1:1 V THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUHG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. " tll.eOMBUtWJ, FRIOAY, JtlliY 3, 1800. ''lliiDoBiiiEBi.Esii., has sold hla '"Hi tt)X)tiyon third Si. near tho School lriIouso to O, B. Brockway. 'bi :i tw;..j, , BbAdlry taUM'nbout liugo County i, ,'xcs. Jaat'MHfco Joko of tlio thing, iiHuctor, tellfiw'how much County tax ourayy;- TiiBKnlf h'iomplars propow inurcli m,.,ir in Uio procession nt tills placu on atUKWyinU, regalia. It ho hit "jijjinirablo sight. , J?j Tun returns of tho volo onlay ilolo Ration (iri Hhe JWtlioillst Ejiiscopnl "jburch fool up for, 10,3.18) against, $,024;i nUiw. j1 Stranois Fheak. Tlio Jiincy.u;?ii' un. , ant. n Tlflillrvil nnnnr. fills ivpnlc nnli. ajslied tho Declaration of Imlopcndcnco. iVo carj't understand its motlvo in clr 'ijlall'ng such1 n copperhead document .at 1 U SoBof tho'cltlzcna of FishlnRcrcok oro asking to hnvo tho pluco for Dolo- win' ato.olcctlon changed from tho old plnco UnnngBt',8 Tavern. Tiio commutes iJiV,avo not tho authority to mako tho r, .hnngo arid It must bo held nt tho old iu TimothyITuomas was arrested on SSnturdfty Juno 2Gth and placed in jail y Constablo .Woodward for fighting t ixCid disorderly conduct. Tlio town has lif, ion bo quiet of lata that wo had begun iftj bcllovo rowdyism had ceased, but uMvmoof thojull,,pJprncnt Is still rlfo it 10 Bt'l'vua' . , SWFff1 Dedication. "mAVcWnderstXrftr too new Melntyro 't4m Catawissa is rapid i aWolSfeoJplction and will bo 'iu..idIcatod'6ffeifrtriof July. Thcro tT4IWW?.iad, festival nt tho iteft'fW.Sdti?,tho 3rd tho proceeds LeKnJgrteoritytnyIns at this placo. S'6il;elri7ur'&ed.tnati iho principles and immMmoyory similar to within Its limits KltfOff.to nil of w.t1t;cIi;fpti(ilg,,oxccpt tlio drand itfm'tljqdic, i.XtViS Bavq a letter toost-markod "Fow e tvJvllIo, " recemBsonding n gentleman ciw?AEsocaM'JitdgbV4,Tlio letter is wlth-i'SUflto-aha naif AO tinmo, and is there jp. 0iWlUmt;auttority.. No candldato ' tjaflSttftcScopi by order of tho tifr'IrJWBorao responsible "'ty. Thbsum'oncloscd Is subject to fiM8WA;-Wlthingtonhas ilvodtho aoaawatlon from Norlh riiJuiitjfVfor' gonator nt tho uaffiary-'elfctfcfasP i"'nJul!ont9iui,90fintaf,-WO obsorvo that M'CriJckhnd Tlioraas Chalfant iti.sk xWdidatcB'Yor'ith'o sarao position. ."ai'havo'h'ottri noono named in Hulll- ')1:lrrckAswfl(!8'n candldato from ' . I IT iui'iiur''airp,;yery busy cutting Igatherrng-in'thelrlmy. Tlio crop 'inusudljy heayy.nTho wheat is rl-itokiintMftfiffli-famo of it is fit to MalrcaaTljoqtiont rains have ffjUuyed tile corii.and on low and spongy s"tPB3iWS0felsl?a 5 0,1 slaiy rU,ges tony ground It is doing pretty well, will como on in tlmo. Tho other theor3-10 wel, and,tjiis promises to bo ' Aiino EsoIPB.-Ono of tho work fcm'p'ioyeflYpn tho new St. Paul's tain ipaPhujffhjff'narrowly escaped 'JlSlh'On Monday! afternoon last, from i uiU falling1 ot a stono; which was belnc I'Knfcd.'to'tBo'wdUJof tho building. Tho lani.tiojn'hilllug-tnlssed his head nnd ,lrl0, tic nhis heel," Inflicting n painful .Jgh'no'tttbgeroua wound. Had tho nrajlcn'.upjoahhead it would have H'Biscd instant death, ! , It l u j'W NOTUKa.I,pAHDIDATI!. Wo ail- co tils'.jwSiBlc.'tho noma of Charles 'r55un'o'f yw;townshlp as an nd jMinal anilldato' for Associate Judgo. 'iuBiiMaait'l'n'fdrniSuU3 lliat ho mailed us Yh.j'lMmc! twks'gb requesting us to ,uVtoWH?.S'rfi,an(1 containing tlio rLsiwuremittanWjWhavonovcr received '.'i,, Jloilwatut-'Wibis reason ids namo 'loerJWBso'oncr. AVo mako A4wnnnoqhceroept1n justice to him and vr JffiS&PWx . no mWiAkE' BliAtanTBB. On Thursday iiu-tr-ist Wo'yhllO'Mrs. Charles Jlen y i.''-JiQt,,fdrlnerly.Qthl3 place, wai out iciwbrlrigWi'wftWrborrles near Mc ort itby,'3,'itetlqn qrt tho Catawissa It. It., 1'ir-iioardsoinethi'ng riUtlo, and shortly uaiivf!hBg raitlcBiiako within 11 ft con t. ton ie flf;bf .'foo,.";; Slio ran away and y-lber'hbnd, wlio returned aprr.avM.i.Fyunnd killed ft. It, iicau8Ukttoun aod'a nal feet in luugth, 113 f'K have1 been shown tho table of con 1 " n of a np .woitli;l edited by Judge, 'TLvstori and publisliwlby John Camp ,ifi7Swmt,l,liHndol.lita. " muni-'111 bo published in July, in law 'JiMiH&'r'toM' 6.u0.' Tho Philadelphia mw i810"1 elocIpn,'case3, several conies j will cases,' trii latest homlcido coses, voasJ,a largd'iiumber5'0f tho latest and fillet important cases on tho equity sldo, t. t'-"io courts, are contained In this book. '11 volumowlll' be a desideratum to .ffpcttpractlsliiK lawyor, and will com ion "I'ld a largo salo.""" tllO Ii"1' rrr-, ceru stokm. On Monday last tlio isiiuj'S0" ot jCouVj'lry lying below this , t'ii,.was vlsllod by a most destructive 'i'0,in-,oftwind,','at)tt"rain accompanied hundor.nd;lIghtiiiiig. On tho old .. ni: ton farm man v trees wcro blown ratne. hi'."Joh'n'a.Qulck lost tho roof of jarn ;; tho'flrio pak trco in front of . jnm'.axl9n s; houso at Jiupcrt, was I'lfimBjfttYW, wltli several other largo ayi':TJ&iu8tpr'm after destroying ""'ttf'iatho; woods near Vastiuo r.vlan'to'gi'ftllwnrt nvnr to tlin rlvor linnk- 'jVon tho fcwtof Thomas Caso did fgjiU.aamagWf Oiio of Mr. Caso's boys wuii'blowu dowajby tho forco of tho f,l and was uuablo to rlso again dur- 'imt'ltsi wnunuanco. Mr. Caso stated IS fib wntl?h c',aln' hanB'B from his u-m tpt,- wf f out fn Uco I Tlio crops ,nd ioi'p path p( tbo hurrlcano woro boaton ift,Miua( uhd'ltwilrbo dlfilcult in many .k to save thorn. In Philadelphia jfpfon Long Island noar Now York tnTA damngo was dono and considerable of, J.'' i uio luu utx'ii m 1 1, in y rupuricii. John Covode, tho most corrupt man in Pennsylvania, has been mado Chair nitm of tho Radical SUto Central Coin mlttco. Hols tho man who nt ono tlmo called Geary "tho humhuggodest Gov ornor ho over saw who spells "Qod" with a llltlo "J j' and who nlludcd to a statement mado in Congress as follows! "that nro nllcgatlon is ontruc, and this oro allegator knows it.". His selection means fraud, bribery and corruption this Fall. How to Sleep. According to an old notion pcoplo sleep much better with their heads to tho north than any other point of tho compass. For Invallds'H Is highly recommended bythosowiio hnvo given It a practical tost. It Is In sistod that thero nro known to exist groat electric currents, always crossing in 0110 direction around tho earth, and that our nervous systems aro in some mysterious way connected with this olcctric agent. Coon