.t.'.iU i PlltDAVf MAY li, 1800. (in tmuiccl John Thomns cmiMmulriv nlcrlit last, for lnrtn with n hilly. The strwit-riprinklcr has got In finor Hon ngaliij ttjtcU to tho rnillsfucllon or 1 who HvSfSIMo business on Main trcot., A,r,AHTirrorco has hcon nt work for ntwSSw opening mid repairing Mnr ot "tHret.r;Wo wish tho supervisors mlpUjopalr tho b!i1o wnlk lemlliitf to 10 Depot. H-.fe. iIISAD QUAHTKlt.S l'OH IlAU'JAlNH, fyou want nnytliln In tho wuy of ry floods or fancy notions, call on M. '.Lulit lio" fs'rccoivlny new goods ov ry week and keeps his assortment omploto. Wi3havpf been requested to publish ho tcdtifiAony In tho eivso of Common mtlth vs Duffy. As It is with n few xcepUoSitpetItloii of that taken In tiocaso of Donnhoo charged with tho aHiecrlmo-vrhlch wo lirtvo already ubllehed,' Wo refer our patrons to that. Important Notice. Tho Col umbhi ounty Agricultural Society will meet t tho Court House on Saturday, 3Iny 2nd at 2 P. 'Ml Tor Ilia purposo or elect lg officers for tho ensuing year. Uy rder of Executive Committke. 2t Bradley alludes to tho recent trial f John DuflyTor tho murder of A. W. tea, as a "Democratic play." This slur pon thoCourf nnd upon tho Jury is en rely unwarranted by tho facts, and innot be too-sevcroly condemned. By fijS tiy jSoJVou know Doctor that ono ftWrattitrled was of your own pollt- W$trt THB1?oob3ou81;. All tho paupers fjBlqom towashlp wero removed to loyfftrrn'on'Batunlay last, except two. royjous.to this arrangement wo wero ipportlng 50 paupers, and now wo avo only fivo, adults and sovon chll ron'., Homes have already been found ir three .pf, tho latter. Wjt 'liavo been requested by a nuiii Qr!oiVpQr&ons to announce their names i candidates for tho dilTcrcnt county Olces to be filled this fall. Wo will do luthoxt' Week.- Tho candidates must ;hd Irithelr oWn names, accompanied y tho'usual fto of Thrco Dollars. Wo lustjlbsist' pif tlils as experience, has lqwfl.tljat 'th.e defeated parties seldom V.tli t4 6 sf 'Friday evening 1 ttlh'o'FiFb'epartmo Ia?t tho members Department of this iilnco. aujir'pMado. Thoy presented a Qq'apjpcaTOricqJn their neatand showy tfarrni am 'marched well. Wo hope eforp lpngjthattho town may bo so jpplled with' water as to render them loroughly.efllclent in case any of tho umorbus' fcttlo-'traps of buildings, 'hich greatly abound, should threaten general 'confl agriition. t Liii IiABTweokla' 'Republican announced mt on last 'Monday night SIgnor Blitz 'Oiild'perform'ifor tho bencllt of tho Ic in' ido Court House. This is a urvy trick played upon our legal friend urtholpinawy.who- on that occasion do vered n magnlflccnt speech In tho caso f tho Commonwealth vs. John Dulfy. relthor ventriloquism, learned canary irds. or. Blejghtof hand performance a'urrodjfk' X WEJiy.ejreblvcd several connnuui itlons on tho subject of local nomlna ohsrcdomincndtng on vnrlous grounds icho'icef of favorite men. Wo must cciine to publish all articles of this )rL-AWo!iwplro' to bo tho representa vo ,6Uie;yWi"re party, and not tho rgan Of, any jn'an or set of men. Wo lltnnbunce'tho names of all aspirants, utour colunfing aro not open to tho dls usslon pjthelt. merits or demerits; liaV iaa quBstloti for tho pconlo, and 'J, Vt,;,vtr. i 'OONGirEQATioNAij meeting of tho orahipors'fl't St. Paul's Church will as ombjutho' 'Church, on Wednesday vexing, JJayJIOth, at 71 o'cloc'.c. Tho bject'and'purposo of tho meeting is to ocu'W payment of old, and procure 6 nnd' additional subscriptions, to lush.oti to completion tho now Build rig. The'iVpstry earnestly hopo and uquest that thero bo n full attendance, prattlvHy and energy displayed ii'thowoik soiriowhat coramensurato vlth'Its importance. VMrt tor We woBld mildly suggest to tho dltor of the lUpubUcan that tho list of Jounty ofllcew 'published In that paper, Contended ,jfdr. tho Information and :uldaucefl((tlfo.community, should bo o aerrected'as to convey a slight idea .f'fte'Vruthf to' wlt: Peter K. Herbeln "Awsoqlate Jutlgo, nor is L. B. Ru- ilercaflQ'rVfaiaer, nor ,R. V. Clark assessor oi internal iiovenuo, nor aro r. Jit Dleraernnd Daniel McIIenry As lU.tani'AseSipig. No chargo fiir tho .UgOfttlOlTj r JJnfaib.' Tiio Jlepultlican is ungeu :roua in trying to crcato tho impression hat wo acted unfairly In distribute mmphlet conies of tho 'Ilea Homicide, Wodl'd no walt'untll tho evidence for ho. Common wealth was closed. Tiio looks' 3ld not come out until Thursdav norSfng, andAyeT.nl nco sui)plicd tho )6urt and counsel with copies, nnd aro ratified to know that tho book was ol wscnttal service to both sides in tho arlal of tho cause. Wo distributed them imong thotoonlo that ovonlng by per mission of tho Court, tho Jury having boon emnannclcd nnd sworn. Besides, it no time could tho book havo worked Iny harm, beeauso It gavo tho tcitlmo' by on both sides, without partiality. Wk airo rapidly selling tho remaining jopiea of .thq pamphlet containing an i(WiU of the Ilea Homicido. As this "s-UKt-iaosi romarkablo murder trial hat ever toqk,placolnour nclghbohood, vo hayo. printed tho cvldcnco ontlro akjM1lftyf " Judgo Kllno on Habeas WpiMHWMding, ns well as that taken in tho trial of tho eauso. Wo also glvo io T,aVUcu(g attending tho empanel- Ing of jiwh and tho chargo of Judgo jilwell to. tho Jury. It Is an interesting pamphlet ot; pipages, and should bo In ho hands of all our readers, that they vnayform an Intelligent opinion ns to hwgullt or Innocenco of tho prisoners. ieut1 by mall, If requested. Agents ranted. Retail prlco S5 cents. mm THE BuyantV Hcnagcrlo& Clrcu3 will exhibit at. Blo'omsburg on Wednesday Slay S!Gth. l'Nir particulars pen (ho ad vertisement In another column. '21 Tin: following appointments of As sistant Assessors liavo been mado for this county. M. C. Hughes, Calnwlssn; M. 0. McCollum, Kspy; UlehardSllles, Bnnton. The following slmplo method of de stroying that fatal enemy to our mjst vnlunblo fruit, tho curcullo, wo clip from nn exchange: "Ah soon as tho blossoms liavo fallen off, tnko soino oat straw, and placo It on somo coals In nn Iron pan or bucket, glvo tho trees a comploto smoking by holding It under them whllo tho tlow Is yet on. Ilcpcat this In tho courso of a week. This re peated two or threo times will not fall to insuron good crop of fruit." The New Militia Law. Wo pub lish for tho benefit of our readers tho now mllltla law ns lately enacted. Un der tho net of 1R 3 tho militia tax Is CO cents, except In tho county of Dauphin whero by n special act of last winter, tho tax was raised to ono dollar, nnd In Philadelphia whero tho tax Is two dol lars. "That tho minimum for nil volunteer military organizations of.nll arms of tnoservico is ncreuy uxecint inirtv-two non-commissioned officers nnd privates except when called Into actual service, when tho minimum shall bothosamens now required by law." A A Sensiule Law. Tho following uctfor tho moro effectual prevention of burglary and larceny, was passed by tho Legislature a few