$w afffhtmbimt -AND- ULOOMSHUltO, PA. KIIIDAY MOIl.NINO, MAV 7, 1N0II. J-TIIK COI.CM1IIAN lint 111" Lirgnl Circulation of any mpcr published. In Northern Pcimtylmnlit, uil Is lio n much larger sheet than any of llscatem pnrnrlcii anil U Iherefttre (lie hest ntvillum for nilverlltlilK In (Ills rrtlnll oflhn Slnte. Tlio CJriiwi'oiil Count)' System In former urtlclcH In this jotimat we Imvu ilisctisHCil sointiwliitt tlm plnn or miiiitimtlons known iw tliu "Crawford County System," which U in force nnil acted uiion In HUinu of tlio cotiiittc-i of tlm Commonwealth. Since tlio nubll cation of our former articled wo Imvu given further reflection to the uhject una luivo observed the practical work Inn of tlio plan In tho counties whero It obtains. Tho result of this reflection und observation has been to ftxnconvlc tlon In our mind that tho oxpcdlcncy , or tho plan Is doubtful that It Is likely tlutt soma othor proportion of reform may bo found hotter ndaptod to tho eon' venlcnco of the neoploand bettor ealcu- luted to securo fair nnd satisfactory iininlnatlons to office. It is true that tlio Dolosato System as heretofore ar ranged In thts and othor counties Is do fectlve, and It Is also true that direct votliii; for candidates by tho people when nominations nro to be made, has u popular aspect and appears to bo rea Bonablc. Under the Delegate plan as heretofore known It Is possible to de feat tho popular will, and it Is certain that tho voters are not fully and equally represented In tho Delegato Conven tions. DlstrlctS'of very unequal vote have equal representation, and whero contests occur In districts In choosing Delegates, but ono party to tho contest can bo represented at all. A township or borough with 50 or 75 Democratic votes chooses ju3t as many delegates as ono with two or three hundred, and is just as Influential in making nomina tions, and whero In a district 99 voters nro in favor of A, for nomination and 100 In favor of B. tlio formor aro coun ted out in tho result and can liavo no votco In tho convention, Tho Crawford County plan of a direct popular vote for candidates, Is freo from both these objections nnd so far Is preferable to tho Delegate plan. Under It there is per fect equality among voters, tho votes of till aro counted upon the result, and no district has any unfair advantage over another. But tho plan Is liable to objections po culiur to Itself. Iti tho first place, It of fers a dilemma from which wo cannot escape Under It nominations must bo mado upon a plurality vote or tho elec tion must bo repeated until a majority Is secured. Tho latter courso Is too in convenient for adoption and therefore plurality nominations must bo accepted Herein the plan Is, in our opinion, much worso than tho Delegate plan, and buf fers by a comparison with it. Wo thluk that a party nomination should always bo mado by or on behalf of a majority of tlio voters by whom It is to bo sus tained at tho polls. Popular voting on nominations under the plurality rule must give riso to much Intrigueoind to much blundering, and nominations of mon to whom a majority of the party is opposed must bo a frequent result. Take the coso of a candidate for nomination who has a certain amount of local or other strength but cannot obtain a ma jority vote. It becomes his interest to get out one or more candidates to divide the voles he cannot command and thus securo to himself a plurality. Besides, under the plan thoro Is no opportunity for a voter to express a second choice In caso his favorlto candidate cannot suc ceed. Through his dclcgato or dele gates in a Convention this opportunity , may do auorded Ulm. Considering that tho relative strength of candidates can not bo known beroro tho voting takes placo, It follows that tho voter must of ten be embarrassed In exercising his right and that blundering votes will bo thrown that Is, thrown upon supposi tions which will turn out to bo errone ous. wo think also that the tendency of tho plan- Is- to rendor nominations ox pen si vo and to debauch tho people Tho nominating elections nro hold un der no sanction of law and may bo very unfairly conducted, and as the nomina tions ao final, candidates will spend money freely to control them. I'lnally, tho Crawford county plan does not providoacarefully selected nnd responsible Convention for business which cannot bo transacted at tho prl mary elections as the cholco of Confer eos for district nominations, nnd tho so lection of Delegates to Stato Con ventions. Return Judges to carry up election district returns to tho county seat aro provided for, but Httlo caro will bo oxercised In selecting them, nnd they will constitute an Imperfect body when convened. Upon tho whole wo do not seo that this plan is an expedient ono for ndon tlon in place of tho Delegate System , though reform of tho latter Is greatly to bo desired. Instead of the now plan would It not bo well to liavo Delegates apportioned to districts In proportion to their party voto and havo them chosen upon a reformed plan of voting? This arrangoment would go far to securo full and fair -representation of tho peoplo, nnu satisfactory nominations In Con vontlons, whllo It would avoid all tho objections (stated above) which lio against tho Crawford County plan. The Registry law. We would earnestly commend this most obnoxious and unjust Jaw, which will bo found In our columns this week, to tlio careful attention of our citizens, Affecting as it does such vital principles us tnoso or suffrage, it demands uu at tentive porusal. Tho community should bo thoroughly acquainted with any act or iiio legislature which touches, oven slightly, tho iniiunor.tlmo, and placo of cnoosing tlielr own representatives. By reference to Sec.lG of tho