r THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUliG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. (hntinueili'omjlrst page. copy oftho record ofliN naturalisation, If inturallnod in nny other Statoj nmt tlio votu of no stie'i person shall ho ro col veil hy tlm ulcoltim otlk'or, who slmll rnfmoor full lo prnilticn mitdi eortUlculc or certified ropy m tlio record runforo-l'l-ovltlctl, Tina no nalinallzitl I'lll.cii wIkihIiuII Ii.ivh iivided In llio election division flit- ion yu.irs or more. Immediately preceding such application to voto shnll ho required to produce such coitlflcHto, hut thu registry ofliis name, 113 nforosultl, shnll lo prima Jacie cvl ilciico of his right to voto; nnd It shnll ho Iho duty oftho olecllon odlccrs to Mtamp upon overy in receipt anl ovory naturallatloii ivrtlllenlo produced, as uror(ulil, upon which a volo hIiiiII lie received, tho word "voted," together with tho number and division or tho ward and tlm (Into of tlioelecttrm.whlch stamp slull ho ovldoneo oftho fact thnt Mteh receipt or naturallratlon ccrtlflcnto was voted upon in tho said ward and division at tho said election. Sec. ,13. That If nny person, upon any falsa representation, or hy tho produc tion or any forged, falso or spurious naturalization certllicuto, or upon any such certificate not duly Issued nccord- Ing to tlio net of Congress, shall causo Ills namo to ho plncod, or shall nttoinpt io navo ins namo placed, upon nny ex tra assessment list for election purposes, or upon nny list of qualified electors mitiinrizcu or required to ho mado by any law of this Commonwealth, or snail voto or attempt lo voto at any C'liernl or presidential election, overv such person, on conviction thereof, shall im adjudged guilty of a high mlsdo meanor, anil shall lie sentenced to lm prisoiimcnt In tho Jail of tlio proper iniiniy lor a term or not less than twelve months; and overy person who snail nm or abet any other person In nnysuch falso representation orattempt, snau, on conviction thereof, bo adjudg ed guilty or n high misdemeanor, and suffer tho like penalty. Sec. 3!). That tho division wnvassors and election officers appointed under this net, before entering upon their re Bpectlvo duties, shall severally make and subscribe an affidavit before an Al derman of tlio city or Philadelphia, or somo other officer duly authorized to administer oaths or affirmations in the said city, that thoy will perform their duties with lldelily, and will to tho best of their ability, maintain and protect tho rights of all qualified electors with in their respectivo election divisions, and will oxposo all attempts and com binations that may eomo to theirnotlco to procuro tho fraudulent registering or persons who are not qualified electors within their respectivo divisions or to procuro fraudulent yoles to bo polled at tho succeeding election; nnd tho judge or either of tho inspectors or any elec tion shall have power to administer batlia and affirmations to persons offer ing to voto at nny election conducted by them, and to examine such persons undor oath, touching their right to voto at such election ; and in all cases tho judgo of every election division shall appoint ono or tho inspectors to keep tho register of voters during tho elec tion and tho other to rcceivo tho votes : and whenever a voto Is received, tho inspector. Keeping tho register shall call tho namo of tho voter aloud, nnd shall mark tho loiter "V'oppositosaid namo on tho register. John' Claim;, ' Speaker of tlio IIouso or Itcpresenta tlvcs. WlLMEK Woi'.THINGTON, Speaker of tho Senate. Approved Tho seventeenth day of April, Anno Domini ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, Jno. V. Qeaky. antler's gcynvtmnit. Potatoes Seed IlnQuntED For. an Ache. Tho general rulo laid down by farmers Is to allow ten hushels to tho aero. This is very indefinite. The amount orsecd required for au aero de pends on the modeof plant itig,( whether in mils or drills, with cut or wholo no tatocs,) tho kind or seed used, and the natura or the soil Every man of ray acquaintance who attempted this year to plant nn aero with cut seed In drilis.using ten bushels fell short from ono third to one-half. If yon plant In hills, threo feet apart each way, you will liavo 1,810 hills to tho acre. Ono medium sized potato ill each hill according to Mr. Harrison's plan, would requiro about 20 bushels. Tho average number of medium sized notn- toes in a bushel being about 210. If you piant inrows.tlircefcet apart, and place your sets twelvo Inches npnrt In thu rows.you require M,020sets. By measur ing a peck or a bushel of tho aveingo aiooryourpotatoes.and counting them, you.can soou calculato tho number of bushels you requiro. Unless each IM yields us much as three stalks la a row.it would bo lcs profitablo to cultivate In hills than hy drills. Just weigh two or'llvo pounds of seed for each method, and mako tho experi ment, nox I season, for yoursolf.. Aecu rate experiment Is required, in order to successful farming. Ono barrel Early Itoso cut to slnglo eyea will mako about 1400 eyes, and will plant nn ncro that will produco ono hundred bushels, worth flvo dollars per dusiici, or o00, next season. Cost of potatoes and cultivation, ono hundred dollars j leaving a net profit of four liunurcd dollars per acre. The Clothes Moth. "How shall I prcservo my furs?" "How shall I keep ny woolens?" "What must I do with our stuffed cushions?" Is tho sum and substanco of a considerable number of letters from good housekeepers, who nro anticipating troublo from that llttlo household pest tho moth. Much of tho troublo with moths arlso from notknow ing their wayn and the best thing wo can do is to snow up tho enemv. In these pleasant eprlngdays a Httlo insect will often bo seen flitting about tho room