THH FAUMKU'S COLUMN. I'KiB l.v RVMMKtt. Knmmrr 1 the (lino to tnnkc iork; milking It In win "tor Ih much llki lunnlii' n limit uiltist wlliil mill tide, It lcqulriy too much fixxl to keep tip tln uuliiml luit. It hojfi lmvu plenty ofjrrnsH in Hummer, ami nliout hnir tho'coru they will cut, they will fatten mphll.Vi imtl my belief itlinMhrcopoumUol' poik cnn lie uiatlc from Icsh Bniln In this wny tlmu one pound cm lie in cold weather with u hoj; la u pun. Tho grass is cooling nntl loosening, und counteracts tho fe verish properties of tho com. Hogs will never melt In summer however fat If thoy can havo tiroes to water nnd mud to Ho In. Mud la very had for hop) In cool or cold weather. It nbsortw too much animal heat. Milk in n very cool ing drink uul almost hidUpcnmihlo to raising young pigs. Hut very llttlo corn und no corn meal should ho fed to young pigs before they are four months old. Tho ofl'ecta of corn and raw corn meal on young pigs are these: Tho plgsat ilrst will ho costive, then they' will scour. They will hegln to rub .igaliiNt ovorythlng they can rub ngalnU that will nib their hair off. Their skin will have n ml and dry appearance. A dry, black scurf will begin to form on them; and tho more of the corn .and meal they cat, tho poorer they will get. TIio best thing that tun he done for a pig in this condition, it to give him thorough washing in warm rain water or sour milk; sour milk is best. Coarse -flour or middling from rye or wheat, when mado into a thin drinkable hIoji with milk, Is tho best feed for young pigs, except bread and milk. Uread is good for very young pigs, because it la iettvened. Food has to ferment before it will digest, and If fed to a young pig before fermenting, it will overtask his utomn'.'h and spoil him. Lettuce is good for young pigs. It wlll 'stop tho i-eours in them. The middlings should bo put with tho milk at night, after tho feed ing has been done, nnd allowed to bo in the milk through the night, never allowing the swill tub to get quite empty, always leaving a little in tho bottom for yeast. The swill should never be allowed to get stale. Slop feed should bo fed often, and never more fed nt a time than will be oaten up at once. Slop feed will make larger hogs than dry feed. After tho pigs get to bo tlireo or four mouths old, their fbod can he mado stronger, hut a pig will not bear much Btrong food until he begins to change from n pig into a hog, which will bo known by his voice. In tho West, where hogs arc raised on a largo scale, hut one litter should bo raised from a sow in a year and the sow should havo them in the month of May or June. The sows should run to grwis, and may bo fed on corn. The pigs should suck tliom as long as they will. In this way tho pigs require but little caro.and they get age so that'they will winter well on corn. Jfono but breeders should tvy to gotmoro than one litter froai a sow in a year. Tho fall litter will require too muchcaro for the farmer. One litter can be got in April nnd another in Sep tember or October following, from one sow, but the spring pigs will havo to ho weaned from four to six weeks old, and fed on clear sour milk fur two or three weeks after weaning, and fedrif ten. New milk onco a day will Mip them from scouring. Sour milk is bet ter than now milk. New milk will ilrst make the pig costive, then scour him. It will curdle in his stomach, but sour milk will not. Tho lato fall pigs should suck as long as thoy will, and tho sows should bo fed on warm slop feed, and often. Tho slop can bo warmed by pouring hot water Into tho swill tub. Abrcedingsowshould never befed much dry corn. Sho will get foundorul on it and spoiled. American Stoels Journal. Boai' SuDd. A cistern or lank, of tlio capacity of from two to four hogs heads, should bo constructed in tho vi cinity of tho sink or laundry or every farm house, and a system of conductors Bo arranged as to lead the suds at slops into it us they are mado. This liquid matter is a most powerful fertilizer, contalnlug tho food of plantu in astato of solution, and consequently in a condition to bo readily taken m; and, absorbed by vegetables as soon us applied. Irrigating gardens with soap suds, after tho liquid has becomo stale, Is a powerful means of promoting vegeta bio growth, especially in dry weatjier. Somo have considered tho value of such to bo equal to that of.thosaino weight of manure; this, however, is nobahly an'exaggerated estlmato; yet wo want1 no additional corroboration to satisfy us of its intrinsic worth as n vegetable stimulant. Groat care should bo observed that tho decaying matter and suds do not taint tho, air about tho dwelling, as in the procesa of fermentation and decomposi tion, sulphurated hydrogen gas is thrown otf. This Is an native poison. When Inhaled it acts 'directly on the hlood,thlckenlngltand turning it black. A single gallon of it, mixed with 1,200' fcotof air, will render it poisonous to. birds, and one gallon in 100 will kill a dog. Many of our good people arc not sufficiently careful about allowing such "sinks of iniquity" to exist near their dwellings. Afcto England Mmntr, la White Clovkii I'astuke coon fok bhkkiv Having kept sbcop for six years, principally upon white clovor, T can recommend it us being durablo and aflording ubout one-third more food than other grasses, and it will stand closer feeding, und sheep wUl do well on it. I havo about ton acres that have, ht-cn.Becdpd.'olghtocn or twou'ty years, It win sown' with nralrlu crass, which is long since extinct, and tho clover scciisUU flourished, the ground has nev or .been broken, haa oiieh been' remarked that my. pasture