law It will bo wen that tho spring elections aro abolished and that tho peoplo aro com pelled to hold all their municipal elec tions on tlio eamo day ait tho general elections, that la on tho second Tuesday in October. In bouib of tho Counties wherein tho Hprlug elections aro held in May, there will consequently bo no ofllcera chogcu until l'aii,tho present incumbent hold ing over until that tlmj. j Tlio Coliiinlilii County Iimmlon. V election a miliars. Immediately before nnd on tlio day of the Slate Election, (1801,) a number of nrrosts were iiuidc at various points In the County to prevent citizens from voting, mid In ono Inslniico to wreak revenge upon n county olllccr for pre venting, in n particular wo, the con summation of such nratailly purpose. A part of these arrests were imulo under military orders by soldiers of tho Army of Occupation, and part under authori ty of tho Deputy Provost Marshal for tliu County by soldiers' who constituted his guard having Ixvn assigned to him for M'rvlre. Some of those cases (select ed hy way of example) we will hereaf ter describe. For (he present wo pro pose to opt ii up a llltlo the character of tlm officer who coiiiiimiided the troops anil whoso word, for ti time, was law absolulo In this county. As tho main Instrument of despotism In making nr rosts and clearly responsible for most of thorn, ho merits particular notice and shall receive It. lieut. con. STEWART. Ono of tho corrupt performances of this officer Is shown by tho subjoined documents, tho originals of which aro now in our possession. Mr. Alexander Hess of this county, n drafted man clearly entitled to bo oxcused by reason of physical disability, was coerced by Stewart Into paying him $100, us tho condition of escaping an arrest or stand ing discharged from tho draft. Observe the (Into of this transaction 10th Sep tember 1801 when tho reign of terror was fully established and when tho Satrap of tho Invasion could with most effect uso his power to plunder his vic tims. This corrupt villain knew per fectly well that ho had no power to dlschargo any ono from tho draft, that power residing In tho Board of Knrol ment of the District, and ho knew also, from a personal examination of the case, that Mr. Hess was unfit forscrvlco and would not bo held to service by any competent authority. But tho oppor tunity of extortion was greedily seized hy him and ho appropriated tlio hard eai ned money of tills poor man to his privutousoiuid carried it on" with him when ho left tho county. Tlio docu ments areas follows: A1TI DAVIT. State of Pennsylvania, I Kq County of Columbia, j oa Alexander IIcss of tho said County being duly sworn saith : That ho was drafted into the military scrvico of tho United States in tho year A. D. 1SC4; That on tho 15th day of September, A. D. ISO 1 ho reported to Charles Stewart Lt. Col. Commanding U. S. Forces in Columbia County. That Col. Stewart Inquired of your Deponent what sum of money ho would give to bo discharged from the Draft and not to bo further troubled ; stilting at thcsaine that ho had tho authority to dlschargo him. Your Deponent replied that ho was poor and not ablo to pay much, but offered to Col. Stownrt for a Certificate of dlschargo Fifty dollars. Stowart re fused this und notified your deponent that ho would bo held to scrvico, nnd that ho (Stewart) could do as he pleased with him. Finally ho agreed to grant tho dlschargo upon tho payment of Ono hundred dollars. That sum was there upon paid to him tho said Lt. Colonel Charles Stowart, and ho gavo a Dis charge of which tho following is a copy. Head Quarters U. S. Forces Sept. 15th 18C4. This is to certify that I have this day examined Alexander Hess of Sugarloaf Township Columbia County and find him badly ruptured and unfit for scr vico in tho armies of tho United States: CHAS. STEWABT, Lt. Col. Com'dg." That upon presenting tho original of tho forgoing certificate to William Sil ver, Deputy Provo3t Marshal of 'tho District, ho was Informed that It was worthless, and that ho must report: That your Deponent then gavo bond with security In the sum of ono thous and dollars, to report to the proper authorities whenever called upon. That ho received a notice hereto hn oxcd,requlrlng him to report at Blooms burg, on tho 25th January A. D. 1805. That ho did so report, nnd was by them discharged ; as Is certified by tho said Dep. Pro. Marshal, hereto nnnoxed: Alexander Hess. Columbia Comity S.S. On tho l!5th day of February A. D. 18U7 personally appeared before mo Jesso Coleman Prothonotary of said County Alexander Hess tho said Depon ent to mo personally known, and being duly sworn according to law saith, that tho facts set forth In tho forgoing state ment subscribed by him aro true to tho best of his knowiedgo and belief. Sworn nnd subscribed 1 before mo 25th Feby, A. D. 1807. Alex. Hess. Jesso Coleman Prothy.. UOND Know all men by theso presents that wo Alexander Hess of Sugarloaf town ship in tho County of Columbia nnd Stato of Pennsylvania and Henry C. Hess nnd Joshua B. Hess, all of tho eamo township aro held and firmly bound unto tho United States of Amcri cn in tho sum of Two thousand dollars lawful monoy of tho United States to bo paid to tho said United States or tho authorities properly constituted to re ceivo tho samo; to which payment well and truly to bo mado and dono wo do bind ourselves and each of us by him self for and In tho wholo our heirs, ex ecutors and administrators and each of us firmly by theso presents ; sealed with ourseals ami dated tho seventeenth day or January A. D. isiw, Whereas, tho said Alexander Hess has been drafted into tho military scr vico of tho United States: now tho con dition of this obligation is such that if tho said Alexander