" thorn. 1 f ' ' ' 1 Ono day Bridget had a b.Ig lowten Lrcas(j)(n, with a yellow slono in ltj on! her colir, antl, Jt kdp't' pcratching my head ; nobody know ,iti Orlo day fehpl iook mo out in my wagon and tipset imoj no ono know tljaelther , i Mho takes me out to hor cousin's Biinh 'ty WHoro Httlo lit liaa tlio incaslos or thosiunll poxt ami If Pdon't catch 'cth liolh, It's Uccauso "Thero's1 a'owcot lltllo chiinib that Mts. "! 'filpftlV'.'tO kcop ute'rror jioor ntotherletrt IaiIiIw, ftjiiKillnias film leaves mo ulono iii tlio riHim wllh ij'griith M I Mivayh ipit iny ilugers into li, mid lliun. tliey nf .WOi'M bnrli, Onto ma7ii)ii( fyjiild, It.out ami 1 had a 4II'eroit Bridget. Thuy aro all allko ; thdy uuuo from tho Jiilci MIgonco ol)lce,aud uro rough and coartso, and smell of smoke, ami tuko caru of uio for money antt vol for lovo. Tho now ono is sleoj)y, and nods over nnd .props mo Bometliucs. Ono got tipsy 'and lay on mo. Komo day ono will .tumble down stairs with her big feet and. fijijj.shodfshocy, and break my neck 'Jdarpsny, A father, too, I Jmyo r light to a father. Mlno Is u Wall street man, ho goes out early and comos homo to din ner, I should think ho might ho very pdt; AM nico to Imiow, hut t'ni nut luiillniiilud Willi him ', hi hiih in -e bind: whlskfrs, mid he huiL'h i nnd utys, "hollo, tdd fol- IoW7'lwripH ivIi)Wli artd. JUly to toll him about Bridget j nnd my feollhjtt ovet-wwer me nnd I cry, mid lie sal's, J)7iihcBiMHh rascal away, Biddy. V lynv tircuuini Jiupy i (uaiave j u ipn ,V,?T.7f;l,.l ' ifli r,.w. U.S., i.. lliildnllhVdreiulfiJliflilftwj to nle. oinnTpd ihp. ' After that4iIhAdfi P(ro nrnvpnd, Bridget' blur merinp, htirti In siimmW llibro' used to bo soilio eofilfi)H'ln golng'mit 111 my ))cramlmhv tor, utd tsooiiig that aflor all 1 was not worso olT.thtiu .pthgr babnw, nil given oVer to Bridgets, wliom 1 met j , jit noW H'b winter, and I have to stay in 'fni' nuraiiry, ill a llaiihet bhaw1), mid do nothing but think j alid I'vo decided that I must havo my rights A wholo molher ought to belong to oycry baby ; and a .Bridget U ah Imposition. A lady's baby ought td lid sometimes In a lady's arms, and bo talked to by a lady. Viiiiii tninablo to speak, 1 shall sdy vhat Bridget says, and with lier accent, nnd theit t shall bo scolded, as If, it were my faull.' Thai's tho way With brother Tom. Hero I lio noW, whllo Bridget talks to tho milkman In tho area. I'm hun grj; and damp nnd wretched. I'm 'llre13f boing'ln Iho.cmdlfi", and I shrill hurljnysolf ifj toll out. I.wnnt tho b'lgvornngo,6n Ihb, mantle-piece, nnd to Bit In" somebody's lap and havo lny feet 'tossed, nnd hear, "Little pig goes to market)" but. mamma Is. at a political meeting, antl papa in Wall streef, and Bridget in tlio arca.-ntid who cares for what I want.. Bights I I wondor whero iny rights aro? Nbfiody talks aboilt .tlio'm, ,0, hiattur, I'll yell UlL X kit P. S.I liave yellod, nnd Bridget h:(s given mo.drops.1 No matter, when I'm n man,- I'll go in for tho rights of babies. J'ni' going trf.sloop. Cbbd-byo. TIIFFAIlMPCOLUAmt Limit tfitt'TowKs. J. II. Gregory -rIJfs"n rolbwfi.''tb tho'New .Vork '.rimes:1 I "it is truo fowls will eat fragments of bones, cl)iu shells and stone, nnd It is Iherefumlnforrod that tho limo must bo itljedln thp foiniatlon Of.iho shell of thb egg. But tho mnlpcnld this, mlnCnjl matter nsireadlly as tho fomal?,- ln,pr(f portton to tho aniomit of food eonsiim ed'. Agaih, in' tho pebbles there may not bo a iart(do of lime, and yet (hey will .dovour theao.i and ,for the saint reason thnMho- fragments of shell-are consuinrvizj jto supply Jthat wondor ful internal gintllng'nppara'tiis of Ihelis with mlll-Mtones; and as nature ii bungler In hor works, sho has m'ado them' trood millers bv imnlanflhi? lit them a liking for, tlio hardest, and moaj. angular fragments. Finally, it is nirninsi nlbtho analogy of iinturo to nssurnothat anhnimal, with its functlonslit h'norj mal condition, requires itriy'mlheral ai Tood which has not first passed through tlio wonderful .'laboratory or animal or vegetable life. Correct observation would have brought numorous inatanf ces to light in' which fowls haVd f&aily produced tho dally egg to order, prop! without access to any' limp'.tha"Whoh win tor 'through; oxpcHment, wqnlt havo blight that. tho natural iippetltoli satisflodjwheu tho'.mlncrals'fethfb then dro of convenient S;izp,,liardtnnd;nngu Inr, lot tlio 'oniiosltiQn of' tliem b( what it may.'1 BAici.n Bi:ANSj-A.It is hlngular thai many pooplo In thlsviclnily do not tin derstnnd'how to havo uleo baked beans, But tho difficulty is In baking, them suiicieui lengm ot time, jvo ono.cai takoanwt-bf baked1 bcan.s' nhll hnndm of brQwu bread .frqrn tho oven and hav them pf the ehtrry red :hnd doliciriti! navor mat our jatnqi used, to ha,ve ji ''yp UI6a thncs"' .miless thoy. hav baked morp than thtetf bt .four hbursj the time only that many allow them to! stay In tho oven. Bako your beans nil, day Saturday ,and if convenient let them, stay In the oven overnight, baking full, cweniy-tour Hours, and onr word for It,! your bean? WH 'coniQ out in tho mWn-l ing smokinir with a .flavnr lmf will' make your mouth wator to tnsUp of ,nwn iuim i'our, ureiiKiabi wui imj, Hid iiest,yuu Qver had. Onk half of the time or moro will be! saveu "cnurnmg , by following the dl rcctidns hbrd