Fishing. An old fisherman slates that if a man wauls to catch fish whenover ho visits tho river, lot him not pick out Uio full moon to do it in. A philosophical reason for tho ndvlco Is given, to wit: When tho moon Is full, tho nights, being bright, cnnblo tho flsh to do all their foraging in tho night time. Of courso, having their wants supplied, tlicv lio un nil dnv. ennsn- quontly thoro Is a scarcity of "bites!" Under a now moon season, tho fish havo to sleep all night and work by day j that mnkes the difference in tho fish string. The Teaciieh's Institute. Tho Bummer term of tho Stato Normal School having ended, tlio spcclnl term for tho benefit of Teachers iios r om mencod nnd will continues until tho bo- ginning of tho Fall Term August nth. The attendance) thus far has been much smaller than wo had anticipated, but may incrcaso later in tho term. Wo trust that tho Teachers of this Normal School District as well as thoso Interest ed in tho causo of education may proper ly nppreciato tlio full benefit to bo 'de rived from tho opportunity offered and may form a class sufficiently largo to ustlfy its futuro continuance. Thcro can bo no doubt of tho importance of Teachers acquiring a perfect knowledge of tho duties of their profession and in no wny can tlioy do so in 11s thorough n manner ns by a regular attendance 011 tho courso of studies hero presented. Local IVoIIccn. Just received for salo 100 barrels Fresh Ko3endalo Cement with discount to tho trado. Paxton & Hauman, it Bupert, Pa. Peiison3 visiting Bioomsburg on tho Fourth of July can get tho best shave nnd havo their hair cut in tho most ap proved styles at John Alstatt's, Court House Alley. New aooiw at Marr's, Black Drcs-i, Silk, Lawns nnd Mohair of tho latest styles, tucked skirting, hoop skirts for ladies 72 Inches at bottom, corsets of all sizes, parasols at all prices, gaiters cheaper than over, best sugar and cof- feo at tho lowest rates. $000 Howard is offered by tho proprie tor of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy, for a caso of Catarrh which ho cannot euro. Tho fifty cent packago prepares one full pint of tho mcdlciuo ready for use. Sold Dy druggists, or send sixty cents to Dr. R. V. Picrco, Buffalo, N. Y., and you will rocelvo it by return mail. THEdLoniouHFounTir. If you wish to thoroughly enjoy this day, provide yourself with a suit of thoso delightful ly cool clothes which Lowcnherg has on hand in endless variety. If you can not got comfortable in thoso, thcro i3 no hopo for you. Go and sco him nnd you will hardly fall to find Just whnt you havo been wanting and unablo to find elsowhoro. Tim increasing number of sudden and unexpected deaths occurring in our midst, warni us to sccuro some certain sum for tho benefit of our families should tlio Destroying Angel visit us. Thcro is 110 bettor way than to tnku out a policy in tlio Mutual Lifo Insurance Company of Now York, tho oldest and wealthiest Company in tho United States. Assets thirty-two millions of dollars. F. Cooi.ey, Agent, Columbian Olllco. Would Auianac Wd havo yot on hand sonio copies of this valuablobook. No other publication of its sizo contains nsmuch useful Information, Political and general. Statistics Interesting to tlio Furmer, tho Merchant and tho Me chanic, aro put Into tho most conveni ent nnd rcadablo form. Tho important events of tho year aro chronicled for tho curlousr, whilst tho Politician will find tho voles or all tho States at tho lust Presidential election and hundreds oftolltlcnl jottings important to havo nt baud for reference. Price only HO cents. Imuense Reduction in Pianos. Tho Chlckerlng Pinnos, which took tho "Grand Gold Medal" nt tho Paris Ex hibltlon, and tho still higher recom pense, "the cross of the Leijion qf J foli ar," are now soiling nt greatly reduced prices, tho discount system belngSaboI ished. h. 11. Powell, 116 l'enn avenue, Scruntou, Pa., is their wholcsalo ngeut for a largo portion of the State of Penn sylvania and Now York. Send to hi-i address for tho now circulars and prico lists, containing full explanations, which will bo furnished free upon application. Mr. Powell Is also wholesale agent for tno celebrated Mason A Hamlin Organs, and dealer in all kinds of Musical Mer chandise, lit. Mynheeu Paul Diktuich, of Mil waukee, feeling ids earthly tabornacla stored with troubles to bo expelled, de cided, after full enquiry and investiga tion, to employ Ayer's Pills. In his hasto to purify his Dutcli stomach, ho mistook tho directions, 2 to 7, nnd swal lowed 27 for a dose. This croated, of courso,ouap-pauI-Ing internal rebellion. But Paul went through tho fight lllco 11 horo, and camo oil' victor at last, with n renovated system which ho proudly ex hibits as proof of tho wisdom of ids cholco. Ho advises overy body to tako Doct. Ayer's Pills, but kindly ndvlscs Ids friends who nro ambitious of follow ing his oxamplo, to "posuro and tako dor right botion." Minnesota Telo Patent Itiains. Thcro Is 'a" great deal of humbug in tlio patent right bus iness. Tlio Sclent flc American report i Eomowhcro In tlio neighborhood of 00, 000 claims that ha' o thus far been secur ed through Its agency, and every wc6k adds hundreds to tlio list. Now, how many of those pabnts pay their oxpen scs? Wo havo iv data upon which o haso our calculation, but wo bcliovo wo aro correct in say ug that nlno out bf overy ton do not ; aud linlf of tho pay ing class would nt.t do it wcro tlio pat ent rights not hawked about by silver toncucd. rccklcs atrents. who can whecdlo a modest man into buying ex actly against tho c mvictions of his bet ter Judgment. F r instance, an agent will como along with a complicated, nicely painted stump cxtracior,or some thing of tlio sort, iiiul by pollto volubil ity and winning llittcry ho succeeds In accomplishing ids object. Tho farmer takes tho implement, paying a fabulous price for it, and tho right to uso It 0 1 ids farm. Ho rigs, up a team, and wiih considerably "pomp aud circumstance" ho attacks n doomod stump to try It on. Ho selects looso stumps first, which como out without!. nytroubIc,nnd'cou!d hnvo been removed In half tho tlmo by a' common crow-bar and block of stone. But this lever and fulcrum ar rangement won't suit j It is not modern enough. Well, mxt tho mnchino is tried on a green jtump, tho first pull brenks It.andit is east nsido as worthless among tho debris of tho tool house. Tills is but a rcprcentatlvo caso. Many different