The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, June 18, 1869, Image 2

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. ... :
xt a
nLOOMSBUiia. pa.
r- TUB COLUMBIAN h. Ill- Largest
OIi-chIMIoii of nnjr pnpcr pnbll.lieil In
Morthem PciiinylvunU, anil alia a
much larger ht than any oflUeot-ni-porarleet
anil Is therefore the beet medium
for ailrertUlne; In this eeetlon oftha Btate
A Soldiers' Monument.
A fow years ago Boveral Rcnllcmcu of
this County conceived tho idea of raid'
t ng funds for tho erection of a tnonu
mont at this placo to bo dedicated to
tho Boldlers who wcro killed or died In
tho sorvice, or ulnco. They cleared
over $100, at n musical festival c'von
lor that purposo, but tho amount Is en
tirely too small to accomplish tho ob
Jcct in view.
Wo now propose that a. united effort
bo mado In tho county at largo, for tho
purposo of procuring tho necessary
funds to erect n monument that shall bo
credltablo to our citizens, and commotu
orato tho mimes of thoso who gavo their
lives to their country's cause when
war camo upon us, wo remember how
lavish peoplo wcro in their promises to
reward tho soldier when living, and to
mourn him when dead: to tako cam of
his family when in distress, and to
guard and cherish his children. Tho
living soldier is forgotten in tho hurly-
burly of life. For our dead, a small,
grass-grown mound in tho Cemetery has
been appropriated, without a stono or
othersymbol to Indlcato that In that
Wnrruw circiu ilea it uuujuur ui uiu niv
tion's dead.
, Wo would suggest tho appointment of
sultablo committees for tho furtherance
of this object in all tho prominent points
of our county, and havo it understood
that tho namo of every Union soldier
Who enlisted from this county , and who
died cither during tho war or since, is
to be carved upon It.
If tho men aro backward lii this mat
ter, let tho ladles, over forward In such
movements, tako it in hand. Success
then will bo certain, and tardy justice
will bedonetoour dead soldiers.
The Prose op the Thing. Cero-
raouy is ono thing and business another.
After the silver bound tie was laid and
'tho gold splko driven In tho Pacific
.Kallroad after they " had .got done
praying," and before editors cast and
jwest had fixed to theirsatisfaction what
these emblematic articles represented,
tho tie, and the spikes (there were two
of them) were quietly taken up again
and deposltedwith Nevnd'as silver ham
mer in a car and sent to San Francisco,
while a common wooden tlo was sub
stituted and tho "last rail" secured to it
by a common iron spike.
Tim strlkd in tho coal, regions, still
continues, though thcro aro evident
signs of a speedy resumption, of work,
We cannot help but think that it Is moro
to tho interest of coal operators than
miners that theso strikes should tako
placo. Tho former sees tho prico of coal
enhanced and Is enabled to mako ncccs
sary repairs during suspension, whllo,
tho latter spends his liard-earried sa
vings. It Is far better to havo steady
employment at rcasonablo wages, than
spasmodic jobs at high rates.' In all
tho strikes poor and dependent nlono
roil Till! COI.UM1HAN.
Xotca of Trill rl.
Thinking that n fuw incidents of
travel might provo Interesting to somo
of our readers wo havo Jotted down a
fow Items from memory.' On Monday
of last week somo business matters call
ed us to Tlogn county, and our trip
began by getting n. fair. Mart from tho
Kxchango, ln"Coonoy'H" well known
Bus. At Tin pert wo took thu Catitwls
t?a train west; and wo may hero remark
that in nil our travels wu novor camo
across, a better managed road, or ono
that keeps its time table moro strictly,
Notwithstanding its sharp curves and
high, bridges, accidents on it aro ex
trctnoly rare, whllo .Messrs. Wright
and wons havo a, Stnto reputation as
cfllclcnt and courteous conductors.
!lh good timo wp reached this far-ftim-cd
House, whicli in arcliltlctural ar
rangement, management, and slzo is
superior to any thing of tho kind out
sido of Philadelphia J it is somo com
pensation to tho Inhabitants of tho
"Lumber1 City' for being obliged to
travel nearly a mllo from tho centre of
tho town in order to reach tho depot,
After partaking of a hasty supper, tho
gates wcro unlockcd,and tho loud tones
of a fat policeman informed us which
of tho different trains tho waiting pass
engers wcro to occupy.-
Tho N. C. It. It., which begins at Bal
tlmoro and follows tho Susquehanna to
Sunbury, hero takes a fresh start and
runs to Canandaigua via Elmiro. Wo
soon left tho fertile valley of tho SuS'
quehanna, and commenced tracing to
its source tho Lycoming, now a sleepy
brook, but in tho spring and winter a
foaming torrent, frequently sweeping
away bridges, track and rail road bed,
Its windings through tho valley aro so
numerous that wo crossed it every few
momcnts,nnd wcro continually in doubt
as to which side of, tho stream wo wero
on. Tho hills and mountains . between
which wo passed wcro also peculiar,
standing ln;dotached groups with round-
6d fomis, wooded to tho base, ana
narrow ravines running between each,
keening a continual query in tho mind
as to which our train would take. As tho
bright sun-light left tho valloys.and the
sombro shades of night clothed hill and
vale, a now sourco of pleasure was
opened to tho Imaginative traveller,
Tho engine burned wood, and In con
sequence tho air was filled with tho
sparkling cinders; they showered down
upon tho cars, dashed against mo -win
dows. and, sought entrance through
tho ventilators Ilko demons seeding
their prey, whllo tho whlstlo of tho lo
comotive suggested tho shrieks of some
poor victim of these spirits or tho air,
, 'Wo reached this well known' place
about 9 o'clock. But tho glory of Troy
has departed. Provost Marshals and
Boards of Enrolment, armed with des
potic power, no longer compel tho peo'
nlo of our county to travel over juu
miles, through flvo counties, to nn un
important post-town'-ln tho corner of
Bradford county; in order to "report,"
hunt un substitutes, or examine quotas
Llko .Troy of old it presents a picturo
of desolation and decay, a disastrous
firo having burned down Long's Hotel
and tho fine block of buildings opposite.
With characteristic Yankco energy,
thov aro all belncr rapidly rebuilt. The
only Hotel now Is tho ''Adams House."
Wo can say nothing favorable in regard
to it.
NEW ADV BliTJbr-iwi'iw 10.
C'oiintj invasion.
'llio C'oliinililii
7 TtcainvtiY?VnT!.i
Woid; Edgar's namo Was struck on
tho black list and li??ivasnllovrd to go
homo whllo dozens hiSJgielghbor.s ns
Innocent as hlmsolf.wcro hurried oir to
Fort Mlflliu. Mr. Edgnrjls of opinion
that that Twas tho mofit7iroMablu in
vestment ho over made, ntul wo ngreo
with him In onltilon. A sweetheart's
. .... . . I... ..! 41ta n
plirSO mill n IllllO KCCpMluu ram
and seeiiH to bo standing still, so fur as
Improvements nro concorued. It con
tains nbout 1500 Inhabitants. f
... i i ., i .. i . . .i ,i ..., i...
.Tnilrm Wlillrt fin nrnnllli i nf Hi- liiflr. Tho Couch coraospondenco given in
" I a 4 -.1- unit 1111
mltlesofhls inlnd.Judgo Williams was our last numucr iicmnniia u
nm.ntiilr.,1 In oaatul liltn. lull. Illltnrl V I boforO WO lirOCCOll to Other matters J l)Ut
"'I"". ........ - - I - , II 111 1. 11111U j..!"'