AVIH sustain more stock than any pasture in tho neighborhood. If also makes good hay for sheep, I mix whllo clover seed and how for meadow j Itsods over better and yields all of one third more per aero, nd makes tnueh better hay 'for sheep I wintered sixty sheep on hay thus mlxod without fccdlngrfvny grain, and lost none oftor winter 6et in, and nouo Arc poor and weak. My iambs havo needed but little care, thoirdams all bo Ing In good condition. Fon Colio ik Houses. Tako a pint Of vhliky, Lolf si gill ofgplrits of tur pQntlnoomi half a gill of spirits of cam plior. Dilute tlieso ingredienta in wa tur sufficient to till u quart bottlo. Una it as a drench, and It will airord relief la ten minutes. THE KOI! TUB VOUiVO FOLKS. Luck may Llo in a Tin. A Story Written for m) Young American friends, iiv itANt rmttsri'AN ANnr.nsnv. Now I am going to tell a slory about luck. Allodia are acquainted with luck: there arothoMo who wo her nil tho tlino, Mima only at certain times (if tho year, others only One, singlo day yod, there are even people that only seo luck onco In their lifetime, hut all of us do not seo hor. I suppose I need not tell you that when our Lord "ends a llttlo child here, ho lays In a mother's lap. This may happen in a rich man's castle, or la a working-man's nicely ordered room. Hut then It may happen, Instead, in an open market place, where tho cold wind blows. But what not every one of you docs know, and yet is really true, is that our Lord when lie places a child here, also tends along with It lti good Iuck,which, howover, is never placed near by, but is hidden In soino spot in our globe, where we look for It least; yet it is al ways found nt last, and that Is n com fort. Luck was onco placed In an applo; that was for a man whoso name was Newton. Tho applo foil, and thus ho found his luck. II" you do not know that btory,ask someone to tell It to you. Mo havo another story to tell a story ubout a txiir. There onco lived a poor man, who was bom poor, and had grown up poor, UUd was poor when ho married, lie wis a tuiuer by trade and used to turn umbrella handles and umbrella rings, bijt ho only earned enough money by this to livo from hand to mouth. "I shall never find my luck," said he. Now this is a true story which really happened. I could tell the name of the country and tho placo whore tho man lived, but that is of no consequence. Tho red and sour mountain ash berries blossomed and ripened around his house aud in his garden, as if they were tho choicest fruit, and in tho gar den stood also tho pear treo,but it never had borne a pear, and yet their luck was placed in an in visible pear. .One night tho wind blew terribly. In Avize, men said tho great Dillig boulder was lifted up from tho side of the read, and thrown down llko a lump of clay, and so it was not at all wonder ful that a big branch should havo been broken front, tho pear tree. Tho branch was taken into the workshop, and tho man turned out of it, just for fun, a big pear, and then several very small pears. "Tho tree shall bear pears onco nt least," ho said, and gave them to his oh 1 Id r on to play with. There are somo things that are neces sities in life, and among these, most certainly in wetcountries,aro umbrellas. Now tho wholo family had only ono for tho genera I use. When tho wind blew very hard, tho unbrella would turn over : hut tho man quickly mended it again that was in ills trade. With tho button and string that kept tho um brella together, it went worse, it would always break too soon, just as one was folding the umbrella up. Ono day when tho button had broken igoin. and tho man hunted in vain for it on the floor, hu happened to get hold of ono of tho smallest pears which ho had turned, mid had given to the chil dren to play with. "I cannot find tho button," .said tho man,"but this little thing will answer." Ho pulled a small cord through it, and tho llttlo pearllllod tho placo of tho bro ken button beautifully; it was exactly right, and formed tho best of fasteners. Tho uoxt limo that ho had to send urn- brclla haudies and rings to tho capital, ho added to tho number a few of tho small wooden pears which lie had turn ed. Thoy were fastened to a fow now umbrellas which were sent with a thous and others to Amorica. Thoy havo a quick understanding thvro pf what' is of use. Tho little pear was soon found td hold bisst.and tho umbrella merchant gavo orders that all tho umbrellas to be sent to him after that should bo fasten ed with the llttlo pear. Largo orders wore to bo supplier!, thousands of pears' td bo'made; woodon pears on all um brellas, nnd our man was kopt busy at work. Ho turned and turned: tho .wWopear tree was used for llttlo wood en pears, which brought shillings that grow into dollars. 'Iu that pear treo my luck was placed" Bald tho man; andsoon after ho had a grout workshop and plenty of men anil boys to help him. Now ho was alt tho' tlmo in. good humor, and often used t o say, "iuck may no in a pin." po also says ho who tells tho story; and you should know that it is true, and Is a proverb In Denmark, that if you putuwhltopin in your will bo Invisible, hut It must bo tho ripht sort of a phi ono given by our Lord. 1 liavo had ono of them; and whenever 1 come to America, tho land of tho New World, which is so far far 4 off, yet so near mo, I shall always carry mat pin wltli me. I can sond my greet ing over in a fow minute-;; thq ocean rolls over to its shores; there tho wind blows; any day I can bo there when my stories are read, and perhaps seo tho glittering gold recclvo the ringing gold tho gold tho gold that iatho best of nil, which shines In