THE COLOMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUSTY. I' A. armfrV 3tiamrnt. Ul.N'M ON llllUHK ULEAMNO. An tho sprint? ituyrt niiiuiucli.tho lioiisuwlfb rucU lior dully iurwi tiieiiMSo. Every closet, ilmwcr nml liiro l;K must bo rmi-mcVsiMl, ovcrlookiHl uml ili'iut'il ui fur tho coming tmiiiiiitT. OiriiuU limit lu tukcm up Mill sluikiMi,uoili well liont un, nml l)cliti'iils washed In rtumg lirlno to destroy nil liiwctf, etc. As anything that out lossnii tho labor of tt housekeeper Is (Icslrnblc, I venture to contrlhiito myiulte. Savo tho tea leaves for a few ilrtyp, then steep them In u tin pall or pun for lmlf ail hour, sttrnln throiiL'h u sluve. it ml uso tho tea to wash ull vurnMiod reiiulrcs very llltlo rubbing or "elbow polish," tvj tho tea acU as a very stronc iletercont, cleans ing tho paint from 1U Impurities, and making tho varnish nhiiio equal to now. It cleanses window Bashes anil oil cloths; Indeed, any varnished surface is lnv provod by its application. It washes window panes nnd mirrors much better than soap or water : His excellent ior cleanslmr black walnut plcturo and In1rln.rr1na frnmns. It will not do to washunvarnlshed.palntwUhlt,VhUtng is unenualcd for cleanslDg white- paint, Tako a small quantity on a damp flan nel, rub lightly over tho surface, and you will bo surprised at Its effects. Wall papers aro readily cleansed by tying a sort cloth over a broom, nnd sweeping down tho walls carefully. The dust anil a'hes lif furnaces and sloves'uro deposit oil in every crack and crcvlco of our rooms, and it requires vigilant anil ae tlvo treatment for their removal. Car pets absorb great quantities of them, All who can aiford it will find It a great Improvement to uso straw matting in summcr.andin autumn cover them with carpet linings or oven common nowspa. pers, then put down tho carpets over them. Cleansing silver is not an easy task : tho uso of kerosene will greatly facilitate tho operation. Wet a flannel cloth in oil, dip in dry whiting, and thoroughly rub tho plated or silver Waro ; throw it into n dlsli of scalding soap suds, wipe with a soft flannel.and polish with a chamois skin. Your sil ver or plato will look equal to that ex hibited In a jeweler's window, and will retain its brilliancy for six months, If onco a week, when washed, It is" pol ished with, a chamois 'skin. Bright silver ndds'much to tho beauty of a ta ble, and is easily attained by this meth od. Sonlo may think it will injuro tho plate. I have used it spring and fall for flvo years, and neither plated articles nor silver sustain nny injury. Tlioso who uso brass and iron will And it eouallv efficacious in restoring their brightness. Old feather beds and pil lows aro greatly improved by putting them on a clean grass plot during a heavy shower : let tho beds become thoroughly wetted, turning them on both sldes.IiOt them Ho out till thorough ly dry, then beat them with rods ; this will lighten up tho feathers and mako them much moro healthy to sleep upon. It removes dust and rejuvenates tlio feathers. Agriculturalist. f,t -Uc -lUutnu 011.0. PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY How to ItAisn Good Potatoes. J.T. Murrlmau writes, to tho Ohio Ifar mer as follows : Many people think that potatoes will grow, no matter how poor tho seed is tho refuse of what is left of eating while others plant mixed vari eties, all sorts planted together, and then complain of poor potatoes. Ihavo been an observer of tho management in raising potatoes of diirerent kinds for tlfty years; tho way I havohad tho best crops is to plow up a plcco of green sward of good depth, from ono to fifteen acres, as tho individual may wnnt.tlien harrow lengthwiso until it Is well mel lowed up, then diagonally.Bo in to have it well mellowed, then with n light shovel-plow mark out throo feet apart and not cross it, and be suro to have your rows east and west, (corn rows bhould bo north and south,) so tho sun will not burn or heat tho hills in hot weather. My plan is to sort tho potatoes, tak ing out tho two biggest sizes to use,then take the three next, aud leave the two least and all tho Ill-shaped ones of all sizes. As llko produces like of 111 ones, that Is why potatoes degenerate. I put plaster or irypsum about ono ta blespoon ful in tho hill, when I drop my potatoes. I plant them ono way aud cover with' my hoc; I plant rows 3 feet apart, and liills 2 feet apart. My made is to put on potato or half in the hill with tho plaster, of whatever kind of potatoes I plant; tho plaster helps to start tho potatoes and keeps them from rotting, which is an object of late yearn, Ono potato or ono pleco is enough for a hill. By planting on sward land tho potatoes aro dry and mealy, while on land that has been plowed sovcral times - tho potatoes will bo soggy. Tho potato crop Is becoming moro profitable, and it Is timo that farmers should look cut for good beeU and plant good and not poor kinds of potatoes. It takes tenor twelve bushels of seed po- . tatocs to plant an aero as I plant, and generally from threo hundred to four hundred bushels product. , I cultivate potatoes when thoyure up about two inches high, then uso n shov el plow, so as to havo them good to hoe. I hoe them when about n foot high, aud hill them not too high. Some farmers plow a deep furrow, drop in their potatoes and plow in their seed plow up tho hills and plow out their potatoes. Tills is hoeing potatoes with a vengeance; potatoes brulsod; ono hundred bushels per acre, andsinall, poor ones at thut. Potatoes are ono of our staples for family support, and should bo raised with euro to got good ones. JlOW OOOD FARMERS SAVE MONEY. Tlioy take good papers nnd read them. They keep oscounts of farm opera tions. They donolave their implements scattered over tjifl furm, oxposcd to tho ruin, snow and hptit. They repair tools and buildings at tho proper timo, and do not miller a three-fold expenditure of timo and money. They uso their money Judi ciously, and do not attend nuctlon sales to purchoso all kinds of trumpery bo causo It ia "cheap." They do not refuso