Hess shall whenev er called upon by tho Deputy Provost Marshal of wild Columbia County or by any other or tho properly constituted authorities of tlio United States afore said to report as a drafted man ns aforo- said, If ho shall so report when so called upon then this obligation to bo null nnd void, or else to bo und remain In full force and virtue. at.kv. lira rr. a delivered in pres. II. C. Hess Us! J. B. IIkhs L.S, encoorj.l V. Wirt, NOTICE. Doputy Pro, Marshal's Ofllco Bloomsburg Jan. 21th 1805. Alexander Hess, Sir? You will report at theso Head Quarters Wedncs- THE COLUMBIAN day Jan. &" 1805, without delay to meet tho Board of Examiners at ten o'clock. By Order of WilliaM Silver, Deputy Pro. Mnrll 18th Dlst. Pa. Per W. II. Abbolt, Agent. certificate. I William Silver, late Deputy Provost Marshall of tho l.'lth District of Penn sylvania do hereby certify on honor, that Mr. Alexander I leas, within nam ed, In pursuance of the annexed notice, did report at Bloomsburg, to tho Hoard of Exnmlners, on the iTdh day of Jan uary A. D. 1805, and that upon exam ination ho was discharged by tho Board on account of physical disability Itup turo. Witness my hnnd this 25th day of February A. 1). 1807. William Silvkii, Late Dept. Pro. Marshal. Convention or School Directors. The School Directors of Columbia County met In Convention at tho Court House, on Tuesday of this week, for tho purposo of electing a County Super intendent for tho next ensuing term. Charles G. Barkley, County Superln tcnilcnt, called tho Convention to order, by stating tho work to bo performed as directed by tho Stato Superintendent, after which an organization was mado by tho election of W. Wirt, Presldont, It. Thornton Secretary and II. R. KHno Assistant Secretary. Tho Directors wcro then called In tho alphabetical order of the townships, when Itwas learned that of thoono hun dred nnd fifty Directors in tho county ninety five wcro present. Upon tho matter of salary, consider able discussion was had and tho various amounts of $1500, $1200, $1000 nnd $800 per annum wcro proposed. Votes wero taken resulting in tlio rejection of tho two higher suni3and approving of ono thousand dollars. Tho following named persons wero then nominated ns candidates for tho ofllco: O. a. Barkloy of Bloom, Wm. II. Snyder, Orangevlllo, John B. Patton of Pino. Upon a vole being taken (J. G. Bark loy received fifty votes, William H. Snyder thirty, and John B. Patton fourteen. One not voting. Charles G. Barkley was accordingly declared duly elected. AV. Whit, President. It. Thornton ) .qpr,lnri,M II. It. Kllno;b(-CLta!t!J .1 Word or Advice We would earnestly call tho atten tlon of our friends to tho subjoined cir cular letter signed by some of tho ablest Democrats of Now York. Of its truth fulness and importance wo need not speak, its perusal will satisfy every un biased mind : Albany, March 12, 1800. Tho undersigned would urge upon tlio Democracy tlio importance ot pro narlncr now for the next strutrclo with Its enemies. Such urenaratlon is too commonly postponed until tho ovo of elections, nut, wo muse ocgin now to plant tho seed if we would reap tho harvest of future victories. A freo press Is tho most cflectlvo weanon for combattlnc nonular error. and achieving tho political revolution wmeii it was never moro wear man now Is Indlsponsablo to tho country's pros perity, liberties, union and peace. Wo would thereforo recommend tho Imme diate formation of newspaper clubs in your town, and that you enlist tho eff orts of your neighbors and friends,with your own, to placo n Democratic news paper, every week In tho cominir year in tho hands not only of every Demo crat who can afford to nay for it. but al so those who cannot, and every "doubt ful" voter whoso mind Is accessible to tho candid, earnest and able principles or Democratic ireeuom. John T. Hoffman, Governor. Allen C. Beech, Lieut. Gov. II. N. Nelson, Seo'y State. W. F. Allen, Comptroller. W. II. Bristow, Troos. M. B. Champlain, Atfy-Qeneral. Van It. Richmond, Stato Eng'r. S. J. Tilden. Chair. Dom. Stato Committee An Intant Talks When Only Three Months Old. From tho fol lowing letter, written and vouched for by, Dr. Sudduth, ono of our most re spcctablo and succcssfulphysicians, our readers will seo that wo liavo in our midst ono of tho many wonders of tho world. Several parties, slnco the knowl edge of this eamo to light, havo visited the family, and all agreo in pronounc ing it true in overy respect, and beyond their comprehension : Jfr. Editor: I wish to mako known to tho public ono of tho most remarka ble, indeed wonderful, .Instances of in fantllo precocity, in tho line of talk ing, that I over heard of. I doubt, In deed, if any liko It Is to bo found In any of tho records of strango things. I was called upon a few" days ago to attend a sick child, n daughter of William and Mary Jane Hearsay, living In tho south west part of St. Charles township. I found tho child, aged a few days under five months, very 111. After adminis tering mcdlclno to tho child, I was startled to hear it say very distinctly "Mamma, baby don't want any more." Completely uonplussed, I inquired of tho mother how long tho baby had talk ed. As though It wero no unusual oc curence, she coolly said It commenced talking a few days beforo it was three months old I Deeply impressed with this unheard of and prematura develop ment, I watched tho child with tho deepest interest. It does not prattlo, us Is usual with infants when first trying to talk, stumbling along and straining at words. It speaks clearly and cohcr- cntJy, a regular sentenco that clearly expresses its thought or ideas. It seems to think und then express Its thoughts calmly und clearly. It seems to note tho nnxlcty and wishes