oyoa, of children, and comes ringing from tho lips of tholr parents. I am in tho very room with my frionds and yet I am invisible. I have tho whlto pin In my month. "Yes, luckinuy Ho in a pin. After a great snow-storm, a littlu fel low began td shovel a path through,!! largo snow-hank before lib grandmoth er's door. Ho had nothing but a himll shovel to work with. "How do you expert to get throrfgh that drift?" asked asnan passing along. "By keeping at it," said tho boy cheerfully; "that's "how J" That U tho secret of mastering almost ovcry dlflleuHy amder the sun, If a hard task is befoa-o you, stick to it. Do not keep thlnklng-how large or hard it is; but go at it, and llttlo by llttlo. it will grow smaller anit smaller, until it Is done. If you dcriire tc impress tho publie that you huvctbo tcst wares and tho best prices, and are worthily entitled to their patronsge, a.ivebtisk YounsELr. Do not exjiect to accomplish everything wim ono mm, nor two, nor lurco, om keep at it, and you willsurely wJn. Have somo system about vour ad vertisement, and let that ho your shov el, then dig away at tho people keep at it and you will as aurely get through tho dull tlinos and bring more custom 4li n imn inn o Mnn il t f no Huit .- urfkiit through tho drift wJthhlH small Hhovcl. COLUMBIAN AND PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY yyiLLIAM FIS1IEU with THOMAS CAltflON- A CO. TCItot.i:iAl.R DEALERS IN HOSIERY, men's FUUNisnt.NO aon ns, I.tNUNH NOTIONS, KO. IS KOlirit roCHTIt HTUI.LT I'liir.ADnr.vjttA, Juno I ,((. in JOHN STltOUI' A CO., tiuoccHsors to btruup A Brother, WH0t,W1At.!i DEALERS IN PIHU, Nn. 21 North Wharvon, mid M Merth WainbU, PblladtiliiUla. G. W. BLABON A CO., MfuiufActurers nt OIL CLOTlta AND WINDOW HHADEH. Wnreliouse, No. 121 North Third Street l'tillndPlplua. gNYDKIt, HAltUIS & BASSETT, Mfiuufiictiirera nnd Jobber ol MKN'a AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Nob. S2S Market, nnd Rl Commerce Mrwt, fMlartelphln. Q.KOIIC1E FOELKEK & CO., Wboletfito Dealers In WOODEN A WILLOW WA11E, VAIINB, Oil-Cloths, Wlcltn, Twlncs.'.IlARkrts, etc., etc. 19231 Market Ht. AIM Church Bt.,' I'hUadn. JOHN 0. YEAQEH & CO., Wholesale Dealers la HATM, CAVH, WIIAW (lOOl)H, AND ladies' runs. No. 2".; Noith Third Ptreel, Mar.lO.'M-ly Philadelphia. ESTABLISHED 1793. JOItDAN&nnOTHEll, . Wholcsalo Grocers, nud Dcaleisln SALTI'ETEK AND BlilMBTONE, No 219 Noith Third Bt. Philadelphia. I." "WALTER, Lato Walter A K&uu, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, QLAHS, AND QUEEN8WAKE, No. Ml N. Third Street. Philadelphia. TX W. BANK'S WHOLESALE '10BACCO, HNUFK, AND CIGAU WA11EHOUHE, No. 118 North Third Street, between Cherry aud Itaco, west side, Philadelphia. "yARTMAN it ENGELMAN, tobacco, snuff a begah 'manufactory, ko. 313 Nonrn TniRD street, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WAKTXAN P. ENflKLMAN yTAiNWHiaiiT &. co., WHOLESALE , 0RO0EH8, N. E. Corner Second and Arch. BtrccU, PHILADELPHIA,' Dealers In tkas, HY-nurs, coffee, sugar, MOL.iasi, hick, sncEs, m cahii soda, ic, o. Ordcn will receive prompt attention. Stay 10, 18C7-ly. c. H. HOUSE. w. s. Kisa. J. B. SEVJ1LIIT. -CTORNE, KING & SEYBERT, WHOLFSALE DRY GOODS. No. 313 Market Htrot, PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly at lowest January 3, 1808, Major n. n. aktman. c. li. rax. linger, m. sionv. JRTMAN, DILLINGER & CO., NO. 101 NORTH THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA, Two Doors abo o Arcli formerly 220, MA NOl'A CIPHERS AND J01I11ER.S IN CARl'El-S, COTTONS YARNS, BATTING, OIL CLOTHS, CARPET CHAINS, CORDAGE, OIL SHADES, GRAIN HAGS, TIE YARN, WICK YARN, WINDOW PAl'ER,' COVERLETS, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WAKE, I111O0M9. UHUS1IES, LOOCINO OLABflES, TRUNKS Fell. C.'O'J GET THE BEST WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DIC TIONARY., aoOO ISXailAVINQS ; 1S10 I'Aqes QUARTO. PRICE VIS. 10,000 Wmds and Mcanlogs not In other Die tlonarles. Viewed as n whole, wo are confident that no other living language has a dictionary which so full V and fait hfullv sets forth Its rf.Mftnt-r-,nn. Hon as this last edition of Webster does "that of uuf, wiium uuu spoiLen i.ugiisji longue, ar pert Mayazine. Thot.6 threo books ore the sum total orgrcat libraries : the Bible, Shakspeare, and Webster's Jloval Ounrtn, Chicago JAenmg Journal. the hew Werstkr Is glorious it Is perfect uuuiuuca uuu uvuva cviujieLlllon 11 leaves iiumiuK l ue uraircu, j, ji. Jiaymontt, Lilt.v. I'rea't I'assar CAltrtf. The most nsefutand remarkable compendium Clark, President Mass. Agrlcltural College. WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PICTORIAL DICTJONABY. WW PAQLS OCTAVO, COO ENQRAVINCS. J-Rlfl! J6, Tho work Is real y a gnx tt a fliMcmnry, Just the thl .ng for the mtlllour' fiiierlma itllueoiiinul Monthly, In many respects, this Dictionary Is tho most convenient ever nubllBhe.l',r.,ivii..M. iihummi "As amiinualof reference. It Is eminently nU. ted for use lu families ancUchools."..JV.P.7Viiiiine. It is altogether the bett treasury of word ij .,. ...V iHuiiuau iiusover jioss- 1''May7lB'2m c"Mlil'inIAMSpringfiolil,Ma8s. MILLIARDS I BILLIARDS 1 ! W1LLIA5I II. UlLMORE XTas opened u fine lllitiard Haloou In nddltloh to Ills well hnown RESTAURANT, llohasatal.les with nil tho latest Improvements aud In perftet UlUCr, ilUJLL-t)Jl. UU UUUUIUU UL'bL LAO ICR BEER AKD ALL' whleh tho market "affords. OYSTERfi 'to ho had ui. iiu times wnen m eeoon, aibo ucei uougue, Pickled tripe, Clams, ie., Ac. I 1 .The publie aro Invited to call. -and aro. pronv lel satisfaettonrelther In hllllurdsor rtfteMi nieuls,' Ills- ' u..'.