days since: That nil tales, pledges, or other disposition of coupons, bonds, slocks, money, or other property acquired by burglary or larceny heretofore or hereafter made, aro hereby declared to ho unlawful and void; anil no title to any purchaser, pledge or other receiver thereof, shall ho held to pass thereby, but tho tltlo of tho owner thereof shall bo adjudged to bo and remain unaffected, and not to have been tllvcstcd by such burglary or larceny of such salo, plcdgo or disposi tion thereof. The Now York Independent has bro ken out in a now plnco, It says: "Uu- der tho present nusplccs nt Washington (unless wo greatly misjudge tho signs of tiio times,) tho Ilcpublicnu party will gradually grow weaker and weak er, and their opponents steadily stron ger nnd stronger. Tho moral sympathy which formerly united tho llcpublican ranks into nn irrcslstlblo phalanx is now becoming dull and chill in each man's breast. Tho elected leader cares for no great idea, and does not seem to suspect that his party is at this moment beginning to fall off from him because no is nucu 10 a siauon wmcii is ono piano too high for his genius." It is a little singular that whllo wo havo been grumbling (wo must always grumblo nt tho weather) it's "tho cor rect thing" nt our remarkably open, warm and rainy winter tho interior of tho country has had nn unusual amount of snow. Cannda, indeed, records It as nn extraordinary winter for snow though tho cold has not been very so vere. Tho nverago Canadian snow-fall for twenty years has been 70.C0 inches; in 1801, n very snowy year, it was 9G.5S inches, whllo between October and March of this past winter there fell 103.80 inches. Tho facts of meteorolo gy accumulnto liko snow-drifts, nnd seem just about as easy to systematize. Wo know what happens: hut who knows why V By referenco to tho Lawrenco County Democrat A t7n:eto,woobservotlint tho surviving members of Battery 'B" 1st Light Artillery P.R.V.C. had a grand reunion recently at New Castle and ef fected u permanent organization. Ora tions, speeches, n magnificent dinner, toasts, etc., wero tho order of tho day, nnd mnny old battles wero fought over ai n. Among tho names of those pres ent wo recognize the familiar ones of Cooper, M'Clclland, Ncsblt and others. It would havo given us much pleaiuro to hnvo again met our old companions in nrms,aud wo hopo to bo able to do so on soir.o future occasion. By tho way, why cannot wo get up a similar organization in Columbia Coun ty 1 Wo have ample material here, nnd a reunion would provo exceedingly pleasant. We would suggest to the old officers of tho "Iron Guards" tho pro priety of taking tho initiative In tills matter. Local Notices. The Increasing number of sudden nnd unexpected deaths occurring in our midst, warn us to sccuro somo certain sum fur tho benefit of our families should tho Destroying Angel visit us. Thero is no better way than to toko out a policy In tho Mutual Life Insuranco Company of New York, tho oldest nnd wealthiest Company In tho United States. Assets thirty-two millions of dollars. V. Cooi.ev, Agent, Columbian Ofllre. Mauvei.ous I.vmisTBY. It is scarce ly necessary at this day to say anything in pralsoof Webster Unubrldgcd Quarto DMlonury, 1810 pnges.nnd 3000 engrav ings. Having como Into possession of a copy of the latest edition, wo cannot refrain from expressing our admiration at tho marvelous industry und teurntmj which such n book must hnvo called into demand. In tho hook lino, this Dictionary deserves n place amongst tho triumphs of tho century. Tho pub lishers' part of this ponderous volume has been dotio with n beauty and sub stnntlalnoss which also deserve special commendation. "Reading tho Diction ary," with this edition of Webster bu- foro you, is exceedingly Interesting pastime. A copy of it must certainly bo considered to belong to tho appoint ments of uvory intelligent fumlly. Its cost Is $12, hut It Is cheap nt that price. Moravian. We aro rciuiested by tho Poor Houso Commissioners to stuto that they havo decided tocoutinuo tho proposals for buildings on tho farm. If tho contractor prefers tho Commissioners will n;;reo to deliver tho hrlck on tho ground nt $11,00 per thousand. Coiuv nnd Iluekwheat. Before jihint . Ing, every fanner should sendhls iininu and post odleo address to Urelnlg A Hoi frlch, Allcntown, Pn., to receive.freo of chnrt'o, their vnlunblo Manure O'tilde, COLUMBIAN AND Court rrocccdlngH, MAY CT1I, 1800. V Cottrt nlct nt S:30 n. in. ngrrc'Ably to adjournment, Shumnn & Millard vs Conynghnui twp. To 19 Dec, T. 1808. On motion of J. H. James, Ksa., Court order tho ad- Judgment In the above caso bo amend ed so as to rend "Judg't $710.33, instead of $732.-12 against Dcft.ns It now stands.1 In tho. matter of tho account of Win. Longonbcrgcr Uxr. of Geo. Longcnhcr- gcr, dee'd. On motion of Mr. Llttlo tho exceptions nro struck off and nccouut confirmed absolutely. Tho following Deeds wero nekuowl- edged In open Court: Deed from Sheriff to Abraham Sny der for lot of ground In lispy, Colum bia county sold us tho property of Kd ward C. Green. Consideration $000. Deed from Sheriff to W. II. Rolnbold for lot of ground In Bor. of Ccntralin, sold as the peopcrty of Henry Visiter. Consideration $Ti00. Deed from Sheriff to John J. Gear hort for two acres moro or less, situate in Main twp. Sold as tho property of Christian T. Jlnrman. Consideration $o00. In tho matter of tho account of .las. McAlarney ono of tho Executors of Geo. Longonbcrgcr dee'd. On motion of 13. H. Little, tho said account is con firmed absolutely. In the matter of tho estate of Leonard Stlncman dee'd. O.i motion of Mr. Clark, George S. Coleman, appointed Auditor to distribute tho balance In tho hands of tho Administrator among tho persons entitled thereto. MAY 7T1I. Court met agreeably to adjournment nt 8:30 a. m. In tho matteroftho valuation A sale of tho real estato of J Bailor, late of Mon tour twp. On motion of Mr. Hurley, Court appointed Geo. S. Coleman Aud, to ascertain whether there nro any liens or other incumbrances on tho real es tateof decedent nfTectlng tho Interest of any of tho parties interested in the est. In tho matter of tho petition of El wood Hughes guardian of minor chil dren, heirs of Jncob Hill. Samuel Knorr Esq., appointed to take testimo ny und report facts. Tho following reports of roads wero confirmed nisi May lth. ltoportof view In Fishing Crcekand Orange townships near John Musselman's. Report of view in Greenwood near Serono nnd lola. Report of review in Greenwood near A. P. Young's. Report of review in Benton twp. near Elizabeth Klino's. Report of view in Benton near Joel Kcefer's. Report of view in Bloom (alley) near O. A. Jncoby's. Report of view in Bloom (Market Street) near O. A. Jacoby's. On tho petition for a bridge in Hem lock twp. near Sylvester Purscl's. Tho Grand Jury report that they find tho said balego to bo necessary and recom mend tho samo for n county bridge. Approved