THE COLUMBIAN AND tlDEMOGIlAT, 13LOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. AND n looms nuiio, pa. KaiDAV MOIISJNO, MAY HI, 18(10. - TUB COI.UMI1IAN ! Il l.irs" UllGitlntluit nr ftliy imp': published In Nnrtltertt PetllisylyRltlii, ami Is nllo R Mitch Inrgcr sheet limit miy of Itscotem pornrlesi mitt li therefore tlt1ist meillttm for advertising In (lilt cllolt unite 8llc Truiililo tit HcmUitmrlcrs. Tito-ti: iinfitu unit disinterested men who nerve thotr country iiM.ScnnlnrHiinil Iti'pri'soiilutlve.s urn hccoiiilng highly disgusted with tho power tlmt Ijo. Sen nlur Jtoi after n cheerful Interview wllti llio Clilcf Miiglstrute, reqtii'Hts Mm to depart to a locality whero over coats uru, HUpvriluuu.s. 5lr. Smuika af ter calling seven times' without seeing tho Secretary of Stato remarks that tho jtsh-fi old establishment qui bo conduc ted hereafter without UU valuablo. ns stUlnnco nnd hut of nil comes Sumner also, who having been requested to wait nftecu minutes to see Mr. Grant not only refused o do so but declares that ho would not wastd bo much valu ablo tlma for tho Queen of Eiiglaud,tiic (fraud Khan of Tartury or any other equally proud nnd haughty despot, llo furthermore gives) It us, his unbiassed opinion tliat tho White llouso Is noth lug inorO nor loss than "a mero military headqfiiUtcrs," This U Indeed ad, for how c.jt! wo look for tho success of an administration unaided by tho mighty minds of a ltoss.atjftnnks (sweot name) and si Sumner? Don't do so Mr. I'rcn Mont, at least Imvo Sumner ailmlttod to instant. audlcnco that we may not bo left dcsolato nnd without a "foreign policy." Consider your owu comfort as wetl, for should, Sumner turn in wrath against you, he might deliver a speech Which you might bo compelled to read I The State Guard" editorial ful xonioly eulogistic of tho Prasldcnt.says: llo has hot been addicted to foolish ways; accepts no personal lliittcrlcs; and uses his powers llko a man who feels that ho is HWorn to do his duty. Oilluinlly, Orant is prompt and impar tial. Now It maybe that Mr. Grant's first form a Cabinet from such dissimilar materials as ho employed, nnd his appointment of a high tariff ad vocato to fill tho place of a free-trader, atul.a Conservative that of tho blackest of Badlcals, aro not "foolish ways" but they look a llttlo llko the ordinary human intelligence. ,IIe may not accept "personal luuterles,' but if so who gets nil tho presents left at tho White House? If ho uses his power a3tlio Guard states ho must have sworn very strongly in favor of friends and relations, and .if "officially'' he "Is prompt and itiipar tlal," those who subscribed liberally must havo presented their claims for omco at an early day. Jn short, if the statcincntof tho Guard Is correct, Mr. Grant possesses u happy faculty for do ing exactly us .ho docs not seem to do. The Coliiinlilit Count' Invasion, VlTl Mil. Ukant said In his Inaugural "I shall on nil subjects havo a, policy to .recommend." Ilero Is "a policy" out of his assortment. .Major Moore, ex Assistant Adjutant General of Sheri dan's Cavalry, whoover ho may be, has assured Mr. Grant that it is impossible for "tho Republican party to Rain a vic tory In Texas if an election wore order ed' Immediately," and Mr Grant has In turn informed Major Moore that there, "shall bo no election held In Texas bo fore November." 'Tis not so good' rv "policy" as "honesty" but "'twill sorvo.!' The United States will soon bo lino ly represented nbrond. To tho court of Franco, goes tho elegant nnd accom plished Washburno, who knows almost as much of French as hodocsof English .mil as much ordlplomacy as either, whilst, tlio.proud old Court of Spain Is to bo blessed with that magnificent go nlus Daniel E.. Sickles, whoso "llttlo oipJeasantncs3" with Philip Barton iCoyisyet well remembered nnd whose career c? pn unscrupulous politician of ban odor eminently fits him for the .delicate duties of a Foreign Minister. There Is one man in England, who assuredly does not llko Mr. Charles Sumner, here Is what ho thlnksof him: IA)NDON,Mny 0. Sm:-I inclose" Hie opinion of ono of tho leading Journals or this country as tp youf conduct, and have only to add my own. which ts.that yuu nra u iiuscniei-maKing, llicontll tloriod Yankee scoundrel. Your obcdl ont servant, AN ENGLISHMAN. xll 13 a noticeable fact ihat after' overy speech Mr. Sumner makes, ho Is sure to rccoivo threatening letters. Ho pub UsliesTthcm. so wo know that ho gots them. But who writes them? Sumner? That remarkable Statesman John W. Geary, has been heard from ngain, Ho has pardoned Hester aughan, tho cfiild murderer, on condition that alio should leavo tho country. Sho accord Jngly .nailed for England1 somo dayi since. Now we do not beliovo that thero Is any power conferred upon tho Governor of this Commonwealth o imposo banishment for .any otfonco committed or to confer pardon for a "valuablo consideration." How is tills General? " It Is to be hoped that tlioso patriots who aro so anxious to get tho country info nno'thcr" war, will not attempt o ao(igo tho conscription In ease- of ltd out break. It Is to bo hoped thoy will not cry out against tho taxes which it will lieccssarlly Involve It is to bo hoped they wllllnot deal In shoddy or try to get contracts. It Is to bo hoped thoy wilj understand themselves beforo thoy1 g In, und understand tho business into which thoy nrojfolng, M t,at tnoro muy )0 no troublo with them afterward. The Evening iW, In discussing tho great advance in gold since March last, bays that tho "meaning of tho advance Is simply that the public aro beginning to understand the financial situation hotter than heretofore.". Judging from iho recent smashes of business firms In Now York we should say that somo of tho'jiubllcatleast, must understand tho "financial situation" pretty thoroughly by tills timo. A. I1. Stk wart, tho Merchant Prince of Now York returns a yearly Incomi) of over $S,0M, WW or $00,000 por wnolc. i:t.i:Tin.v Aitutwrrt. ltcnf ttttHce tout Heller: On Sat unlay Oct. H, 