- CIQARS AN1 TODA.CCf anuot bo czrcllcil, llloomshUfK, Jan, ,'C9. . The undtniienoa 'would respectfully announce to tho! citizens of illoom.l'iri'njid Uw'publlp ttni- rally tha he Is running an OMN111UH LINE 'between this place aad thadlffereut railroad do pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect wltlt the evoral trains going; Houtli and West ou the Cats whuannd Wtlllamsport lUllroad.and.wilh those coins North and (ioulh on pie Lwta.waun8, aj'id lltoomsuurB; itaiiroad.' Ills Omntbosse. are In good condition: comroo rfuons ami oomioruuna, ana cuorges reasonauie. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de 'part, can be accomodated upon reasonable charge by leaving timely uotlce at any of the hotels. JAW 11 h OIUTON, Proprietor, DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. RAIL ROADS. TVOimiEitN CENTKAL KAIL- JLN WAY, On and after May Bth lfW), Trains will loavo NoRTliuMnitnLAND as follows I N011THWAHD. 423 A. M., Dally to Wllllamsport, (oieept Sunday) jor ibimirn, i,uiiiuiuiwk"ii, "'whuiki;!, uumv, Biispenslnn llrldiro, undN. Falls. M)r. H., Dally, (except Hundayslfor Elmliaand llmrulo via r.rlo Hallway from Klinlrn. t.M p.m., Dally, (cxccptHuudnys) lor Williams- 1 ' TIIA1N9 FJOUTinVAtlD. 0.SO A.M. t)ally(oxccptMonday's)for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 2.00 P.M. Dally (except Hunday's) tor Baltimore Washington and Pullodoliilita. yQUjg General Passcu'cer AKcnt. ALFltKU It. 1'ISKE, OOn'l fJUpt., lew. DHILADELMIIA AND 1M. EHIE X HAILH0AD, HUMMlUt TIME TAB.LE. Titnocait and dikeot norjTB hktwekm riiiLA' HICLI'IIIA, 11AI.TISI0UK, lIAnnlSllUliO, W1L- LiAMsronr, and the GIIEAT OIL HEaiON OK PENNSYLVANIA. ELUUANT SLEKE'lHU CARS On all Night Trains. On and after Mohday, Apr. 2Cth lsffii, the Tialns on tho Philadelphia AKrlo Halt Iload will run as ioiiowh; WESTWARD. MAIL.TUAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.Hp.hi, f " " NorthuMbcrland....1" a.m. " " arr, at Erlo U.ani.111. ERIE EXPltUss leaves Philadelphia 11.M in. t' " " Nort'd, " " arr. at Erle..... 10.0U am, ELMIUA MAIL leaves Philadelphia S.iwn.m. " " norui'd ,....zt p.m arr. aLiocKiiaveii. EABTWAllD. MAIL THAIN leaves Erie " " NorUi'U....... " " arr. at l'hllmlelphla.. EltlE EXPKE.1S leaves Erlo. ,.. .7,15 inn, ..11. lo a.m ,..uu a.m. .Ma Hortii ,.u..ii;a,ni, " " nrr.ntl'hllndelnltla 4.1Un.m. Alatl and ExprcRs connects with Oil Creek and Allegheny ltlver Hall Koad. Uaggago checked larougu. A. I.. TYLEH, General Superintendent, WUluunsport. riATAWISSA KAILBOAD On and J after MONDAY, Nov. SS, MX, l'aiseuger tialusou tho Cataw iba Itaihoad will run nttlie following liameU hours t Mail Hullh. - -STATIONS. Wllllamsport. Muncy. Watsontowtu Milton. Dauvllle. Rupert.' - Catawlssa. . Hlngtowu. Summit. O.uakake. Dep. 7.50 a,m " K.2U " B.50 " " D.1U " " 11.62 " ' 10.12 ' " 1U.23 ' " 11.10 " " 12.U0p.ln, " 12.IS ! Arr, 0.16 p.m. uep. 0.11 " 5.12 ' " 4.55 ' " 4M " 3.5" " " " " 2.2S " " 1JW " " l.W " " 1.-J0 " 1.10 ' " lo.) n.m. " l.W) '.' 2,15 J.2.5 Arr. 10.50 ' E. Mahony June: Dlno. Tamaqua. Dine. ueeuing. Phlliuleirjhta. s.ii I To New York via. Read' 1 lnir or Maueh Chunks From New York via. i , ltn ., Maueh Chunk. 'w NoChangoof cars between WUluunsport aud 1'hlliLdclplila. GEO. WEBB Suy't. ACK AW AN N A i BURU RAILROAD AND BLOOMS- On and eftorMay loth, I8itt, Pas&cngerTialns will run as follows: Going North. Arrlvo Arrive Oo!n Loavo South. Leave p. m. a. m. p. in. a. ui. Hcrautou 0 .45 0.20 7.15 1.(0 Lea o PltUton..... 0.10 (I.S3 7.50 4.37 Kingston 8.10 10.25 twi 5.U0 l'lyinoutll S.23 U.3U CW5 7.27 Bhlckshluuy.... 7.3 o.uu o.lo S.U) Berwick 0.63 8.2S u.5:l S.40 Illoom 7.20 7.50 8.20 Uauvlllo ,0.52 7.12 8.20 0.01 Lcavo Xeavo Arrlvo Arrlvo North'd 1.15 0.20 0.06 U.13 Connection made ntScrnnton hv tho 10.40 n.m. train for Great Bund, Hlngnamtou, Albany aud 1111 iioiuis orixi, JILHL ILUIl esL. KT, HOUND, Sup't, TVEADING RAILROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Apr. 20th, 18ti9. Great Trunk Line from, the North and North "West for Phlladelnhla.Nuw York. Reaitlni. PotlM. vllle. Tamaoua. AbhlHZld. Slinmoklu Lebanon Allentown, jastou, Ephrata, Lltlz, Loucaster, Columbia, Ac, Trains leave Uarrlsburg for New Yoik, as fol lows: At 2,33, 5,20 aud H,iu n. m., 12,25 uoon nud 2.00 A10,55p.m.,counectlng with (similar trams on tho Pa. RaUroud, and arriving at New Y'ork. at, a.m., ec ai,u a. in., e s,ou e,j x v,oo p. m, and 0.00 a.m respectively, sleeping cars aecom puny the 2,53 a. in., 5.20 u.m. and 10.55 p.m. trains without change. Leave Harrisbure for Hcadlnz.Pottsvllle. To. maqua, Sllncrsvlire, Ashlnud, Uhamokin Pine Grove, Allentown A Phtla'd. at 8,10 a.m., .s 2,00 A 4.10 p.m.. stopptuc nt Ibanon aud nrlnclnal wnv statlous; Ihe4,l0pm.tralns making connections lor Philadelphia and Columblaunly. For I'ottsvllle Seliuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill endSusqaehauna Railroad, leave Harrlsburg at 3,30 p.m. Returning: Leave New York nt 0,00 a.m, and in., und 5,05 and 8,00 p.m. Pbliadel- pum ui, o.u n. iu, uuu D.ou p. lu. Sleeping cars uwuuiimu; iuu v.w u, ui., uuu H,VO UUU O.WD.m., tralus Horn N.Y'. without chauge. Way Passeugei xraiu leaves raiiaueipiiia at 7,ou n,m.,eonuectlng with similar train on East Pa. railroad returning from Reading at uVJO p.m stopping at all statlous; loavo lottsvinoat7,308,45a.m.,unU2,45p.mjihamo kln at l25 a. in.,Ashlaud at 7,ooa.m aud 12,30 noon Tamariua at 8.3U a. in., aud 2,'JJ p.m., for l'hlla deiphta, and New York.- . Lcavo l'ottsvlllo for Harrisbun?. via Hnhnvllrlll aud Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a,m. and 11,30 a.i m., lor PlnoGiovo aud Tremont, Iteadlug Accommodation Train leaves Reading at7,30o.iu., rtturulug from Philadelphia ut-6,16 a uiMiuwii ll;l:uiuuiuu.ilioii irainneaves l'oilh. . . ........ town at 6,23 a.m. returning, leaves l'hlludeliihla ut 4.ii0 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains lehvo ReaiUug at 7,00 a.m., and 0-15 p.m. for Ephrata, Lltlz, Ltmcas- Porkloiucn Rail Road Trains lcavo Pork I juuctmnui. v,uua,mivuu u.w p. in. lW3tumlu: LeavoKippacKntb.l5a.mM ami 1,00 ti.ia., con necting with similar tralus on Heading Uallmad. on minunyH, icavo jnow York nt 8,00, rim aUolpUta a(ixi u.m. and 3,15 p,m., tlio ,(W n.m. truln llarrlsbnrs 6,20 n.m. una 4,10 nnillo.K p.m.,am1 Iteadlus at 12 ViSI.and2,l5 and 7,15a.m. for Harris- uurt, uuu u,uiM uuu v,tj.ia.m, ioriNow xuik. ni u,w a.m. ana tt't p.m. ror lMulauelphia, Commutation. Altk'aa:e. Boaon. Hctiool nnd Ex cuiblon UcUots to nud lrom all points, nt reduced Uaioiaco chocked tlirouEch : 100 nounds allowed to General HujiorUitenrieiit. Iteadlus, Fa., Apr, atl, lib'J, TEIj AWARE, LACKAWANNA, & i wi'Vii'.iin i.Aii,iujiii. nuinmer armuge1 ment, Apr.l&O'J. Trains leave us follows; XABTWAUTI. wrMTVAitn. KX- prtssi Ac Ac- Ex HTATIONS. Mall com. com press Via 11. &. E. Dlvia. AM, I"l 4 00 1 III) Arl Hew York.- ILv ihot uarciay bi.) ...Christopher Bt.... Ilobokeu 2f ewnrk ....Wafchlncton 8.30 8.30 8.4. 4 15 U.05 4 40 ,7 05 via Ceu. Hit of N.J. .... new inn; thMl lAberhi sr 0.00 New Hampton 11.15 U.4S 1I.5X ..Oxford ii... llrldiicvllle. .-.Philadelphia...:,...! Treulon.... '7.30 8.471 11.0s 12 115 1 l'hlllilisburir .AiauuiiKit munK.... -,lX)laware..... ....Mount Bethel Water Gap 12.25 I2.S5 I2.5H 1.(15 1.15 MS 2JO ,.irouuourt;.. ...HnruimevlIiH lleuryvllle...... ,.Korks ...,TobyIiauua.., 2.21 -Uouidsboro ..fr2.S3 ...HUosoow...., 7 3.08 30 4.121 P. Jfunnintr... A.M. (1.9.5 u Hcrautou 11.1V ll.: 11.10 5.55 ...Clark's Huramlt... . a uiugion.....HM. 4.211 11.40 12.WI racuryville H..Nlcholhon... .Hopbottoiu.M. ....Montrose , ,.Ncw Mllfold.. (J rent !end 4JI 4.51) 12.111 1.15 S.B 3.15 r.u 5.40 e.iu 0.20 IJtO 2.01) 2.21 I'.M. I'.U. COKNKCTIOMS. At New Ilampton.wltli Central R, It of New r.aston, Ac. At Wuhhlngtou. with Monis Essox, for New 1 orR,Nowarlt,Morrltowu,I)over, 1 lacketts town, I ji.ston, &a. ' AtilaiuinkaCiinnlfJWItli Eelvlderu Delaware It It. lur Plilladelnhiii, Ticntou, 1'hllllpsbuiB, Lamlierlsvll e. l'iilll eihunr. . ' AtSeianton.wltii Lackawanna '& Illoomsbure Itit.for,Plltston,WyomlnB, Kingston, WIUccs barre, Danville, Northumberland, 4c., also, with bald, and Carbondaie. , At OieatlJcud.v.itiiiirlo Railway, forlllncham lH, umlru, llullnlo. Ithaca,, Hyraruse, and (li. nu ;., V , r. IIAlJJITKAII.KUpt. It A, HRNRY, Gen, l'ass, find Tkt. Agcut. PUSH'S ! PUMPS FOR BALE. Tho undersigned begs leavo to inform tho cltl sens sf thlsphicfl aml. tetulty that he is preparei US I'UMIH for Wells and Cisterns over olfi rml ta the publie.' They lire guaranteed to throw more water lu less time and with less lalior limn any other pump in Gils part or tliu' country nnd Hiuy I'uiiuui, uo Hurpasseu lor ueautv or nutsli, or ness and durahlllty. Kaeh pump belna warrnni col to iwrform Its work well or no sale, lltlas Niiuman Is ngeut fur Columbia county, I'rico (jituiijht iuui iiu-eu 111 tue wen. uoruers by ,..,, ' ' P.LIAa UUif AN, 8ertl,'(a).y . t Catawlssa, 10, g'ljAT'ri ROOFIN'O, K'V'E 11' Y' VARIETY MOST FAVOKAULE RATES, JOHN TIIOMAH, AMD CAHl'Ell J. THOMAS, liox, S77. Iluxmsuuuo, Pa, llnr.!D,'i2).lyr. ' v m r.ii, oio S .) 40 3.85 0 13 3.25 0 (ill 3.(10 li 13 12,10 0 30 2.10 7 15 12.80 5 01 11.4S 11.35 4.40 3.2! 7 (III 1.00 .1 SS 11.25 5 33 11.20 5 23 11.02 5 11 10.47 5 01 10.33 10.23 4 41 10.13 4 20 UM li.m 3 55 02 3 41 VM J 25 H.15 IS KM 2 50 H.U I'M 7J0 7.11 (LUI 0tl U.10 5.49 0.30 A.M. DRV GOODS. M, ( Successor to A. J. Sloan ) has Just returned from Now Voik with n full assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS to whloh ho invites tho attention of tho citizens of Blooinsburi! and vicinity. His stock consists In part of tho following lino or goods SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, LADIES' BACKINGS, BUMMER SHAWLS, LADIES' HOSE, BLEACH A BROWN. GENTS' HALI'HOSE.BLEACII A BROWN, LADIES' GLOVES BILK AND LISLE THREAD, KID GLOVES ALL COLORS, HOOP SKIRTS A CORSETS, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS TABLE 1JIAPEB3 TOWELS NAPKINS CLOTIM, AND CASIStERS, FLANNELS. DOMESTICS OP' ALL KINDS, 'and In fact cverythlug generally kcrt In a Dry Goods Store. Call and examine the goods and satisfy yourselves, high prices Is ono of tho things that have passed away. EXCIIANHB DOlLDINn Ol'I'OSlTK Till' COURT HOUSE MAIN STIIEKT UI.O0M311UIUI l'A. Apr.M.lB-tf. M1 ILLER'S STOKE. FHEiJH AKHIVAL OK FALL AND WINTER OOODa. Tlio subscriber has Just returned from the elite with another largo and select assortment of Hl-niNQ AKD BUMMEH GOOPB, purchased lu New Yorknnd rhllndelphlanl the lowest figure, aud which he U determined to ftell on as mod era to terms an can be procured else where in nioomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles nud latest fashion,, lorl hi-r With a largo Lssortmont of Dry Goods and Urn- ccrleN, consisting of the following articles t Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casislmcres, HhawlH, FlannolR, HIIkH, ; Whlto Goc-ta, Lluens, IIoop Skirts, ' Muslins, I follow ware Cedarwaro atirenswaro, Mardwari' lloota and KIkk'h, i llnta nud Caps Hoop Nets, (, Umbrellas, Ijooklng-Glassc.i, Tobacco, i i , Coffee, 1 , Hupirs, Teas, . Itlco, AINplcc, Gtuser, Clunamou, Nutnieg'i, AND NOTIONS OEN ItALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores to which he