by tho Court May lth. On tho petition for a bridgoln Frank lin twp. over Roarlngcreek. The Grand Jury report that they do not llnd tho said bridge lo bo necessary. In tho matter of tho report of tho Poor Housu Commissioners of their no tion In purchasing a farm for tho pur poses of i-ald Poor Houso &v. May fit It tho Court upou consideration of tho premises glvo Its assent to tho purchase. In tho Orphans' Court were tho fol lowing matters not beforo reported. In tho matteroftho petition for an Auditor to distribute tho e.state ol Geo. MeMIchacl dee'd. May .'U C. G B.trkley appointed Auditor. May !J, 1809. Jacob Slino appointed guardian of Charles and Hannah Sllne. Bail required in $1000 to each waid and Daniel Stinu approved as surety. Kate P. Relfsnyder appointed guar dian of minor children of C. B. Relf snyder dee'd. Ball $1000 to each ward Geo. Scott appointed surety. Freas Brown appointed guardian of minor children of II. W. Creasy dee'd Bail in $3000 to each ward. Samuel Creasy approved as surety. Esther Sterner appointed guardian of minor children of Charles Sterner dee'd. Bond in $100 to each ward. I. W. Hart man approved as surety. Isaiah W. McKelvy appointed guar dian of V. Harry Sloan, William M. Sloan and Mary H. Sloan. Bail In $10,. 0C0 to each ward. Win. Neal at d Mor rls C. Sloan approved as sureties. In tho matter of tho petition for ul lowanco to tho minor children of O. P Runynn dee'd. Ordered by tho Court tliatthuprayerof petitioner bu granted. In tho matter of tho petition for ad ditional allowanco to Harriet Cornell son minor child of Geo. W. Cornelison dee'd, tho Court order onu dollar per month additional for tho support of said minor. In the matter of tho petition for salo of the real estato of minor children of Honry Bauman dee'd. V. 11. Abbott appointed Auditor to report facts. in tno mniieroiaiqnieanuii lureaiuui the real estato of tho minor children of C. B. Relfsnyder deo'd. W. 11. Abbott, Esq. appointed Auditor to report facts. In tho matter of tho petition for salo of tho real estato of the minor children of B.F.Colo dee'd, tho Court appoint ed E. R. Ikeler, Esq. Auditor to report facts, Ac. In tho matteroftho petition of Frank P. Myer, guardian of Franklin M. Burger, for confirmation of salo of real estato of said minor, tho Court order that tho bald salo bo ratified, approved and confirmed and tho said Frank P. Myer Is directed to acknowledge said deed in open Court. In the matter of tho petition for sale of real estato of Hester Grett dee'd. Solo ordered, bond In $800. Petition for tho salo of real estate of William Carnalmn. Salo ordered. On motion of Mr. Broekwny salo of tho real e?tato of John Bltner, decretal by tho Court. Petition for Partition nml valuation of tho reul estato of I'll Crovellnt; deo'd. Iiiluo.-it awarded. Petition for Partition of tho real es- tnto of Henry 11. Frits dee'd. Inquest awarded. Petition for Partition of tho real estato of Johultauch dee'd. IiKjuost nwurd ed nnd Peter lleimbach uppolnted guar diun ad litem of Elizabeth Hauch. lteport of tho ealo of tho real ebtato of L. E. Fowler dee'd. Confirmed nisi, lteport of sulo of tho real estate of John Cluvo dee'd. Comlruicd nlti. lteport of salo tho real estato of Clias. II. Hess dee'd. Confirmed nisi. Return of Jwuicat on tho estato of Joseph Pllklnntou dee'd. Confirmed nisi. Tho followlii!; aecoonts wero coullrm- I cd by tho Court May Olh. DEMOCllAT, BLOOMSBIJ11G, COLUMBIA CO UN'li' Acc'l of 0. D. Itlnard Citnimllleo of Deboiali Beau (Lunatic.) . Acct of Martha Raup, udni'r of Geo.; Rnup dee'd. ' Acct of Aaron Boon, guard'n of Sauw W. Boone. Acct of Michael Brohst u.ccutor of Elizabeth Bcnslngcr deo'd. Acct of M. F. Eycrly, ndm'r of L. S. Stlncmnn dee'd. Aect of S. H. Miller, guardian of Lorettn Hnrtzel. Acct of S. II. Miller, gunrd'n of Al mlnn Wnnlg. Account of H. 11. Miller, guardian of Elizabeth Gross. Acct of Rolnndus Blank and W. 21. Kllnctob ndm'rs of Samuel Blank. Acct of Daniel Baylor, ndm'r of Ellz aboth Baylor dee'd. Rudolph Shumnn vs Georgu Shtiman ct al. Return of Inquest, confirmed absolutely and Rulo on parties In Inter est to appear nt first tlay ol next term nnd elect to take at tho appraisement or show cause why sale shall not bo made. may 8th. In tho matter of tho real estato of Peter K. Horbcln, dee'd, Mr. Broekwny presented tho petition of Daniel Morris for tho specific Performance of contract. Court granted n rulo upon the parties In Interest to appear and show cause why a decrco should not bo grnntcd. In tho matter of tho real estate of Jeremiah Kllno, dee'd, Mr. Broekwny presented tho petition of A. J. Kllno for tho Specific Performance of contract. Court granted a rulo similar to above. In tho matter of tho petition for char ter for tho Co-opcratlvo Relief Associa tion of Columbia county, tho Court order tho petition to bo filed and notice of tho application to bo published in ono newspaper published in tho county for nt least thrco weeks before tho first day of next term. In tho matter of tho petition for char ter for tho Odd Fellows Building Asso ciation of Berwick. It appearing to tho Court that notice has been publish ed or directed nt last term, nnd no suffi cient reason beingshown to thocontrary it is decreed that said Association be como and bo a body politic In tho matter of tho application for charter for tho Rescno Firo Company, No. 2, of Uloomsburg, It was granted nnd decreed as tho above. In tho matter of tho application oftho citizens of Epy, Columbia county, for tho incorporation of said placo into a borough organization, the Grand Jury report that they find it to bo unneces sary Hint tho said vilh'go bo lucorpora ted. may lOnt. It Is ordered and directed by tho Court that when the Court adjourns it is to meet on the 21th day of June next. And it is further ordered that at Sep tember term noxt, tho term will bu two weeks and that venires bo Issued for tho drawing of thirty-six jurors in tho Oyer and Terminer, Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas for each week of said term. LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTllATOIVS NOTICE. K.H r ATI! OF A1IKA1IAM MUrtSKI.MAN DKC'l). JjCtterH of administration on tiio estntu'nf Abraham MtisHClinaii lato or Hcntt two. Col uinblaCo deceased, havo been grnnled by tho ltealstcr or wild county toO. 1. Knt of Keott, twp. All persons having claims or demand against tho estate of the decedent are requested lo niuku them known, und those Indebted to make na v m en t. 0. 