The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 23, 1869, Image 4
THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBUjRGr, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. An Ictl Hullo HegK. ONCE UflOll II, UlllO n Ulnrr mid Ills quoon jintl mi only chllil, n (laughter or whom they worn tlotlntrly fonil. Uut It happened tlmt bIio whs lost, nml though tho klnu onlcred tho whole cotintry to bo wurehod, no ono ronM llnd her. Thereupon ho mndo n vow that whoever should And her, nml bring her homo should got her lmnd in irmr rlnRO. Now close by tho kliiK's palnco thcro lived no old man who hnd thrcoson9. llo wni very rood or tho two eldest nM; but Uio yottiiKCst tinu wns treated very unkindly by U iunmiU nud by Ills brothers. "Knthcr," said tho eldetjtson onu day "I with toi;oout Into tho world to gain wealth nud honor." So hU father let him no. Next moruiiiK hufcet off on Ills Jour ney, and after ho had walked u long distance, sat down on a hillock to rest lit in sol r. Presently ho espied a little tlwnrf coming towards him. "Pray glvo mo something to eat," said tho dwarf. Hut tho young uinn refused. When ho had rested himself ho hot out again and toward evening, reeling very hungry, hosatdown under a treo to eat his supper "Oh! prny glvo mo n pleeo or bread," saldu littlo tiny woman, with a red eloak, coining up to hlin "I am so very hungry." Hut tho young mnn grew very angry, nud drove tho little old woiriali away, Uhooii got dark so tho young man erupt Into liholo In a rock which he xa and laid himself down to (,lcep. Presently1 tho enchantress who lived catno In, mid tho young man nr nostly begged her to allow him to sleep there. "Oh I yos'i on condition that you per form whatever I tell you to-morrow."' Ho the next morning' sho set him to sweep out the cave, "and If It 13 not dono hy'.evenlng, I shall kill you;" nnd to saying she went away. The young man now took tho broom which sho hnd given him, and began t sweep; but no sooner did It touch the floor than It stuck so fast to it that he could hot movo It. So when tho en chantress returned homo In the evening sho found. tho' cavo unswept.andlmme. dlately killed tho.young man nnd hung hi m ui. Meanwhile llio old peasant's second son set-out. from home, to try nnd make? h'lsway In tho world. Hut as ho ndted'just'ns his elder brother, nud was killed and hungup by tho cncliautres, it Is needicsS to speak of him further, Tho old people -110 w had only their youngest son left to them. Hut us they hatod.hlin even more than ever, they readily gavo him lenvo to goundbcel his fortune. ''M daro say tny brothers rested here," he said, coming to tho first hillock; and ho seated himself down- and began to eat a littlo piece of bread. "Oh, pray givo mo n littlo piece, I nm so hungry," said tho littlo dwarf. And tho young man spoko kindly to him, and invited him to corno and sit down beside him, nnd cat ns much as ho wished. When ho had eaten as much as ho required, tho littlo dwarf said, "my name Is Tritill; whenever you want ino, call mej" nnd ho tripped away. And tho young man walked on and on, tlll.ho carao to another hillock. "My brothers surely rested here; I will sit down nnd cat my supper." Hut no sooner had ho began to eat, than n tiny, littlo woman in n red cloak came up and asked for some food, and tho young man spok'o kindly to her, nnd gave her nil sho wnntcd. When they had both eaten as much as they wished, hiscom panlonsaid: ".My name Is Lltll ; If ev er you want help, call mol"nnd sh tripped nwny. Tho young mnn walked until It began to get dark. "Yes ! my brothers havo rested here;" nnd ho sat down under n largo treo, nnd began to eat hW last bit or bread. But a largo flock of birds flew up to where ho was sitting; and they looked so very hungry that ho throw them n good handful of crumbs. To his great surprlso when they had eaten them, ono of them said, "Mind nnd call Air us If you want any thing;" nnd they flew awy. Close by ho espied a holo in u rock, uuu, lis iiu win very iiruu, jiu cii-pi. m nnd lay down to sleep; but presently i.. .,., !.!, . -ii.i.. nnd, as ho was very tired, ho crept in IIU CSIIK-U I11U UL'UU UUlllla Ul 1113 "u , , .... -rr urmiiurs Hanging up. Iiu was vuiy much frightened, nnd ho wns going to run away, but nt that instant tho n- chantress camo in and told htm ho should stop there that night. " I out tho envo for her. "And mind and havo it dono by night, or I will kill you." When dbo hnd crono. lie took tiuUnn, i,( .li.i ii i i. the floor, than it stuck so fast to it that. do what ho would, ho eould not move it. So iio began to bo frightened, but presently he thought of vhat had hap peneu to him yesterday. "Tritill," iio cried, 'oh I come to me! nnd nt thoeamo Instant tho littlo dwarf entered tho cavo. aud asked him ivlmt ho wanted. So ho told him. Thm Tritill bado tho broom to sween tho floor; and fit less than llvo minutes tho hounds, fully one-half tho number be wholo floor was so clear that not a sneek ,IH? farmers, who go out to enjoy tho' or dirt could bo scon anywhere. When it was niirht tho enchantress camo homo and no sooner did sho see that tho cavo wasnlcely swopt out, than, sho said, "Yes, lad, thour't not alono in this: however, we'll wait till mornlnir." Next day sho ordered him to ulr the bod clothes, and to tako all of thn fenth. ere, out of tho feather beds and lay them in tho sun: "But If ono feather is missing when I como homo 1 will kill you;" and sho went away. I 10 it wns ii ,nr,rr.i.. .,..i breath of wind stirred: so tho younir " .. v.. -, (llilt iiul (t I i inan spread out tho feathers to Jrv in thoBu. But no sooner had ho dono this than a vlo cnt whirlwind enmo. nnd carried them all up into tho air out of sight. "Oh I what shall I do?" ho .... ..... I cried, "como Tritill oud nil my littlo Diras; como aim noip mo." And in a moment they alt camo, and tho birds iiowniier mo icaiuow and brought . , ,u,.,ui, Ai,i... j.ui mem an into man tnoy havo boon doing. Havoyour tho bod again, with tho exception of parents tako tho nane. nnd ,Jnvnt . ll,rA 1. 