ite .nowl mow iLtiVerv Friday momliit! otumWan Building near the OitAmlJM B. BROCKWAY, ; siLrflmil ProTiriotor. M . . r Thumb. Two dollars a year, payn to In advance. UOBPllINTIl i..r nil dtwcrlntloiiR tncsH and dispatch, tccutcdwltgjj . rcnsoiiuuro i 1 BTOvSlAND 'rlNWAW2: ll-AC011 MtCTZ.'ll'lcHn stoves & tinware, Main tlh,.v.."--- f 'ntTFERTi'sfoves nnd tlnwaro, Hnpert, . CloXMamlUwest of Market. vl-uM CLOTHING, &C. nurvttrittnn-mri.hnnttallor. Malu St., 2d I , door above American home. vl-n 13 XJ f W. CHEMBKKLIN. wiioiewueniiii .u -I. er la clothing, etc;; llattuiau's building. Main ir,; PJttr.GBiEailOALS, AO. ,lArngglts nnd apothecaries. vl-nU Lmwer'n ttain si J K WrrVtWHM "?, appoiecary, " "P 5; block Mntn u, west of Market. vl-n 13 ' " OLOCKflj (WATCHES &0- TENBY ZUFPINQEK. Watches, Bnectacles and ljowelry 4c. Matnptreet near West Ht. vto!5 I0UI8 BEBNHAKD, .watch and clock maker. J Dear southeast cornet Maluand Ironstn.vl-nU ,E.SA,VAaK,'oaler,ln clocks, watches nnd jewelry, Main' 'it.,' Just below American CATHOAIIT, watch and clock maker, Market BOOTSlAND SHOES. CO I Mi BROWN, boot and Bhoeruaker.Maln street . opposite. Court Home. vl-nt3 i SOLLTtDER,mannfacturer and dealer In boot s l and shoes.Malust., opposite Episcopal church vl-n I ENBY KI.E1M, Wanufacturer and dealer In vl boots and shoeij groceries etc., East Monms LrgMatnst.; 'J Yl""3 JiAVID BETZ, boot and shoemaker. Main St.. below Hartraan'i store, west ofMarket "treet. .PUQFESSIONAL. W.'EVAN8,M.I. inrgeon nnd physician south aide Main it, below Market. vl-iUJ , i B..B. P. Kinney snnreon dentist, teeth extract 1 f cd without pain. Main St., nearly opposite ,-?lscopal Church. , B. M'KEI.VY, M. D. surgeon and physician . north Bide Main St.! below Market, vl-n a nUTOSBjMI).' surgeon nnd Physician. Market St., abOT Main. vl-"" B. H," a HOWEB,rurgoon dctitist, Main St.. wi J Hart y man'B bulldingj Main BtreeU Vi-uW R IKKLEB; Attorney-at-Lnw.Offlco, 2d floor lu ', in Exchange Block; near tho "iSxchaugoHo ate L" V, v3nL B f MILUNEBY, & FANCY GOODS. ali. iltS.E. KLINE., Millinery and l'auey OojhIi. I( a jMaln Street below Market. v'u"1 , 188 LIZZIE BABKLEY, mUllnor, ltnmscy " '-.buUcdng, Main bW- vl-n a itr ' - ,1S3 A. PjWEBB.Tancy goods, notions, books, I -16. r. i.innn.. v.nlLiKM Miilnutreet. ll't. PETERMANi' millinery ond fancy goods op- (i. ! postta Episcopal church, Main st. vl-n.3 the iltS. JULIA A. 4 BADE BARKLEY, ladies . tftrtnlrm nttl . tl rAKa nnttril.l. snlltliea&t comer a it iin and. went at.' vl-nt3 IHa M.'ITKBalCKBON, millinery and fancy qc;; goodjMalntr,ppolta Court House, vl-nll 118. Miil: PUBMA'Il.'inUllner, Main st below mil 5Hartln'.Btorej5(F5st of Market hU vn" M liEMIftomHAHMAN mllHnery and fancy u goods,l Bet below American house. rfe HOTELS 'AND SALOONS. i 1 ';?' '.'7 r- I .LEA COCK,' oyster and eallng Baloon, Ameri- ti Ml. ..mi irnnn. Lfalnrat.. ltAUzer fnriek suricrln- IdenU . . vl-n tlw'"rIDMYEB A JACOBY, confectionry, bakery, .ILu'ange block. Main st. vl-n I .00, 3X At WEBB, ."oonfeetloncrv. bakcrv. aud oys ter saloon,' wholesale and retail, Exchange IK v XHirANflK HOTEL, bv Koons A Clark. Main t. opposlta court house. vl-nM iivnm.w.irrartil, .... T...... T.tmpi Xfnln oaitgt .went of Iron street. vl-n AcaRKS HOTElT br-a.AV. Macgeu. cast end of tini. Main st. ' vl-n Hi BTOHWiaCTCfiwlimeutsaloon.MalnbUust above c&ur(hoao. vl-nU , :.i'OONS A OLAUK,' refreshment saloon lull vi .Im,.. hnl.1 . u X ut Ex- , ohitnghotU.-t V V1-U13 I iir, MKIIOH ANTS. AND GltOCEHS. i,l-lit : VlLiYAmtta:1 Ctoniectlonerv. crocciles etc. Malu uiillDDt''-ii, HIIiIiElV dealer,' lu dry goods, evocerlt-s. of (r .JueuiiwturlUar,'ult, tsliuuu, uutiuiis, etc. ly(Mlcuanuo block. Main fctietJt. vl-uu iiriil.itrt" " " (((iojii:KEI.W(IIEAIiA Co., dealers In dry goods, 'm-aiX irrocfirtea ''Uoor.f feed. bait. Hsll. irou. uallt.. a coii',j.. uortueau oornor Main uud uaruel si. viuu nitnJtt a ' 1 rt nnWI?n halaaml i-nim iLTtnt-i-iliil liliitcta isi ul, u,nuWf.u,Du mm caps, u U tot l Wain Bt,. above V9urt.uoue, ,J.h, O. MAtlR. drv e-ooda and notions, southwest t corner Main una Iron bts. vl-u u arifi im v j- r i kU. aivj w arysoous, gru y. BXUWGldrycbods, groceries, etc., comer bem to yA.BECKLEY: Keystone shoo litore, L3 (p nuttonery. Main Ht;below Murliui i. books and fTlLLIAM .KRA8MU8, coufectlonerles, Main . kTENDENHAlLli'irenenil ktock of merchan- itcr- diae ftucl lumber, corner of Main street nnd Cb'CHor JI BOBBINB.'dealer in dry goods grcerlcs etc. Bhlvn'B blocfc Main sU. below Iron vl-ut3 i CW.'tK, OIBTOK, Groceries A Provisions, Main ilcV-Btreet below. Market vl-uti C9 WVlte. dealerln cholcedry coods. Ilouse- g6ods, fresh groceries, ctc.,etc Main Ejujuse, 1'iuu iWrwt. Beosriea nnd general merchandise IMTo west. vl-n .ti. LiruvKsn s A., c. ua iiiunai. ... n i a .11 malunl lDAu '.r . ... . .Til rim 1. ... ,j,iKOrool, .Confectioneries and Notions, lnuJ5iSDttwn. BOUth aide, two doors above Urobst's trMwigonniakerhop.!M' v -ul8. Lifers '& CHRITMANr'saildl.trunlc and harness i maker, oppotlta Kpltcopal -luircli Main St., "lAVi CORBLt.Turnlture looms, three V brlet on Main sUi west of Market st. story vl-ufl , J. TnORNTON, wall paper, window shoues, .1, 1 : aud fixtures, Rupert block, Main st. l-ul:l . rtOHKNSTOCK'il ohotocranlier. Exchaueo oioKf jauu Bbu uppusivu court uoase. vi-uu I W. CAMPLE A OS. Machinists. East Blooms. K. buri? near railroad.. Castlmcs made at short . ... lice- .ruacblnery.made and repa'red. v2-n2S i una. 1 r I.