1. KNT. Apr. V.'UO-Ut. Administrator. A DMIXISTXIATOU'S NOTIOB, J: KHTATK Ol-rilll.ll M. HTKKI.Y. IlKn'n. lA'tlerKofiulmlnli-trntloil ou tho esUite ofl'hlllii iu, , 1HU ui iuimiuviuu, oiiimoiti iwOUlliy, ileceiiKeif. hnvo been urailteil by tlie lteulster ol mid county, to I. li. Hchwepneiihclner of tho Hnme place. All pcrHonn having clalm-i or de mnlidii nmitust the Mittl estate nro requested lo pioseut them for Kctlteinent without delay, nnd wiobu iiiueoieu 10 jiiiiku nitviiieiii. J. K. bCllWEl'I'KMIIUISEn, May 7,')-Ct AdininUlrator. A DMINISTItATOIt'S NOTICE. T KSTATK OK I8AAC 01.1VI1. DtCKASKO. l.ultei-H oludmtiniitratlou on the esluloof U-nu Oliver, lato of Urccnwood towimhlp Coluiuhia 'ounty, deceased, have been grunted by the uojisier 01 bam touniy, 10 lainiaM ivinui, nu mliilt,trulor.whotreslde.m Mt.Pleusaiitlowiit.hlii. All persons having claims or demands nguln&t the bidd ettato are rcoucstcd to nrebent them for settlement without delay, nnd those Indebted to liiauo payment. MATHIAS KINDT. Apr, 9,-C!)-Gt. Admlulitrator, A DSIINiSTitATOlt'S NOTICE, ESTATE OP JEREMtAII KLINE. DEC'D Letters ol administration on llio estate of Jcre nilHli Kline Inteof Jackson two. Columbia Co. deceased, haw been granted by the lteifister of inniiiiuia conuiy 10 n.ii. r.T 01 ncoi townsiilo. All oersons havini; claims o: demands ngalust tho estate of the decedent nru lequesiea 10 miiKe tnem kuowii, una loose m dobled lomakeimyraeut. w. ir. ex r, Apr.lU,'o9-bt. Administrator A DMIN1STHATOIPS NOTICE. XI. KHTATE OV OKOltQE 1IUE1HC1I. DECKASHD J.etttrs of lulmlnlstratlou on tho estato of (Jt'oiyu lueiscu lato or catawUsa twp., Uoiuni blti ro.. deceased. havo beencranted bv tho ltet'U- terof bald county lu JotepU llreUcti of Catawis.hH twp. Alt persona having claims or dcmanUn niidnst the tsttuo of tho decedent are icnueste to ua a no ineni unown, ami moie intieotea iu inuUo payment. Ar. 2VCU-iit. Administrator, A UIINJSTJtATOK'S NOTICE. r USTATK OP l'KTKH K'.HKltllKIN.DKC'n. lA'liers oi uoiiiiiiikiruuuii on mo ebuiio ui i cier Iv.llerbcin oi jociut towi.Miip, uommuia couiuy h-u'tL. liavo been lira n ted by the Ueubtlerof mill county, lo Itolandus llcrbeln of LocuM. Allinr 8D114 linvlHirclalniijor demands Qimluhl the dreed cut mo ictjuc-hU'd loinakothtniUnuwii,niidllH)ou niueuicu in nuiuu jiiijiuuiii. iulandus hi:iuii:in, Apr. :WtU9-Ct. Auminihuauir. A DMINISTUATOUVS NOTJCK. r l'STATM Ol.- XVll.T.IAM M. ENT 1IECEASE11. lLLeitt nf ftiliiilnlslratlon on the estnte of Win M. Ent, late of Hcott township, CoIiimliU co.. ilerenkiul. have lieen tzrnnted hv tho lteulster ll Kn I.I ramitvtn PntprKnt nl satil tou'nslilo.AII oer- sous having claims or demands ngnlnst tiio estato of the decedent nro requested to limlie them Unown, und Ihoso Indebted to make pay ment. 1'UTEll EXT. Apr.au,'tu- Auniinisiraior, mXECUTOlt'S NOTICE. LU KM FATK OS JAITOll JOIINkON lkC'll. Ieltem te&tHinenturv on the entitle of Jacob Juhtikon, late ofMt. I'ieahant township, I !olu la bia county havo been granted by tholU'ttUter of Ctdumblu County lu John Johnson of Ml. Pleas nut twp. Columbia county r.uAll peoiin having cut lilts ttKumst utu t'iiiivuHio iu jut-hfin them to 1J. IE. Ikeler. of lllooiuhbuiif. Cel tiuiblii county, t'n. inoso iiiueuteti 10 utu cntuie either on nolf, juutjmeut, nutrtyitgo or book itc count will inuko paymiut.lo tho lUicutur with ouiueiay. tMWM TrtI1Mjrt ,lr. H.'fiO, Kxecut.r. 1 ALUAIUiE HEAL ESTATE EOH Ylllbosoldby the undersigned l'xeculor ot th ot la-ii will ami tosuui iiaent of Win. Ward In Isle nl Huntru towiikhln lu tho coll nt v nf Columbia deceased. All that certalu mebsuago and tiact of laud situated lu centre township Columbia county, unjoining lands of Samuel Cievellug, Ut'ori'o V. Sliuller. Charles Leo and David Lie. containing ONK HUNDUUD AND SIXTY AUUEM moro or less, actual am unit tt bo nioartulned by Survey, ubout ono hundred nnd thirty ucrea of which U tuiproid nnd lu agmvl state of culti vation, nnd bulauco well Umbvrcd, Whereou H fueled, OiSi; FUAMU DWKLLINO HOUrtK, Onu Plank dwelling Hoiue, a large bank Parn Wagon Sliod.Corn Crlltf.l'IgSly.Two good Wells of Water, ono nt tho burn and tiio other at the Pis uk House, and a good spring of never fulllug water at the frame dwelling houso with spilug lioube. Terms mado known by anpllcat lou cither to the uuderslgued, or J-Mwaid S-l jr j-aiwuiu i, v ard 1 u llloouubuig UMumma couuiy ru. l'oshesslon of said picuiUcs will bo glviu April ist, I ihnnlinvu nnmertv Is not kold on or licfure the 12th day olJutie next, thu sumo will be ex posed to publlo sale ou the piemUes, JAMK4 WAUDIN. L'xecutor, Apr.23,eo-2in VejitIierly,CurlM-n Co., pu., PUIVATE RALE. OF VALUA11LH HllAL EBTATK The uuderstgued, Hxeculorof Cyrus Fry. late sale a certain linusound lot,sliuated lu llloonis- uurg, on itocn oircei, uouuueii oy ioi oj i. , a 11. C Hiirliuau. und by another lot bclouulmf to said estato, loutalulng seventy-three Ject Jronl. The terms are reusuuubio, ana possession wi 1 io given wmmi uuny unys aucr me sate, I, H, KUHN, Apr.W,W)-tr rxuutor, MISCELLANEOUS. lt TjURST CLASS GOOUy. " "' It A It E , 11 A 11 U A 1 N H. Tliotulwcrlbcr liaH Jirnt Ihorounlily teiinekfj tilfthtnr. In OiIhwIumi. Intel tfcctiplhl by M'-t Nlix It -v HliiniiMii, iiit-1 now uifrrs fur Milti A coMi'i.tTK tnocic or imr tiooirt, Oniofrle nnd Rentrfll tiiiri'lmn1tio which tat timlllr unil vitrinly will citniinrn ruvtiruMy with uny In Ihn ciiuuiry. Hi. Im n fttHi n.f.orl- llll-llt of HP RING GOOllfc wliU li Iki will illxWtoffor '.wli of nil ry iro- ilurr. Ainonu hU Dry (I.mmN will liu luiiii.l ull tho luti'Ht mill bunt pulli-ms of MUHI.IKH, (II.SUHAMS, C'AI.IUUIX, 1'I.ANNELH, HII.VWI.S, HII.KH, CAHHIMEUM,, ititAin;r.oTUM. (JOTTON ADEH, JEANH &-.,.tr. (HWUI'.ltllM, (lUAMSWAUE, QtJEENSWAlti:, llAHinVAHH CEllAUW'AUE DltlKlH, OII.M, f A I N T K, VAllNISHKH Ai: HATS A. CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES ami. In furl, ti romiilWp line, of gtHxIft. lirtoiiKliig io iiih oiiftimtii, ak no imyn una iu-iih mr tahii lio enn nltorJ lo keep lil jirlePH un low if not luw er i mill ihom uvuiiMP. iimiiioiiuin "tlUICK PALKM ASU HMAI.1. 1'llOriTS." COAL OF ALL K1NBS CoiiKlnntly on liainl iiik! lor salo nt tha lowest innruei rnieH. MOIUI l'llILMlM l'lIOsl'IIATE, Irveetalnl trillion tftk1 In the selection of llnttil linf lnnl.-l!u1. t'ntlerv. Mrchnnlf' Toot, nnd UnrilwiMP of nil klmN, to which tho intention of umiiicr-t inuiotiieifi is r-nucitcc. OltAIN 1' U It Oil AM K I). A fulr ktint-M nf tmlilln fMikllmn lu i1iIi-mi1 nml no ellorts will tte milted t irlve ml Ire witistae- tion. JUSKl'U li. KMTTLK. Apr. KJ.O'J (im Cntnwisa, T UK UKST IS THE CHEAPEST ! T1IK HlNUKIt HKWJKG MaCIMNK llKAtia TIIK LIST, iVtitl limlH Ihccnlnmn l.iftAS ahead nf all other. Thin Machine Is tho M08T FOPUIiAK IN VhhU II lives ih flncfit ucedlu ofuny Machine Iuca- Isteiice, tvny imiy warning u bikmi SEW 1 NO MACHINE, Wilt cniiMill her mm tnteievu by buying n r aMJ1.il. ii ik easier io luiKiiurn ana ueeu 111 older than any Machlno In tho world. vi:h aw,wxi k tijl.m in usf The fullest Instruction ufven those who i air- chase, and the Machine wnb UK WAituAxrKn to you lor one ear. ran in on .-miie ami r:nibiy j iiursei i lleie you will llnd Needle, Thread and HI IU, HAVIli I.OWiInHIJUJ, Auent April :t,N.tr. ltU.oiiihhui-. Pa, AEAIUIEIl'S HOOK OK (HIE AT VAUir. II t ) W Tt M A K I! Till: FAUM PAY! OK Till: FA KiuEK'N I.OOlv K PUAlTlCAf, INKOUSIATION ON AfllUCt I.1UUK, STOCK HAISINfl, KJtt'IT Ct'I.