The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 30, 1869, Image 2

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rMUDAY MOllNINU, Al'llll. .10, IHOO.
OlrrulKllun of mi)' paper ,nbllslil In
Northern Pennsylvania, nml !
miirlt larger hl li any of ItsroUm
tnrrle ami In therefore Hie best me-rilnm
for advertising I" Mils seellnii nfthe Htnlt.
THH f.illowlux named gentlemen have request-
e I uh In nitiiouuro their i.nmc an Candidates fur
tho.iiricaof County Huperlnlrndriilt
onico seeking.
Since tlio beginning of Grant's ad
ministration, tho city of Washington
lias offered to tho world u most extra'
ordinary spectacle. An army of men,
bi'Kijliiff, bcaccchlnR.ULviegliig thogntcs
of tlio Treasury for positions under tho
. Government a generation of paupers.
demanding that tho public purso bo
opened to their rapacious grasp, and
tho public pap bo doled out to fill their
empty maws. Is tho country bankrupt,
nro there no manufactures, no com
merce, no stralcht-forward ways to
cam subsistence that this hordo of har
pies must Infest tho national Capitol
and dlsgraco tho country? This etrug.
glo is not confined entirely to tho poor
and unknown, for in tho list of appli
cants for small offices may bo seen tho
names of some who have achioved at
least a local reputation politicians of
note, ex-Congressmen, all eagerly desi
rous of partaking of tho crumbs which
fall from tho public crib -if no loaf is
vouchsafed theni It seems as if one
half tho nation Is bitten by this insid
ious serpent of placo-huntlng. There
can bo but ouo opinion as to tho result
Which this scramble for plunder must
produco upon tho people; it can but de
grade and demoralize. Certainly some
now system should at.onco bo devised
by which tho advances of the army or
oillee-seekers may bo checked. Jf the
ensuing Congress could so fur divest it
self ol party demands as to enact a law
by which tho present ovll could be aver
ted, it would entitle Itself to tho warm
est thanks of tho entire community
and make for Itself such a placo In the
history of tho country as its immediate
predecessors hayo failed to gain.
General Quant appears to no ad
vantage in Senator Ross' account of
him. Ho seems to bo bringing very
small jealousies into tho administration
of tho government. To havo held office
under Johnson appears to bo enough to
ensure his enmity. Yet ho held ofllco
under Johnson, not only a military of
fice, but tho civil office of ad interim
Secretary of War. Ho has In Kansas,
as In Pennsylvania and Massachusetts,
and elsewhere, turned out gallant sol
diers, who berved with honor through
out the war, and put In tho worst spec
imens of tho class of Hadlcal politi
cians. AVhat Boss 6aysof Kansas is al
so exactly truo of Pennsylvania :
Yet, in tho faco of tho oft. repeated
declaration of tho President, that chan
ges in tho offices of tho country should
ho made only for cause, a portlotvof tho
delegation of that State hud dom.inded,
and tho President has conceded their
summary dismissal, on tho mere charge
of want of fealty to tho Republican
party, which charge, In many instances
those making it know to bo false' and
slanderous. .Nor is this all. Scarcely a
man has been appointed to those posi
tions from the ranks of that great army
of heroes whoso largely represent the
manhoodof thutState,aud who went out
with their lives In their hands, to en
dure hunger and fatigue, and cold aud
heat, that wo might sit hero as the rep
resentatives of a country saved. But
In their stead wo havo appointed over
us skulkers in timo of danger, and oven
notoriously unfit for any public trust.
The Kx-Prcsldentisadvanclugin fils
grand Southern march, ills progress
through Tennessee, from Kuoxvillo to
Nashville and Memphis, shows that ho
still retains his old popularity In that
Statu, and still wields as great a power
ns over over "tho masscss" and on tho
btump. At every station, shouting
crowds gathered to welcome him: nml
vthe dispatches say that at Memphis ho
was mot by a "vast concourse," and
was Obcorjpd through tho streets by tho
minorities anu an "lmmonso numner'
of people in carriages and on horseback
Weliavo no doubt that these scenes will
bo repeated wherover Mr. Johnson may
ehooso to go in tho South. Tho fact Is
tho Southern people regard tho Ex-
Prcsldeut ns their friend aud defender
against a "despotic Congress" lod by
Stevens and Butler; and they consider
that, though ho failed, it was after a
tremendous fight; for them, Jn which
ho himself sacrificed everything. Thoro
is no doubt that ho will bo back in tho
Senate before the close of President
Q rant's term.
There aro 12,000 ofllces, great and
small, In tho gift of tho government
For each of theso ofllces, a Washington
correspondent estimates there are ten
applicants. This presents a noblo army
of 420,000 Radical olBce-boggars, or,
countlngout Dana nnd Greeley, 410,998.
Throwing out tho negroes who voted
for Grant In such Southern States as
were permitted to vote, and about ono
man in five of all who voted for him
aro now asking to bo paid therefor from
the public treasury. Think of the vast
business Interests of tho country, our
laws, our legislation, and everything
concerning the public welfuro, being
confided to a party In which every fifth
man is a beggar for soineposltlon which
will enable him to bo supported at tho
public oxponsol Every fifth man In
the party proclaiming himself a public
pauper, and theso beggars ruling nnd
reconstructing tho nation I
David Noodle, of Wisconsin, ap
pointed as Chief Justlco of Idahd, is
well known in Wisconsin, whoro ho
halls from, as "tho man whospells God
with a little J." Grant's platform, hon
esty and competency; Illustrations,
Ashley and Nogglo.
Thk raurdor epidemic still rages; tlio
dully papers contain from four to six
homicides of different degrees of atro
city, iu each issue.
YVImt Next T
CuNintiMt and our Statu Legislature
having adjourned, it N a proper llino
for in to eoiisliler our condition as n
people. Wo licllevo at no previous timo
huvii our liberties been as much cmltui-
gcied as during the past four years nnd
that tho danger Is Ihu greater because
tho people are apathetic, in regard to it.
They seem to have lost their Jealous ha
tred of largo standing armies of a
largo debt of enormous taxation of
national banks and view with eompla
ceneyeach now infraction of our Con
Wo boldly assert that the mongrel
republics of South AmcrU'.i, ndhcro
more closely to their Constitutions than
we dn; ami that them Knot a despotic
government In lOuropn wheru life, lib-
erly and property nro not moro Kccuro
Look at it I
Our Constitution is a dead letter tho
Executive and Judicial departments of
our government havo been Ignored
and entire Stales and parts of States re
duced to (servitude.
r ivo years after tlio close of a war
having for Its object the restoration of
tho Union, Texas, Mississippi and
Virginia nro declared out of tho Union 1
Georgia aud Louisiana, reconstructed
according to tho Hadlcal plan, and full
fledged Slates during tho last Congress
are thrust from our confederation by n
combination moro dlsloynl and moro
effecttvu than rebel armies, becauso tho
people had tlio temerity to vote as their
Consciences dictated.
In South Carolina, Democratic reprc
sentatlves. who count tholr majorities
by thousands, aro compelled to give
way to carpet-baggers, because their
constituents had tho good luck to bo
born black.