-1 T 1 1 VT In Alan, I L ,1 ..... etc,. Cliem-vl-nt3 iiiiuii' Mir 1,1111 B HI1CJ, pi nittVIIW. ... .1 the 'y J. UIDLEUAN, Agent Munson's Cop)r Tu- j bolar Lightning llod. v2-n!9 H3. PUBflELlL'SaddIe, trunk nnd inrness i.n a bii maker. Main L bolow court, house, vl-n 10 ion! ""f V08TEB.1,01uo Maker, nnd White and fancy ' I Tanner, Boottown, VI-U17 ..a urci ltflBBUUll LUMDElt CO., manufacturers ... ffwiMalani In j Lumber, of all kluds, planlnc (ERICA' ITtiBarWw rail-road. vl-nll -"niMt:. 4 irwiTMAN. marble works, near i B i iieonwr Main and Market sts. soniii west vi-no -iuraiy dealer In pianos. organs and u. w.uoreirsrurniiure rooms rr- vi-UU !. ina W.llOBBINSJHunordeftlerseconddoorfTorn i duyw uuhuhwjwiuw uiuuHna iron iu, oUry IuVUo. northeast corner "e ' ilr Mf A.ITUN8T0N, mutual and cash rates Are "llts, gror-anco cdmpan j ,noi tbeatt corucr.MiUn and rKdllN iMUEI. JAOOBY, Marble and Brown Stone JitiU.'Work.,EutUloomsliuig,Beiwlckroad. vl'nn .1 i .VI.' r VOLUME III NO. 22. ORANfiEYILLE DIKE0T01W. ntt. O. A. MEOAUaEr., physician and mreoon. U Main St., next door to Uood's Hotel. V1-UI7 TMiinir hotel nnd refreshment saloon, by liWm. Masteller cor, or Aiaiunnu x-iubi-.t".. TTAIIMAN nilOTlIEIlS, Tanners and manufac 11 tuners of lcalher, on Main St., bolow OoodV TAVID HEttniNO, Klour and Orlst Mill, nnd Ocnlcr in grain, Mill Blrect, VI-U17 HKUntNO, dealer In dry goods, groceries, lumber and general Morclianilli muisB Vl-1117 JOHN KUYMIHK, saddle and harnessmaker Main sU. nbovo tho Hwan Hotel. Vl-ni7 k A E. V. COIJJMAN, Mnrclinnt tailor nnd Uont's furnlslilnz iroods. Main BU, next door to the brick hotel. vl-ut7 ir B. II AYIIURBT, Clocks, Wntches nnd Guns 1IX, repaireu. uuusauu nuicuw iu bt., below Pine. Vl-nl7 JAMES I). 1IAIIMAN, Cabinet Maker, nnd Un dertaker. Main SU, below Plue. vl-n 17 MICHAEL C. KEIXEIt. Confectionery, Oysicrs &c. o., on Pino SU, between Main and Mill. H, II. AC. KEI.CHNr.Il, Blacksmiths, on Mill Street, near Plue, vl-u WILLIAM I1ELONO, Shocmakcrnnd manurnc turcroC llrlck. Mill St., west of Pino Vlul9 LEWIS H. BCIIUYLEIt, Iron rounder. Machin ist, nnd Manufactuierof plows, Mill BUVI-nl7 MILES A. WILLIAMS A Co.,Tnnnersnnd Man ufacturers of leather, Mill Street. Vl-nl7 JOHN KELLER, Boot nnd Shoemaker, riue Street, opposite tho Academy VI-1H7 Il.HEIlUINO lmoTHEIt, Carpenters nnd Builders, Main Street, below Pine. V1-UI7 SAMUEL BHAItrLERS, Maker of thollayhurst Oralu Cradle. Main St. v?n5. M. HAItMAN, saddle nnd harness maker , Orangevllle, opposite Pramo church, vunll 0ATAWISSA DIRECTORY. SUSCJUEHANNAorBricknotel.S.Kostebaudcr proprletor.south-enst corner Main nnd Second HI rent. vnii D. BIN ARD, denier In stoves and tin-ware, , Malu Street . v2-nli w M. H. ABBETT, attorney at law.Maln Street. rilLllERT & KLINE, dry goods, groceries, and VJ general merchandise, juuin DLreei, V2-1112 LKEILER, billiard saloon, oysters, . cream lu season Main Street. and Ice V2-U12 P. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second Bt., Bobbins' Building. v2-ul8. TVlLJ. K. BOBBINS, n-..u.n anil THlVfilMntl. XJ seconu nu below Main. v2-nli), J II. KISTLElV'Cattawlsallouse, north "c8t .Corner Mala and Becond BtreeU. v2-nlH. MM. BROBST, dealer in General Merchandise, . Dry Goods, Groceries Ac v2-nls. LIGHT STREET DIRECTORY. T.r.TP.11 P.NT. .1enlr In dnr iroods. crocerles. 1 hour, feed, salt, fish, Iron, nails, tnlet. Vl-llH TTEUWILLIUER. Cabinetmaker, Undertaker vl-nW O and Chalrmaker. H P. OJIAN ft Co.. Wheelwrights, first door above school house. TW.SANKEY. J.nln. In TjintllAr. ltllll'M. llflrl?. etc Cash nald for Hides. vl-nli) WM, M. ENT, dealer In stoves nnd tin ware in II an iia uraucnes. vl-nll) JOHN A. OMAN, manufacturer nnd dealer In boots aud shoes. vl-uOI. t T.TMMir.ri nr. TV Rnr-remi and Phvslclnii. Gfllco at Keller'B Hotel. v2-n-7 H. IRVINE. Medical Btoro Main SI. Brlarcreek Bond. ESPY DIRECTORY. WEUKHEISER. Hoot nnd Shoo Store lid mnnfnolorv. Blion im Mnlimtrcel.op- viORiio hieaiu jiiiii. nUllV UTWIM VTrflllltlN'l, Klll.l.-l. U. . 1' OWlCr, Hi l'ronrlctor. v2-UlU D F. .."J'Sl' ru. groceries, nnu genera. fP J . W. EDO AB, Susquehanna Planing Mill and llox Aianniuciory. vl2nll BUCKH0RN UIHECT0UY. Mr O. AW. II. SlIOEMAKi:n, dealers In dry prMiils. crocerles and aeuoial tuuiclmntlNH. irt bioro in sou in euu u wviu, JACOB & WM. IIAUKIM, dealers crocerles, drugs aud medicines. In dry comU. i'lrtsisutrum v -His. north eud of town. JERSEYT0WN DIRECTORY. ltarlr, Mtiillsnn LnwnhhlD Columbia county la. Vl-UJII BUSINESS CARDS. JOB PEIN T1NU Neatly executed at this Office. jyj" III. L'VELLE, ATTUllfl 15 X - A 1 -1. A. T , Ashland, Bcliuylklll County, Penn'a. Q W. MILLER, A 1 X Ullbl at law; li Tr T.IIIIa In ltrlflr bllllil MIL' Od Joining Post onico. s-Bounties, lmck-i'ay nnu Pensions collected. (sepai u, JOHN G. FREEZE, ATTOHWlSr-AT-UAK, Office In Kenlster nnd Becordcr'a office, lu the basement of the Court House, Bloomsburg, i-a,- -ROBERT F. CLARK, A 1 1 UIIH H. I J 1, rfV . Office corner of Main and Market streets, ve First National Bank, Bloomsburg, Pa. E. II. LITTLE, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW. Otnco Court-House Alley, below tho Coi.umiiian Uillce llloomsunrg,ra. Q B. BROCKWAY, A 1 1IIU.1CI A I HLOOMSBURO, PA. 43-Office Court House Alley, below tlm O. lumtifan umce. i'""' WM. REBER M. D. T-ntA nf llin IT. H. NaVV. to Tim. Ilnrrlkoll aud Wells. lias lierma. nently located In llloomsburg for the practice of .lieuiciuu III1U niirueiy. r.ii-v... ......u. . ..... to Humeri'. Can nlwaysbo found, unless professionally engaged at tlio I.xrhsliKO Hi lei or at hi ollleo over Miss. Webb's book sloi laio ltepiiuiicau i-riniingiuuee. Apr. w, woni J B. PURSEL, lIAi;.