S5hc Ofoluralrian THE" COLUMBIAN AKDjDEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJRG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, 1A. ? -4L- AND- I'hu (Uiliunlilu County Invasion. IX Dhrliitnir itf Sheriff Eiirimtn and nth em: It will ho oiimtvcu ny our imrni. tlvo. (tiirrlccl iilrvittlv In tin) iiolnl of tliiiu wlii'ii Sliorlir FtirDiiin mul Air, Fruit weio ruriitshml quarlurs In tho Dauphin county Poiillontlary,) thut twcr liiiiorWnt"T5in"c&r lir"6(ir"Go"u'uly woro virtually HUSM!ti(kHlwulllio.tnin nettori of public buslnes-J lnturrun'tcd Tho BhcrUT was withdrawn tVom his oDAco unil from tho charge of tho Coun ty prison, ns wm Mr". Fruit from thu ofttcd of tho County Commissioners whoso huslncss win Ciiifldi'il to lilm na i-i.n KnfivuKn oiioMllon. worK uuiweon ura turnings 01 him v 1 n.:xt ts..i.it i. A-.tr...... nu Tit F. advocate- of liotfro suirrngo nrii 1 , ...,..,.,,,,. ..ni i ttolnu tho cause morp harm than good . ZTZ " Kltlll.VY MOUNl.NCI, JUNK 4, I ROO. -TllC COLUMBIAN has Hie tr"l Ulrmilnlloit of tHV tinner nrtblUlictl In Northern rcnmlranla, l Is also' much Urser sheet (! any otlUeotenv immrltii mul Is therefore the best medium for advertlliirIH lliU section oltUe State by ndv&catlng tho riglil bi" Congress Id regulate tho question. To admit that. right Is to surrender" UiO dearest prlvl-. lego retained by tho Btatcs on thoforni- atlon of tho Constitution, and to pava the Way for tho regulation bt all our lo cat nlatters bVn contnillied power. In oCher words It'ls ft comptcto revolution in' our form of (lovcrnmont If Coiicressldnttl reproson'taHves from the North "and West can tlecldo that no sroesshail 'voto in Ihb'SotHh, a combl- nation-of representdtlvcscan, say that the Chinese of California, Iho Indians of Kansas, and the women of Pentisyli tho Election-day arrests which wo have described. It'wlll nlso bo observed that tho Courts of Justice wero wholly-ig nored In tho proceeding and treated with oen contempt. Judge El well, It may well bo assumed, had improper In terest In the uninterrupted performance of duty by tho Sheriff tho principal officer of his Court as well as' In tho maintenance ami due administration within his Judicial district of those gen eral laws of tho State which guaranteo and protect tho liberty of tho cltlzerw -But no opportunity was sought or per mlttcd of bringing tho arrcstca men fact Mi-ii ..i..x-jl.w4.ci.;i. t beroro mm ror examination, m v'i-V-t.'i. . ' i. thov wero hurried off to Harrlsburg to dothosamoln 'Massachusetts or New '"J"' " ... i...j-Mi.(iui. Yorli Tt ,..i u H-.: coniiomn mo iirrtaia uuu irawiu niu ill nun. it Kvua.Ajui:tt33 tuur . , . , ... w , -., plet cW itrol of all the r.ghts liltherli, exercised by the States, and thej; bo-. .- ftV ,n im&Mabia eomo muro uujreuuunuira, msiuau ui .i.ii, im.n,lor free and sovereign communities. . " , V , . -. Rtated u uie ngni 01 voung were conierrea ..... t f , ;,A mMr1 Ar ni.nn ihn nt-Krrnpa nf thin SfAfA hv nrt ""fe" . t.w w 0.wW I ilinri ittna nnlil'tfi mif Htn fn i Tnn rt. amenUmont .to, our ConstUulion, the I V ,T" minority-would submit, and. It .Would rL " Z u J X, end the question..,. Wo aro of. the' opinj ion tliat tho objection. to negro suffrage7 In Pennsylvania la not so much because uieyaro.uoianiemgenienougnioexer- ,,-., ,ftwIre,, itS0!f it it ,i3.iDecause ao ,.,- , . i.iino ,l r,n tlhi.n, notlc functions avoids and hates Jth"oI civil courts as much as thoDovil Is said, jo' avoid 'and detest holy wafer, and never willingly submits to ineir juris cise.the privllegoas, peonle havo no .votco in tho'nlattcriand that it hi. forced on them against their .consanti Tho attempt of .the General Govern- inept to' regulate this question will eventually lend to futuro complication.1? als by which that juslfco i3 admlnis But we will proceed to traco'tho pro. irrcas of those events at Harrlsburg Which affected Sheriff Furman anu jus felloe victims. And In doing so wo Invited his visitor to tako n chair, aui resumod Ihe'ebuVerwitlon'! ' J- j Dodge (i-fo klndlyS i "Well, vhat ilo youwit&'doVor'SjNt A ff' Scnalori VAn order toUlscnargo tho Sbotlffjndjilsjisslsiant' M V No soonor sa'u tlmn'clono flio order was written and handed over. Dodge then roso from his chair all bonlgnJty, roaiantwith satisfaction ntngood no tion performed. In Aict, nttlint momcut, Dodgo felt nt pcaco with tho whole yorId felt a benevolent Interest In the wolfaro of all his fellow-creatures felt or Imagined ho felt, already,- thegcntlo pressure of n Major's straps upon his shoulders 1 Ho wasn.liappy man and' quite open to any appeal of benevolence or of duty. Tho occasion was Improv ed lu tho Interests of.Justlco. Dodgo was reminded that ho had tho Hemlock voters (Holtcr and Heller) also under his hand j that thoy woro unlawfully. hold and should also be discharged. Ho promptly took, back his order and un derwrote upon it what was desired. That document in Its final form was as follows: dodge's order. "Cant Ondvko will releaso tho Sher iff of Columbia county and his assist ant, confined on charges preferred by iMpc. silvers. Thoso men will hold themselves sub Ject to any order which may in futuro. do received from tne recorder or tno Military Commission In session hero. Richard J. Dodqe, Capt. Dept. Com'dg. Mr.'Buckalowstatcs that tho two men arrested as deserters aro dellnnucnt drafted men from tho draft of 1802. If so, thoy are not liablo to arrest as do sorters. i. j. x." Tho nbovo paper being produced to Capt.Opdyke, who .was, wo beliovo, Deputy Provost Marshal and was play ing prison-keeper, Sheriff Furmnn.Mr, It. C. Fruit, Daniol Holtor and Win. H. Heller Were all promptly brought up arid discharge"! I'lif-y left in tho night train and a t. . BIoomsburg, Prlday morning, Oi 1 14. Hero thoy wero 'met at tho depot by n concourso of citizens and welcomed Iiomo with cheers and. rejoicing. I Receipts of "TK-H C01UWIBI&N for May. ibbv. and probably to ano her wan We, of avallourse,ves.0f papersartd mem. Penusylvuula arenot willing' that Rep. rov-iontatives from .South Carolina and Mussachuselts; phall decide our- local questions. . That, is a subject for each Slate; the Constitution so llxes it, our fathers soiinlended It, and Isafety do; pends alone upon tho adherence .to that principle.. Oim .SrniNO ErjEtTloNsi Aiiolisu ,'j:d. Tho State legislature has enacted that wo iaro to havo no moro Spring Elections; and has ordered tho peoplo. to hold all their municiparelcctlons on the same day on which tho general clec tlons tako place. This is done in a sec tion of the registry law, which reads as follows:. Section IS. All elections for city, ward, boronghi township- and election officers shall, hereafter' be held on the second Tuesday, of