In our own State, and clsowheio
through tho "loyal" north, other means
failing, and it becoming necessary to
securo a two-thirds majority, entiro
election districts havo been thrown out
because they cast Democratic miijorl
tics, and on tho absurd pretence that a
few of tho votes aro Illegal.
Congressmen and members of tho
Legislature havo been unseated, and
partisan fury has oven attacked tho Ju
diciary, and swoptentiro Districts away
by a simplo act of thoXcgislaturc.
Negro Suffrage has been forced on tho
Southern States contrary to tho wishes
of their people, nnd in defianco of tho
Federal Constitution ; and, disregard
ing that "higher law" tho Chicago'
Platform which pledged tho Kadlcal
party to leavo tho question of suffrago
for tho "loyal" States to dctermlno,they
aro now trying to force it on an unwll
iing people.
What is the, remedy?
In one way tlio pcoplo could bo
brought to sco.their danger. "Whntgood
to tho party, wo would ask, is a Demo
cratic member of Congress? If none,
let them all resign. They hold their
seats by the mere sufferance of the ma
jority, and when Democrats becomo too
numerous, they nro turned out by dele
gations. If wc nro powerless there
can do no good let our representatives
como home, and tho Hadlcal Jackals for
want of other aliment will consume,
themselves ; and tho responsibility of
all this fraud, and corruption, and mls
government wlll fall upon tho heads of
Its authors, and tho people will hurl
them from power.
And if this falls, If fresh wrongs aro
heaped upon tho people, and if now in
vasions of our rights are attempted, wo
havo tho remedy of our forefathers
when King Charles by tyranny'drovo
them into rebellion tho remedy of all
nations when their rulers became, cor
rupt or despotic.
With less provocation our fathers re
belled against England. Bead some of
tho counts In that indictment tho
Declaration of Independence and seo
how applicable thoy aro to our own
times: '
"They havo refused to pass'laws for
tho accommodation of largo districts of
people, unless thoso peoplo would re
linquish tlio right of representation in
the Legislature; aright inestimable to
them, and formidable to tyrants only."
"They havo obstructed tho adminis
tration of justlco and tho laws for tho
naturalization of foreigners."
"Thoy havo mado Judges dependent
on their will nlono for tho tenuro of
their ofllces and tho amount and pay
ments of their salaries."
"They havo erected a multltudo of
now offices and sent hither swarms of
officers to harass our people, nnd cat' out
their substance"
"They havo kept among us, In times
of peace, standing armies, without tho
consent of our Legislature."
"They have affected to render tho
military Independent of, nnd superior
to, the civil power."
"For, Imposing taxes on us without
our consent. "
"For depriving us, iu many cases', of
tho benefits of trial by Jury :"
"For taking away our charters, nbol
Ishlug our most valuablo laws, nnd
altering, fundamentally, tho powers of
our governments."
"For suspending our Legislatures,
and declaring themselves Invested with
power to legislate for us in all eases
"What remedy? That of our fath
cril '
"Governments nro instituted among
men, deriving tholr Just powers from
tho consent of tho governed ; that,
whenever any form of government bo.
comes destructive of theso ends it is the
right of the people to alter or abolish it,'
and to instltuto n now government, lay
lng Its foundation on such' principles,
and organizing Its powers in such form,
as to them shall seem most likely to
affect their safety and happiness."
"When n long train of ubuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably tho
samo object,- evinces a dcslgu to reduco
them under nbsoluto despotism, it u
their rloht. it is their, duty: to throw
off such government, and to provldo
new guards for their future security."
The following telegram from tho
Hon. Asa Packer' authoritatively dis
poses of tho current rumor of his with
drawal from the Gubernatorial contest:
Mauch Chunk, April 21, 1800.
1 have been Informed that the Pitts
burg 1'osl, on thouuthorlty of the Fas
ton -), announced my withdrawal
from tho Gubernatorial contest. I havo
authorized no ono to mako such an
nouncement. Mv nosltlon is tho samo
as given in my Cmunborsburg letter.
Chief Justica Chase, has rendered tho
decision of tho Supremo Court to tlio ef
fect that Texas is and cyor lias boon a
Stato elnco its first admission to tho
Union. Justices Grlcr, Swnyno and
Miller dissented.
Tho C'ahimliln County Invasion.
Having described the, beginning of
tho Invasion, exposed tho pretenses for
It, aud mentioned tho first nrrcsts mado
In tho prosecution of its unholy work,
wo aro brought naturally to tho nnrra
tlon of Its performances after It hecamo
fixed upon our people. Hut beforo pro
ceeding further iu our regular courso,
wo pauso to answer n question, which
may bo inado by sumo candid readers,
or put to us by thoso whom this history
offends. For wo agreo that what wo
havo written, (as well ns what wo shall
wrlto hereafter) on this subject, may bo
Justly regarded as nggrosslvo in tono
and strongly condemnatory of Individ
ual conduct, and that thcro should bo
nmo good reason for Its publication.
We may therefore bo asked, "Why ro
vlvo tho past? Why provoko rcnowed
passion or resentment? Why cntcrup
on nn unnecessary or untimely work ?"
Wo answer, onco for all, that wo tics
crlbo a great crime for which somo de
gree of punishment is to bo inflicted by
public opinion, nnd that justlco de
mands that tho victims of tho Invasion
and our pcoplo generally, should bo de
fended against falsehood and slander.
Besides our review must bo instructive
as It will ndmonlsh us that arbitrary
power Is always selfish, unjust, and op
pressive, nnd that its encroachments
and usurpations aro to bo opposed with
f sleepless vigilance, and steady courage.
And wo havo had distinct proof recent
ly that men amongst us who wcro res.
ponslblo for tho wrongs wo denounce,
aro not nt all penitent in their feelings
or disposed to apologlsofor their mlscon
duct; but, on tho contrary, aro still
heady and Insolent in thoserviso of ovll
Witness tho following nrticlo from tho
7iV;)u4ica)i, (tho Radical organ nowspa
per published nt this plnco,) under dnto
of April 21st.
"Tho Columbian published last
week tho roll of a company from this
county, which served In tho Into "on
pleasantness." Wo notice that a num
ber woro sick and ono died (whether
from gun shot wound received iu tho
lino ofduty, Is not stated.) Wo suggest
tho propriety of making application for
a pension."
This illppaut.malignantnnd indecent
assault upon the living nnd tho dead,
furnishes ample proof that our work is
timely; that tho wicked spirit of perse
cution yet exists in our midst and in
vites rebuke, and that (so far at least as
somo men nro concerned) wo shall pain
no tender sensibilities, entitled to res
pecter consideration, by lifting tho veil
of the past.
But wo proceed without further di
gression, with tho narrative, of occur
rences after tho troops'wero located in
tho county.
"No body of troops in tho army of
tho United States or of this Common
wealth shall bo present, cither armed
or unaimed, at any placo of election
within this commonwealth during tho
timo of such election : Provided, That
nothing herein contained shall bo so
construed as to prevent any officer or
soldier from exercising tho right of suf
frago iu tho election district to which
ho may belong, If otherwiso qualified
according to law."