-.iJsi hajjui.ii;, Ann iiiuns MANUFACTURER, and dealer In CAitrin-iiAaa, valises, fly-nihs. HUFFALO U01)t3, llOIUiK-IlUMKLTS SC., which lie feels confident ho can sell at lower rate than any other person lu tlm country. Ex amine for yourselves. riuop nrsi uoor oeiow mu i ut.i umtu niuui Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. X40V, ID. 1&U1, Q 0. COLLINS, P A H II I O N A II L E SIIAVINO, HAIR CUTTING AND shampooing: balcon, Over Wldmayer A Jacoby's Ice Cream Saloon, BI.O0MBBURO. PA. Ilnlr Dyeing and Wldskers colored black or brown, llalr Touloto destroydandrull and beau- tlfylug the hair; will restore hair to 1U original color without solllug tho Ouest fabric, constaiilly nil liaim. luiniiui. .c jlu I 5i'l '' MACHINERY. QOIjUM III a IRON WORKS. N. Y. SAMPLE & 00 ConNP.Il OP MAIN BT. AND L. A 11. It. It. IlLOOMSllUIlO, PA. MACHINISTS, 1UON AND BltASB POUNDEllS BLACKSMITHS AND IlOILEIl-MAKEU''. M A N U F A 0 T U K E V. 8 OF BTEAM ENOINKS &. W.VrKUWIimjt. OKNEHAL MACHINE WOItKANI) p.r.r.vinH. ' MILL (lEAUIXO, ' . HIIAKTINO. . I'ULLKYS, ' HANOEILt, HEAD BLOCKS. SAW MILL ailAUINO Of nil kinds. CASTINGS FOIt FUItNACKS AND ItOLUNG JIILLS. Also car wnnr.i.H and axmx AND UENE11AL MININO CASTl.NdS. BRASS CASTINGS OF AM, KINDS, CAR UOX.ES, COMPOSITION CASTINGS, AND BABBIT METAL BEMMELD'S CELEBRATED GLOBE VALVES. STOP COCKS, CHUCK VA'LVKS, AIR COCKS, OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTLES, STI1AM OUACI1W. STEAM I'll'll AND l'l'l TINGS CONSTANTLY ON 11 AND. B L A 0 K S M I T II I N G, HEAVY OR I.K1IIT FOItdlNl.S, AGENTS Poll SHI VE'S GO VERNO H, ACKNOWLEDGED TO 1111 Till: SIMPLEST AND HIST IN TDK WOULD. -:():- REAMERS, TAPS AN I) DIT.S, MADE TO OHDKK. BOLTS iVND'NUTS. Ol SIZES. A I,L - t. ORDERS FOR BRIDGE BOLTS AND IRONS, SOLICIT!!!) AND ESTIMATES CIIEEUFIH.LY FURNISHED. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, OP THE LATEST IMPROVED PATTERNS. THRESHING MACHINES, A SPECIALTY. 1UJCKEYE REAPERS REPAIRKI), AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FURNISHED. MANUFACTURERS AND PRO PRIETORS OF IIORTON'H PATENT HAY RAKE. lOi - I ALL ORDERS' EXECUTED WITH PROMPTNESS. i AND SATISFACTION OIVEN O 21 M- p N H Y It I! V U. N 1 1! D May 7,'tt'-lf BLOOMSBURG, PA., Jlf.JIOllY HULLS. I mil silting In my chnmbcr, whlld tho darkness tall nnd grim, Enters in with nolctow gliding, shutting out tho twilight dim! Gleams a star with radlnncoholy.ln tlielicaveus sapphlro sea; And I hear tho wind's low muuniir through the drooping wlllow-treo. While I sit thus dreaming, listening lo Time's footsteps fulling fust, Slow Eiy heart uprising, wallteth 'mid tho shad ows of tho bast : Suddenly a mellow cadenco stcalelh softly down tho dell. 'TIs tlio sound ofdlslant music, tinging of sumo fairy bell. How tho crystal melody floats, Whilo the airy, silvery notes. Merrily full upon the ear, Hinging cheerily, sweet, nnd clear Hinging clear. Joyoui memories swiftly thro tiff, Days- of youth, departed long ; All forgotten, come again, In thnt magical refrain Merrily, inn illy. Louder, fuller, doth H swell, Tho pican of that golden bell J And the rich, exultant sound Liquid, rolleth all around Tho golden lull. Thus my heart wlfh ardor glowed, Thus lovo's burning torrent flowed, In tlioso witching days of yore, Gone, ftlnsl for evermore Voreverinoro. Mournfully 'tis pealing now, Tolling sailly, tolllngslow KnelUng for the early dead Sleeping hi their d renin lew bed. Tolling slow. Bhrill and loud tho boll Is twanging, livery btrnlco is sternly clanging; And each Jarring Iron tone, Hwells with sharp nnd sudden moan Jarring lone. Harsh It summoueth to duty, Shutting out tho thoughts of beauty ; Waking from dreams Ideal To the cold mm gloomy joal Tho gloomy leal. Wullethit bitterly, wlldly.dreailly, Hobbeth It dreamily, never ho wearily, lleditureaks return In that dcsolato btraln. Co lac, () tho i requiem, coma not agiln Ncvcraguhi, UiHlied at length tho bitter wall, Swelling late ndnwn tho d.ile; Calmly now tho bell-tones float, low and gonllo N each note Unshed I Ik- wall. Ttiotigh tho hues of hope ore f.uh lt And tlio sunlit fair ti shaded ; Trust, 0 heart, thy father's love, I'.eamliig through thoclouds above Trust, O heart 1 Taint though not, though had and weary, Tbough thy road bo rough and dreary; Girded for this mortal strife, House thee to a nobler lite House, O heart. Still I'm slttius in my ch.iuibor, utllltho ra diant star bends down. Dies tho last reverberation ol that ever chang ing tone; Hut tho haunted bolls of intinnry wiUo nn ceho In my heart, Aud their