1 . , I . ... ..uu. mu, which biio now i a i ..... muni, Aiua Tm imj worm moro to you rlmnrroMA. tnlAiW 4I,ay, r.,n a. .A ,.,tl. I I ... ,. . . . , ...v., .uu. ,,,, , tUm uj cr uoso," sue saicn when death of your pircuts. Soo Uio farmer tkeoocliaritresscamohoiueshosmoothcd m who read tho papers.hov well poa- her hant dovro cacli of the feather bed, tod ho Is, and then reflect how ignorant "Howr will kill you," sho said In a is tho boy Who does uot read. Two or uuuer, wr laeza i oue iea- mree weJi conducted newspapora In a Mter.ttulng from each bed.!' Where farmer's family ero wiuat to a school,,lan.,11(,na um hI toucher. Markthii, nnd send for tho .., .... ,11-vncuanifcss cneu out i Columijian, from the pain tho feathers being put up her noso caused her. Next liiorniiij; sho (old him sho had llfly oxen, ono or which ho was to kill, Hay, nnd boll thu flesh. "And mind you chooso tho right one, nnd do ns I hid you, or you will die. Hut If you do right, to-morrow youi.hnllsetouton yoiirjourney, and I will glvo you thrio tliingtf, wiiatover you may nsk." When sho wmgono ho called to Trl till and Lltill, who camo out nnd picked ono ox out or tho herd, nnd they flayed It In n trice, nnd sot tho meat on n largo caldron, so that It was nil ready against tho enchantress lelurncd homo nt night. Ho the next morning thu enchantress who was very much astonished, hut nt the sumo tlmo Telt tlmt sho could not break her word, nsked him what wero thu three tilings lie would llko to havo, "Kirsl, I will havo that which is In side that door," pointing to n cupboard: "next. tho largo chest, nnd thirdly your armchair." So sho opened tho door, nnd thcro tho young mnn saw tho king's long-lost daughter, looking po beautiful; thochest was full of Juwelsnnd costly diamonds So tho young man placed tho princess on tho etiitlr, underneath which ho placed tho chest, whllo holiimseirslood behind II. That .moment they felt themselves lifted up; for tho chair was an enchanted one, and would go wher ever it is bid. "Oil, I do so wish logo liome,"sIghcd tho princes. And In mi incredibly short spaeo of tune, tho young man nnd tho princess alighted at tho palaco door; but the chair had beconio n beautiful chariot, drawn by eight mllk-whito iiorse-i. Wondering who it could be, tho king nnd the queen rushed to tho door or tho palace, just lu tlmo to hand thoir daugh ter Jown rrom tho carriage, dressed In tho inobt beautiful dress that over was seen. Then tho vauntr man told ids history; nnd tho kinc In his creat Joy broached nn Immense cask of nlo which hnd been brewed when his daughter was born, and which it was only inten ded to tap when sho should bo be trothed. And so they wero mnrrled and lived very happily for many n long year, Once a Wee;. Saddle Itoriei for Parmer. Why don't our farmers rldo moro on horso-baek? It is strango thatapeopio descended directly from tho English, whoso lives may nlmost bo said to bo passed, in tho saddle, should havo so entirely abandoned this healthful nml convenient means of locomotion. It is very raro to find, on an ordinary farm, ft siuldlo nnd brldlo suited for better oric man tlio plowing of corn ; nnd to llnd n thoroughly good saddle, ono easy for tho horso and easy for, tho rider, is nlmost impossible. Wo cherished tho nopo mat ono of tho manv henrflcinl of. fects resulting from tho recent war would bo to slmulato tho use of saddio horses among those farmers who passed ....c-uunuur years m cavalry servlco ; but, possibly, they may havo been sur feited, as, Indccd.tho writer was. bv n overdose of u rather dlsagrceablo kind of horsemanshlpfpoklngnlongataslow galtonrnlny nnd wenrlsomn nmrr-hoai and did not, as n general thing, havo an opportunity orridimr cood horse In a pleasant way. Wo fancy that ono reason whv tboro Is not a moro active general demand for really good saddle horses in America is becauso overy effort to obtnln such nn nnlmal Is pretty suro to result In disap. pointment. The nrticlo docs not, in re allty, exist except In such raro cases as nottorormnn iniportnntcxecntlon to tho general ruIo.Tho saddio horso should bo little, sliort-backed,strong-loined, long necked.rreo in his action, nnd nerfeet in his temper. Such,nn animal is susccp tlblo or nny amount or training that nn amateur rider rnny chooso to givo him but, in tho furoro for trotting horses that rages throughout tho wholo coun try, where nlmost everv noint that Is uesirauio lor tlio sad do is d siorrarded. nnd attention Is wholly given to tlio uniting or tlmo by mero pronulsivo power, which Isalmost tho least deslrn- bio thing for saddio teems nulle nupeicss to looK for tho breed nL' of tho .i.i.,,,, , ... ,. - , JmuI "nd thr?n,t th? lmvo lo"K hoped for must bo boutht bv u niif n.,.l . . ... . slow and easy stages, and throuuh n kii,,., .,,,,. ., T"; wureu , " " ,, ' r "ay, b0, w.eU M by 11,0 aill,tIon of "0r30 - ua - 'k riding by farmers.nud tlielr ?, 1 m,u "ausmeta. in going about Mm fnviki 1-. t 11 i. -ill.. t. M" vicis, nnu-in an journeying ,", ?. "cav,y nrUel0 nro not t0 bo' car- . i" useu '"ere, ns lie Is ill nearly all other eoun . ic3 10 worl1' n,1(1 If tlicr0 Is ""y class or the community who should uso him regularly, and should, as n matter or pruio, know how to uso him thor oughly to rldo strongly.grace. imiy, and securely, it should bo tho ro. bust younger Tanners or tho country. In England, whero it is