IT Wfo dfoluntljimt AND IUW iu i-uuusueu ovcry rriiiny iiiuruiug 'AiJ' tho Columbian Building near tliu . iJmtt'Houso; by '., OHAHLE3 D. BROOKWAY, j'N'Editor;, and Proprietor. ' ' --Terms. Two dollars n year, pnyu o in ndvnnco. JOB PRINTING of nil descriptions ecuted wlthsncatncss and dlsimlcli, ront-enfiblo rates. BL00MSBMU1 DlltEOTUUY. STOVESAND TINWARE. ml.. . msn ItWTf .l.nlnr lit utnvf.. A tlliWfirp. Main at., abovet court house. vl-n 13 M. nUPERT. stove mi. tinware, Rupert . i.itwii. Mnliml.. west of Mnrki t. vl-u!3 CLOTHING, AC. t fArt3nttltrt MAMtimitlnllnr Afrtlll-t-. !7il il'nnr Above Amorlciiti houne. Vl-nM W. CIIEMIJEIU-lN.whoicsa.eami rcianurai , er In clothing, etc.; llurtiimn's bnlldlng, Mnln mot. Vl!!-- Ty DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &C. tOYEU BROS.,' druggist nnd apothecaries, Iirower's block Malu st. Vl-uu ' T. T.IIT7 ilmvfrl.f. nrwl nttnfliprnrr. ltlinprt . block. Main st,. west of Market. vl-ntt tHltt" Itllc CLOCKS, WATCHES, &0. iJewelry Ac. MnlnStrcet near west St, vJnlo 0UI3 BEBNHARD, watch unit clock maker, Dear southoast corner Malu and Ironsts.vl-nti E. SAVAGE, denier In clocks, watches nnd .Jewelry, Main St., Just below Amurlcnn ouso. vl-nll CATHOART, watch and clock maker, Market , st., below Main. vl-n 13 : BOOTS AND SHOEsT M. nROWN. boot and shocmakcr.Maln street . opposite Court House. vl-nlJ fiOLL"EDEB,ma"nufncturcr nndilenler In boots and shoes, Malnst., opposite Episcopal churcli ' Vl-IH.1 ENUY KLElM.'rnaniirnclurcr and dealer In boots and shoes, groceries etc.. East lllooms- rg Main st. i vl-nll 3 AVID BETZ," boot and shoemaker. Main st., , below lIartman'8 8loic, west of Market street. Hi ' vl-n 13 id 0 PROFESSIONAL. ;. It. EVANS, M. D. surgeon and physician south "'(Side Main St., below Mai kct. vl-ul3 ,l II. 13. P. Kinney surgeon dentist, teeth extract m ed without pain, Main St., nearly opposlto in, Iscopal Churcli. vl-n' iUti II. M'KELVY, M. I), surgeon nnd physician )ot ,north slda Main St., below Market, vl-nlJ '31 O. ItUTTEIl, M. D. surceou nnd Thyslclan. . Market St., above Main. vl-n U ol II. li. u. liowJKH, surgeon ucnust,iiaiii ... . above court bouse. vl-nll ,. B. IIOBIBON, Attorney-at-Law, Ofllco Hart- 1 n.r,ahnll.llt,0 1 it I , U( r..nt V'2.n'2t) R IKELEB,, 2d lloor rls la Exchange Block, near tho "Exchaugo Ho- ! (U" ' ' VSnl '''.LiIILLINEBY & PANCYGOODST II, Its. E. KLINE. Mllllnery nnd Fancy Uoods. , Main Street below Market. vimd ,1,ISS LIZZIE. BABKLEY, mlllluer, Bamsey ""oullolngiMainsU' vl-uJJ .'Ul "3 ' stationery, Kxcliango block Main Btre'et. lies". v'-"13 IU1C rETEBMAN, millinery and fancy goods op ltct poslte Episcopal church, Main st, V1-U13 Vi;KS. JULIA A. A BADE 11ABKLEY, ladles t, cloalu anil dress patterns, southeast corner 11 lu and west st, Vl-nl3 IS3 H. DEBRICKSON, millinery aud fancy j'goods Malnst.,opposlto Court House, vl-uil IOCJ A Tl Mri?llT1 r.n.i.mwl. nnllnnu linnlra mi Hartman's Btore; west of Maiket st. ' viI3 'i IE MISSES IIABMAN millinery and fancy ilJ oods,Malu street Just beluw American house. vl-nll i riL - - c. HOTELS AND SALOONS-. ILEACOCK, oyster and eating saloon, Amori u uu House, Main St., Baltzcr Lcacock supcrln deut. ' vl-n 13 '' IDMYEB A JACOUY, confectionry, bakery, ,c and oyster saloon, wholesulo nud retail. Ex a mge block,' Main Bt. vl-ul.l )X A WEBB, confectlouery, bakery, nnd oys ter saloon, wholesale nnd retail, Exchange ek vl-n 13 CCHANGE HOTEL, by Koous A Clark, Main tt., opposlto court house, M-uU an- MEItlOAN HOUSE, bv John Leacock. Mnln , St., west of Iron street. vl-ulJ l,i )RKS HOTEL, by O.W, Mauoeii, cast end of ljmMalnst. r vl-ulj mill BTOUNEB, refreshment saloon,Mala St., Just , L, abovo courthouse. vl-ul3 ....f e UiOONS A CLARK, lcfreshincut saloon, Ex ,tur. chango hotel. vl-nll J' MERCHANTS AND OltOCEItS. , !;JACOil.S, Conloctlouery, groceries etc. Main i',!,,. .it., below Iron vl-uw H. MILIJiB,'fuealer In dry goods, groceries, .meeusware. Hour. salt, sliues. uulxous. etc. cuongo block, Malnstrett, ''KELVY NEAI, A Co., doaleis lu dry goods, " .. groceries, , flour, leed, suit, tlsh, irou, nails, ) )., northeast corner Main una Market st. vl-nl3 I l C.IIOWER, hats aud enps, boots and shoes, I" . Malu St., above Court.llouse, vl-uu tlw irt C. MABB, dry goods and notions, southwest lie corner Muin and 1 rim kim. vl.m.l tini' rll. : J. I1BOWER, dry goods, groceries, etc,, corner jut Malu and UoUrtllouse alley V1-U13 ! A.BECKLEY,Koystoneshoestnro,booksnud .stationery, Main fci;oeiow Market vl-ulJ inJ'TILLIAM ERASMUS, coufectiouerles, Malu if St., near the railroad, vl-ui3 MENDEITALL, general stock of merehan- Jjjrwlclt roa,d, uiseunu lumoer, corner or iuaiu street ana vi-uu iM,t J. BOBBINS, dealer in dry goods grcerles etc. ri, rshjve's block, Mnln St., below Irou vl-u)3 rare . Urn'. K.'aiRTON, Oroccrles A Piovlslous, Main ,-iitrect belowfMqrket vl-uu fp2'Bf P. LUTZ dealerln choice dry goods, House ,.,;.. keeping goods, fresh gioccrien, ctc.clcj Malu l opposite court, house. v-lnU ,olii ' f P K. EYER, groceries nnd general merchandise i tM i Main sU. above West. vl-nll )Mf CRAMER, W. E. II AYHUBST, Dealers lu 1 ic- Groceries," Confectioneries and Notions. g yotlowu. south side, two doors above llrobst's ' gonmaker shop. - v -nl8. itlli MISCELLANEOUS. ,,I4 M. cnitlRTMAN, mddlc.trunk and harness i maker, opposlta Episcopal churcli Main St., Ktlrt V vital" W. COnELU furuItiiro rooms, three story a , brick on Main fit., west of Market st, vl-nI3 tt I " .,..t, J. THORNTON, wall paper, window sluules, I and tuturesj Rupert block, Main st. vl-u (1 B0SEN8T00K, photographer, Exclmngo KS, block, Main su, opposlto court house, vl-n If V HAMPLHAO. Machinlsts.EastBlooms. , burg near railroad, Cnstiugs made at short ,crW f"m -maclihKrjr made nud repaired. v2-n23 WL.I. KUHN, dealer in meat tallow, eto t'liem LS 1 isrlln's nliey. back of Amcrh-'iii hr -ise, v.nl3 Uli,, f . - - 0,11 J.BIDLEMAN, Agent Munsou's Copper Til J bular Lightning Rod. vZ-nlO IB. rURHELL, saddle, trunk and inrness vieiraaker, Main si., below court, house, vlnl8 jturi FOSTEBfoirie Maker, and White nnd fancy Tanner, Bcotlowu, V1-UI7 ,uL I I ' BtciitfOOMSBURO LUMBER CO., manufacturers -p'ud dealers In Lumber, of all kluds, planing ... W. ROBI1INS. llnuor dealer Hecniiil ilnnr from UOf, noitbwstcornerMnluundlronsls. Yl-uU AO. . :et!r PEACOCK. Notary Public, uorlheast corner t Main aud, Market st. Vl-ulJ fHN A.PONtr'ON, mutual and cash rntes flro . eomnauy.uortheasteorner.Maln and "'"fTMtstTT vl-uil '. w' la CU. .MlVMli JACOUY, MatMe and Brown Stone, .'