1W!I, (throo days beforo. thoSlaloeliH tiim,) littilel Holler u t-ltl-zomif IlemliH'k tmvu-Oilp was nrrcslcd by soldiers und r the orders of tho Hop uly l'rovost Marshal, nnd wns brought uy tin-in to llloomshurg nnd lodged In Iho county Jftll. On Monday followhig Win. II. Ilelleraitotherclllzen of Hem lock township wnRnrreslod by thbsaino authority and Wns nlso lodged In tho Jail, llo was promised ,a hearing or ox amlnatlon of hisi-asii on Monday mid again for Tuesday morning, but none was given him. In fiiet both tho pris oncr.'rwi'm niiiiiiiltli'il to prison with outuuy warrant or other written author fty, nr riuisii hIiowii, Mini no hearing or examination of their case wni permit ted up to thu ultoriiooii of election-day when thu uvents to bo presently men tioned took place. That thoy were unlawfully arrested und for tho express purpose of depriving them of their votes nt tho election, Is most unquoS' tlonablo; and it Is equally unquestiona ble that In t ds nefarious action nnd our poso thoftudical leaders at illoomsburg were directly and deeply implicated nnd concerned. Tho arrests wero made In their interest nnd wero applauded by them, and when an honest officer of tho county by Judicious, prompt, lawful, mid patriotic action deleatcd tho object of the arrests, their rago was cxccsslvo and was openly and indecently tnnnl festcd. I loiter and Heller secured their votes In tho manner wo shall describe, but wero hurried off to Harrlsburg on .elec tion night nnd held I here In com li Mo ment for two days. Hut when their eases wero examined by tho military authorities there, they wero promptly and honorably discharged and returned to their homes. Thero being no cause nor even 11 reasonablo pretenso for their uircst, thoy could not bp held In custo dy nor their persecution continued. Tho high-handed, outrageous and shameless proceedings against them enmo to an inglorious conclusion. Owe of Sheriff Furman and Robert C Fruit: Holtcr and. Heller (of whom we havo Jitt spoken) being In tho cus tody of tho Sheriff on election day, it was believed that their votes wero silenced or prevented and that a certain Radical gain wns secured. Tho fact was tho subject of conversation in tho town and of evident exultation with tho Radical leaders. It .was so. good a tiling to havo power on theii side; to havo nn accommodating Deputy Provost Mar shal with u guard of soldiers under his hand, nctlnc in concert with the troops In tho cou'ity, to pick up voters and keep them away from tho polls I After a time tho rights of Hotter and Heller asA-oters camqlnto consideration among their political friends, and tho Sheriff consulted Senator Buckalowon the sub Ject. Tho latter promptly advised him ithat Holter and Heller had been unlaw fully and Improperly arrested: that they wero not liable at all to bo arrest ed by tho military authorities ,of tho United States, never having been mus tered Into tho Federal seryico nor.draft cd under United States laws; that thero was no law, State or Federal, which re quired or authorized him. (tho Sheriff) to recolvo drafted men or deserters, or tlioso claimed such, Into tho coun ty prison, or to hold them thero in custody for ono moment; and that what ho (tho Sheriff) had already dono and might thereafter do In tho matter of receiving and holding .such men in chargo, was and .would bo entirely vol untary and upon his own responsibility without any obligation of law. Theso views wero afterwards Jully sustained by tho .military authorities nt Harris burg and by Gov. Curtin and his Secre tary and Attorney General. ThoSheriff was further odvised that iiis relations to tho Deputy Provo3t Marshal in tho matter, (putting tho legal question aside,) wero simply tlioso of comity ; that having received tho men to nccom modato tho Dep. Prov. Marshal and holding them for ,that reason alone, good faith could only require that ho should not peamlt tnelr escapo but should deliver thotn up to tho Deputy Piov. Marshal when called, for: In tho meantlmo ho could permit them to voto in their proper election district without any violation of faith or. of duty. Further, that it was evident that HoJtpr and Heller had been arrested and put In his charge not only without lawful causo but for the express purposo of depriving them of their rights as electors, and that to this .fraudulent and unlawful cnterprlso ho ,(tho Sheriff) would becorao a party by keeping them iway from tho polls. Tills, as nearly as wo can ascortain, was tho advlcorecelv cd by Sheriff 1 urmnn nnd ho acted un on it promptly. A. carriage wasprocur ed, Mr. Robert C. Fruit (Clerk to tho County Commissioners) volunteered us nn aid to tho Sheriff, aud tho men wero driven front, tho Jail by way of Iron street and tho mouth of Littlo Fishing urceic to tno uemlock election polls, mur uiiius uisiuut, wnero tney gavo their votes. Thus tho shamful fraud intended by their arrest was defeated All honor to Joslah H, Furman nnd to tho men concerned with him In oxecut ing this act of evident Justice! They preserved tno law from violation, secur od to two of their fellow-citizens their undoubted rights nnd defied tho rago and vengeance of power ! Their action was legal, laudablo, bold and timely met tho necessities of tho caso in cxaet ly the proper manner, and deserves to bo held In lasting; remembrance. But tho Sheriff and his assistant did not escapo piuils&juttiit for Uieir upright conduct. When, m tho eourso of tho afternoon, tho fact transpired that they Had taken Holtcr and Heller to Buck Horn to enable them to vote, Rail kid oxcltementnnd indignation beearaoln tense. To have Iho fruits of rascality snatched from their mouths In tho very nour of sweet enjoyment was Intolera ble, and a dcslro for vengeance filled overy "loll" breast. Tho dignity also of Mr. Doputy Provost Marshal Silver had been touched nt a tender nnint ami required signal vindication. Therefore, a (.quad of soldiers of Capt. Silver's guard was sent in pursuit of tho Sheriff and his companions with orders to ar rest them an.l bring thorn to tho Cap tain's Hoad Quarters in tho Exchange Block or Biggs Buildings. This order was oxecutod with an much of spoed as possiulo, but almost too lato to take the arrested parties flagranti delicto t For tho Sheriff and his assistant with Hoi tor and Hellpr in charge wero within coo yorda of Ui3 JaII,.on their roturn, when the Eoldicrs tuct and nrrestml thnni. Thoy wero all tho whole parly put In strict', confinement nnd held behind bayonotsMid barred do6rs during iho remainder or tno'day, witn imperfect access of friends ftnd with no knowledge oi iiio iroaunnnt. or into lor wnicn tnoy wero reserved.'' 