wild, unearthly tuuslo from my soul will ne'er depart. Houm at Hoiiis. THE SEWERS OF NEW YORK. Reperienva nf a Wanderer throuyh the tie(f-MadaS;Uvavjer--l)urlnri Keptoits Mysterious ikenes-Jlccorerj of Val tSetccrs OJ iew xori; Jitsiur.y vj u uabla l'rojicrty Horrors Under the Streets, Etc. In tho Nineteenth Wmtl, bortlorlntr on tlio Eiint River, can bo seen a very neat littlo two-story framo-liouso cover ing inmost an entire wiuaro, surrounileil ly a beautiful (jarden, tho occupant ami owner of which, though a Gorman, U what wo call ono of tho solf-nmilo men of Now York,- anil ranks among tho wealthiest. Though a man of littlo or no would inakoono's blooil run colli to listen to his daring exploits, nnd tho many advcnture8 that ho lias passed through under tho streets of our city. Some lifteen years ago ho landed In this country n perfect stranger, and with but little money j this ho had tho pleasing satisfaction, if such wo may call it, of being robbed of on his very (irst night In tho city at a German boarding houso In Greenwich street. His vocation at homo was that or u night-scavenger, and ho was not long in procuring a situation in tlio samo business in this city. For tlvo years ho followed tho samoas an employco.which enabled him tosavoconslderablomoiioy. During tho timo ho had frequently found many valuables, and so persist ently were applications mado to search for lost property that ho conceived tlio idea of working tho sowers of ourstrcets In its search. Ho had also become qulto accustomed to towers, as ho had fre quently been compelled to clean them outand was as much at homo In these narrow and lllthy passage-ways as upon tho streets. Tho leading contractors in tho above business found lilm so valua bio and so daring an explorer thnt they wero continually culling his services Into requisition. Thcro Is hardly a sower on tho Island in which ho has not bicnj nnd ho seemed to tako ti great interest In watching tho building of now sewers and drains. Ho knows their size, length, ovcry turn nnd crook.thclr Inlets and outlets, and claims to Jiuvo many haunts below tho ground, wliero, by the force of water, valuables thatnro lost aro sure to settlo oro they can bo carried out Into tho river. It will bo remembered It was but a few weeks tigo that it man was arrested in Hoboken with qulto n numbor of valuablo arti cles lu a basket, and It win discovered that ho had tot them out of tho sowers of Now York. Now, many presumed that this was n now business, tlio llko never having been heard of before, yet this Is not bo. Thcro nro qulto n number mostly Germans, who follow this samo business j but they aro very careful not to dlvulgo tho same, as It Is said they aro making nn Independent fortune. It is u regularly established business in Franca and Germany, nnd In many pla ces they pay so much for tho proceeds of tho bowers. It Is said that thcro liavo been thoso who hayo tried to accustom themselves to tho business, but who wero tinablo lu many Instances to en dure tho unhealthy odor niul poUonous gases. A PROFITABLE THIl. Tho first trip over taken by our In former along tho sowers of tho city was on Courtlaudt street, lu search of a jinckctbook that had Iwen last lu tho FRIDAY, MAY 28, sink of ono of tho prominent hotels on that street, nnd which contained $l,3o0 In money, nnd drafts nnd notes to tho ninount of $i'l,000. Tho sink had been senrched, but all efforts to recover tho lost property wero frultlcsi; It was evi dent that It had been washed out Into tho main sower, and tho owner olrered tho whole amount of money In cash, $l,3.0, should It bo recovered. Her mann, for ns such ho was known among his associates, concluded to work tho street sower thnt night nnd seo If It was posslblo to llnd tho samo. Thnt night, accompanied by two others, ho equipped hlmsolf In u full rubber suit, n revolver, a hook, u dark lantern, and n sieve shovel. Descending at tho first open ing, which wns about n block below the hotel, ho set out on his Journoy on his hands nnd knees through tho dismal passago-way. Ho had no sooner got well under way, tho powerful light from tho dark lantern tiu'oriling lit ti i plenty of light, when ho canio faco to face with ono of tlio largest dock-rats that ho had ever seen.Tho power of tho light seemed to stagger tho rat for it moment, when Hermann drew his pistol nnd shot him dead. Ho then resumed operations, and sifted after mud nnd tilth ns ho went along. Tho first thing of nolo that ho found was tho body of n atitl-born lufnt about threo or f ,ur months old. On lifting it, it wns so much decomposed that it fell apart. A littlo further, ho picked up a silver w,ntch, with n com mon cord lied to It, and it had evident ly been some tlmo In thosewer;Kecping on, ho soon picked up two silver table spoons, i,no bearing the word "Nation al," ami evidently belonging to tlio hotel of tho samo naino,whlch Is located on tho same street j ho also picked up n part of an old sliver urn. As ho lifted tho piece of urn.lio feltFomething heavy ngalnst it, Which ho at first Imagined to be a piece of board: but when taking It out, lo and behold I It was tho ldcntle.ll lost pocketbook. All was found safo within ; but wet through and through. Being unablo to turn in tho sower, ho wa-i forced to back out; ond Inn short tlmo ho was at thoopcnine.iuid In a few moments found himself safo on terra lliiiiu. Returning homo, ho dried tho bills, notes, and papers ; and tho follow ing morning handed over tho book nud contents lo their owner, who fairly jumped with joy at their recovery. When told how it had been recover ed, ho could hardly believe it. Tlio Sl,3o() wa-i paid over to Hermann, re ceiving, besides, an orih'r for a new suit of clothes from tlio proprietor of t'io hotel. A SECOND ADVENTURE. Tho most extended journey ever made by Hermann was through Vesey Street sewer to Broadw -.y, thenco to Barclay, and down Barclay to tho out let at tho river. (Ui Vesey street ho picked up numerous spoons of every de.