xt (I IMX -AN1- BLOOMSBUllG. PA. rmiiAY MUHN'iMi, junk li, inao. 43-THIS COI.UJllllAN Ims Hie Imrg"! Circulation of eny l"lr published In Nnrthsru Pennsylvania, Ami Is also aiirli larger lieet than nny fiMlteotsm oraties mill ! therefore Hie best medium far advertising I" this section oftho Stale.. lloaullcH of ItildlculiNiti. On Tlittttriay liUt tliu nuitilcliml tiW tlons took placo nt thu Capital bf ilio nation, mid thu result valla for longer OMiiiurnt than tlio brief nnnouticclilclit Of n illHpritcli. Tlio negro ticket 'W plec tctl. Evory ward Ims Its tlurkcy retire nctititll vo. The liarlicr ut ono prominent hotel U mi Alderman, tlio head waller mt another hotel Is a Councilman. Riot' mni iilootlsli'ctl, arson unit murder ush trod In tho how-lorrt Eovernmont., Tho hogroos' lniinmed' Vy tho teachings of 'tuch domngoguos m .Slnyor Bowen rind .PennsylVRilta'd deles tablooflsnrltiirJiio j.W. Forney, gaVo full piny to'tho brutal "JnstincU which chnntcterlso their race. rAfccr much desultory fighting and Ioting dUrlti the morning, tho negroes icciinio, if) tlio fift'ernoon.arogulari'no'b nd 'thon liquet! liliorr'lblo sceno. Tho rtutiirs worn determined to tako tho llfo bf n mull imtiinl Stuart, who hud nn hiiunrcd his intention of voting the 'tVutucratto tlekei1p.i!dih'u iollco whilst iirotectWjilunmo assailod with stones feliitwrtuzorti and firearms : a tilstoi, was tired ut tho Chief of Police, and finally In wlf-dofenco that body was obliged to tlrd u volley Into tlio mob. It is not known, how many won) either killed or woundod.astlieir.eoiiiradift carried them off as tliev foil. liatl it not been for the firmness of the pollco wo tthould havo had many more outrages to chronicle. To them belongs tho credit of saving from de struction tho riotous Bection of tho city Wo havo no doubt that tho 'Washing ton Chronicle and kindred sheets will 'duly advertise this' mockery of an dec tlm as a triumph of rinlit nnd justice "Biid a vindication of tho black man's causo. but we fall to see In tilts' surron llorof the g ivcrnment'of tlio Capital of four country to thq lawless, brutal, nnd degraded raco whoso principles nro those of 1'ornoy and wlioso arguments aro razors, uliy'occaslon for rejoicing, Thusono by one under the guldanco of tho dominant party tho rights, priv lieges and powers intended fqr while men, are fast disappearing and thus with loud cries of'lollty "Qod" am "monillty" tURcpublicari party'slnks, Into tlio brutal companionship townici it Is so Dorfectl v'congenlal. It' is hardly1 necessary 'to alato. 'that any hopes which may havo existed re garding thu Improvement, architectural or commercial, of tlio CItyf will turnip. pear as dfTectually under tho" Africans' rule, as if it wcro burled deep In tio earth, or as if the green Avafcrs or tho Ocean 'were cbb(rig and flowing over tho dome of thd Capitol. Tim Ciiliuulilii Dotmly IimhsIimi X run vouch niiiiti-Mi'tiNiir.NiT.. frmttor lui hilcit' In tleneml (iiurh. IlrlilMSIll!llll,i'it.Dt, IMII ifnj (Icn. li.'N. Omri, Cfimi)ln'rliHrbtl J 'a. Dn.vn Stit : 1 havo refrained from wrltlni you on tlioKitbtect of thnnrrests of cIII.uiih ol this county, in tlio coiill- num. e. pectin inn unit uiuy, orinogreai er part of theni, would bo discharged litiif pernlUteil.to l'n tor n tdlliblr Itdtiiifl. Most in mono persons are men m l.ilr character and rcHpcctallupo.-.IUou;.fomo iif them are aged men accustomed to arllvu t'liiploi'lin'iils lijuolt wlioin Im- iiriMinmoiiLii) i',iiUiUy hovertyiiiiu as lo all of them, their families mill busi ness stiller by their1 absence. And surely' tho ollences with Which' they nro char god can lq neither kruvo nor dangerous, When they nro not announced Or recog nized in mo community irom which thev MU titken. Oillv eonlccturo 6r Htisplcion can be exorcised tioil their' eases oven ny iihmu iis; incniuy, to them, i no not (imiui tout tlio charges udoii which tliu.iirredts want 'ordered urusu in H'jine) degree froui a disordered stuto or c6nditlon of "mind, Id their nccusers, Who 'Wcrb carried 'rtway by an impression or combination ana. armed resistance to tho laws in tho FlshingCryek townships. Upon inquiry nmilo oy mo since my return irom Washlimtoii in July"; und particularly since our Interview in Aucifst. I havo oqtaineu inrormatlou wiuch.ennoies mo, to siieuK cunliuontiy .upon tins subject. Add I have to say, that there had not been a Ilmo duriiiL' tho tircsOlit Vear When il Hherlir, MnrjilrnF,-6-otU8S.e,V,, ecutivo ofllcerOlinl not havo oxecuted tjcneetuHyniiy warrant or wri. wuatover In this coliiity; tliutthcrphavobecn';ho rortiuauioiiH or military positions pre pared or occupied by insurgents, nor anv intention of cstabllshimr' them : that, thcrfl hasi been no largo number of men ussemoiuu in iirniH to rusist ino conscription, iw Wns reporldu; that no cannon or other arms wero Obtained for a position on tho North Mountain ; that neitner ucscriers irom.aoroau norrciu- gees from Canada camo to tho assistance of tho bo-called "insursrertts.V nh'd. In short, that thd Teports sent abroad of insurrection in tnis county) (anuprou ublv nlso tho statements iseut to Wash uigton ns 10 mo ioregoing mr;icuiars,) wero qulto groundless .and falso.i Gen. Cadwallader's' researches upon the Up per waters oi .x- isningcreeK mm on mo. worm Aiountam i nciievo ,wero mor ougli, nnd should bo held as satisfactory ny mo puniicaumoritics., Toineires IdtMit Jiidco of this district and to me. ho characterized tho alleged ereciion of worKs or resistance ana tho assembling ol men in arms to .resist tlio, Uovern ment. ns a "farce.". But ytho,nrrpsts ill nuostioti wero1 ordered vnnd nctuallv mndo before tho North Mountain was scaled and before 'tho Imposture .which had misled men abroad, was fully ex ploded. Ilnd the truth, been known in tho outset, I cOhcliido I would havd been spared tho comiiosltlon of.thls'Iot- tcr nfitt you tlio trouhio Of perusing it, But while tho imnostiiro of "the Fish .ln'gcrcek' rebellion" remained undetec ted beroro tho advance of-aeh; 'did walluder uiion tho forests o'f'SuIllvnii- forty-four of 1 our 'citizens wero taken into eustody and, transported to J'Virt THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. g V Jt SI l' I' Just reappnslblllly bo placed where It l am, Uenerai, roHpcciiuuy, v your oniri servam;, ont. ajucicALEw, is, m ProgrcsNlvc. Tjie Itadical newspapers aro fond ,of 'relating how Mr. Grant goes forth to drive, rind how his family gou,attcndcd by ordorllcH, anil they chuckle With1 dq llght at thufastdlsappearlngslmplicity which has heretofore characterised, our PresIdcnUJ. "LIko master like waji." Following in his august footsteps comes that eminent Miclilgander Chan dler surn'amed' "Tlio iiriink'en" who Is going Ui Europo and has decked Id's flunkles'ln gorgeous array In stars and stripesand buttons asb'Tga3.your'hataiid lias stamped ills "coat "Of arm's (a. braij new one made for thu occasion) on eyery part of .their liveries, capable of holding, tho same, and-Isnow prepared to prove to tho "bloated aristocrats' of tho Old World that tho United States can furnish, forth as 11 no, a specimen of the moli as any nation extant. "We are fain to confess thnt-Chahdler has at last, assumed a part which, hois .eminently fitted to carry out. Sumner should pro vide hlin with Borne, " instructions " Jiowevqr. llallicr Itadical. To nny loyer of tho curious, who is desirous of knowing how politics and profanity, business and. Billingsgate, "loilty" and lewdness can be success-i fully commingled, we would commend, the Into Itadical Convention In Tennesi see. Were it not for tho utter Indecen cy which markod 4tho proceedings we should bo glad to publish mfullaccount. Tho only.respectablo members present, and Ihey wero very few, wcro negrooj, one of whom declared for Ids race that ' be was ashamed of t'you whlto folks." 