HE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSHURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. IV v fMVRat'VRlOAYi JUNK IN, it.no J'rjijfty'jlnflt Wo Wcro vlsllPtl ty jHajl-storin, 'f)lft& In tho Morcanlllo Appralso .1st this wecKsovotnl nrtinc.4 Hint milted. would cull atteSubn lolio"Notw vol" Inanolliecolunni. Homu of ins arc of fech Iritcri-st. J,'I?.,Tu8TtN, on necoiint of III , haa resigned Ms position rw C(lp,r .'.tho, J-'lrst Enjjl sh Baptist lint this lilut'O. havo Just printed and Unvo on for sale, n lot'of "bliink nKrccmcnts borjl teacJiera,indrdlrector!3, und a gcKooronlofs. olI Wooiit See ndvertlsomcnt orgoVaneo. Hols n skillful c.ir- id colorpr and .always gives satis n. Sntunlnylast, tho barn of Abra Miller, at Berwick, was burned ,,wlth,tholos3.ofits contents. Wo not.JcarflCd.tho orlgcn of tho lire, 10 amount of loss. E Sunday School Convention of tho llo Dlstrlctof tho Methodist Ei1h Church commenced Its sessions in of space forbld3 nn extended nt. DREW Oulasseu, a respected cltl f this placo.dled on Friday last of mptlon and was burled in tho tery on Sunday by tho Odd-Fel-some Bevdhty' of whom followed mains to tho.graye. IIo leaves a indslxehlldfcn. " AJ$- t leaf of tho plantain, which may ihdilrilgre'at'-abundanco, is an cx remcdyjto allay tho pain of a lng'.'"''Tfie'seectaof thoplantnlnnro 7 recommended' as food for cana Thoy will cat thorn voraciously thoy lidvo a decided distaste for food'.'' (Fourth of July. Many of our wring towns aro preparing to colo thls national .holiday In a becom anner, "Why cannot wo havo a lass celebration in Bloomsburg? aany years wo havo bad nono 'mentioning and It seems to us mhave material enough hero, to it a g'raiid occasion. 1 i .. , NktttSTONK LAYING. Tho Cor onofthb Odd-Fellows' Hall.nt cWy"Iirkbcf' laid with Imposing o'nlea'ori' rioxf Saturday. Somo of iScerabf th'q'6rand Lodgo aro cx t tbbeTprljseut. "yan Camp Lodgo I'piaco'yllV. attend, and wo trust yilji t)p,a full turii-out. iSci'iool Board of Bloom township Jilpedori, .lust Monday ovoning, ytVVirEsq.ywaa chosen as I'resl jWm. 'Peacock as Secretary, and u3rockway as '.Treasurer. Jesse wh was 'appointed collector of tax tho ofasningycar. Tho Salary of ary was fixed at $100.00 and tho f, assessment for, school purposes en'nnd a" half mills. havo .on' our tablo "Tho First or Englisn' Grarrimar" by II. D. er A. M, latd Principal of tho Or lllo School. Tho work which is led for tho uso of public schools 'ot'ilidXltriniary'cjasscs of High s.8eomatoH9 to.fulflll tho object llch it Was intended, possessing ns I in aJ"copiiact ,fprm all that Is needful In a:grammur. Wo com Sit'trirthQ .attention of Teachers bhoolXjpirectors. i W i't "i j -H r k.-nJ?rld'aylast tho dwelling 'dfVcslbyiPorry in Locust town fpatotaByJdestroyed by fire. Mr. yre absent nt tho time; tho only ls'in trio libuso wcro two ladles of IrnilyiyThecaUso was undoubt- .4cfocjY9jtIuerho loss wo aro rfe-'tg tetpjlas everything tnclud Jspaperapand, riicmorr.ndn wcro m,i tati ttt- .t "Saturday evening tho 5th Inst., Sor'ne "near Ashland this county faHalllload brldgo near Ashland fea fristarltly klUe'd. It is reported iq was drunk at tho tlmo of tho oc iKfcJ&thlSjas.if.rnay, his remains refused admlttanco to tho Irish Hcj9ffuStoryon that account. IIo orwitn inoworiimen during mo ngatwLpcust 'Dale, but walked f.ujerii'irltb, them and returned to aid.. , Ho, was sober at that time. lore, as no drunken man was with fdcoasloR either going to or return sjflaitho meetinir: tho disirracois WMtfrbiitoil tothatbody. Homo ffhehni near Centndia Dfl vlhvl ) I - f6NlWoM"pri"Rall Moid street In pltayad'burntldown on Sunday ng tbo'.Qlhinst'.;. Bhuman's storo John M!Donne.ll's .dwelling houso yjBhrlred tho samo fato from being bo proximity to t: It Is not known tho dwelling got on fire. Liquor turO'and'all was lost, oxceptlng one , bureau and a few small articles. . ,t,iiiji,'-. wogo to press wo havo Information thditor1 of tho "Columiiian" intorod tha,.campalgu against uu. w-.otr, "Charley." This is our 'fr-Mfruncfi Uawttt. uhav boorisiaUlnforined, Jerry t month past wo havo been out of Jounty threo-fourths of our tlmo ad ,pf. "campaigning" as asserted readers, will bear witness that so I the paper Is concerned wo havo ypo tlje, utmost impartiality. Of io, as an lndiyiuuai wo navo our -rehecs, and wo claim tho right to i'Jbo our Judgment in tho selection mdWafca" tho. samo as any other QitMETErtY;-NotwithstttnillnK tho .location of burCeinotory It does &nferg favorably with those of y.wjmt, iBomo individuals havo iRlH ?nd fences, but tho !tuJJB?SWKiSro n a rough con Pi, ovorgKMSTOtlh grass, and thero "A tQ be no -attempt mado to orna thoraEhOi ncca aro also rougl iMn Borao 'places: dilapidated. W 'itho maltor. will bo looked Into Uo, Cemetery mado tho prldo and iraentor our lown. its central lo " l elves it tho advantages of a nark, '"tf might easily bo mado n pleasant On last Sabbath a young lady wiw baptised In (ho I'lshlng Creuk, below town, by llov. .1. 1'. Tustln. CiSLKimATitts. Tlio Jones Sabbath School takes great plcasuto In sending cordial luvitntlon to all siirrouudlng Sabbath Schools to Join with llictn In a Sunday School celebration on tho third f July next. To bo hold In a delight ful gmvo near Jonoi' mills', Fishing Creek township, Columbia Co. Ar rangements havo been mado to procure good speakers. By order of Committki:. Many of our farmers havo sustained severe loss by tho recent full In wheat and potatoes. Somo of them who re fused for their wheat would bo glad now to sell at $1.10. WIillo wo do not rejoico at their losses, wo trust that It will havo thocuect of breaking down the system jf hoarding up grain until It reaches oxtortlonato prices. The far mer should receive a fair price.and so all othor classes. ENT-PKTMKEN-On tho llthlint, nt tlio losl- Jlohr, (Jen. Wellington II, Km, or Light Htrccl una miss a. i;iirnbein retnucu or una piacu. It will not do tondraltOen. Ent Into tho nnclcn t and honorablo Order of Ben edick, without somo words of welcome and encouragement. And yet after see ing tho largo company which on that evening tendered to tho fair young bride theirassuranccsof happiness, and to tin? distinguished bridegroom their very warm congratulations, moro seems to bo superfluous. But our young friends aro now becomo recognized members of society, they tako their placo in tho well established domestic circle, and wars and fighting and uncertainties over, they settle down to tho duties and cares of lifo ; in tho which wo trust thoy may gather round them love, honor, troops of friends, and all those