an Innocout looking thing, of an unobtruslvo drab color, which, if it at tracts our attention at all, doM o only up pieasantiy, as it fecems lull of new .life, auu intent omy on its own pleasuro, But thia llttlo moth in great in Its posnl. first, blllty of future troubles. Ho, or she ing put (for tno inoxporleuced eyo cannot tell tno dluorcaoo) should bo killed at sight, Its Urat Appearance should bo taken as a warning of danger, for theso aro the moths whose eggw produco tho little at gruui Ui&l latent furs, woolen clothing, carpets, stuffed cushions and furniture, mora maw winged mollis deposit eggs oa or Why did tho Israelites not starvo iu In ui furs or fabrics. Those eggs hatch j tho wilderness? Becauso oftho sand ...,. un usys.snu tue wool or which (sand wlehcs) Is thero. fur serves thu resulting worm not only for food, hut for clothing, for tho grub makes llhclfu case out or tho small fragments, and Ihus conceals llM'ir while nt work. It geneiiilly happens that (he presence of ninths is not (inspected until tlm mischief Is done. After tho grubs havu made their growth, and enlarged their cases In suit their ueel.s, they go Into tho dormant state, unci In spring appear as tho modest winged injects to which wo have referred. With moths, as with many other domestic troubles, prevention Is tho best "remedy." Cam phor wood and cedar trunks nro good, as moth insects do not like their odor, and will not enter them. Cedar hhav lugs, kiuim", camphor, pepper, and other aromatlcs, havo Ihrt teptitatlon of being preservatives, but llu-ruls nothing so good as paste. Hco that tho fnra or woolens are well beaten, and put them nway In a box or chest that lias overy crack closed hy a strip or paper well pasted on. l'urn put up In perfectly tight paper hags, nnd pasted securely, will bo preserved from thonttneks of moths, but tho naner must bo without holes, and tho pasting mustho honestly' done, where ninths nro oneo In a fab' rie, an exposuroto a heat of ICO degrees will destroy them. Wo onco lind somo traveling blankets that became Infested; theao wo placed In a tight box and sprinkled freely with benzine, which did for the moths. JIanut.e roil Potatoes. An ex chango cays tlio following receipt for raising potatoes Is worth tho prlco of any paper for ono year to any farmer that is short of manure. It is ns good as tho superphosphate or lime, and It will not cost half so much. It has been tried two years, and is good on dryland. Take ono cask of Unto aud slack it with water, and then mix In loam or ashes enough so that It will not become mor tar; It will mnko nbout flvo barrels. Put In haira pint in a hill In planting. All manures containing potash nro particu larly suitablo for potatoes. Ashes con tain more than any other natural fer tilizer, and should bo frcclj- used and earerully saved. Any farmer seeing tho analysis of tho ashesof potatoes, can readily Imaglno what fertilizers produco the greatest effect, and what tho plant most needs. ItAsiMiEitiEs. Every family should grow respberries. All kluds of garden fruits nro healthful and delicious ; but tliero Is a special aroma to tho tasto nnd flavor or tho finest kinds or raspberries, which mako It tho most dellcato gar den-fruit In tho world. Tho following aro good general rules far cultivation Lay oiTn pleco of land in tlio garden say 1G to 20 feet squaro ; manure nnd spado It as for ordinary garden crops, Tho plants may ho set out cither in spring or fall. Tako ono year plants, cut them back to threo or four oyes.nm sot them out hy a lino four feet apart each way. It set In tho fall, tho canes should ho bent to tho ground andcovcred for tho winter. During tlio first sum mcr keep tho ground clean and well stirred, though it should not ho dug deep near tho roots of tho plants. In November of each year tho young canes shall uo bent to tho ground and cover ed with a few inches of soil. In tlio spring they should ho raised up, tho tops or tho strongest canes clipped off a fow inches, and then each hill tied to n stake, Somo persons prefer aiow trollirs(say -1 feet high) to stakes. Every other year tno ground should bo manured. Witli this and clean culture, and tho protec tion and tying up just mentioned, a good and regular crop may surely bo expected. Out of tho many sorts recommended, wo feel satisfied with tho Bed nnd WhitoAntwerp.nnd thoBrinkloOrango. For preserving, tho uarKo and Doollttlo (black) aro excell ent. Tho Catawissa givos a second crop in miiumn. Fowls in Orcuaeds. Tlio nubile has yet to learn tho full ndv.mtago of Keeping poultry. Few seem to nppre- ciato what they may do among trees in nu orchard. Let nny ono try them in an orchard of a quarter of an acre, wlicro they may ho kept by a plcket-fenco four oruvoreethlgh, putting in say 123 fowls, nnd observo tho result. Ho will avoid tho annoyance In tho garden of which so many complain, while thoy will go among tho trees, doing just what is needed, keeping tho ground well culti vated and destroying everything that L ca" mjuro thofruit-trcos in tlio shapo of hugs, worms, or other insects, nnd lay a largo number of eggs, which aro a cash article, to say nothing or tho chickens. which pay well for raising nt tho prc3- cut time, x havo tried It, nnd know It la so. I havo about one hundred fowls, which havo worked admirably among my trees, keeping tho ground In good condition, keeping off tho insects, nnd promoting tho growth of tho orchnrd. I nm satisfied that wo havo yet to learn tho full benefits which may bo derived from tho proper management of fowls. and it is qulto posslblo that tho method I havo suggested may offer tho best way ol getting our npplo orchards into hear ing condition again. Kechimre. How to Grow Carrots. A .Terscv farmer favors us with some instructions on this subject. Ills practleo