'Bah I Wr. aro gratlQed to bo ablo to Bay that whllo a few venal nowspaperH In tho bands of corrupt, wcuk-kneod lackoyn havo uplieia every act, good ana oau alike, tho ureat mass of lleiiubllcan pa- pers and Ilepublican voters havo uno nulvocallv condemned extravagance. corruption and dishonesty whenever and wherever discovered. Slate Quant. Just so, but ou tho aamo principle which prompts tho grpat Enemy of mankind to quoto Scripture fluently, tho Republicans' preach admirable-mo rallty but fall to practice, it. Strong protcHtntlons of honesty do not nUcoS' sltnto tho cxistonco of that vlrtuo and it is hard to pcrsundo pooploof reasonable Intelllgonco that tho existing profligacy and extravagance which havo sprung up under Itodlcnl rulo nrojust what tho country needs. If theso things bo mo rality give us iniquity for a change Just as wo expected, Washburno has received his "instructions" and has consequently left Paris for ids health. Whether ho will bo allowed to recover or not during his term remains to" bo seen. Wo hardly know whom (o thank for this, Grant or Fish. Whoever Js entitled will please credit its with a large amount of gratitude. Ciiikf Juhtxuk Chase has ruled that the Government cannot col loot lncomo tax from foreigners who hold our bonds, and that what has been collected must bo refunded. Tho Internal Revenue Bureau is preparing to carry out this decision; nnd several hundred thousand dollars will como out of tho Treasury in consequence of it, qK,NEitAimJWEU thinks wo havo everything to gain and'nothlngto loso by u war with Kngland. Wo won't Ioho Butler, that's certain. Ho will tako euro to bo out of harm's way, aa ho did during the iato contest in this country. 1 f, 'imrcncralVouM. j Mllr.KiiMxnyEw, jburgjl'a., Sept. il!, lfflT) Titllllln. where fort v-threo v'et rdimilti. With'n single possible exception; 'lioho' of them were 'deserters' or drafted men. Thoy1 wero farmers' and business meuj jiayingtno connection wjth tlio military scrvicopf tlio, United States andima'ny of tlie'm nbovo tho age of forty-flvo' years. Neither thev 'nor their" friends' , wero illstinctl v informetl of tho charires- acalnst them, norihas tho lirlvilocro of, giving oau lor mcir iiujcaronue to nn swer.oeen permitted them.' "And their nccusers are still' unknown ns well ns Ikn H.il.n.ll.. 1... . . . 1. I . ' '. ' .. , nit, uuiuutiiy uy wuiuu niuy were ur-1 resicu. i near it Bam recently, mat their arrest 'was under, an .order from, ,thb Provbst Mnrsli'al, General at Wash ington, in wlilclf'ca'so' y'ou arb' riot ic flponslblo for tho order but .only' for its execution. Theso men, thus arrested,- hove been confined in nrlson nearlv.ouo month, in an Imperfectly S-entilatcd (lomb-proof oi a uovurnmeni ion, suojcctcu to ver min and other hardships', and even if it can beshown that they havo)Jeen guilty, iu buuju ujLiuiji, ui,iiiiucuuuui ur cnull-. ual speech or action, they have under gone enough to satisfy the demands not only to Justice' but of vengeauco. Be sides, two of them aro officers, of thd county iiuq one u.iuniwissioncr ana tho'othcr Treasurer)" whosb'attention nt homo to public'busInCss'is necessary. I therefore, now mnko aunllcatiori ' for .their rJischnrgo.without further proceed ings or, ueiay, as a measure ot justico dud humanity, warranted bythe ifacts and demanded'bV nubile Oninlon in this section. f - I shall not. General, submit to Von uny observation, upon tho illeaallty'Qf uiuau.urrims, .nqfipfln mo, propriety or turiiliiL' theso" men over for trial (If thev ar"o to bo tried nt'al)td tho proper court of tho United Rtntes wlilch holds regu lar terms in an adjoining' county (nf Wllllamsport.) It fs sufllclent for my lirosoiii puriwsu 10 say, mat tue arrests wero unnecessary :'that no's'uch'formld-, ablo combination of men to resist the laws aa was alleged,-had nny existence: and that these men have, undergone' already soverp.and prolongediinprisoti. ment. I suppoio'no ndvocatO of mili tary arrests of citizen's in Stntesuhtouch cl by actual War,- will pretend 'th'oj' Hiiqqiu oo iniiuo qxcept in cases oi utmost urgency, nor that punishment in such cases should dcgciicratd into persecu tion. I must add sorao remarks upon' the subject of 'keeping troops here. This county lias a population of 30,000 and no moru pcuouiui, ,iuw-auuiing .uistrlct is to bo found In tho United States. For many yearn tho quarterly terms of our fV.l.l.tl. rVllll-fu ItniM tint I, ,1 .. .' ; ' duration of four dnysl -Tho lntroduo. tlon of a lafgc prmed forco hero was not tnereioro provoKeu oy mo genpral char acter of our people; but must liitvo been occasioned by tho particular falsehoods already meutli,nod and which havo been fully, exposed. With their ox hob- uro tho reason for nn , armed fprco of uv-vjuiHiiiifu nnvuy laimii mill u part Ol mat lorco nas uoen wuiiurawn. i shall lioiui you will, find emnlovment elso- whero for the remainder, and-If not mat you wi(i.ivo mo oincors in com mnnd stringent orders against, intcrfer lnir with our clectloris' nnd nnrtlcula'rlv against placing troops -'at tho places of1 Ciixtioii in conic'inpi- oi nu ancient stnt- uuioi iiiis,coiiiiiiuiivetmnr, - It remains only, to notice in this com tminlttitlon, tho two facts which remain. niter iruuwjt mu caao 01 "ino I'lSUlllg Crook insurrection"- from falsehood. Thoyurp: 1st, That hero, lis olsewhore, some drafted men had failed to report for duty; and 2nd. That there had been a small night atiray in which a vountMimn named Iloblnson was wound. cd, I have to observo upon these points (to which the casojia .originally state 1 has dwindled.) fharfor thonrrest of (ho olfenderin tho alfrny, a 8ing6 officer, or ai most it uonsianuiary lorce, was auo iiuatot and that as to tho drafted, men though thoy-wure probably impertinent nnd boastful they wero pot. nuniorous nor formidable. J believe that, in all military' movements there should be an employment of forco clearly strfHelent to accomplish tho 'purpose In vlev( but in tno. ease oi mow men who oau laiieu to report, tho. udvnnqo Of a single com pany of troops would Jiavo liad thd sumo unuct n tuu uuvanco oi nu army, to wit. their dispersion or submission. Tho men whoso folly or malignity was exercised in .creating tho spectre of mu insurrection, nuu wuo jmvu ctiuseu an unnocessary"und largo outlay by tho Government (oerhura In all a nuarter of u million orjuoiiars,! aro inose upon wqom mo inuigiiaiion qf auii)qruy should fall, rather Hum l'10 l11"1 1'OW In custody. In n proper pldco and In duo time, I shall probably coucel vo it to bo my duty to Insist upon a a Investigation of this wholo transaction, to the oqd that tho truth shall become knowu and Jiit'Ji'c: Chambers! Hon-. C. it. itt'ctcAi