THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBTJllG, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA. fnhtmbimr. MsWswsWmtst- ?r;. ... ifirilll'AltMAl MH) IBI1V. F'fifUMAflrst-rato tnnk, nearly aWt'tiekbflg Bevcral hogsheads, wilt bo Id cheap. Inqulro at th Is ofllco. Tub following correct answer to tho ilBiua Id last week's Coi.UMMANtvns ven by EdBMMd Lcllcvro of tliU ace. "Thh Osumman." Wk volfmH?rho attention of our ndcrs to tfe wtlclo In tho Agrlcul lu ll column, on'Ttlio "l'cnch Tree." It as written by n gcnllcinrtn who lms vcWIiauchtnttcdtlon to the subject. By mlslako It wns stated in hist eek'flCoi.uMMAN Hint tlioniinouiico icnt of candidate would not bo inado ulll Juno II. Then me will bo found 1 tlio present number. Thk latest thins In bonnctrf 1st a cab- bairo loaf trimmed wuu inrco penncrs r-1M, r ;,; tsruurt. iinllu, niitln cherry. It sells for thlrty-tlvo crcd under tho nusnlccs ofthoCcntrnlla tlollnw nnd Is rolled thojoekny. rjll(,,,0 No m r Q Q jinvjB or. -,. i .i(.,.i it. r-,,,,,,.,111,,,. Tun ndo of tho ,ronnl 'iiopcr.y of -"-'Z Tho c iyV Omlmltalako this opportunity to --"; """ thank tho Bentlfctncn who so mngnanl- It consists of a largo lot of Cook nnd ., "Xall i n, ,t wnrr i, other stoves, tlnwaro and household rnn,rIlm,,nn9 hf fnrUl0 V. f 1 -.-WW " lurmuiru. ...i,. Tho courso was commchccd on Thurs CommUsIoners of several counties havo vcn!njr, November 2Gth, 18G9, by i. i,rt i.iti v subject, "KormntSon of Human Clmrno IllUllVtUUIkll, JVUM1CU vnuv wiv "in u.-.- ... i i ii i cmptlng money at Interest from taxes or,' was well chosen nnd admirably did not pass, it will, therefore, bo tax- mndlcdi elueldn ting many points of We coll attention this week to tho Ivcrttscmcnt of .Lazarus & Morris, nnd m recommend! the spectacles which toy offer, as being tho best wo havo vor seen.'. .MtesjA. D. Webb Is aecnt irjlloomsburg. MusityVo doubt not that Blooms- urg will Boon liavo n llrst-clnss turnr tto. Our ktibwlctlgo is derived from to fact that wc 'liavo heard thorn prac- clng for several evenings near our ouso. ' Tim comuiunity.havo been regularly ueatcuout or weir spring, tins year, old, damp daySj with scarcely n ray of jn still mark tho season nnd summer rat hand, Jtt is a wonder that vegetiv ion hnsndvanetHl as far ns It has. It would bo wol for our farmers to oep a sharp looKout for liorso thieves, i a Cftne'ofltbeso adroit rascals has ooq opctatlngiln neighbouring comi cs antltriay visit this. Horses havo eon taken In- Lewisburg, Milton and hiiiisciuaqug., TitB Cbnstltatlonallty of tho Act of ssembly repealing tho 29th Judicial dstrlct, came up1 boforo tho Supremo ourt on .Monday last but was pot oncd until Jtilyvlst on account of tho osenceor juugo liccti, a run bench ho. lg desired. , Tuis third annual Meeting of (ho 'ennsylvania Bcservo Association will iko.plucoat Wcst'Chestcr, on Tuesday unolst. Qov.'Curtln, tho President f tho organization, will preside. Ex urslim ttokets wo arc informed will bo sued. Therc'should bp a general turn ut from this section. TjtAdlstIrig'ul8hcd citizen of African ersuaslon known In tho community ns Arehlq1;,' having devoted himself rath r too closely. to tho absorption of "ben inel'ton.Tuesday night becamo involv- l a, difficulty Willi another "cullud usson.'Uand was put In duranco vile lierefor, but discharged on tho follow ngrnornlnjr.- pVje havoVecoIyed by mail tho follow ug f.-u,in,iuuiucniton : 'HMe'aso 'sehdlmy panjr to Ottawa 'rankllnMcountyj,Kunsa3." As thcro Is o name signed, and as wo havo no sub riber At the- place postmarked on tho nvelopo, wo arq unablo to comply witli ho request C'bin'ni tin i cni c if. Wheal r Imilicl., Ilvo " nblu as heretofore. interest, especially to tho young. Tho second IiCcturo by Bev. B. AVnshburn KiiisifA IUmiiN8 of Jnckson Town- of Ashland, rn. "rrogress of History" shin broucht Into our ofllco on Wedncs- discovered a inftst profound research ns day last a bear cub about thrco months well as n mind of tho highest order. old, which was ono of thrco captured Any eulogy of ours upon tlio character by himself nnd Thomas Colo, on North or qualifications of Mr. Washburn, Mounta in. a week or so t nco. It Is W'ould Uo but rccuio praise indeed. Tlio very tmo nnd would mako an amusing next Lccturo was delivered by Dr. K, net for any ono with tlmo and patlcnco h. Bctterly on tho "Character of Wo sufficient to tench It tho tricks which man." This lecture wns n decided lilt, tho bear trlbo so readily learn. and was received by n largo and appro rliitl vn niKlinnen. Tlin Jlnetnr Is not THK citizens of Bloomsburg nniv . Imt his InnotinLm 1. 1.. nn.lnn,l r... AT.l,,riJ,1,.,, . . . . ' I1 ?. iigii'i'uuijr ciiiuhuiii wiivauuj , i times is truly neautiiui. xnoiouttn uy sunury ugius, an oi wnicu wcro caused by whiskey. Wo never rcmcm- OillA. Kititir ht ii:irrui....HH.M.w- , lovcrftet (i., mxHrni Hn....Hi.t.H4.. i. llnlU'r.M.H HMm.H.ri. . TllllOW W.......M.. Dried AiilcnnM M....HHH. llamil. .. .. Hide, nnil Hhouktcr ... i jiru per rounu...w...M.M..M H.. Hay icr ton ............ LUMnHU. Hemlock Unnrilfl per llion.nntl feet IMno " " (ono Inch) Joint, Bcjmtllnp, riAitlc, (Ilcniloclt) ...... Slilniilert, No. (1 wt thoiiHauil. Biding ' " ft. r.V.,V.V.V.'.'.'.'.! HON No. I Hwteh pig til No. 3 ' ..... ....I0 llUxmi ...s:w bcr to havo seen tho town In n moro de moralized condition. It would bo well to havo deputy constables sworn In on circit3days, and tho like, to nrrcst disor derly characters and lino them heavily. This would help tho county funds nnd tho public comfort. Lecture, by J. Harry James, Ksn., sub Jcct, "Our People," was well calculated to call Into action every energy, and overy emotion of tho young mnn's ar dent nature. It was well handled and will bo remembered by thoso of his friends who heard him, ns another ovi denco of his growing popularity. Mr, Jomes was followed by James Bryson, Jr. Esq. Subject, "Lnst'words of Web Aw V.nnnn Wn nntlpn 11 statement In n nnmhnr nf mir iixehnnm Hint Stor," ('I stM live'), Olid hero WO had nmnnithnmne.rnl laws tinsspil nt tho e-xainpiu ui ili-s UAeeuuiii. iiiiuginir Ifltn Hoi,,n nf fl.n loirlslntnrn wns nun tlvo powers, Whlcll.IlI conjunction with 1 . . i..ii 1 t i (i.i i. incroasiur tho amount of nronertv ex- 1113 IU". " voice, una luuiiiiuuiu Pmt. frnm Invv nnd Knlo nil exeentl in gesllClliailons prove, ueyonu a llOUOt l i H..I ir I l .1 1. 