'That thero was no pop ular outbreak upon that occasion ; tlmt tho arrested men mid their friends and tho peoplo generally submitted to this open and Insolent outrngo upon tho laws this most flagrant Invasion of private right and of tho principles of liberty furnished high ovldonco not. only of their peaceful disposition but of their determination to glvo no color of Justification to tho slanders of their enemies. Iu fact, during tho wholo latter half of 18(11 while arrosts Wholly unjustifiable wero being mado in vnrl ouspartsof bur county nnd circiiimtan cos well calculated tooxclto indignation nnd turhulcnco wero continually occur ring, our peoplo everywhere remained peaceful nnd law-abiding. Under great and continued profftcatlon they firmly kept tho peace nnd by their conduct gnvo tho most effectual contradiction possiblo to thoso miscreants both nt homo nndnbroad who defamed them. By unbroken patience nnd by upright conduct they proved boyond nil dispute that tho chnrgoof Insurrection by them or of nn Insurrectionary spirit among them, was n baso and utter falsehood, ntonly for denunciation or contempt. Sheriff Furman nnd the others abovo named, wero arrested about four o'clock In tho afternoon. Thoy wero sent In tho evening of tho samo day, under guard, to Hnrrisburg, whero tliey nr rived a llttlo after midnight. They wero then thrust into n room in the third story of n building used by tho Provost Marshal, among negroes, boun, ty Jumpers, deserters nnd other vilo scum of tho nrmy. Thero thoy wero kept that night nnd Wednesday nnd Wednesday night, but by reason of the activo exertions of their friends on Thursday thoy wero graciously allowed quarters In tho County Penitentiary, Tho conclusion of their caso will boglv. en lu our next number. Multicultural Items. STiiAWiinnitiEsshould bo daily sprin kled from tho time they nro In blossom till they begin to color. Tho effect is sexual and consists in a moro uniform diffusion of tho pollen from tho male organs. It greatly Increases tho crops nnd no labor pays better. But thoy need only sprinkling, tho roots need no watering. TheRussol strawberry has not sufficient constitution to complete tho ripening process, nnd why should they not be thinned as well ns some oth er fruits. Leavo only one or two berries on each petiole (stem.) See to tho currant bushes beforo tho destroyers havo commenced; prevention is better than cure. Suckers should bo pulled out; how thrifty this will mako them 1 Currants aro somo of our most valuablo fruits. not a sin to neg lect n horso or a cow ? Well then, it is nlso a sin to neglect plants. Pull them out If you can't attend them. The samo effect of removing thosuek ers Is seen on tho raspberries. "Without this they will soon givo out. Of tho, ap proved kinds the. Philadelphia is tho most prolific. and tho hardiest, tho.Ant werps tno best flavored and prolific too but tender. Tho Black-cap (Doolittlo) Is a humbug, a wild kind, but prolific and sweet, though small. All tho over hearing kinds nro hero (Bloomsburg) not worth cultivating except as curi osities. Tho newer kinds will hardly comp up to tho Antwcrps in quality, or to tho Philadelphia In productiveness nnd hardiness. Tho horticultural proas has not yet alluded much to tho point that this Inst berry possesses tho merit Of being nlmost thornlcss. Gooseberries. (Let us havo a deriva tion of tills name.) Theso aro wonder fully proliflc.and somoof ourfalr friends know how to preparo a delicious pro servo of 'them. No uso to try those largo English kinds; no doctoring can mako them do well I Tho Houstjn, if not tho best, Is ono of tho very best. Urapes nro subject to mildew, or rath er to mildows in various forms. Tho most efficient cultivators prevent this almost fatal evil with th.rco or, four ap plications of flour of sulphur; ono be foro blossoming, ono soon after, ono When tho berries, nro half grown and tho last just beforo they begin to ripen. Somo varieties must bo thinned. Mul ching promotes mlldow. II. Z. The Ulght Hour lit (he 1'resldenl of the United Stales of uimericai a rnocr,MATioN. Wabiitnoton, May 21. M'icrcat, Tho net of Congress approved Juno 25. 1803, constituted, on nnd after that da(o, eight hours n day's work for nil labor ers, workmen nnd mechanics employed by or on behalf of tho government of tho United States, nnd repealed nil nets and parts of nets Inconsistent therewith; Now, therefore, I, Ulysses S.Grant, President of tho United States, do here by direct that from nnd nftcr this dnto no reduction shall bo mndo In tho wages paid by tho Government by tho day to such laborers, workmon nnd mechanics on nccount of such reduction of tho hours of labor. In testimony whereof I havo iicrcun to set my hand and caused tho seal of tho United States to bo nll'lxed. Dono at tho City of Washington, this 19th day of May, In tho year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and slxty-nino, nnd of tho Independence of tho United States tho ninety-third. By tho President: U. S. GRANT. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. The Columbian is ono tho best and ablest Democratic papers in this section of thoStato. In fact It Is tho only Demo cratic nancr which has met tho expec tations of tho Democracy of Columbia county, and wo congratuiato lricnti Brockway upon his abundant success. It is tho only Democratic- organ nt tho county sent no factional paper now being published there and as n conse quence tho Democratic party in that county nro united, harmonious nnd strong. Democrat. Tho success of The Columbian af fords us great pleasure. It is n young paper, started only a fewycars ego. Tun Columbian started out as tho paper of the people, nnd, though cried down by tho "ring," ns It was called, went for tho Interest of tho wholo party, and the result last fall proved tho wisdom of Its course tho democratic majority of tho county reachlng.S.OOOnd now The Co lumbian is, It seems, tho only paper published in thnt county. Wo con gratuiato tho editor upon his prosperi ty, nnd tho wonderful success of tho party. Lot our county profit by tho glorious cxamplo of Columbia county. Our majority hero can easily bo mado to reach ono thousand, if moro liberal views were advocatedin certain quarters and tho peoplo will themselves make their own selections of leaders and stand ard-bearers. Tills full let us havo greater harmony than over. Let us go to tho primary elections, each man voting for his choice.despito tho clamor ings and misrepresentations of broken down politicians, and when a decision Is made nbldo by it. Not only nbido by it,but mark thoso who do uot. Thou wo will nil must all work together for tho ticket for upon its success depends tho success of all our principles. Demo- cratio Guard. "We last week published n list of tho owners of unpatented lands in this county and amount or taxes duo. Tho followlug Is tho official notice with re gard to.tho same, which applies to our County as well. SURVEYOB UEXERAL'S OFFICE. IlARniSBUito, Pa.,- May C, 1SG3. To the Owners of Unpatented Lands: In obedlenco to nn Act or Assembly, approved tho eighth day of April, ono thousand eight hundred nnd sixty-nine, youarohoruby notified that tho "Coun 'ty Land Lien Docket," containing tho list of unpatented lands for Dauphin county, prepared under the Act of As sembly or tho twentieth of May, ono thousand eight hundred nnd sixty-four, nnd tho supplement thereto, has this day been forwarded to tho prothonotary or tho county, at whoso office It may bo examined. Tho Hens can only bo llqul dated by tlio payment of the purchaso monoy, Interest nnd fees, nnd receiving patents through this Deportment. Pro feedings by tho Attorney Gencrnl havo been stayed forono year from this dato, in order that parties may obtain their patents without additional cost. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Survoyor General. State Sunday-School Conven tion. Tho Annual Convention will bo hold at Wllliamsport, Pennsylvania, beginning on Tuesday, Juno 1st, at ten o'clock, A. M. Arrangements havo been made on a liberal scale, to mako this tho best Sunday-school Convention yet held in Penn sylvania. Sunday-school teachers and superin tendents, and clergymen interested in tho work, aro cordially invited to bo present, from all parts of tho State. Each Sunday-school is requested to send ono or moro delegates. In order to securo entertainment, de legates will plcaso notiry tho eommltteo at Wllliamsport, of their intention to attend the Convention. Address as early as possiblo, ,A. Updeqiiaff, Esq., Wllliamsport, Pa. Ministers and superintendents through out tho Stato, and newspapers general ly, aro requested to glvo publicity to tho fact that n cordial invitation is oxtehd ed to all Sunday-school workers who can attend this Convention. Tho prominent Railroad Companies havo agreed to mako tho customary re duction to delegates who pass over their roads. Geokce A. Peltz, Pres., Alfkei) Tayloii, Scc'y. Of tho Pennsylvania Sabbath-School Association. General Slocum, in hislccturo on "Military Lessons of tho War," tolls tho following story in his referenco to tho battle of Bull Bun : Tho influence of our officers over their men, and tho state of our discipline, is best illustrated by nn Incident which oc curred on tho field In tho heat of tho bat tle.An ofllcer,who hassinco becomo very prominent aud well known throughout the country, was then in command of a brigado on tho right of our line. Wliilo riding over the field, ho discovered a soldier concealed in a holo in the ground which was of just sufficient dimensions to 'afford him shelter. Tho Goneral rodo up to him, Inquired as to his regiment, nnd ordered him to Join It at onco. Tho man, looking him full In tho face.placed his thumb upon Ills nose, nnd replied , "No you don't, old fellow, you want tins nolo yourself." Why is it? Many business meu uvoeated Grant's olectlon on tho ground tlmt it wouldjglvo eonfldenco to tho business community, and strength en trade. When Grant was Inaugurat ed gold stood Ht nbout 130, and now It ranges about 140, an increaso of ten per cent. Why is this? Whero Is tho do- crease in tho cast of living, and tho easy times promised ? Wo confess wo don't think matters havo been Improved bv Grant's election. The "Woraan'b Rights" movement Is dally progressing. Mrs. Van Cott has been regularly licensed to preach in tho Methodist Episcopal Church and Is now holding forth In Now York. Sho is tho first woman oyer licensed by that do- nomination. Postmistresses. Editresses audi Preachoresses wo'vo no doubt they'll voto oventually. In the south-eastern part or Nevada thero Is a mountain of salt, live mllea long, six hundred feci hlcrb. and of un known depth said to be as pure ns inni got irom tno mines or Crocow In Poland. Extensive Art-Gallery. Next to tho Bible, no book Is moro usoful than Webster's Dictionary. Tho Una bridged Is an cxlenslvo art-gaIIery,con-talning over threo thousand engravings representing almost overy animal, In sect, reptile, implement, plant, etc, which wo know anything nbout. It Is a vust library, giving information on nlmostovery montlonablo sublect. It Indeed has been well remarked that It Is the most remarkable compendium of Human knowledge In our language. Jiovteioia Aavocale. FitKAKs of Lioutnino. During tho inuuucr storm on Suuday afternoon lost, tho polo In front orMothlas Gross Ip's Eaglo Hotel, 3C0 Centro street, this borough, was struck