(Act, 2nd, July, 1830, Sec. 05 P.Laws,
This is a very and n very
good ono, intended to securo tho inde
pendence of eloctlons, and it was In full
forco in 1801 at tho timo of tho Invasion;
But it was held in contempt by tho
military power and was rudely broken.
Tho following performances took
placo in tho county :
At tho election cloven soldiers with
arms stood at tho election polls in Cen
tre Township all day.
In Beaver Township n camp of about
sixty sbldlcrs was located within a fow
rods of tho polling place ; and from ten
to fifteen of them stood nt tho polls all
day, tho squads rclloving ono another.
In Mount Pleasant Township from
ten to fifteen soldiers camo upon tho
ground In tho morning beforo tho polls
opened, nnd attended tho voting the
wholo day, armed.
In Flshingcreek Township ten to
twclvo soldiers armed wcro stationed nt
tho polls and other squads within call
at threo different points on tlio road
leading to tho placo of holding the elec
tion. Two men wcro arrested on' tho
election day.
In Hemlock Township cloven soldiers
stood armed, all day at tho polls ; and
somo' part of tho timo twolvo wcro
Iu Benton Township nttho Stato elec
tion nbout fifteen soldiers prowled
around tho election ground all day;
and at tho Presidential election nbout
forty or them wero in tho township,
somo of them attondlng the polls.
In Jackson Township thoro wero
eight or ten In squads of two, who
marched around tho placo of holding
tho election all day, and at tho eloso of
tho election they nil camo into the houso
and demanded the returns. Of course
thoy wero refused.
In Sugarloaf Township at tho Stato
election two armed soldiers wero locat-
cd within half a mllo of election houso
in ono direction two moro within a
quarter of a mllo In nnother two or
moro nt Ezcklcl Colo's and West Creek,
within nmlloand four marched past
tho polls repeatedly during tho day.
And at tho Presidential election six or
eight armed soldiers and an orderly
stood in tho yard of tho houso whoro,
tho election was being held and othors
near by. Iu tho evening they camo and
demanded tho returns, sword in hand.
In Briarcreek Township four soldiers
armed arrived tho night beforo tho No
vember election, and thoy staid about
the grounds all day until tho closlngof
tho polls. Thoy arrested ono man dur
ing tho day.
In Ornngo Township and within tho
village nnd within easy dlstanco of tho
polls thoro wcro a number of soldiers nt
tho October election. Between that
and tho November election an addition
al number arrived, took possession of
tho public school house, then occupied
by a Democratic teacher nnd nbout sov-
cnty pupils, and held it till bo into in
tlio winter, that tho people of tlio
Township wero doprlvcd of tho benefit
of u public schoobfor tho year, This
seizure nnd appropriation of property
and violation of privato right was most
wanton and unprovoked, nnd was insti
gated and applauded by civilians who
had passions to gratify and Interests to
Testimony of I'm llci In Inters!.
Tun subjoined law, rclatlvo to parties
in interest giving testimony ,was recent
ly passed by tho Loglslaturo i
Sec. 1. That no interest or policy ot
law shall exclude n parly from being a
witness in any civil proceeding In tho
sovcral cities and counties oi this Com
monwealth, I'rovidcd, This act shall not
niter tlio law as now declared and prac
ticed In tho courts of said county so as
to allow husband nnd wlfoto testify
ncalnst each other, nor counsel to testi
fy to tho confidential communication of
his client, nnd this act snail not nppiy
to actions by or against executors, ml
mlnlstrnlors or guardians, nor whoro
tho assignor of tho thing or contract In
action may bo dead, excepting in issues
aud inquiries dcvisavlt velnon. and otn
crs respecting tho right of such deceas
ed owner, between parties claiming
such right by devolution or tho deatli
of such owners.
Sec. 2. That n party to tho record of
any civil proceeding In law or equity or
a person for whoso immediate benefit
such proceeding is prosecuted or ucrcnu
ed In sald.county, may bo examined as
if under cross-oxamlnation nt tlio in-
stanco of tlio adverse party or any of
them, nnd for that purposo may be com.
polled in tho samo manner and subject
to tho samo rules for examination ns
any other witness, to testify, but tho
party calliug for such examination snau
not bo concluded thereby, but m.iy re
but it liy counter testimony.
Sec. D. That tho testimony of wit
nesses authorized by this net may bo
had by deposition or commission, issued
as tho caso may require, with such no
tico to tho party to bo oxnmincd aud to
the party as is now or may hereafter bo
prescribed by tho rules of tho proper
courts of said county touching the tak
ing of depositions and testimony on
Ilusslahas ordored 700,000 ucedlo
guns to bo delivered ns soon as posilhio
Roll A, Phelps Co. Mo. Apr. 19,'CO
Dear Editor : I wroto you my last
on our arrival at Itolla. Wo wero just
71 hours coming to this plnco from
Bloomsburg (a dlstanco as near as I can
ascertain of about 1100 miles) including
dclaysic. Woromainod nt Holla threo
days, and whllo hero wo availed our
selves of tho opportunity of visiting
Forts Bolla nnd Arlington, situated
about ouo mllo apart. They aro form!
dablo looking remnants of tho into re
bellion. They wero eroded by Union
soldiers for tho protection of tlio town
of Holla and the railroad terminus,
also tho Government property located
here. Bolla Is a thriving town, having
somo 20 dry-good stores, 2 drug stores,
2 hardware stores, 1 tin shop, 7 clothing
stores, post office, printing offlco, -1 ho
tels 3 saloons, 2 millinery stores, -1 gro
cery stores, 3 blacksmith shops, 2 wheel
wright shops, 1 steam flouring mill, 3
cabinetmaker shops, express office and
depot, also about 300 dwelling houses,
3 churehes and college. This Is tho
stopping placo of nearly all tho emigra.
tlon to this section of the country. Tho
country hero is very rough aud hilly
and wel.1 timbered, yet thero is plenty
of good farming land In this vicinity
waiting for tho march of improvement.
Tho axo of tho sturdy pioneers is
fast leveling the mighty forests and In
a fow years wo will find instead of wocd
land, all around splendid farms fast
contributing to tho wealth of their own
crs. Land h worth hero from ono to
fifteen dollars, per acre, according to
tho improvements thereon, and nil
kinds of grain usually raised in Penn
sylvania can bo raised hero with less
labor and tho samo result. Tlio soil is
very good and is well adapted to rais
ing all kinds of crain and fruits. Tho
wiuters hero nro very mild, snow novcr
falling moro than 3 to 5 inches deop and
then not laying but a day or two at best.
1 havo been Informed by rcllablo farm
ers that through-tho months of Decem
ber, January nnd February, thoy wero
plowing all tho time, they had very
fino warm weather until tho 25th of
February and then tho first snow fell.
Slnco that timo wo had a raw cold wet
spring excepting tho last two weeks,
tho sun has been casting his rays pretty
hot upon us, wo havo had sovcral very
heavy thunder showers and ono is now
passing over us as I am writing this
letter; crops are looking splendid nnd
promises a full yield. Tho farmors
havo been very busy planting corn nnd
potatoes for tho past week. I will now
givoyou tho Spring Market Beport.