October,-subject to all the provisions pt the laws regulating tho election of such officers not Incon sistent with this act ; thq persons .elect ed to such offices at, that time shall, tako their places, at tho expiration, of tho term .of tho persons holding the samo at tho time of such election ; but no election for tho pfflco of .Assessor or As sistant Assessor shall be held, under this act, until thq year one thousand eight hundred nnd Boyenty,," Tho. township .officers ejected last spring will continue to discharge .their duties until, tho end pf,thow terms, .for wlitch'they were chosen. But tho peo ple arq rcqulrel.by ,thjs law to take thq places of thpse( elected In tho spring; and, hold "uhtlL tho "October election In I87CL Thlsappiles to olttownship .and bprouBirpfflcers except the Assessors and.ASsIstani. Asiessoi who will not bo, elected "undorthisjict untij 187p, Tho. Itojv la TcBiisHcc. The Radical Convention .iwhich, re cently assembled, atNashvillo, to nom inatca (Candldate Jor Governor, has brpkcn4np.ln a rowf There was more curslpg-.and fighting in thoConventlon tliani was. .over- .witnessed An asAyater street, danco,.hQusoi Thei result is Sen ter and Stokes aro both, running for. the office,, .the lormcr.'belng supported .by Brimstono Brownlow. andthe scala Wfigs, and tho latter .by.tho negrpes and carpetrbaggers., J c -1- Tlicrais a clmnca that the Democrats Will noinlnatondrew .Johnson', .and. secure Temicssco themselves. .All tho' decent! men in thcBtato woulA.votuJbr; him. Ji z j AddjtiokaL particulars of tlioliall- Miurui n. r rjuay in av esi y irginiasjiow thaj tho work of deyasfalioni vvas great er than at first supposed. The destrnc-. tion to vineyards was Immense. In tho majority of cases they have .been utterly rulucd. Up" Syiiecling Creek -"viley the dttrurtI6n wlenqrmqus. Many sheep and iambs wero killed In.tl'10 field. Wheit antcorn' were" 'cutoio to tho ground. A. numbor of accidents to individuals ariTrcported, sonib of which are likely lo nrovo serious. Tlio town of West Liberty Ha reported rto havo wen badiydauiagcd. " TiiKAcniittous liTAMrs. Complaint is frequently inado In regard tp tho Ha. blllty Of postage Stamps to desert their trust and leave a letter in' tho lurch Much of the difficulty Is due to wetting tho stamps only1 on the gummed side. This causes the "expansion of one side more than the other; hence tho stamp adhered Imperfectly, and' when'dry is name 10 peci on. woe Dot n sides and affix, and a very 'little gum will causo Jt to' adhere wllh perfect security. A kacktious Journalist Speaks of "the principled upon which our PresI dent was. elected.!' We have seldom seen a bitterer satlro than' this, and recommend It,' In an interrogative form, as tho champion conundrum of the day. Tho principles pn iwhlch .Grant was elected I What were those principles f jm FiBK ab Food. Fish Is a kind of Tpod hicJrrefrerjhes tho' system, rupee? ially lifter Intellectual, fatlgup. Tnoro Is no other artlelo' that supplies, the wastojof tho head thoroughly as fish diet, j and 'tho evidence" of It Is In. the yact hat nil too Inhabitants of'the sea shores tho world over aro the brighter population of tho country. Fish con talus phosphorus to a largo extent, a chemical element which tho brain ro qulirn for'erowth and health. ornnda whch' yere mado at tho tirao when the ovents occurred' (and now furnished us) as well 03 of personal in formation concerning unwritton facts, which wo have bpen nblo to procure from reliable sources: Fortunately, at tho time in question and at other times 'subsequently, a member of our bar was in attendance at, Harrlsburg as one or the counsel for the Columbia county prisoners' .first arrested, and was In a situation to obtain fun ana accurate in. formation of all tirnt took place there To him and to the other counsel (mem. bers of the Harrlsburg 'bar who were oiigagcd In ,tho defense of our people beforo the Military Commission wo will ho largely Indebted for documents nnd for details of fact contained In the present tind In futuro articles upon trie subject of ' the. In vasion1. Passing over intervening time we will como to tho occurrences of Thurs day October lath, 1SG1. Early in that day Mr. Buckalew (who had arrived at Harrlsburg) visited tho secretary of the Commonwealth (Mr. SIKer) and open- cd up to him the matter of tho orrcstsf Subsequently by appointment ho had nn Interview m tho Executive Building with Gov. Curtln, Secretary Sllfbr and Mr.. Meredith the Attorney General. The whole subject was considered and a common opinion entertained and ex pressed, that tho arrests wero improper and unlawful. Gov. Curtln however upon being appealedjto as the Chief Magistrate, of the Stato (and as such bound to seo that tbo laws wero, faith fully executed and' that his subordinate statp officials Received due protection declared that ho could do'nothing yith Capt. Dodge (thelittle military, satrap, whd'held command t at Harrlsburg at' ttio.tfme;) that, Dodgp.hinl treated, his Secretary in an insulting mannerr upon a recent occasloii.when a proper Interpo sition on behalf of' a citizen was at tempted j but.that he would telegraph si Secretary of .War, andrask from him an .order pt' discharge. This plat) of. proceeding Involving delay and, an un certain Issue'. Mr. .Buckalew. said. he would -himself confront- ,the . terrible) Dodgo and endeavor tp obtain from him what 'was desired. Pursuing' ,thls de sign ho went tp tho courts house, and, fou'n'd Dodco. caD .In hand, about to: leavo his offlco' and apparently "Wot' iit all Inclined to a protracted Interylew or, to anyp'atleii't'fttfentlon'tb busIness'Wo; havohad tho scenoSyfilclijeh'sued descflb'-j ed lo'usi But cau hardly.hope'to succeed In representing It by written language. liUUU WUI11UU bU IJU uu, iuu ocuuiur slstcd.ori'beliig''heard?, arid thero traif a nearmg nnu n convenaiion pruuy uiucn llllfr me juiiowiujj luaiiiuu : jDodge:, ''That was a pretty bold pro' ceedlng'by tho Sheriff,' to carry off- our prisoners." -, Senator: "No law was broken nn'd it was Just. Besldes,thcro was no escapoV'i Dodge; "They 'wero In custody' and it was tlio duty of tho Sheriff to keep them iu prison until called for. You say you' advised this?" Senator : 'Certainly I did; tho men had a right to vote. ; Tho Sheriff was not bound to take tbcm or keep them In charge at all. Ills 'act in receiving them was voluntary and you havo no Jurisdiction over him." Dodge: "His conduct was not respect ful to us. They were our prisoners." Senator : ''It i3 not your business to tnanago elections or tako offense when men give lawful 'votes. Why should these men bo disfranchised? You could complain of the Sheriff only In case ho refused to return your