is ,un- douhtedly a good ono, but It might bo greatly improved hy tho Introduction of ,ho seed-sower. Tho making of drills wllu " "uu n,m covering oy nana in vol vesan enormous wasto of labor, which wo cannot commend. Ho says : "Tho ground Bhould bo pi mglicd in tho sprln; as soon ns It Is sufficiently dry to ptil verlzo. Apply twenty to eighty loads oigood mnnuro; then about tho 1st o May harrow well, cross-plough nnd harrow again. Then with a largo plout'h makoarldgo by turning two furrows together : havo theso furrows two and a half or threo feet apart; next, with hand-tools, mako n drill on tho crest of eacli rldgo, say two inchen deep. Fill theso drills witli very lino manure, nnd sow seed not later than May 15th, cover ing not moro than a quarter of an Inch doep. Tho ridgo glvo depth of soil, und consequently greater length of root. A carrot twenty inches long Is much moro valuablo thin ono ten inchos, nud takes no moro spaco on tho surface. Tills ridging process makes moro work at but tho crop is easier kept frco of weeds, and thoro Is loss danger of cover tho plants when tho cultivator Is In. Tho moro frequent tho use of plough and hoe, tho better. By this method I hayo grown twelvo hundred bushels of markotablo carrots, and. oven thirty cents per bushel, what crop Is profltaVle ?" May MISCELLANEOUS. law JkJ A T 1 () N A li UFU INSUItANCK CO. tiik UNITIII) HTATUH Ol' AMIMUOA, WASIIINCITON, 1. ('. citAUTi:ni:i)iiYHi'i:ijiAr.AC'roi'coN(iuiws Ai'rnovr.ii July 5, 1MW, cash C A P I T A L, l'AIll 1W FULL. $1,000,000. II HANOI OFI'IC.E! VI1UT NATIONAL BASIC HUILDINCI, 1'IIILADEL P II I A, Whole tho general business of tho Company Is transuded, nnd to which all general correspon dence should bo addressed. O IT I C i: It S : CLAHENCn H. CLAUK. President, JAY COOKE, Chairman l-'lnanco and Exccutlvo Committee. IIENllY I). COOKE. Vice-president. EME1LSON W. l'Eirr, Secretary nmt Actuary. This Company oirors tho following advantage: It Is a National Company, Chartered by special act of Congress, ISM. It has n paid-up capital of !1,IXX),ihxi. It offers low rates of ptcuilum. It furnishes larger Insurauco than other com panies for tho samo money. It is definite and certain lnlta terms. It is n home company In overy locality. Its policies are exempt from attachment! Thcroaro no unnecessary restrictions In tho policies. Every policy is non-forfeltnblo. Polices may ho taken which pay to tlio Insured their full amount, and return nil the premiums, so that tho Insurance, costs only tho Interest on tho annual payments. No extra rato Is charged for rlsles upon tho lives of females. It Insures, not lo pay dividends to policy-holders, but at so low a cost that dividends will bo Impossible. Circulars, Pamphlets and full paitlcnlars given on application to tho Ilranch Olllco of the Compa ny, or to E. W. CLAftlC & CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania nnd Southern New Jersey. JOEL E. BltADLEY, Illoomsburg Pa., Special Agent far Montour A Columbia Counties Feb. 1Q,'(TJ.-Iyr. JNFAILINa EYE PItESEItVEHS. Messrs. LA7.AHU3 .t MORRIS, OPTICIANS .& OCULISTS llAnTl'OICIt, CONN.. Have,wllhnvlcwtomcctlho lncicabod demand for their O E I. 1! 11 li A T E I) PERFECTED SPECTACLES, ' Appointed Miss A. D. W ERR, STATIONER, li L o o M h n v n a, V A As thelrtioloAgeut for this place. They havo taken care to rIvo nil needful Instructions, and havo conlldcuco In tho ability of their agents to meet tlio requirements of all customers. An op portunity will bo thus afforded to procuro, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY KOK THL'IIl STRENGTHENING AND ritlCSER- VINQ QUALITIES, Too much cannot bo said ns to their SUPER! ORITV over tho ordinary glasses worn. Thero Is no glimmcrlM, uaierlngo the tight, dizziness, or other unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary from tho peculiar construction of tho Lenses they nro toothing ami pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to tho wearer, and PRODUCING A CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VISION; as la thenar ral healthy tiuht. They nro tho only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And aro tho CHEAPEST becauso thoDEST, aV ways lasting many years without chango he. lug necessary. :0: CAUTION. Miss" A. i)T WEBB, STATIONER, JILOOMSliUItG FA., Is tho ONLY Agent nppoluted In this place. tSf WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS, Feb. 19,'03,-ly. "y i: have no t it A V E L I N G AG E N T S Farmers and Dealers whosend their orders illrcci to us, can avail thcmsalves of tho LOWEST PRICES And aic the Commlssiun. Early oidcrs will bo , , ndvantageous to buyers. !- -. ALLEN & NEEDLES. HANL'FACTUllKKH OV IMPROVED SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP LIME, AND TIIK AMMONIA T E D V V. it T I I. I . E II. P E It U V 1 A N GUANO. Wo hell only No. 1 received direct, from tho Government. FISH GUANO. A splendid Manure packed In barrelu. We also offer for ealo PuitK Land PtASTKii, IIviiuaui.io Ckhknt and u full assortment of On.H und Candles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL- ALL E N & NEEDLES, 12 Houth Delaware Avenuo, dclphia. Phlhv ESTABLISHED IN lbli. Vor sale by THE IlLOOMBUUltU IRON CO.. I'tli. 9.'K)-3m. IJloousuuuu Pa. gNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MKN'B AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 'Mmt. US Market, and (23 Commerce Street, . PMhultlphU, Q.ET THE BEST. jUanion'e Copper Tubular Lightning Rod U the heat prtocilon against dhuuter by llghtnlnic ever invuedo. The aubacrlber la ntein for the bovo invention, and all orders by mall or in v ls 'fW v li mill 15,'BS win urn uiuuirujauvuueu iu. E. U. UIDLEMAN, DRY GOODS. jyj 3?. XiTTTZ (Successor to A, J, Bloan) lias Just returned from New York w llli n full assortment