little additions and responsibilities which make life pleasant and desirable. Stkawiieuuy Shout-Cake. Tako ono quart of sifted flour and mako Into baking powder biscuit, making very short, nnd uso four teaspoons of baking powder ; roll out in a largo cako ono inch thick, and put in a pan and bake; havo ready ono quart of strawberries, masked with sugar to mako them sweet, and a tea-cup of sweet cream ; mix sugar, berries and cream well, and when tho cako is dono cut it in tho cen tre, or split it, and lay the prepared berries on one-half, covering with tho other. This must bo eaten while warm; you will find it delicious. Other ber ries can bo used tho samo way. Local NoUccn. Any merchant whogives credit must chargo an oxtra profit to meet tho losses that always occur In doing a credit busi ness. To savo customers from paying that oxtra percentage, M. 1 Lutsi has started a cash business, and all that persons need to convinco them that it will bo to their ad vantago to buy of him is to cxamlno his stock and prices. To Make Money! Just bet that any well dressed man you meet on tho street has procured his clothes at David Low onborg's and nino times out of ten you will win. Lowcubcrg's goods cannot bo surpassed and ho employs men of tasto to make them up. That is tho secret of his success. Ills Spring goods aro unusually fino this year. Just received for saio 100 barrels Fresh llosendalo Cement with discount to tho trade. Paxton & IIauman, It Kupert, Pa. The Increasing number of sudden and unexpected deaths occurring In our midst, warns us to securo somo certain sum for tho benefit of our families should tho Destroying Angel visit u. Thero is no better way than to tako out a policy in tho Mutual Lifo Insurance Company of New York, tlio oldest and wealthiest Company in tho Unilfd States. Assets thirty-two millions of dollars. F. Cooi.ey, Agent, Columbian OiUr New Additions to the Cuicui.a- tino Library, JSook Soic, Jirsl door above Exchange Hold. The Villa on the Jthlne. Auerbach Omnlpotcneo of Loviug Kindness. Itealittes of Jrhh Life, Snrinndalc Abbey, Lot tori of a Cler gyman of tho Church of England. The Christian Xabbath Vindicator. A most oxcollcnt work on a bubject that in tills day or erowimr disregard oi mo iioiy uay, cannot receivo too mucn in icnuon. Pendennls. Thackeray. Vanity Fair, Tunhalnci Abbeti. A canital story of tho twelfth century, giving a porfuct picture oi mo mo inner mo oi mo pco nlo as well as tho civil troubles which characterized tho reign of Louia tho uross. Any or nil of tho forgoing books for salo. KnlghtN Tcinplar Cclolii'iiliou in l'liliailc'iuiin. PlIIIiAIUILVHIA, JuilO In. TIlO Knights Templar began to assemblo on Broad street at an early hour this mom Ing. After a review of tho lino, which stretched for a mllo along Uroad street, thoQraud Commander headed tho line, and tlio whoio body marched down Chestnut Btrect. In front of Indepcnd enco Hull tho Mayor and Councils occu pled a jilatiorm festoouod with Hags, from which tho procession was review ed. As tho head of tho procession reached tho hall, tho ofticers of tho Grand Commandery uncovered nnd re ceived tho saluto of tlio Mayor and Councils. OvorJ ilfly commanderies woro nrcsent. Tho sldowalks along tho routo wero crowded with spectators, and tho display of Hags from tho houses was very general. Tho procession reach ed Broad street, whoro tho lino counter marched, proceeding direct to Horticul tural Hall, whoro tho proceedings opened with prayer by Sir llov. Hobcrt II. Fnttlsou. An anthem was sung by tho Knights. Sir lllchard Vnux, Qrand Master of tho Pennsylvania Clrand Lodge, welcomed tho visiting Knights In appropriate terms, which was re sponded to by Sir William Sowell Gar diner, Qrand Master of tho Qrand Kn campment of tho United States. An odo wns then sung by tho Boston Quar tet Club. An oration was delivered by Sir William II. Allen, Past Eminent Qrand Commander of Pennsylvania, Then followed tho benediction by Sir Rev. JohnChambt'rs.wheii tho Knlghtn partook of a collation inn dupu-cn until oveulng, when tho celebration closed with a grand ball at tho Academy of Music. MARRIAGES. ATrEIlMON'-AiairaiTHON-At tho r.ir.onngo in omtiKovlllu nn llin 1OII1 liy llio Ucv, Nittlinn 1.1 Hi-rar, Mr, Airlillmlil rntlormm to Mla Al mini Allicrlnou, both ofUrcciiwonO. tUl.MOUK-l'OWI.EU-In lllooiiKlmm on tlio intli int., liy Ucv. Jir. .MU'tnmi, mr. ircocncic M. lllliuoro lo Minn I,)(lln l'owlcr, bolli of ltloomsbitrg. ItrtCK-IIEIlMVOn tho loili lnt by tlio Itov. win, .1, liver, sir, jinrmnn ucick, hi miss i rm IricUn Hcrlc, botll of Dnnvllle, l'iv. llEfll-trANWOItTIt.-Cn tlio 13th lust., by tlio i.itno mt, Aunni ltccn to aiiis r rciicnci jinn wurili both or D.mvllic, l'.i, DEATHS. :)AT. At Ilurhliorn, .Inno llh, Ellrabcth IC. llonl wtrooMmni'ii Itont.nscd 10 ycnrnS months ami VjdnyK. lllnfiiunlilirt; Inrltcl Keiiort. Wliial i r lnii-i.cl I -W llju 1 ai Cum " I" Outs. " . 3 r lour pur imriui iu ui ClOMTM'cd.. 7S.l'ZZZl"yS.!!Z"r.'."" 2 ( - 31) 1-lllXst'tll Ilutlcr K-W ai II ow , la, I'tltlltOCH Piled Apple limns M,lc mill bliouldirs., Iriiid per pound Ihty per ton a . 21 00 IAIMUIUt. cmlocl: no'irdrt rr thonsfllid feot .. 110 1.0 ... 15 f ...I ifl .... 7 11" ... 18 I" SI2 till f- Pino " " (one Inch). Joint. Printline. Think. (Hemlock). hhlnIos, No. i per thousand Biding " ft. "V.V.V.V.V.'.'.V." I i:on Nn, t tlcotrll pl...., Nn. 'J " " Illooid I.lfjlil .SI i i ll Sim Itcli. for ii clid wii 1:1 vOjv l'ttcr Ent. wholwale nnd retiill de.iler In iiiulii, Hour a iced und Kunvml nercluuuiui'. Wheat per bmhel 81 M iiyo Coin " vn l uu 70 4 60 t rxi 2 w i so 11UC1C Wlll'lll (in In Wheat rimtr icr Hi) l"n 'lour nude w luiii l uni ( hop, llrtiti, llutter per b Kli's per dnz., rutnlnes pr Iiim...., Urlol Aiiptes a in 2 0.) Is HlimUfit Mldn mi at pi IIj " Hlinuliler Ham " Jl IS Ijinl " ! l'lilliutllpliln tlnrktU. Fi.onn Norl hwi'Nteru Mipeitlueal Nort)iielei u eMrn VMM S.S5 ...r...'yK. .'i Notlhil'ihlein lalnllv : T.rma 7, l'oririsylvtililii nnd Weslern miperllne, . rKlNlrull.Jill llisvlvntiui und Western extra ... 8.734 1 11.75 ... 1I..VK.0I1.UI renus lviiuln and Western ramlly l'euusylvaula and WesUTn faucy Hyc lloiir Wlll'AT l'enusylvanlu red, 11 bus. ... ... ll..')(JlI.I.'i'i '."tl.llKtil! rMiinnerii ' ' Callfornln " whll.i 1.1.20 . fl.IV4SI.IO .. l.l'.i.!l.l.i IKhiilmi! ,. S1.I7MSI.17 7ili'w(li5o ItYK I'ennsi Ivanla rve. Is bill CoKN Yellow, " WHIle, " (U1S tUllM I'jMiviaioN.i .Mess rijik.fi bhl MM Mess Iiuer, Drosseil ltni;s,ilb Siuolitd Hams " ' Slioulilet V lb I.nul. V Ij.