of others. A littlo four-year old brother was out of tho houso, und several of tho family In quired whero howns. Ho soon eamo In, when tho baby seeing him, said to tho mother, "Otty has como homo." It will Ho quietly in its cradlo whllo Its mother is at work, and when it Is hun gry It will say, ''baby wants dinner," or 'mamma tako baby up," ns plainly as a child of ilvo or six years of age. I may us well mention that another of tho children commoiiccd talking at eight months old. Altogether I consld er it u pheuomciion worthy of public record. Nor do I think Jt nuy tho less incomprehensible thnt this talking wouder Is a girl. Minn. JTcartd, Potatoes nuartcrod so us to lcavo on. ly ono or two eyes on n pleco, then put Into un old barrel nnd sot in a warm placo so as to wilt boforo nlantlntr. will produco new potatoes two wqlcs earlier than planting in wild potatoes. In roply to Inquiries, wo can stato on tho best authority, that tho fish law was not repealed, AND DEMO CHAT, Ob 1 1 it i try. ANDREW J. SLOAN. On Saturday morning last the com munity was shocked by tho report of tho sudden death of Androw J. Sloan, for many years n well known nnd wldo ly respected merchant of our town, nnd a life-long resident. Although his health had been very delicate for months past, yet thcro was nothing to Justify tho expectation of an immedi ate decease, as of lato ho had seemed to bo In better health than usual. Ho was attacked by n sovcro pain In tho head on Friday night, and his phy sician having visited him and loft pro per medicine, took his departure only to bo recalled ntnn early hour tho fol lowing morning to find him in n dying condition. Ho expired shortly beforo six o'clock. The cnuso of his death was congestion of tho brain. Mr. Sloan was the eldest son of Major William Sloan nnd was fifty years of age. Throughout his Hfo ho sustained tho character of a Christian gentleman and his loss will bokcenlyfcltbynlargo clrclo of friends. In his family rein Hons ho wasn kind husband and fath er, Whilst his social Intercourse With his fellow men was marked by courtesy and urbanity. Ho was a regular nttcn dant on tho services of tho Episcopal church. Tho funeral took placo on Tuesday last with tho imprcssivo ceremonies of tho Order of Mnsons,of which ho was n member In good standing. DR. JOHN V. KLUC1E. On Saturday afternoon last, M. F, Eycrly of this place, received a tele gram, from tho agent of thoPnnamn It. It. Co., In Now York, announcing brief ly tho sad fact of tho death of Dr. John P. Kluge, which occurred on board the steamer whilst on tho passage from As plnwall. Dr. Kluge was tho son of Rev. John P. Kluge, and was born In Bethlehem, Pa., on tho 11th of April', 1833, and wns consequently but Httlo over 30 years of age. Ho was n graduate of tho Univer sity of Pennsylvania, and began tho duties of his profession nt thoEmigrahl Hospital, "Ward's Island, whero ho re mained three years. Ho was then of fered a position by tlio Panama It. B. Co., which ho accepted and continued In tlio employ of tho Company until his death, holding for tho last four or flvo years tho responsible position of Chief of their Medical Staff". His last visit to Bloomsburg, whicl ho considered his home, was In tho summer of 1807, and ho returned to As- plnwall only at tho urccnt and rcneat ed request of tho Company, by whom his valuablo services wero perfectly ap predated. His death is rendered doubly sad from tho fact that ho was on hls wny to rc-Jotn his family and friends, and that ho passed from earth without the tender caro and loving attentions which only can bo rendered by those connected by stronger bonds than mere acquaintance ship creates. Ho had many-warm friends in this county, who well remember tho many winning traits of character which marked him as tho genial, polished gentleman. Such Americans as, in their Journey ings for business or pleasure, wero so fortunate ns to meet him on tho Isth mus, enn nnd will doubtless testify to his uniform politeness and his warm regard for their interest and comfort. WILLIAM M. EXT. RESOLUTIONS op condolenci Whereas, It has pleased an nll-wiso Provldenco to rcmovo from our midst our beloved Brother William M. Ent, thereforo : Resolved. That wo bow with submis sion to tho will of tho Almighty and ac cept His judgment with humility, be lieving umi, our loss is our menu's eter nal gain. Itcsolvcd. That In William M. Eat wo possessed a faithful nnd earnest co worker in all matters-pertaining to the Order of which ho was n member, and iiiui society, oymsucain, nas lost an upright, honorablo and valuablocltizcn Jtesolved, Thnt wo fully appreciate tho sad bereavement of Ills family, and that wo hereby offer them our hearty sympauues. Resolved, That this preamble and res olutions bo published in tho papers of mo county, ana a copy o: tuc samo uo transmitted to ms iamuy. C. B. Buockway, It. II. RlNOLER, John Penman, 1 Com mittee I.O.O.F peteii ir. TircnnnTs To tho Honorablo, tho Judges of tho vouri. oi uiinmon 1'ieas oi coiunima County. Tho Members of tho Bar upon tho occasion of tho death of Hon. Peter K Herbelii. an Associate Judtroof tho kqv oral Courts of this county, feel called Ulion to oxnress in some nronor nnil public manner their regrets at tho loss which tho peoplo havo sustained, and their sympathy with tho family of tho deceased. Judgo Herbcin was well known to them asnn upright magistrate and as nn estimable man. Ho nosscsscd a sound Judgment, a patient temper and mucn Kindness ot Heart, llo had Ir tho dlschargo of his ofllclal duties cb tallied tlio respect nud attachment of tho Bar and tho confidence of tho peo plo, and tho regret felt nt his sudden death Is therefore slnccro nnil i?mifml. Tho members of tho Bar tender to tho family of Judgo Herbcin tho assurances of their deep sympathy upon this occa sion of, to them, unexpected and sovcro calamity. M. E. Jackson, Roiiert F. Claiuc, T CI T. . .... ii -r r t - V -t V"--! '.. -11. IjITTLE, p. R. Buckalew, W. II. Aniiorr, M. Whitmoyer, H. H. Orotz, S. Knorr, w. G. Hurley, o. xi. urtJlUJ, il. IN, CS. IIOWKLI Geo. S.Coleman. 