-criptlon,espcclally In tho vicinity ol tho A-tor House, and thu e.i.-o of a gold watch. Ho aNo found a broken draco let, a dirk-knlfo, nnd a pair of gold siicctueliH. On Broadway ho found n neat erovs branded dirk, and on Bare lay street picked up over $10 In money Some two years after the above Journey liu inailu another tour over thu samo route, nod found u Itidlcs'ptirso contain ing 5107 In gold, ntso nn old pocket book with eighty-four cents in it. RECOVERINO A WEDDING P.INC1. In tlio Spring of 1S01 ho was called upon to r cover it heavy gold wedding ring that had been dropped down a sink by a lady, and who seemed almost dis traeted over its loss. Money w. s no object if tlio ring could bo recoveied, Tho sink win cleansed, but no ring could bo found. Tho sower was accord ingly visited mat nignt, niul alter it dlllgentsenrcli of tho passage-way lead ing from the dwelling to tho main sow er tho ring was found after nearly two hours' hard work. IIu was made it present of two hundred dollars for his trouble, besides what was awarded his associates. OVER THREE HUNDRED BODIES POUND IN THE M'.WERs. During (ho ten years that Hermann followed tho nbovo life ho states that, at times, ho found over three hundred slill-born infants In tho various sewers of tho city. As a general thing, he would bring them out at the opening at tlio river, and would recelvo a certain amount from the Coronets for such bod ies, while, they would be a benefit to tl.o Coroner financially for holding an In quest on tho same. Tho press seldom took notlco of such trilling cases. In fact, it was ver raro that publicity was given to nnyofthem. Chnmbors street, ho states, was tho greatest on record for finding still-born Infants. Ho never visited it but ho was biiroto como across ono or two, and sometimes as many as 11 vo or sl.v. Tho only reason ho nccounts for their being so many on tho above street wns that there was located lu that street ono of tho most noted)abortlonists ever known in this country, nnd In whoso houso hundreds nnd hundreds of females liavo been operated on, nnd abortions produced. Tho sink was, of eourse.used to carry offand conceal that which would liavo onco been n human being. Tho woman who then occupied tho building, now resides in ono of tlio most costly mansions on Fifth avenue, whero slio carries on thosaino business, but only eaters lor thoso of wealth, and who can pay hor tho highest prices for her services. Any pleasant nftcrnoon siiocanbo seen riding out on Central Park In her carrlago, nnd oflou acconi- panled by samo delicato young woman who has been a victim to her hellish practice. A TRIP ACROSS THE CITY. Ono night Hermann determined to mako n tour from river to river. Hoon- tered ono of tho largo sowers on tho North River sldo and caino out nt tho mouth of Maiden Lano sower j nt ono placo ho o uno in contact with hotsteam from n ho!!cr,but It being Sunday it did not amount to much, nnd ho passed It wltirilttlo (ir no trouble. During tho Journey Jio found any quantity of things spoons without number, u silver cup two rings, n liquor-flask, now pocket book empty, n bundlo of lawyer's, pa pcrs, necklaco and tiny number of pieces of coin. 1869. COL A STRANGE COMPANION. Whilo milking n Journoy ono morn ing through tho Spring street sower, ho was startled by obsorvThgsotnethhig of considerable bIzo somo dlstanco a head, and moving toward him. At first ho could not in iko It out; but getting his lantern to bear well on tho object, dis covered that it was it llvo hen, who seemed perfectly at homo.and was pick ing up whatov; it could como across to eat. Ho managed to capture It, mid lias tho Identical chicken now at his stables. How In over got Into tho sower ho can not lmaginc,but It looked as if 1 1 had been thcro somo tlmo. "Wo could enumerate many moro interesting facts of his life In tho sowers, had wo tho spaco in our columns; but tho abovo is enough to show that It Is no now business to oxploro tliosowers of our city for a liv ing. Our informant Is now worth ovor $,00,000 In real estate alone, all mado by digging through tho filth of tho sowers of Now York. Sew York Sunday Mer cury. Literal. Anstvcrs. A lecturer In Portland, Maine, or bomowhero else, was explaining to n little girl how n lobster cast his shell when ho had outgrown It. S.ild he, "What do you do when you hava out grown your clothes? You east them aside, do you not ?" "Oh, no," roplied tho little one, "wo lot out tlio tucks." Again, a teacher