Vjlrcri. After tho mllU'fc strained, set the pan over soino bolfliii? waier in an ordlnaav Iron not on tho stove, and hqattho inJIU, until tl cream rises slightly,' Whenever tho surface begin? (o.shj)y wrin.kics.then It Is done (set it away to cool boforo jjwi Jn a, close place), If caribou crocks ,aro used set tho ct(cks..iu tho water In a tub.1 If served In.tlwi above way It will mako moro butter, nnd will bo sweotex, nnd keep longer, Hlnco I havo scalded mvi milk wo churn Horn two to ten minutes; "In patent churn.," olhcrw'iso took sometimes half nu hour. You irot your pay for tho small trouble- of seahllngi tho milk when "churning" beside.) tho extra (lUajilltynudquaUty. Jlcchqmge. SrAViN I li'aV6 a' young horso that. shows' sylilntoms' of spavin'. Ho Is a1 Htllb lamo,' nn'd hka a lump as largo ns a poam lliospavlnedplaeo.' You recom-i mend blistering for snavhi. 1st. Is a' lly-bllstcr or hlnlodldopf mercury best?' 2d. Can I Ipok fpr a euro of tho lamtw ncssj and for tho lninp to get'no Inrger ?! !ld, Iu.ft .horso iture(l pf lho epavln uptj to uecomo lamo again ' Answer -m prefer n ily-blister. If tho dl'seaso'bo conflitcd 16 th6 Hinall! Joints, blistering will afford, permanent! renci; mn. )nmw UiQ largo bones bo4 corny inyolyt-d, no method Cti-qatmciit can ejl'ectu. radios I euro. If Iheru isslm-t ply u small callous at tho lower portion) Of dho doiiit.iwith.slijilit iiitemittteuU lameness, tho benefit generally jirovt-J porihiuli'iit -NpirM (if Mr Times. . dfonit vim iUNAltir.s-I'erjiHj whii tmvo t cuiiaihw will llml that thoy utoi PAtraviigaiiliy fond of tho seed prodbc. 1 from tlio plantain, wfcleh may boi oiind in almost ogl-ry yardtho leaf of. wiiivii w kiiuwii toovory henool uoy as, an. excellent romuy for Uip ellbcta of a' beo sting. Tho birds will eat these seed oraclously, when thoy appear to havo' n decided dlslnstolo ovory other hind of food uli'urod them. Don't kill tho toads. Thoynronmongi' mo very ocst jncnus or me garuenpr.i 'I hey aro tho uucomprpmlstug foes of insvoio mm worms, ami aiu materially In keeping theso pests In chock. Pro tect them: carry thorn Into thetrardon unit never drive them out or Inluro them. noT.TTMTvr an A DEMOCRAT.. J3LaQMS13UllG,. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA JTJXijTTritfi .TMiUW6XW.I ' kodERs, -&6., ' iron, tinwaku, . MOBTimtNvCl'lKTItAL BAIL- .asiUtiAW. SAMPLE iCQiiv Ooimor oi' Main SLro6t and L & Hi -KniiiKondJ MACHINISTS, IRON AND MASS VOUNT)Etl$; V wWlr.f' on ttud nflet May tftu JSCI), Trultis will ft avaNoiiTUUHDiRLAnn as follows t t H0UT1IWAU1I. 42! A. M..lnlly to WIllmniTof'. ULAOKSMITH ANP UOILEll-MAKBHS. .i i. 'li, MV. MANUFAti'A'UllIlliS OV fiTB AM" ENGINES ,u CiUNUUAI. . -.! .A HtiUt't 0KA1UN0. B1IAPTINO. 1' WATER1 TOftElK .f!l l- Ill.iCIIIIVil WORK ANI KKl'AIllS. m , (UliLKYB, 1IANUKH3,.HKAU BLOCKS, saw ivrxXiij 'OE.3?tiasra- oe all gustos, OASTINOH, rOBVI',UKN"AClif' AND' ItOLLING JIILLS. ALHO CAlt yiIKELH AND AXLIiS l II ,1 MK ii. r t If '! ,.11 ,;! . lit AUD OENEltALi MININO CAUT1N0H.'lil 11 .UnlH,IA At- I 11 s: - BRASSiOASTINGS OF ALL KINDS.' H (!AH. BOXES, y in m , , . , COMPOSITION UnteflNOS; . . i ... ' ' AND BABBIT METAl ' 'liEfiIELiys 0ELT.BBATEI)C1I0BE VALVEB STOP'b(fa, ' " 1 ' ' , ' rqtI5lnilp,0iinaiianl(ta.'j;' V) i'. m., Dnlly, (oxecp't HnnJays) tor Klmlm nhit llumilo vln Urlo Jlnllwny from Wmlrn... JiJ. TllAINB BOtrntWA'lU),T .M'jrrial!v'(circiil Mhn'day's) fofltMt Imnf i. WH.MINOTON ANU l'JIirjADlIM'IlIA. 1 ,00 r.M. Iially (cxwVlHiiiiilay')forllnltlmoro Wnstilnslon nnil l'iinJolilili. 1 - f I jfl;il!riu iiuscns aViJikij if. FjStK,xn'l Bnp't.. . 1880 PlilLADELPIIIA i AND ltAiLnOAi).- ' 8UJIMEU TI1IK TAUI.1S. , , Tiinouon and uonTE ntrwiits rutt UEU'UIA, IlAtTlMOIlE, HAUIlISDnHU, W1L- MAMsyvaT, anu tii amivr oil nuuioN of i'KNNbylvaniA. ULEdANT BLEItrina CAK3 On nil Night Trains. On ami nftrr MosnAV. Apr. lOlli 18C9, CHECK .VALVES ! 'I 't .1 - Ant copifri, ; , , ,, , ,QIL"i(jfJPS, I ,ii.I ' STEAM WHISTLES, 1 1 ;i steam ottaok, sxham: txts And riTTiwas oonstantlt: ojst hand. ill. U Agents i and .sole,. JMCanufactnrors of.Hal lliu . (t"ii :! I m n i -- DisghargOiTurbino Wheels, V Ji I.I I . ,.,1111,1 fill Umur. .nuAGENffS FOll S a ll's rat'mifSoublc - ' 1 B'Ij JV C 'K S 3VC ITTKCO iikavy on i.KniT rone 1 3HIVE; ' 1 At'KNinVLFJIQl'.O' TO' 1114 ll.lllt.M 11 W1I l-'t'l , , , . "ritiVMiupiim saETlNQR,; r, ANini!ST.iN"riii v. v.'saBwSi' lE.wont.n. BEAMEItS, TAPS AND DIES, BOIjTS' AND NUTS OP ALL SIZI' MADE t6 i)ltDEB. ' ' hi i ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS. AND IRONS BOLIOITEDj All'!, , Mil AND ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY' FURNI S11EU ml- ,.r ,Ol'TIIIt.LAXEST IMl'npvED rATTEnNS. 1 -1 . Uf THRESHING 'lit'ACinNES, )i ; jit. i a i U Buckeye m i a 1 1 i A SPECIALTY. AN)) ALL KXTIUM ruflT'KuitN'milEI). " , " " j U , . . . , . Ill I if i, .!., I , . .HPI.QNJS, LATENT HAY HAKE. MANUFACTURERS AND PROPRIETORS OF I. T if J l I T-TMJT' ")' IA'fT ' ii , . ' it, 1,1 .1 .11. I, II ,,r.l, I ALL ORDERS, EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS . ,. . .... AND SATLSFACT,IONi'GiyENi. May 7,'CJ.t' I . 