of DRY QOODS AND NOTIONS tu which ho 1 11 lies thu ultelltloll of thu elll.eus of Illoomsburg and lelnlty. Ills slock cviisNts In itartof tho following lino of goods SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS ClOODS, I.Alllr.S' BACKINGS, HUMMEUHIIAWIf, I.ADIIH1 IIOSII, III.EACII A 1SIIOW.V, nraw HAi.i'iiosE.ni.EAcii iinowN, LAMES' 0 1.0 VIM HI t.K AND M.Sr.UTlIUEAl), KID (H.OVIIS AM., COLOItS, HOOP BIvIKTH & COKSETjS, A PUl.f, I.lNE Of WHITE (1001)3 TAIILE DIAPERS TOWULH NAPKINS CLOTHS, AND CASIMEI13, FLANNELS. DOMESTICS OF ALIj KINDS, and In fact everything generally kept in n Dry Goods Store, Call nnd cxamluo tho goods and satisfy yourselves, high prices Is ono of tho things that havo passed away. EXCIIAXdE BUILDIXO OPPOSITE THE COCKT HOUSE MAIN STItEET IlI.OOMSnUlta I'A. Apr.lO,C9-tf. JJILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has Just returned from tho cities with another largo nnd telect assortment of SPRING Ali'D SUMMER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia at the lowest ngure, nuu which ho Is determined to sell on ns moderato terras as can bo procured else wueru iu uioomsourg. jus stock compiiaen LADIES' DRESS GOODS or the choicest styles and latest fashions, together fllhn largo jassortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles : Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslraeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, Whlto Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, ilollowware Cedarware Queenswnre, llurdware Roots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Ghisso), Tobacco, ' Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. Iu short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which no Invites tho attention of tho public generally. The highest price will be paid fur country produco in exchange for goods. S. H. MILLER A SON. Arcado Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. QREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIGHT STREET, or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, THE subscriber has Just received nnd has on band nt his old stand In Light Street, a large and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at tho lowest figure, and which he determined to sell on as moderato terms as be procured elsewhere In Light Street, FOR CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHINO, SatlnctU, Cosslmers, Cottonadcs, Kentucky Jeans. 4.C., &a ia GROCERIES, MACKEltAL, Queeusware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Taints, 4c. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CA.PS In Bhort everything usually kept In n country store. The patronage of hU old friends and tho public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1587. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. HOPKINS Has Removed hisManufactory nnd Salesrooms to o. llli CIIUITNUT, ST. PHILADELPHIA Where his "OwuMako"of ChnmplonlloopSklrts, .?1!c?!a.!y adapted to First-class ll'Aotnafe ami j.emu iruuu. wen oo round loembraco the most ej.Li-ni.ive assoriineiuin tno union, and all tho L,engtiis jl Plain Reception -....a, ix i. ..ii)iieuier wan over uiuelv t lllerent vnrletlesof Misses' and Children's bklrls, all of ..u.t.iiui mini-try ui Myie, nnisn, lightness, elasticity, durability aud real Cheaimeta.ura uu. equaled ny nny othergoods In tho market, and ...v nuu, iW i vijr 11-e.jicci. r.uiiui maau to order. Altered aud Repaired, Wholcuilp and . Quinines of Low Priced Eastern Mado Skirls, . .-,luK,oj wrnKjiji Bpniigs,icii.-eiiis; Xiwprloiis ot-euts; 20 Springs, Cj Ceutsj and 40 Springs, 7, rr I CORSETS 1 1 COItSETSlM 67dlf- flmlr r i , , I'riees, ironi U'liu lo f7.0U Madam lov'ii liiri-V siilrt s,mm. "J ?rkiH ni' fcuperlor French I'ain rna , of ixiiniucia iiehoitnu'iit of XdliV Uudir Qur- V. i . .y . .. . . juiirs, 1' ANTON 1'AM 1.Y BI:W1N11.MA('1I1NKS. Vl" 1 or to nny oilier before the pulille. l'lity.tMO of these No. 1 Machine., Price ii5 . ml), n o being ail . u u nway toouriustoiueifc.ln order to get them iV,V m " .' lft"y Ktou u w"ut uf urtlclel , lu Ul'.. f.ltA All '" Invllin IltllTllllf . ;.i7..i , ". --Miuiiouur gtHius oeioio pur chasing elsewhere. Call or send lor (lrculiiin. nl iinVf! uV,VV,lc,,0y,''m,bult'sroo"1"!No. nrn'iieht- OOMETIIINa NEW. Tlinilllilmlirtir.,! uk,.u 1.. .... , . lir.OOMHIlUKCJ, MILLINERY mill TRIMMINGS In connection with Dress Making! and Is pre pared In addition, to ' COLOll STItAW HATS on tho khortest notlce.and In the best style of the urt. Prices chcup and work satisfactory. Light Btreet. October i. Vita.' " KUNE' TOBACCO & SEGARS. W. RANK'S VIIOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUl'K, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. IIS North Third Street, between Cherry and Race, west side, Philadelphia. "ARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOUAUCO, SNUFF A BEGAR MANUFACTORY, K0.81S NORTH TIUUDSTllIrr, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WABTIIAM p, KNOKIMAH RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAH WAY. on nnd after May loth lw, Trains wl IcavoNoiiTiiuMnKnLArJD ns follows t NORTHWARD. IS A. ., Dally to Wllllamspori, (except Mnmlny) lorHlmlra, Cnimndnlgna, Rochester, llullulo, mispensinn linage, mm rt. rani. (IV) i: M., Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmlra and llullulo via Erie Hallway limn Elmlru, 0.1D I'. M., Dally, (cxceptHuiidajs) fur Williams. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. !.M A. M. Dally (oxcept Monday's) for llaltlmorc. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 0.30 P.M. Dally (except Hunday'sjfor Baltimore Husuiugiou nuu i uuauciimiu. i:d. S. YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. I ACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS u i lll.'llU RAlLAOAD On and tin Nov 301 li, 1S(W, Passenger Trains will run ns follows! Going North. Arrlvo Arrlvo p.m. u. in. ...0,13 10.M doing Month, Lcavo Leave p.m. a.m. Mcrniilon..,, I. Ill Lcavo 1.17 6.M 6,'H U.1') U.'l IM KM Arrlvo Plltston n.io Kingston MO Plymouth K21 Hhlcltshlnny..., 7.:i! llcrwlck M .r1 lllooin CM Danvlllo S.S0 10.11 IMS WW two MM S.5i II.VJ ,M 7.11) 7.52 S.l-J 7.r 7.12 1.0 f.nnvn T.Mlvn Arrlvo 11.10 Norlh'd 4.13 C10 Connection mado ntCcranlon by the 10.50 n.m. train for Great llend, lllngnamton, Albany and nil points North, East nud West. 1). T. HOUND, Sup't. 18(11. "PHILADELPHIA 1SC9. AND ERIE JL ItAII.liUAU. SUMMER TIME TABLE. TllllOUnll AND DIRECT IIOUTB BETWEEN I'll I LA DELl'HIA, BALTIUOIIB, ItAllHISUDnO, W1L LIAMSrOItT, AND THE GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA, ELEGANT SLEETINO CARS On nil Night Trains. On nnd after Monday, Apr. toth ISC!), tho iriuns un uio l'nuaucipuia Krio llnll lload will iuuiu luuuiysi W123TWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia la 15 p.m. " ') " NorlhumberlauilMi.M a.m. ...... .......... nrIul D.;nip.in ERIE EXntEba leaves Philadelphia 11.50 m. " " Nort'd 0.00 p.m. ..'!.. arr-atErle 10.00o.ni. ELMIRA JIAIL leaven Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. Norma i.'j.jp.m. " " nrr.ntLockllaveu T.ljp.m, EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie Il.nn.tnj " " " Norlh'd iinin.m. ..." " . arr.at Philadelphia J0.'.'."ia.iu. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erle. 0.!!3 (MnJ uil.i niua.iu. . nrr.atPlillndelplilu 1.10 p.m. Mall and Express connects wilh Oil creek nuu Allegheny River Rail Road. Bagtago ihecked A. L. TYLER, GoueriJ Superintendent. WillUmhport. CATAWISSA RAILROAD-On and allcr MONDAY, Nov. i!3, ltus. Passenger tiuliiK on tho I'atnwissu Railroad will run at mo lollowlug named hours: Mail Smth. 8TA1I0KS. Wllllumsport. Muncy. V'uthoutown, Milton. Danville, Rupert, Catawlssa. Rlngtowii. Summit, Ouakake. Mail Xorth Arr, 0.10 p. in. Dep. 5.11 " " 6.12 " " J.5.5 " " UO " " " " 3.IO " " 2.2S " " 1..50 " ' 1.10 " " 1.20 " " 1.10 ' " lu.IDu.ia. Dep. 7.50 n.m " B.60 " " U.10 " " U.53 " " 10.12 ' " 10.2o ' " 11.10 " " l2.uop.m. " 12.15 ' " 1.UI " 2,15 " J.115 Arr. (i.lj K Mahony June. Dlno.Tnmaqun. Dine. Iteudlnir. Philadelphia. 10 50 i. J 'orew ions vm.itead I lug or Muueh Chunk. Prom New York via. t 7.00 NoClmngq of cars between Wllhamsport auj l'lilladelpnla. UEO. WE1111 Suy't. READING RAILROAD. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT, Apr, "Olh, ISO'.). Mar1 .T.r,u.nk, L,n? "Sm 1110 Nortl1 na North W et lorl'hlladelphia.New York, Reaulng, Potls vllle, 'iamaiiun, Ashland, shamokln Lebanun AlleUtOWU. liastOU. j:nllrnl!i l.ltlr r.n,..i Columbia, 4c., ' Trains leavu ItnrrUliur fnr .'r.,., -...i. .... ..... .!,.;'-:!''u'fi''JOnuai'ilun' ". W noon and J.00 4Io,&p.ni., connecting witli uimllnrtralns on thu Pa. itailroud. and ariivln.r nr. N.'.., v..,i. ... 0,1 j, a.m.,. ll.ii a. m,, &. a,5o (., & um n. m. umiuuou.m ruanectlvelv. slcnii,,. n,,, !..,;.. i;y.',roil!'ci?Sge: '"- BUJ uiM".n Leave Jlariisbum for liondli.p- i,.itu.-ni t miuiua, Mlliersvlllo, AMilund, Blmmokln Pino Oiove, Allenlown ; Pnila'd. at 8,10 n.m., 4 'Auu 4 .M P.iii.. htomilm- at Leluuinu i .,,, i '. htalions;lhcj,Wi)m.tralnsniakliigc'.unccllonslor Phlludoiphla and Columbluonlyr For l'otthVlllo f llltlfT ucioiujtuuy LLi ..u.uo ,., A.uiiiiuui ciiauge. way lasscu'er Train leaves I'hlladelnlila m t Si ... '..-.r." with similar train on East Pa. railroad rotuintnS li om Reading at (io p.m stoiiplng nt ull ktutlons eu o iPotisvllle ntpo's, l5ii.m.,uuu2,iV.m:siiamo: kiiiat S.'iiu. in..Asli iiiuint nn. . ,!i ' .. TttuiunuantBju a.m., and 2,20 p.m., for Phlla. delphlu, aud New York. Leave Pottsvltle lor JIarrlsburg, via Schuylkill 2Um Spi n"B'i?rf,v1'Snlrft'l-a ut 7'Jo ' W Reading Accommodation Train leaves Readln" ati7,3Ua.m.,returnIng from Philadelphia iitTll l'ottstown Accommodation TraIn:lenvesrotts. it Si p.?nf ",m- "tululuB. Je"ves PhllidJlphfa Columbia Railroad Trains leave Readlnir nt fura?iBndT Leave Bklppack nl8.U a.m., una 1,00 .iS con necting with similar trains on Readln- iiillrniu' Oil Sundays, leavo New York nt "iS p.m.. lMilU adolphla 8,00 a.m. and 3.15 p.m., tho n tJ n m train niuulng only to Rending; l'ottsvlllu i !w i in" llarrlsburg S,S0 n.m. nnd s 10 and 10 IX im Si Reading at K M M.and 2,15 and ""5 b.uK!,uudUVi'ia-m" ud 7,05 nan. for Now York, nt U.10 a.m.and 1,2,5 p.m. for Philadelphia. ...JK"".1!1?".011.' WIlc.nSo. Season, Sehooland Ex fates llekets to nud Com all points, nt reduced Baggago checked through j 100 pounds allowed lo each passenger, G. A. NICOLLS, x, ,. General Superintendent. Reading, Pa., Arr, 20, Ml). "PRELAW ARE, LACKAWANNA, & I llvuvrl'tiM 1, 1 1, in,, n , . ... . . . . -ii.wvn. aiuiiiiier urraugo- ment, Apr.5,18li'.), Trains leavo as follows: EASTWA11D. WEHTWAnD. Ex press' Ac Ac coin Ex Mall STATIONS. press Mall com I" M I'.M.j Via M. A-E. Dlvls.iA .M.ii- mi Arl New York. Lv V'ooUlarclay&t.) 8.30 100 U 10 ,0 a o U) o is ...Christopher St.. 8.30 1 00 a.'ii 8.15 1 15 l).aj no; 11.30 7 t'5 SMI, 12,10 jitiiioKen.,.. Newark.... Washing! mi . vlat'en. lilt, of N.J. 2.10 12.S0 ll.ls 1I.U5 1.10 3.221 1.00! new i one tlMtUbcrliisi 0.00 I tfl 11.15 0 6UI 11.18 7 20 ...Ntwliomp'tou.... H.uKioru.ul Ilrldgevlllo.. ....Philadelphia, 11.58 t w.l 1 lelltoil..... m i 7 110 5 3X 5 XI 5 21 6 11 5 01 i iiiiiipsoiirg..., .Manuuku Chunk. Delaware 11.08 11.23 12.05 12,25 12.3.51 :7 15 7 to 11.20 11. ir. ....Mount llilhel 8 (10 10,17 ... aier nap , ..htroudsbuig ..Hnroiiuovlliii li 1.1: io.; lo.: 1.0.5 3 24! 1.15 t 41 1 20 10.1.1 0.60 1 V.lOi 0.22 1 tl.Ml llt-nrvvllli. 1.25 1.13 2.I101 8 12 ...MOaklnnd 8 Ui ;.185 roues H ......Tobylinunn ..... Gouldsboro..,.. ,......Moscow 2 21 0 28! 