to mako correct experiments, in a small way, of many now things. Thoy plant their fruit trees well, euro for them, and of course thoy get good crops. &uccc&ful inruiing Is made up by at tention to Jlttlo things. Tho farmer who does his beat earns 111 money with host appreciation, and lues If with ba-t results. Such men aro tho "salt of tho oarth." Mia Fortune ill Alolitllnli. AliDAI.I.All uilsn prospi'lous burlier ofHhtruz. lie married u woman of surpassing bi'tluty,but excessively vain, so that his wholo 'substaiK'O was con sumed In providing her with dresses trinkets, nnd the luxuries of a minia ture harem. Above all other women, tho wife of Hassan, tho King's astrologer, was en vied by tho wife of Abdallah, tho un ostentatious barber, for this lady affect cd great grandeur ami could afford It, on account of tho largo salary and hand some presents bestowed upon her hits band. Ono day the dlscou tented beauty an nouncod to Abdallah that sho would no longer coutlnuo to live with him unless hogavoup tho mlscrablo business of barber and adopt that of astrologer. In vain did ho represent to her that trim ming beards was his habit, whllo of as trologlcal predictions ho know nothing; sho insisted, and tho unfortunato man, Infuriated by affection, oboyed Bo, observing tho eccentric practices of tho astrologers, ho took n brass basin and a pcstlo of steel Into tho bazaar, and smiting his basin, cried nloud that ho would calculate nativities, predict tho events of tho future, detect thieves, and recover lost property. Ills neigh bora wcro astonished, nnd ono nnd nil said, "Abdullah, tho barber, Is certain. ly mad I" Hut It chanced that a cer taln'.lady returning from tho bath, walked through tho bazaar with her veil torn; sho appeared In great distress and upon hearing tho cry of Abdallah, sent ono of her slaves to him with a message: "If you aro an impostor, my husband shall causo you to bo bastina doed; if you aro really an astrologer, Inform mo whero I shall lhul a necklace of pearl which I havo this day lost." Poor Abdallah, bewildered, gazed upon tho lady, and gaining time to Invent an answer bald: "Sho can will tho pearls when they are near, Jor tho veil is torn!' Thcso words were reported to her by tho slave, nnd sho uttered n cry of joy. "Admlrablo prophet," sho exclaimed, "I placed my pearls for safety in a rent that Is in tho veil of tho bath," and sho ordered Abdallah to bo presented with forty gold pieces. Now It should bo known that in tho' Persian baths aro screens, tho name of which is tho samo as tho native word for "veil." So Abdallah by a lucky accident of speech had not only saved himself from tho bastinado, but ho gained forty pieces of gold At length another lady, tho wifo of tho King's treasurer, mado her appear, ancc, nnd Just at that moment a mess cugcr from tho treasurer camo up to Abdallah in the bazaar, and spoke to him. The lady stood closo by nnd lis toned. "Abdallah," said tho slavo, "my master has lost tho King's great ruby; if thou hast tho wisdom of tho stars, thou canst find it; if not, thou art a pretender, and I will surely causo theo to bo bastinadoed." This timo tho un- 'fortunnto barber was at his wit's cud. "Oh, woman!" ho exclaimed, "thou art tho author of this." Ho meant his own wife, but the treasurer's whostood ,by, imagined he referred to her. Guilt is always pale, the poet says. She her self had stolen the King's ruby, and believed that tho astrologer was awaro of her crime. So when tho messenger nau ucpartcu, leaving tho barber petri fled with perplexity, she approached him and said, In a soft tone "O, as trologer ! I confess that In an hour of nvarico I took tho Jewel. Itestoro it without sending mo to conucmnationt" Abdallah sternly replied "Woman, I knew thy guilt. Whero is the Jewel V" Sho answcrod""Undcr thofourth cush ion from tho apartment of Kashom,my lord's aoorgean slave." Abdallah has tened to tho palace, was awarded with a robo of honor, a thousand gold pieces aud a costly ornament. Urged by his wifo, Abdallah essayed onco more. Tho King's treasury had been broken, and forty ehos ta of money had been carried away. Not a trace of tho thieves had been discovered. Tho royal astrologer had tried every sort of divination and failed, nnd was therefore in disgrace. But tho famo of Abdallah which was now spoken of in nllShiraz, had reached tho ear of tho King, who sent for liiin and gavo him audlenco in tho Hall of Kalent Serponccidoh. ''Ab dallah," ho said with a sevcro expres sion of countenance, "art thou truly ablo to read tho stars?" "Put mo to tho proof 1" answered tho barber, who was now prepared for tho worst. "Then discover tho forty chests of money that havo been stolen, as well as the crimi nal. Succeed, aud then thou shult mar ry n princess and becomo my minister ; fail, and I will hang thee t" "There must havo been forty thieves 1" said Abdallah, making a fortunate and not very difficult guess. "Grant mo forty days?" "forty days thou shalthave,' said tho King, "and thou shalt thondio or livo for riches and lienor." So tho barber went homo and told his wife, and said: "I havo forty days to live; I will sit upon my prayer mat aud meditate on ho evils of life and the blessedness of death. Glvo me, I beg theo, forty beans. At tho hour of even ing prayor, dally, I will glvo theo one; then, by counting tho remainder,! may remember how many days I have to II vo." She compiled, and every day at tho exact hour of sunsot, Abdallah gave her n bean, nnd said, with great firm- uoss and solemnity, "Thero Is ono of them I" Aud on tho last day ho said In an oxclted manner, "Thero aro tho wholo forty of them 1" What was his astonishment when, nt tho iuatant, u violent knocking was heard at tho door. A crowd of men was ndiulttcd, and ono of them, evidently tho chief, said, "0, Abdallah, wise, astrologer, thou shall receive the forty chests of gold, untouched, but spare our lives!" Ia supremo bewildermont ho answered: "This night I should have seized thee nnd thy wretched companions. Tell me, on thy head, how knowest thou that I possessed this