farmer' Scpartwcal. r:,i. i Hasvs Deslreylng Ihtlr y"R. , Editor Tklkouaimi, I havu Jutqly noon several Inquiries In tllircrciit' ya pors for soino remedy to prevent bowh from destroying their youitf? ylK. n'"' vnrlom method luwo been yroyoncd fntm tlmo to Utub HHirevi'ntOlsow:in ronuu. Many reasons liavo been ns MlgtiwI for tlild propensity or Urn now to destroy her young nt tlio tlmo tliey iiro brought fortlij but wlmtovor tho cnltso limy bo I suppose makes but llttlo dli feronco provided tho results nro proven ted. So farad JLhavu Ubsetved, sows tseein much nioro inclined to destroy their iiIim In cold than In warm weather; ! ho that whero they wcro allowed to run out In n lot In warm weather tnoy were less llubto to do this than when closet yconnncd In pons. Many sows at tho tlmo thoy hrlnsr forth tholr young, manifest a very savage disposition, not only to their pigs but to any person who approaches tlicni, and In thnso ax ges tho tiles are ccncrally dcstroycd,un less they can bo removed out of the riach of tho, .sow, When the. sow 1? naturally quiet and peaceable; or la uiado go byartlflflul menus nt this tlmo thero Is but very llttlo danger of the young ones being- killed; , , One of tho most successful men in raialnir dIih that I have over known and that for ft period of more than thir ty ycar, 'practices the following plan with his sows:, From tho tlmo they are sinnll piga ho Is in tho habit of going Into tho pen and handling them fro iucntly In this way they soon becomo eOiitlo and ticaccahle and allow them selves handled at any- tlmo and any way without being afraid. Ills sows raised, In this way, Beldbm show, a. disposition to Injure their pigs;, but fHimctlmes this disposition manifests lUolf and thou he resorts to artificial mwns.lo mako them quiet.. His mcth od Is this At tho time tho pigs are dropped or just before, ho takes about our quarts of sdur or hard cider and stirs In some meal.and gives It to them to eat; they will cat It readily, and this generally produces a sufllclcnt degree, of intoxication' to keep them quiet.' ' If ono feed docs not havo tho desired ef fect ho gives them ,moro. Treated in this way, his sows seldom or dvorshqw, u disposition tOjInJuro their pigs. This is a cheap remedy and easily glvcn,and almost every ono who raises. pigs has or cau obtalu.tho cider and- meal. Other persons who Imvo' practiced the above methods .with, their sows havo been qui to successful.!! raising, .thelrplgs.- Uermaalotm Telegraph, Tuk Farmer's Door, Yard. "I dd wish you would tako hold to-day, and clear up that old pile -of, rubbish out there;" bays tho fanner's -ylfo to her husband, as tho two stand In tho door way contemplating tho miscellaneous mas3 of old lumber, tools and vehicles a thtfyard. "Can't stop now," U tho, answer. "There is some brush wants cutting in tho pasture." So shouldering' his axo, ho starts fur his pasture lot, leaving his1 wife- still gazing with dissatisfied air upon tho spectacle beforo her, and vain ly wishing thatshohad a man's strength so that she could do tho work herself,' and fix up things around the house. Having madoall things neat and tidy In tho house, slio docs not relish thq looks out of doors. But sho falls to interest her husband In tho matter, fur It is handy to have a placo in tho yard whero ho could throw down boards, slabs and old timbers, to Ho until they arc used It is so much easier to tip up that old sleigh viasL the shed than to put It away undercov er. It is so llttlo trouble- to leave tho harrow, tho cultlyts tho hay-rack, nt tho door wher$ they can be easily found the next time they aro wanted. He clear up things-sometime, ho says; no ho continually postpones the work of, putting in order until such a tlmo as ho shall havo nothing clso to do, and as a natural consequence it is never dcAC. Finally j- ho becomes "ho ncctftlwned to the sight of rubbish thai U eeascs to look ropulsjve.'ahafw, sua mat ter of course. tht a,.fansajByard Is the best Walt tke eW rubbish that accumulates pbovit tho promises. There; ara few things that the farm er caw da In it short spaco of tlmo whl ch will bo 80 gratifying to his faithful wife m little extraflbrt to keep things In order about therhouso. Besides this, "it will do more than please her, It beucats himself. It will lovelorn taste for neatness and rep i fealty, a regard for- appcarflnccii, cav fulncss In the; details of nil tho twin management, which will add. tisthu at tractlvonoss of tho ylacyiw)il conso. qucutlyto its market y)gc. Tuk Kixt'W-i Oauden. It is a matter oX'asionlshmcnt that so uuy farmers, ay pear to, bo liidlttetcM to tho kwiiea garujen,, Tiero ano tiny vego tables like celery.' leM', asparagus xhubarbsud nuvty ethers that might bo uaraeu tlkat arc- absolutely lndlspensa. bio lu their uoabon, upon ovory well supplied tablo. Thoy aro healthful as well ospalatablo, and no farmer should deprive his family of on abundant sup ply of them. Besides, tho garden, if conveniently located, as it should bo, near tho house, need not occupy an un reasonable amount of tlmo, but oilers a 'placo Whero many an odd hour may bo filled up with pleasure iw well as with profit. There Is no estimating tho sa vlng which might bo effected by groa tcr attention to the garden. Tho fact is, tho farmer I toiler, situa ted to havo upon his tablo ovoey luxu ry In tho way of vegt&bles. and, small iruiis, since no can wouwxi tbem him self, than any other class of pooplo; but in point o tfjutr&ow kv.' a.vall them selves of Nta advantages of thlsposi tlon, What Is moro healthful thau tho rhu barb orplo-plantln lts season, and yet jiow'iow goraons contain It! whp would deprive hlamily of cclery.and yet how fow gardens glvo It any placo I Onion Skth. A cotomporary com inentlngupon tho high jirlco of onion' sets, asks why tho vegetable is not raised from tho tjeed. Soil and climate lave much to do with tho success or 4 failure .In' raising any vegetation to iieriection. Tho cab bag9 that can b grown In California almost as large round as n common klzcd well-hole, canuot lu tho East bo produced bigger than a half bushel measure Tho cauliflower that in Eng land thrives with llttlo core, ajyl