estimated "'at during tho huntimr season, n : hun" (lrel thousand people ride dally to fox "1'" or 10 I'niciico tneir salo horses, lll0r Is.ofcourse.a moro nctivo demand "mn cfln ho expected In this country, at 'wt for t very longtime; but, oven at ""'suay, in the- Now York market, a perfect sauuio boroo, nearly thoroucli urcu pcneciiy uittctt aim broken, nnd wl respects suited for tho use of n la- uyr gentleman, may bo readily gold for from $2i00 W.OOO. And when wo eonslder tho fact that tho animal belongs n raeo mat arrives at early maturity, wjuio ins wiioio training may bo IncI . a , . . . . n,nl 10 u,otIoln& or errands nnd tho "'"y recreation 01 tho younger me'" ?. i .. farmer ? sa'lMy' U . . u,a" "I'l'onunuy ior Cnmtttnnt Inn ff r.lrtnuiirn on1 --......,,. Ula V 1'IVIW UlU it is 1.4 I't UU L bhould bo enough toinduco tho Kiviuir oi greater attenilon to tho saddio horse question. American AgrhttUurht. Tuts country boys ought to read moro ' ' ' " Hours every ovonlng to cxamlnlnir yVan iq como man money ion at tho- MISCELLANEOUS. N A T I O N A Ii LIFE INSURANCE CO. or TUB UNITIID HTATKD OF AMIIIUUA WAsitiNOToy, v. rs CltAUTEUKDUYSt'ECIAIiACTOKCONaniaa Aithovkd July 2, isos, CASH C A P I T A Ii, rAID IK tvt.u $1,000,000, 11 11 AN CH Ol'FIOK: FIRST NATIONAL DANKlIlHILDlNO, P II I Ii A D E Ii P II I A, Wlicro tho general buMness of tho Company Is transacted, and to which nil general corrcpon' Jenco should bo addressed, O Pl'IOi: 1ISI CI.AUKNCK It. CtiAlllC. President. JAY COOKII, Chairman Flnanronnd Exccutlvo Comratttco. IlENnY D. COOKi:. Vlco-rresldcut. F.MH1WON W. l'F.I.T, decretory ami Actuary This Company offers tlio following advantages: 1 1 Is n National Company, Chartered by special act of Congress, 1803. It has a paid-up capital of 81,000,000. It oUlts low rales of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance than other com panics for tho same money, 1 1 If definite aud certain In IU terms. It Is ahome company In every locality. Its pollclf s aro exempt from attachment! Theroarc no unnecessary restrictions In llio policies. Every policy Is non-forfellablo. Polices moy bo taken which pay to the Insured their full amount, and return all tho premiums, so that tho Insurance costs only tho Interest on tho annual payments. No extra rata Is charged for risks upon tho lives of females. It Insures. not to pay dividends to policy-hold ers, but at Co low a cost that dividends will bo impossible. Clrculars.ramphletsnnd fullpaitlculars given ou application to the Branch Ofllco of tho Compa ny, or to E. W. CIAIli; A CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jcrses". JOEL E. BRADLEY, Bloomsburg Ta., Special Agent for Montour it Columbia Counties Feb. 19,'(0.-lyr. QNFAILINQ EYE PRESEUVEItS, Messrs. LA ..UIU3 & MOllItIS, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS llAHTFOim, CONN., Have, wlthnvicwlomcct tho Increased demand for their C E I. E BIl ATKD PEItFECTED SPECTACIilSS, Appointed Miss A. D. WE BP, BTATlONEIt, Blooms nun a, PA As their sole Agent for this place. They havo taken care to glvo alt needful instructions, and have confidence- lu the ability of their agents to meet the requirements of all customers. An op portunity will ho thus afforded to procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOB THEIU HTUENQTHENINa AND PKESErt. VINO QUALITIES, Too much cannot be said as to their HUPEItl- OllITY over the ordinary glasses worn. Thero Is no glimmering, wavering of the light, dlzzlneu, or other unpleasant sensation, but on tho contrary, from the peculiar construction of tho Lenses they aro toothing nml pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, and PIIODUCINQ A CLEAItnnd DISTINCT VISION, as In thenafu- rul healthy light. They nro tho only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And aro tho CHEAPEST becauso thoUEST, al ways lasting many YEA us without chango be ing necessary. :0: CAUTION. Miss A. 1). WEBB, STATIONER, JiLOOMSlWJia PA., Is tlio ONLY Agent appointed in this placo. Jtar WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. lllCVly. "Y" E II A V E N O TRAVELING AGENTS Farmers and Deolers who send thelrorders direct to us, ran avail themselves of the LOWEST PIIICES And tare the Commlu-ton. Esrly orders will bo . . , advantageous to buyers. ALLEN& NEEDLES. WANUFALTUllEJtS o- IMPItOVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, .AND TUB AMMONIATED FE UTILIZE It. PERUVIAN GUANO We sell only No. 1-recelvod direct from the1 Government. PISH OUANO. A sploudhl Manure packed In barrels. Wo also offer for sale Puiib Iand Piastkii. IIYDiiAULia Cuiiknt and a full nssortment of OH.1 nud Candles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL- EltS. ALLEN & NEEDLES, South Delawaro Avenue, Phlla , dolphla. ESTABLISHED IN It I. Vor sale by rilU IIIXM31I8IIUIU1 IRON CO., Ifltb. ID.'Ol-Sm. Bu'Omsuuso PA, gNYDEH, HARRIS t BABSETT, unnuiaeiuren nud Jobbers of WEN'S AND I10YH' CLOTHING, No. 62S Msrkbt, mi 622 CuiuuMce Btrcot, PbAUuIstpuU. 