Judgo Whllo Insists on holding tho wo shall bo brief In pur remarks "I'o ' hcall nr!c0 to- bo - pniil for exemption
courts himself, much lo tho disgust of It becauso moro lmporuuu mm months of Imprisonuieut anil
... ..... i.. i,rrJ,i invllmiM forward. As to 110,11 . . . , ,
- j j -- i -- - ... , . , trout lusses in iiuinv,
public business. Tiionuwt oi mo cases inu inner wu wm, i
wo nro Informed go to tho Supremo readers lulo our confidence and inform
Court whcio his honor Is regularly ro- them what they may expect (In part)
versed. Such nslato or nffixlrs would from our researches, in futuro numbers,
bo terrible In any place else than Tioga Bo it known, then, that wo havo on-
rv...n.. tnlnmi bv unexpected good fortuno
TiiEi'iioiniiiTORYLiiiuoiiLAW. though not without dllTlculty, full ro
At Wcllsboro', Mansfleld, and sever-
cords of tho ovldenco in tho three lead-
U , iUtllMlltuu, uuu KJtw- - , .lanra.
alothorpolnU In Tioga County, thcro is 1 ' tmrt ,Tltainn
a stringent prohibitory liquor law. It tried before M'llyLCommissIon a
docs not stop or oven check drunken- f.larr sm"?. nn" ?nrf,u"'T
XoivS Items." '
-r 4i. Aftn rwVn nf 'riftrinniin re-
I '.MU1U (IIHU'-tjWw.vvv u. -sido
in tho United StatC3.
Vow thousand peoplo starved to
death In London last year
Potatoes in Michigan glut the mar
kct at 20 conts per bushel.
Nineteen ounco baby is latest "big
thing" in lllciimonu, va,
Thcro aro about four hundred in
mates in tho Ilarrisburg asyiuni
Among distinguished foreigners in
i not stop or oven ciicck uruniion- ?,""""""', , , , f 4ii,n,,
, but on tho contrary opens a wide tire, (or, their full subs anco, o I ho con
,'. if.., iiio. fus on and d seraco of all tho Instril-
oven Elcschult is not unknown. ln-tho Columbia County Invasion, x io t foot ,iIgIl
. nvW nnIS. I COSC3 to WniCll wo roier uru iiiuau " V . I A m tn nrrmtndlll PlttsburCOlV
T " .J . Rantz,StottE.Coiieyana mnioi iu- fenlinc three cents. I'l.o
Whiiouicrotnournnii jury oumi a Hcnry) m0n upon whom tho prosccu- n.olicy was recovered.
iruo a u gun m.u. , .uK tlontho military Judgo Advocate, no , At, 0n
and his wlfo, for tho murder of a boy. 8plc3i informors.plmpsnnd radical poll- ,)CenA "5led for stealing good clothes
xno cnarges, h true, snow u uanuax- ticlans, in short nil tho persecutors nnu tu whicli to bo baptized,
ness in tho prisoners BCiuom cquaucii. their Instrumonts-oxpended tho wholo T)m IIoi) BUnsct Cox has licon
It Is charged that King and his wire, orco 0f their Industry, ingenuity and riding Arab horses in Africa, nt the rate
residents of Union township in Tioga mnilco (backed by public power) In or- of 120 miles in 22 hours,
county, had bound to him by tho jcr to securo their conviction. In tho The newspapers at times havo odd
poor overseers oi xruy, mi iriau ttlfltn. 4iinnc God! thoso efforts woro ex- things in tncm. Among?' i"
pauper boy. After getting him in their ded ln valDi For tho truth and tho tlsomcnts vro v
clutches thoy began a systematic courso Jlht triumph in tho end; their ant warning.
or in treatment; leaving mm souseiess webaof Heswero broken; their wicked-
from beatings, turning him out of doors nesg cam0 noning) and tho prisoners,
all night In cold weather, and giving tho objects of tiicir hostility and por&o-
him but llttlo food. Ono day ho was cuUotli wcnt fortli from unlawful bon-
found dead, and was taken to Trojyind ,,. vIn,nr.i(vi mi rrG0 1 Those pris-
burled. Bdmors of tho trcatmont of oners wont not forth however without wilderness is, that in ono you aro con
tho boy, however, had reached Troy, gcaraof con,nct upon Uicm; not without tinually surrounded by black bcars-lu
nnti Rnmn ni inn muztins imu inu uuu.v i , .i o rflr .
dlsinterrodandcxamlncdbycompetent flrgt incujredi nor without' bitter and
enduring memories of wrong aim out
rago inflicted by lawless power. return to t ho Couch corrcsnon-
denco,tho matter Iminedlalely in hand: 'piio first dlvorco over granted in
1 Tf .irlll tin unnn JImf. r-Viiipli wni tin. ii.n stnfnnrRnntli HnroHnu was decreed
cry1 led to tho arrest of tho parties. Wo Ufl d b f ' tho end oflScptcmbcr, by at Grccnvillp on tho 21st ultimo;' a wlfo
have since learned that King ha tried 'Xhi Z ?iponslWo authority, that fjL f nU
physicians. Besides being much em
aciatcd and bruised, it was found that
one of his arms was bro?;cnraad that his
legs from the hipsr down were in' a blister
as if scalded by hot water. This dlscov-
read that "Two sisters
PVilMWi rlnlmq to- hold the IllObt
t,in hnrsn iii America. "Bashaw,
Jr.," for which $33,000 has lately been
-rivi.- Tu-nln n.ivf the difference be
tween nn American and mid African
Tlm Vrpnph have discovered that
tho whlto of an egg given in sweetened
water is a suro euro for tho croup., Tho
remedy Is to bo repeated till a cure is
to commit suicide. llT":-LT.f:,"' c.i.n treatment anu nuanuoiimeni.
r.1 .. . ; . Tiin.TTnn..l.S. Slack, who recently
utauiu i l uw . . ana Was caned upon w uiscnargu u.u mot;- -,th - g0-vcro raliway accident,
Not wishing to. return via Troy, wo prisoners and rcmovo his troops from , rnm wi .w , i10 ia craduaiiv recovering,
innk Mm sfnmi mmln for Tloira. somo iho Countv. Mr. Buckalow's letter to ts Kn,i to havo mado within tho last
seventeen miles distant, over what was him dated September 20th., was nns- year $300,000 by his professional labors
formerly a plank road.but what Is now wercd by lilin on tho 29th. Ho received a boy In West Brookfiold, Mas3.,
w. .... n Inrm.H'n TIia rnnfl wnq I 1 4 lini-nfrti-rt in .1 nn nnll rn n f mnll mid l-pcnntiv found a small bird's nest
comparatively level theentlro distance, was 'fully acquainted with its contents. .teJy and
About midway is a singular locality Why did ho not, accept tho information tilorol,gi,iy attached to tho nest by its
Known as tno "jMarsii",uoinga swampy thus given mm anu tniio proper uuii builder,
level about three miles long, and eyi- upon it? Assuming mm graiuuious
dently tho bottom of somo ancient lake, charity) that ho had been misled in tho
Years ago it was converted into n huge outset, why did ho persist In tho
mill-pond, but tho peoplo bolleving it wrong?
caused fever and ague, demolished the 2. Gen. Couch in his letter of 29th of
1 r. , 1 . : ,1 J f. 1 1 l-i t.. lml.n.1 ..tcWnil Mm
uaiu. duiuu uiiuuiiiia uiounus muU iU Dupiemuuir nuiuaiuni y... ... thrlftv Germans pur-
drain it. Cranberries grow in profu- prisoners in Fort MiflHn, but ho. does I i,7Sn,f nihtv norVof
slon. andlarcronuantitics of coarso grass not state that ho told them that their Trnnrsson. This season thov cathcrcd
aro secured annually. arrest "was the worst act of Ills mo." strawberries enougn irom lour acres oi
It may appear incredible that ho could
mako this declaration and yet keep
& . llADICAIi 1T.TS.
following tho riots of
the election on Monday, contlnuo to bo
northcriTpartof tho city, In tho v ein!-
tv of negro quarters, go nomu nrctnlses against
'"B"""""" .. . 1 mil.
hostilities, mots, uiiovjiiBi "
rages by negroes mako tho burden of
" - a f 41.1k II nil' J
fciiorlsinthclocnieoiuninsui -"
1 1 .H.l. i.tinln pill.
papers oi mis umuim
a rpnnnffl from various parts of Vir
ginia aro very favorable to the Conscrv
nilvn cause: Tho peoplo everywhere
f-ccm to bo warming up to tho work;
and tho Indications nro that A nlker
will bo clcctod Governor oi mo oimu,
.i i,n nvmirn-nfal constitution adopt
ed beyond doubt. An editorial hi the
iilnl.mnnd Whirl OI 10-uay biuiia m."