prisoners when you wanted them. Now Major I be lieve you are a Major?" Dodge becoming iterated) : "Well, I'm not sure : I was nominated but I bollovo not confirmed at tho lost ses sion." Senator: "Yes, I think I roinomber tho case. No doubt it will como up again next winter." About this tliuo tho Major (In pros pect) undei went a complete tnuisforma tion In demeanor and speech'. Ho had been standing, half Impatlentrvady to leave. But the Buddca reflection that tho man beforo him weald have a vote In tho Senate upon hi confirmation to 1 Book Notice. Tub Poetical worin-of Charles, G, Halnlric. (Miles O'Reilly) I Vol. green cloth portrait 332 pages with iifo and Index. $2,00. Harper & Brothors, New York. If Charles G. Halpino had lived, nnd had leisure to gather in and winnow his poetical compositions, and had garnered the.slftedvheat. which is, so abundant in tho mas? of material before us, while tho volume would have been smaller, It would havo increased in value. N,o purchaser can go.amlss In .this volume Wo, find poems of nil shades, colors nnd opinions contributions to the .Demo cratic Jleiiewj to tho Now York, Trjib tine, to the Now York Times and to his ovn paper, tho Citizen ;, as .various In their moods, .their treatments and their views as the journals In 'which they were ,tp appear, Doubtless, Halplne was a man of rare abilities and fascinn ting manner. We met him once in the office of the Democratic JReview, and havo met' other gentlemen who know him well. All speak of him in tho samo.strainof .love and. admiration. Many, of his poems are exquisite, and his translations from Bcranger nnd from Horace, show scholarship nndcul ture. Charles G; Hnlpino was born in Ire land In 1829, but wo aro not told by his biographer whero ho died, 'although ho goes out of his way to call Mr. Buchan an a traitor to his friends and his coun try, to append notes to tho' poems whoso object is to puff himsolf,, and treats us in His sketch to such cxquIslto'English as 'tho following: "Subsequently he eommenced.tho study 'of mcdlclno, and obtained a superficial but- not thorough knowledge of .that science, when ho sur rendered It for.tbo .more congenial pur suit of journalism.'!, .Fortunately Hal plne wrote his own verses, if he did not write his own lifo, and recommending tho.book to very lover of sentimout, and o( fun, of satire and of song, wo close this notice , with a verse from tho book under review, which is a specimen of the happier, powers of the poet. r Time rolls avajr, au bean along A mingled mass of right aud wrong ; Tho flower f love, that bloomed brilde The margin of his' summer tide; The weedi of passion, drenched and "torn From dripping bants,' anil headlong borne, . IntothatunhorUonedaea,' - Whtcl. mortals call etermt r.' Ren llomlcl.lo nil Little John AlstAtt Bet of O U ltolf- injruer Blanks 1 . J W.Yoho . , jonna iiarizci JIlQordner I iiugn Mcmiue Kst of Isaiah ixmg cnberger Alfred Miller.. Mlcnaci urenunn John llnnd Samuel ltnono Kp.wh Items. "Strawberries aro l0 ft quart In Now Yprk.jji p m. m S f ifUaco?HrPcndlctott7s candldatofor Governor ofiPhlOi M U V'l -GoucvafN.T., claims toJcontain a cow worth" fcliXXW- Wm. T.lovd Garrison nnnounccs himself In favor of"frco trado." Tn Ttnplir-dcr n "lost nun" Is ttdvcr. tlsed, "weighing 100 pounds." TTnrnco Grnolv's salary on the NOW John smith; Esq r ... . . . -. . . . nnn - i KreaericK wne lUli jrwuntiu oaiu w mwv.,vv j - i jnanas mi .Liquet hr TYnnrrt 3amtal)fmT has fougni aoout nnunureu uuuiu Tho only man riot spoiled by being Kst or oeo Kill lionized" was tho prophet Daniel. -"K Snai, In tho Malno Stato prison each con vict is glvon $7 worth of clothes n year, Tho Mutual Base Ball Club of Now York pays Us "eatchor" i,0W per on tittm . . i iriiriiii in iiiiiiiir iiiLi ilu.(.iiuu nivv i i,; i, unicnnir i v scoro and ten, and taking his seventieth i g KeMe WHO. I John Turner A vniine' loilvof Mobllo Is to marry ?1ii H(.hooi . . c. . " . r . e n I . a2? mVMa aD" " Iorluuuu, "'- UhnTlfannon ww,uw, i joscpn ixeier Mary llarkley J a Keller Daniel itamoac n LeTl Bhafrer A Young Wm I'etllt John Eckrote neuben iiomooy TtVot JBtonrrer W.H llrailley Q O Merriam Ramuel Jaeoby Oolnmblacoaiity A.uam iumi Jacob Deinott . Est of Jos V flonil- man Wm M'NInch nenj warner Kstorrmlomon ltartmnn . Nleholas Kindt II nilienuenner Est of Jos JUkea dall , -tVtcrHcjng iiuanas John M Doty lu O Marr ft FUDim any C. Illnman 0 1) Case A Co Jesse uoieman I n Walter Jacob Lemon n V 7.0.TT Uohn Snyder sea tm low Eyre a Landcll w T JIODK Oeoll lfro Honklns rowm b O ltnrkloy . . wm 11 ucniauacu Ml lluperl ir IT llrnwn John II Kleckner Llamea Era melt K l) ueisnime ama W Bhaffer I K Anpleman 3 (MUaoob lineman Tinrlno- tbo Inst six months 350,000 Km,52niSh,i,, ?S3 inwneis or peanuts wero Bnippou irum i.unwig mieio . . . ... -w r I a K Hh n mail JNOriOlK, va. johnJOoarhart A Tn.ltonn nolrlnn. nf fnrlv-ono amu.""S?y : ...., i". ;v i reter iincgut years, 13 out iweniy-iour iuuiius o uisyeny ntifl wnlflia nnlv thlrtv-threo TlOUndS. Jameslnko . Jesse jonn muHMAH Tttn tt -nnllln linq I WmBchell xiiuiuoa im.ttii w "rtrtft . I It W Sweeny mnilatliG muniuccnc cut oi jao.uw iu jnim a Bncher Tjnfnvpttn Cnllffi) at Boston. J' i'." a isaao M'liriue TlmHilrf v tliousand miners in UIO T u liraanan .. cnasFMann nntnracito coat noius oi x-ouiiaivimuv ,..,, Y.Eer .tnfn.vilnn.1 nn n rrnnnrnl Hllsnon- I .1 M (Ihnrudpr Bionofr" ? ttWS00", Tl,n irnnanq Pltv Journal advocates ?mPe!.s?ye',.,. 2 fhn Sta T nf Mr. Ross from tho "S'6""''" i Senate for having requested General Moe wirman 3 Grant tO CO tO llCU. Ira., ahnemaker 2 . : i f I J K Bharplcss Jl A new name is propusuu iui mw I m c Rloari a lJro Democratic guoernatonat nominauou i ueosuoieman in unio mat 01 ucnerai iiosccraus. T j Bwisher ...A T17.l -irlmlnlan whtnnoil hla Wm 11 M'Drlde Wlie, uie uiiiur uuy , lur uuuauuijiuu a- i n n ji.nerr travaganbo in;eatlng both butter and jj'Kiine molasses on her bread. w it jncnbv Hester .yaughan, convicted of tho jamcsKwher muriicr oi ncr luenitimuiu eiuiu. ami sentenced to bo haiiEfed.Tias nt last re ceived full pardon irom Governor, .Geary,,of Pennsylvania, lion. E. F. Fillsburv has been tho standinir Democratic candidate for Gov ernor in Maine for u number of years. it is now proposed to suustitute iion. K. K. Smart for tho election in Septem ber next. 200 2 00 2 0-J 2 00 S 00 200 2 00 2 00 70M 2 01) 1 00 l ai 4 W 1 oS 2 W 21 ( I S Banders rtlAnbs Solomon Teran Alien Axseeaies .1 K Youna- LT W Kitchen Oavld Ijong llaush A Hons Estofl'K Jlorbeln 3 00 Israel Hcnell bl' Christian uiram'iaomas 9 00 So BOO S (to on 2 00 200 800 2 in i 10 10 00 S ISO 1 io6 3 23 71 2 00 1 00 4 40 10 00 1M 3 00 II 00 2 OI 3 00 S CO !1 8 00 2 00 3 00 tBI 300 0 69 3 00 2 CO 4 2S 2 00 2 00 4 00 3 0) 2 a v) 11 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 7 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tit oo iim ah t js l..,2L?Li. wn nnnLfrltlNns' OP WOOIj , j,.. -". - . ' . . ,. m eiehaneo totFAncyandBlftPiearyKOOus mail T 1ST OV DEAIjEIW .......iiiiiniA riiMMFV JV wjuu LEGAL foOTlCFR 1 m m ' . .... 