- I I 1. K, M'Ki'l Al. CllOlTi, IKlMl-JiTIU K'OOMY ASH 1'AWII.V JIFUiriNH. UY C. W. DICKEUMAN, Member oftho Peunhvlvanhi Aurlculliiial Koele ty, American l'oiiudoKlcal Kotiety, l'euntiyla- nia iioriicunuiai noeieiy, etc., eic. AK.SISTK1) 11Y HON. OIIAULI-S U FLINT, .Secretary Mass., Htato Hoard of Auriculture. ANI OllIKIt VJtACTICAb AtiUK'Ul.rUltAI, WllITFItS. THIS UdEEUIj WOllK TICK AT S 1'HACriCAI.I.Y OF TIIK 1 OI.LOWIKM Tho Laying Out nnd Construct Inn of Htnue Hint Tllo Draliih.'l ho Theory and J.rctIco of i'low ln. Thu llutbautllntf and Application of Manures. Tho Pincliaso and Um) of Commercial Fertlilxers.' llio Selection, u-wTiiud Caro ot lin ideineulx. Tho Cullmoolail thodialu-.OraHex, Cereals, nml ItootK. The Cultivation of Special Crops, such us. Cotton. Tobacco. Hook. Flax. Hemp, elc, etc. Tho Ui ceding and Management oi niot'K oi an itintis, jioiKeN, chiiic. iMiry Blunt, Hheep. Swine, (ioalH, I'oultry, and Jtees, 'Ihu ptyiiijuoiiiN oi every incase. oi i'oineKiiu waiii mills, with 1'Ialii, 81 mi pie, and l lailly Obtained ltemudlcs. Kiolt Culturo in all Its ltiancheii: AppIeH, I'eais. l'eacht'H, I'Iuhik, Cherrlen, HiuhH Km Us, Umpu Culture, and Wine Making Mat ket Uardeiilng, rarmers OavilonH, VegelableM, MelotiK, etc. Farm ltultdlng. Houses, Itarns, Khedx, hheep Itarns, Htable-. i'lKsjeries and I'oul try Houses. Jionu'Ktlc lononiy, Itewlpts of all Kinds. Homeslle Mtdlclnes, iliu Symptoms if li Ik eases of Children and Adults, with l'jaln Di li ctlons for thu Treatment or l)ieaseii. CONDITIONS. Tho Worl: will contain over hlviin nt'Niiti:i ami rirrv orrAiu l'AiiRS.on heavy paper, lu new typo, and will bo Illustrated with ONE lll'NDKKlJ AM) FOltTV HNK llAVISOH by Sui lain and other ait 1st s.aud will be fumUhed lu those only who order It oi our agent h. .M. C. M'LOLI.UM. llloomsburEl'a. Agent tor Columbia County, Apr.-.C0-tf PORvi SAL E . AI.UAHLK ItKAI, ESTATE. Tim kiit,jr-rllierH oiler at Ollvnto .ule.u Millia- l.lo Irnet of lanil lying In OraiiEO township, Columbia county, about ono half inllo fiom I.IUHThTitKl.T: on tlie public roail leuilliiK lo Omngovlllc; anil known as llm l'owtler Mill l-'arm, anil eontulii Injf ubout SEVENTY AC-UKS OF LAND, of which Fifty aeres in cleaioil, and under uooil cultlvalion. 'Incro aro on too ptemUeu A lO.MKOUTAr.Li: 1IWKLLINO HOUMl!, a KrninoKlalite.f-oiuo fruit tre.K,u niirlng of tood water, unit tiio i-istrlctscliool House. ritici: i:iaiiTKi:N hunuiikd nou-Aits. Tkiijik. Oub third rai.li, nnd tho bulunee fce cured by Hood ami MoiU-age, ou imjmiutM to MUlt uirhu.elti. Kota Ilene: The water power formerly ueil to drive th. l'owdcr VUI und unliable lor u Kuu Mill, Tannery, Woollen Kueiory, lil.tlll.ry or other lfglitiiiiiuuficlmlii(; iurMi.eh; will boitold either witii tlieabouor beiiriitely ul (oiJOon tho Ml.no te,.. W13M.INOT11N If. KNT, Mar.UVu'J-3iii' JOHN U. MtKUZH. Ulooiuhburt;, Ta. pUMS ! I'UJirS FOR SALE. The undersigned begs leave to Inform tho citi zens of thUplmo und futility thai ho Is prepaied to furnish, at short notice, onu of the best WOOD EN FUMl'S for AYells nndCislerns ever ottered to tho public. They are guaranteed lo throw, more water In kss lime and with less labor than any other pump In Ibis part ol tlie country nnd tlu-y cannot bo surjmssud lor beauty or finish, or simplicity of urraugemeiit.ulso combining cheap ness and durability Kach pump Iwlng wurranl. etl to pt-rfirm Its v oris well or no side. KUas Shumnu is uiieut Air Columbia county. Price A cents per loot i utu mine wen, uiuers oy mull or otliei wise jomptly attouded to, Sept, 4M'h' CutawUsu t'a N EV EURKITUUE UOOMS, ON M fKKTHKirr, iiLooMsuunu, pknn'a J A 33 H CAD MAN UiK-ctfutly luroimsthecItIr.eus of this touu nnd tutuity, Ihal he has at his I'urnlluio hmiiiin, hairs id etry descilptloii, bureaus, dlnlug ta bles lai jte and small, bedhteads of thu ltitchUtylcs flltMIlll' IlllIfL I1IUI1M. IIMtKIIIII l!lllhtM. Ut'ftltll'rl many other at ticks of luiultuiu of hist class manufacture, 'i bu itubliu aro coidlallv Invited lo cull und ex amino his stock. Ho will sell upon itusonublo terms, i-'hin i-lal attention will lo mild lo reiahlng lilt kluds ol I'uriiUuii'. Cheap lor t ush, Juu. D1 ISSOLUTION Of l'AUTNKltSIIll' N'otleu lu herebv ulven that llio l'ai tueri-lihi li.trt'liifiiru eKlKtlni' betlroeli JalueH H. .M'NIneu & Jeremiah M. Khuiuaii. in ihu nieri'iiutllo butil nebs lu i;hiuwimu. huh oeeu iussoieu ny limita tion of time. Tho book, uru lit thu old fctuud. whero ull in-ruou having unsettled nceountM, uro ruouekieu mean aim ciu.o ineni up wunoiu ou lav. .IAMIM H.M'NINCll, J. H.riUUMAN. CntauUaa Apr. 19, IMa-lt QUANTITY V8 (1UA1.ITY. Ilm.M liol.ll'H KiLtroet Huruimllla. The done I. .mull. 'lhoe who deuiru a larito iiuantily and lurtfO dobeu of inedleluo Kltlt. DALE OV VAIiUAUliE n l'luii'iiiii v. I lie underpinned, diklrlimlu retire lioiu uttho uufciiiefc, oiici. ioi mil. 111. VALU.V1II.U lOUNimV 4 JIACIIINK BlIOl', located near the Denot, on tho Iiikuwaunii & llloopuburx 11. It. The main building u a largo hrlclc liu by no feet w-ith a .lute roof, und other butldtuif uttached. 'iheroUaUoeonuecled Willi U ONE ACHE OF OUOUND. ALSO, ull the pattern, block, a 25 home wver eutflue, and thu material u.uully found lu u tlrl chiaa l-'ouudry. 11 U ailrht rate oneutui-, und tho iHlieuu.er iliu necuiu uu uiuiuiiitu uoiuuill UI Home imiruuuue, Tiiui. eio.y. Aplv In pet r.ou or liy letter to I'Ll'K! i.u imi.i.hkvi:i( .ilr.'',wu. llloonuhuitfl'ii. MIFICIIANDISE. N1 UW HTOCii (HiCLOTlIIKll. Frvli F.M.f 'ANl'WlNTKit .rtixH f. nAvi'i.o'vfi:rnni:fui - luvlli'H nllelitlou lo llll Bl.Kli ol t:Hl:Al'ANtIl'AHinbNAllt.TH'l.nillNtl. nlhhftlorRon Maliintri"et,lwoilooinnln'llioAiiierli':iii llniu. r.looinslniru, l'u., . whero ho has Just received from fuw York nml l'liilndclplila n mil limorllueiit of " , MUN AND 1UYH CfXirillNO, liicliidiiig the most r.islilannl.ttv 'In ruble, nod handsome . . , DIlfJlH flOOllS i t i j consisting of IIOX,fMCK, IlOCO,OUM(ANll)Jt,-OUJTll COAIHANIlI'ANM. of nil i-oils, sizes nnil colors. Ho hn also replcn hheil bis nlrendy lariro stock of I'Al.l. ANli WINTKKHIIAWIX, MTitii'i:!), Kiaunun, ami 1'i.ain vixtM, HltlHlH CTIA VATH, H IW K H, t ( I f . I.A IIH, iiAMi;i:ii(.!iiii:KM,lr.ovKs, HUSl'l :U I) KlLS, A N 1 1 VA NC'V lt'l K'l.llM If. uas eolmlulill' on hand n ialge and wi ll-si. it-ted assortment nf CI.OT1IH AND VlStTINtW. wlileli he Is prepared to mAke to order tntoitiiy kind of clothing, on very short uotteo,nud In Hie licsl nialiner, ,AI1 ,hts clothing Is inadeto wear, ami most or It Is of home manufacture. OOt.D WATCHES AND JKWF.I.llV, nfoverydeseilpllou.llnonndclienp. Ills ensoor Jew elry Is not surpassed In lhlslace. Call uu.1 exam I no his general assoitmen of ClAlTllINO, WATCHliS, JKWEI.H , AC. DAVID I.OWENI1UUU. E HOHANDlSKi NOTICi; IS IIRItEIlY UIVEN To iny frlehdii nnd tho public generally, that all kinds of nuy OOODS, anocEitiEs, QUEENSWAUE, NOTIONS, AC, mo constantly on liaud and for tuxlo AT HAUTON'H OLD 8T.