year ortcr year frow getAl grown, on ftioiam pot, will not, wltii tho bgs't culture, THE o succes.lvo in tho plant market gurd- prodtico moro than tw years from seed grown from tho plant In remixylvanln, and tho market gurd oners havo therefore to Import 11 every two years from Kngtand. Onions, too, tiro brown to full kIbo from the Heed In Old and New Kngtand, and the people' thero know or no other way of growing llicnij Imt In Pennsylvania, chlclly on account ofllio. fclltnato, yo'it cannot pro- ill i ra them to full nlr.0 from tho seed lar- gcr than uti old Cent, In ono year, tfor this reason gardeners havo adopted tho plan of raising what aro termed "but ton onions," of tho nlzo of a nickel, from tho seed ono year, and by replant ing them tho hext year Obtain onions of as ilno a quality nmt growth as can bo obtained almost tuiyvvhcro., Thero aro numerous other vegetables which wlll.grow avcII In some other States and not como to any perfection In others, shch As tho Cos Lottuco, Ac. Hi'lUKn Bef.f. Tako a pleco of beef from tho foro quarter, weighing ten pounds. Thoso who Uko.fat should se lect a fatty piece; .thoso who prefer lean may tako tho shoulder clod, or upper part of tho foro leg. Tako, ono pint of salt, ono teacup or molasses or brown suzar. ono tcasnoonful ofbrown cloves. allspice and pepper, nnd two table spoons pulverized saltpeter. I'lacotho beer In a small nan: rub with this mix turo. Turn and rub each sldo twlco a day for n wock. Then wash off tho bnfccs: nut in a not of boillnor water. add as often as it bolls hard, turn In a tencunful of cold water. It must aim- mcr lor 11 vo hours on tho back part of mosiove. wnen com, press umier n heavy welcht. and you will nover de sire to buy corned beef of tho butcher again. Your plcklo will do for another ten pounds of beef, first rubbing Into it a muiuiui oi suit, n can no reneweu and a pleco kept In preparation every day This has been used many years by tho writer and is good to .plcklo tongues fresh from tho market. Git ass foU Horses. Many persona think that horses that aro kept In the stablo all summer should not bo allow ed to cat grass.- They think It will mako tho horse soft. vlshv-wadiv;and It will throw him out of condition for hard work. This is particularly tlio caso with soino of tho trainers of trot ting and running horses. And horses that aro kept up for farm and other work' uro refused crass becauso their drivers think they will not tot hay so well.- This was formerly tho caso moro man it is now. iiut tueso are an crron eous opinions ana practices, ana aro gi lug way, gradually ,to a more reason able and natural system of feeding. Orassis the natural food for tho horse, It Is cooling and healthful food. It keeps tho bowels open and sharpens the appetite, n promotes ingestion, ami removes fever from tho system. There fore by all means, let tho horsonlp grass fifteen ortwenty mlnutesdally. Wheth er training for trotting or running, It Will be attended with tho highest bene fit. Tho hor&o will lose none of his speed by cuch a course of treatment, Horses that aro kept up tho year round for farm work should certainly bo al lowed u nlco nlbblo'at grass every day. They work hard, and all thoy get for it is something to eat. Jjct litem nave, thou, what they all llko so well. A Ilcar Story, Wk remember a very comical bear that belonged to Mr. Hammond, nnd amused with his tricks tho mirth loving peoplo or Paris, in Oxford county.raany years ago. Ho was captured when a little cub, and was brought up by hand as ono of tho family. Ho claimed tho warmest jilaeo on tho hoarth-stono, nnd nestled In cold weather with the dogs before, tho fire. .Xono of tho pot animals about tho farm were tamer than he; and nono loved tetter to climb" up into lil master'. lap and rccelvo his caress, or understood the whims of his mispress when begging for ft eholco morse). His serious countouanco always nave great effect to his antics ; nnd ho seemed to understand when ho caused a laugh among tho household. As ho was of a prying disposition aaid forever peeping into overy holts, Mm family wcro obliged to lock up ftveey thing, oven tho closets where ttoykept their clothing. "When ho tuci U intohis heau to mako up nnost it wa3,all tho same to him whether tho articles, ho heaped together were wool len, or fur, cotton or silk. IT a hen cack led when tho egg was laid. Mr. Bear understood it as well as any of the fami ly or tho feathered trlbo; and If ho was' not pro ven ted, ho woold find it anil suck it beforo tho tackling fowl had ceased her song. Ono Sunday tho iaiiily went to church, and loft the bear alono at home. Bruin Improved the- opportunity, and rum maged all aver the liouse in search of fun or saaatbinr to cat. Unfortunate ly, the- god! bouse-wlfo had left tho cel lar uoor unlocked and ajar; and it was not tuing beforo the bear discovered it and' crept down tho stairs. Onco down In tho cellar, ho espied tho molasses bar rel ; and If thero was anything in tho houso ho was excessively fond of, it was molasses or honey. Bruin pawed over tho barrel, licked tho tlgktty-drivcn hung, and was about abandoning it In despalr.whcn ho ospied tho-snlle. Grasps lug It with his' strong totth, ho cosily withdrew it, and out catno tho thick molasses In a steady stream, to tho groat delight of tho bear who clapped his mouth to tho holoyand sucked away with grunts of eeUsAtlsfactlon. Tho molasses sillliiuved,and still tho bear kept hU loonUiitD.the-orlfico, paus Ing now and then to take a long breath". At lcngtbhe was full; his stomach could hold SAmore ; yet his appetite was not satliticd. Ho squatted on his haunches ubJ viewed tho ttlll running stream with disgust, to think that tho supply was. so abuiulont, and that, alas 1 ho couM hahi uo wore. Tho molasses had now rua wit In largo quantity, nnd had formed a great pool on tho floor; but Kttiln dovo into it, and rolled himseitt a thousand times In tho thick fluid, utn til his shaggy coat wnscovorcd froiallis nose to his tall, with mohiKn- illrt mkL gravel stones I Thero ho lay In tho sweet pool tho picture of 8olf-3atlsfactIon, as catsi roll and tumblo In a field of tho catnip herb. All at