4 Q.ET THE BEST. Uuoson's Fia amou woppear 'junuiar usnuuuii Rod Is est prtec tfou agslust dluisler byUthtulnc luvnedo. Tha subscriber Is uveal toe Uio til best prtec ver invneuo. Tha subscriber Is ngeot for Uid uov Invoutlon, and nil orders by mail or la IT01!,?1" hQ pronltly9Uendedto. DRY GOODS. M. OP. XjTJTZ ( Successor to A, J, Sloan ) has Jtut relumed from Now York with a full assortment of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS to which he Invites the attention of tho cllltens of llloomsburg aud vicinity. Ills slock consists In part of tho following line of goods SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS, . LADIES' BACKINGS, . HUMMEU SHAWLS, LADIES HOSE, BLEACH & UIIOWN, GENTS 1IALFII0SE.BLEACH A BBOWN, LADIES' GLOVES BILK AND LISLE THREAD, KID GLOVES ALL COLORS, HOOP BKIIITS A CORSETS, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOORS TABLE DIAPERS TOWELS NAPKINS CLOTHS, AND CASIMER3, FLANNELS. DOMESTICS OP ALL KINDS, and lu fact everything generally kept lu a Dry Goods Btoro. Call and cxamluo the goods and satisfy yoursctves, high prices Is ono of tho things that havo passed nway. KXCUANUB IIUII.DINO OProSITK TUB COUKT house maim sthkut MuioiiRnunn PA, jyjILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OK FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has Just returned from the cities with another largo and select nssortment of SPRING AlID SUMMER GOODS, purchased In New York nnd Philadelphia at the lowest figure, and which he Is determined to kell on ns moderate- terms ns enn be procured else wnero in uioomsburg. ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of tho choicest styles and latest fashions, toeether wun a largo .nssortment of Dry Qoods nnd Gro- cerlos, consisting of the following articles t Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cosslmeres, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queensware, Haidware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-Glassoj, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Tens, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Clnnnmon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY, In short, .everything usually kept In country Btorcs, to which ue Invites Uie attention of the pnbllo generally. The highest price will be paid for country produco In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER & SON, Arcade Buildings, Bloomsburg, Pa. yvTlI?Arri uwnTTvriTnxT txt -nnrnr- . ......ii i,uiuuiiu.i Axs i iuwm V3T AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIGHT STREET, or SPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS. THE subscriber has lust received and hos on hand at his old stand In Light Street, n largo and select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, nnd which he determined to sell on us moderate terms ns bo procured elsewhere in Light Street, Foit cash or cotmrnr produce. His stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions. Calicoes, Muslins, uingnams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Batlnttts, Casslmers, Coltonndcs, Kentucky Jeans, AC, An AO. GROCERIES, MACKElCftXi, Quecnsware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, urugs, ims, rainis, &C. BOOTS ct SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In short everything usually kept In a conntrv Btoro. Tho patronage of bis old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest Market price paid for country oro- auce. PETER ENT. Light street, Nov. 8 1807, 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WJI. T. nOPKINS Has Removed ulsManufactory nud Salesrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT, ST, PHILADELPHIA, Wherehls "Own Mnke"nf,ru cs)ieclnlly adapted to First-class Whtiletule uiul JtitaU Trade, well befouudtoemhrnA Mm extensive assortment In tho Union, nnd nil the u iuub, uvBiruueniyies,anapes,l.cIlgtllS am H sea, 2. 2K, 2Ji. i, yards round, of l'Talii nnd Gored Puulers, Wulklng Skirts, Reception .i..,u.,ui.tuiiciiici wiiii uver mueiy uiuerent varletlesof Misses' and Children's Skirts, ull of "'."'..V, ul f111-, "uisii, ugninebs, elastlcliy, durability and real tlitauneu. ate un equaled by uuy other goods In tho market, and nro warranted In every respect. Skirts made to Retail "cjMiueu, wiioiesaio uua ,'ull lines of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts. 158prlug,:i3Ceiilsj20Bprlngs,45Ucnis:25Bprlnifs. "CejfiW Springs. 05 Cenisj'and 40 SprlLgs, 7i '.P'COltSETSII COBSETSIII 67dif- v,uu.iyieii ana uricfeM. rrnin i 'j-m. -,,., embracing R. Worlley.-Beckel," Glove Fitting' Madaui loy's Corset Skirt Supporter., ilru. moouj-s raitent Belf.AdJuktln Abdomlual" Corsets, French. Eniillsh unil iiSsimTKi. '"f.Corsets, and superior Frencli Patterns of Vlfn oJ.Inl ., .. mune, to wmcn wo lu- Complete nssortment of Ladles' Under Gar ments, at very low prices. w MSifiAfiW.fKr.'Jia I'ARTRAM AND z. lrt .?wl.aI-"Jnu wAuumra, tu- B t '"J"15! S!'le,r Hie public Fllti -two f t.7 v . -"v"i.-s, t -rice mo each, are beim; lyeu away order to get them ntroduccd. Every person In want of articles la cmunogeisewnere. cull or send for circulars, ut ?,VJ u.V.',f".?A"J Bul "rS?'ni No7illsri5.: .1 i ' . . " " KiJUUA uciuiD lllli. iiinr vn'iai., s. "Ui-JviKH. 1869. SPRING 1869. Oi'itNiMo o NEW BILKS. Oi'KNixo oy NEW SHAWNS, Oi-KMiMu ovNEW CHINTZIM, U'o oy NEW POPLINS, Full stock of STAPLE and FANCY SPRING GOODS. KYIIK 4 I, A N D I : L L, lOtJUTU ANU Aliril BTKEmi, Philadelphia, Mar, M '00-6U I J !l TkT n ii r 1 t ' to m,it i, irffre, taU P""'" Intending rsfH '.'KfteS?..!? "'.. Jnu. cation, havVthe lor of he resot Ve 'two ' , , ma nouie proposea to Iw so kept, and of the amount of aunual sale of ..iuuis, sou return tne same to the Countr hrruUiUls'Su.T- Ae..or,ar. re'tV'. Attsl W 1.' . ...... MONTGOMEUT (30 LM. j- C nr.l!,'ll-4U TN TUB SPRING MONTHS, THE i7in7i,iS.m.'!a.t,lr.allund'l''li0' n change, and saparllla Is an usslsraut of he grlSJit value. RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY, on nnd after May loth 1SC8, Trains will leaToNoRTltcuniiRLANO as follows t NORTHWARD. iin A. v.. Dally to Wllltamiport, (except Runday) lori:lmlra,Canandalgua, Rochester, HuiTalu, Suspension Bridge, nndN. Falls, 050 r. m., Dally, (except Sundays) fur Elmlmnnd Ilnlhilo via Erie Itallway from Klmlrn. (1.10 P.M., Dally, (oxccptHuudays) for Williams- port. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 2.33 A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 0.30 P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore Washington and Pnlladelphla. ED. a YOUNG, General Passenger Agent. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMS BURG HAiLAOAD On nud fljr Nov 30th, 180-1, Passenger Trains will ruu ns follows Going North. Going South. Arrive Arrive Lenvo Leave in in. a.m. p.m. n. lu, Bcrnuton V ,43 10.00 4.10 6.23 Leave Pltlston......, 0.10 10.13 4.17 4.53 Kingston ........ 8.40 V.M b;n tl.'.-j l'iynioiuii ......... :a v:.ts bx u;m Hhlckshlnny. IX 0.UO 0.10 7.10 llerwlclc u.i'l X.-.H o.a.1 7M Bloom ... 0.1B 7.C0 7.S1 Uauvlllo A.2U 7.1J S.'Al 11.01 Lenve Leavo Arrlvo Arrive Norlh'd - 4.13 0.10 0.U3 0.43 Connection mndo nt Mcrnnton by tho 10.60 n.m., Iriiln ror Great Bend, Blnghamton, Albany nud all points Nonh. East nnd West. D. T. BOUND, Sup'U 1863. ISOS. "PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE JL 11A1LUUAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. TIlKOl'Oll AND DIIIECT 110UTB I1ETWEKN I'lIILA- HKi.i'iiiA, iialtimore, iiAnmsnuna, wil- LIAMSrOKT, AND TUB GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA ELEGANT SLBEPINO CARS On nil Night Trains. On and nftpr Monhav. Knv. Wr,l iwiq ih Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Hall Road w 111 WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia. 10.45 p.m. '.. " Norihumberiaud...u.lOii,ra. "J .v, a ,iiiuui.-IU1U.11.0O III. " " ort,d , ...... .. .. nrr.ntErle jvuiuiuii uiiii leaves i'uiiaueipuia......8.oo n.m, " " " Nortird .i.a5p.m nrr. nt Lock Haven .7.15 p.m, EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 10.55 a.m. " .Norlh'd ti-;ntllll,I?aePllla 10.00 a.m. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erle... ..0.'J3 p.m. " " ftoit'd 0.30a.nil 11 on- nllihlln.l.lnl-l. ' Mail and Express connects with Oil Creek and Allegheny River llnll ltoad. Baggage checked A r. TVTrn General Superintendent, WUllainsporU pATAWISSA RAILROAD On and V.nrtcr. MONDAY, Nov. 23. lfcOS. Passemier ilium on llio Catawlssa Railroad will run ntfhe Jlfafl Soak. STATIONS. Mall Xorth Dep. 7.50 a,m Wlllinmsport. Arr.UlOp. m. -- o.--u juuncy. " .G0 " Wnlkonlnirn uep. e.ii " 6.12 " 4.55 " 4.10 ' 3.55 " 3.35 " 2.28 " 1.50 " 1.40 " 1.20 " 1.10 " D.I0 " Milton. " 0.52 " Danville. 1 " 10.12 Rupert. ' " 10.25 ' Cauiwlisn. ' " 11.10 ' ltlugtown. 12.30 p.m. Summit. 12.43 lluakake. ' . '.-V? E. Mahony June. 1 " 2,15 "DInc.Tamnqua. Dine. ' 4.25 " Rending. Arr. 0.15 " l'hlladelphla. " 10.50 " JToNow York via. Read ling or Maucli Chunk. I rom New York via. i " 10.40 n.m. 8.15 .iiuuiu L1IUUK, 1 No Change of cars between Wlllfamsport anil l'lilladelpula. GEO. WEUU suy'U TREADING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Dec 11th, lsGS. w,rfLT.r,u,uk, LIn? hSm "J0 Nortu nnd Norlh vii t 'IUladeIplila,New York, Rcaalug, Potts- A n. .,.,t. tr '. .u o""i"uiiin iioauon Alleutowu, Easton, Ephrata, JLltlz, Lancaster, uuluiubla, txc., Trains leavo Ilarrlsburg for New York, ns fol-',(!ws.:At,3'jU'6'50ttnd,l'lun- , 1-',10 uoon nnd il)j 10,00p.m connecting with similar trains ou tho Pu. Railroad, and arriving nt Newark at 11.00. a.m.. & 12.2U noon X so? i? .t . ,71,?. nnilll.lAn.iii ri.:,,VM;i.V triV'"T" "5 "' luiiiy the3,50 n. m.,nndl0.50p.m,truiuswlUlou, Leave Harrlsburir for Iiemitntr pniiuiita To. ma.iua, Mluersvllie, Aslilond, ahumokin 'Pino (Jrove, AlleutoM'Ii ii 1'mia'd. at 8,10 u.m., dc i',05 &. 4,10 p.111., stopping nt Lebanon nnd principal way sjatlons;tho4,i0pm.trttlnsmuklngconnoetionsfor PhlladeiDhlAUUil Unlllinlilt.nnlv I.V.- i,.. .utiKu uu luuuru, via Schuylkill I aud Bubiiuchunna Rullroad, leuvo Harrlsburg at o,ou iveiuruiiig: i,eavo new York at 0,00 , hi . "iT """"Wi'WP-. ? P Ulldel- i""- i uuuuji,bi, ctiecping cars necompauy tho u.uo u. m., nud5,10 nntoOpHn '"'''i Jt',-,w"hou!' esn-Wayl'nssenger T rain leaves Philadelphia at 7jo un-nnM f,,,. w ith similar train ou East Pa. railroad returning Irom Readlngut 05 p.m stopping at nil gtaUotir leavo Pottsvino atwW.!ii.,unu2,45 klnnt 6,23u. m.,Afchlaudat7,(ioa.mand 12ju n i iuiim;iuuuvo,jutt.ln.,uua 2,20 p.m for l'hlla- Leave PottSVllleforTTnrrltihni-ff I and Susquehanna Ralhondat7Tl0n.m. nnd 11 ai a. ni.,forI'lneUrovonndTrcmonf. iieiming Accommodation Train leaves Reading nt 7,J0a.m., returning from Philadelphia at 4,43 Pottstown Aceommmlfftlnn To.1... ..... n.,.. townuto.4ju.m... rutitrtitn,, ,.,.Mr.,T I at 4,uu p.m. " " """"J-" Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7.1W a.m., and u-15 p.m. for Ephrala, Lllli. Ijiucos- . r.f ??m? ?. l11 Road Trains leave Porklomen juuaiuu ni ,iaa.m.,and S.30 p. in. ltctnrului Leave Bklppack at 8.10 a.m., and 12.45 nin ionl nectlng with similar trains on ReaUln S Itallroad On Sundays, leavo New York in 8 00 ,, m l'lm. ndelphla 8,00 n.m. and 3.15 p.m" the 'sMilm'. train ruuulng ouly to Reading; Pottsvfthi s ou fi m . llarrlsburg &O n.m. nnd 4 M I and W OO SS Reading lit 1.U5 and 8,w and 7,13 a.m. for llaVrls. burg, and 12,50 n.m.. and 7,31 a.m. for New York. p.m. ior rniiaueiplila. lutatlou. Mileage, Season, School and Ex tickets to undfrum all rwiiniu i ,...i. .,,.1 rates. ' ' I Baggngo checked through 1 103 poundsallowcd to U. A, HIUOLL.S, t, t, General Superintendent, Reading, Pa., Dec. 11. liW. "nYF.V A.C.?WANNA, & ' . -.j. ...... . t.t.vj. it. rauuimer arrauce- incut, Apr.5,lM10. Tralus leavo as follows: EASTWARD. WESTWARD. Ex- press Ac Ac- Ex Mall STATIONS. coin. com press 1- 111 040 1M Via M. A E. DIvIs.iaji.i A.l Va.1. r, ..' r m 3.35 IFoot Jlarclau &t. 8.30 8.30 8.45 11.05 4 00 4 00 0 40 0 25 0 00 li 15 3.35 ..-Christopher Bt ...HobLken Newark. 