&ND, J AM I IB K. i:VKK. WAIko, Hj1o Agent Joi IIu.ih' I'JiOhriiATK Oh ik. Ijtrgo lot coiiManlly on luttut. lehVt,7, H.c'no" Iihh opened it llrst- WE II, ilrst-clasi HOOT, HHOi:, 1 1 AT OAl, AND KUIl STOItK. at the old stand on MalnRtrcct,lt1oom&hur;,arew doontahovo thu Court House. Hli Ktcftk Is com posed of tho ery latest and besUtyles ever oiler ed to tho cltlzeimol Columbia County. He ran accommodate tho public with thofollowlhgKood ut tho lowest rates. Men's heavy doublo toled stoj;a boots, iiieirs doublo nnd single' tap soled kip boots, men's heavy BtognMioes of nil kinds, men's lino boots a in I shoes of all trades, boy's double soled boots nnd, shoes of all klndi, men's Ulovo kid lialiaoral fchoes.mcn's, women's, boys'a and inUses' lasting Kaltcis, womeu's glovo kid Polish very fine, women's morocco lialnioi als nnd calf shoes, women's very line kid buttoned gait ers, lu short boob ot all descriptions both peg ged and sewed. Ho would nlso call attention to his fine assort ment of HATS, CAiy.KUHS AND NOTIONS. which comprises nil tho new and popular vail ctlhs at prices which cannot fall to suit all. Thcso Koods nro otl'ered at the lowest cash late and will be mia ran teed toirlve satUfurtlon. A rult Is solicited belorepurchsslng clscwheio as It U believed that better bargains nre to bo fosnd iimii ivu liny uuiur luucw iu lilt) COUlliy, Pec. 11-07 ' 13AUOIPS 31AW itONE MJIMfiH JLJ I'iiOHl'liATH OK IdMH. STANIl HD VAUUAKTKII. Wk Hirer to Fahmeus nnd Dkai.kks lit Ma- mii'i-M tho present mosoh our I taw IJono Super l'hospiiateof Idinoni being highly Improved, It is not necessary at this dny, to hikuo tho claims of this manure, as n useful and economic al application for COltN, OA1S, nnd all sprlns crops, Tho article has a reputation of over fif teen yeaisnlaudins. and 1 still manufactured by tho original proprietors. l'armers will please send their orders to tho Dealer curly, as Ibis only will ensure u supply, 1IAUQII &. SONS, KOMI MANUl'ACTUHKKH, Olllce No. Lll South Delaware Ave. rniLADKi.rniA. Fel.y,V).?nin. QAUUIAOE MANUFACTOItY, Illoomsburg, To, M. O. SLOAN & IlUOTHKlt tho successors of WILLIAM SU)AN A SO.V coutluue tho business of making avnitiAaiw, nuoou.s, and every style of FANCY WAU0N8, which they have constautly ou baud to sultcit toiners. Never usIhr any material but hu Ust and employing the most experienced workmeu they hope to coutluue as heretofore to etva entlro Batlsf.icilon to every cushnner. An InsjKCtJon ot their work, and of the reasonable pi lco asked lor he hatne, is sure, to Insure a sult May Vt-'U-tr J N S U It A N OE A 0 E N 0 Y Wyoming J lTO.Oi 0 jtttuu. t.lKHI.UC Fulton- .-1110,0011 North Amcilcu ,sw),ooo City ... Mvuo International H 1,101,110 Nlagaru l.no.uo 1'ulnam .VIiI,ui,i Merchants :'.ui,ii HprtUBtleld . 5T0,ii Farmer.' Dunvllle r.'Ji,u Albany City Im.i'lM UuieuhterCily ju.iul Yorlc Horse, Death .t Thelt Home, New Haven ),io,o Danville, llorso Tlieft l'ltHAS llllOW.S, .lyou, Uuio&Hitirtuj, muHCJ-iy.' l'A HUjor K. li. AUTSI , 11. IHhLIMIkK. M..UOQV, HT.MAN, DIliLlNGKU A CO,, Nil. 101 XOItHI TllIltDST. rilll.ADI.VUIA, Two lioois above Aich formeily (l, .MANL'KAL'IUKHIH AMI JOIHIKIW 1N CABl'iri'H, COITDXR VAlt.NM, ll.VlTfNd, OIL CLOTI1H, CAltl'liT CHAINS, COltll.Vtli:, 01f.HHAUi:.S,OHAI.N 1IAOB, T1U VA11X, Win: yaun, winoon i-Ari:n, covkuikih, ALSO, WII.I.OW AND WOOIIKN WAltll, I1UOOM4, llKUbltlJl, IIOKINO (J1MU.SK.H, T.tUNKrl Kcb. O.'U'J B1 EWAUE OK VIII: IMPOSTEK. I lieu by warn nit iieisonsof the Unlto! Statos ugaliiht iiurcliuHlugauy Hlght of my "Krult Troo and Vino Insect Destroyer and Invlggorator,"of John Allium of Itaiilmort. Ax he Is nil ImistsU'r und useoutitlre, und hus ui right except ucopy of a Deed and Lctteis I'aleiil, stolen by him from tho table of Itcrnard Caiter lu ilaltlmoroon thetth day of Juno lhtiS. Mr, 11. 1, l'hllllnsof St.NlcIiolasSihuylUIIl Co Is the only lawful owner oftho rluht for NorlH'd Montour, Columbia, Cutbou, Noruuimptoti und Iliuk-iCnuntle's hi I ho Stuto of IVuu'a. 11KN.1AMIN IllWT, IVb. l!i,,ii,l-Smo, ratenU u, HKNIIV WOt.K, (successors lo S. C K. r, u A hi on, ,Slue.) rPIIE HUnSOItllJEHH HAVING XLtased the Planing Mill and Muchlno Shop foimeily iMTUpled by s. C, HhUe, will couIIuuh tho business of uiaiiuracturlng DOOllS, SASU, I1L1NDS, MOULDING , ltrackelsdc. Wo nro also iirenarid to furnlih dressed flooring, shlngUe und ull other lumber lequuui iu inu ciinsuiifiion 01 nuiimnu, au kinds of turning done at short notice. Hills for Johtt und other liame sum 11 1 led with piompt ueits uiiii care, uruers re iteruuiiy soiicneti. AprlintW WOLF ll.MtTON. 1,000 M E N W A N T E 1 SSO ir wiek urolll on IS Cinllal. H..1111 tlilna entirely ntw, heiid forciieuUriind'leiiuit. No tillleutelpllt.e orliumbuu. AiUllea l.J.Vainell, w Luiiiiou mrtei, i, 1. Veb, ai,'(j!)-3ui. Q.EOIiaE FOELKFJl & CO., V'hole.ale D'jaleru In woohijn a wn.i.o'A' waiii:, vaunh, Oll-CU.tlis, WIckM, Tw.iiia, I'.ukLUa, etc., tin. 219 A MurkUBt. i'.iW Cliurch Ht., I'hllada. June 6, '08. CONSUMPTIOjj OAN HE CUlllCD llyDr.CO.Oorrlaon'-inowvroe.i.aoftHatinenl. (Vll or nddrena Iir.t' (l,)AUIIIhON,2l H011IU r.lllinll Htreet, l'lillmleiidita, I'.. l.H.-riieelal iilieuUoii ulvtu to T1IIIOAT and l.t'KU I'Immms, ret). VtWj'r, Va. . XJr- TOOK, HEAD, AND LEAUN, THAT TlIK tlrt'M blioHlionrt-H ljtmctfy f (IF llli; CM.KIIHATM! INDIAN 1)11. LEW J 4 JOSHEPHUS, of Ui dlntlnRtilnhail Trlbo ofHhnvhoneM, UoIiim bla Territory In how for dale Jn Die Union. Till" all poMCMlng (treat remwIy.N warrahlod and In broad and emphatic lanftunge, wo can Rtfoly ny, inny Imi relied hpoit to tinkon peirrm nrntctironf nil rilnenefl of the Thtoat, lAinfi. Liver, KldnevR. DlacMllvn Orpan, etc., Ah well niMcrfirulA, tlie various klrt dl(HHtn, Humors, and nil lintmrlty of tho blood, fxcepliiii; thu third siKoof t'omminpttim. I tin Canada whero thin prcat remedy hnn Ijccd lu uso for n Khort tlmo It ban indeed .cirected woinoofthemot marvelous cures over recorded in the annalft of historical msllclnc. BucUbelhi; the cno In addition to lto former renown in Col umbia Territory we defy humanity to dispute tho fact that this Great SbofthoneeH Iletnedy Is tho remedy of remedies oftho IIMi Century, and tho greatest boon )Ver laid nt tho altar of suiror Ins humanity. t Vtlce oftho ltciftoIy inlargo pints, ll.li. . Manufactured by Dr. Yountf A Itrovnt Hra cuw. N Y Tor n.ilo by nil dealers In McJlclcltio, iUGOISTS WniTE THUS ov GHEAT SIIOSIIONEE3 ItEMEDX 1 (AIWTBACT8 OK L1.TTK1W.) Oeneva. N. Y.. Feb. 13lh. 1W?T. Pn. Yoitno A JIro. I find iny sales of your valuahto Itemedlea greatly lucrnaslng, lu fact our (1 rcat Bhoshotieei Remedy Is gl vluR t he best of satisfaction, and doliiRjust as it Is recommend ed to do, several having even come In to tell me now mucii iney nun oecn wiieiiiin iroin ii uf, I have sold out of It again, etc. etc. AVILLAltD N. SStlTH. Sherman. N. Y..Mnrcli. 