1 o u MONEY It K V U N ft K I) , WOOL Tlio KtiliHrrltar. n?ont WANTED, ho Tjf-wl so,ooo TOtiNns of wool in isx'citANar: , for'nU'ltlrtrlrf'ot'i'lolli. rimslmors. wtllnoUi. nnd all hind nftlannels mul MunUct. ' Ho linlso preinir...! lo u roll :i,riiinK anu niiH lni;. wlarlni; and juJulb ilrvKsTnt; lutbu luxtl juun, ucr. Addresnlli J J i j t it ' uivimcii: vANt'i:,t JiinoU,'liri.3iai i J OinngcvUlc,'l'ii. j CHARTER'OAIC LIFE iNSUnANCi com r A NY. Jtr. It. V. Hwcfny skquI (or Columljlu and LnJ zcrno CountltnJ ',1)cnr Slri it i I tAke nlensuralnacknoirk.drln!tlinrf.M.lnfni llvo thuu8and dollarn from your company; lielntf lor tho lusyrancx on tb Ufa of my Jiuahaml Calvin II. Jlcllsnyder, and tnko this otwiiRlon ot rerul&mendlnir Iho ClJAUTKR OAK I.IFF. IN- HUKAKUK COMl'ANY.forltH promptltndo nnd lair deallni?. TliKcomruny makes no doiluctlon or OUWfANUINO rilliMlUil NOTES, hul cancels and returns them to the Insured. , y KATB y. JlEIFNYtlER. I Catawlva, l'a. Apr. 'Mix IMA lusuniucA can becffcctcd wllh It. W. BWKENY, Agent. At Catawlssa cr inoom&buri;. Stay 7.'C)-8m pOWDER KEGS AND LUMBER) wjI;muiuu)k-,i;u., . i i iltuport,?., ... Manaractarorii p , ,, , ,i , , , I'OWDEIlKEaS,' . ' i , i i i . ' and dcalem In all kind! of 1 LUMUEB. give uotloa Uwt they aro prepared to acconiMntd their custom with dispatch; and on tho ebcapout E N T'tS 1! It X.. . 'if. 'c, now, Jin, dewot;, Jloiecttij1y olt'crt ht'i)rorcslonol tcrvlcen to) uiniwiic, unu KUU11UUJC1I UI UKKJIIIUUrC ftllU VI' Clnllr. Jle la DTcnipctl to attend finlltlin vnrl. oun oiMratlons In' the line ot bin profonHlon, anil Is provided -with the latent Improved Von(Ttr.AtN ikiuii wmraum ne inctui on cola plallug: Oliver and rubber bono to look as wHl as tho mil oral teeth. 1'ecth extracted tr all the new and .iiiwbiiiiunjvm.ineiiimiK, aim an nporanuna ou tlio teclu carffullvntnl nrnnerlv t.i Ilcaldence and olilce a fow doors above 'tlio L4'uibiiuiuu, numg oiuu, Ulooinib-jn:,- Jau.3i.'uit( TpLOUlt AND FEED. Tlioundenilgned-tbankrul for nut pntronairo) liexn lo annouon to bis friends and to the piibflq that bia . . : NEW M I L L irenurcd t anls 1mm n dlxntnco can liavo Ihclr urlnr as to lalui Uirm lioinn la now In roniileie ninnlniioidcr.nnd tliat be 1 iu uu mi Kiuuniu milling lvilliotll ucmy Kroiind wllbout ilelar. bo Hie aaino day, and as a rulo nit work bionght t the mill mil bo done In twenty-four hours. , Mj J..1.0..111, uiii,(iiiiii.-iiB in mii-1, us it, prccinuu in urvun.l.j, ... niWlllUK IUI 111111 Vll UCWUlll OI bluh or low water. THE BEST FAMILY FLOtllt. na w ell na the lower grades, and all kinds n : CHOP AND FEED i kept on band luquanllly, and for Halo at 11,0 low il,c,urreitnillui. Uran o( al klndaj lauoliani-cl. Light Vitrrtt, nc.",'i3S-tf. 1'ETEK KNT. i tho le y-IIKKIjEB'S PATENT RAIL- CHAIN HORSE-POWER. The subscriber hereby lives notice that ho has: repurchased the old stand at Llithl Hlrcet from win, UcUuylnr, whero lie w now manufacturlue Ilia WJ1EELEB P A T KMT and la prepared to fa pi Uh fanners with tho moat, mllable nisclilues everouerxl t thepubUo. Tlio Wheeler Machine Is no longer an szpertJiisut as, is, iiass sjt7i;u u vuiu suit iuh lor vuiri saiui niitv early sals of Uils patent exceeds that f all olhi trs ooinblaed. Work doito at onr shoo Is warrant! for itino year. Also, oeeut for Wheeler's Combluod rvx mruicr parucuiars nppiy 10 or sanreMi . J. ii:ilULBIII.KJt, Unlit BtrCft, Columbia couuty, t'u. Juno si'w-uu. jyAMMOTH GROCERY.' j 'MAIN 'AND moN STitEET.'nrxxiMsniTiio i.A', Tho Laruost and .JlOBt.toc.u;, pf, fl'rpccrjeq nil Piv.lI.lnlitl In Ihn .i.mhIu i"'!?r.jfj. t-i i A bplcudlil tot of JJaniH, r!ko-nicnt nnd Bhoul' ders, Teas. Coffees and Bplcos.., Foreign find Do niesuu Krult-sanpoclally. a largo lot of F R U"IT J A'll'S onWrni of tirbcstjpattb'rns. , CIQgDa TJEHVEHEU TO AN VU'AUl'. OF XII E TOWN. j . j Uliq 18,'Oa-tf , , a et WEBSTER'S T II E II E H T Falls. tErni'liy) jniiiun. ;nt, ERIE 1 w, riONFEOTION.Kl'V. Tho ttndersfentd would rcopcctrally annonnea to tho publlo Uiat bo has opened n TIHaT-CXAB3 CONFI VIIONEUY HTOI"', hore lio Is preraredto furnish nil kinds ot rrlAlK fanov cANDira; FUENCit CANDIEB, vnnrtnw A TiOMIMTIOFllWITB. I ' M11T14 UAlKlNH-'ACdC. AC. ' nv wiior-KSALie on nTAii in ilinrt. n, full nsioilmrnt of nil comls in his lino of business. A cront varioiy oi . DOLIiS, TOYB.iAe. . Bullaulofurtbe Ilolldaysi rnrtlcnlar attention UHeuto i, , , ' 11 II Ji. A U AW, UILIWAD, ' t of nil' kinds, fresh every day. rjltlllSTMAB OANDIHI), OUIHTJIAB lOiBi At rnlt is solicited, nnd BnUsfacUoa will. bo guarantcod, , NOV. 22, 1507, liUtllAlll jivv,ui.o.j Trains on the FUlUdoIphJa Erie Itall llood wll run as iouowsi Ttfl'UT-lVATin MATT. TWA'tnTiivcs Tlil1nilc.r,hft 10.4", O. noriuuiuueriauu.Hu.ii 11.111 nrr. ill, lirii. v.ji.w, F.UIK KXI'ItErja IMIVCB rUUndclpUla ll.W 10. nrr. at Krlo 10.00 ELMlllA MAIL lonvosrblladelphia...i.ti.ii0n.m. ' .. Kortiril l.'zrm.m. " nrr, ntLocklinYcn 7.13 p.m, fi UK4ifnVAIU.. L. I MAIL TllAIN loaves Eric It.l.t n.rh noriu'u zwELDi. nTr. nt rhitndclnhla .I.2,i n. m. Elltl! EXl'IlEsa leaves Erlo........iJjSi " v. r40Tipii.nnw..i..i.v.', " " nrr.ntrhllailolnbln 4.10 o.m, (nll ntwt KTnress connects vlth OH Crock and Allegheny ltivcr Itall Itond. lluggngo checkdd lurougu. L. ij. 11 i.rii. UeneralBaperlutcndcnt, WUUamaport,1 riATAWISS'A"RAl'L'ROAt)-Oii and J nftor ' MONDAY. NOV. 13." IKS.' rrwsoncdr arums oil uieiainiiba,i.uiiLroau.wiuruu atwio louowing 11011190, Hours : .Valt'Jil7i. Dep.' 7X0 8.60 " 0.10 '' 11.52 " 10.U, ,". 10.25, 11.11) "" I2.: 11.111 llLti M oualcnko. 