Invites tho attention, of the public generally. Tho highest price will bo paid for vmntry produce In exchange for goods. R. II. MILLER & SON. Arcade Building, Dloomsbnre,Fa. QRKAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT JSJ(i"a BTUKB, IN LIOIIT STREET, or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received and haB on hand nt his old stand in Light Street, a largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased ut the lowest figure, and which ho determined to sell on as moderate -tonus as be procured clsowhero In Light Street, vr cahii on couyritY j-Konucn. His stock vonslsU of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles anil latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Plannols, Hosiery, Carpets, Hllks, Khawls, READY MADE CLOTIITNU, . Batlnotts, CasHlmcrs, Cotlouades, Kentucky Jeans, AC, AA AC GROCERIES, MACKERiU,, Queensware, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac. BOOTS & SDTOES, HATS & OAPB. in short everything usually kept In a cem fry store. Tho patronago of his old friends an tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. Tho highest market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1SS7. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS lias Removed lilsManufuctory and Salesrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT, bT. JCIULADEU'HIA, efipcclaUy adapted to I-'irst-class Wholesale Uiul Jittatl Tnulo, well be found to embrace tho most extensive assortment lu tlio Uulou, and nil tho and Kleeu, ', sjj, yi, yards round, of rlaln and Oored I'unier, Walking HJtlrts, lloceptton vurltJtlesof Misses' nnd Chlldjen's Blilrts, ail of wniciiior Bymmeiry 01 styie,- nuun, iigutnetw. elasticity, durability and real tluapneu, are uu equuled by any other goods in the market, aud are warranted iu every resnoct. Hklrts made to order, Alteml aud iteiaired( AVholesalp aud nuiuii, Full llnOM of Ixtw I'rlcud Eastern Made Hklrfji 15 HprlUKVVi Cunt;u HirliiBM,i5Cent; S3HprlnKR, 65 Cents; UIHiirlupi.ttt CcnUjand 40 Bprln's, 75 C'OltSETSI COUSETS C0It.SKT8!tI 57 dif ferent styles and'Prloett, from ,75.Cento to 17.00, embracing it. Worlley,'J3eekel, Glove Flttiue,'' Mn.lfltil kViu'u tn.L.t Ulrlrt am.i.ti.ti.K! w. Woody'H Iuttcnt "aeir-AdJUKtini Abdominal' L'orBolB. French. Euellsh und Doniestlu Hand- imule (Jorseta, und superior French I'at terns of Uotell Cork eta, "Our Qvra Moke," to wJdch o In vite especial aiiemion. Complete assortment of Indies' Under Gar ments, at verv low tirices. GKNKHAlAGKNTforthe BAUTitAM AND 1'AWlUfl VAMiLiX HKWilSU MACiliNKH, fcll perior to any other beforo tho public Fitly -two of these No. 1 Machines lrlcc $55 each, nro being futriMluced, Every irKon in wunt of articles lu our line, sttould exainluo our cooda Liira imr. chasing elsewhere. Call or send for circulars, at ouvMunoructory and tiaesnMtmii.No. lll.tchcst- umuvii'iiui. 1W, 1. JHJl'itira( mar,U)'UU-3iu; ' TliQUnderRlcriaVbccs 'have-' to inform iiw frlemw add thp jalhlU: gencrplj that Uio Uai tl "C ti t d j I) 'tt 1 . 1 1 -Ji ircsh jilvtU of goods in the line of .MILT.INEnY,flhd. TIUMMINGS' In conuectlon with Dross Maklugjubnd In pre- COUOU bTlUW IT ATS on tho shortest nollce'and In the "best' stylo of ..vj...vui'M.iunyiKsJuuMuciory, LlKht fitree;, October i. 1W.MIW- KL,NE- JISS LIZZIE BARKLEY has Just relumed fropj'hlladclphia, anl has bought, and is now offering the best assortment pi FANCY aooiwf .' i ' y TUIMMINUB, I , UONNETa 4 c, dc., ever exhibited In Illoomsbure, and Is prepared to make np drcsfs iinl all other nrticU s pf female ..i.iiiruue, av suort nonce, ana in tuo best and L'AT.PfcJT PPIIINQ BI'V'EP. Ilooms iu the Itnmsey Dulldlngs, on West' MalnlWrcct, Call and seo her varied Hoik ot Hprlnu aoods. Mayl.'fis. GROCERIES, Sic, QONPE0TIONEK X. ,r.. ..j.imi.i wnnld rmnectfully annnunro to tha rubllo that ho has openod n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY BTOR1C, in tholmlhllnn lately occupied by Vox A WcWi whcio ho Is lircparcdto furuleh all kinds of 1'liAlN A FANCY CANDII, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMKHTIU FRUITS, NUTS, lUWlNS. AC, AC, AO, II V WJIOLESALB OR RETAIL. Ill short, o fall assortment of all goods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention given to BREAD AND OAKEB, of all kinds, fresh every day. 01I1UBTMAB CANDIES, OUIBTMAS TOYS. a rail is solicited, and satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1867. ECKHAUT JACOBS, REMOVAL OP O. 0. MAHR'S NEW STORE TO BJTirii'S J! LOO K, ll. THE CORNER OF MARKET AND IRON utile mi). The nniterslgncd liavlng received from the city a full and eompleto supply ol SPRING AND HUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CtiDAK AND WILLOW-WAR!, CONFECTIONERY', GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, II A 1 S AN J) S II O E S, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose soiling at a very low figure for cash or produce, 4V Call and see. April 12, 1SC7. C. C. MARK. G RANI) OPENING OUANI) OI'KNINU UltANI) OI'KNINU tlltANIl OI'KNINU OKANU OI'LNINU or FALL AND WINTER GOOllH, FALL AND WINTHIt UOOIW, FALL AND WINTKlt tJOODS, FALL AND WINTKlt (JOODH, FALL AND WINTKlt OOODH, eonslslins ol consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DUV OOOIW, ' 11IIY" OOODH DltY OOODH, DUY GOODS DltY OOODH, nXiJr'ANn CAPS. HATH AND OAIK, HATH AND t'ArH, HATH AND CArfi, HATS AND CA1W, 1100TH AND HIIOIiH. HOOTH AND HIIOKH HOOTS AND B1IOE8 HOOTS AND RI!OK KO(JTS AND 8HOEH; HEADY-MADE CLOTHINO, ltEADY-MADi: CLOTHINO kiiady-madk clothino, iu:ady-madk clotiiino heady-made clothino, LOOrciNfl-ULARSBH, iiokinu-olarseh! LOOICINO-OLAHHl l.OOKINO-OLAKSKH LOOKINU-OLAHriKsl NOTIONH, NOTIONH NOTIONS, NOTIONH NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILH, PAINTS AND OILS! PAINTH AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILH PAINTH AND OILS, OROCEIUEB, OUOCEHIES, UltOCEHIES, UllOCEKIKH OltOCEHIEa, tiUEENSWAIlE, (JUEENHWAItE . IlUEENHWAlli: 11UEENHWAUE ttUEENBWAUK ' IIAUDWA11E, HAltDWAltE, HAllDWAHK HAHDWAUE, IIAHDWAUK, TINWARE, TINWAItli, TIN WAKE TlNWAHll, T1NWAUK, ,1 1 SALT, HALT, HALT HALT, HALT, 1'IHH, Flfill FIHll. 