i' 's r tii tt a -AND- U LOOMS DtJlU, PA. VBIDAT MOKNINO, MAT tf , IH09. Tl'li COI.VMHlAN Vai the Largest Clrenlatian f my1 paper" published- In Harthtra -Ponniylvasila, "anr ls-a.lle mnoh larger aheet than anrFf lliitltm perarlasi and la therefore lhest medium I far ailrtrtl.lngln thla eatlon'iftha Stale. c- The Run Homicide Tut: ovidonco in llitii Ilnv6rtant crtsd was clasod bn'Satur'ilay last. On 'Mon (lavE.ILUaldv made tli ononlnL'flnfMVh for U16 dotii"rnbiiWitth,nn(i wns follow x ed In iho SRcrnoori b'v "Uol. John G. Trce'zoohd John K Ryan I'ti behalf-of - i.ic prisoner, jonn liiwy, arm ljinn 1 lUi'rthbl6nTow?doscrfir 'tlib fJdmmon- 'wealtliTNIoriila'y evening. Tuesday fore' -noonVaa 6ccn riled the charge of Iho Court, mid ahdrtlv Iioforo' dinner tho Jars' retlrcdi Tlidrb Whir tid ovldcrico 1 'ftfehl'nst'tHck'Uesterhp was at once discharged.' - - ir 1 Aliout S VrfM'tfiorrngltig6f Iho Court 1 'Ilolisif bell announced that tlio Jury hod 1 ngrccd tS their ycrdlfet, find Court'cbn L -'Vohed. Tncy pronounWHl'tlio prisoner WJr dtfir.TV. ' Tho ino Jury wero laken In tho case of (ho Comtnonwealthjys. Jllchnol l'ry- or, luit tio evidence being produced ho 'ivsfct llkcwisopron'ouhceil not fouiirw ' Ou motion of GoL-tfrecnT, both the prisoners wero discharged, and received tho rongrntufaUonsp'f their" friends'. r 'Wo nro Informed that the first1 ballot oflliojtiry In tho caso of Duffy, stood 1 four for'cohvIctlbnV nd elghffof acquit- tal. Not iuiich Interest' was1 taken lb the trial, the Court IIouso nl no tlrno - belng'full. But very1. little testimony. 1 was taken' additional to that' In Dona' -'Kuo'scaso. ' i. - ' - - - .'-V" - .XtnparlAat to Educator. Cj 'BJreTeroncb'to-anqther column, tin ' di-r tho'ca'p'tlon of "Teachers' 'Institute" kit will bo seen that ono of 'tho most Im I'porfarfyvrahlajof our educational' sys "tern tftoTbor8Up)Hed 'by' the Blooms- -bUrff State Tiormul School. The caso In ' H'nut-shell Is simply thfs ; many pro 1 -'fesslbnaf teachers from tlio very nature oftiolr'dutteVare' prevented from at) 1 'tending ' trio -'regular' sessions 'of "tne - school ; to such' Is offered an opportuni ty. supeHdr'ln'sorao'rip'ocU to thai "Presented bv the ortlinarv a-Vrinl term. to Scqutrettiose Just and proper rules kfind TjystemV'IndlsrMasibloto'tKo cor reci management oi youin.- uno tne "ory of teachlnir'l'nall Its branches' will Hbb"a'sreclahy,rnd Judicious and' abld Proressors'wlli; by the usual class ei- "erclsei and by lectures: 'present the 'most'useful and necessary branches of "learnlngi'Iri an interesting, clear. and "-succinct manner.1" - - - L t By this plan, tho timo which la ordl :ri'arllyj wasted by'feachc'rs In the 'interi -Im' between their terra-i, can' ;bo' "most proatably occupiedl In flttlriir them- "selves' for'tho absolute needs of their cJn connection with this: tho fact, tlmt tho terms uro so 'exceedingly low as to bring tho opportunity within reach of an. We do earnestly trust that Teachers, county superintendents 'and School "Directors may look upon this proposed ' special term with tlio attention'' which ''ltd Importance really 'deserves. The c principle upohvhlcb H Is founded', If "ca'rried'lnto'tho fordlnary" business of S'llfo would !: doubtless recolvo all due "ovro; a farmer would "scarcely -expect ogood fruit froni a negloctedj rougli and' -tuniultlvated'treeflwhat'naturo asserts tlri'lien owrfJ'donllnlon, - will' be rcprc ' AlucoJ ln'u moro 'marked! way tn luo'n" f and'woiuon orfually prono to grow'as 'early training lnclluea thorn ' j It la simply ridiculous to look for re t'allygood systomatie Instruction from e those, who, never having received such themselves; are totally unable to ap ipreclato the beacllts'arislng therorrom. As ln the'older ddygj so in tlio1 present, irien do hot gather' grapes 'rrorif' thorns Inor flgs from thistles. IIow -would It be ' possible for a toaehor- who -had never learned French, to Instruct a class In an Mntolllglble manner as to tho rulaj "which govern' and tho Idioms which mark that language? The person who tbiibuld rashly try the experiment would .BpceUlly be laughed'out otso preposter ous an u'nUortikinB, and yet, yearly, throughout the country, parents doai iually.' foolish rthlng'. who'- trust' the' t tohlldren to the care Und -management i of. such as possess. but feeble Imitations. iof educations and know ncililni; what tever of. those" higher .nOes, which, pro-, upoto both moral-ana Intellectual cul ture. This state of aOUrs Is not irnng ;lwury ; it exists is otu vety IriiOst, and twe have but tatucn oiir ey'eaoii either sido to nee the eSfocts of such, nalf-waj-(instructlo 'ipou- the- minds of thoso fwhos&yettM, or laboikirbkl thxit loo ;gor attending school. L- To, secure pine, sparkling, health glvlng waier it Is necessary that the ibuntIh-h"ead'bo clear and untainted. tWiien we consider that thoeducatiou of our youth is destined to affect not only tho ago In which wo live, but also, tho Tuiure or the whole country, as they in 'turn tako the places of tho present geu 'oratlon and become the law-elvers and Judges of tho land, tbo importance of 'their correct and Judicious guldanco In 'tho paths of knowledge becomes In stantly apparent. By carelessness and Vant of Interest ii this most lirrtyrtaat matter, wo ac trifling not o1& with tho best interest1 of'our own day but J aro aaectlng, and it may be most Ulsaa rtrously, the fate of generations yet unborn. a Wo bespeak for the notice to which awo liavo alluded a careful and attentive .perusal, and trust that the fow words. iWlilcJi wo have deemed proper to vittta Jii relation thereto way have Iho effect .of awakening a deeper interest than -our pooplo oneatltBw give to mat- ;ters of great importance. erMen aro 'bt' chlldrenfbf a larger growth", and In iho'ctvsoof such us havo auopum teaetung ror profession, pro per, and thorough Intellectual and mo ral training fa a;neccssary Wfor thoso itiiu uiv juuiw uuuer nvir carp anu U-.1rov PEALKKsorno ilmo since, sent us a request