onco Mr. Bear becamo sick, at the stomach 1 and It was a now sensation to him something ho had nover felt bo foro. As he grow worso ho thought of his master and mistress, and so crept up stairs to ask for their consolation; bntu thoy had not returned from church. Then ho crawled up another story, nnd got Into tho girls' bed, drawing tho snowy white slieots over his besmeared. form. There ho lay groaning and grunt ing, the sickest bear ever seen In Ihat part of tho country. when tho girls arrived thoy wcro horrified at tho beeno, and wcro going to lay tho broomstick over Brula, whom he started on tlio run for tho haymow With tho sheets sticking to his kack ! It Was gome tlmo before Oie bear got well still lonaor before his inivtraa forerun. Our lloyt ami (lirli. COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BLOOMSBUllG, COLIJMEIA COUNTY, " ---Uii --XDS T GROCERIES, Ac, MISCELLANEOUS. DRY GOODS. RAIL HPAUb. -: --. --j,,,,,. . , -p: - " mAT ,,ut H O N F13 OTI ON Ell Y. . , , . ItrT. 'LTTTZ ' TVTOBTIIEttN, OENTIIAI, BAIL- (jUPIA i i i JATlONAh LIFE 1NSUBANCE CO. OFTIIK STATUS Of WAMMNaTOX, 1. U N I T K I) A M K ill U A, c. citAUTt:iuji)iiYsri:ciAi.AC-roi,c()N(iHF.'w Ai'i-novKD July i wis, CASH CAPITAL,- 1'AID IN FUI.I. $i,ooo,ooo: nil AN OH Ol'l'lOEl FIItST NATIONAL HANK HCILDINO, T II I li A 1) E L P II I A, Wliero tho general business or tho Company Is transacted, audio which nil general correspon dence should bo addressed. O V V I O K It B I CIiAHENCR II. CIiAttrc. rresldcnt. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance nnd Enecutivo Commltteo. I1ENIIY 13. COOKK. Vlco-rrcsldcnU EltKl'-SON W. I'UBT, Secretary nnd Actuary. This Company oilers Hie following ml vantages: It is n National Company, Chartered by special act of Congress, 1803. It has n paid-up capital or ji.uw.uuu. It offers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger Insurnnco than other com panies for tho samo money. It Is dennllo anu certain in iw iei It Is nhome company In every locality. Its policies aro exempt from attachment; Thero aro no unnecessary restrictions In tho policies. Every policy is non-ioriciiauie. l'nllces may lio taken which pay to tho Insured their full nmount, and return nil tho premiums, so that tho Insurance custs only tho Interest on the annual payments. No extra rato Is charged for nsks upon mo lives of females. It Insures, not to pay dividends to pollcy-iioni-ors,buttsolov a cost tliat dividends will bo Impossible Clrculars.ramplilets nnd full paitlcutars given on application to the.Drauch Ofllco of tho Compa ny, or to U. W. CLAMI & CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania aud Southern Now Jersey. jOETj E. IlItABWiY, Illoomsburg I'n., Special Agent for Montour .t Columbia Counties Fob. 19,'09..1yr. IJNI'AILING EYE PBESEUVEBS. Messrs. LAZAUU8 & MOKUIS, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS UAK-rronD, conn.. IInve,wllhnvlcwtonicettlie Increaseil demand for their U K I. E U 11 A T U D TE11VECTED 8PECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WEBB, BTATlONEIt, IIloomsh tr nu, l'A As tliclr sole Agent for this place. They havo taken caro to give all needful Instructions, and liavo conlldenco in tho ability of their agents to meet the requirements of all customers. An op portunity will be thus afforded to procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOU THEIlt STllENaTHENINO AND PRESER VING: QUALITIES, Too much cannot be said as to their SUPERI ORITY over the ordinary glasses worn. There Is no glimmering, u-avertng of tite light, Mzzinets, or other unpleasant sensation, but on the contrary, from the peculiar construction of the Lenses they are toothing ami plcamnt, causing a feeling of relief to tho wearer, nnd PRODUCING A CLEAR nud DISTINCT VISION, as In tho nalu- rul healthy light. They aro tho only Spectacles that PBE9EBVE AS WELL, AS ASSIST THE SIGHT ! And aro the CHEAPEST becauso theCEST, nl ways lasting many YRAKS without change be ing necessary. CAUTION. Miss A. D. W.EBB, STATIONER, JtLOOMMlUIlG PA., In tho ONLY Agent uppolntcd in this jiliicc. tSf WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLEBS Feb, l!l,'ll8,.ly. K HAVE NO T RAVELING A G E NTS Farjnei-s and Dealers who send llielrordersciirttC to us, cau avail themselves of tho I.OWKST PRICES And c.t-e the Comwilislon. Early orders will bo advuntagcous to. buyers. V ALLEN NEEDLES, UAtiUFACTUnKRS or IMPROVED I JUPint-PIIOSPlIATE OP LIME ANU TUB AMMONIA TKD FERTILIZER. I P K It U V I A N GUANO W sll only No. 1 received direct from the Government. FISH GUANO. A Hplentlld Manure packed In barrels. i W nldooirei" for tale Fune LAND l'LAsrxn Uvskaulic UsvwiT and full assortment of Oius nnd Candles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL-ER-J. L L E N & N E E.D L E S, Phlla- South Dclawuro Avenue, delphla. EtWAHUSHED IN ISM. or naleby mR BUX)MHnlmu ,R0N c0-( Feb. 19,'00-3m. BLOOXsuund PA. gNYDER, IPARttlS & BA8SETT, Muuufacti jrers and Jobbers of MEN S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, Nan. 525 Market, u Kl 522 CommerM BUt, Pull tdelphla. ET THE BES1V, nson's Conrer Tul mlar Iislitlili.i: Rod Is th best vrtuatrouusl lUillsssur by llglitnlng ver luvnulo. The sul sscrlbur U agent fur the hova Invention, und II order by wall or lu SEW!!1 P'm'Uy 'JiiuilIULEMAN, TXT 1?. XTTTZ ( Hucccssor to A, J. Bloau ) lias Jntl returned from Ncw'orlc'-wltli n full assortment of DBY 0001)3 AND NOTIONS to which ho Invites tlio attention of tho clttrcns of Illoomsburg nud vicinity. Ills Hoik consists In part of tho following lino of goods BPKINO AND SUMMEU DBEfiS 0001)3, I,MHns' HACIciNOS, HUMMEK SHAWLS, IjADIES' HOSE, ULUAUlt & llItOWN, 1ENT8' HAI.VilOSn,llLEAClI ft 11110WN, LADIES' OLOVISStLK AND L1SLF. Til HEAD, Kill OLOVESALt. COI.011H, HOOP MKIKTH A COILSET.