.N'UJ, East UlooiimbuiE, Bel wick road, Vlul7 , i -,t ,-.r,. , WITMAN, marble works, near southwest Vomer Main qua Market sis. p Vl-u .Kni uKbInoTSr, denier lu pianos, organs nnd S 1 yi-ua VOLUME III NO. 19. OHANOUVILIiE DIHECTOIIY. D MMn bi.. no.i aoor 10 uuou s iioiei, viui7 ft HICK HOTETj nnil refreshment saloon, liy wm. iiaaieuer cor. ooinuiuiuii nioHi.viiH HAUMAN lIUOTIIElia, Tanners nnd manufac tuaeisoflcalhtr.oii Mnln St., below Uooils' Hotel. V2-IU7 D AVID IiniUlIKO, Flour and Grist Mill, and ucaicr in grain, .Aim rjireei.. vi-uu BOWEB A IinitKING. dealer In dry Roods, groceries, lumber nnd general Merchandise Main st. vl-n!7 T011N 1'BV.MIltE, saddlo nnd hnrncssmnkcr U inin St.. anovc me wau iiotoi, vi-n jt I & 11. W. COLEMAN. Merchant tailor nnd A. Ucnt's furnishing goods, Malu Ht., next door tu tho brick hotel. V1-U17 MB. 1IAY1IUBST, Clocks, Watches andOuns . repaired. Uuus and Watches for sale. Main at., below l'lne, Vl-nl7 J AMIS) II. If ABMAN, Cabinet Maker, and Un dertaker. .Main St., below Tine. vl-n 17 MICHAEL C. KELLER. Confectionery, Oysiers &c Ac., on l'lno tit., between Malu and Mill. V1-U17 HI!. AC. KELC1INEB, Blacksmiths, on Mill . Ktreet, near l'iuo. V1-U17 WILLIAM DELONO, Hhoemnkernnd manufac turer of Urlck, Mill Bt., west of l'lno vluM LEWIS II. BCIIUYLElt, Iron roumler.Mochln 1st, nnd Manuractuier of plows, Mill Ht.vl-ul7 M ILES A. WILLIAMS A CVTnnnersnud Mnn- uiaciurcrs oi leiinifi , oiil-uu u-iiii JOHN KELLElt, Boot and Whoemakcr, l'lne .Stri ct, opposlto the Academy V1-1H7 i B.lIEItBINOA BBOTIIEU, Carpenters nud A. Builders, Malu Street, below l'lne. vl-iH7 SAMUEL HIIABPL1KS, Maker of the Hnyhurst Oralu Ciadlo. Main St. vinj. TM. IIABMAN, saddle aud harnes maker , Orangeville, opposlto Kramo church, vl'inll 0ATAWISSA DIHECTOIIY. SUSQUEHANNA or Brick IIotel.R.Kostebaudcr proprietor, south-cast corner Main and Second Street. v2-nl2 SD.UINAUD, dealer In Btavcs and tin-ware, . Main Street. v2-nll w M. II. ABBBTT, attorney at law.Maln Street. GILBEUT A KLINE, dry goods, groceries, nnd general merchandise, Mnln Street. v2-ul2 LKEILEIt, billiard saloon, oysters, and lee . cream in season Main Street, v2-nl2 B F. DALLMAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St., Bobbins' Building. v2-n!8. DB. J. K. BOBBINS, Surgeon nud 1'hyslcian, Second St., below Main. V2-U18. JB. KISTLER'Cattawlsa House," North West .Corner Main and Second Streets. v2-nl8, MM. BBOBST, dealer In OeneralMerchandlsc, . Dry Uoods, Groceries Ao. V2-U18. LIGUT STREET DIHECTOIIY. PETEB ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries, Hour, feed, salt, llsh, Iron, nails, etc., Light street. vl-iU5 JTEBWILLIQEB, Cabluetmaker, Undertaker and Chalrmnker. vl-md H F. OMAN A Co., Wheelwrights, rirst door above school houso. vl-nW JW. SAN KEY, denier In Leather, Hides, Bark, etc Cash pnld for Hides. vl-ulu w M. M. ENT, dealer In stoves and tin ware In mi us uranciies. vi-uio JOHN A.O.MAN, manufacturer nnil dealer in boots nnd shoes. vl-nui, J J. LEISEIt, it. D. Surgeon nud Physician. Ofllco at Keller's Hotel. v2-u 1 If. IRVINE. Store Mnln St. nud Ilrlarcreek Hoad. ESPY D1KECT0UY. " D. WEUKHElSEIt, Boot nnd Shoo Store and imuiliictory. shopou Malu street, op- poslto steam Mill. v2-nl0 15SPY STEAM FLOUB1NO JIILIJJ, C. S. Fowler, ii Proprietor. v2-nli) DF. BEIOHABD, A IlltO., dealers indry goods, , groceries, and general merchandise. v!2nll f1 W. EDaAB.Susauchauua Planing Mill nnd Box Manufactory. v!2ull BUCK1I0KN DIKECT0HY. i n.,111'. If. SHOEMAKER, dealers In div ill goods, groceries and merehantlNe. t nst nolo lu south end oftowu. v2-nls. TACOIt A WM. HARRIS, dealers In dry goods, irroceries. tirugs ami lueuicines. rirsu First store lu north cud ot town. inc. JEUSEYT0WN DIltECTOKY. TACOll A, SWISHER, doaler In Hides, Leather tl Bark etc. Madison township Columbia county Pa. vl-uia " liimiLS and" saloon's. ' "IXCHANGE IIOTEL llj.UUIJIUllU, UUi-UllUA I U., The undersigned havltur luirchased this well- known and ccntioily-locnted house, IhnExchnngo Hotel, Kiiuaie on .iaip, i iii.l.t, in liionmsnuig immedlntelv nnnoslte the Columbia eotllitv Court House, respectfully Inform their friends und the public in genet al that their house Is now In order for tho reception and entertainment of travellers who may bo disposed to favor itwltii their cus tom, -jney iuimi spareuno expeusein preparing IheExcliauueTor the entertainment of their guests uolther shall there be anything wauling ou their pnit to minister to their personal comlort. They house Is spacious, aud enjoys nu excellent busi ness location. Omnibuses run nt nil times between the Ex change Hotel nud tho various railroad depots, hy which travellers will be pleasantly conveyed to and from the respective stations in duo time to meet the ears. KOONS A CLARK, llinomsburg, April a, iNks, Jl'OKK'S HOTEL, Tlio nbuvo vcll-l.n)MTji hotel hat irrently uiKlrr- gonernilTul changes In llti lulfrmil nrriuiKeint'iitH, mul Its proprietor nntiounces to his Joriuer ctihtnin find ttf travelling imbllo that hln accomodation! lor uioconiiori oi inn K"t'iiMuroheco"n i none m tho cnuntrv. Ills tnble will alvcnvs lie fouiul kui- pllel. not only with Mibst:intl;il food, hut with all tho tieltcaelHof tlio benson. Ills ivlncs uml H miorK (except that popular heveiaso known as "Jie,'ir("J.Pu"'hnbeu ilhect from tho Jmpoitlnt; houses, me cntlielv lmic, untl fico ficm nil pot sonous drills, lie U thankful for n llberiU patron ngo In tho past, nnil will eontlmie to deserve It in pXCHANOE SALOON, Tins Proprietor of tho Exchange Saloon has now on hand n largo stork or SUMMER REFRESHMENTS, consisting of Hriei:i uybtkiih, kahuinm, tiiii'k, uolocnah 8ltKI:i TUNUUK, HOlI.Etl 1.UUS, UWKITil.U CUKLSK, LAOEIl BEEH, ALE, AC. rr COM E ONE, COME ALL AND SEE, t LAWSON CALMAN, Superlutciident. Bluousburg, May 3. ltU7. c O Ii U JI It I A HOUSE, U Y BERNARD STOHNElt, Having lstelr nurehascd and lltted un tho wen-uuowu ivuuisou iiuiui xToperiy, locaieu a t'EW DOORS ABOVE TUB COUUT HOUSE, on the same sldo of the street. In tho town of liloomsburg; nnu iiaving nuiaiueua license lor me bume as a II E S T A U 11 A N T , tlio Proprietor has determined lo give to tho pen. pie visiting the town on business or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM. Hlsstablliifnlsnls extensive, and Is fitted up to put biiKgltsuHdcnrrlagesluthodry. lie prom ises that everything about his establishment shall i.h tntulnctcd in an orderly and lawful manlier! and ho respectfully solicits u share of the public I atrouage, Imynw-oiu, OWEN HOUSE BERWICK PA. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Proprietor. Th's well known Hotel hns been entirely refilled nud rolurnlsbed, with n slew to the piriict com furt nnd convenience of guests, A commodious Livery Blublelscoiiuccttd with tho (stubllshnunl. . . . . A License will he obtained nt Mny Term of Court, whon tho bur will bo supplied with the choicest wines, liquors nud segurs. A fair shuru of putrouago is requested, Apr.Utlu-lliii, JOB PRINTING Neatly executed nt this Ofllco. jJ M. L'VELLE, ATTOBNE Y-AT-LA W, Ashland, Schuylkill County, Penn'n. G W. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Orrtcowlth K. II. Little. In brick building ad joining Post Otrice. j-Bounties, Duck-Pay nnd l'enslons collected. tscp2u'67. JOHN G. FREEZE, A T T O B N E Y-A T- L A W, Ofllco In Register nnd Recorder's olllcc, In the bnscment of the Court House, Bloomshurg, Pa. ROBERT F. CLARK, ATTOBNE Y-AT-LA W onice corner of Main nnd Market streets, over First National Rank, liloomsburg. Pa. E. II. LITTLE, ATTOBNE Y-AT-LA W, Ofllco Court-House Alley, below llio Coi.umiiian Olltco Bloomsburg.Pa. B. BROCKAVAY, ATTORNEY AT LA BLOOMSnUBd, PA. 5r-OKrirK-Court Houso Alley, below the Oj fiimoum Olllee. (.IalU'67. T7" M. REBER L D. m i Late of the U.S. Navy. Successor lo Prs.Ifnrrlsonand Wells, lias jiermn nently located In Bloomsluirg for tlio practice of Medicine and surgerj-. Spec ial attention pnld to Suigery. Cun alwaysbo found, unless professionally ougnged at tho Exehungo Ho tel or nt his oillco over Miss. Webb's book store, late Republican Printing olllee. Apr, ti.'CJ-Sm ' B. PURSEL, ' HARNESS, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTURER, and dealer lu CABPET-BAOS, VALISES, FLY-NETS, HUFFA1.0 ltonra, lIonsE-HI.ANKKl'S AC, which he feels confident he can sell nt lower rato than any other person In ths country. Ex nmluo for yourselves. Shop first door below tho Post Oltlro Main Street, liloomsburg, Pa. ..V. 1.1, i.-si,. g C. COLLINS, FASHIONABLE SHAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND SHAMPOOING SALCON, Over Wldiuaycr A Jncoby's Ice Creum Saloon, BLOOMSHURG. l'A. Hair Dyelup nnd Whiskers colored black or l.iown. I Inlr Tonic to destroy ilandrufTand lienu Hiving tlio hair; will restore hair to Its original color without soiling the finest lubrlc, constantly on hand. anrl2'(,7. P K N Tl S T It Y, JI. C. HOWEU, UENTIST. Hespectfully otrers his profeKslonal hervlecH to the latlhs ami uitlemen of llloomshuri; ami vi cinity, llt-i N nrrtinreil to ntteiiil tiinlllliM vnrl. ousoperntions In tho lino of hln profusion, una Is provliled with tho latest imptoveil Pokcelain TKhTii which will he iiisortcd on cola pliitliig, ur mm rintucr uno 10 iook ns wen asine nai urnl teclh. Teeth extracted by nil tho new ami most approved methods and all operations on inu iconi fuit'jiuij iimi propeny uiicnucii 10. Ilfisidcncfl nnil rtct n. iew (Innrn nhm-o i),t Court House, name uhle. )OWl')EU KKGS AND T.UMBEH. W. M. MONItOEi'vCO., Unpert, 1h Manufactnrers of und dealers In nil kinds ot LUMBEH, glvii notice that they nro prepared to accomoilate their custom with dlepatch, nnd on the cheapest "JJNION IIOTKL, K O II H ii II u u u, r A. Tlio underhli'MCil wouht ret-nectlullv Inform thHiraellii(mbliothiitho litis imreluiK-d and li-iiuru in ioo oi'M iiiiiniitT inti oiu sinnn im nier ty occupied by V. A. Kline, and Hint bo Is now picpaifd tonccommodato his fi lends with nil tlio comtorts and couveiilenccsoiu llistchiss house, A lino new barn has been huilt and thosunoun UiiiKs plnced In perfect older. Iho bar will al wjiyt uo MficKfn wim mo cnoifrevi jKjuors anu ei Kiiif, and the tahlo furnished with tho bent the niiirkitatlords. JAIMLH V, UIM.AM'li:. July 3,'o-tf M ISS LIZZIK BAItKLEY hns Just i etui ned from Philadelphia, nud hos bought, aud Is now offering tho best assortment of FANCY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, BONNETS Ac. Ac, ever exhibited lu Bloomshurg, and is prepared to make up dresses and nil other articles of ft male w.-udrnhe, nlsiioit notice, nnd in tlio best and LATEST SPRING HIYM'k Rooms in the Ramsey Bulltlln;s, on West Muln.Strcit. ('.ill nnd ho her varied slock ot Spring Gofnls. May 1,'i.s. "T E V O O A L Y A R I). L Tin: undersigned icspi ttfnlly lufoim tlio citizens or Bloomshiug mid Coiuiiilila county, that they keep all tlio dlllerent numbers olstuvu coal nnu selected lump coal for smithing purpo ses, on their wharf, ndjolnlug M'Kelvv. Neal A Co's Furnace; with a good pair of Bulliihi scales on tho wharf, to weigh coal, hay, and stnuv. Likewise a horse und wagon, to deliver coal lo those who desire It. As they purchase a largo amount of coal.thcy intend tokeep a superior ar ticle, uml sell nt tho very lowest prices, Plenso cnll nud exnniluo for yourselves before purchas ing elsewhcie. J. W. HENllEltSHiiT, AUGUSilUS MASON, rpjIE uiiilerslfriicd will tnUo in ox- X ehnnge for Coal nnd Groceilcs, tho following named articles :Wlit'nt, Bye. Coin. O.its. Pota toes, I.nrtl, Hum.Slioulder.uud sIiIh meat, Butter, I'ggs, lluv.U',,nt the lilghest jirlces, at his Grocery Store, luljolulng 1'ielr coal yard, J. W. H UNDERSHOT, Bloomshurg Mur. ltl.'UU-ly. (', 1I.1I011NK. W, H, KINO, J, D. BKV11KKT, J.JORNE, ICINO it SEYBERT, WHOI.l'SALE DRY GOODS. No. ,113 Market Slieot, PHILADELPHIA. Oiders filled promplly ut lowest January 3, 1', CHAS. Q. BARKLE Y, Attorney at Jiinv, iii.ooiusiniitt;, ioi.umiha to., ia. Office In the EicbancR nildlD(,iecouil .lory, over Widuiyer 4c. Jacboj'i Confecttooerj, tSeco-d dour kbovii tlie r.xcliinfa Hotel lloombur(i Jau, 1, le til), 0, E. SAVAGE, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER A JEWELER. Main Street, (near the Cuurl House, BLOOMSUUBO, l'A. ' Cousfntly on handallueussortment of Amcr can aud Swiss Wutclies, clocks, Jewelry, silver wure of tliebest description plati-dou white mu ni, consisting of butter dishes, goblets, knives, folks, spoous, napkin rings etc, Masoiilo marks made to order, AH goods and workwuriauled, Jan. 