that his natu'o should not appear In our articled relating to the Columbia County Invasion. It will be bbserved in tho present numlwr of our pupcr that thin request ha. not Leon Compiled with. Fllllitixtcrlntr. OH the 1st of May tho Steamer Arngo clinml from Now York for St. Thomas ilinler Peruvian eolorn. When at Minn' IManro Im-Iuw IIii- I'lly hho was over taken bylvvn slniin Iiik from which hIio rMflviil niui lluiiHaud men fully uriiietl mid equipped, Tliero had also been previously ptaeed on tho .Steamer ii large ninount of ammunition, nnd 1000 stand of iimis. Bui)lclou Dolnis strongly to. tiuba.us Urn iloslf ncd1 port to which tlio vessel was bound. This Is th6 Urst 'really' Very trtflijf "lriT6r of American complicity with Cub.m nf- fain), although It lnw been thought for some time pivst that expeditions were fitting out, for tlio same cause In various cltloi of the Union, No notice lias been taken by the Government authorities audit Is ald tliatthuiiuimunilion furn ished tho Arajjo was hoiu thoU. 8, Arsenal on Oovernor'a Island.' Certain It Is, that, although In view of bo many suspicious circumstances, no neutrality proclamation has, been issued by tlio' President as la customary In fullllllng our own policy of non-intervention. It looks as if, tho present administration If not implicated was at least unpardon ably careless. Wo, shall await with some. anxiety ,tho upshot of tho matter, A, I'lii-tlicr.Siipplcniciit To tho acts relating to tho passage of fish In tho Busquonaiinn ami us.trum tnrica. Section 1. JleU enacted by the Senate and Jfdute nf Jlenresentatii'es of the LommoMveuUhdf Pennsylvania in'Qetv oral Assembly met and it is hereby enact' cdby the authority of the same: That the commissioner of fisheries bo author ized to procuro concurrent legislation between this Comm mwealth nnd tho Stato of Maryland, relating to the river Susquehanna, so as to prohibit fishing with gill nets or with fish-baskets in tho tnld river and Its tributaries, and also establishing close days, wherein all fishing by trapping In numbors shall bo closed, thus allowing a fair proportion of tho run of fish to reach tho upper waters';' and further, that the said com missioner shall bo authorized' to 'Inves tigate and report upon tho stato of the laws relating to fish and ftsfilng in tho liver Delaware and its tributaries, nnd in this connection to ascertain and re port upon such legislation us 'may seem to bo necessary In relation to said river Delaware and Its tributaries ,aml wheth er any concurrent legislation shall bo required between this Commonwealth and tho States of Delaware and New Jersey, having In view tho general Im provement' of tho Delaware fisheries and tho reciprocal benefit of tho States interested therein nnd bordering upon the said river,- within tho reach of the migratory fish :' and it shall be further tho duty of said commissioner to inquire Into the fishing" laws of' tho State of Now York, having relation to tho por tions of Delaware and Susquehanna rivers lying within tho boundaries of tlio said State, whether tho samo bo of benefit to tho said Stato of Now Ttork and this Commonwealth reciprocally; and whether any such laws aro required to bo passed. Sec. 2. That Judges of tho courts of common pleas in tho counties having Jurisdiction of tho river Susquehanna and other waters of this Commonwealth, shall havo power to confer upon local constables tho functions of water bail iffs, so that thoy, tlio said constables, may bo fully authorized to abate tho nuisanccs'declarcd to bo sucli under tho several acts to which this act Is a supple ment, and other' cognate laws of tho Commonwealth, and otherwise 'soo to the' enforcement of said laws and If it bo found in pidctico, that tho said1 offi cers cannot be fairly compensated under tho provisions of tho said acts, tho said officers shall bo' compensated or tho dif ference made up by authority of tho said Judges, nnd1 nt tho expense of the said counties interested. Sec. 3 That the oxpenso attending tlio suits at law in fees, et cetera, of tho Commonwealth vs. tho Pennsylvania Canal compauy, el a.j instituted under tho acts to which tills act is a supple ment, when tho said suits shall bo final ly decided, bo submitted for audit to tho Auditor General, tho'Stato Treasur er and tho Attornoy General, nnd should the same, appoar reasonable and Just to tho said board of audit, It shall bo paid by warrant of tho Auditor General up- on the State Treasurer out of any mon eys in the treasury not otherwise ap propriated. Sec 4. That tho commission for tho restoration of the fisheries shall bo con tinued, by appointment of the Gover nor, for throo years from tho date of ita la&t expiration, unless In the meantime other wiso ordered by tho general ussem bly, and that the compensation shall bo nscertnlnod as heretofore authorized by law. John Clauk, Speaker of tho IIouso of Itepresenta. tlves. WII.MEB WOIiTHINQTOJf, Speaker of tho Seriate, Approved tho eighth dny of April, A. U. IHU'J. JNO. W. aEAHY. WxtY.sliould tho United States Gov ernment, or rather whysUouId tho noo plo of tlio Uulted States, pay tho bar bers' bllh of tlio honorable Senators r Wo find in tho recent report of tho Bon ato contingent fund a number of items in reference to this business that nro rather odd. For oxamplo, there Is nn appropriation for shaving mugs, shav ing brushes nnd honey noap; thero are appropriations for cologne, bay rum and alcohol; for cosmetics, extract gin ger nnd spirits of camphor; for bathing spongo, ($33.37,) tlesh-brushes and platif brushes, nnd for u variety of article that show tho most remarkable tastes among Senatora. Uut why should the peoplo of thu country, who nro hardly aoio to pay their own barbers, be com pelled to support a national barbershop loraenators? IitfOKTANT TO TEA DllINKKSSi. Tho wlfoof a scientific gentleman resid ing nt Portsmouth N. II., who had for years been a groat sufferer from nervou affection, recently mado nn analyst of wie loasno usou, and found that the coloring material was gypsum and Prussian bluo, ono of tho most active poisons, and llkowlso discovered that tho amount in a pound of tea, if admin- S .i.i wm V ;;"" uui.i death. With Prussian bluo in our tea, I ournt liver In our coffeo. sand in our I ........ - , , .. .. . R sugar, plaster of Par s In our Hour, fusil J "f,0 i a"?y' dlsCMXJ fakJ ami iricnioao in our Dork. what. i ft Z ?UZZ' n .ft m0rtal I eat and drink f The choice appears to ho betwoen starvation on the ono hand J auu uluui uy poison on me otner. i i . .... II THIS COLUMBIAN Tlio Coltiiuliln County Invasion. fmil ntlie.AJn. llutnmAin tho .list dny bfAugust lSfll this gentlcmnn wos arrested by thrca Boldiers at blares!' denco In tlio lower end of Luzcrno County nnd brought ncross tho county Utto, about' ten o'cldck'nt hlght, to tho camp near Denton. Tho day .following ho was taken by U. Col. Stownrt before Gen. Cadwalladcr who, perceiving no reason f6Tlfoldltig1irm,11lschnrged lilin upon par6!o to iippenr when called for,- rind lib returned home. IIo wns not wanted or called for Until the night be fore the October election, when six drunken soldiers nrrcsted blmhgainnt his residence and hurried him across tho county lino to the canip near Colomnn's. This was la'to In tho nlsrht and tho nr- 'thst was mado In arudo'and threaten-' Inglnnnncr to tho great disturbance nnd alarm of n quiet family. A man named Stcolo was compelled to drlvo Mr, Ku kri's team to tho camp. Mr.;il. Was kept nt tho camp two daVs and nights, sleeping on tho ground, and was" then sent to Harrlsburg by way of Blooms burg, under guard. Thus nu additional voter was silenced nt the October elec tion. Tho 11 electors of this county, first nrrcsted, wero incantimo securely held In custody nt Fort Mllllln (savo ono who died nprisoncr,) nnd n number of other citizens (some, of whoso cases' yill bo mentioned hereafter) wero also arrested on tho day of election, or Just before, and withheld from tho polls, Tho Managers of the Invasion wero in full prosecution of their enterprise, nnd Radicalism "laughed broad" In nil our boarders at tho happy progress of events. Mr. llutan's caso was succinctly but clearly stated by him at tlio great Nob Mountain Meeting, Aug. ,11, 1SG3, just ono year nfter his first arrest, and at tho conclusion of tho samo meeting a very strong opinion unon'lt wns pronounced by Senator Buckalow, who had given it a full and careful examination. (Aoi Mountain Book pp. 113-11, 1331.) It may therefore bo thought unnecessary that wo should speak of it nt length or follow It regularly to Its conclusion in a Presidential pardon, But, Inasmuch ns It Is ono. of tho.niost Instructive exam ples within our Imuicdlalo knowledgo of military unfitness for the ndmlnis tration of civil Justice, wo will proceed to open It up somewhat further nnd ex press our sentiments very frankly upon Its general aspects. Mr. It. confessedly had broken no law, nor had ho Interposed any act of resistance to the prosecution of tho war. no was a man well advanced in years and not llnblo to military duty or to military Jurisdiction, nnd ho was a peaceful nnd Inoffenslvo citizen. Dut all theso circumstances counted as noth ing in his favor when tho grasp of, mil Itary power Instigated by political hos tility was upon him nnd ho was com pelled to pass tho ordeal of an unlaw ful Military Commission. Thoy wero "as dust In tho balance" against tiio fact that, ho was a Democrat, that ho had been nctlvo or at least emphatic in his condemnation of tho party in pow er, and that his arrest and conviction for soino pretended offenso might in timidate tho peoplo of his section and weaken the friends of honest govern ment nu'd Constitutional rule. IIo was arrested threo times and at last convic ted on a sham trial nnd sentenced to imprisonment, from which ho was sub sequently discharged upon tho urgent rcmonstranco of influential men of both parties and permitted to return to his homo. Whcnhcwas first taken to Harrisburgj at tho time already mentioned, a. little miscreant named Wessels was playing Judge Advocato beforp, tho Military Commission nnd industriously engaged in "making up a case" against Iho Co lumbia county prlsoncrs.Ho conceived tho Idea of using Mr. Ttutan for his pur poso and iho latter was approached with 'suggestions that he "should tell nil ho knew," (meaning something ho did not know) "and bo saved from all further trouble." "lie should bo frco at onco arid go harmless If ho would mako a clean breast of it, etc., etc." Theso ur gent invitations to turn informer wero received by'Itutan with prudoneo ; he restrained his indignation, and Wessels supposed ho had produced tho desired Impression upon hlra and could coerco him luto performing tho wicked work proposed. Ilo theroforo paroled him to go homo upon condition that ho should write out "all ho knew about a meeting near Benton" at which a man named Ilcadley or Iladley spoke, and trans mit tho narratlvo to Harrlsburg. TIiIb Mr. Itutan could very honorably and safely promise to do, for tlio meeting in question was perfectly innocont nnd harmless (as was fully shown upon sub sequent investigation,) and a truthful statement concerning It. could do no possible harm. It had been held moro than n year and a half beforo and had no connection whatever with tho Inva sion or with tho ovonts which Immedi ately preceded it. Mr. It. returned home, but a3 lie knew perrcctly well that what Weasols want ed was not tho truth but falsehood con cerning tho Iladley meeting, and to fix and uso him as a witness upon tho Co lumbia county trlals.and that tho trans mission of his truo statement would probably result in his bolng again ar rested, ho hesitated a short tirao In per forming his promise At this Juncture no was waited upon by Samuel J.Pcaler. commonly known as "Professor Pea- ler" a government runner or agent in tho military prosecutlon3,who proposed "to clear him of all further trouble" with tlio military or 