2.33,0 30 2.5710 50 11 II a 25 3 15 8.4.5 '.r 3.08 10O8 3.60 1035! II.U.5 2 W .........iiuiuuiig Hrintiti.,i A.M. 0.111 It.'!. 7JK ...Clark's Siiuim'li 7.."i0 ...Ablnatnii 11.10 11.30 11.10 I -'.HI 1.12 I'M 1.2li l.:. 1.6U 5.18 0.40 7.11 ..l-ai-torjvllle Mo) Nicholson I 1.50 -1.1.5 G'Jd li.Ui 1 1.30 ...JIopLOIIOIll J.Vi 11.15 5.10 5;ij ji on i rose ...New Milled Great llend .'VI .M 0.110 0.201 2.IW A. II, I'.U I'.M, C'ONNLCTIOSS. wt.rWU.""1C.Kj!'wltl1 Antral R. It. of New vRlo?i!nstwl,.WAc.0 ' ,;llzalJC,".1'"llull'-i.1'onitr. At'WuslilUKton' with Morris Essex It, It., for wVi-Jki'iTA1 ItAL i,,,r"i',M,V'!',ini" ""Ivldero Dclawaro mtersvllle;piVllsl,llrS:moU' '"'"'luuWl it if f? nn, ,''aenowaiina s II oomsburg liarie ftaiK ii.toftnW.ri,,,.IIB'. K"8S"". Wllkeit 1 .In i ' ?,'i0.f,1i1.ll,l1.ljl'rlnu,J' 1 M. With bald, ami IVriiudalet "lypuaui, Arcu ...A'0,r.f!,.t.'leu,!tw'11! IMo Railway, for Illnchnm :V.",.'r,,"'n,i "uiia o, Jlliaon., Syraeiiktr nnd ii i i'wiiv .i"ic,nii.wuiit. 11. A. HLMCi, Geu. Pas. and Tkt. Agent. $2000 A YKAn- ali i ,A J.; ,,. f '1;0""hli)g entirely new for heard fro.n, ery i"y luce "dls 1i?uU K nuiri. ah 11 ni i , ; ;.'"i''y.i""" re- buied w lloblTV,r, !'n'i'J:.r'!,ul'lrek".Hle '"'oul delay. For paiucu' VNoCv?.V"oam!C. NCW "'"'fleld IvVry Co?, I?!1! gLATE ROOFINO, KVERY VABIETY MOST FAVORABLE RATES. JOHN THOMAS, AND CASPER J. THOMAS, i'.'.t'Zs. . BLQOJisiiuna. ia. uur.iv, eu.iyr. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING PrlntuiTo&ec!Mnt'XU' TU100L U"B"W Bttata v.....u... ...in luuuru, via Bcnuyiiciii aud bUMiuehuiiun Railroad, leavo llanlsburg at 0,:jo p.m. Returuiug: Leave New Yoilc at oou iV,K;u.:i1a"-nut:& GROCERIES, Sec, c ONFEOTIONERY. Tim in,iralffnfKl would resrecthillr nnuounco In tlio public that ho has opened n l'IRST-CLASHCONl'IXTIONintYHTORi:, In the ImlldlnR lately occupied by ncrnard Hloh nor, whoro ho is pieparcdto furnish nil kinds or PLAIN FANCY CANDIIM, FRENCH OANDII'-S, FOREIGN A- DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC. 1 AC. BV 5V110LESALR Oil nETAII III short, a full assortment of nil goods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, unliable for the Holidays. Particular attention gicn to BREAD AND CAKES, of all kluds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHIBTMAH TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will bo guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1SB7. ECKHART JACOBS. TJEMOVAL OF O. O. MARK'S NEW STORE to airivjrs it look, ON THE COUNER OF MAKKET AND IKON STREETS, The undersigned having received from the city a full nnd complete supply ol SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AXD WILLOIWARE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, T O R A 0 O O , A 1 S A AT D SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, nil of which I propose sclllngnt a very low figure for cash or produce. Call nnd Bee. April 12, 1807. C. C. MARR. GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING (IRANI) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER (lr)()IW FALL AND WINTER uoolrV FALL AND WINTER (IOOIW FALL AND WINTER GOOD! consisting ol convlstlnij ol consisting of musMlmj of consisting of DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, GOODS GOODS, HATS AND CAPS. HATS AND CAPS HATH AND CAI-S HATS AND UAIH HATS AND CAPS; BOOTS AND RllOr.q BOOTS AND SHOES' HOOTS AND HIIOEh' BOOTH AND HIIOEh' BOOTS AND SIIOIM) READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING, READY-MA I)E CLOTI 1 1 NO READY-MADE CLOTlUMo! LOOKING-GLASSES LO()KIN(l.(lI,ASHlX LOO K 1 N (l-O LA HS EH IiOOKINU-GLASHIm! LOOIClNO-ULASSi; NOTIONS, NOriONH, NOTIONS, NOTION'S, NOTIONS PAINTS AND OILS. PAINTS AND Dll.s lAJ.ltl rf?l) PAINTS AND PAlN'i'S AND OILS OILS OILS, GROCERIES, Ol IOC CRIES (IROCh'ltlES, Ol'.OUEI.'IEs; ORUCERilW, (iUEENSWAKE, (iUEEN.SWAIt;-: liUKENSWAlli:, (iUEENSWAUI-: ItUEENSWARE HARDWARE. HARDWARE, HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE, SALT, SALT HALT HALT, SALT'I FISH, FISH, FISH FIT1I FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS ' AND Ac, Ac. Ac., AT McKELVY, McKELVY NEAT, .t OO.'H TMl.'AT. A. .... ,u' MCKELVY NEXr; & (JOH.1 v?,tesf corner OI Ma,n nn' Market Streets. Nm thwest corner of Main nud Murket Streets vn-n 1.lt?,t l0r"t'r of Mall Rn4 Mnrku s fee"' Northwest co rner of Malu and Market Streets, iir.ooM.smma, p.v 1ILOO.MSIIURG PA llLOOMSIUIIKl PA.. llLOOMsllURU PA LpOMSIlUIto', PA. WAS AN1) NAILS. JRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS oS u3,luutlllf ot"l at reduced latts.alwuy flHICKERING t SONS, Manufnctureriiiir GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS sciiuiiiur irsiuranu uoid Medal, nud still higher recompense, THE CROS-j OF THE LEGION OF HONOR ut the ' UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, 1S07. ,,ca?wfi'olho highest awards of tho Eiposl-'the-oXiv oo"h0onorVdntKtmMO H0 Btviy'S.11".?'1 HlVai W been awarded ""V.r.V,"h 'he leading munuraciuri.ra or ii... weUrer?IvVl,V,U,m"Hl'l,'1'n'' wo rerun t il ino lilj;H st iivuiil vivm in nnv i?,'!:i,'f:,,t'1!,.,,?' '. 'V Unit" 1 htatA. Tlit'a" s" NO. II EAST FOURTEENTH ST., NEW YORK Feb' V.VfCJmJ;.''0a Jwuy "" J mi1 A cuuo, ' snaro momenta, lluslness new. lluht an.l .,r..ni. . ue.i- my cenis o 5 per evening, fs enslly earne i y liersous of either sex. and tlio Imt'u mill i.Ici.. k. rvo "ho'b z ..ua'r. nm who sees this luitlce. may send 1110 Their UUY! iy scud mo iheir nddiess waKl!' ixtt, r win maii.rr 10 cis. Add ; ; rCrj" ""... 'y Apr.S),'00.3m; u.iu,ju.. JJ V. PETERMAN, l LIPPINCOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS. No. 21 North Water Street, and No, so North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. J II. WALTER, Late Walter A Kaub, Importer nnd Dealer in CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENBWARE, No. 1 Msrkft Btrotl, Philadelphia. JOHN STROTJP & CO., Successors to Stroup A Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KIB1I. No. li North Wharves, and 25 Nerlh Water St., Philadelphia. tKu'lSeTi,M utlhelr homes. tlm who l.irii,mi,., .f. .'"