1 T iM T ?i TRTTtA Trt it i,T . . f..it.in,i stofdoaions i "-"'-"Z''"ylo timxi .,!,. f.tiiirupil nnd cuvsslfied by mPi.lll,r.,, I lTtlerflnrailinlnlstmMnn. ..K1'TI tii daneo'wltli tl,o..;veraliu-t; 'n'', ,V,s. M. Slcelv.late of Mlllllavllietjff,S?! for ninrontyi)(i!unibl.fortl0crOTeii" ,iP,nseif, lmvo been grante.il,. for llioronty(n'.itnn)in io r mj t , dormitHl, Imvj been gi andelRlitliunarednml lxly-'o. " """" I e.il.l county, to I, If. Iw nn limtil J... ... ivtllll will Li kiiowed. rnrtlcii will find It to li.v nr their nd. wntage todejl with us and ""PHJnIW "l0 yriLLIAM FJSHEH TltOM.AS OABSON A, CO., . WHOI.K3AI.B t . DEALERS M HOSIERY, Miss's FUitNisniNa aoot)S( LINENS & NOTIONS, no. 18 itonin ronmn smisKT VmLADELTltlA. Jane 4,'69-Cm COLUMBIA COUNTY TEACH EHS' INSriTUTE. TO TEACH Kllfl, SCHOOL DinKCTOIlS AMD rnlEND3 1 1 lUIULAllUHl Th nntambla County Teachers' Institute for 1S09 will be held at the Normal Hehooi uimamp la Bloomsburg, commencing on Monday tbo (in "S.! itnft cal Bl bv the nrlnclrat of ii.V uionTnibnrc Normal Bcbool. rrof. Henry Carver, assembles on the same da the best of my Kiiowieugo " ." 11IJ0M TOWNSHIP. lliulnrti. Ofi. Lktme, Mlmn HtllO 11 'IK IlOOlC " Kamet. HOHowi-r n a Hockley t It HnrsliollK l.k.KIiar( jacuos. N .1 llemlcrshot J.I lliowcr pl'KCtvr r.t'ni tv.w Joseph Coicll JKKvor I. K Whary j I, Shannon A M itiiiwri i; i" lititr. .1 lCdlrton Jlo.vcr Ilros Confectionery Uruit Storo Micro Tin Shop Orocery Tin Shop l)ru Htoro Htoro DrngBloro Store David jiwcnuerK i.iui..f". atr of Jnne Itdiuat i ociock 1-. n. Ite Normal lnstltnalle.l MsembresTn the dav. and for NoraarinVtltuW will continue from Jnno 2A to J n juijo AuSstSth. The County institute will e held i.axt0n& Harman one week, nnd If desired by the teachers may b. I ircnrr Klelm Wllimni r.niwiiiu. WmllllelwlK O A Jacoliy puss A u tveou Widmj or & Jacoliy Vnx Webb 811 Miller AHon James Cadmait utillnp A Wnlf Httnyan tt Wnrdln Itobnlns auycr C O Marr A J Kvam Andrew Solleder jsaian liaReiiuucu v.llits Uendeball rlMi W flori.ll llloorasnurir iron jo Misses uarmnn Orocery rioolt Storo Confcctlouory Store Cabinet Storo , HardwaroBloro Store Clothlnc Store Bboo Htoro Tin Shop Htoro Cabinet Shop Htoro Millinery Orocery Miller 11 II II 11 13 7 13 13 11 14 11 II II 11 II 12 14 11 II II II 14 11 II 7 00 7 00 7 IO 7 00 1(1 till 40 W 10 00 ,w .i.7"''l Ul I. If. Hith..f. Kfc nalrtA tilftcn. All nprira.. i..rreuielM.l ' . . ' .: z z; . ; ; . - v.-v v 1 . " t i n s ..i . inuiliii swuin "in ""IU CSUtto nrn VJLmm tirRsenhtfieni for RettleWiai,! .....re tenn.p tltoHO Indebted to make i'ltynu m 11 apJ i. jv, rstJiiwiilVK. May 7,'CJ-Ct ..."MP A DMI NISTH ATOU'SNotTS)' letters nf rulmlnlstratlorr tSi ,1 iS.,?Wt jo oo K.llerbolnof Locnst township tSfflt" SJ deo'U., imvo lon mnted by theffi , 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 80 7 00 sons iiaviHKciaiiusoraeman(lsftMi;: i ent aro rcouosted tomaltA i l,M ?ri.nlttilt Indebted to inako payment, ntn Arr.wt. "uiS!a 700 A DMINISTItATOR'S NOIlrai 7 00 jtjLKItTATR OS- WILLI AH M. Emt br,. tti in 7 00 sons bavins clnlmi or domanJi T .Li 12 80 estate of tho decedont are reqne!lMl!;,' 7 OO fetter of administration on the J&l 1 7 00 M.Knt, lato of Hcott townshln ivSC'e . ni .luwa.n.1 l.nvn liean nrn , . .Winn",' 7 00 saldcomitytoreterEutotnldfornii!l,Vl ??ntlnntJ dnlnR the tlr'e term 6f the Normal nnnwicic notu Henry Swanlc Wm itouins lion H Bedford h M Kills Jacob Knlttle Bryan's Circus M K ness si S liayhurst Lirairton ft) H Dlotterlch ,T.I liooxtanu W" J Lawrence Frederlok Hash Wm W lntcrstecn Arr'l Society Col J W Cake ThosB Miller Avera, u Hmiiu Dr.Tonng Uros Ksl of Oeo Urelsch J 1, Bhnnnon LiUcintta jioat A J Dlcterlch Ur J 11 Evans IIIImm AlliavtBl Uohn O Dlldine MAHlrvino II ""SIS??tv initimtohas been held 2 00 1 much later In the school ycar.bttt it seems proper 2 00 and also essential that teachers should assemblo 2 1)0 ii well at the close of the l'nbllc Schools nsdurlng a 00 tho term. , ., ... ed to attend, and use bU best efforts to make i the 2 00 200 200 2 00 11 00 4 00 2 60 12 0) t .ti it it nower Mrs 11 F Hvaus ,1 II Uodson nowman et jncitsou Miller II URiiesreuo itraur li A Co store Milliter Drug Storo Storo Drug Storo 12 oo esiaio oi itto ueceuont are reone,J," 7 00 them known, and those lnaebtwiSV1 7 00 ment. ptlr,, Apr.ao,-uV- Instltuto successful both In respect to nttendanco and Interest. In somo counties of the Stato 11 o number of teachers nt County Institutes exceeds he 1 number of schools. W 'V "'o' l'AtS of Columbia county manifest the Bjmo Interest 7 Tile HCIIOOl uireciorB ui iu vuuuy , ttAu hambneh A Sto-kcr Cnblntaiiu tsnop j Miller lluuhoi Miss liell liertrnn Htoro Milliner Tin Shop Miller store James M HeosholHi lienry uitims Jackson oodln 11ENTON. J J M'lleury A Colo 8toro 2 80 to attend during tho cntlro sesston. and partlcu. j j M'lleury A Colo 5 W lirly on Friday tno 2d day of July, which day nPujamlit M'Hcnry 00 I willbesetaparirorBuciiousinessuaiiiuj.wuu"" mmiD i wnw. 2 00 2 00 15 00 2 OO 2 00 280 12 80 00 2 10 2 00 S 60 3 00 4 00 00 4 110 1 80 POLITICAL. State Superintendent J. P. Wlekorsbam will bo I in atienuauco uu iuu u v tholilrcciors. ......,. Bloomsburg June i, IW. Suniy tmptrtntendent. pUBLIC SALE. OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. Hie undersigned. Executor of tho last will and testament oi Isaac Coliimbla county July 0th 1WU, 'at 1 o'clock In the aflcmoon, tho TnACT No. 1. The right tltlo nnd Interest of salddecedcni in nit inui certnin v iwu.., Samuel Hcncock J E Edson F J, Phumntt Wm K Ingenberger BEAVEll Storo MiMmel A Son HUomat Adleman Wm M Kituctou BltlAIt CHEEK Storo . fUaoDavKlu oof Beaver township, iJVM Ucr lunly, Pentisylvanbi, ueccised will m"F e, by imbllo vendue, on FHIDAY, I Wm Miller II 14 II 11 14 14 II 7 00 10 00 12 CO 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 00 7 00 40 O0 7 00 7 00 12 UI 12 80 7 01 7 00 18 00 7 CJ 12 60 15 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 12 80 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 a WUJl ftlllltalv A DMINI8TB ATOR'S NOTln' XX JtSTATB OP JOIEril K1KESD1LI.? Lettors of administration on tk." Joseph Klkcndall of Mimirt wwnihi Ao County deceased, have been triMT llcglster of cald county to Slefifn ? of , Ncscopeo, Mtzcrno County rUf, All persons having claim, or.1 against the estate of the decedent an. i. make them knownj nnd those lnd,i,r' V imymcnt. HTEF11KN KKEv,il jQ E N T I H'V- It Y;t 760 7 00 7 00 II. C. UOWEH, DEOTI8I ir Respectrully nffeni his profre,ioni , the ladles and gunllemen of liloomtk? clnlty. llo Is prepared to attend to,.rl ous operations In the line of his Moi Is provided with tho latest Improved S Teeth which will bo Inserted oaI?T! silver nnd rubber base lo look as ttm.i ural teeth. Teeth extracted by MiS, the teeth carefully nnd properly atttSrj Ilcsldenoo nnd ofllee a few doon . Contt House, samo elde. V llioomsuurs, daui.