'government,' (as he expressed it,) upon condition that Mr. It. should do tlio handsome, thing to securo so deslrnblo a result. With a lively recollection of tho two arrests al ready Buffered by hiin, and in fear of a third because lie could not turn liar and perjurer at tlio dictation of military power, Mr. It. at last conscuted "to buy his peace." IIo submitted to tlio "ProfessorV demand nnd ngrood to pay him $05, in jnonoy, a Devonshire heifer, and a lino dog," which, Pcaler said "would clear lilm of all, and thero would bo no moro arrests mado on him, and thero would be no moro soldier troubling ills family by coming after him." This contract for peucoand quiet was executed in part, when Mr. Itutau was arrested for tho third tlrno by uni.iin in i,., ii. n. .i i i.i .... ... miw MiKii. uiuv, nuu imiiivu off to Harrlsburg, It seems that Wess- els had became Impatient, as ho was In o0"'1 Mr' B-t0 seized and sent to him that ho might bo subjected to direct nnd ihornnf.ii l.ltLTllntlfnMnri A ml lwi. w.w . UMtier Btr0I1 Tircsllm( , lix,,lr(. r ..wMi-Miiuiuut 4 (.it i w AND DEMOCRAT, from him confessions or statements hicli'coultl bpjised upon, tho trials of 1110 ouicrprisoncra nun jusmy uiuii bi-i- zuro niui Imprisonment. It wns thought' thai his ngo, stnndlng.nnd clerical char acter would glvo lmportnnco and Inllu enco to whatever testimony, truo or false, could bo obtained from him. Mr. It. In mild languago Informs us, that ho "wns Interrogated nbout tho disloyalty of different men or whom ho Lknow nbthlng .wrong," untll.thd. experiment wnsnbandoned a3 hopolc&s' IIo was glvcii up dS Incorrigible Tho pumping nnd threatening process being In his ca30 a complete falluro becatisbhoknow of nothing wrongnnd would notfalsify, nothing was left to tho military power but to punish him for his contumacy, Ilowns thrust Into prison nmong do sorters and bounty-Jumpers, nnd kept there until nbout tho last of November when, as ho expresses It, "ho had somo kind of a trial," tlmt Is, ho had n sum mary. Imperfect, unfair nnd hostllo hearing beforo n Military Com mission and was subjected to an unjust, unlaw ful, cruel nnd Infamous sentence. He had Offended tho Judgo Advocato and othor managers of persecution very deeply: hnd disappointed their hopes had refused to becomon fnlso witness arid rocuo at their bidding. As; ho would not becomo their instrument, ho Was mado their victim, nnd wns taught that vengeanco will not linger when lawless power 13 offended by tho bctu plcs or integrity of tho citizen. Mr. Itutan's last arrest wa3 less than ono week after his treaty of pcaco with Samuel J. Pealer, and was, Hko tho preceding ones, a night performance, In fact most of tho military arrests in this section wero mado nt night, Or In tlio dusk of morning, ns if tho actors wero afraid of honest daylight and de sirous of veiling their deeds In dark ness. In Mr. Itutan's caso cither Pealer had failed to repbrt that-ho had settled It upon truo IVadlcal principles, or his authority was repudiated. Or, probah ly, Wessels still hoped to mako Mr. It. an Informer by putting military pressure upon him. Tlio hopes enter tained of making him a witness and the disappointment felt at his delay In making report, aro Indicated by tho fol lowing extract from ono of tho Itndical sensation nowspapors of thai time tlio, rilladelphta Inquirer. It said, speak ing of tho Columbia county prisoners: "Ono named Itcutant," (Itutan) "a preacher, manifested much concern In regnrd to his flock, and begged to bo permitted to fill tho vacated pulpit. Tiio Commission consented, on condition that ho would, when he got home, write a full account and confession of all ho knew In connection with theso conspira cies. To this Itcutant (Itutan) "ex pressed himself willing to comply, and ho was accordingly paroled, but ho has notslncobeen heard from.nspromlsed." Upon tho (so-called) trial of Mr. It. wo beliovo tho Iladley meeting was not insisted upon ns a disloyal asscm blago and tho participants therein ns criminal, although It was with rofcrenco to it that Mr. JR. was originally exam ined with great strictness and directed to mako up a statement. Tho protenso that it was criminal or disloyal had in tho meantime been completely explo ded upon tho trial of other prisoners nnd could no longer beset up. But oth cr pretexts for his conviction wero found It was .charged that ho had attended ono or moro political Club meetings in Luzerne county, tlio most remarkable feature of which was, that liko thoso of tho "liOyal-Leagucs" thoy wero held In secret. IIo was also charged with hav ing mado disloyal declarations on sovc ral occasions In dlscourso or conversa tion. Tho main declaration insisted up on howovcr, was neither proved nor credible, It consisted of violent nnd profane, language, which no sensible man over believed ho uttered, and tho witness .to prove it wa3 flatly Impeach ed as unworthy of belief, ,and that too even by .Republican witnesses. A bald er caso lor meroiy censuring a man was never mado out, nnd thero could bo no pretence oven that a criminal offence had been committed. Such however wns tho case, (tho best that could bo mado up,) upon which Mr. B. wa3 convicted nnd sentenced to a sevens imprisonment which was only terminated by tho interference of tho President of tho United States. Alto gether ho was subjected to great hard ship and suffering; his crops wero lost ; his business broken up, and his family harassed and humiliated. IIo resides ;iow In FJshlngcreck township In this County, nnd can givo to any inquiring Radical full details of his rather remark able experience in tho Columbia County invasion. Sleepinq Too KTirun. Tlio Laws of Zrfesays: "Morouuarrelsnrlse between brothers, between sisters, between hired girls, between clerks In stores, between apprentices In mechanic shops, between hired men, between husbands and wives, owing to electrical changes through which their nervous systems go by lodging together night niter night pndcr tho samo bed