-I, A FUI.T, LINE OF WHITE (I00U.4 TA11I.K DIAl'ElW TOWELS ' ' '' "NArjCINS - - CLOTHS, ' AND CASIMEltS,' FLANNELS. DOMESTICS OF ALL KINDS, and In fact everything gencrnlty kept In a Dry Goods Store. Call nnd cxamlno tho goods nnd satisfy yourselves, high prices Is one of tho things that havo passed away. E.XCUASQB nClLDINQ OlTOSITl! THK COURT nousr. main stiiei:t ni.oo.M3iiuiia l'A.' Apr.lO,C9-tf. TILLER'S STOKE. . FRESH AltlHVAL OK ' FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another largo nnd select assortment of SPRINQ AWD SUMMER GOODS, purchased In Now York and Philadelphia at the lowest figure, nnd which he Is determined to sell on as moderato terms as can bo procured clso wnero in Illoomsburg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles : Carpets,-1' ' "v Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cassimcres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowwnro . , Cedarwaro Quceuswarc, Hardwaio Roots and Shoes, , Hats nnd Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Ulassoj, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nntmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY: In short, everything usually kept lu country stores, to which no luyltcs the attention of tho public generally. Tlio lilglicst price will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER ft SON. Ai-cado Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QBEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORH IN LianT STREET, or SPRING AND SUMMER O OODS. THE subscriber ,has Just received and has on hand at his old stand In Light Street, a large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, and which he determined to sell on as moderate terms as be procured elsewhere In Light Street, FOB. CASH OR COUNTJty PRODUCE.. Hls stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnctts, Casslmers, Cottoundes, Kentucky Jeans. AC., Jtr- AC. GROCERIES, MACKERAL,, Qucensware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Taints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept la a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the pnbllo generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce, PETER ENT., Light Street, Nov. 8 1887. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS Has Removed hisManufactory nnd Salesrooms lo No. 1115 CHESTNUT, ST, PHILADELPHIA, Wherohts "Own Mako"of CliampionlloopSUlrts; especially adapted to First-class Wholesale ami jceiUH iruue, wuu uoiuuuu lutriuuruco inu nuiM, exteusivo assortment In tho Union, and all tho latcht and most desirable Styles, Sliapes,Lengths nnd Hires, 2. 2J4, 2J, 2-)f, yards round, of plain and (loiod Puulcis. Walkiutr Skirts. Itecentlon Trails. Ac. Actogether with over ninety dltlereut varieties of Misses' and Children's Skirts, all of which ror symmetry oi siyio, nnisu, iiginness, elasticity, durability and real Ciieajmeu, tiro un efiualcdbvttiiv other uoods In tbo mitrkel. and ui-e warrauted lu every respect. Skirls made to order, Altered and Repaired, Wholesale aud Retail. Full lines of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts, IS Hprings,35 Cents; 20 Sprlngs,45 Cents; ZiSprlnys, 55 Cents: 20 Springs, 05 Cents; and 40 Sprtugs, 75 Cents. r CORSETS I CORSETS 1 1 CORSETS! II CTdlf. ferent Btylcs and prices, from 75 Cents to 17.00, embracing R.Worlley ."Deckel," Glove Fitting,'1 Madam Foy's Corset Skirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody's l'atttnt "Self-Adjustlm Abdominal" Corsets, French. English und Doraestlo Hand made Corsets, and superloi French Patterns of Cotcll Corsets, "Our Own Make," to which wo In. vlto tspectul attention. Complete assortment of Ladles' Under Gar menu, nt very low prices. UUNEItAL AGENT lor the RARTRAM AND FANTON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, su perior to any other before the public. FUly-two of these No. 1 Muchlues, Price 155 each, aro being given away to our customers ju order to get them introduced. Every person lu want of uitlcles in our line, should examine our goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Call or send for circulars, at our Muuutactory undbulesrooins.No. iliM'iicsl liut tt Philadelphia. WM. T. HOPKINS. mnr.-.u'uo-um. S1 OMETHINQ NEW. Tlio undcrslifned be?s leave tn Inform br-r friends und thu publlo generally, that sho lias opeued lu IILOOMKIIURG, a fresh stock ol goods lu tho lino of MILLINERY Mid TRIMMINGS , In connection with Dress Making; and Is pro paicd lu addition, lo COLOIl STItAW HATS on Uio shortest notice, and In the bost style of lua o.iu ruces eueup unu worH, sausiuctory. MRS. E. KLINE. Light Street, October 4, 1W7. TOBACCO & SEGARS. "Q" W. RANK'S "SrVlIOIJSSALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. lid North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, rniuuieiphia. WARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOllACCO, SNUFF SUGAR MANUFACTORY, 110,813 NOHTIl T1III1D HTKliET, Second Poor below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W, WiuTHAN V, Ekoilmah Oil' and after ,Mfcjr Utb ISCli. Trains will leavo NoKTitunnKniAND as follows I . NORTHWARD. 123 A. in.. Dally lo Wlltlamsi-ort, (except Himtai'l ntri'iimtni,! iiimiii, -" Suspension llrldgo, nnd N. l ulls. I'. M Dally, (except Sundays) for Klhilm and;.. ..I,, V.ln H,ilHimv fmm Kltillrn. C.V) S.U V, M. Dally, (oxcept Sundays) for Williams TI1AIN8 BOUTIIWARD. port. 0.30 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PI1ILADISLIMI1A. 2.00 P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore vyasilingiou aim i-uiiuuiij. YOUNG ' General Passenger Agent, AU-Kfcii R. Fiskk, Ocn'l Snpt., T .ACUAWANNA AND BLOOMS- imiiri HAii.AnAD On and s-nw Nov 30th, 1803, PasscngcrTralns wilt run ns lonows: Going Nortli. Going South, Arrive Arrlvo Lcavo Leave p. in. ... 0 .13 p. in. u, m. ScrnulonH.. 10.50 4.10 Irfavo 4.17 6.B5 S.:Li .!') li.M 7.3S H.20 Arrlvo 0.W Plttston. 0.10 Kingston ......... 8.10 I'lviiioulli S.':l 10.13 0.50 l.IM 0.00 :n 7.W) ,7.12 (!.:n 7.10 7.ri2 H.2U ll.lll Arilvo 0.13 MlilcllRhlllliy..;. 7..-I? jicrwiciK ...h.h.... ( llloom CM Danville...- .6.20 Lcavo Leave North'd . CIO Connection made at Serantou by tho 10.50 o.m., trnln for (irent Bend, Blngnamton, Albany nnd all points North, East and West. D. T. BOUND, Sup't. 18M1. 