3.25 3.00 12,10 4 I.) 4 4U 7 05 Washington via cen. mi, or 0 .10 7 15 1 U :m..HtW lOrK H ( that Liberty til) -..New llnmplou..... , . -Oxford ., Brldgevllle ..Philadelphia... , -Trenton 2.10 12.30 0.00 11.15 11.48 11.58 7.30 U.4S 11.35, 4.40 3.22 1.00 8.17 7 00 5 IW 5 St 5 2i -....Phllllnshum 11.08 12.05 125 12.35 11.25 .Manunku Chuuk....; 7 35 11.20 11.02 ......iieiuware Mount Bethel 7 SO 8 00 5 11 5 01 10.47 in -ft ivuier nap.,, M2.5T 13 -.Ktroudsbu 1.05, 1.15 8 251 ..Bnruuuevlli 4 41 10.13 0.60 U.40i 0.22 o.oul 4 20 ..iieuryvine.... 1.2.1 8 42 8 50 -Oakland ., 1.13 v ml 13 55 .1 41 -...r orKs ......Tobyhanna...., ...Gouldsboro.,..., ...M.MobCOW w, ......Dunning .Scrauton . ...Clark's summit,.., ..Ablngton....,,,.... I'aetoryvlllo 2 2lf0 28 2.33, 3 8.45 8.35 S.l'i 2.57 3.08 l'.M a 15 U5 0. lu 2 M 3.60 4.12 4.20 lUu 11.30 11.10 I'M 7JS 7.30 5.5.5 7.14 U50, ti-Si 0.10 fi.40 4.311 4.50 4.15 .1.15 Hopbottom""!"!! 5.18 5.40 0.00 0.20 a is 2.50 I'.il nionirofce ...Now Mllford. .. Great Bend..,. 5.30 A.Sl, l'.X. CONNECTIOKS. At New Ilnmnton. with rvinini 1, n r t?C5;.if"r,fiew,lor,,'lillzttb'.t'lalnlleld,Souier. "i Kaston, ic. ' ' " At Washington, with Morris 4 1-isex R. It., for ;'-" V',-"r,''MorI'll'luvru,Dover, Hucltett. ilil fiV.h n T i 1 w1"' Holvldere Delaware lh!rt Vr"."1"!? lIa. Trenton. pniiiin.i. "jX,WJVi' . . ft& tei3fTTO5aU5 ..At UtBcnd,wltllrMeItallway. for Bln.lmm. 11. A. HENRY, Gen. Pass, aud fkU Agout; S2000 A YEAR- With Ultle labor, twimelhlne entlrel y now for heard from, .every Hay 'since discovered tS'tn S r,!1f'.m,ldub,cv'r'''l0 wl'olmsye t taken hold of the business., men to hU ! ,.T.;,:.iii'il" " Mil 1 iiu he nil 1. (it ptiv niniM.w,. .. .. . . r - Bpd'wA'ob'iirL'rnX ISO IlltVllM. un 1 -r 1 " Please enclose stamp fof circulir Ad. IrVi, Valeullne l.Uauk. New lVlMiuiiewTerVviV'T ' U ! T H. WALTER, NOTICE OP DISSOLUTIOV. Iu, Walter A The oo.partnershlp herrtofore eilitlnr belwu Importer and Dealer lu SMftSSS CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENHWAIUfii, PThobu,iuUesS"w No- m M'k" Blml. J1 "I0S- "entoni"., J"N BTROUP & CO., 4tt irri, Successors to Btroup 4 Brother, nK$?FJ9 WHNTINQ whole3aus dealeiw m fibil tSJf oaSfC,,led rt Tn,tC0L """ Htu. No. ill North Wharves, nnd SO KulhTMt, Bi GROCERIES, &c, c ONFE0TIONERY. The nnderslened would respectfully announce to the publlo that be has opened n FIRST-CLASH CONFECTIONERY STORE, In thebulldlng lately occupied by Bernard Htoh uer, whero hols prepared to furnish all kind; or PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN A DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, AC. BY WltOMtSAM! on IUITAIL. T., .hml m A.H n,nrim,tit nt ntl imtmI. 111 his line of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac,, suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention given to BREAD AND CAKES, of nit kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS OANDIEB, OHIBTMAB TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will be guaranteed. Nor. 52. 1887. ECKHART JACOBS. REMOVAL OF C. O. MAKE'S NEW STORE TO BltlVB'B BLOCK, ON T11K CORNER Or MARKKT AND IRON STREETS. The undersigned having received from the city a full and complete supply ot 8PRINCJ AND SUMMER DRY QOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAll AKD WILLOn'-WAllB, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOI1AOCO, UA1S AND SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose selling at a very low figure tor cash or produce. 49- Call nnd see. April 12, 1807. C. C. MARR. GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS GOODS GOODS, FALL AND WINTER consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAIW HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS! BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES' HOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES' BOOTS AND SHOES! READY-MADE CLOTniNG READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHING! LOOKING-GLASSES. , LOOKING-GLASSES IAMKINO-GLAaSES looking-glasses looking-glasses; NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS NOTIONS notions! paints and oils, paints and oils paints and oils paints and oii.s PAINTS AND OILS! groceries, groceries groceries! GltOCEKILs! groceries! UtJEENSWARE, tiUEENSWARE queens ware! atlEENSWAHE uueensware hardware, hardware hardware! hardware hardware! TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE TINWARE tinware! SALT, HALT HALT HALT, HALT, FISH, fish FISH, KITH FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS. GRAIN AND SEEDS GltAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS 4C, AT JlCKKLVV, N10AL 4 McKELVY, NEAL MCKELVY NEAL 4 McKELVY NEAL & CO.'S. CO.'B CO.'S. CO.'S. l-ri u JUI-H.H.I.V X, J412AL & Northwf SSSi l J!?!5 ?'! Streets, Northwest 5!m',n, Ji'etsEfelul: V.?iHut corner of Main and Market strei' unuwesi corner of Main nn.l m,.i u,.;;.' Northwest corner of Main and Mam.t BlAlOMsntIRO, PA.. BIAIOMSBURO PA BL00MSUUK0 PA.. BIA)0MSIiURO I'X BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAIL AKP NAIlS IRON AND NAILS "JON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS; en iffii? lnan,U1" ttn'1 tnu. alway riUICJCERING & SONS, v- Manuticturemnr ' GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT riANOR Received tho First Grnnd Gold Medal. higher rccomnenka. iiir ctioad ui' THE LEGION OF HONOR. 