by lightning. It then glanced off to tho ironrod project- nig irom xno corner of tho hotel, nnd to which tho sign is attached, and then penetrated the building, stunnluc Mrs. GrcRslo aud a young lady, nnd killing uireo or Jour ravorito young canary birds, nnd stunning two of tho older ones. Fortunately, no further damagu was uono. I'oftMlle Standard. What has becomo of nil the 'rebels,' copperheads,' ku-kiuxes,' and other raw-heads and bloody.bonos that used to MI tho columns or Radical papers nnu inguien mo Hunday-schooIsorNow England ? It looks as ir tho loll wero too much engaged In domestic quarrels to find hard words to throw nt other people. General Ncivh. Boston, May 20. Tho first mass re hearsal of tho Boston singers in tho Poaco Jubllco chorus, numbering over threo thousand, took placo In Music Hall lasl evening, under tho superin tendence of Carl Zorrhau, and Is pro nounced by musical critics nn extraor dinary success. In numbers It was tho largest chorus over assembled In this country. HAUTFonn, Conn., May 20. A re markably largo nnd brilliant mclcor wns observed at 11:10 o'clock to-night. It seemed to grow rapidly from about tho slzo of a star to a largo boll of firo, which shot across tho heavens from south southwest to cast northeast, nbout forty-flvo degrees nbovo tho horizon, leaving n very largo and brilliant trail. It shedn palcish-bluo light, much moro brilliant than inoonllRht, casting shad ows In tho streets nnd nttrncllng tho attention of persons Indoors. PATER MILL BURNED IN NORRI8TOWN. Norristown, May 20. Tho paper mill of Markloy, Smith & Co., nt this plnce, was totally destroyed by firo Tuesday night. Tho mill has been but lately fitted up with all tho now and improved paper machinery. Tho origin of tho firo is, nt present, unknown, but Is supposed to havo been caused by spontaneous combustion. Tho loss, as near as can bo estimated nt this time, will bo nbout $80,000, only half covered by insurance. Nashville, May 21. Tho Republl can Stato Convention met this morning. Thero was a split on tho election of temporary Chairman, and n motion was mado to adjourn sine die, which was carried. New York, May 21. Tho General Assemblies of tho Old and New School Presbyterians met yesterday, and It is highly probablo that a reunion of tho two branches will bo effected. A com mlttco of Confercnco from each body was appointed forfurtherlngthls object, Scranton, May 22. Tho miners havo held u formal meeting, and voted for suspension 3C9, nnd against 11403. Thero will consequently bo no suspension New York, Muy 23. Wo again havo to chroniclo two horrid murders, ono in tho city, whero a German named Kobel, mado a frightful attack upon his fitraily, smashing his wife's skull and killing ono child, a girl, nnd then shot himself twice, in tho breast. At last accounts both ho and his wlfo wero alive. Tho other wa3 in Westchester county It seems that Cowan and McDon ncll, proprietors of tho Rossendalo Ho tel, Morrlssiana, quarrelled, when Mc Donnell struck his partner on the head with n club, killing him instantly, McDonnell surrendered himself to tho authorities. THE MINERS' STRIKE RESUMED, ScRANTON.Muy 21. This morning nn anonymous notice .hreatonlng death to any miner who descended tho shnft to work was found posted up at thoOxford mine. A wl'd nnd most unreasonable panic rapidly spread among tho miners. In nil but four mines tho men refused to work. Everybody has been taken by surpriso by this chango of front nnd nothing can bo predicted ns to tho ulti mato result. May 24th. A Helena, Montana, dis patch reports a despcrato soven-hours' fight between tho men of tho settle ment of Muscle Shell and about two hundred Santco Sioux, who mado nn attack on tho settlement, and tho final repulso of tho attacking party, with thirty killed, including n "renegade hair-breed," and thirty scalped. BOILER EXPLOSION. Titusyille, Pa., May 21. Yester day nrtcrnoon,shortlyafterthreoo'clock, n boiler connected with'an oil well on tho farm of J. W. Humphrey, about throo miles from this city, exploded with terrific force. Tho engineer, whoso name, is yet unknown, was Instantly killed, and tiio fireman injured iu such a manner as to render his recovery doubtful. Fragments of tho holler wero thrown n dlstanco of ono hundred yards. Tho causo or tho explosion is unknown, New York, May 23. A frightful explosion took placo yesterday at tho oil works of Weeks & Co.t Bulls' Head which resulted in tho destruction of property to tho value of 5150,000 and tho wounding moro oi les-s of some 20 men. Philadelphia, May 23. Tho First Division or Pennsylvania Militia wero reviewed yesterday by Gov. Geary, tho Mayor and Members or Common and Select Councils. It is estimated that twenty-flvo hundred men uniformed and equipped wero in tho lino of parade. CUBAN SYMPATHY It Is reported that tho steamer Qua ker City, which has been fitting out bo low this city for several weeks under suspicious circumstances, was seized af ter haviug started for sea. Sho hnd changed her uatno and hoisted a Brit ish ling. Sho wa3 intended for Cuban service. New York, May 23. EXTENSIVE FIRE. Tho cxtcnslvo refiucry of Devoo & Pratt located at Hunter's Point, Long Island, was destroyed by firo this morn ing. Tho flames extended to tho es tablishment of John Provost, oil mer chant, which together with Its contents, was consumed. Soveral adjoining build ings wero burned down, A brig lying at tho dock also took firo and was burn ed to tho water's edge. Tho total loss will not fall short of.ono million dollars. Tho firo at Hunter's Point IsMHl rag ing. Over four acres nro now burning. Eight propellers nnd other vessels havo been burned so far. A Itcnilnlsccnco or llic Rebel lion. The Whcollne (Vn.) Meghtcr, pub lishes nn Interesting nnd curious nner- doto concerning tho Hnmpton noaus f'nnfYM-Mien between President Lincoln and Mr. Sownrd on tho part of tho Uni ted Stales, nnd Messrs. Hunter, mo phcus nnd Campbell on tho part of tho Southern Confederacy, for tho cessation of hostilities and tho conclusion