knowledge?" "Wo heard," said tho chief of robbers, -'that tho King had sent for theo. Therefore, one of us camo at tho hour of sunset to listen at thy door, and heard theo my, 'Thero is ono of thorn.' Wo would not believe his story, and sent two toaeeor taln it; and thou wast heard to say, 'Thero aro two of them; and this nigh t O, wonderful! thou W. 11LAU0N , CO. i Manufacturer!! ol OIL CL0T1IS AND WINDOW SHADES, Warehouse, Nn. HI North Tlilril BtreM Philadelphia. JOHN STItOUT A CO., Successor to Slroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. St North Wharvn, aud 2S Nurlh WUr BU, Philadelphia. s NYDEIt, HAKIUB A BASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MEN'S AND BOYS' CX0T1UNU, No. 625 Market, and 622 Commerce Btreet, Philadelphia, JJ V. PI2TEKMAN, with UrrlNCOTTATIlOTTEK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 21 North Water Street, and No. 20 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. G1 EOIIGE FOELKER A CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN & WILLOW WARE, YARNS, Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Twlncs,!BaskeUi, etc., etc 219 4251 Market St, A 236 Church Bt, Ibllada, June 5,'68. JOHN 0. YEAGER A CO.", Wholesale Dealers In HATS, CArS, STRAW GOODS, AND LADIES' FURS. No. 207 North Third Sired, Mar.lO.'ClMy Philadelphia gSTABLISHED 1703. JORDAN A BROTHER, Wholcsnlo a rocers, and Dealers In BALTrETER AND BRIMSTONE, No 219 North Third St, Philadelphia, I. II. WALTER, Lute Walter A Kaub, Importer and Dealer In C'lilNA, GLASS, AND QUEENS WARK, No. 231 N. Third Street. Philadelphia. TT W. RANK'S -ILL. CIQAR WAREHOUSE, No. U8 North Third Street, between Cherry and Rnco, west side, Philadelphia. DRY GOODS. (Successor to A.J. Blonn) has Just returned rrom New York with n full assortment of DRY GOOnS AND NOTIONS towhlch ho Invites tho Attention or tho cllltens of Iiloomsburg nnd vicinity, lllsstock consists In pnrt of Iho following lino of ijoods SPUING AND HUMMER DKKS8 (1001)9, LADIES' SACKINGS, BUMMER SHAWLS, LADIES' HOSE, BLEACH A BROWN, GENTS' HALPHOSE.BLEACH A BItOWN, LADIES GLOVES SILK AND LISLE THREAD, KID GLOVES ALL COLORS, HOOP SKIRTS A CORSETS, A FULL LINE OP WHITE GOODS TABLE DIArERS TOWELS' NAPKINS CLOTHS, AND CASIMERS, FLANNELS. DOMESTICS OP ALL KINDS, nnd In fact everything generally kept In a Dry Goods Store. Call nnd cxamtno the goods and satisfy yourselves, high prices Is ono of tho things that havo passed away. euii.dino ovpositr tiie'coukt 1i0usk main stllekt iiloomsburci ta. Apr.W, RAIL ROADS. ORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY. , mi anil after May urn iw'i " leave NoiiTiluBBi'.iitABD as follows i N011TUWA11U. ,2.1 A, m., Dally to Wllllamsport, (except Bnn;ty fdrElmlra'canandalRiia. Um-hesler, Builiilo, Iluililo via Erie ltallway from Wiulm. 6.M P.M., Dally, (exceptauuUays) for Williams- 1 TRAINS SOUTHWARD. m A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 2.00 P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore wusi.ingu.ii u..u x ii. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. Ai.ritKn 11. PUKE, acn'l Bupt., TyARTMAN A ENGELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF 4 BEGAR MANUFACTORY, NO. 313 KOBTll THIllD STREET, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. ... J. W. WAKTlfAN P. ENOSXIIAN WAINWRIGHT A CO., WHOLESALE Q 110 0 BUS, N. E. Corner Second nnd Arch Streets, PiiILAT.xi.pniA, Dealers In TEAS, BYRUPH, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLASSES, K1CE, Hl-ICEH, III CARD BODA, AO., AO. Orders will recolvo prompt uttentlon. Mayl0,1867-ly. C. II. HORN r, W. S. KINO. 11. SKYBKRT, JTORNE, KING A SEYBERT, WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. No. 313 Market Strcot, PHILADELPHIA. Orders tilled promptly at lowest . January 3, 1S63, Major K. It. ARTMAN C. II. DII.LINOER. M. HOKY, A RTMAN, DILLINGER'A CO.,, NO. 101 NORTH THIRD BT. PHILADELPHIA, Two Doors ahovo Arch formerly 22U, MANUFACTURERS AND J011I1ERH IN CARPETS, COTTONS YARNS, BATTING, OIL CLOTHS, CARPET CHAINS, CORDAGE, OIL SHADES, GRAIN DAGS, TIE YARN, WICK YARN, WINDOW 1'ArER, COVKRLKT3, ALSO, WILLOW AND WOODEN WARE, RROOMH, BRUSHES, X.00KIN0 QLAbUKS, TRUNKS Feb. 0,'C9 B AUGH'S RAW BONE ljUPER 1'IIOSPHATK Ol' LIME, STANDARD WARRANTED. Wk offer to Fauiikrs and Dealers In Ma nures the present seuson our Raw Bone BupV'r Phosphate) of Lime as being highly Improved. It Is not necessary at this day, to argue tho claims of this manure, asnusefalund economic al application for CORN, OATS, and all spring oops. The article liana reputation of over fif teen years standing, nnd u still manufactured ty the original proprietors. Fanners will pleato send their orders to the Dealer early, ns this only will cneoro n supply. 11AU01I A SONS, SOIXUANUFACTU HERS, Ofllcc No. 20 South Delaware Ave, PHILADIWUIA. Feb.l9,'(i9-!!nio. jlTILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Tho subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another largo and select assortment of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS, purchased In Now York and Philadelphia at tho lowest figure, and which ho la determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured else where In Illoomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with a large assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmercs, Shawls, Flannels, BilkR, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, ilollowware Cedarware Quceuswure, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glossej, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Gluger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ne Invites the attention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER A BON. Arcado Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. GROCERIES, &c. T ACKAWANNA XJ 1 ND BLOOMS llimci UA.LAOAD On and rtir Nov Mill, IPOS, Passenger Trains will run ns follows i Going North, Going South. Arrive Arrlvo Lcavo Leave n.m. a. in. p.ju. . Tho undersigned would respecvmi.y ' to the pubUo that bo has opencu n FIRST-CLASS C0NFECTI0N1S" biu.wv. occupied by Fox A en Scrautou U .15 10.60 ritision 10.15 Kingston tuu .ou Plymouth S.21 ' Hhlckshlnuy... ?.3? . Berwick ...... 