1801. PHILADELPHIA AND ElUE X RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Tiinouait and BinKCT notjTa beiwkkn ritii.A iiei.i'Jiia, iiALTiuonic, iiARntsnvjna, wil- I.IAMSrOIlT, AND TUB GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. XLEdANT SLKKriNa CAK3 On nil Night Trains. On and after Monday. Apr. SOU, IMS, tho trio Hull ltoadwlll Trains on the Philadelphia ft run us juiiuirsi WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Phlladelnhln lo.l.i n.m " " " Northumbcrlaud..A5-) nrr, at .urio 'j.mip.ln ERIE EXPRESS leaves l'hilnde!phla.....ll.50 m. " - " Nort'd 0.50 p.m. " " arr. at Krlo lo.UO u.m, ELJIIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. " " " North'd l.,p.ln. ui r. ui, jAJCituuvcu .l KASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erlo 11.13 n.mS joruru, " " nrr.ntPhlladclDlila Ji.2.ria.ra, EI11E EXPRESS leaves Erie 0.2.5 p.in5 iiiii.u 1,.1'ja.iii " " arr.ntl'hlladelphla l.IOp.m, Mall and Express connects with Oil creek and Allegheny River Itnll Road. Baggngo checked LUIUIIllt J A. Jj. 1 XUV.K, GeueralSuperlutendcut, WHIIamsport. CATAWISSA RAILROAD-On mid nfter MONDAY, Nov. 23, 1808, Passenger tialns on tho Cutawlssa lliulroud will tun ut tho louowiug namca nours : .1ili SoUh, STATIONS. Wllliamspoit. Muucy, Wntsontown. Milton. Danville. Rupert. Catawlssa. Rlngtowu. Huinmlt. Uunkako. Jlfail A'or(7i Arr, 0.10 p. m, Dep. 6.11 " " 5.12 " " 4.M " " 4.10 " " H.S5 " " sua " " 2.2S " " 1.50 " " 1.10 " " 1.20 " 1.10 Dep. 7.50 n.m " 8.20 " 8.0U " " 0.10 " " 0.52 " " 10.12 " " 10.23 ' " 11.40 " " 12.S0p.lll " 12,-U " " l.WJ " 2.15 K. Mahony June. Dlue.Tamaqua. Diue. Rending. 10.40 a.m. Arr. 0.15 10.50 i iiiimicipiua. .1j I To New York via. llead- l. lniror Mauch Chunk. From New York via. i 7.00 " AiAucii i.'iiunic. i No Change or airs between Willininsiiort mid Philadelphia. GEO; WKDli Kuy'U TREADING RAILROAD. RLlMMER ARRANGEMENT, Apr. 2iitll, 1SC0. Great Trunk Line from the North nnd North west lorPhtludclphta.New York, lteiuiing. Polls vllle, Tamaiiua, Ashland, Shainoklu Lebanon Allcutowu, J-uilon, Ephrata, Lltlx, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac, Trains leavo Hnrrlsburg for New York, as fol lows: At 2,35, 6,20 and tl,luu. in., 12,21 noun and 2,00 A10,',conncrtliig wlthsluillartinliisou tho Pa. Rutlroad, and arriving nt New Ymk nl 0,15, lUIll., & 11,4,5 a. III., A 8,50 (1,45 A 0,'!l) p. 111. resiicctlvtly. Sleeping cms aceoiu any Uio2,53 a. iu.,5.20u.iu. and 10Ui5ii.m. tialns wltiiout cluiugu, .Leuvu Jlarrisburg for Headlinr. l'otijivllin. Tn. mnqiia, Mliu-rsWIiu, Asliluud, liauiiikiii Plnu Uro e, Allculown ft l'lilla'd. ut 8,10 n.m., ft 2,00 .1 4,10 p.m., slopping at Lebanon and nrlneinal way suitloiis;lbe4,iUiuii. trains making cniiiicciloiis for Phlladoiihlaaiidc-olumblaonly. For l'oltsvlllo Schuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill and ttubiiuuhauna Railroad, leavo llarrlsburg nt 3,30 p.m. Returning: Leave New York nt it uo Train leaves Philadelphia at 7,30 n.m.,conncctfng with similar train on .East Pa. railroad returning from Rending at 0,30 p.m slopping nt all stations; lcavo l'olUvliieut7,3o 8,45a. in. ,anU2,45p.mJjhamo kiuut 6,25 a. m.,Asblandat 7,00.i.m and 1210 noon Tamaiiua at 8.30 a.m.,aud 2,20, lor PlUla- Leavu PotuvlUe lor llarrisburir. via Krhnviknt and SusQueliunua Railroad at 7,00 n.m. and 11,30 a. m., lor Pine Grovo and Tremont, Reading Accommodation Tram leaves Reading at 7,30 a.m., returning from Philadelphia at 5.1j p.m. l'ottstown Accommodation Trnlmloavcs Potts town nt 0,25 a m. returning, loaves Philadelphia ut 4,30 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains tpnvA Ttnn,ll. .1 I ,w u.u.., uuu viu y.tu. tv, cpiuuui, I.111Z, ilUCUS- l'erkiomcn llali'Road Trains leavo Perkloracn juneiiuiiub v,wiMa., anu u.w p. Ul. ItclurulllK I Leave Skippack at 8.15 a.m., ami l,u p.m., caw cectlng with slmllat,trains on Reading Rallroui', On Sundays, leave New York at 8.00 p.m.. Phil adclphia 8,00 n.m. and 3,15 p.m., tho 8,00 a.m. train lUUUIUfi WU1 liarrisuurg Heading at bum. and 1 at 0.10 a.m.ond 4.25 n.m. for Phllndolnhia. Commutation. Mllenne. Season. Mcnooi and Ex curslou tlekcts to nnd irom all points, at reduced rates. Baggngo checked through ; 100 pounds allowed to t'ovu iiuaai-uKi-r. O. A. NICOLLS, General Superlntcudeul, Reading, l'a., Apr, 20, DitO. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAILUOAD.-Summer nrrange- lueni, jpr.3,itio. Trains leavo ns lonows : KASTWAJtD. WEMTWAUD, Ex press Ac. Ac coin Ex Mall STATIONS. Mall com press l'.M.j Via 51. ft E. Dlvls.l a ii. r M 8.30 1 00 8.30 4 00 8.45 4 15 0.05 4 40 11.30 7 05 0.00 4 OO 11,15 II ! 11.48 7 20 11.68 7.311 8.17 11.08 12.05 7 35 12.25 7 60 i-.'.rj 8 oo s 13 1.115 8 25 1.15 1.25 8 42 1.4.1 8 60 2.IX) 22I0 28 2.35 0 30 2.57 0 50 8.08 1008 3.50 10.15 4.12 1-M 4.20 4.38 4.60 6.18 6.40 0.1 J C20 l-.M. Arinewiork, n,vi 0 40 jwoi jiarciay m.) .A.'hrlstoplier St., lloboken Ncwurk.. Washlncton U 40 0 25 0 00 3.3j 3.25 3.00 0 15 12,10! via Cen. Kit. nf N.J. york..., 0 UO 2.40 r oot Libirlll 61) ....New Hampton... 7 15 12.30 11.48 1 1.35 1 5 53 .uxioiu -...llrldcovlllo.. ...l'hlladelphlii .Trenton l'hllllnshurL' .s.yy' 7 HO I. no II. 25, 5 !M 5 33 .Mauunliu Chunk.... ll.-.u 11.02 ...-,uciaware K ...Mount liethcl Wilier Gap ..-.Htroudshurg 3 5 11 5 01 10.17, lo.:ci 10.23 Knroguovllle lleuryvllle Oakland 4 41 I 20 365 3 41 10. 0.50 O.IOi 0.22 1 U.ITJ rorus H ToMhuuua ...... Uomdsboro 3 25 8.151 H.3.1 .........MOSCOW Dunning ,....HcriuiIon ..(.'lark's Hummtl.... ...Abtiigton............ -Factory vilie ....Nicholson. H.bHopbottom Montiosc ..New illlloid Great llcud r.M .1 15 2 60 A.M 0.3.5 0.10 6.5-5 am 4.50 4.15 K.45 3.15 V.5II P.M 8.1 J 11.1-0 11.30 M THI 7.30 11.40 7.14 1-2.IAI 12.311 0.60 KM 1.30 2.110 2.21 11.10 6.ia 6.:m A.5I. l'.M, Connections. AtNcwIIomplou.wlth I'tntrnl 11. IL of New i"" ,ioii.,ijiiaueiii,i'jaiuuciii,nomer' vllle. Huston, ftc. At Washington, wllh Morris Essex R.R., fur New ork,Newark,Morilslown,Hovi'r, lluckt lts. . At Msnunk'a Chunk, wllh llelvldero Delnwiu 1U It., for l'lilladeliihiii Trenton, Fhllllpsbing, lAiiibertsvl e. l' l nJiun. ' 4 " ..A,rK5ra,;.,.n!1'wUL' I-ackawanna ft Illuomsburg It. 11., for l'l tston. Wyoming, Klngsinn, Wilkes, barre, Danylllo, Northumlierland, Ac, also, with .'