1.. frninS.mnin.trnn. ThlsUnn error. An mi Jir. ui j auii una liui iiiisuiKuii ma act to this effect passed tho House of calling, but on tho contrary that his nonrosrntntlvps. Imt It fnllml In lrnt '"rl la lIlu r"3i"" thrmmh tho Ronnto. sixth Lccturo of tho scries is do " I r i till. ... l 1 .... i f i nci viii; ui isjiixuu lluilLU. xnu auujuct are indebted to Capt.C.B. Brock- was "Ohjects in Llfo," delivered by way, of The Columbian, for a pam- Henry S. Boner, Esq., of Aslilnnd, Pa phlct copy of tho trial of Thomas Don- Knowing Mr. Boncr'n executive nblli ahue, charged with tho murder of Alex- tics, wo expected a good discourse, and anderW.Bca. It is a book of 92 pages vo wcro not disappointed. Ills early and Is very well printed for a country training has dovelopcd discipline nnd ofllcc. To have rendered It complete, it mental qualities in him which nro truly should havo contained tho very inter- enviable. Wo eomo noxt to notice the citing and eloquent pleadings of tho lecture on "Music," by Bev. A. M counsel on cither side; of courso this Croighton of Ashland. Mr. Creighton would haveswcllcd tho volumo to nearly discourse upon music was highly enter double Its present size. Tho evidenco tabling as well ns instructive. It called presented, will however sufflco to al- fortli much applause and excited no low cvory man to form an opinion for small amount of mirth himself, without relying upon tho col- Tho courso wns concluded on Thurs oring usually given by counsel, nnd day ovonlng April !2!Hh, 180!) by Bev. S perhaps It Is best. Price 25 cents. Jicr- Curtis, of Ashland. Subject, "The wick Gazette. Meeting of tlio Agricultural So ciety. Bloomsburg, May 22, 1800 Tho fourteenth annual meeting of tho Columbia County Agricultural, Ilorti cultural nnd Mechanical Association, was held In the Court IIouso,ln Blooms burg nt 2 o'clock p. m. Tho meeting was called to order by End." All sublunary things must havi an end; and the Beverend gentleman embraced tho present occasion to enforce tlio ob.servnnco i,f that end wide awaits us all. J.J. Hoaoland, Oi:.nthama, Mny 21,'Oi). Chairman Ciiiiiiuuiilcutcil HlHTOlt Cor.UMlHAN : I had the pleasure of rapturing tho largest Iron hist Saturday evening, I have eve Wk would warn our editorial brcth en not to insert 'any notice of a patent hum now belng'offered for salo by two cniamedfloM,Etr & Bahdine, un- iss hucn nouco is prepaid. Wo wcro rcen onough lo do so, and wero dec! cdljr stack." Ordinary Christian hnrity prompts us to try and savo any f our craft who might bo ns soft as wo yere. r.A W.fe unnpun'cd'Uiis week tho names of audidatcs for nomination to tho sever 1, County offices to bo filled at tho noxt lection. laadditlon thcro will bo two llstrlct offleca to bo filled, to wit, Stnto ienntor and Representative In tho Leg stature.' For the former our Convcn Ion will doubtless nominate Mr. Buck doyand.fot tho, latter Hon. Oeo. Scott vho IS' .entitled to a ro-electlon under ha usages of the district. , M.UBDEU Trial. Wo are under obli satlpng to Mr. Brockwny, of The uo ;umhUij,; for a'copy of his very intcr tIng"liamphletkon tho trial of tho Bea aurder; In that county. It is well got ;on'i'p, and gives a full account of tho ivldenco and all tho proceedings con aectl wlttf tho trial. Wo aro much iblig'lo'-Tiiai'for tho book, which ho las forf'sale at "only 2o cents a copy. Montour 'American. ll.nKrouIilont .Tnonl, Tlnrrla ivlm nlar Cailgllt. A llllef dCSCnpl 101) Ol tllO stated tho obiects of tlio mcctinu; and wodtu operandi mny inleres t a portion t.I,n nnlnr In wIi1p.1i ilin I.iiHlnnas Rlinnlil of your readers. I had n nice liltlu bo transacted. Tho Secretary's renort wood rod, silk nnd hnir lino with nnil llio mlnnlPH nf Ihn Inat. lt.fplln,' Hlllllll Ily. TllO plaCO Wl ClU 1 (llllght wero read and ndonted. ' is opposite our village and Known On motion of 0. B. Brockw.iv. Jneob I'lasiors- -uiu uam. rrevious 10 uiu Hnrriswns nominated for President of iul "ooued nun, uui in my euoris m tho Association for tho cnsulnir year. "1 upon tho sheeting of the dam Tho nominations for President wero wouui nreaic uio 11110 or hook an then closed, bv unanimous conscnt.and escape. On this occasion J tried n new on motion of Win. Neal. Mr. Brockway I"ani nrter 1,0 uamo 10 hiiilaeo and was appointed to mako tho castnig vote iook mo ny aim iounu no was nut, of tho Society for President. plunged into tho stream below tli Jumes Masters and C. CI. Bnrklev sneoung, nnu tliero tlio struggle com wcro nppointed tollers for the meeting, "noticed; ms oiTurls to extricate liimsv who announced the election of Mr. Harris. On motion of W. H. Bradley tho sal ary of tho Secretary was llxed at ono hundred dollars for tho ensuing year. wero most terrific, sometimes he woul run in a circle, and then ngnin strik off In n straight line, so swiltly nt on tlmo that I had to let go tho lod topic vent his hrenking loose. Tho excite IHoomttmrft Mnrkel ltfporl rn ..M... , M 10 H.l . I -it , 91 ..... ' 63 .... II W ...... S Oil ... . a w .... it .... 75 2 51 .... !K ... 2 V ..... 10 to -. 110 (P. ... Unif' .... 15 ( H(l Ttl .... I 0" :encrnl merclmtidUo wtilrh for any In tlio country, flroeerlen nnil qimllly ninl vnrl I.lRlit Klifft tlnrlirU. Corrected weeklvlivrclerKnt.wlioteH.ilo ninl rolnll dealer In itiiiln, Hour .V r.eit iiiul iencnil mercliandlzo. Wlient per bunliel il t Rye ' 1 :i Corn " ' to Uuelc Wlient 1 Im (InU III Wlieal Hour per IU) 1'... . S im Ruck Wliviil ('lour 4 .M Corn Chop, yfu llrull, .... 1 no iniiicr per in , ur, ttiEt per uoz 11 Niintoefl pr hits 70 Drloil Anolei, 2 till Hnioked Hlda lileitt pr 11 Is nnoiiiuer m " Ham " li". Ijinl " lb is Philadelphia Market.. Klouii NoilliweMern Mupcrnnent mriuwe3iurii exvni..., SKt ft.i5 NoithwcHLccn lainlly 7.rA0 7.7.) 'cniiRyunuiii nnd wchtcrn Riiperilue... r,.u4(ii 'ciinsylvnnlfl and Wuxtcin exlru H.lofm 0.75 'elilinvlviililn nnd Wcntein fnmlli' 1 1 .Ul :VnliHyiviiulit uhd WcsU'iu tulicy 11.5.11X25 1' I 1 Ilvo Hour 7.Si WiIKAT I'liiiiiiylvnnlared, Uuh JI.0I1.7ii Koulhern " " iUI(r2.75 Cnllftirnln " " " wliltM " ItVK l'cliiiRylMinla ic, vhu SM'Ktl.lj CollN Yellow, " IMaOuc. White, " H.17I.I7 Oats l-hui . 