0.53 .2f Bloom 0.05 7.91 Danville :m v.ii Leave Lcavo North'd 4.13 OLIO Connection made atHcrnnton by the 10.50 a.m.. train ror Great Bend, Blnghamton, Albany and all poluU North, East and West. 4.10 Leave 4.17 6.23 5.:v 0.19 0.53 7.38 8.20 Arrlvo V.V3 6.23 riO.NFEGTIONERY. Tl toll I 111 tliBbulldlnglatflyocfupliHlby Inx A whore he is prepared to furnish nil kinus ni rLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AO., AC. 11Y Oil lisi" III short, n full i"nr"n''.1,t.r,rf,i,i11nfRnml" his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac., suitable for tho HoUdays. Particular attention given to BREAD AND CAKES, of all kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHISTM AB TOYS. A call 1 solicited, and sansiacuon w. w guaranteed. ,kr,na NOV. 22, 1807. jiLwi.o. IRON, TINWARE, &C. TVXATIONAL FOUNDUY, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa. Tho subscriber, proprietor of Iho iaw-l " exten-lvo ,.Uil,IM,.,.(.nl,ls now prepaml l I" lv orders for nil kinds or MACHINERY FOR COLMKUIKS, BLAWT FURNACES, BTAT10NA RY ENGINES, M I LLR, THUES1I ING MACHINIS, AO Ho is ills., prepare.! to inuko Stoves of all sires and patum.s, Plow-Irons, and everyi.ui.K .."" rainext nslvofacllttlcs and practical workmen warrant Win In receiving the largest contracts on Oralu of nil kinds will ho token In exchauge for hufs'labltshmcnt Is located near tho Uek wanna and Bloomsburg -?5lYEU. TON ATI IAN ItElHM'jiu ml fj or IIIIU.NhnmiuMrr.ill,.,i 'tS XL j'spt'psin, i,ivcn;oaip alnt. liWi11 senses i. tho Thio, t, ChoK J..M 0.29 8.SS 7.10 7.52 IU9 H.lll Arrive 11.43 AND IR09. ERIE Mlh 18(19. tho LrlolUU Road will R "PHILADELPHIA X 11AIL.HUAU. SUMMER TIME TABLE. TIIROUail AND DIRECT ROUTS BETWEEN PHILA DELPHIA, BALTIMORE, HARRISnUHd, WIL LLAMST0RT, AND THE GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEQANT 8LEEP1NO CABS On all Night Trains. On nnd after MONDAY. Apr. on the Philadelphia A Er: ntu us follows: WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Phlladelnhla. 10.45 n.m ' ' M NorLhutnberland.S.53 a.m. nrr. ni uiip v.ou,i.iii. ERIE EXrRnsaicnvcsl'hlladelphla.....n.50 in. Auri,u u.uuj.iii. ' " arr. at Erie 10.U0 n.ra. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.0Oa.m. iiorin u i'.iii, " " arr.ntLoclcllnvcu. ....... .7.13 p. ni. EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie ll.l.i a.mj " " ' North'd .....2.00 " " arr. nt Philadelphia ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie " " " Norfd .V.WU.&1. " " arr.ntPhlludelphla 4.10p.m. Mall and Express connects with OH Creek and Allegheny ltlvcr Rail Road. Baggage checked through. ' A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, WUlhunsport. EMOVAL OF O. O. MAHR'S NEW STORE to aniVE'a iilook. ON THE CORNER or MARKET AND IRON STREETS. Tho undersigned having received from the city a full and complelo supply ol SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AXD WILLOW-WAUE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, 11 A 1 S AND SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose selling at a very low figure for cash or produce. 49- Call nnd soe. S' TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT . . , .nglnn.NI llltlt announces to uis incuui -uu, v..-.- continues the above business at his old place on MAIN BTIlliEl, ULU"""ouu". Customcis con be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, stovepipes, Tinware, and every vo- rletyof nrtlclo found in a wovo nuu immu. inktten.nnnl. In the cities, and on tho most reason able terms. Repairing dono at the shortest notice, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. DRUGS & MEDIci J35 . mailu enllrely of routs and hm? 1 wlllcoiivlncuiiny nno win. u iv.'!;'' No lnnilly should Uollies, prepared A uo. ncuuy .....I gists. nno who cliV.'S vcn,pa;iiS5aia '''"'jig TBI !0iL,, EH 301 ecu trcn It. T A Y Ij O It's OLtVE IlllANtH B I T T E n s A mltd nnd ngrecnbloTonlr. m.... ncliloauilCnamlnatlvo 99 BITTEItS.H Extracted entirely from llcrlnudi ' Ireet. April 12, 1S07. C. C. MARH. G il ATAWISSA RAILROAD On and J after MONDAY, Nov. 23, Jfc08, Passenger iruins on ine uaiuwisba -uuiroau wiu run at luo lonowing namcu nours Mail Savlh. Dep. 7.5l o,m " 8.20 " " 8.60 " " 0.10 " " 0.52 " " 10.12 " " 10.25 ' " 11.49 " " 12.30 ).m, " 12.43 l.UJ " 2,15 " 4.23 Arr. 0.13 " 10.50 STATIONS Wllllomsport. Muncy. Wntsontown. Milton. Danville. Rupert. .Cutawlssa. Rlngtowu. Bun.miu O.uakake. 1 E. Muhony June. Dlnc.Tainaqua. Dine. i(evung, Philadelphia, I To New York via I lug or Mauch Chunk, Matt Korth Arr, 6.10 p. in. Dep. 0.11 " " 6.12 " " 4.55 " " 4.10 " " 3.53 " " 3JB " " 2.28 " " 1.50 " " 1.40 " " 1.20 " " 1.10 " " 10.40 a.nv. " 8.15 " 7.00 From New York via. . NoChangeof cars between Wlllfamsport and Phlladclpula. GEO. WEUB Buy'u MISCELLANEOUS. E HAVE NO w T ItAVEl ING AGENTS Vartnoru uud Dealers who bcuil their ordenitKrecl to U3, can avail themselves of tho LOWEST 1UUCE3 Aud fut-e t7nf Qummiiiloti. Uarly orders will be advantageous to. buyers. AlilEN & NEEDLES. MAlHUrALTUKKU-S Of SUPEIl-IIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, AND TIIU A 11 M O H I A T E D P U U T I X I Z K It, Q.REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT TKTEIt ENT STORE, IN lilQIIT STUEKT, or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received aud has on hand nt his old stand In Light Btieet, a large and select ASSORTMENT OP MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, and which he determined to sell cm as moderate terms us bo procured elsewhere tn Light Street, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY fRODUCA. II U stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest Btylea and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, S&UncttH, Cusslmers, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans. . AO., U da GROCERIES, MACKEKAL, Q.uecnsware, Oedanvare, Hardware, Mediclnos, Uruet Oils, Talnta, Ao. - BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept in a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price pam ror country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 IW7. PERUVIAN GUANO Wo bell only No. 1 received direct from the Government, FISII GUANO. A splendid Munuro pocked' iu barrels. READING RAILROAD. rtUMMEU ARRANGEMENT, Apr. aiith, 1869. Great Trunk Line from the North and North Wett iori'hUaUetpliUi.New York, Reaulng, l'otts vllle, Tumaqua, Ashland, Shainokln Lclamou Alleutown, xaston, EphiaUi, Lltlz, Lancaster, Columbia, &ct Trulus leuve Harrlsburg for New York, as fol lows: At2,3j, 6,aaud8,lua. m.