-uaix II CATAWISSA.' at Gibson county, Tennessee, Iras a young lady thirteen years old, who weitrhs four hundred pounds, aud another of tho samo ago who weighs forty pounds, nnd Is twenty-six incites nign. A stick of chestnut timber cut nt Trumbull. Conn. when squared, measur ed 21x10 inches, was 23 feet long, and was perfectly sound throughout. .It required seven yoko of cattle to draw it irom tne woocis. Thfi Nabob of (teno-nl 1ms nrrlvpd at Paris and registers lilmsclf on the Hotel boons ns "Mumtazamui-Moock- Mohsumood-dow-Cah-Fureed-Fonlnh. Sound-Munzoor-AIi-Kahu-Bahadoor- Musrut-jung," Judge John M. Bead has been rewarded for his partially successful nt. tempt last tan to nuuiiy an naturnllza tion papers Issued by tho Supremo Court of the State, by tho appointment or ins son as uonsui uenerni to iraris. A convict who Moaned from thn'ln. dlana penitentiary last summer, has writton to the warden from Minnesota that ho Is "out of monev. sick nnd vcrv anxious to get back and servo his time out.- A match has been mado between the owners of Lady Thorno nnd George Wilkes, to trot thoso eelobrated horses in Juno next for a purso of ten thousand dollars. This Is ns largo , a stake as has ever oeen trotieu lor in tins country, Tho scaffold from which Eaton was nunrr, lias neen uscu at thirteen tl lifer ent executions in this Stato. It is said to- havo grown dilapidated In tho ser vice. Harry Gantz.. n colored bov In Huntington, Pa., has committed to I memory half tho Kow Testament. Ho repeatcaiy recites veroaitm a sermon to wnicn no nas ustencu. Indiana presents for tho "champion- ship" an old gentleman of 07, who, not content with reading without spectacles, has justplowed up threo acres and plant- cu ii in corn. Democratic State Convention. The Democratic Stato Convention for the nom ination of candidates for the office of Oovcrnor and Judge of tho Supreme Court, will meet at 10 o'clock A, it., on WEDNESDAY, July mn, utw. In the Hall of tho Houso of Representatives, at narrlsburg. Ily order of tho Democratic Stato Committee, WM! A. WALLACE, Chairman. David Caldwell, Secretary, Cmidldates Tor Nomination. The following gentlemen havo been mentioned for nomination to the several County Ofllces to bo filled by election tho present year, and their names will be presented for the consideration of the Democratic Connly Convention: - nEPRESENTATIVEr ucr I ......... nnir n nrnor nn Ihn muntv line bi I . n u.i 11.111 n,i fVtl.mililfli thitni-ii bv inntis o, rnriicsuuKuuwu ." """r--Ti'- - '. , ,i Rt)11 Fayen Weaver .1 11 Knllllo J HIM'Nlnrh I liHepshoUr. M M llrobst K S Keller (lllbert AKUno qeorqe scorr, v ! ' CATAWISSA -TOWKSUir. tHublect to tho decision of the confercos of Co lumbia and Montour counties.) ASSOCIATE JUDGE. J. R, JAMESON, MAIN TOWNSHIP. - SAMUEL CREABEY, ' UttrLIN TOWKSHIf. PROTIIONOTA-RY, Cotnuiuhlcated. . Catawissa, Miy. 81, 16G9, Mu. SEditor: Permit rue through your. columns to direct the publioatten tlou.to an editorial found in the last is sue, of tho" Republican, viz ; "Recently, a Bird, .of an uncertain species was struck cie." In reply, that Bird lived ero.this cditoriwas cradled, and' still. survives and asks no sympathy at tho hands of so small a fry as tho editor of thoJfcpuMccw.r That Bird nliuded to. Jiaa been ajsyhigior Bopubllcan. slnco 1835, has since, .that timo taken tho county paper mdvocating .tho Whig pr, Republican policy, and. Is now a sub scrlbor to the Republican, aud had there been; a little moro sensible brain era ployed by tho editor of that pnpor its columns would not have contained an indignant thrust at ono of his Innocent subscribers. As to tbo "trash" spoken of, published.In tho Columbian, wo bad neither part nor lot in indicting or ;wrlting, and -consequently treat It U3 .Whiffets are generally treated when found barking up the wrong tree. Anil wo would hero advlso tho stockholders' pt tho Republican, and especially thoso who aro not tainted with 'Andy's Con stitution" to make a spoedy change of tho editorship of their paper, as wo oplno if it is not done, ono year henco will And it run into tho ground so deep that it, will not bo within tho hearing of tno sound of Gabriel's Horn nt the res urrection. We aro sorry to say that slnco tho former editor has left tho Re publican, wo its subscribers havo largo ly lost. The forraor life and tone of thq paper has departed, and I can liken it now to nothing moro appropriate than a Whig paper printed lu Bloomsburg 40 yeart ago, vulgarly though not in appropriately called tho Smutmachinex yet still I tako it, as 'tis all wo havo left of a former good thing, The bint who hat yet tomejealhert. WELLINGTON II. ENT, HCOTT TOWNSHIP. JESSE COLESIAN, ni.oojr township. In office there who Is authorized to per- lorm tno ceremony. It Is said that a shipwrecked Yan- keo was lately rescued from ono of the Marquesas Islands, whoso first Question on being discovered was, "How did the xuezican war, nnany como out?" lie had been a soldier who left General Scott's army beforo tho campaign clos- ,eu. Deplecb, tho woman of Marseilles I who boiled twenty children to death. has been sentenced to tho i galleys for life, having been, found "guilty with extenuating circumstances.1' The "ex tenuating circumstance" possibly was that -sho boiled, thorn in water and not in oi. A curious wedding took place nt tno no warn urove Hospital in men- tnona, a low aaysogo, tno parties being a colored man and woman, who, both from frost-bite, bad lost their less.whicli had been amputated nt the knees. Tho man is said to bo nn excellent gardener anu tno woman a gooa nouso servant. Murat .Halstead, managing editor of tho Cincinnati Commercial, 1ms an'. I ... r An. nnn . y lULuinu oi iNjupo u year. i. low years ago ho was an employee In the estab lishment with no income at nil. Genius Win tell. a T a invn...iA. r Tr......i ,., to. Mr. Alexander. Patterson,, of Now York, his trotting horse Tattler, for $17,- a.iio ia mu mi&uai. iinuu uvcr ruu- 1 1 rcl 1 n thai UtAfn fn- nl.lllnl.nn and is $2,000 moro than tho prlco paid REOISTEn AND HECOBDEIt. ' B. FRANK ZARR, nKAVEIt TOWNSHIP. WILLIAMSON II. JACOBV, IILOOM TOWNSHIP, i , JOHN SNYDEn, , -D. B. IIAMPTON,! ' 1 MADISON TOWNSHIP. TREASUREU.