7ocMJio I'kovihioss Mens I'ork, y bid t;IUO Mem Deer, tJIO 1 1 ressoil 1 1 OK1,, Y " B wcftyUi! HmoUod Hams " liCflUu ' Hhoulders V n Lanl, V lb -M20Aa eloversccd Vhus (7.0011.75 rimotliyRced V hus 81.75 riaxhceil 11 1.75 -lieef CatlleWlb UitscilHc Cow. it head - tllV.tSVJ Hii:ki "R C K.Vi.!l.! H0U3-H 11M Iwd SH135I7.SII will wiiniirtre mvorably Willi MISCELLANEOUS. ; jiiisi' ciiAfes ao6i)s. ' ,' 't U A II U UiiJIUIVtH 17 TlidKulr-rrlt-cr linn Jit llioronglilyreiiiiiekAt Nliitli A hlitnuiiu, and now oirors for wild A COMl'IATK H-IOCK OF DIIV GOODS, I? IlllUt Of 8PBINO GOODS which ho will dlKhoie of for eanh or country pro duce. Amoiiu hln Dry UmKla will ho round nil tho latent nim lxwi ptittc rut or JIU8MNH, (UNdllAMM, t'AI.ICOISt, n.AN.NKI.S, KIIAWI.S, HII.KH, CAHHIMCItH, llllOADL'Uirllft, fOTl'ONAIIIX, Jl'.ANH Ac, Ac. (IllOCIiltliys, tlt.AH-sWAlli:, tiiiniiNHWAiti:, HAltllWAItM CKIIAUWAIll! llllUtH, OII.'I, PA I NTH, VA UN ISli US Ac. II ATS ,t CAPS, BOOTS & S1IOICS and. In fact, u complete lino of rooiIr. Iielounlnit tohU huilni'Mi. ANliohuH and kelU for I'unli ho can nll'orJ lo keep hln prlcen n low If not lower than movl ucalerff. Hln motto ih "llCHK HM.tH AND SMAl.t, l'llOFlTH.' COAli Ob' Al.Ii KINDS Constantly on hund and lor -mlo at tho towaht tnaruci raics. MOlltl l'HII.MP.S PIIOSl'llATK, llslieclalnl tent Ion paid lot he select Ion ol 111) ltd Inn innlerlnl. Cnllerv. Mechanics Tools, nnil Ilaiilwiiio of nit kinds, to which the uitenllou of buiiiicrKandoiiicrH is rfriucsieu, GRAIN 1' IT H Oil AH IS II. A fnlr fdmrn ol mihllo cost loin Is desired nnd no e llni Is will ho i-uiltltd loilo entire hidUliu- llou. JOSt:i"II It. KNITTI.I' . Apr. l(l,oi (im Catawlss.i, Pa. BKST IS THE CHEAPEST I 1 MERCHANDISE jjEW stock oouvmTSu, I'rcKli ni l lvul ill ' ( 1'AI.I, AND WINilUt UOOIih. DAVID IXJWl'NIlnilil Invite nllcullon to lil toclc of CIIKAl'ANDl-'AHHIONAIII.KCl.OTIIiNO. at Ida moro on Main Street, two doomnbove the American Hons Bloomthnrir, I'a whero ho Iiu Jut received fiom N(W York nnd l'lilliulelphl.1 n full nnsnrtinent of JIUN AND HOYS' CUmilNH, r iw I inline tho most fashionable, durabh:, ami handomo lrniKt uoona. CfinfttHtlnit of IIOX, HAt'IC, HOCtl, HUM, AND til IWJ I Arm COAITSAND l'ANUS. of nil hoi Is, hlyes nnil colors, Ho linn also replen ished his aliendy largo sIihIc of 'AM. AND WINTKIt fillAWI.-), h ritiri:D, Fiatmr.D, and plain vith, HI 1 1 HTH, CltA VATH, HTOCKM. U II ,I,A I US, IIANDKKIICIIIKKH. (IWIVIX, t-UHPKSIir.lW, AND FANCY AUTIfl.l'X lie im co!iKtuiit!9n Iminl n large nnd wi II-m- itIlsI assortnicnt of CI.OTIM AND VITINOS. which he Is prepared to mako loonier lulu any kind of clothlnc, on very abort notice, aud lu tho best manner. All bis cluthlug Is mtulo, nnd most of Ilin of homo manufacture. 001.11 WATCH ItH AND ji:wr.i.uv, rovcrydciscrlptlnn,fliiannd'licnp. Ills cnsunf Jewelry Is tlus'plaeo. Call and examlno liUgciiernl ORsoilmcn of cuiTiiiNa, WATaira. jr.wKi.m , ac. DAVID I.OWKNIlUItO. BU0WN-CUAflIiK.-Ou Mny tho lClh by llov. is. H. iienry, Air. joiiiim nrown, lo .miss ijiji. bctn urii'jie, both ol l'orrauce, l.tiKeruo County Mlr.r.AltD MOWItElt.-MnvId.lilho lluv. A It. llollenHlcin,.iucriu.AiiUHril or Diiuilnvlll'i lo liss lnie .. .'towrer oi ow .iauouy Lon couuiy i'a. KIHSUNHAlfr-lliniOKIt. On the'-nili Inst., l.y llov. Wm. .1. Ker, .r. Samuel l'lsciitmrt in Miss lil7.aheth llciier, both of Union tnwmhlp Kchuylklll co. I'a. MOP.S-DAVKNrOnT.-At Town IIlll.Miiv 1(1. by Itev. K. Wiulswollh, Mr, Joseph 11. Moss, of I uzcrno co., to Mlts Mnry K. Davcntiort nl llcuton, I'.i. roitTNiin rpm MILLARD I IV Itev IiiiII.i.Iii Mivs Allco M. Former, dnuyhlcr of II. F. Foi tlier, I'sip, of Catnwlswv. -On Tllesd.iv.20lh Inst. . il. u. loll, Mr. usenr l". iiiuaiu, oil' Squill... WICK, In llorwh,k,ontholSthlnsl.,vory Mitldcn ly, Mrs. Hum 1 1 lVclf, ngeit 02 years ami 10 dnyK. WUl'lON. At Lewlst.urt; Mny tflli lr.!lt Clinrlcs KvniiR, son ofT. M, uiu Nnncy Button, iikm1 b luuiuliM, - wctliri una '2 ilays. He died In tlio reason of Mooins, Mid tho ht'iitt cheering music of lilrtln, When Niituro was vocal with pruUtis, More sweet tluui arc uttereil lu wurils. Wcilrcltotlhlm wltlibprlns'sluiKhUst llDW'fr-i And laid hlinawuy lu tho grave, CoiiunlUlng fo rover our darling, To 111m that tsahlo to avc, Ilnpo Icsfcdis tho depth of our horrow, l-'alth c-UngHto tho coiuroitlng word, Kttr Christ tho assuraucu has glvfii "Of Midi Is tho Kingdom of Ood." Oo, little one, go to thy Kavlour, He has tnado It thy pleasure I o come Aud dwell lu Ills pn-sunco forever, Away In His beautiful home. DUUGU&MliDICINEO. T 00K, BEAi), AND BEAItN, THAT THE tlrcnt SliOHlionccH llonicilyl III' TltR tT.l.F.lUlATKIl 1MIIAN im. LKW1H JOSlIEI'itUS, of tho dlatlngulshcd Trllo of Hlioshonceii, Colum bia Territory Is now for Rnlo In tho Union. This all poisesalUK ureal remedy. Is wnrranleil nnd In broad nnd emphatic lniiciHRC, we rnn nnfely nay, mny bo relied upon lo renlco n perinn iicnlcnrenf nil illsenscH ol tha Throat, I.unes. Liver, Kldnevn, Dlecstlvn Orunns, etc.. As well lui ncrorula, tlio vnrlous aliln iIIsukcs, llmnnrs, and till Impurity ot Iho blood, excepting tho third nlnnoof t'onsniiipllon. IlluCnnnda whero this Rrenl remedy hns been In tuo for n Miort tlmo It hns Indeed cirected Homo of tho most mnn clous cures ever recorded In the nnnnls ornisinrlcjii meiiicine. uncn uein; llio enso In addition to Its former renown in Col umbia Territory wo defy humanity to dispute I ho Im t Hint thin (treat Hhoshnnecn Itemedy Is ho remedy orreraedies or mo lU'ii ueniury, nnu the arentcst ljoon ever laid nt tho nllar of Miircr-lujrliumnulty. l'rlcooriho Ilcniedy in Inrno pints, Mnnufncturcd bv Dr. Younif & Uros.. nt Hvra- cuse, N. Y. l or sale by an dealers in .-iciiuiciiie. MIOCEIiliANEOUS. )I.HJHHIIIIlltlNtlllMAI,Ht'IIOOI.ANHMT Jj LliAIlY INtiTIlUli:. DUAltD OF lNHTitUCTlUN. HIlNltY UAUVilll, A. M.,' l'rlnclpal, 1'roliM'or of Inletltfliinl nml mornl Mlriirc, nil llicsiry mi'i pmcllcoof tuichlnR. Miss flnruh A. Onrver, Preceptress, Tencher of French, llolnny line, ornamental branches. Isanc O. not. A. II., . . ITofessor of Ancient IniKUne nnil LiikIMi Urammar. . J. W. Ferree, A, M. rrofe'ssorof Mathemntlos. and t.rarllrnl ns tropoiuy Itev. D. C. John, A. M I'rofe nor of chemistry ninl ihysle-i. ,F, M. Hates, Teacher of p,cogrnpliy. Iilitorj A linok ktstlni: Jnlnes llrnwll, Atssl tnnt tencher of inalhcmntlci Ur mmnr. l:ii(llsli M K 11 Oil AND1HE. NUTICi: IH III.UF.1IY tllVKN tho publlo generally, thnl All To my frteiuls nu kinds of 1)1 IV OOODH, anooEHiES, QUEENSWAltE, NOTIONS, AG., nro constantly on liand nnd for sale AT UAUTON'S OLD HTA.ND, lliioJtsnunn, nv JAMF.S K. F.YKlt. trAlm, Snlu Aiten t for' riiiwi'iiATKiii" nil. lirKe lot coiislniilly on biiinl. lcbyi.7. Win. Ncnl moved that tlio salary of nicnt nt inn btasu 01 mo iir(itctiiiii Treasurer bo fixed at soventy-llvo dol- uuo'iio, 'iiitnoii'-n i nui not 01 ni lars i year, which wus amended by oxeitnlilo natiiro.) Again i-ei.iiir tli Wm. Peacock nnd amendment accepted l Braduniiy workt tl lilni