3ITION. PARIS. ,807. nt UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, ii?,aeJff "'''''Shcst awards of tha biposl St-vrviNi kTiwt",V,.V.",.f. u.n. wrded ill I lift IIIlltfKi (llntsiu 1 I tlllor. with thV lendhig ,n7nufaauS?H "o S?.ulJ'5'l.. dntll,e Great Exhibition in!"','1,? wo ..ufct7er I ..Ununited SSI,8'V.,., ma gOJIETIIINQ NEW. I.... undsrslgned begs leave to irm .... frleuds nnd the nnhlir .11 ' u..""rm Her "P'" lu V BmMr. t""t she has ..ai0.,uiiu, of good, in tha lino nr a fresh stock MILLINERY nnd TiiTwifiwnc --.r U pre COLOB STRAW HATS lmu'' Rnu worls "atUfactory. Light Street. OotnW 1 it, " g V. PETERMAN, with LIFPlNCOTTATitrvrrvi, WHOLESALE GROCERS and No. SO North Delawaro Avenue Philadelphia. do N0' " EAST FOURTEENTH ST., NEW YORK g Feb"0!'S!laaw'"",udFlf"' Avenue. ' l-.M, ' IRON, TINWARE, &C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Bloomsburg, columuia ixiumy, i . nm inliMl!jer.tiioiirletor of the nbovc-tnmod extensive establishment, Is now prepared to re ccivo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATIONA RY ENGINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, AO Iio Is nlso nrepnred to make Stoves of nil lc nnd patterns, Plow-Irons, nnd everything usually mndo In first-class Foundries. Ills extensive facilities and practical workmen warrant him in receiving the largest contrncU on tho most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be taken In exchange for Castings. , This establishment Is located near the Lnckr wanna and Bloomsburg Railroad Depot, PETER VILLMYER. TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT announces to his friends and customers that continues the above business nt his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSDURG. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of nil kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, nnd every va riety of article found In n Stove nnd Tinware Es tablishment In the cities, nnd on tho most reason, able terms. Repalrlngdoneatthoshortcstnotlco, 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON KAIN STREET, NEARLY OPrOSITX MILLER.' BTU11K, IlLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted up nud opened his new STOVE AND TIN SHOP, In this place, whero he Is prepared to make up new Tin Ware of all kinds in bis line, and do repairing with neatness nnd dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. Ho also keeps on hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES, which ho will sou upon terms to suit purchasers. Glvo him n call, lie is n good mechanic, nnd ucserviugoi tnepuuiie patronage. JACOB METZ. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1807. Q.EORGE H. ROBERTS, Importer nnd Dealer in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac, No. 811 North Third Btreet, above Vine, Philadelphia. jAcon K, Smith. J. R. Seltzer g MIT II &. SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. 409 N. THIRD STREET, An, CALLOWIIILL, . PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22.C7 - tf. TOBACCO & SEG-ARS. TX W. RANK'S "iVlIOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF, AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. HO North Third Street, between Cherry nnd Race, west side, rmiaaeipuia. "YiTARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF A SEGAR MANUFACTORY, NO. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. WARTJCAN P. KKnil.vlH T EIIIGH VALLEY AGRICULTU- BREINIG & HELFRICH, MANUFACTUI1K113 OK BREINIG'S COMPLETE BONE MANURE. A concentrated manure combining tho rellablo I feillllilngpropertlesofBONEDUSTorGROUND BONE, with the nctivo elements of pmitvim I GUANO, AMMONIACAL MA1TER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OP LIME. KuunnileoiiiL' it nM H flnitnr. 'ui.r "Z Jfi IViir ,iiii . r, ,esn"a,vatious In quality to " ICIIUUIU Illlll UUli 1 FarmcrS can ii,,' , V??Z ."i,:"1 1'"""- ;y,V,V''"fc'ves. Weuso'onfyBoneauaio S i mtloOuanofor phosphatoof Lime. Send for 'Farmers' Manure " i-r rvt . -fi..r....i.r I turtr's rato by ' " -""""" r 1 i?ATlP.?STf9ir nolirshurg, Ta. JIar.I9,'C!).(jm, WALTER SCOTawlshaPa, QJ1NIBUS LINE. The undersigned would respectfully announce to ,uvt,w:i ui uioomsDnrs ami Ihn nnlk1tn RllllMl.n l. , 1 .....j ,u un i running nn OMNI11US I.TNK between this place nnd the different rnllroadde P"'"l'y (Sundays excepted), to connect with the I several tra ns iroinu Rnmh w... .... . ..- - " " "l' wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those sums oni, ana Houthon tho Lackawanna and uiuuuibuurg luuiroad. Ills Omulbslsses are In good condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. Persons wishing to moot or see their frlen,!. p art, can be accomodated upon reasonable chargj i.iucij uoiiceatany or the hotels. JACOB L GIRTON, Proprietor. Mp1 A R M E R B 1 1 IBY TUE ALTA VELA I'HCBI-HATE. ninnle ouaSiti'J06 Pcr cent- ot Ammonia, nn EffiVSZ a o, CT. ".i iffiL"?. ky ffiSkWriSffiSS SW&?yS&& JSOpertdioi rlu LiS: "." vi,"0s ce. pamphlet. "" 'or AllE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., S.S. llISHOP4Co.Ageuts, SOON. Del. A v if''"' I'ennsylvaula, Philadelphia and So.ul." Jersey July 8,'wi-ly 67 Brond h ov, N. Y. Concentrated Indigo. It TIIELAUNDIt. iuJuloTi?errZerVcrtrCak'or ""ymanncr ''! "Jiocket pin cushion of imery bSr x,cou" inVbOolxCesa.nalar,S0 ' put up E-n? I'M?.1 "ax " nrpper Trade Mark. Bloomsburg'pa. Feb.12,'l!jmIo'.LLl:U B0N' gHARI'LESS & IIARMAN, KAOLKl-OUNPnVANlllIANlTVi.-rn,,...,. sro14 PLOWS WIlorvsAii. ,., smooth and Tll CKLEU JtATEU MOSTBOSB 1K0K UEA A L.W" fU"U U"J SIV8 I'K?ik All kinds b ;Yi;tr;. ?f ."('"'""llfltystoves. . MSS", Km,. .1. . 