Wheat per bushel $1,33, cor a do 80a, ryo
do $1,40, oatB, do 70c, Buckwheat seed
do 51,20, wheat Hour,$5,G0 per hundred,
$1,00 por hundred lb3., $3,00 per hun
dred lbs., buttor,cholce,35 and 40c, com
mon to good 2o and 30c, lard 18c, tallow
lCcperlb., nnd still having an upward
tendency, Tho South Pacific Railroad
is now finished to Jeromo 1G milcsbelow
hero nnd that is now tlio presont termin
us, it is confidently expected that tho
road will bo finished to Lebanon a dls
tanco of Co miles from Jeromo, by the
first of October. Tho present modo of
traveling to that city Is by tho old fash
lonod stago coaches which run trl-week
ly from Jerome-, convoying tho mails
aud passengers. Thcro aro many pco
plo In this stato from Pennsylvania.
principally Germans, and a moro hardy
Industrious class of pcoplo can not bo
found than thoy nro. Again, thero is
room Here for nhundred thousand moro ;
inousanus or acres of good rami land nro
lying idlo ror tho want of tlllago.thous-
auus or acres or wood land Ho ready for
tho axo of tho settler, and would soon
yield him a largo incomo for ids labor,
hut peoplo must pot como out hero ex
pecting to mako a fortune without labor
nor thoy must not como hero with tho
expectation of buying a largo imnroved
farm with fruit and good houso and out
buildings for nothing, or in other words
tho samo as they would pay for wood
land. Improved land is worth from SO
to $15 per aero nnd Somo very cholco
lands havo sold as high as $25 per acre,
111 mis vicinity; nenr tho largo cities,
land is very high. Thcroaro hundreds
of acres yet In this vicinity that comes
undor tho homestead law. A man can
tako U80 acres of land in payment to
tho county surveyor of $20 then ho can
movo on It (first building himself a
houso) and go to work.for It is his own.
Ho must reside upon and Improvo it
for 6 years and then ho will get his deed
from tho government upon application.
My object iu writing this 13 for tho ben
efit of thoso who wish to como to Mis
souri to securo for themselves a homo
but I would advisoall who may wish to
come, to first come uud seo tho country
and look up a location, it will save a
great deal of incon venlcuco and trouble,
Houso hold goods and farming imple
ments can bo bought very rcasonnblo
lioro. For tho present I will ceaso writ
ing. Moro anon. Traveler.
WltNlllllgtOIl IVCM'N.
Washington, April 21.
delegation from Pennsylvania.
A delegation of a dozen Pcnnsylvnn-
lans, headed by Colonel John W. Forn
ey, called at tho Wlilto Houso to-day
and had nn Interview witn 1110 i-resi-dent.
Thoy will leavo to-morrow on
an oxtended tour South, to oxnmlno In
to tho condition of tho country, us
prospects, resources, wants aud disposi
tion toward tlio government.
Aritu, 22. Minister John P. Halo
has forwarded his resignation from
Madrid, and it has been accepted by tho
administration, to tako effect when his
successor shall nrrlvo in Spain. As Mr.
Sanford was virtually rejected for that
mission by tho Sennto to-day, It Is very
likely that tho President will mako a
new appointment at onco.
According to order, tho Scnato will,
to-night, adjourn sine die, and thero
will bo 110 Congress to curso tho country
for seven months, at least. Tho spoils
havo been distributed, tlio successful
plunderers nro rejoiced, nnd tho disap
pointed nro iudlgnant and sullen. Both
tho Capitol nnd tho Exocutlvo mansion
havo degenerated into moro ofllco gntnb-llng-houscs,
at onco tho plague and tho
dlsgraco of tho Republic. Honest office
holders nro as raro now-a-days as "hens'
Gen. Bobcrt E. Leo, of Virginia,
passed through this city en route to Bal
timore last ovening, whither ho has
cono to attend to somo railroad matters,
Ho Is in excellent health, anu bears
himself with tlio dignity characteristic
of tho thorough-bred Virginia gentleman.
wcro appointed clerks iu tho Third
Auditor's ofllco yesterday, mauing lour
in nil that havo been thus favored In
that bureau.
Tho Senato confirmed tlio following
nominations :
Stephen A. Hurlbut, of Illinois, Min
ister Bcsidcnt at Bogotn.
Silas A. Hudson, of Iowa, Minister
Bcsidcnt at Guatemala.
April 23. Tho extra session of tho
Senato was brought to a closo at an early
hour this morning, but not beforo ono
Senator had threatened to whip nnotiicr
for intimating that ho ("tho party of
tho first part,") was a puppy. Tho
closeness of tho atmosphere, "with tho
doors of tho Scnato Chamber locked, as
InExccutlvo session, coupled with tho
warmth of tlio evening, and tho disap
pointment of certain Senators in conse
quence of tho falluro of tho President to
rccognizo tho claims of their friends to
office, tended in no Inconsiderablo do-
grco to stir up bad blood, and provoko
strife. Accordingly Mr.Nyo.of Nevada,
who, for tlio purposo of explanation,
may bo styled tho audacious Senator,
was selected as tho proper person to
commenco tho raid on Spicguo. Tho
latter, who is naturally irritable, replied
iu languago rather unparliamentary,
whereupon Mr. Abbot, of Now Hamp
shire, assuming to represent North Car
olina, conceived the idea that he was
tho puppy alluded to by Mr. Sprague,
grew Iralo and declared ho would havo
satisfaction in tho Senato "or else
where." At this writing I havo not
heard of any blood having been shed,
in consequence of this strango midnight
scone in what was onco tho great Amer
ican Scnato; and, from tho character of
tho would bo belligerents, it is not likoly
that anything serious will grow out of
It. 1110 town gossip anu Kussipurs win
havo something to talk about for a day
or two, and then it will all subside. I
cannot concclvo of any offence, known
among men, that would cause two
Yankees to fight. They nro opposed to
"tho code," and havo such a subllmo
roverenco for a sound skin that it is
next to impossiblo to Insult thorn up to
even a small caning niuur.
ArRiL 27. Tho regular meeting of
tho Cabinet was held to-day. All tho
members wero present except Secretary
Fish and Boutwell nnd Postmaster-
General Crcswell, who wero represent
ed, respectively, by their Assistant-
Secretaries Davis and Bichardson nnd
First Assistant Postmaster-General
to bo issued on Saturday noxt, will
show a decrcaso since tho last statement
of nbout two million dollars.
Borthemy. tho French Minister, will
sail for Europo on Saturday next. Ho
nrobahl v will not return. Count Faver-
nay, tho first secretary of tlio legation,
win nssumo cnargo 01 auairs.
"Women aro endeavoring to havo their
names registered preliminary to voting
at tho next election. A batch of theso
wero refused on Saturday, but, nono
dlscourasred. anothor delegation tried it
to-day. Tho board will consider tho
who In -1832 was dismissed from tho
navy bv President Jnckson. and in re
tnlialioii pulled tho lattcr's nose, died
in tins city a lew uays ago.