explaining to n littlo girl tho meaning of tho word cutlclo : "What is that all over my faco nnd hands'.'" said ho. "It's freckles, sir," answered tho lit tle cherub. An nnswer of it similar character is often tho result of a hard word. "William," said a mother to her son, who had already enton a very consider nblo amount of dinner, "I don't know whether you can eat this pudding with Impunity." "Well may bo not," said William ; "I think I would rather have a spoon." iV lady noticed a boy sprinkling salt on the sidewalk to take off tho ice, and remarked to a friend pointing to tlio iilt: "Now that's truo benovolcncc." "No it ain't," said tho boy, somewhat Indignant, "it's salt." So when alady asked her servant girl If tho hired man had cleared off tho snow with alacrity, she replied : "?so ma'm, ho used a shovel. Tho samo literal turn of mind which we have been illustrating Is soinollmes used intentionally and perhaps n littlo maliciously, and thus becomes tho prop erly of wit instead of blunders. Thus wo hcarof a very pollto and Impressive gentleman who said to a youth In tho street : "Boy may I inquire where Robinson's drugstoro is?" "Certninly, sir," said tho boy, very respectfully. "Well, sir," said tho gentleman, after waiting awhile, "whero Is It?" "I have not tho least Idea,yer honor," said tho urchin. Thcro was another boy who was ac costed by an ascetic mlddloaged lady with, "Boy, I want to go to Dovor street." "Well, ma'm," said tho boy, ''why don't you go there then ?" Ono day on Lako Georgo a party of gentlemen strolling among the beauti ful lultimls, nf tin, Inlrn u-llli hml Inplf. rumtnd n Hltln fYillmi' will, 11 vnfl uhtrt 1 nud old straw hat dangling n line over thoslde of a boat. "Hello, boy," said ono of them "what nro you doing?" "Fishing," eamo tho answer. "Well, of course," said tho gentle man, "but what do you catch ?" "Fish, you fool, what do you 'spose?" "Did any of you ever seo mi ele phant's skill," Inquired it teacher of nn nfant class. "I have," exclaimed one. "Whero?" nsked tho teacher. "On tho elephant," said the boy laughing. Sometimes this sort of wit degener ates or rises, ns tho enso may bo, into punning, ns when Floni pointed pen sively to tho heavy masses of clouds In tho sky, saying: "I wonder wliero thoso clouds nro go ng V" nnd hor brother replied, "I think they nro going to thunder." Also in tho following dialogue: "Hello, there I how do you sell your wood?" "By tho cotd." "How long has it been cut?" "Four feet." "I mean how long has it been since you cut it!" "No longer than It Is now." And nlso, as when Patrick O'Fiynn was seen with his collar and bosom sad ly begrimed and wns Indignantly sk ed by his ofllccr. Patrick O'Fiynn; how long itoyou wear a shirt!" "i'wtitty-elght Inches, sir." This reminds me of au Incident which Is said to havo occurred recently InClint ham street, Now York, whero it coun tryman was clamorously besieged by a Shopkeeper. "Havo you any fluo shirts?" salil tlio countryman. "A splendid nssortment. Step In, sir. Every price ttnd every stylo. Tho cheapest In tho market, sir." "Aro they clean?" "To bo sure, sir." "Then," said tho countryman, with great gravity, "you had better put ono on, for you need It." Wit Is said to excite an ugrectiblo sur prise. I fear the surprlso hero was not ugreo.tblo to one of tho parties, but It was wit nevertheless. A CEUTAIN deacon, being accustomed to snore white asleep In church, re ceived the following polite nolo : "Deacon ' is requested not to commence snoring to-morrow until the sermon Is begun, us somo per.ons In tho neighborhood .of Ills pew would liko to hear tho text.' "John, did you, qyor-bet trn a horse race ?" "No, but I've seen my sister Bet on nn old niftio." DEM.VOL. XXXIII NO. 15. A Thrilling Incident. The following Incident la extracted from a very infesting paper In Bcnliey's Miscellany, entitled "Hours In Hindoo- stan,"Tho cobra cape! In Is snld to bo one of tho most venomous species of serpents In tho East, his Lite being attended by nlmost instant death : Wo had been playing nil tho evening nt whist. Our stakes had been gold molutr points, and twenty on tho rub ber. Mnxcy, who was always lucky, had won flvo consecutivo bumpers, which lent it self-satisfied smlloto his countenance, and made us losers any thing but pleasant, when ho suddenly changed counlcnanco nnd hesitated to play. This tho mora surprised us slnco ho was one who seldom pondered, being bo perfectly master of tho gamo that ho deemed long consideration superfluous. "Play away, Maxey ; what aro you nboul?" impatiently demanded Church Ill, ono of tho most impetuous youths that ever wore thu uniform of the body guard. "Hush," replied Maxoy, In a louo which thrilled through us, at tho eamo tlmo turning deadly pale. "Aro you unwell ?" said another, nbout to start up, for no believed our friend had been taken suddenly 111. "For tho lovo nf God sit quiet," re plied the other, In a tono denoting ox- trcmo fear or pain, and ho laid down his cards. "If you value my life, movo not." "What can ho mean? Has he taken lcavo of his senses?" demanded Church Ill appealing to myself. "Don't start don't move, I tell you," j n a sort of whisper I can never forget, uttered Maxey. "If you