1.00 " E. Mahoiiy June. ' 2,15 f'Dine.TiimiKiun. Dlnu.) 1.25 " Itcvdlnt:. ' Air. U.15 " I'hllailclplila. i. ,nrjl I To New oric via. llcnd t Ini! or Mnucti chunk. From Now York via. j iUUlltll 1.I11IIIK. 1 I NoChnugoof cars between Williamsnnrt nnti l'linaiieipiiia. .,, , ur.u. wiim riuy t. STATIONS. Vllllainsport, Muncy. ' Wntkuntown, ' Milton: ' Danville. , UupcrU , .CnUtwlasa,, ' ''lllngtowu JfafiYoilfi Arr,0.16p,irl Dep. 0.11 5l I " U.1S ' 1.05 " 1.10 " .3JB " 2.2S '"1.011 " 1.10 ' 'i.m '1.10 10. 10 n.nC IMI 7.00 r ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS -Li 11UKU .IlAlLIlOAD pn nnd a tur May 10th, 1S,W, I'lisHoitgcr Tral ns w II, run us luiiuwa; .Scrantnn V .15 (Joins H01II1. Arrlvo Arrlvo, i.m. 11. m. 0.20' rituion 9.10 Kingston H.I0 rivniolltli H.ZI Hhlcltshluny.... 7.W. nerwiciL h u.i.1 Bloom - 7.20 Dalivlllo 0.02 Leave Nortli'd ...-. l. .UolugBontlil lcavoh Jioav it, tii. ,n. 111. ' 7.11 ' I.I Iavo 7.W l.S DAI lo.'ii aui v..i.-f ..i ...I U.00 lj.1'1 K.I I) , H.2S 0..M 8.10 ' 7.011 7.1K K.2S 7.11! K.J) VM, Ix:.'ivo Arrlvo Arrlv U.20 Mj J.l. Cnnnocllnii mado nlKcmnlnn hv tlio 1(1. IO11.111. train lor Groat llcnd. lllnuhamton. Albiinvtini nil points North, Kui and West. D.T. HOUND, Sup't. UNABRIDGED. DICl a. t'I'll I IN. A H.V:iJllVUk. trmK v ijrwrjENQBAviNCw: 1S10 1'AaESonAjiTori'iiJtii: si: lOJjtWWortl-fniul Moaulncs iiol''1ti''otiicr Dlot- UonarloH, rn . i ' TVJfiwwlaB ft'wlioloJwo'n.o'cmKWenl tli&tjn6 itlier ltvllin lnmriioirn lias n UlrHnimrv ivhln t.k fully niuUajtliruUy ncU forth Us' preftnnt'rouUir tlotl m tills lflAt Gdllloil Of WDh8U 1rwu 'tlmt ,JF our, vrrlttcnaud fipokeu J'-gllsU tonniio.-TJfpr pT Matjazire. ' 1 p r,v Aiit-riu uireo iitKtiiB uro iuo Hum lomi orirrcfit llbrarios : tUollihlo. auakspoan-, and Wubattr'ft ltoynl Ouarl-n. Wilcaao JAittinn Jufnt I 'niB .NiCW WBI1STEK 13 RlOTlOUb It ! ItOTfcct-l ll IlliiMlllUW J.41IU UVlIt'U WI II poll UOll 11 ICUV'sL'S f JlilADMa ItAILllOAD. 'AItlt.aKUtt3.KH .lV, Apf. WilH, lbJlt. Great Trunk IJno from' tho North nndNorlli- West for i'hl lulchililfuNow York. ltUirwiliin. l'otlx- vlllci. Tumnnuft. Aslnand. Hliaiunlchi IIhiiihi AlIentowTVKaatoii, Kphratn IjHIk, 'IrftncAaU'ri Trains tenvo Harrlsuury for New York, ns fol lowfltnAta.fii.'6.vajand8.luii.'in..,12i?S noon am 2JM Alu,55p.m.,couucctlug wltiibluilLartralnHOLl i-uaix-msiuiuruuu, nuu arriyiugiujb.rtow ioriil V,io. a.m,, s. jwmiii., Jt u,w u,ji ot y,.i p, ami u,w u.iu iuspufiiYuiy, ftiut'innt; earn uecoiuf luhy. tho'AiSi' n. iu.', 5.'J0, nnd 10.Jip;m, tniluii without chaueo. . , j Lcivvo llarrlnburir far npnilino1. Pntt.qvino Tn. nia'iuu, MlncrsvllleARuIfiud, Hhamokln Tine Orovo, lAllcntown A I'JilluM. at 8,10, & 2,00 A 4.10 n.m.i btunnliur at Ltbiuion audiirltirlniLl unv tsiuuons:tlie3,lf)piii, train making connections for I'otlavllic and Columbia only. Tor l'ottsvitlo tSohuylklil illavcn audi Auburn, via Bclniylklll anil tiuhqutlianua :lt:Ulrpad, leave llarilaburg nt 3,:wii.m. ltoturulngi Lcavo New York, at lUM) u.iu. aim isuu in,, uiiu o,ui ana e,w p.m. A'Jiliauel pitift( uiwo o .U'V4lf.aijjv nu'liipeplngcart, accompany tbo O.wr n. iu.tamifi,Ui ainf, trahiH iron! N.Y.Wlthont olmntrfv Wnv iiinini.r Train leaves riillaUe,lpkla at 7,-iu a,m.f x.nnocUiiK lvjiu Muiiiui i,ii.ia uiii jjii, i. at, iiimouu reiuruinu from lleaUllifintOJttb.mfetenfiiiiL'ntiiil ntjitinuT leave PottsvJlle at7,wa,45a.m.,aiidVjp,insliiimo itiiiui ojuiiu ju.ogu. in,. Hiiinuuai 7,w a,m urn 12,onoonTama(iua&tH()iO a. in., and 2.'ju n. m fo Itl.ltmlnlitliln XIa.s ' 1 Lcavct Itittsvlllo vla'lHchuylkifand, ffoaquol nuiiuit iuiuimui iki t ,w u.iu ur iiurriAUUI, Ulli lllWW. "M SlllUUIlllUlMIU J ICJlllJlll. Heading Accommodation Train leaves Hcailtne ab ivw iiaiu., lvvuiuiuti uvvcn I'miaueiiiiiia ut 6. p.m. lotUtown Accommodation Trnin!lp.ivfinif, returulutr. leaves Phiimir-irii.tA aoomm1jlaJRalir6ad1,Trn'!na lcav 4 nonrtiui; nt T Id. a Irt .iiiil IL.I i i.t f.. 1 ..1.MI.. T H l I .. tor. Columbia. Ac. lerklomen Jtnll KoadTmtnHleavo rcrkiomcu juncnuu ut. u.wn.m.. mm u.uu p. m. iteturuiuir; anil l fin nm nn! ncctlnR withfilinllar tmlna on Heading ltallroad. un nuuuujn, ituiuiiuw lorn uip.uo p,m., I'lill nuuii'iiti o,w Hiiiii imii,iuii,iji., inn n uu 'running umy mi liuiuiiii; i-uiisvino i lliLrribun: 6.00 a.m. and 4.1u nnd in r.s tun leading at 12,MWWnisut.and2ISinnd ?,La.m.tor iiurriiuur(i, uuu j.j mill, unu, loriOW 'xor, ni v.-vj wn.nmi p.m. ror l'niiaucipnia. tjiuiiku wuuuiij. Miirae, nuunon, dciiooi au'l tlx curatou Ueketa to and How all points, at reduce rates, ' ' . ' liftgnagocnftcteetl throi.RlijlOUponnrtHallowttlt eacu itaKSQUger, , . , O. A. NICUU-H, ueiicral hiiijui inlt ndenl. i Itpndln'?. la.. Anr. M. T U WEh: vVana,', 4 Tho mosi useful ami remarknWo ooinicnilluio X .1 i . i. B V 7 .. "iliBuaKO, .v. , v..i..n, . j ..mew, Mitnn. .itiiciiurui ijonege. "lA ' 1 WEIlSTEIfH NATIONAL PICTORIAL DIUi'IONArtY. 1010 l-AQES OCTAVO.' COO JWfinAVINQS. I'lllOU Tho work la .really n onn cJ a nieUmmiv. Jusl lliu tili ng for tho million."-vfmcrlcun Miiiculiaiial Monthly. "In many respects, this Dictionary Is tho mosi convenient overpublUhed." Uoclienlir DinwienJ, "Aa Is eminently flu tctllnrusolnfnmlllruifuiiliicliivtti. nr i'ii J "Itlsaltgetherthebc.i.t treasury dfwoidao i ""Wbleli tho English laugnngo lias evorpoks; rlwriliSn UMEI'lIlIAM-Br'rlngflold,Mas4 glLLIARDSI 'BILLIARDS l'l' WJLUAM II. aiLMOBB lIaSnVM.llCll fl flnn llllllnr.l H.ilnn,. 