Tlio Sprngiic-AuuoU AUUIr
' Its all right, thcro will bo no Senator
killed this season. Messrs. Spraguo of
Rhodo Island, nnd J. C. Abbottof Now
Hampshire, at present rals-rcpresenting
North Carolina In tho Sonato,nro friends
onco moro. Under tho guldanco of tho
pacific Sumner and Sherman of Ohio,
tho gentlemen havo mutually answered
tho question "Did you blto your thumb
nt mo?" to tho satisfaction of them
selves and friends. Mr. Spraguo having
denounced somo ono as n "puppy," Mr,
Abbott,with a pride of family creditn-
blo to him, felt called on to speak a
plcco and demand satisfaction of somo
kind for tlio allusion; ho had accused,
also, Mr. Spraguo of sneaking out of
tho Senate, a thing which in his present
now-blown renown as a denunciator of
public vico in high places, was moro
than tho Rhodo Island Senator could
bear, nnd yet after all this, behold how
small a loop holo both havo crept out of,
Wo append tho correspondence, "only
this anu nothing moro ;"
Hon. f m. Sprague,
Sir: I havo plcasuro In ncknowledir-
lng your letter of this dato, which
snows mni 1 nau misconceived your
languago. My own allusion to you
afterwards in tlio Scnato was fnundmi
on this misconception, and I ask you to
vuiiaiuur iv us uusuiu.
I am, sir, vory respectfnliy,
Washington, D. C April 20.
'h Tfnn .Tnt n .IU.11 ' 1
Sir: I havo no hosltailon iu at onco
reiiiyiiu: 10 your noio oi tins mnm nn
Just received, that tho paragraph of my
ojfwiw iuiuivu iu nU3 WflllCU UUU IU
manuscript somo timo beforo It was de
livered iu tho Scnato and beforo you
participated In tho debate, and, there
lore, was not intended to apply to you,
Your obedient servant,
Illoomitiurg Market lUporl.
Wheat per bnshel....-. -
tye '
Corn '
Out. . ,
Hour rtr imrrel "
Clovorsecu -
KlnxnecdH . -
llnttcr - - " '
Tullow -
Dried Apples - -
Hum -
Hides nnd Shoulders -
Lnrd per pound
nay per ion .,
, $1 71
, I 21
, Oil
, II on
,. 8 00
. i m
. 1 01)
,.2 61
,. '&
.. 20
.. M
.. 16 00
"a dmi'nistrator's notice.
A ,-STATi:nPrKTKItlllKlUl&IN,1KO'll.
K.I "'."'. S.H.' Srii.v'i ho lieil.terofMl.1
Hemlock Hoards per '''O"","::::::. 1S)
Joist, Bcnnttlnjt, riant, (Hemlock) - $
MUingLeg, o. X I't-r muua.H.
" ft. ..- - 1 W
IltON . ,
No. 1 Scotch pig...
No. 2 " "
Ijlelit Strett Markel".
Corrected weekly by Tctcr Ent, wholesale nnd
. leilM in craln. flour it feed amlBenoial
relnll dealer In grain, flour
Wheat per bushel.,
ltye " ' ..
Corn " ' ..
lluck Whent
tl 00
1 40
1 l
1 00
s oo
Wheat Flour per loo lbs "
liuck Wheat Flour i w
Corn Chop, f ?X
llran, "v
Uuttcr per lb - - ?,i
1,' r,t.r .In ." .
Kccs tier doz.
l'uuitoes pr bus
Dried Apples "
Smoked Hide meet pr
" Hhouldcr
Ham '
Lard " ft
2 00
IMillatlelpliU Markets.
Northwestern superfine ot,
Northwestern exirn.
s.ooi!a s.25
Northwestern family fS,V,l
iviinsvliaulanud Western superfine... S.W4M;
J.r..r.i..i U'.l.rn orlrn l..7.VfflI U.70
I'ennsvlvanift ond Western Inmlly. -MM1,,-1!
Pennsylvania and Western fancy 11.WW1J.jj
(southern " " 'iw5:rS,,
California ". '..
wiine ?-?r."
-fennsylvanhi rye, w bus li'SUm
i-Vellow, " f .0' -0-'
White, " "'.'g,"--!'
RHwir-T B - ...-JSPyj
HO08-V 100 IDs JI8I17.50
l'ltovlsloNH Mens l'orlt, V bbl
McHHlletir, M
llressed Hors, vlb
Smoked Hams "
. Shoulders V
Laid, it It,
SKKD3 Cloverseed vbus .
Tnnoiuysecu uus M
Flnxseed "
I'owr, M ueau
lllUCbleil loniaae '"ftoi.ANDUHnERIlKlN,
Apr. .U'00-Ct. m1"-' .
. H.nr4 svtrnrm.
ADMINISTIlA'lUlt a ixuAivjii.
. ..rfTA75.,i,i.irniinnon t ho estate of
sons havintt claims
estate or m
them unow
mem. ,
Apr.iii, i
or demands
11.5 5cm den T are requested' to make
..and those indebitgmrtf-
letters of administration on iiS ,
i.raham fliusseinian late of Scott .I14'
llealster. of said rounty too. 1C MriM
twp. All persons liavlnn claim, iSr 'J7
aitiilnst tho cstatoof thedeccdent are reS 1
HlllKO ....v ,.u.,u cJkT
lr. if, AUlnllll,,
KSTATE Ot lSAAO OI.1VEH, tttXtliti V
Letters of administration on the estii., h
Oliver, lato. of Uroonwood townslun B111
County, deceased, have been granted 1
Register of said County, to MathUi iKi.h
All persons having claims or denundi ?ii
the said esUto are requested to present
settlement without delay, and those laWo
make payment.
Apr.DOO-Ct. "iffi
anTATmP OAT.Ti'.
of Illoom township decease. , oi ers u v j
sale acefa n houso and lot.,"1'""'?",",' I W.
front. The lerms nro reasoiinuiy, ,
wlll bo given within thirty 'jJI1,,ifu7,;v
nlnl. Kline late of Jackson lu-n .-'!HI- '
deceased, havo been granted by ih8 iff
Columbia oounty to W. II, Kst Tftl
......... ..In All Hart... 1 .01 I '
domands 'against tlio estnto of Iho OcSJlJH
requested to mnko them known, ana tlSr
dotted to mako payment.'CO-Ct,
The subscriber offers for sale Iho farm situtied
in oraneo township Colnmblt conn y 1 ';,V a0"'
r'",?;?e " ank Ha?n ami
So'od waiter. For further C."lK
Lalrdsvllto, Lycoming County l'rt.
letters of administration on tlio 5 n
Ocorgo llrolsch late of Cntnwlsm t ,
lla ph.. ileeeased.hava been tri-Ant,! . I.
tcrof said county to Joseph llreisch of &
twp. All persons having claims or
against tho cstnte or the decedent aro r I.
to mako them known, and thoso InilSj.