1'ITH F1HH, OHAIN AND HEEIW, (JllAIN AND KKHDH .UHAIN .AND HK.r.DH ' OltAIN AND HKK1W OltAIN AND SKKDH , AC., Ac. Ac, AT McKELVY, NEAL McKULVY, NEAL McKELVY NEAL McKELVY, NKAL MolCELVY, NEAL CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. OO.'H. CO.'S. Northwest oornor ol Main and Market Streets, .......... ... luiuu ami jtiaricet Ktreets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets! N orthwest uni nor of Main und Market Streets! Nortliwest corner of Main nud Market Streets, BLOOMSBURO, PA., IlIlOMSHUIiO PA IIWOSISIIIIRO PA.. 11MOMSBUHO PA. nr.ooMsnuita, pa. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAIlIs IRON AND NAIIX IRON AND KAILS) on haml )CBU""M ttna Bt reduced raU s, uhvay AT E W 0; O A L YAH ty citfrfnS' nrUm',?K"1 W'PwtfiiUy Inform the nioomsbtirp and Columbia county, cp iill ti.e dliforent numbers ofstove cted lump coal for Bmithlng nurno- .nub uiey Kee coal and seleci f. ,' luelr wuarr, aujoiulng M'Kelvy. Neal A Co's 1 Furnace; with a good pafr of lliiMo scales on tho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, nna straw Likewise a horso and wagon, to deliver coal to i'a )vlV0 dc,"ro A thw purchise a largo and sell at tho very lowest prices V lease call and examine for yourselves before purrlias. lngelkcwhcrc. . w. lUONDEitsii Jr. AUOU4ITUH MASON.1 miro ...7 1 1 . .... ... I .1 ""uuiaiBJItil will WKO III OX- O.ocery htiVe.-iuljoinlug'ihVlr eoa,y,a'r'a "U nioomsburg Mar. m.'O-ly! W' ,I,:NIJKIWHOT. JNSURANOE AGENCY, Wyoming tno.ew l.OW.UOC 300,000 nmjoun ii),ai l.wo.oio 1,000.000 530,000 330,000 sio,m &M,X) (13,000 1,000,000 AStna Fulton North America City International , Niagara.. Putnam .. Merchants , ,. Hpr(ntfl41d; , Farmers Danville.., Albany City Lancaster'CUy,... York Horse, Death & Thert....... Home, New Haven Danville, Horso Theft . " FREAS BROWN, oeiif, man ca.iy. Btoomuoita., ri QARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, Bloomtburg, Pa. M. a SLOAN ft BROTHER the successbrs of 1 WILLIAM SLOAN & SON continue, tlio business of making CAllRIAOIS, BUaaiBl, and every stylo of FANCY WAGONS,, which they We constantly on hand to snltcus. turners. Nevcr nstng any material but the best pud employing, the most experienced workmen they hope to continue as heretofore to glye entire aUsfoetJoA to.oyery customer. An' Inspection ol their work, and pf thoreatonablo price asked for he same, Is sure to Insure a sale. Moy8,' MISCELLANEOUS. TOVHS AND TINWARE. gT A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends and customers that continues the aboo uusiness at ms - MAIN HTllEE'i HiAJUMBiiun". Customers can bo accomodated with FANCY BTOVEU of all kinds, stovepipes, Tinware, imd ovcry va tic ty of artlalo fonua in a move " " - labllihmeut lu tho cities, and on tho most reason. ahln terms. Rqulilndononiiuosuorivoi... a DOZEN MILK-t'ANU ou hand for sole. ... ,f.t, VTEW STOVE AND Tin Hiiur. ON MAIN 6TBBKT, H1SABI.Y OITOSITE MIM-KB' IlLOOStSBORO, PENN'A. . ati,1 nnnnOil Tits uuderslaned has lust nittu up hlsuew . RTOVR AND TIN sum. 5 "AS ak'eCKVnbS emi-ra ns VAttlflUB PATl'EHNH A STALES, which ho will sell upon terms to sun Purt,u"',"J Olvo hlm n eali: iin Is i ro1 raoclianlc, and dtservlng 01 tno ruuno """""'jcon METZ. llloomsburg, April M.1S07. QEORGE II. ItOUEll'l'S, Importer and miner iu HARDWARE, CUTLKRY, G0N9, Aa, Nu. 311 North Tlilrd Htrcct, rIkivo Vino, rhllivlolphtn. jaiuii k, aitun. .T. It Hhuaitu g M I T II & S IS Ji T L lu li, impoileisaud Dealers In Fotclgrf RudDomestlo N EV STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH IIAUENIiUCII, Main Street ono door above E. Mendcnliall' I HI nro. A largo assortment 01 biovcs, iicnicrs ami I Uanges constantly ou iinnd, and for salo at ttie Iiowesi, ruiert, Tinning in alt Its branches carefully attended tut 1 auu saitsiaciion gunrimiei'u. Tlu wont 01 ail tciuus wnoiesaio nnu rcuui. trial is requested. Apr.V.WMI rpiIE NEW HARDWARE STORE I NE PHIS ULTRA. uaviug euiargeu our iioro ivuoiu mm jisi OPENED A NEW SU1TLY, I dlroctlv from tho Manufacturers, purchased fti casli, on a declining market, w e aro prepatned to Inirer thohametoi FARMERS. MECHANICS. BUILDERS. I and tho rest of Mankind, a general'stoCl, com' prisma an tno ainus anu nuaiuies usually Ken In a citv Hard Waro Store, suitable to Die wauls I of tiio county, nt unusually low prices. .ill 1 nsnwi (laini nn 14m i.iirrnnjtiii,. rnntiH in our lino can savo Money by looking lu at tlio fluw iiaruwaro store. riea".e give us a call nndcxamlnoour stock Ac, ltUPi 1 Arv OSlWAKIJUJN, Apr. S).