....,......,...., ...... ,uf viyiiiiiiiit, ,icn bald, aud Carbondale. AtOreatllcnd.wllhErloltallway, rorRlnglmni ton, l.lmlui, Iiullnlo lihaiii,, riyraeusp, uiu und It. A, HENIIY, Geu, Puss, und Tkt, glut. $2000AYEAn;' ) tu little labor, something entirely new fur all luosa out of employment, ustonlslilng resulls heard from, cery day slnea dlscovcicd 15 to 110 per day made by ever- ono who has yet taken hold of Iho business, open to all, no cupltal ro- .... ,t..,u,,,iiUuiiy icurui ueillguuiu- buged will oblige mo by vot noticing this: all others address mo without delay, l or nattlcii. mra please euclnso stamp for cli eular, ,ddi ess ' Nov.'a "mX V "loumne,a ""y uo-. P". g L A T E R O O 1' I N O, KVERY VARIETY MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J. THOMAS, llox, 277. UtooMsnuita. Pa MarJlOteUyr. mwsuuu,ja, A LL KINDS OF JOB PRINTINO TS:,7.'liV.1!LIcul(1 TUkCor. okuiak Steam Tim nnderslsned wonld respectfully, announce to llio puhllo that liu lias opened n FIllST-CIiAea CONFIXTlONnilY BtOlll!, lu lliolralldlng Inl ciy Tlo.l li- Fox' VcM whoio ho Is prepared lo furnish nil lilndsnl PLAIN A FANCY CANIUIM, Flir.NCII CANDI1, FOREIGN ft DOMHSTIO FltUITH, HUTS, RAIKlNf, A0.i AC, AH. 11 Y Wit oli CHALK Oil UKIAlL. Ill short, n full nsnortineut of rdl Kols In Ids. lino of buslueus. A great variety of ,, , , J) 01, LB, TOYS, Ac., siillabloforlho Holidays. nltcutlrSn given to BREAD AND OA ICES, ' nf all kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS UANDIEB, 0UIB1MAB TOYS. A rail Is solicited, nud satisfaction will be guaranteed. NOV. 22,1807. J'AJttJlAm jrt-uiio, REMOVAL OF KJt Kit M t. Ib Jfc'fi NEW H T O R E to Hirivr.'H ni. oat, ONTllKCOItNElt OF HAllKKT AN11 IKON STl'.KKTS, Tho undersigned having received from tho city a full and completo supply ol SPRINO AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CJSDAR AXD WJLLOW'-WAllH, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, II A US A N I) ,V II O E S, FLOUR, HALT, l'lHII, AND MEAT, all of which I propo-io selling nt a very low flguro for cash or produce. W Call nnd seo. Apt 11 1-', . C. C. MARK. RAND OPENING (IKANI) OPENING CIIIANI) OPENING GltANO OPENING ClItAND OPENING FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTER GOODS, WINTER. GOODS, WINTER GOODS, WINTER GOODS WINTER GOODS, consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DHY GOODS, DRY GOODS, DIIY GOODS, . .1 DRY GOODS DHY IGOODS, : ' HATS AND CAIfl', HATS AND CAPs! II ATS AND GAIN. HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HOOTS AND SIIORS ROOTS AND SHOES' HOOTS AND SHOES. HOOTS AND KIIO,X. ROOTS AND SllOEsI READY-MADE CLOTHING. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING HEADY-MADE CLO'I II ING. READY-MAM! CLOTHING ItEADY-JIADE CLOTHING; I.OOKlNO-OLASSriS. LOOKING-GLASS EK L001C1NG-G1,AKS1I LOOKING-GLASS I is, LOOKlNG-GLAKSIvH, NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. NOTIONS, NOTIONS, . PAINTS AND OHJ4, PAINi-S AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OHJs PAINTS AND Oil,, GROCEHIEH, UlLOL-DUir.s, GltOUI-'.ltli'.S tlltOt.'EItllX UROUEltlES, llUEENSWAIli:, tlUKENSWAlti: (IUKKNHWAIIE lU'EENSWAHi: HUEENSWAUE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, llAltllWAHE HAltllWAItE IIAIIDWAUI TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE, TINWARE, HALT, SALT SALT SALT, ' SALT! . FISH, FISH PISH, F1TH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS, 4 c. AT McKKLVY. NEAL CO.'S, CO.'S, C'O.'S. CO.'S. McKELVY, NEAL JIcKELVY, NEAL .iti;it'.ii l , r.i-;Ai, McKELVY, NEAL CO.'S. Northwest corner ot Main ami Market Mreets. Northwest corner of .Main aud Market Stuets, nuriiiwcM corner or jiam anu siarkct Streets Not Hi west corner of Main and ilnrket Streets. Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, HLOOJISllURO, PA., 1JI.OOMSI1URO, l'A HLOOMSI1URO l'A., 11LOOMSHUHO l'A. HLOOMSHtlltt, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS in hirgo quantities and al itduied rales, alwny ou hand. ' COAL YAH 1"). 1 TIII4 Ul underslL'neil ip,.nr.triiiiv ii...... n.n !,".lfc'!s "f Illoniiihburit mill Columbia county, coal anil belcrted lump coal for sniithliig purpew nun nicy Keen nu inn iiliiei-rat numbers ofstnvu 7.,. ... " "',.'.' ""J"'"iug -u-ivcivy, pit'iii ,v Co s i urnnce; with a guud jiair of llsitlalo scales al A Oil tho whnif. in i'f li.h nl 1,..., .i Likewise u lioi so und wuEon. to deliver coul to' iiioso who desire It. As they purchase a lai go iiiiioiint of conl.they intend tokcepn superior ur. llcle, and sell utllio very lowest prices. Plenso vAuuiiue lor yourselves ueloro purtnas, ingeisowhere. J. w. HI'.NDEUSHoT. AUGUSTUS MASON. rpiIE undorblgncd will take In ex- ciiiuiKo nir woiii ttnii uruct-rics, the following immed articles !-Wlut, Rye, Cum, Oats, Full,, lues, Lard, Ham,Sh(Hiliii.r,und sldo meat. lliiller. l-.ggs, lliiy, Ae.,nttlio lilghest cash prices, at his .w.v.j inui,', li.giJllllllu lltfir t'lllll JltrU, Illoomsburg Mar. lO.' W" ' UKIBIIOT. by persons or. Hher sex, and Iho Iwys mid glrU earn nearly ss much as men. Omit Inducements uio i.llwf lliuse win. will do oto their wlic X who sees this notice, may send mo thclf iiudnss anil lest the business lor iIiiiiik-Ivcs, I innUellio lulluiiliig uiipani Icleil olleu To nil who are not ""i .iu,"ui;ii nun ,uo lllisiness, l wl l send SI tit UUi.:!'-mhV: Aui,"'s K.H. ALI.KN, Allguslll,.M,.. H. with V. PETERJIAN, LI1T1NCOTT 4 TROTl'ER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No, 21 North Water Street, and No, So North Delaware A veuue Philadelphia. JOHN STROUP A CO., Successors lo Blroup 4 Brother, WHOLI53ALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. JINoith Whams, mid a Nwtli WottrSt., Philadelphia. TN THE SPRINO MONTHS, THE ,! undergoes a cliauge, and iielin hold's if uuuu fcut. n .,iAUir UIIU. Coueoilllutbd Extraetor Knr- supurllla Is ou ussi iuui oi iuo greatcsi value. A OLKAll, SMOOTH SKIN AND He mbolU'ii Cpuu'iitratcd Exlruct Hurwirmrlllu, To the Wohkinq Class ;-Inm now prepared In lurnlsh all ilassts wlllironstuntt iiiployiiienl ntlheir homes, tlmwholonl tho llmo, .,'r fur Iho blo'FiilvriX PA. IRON, TINWARE, r '--ii?T TVTATlONAh I-OUMMix, XN cn.ay.rA. iitnninalmnr. Ooliimbln Coiuiiy, l'a. ,u..n.r. nronrletor of Iho nbovo- nnnsl "' . .i In ic cslelisUu islnlilinitneiii, in in-" i . ,oirdi-isfnrnM liliiiisiu ,, . il AMI INKUY