iiw. iTlilted Hliiltvi Senator, Ulooinsliunr, l'a.s DlUltRtirr-ThnVd thohohor lone- knowledge receipt this dp, of your nolo of (ho L'fith lust. In rercronci) lq ho QUI zen 1'rlsoners arrested In Oolutubln Co. Ac. Ac. . . . - . r T i Tho coinnits,sloii for their trial hua been' otdored h'nd'l had hoped it wftuld liayo boen.roady to tako tip their cases bouiro'thlH, but thero have been delays beyond niy control, still ov6rythlnga9 bclti,'donu thatatti'boto oxpedltoinat ,c -. , i ...... j. went to mp I'ort on isnturuay last for thd purpOo Of suCing iitysclf lidw tlio iirisoticrs fared, iilspbct their quar ters and if nefceaary order them to bo removed to a niuro comfortable iiilaco of oonlltiotiicnt there seemed to .bo nd taufed for'poinrtlnlnt anil licn6d nd cljnngd Svns mhde. I fully hgrco with yaw that noaortin- cations wero crectetl by- tho "insur gents," but General Cadwallador Who mauo ft cioso examination 01 tno country-is satisfied that they' had ono, nnd probably two pieces of artillery, that thoro waa mi organization to resist.thQ Draft, tho mombera of which .wcro arm: bd, and I havdothcr, infprtnatlbh to tho samb effect. Tlio mdn'nrreatcd nro chargou in gen eral ,torma, wjtli resisting tho .Draft, which covers the case of those who ad- Vised resistance," pro6ur6d arms', know ing thoy -wcro for that purpose, 'dr sold arms for tho saino object. i Tho. nrrests.wero ,not, to my icnowij edco. mado by direction of tho.l'rbvost MaraHal General, iior'aro thd prisoners neiatosatisiy vengeaiiou, nut iu ueior mlno wlicthcr tltcy nro guilty of tho great crimo of which they uro charged, or. noU . . is retards the troops interfering with the elections, you nnd your friends may rest assured that thero will bo no Just cuuso ror commftliit. . - wnen nisigneu to tnc commanu oi this Department. I was Instructed bv tho Secretary of War, not sto interfere 'wlth'polltlcs, whlch'belhg In accordance wmi my natuMi inclinations, nas uecn scrupulously carried out. I cannot for ono moniont think (lint ybii believe trop'ps'aro retained in Col umbia' Co, to control the elections. I waa' very glad t6 receive yotir, letter recollecting with pleasure our Interview in. August ilast.-aud the assistance you extended me at that time. too sunject nas received my careiui consideration and I hone to bo'able to so conduct lmUtei'H, tluit none but the guilty shall suiier,'unu.so Boon ns l can satisfy myself, that any of tho suspect ed parties ar6 only slightly Involved In this treasonable1 movement, it will be conslstontiwith ray duty to tho Govern inent;to.order, their conditional release'. 1 um Sirt)yory.ltcspeetfully, "Your obd't Servant D. N. COUCHi MsyVGchcrarConi'dg Dcpjt. I ( : - ' A fy;f!OiiuJcller lo,GcnA fb.ic(. B(oomsb'urg, Oct. 11, JSG1. Tuesday liveniri ' 'Geii. D.'N: Couch. i Dear Sir : I received in duo course, of. mall ypur letter of.aythi "September, and am tuny ,sensipio oi, yourpoiuenesa in giving so I'rom'pt an nnswer.to my com munication. I notlco"wlth Batlsfaction your'ahitdmcnt'tnat' you visited ".Fort ijMiiuiu"'iiiiUL'uvo auentioii'to mo treat ment of our, citizens confined there, as tlio'fact'iliroves yoiir posse.s,-,lon of those feelings of'humntilty' yvhich do lionor with satisfaction nnd iitiuroval your.ob- fiervatlons unon lion-intorforbnco' with ,our q1c.ct19.11s tiy.trppps.unueryour com assnrancd to 'md' arid Iny friohds (as you oxiir'csseil yourself) that "wo'should -have no causct for.complaint iu that par ticular. Theso wore gpod words and I havo, no disppsitlop tq think them or to represent thotrt'as' liislnt'ero. But, 'un fortunately, tho proceedings of your subordinates' hiivo 'nbt been' consistent wlththenlj .Col. Albright, who eamo up to tlil: county to collect evidence, preparatory to tne rnai oi our citizens at liamsDurg, did not confinb liiinself to that business. Ho went upon the stump' lii Bloomsburg W.ith the. Kepubl Icon candidato.for con gress, nni made thu first political speech of thdeampnjgn here. As represented to me It was a very inflammatory speech' aud gavd a most-oxagg6ratert nnd unfair representation of the dllllcultics in this, county.. Ho profossed to, apeak from tho ofucial, documents in Jus possession, arid used Ids position toinllamo public passion against the men who were to bo' tried nnd to render their prosecution useful for, party purposes,. "BUt I proceed, to "mention .ovents mdro rec6nt-whicli deserve, as'I-thlnlc, your particular attcutioti. Somo days hlnco soldiers wero sent 'south of tlio .river. I dq jiqtknow what they1 linyo uoiiu iiktu out it prisoner was lorwarti ed hero yesterday from, Main township nnd is'still kept' hero. His caso is'ns followa: .His namo is tho samo as his (Ulvt,a. VAUb.M iwiitutv 1UIIC1, His father's' namq was drawn In tho l,lIVi "ri,n'f.itkariin nnlinn.l ., ed 'before the board of enrolment, nnd waa exempted lor legal causo. It 'Is now jsaid, or .retonueil, that tho son was rainy mount nuu lie. wiinout anv liuiivu tviu,iuti:i, 1.-3 utiu IIIKUU away from hla district, the day before iie election anu neiu iioro in fcpito or run explanation 1 No ono enn doubt' thd motive, nnd tho effect is preciseiy'what was'do3lrcd tho deduction ofono voto rrom tno poll oi Mam township. In Fishlilgcrcek township, soldiers W.OTo.siauoueuiior mo uay ou ino mam road near tho polls, obvjously to watch In Benton townsliln ono of'tlid hlcc tlon oillcers was nrrcstcd this morniner 1 t. 1 . . r- i , , . just in-ioru uiu pons woro to open, anu tr.uiiuu uu , mu uuiurs nuu pouu previ ously disposed of rind tho. peopjo found ho' oillcers to act for them. Lastnlirht sovornl men wore' arrested in tho neighborhood and kept nwny from, their places of voting. I believe, no one ar nailed was a ilrafted mon, 'Thoy wero citizens, nuu 11:111 uccn oppniy nt mcir homes before. ' Seven mouu(od mon wero met going toward tio ugurloaf iiolls qarly in tho day nnd they, or another squad, werq reported later in (tho'day watching tho roau oi upiiroacu ooyonii. , When tho returns como in it' will doubtless bo round truo that liirht olec tlons havo been held In 'sovornldlstrifita. bocauso many citizens havo been Intlm-i Idatcd nnd deterred from attending tho polls', in addition to thoso who wero tukon nway by actual orrcst. No causo ror tho arroitais known and no man can feel safe In attending tho election. Of course mo juteuacti eiiect is as certain as tho means of securing it uro: unscru pulous and disgraceful. At tho election hero in Bloomsburg a iuuu wusurresjieu in going to voioji sol. dlera uppearingnt tho polls in -violation of tho State law to which I referred vou In my former lettor.i Ha was kept in ur whn I md (hem In custody, Ihlsnftcrnoon, that ho would ho periociiy justiiiou in i:oiivoyin Inll.nlr nlivillnx dUlrlnt. in Vote, taking fcnrotoVrovonttholroscnpo and hold in a them ready for any requisition up on hlin. ' Ho took an nftalstant, convoy ed them to their .district, anu naa ro ttirnM wltli thent (almost .homo when ho and hla assistant wcro nrresicu oy order of tho Assistant Provost Marshal Ho hud been absent less-than two hours but In that tlmo Incnlculablo mischief had been dono. Two of tho four men who wero to bo disfranchised by being kept-hero In confinement, hail given, true nnd lawful votes' under' tho Con- Kfitnlimi n,ni inu's nf this Common wealth! And theso votes will slnni'L jjood, nnd tjio deprivation of rlghtiiii suffrage hero bo narrowed to tho two oilier cases bcioro mentioned. General. In' thd war of 1812 tho Slate of Massachusetts refused the tlso of hoi prisons to tho United Statos for tho de tention nf onntlvea Ac. 