20th. Pw. Dit. Y'ocsn & ltRO, I started your O real Bhos honeen ltcmedy by giving away ono bottle to a combined Dyspeptic, tho result has been ample Helves universal sntlr faction, more than any other mcutcino weimvenofiiu uiosioroior, years. From what I Iiae sven of the Hboshonees. I feel Jullded In Kcommendlnglt. Sending six doz; lnorv, it wm sen in miee monins, eic. (....W .......... Wotertown X. Y.. March lSth.lKiiO. 1 V Vnitvii t- It tut Vniiv UlinulintiAOii Ifciitwlt Is giving good satis faction, and sells belter than any oi nt r new imniiciiiw wo nuvu vvr uui-iiiiif lo Introduce, as we nro nearly out of li, sendu y oilier new mellcine we havo over attempted Introduce, as we aro nearly out of It. send ui lu haste etc. U. LMY'1.4 &CO, 127 N. Morgan St., Chicago, IU. Feb. lSlh, 1S6D. Di:. YoL'Ku & lino. I have sold over ten doz. of your Oient Shoshonees Kemedy already fond n great number oftho Shnshonccs IMlls. It gives unHcrMil satlslactlou, I have not heard one to whom I have sold, but what speaks of It lu tho highest terms, and recommend It to others; nnd ns 1 am nearly out of it, plcaso send mo half n grosHinoioutonce, ttc.,etc. t L,J. JJltU' I IV I ,11, Vrlce of the Uemedy in large pints, St. 25. Manutnclurcd by Dr. Younir& Dros.. al Hvra cuse, N. Y, r orsaie ny nu ueaiers in inuicjur. ioo,oooii; LIVES LOST YEAIUjY ItOM TKKLSKOK TOll A O U O. Savovour monev nnd lestore vour health bv lining ir. iiyru s rtiiuuoio lor looincn, j ins is not a substllute but a cure for Hmoklnu. L'hcw4 lug, and UnuittHklng. Few jiersons aro awaro of the terrible ellYcts of tho noxious were on the liutniiti svstcm. lnpocosln. llendarlic. Disease of tim Ller, Sallow Complexion, Costlveness of inu iJOvio, i.obs oi iiiviiioiy i nu oiutT uistanes nro the nllllcllons brought ou by Its use. The Autldoto Is purely vegetablo nrjd haimh'S.I tacts as a tonic on tho system, purifies tho blood, and euaoies a person io uigebi mo utariioHi ioou, Samples sent fiee forW) tt-uis S:t per do7en, Aitdri'ss M. J. Yaruell, S7 Cannon St. N. V. Feb, IKI iy-ym TT1KAPX15SS. I1I.INDNESS AND I I (of.i.rt. Irnnt.l ..-IM.ti o1ltl,na ........wo j. jsaacs. xi u., aim i'ioiesoroi AHeacaj iuv tye ami j;artyttssiievimtij)in lite Mtiiiatl wiege on ty iVai Leyde 'enmylranta, Yiymra capniictic, (formerly of .evden. Ilollauu.) No. Ki5 Aich street. I'hlla. Testimonials can be seen at hlsotfice. 1 he medi cal faculty are invited to nccfiinpany their pa tients, us lie has no beercts In his di act Ice. Ar tificial eyes Inserted without palm No chargo lor examination. Jan. li),'jy.-lr HOTELS, &C. QOLT7MI1IA HOUSE, UY II K 11 N A II D 8 T O H N E It, Mavinq lately purchased and fltted up tin wclwcuown KobUou Hotel I'rojierty, locatod a VKW DOOKS AHOVE TIIK COUKT IIOUSK, on tho same side of tho street, In th town of Uloomsburg; aud haying obtained a license for uiu sainu as a H E S T A U It A N T f tho Proprietor lias determined to give to the peo-i pie visiting the town ou business or pleasure. A LITTLE MO HE KOOM. Ills Btablln also hi extensive, and Is lilted up io uil ouKgicsuuu carriages in inooiy, jie prom Ues that evet y t htug about his estubllshmenlshall be coudiuled In au orderly and lawful manner: and he respectfully solicits a share of the public I hli oiiuuu. tinyirui-m. TgXCHANGE HOTEL, HLOOMSllUItG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. Tho undersigned having purchased this well known and centrally-loiuiedhouse,theKxcliauge iioiei, Minnie ou JiAiis tMiuavi , in inoomsnurg Immediately onposiie the Columbia county Com t House, lespertullv inloim their friends und the fmhllrt In general that their houso Is now tu order or the reoeptlon and tmtertulnnipnt of travellers woo inav oo oihposeti io lavor itwun ineir cus tom. They have spared no expense In preparing t he Exchange for the entertainment of their guests neither shall thero be anything wanting ou their pait to minister to their personal comfort. They house Is spacious, and enjoys au excellent busi ness locution. Omnibuses run at all times between the Ex change Hotel and the various railroad depots, by which travellers will bo pleasantly conveyed lo and from the respective stations in duo time to meet the curs. KOONS & CLAiUC. Uloomsburg, April 3, 1SC8. IOltK'S HOTEL, QEOUGE MAUGEIt, Proprietor. The almve well-known hotel has recently under gone rad 'al changes In Its internal arrangements, aud Itsprt prletor announces to his lormcr custom und the travelling public thut his accomodations for tho comfort of his guests ate second to none lu the country. His table will always b found sup- f iled, not only with substantial luod, but with all he dellcactesof tho season. His wlnc nnd li quors except that popular be, vera re known ns "Jt,JAfiv"Jit,l,rtbnsod dliect fiom thfl liiipoitlug houses, ate entliely pine. and fiee from ull it sonousdrugs. He is tl.nuUful lorulllteral patron ni'e 1" the piist, and will cnntlnuo to deserve It in thetulure. GEOUGE W. M AUG Kit. JXCIIANOE SALOON, Tiik Proprietor of the Exchange Saloon has now on baud 11 largo stocl: or HUMMER KKKHEyJIMENVB, consisting of ai'll'Kll OYHTKHH, SAlU)IMta(, TUtPi:, JIOLOONAS HIIVUI TO WO UK, HOIbKU UG(iH, BWEITZICH CIIKKSK, LAO Ell I5EEU, ALE, AO, t- COME ONE, COME ALL AND SEE, LAWSON CATiMAN, Superlntundeiit. Itlisimsburg, May 3, 1M.7. JJNION HOTEL, ji uaimiiu it u, 1 a. Tim tiiuteiaiuiifMl vouhl ri-aoei-irolli' Into tha traveling public thut ho linH iniiiiinKiHl aud refilled In the boat manner tlie old bland former. lv iuciiiilfil hv W. A. Ivllnn. mill Hint be Im how prcpated toaceominodato hia friemla with all the coin luiia 111111 ron eni.jn ei. iu it iii.im iim ji.-unr. A tine new burnhaa been built nml tlie biirrouu dliiUH placed lu perfect order, 'Jho bar will til WIlVH IMI ailM?Kt'll Wll II I lie f'lllllM'KL lllllllirK iiitu ( Kara, and tho table furiilalied with tho beat the lllHntfl itiiiiroa. jamij) itUluiMinrirn July a,-tpt-ir OWEN HOUSE IIISHNVH'K l'A. WJLIJA5I WJIiTilARIS, 1'roi.rhtor. Thla well known Hotel hoa been cnllrely reiltlcd uim re nit iiiiitti. .vttit . iv.y iu tne t 1 11 et t inn Acouimialloua 1 .1 1 1 y FlublelaeouuHtidwItli thu eatuliliahnieut. A Lleeuae wilt lo obtained at May Term of 1 oiitt, n lieu inu imr Mill ou Mippiul tttlll 111. clioleeat wluea, liquor, uud atcara, A lulr ahaiu 01 iiuironaKH ia leiiueait'ii, Apr, W.'eu-Cm, rjul' !ES1V ifOTEli, " t KHl'V, C01.UM1HA COUNTY, l'A. The iiiKlcrBljinod would Infoiui Ihu truvcl.liig pnlillollmt ha haa tuken .he alHivemiuted t-atab. iibhineulaud thoroiiiclily relllUit tho aainu.lor the (terft'ct rotivetilt-nee of hlafrueata. Ilia innlrr will boatoekeil wliu thu heal llio market alLirtla. Trie cliolceal liimora. wluea uud ciuui itlwai . to U11 found in lila bur. . M.. WILLIAM I'KITJT. Apr.M.ilD-lt INpy.Ta, lCliAI$"f 'H HOTliLi ' " 9 NO UTU fOlfUTII HTHKKT, l'HIl.ADKI.I'lll.l. J. A W. U. M'KIllllIN, I'roprl.un, May U.IM7 iy , htV t?ff ir frt MISCELLANEOUS. !1i;HMHt!bll(MOllAI.VLjl'UUUl'Aft;l