!, "l IRON, TINWARE, ATIONAL FOUNDRY, Illooinsburg. Ooliiinbla County, Pa. Tho snliscilher, proprietor oftho nlnnc-l timed cxlcnslio establishment, Is now prcrl l r cilonrdcrn ror till klndsnf MACIIINlXtYFORCOLLIEllir1 I1LAMT FURNACES, STATIONA RY ENaiNEH, Mil.m, THRESHING MACHINES, Ao ir Is also nrcDarcd lo mako stoves of all sires aud patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually mado In tlrst-class Foundries. Ills extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant hlin In receiving the largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. Grain of nil kinds will bo taken in exennngo lor Castings. , This establishment Is located nenr tho Lacks wanna and illoomsburg Railroad Depot. l'ETlilt iiiiii.aiii.lv. STC I'OVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces lo his friends nnd customers Hint continues the nbovo business nt his old placo on MAIN STREET, BLO0MS11URO. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tlnwaro, nnd every va- 1 lely of article found In n Stove and TInwaro Es tablishment In tho cities, nnd on tho most reason. able terms, Itcpalrlngdoueattheshortcstnotlce. 25 DOZEN MILK-rANS on hand for sale. N1 EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP, O.N MAIN STREET, KEAnLY OPI'OSITK MILLER' fcTOHE, IILOOMOIIURG, PENN'A. THE undersigned has Just fitted up nud opened uis new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, fn ihla i-ilnr-n. u'ln.rn tin is nrrnared to make nn new Ti.-TWAiiKof nil kinds in his line, nnd do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon tho nu8t 1 easuuablo terms. Ho also keeps ofi hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which ho will sell upon terms lo suit purchasers. Glvo hlmn call, lie Is a good mecliaulc, nnd deserving 01 tno puuiic pairounge. JAC011 METZ. Illoomsburg, April SO, 1S67, Q.EORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer nud Dealer lu HA RDWARE, CUTLERY', GUNS, Ac, No. 811 North Third Street, above Vino, Philadelphia. Jacoii K. Smith, J. R. Seltzer MTTII A SELTZER, Importers and Dealers iu Foreign and Domestic & ' t. '-i HARDWARE, GUNS, OVTLERY-, AC, NO. 109 N. TIlIllI) STREET, All, CAI.LOWIIIl.I., PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22, oT-tf. jEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ISAIAH HAGENI1UCH. Main Street 0110 door nbovo E. Mcndenhall's Store. .A largo assortment of Stoves. Healers and ltauges constantly on hand, aud lor Milo at tho loucsl rates. Tinning In all Its branches carefully attended to. and satisfaction guaranleed. 1111 work or all kinds wholesalo nnd retail, trial Is requested. Apr.ll.OUlf rpiIE NEW HARDWARE STORE, L SB 1'I.IIH Itl.TltA. Having cnlaiged our Store Room and Just OPENED A NEW SUPPLY, directly from (he Manufacturers, purchased for cash, 011 a declining market, w euro prcp.111.cd to ouer ine k.iuio 10 FARMERS, MECHANICS, llUILDERH. nnd the rest of ManUliiil.iii.enpriil ktnnir prlslug nil Iho kinds and qunlttlos usually kent In a city Hard Waro store, suitable to tho wants ... ma mum), ut unusually low prices, . All thosowhonrodeslriiiusof nnri'linsln n 111 our line c.111 savo Money by looking In at tho Please give us n call nnd cxamluo our stock Ac, . r, , RUNYAN A- WARDEN, Apr. 23.C0-Iyr lllooinshiirg, Pa. gUARPLESS t HARMAN, n.ici.i; 1 oi'suuY .1x11 jiaswactuiuso mot' 'ovls 61 PLOWS WHOLESALE et RETAIL TIIK L'ELED RATE!) JIOSTROSE IRON BEAM AVD THE 1IUTT0S WOODEN BEAM l'LOW'S. Castings and Fire Ilrltk for reralrlnaeilvstovrs. iiii ! 1 J?1" ur llou ralnB mado to order , H,-1'. H ARPLE&S A P. S. HARMAN, Illoomsburg, 1'a. 1'ionrletofs .Mar.lo,'00-tf. loprieeors, QRANGEVILLE FOUNDRY, MACHINE SHOP AN I) AGRICULTURAL Tho underslgnea desires to Inform his filtnds and the puhllo generally, that he has lebullt and enlarged lis ! ouiidry and Machiuohhop, and re' inoved all his business from Light Blietl to tlio V,?mea, PlacVl, 11 hero 111 eoiine": 01 with hls l-oiindry ho will toutinuo to inauulacturo Whce er's rtallway Chain Horsepower nnd Ihresher, (impioved), Curnell's Patent. THRESHER AND CLEANER, order and Ills ui! all kimh Tof MILL GEARING. '.',i"1?f:?ar Mandrels, 1'atcnt Slides; for Saw gllOUt tlm f-mmtvA IRON KETTLES, DELLS '''"Orales, Ktoves.Slcd and Sleigh Soles iad would uo well to eV mint, uis'n aci ncs 1 aTid thin n provemeuts mado on tho peVwcrT by " which n' least 20 per ceut. of the friction Is taken otr. ..w lunuu.MJi ARE WARRANTED to give good wtlstietlou.aud teims mado in 1.1. 11 i;?apra r.r. ". 'ricueis and patrons for nasi favors ho would still continued ?nu.ii WILLIAM SCHUYI.r.lt. Apr.9,C9-tf OrangeMllo Pa. RREINia & HELFRICH, JIANUFAlTUIttr.S, OP HRElNIG'S COMPLETE BON E M A N U R E. " "..i.uieu mauuiocoinblulnslhoicllablo feillllzlngpiopertlcsofllONEDUbTorOROUND LONE.-H-Ilh Iho nctlvo elements of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME ..uri s i.nu ny ' 71 i',. ,oiV,,ST80N' Hohrbhurg. Pn. Mar.lO.'uim, ......... bwi j,.uiuwissapu, JJELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT AllSAl'AUll.LA KllAllICAUS EltUlTlVE AND VLI'ERATIVU HIS ...... EASES Or THE iilROAT. NOSE. CTBJ .EYELID bCALP .... , AMI SKIN, thn .'.iff "'"l". ho appearance, PUKaiNG or otl'ierwUo, Ina ll 1 liken Tbv1! i?W,arY CHILDREN win, perLt HAJ.'yAbUI'1'1 m,J lo will, this luvaiuab'le at Hbute tl.atlt lifoniT f?!H.'f!,b'8 " renders oilier substaucei of tlio tonto class unavailable or Injurious, HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT HAlulAliini, . . Established upwards of 18 years. Prepared by ir T ITT.'