4n . well iinowii ItEHTAUItANT. Ilo has 3 lalilU n..M .... ..... iiiivbi, iiiipiuveiueuiH anil 111 IH'Hel oiiler. Ilo keeps on hand, the best ijaVti BEEIt AND ALE ' lit h Iho luorkel'fiirords. OYrfTEna to Im, hurl Mal I (lilies when lu Kiasou, also Uttf Tongue J-lc-kJei rpf , Clams, 40., 4 P f il'r!',u''Uonl:l",Y!l,l1,'' f!1! "id,nnii prom KitlKr.Ktlou'.elthtr liiTllllnrdaor ulresli mculs. Ills lilUAjbi AJSI) TPUACCO mnnolbu oxctllcd. nioniuabutg, juii. I.'ipj. 1 QMN1BUB LINE. J Tiiounderalgnwl .would reavwctfiiliv nininniipM tA thseltlsena of nioomsbiirg and Ibu, .,... rally.tna lie Is running an UUJIIUUH LINK Iwtwcon llila ploco and the dlfferont ralroait'dd lU dnUy. (Uuudai'S oiceptoil). to connect wiih 11,2 several trains going Kouto and West on the Cata1 wiusa and WUUamaport llallroad. and with Uuh.b going North and South on the Lackawanna anil JJIoonuburg Jtallroad. . Ills Omnlbusses ore in good condition, couinjo' dlous and comfortable, and charges reasonable. Tenons wishing to meet or see their friends ilc part, can be accomodated npon reasonable cliargn by leaving timely notlco at any of the hotels. JACOII L CilUTON, I'roprletor. AWARE. LACICVW WKHTKHN 1 lAl I.UOA 1 1. Hu lllllli'l' arr.llnrli nielli, uiiri,ieuv. aruius iwnu im uiiiowsi f llAmVAHlV 1 1 . 1 I 4 ,. I I WKHTU'AIU). 1 11 'X Ki- ?.'rv rrz : .III "l. I , I I Mp'IJ fiTATINI?; MM t 1 It 1 t 4 . i w presi ,Ac I DTOVES AND TINWARE.. ' i A. M. lltirEUT cOullntiOJ Uidabovo Imslntsa ntltlsod .llicaub iiHtoiiorn'rf"i vo ncoinK'naUinvllh VANlSY BTOVESI. 6f ill kinds, tayfP'W.1'1",,? It rlcty of arltrlo fomnf III n Btove alid Tlnvraro Es Uiblrshmont lit M.cltlo.nill on tho mot relwon nhlo terms. , ncpnlrlnedonoatthpahorttftiiotlcn. IlOZKtf MtLlf-rANH . ' i . , on Imml for unlo. ' "DEM OVAL OF st n ti 1 tMIID N E W S T,p R.,E to b'h'ivb'b jii.ook, OM TIIK COBHKn OF MA11KKT ABn IRON STIXEETS. Tho nndcrslgncd having rcctlvwt from tho city a rail ami oomplcto cujiply ot SI'KINO AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, N O.T IUHH, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, i CKDAIt AND Vrll.tOW-WAKK, CONFECTIONEllV, 'OLABH-WAHE, T0BA00O, uai's And a h o jJ FLOUIt, HALT, FlMIlj AND, MEiVT, ail of which I propoio silling nt n very low flgnre for cash or produce. jnp Cnlt nnd soo.- jAprtl 12, IMI7. , VTKW STOVE AND TIN 8IIOP. SVKAVs'l.TnsWi-r.kAI.I.T' i04iT HIM.KBV IILOOMSIlUJtO ,, rKNIvA . , , Tn ts iimlcrslguoil lnwt Just fitted up nua openw. tils now' ' , STOVE AND Ti IN Bixvji-, this 1. W6rr.!ie ljyWS W.lna VlS tew tin WA ik oi mi , - r,vinon ih W' SiK' iT Aimi kepi's on hand u 8tYcS6uablo terms. Ho ni. V" htch he Will Bell Ulvohimacall, - , . . ..-.Hit lMircnnsers, vThtch'l.e wii re o. -."Wiie.. and ,,orv.To?lUuUnol'tron, Woorasbnrg, April 50. 1!W. tr.KtitTrr. J. n.""'""" MI TII & S E Ji i Zi U JV, C. C. MAKIti VJT (1UAN1) OPH UNINtf OltANIl Ol'ISNINW OUANI) OI'KNINO . OltANl) Ol'ENlN'O I -. ' I 1, . ) . ,i ,,VA1.I. AND WlNTIIll (KKillM. l. .r.l' liuilli, ,L iANII WINTHIl' OOOTW, 'AI.I l'AI C A I 1 . " ''I ITAT.I.' i.ii ii ; .i.ii 111 ii Anil ,IV1 1 I. Hi IHHII'M, 'ANii'wiNTKtt noons. 1 II, .1 !...' iAiTxr'ff- consMltlKoI , ""wiisuiinSor , ,conjitlli(,ol oonsKling of 1 1 oonstiliug of. 'ntiY dooiH' DllY (Hill DM, DllY (10OI1H, nrtY ooom ,1)111' (1001M, , VIIATR iAND.iCAI'S, IIATM AND (!.IH, , HATH AND (!.IX HATS AND CAl-H, , 1IAT8 AND (VUH; norrrs and biiow. ,1100TB AND SIIOHH IIOOTH AND HIIOKH IIOOTH AND KIIOIX UOOTH AND HIIOIW, ItEAnV-MADG ('I)T1IIN(L ItEADY-MADll CI.OTHINO HHADY-MADi: CLOTH INO, UKADY-MADU CIXlTIIINd! ItEADY-MADH C(UTmtU, liOOICIN(l-(ILAH.SI!' UMIKINO-OLASHUH 1(IKIN(I-(II,AHSKS LOOKINO-tlLAHHI'M IAK)K1NU-0LASSI; NOTIONH, NOTIONH, NOT I ON h; NO'l'IONH, notions; 1'aintu and oils, 1'ainth and oii.s I'AINTH AND oim I'AIN'IH AND OILH I'AINIW AND OIIJ, UlltOCKUII-.H, (JKOUKKIKH OKOCKIIIES ' OUOUEUIIi'l UHOCEUIIJi, HtlKHNHWAltK, ItllEKNHWAltE, lllllOENHWAItl:, tttlHIiNSWAltU, litlEENSWAltli uaiidwaui:, hauiiwakh, IIAIIDWAlll:, ' IIAIlllWAIll!. ' ItAIlDWAltll, ' , TlrJ.VAItK, TIN WAItK, , i, TINWAltlJ , , ,,'riN WAItK , , TJNWAHE, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT. HALT, ' ' KIHII, KIHIl KiHII, I'lTJI I'Ibll, tlltAIN AND HUEIH, (1HAIN AND HEKIM (IllAIN AND HliKDH (IltAIN AND Hi:i:l)H UKAIN AND HISEDH 4c. lrKKLVY, NlUl. All.f,:i.VV Kt.Ml. MoKHLVY, NKAL' A MfKELVY, NKAL ft JJIVIVIjUV 1, trtlliAl. ld dl., CO.'H, CO.'H, CO.'H. CO.'H. WVB. V Ml 040' a-sss1 II 00 O'SO 7 15 itl 7 00 o :w 5 :a r, ii r n 0 01 4 It i3 3 05 3 41 120 3 15 WW iy. 135 :iis 3.00 12,10 2.10 12.00 11.4s 11.30 4.10 3.22 1.00 11.20 11.05 10.17, 10.X! lu.a 10.13 OXpO ,0.40 0.22 1 '0.IJI 'm.: 'WO 7.11 liM 0.10 -5.30 A. 11. Vllt K." DIVlS.IA'M, ...,ClirlstopherBtJr. ...,.....nobokcn ;., Ncwarln Washington vlaCcn. int.' of tf.J, '""(IMI Liberty S)'"" ..,Wewllnmiiton...,. Ill 1UUUV111U. il'liilatclpbln! .ilununlca fhunk...K , -,uciawarc... VXtltHlIII. 11LIUCJ Water Unp..., irnuui Innum ....HenryvlUe.;.! tnt Inn. I ' ,tStroimHunri'.,.. ilMJUtlfiUOVIUtJ.U....; ..... ' r .:..;.(lonl(istioro:... ,..,M08C0W....., ,..-.....Dunnlng...,." ....lcrantoiiw, ...Clark's Humnilt. ...Ablugtoii.....M ..Kaitory villi Nicholson. 1 llM.l... ....... ."