-oiiyo 17rfaiM!4n 7.l)'ri.ll.75 l.7.i Si75 Kl- h'i -I 'loversieil V bui riiuolliy-ii-d Y bus Kliixseeil " Cati i. is let I Oil IIo V H' i ows. vi ueau t;r.i.i Hnnr.i' p " IOU.1 El iw ion N'ATintn IS TIIK OIIKAT PHYSICIAN This Is noil admitted, by the medical prok's. ston a.sa fitud.imeutal principle of hcullug science. It K wisely piuvldiil by tho human economy thai Meiieier anything Is winugln the physical m j :i 1 1 in the nutmal lonusot thebody are brought bun tot.xpcl the diseases. The great nlm. tl.li-i'lnic. Is to stlcnnthcu the nntlirat powers This has bit n kept In view by tho skilful com- poundirs oi IIOSTETTiai'H STOMACH 11IT- TUP.H, wlili li operates tuftvu Iresh vllallty to nil tho organs of ihe body. Th.)elloctof this inedl. clue upon the slouiai-l),thu liver and the kidneys, Is piompl and decisive. Tho patient, who Is wlso enough to quit diiiKslus aud try tho UITTKILS, soon Icels as It he had taken anew lease of life. and as be continues tho use of tho aitlclo, hols onrjoyed to ilud tho streams of health courslni; through his Ir.nno. It Is prepared with threat care, and itscomponcnt parts aro entirely vege lahle. It is Ireo Irom tlio objecllous so ofteu uigttl against pieparatious of the kind. As u MniK'AI, AUllNT it lias no euu.il, whllo its pleiisin;; a ivourand licaltliful elleets liaiu mado U a general l.ivouillc. 11 is tree fioiu all pro. pert les calculated to impair tlio system, aud Us npnatlons am at onco mild, soothing and ef. lliienl. All who liavo used II O 8 T I: T T K H'H STOMACH P.ITTKIW attest Us virtues. Uen thoso who arc In Ihe enjoyment of per. fect health liequeiitly have need to have leeourso to tonics as pi event Ives of disease. We are never too well armed against the assault of "tlio ills thai Hcsli Is luir to." In health or sickness tills tonic cannot ho takiu regularly without Klvln vitality nnd elasticity In thesyslem. Special .Vol ice. AllllKAT HKMHDY. OK TIIK CtlltK of TIlltOAT ANII I.U.NU DISKAHKH. Dr. Wkhnrt's Pino Trco Tar Cordial, II istbu vl lal nrluelnle of tlio Pine Tree, oh tallied by u peculiar pineesslu tlio illsllillallon of tno lur, oy nnicii us juguivii ineaieai propeuies are lelalnisl. It Is tho only safeaunrd and rellahlo remeily wnicu nas ever ucen prepared irom tno juieo oi tho Pino Tree. It invigorates tlio dlgcsllvo organs nud restores mo appeiuo. It strengthens the debllllatod sislein. It pill llles nud onrlchcs tho blond, and expels Irom tho A3 stem tho coriiiptlou which scroiula bleeds on llio lungs. It dissolves tho mucus or phlegm which slow llio air-passages oi uiu mugs. Its lieallug principle nets uton tho Irritated surfacoof tho lungs and throat, piuetrntlng to eaeii uiscaseii isiri, relieving jiaiu aun sunuuin tullammatlon. It Is tbo result of vearsofstudv nnd exnerl inent, and ILIsollercd to tho aflllcted, Willi llio posltlvo assurimco of Its imwer to cuio tho fol lowing diseases, u thejiatleul has not too long ueiaytu n resort, m mo means oi turn : ' Consumption of tho Lungs, Cough, Soro Throat nnd llreast. llroinhltls. laier Coiiinlalnt. Ullnii nud lllecdiug I'llcs, Asthma, Whooping Cough Dlptlierln, Sc., Ac, Wo iiioolteu asked wliy nro nototherrcmcdies lnlliomaiket fur Consumption, Coughs, Colds nnd other Pulmonary alleehous eoual tullr. 1 11, Wlsharl's 1'iusTreoTar Cordial, Woauswor 1SI. 11 cures, uoi oy sioppiuK cuugii, ou j loosening and nsslsllug natiiru to tluow oil tho unhealthy matter collected about tho throat aud hmucuial tubes. causniMrniauou nua cougu. 'A. Wtt&t Throat and Luni! ltciuedtcs aro colli' posed of anodynes, which allay tho cough fur nwlluo bill by lueircousiringiugeuecis.iuonures multo nud aro;roUilned in tho system, causing d sense beyond the controlof our most eminent physician. ad. The Pino Trco Tar Cordial, with Us assis tants, uru prefetable, because they remove the eauso of Iriltatlon otthe mucous membrane and bronchial tubes, nsstst the lungs to net nnd throw otl tho unhealthy secretions, and purify the blood.thussclcnllllcnlly making thocuro perlect. In. Wlshait has on tile nt his olllco hundreds and thtiimnnds of Certlllcates. Irom Men nud Women of unquestionable character whu were ouco hopelessly given up to die. but through llio Pruvldeuco of llod wero completely lestored to ueaiiu uy llio riuo inu jur eoruiui. a l uysi' clan In attendance who can be consulted In ier son or bv ma i .free of charge, price or piuo 'in Tar Coidl.il tlM per Ilollle, C II per doz. Heut liy ISii.,L.m,..IlhlnrnHwi A,l.lr..LU "1. O ll W;lshart, M.D.No'iK.Norlh -.'disU.l'hlladelphlttPa, .uuy .1, u'j-om T)0WI)KTt KEGS AND LUMBER iv .f TifnMiinr- m Itupcrt, III., Mannfactuurs of POWUUIt KKUS, nnd dcileis In all kinds of LUMIIKIt, give notice Hint they aro prepared to accomodate their custom with dispatch, and on the cheapest elms, EKTISTBY, I. C. HOWKU, IJIMTIHT, lUsiiecttully ollcis his piofi'sslonal services to lue lames anil guiuicmcu oi iiiooiusuuig auu vi' clully. Ho is pieiiarcd tonlteud to all the vnrt ous operations lu the Hue of his profession, aud is provtucu wiin me laicst improveu I'oui-EihAiN TiCkTU which will be Inserted on trnld nlatluif. KUMiruud rubber base to look as well as the uat- uriil teeth. Teeth extrncted by nil the new aud mosinpiiroveu nieiuous, unu an operations oil thii teelb eiiiefullv and nronerlv attended to. ltesldeuce nud olllco a lew doors above the Court iiouso, niiiio Bine, lllooinsburg, JuiUI.'llHf Q. W. BLABON A CO., Manuf.utnrcrsol Oil, CU)'I'HH AND WINDOW B1IADKH, Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Street Philadelphia. T IHT OF DEALEltS OK COI.USItllA COUNTY. 1 horuliv ctirtl fv thnt tbn following list of donlerA tnUcn. roiurneanna cliinMlfloil l,v mo. In nccor- (liinco with tho govern! ncuof nmembly, In nnd ir inn rouniy oi uoiunioin lor mo yrar ouo iiiiiua lid clnlit liuntlrod nna nlxtv-nlno. Itt correct In tliobVHt of my knowlcao nnd bollof. 