of peace. A llttlo previous to this meeting, it win bo remembered, Mr. F. I. Blnlr, Sr., mndo n mysterious visit to Richmond, tho object nnd result of which nro dis closed In tho parngrapu to wnicn wo refer, tho essential part of which is tno following : I'WMIn In Mnr on. Smvth County, a fow days ngo, I had tho pleasure of soveral lengthy chats with Ilon.Fayctto M'MullIn. llo says thatslncotho war,ho was ono day In tno President's nouso in Washington, conversing with Hon. F. lilnlr. Rr. Mr. Ulalr told him thnt soon after M'Mullln's 'pcaco resolution' had been Introduced Into tho Confederate Congress, Mr. Lincoln, being extremely anxious to brine nbout n pence, honor- nblo allko to both sections of tho coun- try.and foreseeing, and tctsung to avoia, thepolitlcal consequences of the military suojugauonoj me mown, sent; mm iiur, Ulnlrl to Richmond to confer with Mr, Davis and learn what arrangement or tho difficulties could bo made, no was passed through tho lines or tho contend ing armies and conducted to Mr. Davis' hnuso in Richmond. After a lomr con versation with Mr. Davis nnd other prominent gentlemen for whom Mr, Davis sent, nnd for whom Mr. Blnlr In quired, Mr. Davis said that ho had no proposition to mako. Mr. Blair then proposed that General Leo's nrmy bo marched Into .Mexico against tiici' rencii that General Grant would follow ami support tho movement; that tho united 'I I.I .l.t.. ..... I.V.III... . armies wuuiu iiuvu uiil imtAiiiiiiiiiu and then tho Southern States should namo thclrown termsor reconstruction. ovcrything short or independence being guaranteed. At Mr. Davis' request tills proposmton was inauo in writing, nnu, nftcr somo consultntion and reflection, wns signed ana acccpicu by mm. Jir, Blnlr returned to Washington nnd Mr, Lincoln wns hinhlu delinked with the success of the negotiation. It wns In tho hopo of consummating this arrange ment that Mr. Lincoln nnd Mr. Soward met tho 'I'enco Commissioners,' Hons. Stephens, Hunter nnd Campbell, nt jjortress iuonroo; out mere, 10 .ur. Lincoln's chagrin, tho Committee de clnrcd that they had been instructed by Mr. Davis to Insist upon the indenen- denco of tho South, and would listen to no other proposal. And thus tho wholo auaircamotoa'inost lame and impo tent conclusion." NEW ADYEKTISMENTS MAMMOTH GRUCKiii. ,r t a 1 '. n. MAIM ASII tlWN HTIIFKT, 1 1 MOT M? 11 III! 11 Mi nn: citoiciiMT mtooEium and provisions, rimtnntly on lmml nml Mr mo iu ino iowim mniKci rairo. rou.HTitr rnonrcr. taken in kxciiakob, May .?,'-''""' The Princess do-la Tour D'Auvergno has purchased tho Mount oroilves, and has presented it to tho French Govern mciit. jy 10 N T I S T It Y I trjitiocl Till I v no inoiPM nnu RQiillctnn, mi; j v .i. iiu'jmrcii mmuu'mlWm In tiu.n li pnivlitnl wllh llio laiVii , 1M 'I'kktii will bo I "wl VhWL Mlvcr nml rublwr Im uiffiv U nrnl toelli. Tecllt txtrn"ffi,!''?p must ntinrnvnt tiielliixln, Wijft io ipuui cHri'iuiiyniMl .:, ItPHIitence nml nnL V Itt-Mft Conrt Houao, sumo mdn. ii , TJRIARCIlKliK JJ ........ BOUNTY EXCESS .t. v ycnrlSOI. AUDITOR HTATEMENT. Hmtth nml Jiio. Klsncr Buncrvlmrs for DR. 1571 a To cnsli of different iK.,n,oiis nml coin- minces To unpnlit notes mid snt- Bcrlptlon MOD 71 To nmount not subscribed or pnlil To lmlntioe itno Mmlth ft Klsncr CR. Ily cnsli pnlil J. O. Jncoby paymaster Uy commission on J1571 !2nt2,'por Ily cash paid mulltors for this nc- Ily HmliU services 8.17)2 40 Tlio undorslnncd linvo examined llio above ac count nml llnd It to lie correct. Wo Hurt tal nnco duo Hmltli ft Klsnor one thousand nluo liu Jdrcd nnd elolity-elglit dollnrs.nnd four cents. ZViiSbv auttiorlty Sctol assembly npproveil 12lli, day of Jlarcli A. D.1MJ. Urlnrcreclt, April ), '09. .INO.ll.HMITH, ) , , WM. I.AMON, Auditors. HTKI'HKN MlCHAlX, J May isyca-st pOWDF.R KEGS AKtuhi, W.M.WONIlOEicil,'' nupcn,rx 'n( Mannfiiclurors of ' I'OWDKltKEn, V and dealers In all kinds of cn' IiUJIBEIt, ni Blve notlco thnt they are prepay Q? mcir cusvom wiiu uispatcli, and , uuai Still 10 31)01 0 OA 3 W piIAHTEIl OAK I,m-,JE' .ur. u. "."weeny agent foro,' 'I' :erno Counties. Dear Sir. t?'i I take pleasure In acktiottinhi. lvo thousand dollars Irom jH1' B MAItOItEEK BOUNTY FUND. AUDITORS' STATEMENT. J, C Hmllh Collector of bounty tax. DR. To balance, auditors' statement May 21111, 107 t ' ...'.. .I..llnn,a Kit? A 1SRK To ensn rrom uvires. uus.cuu.-u muu lax isou To cash rrom t'o.Tres. unseated lnnd tax 1SH 9 1 .2 1 1 OS 8, m in no oa in: ci HVMl 72 $5,270 Oil l.lliS (II ii.h in .11 22 r,,ro w CR. Ily bonds icdccmcd Ily Interest pnld on lioiuls ily commissions Ily exonerations Ily balance unpaid nnd uncollected Tho undersigned havo examined Iho nliovo account nnd llnd It lo bo con cel. llrlarcieck, Anrll SO, 'w. ivn ir mmitii W.M.'l.A.MON. Alldllois, HTKrilKN MICHAEL, May 2S,'B)-3t POLITICAL. Icmocrntlc Slate Convention. Tho Democratic Stato Convention for Iho nom ination of candidates for Iho onleo of Governor nnd Judgo of tho Supremo Court, will meet at 10 o'clock a, M on WEDNESDAY, July 11th, ISO), In tho Hall of tho House of Repichenlathes, nt Hnrrisburg. Ily order of tho Demociotlc .Slate Committee. WM. A. WALLACE, Chalrmau. DAvm Caldwell, Sccrctnry. CaiKlIdalcs for Nomination. The following gentlemen havo becnmcntloucd for nomination to tho several County Olltces to bo filled by election tho prescut year, and their names will bo presented for tho consideration of tho Democratic County Convention: ASSOCIATE JUDGE. J. It. JAMESON, MAIS TOW.SSIIll', HiOTHONOTARV, WELLINGTON II. ENT, SCOTT TOWNSHIP. JESSE COLEMAN, ULOOM TOVN8im REGISTER AND RECORDER. 