(i,n ron-lslrntlon list of negroes this year
showS only ono-hair of tho number rcg-
tin,o,i lnat.vrar. namely, tnrco uiuua-
and In that city. Tho question result-
lng therefrom is. "Was tins irauuuiuui,
registration in tho first place, or havo
tho voters actually diminished by re
moval and death? .At nny rate, it
appears that tho Conservatives will car
ry ltlchmond, with Henrico attached
and that will probably glvq them tho
Tho President has ordered troops to
Cherokoo neutral land, in compliance
with tho request of tho Governor of
Kansas, to enforce the civil law and
prevent arson mi'l tho rulo of mob vio
lence. June 11. The through oxpross train
frmn Wnsliiinrton to NOW York Oil
Wednesday whicli was nltaeli
ed iho special car containing President
Grant and family, Secretary uoutwen
and others, met with a bcrlous accident
inot nnriii nf AnnniKills Junction. Tho
- --- . ..
engine struck a cow on tno track imu
Instil hnr so that 8 10 1011 linuor uiu
wheels of the baggage car. This with
two passenger cars following, was
thrown from tho truck, overturned nun
aimUnrfiil. Several passengers wcro
badly injured. Tho President and par
ty escaped injury.
Junk 10. Senator Scott, of Pennsyl
vania, is here anl says that unless somo
unusual effort is mado by tho republi
cans, the democrats will carry tho State
at tho coming election.
Tmi.Hlwrll.rr.wlitonlu- i,c-Wmrn Until-
30,000 lut'SDS OP WOOL IN IiXCIlAM"-.
f,,r nil Uln.l c.f .loth. willnctH.nml
i!.i''!.!!'.,l?. r.ui-
ii'i'' r'V.'',";.'.1.!-. r.. iii i iio icsl limn-
iir.oiii: VANcio,
Ornngavlllu, l'.v.
WOO L WAN'l'Hl),
30,000 TOUNDH ov
cxchaiiffo fur rnncynndst i
will bo nllowol. rnrllr. will ,u il' l'mtti
vnnlflKn t.i.lciil with in mm u 0iS?,W" v
liirlnu niul elnth. In
ner. A.l'lri-SH
i. u. m a i a J
maik asb ntox smrxr, M.oo5i?nuntl f.,
ThoLnrgoslnml llMt stock 'of tirnccrlffl nn-l
l'nivlslnni ln tho Counly. H),nnl.
A M-lc.uliaiotof llnniB, HKlo-mont nml H ioul-
Ucr,Toi.sC..n-c.Wi.lHrlcM. Foro gn n..
nicstlc 1-Tults n specialty. A I.ubo lot '
. V It U I T J A It S
.... t..i nr tiin ltoKt paltcrns.
nrr.lvr.UKU TO ANY 1'AIIT Ot-' TIIF,
Juno 18,'CO-lf
" or tlir" STif G, v i iho Al-u-i lor. t ho Ulterior,
mid tho Uxtorlor.
Interior consists nf tj-
Tho anicriar "';"" ,T r.,r Iho
tho Ijlnatur.
r ll5 :i?UKIuVu T u o parl li tho Upper. Uia
Sino-iilar. but truu: Of tho seven
members of Lincoln's Cabinet at tho
commencement of his administration,
thero is only ono who now sustains tho
Kamcai party, anu mat is eimon uun
T;ie fifteenth amendment was post
poned in tho Itliodo Island Legislature
by tho antl-S'praguo men. Tho New
Haven Jtcglste r says,"It is reported that
Benntor Anthony i opposetl to tho
amcudmcnt,bccausoho fears that it will
give Irishmen and Germans the privi
lege of voting, on tho samo ground with
nogroes. Tho negroes vote now, but
tho groat majority of Irishmen and
Germans aro not allowed that privilege,
becauso it is feared that they would voto
vlth tho Democrats.!
In Virginia tho Conservatives aro
making a good fight, and will undoubt
edly succeed in dofeatlng Welles and
rejecting tho offensive clauses of .the
proposed Constitution. It is thought
that tho number of negroes registered
will bo much less than last year, and
that tho number of whites will be large
ly increased. The Conservatives ifeel
confident that thoy can carry the Legis
lature and securo two United States
Benators who will not misrepresent
.The first step towards a Democratic
vlctcryMn October next secure good
and honest deIegatesto all the nominat
ing conventions.
The1 second step mako a good and
popular ticket, from top to bottom.
The third step thoroughly organize
your forces ln every election precinct
The fourth and last step go to tho
polls on election day, voto the wholo
Dcmoeratio ticket, and try to get all
your neighbors to do likowlso.
The Best PniNTiNQ Ink. The ink
with which this issue of tho Cosmopo
lite Is printed Is from tho Gray's Ferry
Printing Ink works of O. E. Itoblnson,
Philadelphia. Wo havo tried many
kinds of ink In the publication of our
tinner, and unhesitatingly pronounco
Jlobinson's for tho best, because It is tho
clearest works tho cleanest nnu easiest,
anu Is the best In color. It greatly lin
nrnvfM tho annearaneo of the' OosmopO'
lite and wo aro under obligations to tho
manufacturer. Cosmopolite.
"Wo can ondorso tho above. For years
wo have been paying extortionate pri
ces for inforlor Inks.and aro glad to havo
mado Mr; lloblnson's acquaintance,
We can promise him an unlimited do
main! from tho craft, so long as his inks
keep up to their present standard.
ItADicAL rulo In Florida has resulted
ln virtual. repudiation of tho Htato debt.
the Governor having arranged with tho
State Treasurer to refu3o to pay the In
tcrost accruing on a largo amount of
bonds. Issued by direction of tho Legis
lature for tho purposo of carrying on tho
State business, ltadlcallsm and repu
dlation aro synonymous terms In moro
States than Florida.
. Oveh fifteen hundred blljs wero pass
ed at tho last session of tho' Lcglslaturo
of this State, but of theso only seventy
ono wcro general laws. All tho rost
Were grants In Bomo way of special
privileges or favors ; bills which wero
for tho particular benefit of some person
or a few Individuals.
Whilo waiting for a sleepy fit to selyo
us. wo observed sitting in the parlor, a
girl aged about sixteen years, who was
weeping bitterly. Wo soon learned tier
history, and a moro horriblo ono never
occurred In a civilized land.Her father,
James Benjamin, formerly lived near
Towanda, and hasja wife, seven daugh
ters, and a son. Ho has been leading a
life of incest with his daughters, and
his last victim was the ono then at the
Adams House. Wishing to conceal the
evidence of'hiscrimo tho father took
this daughther to a vacant building in
tho woods, wherc.on May IZth.tho child
was born. The poor innocent rcas then
cut to pieces, and the fragments burned.
Afterwards tho blood was seen, the
bones discovered, and tho parties arrest
ed, and on Juno 9th a hearing was had
before the justico at Troy. Our indig
nation was aroused at heariug tho bru
tal languago and coarso JesU of theso
constituents of Ulysses Mercur. Had
tho outrage been committed In Georgia
what a howl of indignation would havo
cono up from loyal throats! Even, tho
Hester Vauahan caso Is not so horrible.