11IX30.M TOWN8Im. Iluttncti. Cfaii. tJcrntf, A'nmri. I O Mower Rhoo Htoro Hook " ii Con feet Ion cry Drug Htoro II II II 11 II l:l 7 II in ii ii it M ii ii u ii ii ii n ii ii ii n u ii ii n Vi II II II !.' ii 7 II II 12 II II t 1 W 7 00 7 (JO 7 M 7 00 lo ui 40 (I) 10 III) 10 00 7 10 7 HO 7 00 7 00 7 110 7 no 7 (HI 12 m 7 on 7 no 7 oo 7 Oil 7 110 7 00 7 (10 7 ( 12 m 7 00 7 no 10 00 in m 7 no 7 oo 1) Allecltley 11 Heosiiniu 'ckharl Jacobs N .1 I ondcrshot J J llrower M'Kelvy Neal ACo rsioro osenii corcll iKKyer i K Whnry Till Hhop Oroeorr Tin Hhop Drug Htoro Htoro Drug Htoro IiHhnnnoii A M import i j.uin ICUIrton Moyor llros M lT.nl Htoro lavld liwenl-errt Clothing Rtoro Heurv Kleini tiro-eery William KrasmtH Win llllllivlg o A Jaeobv iMISS A 11 WCbll Hook Htoro Confietloucry Htnre Cabinet Hlore Hardware Htoro Htoro Clothing Htoro Hhoo Htoro Tin Hhop Htore Cabinet Hliop Wldmyer A Jacoby Vnx Webb Bit Miller AHon Jntiics (hulman .Miner a woir Hunynu A Wnrdln ltobblns AKycr CCMarr A J Kvans Andre wrHolleder 7 00 saiau llauenbucli 7 00 Cllns (lendchnll (leu W Corcll 7 110 Illoomshiirff Iron Co isioro Millinery Oroeery Miller Htoro II) 110 7 (10 .Misses Jlarman J II Malzo 7 00 12 M r oo 7 W ax ton A llnrman W llartman Djvld Htroup IlF.ItWlCK 1)011. All Ullowcr fsloro Milliner Drug Hlore Htore 12 II 12 Til) 7 ll 7 l r, oo 7 00 Mrs II K Kvans 11 Dmlsoit II II II towinan A Jackson Miller Hughes A Co Drug Htoro llnmbacli AHteckor CablntATlll Hhop 12 Miller Hughes A Co Htoro t.l 00 7 (10 M iss llell llertran Milliner Tin Shop Miller Htoro James M Heesholtz 7 00 lenry Crreas 10 00 1.1 110 tackson A Womllu I.i wait A Howcry 7 DO UENTON. J J M'Henrv A Colo Uenjamlu M'Henry Hiram V Kverett Hamiiel lleacsa'k J I-. IMsnn Htore 12 II l:l II 10 Oil 7 1)0 7 00 11KAVKII Storo LHIiuman II II 11 7 (l 7 00 7 ( Mirnham lllco Win K lingenl-ergcr IllUAll chkki; Aficliael A Hon Htoro 7 00 7 00 7 110 7 IN) 7 00 Hllomal Adlemnil Win M u 1 melon Iteubeh .Miller Win I, frens Miller CATAWIRSA. 'nycn Weaver fin ice ry Hlore Minor Feed Hlore Htoro Confectionery Htoro Tin Blion II II II i:i U 10 H H ll li io ii li li 7 00 7 in 7 00 10 UI 12 to 7 III) fl Ml 7 00 7 00 l.'l (10 7 00 UI III) 7 00 7 ( 7 00 11 IvIlllllO H M'NInell I IIKeeshnllz M M llrobst KH Keller (lllbcrt AKIIno H milliard lleollugnesAison moves Htoro Isaiah Jnlmson A Hon (leoMnnhart Shoo Htoro J K Hhnrnless A Hon Htoro Campbell A Harder Cabinet Hhop Win llartman ' Ceo Ulshel Dealer CENTUALIA 110U. Martin Mnnaglmn Htoro Confectionery in io 7 OO 7 00 7 00 12 9) 7 no 7 00 7 00 7 UI LU 00 10 00 00 U) w I Mellek inrail follann John HUUugcr Hhuinau A Mlllald Htoro Grocery Tin Hhop I.ewls Cantncr John Coughlin A u l- oriuer Mrs w m James .Milliner Htoro lelmcr A Itelfsnyder 1 .1 Hnauland Win Torrey CONYNOHAM. Hlcliard Tlioruton Btoro 12 12 .V) CKNTUK. W M A O I. Low Htoro 13 1:1 II II II 12 11 10 00 10 III) 7 00 7 O) 7 00 12 to 7 (10 Incoh Hnnusler " Mureli A Harris Urocery Haniuel Dcltterlck " Jesse Hides Hloro H H Fowler A nro " W hltinlioAUower FRANKLIN. U Mendcnhall A lira " 7 00 FIHUINOCltEEK. J M Ammcrman Htoro Btoro 7 IO 10 Ml 7 (III 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 () 7 00 7 00 Hwazy A Kramer .1 rs Junes Holonion Uuss Joseph Ilunynu lieoigo iioweu K J All I'M'Hcnry J 1' M'Henry D A M M'Henry Mill Hlore OKEENWOOD. Ilngart A Kramer P D Mack Hannah Henry Btoro l:i 12 li 1.1 II l:l 10 00 12 oO 7 00 10 01) 7 00 10 00 12 to 10 00 Operative Co lie m imai Martin Lcidy it a w Piasters William Kramer HEMLOCK'. ueiib llnrrls Kloro II 11 II 7 00 in on 7 00 M G A W IlKhoemakcr Win Ohl Hhoo Htoro LOCUST. Htore J II Vnstlno Jacob Yeager 7 OO 7 00 7 Ui 7 00 7 UI lias r eltermnil lenrv (labia sr P A I'M focum MAINE. Htoio MIFFLIN. Campliell A Co J II Creasy Htoro Htoro Milliner MONTOUU. II PI II II 7 00 io on io no 7 ui J 11 lletler Crcivsy A lhown Misi: A Hess P.ixtnn A Ilnrinnn P H Margerum Dealers (Irocery Confectionery ) no 7 no 7 oo 7 ui Tubbs A Cnleuiall Itarlon A Co Aimer JIADISON. Btoro OltANQa Miller Miller Conrad ICreamer 1.1 11 10 no lo oo 1) It Jnhnsuu Peter Ent W Ilowman II II II 1:1 II 11 1J II II li 7 oo 7 oo 7 oo io oo 7 UI lo on lo oo 7 oo 7 u 7 00 unerring AUHtewalt Btoro Alexander Hughes Confectionery lili-Hloan nsioro llouir A Herring " riNis. ltWI.yoii Htore ItOAUINQCIlEEK. Owcii ClierrlngUin Btoro HUUAUUJAF. MiinlgimicryColo Htoro BCOTT. Ilarton A Edgar Btoro 12 13 II 11 (1 II 11 II 11 12 li 11 12 SO 7 III) 7 U) 7 U) GO 00 7 00 7 00 7 (XI 15 00 12 to 12 a) 7 00 7 00 TlugleyAM'Knmey " Kauuiel A Wurman " ll.ilierA uurunifaiue urocury CH Fowler Miller li f itoignara i nro moro it j 31111am J 1) Workhclscr Hhoo Storo iiwcrovellng Hinro w ureasy & i;o Peter Ent Win M Knt Hloves Kelclmer A Sou Miller All ncrsons who mnv feel aggrieved by tl the above chusincallnn can have an opportunity ol ipeailng, by calling uison mo uuuersigucu i ng uison tlio undersigned nt Ills residence, in Hfiiblowu. nt any time until Wednesday June Soih lsti!, at which time an np- ;eai win oe ueiu ui inu iiuri iiuusu in uiwin.. 'UrB' GE11A IIOWER, Mercantile Appraiser, llloomsburz Juno 1,'00-tf LEGAL NOTICES. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XX wrATB ok josm-ii kikknuai.i. iikCo. r.Attnru of nilinlnUtrntlon on the estate ol Joseph Klkendall of MiUlill township Columbia County deceased, have been granted by the lteglsler of said county to Htelien Klkendall of Nescopec, Luterne Couuty Pennsylvania, &ii luii-uniis havlm. claims or demands against the eslateof thedecedent are requested to make thein known, and those Indebted to make i.uvment. bjci'iiujs aiacsuauu, ' t at . ilm ii .Inilnr Nescopec, l'a s HERIFE'S SALE OF HEAL ESTATE; 11. v r nn nr n writ or vena. r.xn. oftuo Court of Common Pleas of Coluinblu couir Iv. und to mo directed, will be exposed to Publle Halo or out-cry. at tho publle House or A. K, Li,. .,,. i MalnvlllnniiThursdnv Jlllv Kill 1MI. the following:iraci oi iuiiu .uuhum iu inuiuo townsliln. Columbia county, bounded and ile- scrlU d us follows, to Witt On the uorlll by laudl of Henry Ilowman dee'd., one tho east by land of Ileujamln Nuss dea'd.. ou the south by land ol Henry Ilowman deed., ou the west by land of John Gearhart, containing nfty-thrce ocios The life estato of Mary Kline lu said tract of land lias uecu taaeu iu mccuhuu miu mu sold nt the time ami P' '"".If, . 1";. , , r. r. HUnabllAl Milium. Li, June ll.l86!..St BherlfT. IIEBWICK aAIBTTlf FLKASC CorY.J'fe ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. REAL EBTAT E. win in. sni.i at labile Bale, at the late rest. deuce ol Win. Carnauau. deo'd. lifMudlsou twp., Columbia county, in, uu TUE8DAV, JUNE mil, 1809. The following property, vU I BIXTY-FIVE ACRES, Ol good arable land, all cleared, Willi tho excrn. Hon of four acres. The Improvements ou tho land aro ONE FRAME DWELLING wlllinwellofgoodwateratthedoor. There nro utiumbcr offiutttreeson the pieiii Ises. The snlu will lake placeat 10 o'clock a.m., when conditions Will OO 1IIUIIU KIHlWII 11 JOHN DILDINE, Administrator. Llnicslonevllle, Juuo II, Iboo.-Si, MISCELLANEOUS. 