'Immediately oftcrwards Simon Snyder, Govomor of tins btnto. naitrcesca n tintnotia mcs- sago to'our licglslaturo' denouncing the conduct or Massaciiusotts, and at nib Instance tho .Legislature passed tho act of 3d March, 1814, opening wldo our prisons for tho admission of hostages nnd 'prisohcrs of war of tho United States and charging upon our Sheriffs and Jailors tho duties of their custody. Tho prior act oi Cth December, 17b0, hud authorized tho admission of prison ers of tho United States "committed by Vlrtuo of legal process," obviously meaning In somo Judical uroccedlnir. I .know of no statute of this Common wealth charging upon our Sheriffs and prison-Keepers tno uuty oi noiuing cm zena in draft proceedings under the au thorlty of tho United Stntca. BUt oven If such statuto oxistod. tho dutv tho Sheriff would owe to tho United States wduld bd Blmril v tho safe custdd v of tho persons committed and tho rendering of mem up on proper domand. And whllo they weroln.hls custody ho would havo complete control over them, subject to tue regulation oi our own laws, anu wduld Bharo his powers With no other official whatever. Obsqryo, Gcnornl, I do not object to tho uso of our prisons by tho United StatCs'lri the fullest manner, nnd to in voking tho principle of comity' for that jjurinrau wiioiu 11111 iruvisiuu may uu wanting. But the nurn03cs of tho Uni ted States bing subscryed, no officer of mat governraennns reason to concern himself further arid to dotormitio who shall bo permitted to voto under tho Bioto laws.' Tho arresfs which I have do'nrlhpd were made' bv tho uso of soldiers sub- ju'i. iu juur cuiiiuiuiiu, nuu inuir uuuur- rencojustines my anneal mauo to vou in a former letter for tho withdrawal of .troops from our.county. or, in case they .wero not wnnurawn. mat stringent or ders snouiu do issued against their in terfering "with our elections nnd partlc many against their presence nt our places of election In ,violatlou of ex press law. 111 conclusion, i must express my opinion thatsomo signal condemnation of tho wrongs nnd outrages nlreadv committed in this county, ia duo to our people from tho public authorities, and iiiai somo cuectuai provisions should bb mndo against tho repetition' of such occurrences in tiio'iuturo. I.nm, aencral, very truly Your obd't scrv't C. It. BUCK ALE W. Jfr. hand during tho, day, permitted to go home for hli dinner but not to the polls. His caso was dno of doubtful dereliction under a former enlistment which has expired. Ho has slnco been enrolled und drafted under tlio U' S. laws, pud J sa,w to day his certMcatoor, having paid, commutation mony. Ho has been living hero oponly uyear or more with out question until now. Two, other men; Hying opQuly intho neighborhoodfor two ypars past nnd voters in the' ndjoinlug township of Hemlock wero arrested and put in Jail hereono on last Saturday night nud tl)Q other yesterday, Thoy wero'nqt Jlablo to arrest and hava'not been drawn Under either ono or ihji U. S. drafts. Ono of them wna proinlaed n hearing yesterday and again this, morning, but it waa not given. Of poursu nono waa intended until tho election should closo. Coniiiuiiiicateil. BLpoMsnuna, Jmio.-lnlSOO. Editor: Wo bnro hoo-Ip-wninrtct you to iiise'rt tho' following brief report 110111 tnu oauuutn ocnooi istaio uonven- tioil held In Wiliiamsnort. Wo can only,mako you a brief account,- as to enter into detail would.nol leayp you a VUL.UIl UU1UIUI1. Thn Hnnvrnflnn ncenmKlr.! rPnAclm, Juno lsti at half-past ten a. ih., iu tho Second l'resbytorian Church, and was called to order bv'Presldent O..A. lvt. ty,' presiding., Tho ilrat session being thojntroduction, waa short', and a vast interest' was'manifestcd by nil who wero prcsont. The afternoon session wns of fiCiienu conduct and management of tho Bcnooij was very amy discussed, and closing with tho nuestion box. For tho ovonlug session, which commenced at' nan-past sevcn.'there was quito a num ber of new delegates arrived," and dur ing tno evening aoout tnirty or thirty fiyo counties wero represented. Dele. galea continued .coming in during tho wh'olo convention, nnd by tho last,duy tho Stnto' was quite largely rcpresentsd: yetby no means was it attended as it should have been when wo consider tho goou which results irom Miiilnctitnilnn yery int.eresting, jearnest and pleasing uuuiuaaa uuu mo ijuostion oox wero tno uruuroi mis session. TJnfort'uriatelv tho Prpslilonl- ico away,- so mat on Wednesday morn Ing tho convention ' was without n hnnri This, howovor,-wa3 soon suiiplied tran siently ,byBey. It. McMillerfrom Law rence countyjand tho convention opened at half-past nlno n. m., when Secretnry -j.L.iiiu j.uyiur .rtaiu 111s report lor tlio year, whlch,was very flattering in deed, nnd on motion, was received unanimously by tho convention. Then followed tho different reports from the delegates. Tho afternoon session was do.Yoled to, tho blackboard oxcrciso, class teaching, obstacles and how over come, and was of no littlolraportancoto all vlio wero permitted to participate Tho' evening session opened with bov eraMimlted addresses, when Secretary Taylor very- kindly and ably gave magic lantern viowa nnd Incidents of Palestine nnd Jerusalem, after which tho evening was passed with short and spirited addresses. But thero Is ono prominent feature that wo have nlmost forgotten, which waa tho best wo, havo over known for .its youth, viz; tho "Littlo Wanderers." a class of nlno or phan children ranging from nbout seven to 'twelve years old, under chargo of a iui. a. u. uuum ui l llllliueipuia, mat gayo ua tho best musical entertainment that wo over heard. Mr. Gould hvnn means can ,recelvo tho pralsohls untlr- iug zeni merits. I,,0,?, '-Thursday morning Mr. Oliver Williams was called to tlio chair, nnd nfter it number of llmltml mill rnacnj nil of vital lmportanco and Interest, the wuvuuuuu wuo. uuuu uuu. commenced business.. Tho first motion was to hold tho next convention nt Trm-riai,,, Opposition now arose, imd nuitn n v,n. test between Allontown nnd Hnrrisburg nnenn.l vbulflnrvfn r.,.in.nrTr .... mi. i". -""'""S " .ui ui imrnsuurg, ho tlmo agreed upon waa tho second Tuesday of Juno, 1870. This took up All tho forenoon, nnd nil business was laid nsldo until noxt session, which took placo nt half-past two p. m. At this tlmo tho houso was called to ordor, and tho" next business taken np Was thd olectlon' of o)lcors. The prcs ont onea were reinstated -except in a few instances where a chango occurred in mo KK.ction or managers. After this there was a committee of delegates appolnted to tho New York State con vention, and Mr. W. P. Wvlio or Now Castle, appointed delegato to tho Illinois ouuu convention, xno evening closed tho convention with farewell addresses. etc.; nil in, attendance pronounced it a grand success, nud us, helpers of this noblo and great causo, wo will over greet our friends who will cheerfully uiiUUKtj wiui us in mu worK, W. .8. CONNElt, Lizzie Sckuyj-eu, Delegates for Columbia county A pair of fond loycra in Now Orr Ioana, tired of llfo nnd tho por&ecutlona or cruel parenta, tied their right hands together and. leaped from n brldgo with suicidal intent. But whllo tho youth went, over tho rail, tho maiden went undei, find there thoy wore found, uuuiiiik uu bit-mug uuu screaming, i Tho" United Statea Depoaitory'safo DiiHu i-o, ib)v-4uuxiuu, wus rouoeu of several hundred thousand dollars on Saturday night. I. L. Collins, u ,tni,na. Itor.was found lying in tho room by the safe dead, shot through tho heart. It is supposed that ho was killed by tho luuuura wiiuu uitciiipung to save tho iti-aiiiru, i'lio Union of lio l'rcxlijlcrlnni. ; AtTRitn seimrato exlslcnco of over thirty ycnrs.'tho Old nnd New School brnnchealof tho Prosbyterlon Church docidod, through their representatives In tho Assemblies convened io rctinlto nnd form l(crdaftcr a slnglo Church. Thd, report' wns unanimously rcpor . . ..