Who will move for tho reconstruction
or Bradford?
The following morning wo took tho
stace for Wellsboro': not tho coach of
our fore-fathers with fonr horses, lux
uriously furnished scats, a fine rolling
motion and a hugo boat,but a long, low,
raking, piratical looking craft, drawn
by two horses built on tho general plan
of Don Qulote's lloslnante.
Tho country through whtelk wo pass
ed was dovotod.malnly to. grazing pur
poses,-and tho quantity and quality of
the butter excels that of Orango county
In Now York. Ono or our friends
has 105 cows, and supplies tho. Hcrdlc
House with butter tho, year round at
forty conts per pound. Tba contrivan
ces for churning wero many and ingen
lous, ranging front tho old dasher churn
to tho kind where a tread macblno was
used. In fact ono hearUoss wretch after
milking his cows, jets thera on tho
'machine,oncf thus compels them to churn
their own milk. .Motto o power was fur
nlshed to many by dogs, and to sovcral
by small wator vrteels.
Shortly before oon wo reached, this
nourishing lioro': and slopped at Ful
lcr'H IlQtoi.wkerewoinot with tho best
or occomHiedatlona, and tho kindest or
attention., Mansfield is situated on tho
Tioga river, and has a Stato Normal
School iesidod over by Prof. Allen,
with whom many of our reai'iers aro
acquainted. Tho Institution is well lo
cated, and finely built, but In 3io way
compares with tho ono erected ln
Bloojasburg. Tho Corning & Bloss-
burg It. It. runs through the place, but
is almost entirely dovoted to carrying
coal. It is tho nearest rail rw id station
to Wellsboro', which Is eon to .twelve
miles distant.
Wo reached tho county scat, tho fol
lowing morning, and stopr cd nt tho
Hotel kopt by an old acqua Intanco in
tho army, D. D. Holiday. Although
court was in seasion.tliero w ero but row
strangers in town. Tho pi co Is dull
Tlotralsnnent. thriving villaco. Oil
tho Corning & Blossburg It. It. It is a them in custody nnd allow tho porsccu-
sort of commercial centro for tho coun- tion against them to continue, but tlio
tv. At this noint wo took tho cars for fact Is too well attested to admit
Corning, a passenger car being ntlach
cd to acoal train for the accommodation
of travellers.
Wo reached this city iu embryo about
, i i-i.i.- .i 4. ia could not restrain
ijiuuuibuurtr it iJruuuujty uuua mvu muw - - i
its business. Tho streets aro pavod.tho M1 not long contlnuo or at a 1 o
side-walks in good repair, nnd every
thing about tho town is in n cleanly con
dition. It i3 located on the Erio R. It.
ono ot tho finest roads in tho world,
magnificently equipped, and haylng a
six foot gaugo. From this point it is
bv nnv open exhibition of Indcpon-
BAA. aVUK KUUiiUa A tlliQ I'VUIH V a I v .7. 1 li 1,,,
only a half hour's rido to Elmira. Hero "once,, justico, anu iiunmuuy, -"'" A lcttcr from gandorsvillo, Witsli-
wo again mado connection with tho N. followed tno suggestions oi sen m. lngtoll county, to tho' Chronicle, states and reached, Williamsport, at "lu i"u"'i'"" t""' " Y,"u w. S
midnight. The following day wo din- nature. mta "SSSofSS
pit ntTtlnnmslinrtr. 3. Gen. Couch's lettor enables US to , . i,: nrrinlnw. who hua
crrannlo with tho points of accusation been"commlttcd to tail.
C'oiiununlcatctl. against tke prisoners as they wero fin- Thrco aeorgia negroes were "playing
Uentralia, Juno8tli, 1SG0. ally arranged (and subsequently appear- carij3 tho other day for a stako of twen-
,i in v..mi .lmrtjpaiiofnrn tho Military tv.iivn cents. -when a disnuto arose, and
' Commission! and is or that reason a one of them BWngJto money, ran
T.:.T.' contribution to tho history of ? wun -ne uiiiuib
UUCUHb UU1U, UUS CUlUliy OU OUlUIUUy 1 - ll nvlnnt I BllUl, illlU uuau.
rjLirnr o7r of investigation is narrowed -A Mississippi editor and Justico of
"'"V-lO Hnwrnuuvw. I . . . , . jrtI Milnv. I IJ1U X UUL'U IUUrUUU i UUUII1U ill IOUO, Ul-
nna has ossigncu to it uemu u d , .gG0 mfl-rrlcd tho man
ies. In ,tho first placo thero is no lmpu- t0 another woman in 1801, ditto tho
tation that any of the arrested men woman in 1SG2, and last week ro-mar-
were concerned In tho.night affray in rieu tne original coupio.
which Lieut, nobinson was wounueu. n0bert. Anderson, who killed a
it to pay for tho whole tract
nis majesty ,'tho King of tho Sand
wich Islands, camo near being knocked
in tho head and killed' by a coeoanut
which fell tho othor day, while ho was
wnlkini? In his irrovc.
doubt and can bo fully proved by us If ThQ departments at Washington
called in question. Ho was concclous now BWarm wilh negroes. A man must
that wrong hod been dono and when ho bo very black to get an olTico from this
stood faco to faco with his victims the administration. Black, physically llko
truth was exforted-rrdmhim byfee lings gg&X.MSi S&ST"
oi contrition or oi symimiuy . .. ,v ,ii,i' J .
1SUS UIOSU ,liuibo ,,,ij ,r.oanr ni til rlpon font in
rents n,i, nitriitnmi hands liierh. nnd five
had but slight lnfluenco upon his after .-ears old, is tio Jutcst sensation, in
conduct. Ho know too well what his P.iducah, Kentucky,
masters required of him ; how exacting JohnNeal, of Elizabeth, JScw Jersoy,
woro tho demands of Radicalism and sent to a drug store for sonic medicine
that his commission would be forfeited or n 0r, u u.u, , W"- .
If ttU Ul UUllIVllllHh """V"
lorses valued at $2,100.
Thkke is a society in Chicago whiih
is vory industriously circulating Sena
tor Buckalow's valuablo report mado
to tho United States Senate on tho repre
sentation of minorities. Thero can
hardly bo any question that a reform in
this matter is needed, for iu tho very
idea 'of permitting men to voto, is in
cluded that of allowing them, in proper
ruumbcrs. a representative of their inter
ests. Tho evils whicli in tills country
havo nriscn.from tho abuses of power
by a majority would have been prevent
ed had tho minority boon fairly' ropro
sontcd. World.
I. O. op O. P. Tho following are tho
officers of the State Q rand Lodge elect
ed for the ensuing year :
B. W. O. M, Samuel F. O winner.
It. W. D. G. M. John B. Spriugar.
R. V. Q. W. Alfred Slack.
R. W. O. S. James B. Nicholson,
R. W. G. T. M. Richards Mucklo.
R. W, G. F. J. Alexander Simpson
mil i ttoauillti toJSaln. Mil frciiu-ntly occurs
i t.iiiXclL-x which nre unsnijcil In ttmlr various
nmcllonV. if they lire iicEta-tkl,UrAvpl or lmvT
''lilorrader imistnlwbo ra.nle nwiuc.that liow;
c cr sllsht mav be tho nuncK, h is su.u .