(iS-lyr llloomsburg, Pa. gHARPLESS & 1IARMAN, FAULK FOUSJIKY AND JlANUKACrUMNU HIOl STOVES & TLOWS WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL Till: CULKUIlATltD NOKTfiOSU I BOS UIUM AS HIE IIUITON WOOIIEN 11EA5I TLOWS. Ciutingsind Fliellrlok for icpalrlngclty Stoves. All kinds of Brass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. II. F. 8HARPLES8 S P. H. H ARMAN, Bloomsburg, Pa. Proprietors. Mur.l'J.VJ-tl. QRANOEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Tho undersigned desires to Inform Ills friends nnd t ho nubile generally, that ho has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and MacblneHhop, nnd re mot ed all ills business from Light Street to tho above named place, whero In connection with his Foundry ho will continue to manufacturo Wheeler's Railway Chain Horso-Power and Thresher, (Improved), Cornell's l'atcut. THRESHER AND CLEANER, either .overshot for Tread-Power or undershot with Lover-Power. He also manufactures to order and ills up nil kinds ot MILL GEARING, ClicularSaw Mandrels, Patent Slides for Saw Mills, the latest Improved Iron Beam Plows of dllleri nt kinds Wooden Beam Plows, Douhlo Corn Plows, and Plow Points of every descrip tion gentnuly used throughout thocounty. IRON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Grates, Stoves, Sled and Sleigh Soles, and In luct everything generally mado In a country foundry. 1 hose wishing to pnrchaso Machlnos would do welt to examluo his machines, and tho improvements made ou the power, by which at least 'M per cut, of Hie friction is taken oil. ALL .MACHINES ARE WARRANTED to slyo good satisfaction, aud terms made to Milt purchaseis. All kinds cf country pioduce taken In i exclnui-o lor Plows and castings. 'Hum tfultohls friends and patrons for past favurs he.would still continue ui Milleltthe same. .,. ,r WILLIAM SCHUYLKll. Apr.O.OO-tr Oranges iuoPh, T EIlIOrH VALLEY AGRICULTU- -Ll RAL CHEMICAL WORKS. 11REINIG & IIELFIUCII, MAsuirACTur.iiita or IlltEINIO'H COJIPLETE 11 O N E M A N U R E. A concentrated mainirotuinhlnlugtho reliable fei tlllzlng properties of BONK DUST or GRQUNI) BONE, wltli tho active elements of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER, PHOSPHATE OF lAUli." NOTICE. We preparo but tho one article guaranteeing It as siandarrt. re lablo and inl" lii.Vi1 S .imJ ldcii" or prlccs arB senenlly pro vSbJ dlir,;rent proportions orodulturaiion t armers c au ta e money by 1 ed uclng tho 11 uaft ty themselves Wenseonryllono and mi pK nhatloOuanofor Phosphate ot Ume. Bend loV tu r" WAhyn,,l "u&0-" 1'urSl"t MauurS I A- tWS1, llohrsburg, II,. A L ROII111NS A I o. Illoom SbEl 12 Vn Mara,'in.. WALTER SL:01T.Catawiiai"a. fJpIIE ESPY HOTEL. ESPY, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ,T.,.M,.l;!"J! 'i8l':!"'l,.'vv;ou,ll.,nf0rm the travelling Lhm, "n,'1.B.'im" tak,c? l1'8 alv nawifd estob. ihi'IV""" "'"roughly rentted the some for b01ouuuT"h'l.qbr"(Wln0'' nna nr "i hi . f WILLIAM PHTTIT. Apr.23,C0-tt &pVi , OVER N MENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE U A R NE'S S, Lead Tenm1 Trnni,,u Collar,, IteiH,,, Hospital, Wall and Wodge, with poles nnd nins M 1 L 1 'l' A 11 CLOTHINO Overcoals . Prock Coats, Jackets. Blouses A ji iiuaeis.uorso oovers.i'iy Shee s aud Nots Vie nlfeW"6"' auaV"su'nVt.wo).aY?ovf puStionf desc",t,vo l'f Wl, sent Small o'rdors by Expross. c: D D UUKKAL ""WllWIIO LEHAl LKAtEltS. , l'UIIJUKI.l.JUA. I-a", ' ' May $&!n'M VLA(: N.-yr. Q.BT T.HE BEST. -P,Per -i-ubuiar Ughtnlug Rod is the best prtecllonaga ust disaster by Tleht!in5 ever Invuedo. The subserllw is Age florui hove Invention, and all orders by mall or in erson w III be promptly attended in. 1 or II A R D W A R E, OUNS, CUTLEUY, AO., WO. 10!) N. T1IIIID BTItKKT, AII.OALI.OW11II.I., PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 22, Mf. DRUGS Sl Mpntu ONAT1IAN IIElHLi'p, or Hitters has nvii .5' '.'An I ml of Dyspenslai Isiim,;0 Hvspeimla. Liver Ikininim. Two mado entirely or roots nn i;.."." will eonvincunny nun wlm n"1 No family should bo wilhoiii bottles, iirotinrnl nmi u,.i,i , ... '? h .f.. uM, ...ll.lii iin. I.UJ JOhi, 11. T A Y L 0 lltn - (j OLIVi: BRANCH A iiiuuui'uugrecaoio Tonio J.tifc BITTE11H, xtrncted entirely lrom Icri,Lft.i. 1t1.nitr.fllftf 11 tUL DYSPEPSIA, iivMut! a 1 1,1.,,... r ""Hi 1 3 f J. K. TAYLOR Am Ll sept. 4, i-iy. Ayer's 1 l I 1 lMl-1!, " 1 H lit OBH 111, Imi!,' r.J. IJ tnlti 111 i r vi , mi . Him lira encil, fnllins lmir 'lictltcl, by it? use. Nothing can ; luiir viierc inu luiucies re or tlio glnnd-s utro)iliicil a Hut such lis loinaiii run It uscliilucss uy this rppuoatiK. ni loiiiiuir tun un r v i i 0 t ment it wm Keep ii i-iwiu w i. : i .;n ,. lrom turning gray ur taut r . .. . . . ... i. injurious to tho Hair, tin only bcnofit but not harm il. merely lor a WATT) TlP TTss! .1.: .. i. Ions ou (he hair, civiuz ill! i ..... ... i . . . c i . . r i D t t'n k PTin.l t. Avn AviivTirn pnioE $i.oo, Fcb.5,18(H. Ayer's Cathartic purposes of i A. VillUl'' any Ijeforti 1.- A.lnnrftl ..tfArviTinflf nil film but efflcitf li.itiii? Awah tunl rune tiial it.knnwtluLtlt cured tliemitu SWU (1(1 AUU W Wiai, WlUt it (VO Itu rtTTiT.neHlrtTi . Wn linvtt thr.risJJjJf banda ofcnrtlilcnfi of thrir reran 1U1IUWI11U CUIIIUiiilUU. UUb CUL1I (.wv- ovfrv n iirlilmi hnrul nnrl vn nc-fduv. them uleasaiit to taVo.whlla UclH3Pi- Intel nal viscera to nurllV tho nooa tlnmnh lltrs nnd flthCT uent3 ns lire tho ilrst origin of dw I'll! rimfrllv rnrn- Tor llvaiii'iixl or Vaillffrslioi Vn t I i .. till ilosc U KcneraLy reaulred.' liannimni tlvo appaiatua. " AJJU( V.ll'f if"' xoirrzx. mass., r. J JQQMESTIO EQONOMVf CAMPILWON OAl'jn DrOOrCnnitiol ictif.t nalunu 1MB itu -,, , ... i rt nil fllKIMKl .. ,1 ,. auiiV.UP savea much lalior nrfd trouble! ly UlKiafcho Wnli-r.nrwif MJi'0&. r'"y tiuuu.iuuu.uuui w-.i. America, (nrnnvori It i..r, rnTDCl01 Vif i,:. " r . irhi v county aud can furnish tuo cm w ai : manufacturer. prices. a! il ur W'rO. M' toll I n E, 0A.VAQE, viiactical Watch makw" Main KlrAnt nnnv fhoCoun" BEooiisBtma, ta. I'-UU aua HlVlka U'ntelum (l(Cli.'Jf . vure of the best ducr!plln ul, eoufclstiDB of UutUr Ulshw), P0 For all tho Aloilicino. MOKOIlllt 1M A r If u iDnslnlisnitil'l! I yiV E 11. BUJLEMAN. wmk wurrautod.