toward it by Mr. Neal, Ilxltitr tho Treasurer's sal- ""lu island, some twenty yards lielow, nrv for tho onsuimr year ntotio hundred waljint; Iinclt wards and l-eenin-r :ny dollars. After considerable discu&bion, tno 11110 ami uio niovenienis 01 by voto of tho Association tlio motion monsii, aim unaiiy urcw Iiinionton was negatived. (lry aIul 1UUI secured mm. i carried Thnro wero anvprnl nrnnositlnnti mniln nn to town and WOigliCtl Ililll, His in regard to tlio investment of tlio funds of tho Society with offers and assuran ces of rospouslblo persons that tho mon oy ia tlio hands of tho present Treasur J. J. JIcIIknuy. ISentoti, May 21, 18G0. i The Couut Housi:. Wo cordially SndorBo tho Buggestion of our cotcmpo rriry aa to tho propriety of hiring tho Oo.uji'Honsp,to .persons desiring its uso for 4'reasonabl rent. It would add to theKvatiuo of. tho countv. nnd do no Injury' ie room. To mako tho pluco llealMWi? Jfciflevcr, thero should bo two good chandeliers put in It, as tho present dilapidated concern gives n very feoblellgUt. .During Court, Judges and attorneys havo been obliged to sup ply their own lamps. er should warrant six per cent Interest Mr. Editor, this magniflcent fish cost and tlio pcriormanco of all tho duties mo nothing in tno way oi cei.ico. of Treasurer, whereupon E. Menden lmll and Win. B. Koons.vero nomina ted for tho ofllco of Treasurer under tho requisition of paying six per cent for tho surplus moneys lu tho hands of Treasurer, On ballot E. Mcndciihiill received -10 votes and Wm. I). Koons 19. E. Men donhnll was declared elected. 15. ! Hartman was by a casting voto given by B. F. Clark, elected Librarian. On motion of Mr. Neal, E. J. McIIen "iiU8T8a-tijiY was arrested on Wednesday lost by Constable Wood ward 'nnd taken to jail for drunkenness and -outrageously disorderly conduct. Fjy'M alwayyjquarrelsonio and pro. JftnYhen.-iaryuriuor nnd it Is to bo hoped that his arrest will hnvo somo beneficial .efltot on him, nnd on somo of his 'companions -whoso excesses aro a ;dlsgr.icb.t(r' tlio community. Tlio action .of Constablo "Woodward is to bo com- iinendcd and it Is to bo hoped ho may bo always on hand at such times. )i, rl'ry vas. committed to Jail lu default w. M.lll U l'JVtl. II- .-.III. ... I.UUII uta i jK-n Ivn ulrnnirnr wlin linil mooii lllrinm bunr twoyeflrsncoshotild rovlsitit now ''hg'.WSUld scarcely rccogniso tlio placo, )ery where uro Improvements nnd -.addttloan 0olnL.fcirwnril.nnd MnlnHtruct ooiitniu no uuiitiings wnicu lonablu beauty. Iloboir.s A toro Is advancing rapidly letion nnd will bo a vast on tho unsightly wooden tormerly stood ou tho cor ner. SrSiBi's hard at work n$ his new f,;lIotol bulldlpg, Lutt has nearly finished f;iIa' new Drug Storo and tho flnoEpIsco tjpal ChurcH Is daily assuming shapo aud nwuty. xncre is no tioubt that lilooms jaro orijMgfitl VluiproveHWt yififf nrJw'flffers strong attractions both ' oa n placo of resldenoo nnd of business, weight was iMbs anil '2oz, and ho meas ured 17 indies in length. Ho inado it flno meal for our family and somo friends. In conclusion 1 would sny, Local Notices. Fiti'.i: Lunch! Thero will bo it frco luneli dally, hereafter, at thoExchango saloon. All tlio delicacies of tho season served In tho bent stylo ntshort notice. Don't luaviitown, without falling on our enterprising merchants Miller & Wolf and Iookinir over their splendid ry, of Flshlngcrcek township, Joseph stock of goods. Our lady friends will P. Conner of Centre, Conrad Krenraer, fl,,d tho, prottivnt Dress or Mnuison, j. n. lKcier or urcenwoou Oooda to bo had in town. Thoy havo Wm. T. Shuman of Jalno, It. F. Clark all tho latest patterns and onn hardly jisq., oi uioom, wero eiecteu inemuei-s full to suit any taste. or tno tsxecutivo uoininittco for tno en suing year, after which tlio meeting ndjourncd. JACOll HAItUIS. Prcst. K. ll. iki:i,ku, beo. WITHOUT a good digestion. All oilier temporal blesslnci are com parntlvely Worthless. Tho dyhpcptlc millionaire who lias tiled nil the pollous ol tho medical profession lu vain, and bcllnvcs his cniupliilutto bo lucuratile, would glvo half his foituiiu to bo freed from the hoirois of Indigestion, nnd thus cnubied U enjoy Uio other half. 0 course ho icouif. lvrhap iiosTirrrKifs stomach mtji:u.s has been recommended to such asulteier. Possi bly ho litis turned from tlio friend who inado the sudtftsllnn with n smcr, Inllmalluj; that he lias o fiilih lu nny "patent medicine" ir this las been tho case, so much the worse or htm. Ills In credulity dooms him to a llfo of misery. All llio luxutlcH which wtnltii call purchnso nro at Ills command. Not ono of them can give htm pleas ure. His own Irrational obstluncy is his bane Tuo musses, happily for themselves, are Uss kcptlcn). There is such a thing as bigoted utile lie, as well as tioialci-ciiiliVaudagolden mean between the two, which men and women who mogilted wllh common senso adopt and profit by, HOSTiriTKifS IIITTKIM. Why do they ap prove 1 1lls Inmous nntl-dyspeptlcuiulnntl-blllous leparatlon? Simply because they liavo hot been so much tlio slaves of senseless ptejudlco lo glvu It n fair trial, nnd hnvo found Hint when nil other tonlcs.stliuulnuls and stonuuhlcs failed, it iroduced llio desired cucct. Strike, but hear," said the Itomnu sago when lis ignoiiint enemies wciu availing hIm."I)oubt, but try," says tlio man who lias been cured ofln dlgcbtlou, or biliousness, or iiitennltteut fuVcr, by tho II liters, us lia relates his expurlcuco of tho tucdlciuo tohis iuvnlid friends. Whoever is so wedded lo ids own foregone theoretical conclu sions, ns to decllno to test tho properties of n medicine endorsed by tho testimony of Intelli gent men In every walk of life, nml npproiul by tho peoplo nt large, deserves to sujjer. MKHTINC1 OV COM- THE EXKCUTIVll MITTl'E. Ul.ooMsliuiKi, May '21, 181!!). Imuiedlnttly after tho adjournment Wi: would call attention to tho lino assortment of Spring goods now offered by Julia A. IJarklcy, Tlio newest nnd prettiest Dress Patterns and trimmings from tho well known establishment of Mrs. Hinder in Philadelphia havo Just been received. Dress nnd Cloak making attended to. Tho ladies .should !lt. of tlio fourteenth nnnunl meeting of tho cerlnI,,,y C'M 0,1 Columbia County Agricultural, Ilorti cultural and Mechanical Association, tho Executive Committed met In tho samo plnco and elected J, H. Ikoler, Chairman. Upon Investigation of tho printer's bills and receipts of last year, It was as certalncd that thcro was duo C. 1! Ilrockway $15.00, Thk Increasing number of sudden and unexpected deaths occurring in our midst, warn us to securo somo certain sum for tho benefit of our fiunilipH should tho Destroying Angel visit us. Thcro is no better way than to takeout a policy In tho Mutual Llfo Insurance Company of New York, tho oldest and wealthiest Company In tlio United On application of Henry Zupplnger, (StntC!j Als(!ts thirty-two millions of JohnVanllow, J.E. Stoker and Wm. ,,0nMi C'ooijjy, Agent, 1 I l.l nl.l- til f,)U v. tun .