1,'A MERCHANT'S HOTEL, 10 NOBTU J-OOItTll BTI1EET, rHILADELPIIIA. J, A W. O. M'KIllUIN, lroprletor, May 10,tS67-ly. BLOOMSBTJ11G, PA., REGISTRY LAW. AN ACT Further snpplcitientnl to tlio net rein tlvo to tlio elections of this C minion wealth, Section 1. Jlc It auutcdlnj the Hen ale and House of Jlcprcsaitativcs of the Commonweulti of 1'cnnsylvanla in Gen eral Assembly met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, Tlint it slinll bo thu duty of ench of tho as sessors within this Commonwealth, on tho first Monday In Juno of ench, to titlcoup tho transcript ho hasrecolvcd from tho county commissioners under tlio eighth section of tho net of 10th April, 1831, nnd proceed to nu Iminetll nto revision of tho same, by striking therefrom tho namo of every person who is known by hlin to havo died or removed sinco tlio last previous assess ment from tho district of which ho Is tho assessor, or whoso death or reinov nl from tlio samo shall bo made known to him, nnd to add to tho samo tho name of nny qualified voter who shall bo known by him to hnvo moved Into tho district slnco the last provlous assess ment, or whoso removal Into tho samo shall bo or shall have been made known to him, nud nlso tho names of all who shall mako claim to him, to ho quali fied voters therein. As soon as this re vision is comploted ho shall visit every dwelling houso in the district nnd mnko careful Inquiry if nliy person whoso name is on his list has died or removed from tho district, and if so to tnko tho same therefrom, or whether any quali fied voter resides therein whoso namo is not on his list, and !f so to ndd tho samo thereto; nnd in nil cases whero a namo Is ndded to tho list n tax shall forthwith bo assessed against tlio per son; and tho assessor shall In all cases ascertain, by inquiry, upon wliatground the person so assessed claims to bo a vo ter. Upon tlio completion of this work it shall bo tho duty of each assessor as aforesaitl lo proceed to mako out a list, in alphabetical order, of tho white freemen nbovo twenty-ono years of ago claiming to bo qualified voters in the ward, borough, township or district of which ho is tho assessor, und opposite each of said names stato whether said freeman is or is not it housekeeper, and if ho is, tho number of his residence, in towns whero tho samo nro numbered, with tho street, nlley or court in which situated; and if in it town whero there aro no numbers, the namo of tho street, alley or court on which said houso fronts; also, tho occupation of tho per son; and whero ho is not n housekeeper tho occupation, plaeo of boarding, nnd with whom, and if working for anoth er, tlio name of tho employer, and wrilo opposite each of said names tlio word "voter;" whero any person claims to vote by reason of naturalization, lie shall exhibit his certificate thereof to tho assessor, unless ho has been for tlvo consccutlvo years next preceding a vo ter in said district; nnd in all cases whero tlio person has been naturalized, tho namo shall be marked witli tho let ter "N;" where tho person has merely declared his Intentions to become a cit izen and designs to bo naturalized be fore tlio next election, tho name shall bo marked "D. I;" whero tho claim is to vote by reason of being between tlio ages of twenly-ono nnd twenty-two, as provided by law, tho word "ago" shall be entered; and if tho person has moven into tho election district to rcsldo since tho last general election, tho letter "R" shall bo placed opposite tho mame. It shall bo tho further duty of each asses sor as aforesaid, upon tho completion of tho duties herein imposed, to make out a teparato list of all now assessments undo by him and tlio amounts assessed upon each, aud furnish thosamo imme diately to tho county commissioners, who shall im mediately add tho names to tho tax duplicate of tho ward, bor ough, townshipordistrict in which they havo been assessed. See. 2. On tho list being completed and tho assessments niado as aforesaid, tho samo shall forthwith ho returned lo tho county commissioners, wiio. shall cati-o duplicate copies of said lists, with tilt) observations anil explanations ro quired to be noted as aforesaid, to bo made nut as soon us practicable ami placed In tlio hands of tho assejsor,who shall, prior to tho flrdt of August in each year, put ono copy thereof on thu door of or on tho houso whom tho election of tho respeelivo district N required to bu held, anil reditu tho other in his pos session, for tlio inspection, free of charge of any person resident in tho i-aid elec tion district who shall deslro to see the same; and itsliall ho tho duty of thu said assessor to add, from timo to time, on the personal application of any one claiming tho right to vote, tho namo of such claimant, and mark opposite tho namo "0. V;" and Immediately assess him with n tax, noting, as lu all other cases, his occupation, residence, wheth er a boarder or a housekeeporjif a board er, with whom ho boards, nnd whether naturalized or designing tobo, marking in all such cases tho letters, opposite tlio name, "N;" or "D. 1." as tho caso may be; if tho person claiming to bo assessed bo naturalized, ho shall exhibit to the assessor his certificate of naturalization; nud if ho claims that ho designs to bo naturalized beforo tho next ensuing election, ho shall exhibit tho certificate of his declaration of intention; in all cases where nny ward, borough, town ship or election district Is divided into two or moro preciiicts,tho assessor shall note In all his assessments tlio election precinct in which each elector resides, and shall mako a separate return for each to tlio county commissioners, in nil cases lu which n return Is required from him by tho provisions of this net; nud tho county commissioners In mak ing duplicate copies of all such returns, shall innko duplicate copies of thonaiues of tlio voters In each precinct, separate ly, and shall furnish Iho sumo to tlio as-sc.