11. FRANK HAltlt, miAVKIt TOWNSHIP. WILLIAMSON II. JACOHV, m.ooM Tow.vMiir, JOHN SNVDER, on.iNon Towxsmi', D. B. HAMPTON, MADISO.V ! OWN'SIIII'. Washington Xcivi, Washinqton, Slay 0, Tlio Secre tary or tlio Treasury has directed tho Assistant Treasurer at Now York to sell gold hereoftor, until otherwise ordered, to tho extent or $2,000,000 weekly, In stead or $1,000,000, as heretofore, on account or the surplus gold still accum ulating In tho Treasury. PU1ILIODE11T STATEMENT. May 3. Tlio monthly statement or thoptibllcdcbtlorMaywlll show a do crcaso or $7,000,000. MOTLEY'U INSTRUCTIONS. The most that can bo reliably ascer tained or tho instructions to Sllu'ibtcr Motley is that thoyaro moro oraccnor- al than u upeelUc character, aud do not contemplate any speedy action on his P art with regard to the Alabama claims. In vlow orthoprcsontBcntlmcnt In En gland upon tlio bubejet, ir for no other reason, Mr. Motley will Inform her Majesty's government or tho dcslro or our own to adjust all pending questions on u basis that will strengthen tho friendly relations between tho two countries. TREASURER. DAVID LOWENREHG, HL005I TOWNSHIP, W. 15. KOONS, 11I.Q021 TOWX81IU'. J. S. SANDERS, iihr.wicK iionouoii. A USTIN & CO'S (jltEAT ONE DOLLAR SALE. a t n t tj o n I n i! I. A n a. Will bo Issued nnd rendv for Aisenls nud custo mers ou and after April 20th, containing tho lar gest nud most liberal Exchnngo und l'remlum T.lvt nvrr lx.m,l. Agents of Clubs of Thirty nnd upwards, will havo their premiums Increased one-fourth wheu nil ino cnecus nro reiuriiMi. wnllir roll l'S AND WE WILL WOP.K FOll YOU. Agents wnntcd everywhere, circulars sent free. Address. AUSTIN & CO. 32 & SO Federal, nnd 107, 111. 113 Congress Streets, i;i)STur"i, .mass, !ny2S,'C9-lt 'JL EACllLllb' INSTITUTE OR THE SIXTH DlMl'llICT. Ill llio great work of emancipating mankind from the thraldom of Ignorance, superbllllon nnd barbarism, tho Teacher holds a very responslbl o oillce; nnd that Tcachcrwho lias a comprehensive and a clear apprehension of the nature of the work Intrusted In his bauds, will gladly embrace every opportuulty for personal Improvement ns well as the elevation of his omco. In compliance with a request from many sucn teachers wo havo mado arrangements to hold special Term adapted to the wants of all grades ofTcachcis. Ablo l'rofessors will glvoelass drills and ilaily lectures upon methods of Teaching and management of Schools. Many of tho l)is- tlngulshcd Educators of this and otiicr Slates have been Invited und aro cxpectedto attend and gt ous tho benefit of their expcilcnce, nud w can but hopo aud trust that very many of the Teachers of our Hlate.wlll come and enjoy a sea- son of refreshing, nud spend at least a part of their vacation Iu btudy lUKhmaklngtha acquaint. auco of, nnd in comparing notes with other llvi teachers. Come then nud let us nil unite lu moving for- wnrd tho gicnt cause of humau amelioration. Wo expect to havo our rino Hoarding Hall fur ulshed bo that a largo number of the teachers can board iu thelnstllutlon, nnd It seems fitting that n convention of teachers should bo tho Urst to occupy thatnoblo structure, A cordial Invitation Is extended to alt tho County Superintendents to tako part lu tho pre paration and exercises, rlso School Directors to visit tho School. It will nll'ord Directors a good oppoitunity to secure good teachers and good teachers good positions. Wo will furnish Text llooks for the bene fit of tho teachers excepting In cases wuero a teacher wishes to study some particular Author, lu which caso tbey will bring their own, The ex pense lor Hoard, Rooks and Tuition, wilt ho live dollars per week and teachers can stay as long or short a timo as their circumstances require The Term will commeuco Juno 2Sth and cou tlnuo until tho opening of Fall Term Aug, 8, IMill. Tor luithcr Information. address HENRY CARVER, A. M. l'l Inclpul of Illoomsburg Btato Normal School. May2S,'C0-tf illoomsburg, Jan.3l,'Mif XJ lv 11 rei nei nvuer. nn.l recommending the cIlAlirtii BUHANCK COJll'ANYfurili1,!'' fair dcnllng. riilsconipanyi,&an OI OlIiSIANDIMI i'MJJla'jf'in. cn ncels nnd returns thimto iKill' !'.I:flVt Insurance enn bo elleclcail!ii;'bp gO OK STORE ci, Tho undersigned, havlnn 1 1 he lately occupied by Dr. 1'. Jo?,?, S 11 . tho I'.xchaiiEO Hotel, wnui.i ;,,',?? Id tho County that there will nlull nssortmcntor ,a,w!'110i llOOKB, (JTAT10NERY, AND t. n Also tho various Magadan ui.i published In this country, ordent 111 Us promptly attonded to. Tnl THE CIRCULATING Llu, which has been in existence fort, 'r tho stroiiKer suimort nr n, V.'a ' terms nro reasonable, ami uiIJiikIo are needed tojustily un luiri-Zw , oi volumes. ' ) 'llio usual large stock of I NOTIONS AND I'ANmi,., will bo kept up and no palu, tlio wants of putchasors. """gj May li.'(i9-tf tOf J X X U IU, icc 1110 uiuicrsiencii nav imrniinai"' notlco Is hereby given to nil 111111 uitjjuuiL uccouuior tiole.toa.. an enrlv ilav. ' nn early day. May ll,'S9-3t R. V.M On,1 IS' JiAItM FOlt SALE. !ol Tho subscriber oners forsnteiwOl In Oranso towiishlu (.nlini.i.i , ... one mllo from Orungevlllo conn. and III l'erchcs, awnciesor Mlilciini and the balanco tlinbcicd uk"' nnd Yellow l'lnc,ono orchard fc onojiwclllng House, nnd one Et. 'I gooahrntcr. For fin ther parildiv'1 JULU e Lalrdsvllte, I.ycomlqj CHAS. Q. BARKl'u Attorney at Li DLOOMSHURG, (!0LIEI1 Office In the Exchange Ruildini.Kcs Widmyer it Jaeboy's Conlctliunm aboro the exchange Hotel. rr UIooMftburgi Jan. 1, IUGQ. J WHOOPING COUGH CI DELEVAU'B OELKIIKATQ cit air nn.t .r.trulf.t1 ll Prepared nt Blx nnd Wood fciv W Ask your Drngglst for it. II s FECIAL- NOTICE, COMMISMIONRR, cntus hobbins, risiiiNacr.EEK towksmii', 11. 1. WIIITKMAN, (IIIKENWOOI) TOWKSIIir-. Siieclal Notice. A 0 HE AT ItEJIEDY. . .'Oil TUB CUKE OP THROAT AND LUNO DISEASRS. Dr. WUhnrt'a Pino Treo Tar Cordlnl. . It lathe vital vrlnclolo of tho l'lno t.po ni.. ii ,?5 ? n itSu."ar Puo"ln the diitliilatlon of nra reined '"suvsv meuicai properues ItU the Onlv Hnf.ivnnr,l n,..t .nllnl,ln ,.. Uie'wneTfce" beCn l,rcr"lrca ltom tl J"! ut tii. nSJri??.raw lhe alncstlvo organs and lcsforcs It strenuttinnK itm ,iiitninfI..i f.iip.u,rlflo"u"Jollrlcht'"" blood, and exixls lhein7rraV1f,'JSe?unI-.!'UleS,,,WW .V.......".1.8 pnnciplo nets upon the Irritated kuriace of tlio lungs and throat lullammntlini. It Is the. result of years of siuilv mi.i .r !!)cV,l;.a"J 'twulfereu to the HllUctod, with the pos live assurance of lu power to euro I he lol. lowing diseases. If tho pu'tlent has iiot t'l liSa delayed n resort lolhoincans ofeuro !