( 12,25 noon and y.OU &lUt5jp.iu., connecting with similar trulus ou the i'a. ilullruad, aud arilvlng at New York ut 1M5, n.m & ll,4J a. in., & 3,50 0,4j & P,30 p. m. uuUtUWtum respectively, sleeping cars uccoiu luiuy tlieii,GJ a. m.,5.20u.m. uud 10.55 p.m. trains without change. Leave llarrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta manua, Allnersvltio, ABhlatid, bhamoklu Pino Urove, AUcntown A I'lillu'd. at 8,10 a.m., &,2,00 & 4,10 p.m., stopping ut Lebanon and principal wuy BtatIonH;the-t,iOpiu.truln making connections for Plilluduiphla uud Columbia only. For l'otts villo Kehuvlltlll llliveil und Auburn, visi Wrtinvllrlll nnd busquehanim Railroad, leave H nrr U burg at 3,30 p.m. Returulng: Lcavo New York at tf.uo u.m. und l&oum., and 5,05 and 8,00 p.m. Philadel phia ut 8.15 a. m, and 3.30 p. in. Sleeping cars uccompany the if.uO u, m., aud5,05 nnd8loup.m,, trains irom N.Y. without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 70 a.m., connecting with blmilar train on East Pa. railroad returning leave Pottsville nl7,30 8,45a.m. ,und,4 jp.m.Blmmo ktnat 5,'-n, m.,Ashlandat7,0Oa.mand lWnoou luinuquuui-o.ou u. m,,uuu p.m., ior I'll u a deltilila.und Now York. leavu i-oiisvuie ior iiarrisourg, via Schuylkill uud Subquehanua Railroad ut 7,U) a.m. and a. m.,lorPlnerUroveuudTrcmont, Reading Accommodation lruiu leaves Reading at 7,30 a.m., rtturnlug from Pblladelphla ut 5,lo l'otts town Accommodation Train; tpnvpsPntfa town at VJj u.m. returning, leuves Philadelphia at 4,30 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at ter, Columbia, &c, perktomen Kali Rood Trains leave Porklnmim Junctional 9,00 a.m., uud li.ou p. m. Returning : Leave Sklnnock at 8.15a.m.. ami i im . necuug wim similar iraiUB on Reading ItaLlroad. On Sundays, leave Now York at 8,oo p.m., Phil- aut'ipmu o,vu tv.ui. uuu o,u p.m., mo s uu u.m. train running ouiy w iwuuiug; I'oitsvilie b.UU a.m.; Uurrlbburg 5,20 a.m. and 4,10 and 10,55 pan., und bur ir. and 125 a.m.. and 7.(15 u.m. for Nw Ynric. at 0.40 a.m. and 4iS p.m. for Philadelphia, ujiuiuuuiLiuii. iuiivuuu. rttiUKun. Bciinni nnti i-.i- curslon tickets to and lroin all points, ut reduced rates. Baggage checked throughj 100 pounds allowed to u. a. niuuLii, General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., Apr, Vt). Ikp. 1115 HOOP SKIItTS. 1115 "PVELAWABE, LACKAWANNA, & viiuii aiAii-ttuAiJ. umiucr arrangO' meat, Apr.s.lWj'J. Traiub kuvo us follows: EA8TWAHD. WEHTWA11D. Ae- com Ex. pru8 Mull , IfUllUVllUlt UIUU U1UI3I. UJkVIULUJ. 'There nro tho wliolo forty:' but restojo tho King's money, iintl da not deliver in unto tho executioner." Abdullah promised to do what ho could. Being admitted to the palace, hu declared that, owing to eomo inyta ry Qf the stari, It waa given to him to Ulsopver. either tho thlevei or the tron suraa. hut not both. '1'hu iouorcli, at lonirfb eooiteateti to talc tho forty chtwta uud ml 11 tied Ida jiromlnrj to Abdallah, Wo aUooRl'r fur wile l'unic Land Vimty.k, UlYHHAUi.ia Cemk'nt utul n full funjortmetit of Oiiji ana CamllcH. A PIBCOUNT TO UUAL- i:iw. ALLEN & N 15 E D L 42 Bouth Delawuro Avenuo, E S , Phila delphia, WrAUI.lHHEU IN 1818. For Bale by Feb. 10.'a)-3ra. tiik liLooiiHiiunu inoN co., BLOOUSBllRO l'A. TO, T. HOPKINS Han. Itemovcd hlsManufactory and 6alesrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT, BT. PHILADELPHIA, especially ndapteillo Flrst-cla&a Wholmale und Jtctail Trade, iell be found to embrace tbe mobt exleliblve assortment In the Union, and all the latest ulld most deBtruhLoHtylcg.Hhapeu.LenfrthH and Bliia, 2, til, yards round, of Plain ttud flnreil Punlcm. Wulkluu ftkirts. lleeentlon TralU. ,1c. Aciogcther with over ninety dlllereiit vurieileiiof Misses' and Children's bklrts, all of which lor symmetry or style, nulsh, lightness, elusiloliy, durability and ital cy.4(fj.fU'.ftaro un cqifaled ny any other good. In the market, and aiu warranted In every rciect. KklrU maile to order, Altered and itepiurtd, WliolesaVi and ltetall. Full lines of Low Priced Eastern Undo Skirls, 15 Hnrlin.H5 Cents: i!U Hnrluus.15 Cents: 2aHDrlnus. U Ceuls; ill Borings, 10 Cents; and 41) Mprlugs, 75 COllSETH I COUMl'iTH 1 I coiiairrHii 67 dir. ferenl slyles aud prices, from 75 CenU to V.W. eiabraulug It. Wurlley,"ileckel," Glove Flltlnir,'' jtiiiunm roy s Liorsei dkhi rui)joriers, Airs. Moody's l'alleut "Helf-Adjustlns Abdomlual" uirseis, irencn. j':ntiisii ana domestic itauu inadu Corsets, nnd siipcrlnr French Patterns of Cotell Ccrtcts, "Our Own luke,"to which v. o In vito especial attention. Complete assoitincnt of Indies' Under Gar meuls, at very low prices. ur.i v.iuvi, jvifi.pii iiirinii iiAlllllAHl FANTON FAMILY HHW1NI1 MArlllNI'Jl so. pcrlor lo any other before the public. FUty-lwo of these No. 1 Machines, Price &5 each, inn belli k iivttuuwpr lu our eusiuuieis,iu oruer lOKev lueiil utroduced. Kverv nerson In want nfAtlcIt.H In our line, should examine our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Call or send for circulars, at our Manufactory and halesrooms. No, 1 1 15 chest nut si., riuiaueipuw. VI JU, l. HOPKINS. 