- DAVID LOWENDERG, ' IILOOM TOWS3HIP, koons, BLOOM TOW'SUir; J. S. SANDERS i jititwicic Bonorau.. COMMISSIONER, CYRUS ROBBINS, FISUISOCBEEK TOWNSHIP. II. P. WIIITEMAN, a HE EN WOOD TOWJVSIIIP DAVID SAVAGE, VMUiwocitKKi: to wy 81111 .orusnost l-JtMrrhfmtn n. ntfinoi Ihcnco bv IBuun how ur iuiiuui iy u v ' ouo nuuarcu nnu Beveuiymuo ii cm-s m nwiuo, : thence by Innda of the name north ono nnu n null degrees eutt sixty-four torches to a chcslmit oak; Ibonrr. unnth fnrlv nnd ft hflU tlfcreCS CftSt. nlllO- ty-four iwrches to a cum; thenco south scventy- Novon ftnu n nan uenrecs cum, bixij-iuui u aiiriit.tiiniiiti rwnrriioa tn n. Biniio: Liu'iica kuulii forty-eight nnd n half degrees cast eighteen and eicht-tentlis perchei to n Btoue ; thence nouth Beveuicennnuii nnu ui-grefis cusv unu uuuuiw nn.i rvirtv.ihr Ami fmi r.t en tlis berehes to n o hpRfnntnnlrM hence Houth lift vone nnd a fourth I decrees wesi niueiy percnesion ciifhuuii, nm.; uiencPiioruihevvnty'iwi'Miiuuii'iiiutb's i three hundred and eoveniy perciies 10 mo piacc or ueginning, CONTAINING 133 ACRE3 AND CO PERCHES, nml allowance about 870 acres of which Is situa te in Union township, Schuylkill county. By iuadv this IB ttiiown as ine -neuner Aracw Tn Arr "So. 2 AU that certain nlcco of land ly lng lu Beaver twp. aforesaid, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beglnnluantaposton land of James luteal, (now iauu oi uairei. van Hiring em.) south one hundred and sixty-seven nnd one-half degrees wett one hundred and ntno tv.Klx torches ton nine thence bv vacant land three nnnarea ana nxiy-iwo percnes 10 a cueii nut: thence by vacant land (now Isaac Davis.) north oue hundred and sixty beven and one-half degrees eaat one hundred and ninety-six perches 1 1 on atYt ttinnpA hv Innrf nf .TnnirH fnnw or heretofore George Dallas,) north rteventy-three and one-half degrees west three hundred nnd sixty-two perches to the place of beginning. CONTAININ6 FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTEEN AND ONE-FOURTH ACRES more or less: It being the samo piece of land which was sold by the Commissioners of Colum bia count v, for taxes Jnlyl0th.18o2.and bought by Chnrles l Mann and W.G. Hurley, for which the Deed was mode to C. F. Mann, and being all that part of four hundred and eighteen and one-fourth acres as lies In Columbia county, of a tract of lanu survey cu ior uamenieca uy virtue omwur runt dated the Srd day of January A. D. 179J, and being tho same piece of land which Charles F. Mann did by his indenture dated the th day ot May A, D. lh&S, convey to Burton W. Fortner.aud which said Fortner by his Indenture dated De cember 2Htn did convey to said Isa&o Davis. TiiACT No. 3. AU ttiat certain piece of land sttuatodln Beaver twp.Columbla county .bounded and described oh follows : Beginning at a htone on land of Isaac Davis, north seventy-two and a half degrees west one hundred and eighty-one perches to a stone ; thence by land of Daniel Keen north nineteen derrees cast ono hundred nnd fifty perches to a stone; thence by land of Isaac Davis north twenty-eight degrees west ninety two perches ton stone; thence by land of Isaac Dnvfannrth nnn nnd n. Iinlf lfrrof mat. ti I net v. one and a half nerchc to the iTlace of benlnnlntrJ I'UUUUUJJlg ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN ACRES AND THIRTY-FIVE TERCIIES, ltbelng'JiesameiractbflandwhlchllazelThomas couveyeu io isaac u. uavis uy aeeu anu Assign "v uuivu 4uubi iffku, n.as.ioiAi, nu uili-i nuiu appraised to Catharine A. Davis widow of Isaac !. Davis, late of Beaver twp. deceased, as part of ucr Bimru ui isuuc n, xuvist .uuceusea, csi.uuo ner under the threo hundred dollar exemption act. and tho same tract which tho said Catharlno Ai Davis deeded tn lliirton W. Vnrtnur Itv lipr In. denturo dated May Srd, A.D.IKS, and which said Fortner by his Indenture dated December ivth ioit uiu convey io saiu isaao Davis. Tho abovo lands are In cloaonrnxlmitv to fjitn. wls&a Creek, and tho CatawUsa Rail Road runs Lurougu pur uons ox mem, anu tucy aro CONVENIENT TO THE COAL REGIONS, being only 8 miles from Shenandoah City, 10 nines jrom juaaanoy city, ana i mites irom Ashland. The property Is well timbered with Roc Is Oak, Yellow Fine and Fitch Fine, suitable .ur r raming umuer, woou, uarK, u. it. Hius.etc. Conditions or Salic One-four Lh of the our- chose money to be paid down ; one-fourth lu six months, nnu the balance In one year, with in terest and with approved security. Purchasers urerequeflteaiomeetaiuenrig's Hwltcli, at tho iime uipoiuiea ior me saie io oesin. when ciucs- lions as to tho title, and other matters will be ettmcioriiy answereu, c D- BROCK WAY, June J,'fl3-Ct Executor. Orocery Htore Miller Feed Store Storo Confectionery storo Tin Shop lches & on muvu Inalnh JohnHon & Son more M ron1,nrt RlllrO KtorO J K Shnrnlc- & Mon Store C.impiiell t liaruer uuiuul nuyv Win Hartman " UeoRlshel Dealer CENTRAT.IA BOR. Store Confectionery Siicclul Notice. 0 HEAT .REMEDY. , FOR TICK CURE Or TUKOAT AND LUNO DISEASES. Dr. Wisliart'PlnoTrce Tar Cordial. lilsthe Vital nrlnelnlonf Ihn Plna Trpn. nt. tallied bra peculiar procesiflu the dUtlllluUon of IImi Ur, by wlilcli IU lilghebt medical properties iiij uo only uiremora and reliable remedy The lladlcals of Tennessee, who com. uiCDccd by'HlUfranclilalni; all whlto men who differed with theai In political sontlmenU aod opinions, havo now-cur. a higher rank In tho nwy, worked likel ricd the tloctrino Into their own ranks, a charm. Ho passe back across tho I and a split Jn tho party Is tho conso. room, put 'down his military cap, plae-l auenco. This is" curses coinhitr homo to cd himsolf at his wrHlhjr.tnhlo, polltelyf roost, for JjQxlngton, Tattler is flvo years old. 1 J?hl?jj eret sn rreporea from tho juice of II tnvlcpratc, tho dlgestlre orjaus and restores It strenKthens the debilitated srstem. It purlfiiis and enriches the blood, and expels from the system tho corruption which scrolula, ureeus on lue 1UUKS. It dissolves the mucus or phlegm whlchlstop, the alr-tmssaees of tho lunim. Its healing principle acts upon the Irritated aurfOCO Of the Iunva aud thmat. tifnAtrntlnv in each diseased part, relieving pain and subduing I .WM. 11 is tne result or ve&rs or .tnrtv nn, .tm.1. menu and Ills offered to the afflicted, -with, the positive assurance of lu power to cure the fol. lowing diseases, If the patient has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure : Consumption of the Luues, Cough, Sore Throat, and llreasl, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, llllnd mul Itliwillnir l'llc A.ll.in. Wl,.u,ni.. . Dlptherla, t&, Ae, we are oiieu asaea wuy are notoiuer remedies A widow In