Apr. 23,'C9-0t. Adrainutu-,
iYthe District CounT or Tiiij United ; States.
.i-rurrnv msTHICT OFrENNS I.VANIA.
John II. Klecltner n Bankrupt under tho Art of
sress of MarchSd, 1M7, having RPI
Tiarge from nil his debts, and nth
icr claims
l rovabfe under said Act, by order of tho Court,
lo appear on tlieliltli day of May 8W, at ,10 o'
clock, A. M., before K. Overton, J r.,Esq.,UeKl8tcr,
at tiio Exchange Hotel In llloomsburg I'n. to
show cauJe. if nuy they have, why a .fochnrgo
S ould not Cgrnntcdtothosaldllankrupt. And
Third .Meetings of Credliorsof the said Uanknipt,
required by lhoS7th nnd 2th Sections of wild Act,
will bo hold beiore the said Registcr.nt the samo
time ana piace. a c. ,rcCANi,r,E.
Clerk of U.S. District Court for said District,
MOOItll-CKOSII.EV.-At lloi.niabiirgApr.SL'.l,
Miss Elizabeth ,A, Crossley, all of Hemlock
Montour county.
KnitN-COOrr.R.-Atthorcstdencopf the bride's
f.Uher by llllam J, iiceuer j. n I inj
of Bhnmoklntown Northumberland Co. and
Miss Mary E. Cooper of Franklin twp. Colum
bia county 1M.
FOX-DE FUF.IIN.-On tho Jrth, lnst., by Allen
Alann, air. ueujainin ros ui iiw.w"i,.j
to Miss Amymy Do Frchn of Scotchvalley ra.
STnOUS-llBAVER-In C.'r nHtr4,Si
Mibs Ellzabc'lh ilciver, both of Catnwlssn.
Intiik DisTnicr CounT or the Uniteii States,
w-iiiintrt ir KMiiniinrh nliankrunt under the Act
M. nr Mnn.ii A!. IM.7. hi.viuit ani.lled lor
a discharge Trom all his debts, and other claims
provablo under said Act, by order of-tlie Court,
notice is lu icby given, to all persons lio have
proven incir ucuim. am. jviwinainit i-tir,.,
to appear on iiih imn uayoi way im,:.,iii.i e.oci.,
p.m.. hefiiro Overton Jr.. foa.. Itvalster. a!
l, Vvi-lintiin. llnff.1 In llhiiiii.Klilit-if l'Jl. In stlOW
ciiUMslfuny they have.whyn Discharge should
noi oo 10 ...u b.iiu ut. ,mu ...iu.
notice is hereby given, that thoSecond and Third
Meetings of Creditors or tho said naiiKrupt, ro
oulriHl bv tho -.Til. and24tli Sections of said Act,
will no nem oeioro ! i.eis.ur, ul ihu rt.iu.u
time auu place.
Clerk of U. S. District Court for t.ald District,
IfPHH.On Min2l!h (l.Kt. nt New ColumbUS Ntt-
tnnu J, Hess, oi eonsumptlon, aged 31 years 5
months auu .1 uays.
FOWI.ER. In Shamoklu, on the 17th Inst.,Auua
Elizabeth Fowler, aged il ycars,7 months aud
21 days.
Tuo subject of tho above, a step-slstcr of tho
editor of this paper, camo to her dcatu under tlio
most melancholy circumstance;. Shortly alter
breakfast on tlio morning of March 27th, sho
was seized with violent cramp and vomiting, bnt
upon application of a remedy usually given In
such cases, she experienced relief, nnd nothing
serious was thought to be the matter. During tho
two succeeding days, however, she had similar
attacks, and finally took loner bed. A physician
was then called and symptoms of poison dis
covered : but medicine seemed to havo no effect
and after lingering In great pain until Saturday
nlternoon, guo breathed her last,
Tho other members of the family six In num
ber wero similarly attacked between tho 27th
and SOtu, but not so violently, nnd with tho ex
ception of the mother, recovered In a few days,
Her symptoms nro of the same mullguant typo
as wero those of tho deceased, and she Is now In
a very critical condition.
sad feature of tho caso, aud ouo most pain
fill for us to record, Is that tho family ore believed
to have been maliciously poisoned, Kate Ogdon,
a married woman living In tho houso at tho timo
then occupied by threo famtl les has been ar
rested on suspicion, and committed to tho county
Jail. She will probably not have a hearing un.
til nn analysts of the stomach of tho deceased
which has been sent to a chemljt, has been
mado. Shamolln Jhrald.
A single spark may kindle a flame that will
consume a city, nnd small aliments neglected
may end In fatal disorders. Bearing this fact In
mind, let tho first symptoms of debility or uer,
vous prostration be met promptly with invigora
ting treatment. Foremost among tho vegetable
tonics of tucngo stands HOSTLITEU'S stomacu
BITTERS , and whenever the vital powers seem
to languish, or there Is any reason to suspect
the nulmal Junctions essential tothesustenation
aud purification of tho body are imperfectly per,
formed, thlslnvaluablelnvigorant nudautlseptlc
should at onco be resorted to. Indigestion always
produces weakness of tlio bodily powers. Some
times it happens that Iho appelilodcmauds more
food than tho stomach can digest ; though not
more, perhaps, than Is required to keep up tho
full strength of tho finme. The object, under
such circumstances, Is to Increase the dlgestivo
capacity of tho assimilating as to mako
it equal to tho duty Imposed upon It by the ap
petite, aud capable oi supplying the building rui
(e rial c Die lyilcm as fast ns it Is required. This
object Is fully accomplished by the uso of tho
Hitters. They tono nnd gently stimulate the
cellular membrane which secretes tho guslrlo
juice aud the result Is that the solvent Is min
gled with the food in sulllclent quantity to con
vert all its nourlahlug particles Into pure and
wholesome clement. If, on the other baud, theie
Js a deficiency of appetite, without any eorres
ponding deficiency of digestive- rower, tho effect
of tho tonlo Is to stimulate a desire for food. Iu
nineteen oases outof twenty, headache, nausea,
nervousness, fainting-fits, spasms, bud, indeed,
most of the casual aches and pains to which hu
manity li, subject, proceed primarily from In
digestion complicated with biliousness; and for
both these complaints HObiTETT ICR'S STOMACH
BITTERS are recommended as n speedy and cer
tain remedy.
In the DisTnicT Court or the Uniteti State
Bilas D. Edgar n Bankrupt under iho Act of
Congress of March 2d, 1HG7, having applied for a
discharge lrom all his debts, nnd other claims
provauio unuer saiu ci, oy oruer oi ino inuri,
notice Is hereby given, to nil persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons Interested,
to appear on tlio 20th day ol May lS00,at 11 o'clock,
A.M.. beforo E. Overton. Jr.. Esq..