t-Ult CVtl.l.I I'.lll l. 11I.AI 1UUNACI. HTATIONA RY K.SU1NJSJ, , MILIJ3,TnitESlIlNUMACHINra,A0 , ,.rc.i imiinku Blovisof nil sires nnd palUrns, Ploiflrous, nnd ovcrylhlug tviually liiadolnllrst-ciasstounurns. His oxtoritlvo facilities hnd practical workmen warrant lilm In receiving tlio largest contracts on tho most rcoRonnblo lerms. Grain of all kinds win no laueu ui i." Thlscsinlifhlimenl Is located near the liicat wanna and Bloomsbuasllalad Depou TOVU8 AND TINWARE. gTC A. M. RUPERT nnnrtnnces to Ills friends ami customers' that continues tlio above tmsliicss at his old placoou, MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBUUG. Llistnmcrs can bo accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every a- ricty or articio iouuu m naiovo un" - tnbllshnient in Iho clUcs, and on tho most reason nblo terms, Repairing done at tho shortest notice, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for salo. "VTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP.' oil MAIN STllECT, NKAIH.T OrrojITE MILtEtt UTOUK, HLOOMSRUIia, TENN'A. Tun undersigned has Just fitted up nad openod his now STOVE AND TIN SlIOI', In thli plnco, whero he is prepared to mako up ew TIN WAiiK of all kinds In his 1 no, and do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon tho must reasonable terms. 110 also keeps on hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS & STYLES, which ho will boll nnou lerms 10 sun nurruascrs. Glvo him a call, ilols a good mechanic, and deserving 01 1110 puuuo pauuuuai-. liloonisbui-g, April 20, 1807. Q.EOROE II. ROBIiRTH, Importer and Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, 40., No. 811 North Third Street, ebovo Vino, Philadelphia. Jacoii K. SMITH, J, R. Si:i,TZiit T Z EJt, M I T IT & S 15 I. Imporlcvsand Dealers In Foreign and Domestic II A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. 109 r?. THIUD BTJtKET, AU. CAT.T.OW11IM', PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, 07-tf. "TVJEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH 1IAOF.NHUCH, Main SI reel ono door above K. MeiidenlinH's Sloif. . A largu assortment of stoves, Heaters nnd Ranges eoustnutly ou band, nnd lor sale ut thu luiie'.t rates. Tlunlng In nil its branches carefully attended to, and hiitlsliullon t;uar:iulccd. Tin m nrk of all kinds wholesale and utall. A trial is rcmicslcd. -AprAiHtf rnilK KKW HAllDWAltE STOKE. I NR l'JiUK ULTltA. ilnvln cnlnrKCiI our Hloro Jtooiu mid J tut orKNliD A NEW BUi'I'IA', directly from the JIamifat;tuicr, purchased for cash, ia iiUccllnln'i niaikct, vf v uru pupjunud to ,iftV V tllOKIlllR to ' rAUMEUS, JIECIIANICB. liUlM)EUK. mulllie icht of MAnltlud. ii tieneral stock, com luiftlni; nil tho Utudi nud iiunlltlGH usunlly kept In a city Hard Wnio Btoro, sultahto lo tho wants or tho county, nl unusually low prices. All those who nrodoMi Ions of purchasing goods In our lluo cau khvo Jloney Uy JuuUlulu at tho ricase Kivo us a call nud examlno our fitoclc Ac. Apr, 2.1.C0-lyr Jllooiusburg, Tfti s HAUPIJJSS &. HAKMAN, k.uim; Fouaiinv asd jiANUPACTUiiiKO mop. SIOVUS & l'LOWa WHOLESALE & RUTAIL TUK IJXl.lU-.ATr.D HOSTllOSB IUON ULA.M AKII THU 11UTT0N MOOUUN 11EAU l'LOWS. CiisllngsAand Firo llrlck for repairing eilyBtoviB. All kinds otlirass or Iron casting made to order upon short notice. 11. F. HHARl'LCSS A I'. (J. HARM AN, Illoomsburg, Fa. I'roprlclorit. Mar.fJ.'OO-ir, 0 HANGEV1LLE POUNDRY, JIACIIIND SHOP AND AGRICULTURAL vuitiua. The undersigned desires to Inform his friends and the publlo generally, that ho has rebuilt and enlarged his Foundry and MnchluerJhop, and re moved all Ills- bushier from Light Btrtel to tho above named place, where in cnnucc'.ioii wltll bin Foundry ho will cnntlnuo lo inmiulacturu Wheeler's Railway Chain Horsc-l'owcr and Thresher, (Improved), Carueiru l'.iteut. THREfjllCR AND CLEANRR, either overshot for Trcnd-I'otver or undershot wllh Lever-l'ower. Ho also mmuifactuieii lo order und liu up all kinds ol MILL O E Alt I NO, CiietilarSaw Mandrels, l'ntcnt Slides for Saw Mills, the latest Improved Iron Ream Flows of dlUcicui kinds Wooden Ream Flows, Double Com Plows, and Flow 1'oluU of every descrip tion generally used thiougliout tho county, IRON KUTTLE8', HULLS Cellar Urates, Stoves.Slcd and Sleigh Soles, and luiacteeiylhliiggeuiially niadolun country l-o'.indry. Thoso wishing to purchnso Machines would do well to cxamlno his maclilnes, and tho lmpiovemcntsinailoontho power, by which tit least LM per ciut. of tho friction Is taken oil; ALL MAC1I1NRS AlHi WARRANTED to glvo good satisfaction, nud terms uiado to suit pin chasers. All kinds cf ccuutry produce taken lu exchange for Flows and castings. Thankful to Ills friends and patrons for past fa vol a ho would still (ontluuotusoliiiUlhosniue, WILLIAM hCIlUYLFlt. Apr.'J.U'J-tf Uiunguvlllo l'a. T EHIOII VALLEY AG1UCULTU- XJ RAL CHEMICAL WORKS. iillEINIO & HELFBICH, JIASCrACTUUElW OF lll'.F.INIfl'H COMl'LUTi: U O N E ' MA K U It E. A eonceiitruled liinnurecombluingtho reliable firtlllrliigpropertUsofliONKIiUSTormio'UNI) llONi:, with the udlvo elements of I'LRUVLVN OUANO, A.MMONIACAL MATTFH, AND KUPKlt PHOSPHATE OP LIME, NOTICH. Wo prepare but tho ono article, gniiiuiileeiiig it as sluudard, lellablo nnd unli lorin. Lower grailes and variations lu nuallty lu suit ullterent. Ideas of piices aro geneiully pro d need by dlileient proportions of udulturailon. Farmcis can save inonev bv ,n,ln..i, ,i, l.Y thiniselvts, WoutoonfylaiiiuaudnD i'hos- jHiniiciiuiiimior i nospiintoof Lime, Send for luiV.iVJ ,,,in 7, y iuui, i-uf (,ai ni jiantuac. Jlar.lO.'mnt. WALTKR HCOlT.l VlitwistiFn. LMDOLD'S fOXCKNTHATKI) FLUID EXTIt.Vtrr SUIHA1'AHIU.A r-IIADICATH UttflTlVE ASP UI.C'Klt.VTIVi: UK. KAUKa or 7u u THROAT. N0y.kKYI RVKUD, BCALF Which sodUflguro tho appearance, l'UIiaiNM iuo eMl tuects of mercury uud umovliiK all laillls. II,,. n ,,,,,MlM r lillvwli r i VMSli1!.?,'."?. JJ J&VliSJ&Uin-ii uii5 CIULllltKN with perfect SAFETY. .i'l'':,1,,rr,11',.uK,''llls" " pub shed In o&1rSu tho lixlructof harsanarillalii M,ri,iii.Viii4i.. by llcnjainln Tiuvcrs, F. R. H &c. Hpeaklng ol n.'.'???fi''iSf'!l"a..,".,"luB irom.tho' exeosS ot ii... i-." . i. 