5-i.i i, T v iw.iiiili nnd moutal nowerH, nH oiirilcih
nuil l)laoil!nro sunporlcd trom tlu-io source"). Ja
Uoi-r u ltiiEUMATisM.-1-ahi occurrliis In .the
loln-i "li 'luillciillve or the ahovo . Isenses. 'll.e
occur In porions u.po-ieu iu u
'l .. , I iiw.ii 1 rtf 1 1 ill iVliI IIDVJI. IMe0
orcans he nig vcalc.tho Miller Is not oziiclloJIroin
tlic illlmlder, bnt .ulowe.llo renialii! It hecon os
omit Hull Iho stono Is formed, nnd gravel ctuiies.
imorsr H a collect Inn of water In somo purtn pf
Iho body, anu ueaisuincibui iiniuin,
iivei the body, it la called Annsaicn ! wiion of tho
nWoinen, Ascites; wheuol tlioclicsl, nydloino
Ti'iKArJil.ST. IIclmbold'B highly couccnllatcd
coniiioiindisxiia jjucuii is ueuumu-mm
1..,,', ,n,.,llfir,irilKnnso3ortliB hladder.kldney
iTrael,dropslcal swelling (.rheiiinallsui.andeouty
allecllon-i lliuler this head w.i bac nrrnngol
lit Mir hi, oruiiiiciuiy anu pain in pusiiiw to
fifllUIJ- nnivurii.(ui n.... ....v. .. ............ ...
..r.u ..i wiilcr- Klr.'inimrtf. or Hloniiin of Walcr
jlt-iuatiiila.or blooily urlno; Ooutnnd Itheumn.
matlgm ol the Kldnoys. without any change In
ouanllly. but Increasuof color, or dttrk water, 11
was always highly rccomnieiided by llio late l!r,
l'hyslclt, ln theso nireetlons. .
nils medlcino Increases tho power oi ille-.-lion,
nnd excltoslho absorbents into healthy e.x
ciclse, by which the M-atcry, or calcareous, depos
itions, and all iinnatiiial enlargements, ns well
rs pain nnd lnllnmmntlon.arn l educed, ami Ills
taken by men, woman, and children. Directions
for uso and diet accompany
riltI.ADEl.l'UIA, l'A., Feb. 25, 1807.
lr.T. Hm.noui, DruKRlst:
DrtnBlu I hive been n snircrer, for upwaTil
ot twenty years, with gravel, bladder, nud ltldncy
nllectlons.durlng which limol havo nsel various
modlclnal prepai-atlons.andhceu under the treal-
incuLoi mu iuu-.i. .-ii"tv i-i.j .......v..!...
ting but llttlo teller.
Having seen your preparations exteuslvely nd
vcrtlsed.I consulted with my family phjslulan
ln rei'.iiu lo using your j-.xiruci jiuriui,
t .it,, it.!, iirrmmol bad used all lilnds of adver-
tUed jemedlts, nnd had found them worthless,
and somo qulto Injurious i In fact, 1 dopalred ot
ever netting well, and determined tousonorem
e.ii.. iinrnnitcr unless I knew of tho Inured lent.
t fi.iH Hint, iiromnlcdmo to uso vour reme-
AS you auvci iiseu iimi. ii, vu .-uiu,.uu.n.i
UrlU It
, TMcimiM, "Jj.;; nriiTniNA,,r tplftco
The Columbia Uounty Teacher.' t. .1st till
u 111 bo held nt tho Normni uIJ.'5 !.,...
In llluomsburg, commencing on sK ' ,mIlu
day or Juno 111) nt 1 i o'clock V w J'
l hn lllKllllll.. .nlt.1
Iho llloomsbiirg Normal Hchooi iSSS wou1'
I'nrver, nsscmblos on tlio sama'd.'vol"
ninny reasons It Is considered prowrL- .
Tencnors- uonnir insiuuiaailboMiums Br
Normal Instltuto will contlnuo frii, 'S 'M
August Dili, ThnCoiintjr , 1 Htnte wiift 6s
OllO.wet-li, null II uy llle teftflmi. JT1
tontlnucil during thocntlro terninf ffif
instltuto or any portion of it, . has
Formerly our County Institute hi, , fJI
much Inter In llio choolyonr,iJUtit"6.f,ffl
nnd nlso cssontlnl that teachers suouW'-lfat tl
iw well nt thoclosoof thol'ublics?S"
tho term. "". fs'
llncli teacher In thoroun ylscarnMii. I havo,
cd to nttend, nnd uso his lust eir.mfy "aV8
Intltnle successful both In reiwtin.,7lfor 8ai
:csi. in sumo count n of
r teachers m County i,,i, '!'-hoOl t
x-r of schools. Whv cVS-'VE
ofColumbl.i county l.ianircstii,.VBC,lou
Tho Hchnol Diiectors of tlio coun 7.5
to nttend during tho ontlrosttaiouL'Kj.r
lnily on Friday tno I'd day of Juir .V"'
will bo sot apart for Buchbusinc-MiiUlorgO
dhectly Interesting lo Ihcm.
Btnto Superintendent J. 1 Wlciri.. id coli
InnttL-ndaneooulho 2d day of Jui7r'
tlio Director. ,
Illoomsburg Juno I, li0"J. UmijJlaatar
T Tt ........... . - ..VVth.
TlioHndcrslBiicd. Uxcculnrnf n0Mc
Icstnmentof lsaao lavls,l.itooriiciiv,7i,IO am
Columbia county, fonnsylvuBl.i, iiZ
cxposotosale, by public! vonitue, tan
JULYOthlsii'l, ntl o'clock In tlio n(ii.'BlSun.
following desctlhed Heal Kstalc,to5 .,, -n
liner it", j. mo rigui, inie nntt-.'"
said decedent In nil that certain tw.nhur,
situate paitly InUiilonlownsliluschS 'tinurt
IV 1111.1 llfit-tlt III IIP flVPr 1.U-M lnnn.
boll.delYni.dlescribJll lis foYioOTi S
n chestnut oak at it coi nt r on the couXW ant
twecn Hclmylklll niul Cohuobla;tlitw:ii
of parties unknown north sevcnttent Iu
degrecseast 1S2.II porches to a siDue-t! t-!
lands now or formerly ln tho iiRmtof hnnvn
vis, south seventy-two nnd a lialf da?
ono hundred nnd soventy-nlnoiirrcliaf t this
Ibunco by lands of tho samo north omb .t
degrees eastslxty-fcmr perches toscbs-mptH
thenco south forty niul a linU degrm ,
ty-ionr perches to u gum ; thenco south, r
seven and a half degrees cant slitrt some
eight-tenths perchos to n stone; tfe, ,
foity-elght nnd n half degrees eat eia.maln
clKht-teiiths perches ton stone; tf..
seventeen nud n half degrees east ml1"
and forly-tbrto nud four-teiitbs (- Mr
degrees west ninety pcrchi s to a clii--1 'caI
Iheneo northseveuty-twonndnlnltjS'iVdUr
threolmndiednnd sovcuty lurcki'
of bcigluulng, ,t roni
l'ERCIIES, V recc
nndnllowunro! about 370 acres of ! inoj
to in union township, Hchmlknin; Ihov
many this Is known iu tho "HclTiicf,ia 5
TllACT No. 2 All that certain )lwtvlooa"
lng ln Heaver twp. nforesnld, bouL.;
scrllml ns follows: llcgtunhuntin
of James Jl'Neal. (now land nf btrOU
llhiragcm,) south ono bundled onltifO-rjin
nnd one-half degrees wostonohullctei.1!71r,
ty-slx perches tonplnot thenco Ivrrthls 11
south scvc.ity.threo and one-tiair fltf-
three liundreu nudsl.tty.two iierctau Rnnc
mil, iiieiu-u uy iiniub mini uow isu,
north ono hundred nnd slxt v seven sr. 'a00 1
degrees cast ono hundred and iilm-irnon v
to aniiHh; thenco by land of Junusllir J
or nereioioro ucorgo imnasj nortn wttimcn
and ono-half degiecs west threo tut .
slxly-tw o perches to the placo of ttf0. na
moro or less: It being tho samo plea NjBB
which was fold by tho Comnil.sslcini.riL.v.
blncountv, for tuxes July l'JIh.bHatj.""1
V,r, . ,,i "wi lv h u ndvlec. after an examination V a" 'nn 11 !u. .'W'
. -T.i .. -1 i nrri'N ns urn 111 niiiiii. t niiii'v. nisii '
,liul.elguimouiusngo, i was , ,lr..v..r,rr, ii,:.:.i,ViB(jerS
u, k'lSnt. I felt'llko0 writings.? ! n.U M. OW hlsndenturo ,lj,te,t tl,., piai
casont that thno. but thought 'K";"'.1' V"'."".'" "-"...m
vbotciunorary.nnd w.i.e.i kuu i-or.uer i,y ins inueaiiinnji.i.
and seo if it w ould ceinuer sun i-wi, uiu convey to mm m
"A"....0..1' .'!-.i?U.lli Tlt.MT No. a. All llmt. .'..rlnln ni-.Br-
..."'V". .r" . " ".'.' sltuatJdlirUe.ivcrtwi ciluiiibia2 Scl
Dcmocrntlc Stato Convention.