clothes, than by nl most any other disturbing causo. Thero Is nothing that will so derango tho ner vous system of a person who Is cllml natlvo In nervous forco as to Ho all night in bed with another person who is absorbent In nervous forco. Tho ab sorber will go to sleep nnd rest nil night wmio uio eliminator will bo tumbling and tossing, restless nud nervous, and wako up In tho morning fretful, peevish fault finding and discouraged. No two persons, no matter who tlioyare.should habitually sleep together. Ono will thrlvo and the other will lose. This Is tlio law, and in married Ufo It Is defied almost universally," what is Needed, Wo need for our dwellings moro ventilation and loss heat; wo need moro out door oxer- else, moro sunlight, moro manly, ath letic, nud rudo sports; wo need moro amusements, moro holidays, moro frollo anu noisy, boisterous mirth. Our In fants need better nourishment than col orless mother ovor can furnish: our children need moro romplug and less siuuy. our old men moro nulot. and earlier relaxation from tho labors of lire. Ail men, both young nnd old. need less medicine and moro good coun. SCI. Things look suspicious about tho White IIouso. A short tlmosluco Gen. Robert E. Loo called on Mr. Grant nnd now Oon, McClellan has had a long in tcrvlew. Is not tills Just and sufficient cauao for Investigation by tho Loyal League? Where Is Logan niui his arand Army of tho Republic? BLOOMSBUllG, Communicated. ,f1Mtifi. Mnv 12. lfiC'J. Kiiihr !.! have noticed n defam atory rommunTcatlon'ln tho last wcek'n JrVjitiMcmf,. characteristic of that sheet and of Hs correspondents. It bears Iho Blgnnturo of A. 11. K., which Initials probably do notcorrcctiyiniiicaioiuow of tho writer, who U wllhoutdoubt Iho treat Doctor, who, rumor says, can dis sect children, removo ulcorsirom avers and.rcplaco thorn without injury, and who tliouch pinciiiKon his liooi: accouni two thousand dollars nnnually,yotpay9 no attention to tho liabilities for which his sureties wero bound nnd finally had tn iinv miveral 1 in ml red dollars. Last but not least, (report says) a landlord's warrant wns served upon him for rrmt. nnd liv clnlmllltr tllO statute of three hundred dollars was completely swamped. But tho writer wishes to avoid personalities and dcscrlbo local! ties. Tills physician I said had a largo practice so ho has it extends from half a mllo west of Cambra to tho West Branch, and so lucrative has tills prac tlco proved that ho can now amply af ford to travel on foot. A. B. 1C, can certainly not bo the Apo who follows slaughtering for a liv ing In tlio fall of tho year, wnoso cir cumstances havo bcou such that It be camo necessary for tho neighbors to do nate a living toprovont his becoming a town charge. This species ot natural curiosity Is tho opposite of tho kangn roo. Its habits nro of a roving descrip tion. It gives tonguo to the most smut ty filth that man or woman over heard. Of late it was somowliat, annoyed uy what was termed a wild animal. Poor fellow ! having lost a sheep or two.dogs wero frequent visitors to tho dead car casses. A. B. K. returning from Cam- bra onoovening, encountered a dog, no doubt, and called for tho Apo to shoot tlio animal. This raised an excitement in the camp of baboons and they watched for tho beast. It mado its appearance and tho Apo shot nnd killed it, but up on investigation It was found to bo u stump I Tlio sound of a quill, ono night alarmed tho camp so thoy drew the dead carcasses so near tho window of the houso, out of which they hoped to shoot tlio beast, that tho stench becamo so thick they conld not sco tho sights, and when tho animal camo thoy over shot It. The author of tho nrticlo could get a very good Idea of tho animal as des cribed In tho Republican by looking In n mirror, except that, the soft tissue spoken of, would bo inside Instead of outside of tho head 1 If the wild animal spoken of in Ten nessco has produced as mucli constcrna tion thero ns a quill has nmong our credulous neighbors here, we deeply sympathize with them. 'No reply here after bearing on this subject will bo given. Somo things may bo considered pret ty soverc, but tho caso admits of no other treatment. Itefcrencols only had herein to A. B. It. nnd his aids. Haven Ciiev.k. I'OIt TUB COLUMBIAN. SUI.L. UV llAVE. All havo heard tho recent wonder, Near Iho turnpike, over yonder, How a monster lull been prowling. Screeching, screaming, yelping, howling, Snatching fowl ot overy feather, Killing sheep, both ewo nud wether, Making 'way with hound and cur, And leaving neither bono nor fur; IMon heard Ub Bcrcams, now loud, now fainter, And thus declared it was a "Painter," While others thought, again It may be, It crlCH io like a little baby, Some said, as fright had mado them eager, It was a Rocky-mountain tiger, That from Us keeper's cago had broke. And lunning loobo to bcaro the folks, Homo Bald, they moro nnd better knew, It was n.leaplng Kangaroo, That stood up nearly ten feet hlght lis tail was thicker than your thigh, Hut whether ou its way to Afcla, Or how It came from Australasia. Whero questions they thoaght too'piofouml ureise lo answer wero uq bound. Some said they saw It, stripped and sleek, Threo links of chain hung from Its neck. Soinokuowfor sure, whilo olhors guessed, It was a strange, unheard of beast, That wandered from some unknown nuiuur. Anu mrcatcnou universal slaughter. Ono evening as the inoon was rising, Thlsunknown brato-with voice surprMng. Was heard so goes the current yarn, Not far from Mr. Hughes' barn, Tho tiding went from mouth to car, "The sci earning monster now Is here." Hut when they had prepared to follow, They heard It down In rocky-hollow, Ilut when thoy thought to flud it hcio, Elko Paddy's nea it was not there, 8o off they ran across tho bridge, And lo I It screams upon the ridge, Jiut when lliey thought the cluvso to yield, They heard It up InSqulio'K Held, And every one would beta button, He's skulking there to catch a mutton, They hollowed loudly In tho