1U Ul.VW IW-Olll QABRIAQE MANUFACTORY, Bloomsburg, Pu. M. C SLOAN & tlio Buocossors of WILLIAM HLOAN & HON continue the business of making GAHUIAGra, UUUaiEH, zul evry style of FANCY WAQONH, which Uiey l ave cons tanlly on band to suit cus tomers. Never ruing any material but. the best juid employing tbe most experienced workmen they bojm to continue as heretofore to grve entire fwvlkfMtlon to every customer. An Inspection of their, work, and of lb. reasonable pried asked for he uuae, hi sura to Insure a sale. May 6,'80-tf .11 PAItTNKIBHlV The partnership huxetofore existing between fcheunutrslgned, under the nrn ox Schuyler A llloek doing business In IsoUrsbftrg, U tide Uy lllssolvwd by mutual coewnt. The aiioaiinu wlli h. s.tlltd bT JVrt-y IL Butck. IvU persons navlng tins. tiled acoonnu wUJdms. I-tiiUlYD. Ui-A junntuus itL stay wt urn. -im nasi Iit ferry J . 111. credit system, and will sell very low lor ci I und reuly ay, PKHUY 1), BLACK, ' Xfa 7 ' ' jacoii HarrjTLRu. aslnj wul b. inUmaed at the old stand l. Ulack, who proposes to ao away wltti, S1 OMETIIINQ NEW. The uudersluned bcira leavo to Inform her friend und tuu puhllu ueucrully, that who tuw lil.OOWHUUltU, a. frfiiili ktnrk oi goous in iuo nue or MILLINERY and TKIMMINGB In connection with Drew Maklns; und la pro COLOU BTHAW 1IAT4 on tho Bhorteet notice, and In the bent ntylo of L.ghtB.reet.October4.,87.M,U,-E-KLINE- M IBS LIZZIE IJAliKLEY has just returned from Philadelphia, and ho bought, aud la now offering the best assortment of FANCY OO0DN, TIUMMINOB, BONNETS ver exnUilUd V jnoomsborg, aud is prepared to make up drew, and all other artistes leaui. vaidcow, ut khoi I uouee, aud la the best and LAYEHT BPIUNO BIYLEB. Ilooma in the Iloinsey Bulklwgs, un Wist Ualnfltreet. Call and see ber vailed stock si npring uoods. May lii8. I' M I'.M, ' to MS ' t) 40 3B . U -a 3.25 , a to 3.0U . II 15 12,10 . ti no "2T0 " 7 15 1130 . 5 .M 11.41 , 11.35 . Ml) , 7 00 lloo ; a 3K 11.V5 , 5 .111 11.20 . 5 21 11.02 , 5 11 10.17 , 5 01 10.X1 , 10.2.1 , 1 41 10,13 , I 20 U.50 , l).4ll 3 55 U.22 3 41 11.00 .125 8.15 l'.M 3 15 H.35 0.35 2 60 8.1 5 u.10 I'M 7.18 S.H 7.30 5 30 7.11 4.50 U.60 4.15 l'33 3.45 (1.10 3.15 5.4U !M 5.30 V,U A.M. STATIONS. Mall r.x- press Ac com, . A E. lllvls. Irl New York. Lv ...Christopher Bt. ,...H..lloboken H. , Newark. .. WashlnEton iu Cen. Kit. of N.J, -New York , (fool IMerh A1 .... New 1 1 n m pton..... ..Oxford ....llrlduevllle ..Philadelphia .Trenion...... ....Phllllpsburg... 8.30 8.45 V.05 11.30 .......,Lelai are ...Blount Bethel Water (lan - .Ktroudsburg.. ...Hiirnguovuie neuryville... .......Oakland ForkB..., ....Tobyhauua........ .....Clnuldsboro , ........ Moscow liuuulng....... k'rantoii .Clark's Kuinuilt,... ..AU1UEIOU ..Factoryvlllo ...... mcnoison...... ....Ilopbotlom..... Montrose ....New Mlirord... .(Jreat Bend,., COMXtCTIO.NS. 1' Ml 4 00 4 00 4 15 4 411 7 06 0.00 1 n.i: 11,48 11.58! 7.30 8.17 11.08 12.05 12.25 12.35 I2.S1 1.05 1.15 1.25 1.43 '2m 2.210 28 2.31 0 30 7 3J 7 60 8 00 1. 13 8 25 8 42 8 60 571 3.08 3M 4.12 4.20 4.30 4.60 5J8 5.40 0.00 tl.S!0 l'.M A.M, HAD 11.30 11.40 12.00 12.30 12.55 1.30 2.00 2.25 l'.M. AtNewlfamptou.wlth Central It It. of Now je;ey,iorr.ew loru.i.iizauviii.i'iuiuutia.Homcr vllle. Huston. Ac. At Washington, with Morris & Essex It. It., for New Y ork.Kuwuik.MorrlhtoH'u, Dover, Hackelts town, loslon, .lo. At Mauunka Chunk, wllh Belvldere Beluwaro ib XV., ior i-uusueiiinia. irenlou, Phlll nsburg, Lumberlsvll e. Phil nsinm, ' ' A.Bfr'".'.,.""wll,l liucltnwonna Bloomsburg It It, lor I'ltuton, Wyoming, Kingston, Wilkes, harre, Danville, Northumljerland, 4c., also, with bold, and Carbondale. . AtOreatBeud.wllliErleltallway.forBluchain, fu, umiru, Bullalo, Jihuca,, Hyracusti. aud It A. HENRY, .wim r-rieivauway, ioruiuguai liullalo, Jihuca,, Hyracuso, Ul , W.F. HALLSTKADHujit. I, Gen, Puss, and Tkt. Ageut. $2000 A YEAH, with little labor, something entirely new for all those out of employment, usloulshlng results heard from, every day since discovered 15 to tlo lier day made by every one who has yet taken hold of the buslntss, open to all, no capital re mUred. All those having any fear of being hum buged will oblige me by not noticing this! all others address me without delay. For nartlcu Jars please enclose stamp for circular. Address N,,S "n 1 now uioomneia pe;ry Co., Pa, g It A T E ROOFING, KVEHY 7AHIBTT MOST FAVORABIiE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AMD CABPEU J. TUOMAa, MaltAlr,. WX. Mi KINDS QF JOB FBIlStflKa ,7. ri1"' xiwh, CHllIAH rlieala ting onve. RAND OPENING (HlANl) OI'F.NINU OHANI) OI'MNINO (111ANI) Ol'IININO QUANU OPEMNO FALL AND WINTEH GOODH, FALL AND WINTER GOODS, FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting ol consisting of consisting or consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAIW. HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND BnOES. BOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTH AND SHOEsI ready-made- clothing, iteady-madh clothing ready-made clothing, keady-mauk clothing, ready-made clotuimo, looking-glasses, looking-glasses lAlOKING-GIASSKS 1a10k i ng-glasseh. looking-glasses! NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, PAINTS AND OILS. PAINTS AND OILS. PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS FAINTS AND OILsI GROCERIES, GROCKKI1M, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, GROCERIES, UUEEN9WARE, HUKENSWARE, IJUEENSWARE, UUEKNSWARK O.UEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWAHE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, HALT, HALT HALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FISH FIT I FISH, GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND HEEDS, GRAIN AND HEEDS GRAIN AND HEEDS, VTEW STOVE AND TIN SUOP. ok HAM STREET, KBAIlI.Y orrOSITE MILLKK TST.nnMailUlia. TENN'A. TUB uudcrslgucd has Just fitted nr aud opened his new KTOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this nlncc. where ho 1 prepared to make up new TIN "va 'Tk of all kind's l!i his Hie, and do reralrin" with neatness nnd dispatch, upon tho mS?i rci5onablo terms. Ho also keeps on band STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS ft STYLES, which ho will sell upon terms in sua ih'",""0"'.' Glvohlrancall. Hols ft god mechanic, nnd deserving of tho rublio ralfonoEpoj, METZ Bloomsburg, April 20. 