-.sorjtuul tho copies required by tills net to bo placed on tho doors of or on election places on or beforo tho first of August In each year, shall bo placod on tho door of (iron tho election placo In each of said precincts. Sec. tl. After tho assessments have been completed on tho tenth day pro FRIDAY, MAY 7, cceding tho second Tuesday lu October of each year, tho assessor shall, on tho Monday Immediately following, mako a return to tho county commissioners of I lie names of all persons assessed by him since tho return required to ho niado by him by tlio eecontl section of this ad, noting opposite cacli namo tho observations and explanations required to bo noted n.s aforesaid; tho county commissioners shall thereupon causo tho bamo to bo added to tho return ro quired by tlio second section of this net nnd a full nnd correct copy thereof to bo niado, containing tho names of all persons so returned as resident taxablcs In said ward, borough, township, or precinct, and furnish tho same, togeth er with tlio necessary election blanks, lo tlio ofilccrs of election in said ward, borough, township or precinct, on or beforo six o'clock lu tho morning of thu second Tuesday of October, and no mon shall bo permitted to vote at tho election on that day whoso namo is not on said list, unless ho shall mako proof of his right to vote, its hereinafter re quired. Sec. 1. On tho day of election nny person whoso namo is not on the said list, nud claiming tlio right to vote nt saltl election, shall produce nt least ono qualified voter of tho district us a wit ness to tho residence of tlio claimant in tlio district in which ho claims to bo a voter, for tho period of at least ten days next preceding said olcctIon,whIch witness shall take and subscribe n writ ten, or partly written nnd partly print ed affidavit to tlio facts utated by him, which affidavit shall define clearly whero tlio residenco Is of tho person so claiming to boa votcrjdnd tho person so claiming tho right to vote shall also take nnd substribo n written or n part ly written nnd partly printed affidavit, stating, to tho best of his knowledge and belief, whero nnd when ho was born; that ho is n citizen of tin? Com monwealth of Pennsylvania and of tlio United States; that ho has resided in the Commonwealth ono year, or if for merly a citizen therein nnd has moved therefrom, that ho has residetl therein bix months next preceding said elec tion; that ho has not moved Into tho district for tho purposo of voting there in; that hu has paid aSlato and CdUiity tax within two years, which was as sessed at least lea days beforo said elec tion; ami, ifa naturalized citizen, shall also stato when, whero anil by what court ho was naturalized, nud shall al so produce his certificate of naturaliza tion for examination; tlio saitl afiidavit shall stato when and whero tho tax claimed to bo paid by tho aillant was assessed, nnu when, whero and to whom paid; and tho tax receipt there for shall bo produced for examination, unlets tlio aillant shall stato in his afii davit that it has been lost or destroyed, or that ho never received any; but if tho person so churning tho right to voto shall tnko and subscribe an alllilavit, that ho is a native born citizen of tho United States, (or if born elsewhere, shall state that fact lu his afiidavit, and shall produce evidence Hint ho hasbeeu naturalized, or that hois entitled to cit izenship by reason of his father's natu ralization); and shall further stato lu ids alllilavit that ho Is, at tho timo of taking tho afiidavit, between tho ages of twenty-ono and twenty-two years; that lio has resided in- tho Stato ono your and in tlio election district ten days next preceding such election, ho shall bo entitled to voto, although ho shall not have paid taxes; thu said iilll davilsof all persons maklngsuch claims and the affidavits of thu to their residence, shall be preserved by tho election board, and at tho close of the election they .shall bo enclosed with tlio li-t of voters, tally list and other papers required by law to bo (lied by the return Judge with tho prothonotnry and shall remain ou file therewith in tho prothonotnry's ofiico, subject to ex amination as other papers are; if tho election officers shall find that tho ap plicant or applicants possess all tho lo gnl qualifications of voters, ho or they shall bo permitted to vote, and the namo or names shall bo added to the list of taxable by thu election nillcors, tho word "tax" liolnsj added whero tho claimant claims to vino on tax, and tho word "ago" whero ho claims lo votnoii age; tho same words lieli.g ailih-d hy the clerks in each casn respectively, on tho list of persons voting at sneli elec tion. Sec. ;. It shall bo lawful for any qual ified citizen of tho district, notwith standing tho niiuiu of tho proposed vo ter is contained ou tho list of resident taxablcs, to challenge tho voto of such person; whereupon the samo proof of tlfe right of suirrago as is now required by law shall bo publicly made aud act ed on by tho eloctlon board, and tho voto admitted or rejected accorillng to tho evidence; every pe.-son claiming to bo a naturalized citizon shall bo requi red to produce his naturalization corli flcato at tho election bofoio voting, ex cept whero ho has been for ten years, consecutlvoly, a voter In tho district In which ho offers his vole; nud on tlio vote of such person being received, it shall be tho duty of tho election olllcers to write or stamp ou such certificate tlio word "voted," witli tlio month nnd year, and if any election officer or pin cers shall rowlvo a second voto on tlio xamo day, by virtue of tho samo certi ficate, excepting whoro som aro enti tled to voto by virtue of tho naturaliza tion of their fathers, they nnd tho per son who shall offer such second vote, upon so offending, shall bo guilty of a high misdemeanor, nnd, ou conviction thereof, bo fined or imprisoned, or both nt tlit discretion of tho court; but tjvo fine shall not oxecod ono hundred (bai lors lu each case, nor the imprisonment one year; tlio like punishment shall bo Inflicted on conviction of tho ofilccrs of election who shall neglect or refuso to make, or causo to bo made, tho indorse ment required, as aforosaid, on said naturallcatlon certificate. Sec. (I. If any election officer shall ro fuse or neglect to requiro such proof of tho right of suffrngo ns Is prescribed by tills law, or tho laws to which this Is n supplement, from any person offering to voto whoso namo In not on tho list of ns.e-sod voters, or whoso right to voto Is 1869. COL. challenged by nny qhnlincd voter pres ent, and shall admit such person to voto without requiring sucli proof,ovcry per ion so offending shall, upon conviction, bo guilty of n high misdemeanor, nnd shall bo