0. 11. iinnniniriv Aftcrrcadlug thoforegoiugMr. Clark lirusunieu mo samo to mo court where upon his honor Judgo Elwcll In res ponso .said: Tho court fully concurs ill all that Is heroin stated by the members of the uarwo cordially unlto with them In expressions of regard for the memory of our deceased brother and of hvi thy for tho widow and family In this tueir great uoreavement. Wo wero pained nnd shocked by the Intelligence of his sudden death wo who wero associated with him upon tho bench know well und fully appreciated tho sterling ouulltlru Of Ilia honil nnil heart, Ho loved Justice but his wi.nin uaturo was tempered with mercy. In tho Judicial administration nf ti.n uuairs of his county requiring Judg. ment and discretion, hIsopiuIoii,alwnys sound, commended itself to tho consld oration of his brethren. Ho nlmod to promote tho best interest of tho public, uuu jus goon juugmcnt rarely fulled of BLOOMSBU11G, accomplishing his purpose. Wo sincere ly mourn his loss. As a Blight testimonial of tlio respect which both bench nnd bar had for him In his life nndns n token of tho regard In which they hold ills memory, It Is directed that tho foregoing bo filed among tho records of tho court, and a copy bo forwnrded to tho widow of tho deceased, it Is runner orucmi unit mu court do now adjourn. I'orclgii News. Cork. Wednesday, April 28. A din ncr was civen hero last night in honor of Warren mid Costcllo, tho released Fenian prisoners, on tho occasion of their departure for America. His Hon or, tho Mayor of tho city, was present and mado an inflammatory speech, warmly eulogizing tho guests of tho ovcnlng. Ho wns followed In n similar strain by other gentlemen. Tho build inn In which tho banquet took place was surrounded by n largo ciowd of friends nud sympathizers, who, during tho evening, formed a procession nnd paraded tho streets with bands and torches. Tlio proceedings wcro marked by much enthusiasm and excitement and some disorder. Londonderry, Ireland, Thursday, April 20. Serious riots occurred hero yesterday between tho catholics and Orangemen. During tho collisions oo tween tho two factions tho Polico charg ed upon both. Firearms wcro freely used, several of tho rlotors being wound cd nnd two killed. Tho riot assumed nt ono timo fearful proportions, but tho efforts of tho Polico and tho nppcaranco of tho military from tho garrison final ly restored quiet, and tho city Is now tranquil. The military will remain on duty for a day or two. Kcwn Items. Cain Norrls. tho voune nctrro nrrcs tea nbout n month since, charged with ravishlnc three white eirls. was.convlc- ted and sentenced to thlrty-fivo years in tlio eastern Penitentiary. Tlio trial lasted three hours, und thojury convic ted without leaving tlio oox. A Cleveland (Ohlo)wouiau has had soveu husbands in elcht years. Ono was killed In the nrmy, another was killed in n street ngnt, nnu tno oaianco are niive, lour oi tnem having oeen (it vorced. A soventeen years' old daugh ter of this woman has been twice mar ried and divorced. A young lady at tlio Portcrfiold mill, near Tidiouto, packs eight thous nnd shinnies every day, and earns one dollar each day, ns much as most of tho male laborers. Sho has kept this up for tlio last two months, and says she win ucncciortn pacK ten. Miss Kellogg, for singing ononlglil at Elmira lately, received flltecn htm dred dollars, whllo tho Young Men's unnstian Association, under wnoso au spices tho concert was given, cleared a prout oi ono thousand dollars. A farmer at Taunton, Mass., has a romarkauio cow. During tno last year sho has civen 723Inuartsofmilk,weich- Ing about 11,358 lbs.,and yielding about Soou, wniio tno Keeping oi tins nnimai costs omy A Boston paper Is "In favor of wo mon votitnrlf thov want to." A Chica go naner "would liko to seo tho man could mako them voto If they dld'nt want to." Wo would liko to seo tho man who daro challengo thorn when nicy do vote. Pennsylvania having ratified tho liitccntii amendment, mcro nro now cloven States which havo enrolled them selves in favor of tho measure: Nevada Kansas, Missouri. West Virginia. Avis consln, Illinois, Micliignu,Malnc,Soutli Carolina, Arkansas nnd Pennsylvania Doiawaroand ucorgia liavo rejected it Tho dwelling placo in Greenville, Tennessee, to which Mr. Johnson retir ed from tho "White Houso, is n modest two-story uncK. senator l'auerson his son-in-law. resides at Henderson six miles from Greenville. It Is believ ed that Mr. Johnson left Washington, worm aoout7o,uuu. Mliiiii? Troubles lit Ifils State. Scranton, Pa., May 2. Notico was given yesterday by tho miners- uruuiziiuuus tu tnu cuui oper ators of this county, that no coal would be cut or loaded after May 8th. At Wyoming on Friday night the safo of J. C. Shoemaker & Son was blown open and robbed of $7,000 in Government and Lack'a. & Bloomsburg Ilailroad bonds ; nlso $300 in currency A reward of $500 has been offered for tho arrest of tho burglars. Loveliness. It is not your neat dess, oxpenslvo shawl or pretty lingers that attract tho attention of men of sense. They look beyond this. It Is tho truo loveliness of your naturo that wins and continues to retain tho nflec- tious of the heart. Young ladies sadly miss it who labor to improve their out ward looks, whilo they bestow not n thought on their mind. Fools may bo won by gew-gaws, and fashionable, showy dresses; but tho wlso and sub stantlnl aro