implements aro crowded upon farmers and others in a similar way. Havo nothing to do with such patents until you us3uro yourself that thoy aro really meritorious. Sunbury Gazette. Thy It. A cup of cofTco Is a suro bar ometer, if you allow tlio sugar to drop to tho bottom of a cup nud watch tlio bubbles arise without disturbing tlio coffee. If tho bubbles collect in tlio middle, tho wcatlicr will bo fine: if they adhcro to tho cup, forming n ring, it will bo rainy, and if tho bubbles separ ate without assuming any fixed position chnngeablo weather may bo expected! Try it. Receipts of "TECH COIiTJlWBIAir for June, 1869. J (1 Krcozp H W Crcvellns f) II' 'ThosCliil fuiit 1O0 t; 1 JOllU A. I UIINIOII ' lJ 1 1 Inn AFnliHtoii a Coil I J win Law tun lllankH doo Hentt Dnvld Bava','0 W W llnrrtu 1 fT) Miller A Wolf l.j OS 3 f ) J WHelser .'lOiilIMl'lillllp-i 1 1 ) S M Alberthim 1 ( inJncob Keller 1 1) Henry Mooru 1 ID Ol'Dricsbneli 2 CJ UCJ 2 10 2 t) 1 ll 2 00 2 SO 2 M 2 .'-I 1 IM 7 U I 1 il 2 U 2t) 1 11 2 (0 1 I) 4 (I) 2(1 2 1J SW 1 I) 2 00 1 CO 5 75 2 I J 2 10 1 13 2 CO 2 10 2 t:i 2 U( 2 0 1 IT) 7 "a tit (3 2 OU 2 U0 5 1 10 1 W) S OU I (X) fi ( 1 Oeo WMtenlglit ThnmAHCltntituit 0 N Wll ItH Wolcot'al'nliil'.itlitl I 1 1 t iKst ofJohn Pcule .lonn h stetuci- i! til " " Andlew 1 C J' Lnhrmnn J Hi Est urKrcdcrlrlc 1! (1) Wehleo 2 CiC WMIIIer 'i ol Oeorso Vance S ftii KlnnuH 2 t ) .Chns blirluer 1 1 J Aloxnnder I'arr 3 to John 11 Hurley f John O Jileoby il 1 1 Knoell Oudmail I Lindner Ficd Hnrlmnti Esau Ulrton Oeo. L Kramer J 11 Vim Horn Jniin 11 idun Joseph Coleman llt'lll JVIM1IT O SI Fodder lllanki WmFItnliljlns Nilthaii Milter f rntn: ueiier (tlunril run 31 Mi iJolm Kssfclc Nullum Miller Jamcn Jncoby .Samuel Nnnscssor rienrv WJiltew lI imvtil I'olltK k 2U II T nc-lmboli! :w oj, tin wis AmlcrK .Incob H Evans .1 ( 'iU W TOUCH lilanliK J Mlrlml O'lIor.L Clyrus Kobtnh 12 J Thornton :t to 1 1) 2 LI KKIkrler .lotin HinlLh Daniel Vocnin U K llubiiiKon Jnoohs U W VnntUTrtllii JilM K KllKOll i Sylvester riirscl u ii iMK-iiier la WM U Kinney y ( As ron lVi soti ;t (hi. J II Hecsluill 1 r Ullbertx Kllno a (J OW Miller :i i A WUeans 1 ( y lllrnm lions 1 ( j iA AI Uewitt 1 ( ) SHllunynn 1 fui I'flrmeleo ACo 1 ' iJKMuh Howell 1 v Oeoro Amlc HI(H)m twit i:iias M'JIcnryHr J JiCWls M l1 1.utz Tliosltratler itcscno i-iro t'o DAKecklcy KooiiK.t L'luik A 11 Wolili l' OX A WL' JU Isaluli llaenbiu'ti A J I ; vims MnytT liros J) IiOwenburt; John Alstatt (I KSavauo 1 i .1 i' -nihil a I ' J, I tff 1 1 i i'i 1 00 fi i 67 MonlecalMtllartl J C Purker ! 00 .1 a v u rKiubcu 11 t J It 11 ben Uteol J (0 .lonatliaiiMiiuup J it) J A Funston & Co. ijazaniH a MorrH Josvo ltolliiiaii Hamnel KiultU H U Kline Leonard Kiltt n-liiV '2 )u I W Hlirlner to John Kdiotx 2 HO 2:, 14 2 :i .1 IM 1 IIU 1 10 7(1 2 10 II TO win Wvlib W W IHirnian (Jrover .t Haker W II Jncohv nurd a Houghton Ueo II Little L 11 l'oncll J II Vandersllee Conrad Uri'tlUouUcr 4 II U Apnlcmati 4 :1 ItUSSCI MI1UI1. Tlios M'Uarvey win iiriirmo a hou Win Kramer JaenbCopo IJ A Funston A Co. 1776. F0UKTM OP JULY 1869. O K h K H RATION A T lll.OONMUUIUl, JULY 3, 1SIIO. l'JIOG jiamju:. lleeeiitlon.s of lhlilni; enniHinles by tlio UloomsburK FlreConiianle.i. Pilntdu ofFiro CoinriAiileH loellier ullli vInII- lug ComiiiinleN. orders nnd Lodi;e.s, t iiibnielng Uio various iissoeiallonH of KNiaiirS THMWiAH, ODD FELLOWS, AjU2HICAN aiKOlIANiCH, 1U31) 51KN, Ac,.iU. Ifi rnitn In i ninnirncr) nt. Hi nVtiuilr it. til. Atl iliesheriby eminent oiatorn from nbro. id lit li o'eloek it. in. At lSo'eloekdlsiulsd foi dinner. At 2 o'eloelc tlio Funtastlcii foun on Mttiket Kiltituont tliotlnlnof lliuNeventl Ih-UsUiioii!;Ii out tho town. VKLOCUIMCDiniACK, SACK JtACl', S1IAVKD 1M(J. And n loins llstol nlhcr niiuueiiieiils ton iiumer. oustonieiitlou. Tlila will undoubtedly Uotlie en "test, day In Ulooliibbtirg forn lony;tlme. Itnll tttiii out mid enjoy llicinticlyeu. 1 K A ( :i 1 lf. 1 W i 1S1 S'l'lT U T 10 ion '1111: nxiii niHiitit'r. lutliouieitt worlc of cmancir.tUni: iiiaultlui Irani thu Uimldoin ol igiioniueo.KiipenjtlUnii iiuU bai burlbiii, thu Teacher holds it very rexpouslbl u nlllee; nnd tlnUTeuc'lii rvliolHisaeuiiirrclieiilvo aud n clear unireheuidoii of lliu nature or thu work Intrusted lit Ida hands, will gladly cinbr.wu every opiiortuulty for personal luiproveiueit iW well n.s thoelovutlnn of hisnlllce. In ftiinplliinra wltlin reuuest Iroin many ktieit leaclieiu wo havo Hindu nrraiiKoiiieiiU to hoUu. special Term Adapted tu tho wnntu of all Krade4 ofTcaehern. Able Fit fessom will kUocIosscIiIIU nnd dally lectures ilium methods of Tinclilni! nud maungeiiieutorrtehiHiN. Many of tho Ills. tlniiulshal ldluentoi-s of this and other 8UU liavulieen Invited nil Inro exiH-ctctl to attend and ulvotutlio lienellt ofthulr i-xpei lence, nnd svo eun but hopa nud tru.t that very many of tho Tendinis of our Hlnlo will come mid enjoy a wa hun of refteshliu, ai.il upend nt least n Iil't of their Mu'iitlon 111 stU'ly nniluinltliiBtheuisiialnt unto of, and In eomriarlut; notes with other llvo teachers Como then and let n nil mil to In movliii: lor- ward tho great enti .e ot htiiiiau amelioration. Wo expect to lmvo our lino lloardlDB Hall lur- ulshed that a laru' number of tlioteachcra can board In tlio Jmtttutlon, nnd It heenu llttlnz Hint a convention of tciuhers fchould bo tho first to neeupy Hint nobla btiuctnro. A cordial Invitation Is citchdod to all tin) Coutily HuM3rlntcuileuU to tako part lu tho prei parallouB. una exeicises, rlso Hcuool Directors to Visit tlidftchool. It wlllatrord Directors uloh opportunity to eecuio good teachers aud good teachers good positions. Wo will furnish Text Hooks for the beuo. lit of Hip teachers oxcoptlng in cases wnciq a teacher wishes to sluiiysomo particular Author, n which caso tliey will bring their mm. Tuocx lienso for Hoard, Hooks aud Tuition, will bo llvo dollars per week and teachers can stay os long or short a tlmo as their circumstances rcnulro. Tho Term will commence Juno Situ and con. llnuo until tho opening of Fall Term Aug. 0, IStM, For fultlier Information address IlKNUV OAUVF.Il, A.M. I'rlnclpal of Uloouisburg Htalo Norninl Hcliooi May iM,0'J-2in DRY GOODS. 