-. I f. n nuif..ln-a ,w ' ., , 1 .,, . Coliiutbian Olllco. hlblted last year, upon which n premi- um was offered but nono awarded by Wu nro Indebted to 0. 11, Ilrockway, Judges, tho Secretary was ordered to nlltor and proprietor of tho lllooinsburg draw orders on tlioTreasurerasfollort's Coi.umihan, for a pamphlet copy of to wit, In favor of 0. 11. Ilrockway, tho ovldonco in tho "Ilea Homicide" $15.00; In favor of Henry Zupplngor, trial. Tim Coi.umihan Is ono of tlio il.OO: J. P. Stoker, $1.00; John Van- Dost nnd ablest Democratic papers In How, $1.50; William Itelchart, $1.50. this section of tho Stato. In fact It Is II.lMIartman and E. It.IUeler were ho only Doinocrntlo paper which hns appointed u committee to lease out tlio met tlio expectations of tho Democracy Fair Grounds from tho first of Juno to or coiumuia county, and wo eongnuu tho first of October 18C0. Into friend Ilrockway upon his iibun On motion, tho meeting ndji-urned to dant succoss. It Is tho only Democratic meet nt tho olllco of E, It. Ikeler. In organ at tno county scat no factional Illoomsburg, on Saturday, tho iiOth Inst ''Uor now being publlshod thereand at ono o'clock p. in. M 11 consequence tno jjcmocrniic party J. H.lKEi.Eit, Chairman. that county uro unltod, harmonlou E. It. lKi:f,i:it, See. I and strong,-.Sunbury Demorrat, THE MNUnil CEWINO MACHINE lttCADS THK LIST, And lends Ihccoiumn 4,W3 abend of nil others. This Machlno Is the MOST I'OPL'I.Alt IN USE. It uses the llnevl necdloofany Macltiuu lu t x Istem e. Any lady wanting a good S E V I N O M A C II I N E, Will f-nnMilt her own Intcri'sU y hujtuK a Sl.N'tJim. Il N raslcr to luit.kurn and lcctp In oiilet tltimaiiy Mutlilim InlhouorM. OVKU :wi,ww OK T1IIIM in uhk. The IiillfKl liiKtmclloii given tliosi- who pur chahe,anil tin- Ma hint will iiu wakuanikh to yon for one enr, l'leimc will nt inv Hlun itml nallKty ymirsi I ven. Mr i,- ou will lin.l Nocith"-, Thit iul and Mill:. H.VVID l,(AVKNItKHU, Aiunt April ;t;i.s if. llli.tnasliui'i;, IM, A FARM Kirs HOOK OKll!i!iAT vamii:. how 'i' 1 1 m a k 1. t h ii v a it m pay! Oil THK KAUMKK'K HOOK ()! I'ltArrH'Ah INTOllMATION on AOitu-i'i.'iriii:, Kioru icaisimi, KurirriM.- TtHtft SI'U'lAL C'JIOI-M, ItOMKSTUl KIHMlNY ANIl FAMILY l I- IHl'INK, 15Y C. V. D1GKKUMAN, Alfiiilicr of I ho Pennsylvania Aifilonltnral SocU ly, Anu-rlcaii I'uiiiohikMl Sook'ty, lVnnsjUa nla Horticultural Kocli-ty, 1 ut AK.SISTJ;I Y HON. CIIAIIL1-S It. FLINT, Nut rotary ,M:inh., Htato lto'irdof Aurlciittuio. ANIl OTIIKK rjl.V(.TU'Al AtillU UItTlIltAI. witnuw. THIS UriKFUJj WOHK ti:i:ais ii.actuam.y op tiii: j-oluwin( Kim-iiuri's 'I ho fjiv Im: Out ami roustmrtloii or Stonn ami Tlli ntns.'l I'oThtory nml Vntc-tlcn of l'low Inir. Th lliwliuinliiiti and Annllc-atlon of Miiuuri-s.- 1 (i1 I'nrrhasu and Uht-ot Coiinnt-M-Ial FfrUllzt'iK. Tho Kc-Iet'ilon. Um. anil Caio ot Im- iilumi'iitK. 'lliu L'ulltiiuol ail thu ( J i aiii. J rasnos. UficaiK, and ieihxk. inu i uiiiviuion oi njH-iur ious. hiiLii us. i in if til. ifiuiifco. iiiin-. run, loino. eli-.. i ttv The lin t tllnu itliil Mninti'Uinent of Kt ot ic or all l.liuls.llorKfH, tattle, Dairy htock, Hlitfp, swine, tJimlK, l'uiiluy, and llcos. 'Iho Hyiniitntns id uveiy DlM-asu of l"uiiu-Ktl(i Aid mill", it ii nuiii, (-limine, linn iimij vh'iiuihii Ht'ini'Ulfs. Knit l Cnlturn lu ull Its ltiaiicht' : A))liri, iVai.s, 1 Vac his, l'luiin. ;henit-s, Small FrultH, (irnpo Culiurp.and Wlno Maltlnj; Mai Itvt UardL-nliiL' l'arinei' UllldinH. Vcirt'tatih's. Aifinus. fcic-in in iiuiiainiiM. iiotisuK. ji.iriiH. ShciN, Mirep llu rim, Ktatdo-t, I'ierles and I'.ml try HouscH. DoiiK'HtloKcouomy, lUrtdptH of all Kinds. Doincxtlo Mullclncs, tno Kyinptoms ol DIseaM-s of Children and Adults, with l'lalu Di rections for thoTi Dimchk, 1 () N 1) 1 T ( H. Tho Work ulll eoutaln over wvv.x liUNiuttiu and fifty octavo FAiius, on heavy paper, In new t pt, and will bo Wusiiuted with IM IL III iMIllKll AM) I'Ul.ll I Mi J 14 HAi I.MiB y ii aiidothtrartlKiR.aud w III holuruUhud u uii'M' iiiiiy w iiu ouit-r ii our iibi -ui. .M. I'. M'tOl.LVM. liloi.msLurKl'a. Auunl lor Columbia County, Apr. x.ii'J-i LEGAL NOTICES. ADMIXJSTHATOUVS NOTICE. . USrArKOKFllIMI M.HTKKLY, DEC'JI. Lietteuof mliiiliiUtratlonoii (lioealatoofl'lnllp M. Hteclv, lato or MliUiuvlllo. UoluuiblK County, iteceahOd, )mo leeii Kraiited by tho KeiiUter of buld county, to I. K. Kcliwepnoulielscr of thb Biuno place. All perHouH having claim or do liiuuui uuiuoi uiu miui t'biuiu hi u leijuebivu n irt'feeiil lliem n-rks-Hiit-meiu wnuuui ueiay, uuu hobu Indebted to iimbe payment. I, K, bVllWhl'l'llSlirtAEll, May 7,'f9-et AUimnUtrator, A A DJIINISTllATOH'S NOTIOH. -ti. KSfATJJ OF (JKOltdH HHKlClf. KEL'KASKP, Ictlera or udmiubitratlon on tho cbtatu or (Jeoitfe Jtrethcu lato of CamwUtui twp., tnluiu hlu en.. (leeeasLd.huv(i been uraiiLcil bv tho Iteultii terof buldcounty to Joseph Ji relic h of Culauht.a iwp. All peisouH havlutf dalum or UeuiaudM ugaliiKt thoebtatoof tlm decedent uio ieftifhtcd iu muiio mem Jtuuwu, nnu inunu mueuivii iu inuuu payjueuv. luniii u iii.ritrtsjii, Apr. -V'-Ct, AdiuluUtrulor. DM INISTItATOHS NOTJCK. IJIl'ATt! OF 1'trrtlt K.IUlHIIKIN.DKU'II. l'ilcrti of udtuluUtrutloii on tho Cblato of Peter K.llei belli of Iociut township, Columbia county. tltyjM., havo been t; run lod by tho Ueylider of kuUI county, loltolundu llerbeln of I,oeuM. All per hi tits l)iLvlyifcliilinordeiiiiLlidriUi;rtinhL thedeeetl ent niu riquented to mako them knoui,uud thisu inueuicu io ihuuu imjiiiunu 1 nouvNDiwiiiatHniN. Apr,o;u)-Ct. Administrator. A nMlNJSTUATOHVS NOTICK. 