yaid, To put tho Squiro on his guard, That if ho wished to savo his sheep, He must them In tho stable keep. I'orharkl tho monster's prowling 'round, There! II. ten II to the fearful sound. Then taking theueo tho nearest road, They altogether homeward Btrodc, And telling to the gaplog crowd, Aud of their courage seeming proud, The truth you can't again dispute, Tor wo havo alinotl seen tho bruto, I!ut soon somo ono with kuowlng blink, Suspicion raised by nod and wink, And If the truth must now bo told, ' ' Some fellows havo been badly Bold. Thai Panther, screaming loud and shrill. Was Wcnncr blowing on a quill. Still Watch, I'a. May li 1609. Probably an Odd Fellow En.J WITHOUT A GOOD IlIGISTION, All other temporal blessings ore comparatively worthless. The dyspeptic, millionaire who lias tried all tho potions oi tho medical profession lu vain, and bcltocs his complaint to be Incurable, would glvo halfhls fortune to bo freed from the horrors of Indigestion, and thus enabled to;enJoy tho other half. P nurte he uoulil. rerhaps HOSTETTEIVH STOMACH IlITrEIW lias been recommended tosuch a sufferer. I'ossl. bly ho has turned from the friend who mado the suggestion with a sneer, lullmallug that ho hat no lUAJta any "patent medicine." If this has been tho case, to much the uvne for him. His in. credulity dooms him ton life of misery. All tho luxuries which wealth can purchase ore at his command. Not ono of them can give him pleas, urc. Ills own Inatloual obstinacy Is his bane Tho Mann, happily for themselves, aro less skeptical. There Is such a thing as bigoted unbe li, as well as btgokd em!uMty,and a golden mean between tho two, which men and women who aro gifted wjtli common suiso adopt and profit by, HOHTETTEIt'8 11ITTEIW. Why do they up provo thlslamout auli-dyspcptlcaud anll-bllious preparation T Simply because they havo not been so much tho slaves of senseless prejudice to give It a fair trial, and havo found that wheu all othur toulcstlmulants and stomachics failed, It produced the desired effect, "Strike, but hear," said the Itoman sage when his lguoraut eneuile wero assailing lilm.-rioubt, but try," says the man who has been cured or In. digestion, or biliousness, or Intermittent fever, hy the miters, as ho relates his experience of the medicine to his Invalid frleuds. Whoever Is so WOddodtOllls own furtaouo tlinnn.tli.nl m,,.l. sions, as to declluo to test the properties of u "" luuorseu uy me testimony of inlelll. gent men In every walk of life, and approved hy tho people at large, ifrimri lo tuffer. COLUMBIA OUNTY, PA. llloniiitlmrit Mnrffe? Ityiotl.i ....i.m . , .vbs ' it to miciupcr 'iT!-"vi -r EY;5x;,,t i ai I'orri' ,T in IV, ....... 'J. It Ml , 8 Oil i 111 M 11 n i a si , i'-i ! In" mi lour per narrci.. Cliivcrfrru..:. 1 uxftomi ...t...!!R.t '.uUor.. ..-r......"" 'i ll IIOW I'.ilntuci Iirlcil Apple'- HnliU Hiili'innilHIimililiri Mil PIT PUUI1U.MW .... Iny per Ion MIMUI.u- Iimlock lio.iru per tlioimmt feet........ , no M .. 1MSU ,- 15 0,1 ... 7 ft) ... 18 CO M 51U iSVJ Joit, flrnntlliie, Plonk, (Hemlock) Siding '.'; tlv. IRON . , , No. 1 Hcolcli pig No. 2, " V IllbiAi - L :. Mglil Street Markets, Cor reeled weekly lr refer Ent , V11?,"";! !lnll dealer lu main. Hour A feed nudgcheiul merchandize Wheat per bushel " '' llyo " ' Com " ' lintk Wheat ... 1 to i w 1 IK) 50 am i 0) 'i DO 1 to i 111 l 2 W J.1 ai i ii tints Wheat Hour per im s Iluek Wheat l lour Corn Chop, .- llrnn, nutter per lb Kuks per do., l'uuiloes pr bus... .............. Dried Applet " Smoked Kldo meet pr l'i pnuuiuer " " Ham " Ijrd " Iti I'Jillnilcl.Mila Jin lit tin. t.nmi . . . . Noithwcsterubiipernnoftt tuNA Northwestern extm ''. Northwestern family Vi&vZji I'emiiylvantanua Western .xtni ''ftv! JVnnHvlvun.ii nnd UVKlern family -ty,?5:l,i,- .. tl.5 at:i.S3 I1JO IIOUT WJ1KAT Pennsylvania iel, V kiw. ... ... ,.-) . Jl.0k3il.70 ,. SiWO!jM5 MU . J.1.n!5.1.10 .. ll.lJwil.lj UUiiUOc .. $I.17$I.17 7ocfl5c S.-I1.50 S2I.60 McS9o 170(0 10c l.'ic ncS'-'Olljo i7.00(nU.,.i tl.75 ti75 . OcfflllJe !".V(lo Bouuieni - ..... California ' ' ulillo " ItVK I'cnnsylvftnla'fyc, V lm.v... Cuhn iell w, wiiiie. " OATH T'IJI!8 rnoviHio.ss jicis run:, mti , mch Jioei, - brusieil HoffS lt yiiuillfd JIiiliis " " .Shoulders lb liitlil.ln fcJKKiis dm erst i"U hits TUnoiiiyheeii huh Kluxstptl " CArrLL-ltcef cuttle V ft t ows, & ut-aa Rhhkp P ft UutlS H JUUIuH S16.3tl7.50 iirniir)C!i U0HlI()N-KELLKlt.-0n thoSilli ult., liv llev I Jt iiriiuM.itt, inn in, it, iiifliuiitf, ui, iMiMimi- 1mm, Mr.J.lf.Hostion to Miss Rebecca A. Keller, uum oi ounuuiy in. MOUAS-WIIJIAMH.-On tho Cth Inst., by tlio Kiu no nt thu muno placo Air, wm. Moras to 3llss jmruara wuitaiu;, do in oi iiioonnuurB ra. CAVIjIV-DHAKn. Oil tlio Cth Inst., hy the namo in mo sumo niaco -Mr. ucn. uaniu 10 iiiiss J. iiii i- beth Dm fee, both of Hemlock t-l, this county. l)F!CKKU BWATtTWOOTX On tlm 1th fnst.,nt the res denco or H. u 31 l t-r in l ulls iA-com hiK Co., bv ltev. J, 51, rrlee, 51 r. Hi Ins Decker of Kussex X. J. lo 3IHs Knto L, Hwnrtwoodof tho former iiaee. WALTnir-rmniRnrcira.-on tho ith inst..bv llev. It. 1 Allt'inan, 51 r. John It. Walter of jnoomsmirfT, to wish enun rredt-ncKs nf Catnwlssn,la. ICLINU-Ou tho 21 uU.JnOranscvllle, Ruson D iwuue, uytuoi j intra u juoutna uuu i uays. CO.MhTOCR On tho 4th ln.L. In Ornimnvlll.. .Mr. VllliuinConii.tocl,a;od 07 y card II mouilis ana tiu) n WATTS In Greenwood on tho of February tuis.niuiui iiguw uiuiswjiuui juimiv,aiia ago an ycara a monw nnu -i uays. KLINC-At Hohrsburs May 5th. 1SG!). 