Tho Democratic Ktafo Convention for tho noin-
Inatlon of candidates for the otllce, of (lovcrnor
nnd Judgo of tho Supremo Court, will meet at 10
clock a.m., on WUUNUSUAY, July nth, lstit),
In tho Unit of tbo,Ilouso of ltepresentntlves, at
Ilarrisburg. lly order of tho Dcmoeratio Htato
VM. A. WALLACE, Clnlrmau.
D.vvtii dxr.iiWKr.!., Secrctnry.
Further, ,tho General agrees fully that Chinamanat Forest Hill, Placer county,
no fortlflcaUons had been erected for Cal., in Juno, 18U8, has heou buntenced
no luriiuuiuu ' ? .. ,,.,.,. to imprisonment In tho California Foil
ing was addressed by Farker Hum
ph roys, Sinoy and others.- It. is gratify
ing to stato that not ono disorderly per
son was in tho meeting. Tho ranks wero
om posed or hard working Bouer men.
I was a spectator ot tho wholo scene
iromtno beginning, anu taitnig into u iu-v-..vU "---."--7-"i t0 imprisonment
consideration all tho circumstances it purposes oi resistanco ,io uiu """"- itcntiary until tho year 1000,
siroa l.tcl.U. vrvar,nn),.hlr. A lvnnnnr svna I TlOWCr. ilJUt U6 SBYS UU UCJl, w.uilr T ,. ,. i, ,
. ...b...j .Lt,L.L..L.. ....... . . . - ii r xu niiuniiK, -uabs., inuru uru iruui
presented by tho ladies or Locust Dalo lador wno mauo a ciobu ujiuu """"" twenty to thirty dear mutes, two of
la Rntlsfleil that thov" tlio .i,." nm niul in
iv xriviaiuu ui luui ihuv;o. i " - 1
The presentation address was deliver- alleged -insurgents-j -mtu ono
edbyMr.Farkcr.who alluded to tho fair probably two pieces of artillery, that
sex in a laudatory and very-ablo man- thero Wlis an organization to resist tho
ner. Ho commenced his remarks bv Draft tno memuers 01 wmm v,-j.uii
alluding to a woman giving birth lo tho cd," and that ho had "other informa-
, i.-t i. n. . I 41-r. in llin pomn nffpp.l." Ho 88VS flirtll-
'er. thnt "tho men arrested aro charged
Savior.HoalludedtoJoan5Arc,ad in general terms with ,o clrtance.over
t J I !1 1 L. WI11U. 1 " "
Savior, and a woman being tho first nt
tho cross and washing tho feet of our
whom aro brothers, and also married to
ileal mutes, xno latter nave lour cnu-
dren, who can hear and articulate et,
wen as tno cniiuron 01 otner parents.
A married man who eloped from
Mississippi with another woman has
lust written to his deserted wlfo tocdi
cato hi3 thrco children respectably, as
ho hopes to meet them iu heaven, if
her position at tho head of tho Froncli
Army ; her horoic sufferings untarnish
who advised resistance; procured arms
on earth
- I . it. .1 I i TIIMII 111 tllt'lllM' 1 I1AIIS. ttllllftll Mill
ed patriotism etc., etc. On tho wholo knowing they wero lor inat purpose, ur puro accident, by nn-
reasonable satisfaction I sold arms for tno samo odjcci, -ma jo 0ther man, -went to tho church whoro
thn wlinln caso ntralnst tho prisoners as tlio latter was engaged in worshlp.strodo
up to mm, Him siioi, uuui inu inuu iimi
his llttlo girl, scatca py ins sine
A striking instance of tho Immense
valuo that a small plcco or steel may
acquire by tho great power of skilled
mcciiamciu moons. no uaiancu spring
tn nil concerned. Tills Ktrlko when com
pared with others which havo preceded 1 stated by Gen. Couch ono month after
it, shows clearly that tho miners aro their arrest anitaitor tno jviurigiiiuui-
moro intelligent than thoy "were former-1 davits had been obtained or extorted in
ly j that law and order nro respected ; tho FIshlng-creeK country.
lifo and property aro raoro secure; on It will bo our business in iiuuro nuir -
tho wholo it tho union amongst the men I bers and by record ovldonco to answor 0r watch. From lta extrerao fineness
Is properly governed it will redound to and explodothoso charges so far as thoy and delicacy, -our thousand weigh not
th .fi;?, f 1.-11, nno-.inra ,i Limo under examination in tho military moro than opo ounce, and exceed in
"l:z t; ,r,.;; .t;,.; .77. . t TTorruhnrr,. nd wo iclCo viuuoiiuw'orwumBQU1'
consumers an unreasonable price for ourselves in advance to perform this -f. ! J.
mi... -l....l .l 1 , ,!, I hnmatnfroP1inltnni.llor.llllt ni."u"uuV",VuB""'
jjui. un tiiiuiu,. ui un niuixium 1 m. . .. ----- 01 nino liunumi ami nuieiy-uino years,
onomtnrs. minora nnd consumers should wo chooso to braud at onco tho state- which practically amounts to a pur-
ni oi-in .ii,t I iiumi nimnt "nnu nnd nrobablv two I chose, bv the l'onns.vlvanlit Central
should bo the generalized law by which pieces of artillery," for which General Coinpany, U ono of the iniost pimporta..t
all should bo governed.
Cadwalladcr is given as authority, as
an utter falsehood, No ovldenco to sus
tain It was over produced upon any or
tho military trials.though if such a lact
mado in railroad circles
A Minnesota JudKO has decided
when a man Is legally drunk. Ho says
it is not necessary mat a man snouiu
Small ExrENriiTuitES.-An oxchango
counts up tho small oxpeuses In tho fol
lowing manner : i-verybooy nearly , d oxIated u couid havo been easily bo wallowing in a ditch, or bumping
spends flvo cents foolishly every day. .,r0VC(i nn(i wouia havo been gladly his head against your posts, that you
A mom IrlllAnnlv llilrfu.flvn emits 1 . . . it lUaV kllOW llllll tO 00 llrUIlk I hilt WllCll-
,nr woVk. Yrf ItZau b coffee or "J vor ho begins to toll the 'samo thing
...... . ... Hiuta, iiu wiuuiuu DU.KJIUU..1, 1... t.v.- over twico , men no's urunici"
" 0,lV?m.lf Jbous who had means or opportunity for Mra.Eliza0dgen. aged forty years,
" .T ,v , , information on this sufject, has uccn, ,lIcd. asi week t hbr realdcnco near
piujuu. uiu uiu u;ji yuur, u..u . thatthcro was no plcco or pieces or nr- Manayunk or BUffocatlon from oxcos
luterost thereon at six per cent., com- tillorv known of In tho whole region ot slvo corpulenco. 'At tho tlmo or her
Hinnllor.l.'lnm.rrrvrtlon" e.atl . Weight Wlt3 000 pounds.