- t., , u ...na ted J in -tno now noiiuui n "" unanimously adopted, mid In tho Old School thero wcro eight dissenting vole- Although tho plan i3 to bo submit ted to tho various presbyteries for np ptovnl, It .may ho considcred thnt tho question of reunion la virtually settled It will lie seen that In tho plan ndoptcii by thd Assemblies thq questions on which tho separation in 1833 took placo nro entirely .Ignored, Tho second clnusb of tho plnn embraces tho questions of doctrlnonnd polity touched upon at nu. It icadana' followa: i "Thn rmmlon shall bo effected on the itnntrinnl nnd prr-lpsinstiml boi.ls Of OUT common atandard3: tho Hcrlpturca oi llin 111,1 nn, I Nmv 'I patlllllPIl Ls snail uu nplrnnivlpdirp,! in bo thn Inspired Word oruod, and tnooniy lnianioioruio m faith nnd prnctlco; tho Confosslon of Faith shnll contlnuo to bo sincerely re ceived nnd ndontod ns containing tho system of doctrlno taught in tho Holy Scriptures; nnd tho Government nnd jJiscipnno oi mo i'rcsoyienan iwiurtu in tho United Btntos shall bo approved as containing tho principles nnd rules of our polity." Ncits Items. Nlno cents n oicco i3all they charge for egga in Nevada. .A vnunir mnibnrln Ohio recently bit off iier child's noso in n dream. Morn than n. nuarlcr of n million. dollars haa nlready bccn oxpended on tho I'hiladciphia Masonic una. A ilock of nnla. ten miles in width. recently swept ncros3 Shasto Valley, Siskiyou county, California. 'A St. Louis husband has applied for a divorcoon the ground that his wife throws tho children ut his ncitd. It is feared that Hon. Jeremiah S. Black will loso his arm by tho recent railway accident In which ho partier pated. A Jiugo skeleton of tho lizard spec i cs, known as tho mosasaurus,cighty-six leot long, nas oeen discovered near Htier- nian, nansas. Fifteen Per cent, according to the Now York World, is tho averagd amount of short weight, swindling by grocers in mat city. An Illinois former set fire to the grass on his pralrld land tho other day and burned up, hla two children who wcro out at piay. Tho Ohio penitentiary mado $7000 profit tliis year. Tho convicts aro anx ious to know when dividend day will como round. Hon. S S. Cox. M. C. from Now York, now traveling in Africa, writes homo that no tins seen n woman weigh iug COO pounds. Tho clergy eosta tho United Slates $i 2,tiou,ouuannuaiiy;'tno criminals ?iu,- uiw,iiw : mo lawyers, 7u,uw,uuu ; rum SliUU.UUU.UWI A Now Orleans blind beggar an poarcd in Court tlio other day, and g.tvo security lor n lnenu, mid sworo to s-iiu, uuu worm oi property. Tho first edition of tho Congressional Directory appeared on Monday. In it Senator Harris Is recorded as born in 18G8, und Congressman Lasli in 1870, POLITICAL. Ileinocriitlc State Convention. The Democratic Btnto Convention ror tlio iiom lliatlon bf MimllJatoB tot tlio offlce.of Oovetnor 'and Judge of tho Burrcmo Court, will meet ntlO o'clock A, M., on WKDNKSllAY, July 1 til, ltW, In Iho Hall of tho HcAiso ot Ueprenentnllvm, nt lUrrlibnrg. ny order or tUo Democratic Htato Committee. WM. A. W.U.UACI!, Cliolriiuni. David CAMiwm.t, Kecrctnry. Caiiilldiitcs for iVonilnntloii. Tlio rollowliiB Bentlcmeii havo liccn mentloncil ror nomination lo the several County Oniee to M niled by election tlio prenent year, and their liameii will bo presented ror lliocoiisUleratlonof tho Democratic County Convention I llUrilESENTATlVK, aEoiian scorr, CATAWISSA TOWSSItir. (Hnhjoet to iho decision of tho conferees of Co. lumlitn and Montour counties.) it K A D 1 N O. , Winn, Maino, boasts of tho largest tannery In tho United States. It turns out yearly CO.000 sides of solo Ieithcr, using 7,000 cords of hcmlo'ck, bark to tan n In Itobort Bonner's stable, his hors ca .aro fed from n boy in tho floor, ho bellevinir that nature intended thev should tako their food from tho level of their feet A patent lias been obtained for tho manufacturer of water-proof paper, it will bo no uncommon thing, by and by. to. carry a quart of milk homo in a paper oag. Tlio heart is sixi inches In lenctl and, .four inehca in.dlamctor. and beata seventy timea per minute, 1,100 times por.nour,.iuu,suu times per day, a7,77U, uuu pur year. . Cincinnati has a baby it la proud of. It fell outof a third-story window upon a stono pavement nnd escnped unhurt. It struck on its skull, and was a colored lniant. Twenty-flvo tons .of strawberries were broutrht into San Francisco in April, nnd retniled nt twolvoto fifteen cents n pound. Cherries sold nt n dollnr and a half per pound. A. wiuto musuratwas kilted noar Alexandria. Mlnno-iota. a fuw davs nco. xi was ciear wiuto, witn no colored hairs ou it. Such an animal is a raritv anu w ormy mo intention oi naturalists i Gen. Sol. Meredith, nf Tmllnnn whoso obituary has been going the luuuus oi mu press ior several monins nnnouueca that his death has been nol nyoiy uuu iiiuuuniiciy poatppneu. A whlxo-oak trod was lately cut near Huney'a iKtdgotwo hundred' and twenty-flvo years'old, and six feot acrosa tno stump, it 13 thought to contal seven corua oi wood Tho lncomo returns for lSRSslmw tliat tlio very rich aro becoming rlnhnr .whllo those of modemto means nro bo- coming poorer. Tho rich richer and tho poor poorer la tho effect of itniiio.il policy. Alironos'Of tho cliancro in thn nnmns of our frigates, tho Hartford Post says tiiut uuriu is uiutiigingiiis own namo u ndillnir to it tho single svllablo that wil mato a JNortii wind of hlin namely, .uuriu uas. A negro was drownod by a catfish in Lako Concordia, opposlto Natchoz. Miss., n few days slnco. Tho negro was trying to naui me catusii out, nut tho iisn named mm in, nnd ho waa drown ed before asslstanco could bo rendered. Mr. A. T. Stewnrt's property on Broadway, Now York, alono Is worth five millions. W. B. Astor's real oatato on uroauway 13 worm nootit tliroo rail- Hnnn ,PI.a T n.HI.I 1 .. . 