1?11WT CLASS GOODS. JL It A It K II A 11 U A I N H. The subscriber has Just thoroughly resiockrd Nlneli A bliumaii, nnd now offers for sale A COMri.KTK STOCK OF DUV OOOIW, (Ironeries nnd eetieral merchandise which for quality nnd vnrluly will compare ravorably with any In the country. Ho lias a fresh assort- mvlit of SPRING G O O 1) 8 which lio will dispose of for cash or country pro ilnco, Among Ids Dry Goods will he found all llio latest und best patterns of MUHLI.VH, UINOHAMH, t'AI.ICOKH, FLANNELB, HIIAWLH, HILKH, CABHIMERB, 11U0ADCI.0TII8, COTTONADES, JEANH&a.Ar, (inOCKIUES, ULASSWAUK, (IUEENHWAUF, 1IAUDWAHM CEDAaWAllH DUITUS, OIIX, PAINTS, VAItNISHES AC. II ATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES nnd, In fact, n comnleto lino of goods, belonging ioiiis uiisiuess, ABJioouys aim sens lor casn ho can utl'or.) to keep his prices ns low If not lowcrllinu mosldealers, HlBiuotlols "QUICK PAI.K3 AND HUAtr. VltOlITS," COAL OP ALL KINDS' Couslantly on hand nudlor'aalo nt tho lowest mantel raies. MOltO PIIIt.I.ll'H PHOSPHATE, Ihneclal attention imld In the selection of liuttil lni; material. Cutlerv. Mechanics' Tools, and Hardwaroiif nil kinds, to which the Attention uf builders und outers is requested. OltAIN l'UUUHAHED. A fair share ol publle custlum Is deslrml and no cuoris w in oe oiiiiiieu ingivo enure saiisiuu. lion, JOSEPH II. KNITTLF. Apr. 10,00 Cm Cntawlssn, Pa. LIFE INSURANCE CO. or TUB UNITED STATES OF A ME It I OA, WA9MINOTON, D. C CIIAIlTEItEDUYSI'ECIALACTOFaiNOllEHH ai'i'iioved July S5, iuh, CAS II CAPITAL, - $ 1,000,000. l'AIIl IN FULL. 11 It A N C II OFFICE: , Klltsr NATIONAL HANK IIUILDINH, PHILADELPHIA, Wheic the general business of the Company Is transacted, and to which nil general correspon dence should be addressed. O F F I C E II H I CI.A11E.VCK II. CLARK. President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Flnnnceaud Executive Committee. HENUY D. COOKE. Vice-President. EMEItHON W. PEET, Bccrctary and Actuary. This Company offers the following advantages: It Is a National Company, Chartered by special act of Congress, 1803. It bos a paid-up capital of 11,000,000. It offers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance thau other com panies fir the same money. It Is definite and certain In 1U terms. It lsnhomu company In every locality. It policies are exempt from attachment; There are no unnecessary restrictions In the policies. Every willcy Is non-forfcltablc. Polices may bo taken which pay to the Insured tlnlr full nmoiint, and return all the premiums, so that the Insurauco coals only tho interest ou the annual payments. No extra rato Is charged for risks upon the lives of females. It Insures, not to iiay dividends to policy-holders, but at so low a cost that dividends will ho Impossible. Circulars, Pamphlets nud full pal Oculars giveu on application loinoimiiicn wince oi uieuimpa ny, or tu E. W. CL AUK ACO., Philadelphia, (kneriil Agents tor Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JUKI. K. IlKAlir.KY, Illoorosburg Pa., Special Agent for Montour AColumbla Counties Feb. IDiiO.-1 yr. "JJNFAILI N( YE PRESERVERS. MlUHW. LA.AItUH A MOltlllS, OPTICIANS A OCULISTS ItAltTKIillll, CONN., llaic, Willi u view In meet lliolnorcasod demand for llielr i: l u ii it a t i: ii PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WEI) li, 8TATIONE11, JUtOoasn una ja As their solo Agent for this place. They have taken care lo glvo all needful Instructions, aud havo confldenco lu Ihe ability of their agents to meet the requirements of all customers. Au op portunity will bo thus ufforded la procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED 11Y ANY FOH THEIHHTUENGTHENING AND rilKHEIl- VINO QUALITIES. Too much cannot be said as to their HUI'EIU- OHITY over the ordinary glasses worn. There Is no gtiiamerim, uwtrtng o the tQto, tlltxlneu, or other unpleasaut seusatlou, buton the contrary, from the peculiar construction, of tho Lenses they are toothing ami pleasant, causing a feeling ol relief lo the wearer, and PllODUCINO A CI.EAII and DISTINCT VISION, as In the nnliir nl healthy tight. They aro tho only Spectacles tu PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIOHTl And aro tho CHEAPEST because the 1IEST, al ways lasting many yeau without cnaugo be ing necessary. CAUTION. Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, rtLOOMSJWRO PA., Is tlio ONLY Agent appointed In tills place. jgy WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb, ll),,O0,.ly, JOHN A. FUN8TON A CO. G F F I O E B ROWER'S BUILDINO, l o o if ,v ji u it G, A, Geueial Fire and Life Insurance, and Ileal Estato Agency, Special nttentloti will lie given o negMlatlng loaus. Juno 11'IS-Sin RATION All MERCHANDISE, jyj E 11 0 II A N 1) I 8 K . HUTICK 1H llhllKIIV UIVKIS To my frteiida anil Ihepid'He KcnerHlly, Hull all kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARU, NOTIONS, AC, ate constantly on h.iud aud for sale AT llAUTON'S 01.1) HT4.N1), UboomnURa, nr JAMI K. KYE1L ' n-AUo, Hole Agent fur Ki.i.ih' 1'iioni'UATCor tur, Ijirge lot constantly on hand. IfebS'tr;. T M l O R T A N T N O T 1 C E. JL MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY O F D R E S 8 GO () 1) H, AT Till-. NEW hTORE, llROWER'S RUILDING, The splendid rooms or J, J. llllOWF.lt, are euiiipteleil and now open to the public with Ihe F I N 1". H T NT () 0 K over oITorcd In lllooinsliuri;. All tlio N K W E 8 T S T Y L 13 8 of Dress Gissls, Hllks, cloths, Cnsslmeis, Llntns, Flannels Ac, C A R P E T 8 of ovcrylylo and lor all prices, (til Cloths In great variety. A full lino of SUPERIOR G ROGER I'lCS. Coffees, Tens, Suniirn, Silicon, warranted pure nnd good. GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, In carefully assorted variety. G Ii O V E 8, II O 8 I E R Y, HOOP HK1IITH, COIWICTH AND A COMPLETE nssoilincutnf WHITE GOODS, Tlio imbllo nro-ciiriiestly Invited In cxamlno llieso tluo gnnils, Is fore pur chasing elsewhere nud nro guaranteiil salislac tlnn. Noexiaiiseorlrnublolias bicn simreil In mako THE MOST COMPLETE establishment lu this sc lion of tho Htate. J. J. llllOWElt, May7,'(i9'tf llloomsbiirg Pa, JUNE LIST AT I. W. HAltTMAN'S. JF YOU WANT CARPETS FItOM 37 cts. TO $l.G.ri I'Ell YAltE GO TO I. W. IIAKTMAN'H. TF YOU WANT BLACK ALPACA FOM Wets. TO 81A1 PEIl YA11D GO TO I. W HAUTMAN'H. F YOU WANT A GOOD AND NICE HUM M Kit HIIAWI. GO TO I. W. HAUTMAN'H. F YOU WANT FANCY CLOTH FOH A HACK OO TO I. W. HAltTMAN'S. JF YOU WANT A NICE SET OF WHITE WAKE GO TO I. W. HAlirMAN'S. JF YOU WANT COCIIECO I'KINTS FOll SPUING, STIHPK AND UAllllEI), GO TO I. W. HAUTMAN'H. TF YOU WANT STRIPE COLLARS AND CUFFS FOll LADIES OH GENTS GO TO I. W. IIAKTMANV. JF YOU WANT A NICE AND GOOD MACKEItAI.IlY THE SINGLE, A HALF Oil llUAUTEIt IIAUIIEI. GO TO I. W. HAltTMAN'S. JF YOU WANT DRESS GOODS FROM 3J cts. TO (1.23 PER YARD STRIPE AND FIO'RD. GO TO I. W. llAHTMAN'S, II C. HO' mh opt' ned a