- D'fAhc'S' ffi". Wopiu'g'coU oU w'il'i.e.rrf5 mon.?.r' "'rucllona'Sr Df. 1 " h ,".'. liuTne Tnr Cordlal.'wo auswoV- broncB i'f.i'nif"" col'Ha ,lbot the throSt nTid ai Mnl? .Vc"' c.a'ul Irritation nud coughr Ai, wost Ihroat aud Luim HeincMllpii nrH ,., " i"iruciieu,nna the unhealthy fluids com-. ftiulto and aro retained in tho system cauffi r!hvs1e0lanj:0,,a lho '"t luuo.'t'eSK'S 3d. Thel'iueTrcoTar Cordial, with Us niM. ' P rcferuble, because th$ y remivo tho o?oJ?hii in' Sllou !'.U.'? njucous membiauo nia bronchial tulios.awbit tho luugs to nctaud thiow ptr the unhealthy secretions, and purify the blSil1i,"eetlllcll, making thecure i rfeit nmir,ih,,",tlH"u,.ou "le "l Id" offlM liuudral. w'J,10"."""1" "'.Ccrtltlcates, irom Men itu.l Women of nnquobtlouable f baracter who woro "'wvldeu0co'u"flJVi,?'iVir 11 10 ""J- "iSuS ' heSuh by7he'viu1 rfflTK ouUo'rUbUv",f,uli";co wloiS he Snsulle-d lil Ta r ?',L"?i"j rce K'l'arge. l'rlce of l'lno 'J reo Fx nV,' T.m JiSS p,''r J1011.'' "!' "cut by Vlfli5ri m ? v 1 l'r Address. "UHi.dL May"lwVuf !u:i;CNotll,i!a'a'-'l,"l'dlphurift FOH NEAT AND OIIEAF JOB PIlTNTTisin (all at 7l,e ColumLIiii Oflkc, lllooinslur r." LAZAltUS & JIOUUIS' CELRURATUD l'KIt FECTED SPECTACLES AND KYE OI.ASSK8. One of tho firm will ho at tho Sloro o! , their Agent, , MIsh A. D. WEIJ'U, s- BTATIONlUt," JILOOMSIWUG 1A., ' . t Ono (1) day only Monday June 14th, 16C9. Ho attends for the purpoko uf assisting Minn A. D. WEI1B, IN FITTINa TIH: EYI3 IN DIFFICULT OR UNUSUAL CAHIX. Tlioso mircring from liupnlicd ordUeased vlslou nio recommindcd to avail themselves of this opportunity OUR M'KCTACI.ISAND EYK-auKHKH ' ARE ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE ,1 TIIK MOST 1'ERFECT usslstnncelo sight ner lunuufuiluicd, nnd can nlwnysbo relied upon as allbidlug perfect eate and comfort while itrcngthenlng and pieserylng Iho Eyes most thoroughly AVo tako occasion to notify tho Puhjie that wo employ no pedlars, nnd tn caution them ngaln&t thoho pro tending to havo our goods for sale. Feb, ii,-ca,-iy. TEAFNESS. ULINDNESS AKT1 i7 Catarrh Heated with tbeutinost success, by um( nir, hit niecloUy) in Hit itulltal Cotlrat i I'cimtylmnlu, Uttw t rptriniee, (formerly of lyUili, llpllaud.f No. bo5 Arch (street, l'fiua. iCSlIlUOUlalU CHll IiA ..M'll nt hlilllHlrA. It.n n.uHl' mull' )illucnllyurolnTlUxl to ucomiMUiy tbelr pa. tlents. Hsliehos uo secreUlu LU uibiiim. I.. Uncial eji luserted xttliont wlu. No dtorga lor examination. Jsu. I9,'a..lyr MELIIUOLD'S EXTIt ACT S AIIS A. 1'AlllLLA cleanses aud renovates the blood, is tho vigor of health Into the system, aiul purges, out lhe humors that make disease. GET THE BE!' WEUSTEU'S UNAUltU'0 TIONAltY. OOCOknuiiavings; 1810 i-aucsdui, 10,000 Words and Meanlngi tt tlonarlcs. Viewed ns u whole, wo are cott other living language has a Jkiii fully and faithfully sets forth IJ, tlou ns this last edition of WcUut our, written and siokeu Euglnl per Jltiffaxlnc. n These threo books nro tho sun 1 libraries: tholilble, HhakspesK, iS. ltoyal ()uarto. cVitcwffe JticnuyJ,- The New Weustku Is glorlouH ' it distances and defies comii'UJr nothing to be deslrsd, J. II. AV. JVcu'l Yattar College. Il The most useful aud remarkable', of human knowledge In our IW Claik, President Mass. Agrltllun.;, WEUSTER'H NATIONAL P! ' DICT10iJA.1V. 1010 PAULS OCTAVO. 10 ESGIUTIJ. Tho work Is really n ;nit 1 ols tlie tiling lor the million." awk-a Monthly. "In many respects, this Diction' convenient ever published."-!':, "As u manual of relereuce, il ltf ted for use In families and school' 1 1 "It Is altogether the best Ireiisr, Hi tUc which the Eugllsu lanijmf X osscd." llartunl l'rcu. ' 1'ubllnhiHl by U.& C.MEltItIAM,(i " Muy7,'tW-tf J, 1,000 MEN WA'f 830 per week profit on 85 Capl!. entirely new, bend for circulars: gift enterprise or humbug. AiWw 00 uiDuoii ttircci, jn, Y, t Feb. 2(l,'ii0-3m. rtONSUMPTION CAN tU wily Dr.CO.aarrlson'siiewprowi Call or address Dr, O. U. U AM EI a IITH Bt. l'htladelphla, l'n. Jr I'.M. Special attention gH eu to LUNll Diseases. ? QUANTITY YS QUAUp UOLD'S Extract SarsarrUU t m ull. Those w ho desire a W f large doses of medicine ERIE, 1 JVTEW FURNITUKE Iti ON M IN STREET, BLOOMSE'" JAMES O A Respectfully Informs the crnxgr ond vlcl nlty, that he has at W" , cluilrsof every description, bua;f hies large aud small, bedsteads."'11! cardun i toilet tables, lookliilll tunny other articles of lurnlw" manufacture. . ,,,: The public are cordially lnv'M'i amino Ills stock, Ho will sell f". terms. - , .,1 Hpeclal attention will 11. all kinds of furniture. Cheap M" II. IRVINE'S GHEA'i ' M E D I C I ' cseii ron moiietiiak ronivir1 Is tho most successfulmedlclnr'JJ the cure of Dyspepsia, Liver Wl"' Disease, Ague Fever, aud dlstsw Is made entirely of ROOTS AND llli Ono doso one.who gives it a fair trial. 2jr 1 without It. It Is astonishing effected InCentronndUrlarcrccs' lluutlugdou, nud where It ha" A, last spring, l'eoplo who have W" the above diseases for the lost JJJ no Physician eould reach tlwr cured nnd healthy by using tllC GREAT INDIAN WW It has never failed to euro AgM' rungement of tho Stomach. , I hope nil who nro allllcti-a diseases will apply for tho grcau-. CINE which can bo had rt,. Medicine More lu Light Blrwt f l'n., or of his general ugent J."-" Agents wanted. , p 'I fils nudlclno Is prepared on'r Moy7,'K)-lyr Llk YOUNO LADIES UKj the Injurious effect of f J. Washes. All such remedies ci ". of the skin. ana lu ashorl lHu(,fiLj plexlon. If you would haven inj yoiillilul npiKiurance, uso IM" Uarsaiiurllla. NOT A FEW OF TilJ disorders that iiilllct iiiS corruption of the blood. Hamapttillla Is u remedy uf l"' PRIVATE BALM. The undertlgued. lixecntor w of bloom township deoriisedir;. ule a cwialn hotuo and !- ." 1 , f.T burg, on Rock Bitot, bounded W II. a lUrlman, aud by, Wl?el to said estate, contalulng front. The terms are reasonably wilt bo given within thirty dsl'j', Apr,ao,)-tf