never caught by such traps. Let modesty bo your dres. Use pleas ant language, nnd, though you may not bo courted by fop and sot, tho good nnd truly great will lovo to linger In your steps. We have received advanco sheets of tlio "Lifo of Jefferson Davis with a so- cret history of tho Southern Confedera cy." This valuablo work which Is from tho pen of Edward A-. Pollard tho well known author of "Tho Lost Causo" will supply n want which has long been felt In. tho community, a truo history of tno causes which tended to tho over throw of tho Confederacy. Written as It is from "behind tho scenes," and by ono well qualiilcd to glvo tho details in un interesting mauner.it will ho of great wcignt in a Historical point of view It will no doubt meet with a large sale. Published by tt.o.Natlounl Publishing Company, Philadelphia, and for sale only by subscription. Agents wnnted for overy county. To Fkeshen Salt fish. Many per- sons wuo aro in tno nault of freshening mackerel, or other salt Ash. nover dreum that there Is n right and wrong wny to uo n. Any porson who has seen the pro cess of evaporation going on nt tho salt works, knows that tho salt falls to the bottom. Just so It Is In tho nan whero tho mackerel or white fish lies soaking nnd, as It lies with tho skin down, tho suit will fall to tho skin and thcro re main! when, If placed with tho flesh sldo down, tho salt will fall to tho bot tom or tno pan, and tho flsh comes out freshened ns It should ho. In tho other caso it is nearly ns salt us when put in. We call attention to tho advertise. ment in ntiothor column of tho cimrinr Oak LIfo Insuranco Co. It, w. Swccnoy Agent. COLUMBIA COUNTY, VA Receipts of "inn ooiiTJiviDiAri" for April mou. Wm Flulicr 3 CO, .1 it Kclchner 2 GO 200 0 m 1 00 1 00 200 1 00 2 00 till linrkler Colmnliln County W W, N lircdbcndcr r Montgomery uoio JohnllHmllh . Hnmnel EHinlth Henry Illcho Htcplien Klner Cynn ltouliln .Tnpn 1 .MtlHSW Wl lm ltlcharl S 00 lllnimn 2 50 ?.!! .lohn .ciiicr ItiltliHtlrllns (!T Hhnmnii jntinii it r rii 2 00 Mm K.I nmimnn Hlojihcii Ilutlou 1 Koh cipciilielscr2 (0 2 III .1 II Mnlro 7 70 2 UO.1 John Hivlnlier 2 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 7.1 LTHImrpIew intrl Kllcpntlnll (H Ml.lolm AlKtndt 2 oou Mlctmi'l Loinon r7i l.pwli llclslillno (leorueBlrlckor AtiRuiW Everlmrl 2 0",, A Wliltmoycr A 'I Crevollng W,1 Holomon Dlemer H W NoUon B 2 0U .1 V M'llonrv 4 00 2 0 2 00 2 00 .1 VM'Hci 7 01 John A' in 1 m Emnnilu Wm Wllllnnn. M (! WooilwnrJ Ulinnglt B O) J H Furmnn Clmi l'ettermnn 1 s'ii 3 20 2 2l Jni Hryson Jr. " IMt I M.' M nrltxthnrll 2 00 U HI AlK-n l-euenniui A Mimelmnu'sl. It A Cnriunn 200 2 60 :H3tH 1 601 John Klnso .In l.lllv 4 Haml (User 0 09 1 John Cromo 2 50 2 Ik) w J Ilanmnn KH A JUIUllflon m Henry Dlettcrlcli OO.i Daniel Leiby W Daniel Htlnu T A llllclilo 2 (O 2 00 2 110 2 00 2 U) 2 00 4 00 rlilllnrnycr Minn liowcr ltlutilft Cliirn l-nric j H lihinino Misses Runcrt ii(;niio l'pomnn I. ii unpen imlton iIouho jnmen Kimer Wm O (Julck EUn Krum II II lllcketls Cutuwlssa twp A Oblnsser 1st National Hank John A I'umtoii Thos A runston A H Fimstnn N Welllvcr Isiuel.ut7. Daniel Miller Einnnuel l-'rltz CH lles-t'a lt Nlchulas Kindt Wm llarbcr 4 00 2 (HI 2 60 H 21 2 00 2 00 2 0) Chat 1a-o A H Crumley lllrnin Mmnz John Kmltli John Diellerlcli 2 (K) 2 ill 1 00 Win nailer Lewis Tittle. 9 60 2 Oil 2 00 2l 2 00 2 00 1 (10 Reuben llogarl 11 J Clark Win A Denn Wm L Hnrner Nnthan llelwlg Jar ob Miller Peter Helinbnch John W Kramer Margaret Creasy Isaac ration BAlilrJtenblno Asa lorks lnunnli Vntlru John Johnson 2 00 2 00 at .100 ii w -narsa lIlnnliB Jcro Klino's Est 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 Knnmel l-lsher 1'cler l-'lshcrjr I) II I-'elterolf W A Kllno (leo I-'eiistcrmnclici- L II Rupert EH Ti o bridge 2 00 2 00 200 2 Ml Daniel Klsher 2 W j Henry Zupplngcr List of tetters Remaining in the Tost Office May, 1st, 1869. Illttenbcnder M L llowman Wesley Cabnor Jacob Chuto James E Campbell Jos 11 Dunmlrn buo Derr J Tompson Ellsworth H Erven Mary H Try Eben O Grois lm (Iraham T L Illdlcy Samuel Hanson Jauo Johnson John E Johnson Uobt C Kline Mary Ketclilcr (1 II Morrison M U Moi-iliin Semnnllia llcnklngNell (Foreign) iioiiua niepneu Uemaly Webster lilley ItA lUeecr hlMah U Itycstock Maul sltlcr Adam Shepherd 11 T VauneltH 1) Ilaggcrly Daniel ilubbanl Amos T (2) Wilcox O H J. II. rUIWHL, I. JI. llloomslmi-g Market Report. Wheat ncr bushel SI Ilvo I 2' Coin " Oil Oats. " (ii Flour per Imriel It l-o Cloverseed 8 00 Flaxseed 2 00 llutter 6i) Ekrs Is Tuilow l: Potatoes t. :. Dried Apples, 2 61 llams M Hides n ml .Shouldei s Iird per pound Hay per ton 10 00 LUMBEll. Hemlock Boards per thousand feet $10 0) l'lno " " (ono Inch) 1mi20 Joist, Scantling, Flank, (Hemlock). 15 cm Shingles, No. 1 per thousand 8 00 " 2 ' 7 IW Siding " " It 18 0J Ir.OK No. 1 Hcotch nil! Si: No. 2 " " ' 810 lllooni J Light Street Itnrlitd. Coriected weekly by I'etcr Ent, wholesalo nnd retail dealer In grain, Hour & feed and general mi'i ciiiiiiui.i'. Wheat per bushel SI 00 ltyo ' 1 to Cum " ' l uo lluck Wheat 1 1) Dais Wheat Flour per 100 lis 6 00 Duck Wheat Flour 4 50 Corn Chop, 2 60 limn, llutter per 11) Eggs per doz Potatoes pr bus Dried Apples " Hmokecl aldo meet pr lb " (shoulder ' " Uam " Lard " ID Philadelphia Mm-hels, Flock Northwestern supemno at S.'i.OOffl Northwestern extra .von u.s Noithwestern family 7.5oi 7.7: Pennsylvania anil Western superllue... 5.UUAU50 Pennsylvania ami Western eitrn ,5.755 0.73 Pennsylvania and Western lamlly 0.5ull.U0 Pennsylvania nnd Western lancy ll.iga-lH.'. S7.