1800. .rU;L,Y. 1800. XF -STOXT "WA.3STT A. BARGAIN IN , DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, JIOSIEKY, (1LOVES, AC, AO., GO TO M. P. LUTZ, ! MAIN BTKECT, OPPOSITE THE COUItT HOUSE BLOOMSBUHa, FA. Apr.lO.W-tf. JJILLEH'S STORE. F11EH1I ARIIIVAL OF Hl'niNO ANI1 SUMMElt OOODa Tho nbscrlber has Just returned from tlio cltlci with another largo nud select assortment of SriUNCI AUD BUMMEIl GOODS. DUrchoaed In New VArlrnn.l Tlilln.1alnl.ln n. lowest figure, and which he la determined to soil on as modcrato terms as can bo procured elso Whcro lu Woorusburg. Ills stock comprises LA I) IIOS' DHEHS GOODS , of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a largo Assortment of Dry Unods and (Irn corles, consisting of tlio following articles t ' Cjtrpots, Oil Cloths, i Cloths, CoHNlmeros, Hliawls, Flannels, 1 Nllks, i WhlloUonds, j Linens, HoopHklrts, . i Muslins, ' ' ' llollowwaro I Vdarwaro Queenswnre, llHrdwnru Hoots and HI iocs, Hals and Cniw Hoop Nets, (Jmbrellas, i roklug-Ulosse,!, Tolxiceo, CoUeo, ( Hngars, Teas, ' ltlco, Allspice, Ulnger, Olunumon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS OKN- 11ALLV. u bhort, everyllilug usnaliy kept In country ttores, to which no luvltcs tho attention or the public generally. Tlio highest price will be paid for country prod uco lu exchango for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON. Arcado Buildings, Illoomgburg, To. Q.HEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT l'ETEU ENT'S STORE, IN LIQI1T STKF.F.T, m or SPRING AND SUMMPUl GOODS. THE subscriber has Jnst received and has od hand at his old stand in Light Street, ft large and select ASSORTMENT OP MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, and which ho determined to sell on as moderate terms as bo procured elsewhere In Light Street, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS OOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Qlnghams, Flannols, Hosiery, carpets. Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satluetts, Cnsslmers, Cottnnades, Kentucky Jeaus. AC, AH All GROCERIES, MACKEUal., CueciiKwaro, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Mcdlclues, Duns, Oils, Taints, Ac. HOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS In klinrt everything usually kept In a co"'ry storo. Tlio patronage of his old friends a1 tlio public generally. Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. l'ETEK ENT, Light Street, Nov. 8 1807.' 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS HtwUeinoveU lilsManufactory and Salesrooms to No. 1115 ClirJSTNUT, 8T, 1ULAIKL1'IUA. WlierohU "Own Muk"of ChamplnnlIooHklrU. ettperlully ml u pled to FJrtit-ClaKH WUolemle una IlititU Trado, well bo found to embrace tho most exleiiHlvo assortment lu the Uulon, and all tho latest and iucut deHlrubteHtyIcH.BhnjealLeiigtl)S andHlteH,2,24. Vu yartU round, of rfaln uud Uorod VaulerH, walklnc Hkirtt, lteceptlon Trails. Ac, Ac.touuthcr with over ninety dlilcrcnt varletleHof MUues' and Chlldron's Skirts, all uf whlcli for (symmetry of Htylo, finish, llghtneMi, clavtloliy, durability and real Ctteajmes. are uu otiuuled by any other iioodM lu the market, and am warranted In every respect. Hklrta made to order A He rod aud Repaired, WholenoV aud Kulriluctiof Iow IVIcod Eastern Made Skirts, 15 HirlnyK, Cents; W Sprlrjgn.UCenU; 'HpringH, &JCeuU;lJhjprlneti,(j3 Cenu;nnd w Hprius. 7o Cents. COltSITTSI COIISETS COnSETSIM 57dlf ferent styles and prices, from 75 CenU to f7.uo, embracing fl. Worlley,"lieekelfM Olove Flttliifr,' Madam Foy's Comet Skirt Hupporters, Mrc MoMly'H I'attent "Helf-AtlJUBtlnif AbdomlualV Corhcu, French, EngUhh and Doinestlo Hand made Oorsets, nnd superior French I'atternu of Co tell Corsets, 'Our CfuTi JJuUc," to which we In vito especial attention. Complete assortment of 1 Jul it' Uuder Oav menu, at very low prices. (JKNKUAIi AlUCNTforlho 11AHTHAM AND FANTON FAMILY BKWJNU MACI11NKH, bu iwrlor to any other heforo the public. Fifty. two of these No. 1 .Machines, Price $S5 each, ure being five noway toourcustoincrnjnordcrtoeet them utroiluccu. Kvery irson lu waut of articles lu our line, fthould examine our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Call or scud for circulars, at our Manufactory and HiUcvrooms, No. lllSCheut uutstrhlladelphhi. WM. T, IIOPKINH. laur.'JO'W-ani. S1 OMETHINQ NEW. The underpinned beun leavu t inform hnr frleudH and thu public generally, that she has ojuud lu JlLOOMKUUiUl, u fresh stock of goods lu tho Hue of MIMJNRHV imd TUIMMINtit In connection with DreKj Making; aud Is pre pared In addition, to COM1K HTKAW 1IAT4 on thusliorlvst notlco.aud In tho trest nlyle of the art. Prices cheap and work satisfactory, M1W. K.KMNI2, Light Htreet, October 4, 1807. M IBS IA7SAK HARKLEY hits Jtut relumed from riilladelphla, und has bought, and Is now ollerlnif the best assortment of KANCY QOODH, THIMMINOH, BONNUTH Ac. do., ever exhibited In Cloomtbure, and Is prepared to make up dresses aud all oilier articles or female wardrobe, ot bhort notice, and lu the best aud LATKHT BI'ltlNO BTVI.KB. Ilooms in the Ramsey Ilulldlugii, on Vct- MaluStrcet, Qitl and see hor varied stock oj HprlttB (Jooda. May 1,'IW. A UDITOR'S NOTIO10. Ill iliV UIIIUII VAiUI I 111 UIIUIIIU'll, (Ulliy, ill tho matter of tho estato of Frederick Uohr,decciui od. On motion or Mr. Clark, Attorney for the ostato, & II. Llttlo Ksq., npiMilntil Auditor to make distribution amougthu heirs of said do redeut, Jly tho CVmrt. From tho ltecord. Jt4SI. CoLKMAN. Clerk, Notice 1 hereby given that the underslgiuU Will attend to thu duties of his appointment at It In oillce.lu lthMUiulHirg.on Haturduy the 7th day of August, 1', at ID o'clock A.M. wheu nnd where parties iuterestetl may attend. U.U.UriLH, Auditor, JunoiCD-u. lllKltWUK OAZKTTK COPVl MISCELLANEOUS. s "PIRST CLASS GOODS. II A II II II A It U A IN 8. Tho subscriber has Just Ihorouithly restocked his Btore, In CatawlHun, lately occupied py Mf ,Nlnch & Bhuniao and now odor for.salo A COMl'I.ETK HTOCK OF llUir UOOIW, aroecrlos nnd Eoncrall merclianillse) which for quality and varloly will compare favorably. with any in mo country. Jie lias h ircirn nssori' fltn or raent of spring a qops 1 1 which lie will dlnpnflo of for cash or country pro. duco. 1 Among bis Dry Uoods will bo found all the latest and best patterns of j : MUHLINS, OINOIIAMH, c.M.icora, FliANNELB, BHAWI.t, ' iBII.Krf, CABHISIlillS, llllOAIIULOTIIH, COTTONADEB, JKANBAcAc anocEniEs, aiiAsawAiti:, tlUKr.NSWAnR, HAnilWAttE CKDArtWAIlK DltUGH, OlIX. P AINTM, VAUNISlIWa &c. HATS & CAPS, HOOTS & SHOES and. In fact, a complete lino of Roods, belonging tohis business. As ho luiys and sells for cash ho can nllnrJ to keep liU iirlees as low if not lower than most dealers. Ills motto Is; "QUICK HALUS AMD BMAt.t, rROFITH." COAIi OP Alili KINDS Constnnlly on hand and for sale at tho lowest market rntcs. MOHO rillM.U'H PHOSPHATE, Especial allcnt Ion imld tn the Kelcetlouof Uulld Ins inaterlnl. tMitlerv. Meelinnlcs Tools, nnd llardwnro of ntl kinds, to which tho attention of uuiiucrsnuuoincrs is requcsuni. UltAIM 1'UUOnABEU. A fair share ol publla custtom Is desired nnd no cirorts will bo omitted to uivo entlro satlstac tlon. JOSEPH 11. KNITTI.E. Apr. tC,C9-0ni CutAwlssa, I'm- ' RATIONAL I.IKE INSURANCE CO. o? Tim UNITED' HTATES OF A M E 11 I O A', WASHINGTON, I. C. I I CIIAItTEltEDllY8l'E0IALACT0FaiNiUE8S ' i Ari'it0VKn'Jui4Y 25, IMS, CASH CAPITAL, l'AIIl IN FULI. $1,000,000. 