Onondairo eonntv. Nnn' York, recently cut out her own dniu'li. tor in the good graces of her lover, and married hun horecl f. To obtain revenge for tlils'unmothcrly trick, tho daughter bwi, nur capui mo young man's ricn iainer, oi wnom no was the only lielr, to tho InUnlto annoyanco of her step. children, They havo worn out a whipping post and a pillory In Wilmington, Del., and aro to f.avo new ones of tho most substantial character. Tho Delaware folks still havo great faith in thoso un dent instrumentaof punishment. They say they keen rogues from coming into aDdrM tho Stato, and SUVO tllO peoplo from tho U. Wlshart'sPlnoTreeTarCordUl. Weauswe'r- ui-cessiiy oi restorting viguuucu i-ouimiiioes. I unhealthy matter collected nbont thn lhrnat nn.l .'Plin f.il I AIL'I n r n,lllllnA l' nn.lm.. 2d. MoitThrruit tors for Pennsylvania havo been np. aTMurbelr.iag pointed by Mr. CreSWCll I become hardenedJtnd the unhealthy fluids coag. ijiinesioiiuvilio. moniour county. JJ. I . M: lua n; iw coruiai, wua us aula. ?. Funk, vice John Dlldlne, removed, iiuiuuiL-K urroir. ljuzcrne miiniv Clooreo lt..rrlngee, vice. J. Wendel, re luuvuti. A slugular disturbance occurred In a court-room at Ureensbunr. Ind.. a Taw days ago. A Mr. Ewing, a lawyer of itmv pmw, in nreuiug iii'iiliist a new trial in a bastardy t-uso, used language that was distasteful to tho Judgo.wliere. upon the latter assaulted the former, inflicting dangerous if not fatal Injury, Tho Judgo, Bon ncr by namo, was arrest, ed, and Is dow in Jail awaiting tho re sult of 'Ewlng's Injuries. tantstare preferable, because they remove the cause of IrrlUllon of th mucous membrane and on the unhealthy secretions, and purify the blpod.thus scteatlncaUy making the cure DerlecL ur. wubart has on nle al his office hundreds and thousands of Certificates, from lieu and Women of unquestionable character who were once hopelessly given up to die, but through the Providence of God wore completely restored to healtk bv the Pine Tree T.r VMIil a i.p,.-i" elau U atUndauce who cau be consulted In per nee oj nue ire oeruos. Heutliv Address. ha.O. ou u. ur nun. nw oiciiBruiL friA ri 'r.... .u( uunu fflw lcr UU111B, fit i &liJU.l'hlladlpblaTa. Flint. Hmii, l, cxiires.vu receipt oi price. Auare WUhart, M.lJ.NoSa North 8diJU.l'hIl, Aiay zi, vv-wi HELMBOIiD'S CONOENTItATED .EXTBAOT HAIISAPAHILLA, IS TUB AT IlljoOD PUItiriEllT ' Mart In Monaglian W U Millilt . Conrad Kolland rr,i.n Hllltii-pr Hlmmaii.tAilllnrd Storo . Irfjwls Canlncr Oroiory John CouRhlln " An Fortner Tin Shop Mrs vt ni jftmrs wunu imlmar &. ItolfsnvJcr Storo J J IlnaRltuid Win lorrey CONYNailAM. niclmfilTlioroton storo"--- CKNTURJ .. EWM&tlI.Iw Store Jacob Hponslcr n ' March & Harris Grocery Samuel Deltterlck " JcssoJIIcks Storo. S 8 Vowlcr & Bro WlUtmlro & Bower " ritANKLIN. CMendcnhall&Ilr " yiSIIINOCHEEK. "DltlAItOItEEK BOUNTY EXCESS FUND AUDITORS' STATEMENT, J. C. Smith and Jno. KUner SupcrWsors for DK. To cash of different persons and com- mltUes $1571 12 4U UUUt,U UUl UUU BUU- scrlptlon 91019 77 To amouut not subscribed or paid 0)3 27 To balauco duo Smith A KIsucr 108!) Ily cash paid J. (1 , Jacoby paymaslcr Volunteccrs ..,., f lill 10 iy cuiiiiuuwiuu on 5io4 w ni iy. per cent 33 St By cash paid auditors for this ac count (j io By Smith services 3 nj The undersigned have examined the nboveor! count and Bud It to be correct. Wo find bal. ouco due Smith fc Klsner one thouband nine hundred and elghty-olsht dollars and four ccuU. Audited by authority act ot asHembly approved Ilr'lnrcreek, April HO, 'tfj. JNO.ll.BMmi, 1 WM. LAMO.V. . Auditors. STEPHEN MlCHAEL, f Mayiacs-jt JgniAItOREElC BOUNTY FUND. AUDITORS' STATEMENT. J, C. Smith Collector ot bounty tax. DIt. To balance, auditors' statement May Slth, 1WJ7 To amount of duplicate! 1807 & 1808 To cash from Cofiea, unseated laud tax 18U1 To cakh from Cn.Tres, unseated land ux im Ily bonds redeemed CIt. Ily Interest paid ou bonds 1 ' Ily commissions Ily exonerations Ily balance unpaid nnd uncollected .,. .. VJMtn iiv uuueniiuvu uuve eiamiueu me above llrlarcreek, April no, '(ill. JNO, H.HS11TH ) . WM. I.AMON. ( Xudllors, w STEl'HEN MCIIAEIi, f May 2s,'C9-llt A U8TIN & CO'O IIIIEAT ONE DOLLAR SALE. H I It I N 0 OIBOBLAIIR.. Will be Issued and ready for AgenU and custo mers on and after April Ulth, oouululug the lar- List ever Issued xenange aua ITeuuum Ageuts .of Clubs of Thirty and upwards, will have their premiums Increased oue-fourlli when ai. iu, cun-Ki are reiurusu. WOBIC t'OH US AMD WI WILL WOEE ron YOU. AgenU wauled everywhere. Circulars sent vv. Auureii, JUSTIrJ & CO 32 .M Federal, aud 107, 111, 119 Congress Streets, . UOSTON, Mass. Mayiajs-it J M Amniprmau Hwazy S Kramer J N Jones Solomon Buns Joseph ltiinyun icorno .u iiiiweu EJ&U l'M'IIeury J F M'Henry 11 21 Ai'ucnry Store Storo Mill Storo Hoc-art A ICninicr I'D II lack Hannah Henry Operative Co MnlllnUHlj 1 1. 1 W MimU.ru William Kramer OREENWOOD. Storo '11 11 II 1:1 11! II II) II It 11 II 10 II II 11 13 10' 18 8 1.1 13 U It 11 12 11 11 13 II It 14 II It 11 It 13 13 11 13 11 II 12 13 pOWDER KEGS AND Lt w . m. MumiuE 4 CO, J Rupert, Ta,, g Manufacturers of x roWDEKKKOS, ,r and dealers la all kinds of ni LUMBER, L 13 M glTe nolIce tQfll they are Preprel lo 1 7 M 7 W . 7 00 7 00 7 M 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 I their custom with dispatch, aud on Itlo 20 00 erm. UU,W raissi 7 U0 7 110 1.'. 00 7 t 20 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 CHARTER OAK LIFl J COMl'ANV, Mr. It. W. Sweeny agent for Colrai tcrno Counties. Dear Sir. I I tftko pleasure In acknowledglniiiiU amendlnc tlio clIAKTElt mif I KIlltANdl-l TllAlPANY. fur !! t.rr.t 12 ("0 1 fair deallnir, Thlscompauy mnkpiw. 7lllnf nirrMTATJlirNfl I'RIMIMTU vlj 1 HO 1 cancels aud returns them to the ln.i 20 00 11. W.BWKEVV I .1. u.utnuw ui uay7.'iii)-sm 1000 so 00 niltnWlSRA- Pn. An. 12 00 3 10 00 10 no 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 M 7 00 O O K STORE. I Tho undersigned, liavlng taxes lr lalelt' occunled bv Dr. P. John, nrit A. tho Kxcliauge Hotel, would notify tbe.1 the County that there will be comlsoiii ft full assortment of - HOOKS. STATIONERY. AND WAII; Ainu uiu vuiiuus Aiuiuiues aua ji 7 CI 10 00 7 00 7 IH 7 00 7 Ml 7 (10 7 01) 7 CO moo 12 SO 7 00 10 00 .7 CO 10 CJ 12 SO 10 00 HEMLOCK, Jacob Harris MUAWI1H1 Win Old J II Vosllno Jacob Yeager Chas rcttcrinau Henry uaolo sr P tlrM Yucum CampleU&Co J H Creasy J II Hetlt-r Creasy A llrown Mrs 11 A Hess Tulibs A Coleman Barton A Co Conrad Krcamer 1 R Johusou Sloro 11 7 00 laker " 13 10 00 Shoo Store 11 7 00 U1CUST. Store , II 7 00 U 7 00 " II 7 00 " 14 7 00 ' 14 7.00 MAINE. - - 'Stole ' ! 14 00 MIFFLIN. Storo ll 7 00 Slnro, 13 10110 11 10 00 Milliner 11 7 00 MONTOUR. 