1.1. ""1 1IU11111I. IlllLtlH I,, fihl.a I Unnur.... . . .,..JT-1 mmn.: i-S?.B,": A" xtH P. B. HAHMAN. '"'"Per, nud all pen diseases, Mur.lii' ' Proprietors. Wholesale and lt Q.EORQE FOELKER & CO., Wholesale Dealers In WOODEN WILLOW WARE. YARNS. Oll-Cloths. Wicks, Twines,.Baskels. etc.. tte. 5 June. '"kel B'- m Chn"n . Jhilada. s LATH ROOFING, BTDB r TARIBTY MOST FAVORABLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, akd rum.pii r i F fWnpers of Dr. I2.V. Welt.s JAM, Box. '.TI DRUGS & MEDICINES i TONATHAN IIUlHT.viiin O or Bitters has never failed toV? kind of Dpepslni is the mot.. s nud herbs" (Sy will convinceany one No fnmlly should bo without It. lit '"'WT bottles, prepared nnd sold i,v .1 "Pis. A Co, Schuylkill Haven, Pn, ana i"v J,,1' DR. T A Y L O RS olive branch BITTERS UIO g 0X1 atr - i A mild nnd ngrcenblo Tonic sttmi.t... AT nchlcniidCotmlnatlvo fAT Tl T T T V. T a 1 n 1 Extracted entirely from Herbs and Iioou f UK Intro DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, nnd Loss ofAppellloj and an excellent Corrccllvofor person, m from Disorders of the Bowels, Flntol Vot cw Hum Rst Sold IJvcrywliorc. epot, No. 413 Market Street, l'liUnfe, Cii .'01 J. K. TAYLOR SepU4,'CS-ly. A CO, Ayer's BEf IK rg Hair Vig0 For restoring Gray Haf its natural Vitality and CoTuJ I , . M Slut A drcin - U nt citico H Si 1 1.1 .c.Leu Iieitllliy, uiul tiaplsci for iirc'!eniB;u.n. luiir. i'utMtJ 9' hair in soon rj a ) to its origin, J.Ma with the j?: freshness of "nbl Thin liair iiT.B- cncil, falling litiir rlicclcctl, Hi 1' "" noss often, tliougli not tiHvnj.', by its use. Nolliin run rcste-ei? hair wlicro llio follicluj nro fe or llio Rlftnila ntropliicil mill i But sucli ns rcinniti can lie mfrnsT usefulness by tliis npplicnliou. 1'1MI of fouling llio hair willi n pi'-if3, mcut, it will keep it clean uiiu t'y, ", Its occasional uso will piceut i!!1. from turning gray or falling e ,1 consequently prevent balJncsi. ' jt from thoso' deleterious Mibitanciiii'.B0 make some prcparatious daiigcwsua: iDjurioiis to llio hair, the ViJjJ only benefit but not harm il. II' J- merely for a HAIR DRESSING notliing clse can lio found EoJejulK ; Containing neither oil nor dje.L kocki not soil while cuinbrjc, and )t long on tho hair, giving it a ml , .1 lustro nud a grateful perfume, j.' Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer inj Practical and Analytical CiiiV' uan PRICE $1.00. Feb.5,ll!(l!). A , , Ayers unerry jfecicMEB For Sisoases of tho Throat ana I such as Coughs, Colds, Vhoopj'ORK Cough, Bronchitis, Asthni,' Mttln nnd Consumption. , Q,v Probably never beforo la tlio whole 15. nlw medicine, lias anything won so widely sndt- upon uio coniklcnco of mankind, as Uisf'OON. leniedy for pulmonary complaints. Tliw-Vr choi series pfycan, and among most of UkST 1 un it 11 is risen mgncr nnd liiglicrlatofVti'i ttuu, ns It lias becomo better known. h M' Cll.U'actcrnniI lion-or tn riirn Ihn vnrlnnil?-rf r- pf lira Iuiiks and Uiroat, have mado It knon.i JAC haulo protector ngalnst them. Whllo lill st t milder forms of disease and to young iMt ' nt Uio samo time Uio most effectual n.meJl ' - . bo glrcn for incipient consumption, (: " tv. w, uuiiuo, ui una uiruat anil luogi. -v. 1 ialon nun nfit smlilim niinpi-a r,t r'n,u..t.xclian bo kept on hand in every family, anil m nro sometimes subject to colds and ,,..'. ciiLFU,,. uv llluvitlUU W1UI UllS anilUOLC Although settled Consumption Ii 11JI eroe. curable, still great numbers orcascs vta w- n caso seemed scuied, havo been coni)W u 1 . and tlio patient restored to 6ound hciB , A , Cherry J'ectoral, So comjilcto li IUH'; S over tho disorders of tho Lungs oud nv- tho most obatlnato of them yield to it. Vfc 1 ) ) ' ' Ing clso could reach Oicni, under Uio C"N n. si lornl they subside and disappear. ! iSJs hlngert and l'ublle Sneakers flaJpf ,,. tcctlon from It. V', J r: .Isttmri u nhvays relieved and ctai jTjjii cured by It. ' J.Malu Jironchltle Is generally cured by B., , ,,,, Cherru JVrforal lu small and franimii. hO CltnUKlI V AM,n. Innnn iMlll A. 11 not publish Uio ccrtllleatcs of lliem hereon . tat( tluin assuro tho publlo that its naalltieit maintained. "xrllJ Ayer's Ague Cu ISU, Fever nnd Acuo, Intermitted?'"'"0'' Chill Fever, Itomittent Few.1 , Altuo, Periodical or Bilious Fey'r J. Rb and indeed all tho affections wLsbivt ftom malarious, marsh, or a-Cy . poisons, rJCTt f in ' n na7"! Iml'", It does Ciiw. M.Btrael uu.a,ulK uciuicr jirsemc, i;uiii"i--t .4. MhatCVer. It fn nnufu lnt,,w,a ,nv nntlitll IllllllllPP nn.l l. Jl. ..rli lh,liJ . ItlllJI much ui lu, tuiv, ""-!, uirtj, aro literally beyond account, andsif oi,3.,VHcii"RW1 k-je receive of Uio radical cures effectea la 9 aj' cac, an.l wi,Cro oUier remedies had whoDr Ull.lffl lllltn.1 -neLbnt 4 i-m 'r"c 1 ns through mlasmatlo localltlei,J).. Or tectcdliy taking tho AOUV OVKK cWcottow .. ?r ffrerComnlatntu, arising fre,5ragot rifui0.I'hfrfuls an excellent remMlr.iia Forl.1l,,if,HlLc"':l an PXrillnnl von,,!.- ..M,l..An mflnT C -I HB markable rurcs, where other mi!eln(i Jf7 nP"?,ty Dr. J. C. Ateh & Co,'?;s nlt and Analytical ChcmlsU, LowcU, llau,' !M all round the world, ' i5S? micE, $i.oo psr isoiH'y.vH fi brie gENDEBSIIOTT'S J.Si and GERMAN CATTLE VOW'l n.. . .. mis 1'owder In I,. IIavmI to lia suncrl0!a''iriT Horso or Cattlo iw,ir in uso. It MirWlln hlood, eloauscs tho system, nnd gives he-,' "ITT " Hon and tone to the stomach. By Its u J. Bi will Improve lu ilosh, nud tho coat 'WEif '(,! Iclne yet discovered for the cure of ii?1 i3.i Dyspepsia. I, ver Complaint, Itrorici?i SlP diseases of tho Throat, Chest mi l'S fit mndo entire y of roots' ,! i ,.,nJi Uns JiF 1 t ,i, . r 'lib Ca,tinL?.!;lN,.W.0?,:E' rLOW- 8"'eplmprovo and produco a heaMJVjf "'"'n "once. . -", mieu anq are free from soro u'"ig3 ilJlnn Wholesale and Retail Depot, land d HEKUERSHOTT'S Drugfetw.1" Feb. 19,'co-tf AHEUICAII f-,-T lILOOMSDll.l WW .k , corn yy Am waiiqut & co,, 0 ;i WHOLESALE aKOOEJ1,,,. N, E, Corner Second and Arch BV rjiiuityiW.i !).!.,. i i, "PC TEAS, BTUUPU, COFFEE, 8UOAK, JIOl1 .., sngxa, bj 0abb g0DA, A0,W . Orders wUl receive nromDt atUatt' May 18,l8T-y. nW-OTIOE, ..The undsrslzniid J he underslm.i i,.i., i.... o..'- Ul n-, - " """nm, r,'""""iocallou him nnd sotlls H.worfc Philadelphia. Mar.l,'o.Iyr, Blooxsbvuo, I'a. lug ncoouuu, MATHEW WYNKJ Apr. IC,0j.2t Ulooiiis1"'"