sentenced, for every such of fence, to pay it lino not exceeding ono hundred dollars, or lo undergo an im prisonment not moro than ono year, or cither or both, nt tho discretion of tlio court. Sec. 7. Ten das preceding every elec tion for electors of President and Vice President of tho United States, It shall bo tho duty of tho assessor to attend at the placo fixed by lnw for holding tlio election In each election district, nnd then and thero hear all applications of persons whoso names havo been omitted from tho list of assessed voters, and who clnljii tlio right to voto, or whoso rights havo originated slnco tho sumo wns made out, nnd shall ndd tho names of persons thereto ns shall show that they aro entitled to tho right of suffrngo in suclidistrict, on tho personal application of tho claimant only, nnd forthwith ns. sess them with tho proper tax. After completing tlio list, acopy thcrcofsliall bo placed on tho door of or on tlio houso u hero tho election is to bo held, ut least eight days before tlio election; nnd nt tlio election tho samo courso shall bo pur sued, In nil respects, ns Is required by this act nnd tho nets to which it is a sup plement, nt tho general elections in Oc tober. The assessor shall nlso mako the same returns to tho county commis sioners of all assessments mado by vir tue of tills section; nnd tho county com missioners shall furnish copies thereof to the election officers in each district, in liko manner in nil respects ns Is re quired at tlio general election In Octo ber. Sec. 8. Tho samo rules nnd regula tions shall apply nt every special elec tion, nnd nt every separate city, bo rough or ward election, In all re spects, ns nt the general elections in Oc tober. Sec. 0. Tlio respective nssessors, in spectors nnd Judges of tho elections shall each havo tho power to administer oaths to any person claiming tho right to bo assessed or tho right of suffrage, .or in regard to nny other matter or thing re quired to bo done or inquired into by nny of said olllcers under this net; aud any willful falso swearing by any person In relation to nny matter or thing concerning which they shall bo lawfully Interrogated by any of said ofilccrs, shall bo punished as per jury. Sec. 10. Tlio assessors shall each re ceivo tho same compensation for tlio tlinu necessarily spent in performing tlio duties hereby enjoined ns Isprovidod by law fortlio performance of thcirother duties, to bo paid by tho county com missioiicrs ns in other cases; nnd itsliall not be lawful for any assessor to assess tttnx against any person whatever with in ten days noxt preceding tlio election to bo held on tho second Tuesday of Oc tober,in any ycar.or within ten days next before nny election for electors of Presi dent nnd Vice President of tho United States; any violation of this provision shall bo a misdemeanor, and subject the olllcers so offending to u ilno.on convic tion, iiotoxcecdingouohuudred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both at the discretion of the court. Sec. 11. On tho petition of fivo or moro citizens of thocounty,statlng under oath that they verily believe that fraud will bo practiced at tlio election about to bo hold, in any district, itsliall bo thoduty of tho court of common ploas of said county, if in session, or if not, a judge thereof in vacation, to appoiuttwo Judi cious, sober and intelligent citizens of tlio county Jo act ns overseers of said election; said overseers shall bo selecteel from different political parties, whero tho inspectors belong to different par ties, and whero both of said inspectors belong to tho samo political patty, botli of tho overseers shall bo taken from tlio opposlto political party ; said oversoers shall hnvo tho right to bo pre sent with tho olllcers of thu election, during tlio whole time the samo is held, tlio votes counted, and tho returns niado out aud signed by tlio election officers ; to keep a list of voter", if they seo prop per; to challenge any person offering to vote, and Interrogate him and his wit nesses, mule ronth, in regard to his right of suffrage at said election, and to exam ine his papers produced; and thu olllcers of said election are rceiuircd toutlbrd to said o verse ors so selected and appointed every convenience and facility for tho discharge of thelrduties; and if said elec tion olllcers shall refuse to permit saitl ovorseers tobopreseiitaud perform their duties as aforesaid, or if they shall iVj driven away from tho polls by violence or intimidation, all thu votes polled at such election district may bo rejected by any tribunal trying a contest under said election : Provided, That no person signing tho petition shall bo appointed an overseer. Bee. 12. If any prothonotary, clerk, or tho deputy of either, or any other person, shall affix tho seal of ofllco to any naturalization paper, or penult thu same to bo atllxed, or give out, or cause or permit tho samo to bo given out, In blank, whereby It may bu fraudulently used, or furnish anatiiralizntlon certifi cate to nny porsou who Bind! not litwo been duly examined nnd sworn In open court, In tlio prosonco of somu of tlio Judgcr) thereof, according to thu act of Cuiiurcissi, or shall aid lu, connIvuat,or In any way penult tlio Lssuo of any fraudulent naturalization certificate, ho ahull bo guilty of a high misdemeanor; or If nny ono shall fraudulently uso any such certificate of naturalization, know ing that It was fraudulently Issued, or cliall vote, or attempt to voto thereon, or if any one shall vote, or attempt to vote, ou any certillcatoof naturalization not issued to him, lie shall bo guilty of a high misdemeanor; ami either or any of tliupersous,tliciraIdcrsurnbeitors, gull' ty of either of tlio misdemeanors aforu saltl, shall, on conviction, bo lined in a sum not uxcocjjlng ono thousand dollars, nnu imprisoned in the proper ponitou tlary for a porlod not exceeding tlirco years, Sec. 13. Any person who on oath or affirmation, Inorbeforoanycourt lu this DEM.