11JU j-.aciiuiiku I.ULUI IU UlUUiljaUUI. A ... ,V BUUW
cause. If any they have, why a Discharge should
nui uegranisu i ihu sum ji...Kruui, auu lui.t
er. notice is herebv clven. that the Second and
Third Meetings of Credltorsof tho said Bankrupt
renuir.'ii uv i ne 27m anu zmii neciions 01 suiu
Act, will bo held beforo the Bald Register, at tho
same umo auu place
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District,
Intiik District Court of the United States
t orn 1 1 1: western district ov i-ennsylvania
Leonard B. Rupert a Bankrupt uuder the
Act or congress or March 211, 11,07, having np
nlied for n dls?hari;e lrom nil lilsdcbts.and othei
claims ttrnvahlo under snl.l Apt. bv order of the
Court.notlco is hereby given to all creditors who
havo nroved their debts, and other nersons inter.
ested, to appear on the 20th day of May 109
at li o'clock M., beforo E. Overton, Jr., Esq.
Register, at tho Exchange Hotel In llloomsburg,
to show cause, lrany they have, why a dlschargo
should not Iki granted to the said Bankrupt, Aud
further, noticois hereby given, that the Second
and Third meetings of Creditors of the said Bank
rupt, icqulred by iho 27th and 2th sections of
sum Act, win no had beluio said Register at
tho samo timo aud place,
s. c. Mr-CANnr.F.S'!.
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District,
jLl estate or jAcon Johnson dec'd ii
Letters testamentary on the esuiin m
Johnson, late of Mt. Mcasant tonnhlilai 1(
bla county have boon granted by tlioltwiV
Columbia County to John Johnson ofilj.1
am iwp. oiiii.iuia i-uwiuy x ...mi perv)n,.n
claims against tho estate aio requested to
them to E. It. Ikeler, of liloonnbaifx,
umbla county, I'n, Those Indebted totbf.
either on note, Judgment, mortgage or 1,1'
count will mako paymeiiuto the Lu-cniui
out delay.
Apr. D.'ra. uJj.
outof the Court of Common Bleat o(iiu
county, nnd to mo directed, will twerp,,,
publiosnle or out-cry, at the Court lit
luoomsuurg, 011 iMouuny, juay 3rd, U J
following real estate to wit: a certain
piece of ground situate In the town of cav1
Columbia county bounded on the hmiv
Susquehanna Rlvcron the north by lot
iuowry on me easi uy rruiu sirceiou uietgll
lot of Wm. Hartman containing llliy tv,
by ono hundred nnd fifty feet deep on
erccred n two story frnmo houso with thi.1
property of Henry llarner. t x
.U..Ui.,.L .MILL.'
Apr. 10,'C3, J"
Ilv virtue of n writ of I'lurlesVend.KinJ,,.
of tho Court of Common Pleas ot Coluntbt4
ly, anu to mo uirccieti, win ue exited to 1
Sale or out-cry, nt tho Court House in,,
burg on Monday May 3d, 1M9. B
All that certain piece or tractor law n
In Sugarloaf township Columbia count;;
lug about
about sixty acres of which Is cleared, bti
and described as follows to wit : on the v
east by lands of Conrad Hess, on the tt O
lauds oftamuel Hess nnd on tho west l)v.n
Benjamin I'eterman, whereon Is erected. -
n log stable with tho appurtenances.
Seized taken In execution and lo be s, J
property of William Kile, and Wia. J. En
Apr. 10. 1SC9. -O
By vlrtuo orn wrltofAllnsFlcrl Facta!
of tho Court of Common l'leas of t'olumt.
ty nnd to mo directed, will bo exposed tit.
sale or outcrj- at tlio Court 1 1 (insula Htof
May 3rd 1809, tho following real esual-
j ceriaui 101 or piece 01 gruuuu
Main Street In tho town of EspyColumt..
ty bounded and described as followi I
north by Main .Street on tho cast by an if
tho south by an alley, on the uestti'
Rachel itltchy. containing about one-K
an acre moro or less, on which Is erects
and n framo Btablo with tho appurtenao , (
Seized taken In execution us the pr,
EiiwardC.Ureoii. 0
Apr. 16,'0'J MORDECAI MILLj,
U. W. Mauger Bloom
ICoons & Clark "
O. A. Jacoby
Wm.Ollmore "
1). V. Bobbins "
11. Frank Zarr Beaver
Titos. J. Hhuman "
Andrew T. Ikeler Benton
W llllam Williams Berwick
Xavler Wernet "
Samuel Kpsteubaudcr Catawlssa
John R. Rhodes
Jacob 11. Klstler "
Wm. H, Orange "
Stephen 11. Rauwn "
Wm. H. Clemens Centre
John Orover
Henry A. Weldcnsnul Centrttlla
A, W. Cramer
Thos. O'Couner "
Michael Ilauuon "
Thomas (lenaghty
Stephen Thomas
Charles Coles
Michael O'llalr "
Robert Farrcll 't
Mery Chapman
E. House
Liq. stole.
1,. House
E. House
E. House
E. House
James Dowey
Thomas Kllkar
Samuel Leiby
DaulclT. M'Klernan
Juhu L. ICIlno
EinandUs Unangst
Joseph Wallace
James V, Olilaspie
Clius. II. Dlelterlcll
John Hartman
Isaluh Yeager
E. Creasy
Ludwlg Thlele
Joshua Werner
Hainuel Itimby
A. K. smith
Abraham Bhnm&u
Aarou W. Hess
W. R. Tubus
Win. Butler
Wm. Butler
Tubus AColcuau
William Mosteller
1. , 1CUI1U
r William l'eiill
ainuei Kline
l'hlllp D. Keller
;!, House
C House
l2J.i W. BLARON & CO.,
Manufacturers ot
Warehouse, No. 121 North Third Btreet
in the District Court or the Uniteii States
Ephrahn E. Trowbridge a Bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March 2d, 1S07, having applied
for a Discharge from ail his debts.tind otherclalms
provablo under said Act, by order of tho Court,
notice is HEREiiY given, to allCicditors who
have proved their debts, nnd other persons lnte.
estedj to appear 011 tho 20th day of May 1809
at 0 o'clock, A, M., beforo li. Oveiton, Jr., Esq.
Register, nt tho Exchango Hotel, Bloomsburg.l'a.
to show cause, 11 any they liave.why n Discharge
should not bo grunted to thesald Bankrupt, And
further notice Is hereby given, that the second
and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bank
runt, required by tho 27th and 2Mb Sections of
said Act, will bo hud beforo tho said Register at
tho samo time and place.
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.
In the District Court of the United States
for the western district ofl'ennsylvani a
Illram II. Brown n Bankrupt under tlio Act of
Congress of Mnrch 2d. h07, having uppllcd for n
Dlseliargo from all his debts, and other claims
provable under said Act, by order ol the Court,
notice is HEREiir oiven, to all Creditors who
havo proved their debts, and oiherpersons Inter
rested, to nppeor on tho 2Uth day of May 1WJ9.
at 1 o'clock I', M.f before E. Overton, Jr., Esq.,
Register, at tho Exchange Hotel in Bloomsburg,
I'a., to show cause, if any they have, why aDU
chuige should not be granted to the said Bank
rupt. Aud further, notice Is hereby given, that
the second and Third meetings of Creditors of tho
said Bankrupt, required by tho 27th nnd 2sth sec
tions of said Act, will bo had befoie the said
lteglsler, at the same time nnd place.