An instbuctiveincipent though
a small ONE! Wo will concludo our
number by mentioning n small transac
tion at tho Denton Church on tho morn-
When sho dlod. which was suddenly.
sho roll to the floor, and it required six
stout men to nit ner, it rccmircti ten
men to rcmovo ner to tno grounu uoor
Her coflln was six, foot four inches long
tiireo leet wino over tno urcasi nnu tw
putcd annually, would In twclvo years , MegfA "insurrection"
. . . 1 . . . .. ,'mA l.', fn I
UIUUUUl W U1U1U 111UII UU. J-.tluUfeH IU
buy a good farm ln tho West.
Cmi.DnEN should fiovcr bo allowed
tn roinnln In 11 room whero neonlo aro
smoking. I havo known many children I"B pf tho arrest, Aug. 81st 1601. Daniel fcet ono inch deen.
Ruined by breaUUng day after uay tno xmuvu ...v- Ycara g(J n rcnnSylvania farmcr
. I rwl in r.n ti'na n fill r tno Tttilrtlt r.1at wrirt I '. ... f ,
vuo amoKo or aiauicra cigar, nnu bgmy v -w "w 4.iw. siaDDcu mayoung who lnuntorurunic
t ia and privately handed Lt. Col. Stewart en insanity and fiod to tho West, sun
an vnrv irrnorant oftlio lawaof lifo as to knit bead purso containing ?5tof7 In poalpghlmseir a murderer, Tho woman
so very ignorant or uio lawsoi nio as w nny-sto w art t ooklt and recovered, and after flvo years' solitary
smoko whoro young children live, ho Is Pm-"W m?.ny . f,cTa"l?0K."nn.u lifo marred again. Her second hui-
a barbarian, Indced.-iemWq Health. i orwarua wfcneu n opportuniiy to ,,. UIe,, m a ,'uw mntMt aa Bll0ut0
. . m . ustt. IVHUHiu inuaiu,iivuiv;i lie vaiivci- WOIH W0SI, XnCrO S110 JUCt It pKHpfcr- Tn.. .Innn lfi. Tbol cd to brlbohlm.Fdgar replied "oh! i.f " ous and wealthy merchant, was wooed
miners of tho Lcblah Coal and Kaviga- but ho was arnoted through mL and wedded : unil upon disrobing in tho
Uon Company, and of tho WUkesbarro take and wanted a chance to speak
Coal and Iron Company, will rcsumo lo him.Stowart said it would bo all right himself had mado, and recogulzctl his
work to-morrow, "u woum uuuuu ion. no epi mi i who oi years oeiore.
.l!itimi'iitol mv
yiv ttnnviivptiK.iit miaht onl
thereforo eoneluileil tu defer i
t'llecl ft periosi curu, uuuwu
of greater vuluo to yun, nud
m p.
1 am nuw ahle to report that n euro Is clU-ctcd
nllpr iisinir tho reincdv for llvo months.
I havo lint used any now for three months, and
fp-1 ns u-Ml In nit ri.'1-nectii ns I over did.
iVnur liiiehu leln devoid of anv unpleasant
taste imdoilor, n nlco toulaand invlsoiator of, I lu not moan 10 tie witnoiu H wnen
ever occasion may refiilro Itn uso In mu-h alleo-
uon.s. -'.. i'i.v.u.wdiiuit
BhoiiIdnnvaou.iLjir. jicuormicK-SKiaiemout.
110 rciclH in ino iguoiviiiK Kcnucim-ii ;
Hon. win. maier, ex-uuvernor, 1-enui.yivania.
Jlon. l nos, li. riorenet!, i-niiaui'innia.
Hon. .1. U. Knox, Judge, l'hllailelphl.r.
Hon. .1. K. r.lnck. Jude.'rhllailch.hla.
Hon. li. It. l'urler.ex-Governor.l'enusylvanla,
lion, l.llis Levis,.. tiiiue, l-nuaiieipuia.
Ho... It. t'. (jrler, JudKe, United Htntcs (,'ourt.
llou. li hanks, Auditor-General, Washington,
. v.
And liuinv otlicrs. If ncccssaiv.
Kuld by PrintKi-fcts and dealeru everywhere,
iowa.o of cou.iterlelts. Abk lor Hclmuold'h.
'Ico no ot her. l'lticr: 31,23 per hottle.or 0 hot t Ies
r fli.l'J. Ilellvered to nnv address, llcscrlbo
liyiilpton.s 1.1 nil communications.
jiniircss 11. i. iir.ii.tiitLii.iJ, itvug uuu uiiciui
cil Warehouse, u'.linroadwav. N. .
Xono are ceuulno unless done un ln xtecl-en-
cravcii wrapper, witn lac-fimuo oi my uuemicai
lVllieilUlIM, UUU UlllCIl 11. I . lll.U.'lDVljMt
Candidates lor Nomination.
Tho following gentlemen havo been mentioned
ir nomination to tho i-mcml County Ofllcci to
be filled by election tho present year, and Ihelr
names will bo presented fur tho consideration of
tho Ui-niocratlc County Convention :
(huhloct to tho decision of tho conferc.w of Co.
umbla nnd Montour counties.)
MAIN TOU'Sbllir.
SAMUUh chkasky,
nnaisTEit anp hecohpuh.
. vi-1
wiiiiilAMSON II. JAC0I1V,
, , 11LOO.M TOWNSltll',
oiiAsnr. -rownsiii v,
, JIKIIWICK iiououan.
iisiiiNacnEEi: Towxsitn',
.. . ..e'eeutod ht TukOoi. U.UI1.N Mteaio
luiuuK umoa.
and described a.s follows
nudaud of Isaac Davis, noilli seltmi-
nun uctsreca wesv ono uuuuri'il anav,-vv
ivcrches to a stone ; Ihcucu by landoflt J
north nlnctccu degrees cast orw ItWQ
U.ivis north tventy-clht dci;K-riiiLIri
iMoiieieues ion i
Paviiinortli mini
twopcieheH ton stone; tticnte h 1,(,
and n half ileKrHn""
Ion. 11. W, Woodward, Judge, l'hlladelnhla.
llou. w.l i'oiier,L.iiyoiiciicir,ni.iaueipii
Hon. John lliiiler, ev-uovernor, California,
111 the aicat work of emanclnatin mankind
Iioin tho thraldom ol Ignoranco, buperttltlon nud Hons as to tho title, nnd other iiiaiiifas t
.t,i..,i.i.i, . .,.-.,..ii.i I satisfac-torlH answered.
oillce; and that Teacher who has n comprehensl o
and n clear apprehension of tho nnturo of tho
work Intrusted ln his hands, will gladly embrace
every opportunity for personal Improvement ns
well as tho elevation of his otllce.
In compliance with n request from many Mien
teachers wo havo mado arrangements to .hold a
special Term adapted to tho wants of all (trades
of Teachers Ablo I'rofessoia will give plass drills
and dully lectures upon methods of Teaching
and management of Schools. Many of Iho Pis-
liigulshcd Educators of this and other Mali's
iavebee.1 tuvlted nnd aro expected to attend and
eiwnisthu bcutflt of their experience, and wo
an hut hopu and tiust that very mauy of tlio
Teachers of our tit.ito will come and enjoy n sea
son of refreshing, and bpeud at least u part of
their vacation ln htudy itud,imtkfiig Iho acquaint
ance ol, and In comparing notes wltii other tio
Como then aud let us all untie, in moving loi
wind tho great cause of human amelioration,
Wu expect to havo our Hue Hoarding Hall fur
nished so that n largo number of tlio teachers can
board ln tho limitation, ami lt seems lining that
a convention of teachers Uiould bo the first la
occupy that noble structure.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to nil thu
County Huperlnteudcuts to lake rart In tho pie.
paratioos and exercises, ilso School Directors
to visit tlio School. It wtllalfbrd BIreclors ugood
oppoiliniity to securo good tciu-licrs nud good
teachers good positions.