-J eat lVmusyivuniii ieVl,"v'b"us,'7.'", Koutlit-rn " 5l.0KsJl.Tll 8J.2U Houtheru Cnllrorula " ' " uhlto rtYE Pennsylvania rj e, v has Coun Yellow, " White, " Oats bus Pitovisioss Mm Poik, v bbl Mi-sslleif, Dlesseil Hogs, ylt, Smoked llams " " feuouldcr V Hi Lard. in f:i.l.3S.i, J1.40M1.1 WallJc. S1.17KS1, TdcBt&J 31.50 SJI t-c&Sc lctguno Uo S? 11 f 1 onKiia i.iuvcrsecu. i uus V bui L-djl 1 Tlmothyteedjl bus, ti: Si' CA1TLK lleef Cattle B tb..."V.'".7.!.. x- nixKceti DeiaiiKe ttiwH, ueau .. ZMttiir: tixSSiO ,50 Uliiniajgeii. aAUi:L-I!ITNEn.-Ou tho 2nd of April, bv Hi itev.wm. J. Eycr, Mr. Cornelius (label, to Miss i,u.auumi AJUUer, UOlll OI 4.UCUSI lOWIlSlllp. o ALL ItISIIEL.-On tho same day.liy tho same, i,i i i . .. . ' y"Iaw"ihaiio Lttinariue An ui .tiuuiuur liiwnsilip.rn, TEMri,E-ICEI.LEn.-On the nil ... i,v r. Uarman Esq., at his lesldence, Mr. Win! T , i i ? - , B ta' JvclJer'n11 or jorde " " M-"',-,JJ lUlUKlg IU, WISLY-roST.-At tho homo of the lirblo upss twp. I.uz. co.,l'n.,by Itcv. I, Marriott, Win, Wesley to Prudeui e Post. 1 Croup. J. l,Mr, Chns. Dodson to Miss Julia A Davenport, both of Union twp., Lur. co., , Pa. KEIFEIt-llUIlIl.-On tho 29th ult.liy Ilov. I. It I-.yans, Mr. Iuls Keller of Catnwlssa, to Vllsi Llizle Ilubb, of Wllllamsport, Pa. LI'.L??1TI".Ilcrl,'lck!KnU,rilav morulic very bliddenly Mrs. Jennie, wife of John A. Elliot nud daugliler of M. w. nnd Margaret Jackson ageil 20 ears, 11 mouths and 7 days, JacK,,oni WITHOUT A GOOD DIOESTION. All other temporal blessings arc comparatively worthless. Tho dyspeptic millionaire who has tried all the potions ol tho medical profession in vain, nni believes his complalnt'to be Incurable, would glvo half hi fortune to be freed from tho' horrors of indigestion, and thus enabled to;enJoy Hie other half. 0 courje he would. Terhaps HOSTETTErt'S STOMACH BITrEns has been recommended to such n suOTerer, rossl. bly ho bos turned from the frl.nd who mado tho suggestion with a sneer, Intimating that ho has no aim in any "patent medicine." If thin has been the case, to much the eoru fur him. Ills in credulity dooms him to a life of misery. All tho luxurlcb which wealth can purchase are at his command. Not one of them can give him plcns. ure. His own irrational obstinacy Is Ids bane Tho twujM, happily for thcmsolves, aro less kkeptlcal. There is such a thing as llgotca unbe. IU, a well as ocil cidlufKy.anaagoIden mean between tho two, which men and women who are gjftcd with common souse adopt and profit by, HOSTETTEH H lilTTEItfj. Why do they up. prove Uilsianiousantl.dyBpeptlcandantl.blllous preparation? HImply becauso they hao not been so much tho slaves of tousolchs prejudice to give it a fair trial, and havo found that when all other toulcs.stlmulanls nud stomachics falled.lt produced tho desired effect. "Strike, but hcar,"ald tholtoraan ago when his iguorant enemies weroakhalllngh!m."DouU, but try," says the man who lias been cured of In. digestion, or blllousuess. or iiitrmiiit r,.... by tho Hitters, as ho relates his oxpericuco of tho" modlciuotohls Invalid friends. Whoever is so wedded to his own foregone theoretical couclu. sloni, ns to decline to test tho properties of a mcdlclno endorsed by tho testimony nt Ini.ih. gout men in overy walk of life, and approved by the people at large, Jni to $uffer. TTELMnOLD'S CONOKNTKATI2D JTL ICXTItAOT HAIWAPAIIILLA 1H Till' UlffiAT 1ILOOD PUlUEJElt ' '8 T1IK J'AltM POR SALE. lntens,?,' JSSl'i'i1.0'!0"1 '"'"Seville containing ;W acres SK3 n.i f r.ci''e"' ZVM'ea of which ure proved n !tveibnl",'if0 ""ibereil with Ouk, Chestnut good water. ' Eofurlle7parUeuhrUs'an, u.uuu r . , ,., r JOHN CHOUSE, LalrdsvlHe, Lycoming County Pa. new ADVinrmmNTS A DMINISTltATOR'S NOTIOK. M Hteely. lnlo t.r Mlllllnvlllo. Co ulnl l County. ileeeawL liavo liern granted liy the lleglster of said emiiity. I" I. K. Mcliweppenlielser of ho taiiin 1 1 hurt. All nprnn.n lmvinit clntmsiruc prJ-sent theni .for settlement without delay, nnd ' .... ..i4i . ni ,i ntfnli nrn rriUlfhU'd in huso lllilemeu in inn? l" " " ...,,,.,,,, May 7,'09-Ot Administrator. y siNKcn roil Al 1 1J Ji O I A-S J M I PATl'.NTEl) DECEMIIEIl SI, 1M7. n.n.1 iiinfollowlnBIrom old experienced nnd enterprising millers : I would uieremru r- '5AAAO MOLI Also strong testimonials from (leorge W. 1'rlej. baeli, 111 o.rVsburg, 1M.. Ellas Hnyder, Nnmlii UiYiiIspp. Iiarnesv llo.Hchnylklllc.0. !., nll'well known nnil honomhlo nv lUU'1 1 WILLIAM llAliMi!. May7,'C0-it Numldla, COI. (JO., i n. D ISSOLUTION OF ijiiiTVi-nqillP Tho partnership heretofore existing 1'etween tho undersigned, under the nrni or sen i nr v lllack doing business In Ilohrsburg, is Ihls day '''".IIM i, ivrrv D. lllack. All persons naviuguuseiuuuiiiuuuio ,..,..w 1 uu unuunio ... rv.... .. - -,--7,. , ,n tnite uouce. . . ,,... .1 rtVAii i-ui i yj ........ PKUUYD.IILACK, ""L't'.V'ir.SIL'l'S,,,,, a.. the nldstaml by Perry 1). lllack, who proposes to do nway with tho credit system, nnd will sell very luw fur cash nnd rendy nay, 1'EUllY D. 11LALK, jnay i, ey-ii. piIAltTEU OAK LIFE INSURANCE Li U ill I A l t Mr. It. V. Sweeny ngeut for Columbia nnd l.u xerno Counties. Denr Sir. 1 take pleasure In nek uowletl fling tlio receipt of r,r tlm limiirnnrn nn tho life of lllV htll)flllll Calvin II. Ilclfsnyder, nml tntco thw occnKlon of KUHANCK COMPANY, for t proniptttndo nnd rpcommeniMHK me uirtiur.u uak i,ivtu xrt fulr ilpnllnsr. run mm nan v innKPS im (khiuciioii ot OUTH 1'ANDINU l'KKJIIUM WOrtW, but ennpclii nml rnlnrim Ihpm to lllfl 1 11811 rctl. JvATK 1'. 11EIF3N YlJEIt, Catnwtssa, I'll. Apr. 2Jtli Ink). Insurnue) can boeircctPd with It. Wt HWKENY, A(tent. At Catawlssa or UlooinsburB. May 7.'C9-3m A H. DIVINE'S GHKAT INDIAN M K 1) 1 C I N K. fSLDlOK MOKKTItAN FOUTY YKAltS INOEKMANY U tlio most pureeMful mcdlclno yctdtscovored for itiecuruui jyHiHapial liiver uonipiaini, Kiuney DhfUHi-, Akiu1 1'Vver, nud UNwuc of Lungs, nud ih mncio cnuit iy oi KOOTS AND 1IEUI13. One dnsn will pnnvlnpn nnv "in . - n h un umii mi lulling niiuiitu uu wlllioutlt. It IsnstonlsliliiR what cures lt lias cilectpil lnCentro and Itrlarcreclc townslilps, nlst iiuiuinguou, anu wiierc u um uecu uscu, since last cprfng. 