. t.nr Apr.,C0.!m 601 bfiSdwavrN V. BniUi'H Ululvurfntfrmu I.. n.ii.V. RUGS&MEDIciNEsI1 "JONATHAN t or kiim 1 Irlnoj livsnensift. iiiver Ooiiniiii..i ":.u iii,ii,;:a .11...:....... i... n f. : Mi I'nilii l,i.;. ,ll.-,.nL. ... ...v .iiiiiui. .-."iii.,tj mnilo entirely of i-iuiib .. ; . 'om i.h.T will eimylncnniiy 0110 wlin Yw..! No family should bo will' "ui 1 ' V,1 . 'il J) '1' A YLOR.S OLIVE BRANCH B I T T E R ft A mllitniietncrceablo Tonln IS chlo nnd Catmlnntlvo '1M 'AOj BITTERS, jS Extraclcd cnllrely from Herbs and p, lybencilclallu 'JvaYi DYSPEPSIA, jf- treeU OENERAL DEBILITY, SI OY and Loasof Appelito; S!S )1K! anil nn excellent Correctlvofor peroM . from Disorders or tho Rowels, riaiu(t ig towrp fSnl.1 1 ineOT j'OAt epol.No.-113 MnrkctSUetLiiium, J. K. TAYLOR A ft) Sept. 1,'CS-ly. Ayer's lENIt ,sl boot 11 VT1 For restoring Cray Hafe s natural Vitality and Co, A ili'c?inj n IU otica n"t liCiillliy,nii(l"t;iV.B for iii'('cni;pfi5op liiiif. Fct'M rjJf AfdV i soon t n'ortl to ih otvjv. trim the j! Mar freshness oj ."j Hun hair ij jabov clieckcil, audln.'r 11033 oHoii, Iliougli not nlwaji, by its use, Nolliin can iclG-yl hair wlicru llio follicles me faiVjj or llio rIiuuIj utropliiod mul !i : But such as vomniii can lie e.wMIL usefulness by this npplicnlion. Irju;j of fouling tlio hair with 11 iaulMniri mcnt, it will keep it clcnii nud li.fSF Il3 oeeasional uso will prevent li; uU from turning gmy or fnlling diiss J consequently prevent bnlihie. i."!1 from those, deleterious subsliiucciig maleo somo preparations tlaiigcrc-. pei injurious to llio hair, tlio ViiJaT only benefit but not harm il. IfnielooJ ,;.,!,. r. iln'a 4111.1 1UI 11 HAIR DRESSING nothing clso can bo found so dV Containing noillicr oil nor bt,i:-r not soil whito cnnibric, nud y good, long 011 llio hair, giving it a riHi luttro and u grnleful perftunc. f Prepared by Dr. J. & Ayer Practical asij Analytical rii"'"1" LOWELL, MASS. pition $1,00. Feb. 5, mm. tor 1. OctcV j Oathai'tic TI..XCII tho purposoa of a LcMEl1 , si. f rciliniis no ow fpJ cinoUtii unnm quliPd by cverj ""vVv niy l'Clbrts so u. l'cilinps an owhiiir' clno U STl lv mljtito I Into.', abo e-i'ervcotiDtrya: -T- all clause, at t' 'OON but cillrlent f 'X ehn I'M. Tlieol-.tt son li.tli.ititiiai jf j; liai'lU ililll I It 1 1 lll tual remedy l'L"J jacj tiled If. knon- t!i:it it cured tlicni! those ub ' 1 Mil, know Hut it cures their neighbors and t an I nil know th.it what it docs once It iloe. TT 1, tli.it It never Kills through any iaultornc. . . if eoiiiiiosilion. Wo havo tliousands upm v-f.,, ni.iili-cilhkatc3orilielrrcniaikablccui."!?Sf l'K!.)liu'i-oinpl:iii)tj, but such cures a'etw r e-ie.-yni-Ulibiii hood, and ivo need not tli. -r'KE Ad lilted to all ages anil conditions In all ol I JJ i-oiit.ilnlii,' neither calomel or any UcletcrM ; tlwy nny bo taken with sarety by anybody. '", MUMr eo.ttinjr preserves them ever IVceli anac r llu'in ile.i5.nittotakc,whllobclnjrpurelyt,f c. no li.u-ni can nrlio from their uso in any ifli-1 aii Tliey operate by their powcifulloilucure ra Internal vlicora to purify tho Mood and flio-JL. J Into hcilthy action reinovotlieob.nruciuniii (J."l ftoinatli, bowclj, liver, ami olher orgaoi ,-cor lm Iy, ic.toi Inn; their Irregular action to iimO , by coriccilng, wliorcver Ihey exist, sm-lule"" nu'nts ns am tho llrst origin ordlseaso, J. 11 . Minute directions nro itlvcn la tlio wranF.Mol nm box, for tho rollowius comnlaluts,toi: 1W rapidly cure I ,,V lor lu-p.l.i or Iiii?i'ion. LI.; ii.sm, l.iiiiuiior and J.o of .tmifiiift , In, uld bo taken moderately to stimulate Uien; ach (md rostoro Its heallliy tono and action, rrll I-'oi' I.Iiit C'oiuiilaint aud Its vanoaif si Innis, llillou. II..ail.itli.,Nlch Ileailn J.iiuiillcn or dreou hlcleni'44, llilh .i Colic iUi.l Jlilloiiit I'ct urn, they should 1. dii-loiuly taken for each caso.to correct tlioill' action or I'emovo tho obstructions i hich raus r For Hyt emery or lX.irrliuci, but tai do.obKcnerallyicqulred. kJ. It ror lllieiiiiiall.nl, out, fii-au l, Tj' Sill iiillMM of tin. Ili-urt, lMIn In the -".UU and loins, they shoul.l bo conunr kj J.iieon,as requlrnl. to chango tho dUced ai ,Stn u!?nppeaC"'' W''U SUCl' c,13ns0 Ul03 c0'"fT5B" V11: ii'ken IuWbo and Irmiucnt dosctul' dure t'w effect oraelrasliopurgo'. iW . 1?' l!l,l,r'"'on n largo closo should I V a'.1 Jcos tho desired cfloct by ayinpstlqr. L K. mniS 'l'.:,er to ono or two i'iHi 7m a '"Wlon fnd rcllV'vo tho stomach. . i -i.n,.."i.l:V''.8loPal 1(so stlmulales tho stoma; r iS.i nto 'na'thy actfuu, restores tho ar r !n.i,ls;oratf tne systeVi- ltl,oC aotti nrH'tf01'"0 noserlSis derangcmciit:"'. fhi. . "'!' makM '''"i feeiXecidedly bciin f& 1 hSr.?can,.,l,S ""'I rcnovatlnKclTcct ontMi llvo apparatus. V Hit. J. C. AVmt CO., 2'ralrll Chr. T.OWXLL. MASS.. ls. J. I' m UEUMAN CATTLE POIVW': This l'owder Is bellovmi ini,,. o,nrir to U T Ilorso or Cattle l'owdcr lu use. It purlMejli blood, cleanses tho system', nnd elves heaW Hon and tono to the stomach. Hi- lis usu I H. h will improvo In flesh, and the coat I UST1 smooth and ulossy, 4Bk Cows latteu and flvo twenty per ccui. fJl mils;, tjxL Bhecp lmiirove and nreulunn n i,,.nvl,-i nnd:sr'' lleeco. nj Hons fatten and are frcn (Vn,., .nr. ihront. - temper, and all pen diseases, 7R ivuoiosalo and Itetall Depot, W lIENDEItSlIOTT'a UrugBlore, E oi'i'osirn! iiniiitAm iinnil iil l I'eb. 19,'CO-tf llLOOMaUUIiarSam 111 I TAINWBiailT 4 CO., JJ WIIOMBALIS aitOOEKBi N, 1C CorneriBecond and Arch Btln ruiulDSi-r8 IV.y Dealers lu ..-Cd TEAS, BYItUrS, COKKEE, aUQAH, MOWS'Tfe nic, srxesa, ni 0AU11 booa, 40., If' S-Orders will i-eoelve prompt alteuUe. i. Mayl0.1807.lr. ft W. lll.Aiinio . fvi Manufacturers ol fJ1 Oil. CLOTIW AND WINDOW BIIADE e, Warehoeiso, No. m North Third Btt(f -r PhUtdelpMa. Hair Vig j0k ened, fullinix liaii 3r5y(7