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.
Apr. 3u,'09-2w. .
Tho subscriber has Just thoroughly rcsiocked
his store, in Cntawlssu, Jatcly occupied by M'
NliiLh A Sliuman, and now offers for salo
Groceries and general mcrchaudlso which for
quality and varluty will compare favorably with
mint of lb couulry. 110 "as a frcsl1 assort-
which ho will dlspnso of for cash or country pro
duce. Among his Dry Ooods will bo luuiid all
tho latest and best patterns of
JEANS ic.,40,
'.lA'!1l'n.factncomPltlolneof goods, bcloualnir
jo ills business. As he buys and sths for i-,.ii.
he can nllorJ to keep Lli I prices as low It 'not
lower than most dealers. Illsmottojs
roketUrate aait" fcUl ttt tu0 Iowcl't
1 ..'J1"1.111 n,!en.l.lon l,ald In Iho selection of Build,
lng material, Cut ery. Mechanics' Tools ai.,1
llardwaio of all klndsto which iho uttJuion of
builders and others Is requested, 01
i.n mSIiDSm?' 1ub!! c,usln Is desired and
tint? wl" bu 0,"'tl to glvo entire satlslao-
Apr, 10,C90m
Catawlssa, l'a,
the Injurious effects of Faco l'owders and
W ashes. All kncli remedies close up the iore
of tho skin. and lu a short time destroy tlio cum.
plex 011. If you would have a fresh, healthy and
jouthlul appearance, uso Ilelmbold's Extract
ATOT A PEW (II.' 'I'll 1.' wnimn.
JV.,dMr'Ur? '.' at .n.mlc.' mankind arise fiom
corruption of the blood. Jlelmboid's Extract
Barsaparllla Is u remedy of the utmost value,
HKiMuoLiya extract sarba.
1'ARILLA. i-Ieanses audrenovntes tho blood,
msiils tho vigor of health Into the system, and
purges out the humors that make disease.
A dividend of S per cent. In the capital stock of
the Catawlssa llriJgo Co. will be palfi to theVlock
April loth next at Iho oitlco of the Treasurer.
Apr.O.CS-lt Tieiuurer.
By vlrtuo of a certain wrlt;of Vcnillii
Issued out of the Cour t of Common I'lti
umbla county nnd to 100 directed will t
to sale by publlo vendue or outcry at u,fl
House lu Blocmsburg, a tone o'clock lot11
hoou of Monday May 3rd 1M9, the to
mentioned and described real estate i.'-,
tho snld couuty, 1
A certain lolorplecoof ground sltia,.
township of Main ColumblucouutylJ0Qtl,
described as follows! on the north byr-i
leading from Malnvllle to Espy, ou ui'J
lands or Wm. Ixingenbseer, on Ihei-g
lands of Daniel Fisher, on the west w .
Samuel Harman containing about till
moro or less on which is erected a
Mltli tho appurtenances, 3'
Seized and taken lit exeoitluii iu. the 1
ol Christian T, Harman.
Apr.16,09. s-
llV nf ft writ, 'nf T.n.-nrl I-'iftli'
out of the Court of Common l'leas ol I )'
county, and tome directed w 111 be ei
iHionosaie or out-cry, at uie coiinr-
Bloomsburir. oil Mondnv. Mar 3d. II.
lauds aud tenements which were oIV.
to wit: that certain building located fl
piece of ground, part of p lut'sltnatelni
of Bloomsburg, Columb 1 couuty, l'enf"
bounded by Rail Road street, by a lout,
by Mrs Bechtol, by an alley and by a lot
miner's, It Is a )1
about sixteen feet In width by about t,
In length. IC
ceizeu laaen in execution anu ioooi
property of Mary Uoff. ,'
Apr. 19,'09. K?
iIf.ntlkmkn s in pursuance of nu V
Legislature, enacted durlug the ,
Ism), amendatory of tho JJ section 01 tl"'
tho 8th day of May, 1851, you aro herct! n
to meet In Convention, nt the Court I"
Bloomsburg, on tho Ilrst Tuesday in 0
being tlio fourth day of tho month, m".
In the aflcrnonn. nml Relect. tleaiott.ll
Jorlty of tho whole number of,;,.
preseui, one ierson or literary anu -
lilllrcnnn. ...I .... 1.11, .Ml.
art of teaching, as County HnperlnW-
uio iiueo succeeuingycars; ueieriiuiu y
of compensation for the same: aud ceju V
at required by tho sovcral acts of the W ,
rebuilt'. lhr.r;.ln 'l
C. O. HAlJ
County Sup'l., WI-l
Apr.9,'C9.R 'Uoonuj.
X of Complexion must puriry and (f
blOOd. Wblrh llnltnltnt.l'a 1 Tnitpelltrateu V
of Sarsaparilla Invariably does. A' M
Which so disfigure the appearance, ry
the evil effects of mercury nnd item.
taluts. tha remninli nt II1MEAHIS, St
or otherwise, and Is taken by Abl.j
CHILDltKN with perfect SAFETY,
the Medlco.Chlrurglcal Review, on Wfi
tlie Extract of Barsaparllla In certalni
by Benjamin Travers, F. 11. B., Ac. tmt
those diseases, and urlslug nom IMf
mercury, he states that no remedy w 1
the Extract of Barsaparlllei its po
dluary, more so than nuy other drus 'p
qualuted with. It is, In ihe strictest sew,
lo with this Invaluable attribute, that
cable too state of the system so suusr
so Irritable as renders other substanw
tonic class unavailable or Injurious. I
Established upwards of 18 years. I'KI.
11. T. IIELMf
Apr.O.lO-Sm t31 Broad)
'? furulsli all classes with constant J" I ,
at their homes, tho whole of Iheliwe. .
t.Vur.?.Iuotuent"- Business new, lli(Ut
ble.l. fiy ceuls to IS iwr evening, Is e ,
by persuns of either sex, and the boi;.
tarn nearly as much as men. Great Ia'i
are ollered those who will devote tl
llme to the business i and, that eujl
who sees this notice, may send me Ik!",
and test the business lor themselvtj. I
following uuiHiralieled olleri Toal ",
well satisUeu with the business, 1 wl",f
)uy for the trouble of wrltlug uie. ifi
Jars, dlrectlous, dc.,eut free. Hanifi,
)nall.for lo tts. Address E.O. Allen, A. '
Apr,ll,'0D.3iu. ,
, Ihe miderslgued.deslrlnttoretlis'1
busluets, oUers for tale his
located near the Depot, on the ImW
.'i?Tik,b.ur? ,u; main bulldiu
brick 60 by Jy feet with a slate root,
bulldlugs attached, 'J here Is also conu
ALSO, all the patterns, stock, a lli bf
cugtue, und the material usually fuu"'
chtss t oundry. It Is a urst late op"',";'
p'JTt-haser eun secure an uulluilliid
home putrouage, Terms easy, AppJ;r,
or by letter tq J JTKlt lllLhM;
Apr.o,(,i)-tf. Bioou'