make any sudden motion I'm a dead man !" ho exclaimed. Wo exchanged looks. Ho continued: "Remain quiet nnd nil may yet bo well.I'vo a cobra copolla round my leg." Our first imptilso wn3 to draw bncl our chairs ; but nn nppcnling look from tho victim induced us to remain, nl though wo were awnro that should tho reptile transfer but ono fold, nnd attach himself to any other of tho party, that Individual might already bii counted a dead man, so fatnl Is tho blto of that dreadful monster. Poor Maxey was dressed as many old residents still dress in India, namely, breeches and silk stockings. Therefore ho moro plainly felt every movement of tho snake. His eountenanco assum ed a livid hue ; tho words bccmed to lcavo his mouth without the features altering tho position, so rigid was tlio look, so fearfulwas lie lest tho slightest muscular movement should alarm tho sepent and hasten his bile. Wo wero lu agony littlo less than his own during tlio scene. "IIoiscollinground,"muttered Maxey "I feel him cold, cold to my limb; and now, ho thickens. For tho lovo of heav en call for somo milk. I daro not speak loud ; let It bo placed near mo; let sonio be placed on tho floor." Churchill cautiously gave tho order, nnd a servant slipped out of the room. "Don't stir! Northcoto you moved your head. By overj thing sacred, I conjure you not to do so again. It cannot bo long cro my fato is decid ed. I've a wife and two children in Europo ; tell them I died blessing them that my lust prayers wero for them, The snake is winding round my calf. I lcavo them all I possess. lean almost fancy I feel his breath. Great God, to dlo in such a manner!" Tho milk was brought and carefully put down; a fow drops wero sprinkled on tho floor, and tho affrighted servant drew back. Again Maxey spoke: "No ! it lias no effect ! I dare not look down, but am suro ho is about to draw back nnd give tho blto of death with moro than fatal precision. Recelvo mo. Oh! Lord, and pardon me! My last hour has como I again ho pauses I I dlo firm, but this Is past endurance ! Ah, no I Ho lias uiidono another fold, and loos ens himself! Can hobo going to somo one?" Wo Involuntarily started. "For the lovo of heaven, stir not! I'm a dead man ; but bear with me. He still loosens ho Is nbout to dart. Move not, but beware! Churchill, ho falls off that wnj. Oh, this ngony is too hard to bear. Another pressure, mid I am dead I No, ho relaxes." At that moment poor Maxey ventur ed to look down; tho snake had un wound himself; tho !at coil had fallen, and tho reptile was making for tho milk. I urn saved ! I tun saved !" and Maxey bounded from his chair and fell senseless Into tho arms of ono of his servants. In another instant, need it be added, wo wero nil dispersed the snake was killed, nud our poor friend carried, more dead than alive, to his room. A I ltKEDMAN's Hymn. A Southern friend, who Is curious in Ids observa tions as to tho ell'ect of freedom on tho ordinary lleld-hand frccdman,says that In no way docs Sambo "reel tho oats" of liberty more than in his devotions; and In support of his assertions sends the following, which ho says Is in many quarters a favorite hji'in In public re ligious services : Wo's nearer to do Ixird Dan de whilo folks, aud dt-y know II ; Bee de glory gate unbarred; Wulk uti, darkeys, post do guuid ; Bet u dollar he don't clifeu It. Walk up, darkey, froo de gate; Hark I da colored uugcls holler, Ou away, whlto folksl you's too late; W.'s do wlnuln' color; Mult Till the truuiiiet souuds to toller. Hallelujah 1 1'auks au' )ralso; Long eiiutr wu'vo borne our crussos; Now wo's de sooperlor race ; We's g luo lo hcabeu afire d. boh.wa t A California correspondent of tho Cincinnati tVMiMcrc'af, who bus been traveling ou tho Central Pacific Rail road, nays: "It costs ten cents a inllu in coin, to rldo on It, and if you tender your faro in greenbacks, and Insist upon their reception, the conductor halts and nushea you off tho train.. A fow day ago u passenger nlfered n greenback do) lor for a ride of ten miles. Ho was prcinplty ditched." KATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, (Ion linos or lis imiivti. lent In nonpareil type) olio or I wo Inst r- lion, Jl.ooj llirco insertions, Ont qtireii.'.t.$JO Two srinarr-s ......... &VW Tlirco uniinrci tfi Four ftmrt-s.. . 7.P0 Quattcrt-oliirnu., pyx) 1 1 ill f Column; ll.(IO 7,00 D,() 1I,W WHO 6m. If Ifl.nn lio.oo D,l) 15,00 12,110 l,IW r,(i ,(" SO.TO !W,00 30,00 60,00 IXi.U) 100,00 S,l 7,l n,m I3,( 18,1X1 Ono column........ :X),fO 30,(1 a,ua Exccutor'H or Administrator's Notice, fcl.OU; Auditor's or Assignee's Notice, Local Notices twenty rents n line J by tho year tonX-onts. Cards in tlio "Directory" column, 12.00 per your for IliO first two lines, and 1.00 wrench nddltional lino. Tlio Influence of tlio Moon upon Itnlilcx. Tlio moon is. thought, by old wives to influence the life of a child. Thus tho child born on tho first diiy of tho new moon Is fortunate ln nll his undertak ings, nnd will llvo long; ono born on tho fifth day will bo vain nnd dcceltrul; ono born on tho sixth will llvo louv; ono born on tho seventh wilt havo a llfo of trouble; ono born on tho ninth will bo rich; ono born on tiic tenth will bo a great traveler; ono born on the tenth will boa devotee to religion; ono born on the sixteenth will bo grateful and unfortunate.: ono born on tho eight eenth will bo, brave; ono born on tho nineteenth will bo full of malice; ono born on tho twenty-first will be strong and healthy, but selfish; one born on tho twenty second will bo cheerful, but Inclined to low society; ono boru on tho twenty-third will bo uiigovcruabIe,will forsake family and friends and wander In a foreign country unhappy through life; one born on tho twenty-fourth will havo extraordinary ability; ono born on the twenty-fifth will bo desperately wicked and como to a fearful dcathjone born on tho twenty-seventh will bo amiable; one born on (ho thirtieth will have tho nemo or nil good gifts, tempo nil and Hplrltunl. A baby's halls must never ho cut un til It Is a year old, or it will bo a thief. A child with a bluo.veln across its nose will never wear Its wedding clothes; should It chnnco to outllvo Its infancy it will bring sorrow nnd disgraco to all belonging to it. A babo that cries at Its christening will live long; if you batho it on Sunday It will bo sorrow free; if on Thursday it will grow beautiful; If on Wednesday It will grow fat; if on Friday all Us sins will bo for given; if on Saturday It will bo unheal thy, Tliero aro certain other superstitions applying to grovn people: If you cut jour nails on Sunday, It provokes Mon sicuro lo Diablo to such a degree that ho'H shave you all tho week, and lend you into mischief. If you clip your hair at tlio now moon, It will grow long at tho full; as tho moon wanes your hair will fall out. If you don new clothes on a Sunday you'll bo happy; If on a Monday, they'll tear; If on a Tues day, they'll burn; if on a Wednesday, you'll liavo plenty; ifon n Friday, you'll bo unlucky; ifon a Saturdoy,you won't live to enjoy them. Every one, silently or openly', Is a littlo suspicious regard ing Friday, yet few could give a reason. Something ron the Spelling School. Many persons liavo read, at ono timo ur another, a littlo anecdote about tho Into Lord Palmcrston, which tells us how that jovial nobleman onco gave eleven of his associates in tho cabi net a scntenco to spell, and how not a singio one of tho eleven got through It without blundering. Tho scntenco was: "It is disagreeable to witness tho em. barrassment of a harrassed peddler gauging tho symmetry of a peeled po tato." Tliero nro hero several words which it is very easy to misspell, but a correspondent sends to tho New York Evening Post a sentence which ho says (on the authority cf Lord Robert Cecil) was uctually given out to n school in Ipswich, by tho side of which tho Pal mcrstonlan test becomes ridiculously easy. It runs thus : "Whilo hewing yew. Hush lost his ewe, nud jiut It in the Hue and Cry. To naino lt face's dusky hues Was all the eflbrt he could use. You brought the ewe buck, byo and bye, And only begged the hewer's ewer, Your hands to wash n littlo pure. Lent nlce-no'cd ladles, not a few, Khould cry, on coming near you, "Ugh I" A Sad Stoiiy. Whilo laborers were recently demolishing nn old building on Twenty-seventh street, New York, they discovered in a rat's nest a roll of bills amounting to $250. About eight years ngo, ono of tho occupants of tho houso lost the money. At tho tlmo of this loss a young man named William Cummlhgs clerk In a tea store, was bonrding at tho house, and as ho was tho last ono seen in the room prior to tho loss, ho was suspected of tho rob bery, nnd on being arrested, was con victed of tho crime and sent to prison. With character ruined and bereft of friends, he gavo wuy to dissipation and eventually died on Ulaekwcll's Is Intnl. 'Can you tell mo the road to Green ville, 'asked a traveler of a boy whom ho met on tho mau, i es, sir,- saiu mu boy, 'do you seo our bam there?' 'Yes,' i ,-. . . l . . I,..., llirnn S.tVS HO. up I" mm. vuuu .....v. hundred yards beyond tlio barn you will find a lane. Tauo tuiu nine. xho that lano and follow on about a mile and a half. Then you will como to a lippcry elm log. You uo migniy necr- r,.i Htnintfcr. about going on ij'" tret to tho brow '.of the hill, and then there thoronus varicutu, uuu j" tho left hand road and keep It until you get lo a plump thicket; and when you get thero, wliy mo-mtu 'Well, what men v in, ......, I'll bo durned if you ain't lost.' vv,i Mi:r. Pay Attention. Do not bo a loaror, don't call yourself a loafer, dou't keep a loafer's company, don't hang nbout loafing places. Better work hard for your own prospects. Bustle nbout if you mean to havo any thing to bustle about for. Many a phy sician has obtained a real patient by riding hard to attend an imagnm A tuilro of blank paper tied up with red tapo and carried under a lawyer s arm may make 1.1s fortune. Such is tlio world to him mat nam mi ,,"" Qut droning and complaining. Keep busy and mlud youv chances. AhtoUV is told of a Western lawyer who lately attended a religious meeting wlioro ho wits .called upon to offer a prayer. .-Not being experienced in such dut y, ho rose and attempted tho Lor. 1b prayer, and succeeded very well until became to the passage ''Qlvou- (" day our dally bread," "hen. re- force or habit, ho immediately nddid, "with costs." "Setting Hen" tlmo.