!r..Mimtii.?""z.Ti .....Now Mllford....... ..i.i...uroni jietu! H.30 K.MI '8.45 D.ns 11.30 1-M 1 Id) 1 00 4 II 40 7 US o.mi 11.10 11.1S ll.W 8.17 1I.0S 12.05 12,25 12.35 12.00, 1.05 1.15 .15 'l.M 2.00 2.21 2.33 2.S7I 3.0K 3JS0 1.12 4.20 1.31 4.01, 0.1!. I a. 10 0.IKI 0.U) I'.M S K I8 n 9 2S fl SO IOOK 1035 ri Northwest comer ot Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer or MalniiAd MarkotMieetn Nort hwmt corner or Main nnd Market Streets Nortbwcht t'Ornct. nr Matt. n.i k, tii L.r.1?1 Northwcht co rncr of Main nnd ilnrket blrooli, icino yet uiscovetcd for tho iSi'liJl' Dyspepsia. Llvor ('oropiaiJt !?0ho iirsenscs (i? tho Throat, ti:;,?"!?,?, rnrulo entirely, of roots' i.m i ,!"1' 1 will conylnconny ono who nn No family Bhoillu Im Mi? boiiic, proimrcd mid sold ii f "ill' A Co. Bcliuvlltin itn; l,!'l"citt.'Uj' glat. ' ' rJ? JJ 11. '1' A.Y" Loniffln1 if , OHVU.muK(Jl ?,f 'I ' ' 5nst lUTTEn, 111 Mil 'K qini' m ',, , - ; A mltil ilful ngri'Cahlo Tniit. nchlc uuil Oajinlnatlvo Extracted cntlicly fiom iii... T7T, lyboncilclnlln mi?m M t, i 11 lYE ImirU;r3 and Dealer1 1" Foreign anil Domes! lo HARDWARE, ' atJNH, 'OUT L lilt V, Act., ) NO. 103N.THtl:DSTr.l:KT,All.CAI.I.OWIlILI., riULAliELl'lflA. NoV,o7-U'., TyTEAV STOVE :ND T'lPf' SltbP, ,ci . , , If II IM.-M ttlll'lt M.'ilii'Sliciliinoiiovr nvpvo U, McniUiiliall Itaiici'Scoivnliiiillyoiililiililiftiid liit Wilo nt Iho Tlm'ililit in illlu liVnliclioK'cai'cfu'h'vattenili-il tb. riiidsatlNtailiiili P.UjiriipiftHj. i .. , .i nil himnUtod. ' .'""' " rrnE NEW IT AUDWAJM! STQTU Having ijniarK,' iv", "V"!l (itvinu nmi jum Ol'ENEi) A NEW htim.Y,, i llfivilv frntri liii' "Mliliiifiirlurer's. tuinha'.eii f,Ir cash. onmjccUulngmoikoi.v'.AinrBproiMlcoil to tiller thosamp to . , , . I ' F'AttJlKltfs'. M"IStJI.I(,,4. IH'ILDKIW. 'ninl'llio i-es't of Mnlfkliid',lft'6heMT hfoctc, com- trislin; , uio jiuiui aiifi .quftuno iiHuauy aopt ii atlUMlanl Waie Htoia.hUllablo to tho aul-H tf unusually lowipi'ieea.r ; Ail inoso wjionuMH'vinuiiMoi jmrciitwing rwmih in our line can navo niancy iy luoiuugiu ni 1111 ijrviinruvareioru. , . , , i 'tease rivo nn a ran nna cxaminfl our kiocu a i.uiAn v waihuui, Apr. aUO-lyr " - nioomsbui', Ta. .h i it Iti, J - t- gHAIMMiKSS & IIAH1MAN, Tiik;i;atki montuosk iron hi:am ani Tin: iwtton wyobi-N ju:am m.owh. .usiiii-f.itini i- nil iji ,i iv 1 1 ii hi hi t in,, i it j niiiiin. ah junujoi unisH oruiuioiisi.iiiij iiuwiu-tunnit' upon Mmrt notice , . , ' lli l'.MIl.AUL'lirjfl (X'l'.Tl.'llAliniA.i. niooinsuurn. in.. mi ii 'ntprletorij. QRANOEVILLE l'OUNDRY," 1 M.M'IlINi: HIKir AND AUItlClII.TUItAI, WOItKH. Tlia Lmiloihlciicdiderilrcsto Intorm 'his rrlcudk ami tlio piiljlli' generally, mat hu has inbuilt mid nilnrned Ills lVmndry and JthclimcHliiln.iind rot inm ul all )ils biinluts from I,l(;liV Htri eV.tu the uuu, u ii.iiuuii n.irr. ivutiu in ruiniccinii Vlio jus rouiiury. HQ. win, cumiuun ui mnm Wbei'kT'H Hallway (Phalli Uoruo-l'm Thri'stur, (Itnpiovwl)' CariicH'it 1'ituint. , '. TlIUKHlIEUlANDCLEANEIt, cither overslint fur TrcKl-l'micr or uuderhUol wiiii j.over-i'ocr. no also liinlmr.KUircn iirilcranil Ills up all Ulndhof M 1 Ii L G E A R J N G , Clii ul.irBiiw Malidrcla, Patent HIIiIok Mills. Uio Intel,! ItinuoMd Iron lli am Plows of iliilcient' klmlH Wixuleii' riuwv, Dontilc coin riows, unu now j.'oiuis m.ovcry iicscriri tiOn generally ui.iiiltliroiii;lifnrt'tW(iciii(nty, ' IKON KEITLEH, HELLS '- Collar Ututes. Btoyt,BIil una llilgh Holiu, and In fact I'VorvUilili' uenerallv luailuluu t'uiinirr .rmiii'lry. Tliobc wishing to purchaEO, Machines would ilo wtll Ui cxnmluo his machines, and the Improvements inado on tlio Vowcr, tiy which 'at iisi-l .i ierpcill. OI lliu HICIIUU IS llUvCU Oil, ALL MACItlrtri)' AltK VAltltANTED to clvo cood i-'allsfact Ion. nnd lernis matin tn so puic)uii.ers. All kinds cf ccunliy pioduco taken Ml flvch.'iiiirn fnr Vlnnu null it.! I .... ' Tliauliliil to his friends and putiuns for pafl wiuitilw l, w.l ill mill i nil 1 1 ll ill ill Mil 1171 1 1 ml KlllllO, ll'tl I 111, LKllltl'lt'll ' . .1 ....1...M. 111... J . 1.I..V. Apr.o.GD-tf Otaiigovlllo l'a. ON A'J'I IAN urnititoriii - I &, MEDICO su;.il. liYSPErttA, " ' ENKrAl BKllljjfUIll ii , and LosaofAi,,, i'i i , 1 and on oxllltnlClrrcctlerl)re,tNt, frnm.Dlkorileriiof tho Iliiwilrtvl 1 1 ",r OB eW . . . . tlko, i ... Hold EvorvuiiM. - ''-A'l , Ii i ij.1 iili., i' nil Iii-.ii 5A'I it.. I II tin ,11' I, "ot6l,lWrt.'4l1 Market Ktrcfi,ttV !, ' "" t.TAYLoiUp.o Sept. 1,'CS-ly. t B1" ' -Ni; Aye Oherry p' i'or.DHOMoa or tho Thront ri vn ouch an Coughs, Coljj, ttiio i rwOllgu, xironcnius, ASS , . , and. ConsurapUoti, . rrohalilv never .iwforo ta tio, mem M...1B ..uu wi.mj, lin ..." W1H.MW.WI v. uiiwitiliij,!,;. ujl remedy for pulmonary complaiob, rjdo J rcrlcs of years,' and among "1 men It has risen higher and hldiair it lion, as It has becomo better loan,M v character and power to cure tho nucor or tho lungs and throat, have maic n ! llaulo protector against Uicm. wn. H inutier luriim ui umcasu una 10 rounf ion 1 at tho tame Urao tho most cDcoiiijta- bo given for Incipient contumiwt,. hi gcrons affections of tho thnutisteinrl lfiuii UKUtiis eu.i'icu .",' bekepton hand In ovcryfainflrait it nro'somotlrcoa, pubjoct to ccIJi u Fshould bo provided with Uua na'am (Althongn settloil ConaumnHnU w curable, stilt great numbers of cuoit, Jl case seemed settled, havo been n'"" and Uio patient restored to onuli.TT Chcrru J'ectnral, Ho completi 1"; i; over tho disorders of Uio Lunti iam! tho most obsUnata or Uicnt yield mrrr Ing clso could rcacji them, under Ut 1 lorn! UieysubsliW and dusppcu, ini Mfnpers and 1'utillo bpeaktni tcetlon from It. ,A$thtnn, It always rcliovcj i'JrIT 'cured by It.'