Wo will furnish Text Hooks for tho bene-
lit of tho teachers excepting ln cases wliero
teacher wishes lo study somo particular Author,
in which caso tnoy win bring their own. The ox.
penso for Hoard, Hooks aud Tuition, will bo nve
dollars per week aud teachers eunstay ns long or
snort n iimo as ineir circumstances remilro,
Tho Term will commenco Juno 23th and cou-
llnuo until tho opening of Kail Term Aug. 0,
ror iiiriner niiormation address
l'rlnclpal of lllooiusbuig filato Normal Bchool
May sv (l'J-2m
ono am! n half perches to tho place cUthffi
containing H'
one hundiieu and i'
1 1 being '.ho sa m o t ract of land n hlctlli en n
conveyed to Isaac lt. liavls by do! u u
mont dated August Wth. A.D.lslJ,at.. ,
apprnlsedto rnihnrlno A.l)aij M ha
lt. Davis, latonf llpavpr two. ilrcrajui. . -.
her share of Isaac It. Davis' ,drce.wJ.0'
uiiiier uiu uueu nuuureii uouar (xr-p, a
nnd tho samo tract which the S.1I1IO.
D.wis deodcdtii llurtnii W. Kintner-lll
denture dated MayHrd, A.D.KiKgattli, .
i-iniuer uy ins liuicuiliru uaica ltl1-.. .
18-iiidldionvey tosald Isaac Davli. 'nvli
Thoabovo lands aro In closoi'ri1lm.iu' -1
wlssa Creek, nnd llio Calnwlssa llaUllgaa.
through po. lions of litem, and tluyt-i',-!;
. In
belug only K miles from Shenandot'
milts irom Mahanoy City, ami lit riee
Ashland. Tho property Is well lisifa,.'j
Hock Oak, Yelluw 1'lno nnd ntch WM-
lor t-'rumlng Timber, Wood, Hark, F-'fchoC
Conditions ov Salk. Oue-foarllvvi
chnso money lo bo paid down ; ee-rS?T
mouths, and tho bnlnncu iu ouo iavr""
lerest and with approved security, I """
nru requested to meet nt llelirlg's rJop
unnj nppoiniou iur tno saio to ui-giu,. ; ,-'
nous us iu uio line, nn
satisfactorily answered
June l.'u'J-Ot
c. n. iir.ocpwaf
nv null uiiuiiu uuiir Illiui ui.-; ,
Columbia county will bo otrereil.t Polo t
either liilohioi- tho wholo proporj .tiii
ii consists oi -..l
, ... . yid.
more or less, on which Is erected -tS4
and log barn with orchard, good ,-n''
itc. About 71) acres cleared lud. Ht Qa
regauliug terms apply to yiz.
iia uutlH ivlisiii, iittu.; ttu
or MAT1IIAH KlN'I)T.Mt.B--s
May t'l,'t,U-lm -J
, fen I
-jne uuucrsigucii, executor o. .i"jj,QQ;
salo a certain liouso and lot, situate! reft
uui;, on iiucic rsircei, uouikil-u vj . .. .
J, if. C. Hiirt.ian, and by nuotliW!HV
iw Biii.i LAuue, eiuiLUiiiiiiK "... - nL V
Iront, Tho terms nro reasonable, Mi, '
will bo glv(,u within thirty days alia .ngP
Apr.!lli,W-tf ' 5Hf
JW Dr.CC.Oarrlson'snewrrw"''
Call or address Dr. 11. 0. HAIIllU--
EIGHTH Bt. Philadelphia. III. , TIK
il'.H. Unecial nt li n i ton uivcn to Vmeft
lajNlj Dlseasos. lt'W4
Will ho sold by
plIARTElt OAK LIFE inhuhance
V. UUai'AHV,
Mr. 11. W. Sweeny agent for Columbia and Lu-
sicriio Counties. Dear blr.
I tako pleiisurolnacknowledglngtho receipt ol
live thousand dollais from your company, being
lor tho Insurance on tho llio of my huslmnd
( 11 llolfL.I.V.ll.l' ntt.l Inlr. ,1.1. ....l.. ...
iv the undersleaedj).
tho last will ami Testament of wTI
of Centro township lu tho couatf HNS
diceased. All that certain nicssoif rj..
of land situated lu Centro townafgju
county, adjoining lands of ""'"". jilt
Oeorgu W. HhaUer, Charles Leo "i""b.
containing .ii1"1
more or less, actual amount to w
by (Survey, about ono h""J,clK!7',l
of which is Improved und 10 SUiO
vatlou, and balance woll 111UIS.W- Wi
lli erected, o,i.luri
Ono Flank :dwellln House, a WP '
wagon Hhecl.uorn crius.figo 'r'oi
in nir mm hi uiu imiii "I : ri we
l'lauk Hunso, and a good prlnit "
water at tho lrnmo dwelling ho
'"'U.O. . . . ....,,,,iiJJ0U
iciiiis iiuiuo itnown uy I'i'i-,, ..imtlfl I
nderslguod, or IXlward M. WanH" S2
iiu county va.
Cuiumblu counly
rossession or
wild premises
April ISl, 1S7U. . .... t
i tno noovo property is "",il ni
.. un uuui u iiiuiiuiij, -"".-.
Calvin 11. llclfsnyder, and tako this oemslon ot l," iariasaioo'i. 'tli 1 rii. l 3oU
reis-iminending llio CHAHTl-Ut OAK HIKE IN- publlo snlo on tno rj"
HUKANCECOMI-ANY.forlU liromptltudo nhd . ... JAMES. WA"'' i,itld
lair dealing, Tiilscoiupauy makes nn deduction
1V.ATK 1'. lLKll-MNYIIl-;!!.
Catawlssu, l'u. Apr, '.'lilt IWJ,
j u-illiiuvu mu iiu t-iieeii-u Willi
11. W. SWEENY. Atrent.
. AtCatawlssaorUloomsbuig,
1 no unilprslirlieil llinnurul rnr ,.ni.t. nnlrnnnun
begs to uuuouco to his friends and lo Ilia public
that his
N E Y HI 1 L U
Is now lu complete ruuulng order, and that ho Is
luiparcdta duull klndsor Milling without delay
l'artles from u dlstauco ran havo their i; lists
iiriiiniil without delay, so as to tako them luimn
llio samo day, and as n rule nil work brought to
Iho mill can bo dono In twenty-four hours. My
present nrraugments aro such as to precludq tho
ui'i-uiiy ui mui'i'iug mu llllll Ull IICCOUUI Ol ICO,
lligil ur liar waier.
as well as the loner grades, and all kinds u
kept on hand lnnuantltv. and forsale at tho low
est current rules, Urn In of all kinds pur. lm-'i-.i,
Light nlir. t, Dec 1,' rlTEH I.NT.
Cull 1.1 The Columbian Office, Illooiusbur l'a,
K W F I It M,
Tl.n ii,,rn,n-irilllV Call
of tho business community tolhe"' Ol
ted on tho h. II, 11, II. above tho W a.
. . nll.-
51 A N Ul., A 0 T U 11 'tK
Btcum Euglnes, Hollers, Haw ff
Machinery, Bhaftlng, I'ulleyi ,p
They also mako all klndsof W id
of tho most approved iMHierusn"- ,.t
Montroso Iron Heam riowi, C0f,vV
room and Work-shop HTOVHS- j.'1
full assortment of Fire bricks, t
stautly on hand for repolrlug fjrn
dlll'erent sizes and designs of Ce"
to also lirepaied to furnish lw )
Axles lor Muilug purposos una "yitli
u si lugs, I ton and Uross eaH8 ftl
derlpllon of Job worlt. AgrK"""' K,.,
luaile anil repulied. j-urin-"' ltlJ;,j
to tho repairing of oil hinds V (
parls on hand. I
Juno l),'!Mt.