flrbU W E R, opened a first-class BOOT, H1IOE, HAT CAP, AND FUlt HTOItK. at theohl stand nn MnluHtrcet, llloomsburg,nrew diMirs above the Court House, 11 is stock Is com posed of the very latest nnd beststyles ever otler etl to tile citlr-eiis of Columbia County. Ho call uccoiumuuaiu mo punue wuu iiieionowinggoous at tho lowest rates. Men's heavy double soled stoga boots, men's doublo und single tap soled kip boots, men's heavy slogashoes of all kinds, men's tine Imots and shoes of ull grades, boy's double soled bouts and.shoes or all kinds, men's glove kid Ualmoral sboesjuen's, women's. boys's and misses' lasting gaiters, women's glove aid lolikh verv fllie.wnmeli's morocco llnlmnrnlsnnd calf shoes, women's very line kid butloued gait ers. In short boots ol nil descriptions both peg ged and seweu. He would also call atteutlon to Ids Hue assort ment of HATH, GAI-S, FURS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil Ihe new and popular vari etlhs ut prices which can not fall to suit nil. These goods are olleied ut the lowest cash rules and win ue guiiranieeii io givo saiisiaciinu, a can lsluillclted before purchsslug elsewhere as It Is belloved thut better bargalus are lo be fuiud tliau at auy other pluce Iu tho couuty. LWC, Bill" JMPOltTANT 1X IIUILDEIIS. IIOUSEIIOLDKILS AT KM A NTS, Tho undersigned would uimoimro to the till xeuMuf llloouikburi: und vicinity llmt liu U pro piirtil to execute II O UH K, H I (1 N, AND OllNA M K NTAL VAINTINO lu all IU branch ch. pap k n ir a n o i n a Curefully uttcuded to. Strict attention to buulncnuiindifood workman hlilp It U believed will went u fair hhow of public patronage. Shop ou Catharluo Ktrect between Third nud Four tli. MarlW-ly, WM. l liOUINE, II. IRVINES GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, rOU MOHETHAN i'OKl Y YEAIU 1NGEUM ANY Is the most fcuccesslulmetllclue yet discovered for the cure of Dyspeiwls, Liver L'omplulnt, Kidney Disease. Akuu Fever, and dtneako nf Ijinv. nmi 4S inouu vuiireiy ui ROOTS AND HERBS. One dofco will mnvlne nnv one.vhu elves It a lair trial. Nu family Kioutd Im without It, UlsaslonUhlntc what cures It bus eliWitud In Centre und llrlarcreek towiihhtiui. nino iiuutluudou, aud where ll hus beeu used.slnco Itul spriuif, l'eople who have beu allllcted with Itiu ultove ulkeikkuM for the lukt flftunn VL-arw.wlieii no hbysiclau iMiuld reach their ciue uru now curuu uuu ituaiiiiy uy ukiiiji inu 0 It EAT INDIAN MEDICINE It lias uever tailed to cure Aguo. Fever aud Do raiigeiuent of the fcttoiuach. 1 hoo all who are aOltrttd with the nltovo diseases will apply for thu great INDIAN MEDI U1NE which run Ikj hml at A. II. JHVINE'H MtMllclue Htoro in LlKht Mtrect (V)luml.U onuuty ui j turn KWiiviUl tioui. . U, UOHli.NElU AkuU wanted, 'lit lis metUcInu In pre) m red only by y ji. jib inri, May 7taHyr Light Hirett, a. DRUGS & MEDICINES. JQOOK, READ, AND L13ARN, in.vi iiir. Great Slioslionei'S Remcilyl OK TltK IKI.H1I1ATKII 1NH1AN DR. LEWIS JOSJIEl'HUSi of tlin illxllnrMlftlicil TrMxi nf HliOrtlioncoK.t'ohim bift Terriuiry now rormio in uie union. Thin nil ikkch.miY urehttimrHlv-ls wairfttiipd nnd In brond nnd cmplmtlo lnugui we ran HftfpJy Miy. may Ikj ruUcit iimhi to nitlten iwrmn iifnl enm at 1 11 dNntw il the Thront, I.nnK. liUir, Kldtjtnrt, DlK.-nthn Orc'iitrx.ulc,, Am well hm hfroiuln, Hie vjtil4n4 hUln dl4riiM'N, Humor, ami nit IinpuiUyorilid blood, utiX't'Uiiif lnt third ii uso for H sliort llmo It lias Indeed p (fee tod noinoof tlieniost nmi-vrloun curpn ever rwordrd tn tli annnlH nihlrvtorind tiiftllclhc, Hncli bclne Ihe nino In addition In IU forincr iiMioxcn tn IktU UinMfi Ti-rrltory wo defy hutnnnlty to dlnputo thenict HiattliU (Ircut KhofthnnevN llemedy 1 theretucdy of remctllofl of the llMi Cvntnry.nnd ;ieiiicti ooon tir lam iu luoiuinr or KUircr mtnnnlty. Ico of the HOiHedv luliuiHi lttnU. S1.2.V Mnntifactured bv Dr. Youiiir k I)roK.(iit Hyrn- l-or n,ia ny nu turners iti Memcicino. D HUGG1STS WUITK T1IUQ Ol? TIIK OltEAT BIIOSIIONEK HEM ED Y ! (ABSTHACT3 Ol' LE1TKK3.) Geneva. N. Y.. Fob. 13lh. 18G9. Int. YoUNO A Hue I Mud my Knle of your vnluablo Itemed lea Krcntly lncreaslnR, Iu fact your Great Hhoshonecs Itemcdy Is rWIuk the bent or unusiacuon, mm doing juw as uis recoinmenu cd to do, Re vend having even come In to tell me how much they had been benefited from Its use, I havo sold out of It Again, etc, etc. AVILLAttD N, HM1T11. Sherman, IS'. Y.,Mnrch, 20th, 1SC9. I Mi. YniTNtl &. Ilito. I started your Great tthos honeeH Itentedy by Klvlui; nway ouo bottle ton eonllrmed lyieptlet the lecull hntt beeu nmple. Ur.lMH untveisnl mitixfactlon, more thau any other ntedieino wohiive hud lu thestoreforycam. From what I havtihcen of the HhrwhoneeH. I feel JutiKleil lu rieommendluglt. Heiul mo ttlx doz. nioiv, ii w in Keu in uireo iiioiiins. eie. 1IY110N FKNNKU. Wntcrtnwii. N. Y Mnreh 15th, XKAh Dlt. YolTwa & lluo. YourHhoshoneca llemedy U Klvlnt; i;ood satUfaellon.nnd pells better thnu an v oliier new medicine wehuve ever attempted to introduce, ns wo are nearly out of it, nend us in lniHto etc. U. l.t.wm t LU. 127 N. Morgan RL. Chlcneo. 111. Feb. IStli. 1860. I'lt. You no A II no. I have sold over leu doz. of your Ureal Shosnonees Kemeuy niready and a Krentuunilerorihu Hlioshouees Pilln, ll gives unlvernal satisfaction, I have not heard ouo to whom I havo Bold, but what Mieaksof It in the highest terms, nnd recommend it to others : and as I mn nearly out of It, please bcud mo half a grus luoiujuoDce. eic.uic, GEO, IinOOKEIt. Prlco of the Itemedy in largo pints, 81.25. Manufactured by lr. Young A Uros., at Syra cuse, N, Y, For sale by all dealers lu Medicine. HOTELS, &C. C UMBI A BT H O U S E, BKKNAHU BTOIINEIl, Havino lately purchaned and fitted up the well-kuown lloblsou Hotel lroperty, located n VKVf DOOK3 AltOVR TIIK COU11T HOUSE, on the same bldo of the street, lu the town of HiouinsimiK; und having obtained a license for the hatne asn REST AURA NT, the I'ronrletor has determined tn give lo the peo ple visltitu; tho lown on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MOKE HOOM, Ills stabling also is extensive, and is fitted up to put bucKies nnd carriages In the dry. He prom lses that every tiling about hbi establishment shall be conducted In nn orderlv and lawful manner and he respectfully BOllclts a share of the public 1 uiruuuiiu. imyirj-oui. JgXCHAKGE HOTEL, BLOOMSBUIta, COLUMBIA CO., FA, Tho underslcmed havlnc nnrchosed thin well. kuownandceutrully-Iocntedhonse, the Exchange Hotel, situate ou MAIN HTHKET, In Bloom R burg Immediately opposite theColurnblacounty Court House, respectfully