1! It A sen O F K I a K : FIltST NATIONAL n.VNK UUII.ntNd, V II I L A D E Ij P II I A, Where the general biiiluesH ot tho Company Is transacted, and ti which alt general correspon dence should bo addressed. O F K I U K It HI CLAHENCE II. CI.AUIC. Piesldcnt. JAY COOKE, Chairman Fiuanroand Kxeeutlvo Committee. UENHY d; COOKE. Vlee-Presldent. EMEltSON W. l'EUT. Seeietnry and Actuary, This Company oilers the following advantages: It Is a National Company, Chartered by special act of Congress, 1864. It has a paid-up capital of J1,(XX),000. It oilers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger lusuranco than ol her com panies for tho same money. Itlsdcflnlte aud certain In Its terms. It Is ahome company In overy locality. Its policies aro exempt from attachment; 'There aro no uiinccehsary restrictions In the policies. Every iiollcy is nou-forfeiUible, Polices ma)' bo taken which pay to tho insured their full amount, and return all tho premiums, so that tho Insurance coMs only tho Interest on tho annual payments. No extra rato Is charged for risks upon tho lives of females. It Insures, not to pay dividends to policy-holders, but at so low n n ist that dividends will bo Impossible, Circulars, Pnniplileta niid lull'paitlculars given on application to tho Ilmnch Olllee of tho Compa ny, or to K. W. CI.AltK & CO., Philadelphia, (Jcnoml Agents lor Pennsylvania and Houtherii Now Jersey. JOHN A. hUNBTON, Illoomsburg Pa., Special Agent for Montour & Columbia Couultci! Feb. lll.m-lyr. ( "TJN FAILING EVE PRESERVERS. M(.fsrn. I.A.AUUB& MOKUIH, OPTICIANS .t OCULISTS lIAIt'U'olUI, t'ONN., Have, Willi n low to meet lhelucreaksl.deniaiii for their OKI. K II It A T M I) PERFECTED SPECl'ACIJCS, AiinlnU'(l MIhh A. D. WEI1IJ, HTATIONKlt, jiLoomiwjta pa., As tliclr solo Agent for Ihls place. They havti taken cure to glvo all needful Instructions, unit. have coulldcueo lu tho ability of their agents til meet tho requirements of nil customers. An op-. portuulty will bo thus ntlurdcd to procure, nt all times Bl'IXTACI.Ud UNEO.UA IXED HY ANY KOIJ THEIlt HTltKNGTlIENINCl AND PIIU8EU- .VINO (JUAMTlnH. Too much caunot bo said as to their HUl'KKI OHITY over tlio onllnary glasses worn. Therein iiojllliillcriiff, nvivtrt'n of the ilglit, dtzztneu. OK oilier unpleasant sensation, butoii tho contrary, from the pectiliur construction of tho Lcnsctt they are loothtwj mid jn-ianr, causing a feeling; ol idler to tho winrcr, and PHOHUCINO A, CI.E.VH and DWINCT VISION, as In the wiur-i ul health; iiyhl. They are tho only Hpoctarles toj PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIS'IT THE SIGHT I Aud aro (ho CHEAPEHT liecauso Iho 11EHT, al ways lasting MANY YKAU4 without change be ing necessary, iO: CAUTION. MIhb A. D. WE 1111, BTATIONUIt, lll.OOMNIWIia J'A Is tlio ONLY Agent npnoliilei! in tills (liUCfl. IrirWE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. IV,-ly. JOHN A. FUNSTON A- CO. (1 F F I O K JIROWER'S BUILDINO, ji i.o o .v un ur a, r a. General Flro nud Life lusurasce, and Ileal will bo given 1 (Junoll'V9-Sni..1 Estato Agency, HH'Clul ntlejithm to iicgollallng loaus. MERCHANDISE. MERCHANDISE. NOTICE IB 1IFJIE11Y GIVEN To my frit (ids nnd IhepnUlla i.'Currally, that all Kinds oi DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, , , QUEENS WAR K, NOTIONS, a6., aro constantly on hand and for sale AT HAItTON'S OLD BT1ND, BiwirsnuBa, nr JAMEB K. EYKll. fAUo, Bole Agent fortELMS' 1'llosl'ltATlt olr IMK. Iirge lot constantly on hand. (fibS'CT, J M P O R T A N T N 0 T I 0 E. MAONIFICENT DISPLAY O P DRESS GOODS, AT THE NEW STORE, nilOWER'S BUILDING, Tho splendid rooms of J. J. MtOWntl, nio cnmpleled nnd now open to tho public with tho FINEST STOCK over ofloretl in nioomnlmrK. All tlio N E W E S T S T Y L E S or Dress Uoods, Bilks, Cloths, Casslnicrs, Uncus, FlanneH Ac, CARPETS of every stylo and for nil prices. Oil Cloths In groat variety, A full lino of s u p;e;r i o r "dif o'c e r i e s. Coffees, Tens, Sugars, Spices, wnn-mtcd ynro and good. GLASS AND QUEENBWARE, in curefuliy assorted variety. - G L O V E S, II O S I E R Y, IIOOPSKIIITS, COltSETS AND A COMPLETE nssorliueutor WHITE GOODS, Tho publlo-nro earnestly Invited to examine theso lino goods, before pur chasing elsowhero and asu guaranteed satlslac tiou. No cxiienho or trouble has been spaied to make THE .MOST COJIPLETU estnlillshment In this section or (he Stale. J. J. lillOWKU,, Slay T.'CO-lf llloomsburg Pa, JULY LIST AT I. W. IIAUTMAN'H. JF YOU WANT CA'RPETS FROM 37 eta. TO $1.05 PElt YAIIE OO TO I. W. IIAUTMAN'B. TF YOU WANT BLACK ALPACA FOM 10cts.TOIl.&l f PEll YAUI) GO TO I. W IIAUTMAN'H. YOU WANT A GOOD AND NICE SUMMMl HIIAWL OO TO 1. W. IIAItTMAN'S. JV YOU WANT FANCY CLOI'H FOK A SACK OO TO I. W. IIAUTMAN'H. J F YOU WANT A NICE SET Ob' WHITE WAUE OO TO I. W. IIAUTMAN'H. JF YOU WANT COCIIECO PHINTS FOlt HPUINO, STltlPK AND IIAKHED, OO TO , . I.,W. HAHTMAN'S. TF YOU WANT STRIPE COLLAUS AND CUFFS FOlt ' LADIUS Oil aVTH GO TO I. W. HAUTMAN'it JF YOU WANT A NICE AND GOOD MACK Ell A LI1Y 11113 HIJJULK, A HALF Oil CtUAIITF.lt IIAItKEL GO TO i. w, iiautman'h. : , lXi JF YOU WANT DRESS GOODS FIIOM HI cts. TO Jl.2i PElt YAUI) STUlPi: AND FJO 'It'll. GO TO I, W. HAHTMAN'S, C. HOWE R, has oicned a Hrt-i'Iaxs HOOT, HIIOK, HAT CAl. AND VUll H'VOlWi, at Hie old stand on MalnHtreet.IiloninKlHirK.nfew doorKiihovo tlut(ourt JIouso. JIIm sUnk hcmi pohedof the very latest and not t hi y Jen ever otltr etl tu thecltlKcnsof Columbia County, lie can accommiMlate the puhlle with tho following uoods ui. inu iuwei luicn. 11 a uvavy uouoie soieu Htopv boots, men's double and single Up soled klj Itoots, men's heavy ttogathot of all kinds, meu's fluo boots and shoes of all grades, boy's double kOled boots and.