1807. Q.EonaE ii. roukh'jh, Importer and ucaier in HARDWAHE, CUTLERY, OUNB, AO., No. 311 North Third Street, above Vino, Philadelphia. o7k7h"ith". J "it. HtLTZKll g M I T II & Slili T h J'i it, Imiwrtcrs nnd Dealers In Foreign nndUomestlo ly beneficial In DYSPEPSIA, .GENEHAIi DKHIUtiH JOY. nml Loss of Aiiprtii.?" fir. nnd nn cxcollcnt Corrccllvefor un. ' from Disorders of tho Bmvclt.n,,. JQfi TEN lJev. t lOUl J nee 3 mw . JSi!l lis Xi-3" HARDWARE, UUNB, OUTLHHY, AC, NO. 403 . THIllD STIIEET, An.CAI.LOWIIII.b, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, 67-tf. EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAOENI1UCH, Main Street ono door nbovo K. Mendeuhall's Store. ... A inrun assortment, or stoves, neuters nnu Ranges constantly on hand, aud ior sulo at the lowest rules. Tinning luull Its branches carefully utteuded to, nml Kiiiwtacltfin clliirulileeil. Tlu work of all kinds wholcsalo nnd reluil. A trial Is requested. Apr.O.OOtf ic. ftc, CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO. M, CO.'S. AT -ifcKELVY, NEAL McKELVY, NEAL JlcKKLVY, NEAL McKELVY NEAL McKELVY. NEAL Northwest corner oi Main and Market Streets, Northwest comer of Main and Market Streets Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets! Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, I1LOOMHIUIRG, PA.. 11LOOMHUIIRG PA IILOO.MSI1URG, PA., HLOO.MSHURQ PA. ULOOMHIlUlta, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS! in lame Quantities and at rejiiirri U,A ni..- 'on baud. ' ' rPIIE NEW HARDWARE STORE I NE PLUS ULTRA. Having enlarged our btoru llooni and just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, illreetli' from tho Manufacturers, purchased for coh, on a declining market, w o are prcpnud to offer tho samo to FARMERS, MECHANICS, BUILDERS. and the rest nf Mankind, u ccuernl stock, com, prising all the kinds nnd qualities usually kept In a city Hard Ware Store, suitable to tlio wants of the county, at unusually low prices. All tlioso who nro desirlous of purchasing goods In our lino can save Money by looking lu at tho iiw linruwaro moro. Please gli e us u call nnd cxamino our slock .la Apr. 2103-lyr illoomsburg, Pa, Sold Every lien us. ' Jer luus lit;. epot, No. 41.1 Market Street, n J. K. TAYLOR A CO Scpt.J.'fiS-ly. JM. i.op Ayer's Hair Vie OfAV For restoring Gray 'El ils natural Vitality ar,iS A dro- 'tp.1 1UB l?r,&!l Sa X U ll! Ir , W0 linir. i' b.1 Jm huir " with il gHARPLESS & IIARMAN, KACII.C 10UND11Y ASH MASUFAClUIiINO tllOl. STOVUS & PLOWS WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL TIIK CXLEUltATED MONTltO.SB IKOX HEAM AND THE 11UTT0N WOObEN 11EAM l'LOWB. Custlngniul FlroIJrick forrepaliingcltyRloves. All klndi of llrass or Iron casting luudu to older upuushurt notice. 11. F. SHAItPLl!S i P. S. IIARMAN, Dloonisburg, Pa. Proprietors, Mar.lo.'WJ-if. AT E W a O A T, V A ti lv y The undersigned respectfully Inform the'l citizens of lHooinsburg nnd Columbia county. p an i no dlllereiit numbers ofstov 6 led lumn cnnl fnr .min.inn n.nn- ses, on their wharf, adjoining M'Kelvyr Neai ft Co 1. urunce; with n good pair of llslfalo scales u tho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and straw. u iiuibu uuu wiiaon, to ueuver coal lo uiose who deslro it As they purchase a large amount of conl.they Intend tokeep n superior in. iYu, uiiuBuuubiim very lowest prices, please i.uu caiuuiuu iur yourselves neioro purclias, lug elsewhere. J. w. HENDERRHOT. AUGUSTUS MARON ' THE unili!rHlL'np(l will i X change for Cool and Groceries, iho following liumed articles :-Vhcnt, Ryo, Corn, Oats. l"olii toes, Ijird, IIum,Hhoulder,and side mi nt.lluller. Eggs, Hay, Ac, ut the highest cash prices, ul his HujuiuiuK iueir coui yum, Bloomsburg Mur. lOOO-ly! Wl IWHOT. JN SURANOE AGENCY, Wyoming !tna.. , Fulton. North America.., City.. 1 170.000 , 4,O0O,0OC 800,000 800,000 .- 450,000 1,400,000 1,000.000 ,. 5,10,01X1 830,000 570,0'XI 590,000 .................... 400.000 210.000 lorn Horse, lioatu & Theft 05,000 uuuie, new naven.. 1,000,000 uauviuc, nurse incit International Niagara Putnam Merchants Sprlngfleld Farmers' Danville.. Albany City Lancaster City.... mart 89-ly, l'REAS BROWN, Agent, Bloomsuuuo, Pa Q E. SAVAGE, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER.ft JEWELER, Main Htrtet, (near the Court House, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Constntly on hand a nne assortment of Amer. .. nuHii..,uucKil'i,ifurr. silver. ?i"ISliU.'P ue" ''."'"IPlhin plated on whllo met- u iu,wr uisiies, eouicts. knives forks, spoons, napkin rings etc. fcuu"JUI' " 0r nWe to order. All goodt and TN THE SPRING MONTHS, THE J. system naturally uudergoca a change, aud uiiuooia;s Jiiguiy concenUaUd tract oi bar. luiparUla Is an usststant of U creatst wlue. QRANG EVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS. The undersigned desires to Inform his friends nnd the jiubllo generally, Hint he hus lebuilt und enlarged his Foundry and MnchlnoShop, uud re moved all his business irom Light btrcui, lo tho abovu named place, whero in couuec'.lon with his Foundry he will continue to lnnuulaeturo Wheeler'H Hallway chain Horse-l'oer nnd Thresher, (Improved), Curnell's Patent. THRESHER AND CLEANER, cither overshot for Tread-Power or undershot with Lever-Power. Ho also manufactures lo older uud litis up nil kinds of MILL GEARING, Circular Saw Mandrel, Patent Slides for Haw Mills, tho latest improved Iron Benin Plows of dlllcient kinds Wooden Beam Flows, Double Com Plows, and Plow points of every descilp tlou generally used througliout tho county. IRON KETTLES, BELLS Cellar Giates, Htovcs.SlcdandBlelgh Soles, and In luet everything generally mado In a country foundry. Thoso wishing to purchnso Machines would do well lo exumtuu his machines, and the mu.viiiiuwiuBuoumiiu power, uy wutcil Ul least 20 per cent, of thu friction is taken oil. .ALL M.WHINIS AllU WARRANTED to glye good satisfaction, and terms mado to suit purchasers. All kinds cf country produce token In exchange for Plows and castings. Thankful lo his friends und patrons for past favors ho would still continue to solicit tlio same-. , WILLIAM H-LHUYLElt Apr.O.OO.lf Oruugevlllo l'a. tMai l'liin l,mL222 ened, falling hair t-hctkwl, JfJ, ncsa ouun, tliougli not nl-.I by ils use. Nolliini; lira Jmir ivlicro tliu fuUicloi are i."