- ' ilL lirenchM Is cercrtUIr ciiiill Cherry Vcrtoral In Bm.illnn,lh,-'J1. 3 ho irenerally nro its virtues hnanlAlt not publish tlio ccrtlilcatcs of tlwlcr than nisnro Uioimblio Uiat IU tpS?, laiUiitalnciL t j ' Ayei's AgueP 'For Fdvor'nnd Atrdo, Inteal'i'' i Chill 1'ovcr, Bemittcnt Iijioo Aguo, Porlodtcai or JJilloti and indeod ail tho afTooUKlW. . from malarious, mini, xiloi poisons. a a 'Ai lis namo" IririiHos, 'It dots fmaJT" ,fail. CoritaljnnenolctiorAMCiiic,;,. Zinc, nor any olhcr mineral or ro,'. .Whsuvrfr, it In nowlso lnlnrci njijj - iiumucr ami lmnortanco oi iu nrai irlrtii. nrn litArAltr licrnnd srcotlt'' wiUiout a parallel InllioiilaWrjoIi.. Our prldo Is gratlllcil by Uiotcbn" rccclvo of tho radical cures cJMt""" cones, and -a hero otiior rcronUciUi Unaccllmatal persons, dthnrsss travelling Uirnugli mlasmall,MCi , tectcilbftaWngUio A.UVV CIV J For JAver VamplaUitti tuuo(t .IIIu.TI-a.'III. ... ..-..linn. . . , .tlio Liver Into heoltliy activity. , in xoriuuous jjisomera aim iinioii aniexcellcnt remedy, prn.IufJJi -xnarkable cures, whera other roc&.l) rrcnaml by DR. IT. C. Amltini and Analytical ClieialsW, LoscUil"' all round tho world. ' TRICE, $1.00 PEIt 5-'f Ecb.o'.iSOO. fe -.-j aj 1 -OJl a.m! ii.ti) li.-u II.W IXOU 1...1 CONKFCTIONS. tL1 Nf-W 'Joniplonlwlth Central It. of New vllTeJaaUnA0 rl"il:1,':ul";lh.l'lalnilcldomer7 Ni'val!'l,?''tol'l V.IU S'nrrls Essex It. It., foi wn?KOT At M nn it ill.. l-t,.v.l, ...its. . &-i.&.iM'M 1-i.uiitw.i.unS AtHcrantnn.wllli Ijick nwntlllft A lltfty,at.iir, It. IU, fur l'ittston, Wyoming, Klntrston, WIUccs V"S.i5!i",i ,urt'"""t"land,SSc,, uls", will Laid in.1 tii.blmdTi." "'' I'""'". Arcn i..Atl ir-iS.V,en'Jlw.l.tll ''rlf Hallway, forninghani' ill, Klmlro, lllllialo Ithaca., ("yracuw; iiml "i'i " oWtiv .Wil'.HALliTl-lD.bupt.r it. A. lILNItt, (Jin, I'uss. and Tkt. Ageji pUMPS I PUMPS FOR SALE. illU UndAmli'llilil is-i-m Inrwu t, I..r,,r,.. i. S1.1 Bf (thui1,,ice alul vlcliiUy that Jie Jm prriiaret! t i I'UMlWIbrAVoliaaiid ClBterng over (Ucrotl 111010 water In Ictut l inn mi. Pur in. i.u i.l.... .i". any other pump In this part of tho oounlry niu! lllt'V CJl It llflt. I ui till rnnacr ,1 c..m ..- .i..r. i. . J i . .-.i iiViV, ''-:""lt j" "ii'", or. slmpl lolly of arriiiigojneut,alko combining rhcaij new, auti durability. Eaeli pump llng wairanU JHlloiwrforiiilU vork weft or no uiila "' 3 Hliutiiiiti Isngcnt'fi.r Columbia county, rrlca 73 cents per foot faced In the well. OonJers by inullor olheiwl.o promptly ntlendod to. r EL1AB HIIUMAN. l'a. Bept. JCS-Iy cWawlsla.l-t! E HOOPING, gLAT EVERY VAItlBTY MOST" FAVORABLE RATES, joiin Thomas, Ahp cAsrjut j. xhomah, Ma?:ij)yr. Vwmwvm.VA. IlLOOMHntlllO, HIAIOMHIIIIIUI llIiOOMHIIIIlMl lllAIOMHIltlHO UMKIMHIltlltO. J1HJN AND NAIIX, I HON AND NAIIJ1 I HON AND NAILS IKON AND NAI1J1 iUON AND NA11JS l'A., IA l'A., VA' 1 VI. In large rjiiantllles and nt re.luccl rales, alwny I? W O O A, L Y A R D. v.'ty t-1 t n.,f 1,0 i ttiore.iti. u,:."!; o?kioV.j, coal nnd selected lump coal for kioIIIiIuk numo-i ses on their wharf, nlljolnlu,; M'lCelvyffi??! TJ3 on "l hS'iZi?1 'S.?!-?1 '""f 1f "' wales pn ino wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and straw Likewise inhprso mid wagon, ti driver coal T those who Ueslio II, As they purcliaMiUarc,, amount or coal.they musnd toIip n, superior an tlclo. and sell nt tho very lowest nrleea . J nni.v "amino for yourselvS iffit Vrcffil Ing elsewhere, 'j. w. HKNUEICSlKn AUUUK'l'UH MAKON. Tni5 u'ldi,wlBnwI wlll.tako In ox-. J.ggs. Ilay,.tc.,ut ihn hiufict, en uiocery rnoro, aujoiiilug Ihelr coal yard. llloomsburg f in,. WeMp, V' "'DKIWIIOT. JNS'UjtANOE A'fJENOY. ii;o.ooi 4,ouo,aj 300,000 3&9,O0U' 400,000 l.ioo.uxi l.OW.tMl Wyoming Atua Fulton North America City... International .,, Niagara., I'utuaiu , , Merchants Hprlngfield . Farmeis' I)anvillo.. iviiniuy i;ity, Lancaster City , Yorklloriie, Dcatli A Tlielt.....' Homo, New Ilaven... Danvilln, llorso Thift ' EltKAH ilKOYN, locii, , ni-ooMainjua, 1'a m.wt sflti 570,010 2t 0,000 1 ,000,000 mttldlOiy.' (QARRIAOE MANUFACTORY, Dloonisburg, l'a, M. U 8U)AN A nilOUIElt tbeaucoessorsof WILUAM HIXJAN & HON continue tl.o Inislness of making UAituiAui), iiuuauw, aud every stylo of FANCY WAGONH, which they havo constantly on hand to suit cus tomers. Never nitug any material hut tho best and employing tho moBt experienced workmen they hojio to continue as heretoforo to glvo entire atlafaeUon to every customer. Au inspection ol their work, aud of the roosonnulo prlco naked for ho same, is anre to insure a sale. May 6,'oO-tf r EIIIQII VALLEY AORIOULTU r JiAli UlllMllUAb WOltKB,, BREINIO & IIELTIUCII, i ' I M.NoiAcxur,i.ii.s ,or , ,,. HllElNlUte COMPLI'TE ' li 0 N' E 'M A N U H E. A.conoQulintcd liiiinurocoiiibiuliigthoiollablo; ftillUlngpi(iperU('iofr.0Ni:i)U.SToran0UNI)' llON'IVwIlh thtiticllvoelcmenlsof rEIUIVIAN, (llFANO, AJIMONIACAL MATTEIt, AND rJUPER PlIOSPIfATE Oi'' ilJklK., NOTlCli. Wo proparo but 11, o one nrticlo. Kiiaraiiteelng It ns slandard.irellablB'iinil null iV,V.'M,,w,-'.rHriulc,imiJvarlatloiislii