51rs. Kline. Miaow of Wm, Kline, acil 7S years 11) months uuu iu uuj a. TILLiIA3I ISAIIME'S 11 O S O M T f , aiKKEll l-'OIt 31 I Ii L S T O N K S 1 I'ATKNTUU DUCi:.Mlll:il L'I. 1KII7. Head tho lollowluc Horn old expelleuced nud Vllll.l'llilUK ,,,11,.1 n i .This Is to certify that I have used the Aalune l'aieiitlorfcluuing tho bosom of iluuiln mill Moms, ami nun ii,wnat ll is lucnmmelulcd to be. i UU1U IIJV1V1U1U iceuiiieiiu 11 to nu iniueis. IHAAl! .Mlll.l.. Also slions testlmoulali from Ueorco W. Dries liaeli. Illoomsburtr, I'a., i:il.is Buyder, Numedlii. i-.i., jaeou jieiscr, ii.irnesvillo,tacliuylkllleo. I'a. all well known and lionoiublu men. r.U HAND COUSTV ItlllllTS KOll S H.i: liv Wll.UAM UAllMll, -May7,'C0-lt NumiUla.Col. Co., i'a. DISSOLUTION OF l'AUTNEltlaiIil Tho uartlloi-sliln liitrctnlMt.. nvkMiit l.t.f.,...i tho unuerslgueil, under tho llrm ol t?diuylerj! it i ' I Jionihuuiy, is nils day The accounts will bestiti(,l bv lVi-w i. ii!ir All jieisous luvlns unsettled aeiounls wlllpliase JACOII H(.'lIUYI,i:it. , l'UltUVll. 1ILACK, ltohrshurs i'a. May 1st lvJ. Iho buvlucsH will bo continued nt the old Maud by l'erry 1). Ulnck, who proposes lo do away with the credit system, nud will sell very low lur cash ' it'uuy pay, I'lillllY 1J. IILALI- My 7,1,'J-ll j7AicTFoTrsLE. . Tho subscriber oilers for sale tlio farm situated m uraiiju township Columbia county I'a. about ' "Vm "rungevilio contululns IW ncu '""! Vf If relics, a.j acres of which nro iinpiovc aiul Iho balance timbered with Oak, Cliestm mid ellnwl'lnc,oao orchard with ehoicu frul 1',ul" yiuusevuio coniaiuinjr otij itcus ed int ono Uwelllug House, and ono Hani: Ham unu iiui.i, . w iuiuiur iiariicui.irs apply lo T john cnotsi:, Lalrdsvllle, l,yi omlug County l'.i Q E. SAVAGE, 1'ItACnCAI, WATCH MAKKU & JUWELEIt, Main Htriet, (near.tho Com t House, KLOOM.SHUno, I'A. OnnH-Mitly on hand n flneassorlmt nt of A mer- I'llUaild HW1SS Wlilclii.u ,.,.lra !;' w aro of tho best discrli.tion plakd on w l llo met. nl, eonslstlna or butter dishes, goblets, knives, fmks, spoons, napkin rlnas etc. ' 1 ....uiuutu .uuiKs iiiauo lo order, woik warranted. All floods and Man. i,'ou, i.ii.iiusw W,8.KI&, J. 11. SKVIlKhT. J.JOUNE, KIXQ it SEYIMCHT, WIIOLI-HALK WIY GOODS. No. 313 Maikct Klreot, I'llILAIiIIU'liiA. Onlers filled promptly at lowest Januarys, 1S0S, CHAS.G. BARKLEY, ) AUoi-iicy at Tjstir, CLOOMSBURC, COLUMBIA CO., I'A. pmce In Uio Cichanse Bulltlins.iccornl itory, UiJuirer & Jcboy' Confectionery, BecOHtl bf)veiio UicUanje Hotel t-ttunu nvt'r door llloomnburg, Juu. l, ieC9, jTISS LIZZIE BAIIKLEY has just relumed from Philadelphia, aud has bought, aud Isuowolfeilus the best assortment l'ANCV aooiw, TKIMMIKOS, llONNnTHAc. A-e., eyir cxhiblteil In llloornsburg, nnd Is prepnied to mako up dressi s and nil other ni llcles of female waulrobc, at short notice, and la the best and I.ATUST BI'IIINO STYLUS, Itooms m tho ltamsey Holdings, on West Malnistrcct. Call nnd sco her Varied stock ot (spring Ooods. May 1,'M, "W.99.VIxt couair ounF.n ny 1 V DELBVAll'H Clil.UllltATHi) ltl'jli:!)". S-I'ileol'll-"fV (touts. Vreiiared ut Rlx and Wood (its.. I'Dlla'd PAsfc your in ugglst for It. ' Vcb'W-lyr. 11. IHVINE'S OltEAT INDIAN M E I) 1 o I N I-J, VSKH 1011 MOllE-fKAS fOlliy VE.UIS INOEKMANY Is tho liinsit &iim...rti mn.ii.i. . .... . . HOOTS AND IIEUHS. fltWt ilnsri ...111 ... OIUIAT INDIAN MIIHICINli a.StVur,11"tt1f0u,!',? A'!'. "verand He. ilNV ihl! .'"I'l'fur tho great INIUAN sIMDi. ",f',w'eli can bo had at A. II. lltVINi'-si I'a or P!r 1U UfUl H'reet (ibl iVlllV. VomVt? A'-V.nVf cerarugeut J, It. OOUliNtlt. 'Ihl medicine Is piepareil only by miucfl KIKS' INSTITUTE. r.ineeoiumodalo thoso whoe.tnnnt ntlend our Sr, Spa, m 'r Toic hers. Able 1'iofcssorn will Itlrn Ae-vMlluyitall..-, llia,iWriWS ?;:,,.'.ruow 1 rurnTsl. text books for'tho For inilher information yddre CAUV..U) l'rlnclp il of Jlloonislmrg Slate Normal School , n..m ... (XllWItl May H.'tW-UiU B ook s a1 o n k. .i i, n,i..n. inifi.n nifl rooms tile county t hat there will bo constantly on hand niullnssortmcutof nooics, sTATioJinny, and Wall iuvek. Also Iho various Magazines nd Newiiiwr publlsUed In this country, orders for whlcn will bo promptly nttended to. tiii: uiucuiAti.su muhauv which has been n cxlslenco for a year, calli for tLi itrongir support or iho community. 'Iho turnis nro mUm able, aud additional subscrlU'rs are deeded Iti Justify an lucrc.isolu tlu number or vommcj. Tho usnai urge siorii oi NOTIONS AND FANCY OOODtf, will bo kept up nud no patus spared lo salisij 1110. WIVUU OIlureuseir. , -. u,,-ni May U.'O-lf llloomsbuig, l'. TVT O T I 0 E. i.nvi,mrittrr 1 from business, "v.... ..i... ..ivnn i nil tmtsuiis Indebted to him on Hook account or nolo.to callnudeltlo at nueanyuay. ... Mayll,'C0-3t '' Oraugevllle, M AY 1, 1ST AT I. W. irAltT.MAN'8. 'V YOU WANT OAUP10TS VllOM 87J els. TO 151.05 mil VAUE 00 TO I.'W. HAItTMAN'H. JV YOU WANTDliACK .i.i .i;.v i uji ijcim. ij j,.. l'lVlt YAlll) G6 TO I. W HAl'.T.MAN'H. TF YOU WANT A GOOD AND NICK BUMMini BIIAWI. 00 TO I, V: HAftT.MANy. r YOU WANT FANOY ci.tirii fOll A SACK 00 TO , . I. W. HAHTMAN'p. JF YOU WANT A NICE HKV OF W1IITU WAHU 00 TO I. W, HAUTMAN'fil F YOU WANT COOIIECO - ' l'UINTrt FOU Sl'ltlNO, STIUl'E AND n.utrtEn, 00 TO I. W.IIAUTMAN'fl. TF YOU WANT STIUl'E " COM.AIl-S AND CUl'FS FOlt I.ADIl-:s OH OHNTS u'6 TO ' ' I. V. HAItTMAN'S r Y OU WANT A NICE AND OOOD MACKllIl.U.nY Till! SINOLK, A HALF OU qUAKTKll iiAiiui;r, oo to I. W. HAItTJIANH JF YOU WANT DRESS O00D3 FKOM 0 ct. TO Sl.Si l'EH YAUD KTUIl'E AND FIG 'UD. 00 TO I. W. HAItTMAN'S, (I V T THE 11 E S T WEllSTEH'S UNAIiltlDOED DIO TIONA11Y. 3Kj0i:koii.vvikgs; lSWrAacjQUAisTo. it.ice SIS. 10,01X1 Words and Meanings not In other Dic tionaries. .y'"J','H!ft8.a w'ole, wo aro confident that no other living language has a dictionary which so fully and faithfully sets forth Its present TOudl. tion ns this last edition of Webster does that of "SrljIijXnT llukc" tuelll'"t"ie'---' liifi'.M.'f-V'fKilS??8?,1? Jh8 mm ,otal f Kreat lVSlifw?' "! Ulh e, Hhakspeare, and Webster's ltoyal (iuartn.-aWraioiAmilinfeiiriio. ii .! K, e'i'iis" l Blorlous-lt Is ijerfeet It dUtances and dellts eomiietltlon-lt leaves notli lug to be desired,-., i. Wi "i A, i'ml iavur Culltue. orJ'imnmnl u,.,d """arkablo compendium rlcrturKneS: S" WEI,STEU'.HNATlOXAW,(;P0U.AU 1010 1-AOI.S OtTAVO. COO ESUliAVINKS. NUCE fO, tl,'fVi!iWl.)rrkl.'',1'inl!'',,a ""' " Dictionary, Just "lu many resiiects, this Dictionary Is tho most eoiivenlem ever publlshl."jSi crlKnJcSt. "As a inaiiual ofrelereuco, It Is einliienily m. . ?r. Ui?.' " f-pilll's and scuools.".