1-oplo who liavo been nnilcted with the alios e diseases for tho last 11 ft ecu ycars.when no rnyblctim could reach their case aro now cureu ana neauuy uy using mo OltKAT INDIAN MKDICINE. lt lias never failed to euro Ague, Fever and De rangement of tho Stomach. I hope nil who are nllllctcd with tho nhovo dlsPascH will apply lor tho great INDIAN MK DI CING which can bo had at A. II. JltVINE'H Medicine Htore In Llglit.Street Columbia county Ta., or of lilt gcneralngeut J. It. UOKDNKIE. Agf nls wanted. 'ihU medicine is propnrod only by , A. II. inviNn, May 7,VMyr Ugbt Street, Pa. Q E T THE II E H T WEBSTER'S UNABMDCIED DIO TIOXAIIY. SOOOKXfinAvi.vosj lSIOrAoraqiMino. i-iiicn 812. IO.OOi) Words and Meaning? not In other Die tlonnrlen. Vlwyedns a whole, wo are confident that no other living lauguago has a dictionary which ko fullyauilfallhrullyhcti forth Its ireent condi tion ns tills last edition of Webster does 'thnt of our, written and fcpokeu Engll&li tongue. Har pers Mtigazlnc. These three hooks nro the sum total of great libraries: tholllble, Hhakspeare, nnd Webster'. Hoynl ((uai to.-cilcdjo lhi nlmj Journal. rinEW Weiisteu Is glorious-It is perfect It 1 ltunces and delicti competltlou-lt leaves nothing to bo dcslreit,-. 11. Jitiymoml, L L. D.. I'ret't I msar Ojllcffc. The moht useful mid reniarknblo coinpcndlum ot human knowledge in our language, W. S. Clark, President Mass. Agrlcllurnl Coflege. WEIISTEII'S NATIONAL I'lCTOUIAL WCl'IO.NAKV. 1010 I'AOES OCTAVO. COO DNailAVISas. 1-liICK 8. .i,I'.'iurk 1?.ren,!'a ttm lt u DMtonaru, Just honillly, prortl!'"l"lon. "-AmerteoiiiA(iic5?loncil rMIli tlfls Dlcllonnry is the most couenlenteverpublUhed."-A'ocic(ri;e;iio-ra. . 1, ." ofreierence, lt Is eminently nt. ted lor use iln families and schuols."..JV. Y.Tr'bune. It isaltogetlier the best treasury of words of I'ssed.' llurtoril J'reis. r l'ubllshcil by o.& CM Kltltl AlI.Spriugtleld.Mass. JiU POUT ANT NOTICE. MAONU-'ICENT DISPLAY O V DttESS GOODS, AT THE NEW STOUE, BIIOWEK'S BUILDING, Tho splendid rooms or J. J, HHOWElt, aro completed and now open lo tho public with tho FINEST STOCK over oirorcd In Bloomsburg. All tlio NEWEST STYLES of Dress U001U, Silks, Cloths, Casslmcrs, Linens, E.annels &e. O A It 1' of every stylo and for nil E T S rices. Oil Cloths In great variety, A full lino Of SUPERIOR GROCERIES. CofTces, Teas, Sugars, Spices, warranted pure and good. GLASS AND QUEENSWAttE, In carefully assorted variety. GLOVES, HOSIERY, HOOr SKIUTS, COI13ETS AND A COMPLETE assortment of WHITE GOODS, Tho public aro earnestly Invited to examine Iheso flno goods, beforo pur. chasing elsewhere and are gnarantced satlslac. tlon. No cspcuso or trouble has teen spared to make THE MOST COMPLETE establishment In this iectlonof the State, J. J. imoWElt. llloomsburg Pa, May7,'03-tf bo.Hd"Ckao'no'he1r;,J'ya0t'1- A'k fur K VOUNG LADIES BEWARE OF X tho Injurious eirecls of Knee Powders and Vuhes. All such remedies close up thoS of tlio skin, nnd In nslioit Hum .i-n, I ih,.lS" plexlon. youthlul 'j0,11-, 1' ou would havo 11 fresh, healthy aiui '.,.l.1ii.i"',l,ranu' Ui0 Ilelinbold'. Extract Sarsuparillii. MupUuu'Sf tho blood lie XVs'Tx ract Sartaparllla Is n remedy of the utmost vi! 5 ef HOW'S KXTRASAltiA: l AltlLLA t-li-nnsnunn.l r..n.. . 7 . in. ula tho vigor of iiealth Into tho system nnJ purges out the humors that luaUo dismso ' U IUDGE NOTICE. A .11. !.-... .1 tho CalAw 1 KlT S "S'.' ."k f ' urn ,i1,,t!r 'V ?' -n'en!nvi. oi L, am-T April ititli uextut tlio ollleoof tlioTri'iisurer Apr 0 CSMt OKOliOE S..all.llEItT. Apr.v.t"-" Treasurer, J II. WALTER, Lato Walter & Kanb, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, OLABS, AND O.UEEN8WAIU2, No. 2l Market StroU. Philadelphia, FOR NEAT AND CHEAP JOB PRINTING. Call at The Columbian Office, liloomslnr ra. QOLUMI1IA IUOK WoilKfl itri N. W. SAMPLE &cofb; COHNEU OF MAIN ST. AND L. 4 ,, DLOOJISDUIU), TA. ni Mt-by ml MACUINISTS, IKON AND liUAS3 1 1 I1LACKRMIT1IH AND "OILEIt.MAUEn, on sit an: b"i MANU I'A O T U H V.t bci O F foi In! , Jet STEAM r.NUlNI & WATEUW11F. F.K No UENEllAL MACHINE WOllK ASD nri UEPAIHH. CO. TA p-3 CS shl 6,1 lot DUt rig -cn MILL OEAUINO, BIIAI-T?INU, PULLEYS, IIANCIE11S, HEAD 1U.OCIC, est 111 BAWMir.Loiat,ibct nt Or nil kiiitls. i iC( mi CASTINGS FOR FURNACES &, o ti iro )CC ui nol M ROLLING MILLS. 01 BRASS CASTINGS OF ALL KIKUci :ut CAR BOXES, t t wi f9: COMPOSITION CASTINGS, igs AND BABBIT m?c? ion BELFIELD'S CELEBRATED Die iur y- Bcr 3a W pt at u nt rin th toj '111 GLOBE VALVES. STOP COCICS, CHECK VALVES, AIR COCKS, Tu ,L tet OIL CUPS, STEAM WHISTli?r II CI !lf Isl O i Cl lnc io STEAM OUAUES. STEAM PUT, ASIrn FITTINGS CONSTANTLY is riu ON nAND. fltl nit B L A C K S M I T II I XC Vj an HEAVY Oil LiailT l-'OnalKGS, ivi ss't AGENTS fob SHIVE'S GOVEBN.wh out r'st ACKNOWLEDGED TO HE THE swr'irjc AND RE3T IN THE WOULD. bet yn lll"f (tlii -:0: ivc REAMERS, TAPS AND DIB hli ' )rtl rial MADE TO OltDEIl. ot( . BOLTS AND NUTS OFAU RTZES. rin IPV ORDERS FOR ilj BRIDGE BOLTS AND IIWL SOLICITED AND ESTIMATES CHEWlFr'( FURNISHED. tn 3 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMES a o lO( ,cli OF THE LATEST IMPROVED lATTtt do THRESHING - MACHINES' nn :ri A SPECIALTY. r. BUCKEYE REAPERS REl'AlH? IQ' AND ALL EXTRA PARTS FUItM1"-i .,rr. MANUFACTURERS AND RIETORS Ol' HORTOS'S JL m PATENT HAY RAIvK. tli to :0 12. WIS cc wi I: ALL ORDERS EXECUTED PROMPTNESS. AND SATISFACTION QlVfS i:i ) U MONEY May 7,'69-tf. it e v v x v y( jni a t tie 21 ft) fn it