1 .Dealers.,.,..,. 8,30 00 Grocery II 7 00 Confectionery',, 11, 7 00 Miller 11 7 CO MADISON. published In this country, orders lot r, be promptly attended to. 1 , , THE CIRCULATING LIBRA!, which has been In exlatencoforoynl tno nuuui, aupjMfi, oi me commKi terms aro reasonable, aud additional c' are needed to JusUfy an Increase la Ul VU1UI1IC3. Tho usual larce fctocB of 1 NOTIONS ANn VANRY ntti will bo kept up and no pain? tivM? the wanu of purchasers. May 11,'CO-tf lilMW CHAS.Q. BARKLE't Attorney at LniE BLOOMSBURG, COLCJIBI' Office in the Eitkinio Bulldln,ietaili WiJmjer li Jaeboy'i Cosfectmncir, k, sbova the Eicasnje Hotel . I llloomoburg, Jan. 1, WW. TITHOOPINO1 COUGH OT TT DELEVAU'S CELEnilATED a i- t'rice kiftv cesii rreoared at Six and Wnn,l r.h pti 9-Astyour DruggUt for It, li Store ,4 ORANGE. Teli-rEnt Miller W Bowman Miller D Herring " A B btewurt Store Alexander Hughes Confectionery D K Sloan More Bower s Herring " PINE. RWLyon storo ROARINQCREEK. Owen Cheii I ngton Store 8UOARL0AF, Montgomery Cole Store SCOTT. Barton A Rlgar Store Tlngley A MTiamey Sam oel A Wonuau " Baker A Burllngame Grocery cs Fowler Miller 11 F Itelghard A Bro Htoro' It J Millard J D Workhciser Shoo Storo O W Crevellng Storo 11 y vreiuty 1,0 " l'eter Ent ' WmMEut Stoves Kelchner A Son Miller 13 13 13 13 .10 01) 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 IK) 10 00 700 10 00 10 CO II 7 CC II 700 12 14 12 SO 7 00 7 1)0 7 00 50 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 13 00 12 SO 12 SO 7 001 7 CO OUT THE BEST WEBSTER'S UNABUIDGE TIONARY. 3000 engravings; isio pages qua 10,000 Words and Meanings notUu tlonarlcs. Viewed as a whole, we' are co&tfal other living language has a illclloii.1 iuuy anu iaiiiuuiiy &eis jonn iw tion as this last edition of Webster If our. written and sooken English toe; peri Maotutnc. inese turee books are tne sum w libraries : the Bible. Sbalupeare, ul Itoyal quarto. CnicafloiVenlny , Til KN xiv Weiistku Is glorloui-1 it duunces and denes corapeuuou nothlng to be desired,. 21. l're$'t l'auar College. . The most useful and rematkaue ex of human knowledge lu our lanfU. Clark, President Mass. AgrlcltumllA WEBSTER'S NATIONAL PIW DICTIONARY. 1010 l-ACIIM OCTAVO. 000 J5NaKAVI!l Tha work In VAnllv a. npnv bt a ZHd- the thing for tho million." America' ilonihly. "in many respects, vils uieiionwr convenient ever publlshed."-i"l An n mnn.inl 7.4 Hf.n.M ItlnCHU ted lor use In families and schools."-. -mi u nitozetner tho best ireiuu.j Ut the whlefi ttieKnffl8hbineliageli PublUhcd by U.i C.MERRIAM,Sprlt. All. persona who may feel aggrieved by the uooveciasainsaiioncan nave an opportunity of LO.IIUB u juu mo uuuersigneu ut his residence, lu bfahtownat any time until S'? mrt?y .Ju,n. W lm- "l which tlmo an an" fiurg 88 '" Bl0ra"- QERA HOWEIt, Bloomsburg Juno 4 'CO-tf "CaXUWa AW'- JEAOinatb' INSTITUTE 1011 IHH SIXTH DISl'ltlCT. Iu tho great work of cnianclDatln" maiiklmi irom Iho thmldom of lanoranco.suueraiiiinn nnd barbarism, tho Teacher holds a very responsible UM,w-i iiiuni-uciier who nas a comprehensive and n clear apprehenslou of the nature of tho work iulrusted In his hands, will gladly embrace every opportunity for personal Improvement as well as the elevation of his office. In compliance with a request from many sucu teachers we have made arrangements to hold a special Term adapted fo the wanu of all erodes of Teachers. Able Professors will glvo class drills and dally lectures upon methods of Teaching and management of Schools. Many of the Dls. tlngulshed Educators of this and other States have been luvltcd and are expected to attend and give us the benefit of their experience, and we cm but hope and trust that very many of the Teachers of ourBUtowlllcomeaud enjoy a sea; on of refreshing, and spend at least a part of ...v.. ,u.....u ... .mu, im,iun.iugiiie acquaint ance of, and lu comparing notes with other live teachers. Come then and let us all unite in moving for. ward the great cause of human amelioration, Wo expect to havo our fine Boarding Hall fur. nlshod so that a large Dumber of the teachers can board In tho Institution, and It seem, fitting that convention of teachers should bo the first to occupy that noble structure. A cordial Invitation U extended to all the County BuperlnUudenU to take part In the pre. natations and exercises, rlsa School ninu.i. W Visit tho School. It will afford Directors a good opportunity to secure good teachers and good teachers good positions. Wi will furnish Text Book, for the bene, nt of the teachers excepting lu coses wnere a teacherwlsbes tostudy tome particular Author, lu which caw thsy.wlll bring their own. The exj pense for Board, Books an4 Tuition, will be five yv. neeaanuieacneracauiuyaa long or short a time as their clrcunuUnces require, The Term will commence June 28tu and cout tlnue until tho opening of Fall Term Aug. , 1840, ,uitiier luiunuaiiuu auuress HENRY CAllVKIt a.m. i'riudpal o! Bloomsburg State Normal Hrhnni. I iay ,,-uii-2in ("10NSUMPTION CAN BE liY Dr.CO.aarrison'suewproce"', Call nr nil, I rev. Ur ! (1. lAltl(l0 EIGHTH Bl. Philadelphia, Pa. . . l.vS. Special attention given to if LUMI Dlsomes. - OUANTITY vs QUAIffl W, BOT.1VH Kiirru-.l. HaraanrllU. ' small. Those who desire a large 1- large doses of medicine bltlu II. IRVINE'S GREAT M E D I O I vsed ion xonxTUAN romr rxiu: In lliammf ,nuH.f..l Mnl..lnn 1 etdl the cure of DyspepeU, Liver Cooip Disease. Avuu Vtv.r. uml dbieasfl el Is made euurely of ROOTS AND HEBl One dose will one.who gives It a fair trial. No Io without It. It Is astonishing whjtj effected InCentro aIidBrlarcreeltto, Huntingdon, and where It has ben last spring. Tcople who have bn; the above diseases for the last Bit1 no Physlclau could reach their " cured uud healthy by using tho GREAT INDIAN MEDIO It has never failed to cure Ague, ' raugement of the stomach. I hope all who are afflicted wj1 disease will apply for the treat lrj OINK which au l had' at A- 1 Medlclnestore lu Light Street Cow Ph., or of his eeueral agent J. R-ul AgeuU wauled. - , 'i'hl medlclue la prepared onljj') MayT.'OO-lyr Ll"'1 VOUNO LADIES DEW X the lnlurtou effects ot ran Washes. XII such rsmedle clo" or the sklu.aud In a short time i d plsxlou. If you would have a ff youthful appearance, use Ileini" Barsaparllla. Tin disorders that afflict mankls corruption of the blood. ljln' BtrsaparllU 1 a remedy of the ut" TVTOT A FEW OP -LI I "PRIVATE SALE. JT- OF VALUABLE REAL K? TThe undersigned, Executor of I! of IllcKim, township deceased, ale a ccilulii houso aud lot.sltuuu burg, ou Rock Strett. bouudt-d by A H. 0. Hartman, and by i""H;Si to sold estate, conuinlnj "vei front. The term are. reasonable. ' will bo glveu wlthlu thiny days a i( ypr.S0,09-tf