1.HTATK OF WILLIAM H. KNT UlCCKAbKlL Letteru of aUiululHtratlou on I ho ehlutu or Wm. M, Knt, lato of Hcott tuwiuhlp, Columbia co.. dtK-euied, havo been k run ted by tlio KeuUter ot k.ildnniiv tn lV'terllnt nt hiild towintliln.All ier bona ha Tnt; claims or UeinauiU aculimt the iu.latu of tho decedont niu leiiueutod to nuiUe them liuown. mm tuom inuemeii in maitt pay mom. I'JCTKU i:nt, Apr.3J,'W' AtlmluUlrutor. A DMINISTIIATOH'S NOTICK. XV Vtt rATIC l)V J(tSKll llKU'll. jAttoru of udiutnUtruttoii on thu etato of Joseph Klkuudull of Mlltllu towiuhlp Cohunbiu County deceased, have been ki aided by the IletcUler of mid county lo Mtehen Kikeudall of .Neseoi-c. J.uieiiio couuiy ivmuyivainn, All iHsrsouM liavlnu tiulum or aeiuamu atfulust thu etatt of thu decedent are reoutteU to lituku Iheiu kuowil, and thoKtt Indebted in make luiympnu nir.i'Hi.ii JviKr;nifAi.i-, ilnv IM 'Ufl-CL Admlulklnitfir. Nt'bcopcv, J'a, A CLKAIl, SMOdTJI fiKIN AND il beautiful complexion Dllowi tho llso of Helm now vomeniiuuii i-ximrt naritaniiiuia. It lt10VCM UlUCtf hJtOIH, pUUpfCH AUU UU iTlll' UOtlYi! iiiuuui. W JM I'DItTAN T N 0 T I C K. .M.IINII-I(,'l NT IIISl'LAY O V 1) H U S S IIOO 1) S, AT Till". NBW STORK, UROWKR'S RU1I1)1XG The i.ilcndld rooms of J. J. IlKOWl'K, nio coinidcUd and now onen to the imbUc wllli the I' I N E K T K T O t! 1C ever tiil'ured In Jllooinslmn:. All tlin N E W E 8 T H T Y 1. E S of Dress UihhW, HIIUs, Cloths, Cassliucm, l.lni n i'.nnnel' Ap, C A H V E T s I every sljlc and lur all I'llei-t. Oil t'lnlhs ii ( val lely. A full lint; of SUI' E It 1(111 (ill O O E 11 1 E S, CnU'ei's, Tt-nn, Hitcnr?, Hiiit'ti--, Will j-j 1 1 1 1 -. 1 iiineaud Komi. UliA.SK AND (JUEENSWARE, in cuicl'iilly tissoi led varit'ly. (i I. () V E S, UOSI E It Y, lllXll' SKIltTH, C01t1l:T.-l ANIl A I'OMI'I.Vn'l asMirlnientor white noons, The pulillc nro enriir.-.tly inviti'il to I'MiuiIno Iheso lino ouds, licfolo inn ehusili1' tlsewlieiu nud aru uarantetd satlsfae Hon. No I'sjienso or trouble lias been simreil l mako THU MOST COMl'MiTl-l eslablUliiiient lu thin Mellon of thu .i. ,i. Mny 7,'ia-tf llloomsburi Ill AY I. IMT AT I. .W. IIAltT.MA.N'.-i M JUUaOlftTS WUTTK THUS OV THK OIIKAT SHOSIIONKES IIKM12DY 1 (AU-STHACTS OF LETTKltS,) (lenevn. V. Y.. Feb. Mill. 1STC). int. Ynuvd A. Hun. I find inv t,ao of Your vnlimhln UitiPillfH prrtitlv liinrt-nitnt. Ill fact Tour OreatKhOMhonroR Heincdy UrIvIoi tho bent of satisfaction, and dolnff Juntas ills recommend ed to do, Keveral havlDg even eomo In to tell me hnw much they una neen uencmeu irom iih use. I have hoiu out oi 11 again, eic. eie. VlLAltD N. SMITH. Sherman, N. Y.,March, SOtb, 18C0. Im. YnuKn & Iluo. I started vour (IrefttShos- hmiPCH Hemedy by Klvlng away ono bottle ton, confirmed Dyspeptic, the result has been ample. ltKlvea universal satinfactlon, more than any inner metncine wo nave una in inei-uoru iorj earn. From what I havofceen of tho Shoshoncefl. I feel Jusllllnl In reeommendlns 1(. Hend me six doz. niorv, it u in hen in un to mmiiiif, eir. 11VHON Fi;.VNKIt. Wiileilnwn. N. Y.. March 11th. IWP. l)it. YotiNd & lino. Your ShohhoueeH Itemedy U KlvhiUKotHl satNfartlon, nnd KDilHlM-ttrr than tin v itiiuT 11 i! w iiu'diritiH wo liiive ever aiiemnten tn Introduce, as wo nro nearly ontof It, mmm! us Miss Alice M. Carver, Teiw her of Music on the piano and mclodenu. , Mrs. Ilultlo L. Ilitd, Teacher of V ocal Music and lnstrumeubil IiiuhIc MtM .1 ul la M. (Incut. TcAclurof model Hchoul, TlieRnrlna teim vrlll coininpiiio Apr. 19. lMji. aud until our Utnrdlntt hall In reaily for occupnn ry, on application to tho Principal, students will be furnished with homes In pleiumnt lamlllrs. It la better for student to commence At the op ening of the term, but when thin Is imprtietkn bio liioy enn enter at nny time. March 'Si im n hasto etc. a LhWIH&CO. TOMKSTIC ECONOMY! CAMPILLION CAHPET1 Anew, clienp durable, healthy, nnd Iteautlful FLOOU COVKHINCJ I AkuUUUiIo foroll-cloth ntono-thtrd Ihoeost. Thlsenrpet In prmluced by aiwcullarcotnlilnn lion of st roni?. heavy paper, primed In ornamen tal color, and mated with r tough, elastic, water priMr etinmel which receives tho water, protect the color and paper endures wanhlinr. nud ren ders the cat pet bright and beautiful Jn the ex Ucme, Its advantage- are on follows i . Its cost renders ltantlablo toallclaKseu; UN cxceexllnely BtiKKiih and Rlo-wy, nnd it accumu lates next to no dust : Hdoes not requlro to Iw taken up nnd cleaned like other carjiet, and thus naves much labor and trouble; Ity recoatinn with the Cam pillion Enamcltoccaslonally ns the case may require, (which costs but n trifle,) It will last lndeflnely, even an nee,and always appear new and bright ; In iht use no reliance whatever Is placed upon the paper for wear, hut exclusive ly upon sho water-proof coat 1 up, the figured pa per being ufced only to secure the eoloi-s, I'a per has recently been used for n, variety of purposes, even for trunks, roof, flour ban and wearlinrnn- pnrel.bul tho llrst attempt, either in Europe or America, to convert it into carpet or lloor cove lug, all concede Itto be an entire success! We have purchased the right for Columbia county and can furnish the carpet to merchants ai inuuuiuciurcrs prices, aYou are invited to call ard examlno the gofKls at our store. MKIChVV, NEAL.fc CO, liiooiusuurciMic. ii uvii. 127 N. Mortrnn KL. Chlcaco. 111. Teb- 18l1i. lhtXL Int. Younu A llito. I have bold over ten doz.of your iiieat KiiostionreK uemcuy ancauyiauan uientuumherof the .Shoshouecs rills. It gives um eiai b.iusmciion, i im e ii'-i neani one 10 whom 1 have sold, but what Mieaksof it in the hluhest terms, and lecommenu It to others t nnd nslnmneaily out of lt,plenso send mo half a gross more nl once, etc, etc. Price of the Kemedy in largo pints, 1.2. AlonufacUiud bv lr. Younif & Lios.. at Hvra- cuse, N. Y. For bulo by nil dealers in iMeuiuiue. CONfJKNTllATEI) FLUID rJCTP.ACT 8AHSAlAItIM-V EUAhlfATKI KUtriTIVK AND UJ.LKItAl I 'i: Mh- KAHKS Of THK Til 110 AT, NOSli, r.YEH, I'.YELIIW SCALP AiNU HKIN, Which krutlsfli'iirn the flrniMiniirP. PIIltOINfl llio evil i fleets of mercury nud removing all tamU. thu lemnanls of DmllASl-, hereditary or otherwise, nnd is taken by AllULT.