-! or tho fIntnl- iilropliicit K 'rrr; But such ns rcmrtin I 1 usefulness by this niiilicatii. tiia. of fouliug the hair willia;!i!5l mcnt, it will keep it clean r... Its occasional uo will put from turning giny or I'.i'X -tfJ5 consequently pruvent lai:. from thoso delclcrious itilili.api inako some prcparnrtoiij & .JPJ injurious lo tho huir, Ik ins. only benefit but not liana it. V merely for u jg DRESSY IIS. nothing clan can lie fnunltHii Coutaitiing neither oil'iq not soil white cambric, long on Iho hair, giving ilsr histro nml u grateful pcil'm Prepared by Dr. J. C.Aje eau Practical and Ana li hit. LOAVELTj, .ILViaSg l'lllOE $1.00. ax ter 1 k HAIR Feb.5,lS09. St., ME T EIIIGH VALLEY AGRICULTU- XJ HAL CHEMICAL WORKS. 1SREINIG & IIELFRICII, UA.NUFAtTOKEia OF HRKlNIO'rl COMPLETE U O N E M AN U R 10. A concentrated manure combining the i citable fertilizing piopcrtlcsofllONE DUbT or UltOUND BONE, Willi the nctlvo elements of PERUVIAN UUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER 1'HOSPIIATE OV L1H1E. NOTICE. Wo nreidire but thn nn. n,Hnin guaranteeing It ns sluiidard, reliable aud uutJ lorm. Lower grades nndvuriutlous In tiuallly to suit dlllereiit Wins ol prices aro generally iiro- uueeu uy uiuercni proporiious of aduliurailou ! urmers can kuvo money by reducing tho nuall ty incmseives. We me only Bono and no I'hofc li latloUuaniiior phosphate of Linio, Hend lor 'l armcrs' Mauuro Uuldo," For sale ut Mauufuo. luiri s lulu uy .A.J. ALMERTHON, Ilolirsburg. Pa. J. J. ROUU1NH A I n Hi ,,, TlTrf, it. Mar.lO.'oom. WALTER bCOlT.Calnwlsstt Pa, A CLEAR, SMOOTH BKIjtJ AND if , W"?, eOlxlbsi loUaua a nut of i,...7T,i .7, . pijio, I'lmiui-a auu an erup- tlo of the skin. JJELMBOLD'S CONCENTItATED FLUID EXTRACT MAltSAl'AHILLA UltADICATKM KHIIITIVK ANU UI.CICUATIVE 1)13- KAttsa or 1UK THROAT, NOSlEYEH, EYELIDS SCALP Which so dlsfiguie tho appearance, PURUINQ the evil eirects of mercury and runovlno- all tulnU. Iltn iiinniitu nf 1 1 tltV A 1.-m I....T ..?." or otherwise, aud Is tukeu "by AbULTS and CHILDREN with perfect HAFETY. .,AI;.1I;.1,'.'.f'?'lr,.uf'!''11Ell Is published iu til e Medlco-Chlrurglcul Review, on (he subject of the extract of Sarsuparllla in certain ulleetlons by Benjamin Travels, F. It H., Ae. Speaking of those diseases, aud urlslug from Ihu excess of iliaKxVr.:tt Ulnary.iuorPfcoUiuu uny other Uru I urn ao. (t4Uv.t ni ii, nu,m uio k incite (, ut:nuti.u utu ic with thu iiiTuluabloatlributo, that it U updU' v us iwiuid urn iviiuvii uinra WUlMlUUlCUat Of Ull luclo cUiM uuaTviUtlo o hijarlou. HELMROLD'S IXIMCIUMBATSD KX1IUCT BAlUUI'AUIbLA, lC&tahllshed upwards of 19 years. Prepared by II. 'P. 111,'! AftlSr T, Apr.5,U)-m Wl Uioudwny, N, V, Ayer's Cherry P: For TJIsoaaos of tho Throat K-.t,, such as Coughs, Colds, uU Cough, Bronchitis, AC3R and Consumptioa. Ma rrobably rlcvcr beroro In tho t.s.g. medicine, lias anything w on 60 ulu)v., upon tlio confidence of mankind, remedy for pulmonary complaint', no Ecrlcs of years, and among mitiY. men it has risen higher and lu;licr' Hon, as it lias becomo better Loom charae ter and power to curottioiir. jyj of tho lungs and throat, have made Itfi hablo protector against tlicm. l-,3rA milder forms of dUcaso nml lo youn!'- nt tlio samp timo Uio most effectual rttu,. bo given for Incipient consumption ifrr gciousnucctlons of tlio throat and lw -II vision against sodden atuckscf Im m bo kept on hand In every l.nnilr.URcni aro sometimes subject lo coldi aw should bo provided Willi Uils antid' Although settled C'oii,umiiH;'K curable, still great numbers of cu"K gr case seemed settled, havo bccocoi,j.(i nnd tlio patient rostorcd to 60UM i. Cherry fettoral. So comiddsj . over tlio disorders of tho Lungi jjljjt ttio most obstlnato of them yield "AlV lag clso could reach them, under vevz. tot al tlicy subsido and disappear. Shivers ami l'ubllo AjkuIcmD . tection from it. ,. , ,, Atthma Is always relieved ai "j-j cured by it. . Jj: lironcJilth Is ccncrally ciirtJ 1 Ml Cherry l'ertorann small and frefilL So generally nro its virtues ,"",, not publlsli tlio ccrtlflcatcs of tlicm W A Hum assure tho publlo that iu P- " lnalntaiacd. T Ayer's Ague &8rsj5 tennrl Aguo, Porioilcal or BiliotiL and indeed, alt tho affoctioo r , from malarious, marsh, o'rt poisona. P Asitsnamo docaCuK'if fail. ConUlnlngnelthcrArscnlW--Bt, Zinc, nor any other mineral or iijw , it Ul nowlso ini ire w w v hmrnnil acC0UB,,lftv without a parallel In tho history ol whatovcr, ntlmhcr n trlcts, are litcrail' inllt number and importance of its cute'Jti; ni . hn-nn, (IIWIUQI. K a. ... receive of Iho emllcnl cures effect"! cases, and wlicro other remedies W H Unnccllmnteil nnrsonfl. eltaer..'al-u. travellliig through mlasrcltTJ y rat fiver Complaint; arislWEV), of tG Liter, U Is an excellent renS theLlTeTlntohoalihyacUvlty. For Bilious Disorders and Llf tj an excellent remedy, producitf pii and onan Anal lvtlnal r;hn1sts. Lonillil' all BJumluie world. V tkiob, $1,00 run 1 - -f, Pf EN DERBIIOTl't! GERMAN OATTL1) F jj mis i-owuer is believed to i rp Horso or Cattle Powder in u. blood, cleanse tho system, nnd (' ,. tion aud tone to the stomacli. W"t will Improve lu Hosh, and twc9. smooth and glossy, V Cows fallen and glvo tweuly tf milk. 1 Sheep improvo aud produco a nrt w Hogs fatten and aro frco fiuni w temper, and all pen diseases, Wholesalo and Beta"11 HENDERSHO'n-S Pf niPIUITK AMEBlCi' Feb. 19,' BLOW- TO TUB WOUKINCI ChASS l-I J to lurnlsli ull classes v,illuin,S . at their homes, the whole of Un' "7 j snuro moments. Business new, ble.Fllty cents to 13 per evening, , by persons of cither sex, and lu JJ earn nenrly as much as men. u;'"' , are ollered those who will time to tho business s aud, tlu" who sees this iioilco. may cuJ.T.V and test the buslucss lor ihtiuJ ?r lollowlnn uuparullelcd olter! ".'. well wtuiled with the buslut,' pay lor the trouble of writing W'v , lais, dlrix;tlous, Ac, si lit vT I mall.for 10 els. Address tit'. AW-1" , Apr.V.'OD.Sin, BfELMIlOLD'S CONCKS; L KXTRAOT HAHHA A11IU-' EAT BLOOD FUIUFILR.