&lmtutnr nil kinds tnn'u tflovo kid llal moral shoes,meu'st women's, boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove kid rultsh very flue,womens morocco ltalmoralsand can mi men, womeus very nne Jtiu butwuea gait ers. In short boot nt all descriptions both peg giil aud sewed. lie would also call attention to his flue assort meul of IIA.TH, CAW, FlIUS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil tlio new aud popular vatf etlhs ut prices w hlch canuot full to suit all. Thee uoods are o lit-red at tho lowest cash rates und will bo guaranteed togle satisfaction. A call Is so licit I'd before purclisslug elsewhere as It Is believed that better bargains are to bo fonud tluiu at uuy other placu lu the county JMl'ORTANT TO IIUlI.UKIt3,II0CSi;iIUI.Ui:il3 &TKNANTB. Tlio timloi-signcd would niiuoiinto to tlio cltl- sensiif llloomsburg and vicinity tliat ho Is ta Iarcd to execulo ' II O UH H, BIG N, AND O H N A M E N T A L PAINTING In all lis lirauches. P A P E R HANGING Carefully ulteuiled to. Ktrlet ulteiitiou tolniHlnehsnud good workman slilji It Is believed will incut a fair show of publlu patronage. Shop on CHtliarlne iBtrett between Tlilnl uud Fourth. ;y'1?i!r wm. f. codine:- AH.' IRVINE'S GREATlNDIAN j M E D 1 C I N-E5T' UBK1I FOH MOltKTHAN iOUTV VEA11K IN Q tHW AN V Is tho most SUCCCSSfUlmedlclnuvetdlilcovernil for the cure of DywueiMlu, Liver Complaint, Kidney Is made entirely of ROO'IB AND HElUlSi hn douu will convince ah one, who kIvc It a lulr trial. Ha family tdionld Ihi without It. It UftstonUhliiK what cured U him etlected lu(?eutro uud Hrlarcreek tOWUhhlpN, aim UuutluKdou, and whero II has been uodtMlnco lout, prlii sr. IVioplo whu have U'cn alltlcted with tlio abovo dlstiJUtu for the laut llfleeu yearv.wheit no J'hyfclclau umld reaclt their cube art) uow cureu ana xieaiiuy uy uniug tno mtEAT INDIAN MjKDICINU. It hau uevcr fallcul to. euro Ague. Kever and lc ruiiuemuiit of thuHtoinaeh. I hoie all who aro atll lc ted with tho nltovu dlvejmoii wlllapply for the Kct INDIAN Mi:il ClNi; widcli am bo hwt ut A. II. 1HVINKH m euicine Htore in Ijuut Htr l'u.. or uf UW Kcuerui aifeul Medicine Mtore In LluhtHtreet (Columbia cnuuly 11. UORDNKR. '1'"u '" May 7,' AirAliltl wiltlli-tal iiiedlcluu is prepared only by a, ii mv irr., ca-lyr Llglil street, Va. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. JOOK, READ, AND LEARN, THAT THE 0 rent Slioshonccn Itcmody i OF TUB CKLIflinATKll INDIAN DR. LEWIS JOSHEPHUS, of tliodlstlliKUlslicil Trllio of Rlinslimincs, Colum bia Territory Is now for salo In Iho Union. This all possessing great retneds-. Is warranted and In broad and emphatic tungnnge, wo can Rafely say, may bo relied ujwm to tvako n perma nent cure of all diseases ol tho Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Dlgcstm Organs, etc., As well as scrofula, the various skin dlsenses, Humor., nud all Impurity of the blood, excepting tho third stngo of Coiihumptlon. I In Canada whcro this great remedy has boon lu use for n short tlmo it lias Indeed effected some of the most marvelous cures over recorded In tho annals ofhlstorlcal medicine. Bucli being the ensn in addition to Us former renown in Col umnla Territory wo defy humanity to dlsputo tlio tact that this Great Hhnsliiinees Hcmcdy Is muiiiiinty ,,i n-mviirM ,ji mo ij'ii vcnuiry, nun tho prcatesl boon ever laid nt the altar of sinter ing humanity. l'rico ortliu Heraedy In largo pints, 11,1',. Maliurae.turnd bv llr. Yoiiin A Hrncnt Mwn. euso, N. Y. l or sum ny nil dealers In Mcdlclrlne. D UUddiTS WHITE THUH Ol THE GREAT SIIOSHONEES HEM EI) V ! (A119TBACT9 OF LETTEK3.) Oenova, N. Y.t Feb. 13th, 1SC0. in:, YoUN( & Ituo. I 11 nd my sales nf your valuablo Remedies grently Increasing, In fact your Groat Hhoshonecs Kcinedy Is Biving the best of RaUsfactiou.anddoInK Just at ltls recommend etl to do, several having even come in to tell mo how much they had been benefited from its use. I lmvo bold out of it again, etc. etc. WILLAIUJ N. SMITH, Bherman. N. Y.,Marc)i, SS)th, IKCD. Dr. Youno & Ituo. I started your (Jreat bhos honccs Itcmedv bvclvlmr nwav ono bottlo ton con Armed Dyspeptic, tho result lias been ample, ltslvcs universal satisfaction, more than any other medicine wc have had lu thestore for years. Prom what I have seen nf tho Bhokhoneea. I feel J nst I fled In recommending U. Bend mo six doz. more, it win sen in inrce inonius. etc. 11XUUN f EHttll. Watertuwn, N. Y., March 15th. WU. Du. YotTNa & lino. Your Blioshonecs Itemedy Is Klvlng good satisfaction, and sells better than any other new medicine wo have everatteraptod tu Introduce, as wo are nearly out of it, send us In hasto etc. U. LEWIS & CO. 127 N". Moigan fit., Chicago, 111. Feb. ISth, UiU). Dr. Young A It no. I havo sold over ten doz. of your Uicat Hhoshoneeu Remedy already (and u great number of tho Hhoshonecs 11 lis. J it gives universal halisfaction, I have not heard one to whom I have sold, but what sneaks of it in the highest terms, aud recommend it to others i and as I am nearly out of It, pleaso send mo half a gross more at onco, etc., etc. Price of tho Ilomcdy in largo pints, $lJ2o. Jlfinufiiciurtd bv Ur Yocne Je Itrrwt.. fit Rrrn. cuse, N. Y. t or saie vy on ueuiers in jneuicine. MISCELLANEOUS. I EXCHANGE SALOON, the iToprieior oi ine utcuangeaioonuas now on hand a largo slock of BUMMER HEFIlEHHMENTB, consisting of MP1CKU OYBTJ.llS, BAimiNKS, TBIPK, nOLOONAM SIIBK1' TONQUB, 1101X.ED KQOS, SWKITZKIt C1IEKSE' LAGER BEER, ALE, &G. - comj: onk, come all and bee. -c lawson calman. (Superintendent. Illoomsuuri;, May 3, 1S07. B O O K STORE. Tlio nudcvsl irned. havlnc taken tho rooms lately occupied by Dr. 1. John, next door ulovo the KxchaiiRO Hotel, would notify tho citizens of tho County that thero WJH bo constantly on hand ii iuu usMiriuiciiL in ROOICH. STATIONKItY. AND WAI.T, PAPI'Jt Also tho varloua Magazines mid Newhpapers nuuusueu in ims couuiry, oruciif lor wuicn win uu prom pi iy hiiiiiiiumi iu. TIIM CIttCUIjATINfl L1RRARY which has been In existence for a year, calls for the stronger support of tho community. Tho terms aro reasonable, and additional subscribers aronccueu 10 jusiny an lucrcasoin ino number oi volumes. Tho usual large stock of NOTIONS AND FANCY nOODM. will bo kept up and no pains spared to satisfy .. ji. wriiiJ, May 11,'tiO-tf llhHmnburu, Va, A USTJN & CO'S OHEAT ONE DOLL A It SAIiE. 