-VOL. XXXIII NO. 12. Stnle.or officer authorized to administer oaths shall, to procuro n certificate of naturalization, for himself or any other person, willfully depose, dcclnro or af firm nny matter to bo fact, knowing tho samo to bo shall Jn liko manner deny any matter lo bo fact, knowing tlio samo lo bo true, shall bo deemed guilty of perjury; nnd nny certificate of natu ralization issued In pursuanco of any such deposition, declaration or affirma tion, shall bo null and void; and Itshnll bo thoduty of thocourt Issuing thosamo, upon proof being mado beforo It Hint it was fraudulently obtained, to tuko Im mediate measures for recalling thosamo for cancellation; and nny person who shall vote, or attempt to vole, on any pa per so obtnlncd,or who shall In nny way nld lu, connive nt, or hnvo nny agency whatever In tho Issue, circulation or uso of any fraudulent naturalization cer tificate, shall bo deemed gullty.of a mis demeanor, and, upon conviction there of shall undergo nn imprisonment In tho penitentiary for not moro than two years.atid pay n fine, not moro than one thousand dollars, for overysuch ofionse, or cither or both, at tho discretion of tlio court. Sec. 11. Any nsscssor, election officer or person appointed as an overseer,who shall neglect or refuso to perform any duty enjoined by this act, without rcasonnblo or legal cause, shall bo sub ject to it penulty of ono hundred dollars; and if any assessor slinll assess any per son ns n voter who is not qualified, or shall refuso to assess any one who is qualified, ho shall bo guilty of n misde meanor In ofllco, and on conviction bo punished by fine or imprisonment, and also bo subject to an uctlon for damages by the party aggrioved; and If any person shall fraudulently niter, ndd to, defaco or destroy nny list of voters, mado out as directed by this act, or tear down or reraovo thosamo from tho placo whero It has been fixed, with fraudulent or mischievous intent, or for any Im proper purpose, tho person so offending shall bo guilty of n high misdemeanor, nnd on conviction shall bo punished by n fine not exceeding fivo hundred dol. Iars,or Imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both, at tho dlsertluii of tlio court. See. 15. All elections for city, ward, borough, towii-lili, and election ofilccrs shall hereafter bo held on the second Tuesday of October, subject to all tho provisions of tlio laws regulating the election of such officers not inconsistent with this act; thepcrsons elected to such offices at that timoshail take their places at tho expiration of tno terms of tho person holding tho samo at tho time of such election ; but no election for tho office of assessor or assistant assessor shall be held, under this net, until tho year one thousand eight hundred and seventy. Sec. 1G. At nil elections hereafter held, under the laws of this Common wealth, tho polls shall be opened be tween tho hours of six nnd seven o'clock a. in,, and close nt seven o'clock p. in. Sec. 17. It shall bo tho duty ofthoScc. retary of tho Commonwealth to prepare forms for all tho blanks mado necessary by this act, and furnish copies of tlio same to tho county commissioners of the several counties of tho Commonwealth; and the county commissioners of each county shall, as soon as mny bo neces sary nftcr receipt of tho same, at tho proper expenso of tho county, procuro and furnish to all tho election olllcers of tlio election districts of their respective counties copies of such blanks, in sucli tquantitles as may be rendered necessary lor tno discharge ot tlioir unties under this act. Sec. 18. Nono of tho foregoing provis ions of this act shall apply to the city of Philadelphia, excepting sections twelve and thirteen. Sec. It). That citizens of this Stato tem porarily In the service of tho Stato or the. United States government, on cleri cal or'other duty, and who do not voto whero thus employed,shalI not bo there by deprived of tlio right to voto in their several election districts if otherwise duly qualified. Sec. 20. Tlio act, entitled "A further supplement to tlio net relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," ap proved April fourth, Anno Domini onu thousamlelghthuiidredaudhlxty-elgl.l, and all other laws altori-el or -upplied by this act, bo and tho same uro horoby repcidcd. Sec. .'!-. Every person who shall claim a right to voto In thu said election di vision at tho next general election, whoso namo does not appear ou tho as sessors' division transcript, shall pin- ducu a receipt for the pay mint of u State or county tux within two years of tlio day appointed for tlio said eUciiou, as sessed agreeably to the constitution, und give satisfactory evidence, either on his own oath or affirmation of u qualified elector, that ho lias paid such a tax to tho proper person authorized by law to receive tlio samo; and if cither of tho said canvassers shall requiro it, ho shall ulso prove his residenco in tlio maimer hereinafter provided ; and upon such proofs being mado to the satisfaction of thu said division canvassers, but not otherwise, thoy shall register tho numo of tho claimant on tho canvassers' list. Seo. fit. Every person who shall claim n right to voto in tho saltl election division ut tho noxt general election, un ngo, shall deposo on oath or itlllrmatloii that hu docs not iutcHd to remove from tho said division boforotlfo saltl election; that If then living ho will havo resided In tho State at least one j car next beforo thu said election, and that hu will then bo at least twenty-one, nnd not over twenty-two years of age, to Iho best of his knowledge, information ami belief; nnd If either of tho said canvassers shall require It, ho shall also prove Ids resi denco in tlio manner hereinafter provid ed ; nud upon such proofs being made to tho satisfaction of the said division canvassers, but not otherwise, thoy shall register tho namo of tho said claimant on tho canvassers' list, nnd write oppo situ Ids namo nu thu wild list tho word "ago." Sec. 01. Every person who shall bo required oy eltlior of the said division canvassers, or either of tho assessors of I HATES OP ADVERTIBINCI. Onu square, (Ion Hum or lis uiulvn lent in nonpareil type) one or two Inser tion', $M; throe Insertions, f.nii. kpack. Ik. 2m, .1m. hm. It One s'liinfd KM tl.t tt.m t,n tttii.'i'nii'" svi . C'H) r,ro Hutu i.ill.lli .