lT SlMU J fV II lirriliyAUH OKlnrillH'riu; nuHin' avuvlas,- Aj-iti-iviutiiui, ltdftwwlr of IntHicltiiil nild if.ninU. lence.cu.d Ujcury.uiii i-iactiivoi ii'innniK. , , MlaKnnili A, (Viivtr, rrwyplrnw, Tewher of 'ITtuMi, llotjtni" 'Mill nrilnlrti illiil I . . I i ubrancni-;. .,, U '!i'llaoOllfiil-Arlt.,i . .rrpfenwir of.Aiielont Luiikuhki? nml J .iie'I'-U - J. .Onlinlimr. I'rofesior of iltlinollM.lilil j'lui Ueul ui.. trouomy. llcv. 1). C Johu.A.iM... tA l'rofo .or of chemmtry mid iliyle.. P. if'TlnteK', ' Timelier of croitranliy. hutory .ti UihjIi. h(ilns l ' ' JameM llrAwit, ' - An1 tnut tcaihcrofiii.lheinntlcii Kitg Ish Ur nim.r. - J' l Allen M.fjnrvci', TcACbcr of Muhla ou-tlio ilano and mc-lodcalii ' Mr: llattlo'li. KoiiC,. TfncUcf of VooaJ 111119 and Intriruiiit nt4il iniif-lc Mis. JnllM, fluent. Tcachir of liiodel Heho)I. TliAdiirltiir term will rMiitnnnni Aoru 1M?). nnd until our lardlu hall In rcmly for oeciipnn. cy, on application to llio l'rlnclpal, sludcnU will oo lurnianeu wiin jionies in piensaofcfuuiiueK. it 14 oener for ftiuueni. vo romincnceiw ino oil. enlna oftho term, bat when. this In, IinprtTtieii. . iiiey iii eiuer iituiiy himv. iiiarua isva. . .it 1 ) - -fc i - r j . . . . P f VU I II 'J t T0M1CSTI0 ECX)NOlYr CAMPILtlO eAniWf Ancw,cieai durable, healthy, antl llcntitirul ELOOIl gQVEHIJS'G I A substitute for oU-cioth atonc-ihlrd Hie cosY. This carpet 1 produced liy n, peculiar combina tion of strong. heavy paper, printed In oi uanien tat colors, nnd coated wftha lough, elastic, water r roof enamel which receives tho water, protects he colors and paper endures washing, and ren ders the carpet bright and beautiful lit the ex tseine, Jts advantages aro ns follows : Its cost renders It available lo allclasses ; It Is exceedingly smooth and glossy, and It accumu lates next to no dust ; It does not require to Ut taken up nnd cleaned like othpr carpet, nnd thus saves much labor and trouble; hy recoutIng with the Campilllon KnarrtelloccaonalIy as tin caso may require, (which cost but a trifle,) It will last lndeflnely, even an age.and always appear new nnd bright; In its use no reliance -wlmtever 1s placed upou llio paper for wear, but exclusive ly upon sbo water-proof coating, the figured 'im per being used only to secure the colors, rain r has recently Imjuii ud for ft variety of purtMjses, even Tortruuks, roow.Uour bagsnud wenrlngap paiel.bul tho first attempt, either In Kuroe or Aincnca, iu convert it into carpet or moor coyo lot!, all tamcede It to bo au entire success 1 , we have purchased the right for Columbia county and cau furnish the curpet lu merchant at munufitcturers pi Ices, " ir You aro Invited to rail ard examlno the gotsts at our store. M K WA'Y, NICAL tt CO. liiooiusunrg, jjcc. w-u.' gllJjIAUDS! UILLTAHDS ! ! WILLIAM H. GtLMORK Itint ntrf-iicil n (Inn Ttllllaril Saloon In addition to his well known ItESTAUKANT. He linn a tables with all tho lutest lmpioementsand In iH-riect order". Hn keeiw on hand tho best LAG EI V BEEU AND ALH whl-U the market nfTortls.- OYSTERS ti bo bail ut all times when iu season, also llecf Tongue, i icuieu inie, uum, tve, otu. Thepnbllcaro Invlled to call, und nro pioin Isod satisfaction .ellhcr In bllUards or reresh- rnpnts. Ills - CIQAIW AND, TOBACCO cannot be excelled. i v moomsuurg, Jan. l,;. JHPOllTANT to nuir.Di:its,iiousEnoLiii:its ti:nants. Tho undcrtilgucd would aniiounee to tho eitl zcnnoriIooiniburgnndylciuily that ho U itie pared to execute HO Vti V., S I 0 AND 0 It N .V JI K N T A 1. P A I NT I.tftf lu alt Us branches. f ( .1' A P E 11 . XI, A.N O.U'ti Carefully attended to. - . BU let attcnt lou to hnnineitit aud good workman ship It Is believed will inent nfalrthowof imlille patronage. " '- . " 8hop on Cathnriuo HtrccL bet ween Tl.'ird aud Fourth. f i Mar-VW-ly.- .W, I'. DODlrJK Jj'LOUIl AND FEED.' Tho undersigned thankful for past paliouago begn to anuouce to his friends and lo tlie publie Hut his " N W MILL prepared to do all kinds of Milling without delay Parties Jrom, n dlstanco can have their grists ground without delay, so as to take them homo the sumo day, und ns a rule nil worlr brought to the mill can be done In twenty-lour hours. My present nrrangmcnts nre such as to preclude tho necessity of stopping thu mill ou account or Ice. high or low wnter. THE BEST FAMILY FLOW. as welt us the lower grades, nnd all kinds o VllOP AND FEED kept on hand hiquantlty, fliid forsaloat the low est current rates.' Grain of all kinds purchased. Light Street, Dec. ,& f PHTKIt ENT, QMK1UUS LINE, The undersigned would resictfUUy unnonncn to the cttUeus of Uloomsburg and the pitbUqgeue rully thn UeUruuulugHU OMNinUS LINE between this place and thedlflererit railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted, to connect with the several trains going South and West on the Cutu wlssa and Wllllaiuhport IlallroAd, aud with those going North and South on the Lackawanna aud Uloomsburg llallroud. Ills Omntbussos are lu good onndlt lou, coiuioo dlous and couiiorlubh?, aud chary us reasonable. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends de part, can be accomodated upon reasonable chrgu by leaving timely notice ai huj of tbe hotels. JACOH u uiiiTUN, rroprittor. T? A n M E a S! 1 JL' TIIV TUl VEDA I'llCbitu. ALTA iu II nnlnlna thri-A imr runt, nf A in moil ill. 1111 iry ample quantity to give activity wlthuut Injury :e ol ait- tntilf. Iliinn 1'lirtt.i.liulu of IJlne. louelher with l'oliikh mid Hoda, the ct-nntlul element of u COMI'LKTHMANUIIK. The Incle.acd attlea lo farmerawliouieualiiBltwilh htalily atlafuelo. ry reaulta. la a auroKuaranteeof It value, l'rlce, $.Jier ton of in baiia IW Iba inch. 1-eiid for it pi.hipl.1.1. ifuinw. .v.. tiir, nui.t . ...ul uv...--' v,-., K. H. 111B1I01 & Co, AlfCllla, SOU N, Pel. Ave. Agent for rcnnaylranlu, rhlladelphla and South New Jcracy, JulyaW-'y 5. llroAdttov, N. V. 1? J- T IJJt WOUll bliru and vh THOUNTON Hid announce to the citlr-i naiif llltMiiiia uru atnl vlclnltv. mat neliaa lualli-teivf-tl n lull uuu compieieuaaoiiiueiu 01 W AT.Ij l'A 1'HJt, WINDOW SJIAriKH. riXTl'BfJl, COHIW, TAHhEIJI, nnd all other goodt In hi. line of buslneu. All the new-cat nnd moat upproved luilterna of tht day, are ntwnya lo be found In lilaf-atahllahlui-iil, Mar.S,'UI-tf ilulli HI. below Market. JOHN C. YEAOEll & CO., VVholcaala Dealer, lu HATH, CAIW, STUAW OOODH. AND L.VPU'Jt' ruiw. No. 2i7iNort.li Tlilnl bliv-tl, Mar.llVCMy "I'Hladelphlf. po ll S A" li E. ' TllK uudi ral. Ui i oiler, at pi In ale aide, TIUHTy ACHl.OE DAN II lu 11 goodafate'iif culthiitUiil oil wlilili la 1 lieletl udwilllnu' liuuko und bum lu uootl order and voudltlou. ltiaaltuutid liitholowiibliipuf lilooiu uud within ten liilnuleaUulkoMhi-Ciiirl Id ue Kur full iiarUculara apply at Jhlai.mie. Mar.iu.'ti-Sm. ' C. II. UliUCKWAV gSTAUDlKHKD 1703. JOlllUNtVCHlHHlUt, Whb!raaloUroc)a,ahd In ulna III HALTi'irnat and mtlMfviOM'-. No 81 North 'nilnlHt. l'luladtlplihi.