8 1' It I N (1 CIRCULAR H. Will bu Issued and ready for Agents and ctnto mtrs on and alter April ixitli.contalnlntr the lar Kest ami most liberal Kxchangn und I 'rem lu m iasi uvcr ismicu. Aeenlsof CUiba of Thlity and unwurds.wlll have their prtmiums increased one-iourth wheu an ine cuetusnic reiumeti. WORK VOll VS AND VK WIM. WOllK tOI YOU. Agents wanted cctywlicie. CiiciiUrs sent tree. Address. AUSTIN i CO. 32A Fcdcial, nnd h7, 111, IM Congress HticetB, lii;.-)ttli. Mny2St'W.n DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND Catarrh treated -.vlththotttmoht success, by .1. Jsaach. MsD.,aud Profebsor ol iicafjr otlie J.hr and J-Jar,hln tjicrially) in the Medical Otllege nf l'enniytianut, 12 yiari experience, (formelly of Leyilen, lloll.ind.l No. MiSArcli Btrtet, l'hlla, Testlinolilitls can be seen nt his olflce. The medi cal faculty aro United to itccoiniialiy their im tleuts, lis he has l)o Ktcrctslti his pinetlee. Ar llilclul cf InseiUd wlUioul pain. No chargo lornxuluiiiiitiou. . Jau. lll.'lia.-lr " ijyj-EW STpcyc o, clothing. Fresli nvrlval of FA I, ,L AND WINjlJU 110(11X4. DAVID LOW'KXUlilttl Invites attention to his stock of CIIKAPAND'FASIIIONAIU.HCIin'HINO. at his storo on Main Btrcet, two doors aliovv tho Amei lean lion. Uloouisburg. Vjl whcro ho has Just lecelved from New Yoikaud Phlloilelphia a full assortment of mi;n and no yb' clotiiino, Including Hie most fiishlunable, durable, anil htnuUnuie DllK-M UOODs, consisting uf I10X, BACK, ltOW, UUM.AND l)lL-(II.OTll COATH AND l'ANIB. of nil sorts, sizes and colors. lie has aUo replen ished Ids already largo stock of FALL AND WINTER BHAWLB, BTRIPKD, FIGUUIID. AND PLAIN VESTS, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, COLLARS, ILvNliKERCHIEFH. ((LOVES, eUBPENDnilS. AND FANCY ARTICLES lie nas constant ly on hand a Jorge and well-te-ected assortment of CLOTHS AND VE8TINGB, which he Is ptepnred lo make to order into my kind of elolhiug, on very short notice, and In tho Isist manner. All his clothing is made to wear, and must of II Is uf homo manufacture. CIOI.U WATCHIJJ AND JEWELRY, of overy description, linn nnd cheap. Ills cavjuf Jewelry Is nolhuriutssed.ln tlilHjpliu'e, Call aud uxnmtuc his genera! nssortmeu of ClAriUNd, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AC. DAVID LOWENI1U1UI. c OLUM11IA COUNTY TEACH- EllV INHTl'l -UTIi IO TKAtllKUH, SCHOOL D1K tCToHS AMI H1U.NU1 Ol' LUt I ATION, The Colnnilila Countv Teachers1 IllsllttltO for lSuiwllI belieldatlhuNoriuul School llulldings liilllooiushurg.coiiiiiieiieiiigoii Monday thu'tu day of June IstUut 1 ) oelock p. u. Alio cormiil iusiuuie eaiio "y iiiv iniiivyin oi tho llloomsbnrii Normal sclusil, Pi of. Henry Curvor, nsseuihius on Iho sumo day, aud lor immv reiiiutM it Is (lllhldeieil lilouer lo hold Hie Teacheis' County lustltutout tnubuuie time. Tho normal lusiuuio win eouiiiiuo uoiu juuu to, iu ' August mil, Thu County lustlliito will bo held ono Molt, una ItdiuUtd by tho timbers may bu continued during tile entire lerln of the Noimal institute or uuytuoriKmiuPH , , Formerly our County Imtltuto hai been held much Inter In tbu schoulyeur.but It teems proper and also essential that intelieii, snould nssemblu lis well nt Iho closuuf the FuhlluhUiools asdurlug tlioierin. . liich teacher In thocouulyls earnestly requi-sl-od lo attend, uud uso his licsl ettorts to mako Iho Inslltulo successful both lu rispict to ntteuduueo aad Intel lsl. Ju some cuutles of lliu btuU) tho number of teachers ul County lustllutes ixceitls lliu number of schools. Wliy cannot tho teachi rs of Columbia louuly inuulfcst thosaiuo lutorest T The Bchool Directors of tho county ure Invltod to uitenil uuring tno ouiiio t-tssiou, uuu isiriiiu larly on Friday too 'M day ti July, which day will UiSet oisnt lor sui-hbLv iuc-.su ma. be me u directly liiterestlug to thein. KlHl.,SiiiH.rliit,.i,kiiL J. 1. WhUe sl.aill W 111 U' liialleiiduuceuiillie M day of July to iiddrtis tno Direiiors, ,.,,,,.nv t . if. imiww.i, , llloomsburg June I, luu, tbiiHij&"pnii(iuli s', MISCELLANEOUS. BLooMfluuna noiimal bciiool and lit EltARY INBT1TUTE. HOARD OF INSTRUCTIONi " IIKNUY OAUVEIt, A. M ITlnclpal, rrofewior of intellectual and moral fdence, nnd tuvurjr win ,niciioo oi icocniug, t Ml Barali A. Carver, Prewptreiw, Teacher of trench, imtany aim ornainenlal laanc O. Ilest, A. 11., , FrofeMor of Ancient Language and lCujllxh Urnmmar. , .1. W. Fcrree.A. M. . Profcnuor of Mathematlcw. and practical a, tronorny f llev. I), a John, A. M . l'rofo nor of chemlnlry nnd physlm. ' V. t. Tlnln. Teacher of scoEroi.hy. history t I!o.lr keeping Jam en Ilmwn, Anal taut teacher nf mathematics Kimllsli Or inrnar. MlMAIIeeM.Carvrr, Teacher of Munlc on the piano and lnelodeau. Mr. Ifnttle L. Itent. Teacher of Vocal Mualc and Instrumental imulo Mlaa Julia M, Onoat, Tenchtr of model Bchool, ThdKnrlnir trm will nnmrrirnf, A nr. in lum and until our lioarulna hail In ready foroccupan . yt,nx iiiuiiiui.iioii u. iuu i nucijiui, niuucniH will lo furolMiod wltli homes lu plcanant families. t Is liettcr for students Ui commence at Ihnnn. enlnirortho term, but when lliig is Impruetleii. b!e they can enter nt any time. s UMMEB READING. IIURD & HOUGHTON'S LIST OF CHOICE HOOKS, Note. Any book pnblUlicd liylluiiDilloprtii. tow, j liroomo street, X. Y. will ho sent by them, poitago prepaid, on receipt of tlio adver tised pi Ices. 1. 11REMER. Llfo, Ivctters mill 1h- thumous Works of Fredrlka jllromer. lMlled uy ner sister, Charlotlo llrcmer. Translated from the Swedish by Freda Mllnw, In one vol.,erown 8vo. Cloth, fi. "Wo hnvn nnnljil hi intih frn.ri t.hl. -v.linrnliir volume thnt wo liavo no loom for lurtlier uuota tlons. hut tt Is a book to bo read." KxaiHlnrr, London. 2. THE OPEN POLAIl SEA. 1'pp ular edition. By Isaac I. Hayes, M.D. With nine illustrations on wood, and a map. 1 vol., posl 8vo. Cloth, e2.00. Fine oilltlon, embellished with six full-pago Illustrations, drawn by D.trley White and others, from Dr. Hayes's sketches three full-page charts ; twenty-eight vignettes and a flno portrait of the author, engraved on steel. 