-i iind rllll.DUKN with lwrlcrL SAFKTY. AN INTIilllSTlNl I.I7ri'KIt IS MlbllMied 111 the Meillcn.Chliurglcal Ituvlew.on the subject of tho Kx tract of Katbapnrllla lu certain nireetloni, by lleiijamln Tiavers, F. It, H,, Ac. Hpeaklng of Wniso ulscdM-t-, ami nrlKloK Horn the excels of uieietiry, he htates that no remedy Is equal to mo i.xiMiei oi e-arsapuuue; us power ii exiraor- niuaiy, uiuroKO man any inner uiug i nui lie unstinted with. It U. In the strictest huuse ji ton- it; with thU invaluable attribute, that It is appli cable ton state ol the system ko sunken, and yet m lrittablo as lenders other substances of the tonic class unavailable oi Injurious. IIELMBOLD'S l-ONCKVritATKD EXTKACT S A li-SA PA It I LI.A , llstnhllthed upwards of 18 years. Prepared by n. t. iii:lmiiou), Apr.9,(4)-2iu 6UI Uroadway, N. Y, YOU WANT (UHI'KTS nu)M i!7i its. to'I.Cm I1 l'lllt YAItr. t!0 TO I. V. HAIUMAN'H. ' YOU WANT 15LA0K At.l'Ain KO.M lIcln.TO J1.5I ri:is VAiiu (jo 'io I. W HAll'MAN'M. 1" N- il'IO n a L LIFE INSURANCE CO. CKTIIH UN ITU I) STATUS O ! A A I 11 It I OA, W'ASIUNIITOS, II. f. ciiAiiTi:in:iiiiVHi'i:iJiAi.A(.Toi''(;oNiiiii.H Ai'i'iinvini Jui.v WW, CASH a a i i t I'A 1 11 IN iV h, I'UI.I.. $1,(10(1,0110. " 11 11 A N t; it o ! I'' I u 111 j . - - - - - - - 11 , FlltSr NATIONAI. IIANH llUILIIINCI, I' H I I. A I) E.I. VlLlfA, ' Whero tlio liulnei of hojl"iiiii.iiiy in tniniacted, audio Mlilch nil neneinl eorrespnii- denco hliould bo iiddrehmHl. YOU WANT .STJUI'E COLLAIW ANIl CWrH i'Olt I.A1IIK.S Oil (ii:.V'l (iO TO ff, I. W. IIAIlT.MAN'rf ellllVi o v l-1 o u ii Hi CI.AltUNCU II. CIiAltK. ricsl.lenl. JAY 1'OOKl', Clialruian riiuiiiioiinil lixr Committee. IIHNHV 11. ranKU Vleu-l'riBl.lenl. IIMI'IS-SON V. l'i:i-.T, Heeielnryand Aelii.ii), Tliint'iiuiiuiuyiiller-i llio fidluulnj: iidvantai;ei: It Inn National (.'oiiiiuii)', I'li.nteiiil by i-ih lul aet of Conre-.s, IMit. It liHniul,l-iiii'ii,IUili,fl,ii,nl. It oilers loiv rateHufiiieiiilutu, It furiilslies laiuev Itisiiranio lli.m nlluren )iiulc-i f,ir Iho samo money. II l di llnllouudeerlalii In Iiu lu'iui. it U nhnnio eoiuiiiny in every lui'alily. Ha lvollcle-l nro exempt flout ultaehliienl; Tlieruuro no unneeesHaiy reil ricl loim lu lite liolleleri. Kvery imlley U non-forfeltulilo. Vol lees may bo taken whleli pay to Iho Inurid tlielr full nuiouut, and return ull thu iiremluini, ho that tho in.uraueo rniiU only tho luleioht on thouuuunl iiayineutn. No extia rnto Ii ehariiiil fur rUkH upon thu live, of females. II liuuieii, not lo iiiy dividend- to policy-hold urn, but at mi low il rust that dividends will bo luiiiovilblo. iircularrt,V,iuiphIelHutul full paitleubus ulvi n on npiilcalliin lo Iho HruucliOllleiiof lhuUomui ii)', or to U. V. LI.AltlC A CO., i-lill.idelplilu. General Atrents for IVMinvylvanla uud Hiutluau Now Jcn.ey, JOKf, i:. 11IIAIU.F.Y, IlloomHlii.rt.' IU-. Special Alint forSIon(ouril: (.'oluuiblaCouutlea Feb. W.m-lyr, rpiIOSE WHO HICSIllE Ilrllllaiuy JL of Complexion mutt purify nnd eiuicli tlio blood, which Uelmbold's t.'oneentraled Uxtraet of Harsaiurllla Invariably does. AKk lur Helm liiild'H. 'lalto nuiillier. Jl- YOU WANT A ClOOU ..ii r-it-ii niiAwi, OO TO I, W. HAItTMAN'M. YOU WANT FANCY ci.oru roll A HACK GO TO I. W. IIAUTMAN'H. F YOU WANT A NICE Kin' Ol.' WIII'lT. WAltU 00 TO 1. W. HAUJMANH. p YOU WANV COCIIECO i'KIMM Ulll Ml'KJ.NU, Ml ltllli AMI l!AI!lti:i, IIO TO I, W. UAItTMAN'S. V. HOTELS, &.C Q O L U M I! I A HOUSE, 11Y HUKNAUD BTOHNUll. ilAViNa lately purchaM-d nnd fitted up the. weil-Kllowu i.ooisou iioiei i rojieny, toeaieu a TOIT DOOIU AnOVK TUB COUltT UOUbK, ontheitnnie Ride of the street, in the town nl Illoomsburg; and having obtained u license for uio samo as a RESTAURANT, tho Proprietor has determined to give to tho peo- pio v ib ui n ;f tuo town ou uuhiuckk or pleasure, A UTTLK MOKE KOOM. Ills stabling also is extensive, and Is fitted up tn nut buui'li'sand can lanes In ihcilrv. lie Drom- 1-tcs i hat every t hliitf about his cst-ahllshmcuUhull bo conducted in an onlcrlv and lawlul manner nnd he respectfully solicits u share of the public I animate, imyu ii-uin. J7XCHANOK IIOTKL, BLOOMSHUnU.COLUMUIA CO., PA. Tho undersigned havln nurchaectl this well known and centrally-lm-aiedhnuse.theKxchanBe Hotel, situate ou MAIN BTltKET, In HlmimsburR Immediately opposite theColumblaroimty Court House, respeotlully Inform their friends and the publlo in general that their house is now In order lur the reception and entertainment of tiavellers who uiay be dliKscd to favor It with their cus tom. They havo spared no expense In preparing llieKxchaiitfefor theeiitcrtalmiientoftheirtfuests neither shall thero be anything wanting ou their part to minister to their personal com tort. They huusols spacious, and enjoys au excellent busf heM location, Omnibuses run at all times between the Ex change Hotel and the various rallioud depots, by vhlcli traelleis will be pleasantly conveyed to and from tho respective stations in duo time to meet the curs. KOON & CI. A UK. Illoomsburg, April 3, jglLLIAUDSl lilLLI AllDS ! 1 WILLIAM H. UILMOUK linn finoni-tl n fine lUlllard Haloon In addition to his well known KliSTAUUANT. He has a tables with all ihe latest improvements and in perfect older. He tfceps ou hand the best LAGEIt BEEU AND ALE which tho market affords, OVriTErtH to be had at all times when lu season, also llcef Tongue, ricKiea uipe, uiams, ac, The nuhlloni-Q Invited to call, and nro prom- Isel satisfaction .either in hilllanlsor refresh ments. IIU C10AIW AND TOllACCO cannot )e excelled. Uloomsburfe', Jan. I, ou JJIPOUTANT TO nUILrEIlS,IIOUSEHOLl)EllH A: TEN A NTH. Tho undersigned would announce to the (111 Kcnsof llloombbuignnd vicinity that he is pin pared to execute HOUHE, SIGN, AND O UN AM ENT A L P A I N T I N (I lu alt its branches. I A P E R II A N (! I N U Carefully attended to. Strict attention to business nud good workman ship It is believed will ment a fair show of public patronage. Shop on Catharine Htrcet between Third nnd Fourth. MarJGMy. WM. P. 110DINE. pLOUR AND FEED. Tho undersigned thankful for post pat rnn ape begs Ui nunouce to his friends and to tno public thulhis N E W M I h h r YOU WANT A NICE1 AND tlOOI) MACKEUALHV Tlin HINHLE, A HALF t)lt QUAKTEH IIAUIIKL OO TO I, V HAUTMANV, V YOU WANT DUlvSS OOOIH PltOM V its, TO ti.u Pi:tt YAUD STHIPE AliD KIO'ltD. ODTO 1. W. UAUl'MAN'rt, TORK'S HOTEL, OEOUOE Y, MAUOEIt, lroprletor. Tho above well-known holcl has recently under gone rad-cnl changes In Its Internal nrrangemeuu, and its proprietor unnounee to his former custom and tho travelling public that his accomodations tor thecomfoitof his gnosis are second to none lu the country. His table will always be found sup plied, not only with substantial food, but with ull iho delicacies of tho season. His wines mid li quors (except that popular bevernce known as AMclhnry"), purchaseil direct from tho importing houses, aio entirely pure, and free from all pol tiniious drugs. He Is llmnklul for a liberal patron hm In Ihe past, and will continue to dicrve It lu thefuturo. OEOUOE W, MAUOJUt. XCHANGE SALOON, TiuiPiopvletorof theExchangHKahsuiliHs now on hand a large stock of t HUMMEH HEFHIIHIlMENU'b, consisting of KII K-Kl TONI-lUC, lUin.KD KGOB, BWKITIKH C1IK1CSK LAGEH BEER, ALE, 1C, 0- COME ONE, COME ALL AND BEE. I.AWKON CALM AN. Huperlulendent. llhuiiiisburg, May 'stt lwn, is now In complete running oider,uud that he Is nrenared to ilo all kinds of Mllllni; without delay Parties from a distance can havo their grists ground without ticlay, so as to take them homo 1 1 ii Ktime (lay, ami as n ruie nil woric orougiuio tlio mill can lie done In twenty-four hours. My present nrrangmcnts are such as to preclude the necessity of stopping the mill on account of Ice. high or low water. THE II EST FAMILY FLOUU. as well as tho lower grades, nnd nil kinds o CHOP AND FEED kept on hand Inquanllty, and for sal oat the low est -pujTent rales, Uroiu of ull kinds purchased. Light Street, Dec.