-.'II II.KJ I .H Four Mtlalrs :i,f w 11,'m L.'KI ,iu (tiurleri-ulumn.. lo.ui Ij,ii ll.iri vo,m cu,(0 llulfcolunin 13.UI It, in SOW JU.UU W,C0 UuocolllinU SI,K) M.UJ iO.UU GO.OO 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice, $3.00; Auditor's or Afslgneo's Nullco, $2.60. Loral Notices, twenty cents u line; liy tlio year ten cents. Curds In tlio "Directory" column, $2.01) per year for (ho first two line)', nnd 1,00 for each nddlltonitl line. any wnrd, to provo his residence in Iho said division, shall, In ndditlou lo his own oath or nfilriuntion, prove, by tho nflldavltof two qualified electors of tho division, whoso names nro contained on tho assessors' division Irnnscrlpt, under the head of private householder, Hint such person Is personally known to them ; Hint ho Is u bona fide resident of tlio division, nnd thoy verily bcliovo that ho will bo a qualified voter, enti tled to voto In tlio said division nt tho noxt general election. Sec. 35. Every person of foreign birth claiming a right to bo assessed, or to havo his namo registered on tho canvas sers' list, shall, In addition to tho proof of residenco, provo that ho has beou naturalized, conformably lo tho laws of tho United States, and, as ovldenco thereof, ho shall produco a certificate of naturalization, under Hie seal of tho court in which said naturalization took place, duly attested by tho slgnuturo of tho prothonotnry or clerk of Hie said court in ids own hand-writing; and shall provo by tho oath of n qualified elector or tho dlvlslou, that ho is tho person named In tho said certificate, and tho person to whom It was Issued , and shall further answer, upon oath, to tho, satisfaction of tlio assessors or can vassers, beforo whom tlio said certificate may bo produced, when and whero ho was born, nud when nnd whero ho ob tained tho said certificate, and from whom; and tho said certificate shall not bo evidence that tho person present ing it is a naturalized citizen, unless his answers bo consistent with tho facts certified, and tlio proof of his identity bo satisfactory to tho canvassers, and upon such proof being mado to tho sat isfaction of tho canvassers, but not ofli. crwlso, they shall register tlio namo of tho claimant on tlio canvassers' list, nnd shall stamp on tho said certificate of naturalization tho word "registered," with tho number nnd division of tho wnrd and the dato of tlio registry. Sec. 30. That tho said division ennvns sers nt their said session, or at any ad journed session, to bo held on tho eighth day beforo the general election, shall carefully examine tlio assessors' divis ion transcripts, and if upon duo Inquiry and investigation they shall find the namo or names of any person or persons thereon not entitled to voto in their di vision at tlio next election, they shil strike tho namo of every such person therefroin, by drawing a lino in red ink through thosamo; but tho name of no person shall bo stricken from uny trans cript in his nbsence, except upon tho testimony of at lenst two reputnblo cit izens, qualified electors of the dlvlslou, whoso names appear on tho said trans cript, under tlio head ofprivat'e house holders," to bo given under oath or affirmation, Hint such person is not a resident of tho division or-is otherwise disqunlified by lnw from voting ut tlio snid clectloji ; und tho said canvassers shall also examine and rcviso tlio extra assessment books of their respcctlvo di visions, and shall strike therefrom the names of all persons who nro not resid ing in tho division on tlio tenth day beforo tho election; nnd tlio said can vassers shall add to the extra assessment books of their respective divisions, in alphabetical order, the names on tho said canvassers' lists, designating each person by his occupation and placo of residenco nnd nativity, as aforesaid ; and the names remaining on thu said revised division transcript nnd on tlio said extra assessment division books, as corrected by tlio division canvassers, as aforesaid, for tho respective divisions, shall constitute tho registry of citizens qualified to voto in the said divisions respectively at tlio next general election: Provided, That If any person so regis tered shall ceaso to bo a resident of tlio division beforo the election, lie shall not be entitled to voto therein ; nudotio of tho said registers of every election division shall be returned to tlio city commissioners by thosald diVision can vassers, to bo by them printed and post ed in at least ten conspicuous places In tho division, ut least fivo days beforo the election, nud tho other register shall bo enveloped nnd scaled by tlio divis ion canvasser.', and by them delivered to tho election olllcers of their division, ou tho morning of tlio election beforo thoopeulngoftlio polls; and whenever a presidential election is to bo held, thu division eunviv-wers shall meet lu their ' respective election divisions ton days hoforo such (-lection, and perform tlio samo duties which they aro required by tliis act to perform befoioovery general election, and make out, lu thu manner aforesaid, a complete register of tlio citizens of their respcctlvo divisions who will bo qualified to vote at such presidential election, and deli vera copy thereof to tho city commissioners for publication as aforosaid, beforo tlio said election, and one copy thereof to tho election officers of their respcctlvo di vision as afoiesaid, ou tlio day of tho said election before tlio opening of tlio polls. Sec. 37. That thu said register shall bo tho only ovldenco that tho poisons whoso names aro found thereon havo resided for ten days Immediately pre ceding the said election in Iho said ill- vision, and no voter whose namo is so registered shall bo challenged ut tho polls on any question of residenco ; but It shall bo tho duty of tho election offic ers to reepilro ovcry person whoso namo appears on tlio extra assessment book of tlio division, except sucli as are en titled to voto on ago, to produce his rccolpt for taxes, ns ovldenco of the payment thcrcof.and provo his Identify, if required by either Inspector; aud tho voto of no such person shall bo received by tho election officers until such receipt Is produced, showing that tho person offering to voto has paid a Stato or county tax within two years noxt be foro tlio said election, which had been assessed upon him personally nt least ten days beforo tho sal J election; und It shall ulso bo tho duty of llio election officers to requiro every person of for olgn birth who ou"ors to voto nt any election to pro luco a certificate of natu ralization, Issued by a court of this Stnto or a court of Iho fnltod States, under tho seal or thocourt.or ft eortlued Continued on fourth paije.