1 vol., Svo. I'rlco S3.73 : half-calf M.i f What We havo said nf Dr. TfnvpM'M imnlr clll. wo trust, send many readers to its pages. The Doctor's heroism is remarkable, mil lui well l. serves to bo bracketed with the lato Dr. Kane In Arctic honors." London Athenaeum, 3. SKETCHES ABROAD WITH l'EN AND PENCIL. Ily Felix O. C. Darley. Willi 13 full-poged and 71 smaller illustrations on wood. A new edition wltli threo additional vlgncits, and printed on tonod paper. In 1 vol., Ito. Frlco in cioui, ciotn gut, !l; morocco, (8. "Undoubtedly. Mr. Darlev la UiAlwiKtilrntifrhfii. man in tho United States ; and Judging hlmiby wliat he lias hero done, he can have no superlur jimuniKuittiu cugmyeu uy accom pli shed artists In 1 ho best style or art,aiid taking these, togetherwlth his own entirely natural nnd umuieeieu ueueripuon oi w uai ne saw auroail.wo know of no similar production which wo should bo willing to recommend so unrefccrvcdly.V lioston Courier. 1. OLD ENGLAND ; Its Scenery, Art and People. DyJamcSM.IToppIn, Professor In Yalo College. 1 vol., 10 mo. I'rlco 83 f "This book has tho advantage ot concisely and emphatically polntlngout many comparatively neglected objects of interest and sources of Infor mation and pleasure. Cld Kngland' Is Jnst tho book for tho departing traveller to put In tils pocket to refresh his memory and mako sugges tive Ids tour." lloilon Transcript, "J 0. ITALIAN JOURNEYS. By William D. llowclls, author of "Venetian Life." I vol., crown 8vo. Prlco t2 "Thero Is no writer of Irnvetw In ,-iur ilnv 11 simple, sincere, enjoyable and lnolltnble." lltooklyn L'nioti, it "Itlsnotsomneh what. Mr. llowclls sees as what he Ignores that gives his readers the sense, when they have Mulshed his books,-of havlug been lingering over a charming narratic." Jtonton Jnl, C. VENETIAN' LIFE s Including Commercial, Social, Historical and Artistic No tice of the Place. Ily William D. llowclls. l,ol., crown 8vo. Price, extra cloth, tl "It Is Venleo dlreclly presented to the Imagina tion, steeped Ju Its own peculiar ntntobpliere, so thnt wo beo what tho writer sees, share Ills .emo tions, nnd aro mado tlio companion of his walks, rather tlmn the reader of his pages." lloton Dally lYameript, 7. REMINISCENCES of eurofean TRAVEL. Ily Andrew P. Teabody, I). D., LL.D. Preacher lo Harvard University, Prlco 81,60. ' "On art, architecture, laws, manncis nud so ciety. Ills criticisms nro discriminating, kindly and often original; nud tlio volume eouUiius more Information, less spile and mnro solid sense, than many .of far greater size mid pre tension." Salurdoy Review, iMidon. 8. TWO THOUSAND JULES ON HORSEnACK. Santa Fe nud Rack. A Bummer Tour through Kansas, Ncdroskn, Colorado nnd Now Mexico, In tho Year 1SC0. Ily Colonel Jris. F, Mclinc. vol., crown 8 vo. Prlco ii, "Hois a good traveller, nud, combining tho disciplined mind of n student with tlio training orauurniy oillcei, is well uualttlcil to glvo an opinion upon what ho observes. His mode of travelling has furnished him with excellent op lrtnnltle for carctul observation and with gn at variety or adventuro In the prairie." KtMdard yew Balont, Matt. "Tho tltlo gives, however, an Inadrouale Mm of the nature of tlio book, which eoutalns not only dCM-rl pilous of tho lucldentsof tiavel, hut valuablo historical matter whichlslsith new and Interesting." Evening Jt,.vCw l'oij., U. THE HAND-BOOK FOR MOTH EUS. A Ouldo In tho caro of Youug Children. Ily Mward Hi Parker. M. D. A new edition. In one Milume, 12mo. Cloth, 11.50. " "Tho volume answers authoritatively all 'tub ipiestlonv which mothers are continually asking, nnd removes tlio painful doubts with which thoy aro continually troubled. It Is Indeed of sticfi great particular value, and meets so general a want, lliat there would seem to be no reason w Uy It should not bo considered a uicessity in evejy hillllly."i;KJ(oil Dalit li-anieript, 10. WOMAN IN PRISON. By Caroline II. Woods. In 1 voI.,ldmo. Cloth, sua Mrs, Woods's record of tho llfo of a Matron in li Staid Prison, Is unadorned fact. I JI. THE DIARY OF A MILLINER. J3y UelloDllsjCurollnoH. Woodf.) In 1 volume la mo. Cloth, tUX "A smnrt milliner could tell many a flnesinry A smart milliner li'ilelU oils.' nnd that Is Just what she does. Her narratlvo has all tlio vivaci ty nnd piquancy which belong lv woman. Now It sends a keen shaft, and then follous a sally of exquisite humor." Albany Jfytrcit, 12. ESSAYS ON ART. By Franelk Turner Palgrave, lata Fellow of Exeter Collcg, Oxford, One vol., lOmo, red cloth, gilt tops. Prlco SI.T3. "Mr. Pnlgrave's canons of art are eminently catholic, free Irom any tendency to sensational ism; aud, though his examples aro confined chiefly to the current emanations of llrltlsh cul ture, bis motives are general,hls reasoning brood and Ills style of expression Is such as carries the weight of authority." Roiton jut, 10. THE ART IDEA; Sculpture, Painting and Architecture In America. Ily James Jucksou Janes. 1 vol., ldmo, cloth. Prlco JI.TV "Thn volume deserve tho careful study of In telligent amateurs of art; and, whatever dlfler tiuts at opinion It rony call forth, Itsdctallswlll lu foundofrsro Interest and full of Instinctive .UKKTstlons." ,YW f ork Tribune, 17 J' T Jlli wnuUI burg and vie HORNTON kl announce, to Dip clt liens of lllooms- rif mid vlclultv. tliat be has lni.t 114 ptvtl n full WALLPAPKlt. WINDOW BIIADEB, tiXTl'uui, roitUK, r.lmxui, and nil other good In his lino of bnslmss. All tlietiewesl aud most approveil istltems of tlui day nroalwuys to bo found iu his establishment. Mur.S.'cD-tl Main St. Ulow Markit, ALE The well OF VALUABLE ItKAI, VHTAVK. ell known llohr farm near ltohrsburc. Columblii county will bo ollered at pitvulo sale, cither lu lots or tho whole properly as may Ihi ilesiroil. u consists ui SEVENTY-FOUR ACRF.S, moro or less, on which Is erected n frame honso mnl bu- linrn Willi iirehunl. uood welt of water Ac, Alsiul 70 acres cleared land, For particulars legaruing terms nop S terms apply to Nll'OLAH KINDT, (Ireenwooil twp. MATHIAH KINDT.Mt, Plllisunt ' May 21,'WMiu To the WonKijto Cisa i-l am now inepaied to fiunlsh all classes with constant iniWoymiul atlhclr homos, the whole of the lime, or lor lliu siiaro moments, lluslness uew, light ; I1','; be.Flfty ccnis to li per ovcnlug. by persons of elllier sex, and tho lys and girls eiru iieorly as much as men. Oreut Inducemen s aro oiVert'd lliis-o who will ilcvoto their whole lluio totho business; aud, thnt eery persun who sees this notice, may send me their address nud lest Iho business tor themselves. 1 make the following nnjwrulh.led oiler- To all who aro lot well satfifled with tho busintss, I will send tlto payfortl.otroubloof willing me. Fullpuillcu. lars, dlri'cllons, Ac, nut free. Bumplo sent by malLfor 10 cts. Address E.( AI.M.N, Augut,Me. Apr,.'W).3in,