-tCS-lf. PETEIt ENT. 0 MNIDUS LINE, The tuiderslgned would respectAHly uiiuouncv lo the citizens of nioointburg aud the publlo gene rally tha he lu running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place aud the different rutlroud de poU dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with thu several trains going South aud West ou tho Culu- wlssa and WUllam&port Railroad, and with th going North aud South on the Lackawanna and Illoomsburg I tail road. Ills Omnlbusses are lu good condition, commit dlous and com tor table, and chargen reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or nee their friends de p art, cau be accomodated uiou reasonable chargw by leaving timely notice at an) of the hotels. JACOB L (JHITON, Proprietor. U. HO WER, iiu npi'Ut il a nrsi-eiosH IlliOT, HIIOi:, HAT CAP, AND FUH HTOltli at lhu old stand on MaIuKtreit.Dtoouisburif.ufow ditomuh'tvo thoC4uit House, His sUm k is com- iioseiloflho very latest and best styles ever ol hir ed to ihocltUeiisol Columbia County, llnum nct'ouiiiiodalo the publlo with thu follow lug got sis at lle lowest lates. Men's luuvy double holoit klou l hoots, iiien s iioublo nnd siimlo tan koIihJ Kip uoois, men s neay sioga siioi-k nuiii k lie is, men's Hue IhmjIh and shoes ol all grades, toys double holed boots nud, shoes of all kinds, men's lov'e kid Daluioral's, wometi's.Utys's aim iuihkiu lUftiiiin KitiiiTfc, n I'liieii Kiove ki l'ollsb verv Ilne.women'HiuoriK-eo lial morals nui tailf shoes, women's very tine I. hi buttoned euil- t is. In short boots ol all desivl pilous Isdh Kill mitit-vtkim. Ho would uUomll attention to his tine ussort nu ut of HATS. OAPH, FUIW AD NOTIONS. which eouiprUos all the new nml inipulnr varl etlhs at prices whUh cuuuotlall to suit all. These goous uiu oueieu uv inv- iuui euxti imea um will Ihj truaiailletd loulve sullidaitlou. A cal is bollclud Ulore purchstflng t lMiheie hh It 1 believed that better liaigalns ure lo be foud than ai any oiuer pi. ice ui ine coumy, Dee. G'eT Q.ET T Muusoit'i THE lUJST, 's Conner Tubulur l.luhlidtiu ltod 1. the best prtecllou against dlwisler by lighiuliig ever luviu-do. lhu KUbfccilber is ngeut lor IDo uovu iuluiiou, hiui mi oroeis oy man or pi ersuu win uo prompiiy aiieuuou iov May Ih II. U1DLE.MAN P A. 1JNJON HOTEL, it u ii n n a u u u, Iho underhlcned would respectfully Inform the traveling public that ho has purehat-eil nud reJllled lu Ihe bettt manner Ihe old stand mruicr- iv ni-iiitti-d bv W. A. KlltiH. niul tluit bo W now prepared tn aecomuiodalo his irlends with nil the comioris aim (-onvenieuceuoiu nri(i noue. A lino new bin n has been bulltaml thusuiroun' dings itlaced in perfu t older, Tho bar uill al- gins, and the table furnlsbid with the best the Julv3'uH-lf OWEN I10UHE HbUWICIC PA. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Pjoprletor. This wel known Hotel has leu entirely i tilt led nud icliiruibhcd. with u lcw lo the perhct com fort uud convenience of gUi'VU, A eonimisllous 1. 1 try MabletscomiccKd with th rhtiihlKhim-iit. A License wilt t (ddalned at Mny Term ofJ Court, when thu liar will be suppluil with 1 1ii A It M E it 811 TltY Till ALT A VELA l'HCci iia'iK. U UIUIU1U VIIIVC It-Ill, UI (llIlluoiu. nil ample quantity to itlve activity without Injury oine veguuuion, hoc r. ttrue percrouiKw m ubleltone l'hosphnle of Lime, logelher with Potash and Soda, the esspntlal eliuieiils of h COMPLETE MA NUDE. The Increased kales to luruiers who ure using it ulth highly satlsruclo rv results Is a sure guarantee of lis value. lrle, Sijtipertnuof IU bags iXXJ lbs each. Hend for u pamphlet. Address B. B. niBIIOI A Co. Aseulu, 200 N. Del. Ave. Aiieut for rennnylvanln, rhlludellila and fiouth New Jemey. JulyS,'ily ST IlroEduuv, N.Y, TIIOIINTON ould announce tut he clllreiuinf IIIimiiiiii- rtt ami vlelultv. mat no has Ju.l leeei eu u lull unu euiujueieuMuf lineup ui W ALL PAl'EIti WINDOW SIIADKH, FlXTUUKH, COUIlS, TA.S.SHIl, and all other goods lu lits line of business. All tho newest und most approved iatterns of life day, are always lo bo found In liisesiabllKhiucut, Mar.VUU-tr Mailt Hf, below Market. JJi wm burg and tholcest wines, llquoiH and sign if, A lair shuie oi iuironuge is itijuesieu. Apr, e, vv-eui.- ipilE ESI'Y HOTEL. KSl'V, COI.l'.MllIA COU.NTV, I'A. The undertfiiined would liifoiin thotruelllii liuhllu Ihat im liaii taken the idjuvouulueil e.tali iUhuienl unil IhorouKhl' ulUied the kuiiio for tho i-erleet couveiileneo nf hi. uue.ln. 11 U luril-r will ho .locked with Iho hett tho murket bllord.. Thocholeeiil llquoi., wluea uud clKauaiwa' . to tie found lu hi. bar. WILLIAM 1'llITIT. .lIVil, H.iiy, I'a, JlilOHAOT'S TTOTEL, " (i,N0KTII, IOUKTII BTBKItl', I'HII.AnpLl'UlA. ). Jt W. U, M'KIIIUIN, 1'ioprielor, May til l-i I, SALE OF VALUABLE PIIOPKHVY. jhe tiiider.iKUeil,dei.lrluirt4)retlie from active bu kliienn, oireni for ale ill YALUABLK rOUNPRY 4 JIACIIINU HIIOI'. located near the Depot, on tha Ijickawauiia A llio uiaill UUIIUIUK is imiiiu brick Ul by uo feet with a .lale roof, and other bulldiuE. attached, There Is ulso couaected with It . onjj auuis tu-' unuurii. ALSO, ull the luittern.. .lock. uSI limse laiuer enulue. and tho material iikuuIIv touud In u tlr.1- clu-.M Kuundry. it lallrt luleom'liliic.uiul Hie .lurcuuber i-un -ieuro nu uuiiiuiieu aiuoi-o u uoino jwtroua-je. Terinn euy. Airily In l'eiMiii r by letter to ' I'CTKlt l'I Anr.U.UI-tr. lllooui.buiKl'u. llESUYWOLF. K.C. IMim). (Uuecwison to H. C. Bldve.) 7 fori MTU 8U1JSC1UUE118 II A VINO rmerlroecunled bv K. (5. Hhl-. will coutlnu" tha burue or luauufketuiluir DOOIW. KABU, 1IIJMW. W0UI.HJKU . Bracket ae. am aio lueinied, to dre..ed llVKirliiir, uhlnnle. and all ..llier lumber roqulml la thu oou.liutll.ui of bulldlnits. All tutulntf iUuiei.1 iiotieo. lulls tor lout and bthcr Irnmo fclnir tllll-d will; vroluiiV- Order. ie.i-wllilly iillclt'-d. ...Ft.. AurlllVM k UAinoN. i