1 ' . I mu xjuiiijuiu miutu nas eigiit lions. millions Invested In that thoroughfare, A Memphis dispatch says that on Thursday mornlnir II. J. llnrnns. n no torious horso-thlor, was found hanging to a treo near tiat city. His body was riddled, with bullets. Prom papera on ins iiureou, it is supposed no wa3 on inally from Nowark, N. J. An nrrangoment for sharpening needloa of sowing machlnea hua Just uiyu iJinuiiun, xt is utuicnou to a ma' emtio and operated bv thn If ft nccdlo becomoa dull It can bo mado na good ns now iu n fow iiiuinunis. Minnesota Js iu troublo nbout woives. xt pays u. bounty or 810 ahead for their scallis. nud this has beon. ilur. ing tho past year, a chargo upon tho treasury of $U,U00. Tho. worst of it nvuiuiwj uu iimv inowoivos aro increas ing, giving ground for' suspicion that ouiuu uiiu ? raising woiyoa, A scholar was turned out of ono of tuu u strict scnooia in putton, Mass., tho ptl.er day, becauso ho was 48 yeara ,' t unit - His uoys anu Kia nuu muru learning man no iiad and ho wanted to kctrl, nn win, in, i but tho hard hoartod commltteo wore luujtumuie, It ia a curious fct, that nppeara j , . r, - y . .. ' y pt-stuiiiryi oi me Ul terior, that WllllO tllCrd Is llllt nnn rm.r. utlonary soldier now living; (he Uvea In New Y'ork) and drawing a pension, there nro at the present time on tho rolls tho names nf ivlilmva nf 1 utlonary soldiers. ars6ciati5 jonnr;. ,T. It. JAMKSON, MAIN TOV:l!ltll. SAMUKL CltEASHY, MirrttN ToWMsmr. I'llOTHONOTAItY, WKLLINGTON II. KNT, scott lon'.NSiltP. JESSK COLKMAN, m.ooM townsiiii'. IIUIID A IlOUUllTON'S l.IBT iV CHOI CM HOOKS, NoiK.-Any hook .nhllhed hy Him n llh"(ill TOM, in llroomo utreot, N. Y. will ho ("out hy them, pontage prepaid, on rci i lpt of tlio ndver tlKeit price?. 1. DllEMKlt. Life, Letters und l'oa thumous Works of lVedrlliainrciucr. lMttcd hy her hlRtcr.Clmrlolto llrcmer. Traimlalcd from thoHwedlili hy Freda Mllnvr. In one vol,, crown 8vo. Cloth, !2. "Wo iinvo qnoted so much from this ehaTiiiliiK volume mat wunnvu ikiunhi.... ,V"l..;1V,,,.,r tlons. but It Is it boolt to be road." Aiiilner, Jxmlon. 2. T11K OPEN I'OLAIt SEA- Pop- utnrcllllnn. Ily Isaao I. Hnyos, M.D. With ni no illmtrallons on wood, mul n map. i vol, iv Svo. Cloth, Ji5. Pino edition, emueinsium wmi lx Xull-pago illustrations, drawn uy iJ.irii.-j, Wlilto mid others, from Dr. llayos's sketches 1 three full-pngo charts twenty-eight Vignettes, nnd a flno portrait of tho author, engraved ou steel, lvol., Svo. WcoJiUJS iinii-onu u. wi.nt nrnimvn ai,l of Dr. Hayes's took will, wo trust, send many readers to Its pages. The IJOClor s jieroisni i iun,H,wtuj.,iu,iu servos lo bo bracketed with tlio into Dr. Knns In Arctic honors. xrfmm .wicmicw",. . SKETCHES ABItOAD WITH l'EN ANU l-KNCin. Dy Felix O. a Darley. With 13 full-pogcd and 71 smaller illustrations on wooii, .Vnowod lion Willi lureo nuuuionai vigntuun nnd printed ou toned paper, In 1 vol., Ito. I'rlco In cloth, 3.00: cloth gilt, l; morocco, ts. "iin.lm, !,,-, IU-. Mr. Parley Is lliobcstdrnuiiliU- ,.n in ,l,rt tTnlirwl Htntfn, nnd Indelntr htm br what he lias here dono, ho can iiavo no. superior imvwhere. Ills ucslgns aro eum-nTtn vy iieium yo(7iTwANT1:t.'i Tlio snhscrlticr do?lrM ;35 .:,0-0'in..roUN,,P. in oxciiniigo ior Fancy nn,i hi. . ".Ji I ynrlellMniidovnrystlSrlMSftJ other llrst i-lftsi mlil. tiS iM va rai"l,,dml d i '""'HiBS i . .. i.itii , " piuiiiiu iniroiius ngcliK COLUJitlllA i:us io TLAuilLiia, Kinooi, UlPOt RSJw Tho I'oltiinhlnCouiilr t l llthO ISttl will ho held ot the SoSSW. Ill lHoomsburg.eoinineSffl1' mCC lliistlluUoa".V.j Tl mm llKOlSTnil AND ltKCOUDUIt. 11. FltANK ZAUU, llUAVril TOWNSHIP. WILLIAMSON II. JACOItV, Ilt)01I TOWNSHIP, JOHN SNYDKK, OnlNOETOWNSHIP, D. 15. HAMPTON, MADISON TOWNSHIP. tho lttoonisbura Nonnifni!1 Carver, nsscinhles on ,i,..Tlw nany rensuns u is eoiiMdcr T .m eachers; OonntyliistliutiVr.fT will oriiiaiinHiiiuawillcoiillr,V.LA VlldHtDth. Tlinfl.,,,,!','"''!,. JUIli one week, nnd Ifdcslrnf b.Vffl eontiiitieu uurins tho enn 1,1 inslltuto or nny imrtlon of il much later In tho scliooly"?.1 'k -VP nnd also ouonllnl that tearhIi"tlMM ns well nt the closo or the ruW,2 2?" l'.acli teacher In thecountvi. V i ed to attend, and no lii,7."ifidoil 1 nstltu to successful boll, In iiBBE nnd Interest. In somo eouni HsTS. number or tenchcrs nt Co,,mV1LT Iho umnlxT of schools. Wl .lc Su of Columbia county nianlrM1 "a" Tlio ttcuooi nirectors of thi Mlihr tonttoud tnrlng tho cut ru sJ , - -inrlyon Friday tue ai Uayft' hav wilt haset npurt fur such buninJ directly Interesting u, thcrn Klnln HiinnMnl..i,,l.,. ."-T.'. . I '!T- in atteiidanco on tho ai W SjT Iholliloctors. "n Illoomsburg Juno 1, 1SC9. aS pUULlC SALE. ui" VALUABLE ItEALu I no unucmneil. l.xer.mn... testnment of Isiuio Davls.laipM,'' ' hese, tOBCtherwllli lilsownentlrelyiiaturnlnncl StoKiSB't ?S' II Hn.rrlnllnn nf w hnt in saw n brond.wo Vt.VS.U' ,. '-Vi'uuc vcadni m snow of no similar production which we should ft 'w' g aTscFlbt-d HeSill, io willing lo recommend so unreberiediy." TulAr iiX i V""" f- !.,, ove Jlaslan Courier. niil decedent in nil ih?,t J5?.. thii h OLD ENGLAND ; ltd Scenery, M WftH?'? tho rtnnd l'enplc. llyJamcs M,Hoppln, I'rofcssor in Yalo College, l vol., 10 mo. rncos ill fhed nrtlsls In tho best stylepf a,and tultlni ty, nnd partly In Heaver tirp, f This book lias Iho ndvnntago ol concisely nnd emphatically pointing out innny comparatively .,.,tnrip,l nhltji nf Interest nnd ROurces of lnfor- lib IU lilt TitEASUIlKH. DAVID LOWENDEUG, 11I.O05I TOWNSHIP; W. II. KOONS, 11LOOM TOWNSHIP. J. S. SANDKRS, IlKP.WIflC IIOKODQIt. COMMWSIO.VUK, CYIIUS IIOIIIIINS, risiiiNnniKEi: township. II. P. WHITEMAN, 11 IIF.KN WOOII TOWNSHIP. DAVID SAVAOli, l'lHHINGCUKKK TOWNSHIP. JACOB S. EVANS, ni:iNWooii township. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAItTNERSIIIP NOTICE. The understood havo entered Intn r.n. imrlnpr. ship as Founders and Machinists, at the National Fouudry heretofore occupied by l'eter lllllinycr. l'KTKH llIM.MYlUt. tlKOUUi: V.1IKNU1E, Tho bonks of tho iato linn will bo heitled by E. 11. lkter, to whom all persons Indebted suonl'd upply. Illoomsburg Juno 11,'09-tf, JOHN A. EUNSTON & CO. O V HUE Bit OWEN'S UUILDINO, II LO Q irNJI U Ji G, ! A. General Firo aud I.Ifo Insurance, nnd Ileal Kstato Agency, Sjiecial nttention will lio given to negotiating bonds. Juno H'eo-Sm j,DMINISTltATOIl'S SALE. REAL ESTATE. TlTll, l.A DA,.,' A. Tl..l01. . 1... ,,,vH,,iim i iiuuu mut,, lib iuiu ilencoot Wm. Cariiahan, dec'U. in Jlodlsou twn., f'nllamltln nnxnlv IM TUESDAY, JUXl! 21th, 1809. Tho following property, viz : SIXTY-FIVE ACHES, OI tood nmlilo land, nit clenred. with tho i-xt-cn.' tiou of four acres. Tho Improvements ou tlio IUUU UI u ONE FRAME DWELLING with a well of good water at the door. Thero aro a number of lrult trees on tho premises. The sale will take plaeent 10 o'clock a.m., when conditions lYiii uuiiiuuuiiiiimu uy joiin DllililNl., Administrator. Llmestoueville, Juno 11, JSGU.