'tB l,luv I,u iciueuy is equut lo fnSn1"01 '"Mu I lu iiower Is eitrior. dluary, luoreso than uuy other drug I uiu ao 'ffSl wl '' I" iho sirlctost ense.a Ttw. i.?.iWi!.U,' i,,u. '"Valuublo atlributo, that It I, Viipil. S i'Ih "."i""'18 "' th,e y':n o sunken, una yrt solrrlUble as renders other tubslaucui of Iho tonic cluss unavailable or Injurious. II ELM HOLD'S CUXCLXTIIATlfD KXT1UCT KAIUIAI'AKILLA, liilabllslieil upwards of I) years. I'rcparcd by Apr...'..,,, 'fclVrigSlV. Pp$ DRUGS &. MEDICI JONATHAN LN Hl?THT.T.-, X U.of lllttorhsi(eyerfalli.i.H )UMV kind of Dsneiislat lelne yet discovered for the coroJ? Dyspepsia. I. vcr Cnaipinmt, ,,2 MUmamnt .tlio. Tin on t. t ni.i 'irJ'l Thlon'l . X .Vn'f i no CHA' k . .' -m tuuivv gist. TAYLOlPs 6llrfMnd' OLIVE llllANni HUT K It s JOB PI ;ecutod rchsonn iBLOJ .tit . STO A mild nnd ngrecablo Tonic Htimi.. f irf oi nclilonnd Ciuniliintlvo st: above B I T T E II H I'tlrnntnil Millrnlt' ri-mn It.i i lybeiunclalln Vf cm DYSPEPSIA, .win el ' GENERAL liKim.tTv .DB -.,.,1 . nnd Loss of Appetite; ,i t i,-i nud nn excellent Corrcctlvcfur from Disorders of tho Ilowtls.liat Sohl Evcrywliero. t B.SA i, Jowelr; touso. CATHf ,st.;beh cpot, No. 413 Market Street, 1'LIUA- J. K. TAYLOR 4 CO, SopLl,'68-ly. , 801X1 U and si JENRY 1 linntA f Ayer's furg Malt V- AVID1 below For restoring Gray!!! ils natural Vitality and 6 A ii;.;-.' it--y is ill nun. Iicullliy, ai,)'') fill' lircHrt Pbioopal linir. Val 'B. M'K iV u ,portut lo Ut om.xo, itin .,-., .j ' I Marke mm frcshus! rfH; ,11. -23sE-- Tl.Jn hair si . uuuic , cncil, fitllinpr' lmir c liecl;eil, nf ness olien tlmitirl, lull filu.ti- ,t ?, . j niK rntliili cnu r&li lnEx by its use hair where Iho follicles aic ilu'1-" or tho fflittiJj iitrophicil nuil i 'jjjjjT. Hut such ni remain can lie !. usefulness by this niiiilkalion. IKS-,?: of fouling Iho Iiair with a i i mcnt, it will keep it clean ,.1i,u11q1i Its occasional use will ircunU--- A from turning gray or fulling ,1 Btn.ttd consequently prevent linluVs!. from thoso deleterious suuntaiati VKt mako somo prcparatious ilacp:.1 f injurioii? to tho hair, tlio VifHgjl1 ouly benefit but not liarm it. L&in an merely for a rJ, HAIR DRESSlfc f 1US. M nothing clso can lio fotitul atl llaTtl Containing ncillier oil nor itauiK m not soil wliito camlirie, uuil i1- K0Ods long ou tho hair, giving it an lustro nnJ a grateful jierTunic, Prepared by Dr.J. C, Aver ll ui LEAi can II indent. Practical anu Analytical ttidm MASS. (iengo I piuoa $i.oo, U?cli.3, 1SIO. 1XCIL iit..oi Ayer's Oherry Peer ,.l MER For Diseases of tho Throat such as Couchs. Colds. WIik Cough, Bronehitki, AsthaJORia i ..' Mam uuu ouuiuuiiiuvu. l' nnver liprure in tlio llholi BTt medicine, lias anj tiling won so n Iddyas!' liion tlio conlldeiico of mankind, aitlw abo leiiieilvloriilihiionarycorapiainis. irooN feiiei of years, and among most of frvi ptu, men it has liicn hlglier and higher la ttsvj' Iiiii,a3 It lias becomo better known. It" t hami-tcr and power to euro tlio vanom Jl Vj ol'lliu hnijrs and tliroat, havciaado it kw h.iblo protector agalntt Uicin. B M ft a J AC iu'ldor I'urnii ofdiscaso and lo younjcDLjij bi.t nl the same Llmo Uio moat effectual remw be given for incipient consumption, w pcitimiin-ci'tloiisoftliotliroatnnilluDjslj u. : iniuii against sudden attacks of trai3 qui be kept nu hand In every family, Mil iaixcuai me Kuiiit'timcs subject to colds and cat tlioiild Iw iirovldcd with this antMotc h 7 Allliough settled t'oinKmiiiion Wl 'Kt iir.ible, still great numbers of casciiftffll gro, e.uj secincd settled, havo been comjWjic, ui and tho patient restored to snund M Clurni l'nlaraU So conipleto H' urcr llie ilUordcrs or tlio Lunes mulli m tlio most nbstiiuto or Uicm yield to lt--l.s. i lug el io could reach them, under tlio l"". toi iit they subsldo aud disappear. . .1 bluijen ami Vulille !2"''er' U1!J.ia cor .isthmtt U always iclievcd nad oils -cuicdbylt. , , .,1 j 'lj UroiielilttH is generally cured IrsfJ.Mui Clun-u IVi torann small and freiia-iilL bo generally aro its virtues knonuwTy not publleh tlio ccrtlilcatcs of Ihcm licit,' l A. tliaii'nssuro tlio publlo that Its quallim'U. f U1.UU.OII11.U. Ayer's Ague For Pover and Abuo, Intermittffl. Jij, ,u. Chill Vovct. Ilemlttent FevB;Menfi Aguo. l'eriodioal or DUIous it and Indeod all tho alTections sw., . Irom malarious, marsh, ox 01 t poisons, Q. . i Its namo Implies, It docs Cure, ujtK. Ml. CoutalninxnclllierArseiilcQiinilii'.M atr .hi,-, nor any other mineral or poisouou JwC, It In nowise inlurcs any vitt iiiiinber nnd Importance of Its cures I" J'Tll 'I " ai o literally bevond account, fJ" J W I' Iuui; a parallel in the history of APf Our prldo U gratified by tlio ackaoiiltViJ. wclic uf the radical cures cuectcl MTSiK e.iMi., nnd w hero other remedies had TH J M I ii-i;-clliiiated persons, either ! JU. are Miliar tlirougn mlaimatlo locidW'W , tertwlby takinnthe AQUB C.f'l.i'iS ' er .leer Compfnl)(, arising fro , of Iho Liver, It Is an oxccllcnt remedy, ","LV ymLliorliiiohoallhyactivity. MwttB For Illhous IiUonlers and Liver Cavf nn pxeellcnt remedy, produdos num! f ln.i rkablo cures, whero other rodlM"'.'5?, l'lepaiwl by liu. J. C. AVElt A i; ami Analytical Chemists, LoncU, Mui. n all round tho world. J' J VRicr., $1.00 vvn noi"s ' gENDEUHIIOTT'S QEHMAN OATl'LE l'OV'. E..J This I'owder is believed to bo sins'1- Horse or Cattlo I'owder lu ue. R 1 . . blood, cleanses iho syslf m, and glu'1'',! u. Hon and tono to tho stomach. Ry II1 a will improvo In llesh, nnd the c"l n smooth nnd glossy, ' Hi Cows falteu and glvo twenty pif1 milk. 1 y Shcep Improvo and pioduco a'i: 1 1 floece. Hogs fatten and aro freo from sore ft temper, and all pen diseases. V? Wholesala and Retail IW IIENDERailOTT'a UrngS'.Jji orrosiTK ambbicas sjr mi Feb. 19,'MMf HLOOMSl1111 "AINAVRiailT & CO., wiio'lebalk aitooEj-p N, IV Corner 'Second and Arch l'HiUti Ucalcrslu , i TEAH.ljyitUPB.COFFKfi.HUOAIl.1 V BICE, BrlCIH, lit CAIIB 80DA, - ti. Orders will receive prompt Uec' 11 UaylO.ls07.Iy. I OYER J, Drower ' I r. LITJ 1. OIOOIE. ,OL TENllYI lJewelp -OUIS Dl j near soi Iki! Nil Q. W. BLABON 4 CO., -j Mauulaclurert ol f1 OILCLOTH. AND WINDOW HUW ' Warehouse, No, 121 North Third 6" I'hlladelphla.