-A-)"rr,U me .. "If 1" nltogeiher the best treasury of words or esVe.'I'M l'May,vmyfU-it'-ME1'iUIAM'8l1rll'8fletlM JHPpn T A"K T N OTIC E. MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF i n uss'ooo D s, AT THE NEW STORE, mtOWER'S 11UILDING, Tho splendid rooms of J. J, DltoWEIt, aro completed nud now open lo the public with the TINHST STOCK over oflbred In Ulooinsburg. All tlio N E W EST S T Y h E S of Dress Goals, Silks, Cloths. Casslnurs, Linens, rjonuels 4c, C A R I -3 T g of eveiy slylo and for all prices, oil cloths lu great variety, i A ftlll lino Of S U I' E R 1 O R ConVcs, Tens, CI ROGER 1 1-3 S. Sugar, spices, warranted pmo aud good. OI.ASS AND QUE1-3NSWARE,: In carefully nssorteil variety. 0 h O V E S, II O 8 I E R Y, 11001' BKIKTH, COItSCTiJ AND A OOMl'LETi! nsMirlinunt of WHITE OOODS, Tlio public nro earnestly luvllod to oxuiulno these line goods, lieforopur chasing elscwhero and nro guaranteed sallslac Hon, No expense or tioublplnuf been smicd a mako THE MOST COMPLETE establishment In this kcctlouxif the Slate. J. J. 1IKOWEU, May 7,'CO-tf llloornsburg I'a, rpiIOSE WHO DESIRE Urllllnncy ,X of (kimplcslon mint purify aud enileh thu blood, whlcji i llcliubold's Vonoentrate.l lira t V,ni K''I'li"l""1"V!lrl'"jlyiloc- Ask for llelTn. J - ' , 1 vt-'vA7 . I. I'lriiiipKralFhtrdPireani , JI 1 1 l-li el Inn, nnd liltlirrm nn"ii,!l? .1 n .11 i i'iVo n rone Tean"i,2'" mlinn ..lluetu-st a, rciwutwlt?''. AUO o'clock -Mural,,.0 l'ric-wk'it by i,0 ,Cl OHAKIOT Or-- ESCHVi llfinal.y '" 12 'MATCHED CREAM Sir Elephants ia ScarlotHon! OAJIin.S AND DUOJlEDiSS Ciiirl.uiu-,1 Art-1 t'lnmc'l n. Iim n,jL,vw ANI'IMAN I'.MIhA Vis. J fl soata-ssivii rjr- Cuiitaliilnx the -81 WILD .-ISriMAlP DMwnbr'J, I.Oanan , Spans of S Valwarth GroyP: Bill cr lisrn.- M, -Wly ,lmin,l nn, f Drlvei-rtln Itlcli fnlfora . Jl.e.o rf;. C ( Ul-l N AVIl hold t, a pruiulni u i,r i lu-ti-nniUlitlji,, scI:u, vn-nvs ritoji m, fi An.l i, tliey roll nlm, mpvt LINE OF MOVING SPLEU crcntctl. In uticcsi.i icoir.un, CIRCUS RETINUi Blooded II01S33, Ponies ailiS I'm rntlug lo tlio niplu nn tafy,. Jl XV tft3l3 0,0 00.4 THE M E W AQEriiT U unlike lUiy nrocrilcnt Mor Vt . PiihJcctn.WitH ( RARER ffidMi OF IE4C.J i fo Hi.,.! ir Uon ytvM fit til to tUt CoiitUunt. 7 a vKmrAifrx AiiTiNtANar.u7 HACHMAN t AMKI4 rll.Kl.N 1..W1A. D rilt:oi'oi'llA(j Ustr:.u.ii.MiiMmt tim; ciii:iau u..'ai:i; ammW VAl.i t!uAUiJ lVifoili.ir, Mjl DSi Wt J.loiK'tmt wlikhtftn Dsliibittil uithiv.X tub ti'itLir; 'iltu t-iiull. t mid 011(1 i'trH'n, " flN V TIM,' u tv tltii.w v (M, Stllnciiei hL'h, nud a mi.!.i intli 3C mux ritoi -nn; ALi-3; a aiviPI niitl j. nun l .tinitv nf thu tlmntiiH 'inllm AfrlctuiLlONh, I,lllsSi& nml I I'lh t Iiult'puiitlrtit of tlifHitMblijj1 Aro .TajruiM. Lfniirtrils. tinttiil nf C:mi(U, tlini. Khikm, M nh'!tc.r 0 ? Rti.l AnuHrri l'.mtln r. Ai ttloj,(p -yi ltjin t. I'rciiicl.irli l'acu' n, Utif J kj l.)riK, (Utti.-In'ii,' ATilian 1.Iim, 'n. r Sf I'inii itiinn Ui-t,t!S V.'ohcs Iliti lit. l)I l'(Mi-rUs (inlil on I Silur I'ln -M'.miV.tt, I!U(k Httnns, ltni'liu i a L, v ' bulnii, Crtn I'rultoit, AW lKtr, .!ai.-Ji of itrll't tnt t'litint!.'o nrnl mlr rirtiui' tt 11 Alt;, lUbUwn, ami otliir miliar (iidr,'?f , XUUCATniiTOKEllUTIti I(.i4 Tjccn ciigai-u to gl isi Psviormaiicc u i.M n IIKOCI'K (IV BAVAW: l l'.veliistve riptilnltr, t'! A lAilTAKMIl OOW-M iti i.clilic iH'tT t"'fnro wltHi'Meil ii ' It. 1 1 r iiitiiUnptiitu... i ' ' I. A TirE OIKOI 11b. Ii.,pii nrrrttisi-'l s-i . to r!:ri-FTIa Ctl'TIO.N'AI. n rrwrlnane... mid ullll , . uitrai Mirj'jiiii3!3 wi ii- .1 .ll Hy .ticii Arilii n Jt Pu'mlcro l:.uc.lrl,iii- MAD.utr. i.iimsu: Kiioy' IVmalolioi.oTrnli.u. lr Mr. .tam::s innii!:i!!';. PrliuliiilKiiiiolilii". " Mr. .J. S!IOWI.l'.S?t AailpouliiullliUr , .iir. .lAMiis innnnvr. Eqac.titiin Ju;slcr ami Uumiliis diu' ijri:i:orEis &. itr.nWu Aliuctof.Miish'olbreii . ' Mr. .fAMIW M.UiVW1-. Clown pur e-tcf llni-., 11 so I IhH.it eno ultlio" t- UNMbl JIE.N ui gj Mr. JAMKS WAMHOn I'lioMaaofSliuiylVnis L Mr. JOIIX t'OMiU Tlielncnrnatloii orinnnlr l"'srli"-F,Vnitl tv.miil IIii-k,.. AMI I ,11. II!"."1. '1 tv.anit Ml'l. AN(ii:i.ll, '.".'" nii..u'iB 1 iti-.ii, (ii. ifliPAMf' NAbllUl'.Xl.CI riliW. Aiii,inllrl( tic. of lite licrloriituncc tt 111 1 I'10 w PONIES AND HONfi- 11111. K. Illll'l. I NHll.a 11 I' " f .1 r TlioffiUofll-0 id two actinj i:m:i'I1,c A''J'" -fi EVUItYTHIXd E Mo.t of tlio Ai.IiiiuU of 1 front, an,l M- Jf tilluii. ' AlleftlioOnEAI m CARAVAN, MENAGERIE iff On tho llor.Arorit Second At1--ft a i'i:uro.iMAXti At 2 and 7 1-2 P. M; ! Xsi-o-iixs Oxix-iooi Aaml.bloa to llig wlinlo Csmss, " Adults f.t, Children, 10 cart of w under Will aSatiilto'Si SII1CKSIIINNY, BLOOMSBURG. DANVILLE, ENTIHTRY. ir. a iiowun, besiv rtcsnectfully ofTers his rrofessloni.tl the ladles aud cmllemeii of ,Wf. L clnlty. He Is prepared to atleiul W ous operations In tho lino of his Kn Is provided with tho latest i"U'r?VV, Tketh which will bo Inserted oa t, silver nnd rubber boso to look a ural teclh. Teelli extracted hy J"! J mostappioved methods, aud l'y. the teeth carefully and properly W1',' llesldenco and olllco a fow o00" il Court liomp, some side. L WoomsburB, JanJl.'OSlf f pOWDER KEGS AND Ll W.M.MONIlOEAt'0-' ltupert, l'a- 1 Manufacturers of JOWnKH KKd1. aud dealers In alt kinds of ! LUUllKlt, I give notice that they are prejuired 1', their custom with dispatch, ana o" " erms. - , pIIARTEli OAK LIFE''1 V . , . (1PM1'AN' Mr, 1U W. Hweouy aSent for Coim"1 rernoCouutles. Pear Hlr, . I take pleasure In ftcUnowIediilnej' flvo thousand dollurs Irom jour eff for tho Insurance on Ihe W Uslvlu It. ltplf..icr ,i, ul take lau,. i a imiv i ' mm s j 1 1 1 r fVr,' rff.""y- Thlsroiiipaiiyin''','1, OI OUIBfANlJlNO WlW'.1,1?,,.' oaucels uud lelutns tin m to ll'". '' r". KATB 1'-"fir, Catawlssa.l''.AI' luiuramecan hoilleeled vy ., .,. AtCalttWls'""" May 7,'00-3i