Inform their friends and the public In general that their house Is now In order tor uie reception nnu entertainment oi travellers who may bo disponed to favor It with their cus tom. They have snaredno exnense in nrenarlne tho Kxchantre for thecntcrtalnment of their guests neither shall there be anything wanting ou their 1iiu b lu iiiuiiairr iu Liieir iierKouiii romioru lnej muse Is Hpaclous, and enjoys an excellent busf uehs location. Omiiit)iiRes run at nil times between th Et. change Hotel and the various railroad ilenota. bv which travellers will bo pleasantly conveyed to and from the respective stations lu due time to meei me curs. KUUa A CLAltK. Bloomsburg, April 3, 186S. TORK'S HOTEL, GEOUGE-W. MAUGEH, Iroprlctor. The ulxvo well-known hotel has recently under gone rad."ul chaiiKcs In Its Internal ni i nnucmen ts, ami us pn prieior unnouuees io uis iormcr cuMora and the travelling public that his nccomodattous for the comfort of his guests aro second to nono lu tho country. His table will utwaj s be found bup plled. not only with substantial ftwd, bnt with nil tho delicacies of the reason. Ills wines and li quors (except that popular beverage knowu as MfcZeno"), purchased direct from the Importing housc, nro entirely pure, und free from ull poi sonous drugs. He fa thankful Torn liberal patt ou nce lu tho past, und will continue to deserve it In the future. GEOUGE W. M AUGER. JXCirANOE SALOON, tiik iTopnetor or me KxcnaugeKaloou has now on hand a largo stock of HUMMEK HEFKEHHMENT8, consisting of HI'ICKI) CTVHTKItS, HAUPIN1CK, TKH'E, 110LOGNAM ailrSyi'TONdUK, ItOII.Kll KflQH, 8WEITZKK CHKISSK, LAGER REER, ALE, AC. COMi: ONE, COME ALL AND BEE, - LAWSON CALM AN. Superintendent, llloonibburg, May 3, I&Q7. JNION HOTEL, It O II 11 n 1) U It (1, P A. The miderttlirned would rHiwftriitlv tttlnrm the traveling public that he hiut pun-hiuetl and re u iieu luuie nesi manner tneoiusianu lormer ly (tci-upled by W. A. Kline, and that he Is now prepared to accommodate his friends with all the comforts and convenleiicesofn Jlnd-clubs house. A fine new barn has been built nnd the surroun dings placed In perfect order. 'The bar will al ways oo nine lieu who uie cfimsebt iiquom nuu ci Kais, and the table furnished with the best the market nlloids, JAMI-S V, GlLLAHl'IE. JU1V J'os-u OWEN HOUSE BEHWICIC 1A. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Proprietor. This well knowu Hotel has been entirely refitted uuu ixiuruiftiicu. wuu u view iu ljju jwrject com fort and convenience of guests. A commodious Livery triable lscouuected with the establishment. A License will be obtained At May Term ol Court, when the bar will be sunnllod with lb choicest wlues, liquors and began, a fair sliure of patron a Re ts requested. Apr. Btu-Om. gOOK S T O R E. The undeishrnetL hnvlmr taken the rooms lately occupied by Dr. 1 John, next door uboe i ho Exchango Hotel, would notify the cltl wns of tho tenuity that there will be constantly ou baud it lull assortment ot UOOKH. TATIUE11V, AND WALL IAPEU. Aisotne various iiugaxiues and Newspapers ubllshed In this country, orders for which ulll e promptly attended to. THE tfluntlLATINO MIlIlAnV which has been In existence font year, calls for the trouper tuppirt of the comiuuulty. The terms nro reasonable, nud additional subscribers are needed to Jubtlty an Increase lu tho number ihe u-uat laree sloes of NUl'IONH AND FANCY oDODK. wilt bo kept up and no palus spared to satisfy the wauls of purchasers. V. li. WfcliU, May 11,'CD-tf Bloomsburg, IX A USTJN ACQ'S GREAT ONE DOLLAlt SALE. H 1" It I N G (1 I II fl 11 L A It H. Will 1m3 issued and reaily tor Agents and cuito mers on and after April yoth, ouutalnliiK the tar gest and imwi IMeial Exchange aud lremtuin u ever iksuea. Auentli lf CluLtl nf Tlllrtv uml lii.u'Anlii. will huvu their nrtinliiiini IncreiiAtHl onu-ftitiitli uhfu All the cli Ich uro rflumiit. WOliK Kill l' AMI WK Wll.l. WliliK I1R VuU. AkuiiU uuulixl fieri ttlurv. (.irruliirii iit tran, Addruu. . AUHT1N 4 CO. Mi SO Ktttleral, nmi It?, 111. 113 Oiuurw hlrrcln, UoaiON, Maiu. ' MaySSKMt m JTla AENKSS. IUiINDNESS AND Cutuirli lieatitd Willi tlieulinrwt kuvoch. liy Tf.tlninilllll. lull lii. n nl. Iilu nfllj... 'I liu ...ull. nil fiuulty uu. h.Mli a tu uicuuimiiy their u iiIiiii Ki n uln 1H4 iirwilitv, Ar tltlclul .yc luwrtiil ullluiut uln. Nu iliursc Jnu. IVOMyr ,, MISCELLANEOUS. . i W-rjt i 4-7-f-Wi' ft - BIAIOMHlilII(ON(lltMAI.H(.'II()llI,AM)Llr Kiiiiin iWiimiiK. , noli it i j Ok iNsTiitrfrri'o.v. ' IIKNIIV CAUVIlA. M.j l'rlnclpnl, puRiirnf Inlo'li-f Innf ntnl tnnrnl wrlenf-o, ninl theory mi.i irH(tlir uf timriilnu. I'm MiKihbIi A. (lirvtr; t'rriHitrrKii, Tpnflicr of r'runrli, ltolmix ii nrnameiimi iiinninm. ' luuir.d. r.cl, A. It., I'rolowior ofiAunl'ilt Innuni;w)nil ligllKli Uriimumr, 1. W. ferrw, A. M. rofciNnr nf MnllioniiitlOKHiiilirartlcnl n irrnniiny ' ( .,i ,' llev. l).rc. John, Ac M.,i, . ,1'rnte Mimr clii-mUlry. unit iili'ni. ' IK. M. Ilaton. ' ,!w ' Tt atliir nf Mr"rni.hy, luxury ft IliHik kociln$ . 1 .Tmiigk llrnwn, ' ' AMI tnnt tfncliiTnr inntlirinntlai linliili Or liuiiur. Mlu Allra M, Carvtr, Tenclicr nf Mimlo on llni lilnnu mill mr-hMli-nii, Mm. llaltlo Uilcnt, Tcnclirr nf Voail MiiManml lniilrmnrntiil niitvld MIh .tnlla JLOnVnl. Tindurof model Hrluiol. ' Tlio Hprlim term ivlll nmimimco Apr. I, Mil. ftinl until liiirlKinnllnirJinll Hti'Atly fur cxiriii.in. cy, im iiiiiitlrntlini to tlml'rlndiml, minli'tUn will bu furnUtKHl with homes In ilcniiiil lmntlloK. It Uticltpr forntnilcnU toroinincni'oiit lln,ii. rninicnftho li-rniftintirlien lliln J.h liiiiinrllcH ble they run r-nlerntniiy lltnii March SI Um. M H E R R E A 1) I N G IIURI) A .HOUGHTON'S i, iht or CHOICE ROOKS, Notk. Any b(H)lc publUhcd by JlfiiiiiV tlot'dtl ton, iS) Broome strctt, N. Y. will bo sent by them, postage prepuld,bn receipt or the luhcr tlsed prftes. 1. RREMEIt. Lifo, LcttuMiuit! INw llinmous Works of Ficdrlka lliemer. Edited by her sister, Charlotte Bremer. Translated fuun the Hwedlsh by Freda Mltnw. Iu ono vol.,crowu tfvo. Cloth, 12. We have rpiotod so much fnmi this chinning volume that we have no room Tur further ipiotu tlous. but 11 Is n boolc to bo read." Km m Im r, Lomloti. 