-3I. hunk for the denartlng traveller to n isK-ket lo refresh his memory nnd inako sugges- tlvo his lour," .Howci zroiucrmi. fi. ITALIAN JOUBNEYS. By William I). Howclls, nutlior of "Venetian Life." 1 vol., crown Svo. I'rlco f2 "Thwrft 1 nn u-rller lit travels In our day so simple, sincere, enjoyable nnd profitable," IlrooKlytl (,mon. "It Is not so much what Mr. ltowells sees ns what ho licnnrcH that Bhesliis readers tho senso, when they havo Mulshed ids books, of linvlni; been lingering over it charming narrative" nmtim jw, 0. VENETIAN LIFE ; Iiicludlns Commercial, Social, Historical and ArtUtlo I,o- tlco of tho l'lace. Hy William li. HowclU. lvol., crown Svo. 1'rlcc, cxlm cloth, it "It u Venice directly nrcscntod to tlio ImacluA- tlon, fcteeped in Its own peculiar atmosphero, bo that wo seo what tho writer sees, sliaro his emo tions, nndaro mado tho companion of ills wnlks, rather than tho reader of hts pages." JJoston 7.nEMINIS0ENCES op 12UU01ean TUA VIX. Iy Andrew I. Tcauody, I. I)., LL.D, rroiichcr to Harvard University, I'rlco S1.50. On nrt. nrchltcctnrc. laws, mnnncrs and mv olctr. hts crltlclsina aro dincrlmlnatiuir. hiudlv nud often ortclunl; and tlio volume contains inoro lu formation, less splto nnd moro hoi Id sense, thun nianytof far gronter size aud pro- luusion," fswuraoy jitrviewt jajtiuoti, 8. TWO THOUSAND MILES ON HOItSKIlACK. Santa Fo nnd Back. ARummcr Tour tbrougli Kansas, Nodraslta, Colorado nnd New Mexico, in tlio Year ISM. lly Colonel Jas. ,F. Moline. 1 vol.tcrown 8 yo.. Ilco 81 "lie Is n good traveller, nnd, conililuinu tlio dlsclpllneil mind of n student Willi tho trnlnluK ofniiarinyomcci.li well ounltlled to clvo nn opinion upon what ho observes. Ills modo of ravening nas lurnisnen mm with oTcelbmt op port uiflUes foi careful observation and with ureal variety of adventuio In tho prairie." fXandunl rty jtaijoru, Mass. "Tho lltlo gives, however, an imuleiiunto iden of tho naturo of the book, which contains not onlydescrlplions of tlio Incidents of travel, but vaiunuin Historical inaiierwlilchlsbotlincwand inu-'icsiing," jxivmnff lVll.Jicw lork. '.). THE HAND-BOOK FOR MOTH- KIW. A Ouldo In tlio caro of YounK Children. Ily Kdwnrd II. Parker, M. I). A now edition. In ono volume, ISmo. Cloth, S1.00, "Tho volumo nnswers authoritatively all ihf, -luesttons which motlinrs iiri!oiilinunllv itvlrl,,,. uim l,-ll,IVt: lliu iHlllluu ilUUUlH Willi WHICH I1I0A' nro conllnnally tronbled. it is Indeed of mob grent particular value, nnd meets so general n ..um, 1 1 in. uiuiu wuuio Hi-i-ni luuuno reason wuy It should not bo considered n necessity lu evoiy trtliilly."7.'iMcn IMiilt 'Jranicriit. 10, WOMAN. IN PRISON. . By Carollno II. Woods. In 1 vol.,lCmo. Cloth. 81.25. Mi-n Wnnilil. rtl , l.rt II ,.. .. nn,mn I.. a State I'rlson, is unadorned Au-t, ' 11. THE DIARY OF A MILLINER. By Hello Otis (Caroline II. Wood.) Inl volnmo 10 mo. Cloth, Sl.IS. "A smart mlllhlprrntllil IhII mm? n flnnslnrv A smart milliner is 'Hello Otis,' and that Is Just n,u,,.u uuia, jirr iiurruiivu lias nil 1110 vivaci ty nnd piquancy which belong to woman. Now It sends a keen shaft, nnd then follows n sally of exquisite humor." Albany lirprcss. 12. ESSAYS OK ART. By Francis Turner l'nlgravc, lala Fellow of ilscter College, Oxford. Ono vol., lOmo, red cloth, gilt tops. I'rlco 1.75. n o iostniit oak nt a corner on IW - 'nn twocu Hcliuylklll nnd Uolnnff. T deurocsoast 1S2.1I nerc-lJ , . IP" lands now or lorincrly In ulg ?? .Jay vis, south soventy-tw-o ami nh?J-r-r ono hundred nnd sovcuty.nln,l iww I neneo uy lanus or tlio snino nm p, dCBrces cost sixty-four pcrcliS. thenco south forty nnd n ImlnS "Ico i ty-four perches to n puni imT. , , seven and n half degrees mu, InVl eigni-tcntim perches to a niou i flirty-clght und n half dierei-jM clglit-tcuths norehes in n .,n7 .T seventeen niuf n half deeno !L o. nnd rorty-thrco and fnur.ic Dul eliestnut oak; thenco soutu tutH Hoi degrees west ninety pcrclira hi, . Vr incueo norm seveiuy.twonndiii' llo three hundred nnd seventy i I - DUU of begtnuhig, CONTAINING IM ACEl wh) PERCHES, iho and allowance; about 370 iwreitfi" 'i to In Union township, Kcliajii' many this Is known ai llio"!! foiii Tiiact No. 2 All that certain ' " lug In Ilcavcr twp. aforcsaJiticc 8 Hcrlbcd as follows: Jleglnivit of James 1 WNeal, (now lanfi 4V Ulnragcm,) south ono lmnJrMn ttlO nud ouo-lmlf ileKreeH wefctoneta'1 . 1 It'.ulv IMMlmB t.s.ltlr.n. U,..7 lOrC south peveuty-threo nnd one-li threo hundred nndblttytuorm MJ dcRrecH east ono hundred nndnib It X or herctofiiroOeoruo I)alla.i,)n iV and ono-half dOBrecH went Vmv , 1 slxty-t wo percheH to tlio dace tii l CONTAINING FOUIt IIl'MiEE. AND ONE-KOUllTUi' W.UJ i,..,u, if i,Ai tl ..jaau V?llch wns eotl hy tho Commlm 'SJft Charles K. JIann nnd W.tl. Ihrtc ythi veal yrh nimieto u. r . aiftnn,n part of four hundred andelgbtiL0H ncrcHnsllcs In Columbia com" loot laud Burvcycd for Daniel Hmhtni.rZ rant dated tho Srd day of Janaujv do. liolUK tno fioroe pleco otlandr- Mann dldhy hlftludcuturoiluMi Mav A. I. 1S,W. convey totturUKi t which halt! Fortner by his InJcyi' cemucr asm itvw, umenuvey wtiitc-tiv Tiiact No. 3. All that ccrtflUr-i filtuaUdInUeuvertwp.Cnlumtilir'"Ha aud described ai follows; &Urti on lnnd of Isaac Davis, north m . half degrees west ono huudrdi -ft perencs io u hiono; uienct uyit north nlnettKin UeKruc eastc. lCftK ilftv pcrchna to a stono; thtiiaf dls gHEIUFF'S SALE OF ItE.VL ESTATE; Hy Vlrtuo of nwrlt of Vend. Exp.,issned out oftho Court or Common l'leas of Columbia conn, ty, aud to mo directed, will bo exposed to Public ouio ur uuicry. III. mo I'llllllC iiouso or A. K. RllUman In MnillVllloon Thlirnr!nv .Tnlv Slli inji tho followlnRrtract of land sltuatod In Jtalno township, Columbia county, buunded mid do scribed as follows, to wit : on tho north by lands r 11 I i m . ' east uy lauu ... ,uaa u., ut, mu n,ui uy lauu ol Henry llownian dee'd., on Ilia west by lnnd of John Oearhart, containing firiy.tlirce acres moro or less. Kelzod taken tn execution and to bo sold as tho ,,iuin;r ui iiiary mine. .MOlfDIX'AI MILLA11D Jiiuoji.ii)Ua.jt Hherlir. i,c.J , . llALl llf J'i.KJlH!S L'Ol'V.l (kft EW P I It JI, NATIONAL IRON WOllKS BILLMYER & HENHIE. Tho subscribers rcspecUully call the nttention or tue business community to their works situa ted on tlio L. II. K, It. nbove tho Depot. FOUNDEllS, MACHINISTS AND I HON SMITHS. M A N U F A O T U It E It S OF Htoam Kugtncs, lloilcrs, Haw and Qrlst-MIll wacuinery, snaninB. 1-ulleya and Han-rers They also mako nil kludsof Throshinir ilachlnes oftho most approved lmttornsaud tlio Celebrated Moutroso Iron Ileam l'lows, Cook, Tailor, liar room aud Work-shop STOVES. Heaters and n lull assortment of Fire bricks, nnd casllnus con stantly on liand for repairing stoves. Boveral dlfTercut sizes nnd designs of Cellar Oratos. Thoy uro also prepared to furnish Car Wheels and Axles for Mlulns purposes nud General Mining pasting. Iron and Urass castings f0r every de. bcrlptlouor job work. Agricultural Implements made nnd repaired, l'nitlcular atteulloii given to the repairing of all kinds or Itcaperfc; extra unit un uauu. June ros-tr. "yALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. flio subscribers ofTer nt private sale, among other Ileal Estate lu their hands, tho lillowiug Columbia county I'a.. A tract of lami -,ir,iii,,,. eUhty acres, about slxtyi-ilvo ucres cleared, upon Mmlch aro erected a FltAMB DWELLINQ HOUSU AND J1A11N aim suwis, with nil ueoessary out buildings i n young upplo orchard of ubout ISO trees lu good beurlllKcumllLlim. Willi,. .....n n .i,r.. If'J u this eighty acres, lu addltlon'toT the Ti.iJr V1. "'D;uc.i mwru ni u 'iannory, con i nf "'iwny-tlvo indoor-vau, bark iouse nv-.... ...,..v miu auiuic, wiiuuweuor water. audouLLuiidiiint 'riuiMinniFu i. ,imi.-.i r.!r.! rock oak and chestuut oak, tho bark to Ihj liid yitOM 0IX TOSKVKN IIOLI.AIIS I'EU OOttl). 1)KLIVU11U. ' Tho alwvo property wilt bo sold together or separately, to suit purchasers; Uutlfsold sena. raleiy, mere will li, sold with the TanuVryrtwo ulgiit acres: ' "'"l'"s soverwy For terms nnd conditions apply to Ileal Estate Agency, 1 'lULJi, JOHN A. FTJNHTON 4 CO. Illoomsburg, I'a. Juuell.'Otwt, FOR NEAT AND CHEAP JOB PRINTTVfl. Call at The Columbiau Ofllce, Jiloomsbur Fa. navis norm iwentj'-eigni ce; i. t? iwo percnes loasione: incut wr '.- Davis norm ono niut n iiait'1-c iir. i-aiuravos ennons ni nrt. ni-n r.minoniiw ratliolic, free from nny tendency to sensational ism: nuo, inongn ins cxarnnles aro conllned r to the current emanations of llrltlsli cui us motives aro gencrnl.hls reasoning broad clilelly luiv, ma iiiuiiv-s uro cenerni.nisrei unit nis stylo or expression is such ns carries tho weight or authority,".-JJoston iw, 13. THE AltT IDEA: Sculntnrn. I'nfutlng nndArchllecturo lu America. By James Jackson Jarves. 1 vol., lCmo, cloth, rrico 81.75 "Tlio volume deserve l!in rnrnful ,in,i A, ..." tell Igent amateurs of nrt ; aud, whatever dlner fltiii'H nf nnlnion It ninvr-nll r,nM, iiD,iAnitu.,,i bo foundotrnro interest and lull'or instiucllvo ."..' f.tVI. ..VIV jw.n 4,iuiiir CACIilrttsV 1KSTITUT1C ononndn halfpercliestoUmpli -containing '- ONU HUNDUKD AND FIFTH in THiitTY-KiVK m; on Tu It bclmr'JiCbamo tract oflADdrL conveyed toliuio It. l).Nliriij nppraU4lto Caiharlno A.llit eV It. Davis, Into of Dravcr mp.iL nf, her Bharu of Isaac It. DuvIsVl f under tho three hunUreil iluUv; inc nnd tho same tract which lliet xr Davis deeded In llurton W.r AC dent uro dated .May Jird, A.lKbi isl!) did conVoy to feaid Isaac lv Wt Tho abovo landti aro in cloeK wlssa Creek, nnd tho CatawLssit , , liirough portions or them, anau , CONVENIUNT TO THU COil ' lolug only 8 inllcH from fehnr inlleM from Mahanoy City, vt ttll Ashland. The property Is wcy' Hock Oak, Yellow I'lne aud IHiJiy for Framing Timber, Wood, Conditions of 8Ai.K.-0uctw--T chaso money to bo paid do n; "JlVV inonthM.aud tho balance in owwf terobl and with npproved MfBffo, aro lefiuested to inuetatUebriitJJ tlinfinnnnlnlivl fnr thn Kale to UPfw tlons as to tlio title, and cither haiisiacwniy nnswereii. .Juno l.'03-Gt OllIAltOHEEK B0DTwff AUIUTOIIH' "'""m, J. O. fimltli nnd Jno. Klsucrf . - year 1S01. nn. ca ov l'OH TH13 HIXTH UIHl'ltiCT. in tho great work of emancipating mankind irom tho thraldom, of Ignornnco, superstition nnd baiburism, tho Teacher holds n very responsible otllcei nud that Teacher who lias a comprehensive nnd n clear apprehension of tho nature of tlio work intrusted In Jits liauds, will Kindly embrace every opportunity for personal Improvement ns wen as tne elevation or his ofllce. In compliance with a request from many sucn teachers wo have mado arrangements to holdn special Term adapted to Iho wants of all grades 01 icacuers. aoio l'roicssors will glvo class drills nnd dally lectures upon mcthodsj of Teaching nud management of Schools. JIauy ottlo Ills tlngulslied Educators of this nnd other' States linvo been Invited and nro expected to attopd and give us tho benefit of their experience, nud wo can but hopo aud trust Unit very many of tho Teachers of our Btato will come and enjoy a sea son of refreshing, and spend at lcasf a jiart of their vacation in study aiidmaklngtlio acquaint ance of, and in comparing notes with, oilier llvo teachers, Coniethcnniidlctusallunlto in moving for ward tlio great cause of human melioration. Wo expect to havo our flno Hoarding Hall fur nished so tliat a largo number or the teachera can hoard lu tlio Institution, nud It seems fitting that n convention of teachers should lie tlio first to occupy that noblo structure. A cordial invlhrtlon Is extended lo nil tlio County Superintendents to tako part In tlio pro-parn'-lous and exercises, rlso School lllrectore to Visit tho School. It wlHallordmrcctorHagood opportunity to sccuro good teachers and good teachers good positions. Wo will furnish Toxt Ilooks fnr ll, I.a. fit of the teachers excepting in cases wuero n teacher wishes Vo study some particular Author. In which case they will bring their own. Tho ex pciiso for Board, Ilooks and Tuition, will im ,i dollars per week and teachers caustay as long of ....... . wiu iu, muir circumBianccs require, The Term will commence Juno 28th and con tinue until tlio opening of FaUTerra Aug.o, im Fur fuilhcr Information address ' . motive OAHVint, a.m. 1 rlnclpnl or IllcKimsburg State Normal fecliool May Sf.'ll-j-Sm To cash of dlfreicntpersoiK luuiees .-i To uuiiald notes nnd sub- ce bcriptlon To amount not subscrlbcil or paid ., 1 nl I To balauco duo Smith & KUna Lit. ltn Ily casli paid J. O. Jacohy l)"2r Voumteeors , .ZjM Uy commission on 81571 1 sl"B lly cash paid auditors for t1 eouni ui lly Smith services - rn rri. i n.i i.n t.rnallll4 th count and Ilnd it to bo cerrejrA anco duo Smith A Klsner liu ;dred and elghty-clght doW WI Auaitoa uy nninoriiy aiB ion. x,ni, a 11. iM,t. aB uriarcroeK, April i, -iw. JNO. 11. SMITH, WS1. IjAJlU.-M, I Hrriin.M MH-ItALU 1 iiay w,'tu-3t piIAIVTER OAK LIPE i-VHUUANCif! u U U 1 A fl 1 . Mr, II. W. Swcouy agent for Columbia and Lu xeruo Counties. Dear Sir. .?ta"!llleiisure lnackuowledBliigtlie receipt oi Cslvln B. Itolfsuyder. und tako t ds occVullon ol rei-ommendlnu the I'llAUTlill OAK IdKE in' lair ilenllnir. 'Ihlseompany tnskes inicle,liirilnn ot OlITSlpANlUNO .i'ltljjliusi Norm but cancels anil ri'tni-nu !., .1.1. ,i..V? . uut ....... ,,,,, ,.i.u ,1. IvATUl'. lUlkSNVllKU, , tatnwlssa, I'a, Anr. lilth lhui lusvranco can bo citectod with p ' ' 11. W.HWKENY, Agent, May 7 Win "fwlssa or Illoomsburg. fAlur A TOY OP TIIE WOllST . . uwmucii inui uuuci inanuinu arise from oorruptlon of the blood. JlelwboUVs iKx tract Saisaparllia Is a remedy or the utmost value. TTEIiMlfoLirS EXTUA0T SA11SA- r-4i? A ltlLLA cleanses nnd renovates the blood. in.,,, uiuviguroi iieuiiu n o thu system, am purges out (lie humors that make disease. T)ltIARCREEK llOUM ...iwn11:' AUU1JU1W ni-" -U J. C. Smith Collector of boonir')D To balance, auditors' tnlemem . - 'Jltli, 18117 , , To amount of duplicates tax lsoo ,iwfs To rash from Co.Tros. iiuswW'j. lux tsi.s mf ,21 To casli irom Co.Ties. Hiihcaw lly bonds rudcciiiod - t Ur interest naid on bOlldl lly eomnitssLons uy exoueraiious . .,i , lly balance unpaid nudun'"lwv li TIib lindrlimod have exao-! nrmtint and ilnd it to bo roinw- , lirnircrccic, Anriii, u.'. JNO.II.HMITII -l WM. I.AMUN. 1 r STKl'llUN MlCHAUs f May 28,'oa-St 'j Nil n ,..., "iiniVr inrm lff ColuiuliLt county will bo o'c,r?r Bltlini- In Intunr the whole ir-rat desired. It consists ol . ,1,. .-I 4 jB nnnn, Ut .... IM, III CHS 6 and log barn with ni chard. ST3 4c. About 71) acres cleared I rega.dingterm.aSf,lyf.c , J or MAT1IIAH KlM''i May :i,'iki-im T TiTiT.mn 1 , '1 ' OV VAL.UA1U.U '-bfl Tlie undersigned, lixecuio1.1" of Bloom township deccasWu Kiiin n c.r.nin litmus nnu iu,,--. u ' burg, on ilock Street. bounJJM' a 11, U. lluriiiiun, aud by, to snld estate, coutalulng !Jt,'j front. Tlin Inrmm nro reasons"". J win 00 given within tuin; ' Apr.30,C9-tr riONSUIiIPTION ca ; Vlly Ilr.CO.Oarrisou'snewfffi). Call or aildress Dr. II. U. OA,w1 EI 0 1 ITH St. l'h I ladel phU.,1 M 1 Inl. t'.M.Hltf.r.1nl titlimlfoU g"iu I.UMI Diseases. "VlTAKnitriW va OUAl' itfir.ii'M l.'virm't Karsai'-'iX siuull. Tliose who desire large doses of inullclue M-