quality to sultdl lerent lilmsor prices nto generally- moi ducedliyillUeiciil propoiUons of adulturalioiu 1'armcrHciiiiaava money by li diiclng the (mall, tv thcinfolvfJi, .Wousa only JJono and in i-hiSH lihalleiliinnoror l'luwphalo of J.lmc. Html for) f'Farmtis' M.iiHiie(Jiilil,ii.irt,ii,ntiMunnfac4 tini'i s lale by , A. J. AI.nilltTKON'.'lUihrslAIlK, VA: v.. . JiW'UiiKHA (. iilisinuborg l'a. ' MUr.lVta.iiiW WALTEllk'iriT.i'aiiiw&l!;.: ITE ESPY lf6TEli, , ' , mi'Y, COLlIMllIA. COUNTY, l'A. . .T,1'.'; ,J!la,nMwuM1lnrorm thelravfllliiB1 inilillotlmt he has luki u Iho nlauuuiuul ealab-i Itshiiiiiitiuui thoioiighly rclllled ih samo fori ho iiellccl iiinvi'nl..inu of hlsi;uo.ta. Ills larder" will liOHltH'ked with tin, liM lIm , nii..P.i . bo funiTtt1.!;?!':'"' !u,j '"!"r" Apr,23,w:(f WtTT flu ,..m...n. V ..Mirvi rillllil i Epy, l'a. OViERflMENT APROPERTY at private sale lIHTKINeo. Tim (Jiskat IIiiad Q,UAiiTi:n.s for nil kinds of II A R N E S H, Whnnl tii.,1 Ughtn, ii Kr,VJfclX,0l!,cfe T E , N T H itospltiil, Wall mid w't'i;c,,wlll1 p'i,;s ,! r,lna. 11.111: MIL I T A It T iivercoats Ulnlilu la.l Tho luigu.t in i 0 L OT II I N fl'. i , ! rock tiials Jackets, lllonsui, Armyi iIliirMiCiiviis.l'lyHlii.elsiiudNels.fcU.., ju.t nnil licstiukiiilintiitwo havo ever) .l?oe,'l'ltS!!''a'Ulll'll,J,, I '''t'.WUceooii np. Miiiiiii uiiirnt iij. .xpruhH, iu. 11. UhhltAI. liMltltTlllM TII WIIOI.BUMe 1IKAJ.KIW. i 1 i 1' ITK'I N s IMI,-, ' ' 71 Norlli hk-oiuI Ht., Jnst tieloV Arch St., VfUl .? 1 AltK W-AL'K, New York. .May 21,'tll.3iii (il-yi'TJIEBEST. Mimson's Copper Tubular Lightning Hod is tho beat prtUilliiiiagaliiatilUttsU.rbyrightulnir ever invnedo. Tho subscrllier Is ogeurfor tlio novo Invention, una all orders by mail or in "w iiiuiufinj, miciiuuii ui, Mayi5,'(lii ' . E. U.JJIULEMAN.. CONSUMPTION OAN liR niinii-n VMly lir.('C.UarrUon'siiewprn.'eMsoftrculmcut i-,iV?T.t,.J,S!'1,1JV- V-i1- ,1l80N. 211 HoSm EKIHTIIHt. l'lilladeliihla, l'a, leeiuiiiiiciiiiiiu given to TiiitOATnml on, lyou-ly, 1".H. Hoe I.UNU Dlsi Ayer's S'arsa ion puniFiixo Tin Tlicrtfinlt rdli'iil ii dortTol'f rj, may;',h man tils sOr. fecmBl ha corroru JiurtDftlB .crofuljsi j, disorder -pravatoli loua cess . thcy.wwi pninfnily'. cnruilln eucli great numbers lai ' Hon of tho country,Uiat Uw piliKft" bo iafonned or lu vhlucscru r Scrofulous poison is ono of enemies of our race. Ortcn,Uiiir-'f..,, tenant of tho organism im,limiino andlovltos tne nltack ot'enfoiUirJir .wiUiout exciting a suspicion oflt'ntf it teems to breed inibcUou then, on eomo favorablo occaiiftt; ni into ono or pthcr of Its hldooui -aurfaco or among thollals. In , clca may. bo isuddcnly depoIW O, heart, or tumors formeil la Uio I-Jf M, Its prcfccnco by crupUons on the ii; I aUuus on soma pari of tlio toxlj. 1 elonal nso or a bottlo of tlds sm vi vlssble, even when no actlvo rsP appear, rcrsons amictfl vviih i-t-.rlatnts generally! Ilnd hnraftlW'.ll length, euro, by tho use of tH 'Jal ZAi St. AiitUony's fire, B' Tttter, Salt Jtlicum, hrMUj. Horn liucs, Horn J.'oi'J, ami .""Si vistblo lomis or XcrofulM i" moro concealed forma, as VVTm' Heart Dltease, lilt, lWWfll and tha various vlccrvut affix" c lar nnd ncrvoos systems. Ajpi(;(. or leiw J and "Jm , nro cured by It, though a lir,TOif subduing theso pbsUuatomnl.idW'i'; -Jlnt long continued u0 of tins i "i' Uio com plaint, ' ifMcotrAn'oW'T-" I'te-rutloui, and J-Wiuil'' v"Tii monly booh relieved ami t',1"!!i purUying rind imigqrniing lions for each case aro found uiWk;; nllftd cmtls. 7iruMiali"a M.n causca in lleil gratis. JJicuMiaiuw tri auscd by accumulations ot ,"f n tho bloOd. IcM' oulckly tJ- il.....' . i.ii... i'aniH r vuiiiijkiiiii,, j vrj'i ...., mnrl'oiiof the, J.lrcr.aml J,"fj as Uicy ollmdii, noiu """"frjL Mood.' This NAllSAI'AltllUt uio aireoKui ; s,.iv. who aro Xiii(uM , iAlJ , anu iroum MVow, or"?,,"" taciug ciiilcw'1' storcr Thofio who tfetir. MertileM preheHBttinm or HVmiilnmnlli, nt relief and convtaciug liivvriipouiriiu. '" ' . Ji?J-JiJ!P' ' itr.'s: Ci'i.lTllK ifc Ciu.5 'rrac'tlcat nnil Analytic SOLD by' aI.l liiiucuisre lHl I ' ' '' TYOMESTIQ ECONOMY , .CAMl'ILLtPN I' ,A nowiehonp.aurnblc, lindiW.'J ' "FLOOR C-OVEIltfy A nibaltttttoof oil-cloth niw' This carpet is privluced by ) Hon of strong, heavy paper, tat colors, ami cnatod wtlhaW proof cuaiuel which ru;lvi'"''"VJt the colors nnd paper endures uum iuu c tbemo. Its i urpei. oiiuiii. ',,JJ Its lulvaninges nro !-;;-.(-, ml randers It avaiu" " inijiy "V'l 'iU J exceed Uikcit un and cleaiicit U'XL 1 uives much labot and Uu.Y wltUllio uunplllloii IIiiAuiclM-jr r case inny rcnulrc, (which co" j, y lostlndellntiely, oven an iW0? ntwaud blight 1 lu IU uw M1 Is placeil ntaiii tho pnier f"r,r', k ly iiihiu sho watui-proof cffliU'1?! V1 per iK-lng tiscrt only to mc""" 1 hoa mvully been usixl for ;'1V' even ror trunks, roofs, tinurw r parpl.bul tho llrst nlteinil,f J", -AinerUii, toiouveitltlnt''.l,l'ir',Vi In, nil concede It to bo an -l'Tw . Weiliuve purchased Uw '(yi county nud can mrnlsh tl" cov ut iiinuMlacturcrs prlcf., .. ofj 4-Yoti aro luvllwl ' W'vr,l goods nt our store. M k '" Ulooiasburg. Dec. H'lW-tl. QCPARTNERSIIH' Vhe undersigned have ship as I'liuiidirs iiudMachl l'ounilry hcretororo (JcciHyS'yi lh "WW. Tho liooks of the late lli'a. Jia E. it. lkler, to u hviu alllt-'113 "I'VO'n'-hurij Jjius, HW-tt