2. THE OPEN I'OLAll SEA. IMp ulnr edition, liy Isaao I. Hnycv, M.I). Willi nlni) llluslmllona on wond, nnd n mnp. 1 vol., pmt 8vo. Clnlli, ii.M, Vina edition, cmtwliuhcil u ltli six fnll.pnKo UlUhtnillonK, drawn liy Dirlcy Vhttoand otlicra, from Dr. Hayes's sltctclies , threo full-iMBO charts ; twenty-eight vignollcs, and n lino iwrtralt of the author, engraved on steel. I vol ,8vo. l'rlco ti"3 i half.eair 0. "What welmvo said of Dr. HayeB'a ImwIc will, wo tniHt, send many readers lu Its pages. Tlio Doctor's heroism Is remnrknblc, and lie well de serves lo lie bracketed with tho lato Dr. Kane in Arctic honors." ixmifoii Athenaeum, a. SKETCHES ABIIOAI) WITH l'EN AND l'tNCIU Dy Felix 0. C. Diirtey. Willi IS full-paL'cdrinJ7l smaller lllunlrntlunson woml. Anewvdltlon with threo nddlilonnl vignettes, and printed on toned paper. In 1 vol , llo. l'rleo in clow, C3.5C: cloth gilt, SI; morocco, $8. Undoubtedly. Sir. Darlcv la the bestilrttimliis. man In Ihe United Stoles j nud Judging him by what ho lias hero done, he cuu havo no superior anywhere. Ills designs aro engraved by accuin pushed artlsls in the best style of art,and inking; wBuiiierwnn ins own entirely nnturul and unatlected description of what he saw abroad, wo know of uo similar production -which wo should bo willing to recommend so unreservedly.".-. 4. OLD ENGLAND ; Ita Sccnury, Art and People. By James SI. Hoppln, lroresor lu Yale. College. 1vol., 10 mo. Tricot:! "This boolc has tho advnntjnrn nt emphatically pointing out many comparaLHely negiecicu uujocls 01 llileresl auujioilrces of lntor mutlou aud pleasure. "Old Duglnnd' Is lust the bookfor thu denartlni; trnvelierj Ln im..tn hiu Iioclcet to refresh his inemory aud inuko, suggLs. Ive His tour." Jlostmi JYaiucHjit, C. ITALIAN JOURNEYS. Bv William D, lloweUs.'nuthor of "Venetian Lire.' 1 vol., ciown 8vo. l'rleo (2 "Thero Is no writer of travel In our dy so simple, sincere, enjoyable aud prontnblo." Urouklyn Union, "It is not so much what Sir. HowelLs bees ns what lie. Ignores that gives his readers the sense, when they liavo llnlshcd his books, of having been lingering over a charming narrative." Uoiton M G. VENETIAN LIFE; IncludliiR Commercial, Boclal, Historical and ArtUtlc, No tice of the TJace. By William D. llowclls. 1vol., crown 8vo. I'rice, extra cloth, Si "It la Venice directly presented tu tlio lmaglna. tlou, steeped ln Us own pMullar ntmosphcre, so that we see what tho writer sees, share ids emo tions, and are made the companion of his walks, rather than tho reader of his pages." Jlotiun DaUi) Traiuerijit. 7. REMINISCENCES of r.unoi'i:A.N TUAVKI. liy Andrew P. Peabody, 1). D., M,.D, Preacher to Harvard University. Prlco Jl JO. "On art, architecture, laws, manners and wh clely, his criticisms aro discriminating, kindly and often original; nnd the volume, contains moro Information, less spile aud mom solid sense, than many or far greater l7.j and prf tcnslou." JSulurJov Jteilew, lAiukm. 8. TWO THOUSAND MILES ON HOItSEUACK. Kauta Fe nnd Hack-. A Rummer Tour through Kansas, Nedliwkn, Colorado and New Mexico, In tho Your lswi, liy Colonel J.is. V, Slolluc. 1 vol., crown 8 vo. Prlco Si "Hols a good traveller, nnd, comblnlna thu disciplined mind orn student wllhtlio training ofan arniy otllcei, Is well qualltlul to give nu opinion upon what ho unserve. Ills mode of travelllnghas furnished him with excellent oii portunltlesfor careful observation and with grmt variety or ndve.ituru in the prairie." siuiuUikI A ew HettorU, Mass, "The title gives, however, an Inadequate Idea of tho nature of the book, which contains not only descriptions of tho Incident nr tm el, but yuluable historical matter which Is li.ilhi.en- and Interesting." JCvetimg .Viw York, ' 9. THE HAND-UOOK FOUMOTII KltH. A (Julde In thu caie of Vouug Children. By Kdward II, Turker, SI. I). A new edition. In ono volume, 12mo. Cloth, 3I.su. "The volumo answers authoritatively nil tlio questions which mothers nro continually asking, und removes the pnlnrul doubts with which l hoy nro continually tumbled. It Is link oil ot such treat particular value, and meets so geueialn want, that thero would seem to be no rciu.nn w lu ll should not be considered a necessity In evejy lalillly.'V.'iuto'i Daily Tiaiuerlji, 10. WOMAN IN PRISON. By Caroline II. Woods. In 1 vol.,J(lmo. Cloth, ji.23. Sirs. Woods's record or the.liru or a Matron In a Btate Prison, Is unadorned fact. 11. THE DIARY OE A MILLINER. By Hello Otis (Caroline II. Wood..) Iu 1 v lumo 10 mo. Cloth, J1.23. "A smart milliner could tell many n fine story A smart milliner Is'liello Otis,' anil that Is Just what she doos. Her nurratUo has all the vivaci ty and piquancy which belong to wunian. Now It sends n keen shall, and then follows n dally of exquisite humor." Albany Imprest. Vi. ESSAYS ON ART. By Fronds Turner Palgravc, lata Fellow of Kxcter College, Oxford, Ono vpl., lOmo, red cloth, gilt tin. Prlco JI.75. "Mr, Palgr&ve'a canons or art are eminently catholic, free from auy tendency toseusatlonaf Ism; and, though Ills examples aro conilnetl chiefly to the current emanations of British eul. iure. uu luuuvcs are generai,nis icasonlnii broad and his style or expression Is such as carrlm Ihu weight of uuttiorlty' Ilonton Ixut. 13. THE ART IDEA; Sculntmu, lalullng nndArrliltectureln Amcilca. By James Jackson Jarves. 1 vol., IBmo, cloth, Pilco H.75' "Tho volume deserve Iho careful study ot In telligent amateurs of art; and, whatever difl'er encesor opinion It may rail lorih, Itsdeuillsulll bo rouudurrnre lutciest.Hiid lull or Iw.m-.LlUo suggestions," JS'ew York, 'tribune. A R M E II Slli . ray jut. ALTA VELA I'liCGtHATE. It contains three per cent, of Ammonia, nu ample quantity to give activity without Injury tothe vegalallon.anda large percentage oi so luble Bone Phosphate ol Dme, together with Potash and Boda, the essential cUments of a COMl'LKTKSlANUltK. The lucieaseil salts tu farmers who are using It w Itli liltbly satlsiaito- it muiu im u .ureguaraniee oi lis li per ton or 10 bags axi 11m each. value, l'rlce. Hend lor & Address THK ALTA VELA UUANO CO.. H. K. BISHOP A Co. AgeuU, BOON. Del. Ave. Actent for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Booth New Jersey. JulyVS-ly 67 Brcauuoy, N. V, J. THORNTON would almniinrn i.iii.h .lMiiu,.r 1:1, ....b. burg a uru aud vlelnllv. that lmlwhiiHii,..itl..iainii and coiupletcaksortrai-ut of WALLPAPKR, WINDOW H1IADKH, yiXTCUUt; (Xllll, T.lSMtlJi, niidull other goods In his Hue ol business. All theiiewesland most appioved patterns or the day are ulwava lo be luuud lu liUistablUtuueiil. Mar.Viif-H SlaluBt, lielow Market, QO-PARTN EHSII 1 1' NOTI 013. Ihe underslgupd Imvoenttml lutoeo.iwrtnrr alilii aa Koundiis nudSIuihliilsU.iit the National Koiindry liervturuii'iiuui'ln , liv Ivti-r 111 !")er. 1 1 J'J t J II III ll I J' 1 1. Ur.ldtl.1 V. Ill NltlV, TheUwkanr Iho Inle Unu H I"' si llied liy K. U. Ikler, to whom alljN-iMini. tinlLhttil -.hould, 'i)liuiiisburB June II.VJ-II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers