THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT BD0OMSBU11G; COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA, jgPjPlWMI MJMWMWi FIUDAY, A Mill, an, 1 800. Ht&UlBUCKALF.W lifts rosuincd rMt'jX Jaw In this plnco. tri.l" )' 'i.'.'.i. , L'cidob'fniNft. Tho Legislature of I Stnio adjourned Jttst Friday. lY agreement of tho members of tho no civil fH& will bo tried nt tho y tctinjBfourt. Vk aroaecustomcd to seo sovernl VBpapewaroongouroxchiiiigrs width mgh pli Wished dally, inny hu con lta.TJUUtti.-S. M. l'uttur Iuh been pointed Pot Muster nt Kescopee. Wo vo been positively assured that ho II not be confirmed by the Sciinto. N announcing tlio mimes of candid h for County Superintendent, John Patton Was accredited to Greenwood vnshlp instead nf Pino. Wo mako i change Illls Week-. Che Commlttco on Education have m Instructed by tho Legislature to ltlnue.thelr Investigation of tho man jment olV tho Soldiers' Orphans' iiools. Wo will publish tho report ion inndo public. )nk of tho Imported voters at tho re nt election in "Brlarcreck being asked tho Election Board what hoenmo In tho township for, replied, that "he i after them ten dollars 1" That cltl i dfd'ribt"vbiG. Che recerilVfdns havo had tho eircet raising the river, but not to n su fli nt extent, .thus fur, to causo damage; etatlon h5 Improved wonderfully J there, nrojBtrong probabilities of vingf thXiVees in leaf by tho first of lyTCr in-'itioFPETj clcctcd last fall from i third Congressional District of this ite, has been, turned out of his scat by vTtadfcal ifouso of Representatives, ason lie, Is'a'jDemocrat nnd tho Und .is wont" fiJ.Vwo-thlrds voto In the uso,tbjiold Grant upon his good be vlor. . 'he solution of tho puzzle in last ek's paper, iij as follows : n tho first line you And n cipher, and tho other line tho word "bed," tho i bed being a small dark c,and com j'dlroctjy under tho cypher. Thcro o tli6 reading is "A small dark c, irke'yV In' bed with nothing over him. L'liE'Crov'ellrjg Grape, now very ex islvely'pldhled in tho Northern and estorji'StiifeSnnd one of very excel quality, jltIs believed originated a. hance'secdling of tho Fox grape, t east of jildpmshurg on tho southern rjdge. It was first known the. hands of tho Wertmnn family. n'ji, .trx: Van Age' of Philadelphia, comes to in art; entirely now nnd. beautiful i!ss. iIt 'avIII comparo favorably In peararice with any of tho city papers lilo&s'-a'staunch advocate of Demo ittc principles It is second to none in oCouHtry? 'Wo wish Messrs. Welsh Ltobb all tho success their energy, nc .lt and good tasto deserve. .'odiilo'uai!. Tiio Poor House Com- ssloncrs'hSvd purchased for tho uso tho poor ,oMiloom township, ono ndrcd acres of land in'Mount Plcas t belonging to Rev. D. J. Waller's ra,,,Xheylavo tho pick of tho land $lM;tiertfcre, which Includes tho lldinBs'.Miir refusal of the remain- r of the form is gran tod, a hould It be omedjndvisablo to purchasolt,for $100 r;act9(w;-, -'a fiyenlng of tho 12th of April, illstji little fhlld of James Rounsley siding Iniilemlock township, was bc- ; undressed - for bed, his clothing Light$r4' froaci a candlo which had on piacear'ja cimir near by, una, foro trio flames could bo extinguished was so severely burned as to cause ii.d'ettif,.6)j'.tl!e following morning. ie,oplBlon;of tlio attending physician is, that excess! vo fright- had been to m6 extent tho causa of death, ns tho irnln'oiigH'sovere, might not havo ovedfotaU1 TiiKUEvWH a splendid display of tho urpra Bpf calls or Northern Lights on hurjayjlikhl tho 15th. The Hashes light asvislblo hero were possossed ' little color, but In other local! us thby-P were of every tint of tho inbowTJiealr during tho existence the Ltehw,:vas so highly charged Ith ifelectriclty that tho telegraph ires wero worked without a battery either end.- This wonderful exhibl on a'8upposed to foreshadow n dry ftsou but as tho rain fell In torrents i Saturday,; the prophecy looks dubl is to siy'tha least. vitrei rtr lijieWFoc several days last week tho oodS.ftfeiSpposlto side of the river ere'o&flre.",'At night tho sccno was jautMir' in' the extreme, tho heavens jhilibrllllautly illumined by tho iuiiBj! 'TAMopk lino of flro boro a ronj rcsemblnnco to tho wntch-flres f a grand'riVmy, whilst Its slow but ro- stless progress was not uuliko tho ad anco of troops into an enemy's coun y. wlthilnccndlary torches at tho imo'tirne devastating and Illumining. A lamo amount of timber was doubt ss destroyed before tho progress of lo.flri.'.was stayed. Its origin Is not nown.but Is thought to bo traceable to spnrk from, a passing locomotivo on h'o'CatnwIssa R. R. The Gakden. Now Is thotlmo to egln to think of the garden and laying our n(ans"for Its cultivation.. And vera house ought to havo a garden at ached to It, not only lor tho economy rraUIugour own family vegetables ut for tho pleasant nnd healthful out- ioor exercise in cultivating it. There 1 nqt'a'buslncss man who wouldn't bo ictter'kad healthier for cultivating his wn pewtfleaus, potatoes and garden ruck Kemrally. Nor should women lespise'tMhumblo ami healthful task f tttten'df3f,a garden. Thoy can do ind do do, tho cosier portions of tho vork and take pleasuro In It. It Is KX'upatioh that has come down from Motliof Eve herself. It has tho highest iommendatlons of-physicians and phll tnthroplsts. And nothing' Indicates 'Ootf management and good tasto about Sowo so much as a well-arranged, well weeded garden, with a littlo ornament In tho way of ilower-beds. Hkiuamw WMtNflit'or'.Uonton has sold his farm to If. Everett for$7C00. Saw: of Personal Property by IlcnJ. Warner In lSenlon Saturday, May tst. Seo ndvortlsemont or hand-bills. Qrh. Isaac J Wistah, President of tho Pennsylvania Canal Co., was In town on Wednesday last. Samuf.l KNonti has taken possession of tho Assessor's ofllco and moved tho books and papers to Ilartmau's Build ings, In tho rooms' over Chombcrlln's Clothing Store, which will In future bo tho ofllce. Wk publish this week soveral Impor tant acta of tho Legislature. Wo will not vouch for their authenticity, ns, wo found them In tho dally papers, but presumo they havo been signed by tho Governor. Paiu'.sts desiring to havo their chil dren attend a first class school arc re quested to send them to tho upper room 6f tho Academy. School opens on Mon day next. Emanuel Fritz Principal. Hkv. Umel Quaves of Milton on last Friday evening delivered a lecturo n tho Court IIouso on tho snbjcct of Matrimony. Ho made some good hits hlch wero appreciated by tho audi ence. I no sum nttcntinnco was in con sequence of tho short notice. Tin: Worrall Brothers who exhibited hero on Wednesday evening, wero a ilrst-clnss humbug. Wo thought this ould bo tho ease, as they had oil their printing dono nt tho Republican ofllce. Tho Firotnan's Horn was awarded to tho Itescuo Company. On Monday ovonlhg last tho Masonic order celebrated tho opening of their new and beautiful rooms, lu Browor's Building, by n reception and supper. Tho attendance was largo and nothing happened to mar tho harmony of tho occasion. Tito supper which was served lu tho Exchange Hotel was in tho best tylo of thoso capital caterers Messrs. Koons nnd Clark. At n lato hour tho guests separated, in tho best of spirits and thoroughly pleased with tho even ing's pleasures. An Exciting Wokk. Dr. Kane's Arctic Explorations, just published and for salo by ngcnt3. It Is a largo volume. of over 7C0 pages containing some 300 engravings from Dr.Knno's own sketch- Written ns it is with simplicity aiid clearness, filled .with exciting in cidents, and treating of a land of which almost nothing has, horetoforo been known, it may safely challenge com parison for interest and information with any production of tho press for ears. Every ono should havo a copy. Isaiah Shannon is agent for this county. The Lifo and Epistles of St. Paul A beautifully printed work of about 1,000 pages witli maps and engravings. Its authors tho Revs. W. J. Cony bcaro and S. Howso'n, are men of'pre-cmlnenl blllty nnd vast attainments. Tho in troduction is written by tho Rov. Jus. McCosh,thenow President of Princeton College, ono of tho most brllliant&chol ars in tho land. Tho lifo of tho Oreat Apostlo from his youth upwurds, is faithfully portrayed and tho inner lifo of tho Jewish peoplo nt that period viv idly depicted. It is indeed a ruro work and should bo in every family. Isaiah Shannon, agent for tho county. Wetting Postage Stamps with the Lips. In tho JJwtoury wo notice warning to such persons ns aro in the habit of wetting postage stamps with tho tongue or lips. Tlio editor says that it is a dangerous practice foul diseases having been contracted in thnt way. Ho says that lie' has lately treated a gentleman for a soro lip, tho virus being communicated by wetting stamps re ceived from correspondents who wero diseased. Of course when you purchase your stamps at tho Post ofllco there is no danger. Stamps received in letters should bo wet with a spongo,nlway.s as a ineasuro of precaution. Owing to his precarious health, C'has . Smith, Esq., for a number of years .'resident of tho Reading Railroad Co., has been obliged to rctlro from tho ar duous latiors of tho position which he has so ably discharged. Ho is succeed ed by Franklin B.Gowen,Esq.,ofPhll adelphin, formerly of Pottsvillo, and for somo years solicitor of the company Mr. Gowen is a young gentleman of de cldcd talent, and from his acquaintance with tho duties of tho ofllco and tho in tcrestsof tlio coal-trjide, as well as from his conciliatory manner, It Is believed that Its administration will bo popular and satisfactory to nil parties. Some advocato setting strawberry plants in tho full; others In June nnd July: nnd still others, nnd wo bellovo tholnrfrcr number, think tho last of April or tho first of May the better time. Aftor many years' experionco, wo havo no hesitation in saying that tho best tlmo In tho wholo year Is tlio spring. Tho frcquont nnd genial show crs of that season aro favorable to tho growth of tlio plants; and they soon get hold so as to bo nblo to withstand tho heat of summer and tho frosts of winter. When set In summer, unless frequently watered, tho plants soon dry up nnd die. If sot In tho fall they nro very likely to bo thrown out nnd destroyed tho following winter. Br.ooMsiiuna, Just nt present is troubled with too much lime, perhupslt wero better to say loo many times. Tho town clock, when In running ordor.hns ono hour which It pronouncos noon each of tho Fumnces n rvpcratoanddiS' tlnct tlmo, differing from ho clock; the Ball Road Co. another; each of tho wntchmakcM ono of his own, whilst everybody's watch goos Its own gait, as Ifporfectly nwuro that Us own hour can not bu successfully disputed by any other. With tho Into lamented Ward wo ask "Why is this thus?" It certain ly seems ns if this could bo changed und ono tlmo bo determined upon to nerve for all. Thoro aro people In town who dally eat their dinners nt a littlo past eleven, firmly beliovlng that It is mgn noon and that they uro doing their duty bv thomselves and their country." This of course Is all wrong, as so necessary and acceptablo a pleasuro as dining should by no means bo madon snaro and u delusion. Thereforo It is that wo ralso our voice and cry "Let us havo fmer times!" It abjolutoly ncccsury It would bo bolter to call township convention to regulato tho matter, than to llvo lu so utterly unsatisfactory nstuto of doubt. I.ocnl Notice. llEADY.-EckhnrlJocobs having movcjl Into his now storo oil Main Street, below Iron, Is now prepared to fur nish tho public with fresh bread, rolls, biscuit Ac., dally. Plain and fancy con fcctlonory and cakes, on hnnd and fur nished nt short notice. IjU'oiitant. Wo would refer our leaders to thoadvcrtlscntcnt of Joseph B.Knlttlo, of Catawlusn, to bo found In another column. Mr. Knlttio having taken tho old McNInch & Shutnnn stand is determined to mako It complcto in nil respects. As ho buys nnd sells for cci his prices will always bo found ns low as tho market will admit, Ho Isn merchant of ability and long experi ence. Exi'EKlENCK lias long ago convinced good housawlves that tho poorest poll cy In tho world Is to buy things simply becnuso they aro cheap. Their cheap ness is frequently tho only merit which they possess. It Is better to deal with such trustworthy merchants as Miller & Wolf, when thcro Is never any doubt as to tho good quality of tlioarticlo pur chased. They havo a lino stock of Spring Dry Goo-ls Ac, well worth look lngnt. OoodI What Is? Why, Chember lin's Spring stock ofclothsandclothlng. It Is really worth u visit, Just to see how successful ho lias been In procuring ail tlio prettiest and best patterns of tlio sc.non. With this flno assortment nnd tho well known good character of his workmanship there Is no reason why tho citizens of tlio town and country should not bo thoroughly well dressed. All Clicmbcrlln deslroi is n, trinl. A Live Man! Wo nro pleased to mark tlio advent of a new era in our mcrcantilo world. Hitherto our busi ness men havo been content to keep their goods on tho shelves only produ cing them nt the request of customers. Our now merchant, M. P. Lutz, docs not believe In this plan, and has filled his largo show windows Willi samples of ids goods.arranged in tho best possi bio tnstc. Tlio result Is that persons desirous of purchasing nro enabled to seo what they wish before entering tho storo. When will our merchants ns n class learn that advertising and display nro tho only suro guides to success ? New Hauiieu Shop. John AlstaiU has moved into his new shop in Brow or's building. Entrance on Court House Alley. Ho has a flno room with nil the conveniences, and Intends to make It tho most complcto Barber Shop in this part of tho country. Removal. Mr. John K. Girton in forms his friends nnd customers, that ho has moved his storo from tho corner f Main & Iron streets, to tho well known room near tho corner of Main & Market Streets, Bloouibburg, lately oc cupied by L. T. Sharpless, wl.ero ho will bo glad to recelvo old nnd new friends. Mr. Girton is an old and respectablo citizen, and deserves a ho will no doubt receive, a liberal sliaro of tlio public patronage. 3t Wall I'Ai'Eit, WindowShades, Cords, Tassels, Ac., of the newest, prettiest, and best patterns, still coming In at L. Thornton's, Main street below Mnr ket. 21 The Wiiat-is-it. Many of tho eit .ens of Fishlngcreek uro excited ubout it ferocious animal said to infest tnat neicrliborhood. Lambs and nhi-en dis. appear .vitli "iirprislng frequency, mid hounds which have been put on its truck have never returned. Ono idle theory is it is a kangaroo wild to havo escaped from u nienagerlu at Wilkes Uarre last fall, another story is thnt Iho auiinal is a panther. This is tho Judg ment of men who havo seen its tracks. Tho mystery will doubtless soon bo solved. lly vlrliid of n wilt of Kifn l-'uc.n Iuui out of the Court of Common PIkw ot Columbia .oiiiity, tuul to mo tlhtcled, will imexntt'l to DUbTlcsuio or out-cry. t tlie Couii Iihusl In itlooiusLurtf. on Momluy. May 3nl, wJ, tli following mil t'MntoKi wit: n eertnln lot or nlfco of k rou n J sltunto lu IIih town nf CiittwisHii Coluiuolii county houndcil on llio went hy l lie HiiMiueluuna Hlveron the north by lot of Win. lot or Win. Hortmnn contnlnliiB titty fi't't Jront li-mirt liutidroil find (ill V fHPt dueo ou whkli is erccreU a two story Ira mo housowlth the appur- property of Henry Hnrner Apr. 1809. Snerill. s HEItlFF'S SALE ll wlrt mi. if ii writ of riurlesVelid.Exii..lhuei out of tho Court of Coinmou I'lena of Columbia coun ty, and to mo directed, will bo exposed to I'uhlie Mulo orout-cry.nt tho Court House lu Illooins. burg on Jlonuayjuay iwiy. .... All that certain piece or tract of land sltualo In Hugurloaf township Coluiiiblacounty.coniatn. lug about , about sixty acres or which is cleared, liouiidcd und described as follows lo wltl ou the norllinlld east by laliila of Conrad Hess, on tho Houlh by lands oWamuel Hess nnd ou the wesl by lauds of Ilcnjamln I'etermau, whereon Is erected a ONE rlTOUV l'LANK DWELLiriU Iiuuoii, a log stable with the appurtenances. tteizeu laKen in externum uuu i .. property of William Klto. .m I tt in. . Iftn. Apr, 10. 18C9, Kliorlir. OUKIUFF'S SALK. iv vlrliiM tttn. wrttnrAlllltiKlerl PllClaS IsSUtkloUt of the Court of Common Pleus of Columbia coun ty uud to mo directed, will be exposed to public sale or outcry ut tho Court House in llloomsburii, May tiru ibUi, the jouowint; reui eai.u io win A certain lot or piece of ground bltuato on Mulublrcetln tho town of hspy Columbia coun ty bounded und described as follows: ou the north by Main .Htroet on tho east by an alley on the south by an nlley.on tuo v est by hit or Itacliel Hitchy, containing about ouo-fourtii or nnuciomoioor less.ou which Is erected a two htouy fhami:dwi:llinu HOUHL, and a frame Htablo wltn tuonppurieuancen. ttelzfd taken in execuuou as me prupeny ui K ward C Clrecn, , ...x Apr, l,J niuui!.UAi miuiw s lIEIlIFli"S SALK. OI'' VALU.VUI.10 ltllAI. HSTATE. Ily vlrtuoof n certain writ of Vend. KxiHinas Issued out of tho Court uf Common l'leasoi Col umbln county nnd lu me dllcctedwlllbo cxpocd tonaloby publloveuduo or outcry nt tho Court llouso lu llloniikburu.ut one o'clock In the nfier. noon of Monday May 3rd IM-J, tho lollowluK liieutloued and detcrlbed leal tktalu tltuate lu thu said county. , ,, A certain lot or plccoof cround kllualed In Ihe towniillll'Of Main Columbia cour.ty.boundoj uud dekcrlbed u-s follow : ou Ihe north hy public ruad lemlltiK rutin Maluvlllu to lipy.ou Iho eust by i i. ..I Wm. lnii.piiliiiHjr. mi tho Mitllll by lauus of Ilatilel KUher, ou tho west uy lands of Kaiuuei iiurmau coiiiuiiiuiK uuuui i.wu hmw, luoru or less oil which Is erected u FHAMR DWULI.IKCI IIOUHK, with tho uppurteuunoea. Bulml and taken in execution us thu pioptrty ol ChrlnlluuT. Ilurnian. llUUlllX'AlMll.l.AItli. Apr.lJ.C9. Hherlir. s HKUIFF'S SAIiK. llv vt.llli. nf l. writ rf I'ncillH IhSUCU nut nf the Court of Commlm l'leas of Columbia county, uud tu mo directed will bo expoied to iiuuiio hate or uutcry. mi ine uourt jiuuke. hi lllooillkburic. ou .luimay. n.n.. u.i iwiai ilia luuds and uneiueuts which were or Mury GolT. to wit I that certain building located on aim or nice) of urouud, part of u lotltuateluthe tnwu of HliH.iiiKlHiri;. OiluiubU oiuiity.l'euusylvuiilu, buunde.1 by Itallltoud Hlreet.bya lot occupied by Mrs lleclilol, by an ultey uud by n lot of John hliner s, 11 is a TWOHTOItV I UAMK HOUHli ubout sixteen feet In width by nbout tweuty.four In leiiKlh. . Ki ln el tuken In execution and to im sold ns tho propenyo, .roulia,u WUJim Apr. lll.'ilii. hherlir. LEGAL NOTICES; 10URT PROCLAMATION. WliKnBAI, tho Hon. Wltllnm r.lwell, resident Jndge of tlin Court of Oyer nnd Terminer find Ucnurnl Jnll Deliver, Court or Uuartcr HeftMons of the return nnd Court of Common 1'lonn mid or pliim's Court lit the Ailli Judicial District, icom tinted of the countlm of Columhln, Hulllynn nnd Wyoming, nnd tho Hon. IramDcrrnnd retcrlC. Herheln, Ansoclnto Judges of Columhln rounty havo lRsued their rrecept, benrlnetlnto the fun day of Feb. In tho yenr of our lArd, one IhoURnnd, right hundred nnd Blxty-nlue, nnd to moillrccted lor holdlngnCourtof Oyer nnd Ter miner nnd Genernl llunrter SOMlons of the IVuee, nnd Drplinn's Court, nnd Court or Common l'lcni In llloomRbum, lu tho county of Columbia, ou tho first Alondny, being tho third day ol Mny, next to continue ono week. Nollco 1 hereby given, to the Coroner, to the Justices of tho l'ence, nnd tho tnislnblei of tho snld county of Columbln, thnt they bo then nnd there in their proper benton nt lu o'chtek In tho forenoon of unld third dny ol Mny, Willi their rec nnlH, InquUitionfl nml other rcmcnibrnnccs, to do those things whlrli to their oincea npjerbihi to bo dono. And thono thnt nro IkiuiiiI by rocognlwince, 1i prosecuto ngnlnt tlio prtM onem thnt nro or may bo. In tlio Jail of tbu Kitlcl rounty or Colnmlnn, to bo then nml thcro to proHeenle them nn nhnll b Just. Ju romuro refiucHtt'd to Im puncttuil in their nltend nncc,ngreeubly tothclrliotlrev, Dnledntllloomn- burg, Iho (lib day of Feb. lu thuyenr of our Iird. ono thouRnnd eight bun- lv 11 dred niul tdxty.nino.nnd Inlho ninety ftccnnd yenr of tho Independeneo of tho United ninies 01 ivnicricn. niiiuiii'.u.l Alll.l.Al(U. lllfHinuiburg, Aiir.U, lsui. Hherlir. G RAND JURORS. Ilerwlell JneohClownn. Illnom I'elu lllllmyer EILdin C. Uarton Heaver Michnu! Itiiteubouse, 'lhomn.4 I.ulz. llenton Peteer Koho, nrlarcreek lualah Mellclc. Wtu. Walp. Centre Itllllngton Huckle. Centrulla Jnlin M'llonald. Krnultlin James Kester. FlMhlngcreek Nnthnn Fleckcnidlue. Greenwood Wm. Eves. Julia Iinon. William I)nvl4. Fruuklln Derr. .incKRou winiam Planning. liOcust Gera Hower. Lewis Falirlnger. Madison John lleudershot. Mlllllii-Albert C. Millard. Maine John J. (Jearhnrt. Ml. Plensnnt Isaac Culp. Hcott-CluiH. H. Dleltcrleh. FCTlT JURORS FOIl MAY TEUM ISft). liioom .lonu iv. (.irion.inniei a. Jleclclev, Ioh. I.. Huannon, Win. O. Shaw. Win. Kraimui.Thos. Wenner, John A. Funston, Geo. W. Corell. lienioil injur lu'iienry, r urinan r.inun. Heaver Ilenrv Illndcrlllcr.IisnaR Klltipfrmnti. David Dnvls, Jncob llnrrlgcr. llerwlck illrain It. Uower.IllehardThntmignn. Clarence G. Jackson. jiriarcrcek jonnuian w, rccic. Conynghnm William Williams, Abraham Williams. CntnwUsa Ctins. llnrtmnn, Jacob 11. Ktetlcr, llui.ri. II l.-ttr... 1.'. Kl. tl I 1. Cyrus Iloone, John Wnlta.John llollinan. Alfreu liower.wiu. tinier, win. tun, ueotge J.. Low. Cenlralla Alfred James. Fishlngcreek John Andrews, Cyrus ltohhlns, Isaac Labour. Frunkifn John Ariley. Greenwood Knmticl II. Klsner. Itnbei-i. it. I'nr. sell. Hemlock John O.Nelvas, Wm. Appleman, r. ..i.i tiiii.ii, iiu.VCIl. Jackson Frederick V lie. Iicust Augustus Chcrlngloli.llulicnrahrlnger, Illos Croasv. Oliver Evans. Ilenrv V. Yimiimt. Madison Wm. DlUdlnc, James Welllvcr.Wm II. M'llrlde. Wm. It. Demott. illllllli Allreil w. liesa, win. l'elll, Michael lieuer. ueu. inim ll, niepnen jncueriCK, ..limit iiuuii .iiNs, win, i. ejuumaii, Monlour Kainuel tteedy, Mt. Pleasant m. Oman. Oiungu Daniel Kllnu. Jonathan Puusl, Jneob Dayman, Mlehanl C. Vance. I'i no Samuel MiiHj.rave.lhoma.sM'llrlde.lHaac P. I a on. Hoarlngcrcek Jo"iii D. Houck, Judah Cherlng lon. Kcott John Ellt. James Meredtlb. D.mli'l finyder. Mugarionr Aiexanucr Kiiugor, E.rn o. west. Miles Sutliir. Ill testtoiony that the rnregolhg Isciircctns drawn llom the wheel, nnd ehterod ui-ou the minute or tho olllue, wo huvo hereuulo hetour hands and sels thUld, day of Maldi A. l. 1MKI Attest Wm. KmcxiiAUM, Clerk. Morderail Millard, Slierlll'. EI.lHA DAYMAN, I Jury TH0.S.J. WEI.I.IVKH, S Colll'is. r UtlAL LISlf FOH MAY TEUM At D. 1SW. William Davis vs Jlnrnrct lirlmnnv. The West llnincl: Insurance Co. vk Blinon C Bhlve. Kilwiird MTnll et nl vs John Sweeney. Thomas J. ViiHlersllce v Hobert How ell. La vltia Davenport, vs William K lint' top. John Coleman v Michael Croiuui. John Cooper vs Daniel llowcr nml Zimmer man. John Gllrny v 'Wm. K. Bleruer. Conynghnm township vk lvter L. Kline etnl. Isaac tegelv vs James W, San key. Abraham ouncvtt Jacob Woollvcr. Ch.irleH It. Orcen vm Peter Helium. Hnaiuel lknncrvH John Hlntetllter, laican N. Alover vs (ko W. Cotlamer. U.ivld JewlM Uuanllau of tlio heiis of John J I ess Uocil. vh Collins Sutlill, Wm. Heeler vs John navaun et nl. A. It. Krnsrous vsaiathew WynitoopOarnlNlieu iiuom iicury uigur. Joseph Thomas vs Join Haun. Peter Appleman vkHIIiu p. Karns, Christ faun Fox vs Joh n Jones; lluury J.Ycnple vslsoau Drum A terre tenant. Henry J. Yea pie vs IanoDrum& tcrro tenant. Hudolpli hi human vk duo. It re Is h. Chas. Krelsher vh Jlenry Knapp John Applegnte vs '1 homos PolU John Appltgutovs Thos. Polk. Simon c, sluve vs Hannah KAimstiout;. William Nujient vs D.KHaybert. Nathan lirothers vs Henry A. Welderifeaul. Henry liable vn Peter Hower anctteiie tenants, Austin ciiurch vs Andiuw Clark. Jesso D. Ittcu vs Nathan Cromls. lu-uben H. Kln n Kllsha 11. Puisell. Jnseph V.LaiUy vs The Totvnshlpot Cooynt;- llHIll, ltulit rtOonell a Harney MeFtrturty, lIwarU l-'urgesou vs Columbia County, j-.tiwuru rsiit'tiiifr vs uoiumma wounn . SitmiiL'l Mellaril vs Columbia County. Henry James vs Columbia County, P. Weichel vs John P. Custow. (JluVon A unit vs John U, Lei by, (J to. tNunuessor vs Jacob YoUe Jr. itolitrt a. Jlampton vs Ulchaiil WalkliiK, Thomas llenliefd & UmlaliCliamhtrlln. Daniel S, La u bach vs lowry Cole. A & J.Uelnoilil s Lackawanna A Hlmnus btiih' It. It. Co, Uiore W. lAtlt vs Win. Schuyler. Alexander J. Colly Vb AlluiuCole. KKGISTEU'S NOTICE. Notjch im hereby Klven to all legatees, creditors and oilier person Interested in tho estates or tho le speclivu tlecedents nnd minors, thai tho follow ing administration and auardiau uceouuts hao been niel in ineouiruoi uiu i.vnisivr 01 l,uiuiii' liLif'ouiiiv.uud will be mesenteit tor emillrina tlon and aliowniicu in the Orphans' Com t, to be iiild lnlllromsburi:.Oii Wediiedav. tho tilth d.iv ol May, tSO'J, i't two o'clock lu the afternoon uf saiu uay. 1. Pirst and limit account of John Htadiloti yuaiillau ot A l mini Karnes tuio aiuhim cole a heeoiul and final account oi John H. Matliei v'i- nf smnuel Mather late of (Jreeuwood. dee'il, it. Ateount of James li.irton ex'r of Juhn (Jli; ger lito of Montour twp. dtc d. i, PUst and final account ot Hobert M. Mont gomcry ail in r. ol Uobcrt Montgouu-ry ul Ureeu wiiim! di'o'il. 5, KliiHlaccouut of Uenjamlu Allabach udmr. ol i)iiniei u. iu laiooi urungu iwp. iieu u. ti Plrsi account ot Peter Knt ex'r. ol Dr. 1). V Mmitimmerv ol Urumre two. Ueu'U. 7. I'll st uccount ot Peter I'm and Arties H, jleiiit-K atitur, oi w . luuicii oi ocoii uec u. h. First and lluul account ol Samuel Creasy udmr, of Oeoruo A. Urown late of MilUIn two. llHft'il. y. Account of Eekiel nnd Geoiyo Fritz; ex'is. of John Fritz late ot Hugarloaf twp. dee'd. lu. Account of iT, Ueiuler udmr, of Alexander Yaplulatuor l'lsmngcreeu iwp. ucu u. 11. Final account ot Moses Hartmau guardian ot James Hartmau dec'U. 12, First and llnal account of Lhvood Hutfhes udmr. ot John liution laiooi centre twp. itteu ij. recouu iiecooni. oi 4iiumus neveimi; jr. njlmi nt I-'ll CiMViiliiiif Into tit hiiuitL tun. ilt-u'U. ilt AlX'Uimi Oi LU LTDVl'lllJl! utc u. guiiruiuii ut nit t nr. of 1T1I I ntvi'llliiF ileeM. 15. First and final account of Samuel Creasy ail m r. or uoorgo Jiiuer wiooi Jiuin iwjt. ueo u. io. Account oi Jucob Mellick uud tiamuel lien rlo ex'rs. or Andrew Mellick lato of Mt, 11 eawint twp. dec u, 17. Final uccount of IVler Iaubach iturvlvlng ex'r. ot John uuiIjocu laioo. uenmu iwp. nee a is. Account oi oaiuuei fifyiiuruuoiur, ot ouiu i l'lier lato of HcoIL two. deu'd. 111. Apeountof l'tter Knt. udmr. do bonis noil. with thu will annexed ot Richard Hull of Orange t'vp. Uec'ti, 2t. Vlrnt and final account ol Peter Kern, ndmr with the will annexed de bonis noa of William 11, Davlbou, latuoi uaiawiSMi uee u. 2lt Final account, oi ll.J. Foitner admr.of Jona ilnm Kntttlu lulu of CiiLawiiiS,i tw u. deu'd. ci. r luai uccouui oi n.i-.r oruier miuir, oi juiiu llioolte laiooi l-iuuuiiii iwp. uecu. 21. Final uccount of W. II. Abbott udmr. lMnliii Yiwt liiiuor Locust two. dee'd. '1. ACeOUIH Ol iJUVlU Wimilllltf V.,U1 uiuig Wiiltiiilro late of Scott twp, deu'd. .... itf. Fiftaua llnal meotint oi Fmlertcu Utler, udmr. ot surah Fiedler, late of llloom twp. dec'U, J. O. FRLKZK, Illooinsburtf April a, 1S00. Register. y01 APWIAISEMENTS. The following uppralsemcuts of real ami per sonul property iet apart tu widows ot decedent, huvo been liltd lu the oil Ice of the Register of Columbia county, uudcr thu Rules of Court, uud will bu presented lor ubsolule continuation, to the Orphuus' Court lo bu held lu ltlooiiikhurg, n and lor suld couuty. on Monday, Ihe third duy or May, I MM at two o'clock v. of said day, unless exceptions tofcuch (onllrmailons uiu pievloiuly IllMl.of which all persons intenUd lu waul fNtutes wilt take notice t r . I, w idow ot jstunu Aiuerison, oi ut'nwuwi twp. dee'd. V.( Widow of AU'XttndtrV,Re,of CeulmlUIlor, "f Widow ufC. U, Relfssu)der, of CutttHlsku twp, deo'd. , . 4 . 4, Widow of Samuel Meur,of Locunt U p.dec d, 6. Widow of John K, Lvefc, of Ureeuwood twp deo'd. ti. Widow of WUUuiu Wurdln, of Centre twp. 7. Widow of l'hlllpStililg.ofCerHretwp.dec'd. tf. widow oi ruiricu ionueiiy,on-t.iHiHin (U u l.lnw nf .Tnnnb Hnhn. nf Mlllllll twi). dte'd lu. Widow ol Abruham Dletltrlch, ol Centre iwp. ueo u. . . ll. Widow of John RcleLard 0f MaUUou twp, dee'd. JOHN O. FUKKZK. lloomburi; Al'tU2.1Wi). UmUler' QUANTITY Vd QUALITY. IIkmi. W UUMJ' Kxtraei Hurvuoniiu. ine uuw mull. 'lhte uhodewlre u laruu quautlly large does of ineilleiue RRR. TT-ur.MIlOLlVS CONCENTItATKI) JL KXTRACT HAIHAl'ARILLA. Jfi THIS tiiiuAT iiuiuu rr-Ririi-R. MISCELLANEOUS. jriitsT class aoona; It A ll tj II A It U A x n. Tlio subscriber has Just thoroughly restocked his Klore, In rnlttwIsMi, lately occupied by M' Mnch Hhuiuiiii, nml now oilers for sale A COMI'LhTt! HTOCK OF DltV GOOliSj Groceries nnd general merchandise which for quality nnd vurioly wlllinmpnio favorably wllh nny In the country. Ho has n fresh assort ment of SPRING GOODS wlilrli hi will iltspnsenr tor a mil or cminlry lun duce. Among tils Dry Goods will bo found all the latest mm best patterns or READY MADE CLOTHING, Mimi.iNH, ' GINGHAMS, CALICOES, FLANNELH, MlIAWLM, HILKM, CAKSIMEIW, ltUOADCLOrilM, COTroNADES, JEANS Ac., ,lr. GUOCEllIUM, GI.ASSWAUE, ilUEHNSWAUr, HAIlDWAIli: CEDAUWAUE DUUGS, OIL'S, P A 1 N T H. ,VAllNISIir.H At: II ATS A CAPS, BOOTS A SHOES nnd. In fact, n complete lino of goods, belonging ioiiis nuKiiii'ss, as no nuys nun sens inr easu be can nllorJ to keep Ids pi lower than most dealers. Hfs rices ns low If not motto is "qCIC'K HAt.KS AND KMAI.t. PIlOt'lTS. COAL OF ALL KINDS CoimtnnMy in linml nml lor me nt tho lowest mnrkut rate1. MOltO VI II Mill's I'lIOniATK, Kpicto1 nltcnllmi imUllollioMfrtlniinf Ilnlld Inir inatt rful. Cut lei v. Mrt-hnnicV Tm1m. niul llimlwim of nil lilud-, to wliIWi Hie iitlt iitlnit of liiilltlerK aiitliitlu rs n miucsU'il, (Ml A I N VtlltOll AHKD. A fair Klmtv ot public rtistlnm N iloilrfl mu no I'lt'urlH will liut'inlttc.l t(itvu tntfi-G Nittlstuc tlou, JO-tFl'll It. KNinTK. Apr, lU.UO Cm I'utiiwismi, Pa, T UK BEST IS THE CHEAPEST 1 Tin; HiNar.n kvjno Machink 11EAHS TI1K h 1ST And lends theeolumii -I.IKbt ahead of atl otheis. '1 bin Machlue is the MOST iopi;lah IN UH1C It uc4 the tlncbt ueetlle of any Machine Id ex istence, Any imiy wautim; a nmi S K V I N () M A C II I N K, Will consult her own Inti-iestK hy buying n SIN(11-.U. It is easier to tun. h-arn and keen lu order (tutu any Machine tu theuoild. ovku wnFTiu:ii in Uhk. Tlietullesl in miction ulveu thosf who pur, and Hit Mm hlne will hk wakuantku to you for one em, 1'iense can tu m. niiiuHini muim.v ouim ivch, lleieyou will tlud Needier, Thread and Bilk. HAVM) LOW KNHt- H(i, Ayent April 3,'ttfi tl, ItloniiiMbuiif, 1'h, AFAIIMKUVS 1SOOK OK GIIKAT H O W 1 i M AKi: T II V. V A U -M V A Y I OU T11K FAlttlKU'S HOOK OK I'rtACriCAL INKOitMATION os AfiKirui.TUiu:, hro.K uaisimj, Fiifir rui.- II'IIK, hl'K'tAI CltOl'H, DOM 1'H! 11' M 11MWIY AND FAMILY MKIUCINF, BY C. V. 1J1CKKUMAN, Member of the IVnnnylvanlu AKrlcullural Soele ty, American Hotlety, rciinsylva nla Horticultural Korlety, etc., etc. AK.-HSTHI1 HY HON. UIIAKLKS I. FLINT, Secretary Mass., stnto Hoard of AKrlcultine. AND ontl.i: J'HACriC'AI. AUIllCIII.rUUAT. WIllTFIW. THIS a.iKFUJ. WOUK tie):ajs I'li.iriJC'Ai.r.Y or im: hh.i.ou'ino KiritJi-crs : Tilt Inif Out. niul ('(iiisliuetloii oTSIone nnd Tile llraiiiN 'UioTluorj and 1'rMilcu if I'low lny The Hub:indlm$ mid Application of Mumm h.'I Iih l'un liast nml Vsu ot Comuicielal l'Lltillzr. 'Iho iselrcilou. Use. ami i'uie ol Im plements. The Cult ureal nil the Oialn,diafeK, oreals, uud Uoo h. i hu uuitivnuiui oi peciar 1'ioi.u. Mich as. Cotton, 'lohncio. Iloos. I'lux. Hemp.eic. c le. The ItucilliiK niul Manaemeui ofHIiK-li of nil Hinds, Horse, ivtlle, I)iih htock, Sheep, Swine, (iouts, lVuliry, t.nd llees. 'liiu smj'toms oi evi-iy jocase oi I'omcMic .aim innN, wllh INam, simple, mid Jasily ontnlueit ItemedlcM. Mult ( ulliirw lu nil lis Ifjaiichu; Apples, I'uaiK, naclits, I'Iiuiih, i nernes, muiui riulls, Orape Culture, aid Wlno Maklim Mai kct (iaidtjiilmr, KainitrV llordeux, Vegetables, Melous, uiu. farm ltulIdiiiRs, Houses, ltnrntt, Mheili, sheep llnins, Ktable-i, 1'lRnerles and Toul try Hoiws, lomestie oitom , luceipts of all Kinds. Uouiestlc Mtdltims, the Symptoms of Hlveasesof ( hlldrLiiand Adulls,wlth l'inm Hi rectiptis lor the Ti eat incut ot Ihseabes. O O N 1 1 T 1 O N H. The Wotk will contniu over skvkn uUNtnil.n ami fjhy in.TAo I'auks, on lieiivy juper. tu newt) po.uud will lie lllustiated with O.Ml JIL'Mll.kl) ANU1U1UY KJNK tMllt AVI MJS by Sal tit lu Hhtl other ii lllsiK.iuid will bo tuniUhed to those only who outer It ot ouragetitH. M, t M'LOLLUM, llloomsbursra. Agent for Columbia Cuiiuiy, Apr. .oy-tf 0. KANGI HVIliLK FOUMJltY .MACIIINK H110P ANI1 AOllICULTUItAL WUUKH. Tiiu nwleislgiivd ilrslru to Itilnrm Ills frit nils mill lliu iiilbllu generally, tlml lie tuif lebuilt ulul elllarneil 111" Ftiundry mul .M.iclilutHllini.uml muveil all Ills liu.llieiiii hum Light Htri-ei In tlio above luumil iilace. wliele lu eimlue'.lon with tils Ftilllulry hu will cnullliu? td luaiuiluelliro WherliT's lUllwiiy C'lutlll Hiilbu-l'UMer ami Tlin-kliur, (liupruvuil), t'urinll's iyteut. THUEHUUIt AND C'LUANlUt, either ovemliot for TreuJ-l'ower or undershot with I.evPr-l'oicr. He aim m.itufueturei to older HUU DtH tip till Mudiot m i ii ii u u a n i n a , Circular Saw MuiidreU, I'Hlenl Sl.dea fur Saw MIIIm, the lutest ln)rovcd Iluu llenm l'lows or dllhli'llt Kllld.l WooJull Ileum l'iuwv, Double Corn l'lowti, uti'l l'low t'oliitM of eveiy iKhciJp lluu geueraily used tlirouyhoui the touuty. I HON KUI'lLEM, llKLLS Cellar (JrattB, Htoves.Wed und Hlelgli Soles, and lu fuel everything Kenemlly made In u country Foundry, 'liunv utnlilni; to iurehu.o .Macliliius would Uo well to examine hit machines, and tiiu Improvements inndo on the power, by which at least SU per cent, ol tho friction Is taken oil. AI.I. MACIIINI'-S AUK WAIllt.VNIi:i) to Klve good katlsfaelloii and terms mado lu suit purchasers. All lilnds ef ci unlry produce taken In exchuuiiu lor l'lows and casting.. Thaukful tu his friends und patrons for iast favors lie would still continue to solnjlt the nunc, WILLIAM M-'llUYLlW. Apr.!,00.f uruiiueWllu I'a. IO R S A Ij K. VALUABLK ltUAL ESTATE.' w iho kubsenbers oiler at pilvalo nile, a valua bis tract or laud lying In Orange, township, Columbia county, about ono half inllo fioin LIGHT bTKI'.UTt ou Iho ptibllo road lending to Orungovllloi and linown ns Ihe I'nwdcr Mill Farm, aud contain lug ubout SEVENTY ACRES OV LAND, of w hlch I'lfty acres Is cleared, and under good cultlvnttou. Tlieru are ou tlio A COMl'OIlTAllI.U DWIiLLINO HOUME. u l'raincrilablc.sonie fruit tren.akprlugorgood wulcr, and tho I lstrlctf chool House, rlllt'E LiqilTLEN HUNIIHED DUI.I.AK1. runiK linn third Hkh. nud tho balance se cured by lloud aud Mortgage, on payliitnts to suit purchasers. Nola llenei Tlio water power formerly used to drive the I'owder VIII. and suluibto lor u ruw Mill, Tannery, Woollen Factory, Distillery or other light manufacturing puriwses; will bo sold either wllh Ihouboveorsci'arulely ut Jtion the samo ictms. WKM.IN0TON H. KNT, Mar.LVU)-8m.: JOHN O. HtKI .E. pUJIl'S 1 I'UMl'S I'OU SALE. 'i'i.,.'iipd Iicl'h liao to lnfoiin the rill teiiHofthUplacu uud vicinity thut he Is prepared to furnish, alshort notice, one of tho best WDOD- i nitiiiM I... U'i.11. un.l I'l.l.m, Mwr .i(li...t lu thu public. They me guaranteed to throw t.w.i.. tinl.r In lehsllnioniltl wltL less lulsir thun auy olher pump In this part of the country uud tliM.. ..iiiimil Im tor beuulv or dlllsti. or Mum Icily of urruiigiiienl,alocmmblulug cheap ness and durability ICaeli pump litlng wuinini. ...l in nerrnriii Its oik well ur llo sule. l'.llas Hliuiiiiin Is unlit sjr Coluniblu inunly. l'rlco ;S (tills per loot . ui J In Iho vi 11. Uidtrs by mall ur otherwise Lrompiiy uiienueu io. Hept, 4,'liK-ly KI.IAH H'llfMAN, Catawbom u TU"EV FU11N1TU11E KOOMS, ON il IN BTItF.KT, 111.00M81IUHO, l'HNN'A J A M K H 0 A 1) M A N Hi.lH'i tfully luforiiistlieclllteiis of this town und lclulty. thai lie has ut Ills Fumlturo rooms, chulrsof ivery discrltillon, bureaus, dining la. bles large aud small, bedsteads of the latest si les curdau' toilet lablia, iiMiklng glasses, U-sldes many articles of lurultuiv of first class Ilianuiariurv. 'ihu iiublloure roidlally lnlted to call und ex amino Ids slock, He will sell upon reasonable "? 'hiieclal nllentlou will lxipald to repairing all kllnu ul lurlilluri-. I'lii'iip lor i iih. i Jan. 1,'m. MERCHANDISED JKV HTO01C OK CHiOTIIIKO. Ffesh nrrlvnl of 4o -SB-' FAMj'ANI) tWINTBIttOoil I W. llAVlb'LOWKNIlElKl m iles ntlcntloil to Ills stock of1 CH IU1' ANI) 1'ABHIONAIU.k CIX1T1IINO. at hht storo on Main Hlrcct, twodoon nboro the A in or I can Huns. Itloomsburg, Ia., . where he has just received from New York Hud rlitladelphia u full assortment of MEN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, Including the moNt fashleuabte, durnble, nnd laiidsomo DIIESM (lOODS. consisting of 1IOX, HACK, UOCC1, UUM.ANI) OIt..(II.(ITll COATH AND l'AN'IM. of nil Korls.slzesnudcolors. Hehnsnlso repleu Ished his nlrendy larnc sUkIc of l'AI.t. AND WINTKIt HHAWI.S, HTUH'KD, !'"IOUIli:i, AND I'luMN VIZI'S, HIIIItTH, CUAVATH, KTOCKM. CUI.I IW, l!ANl)Kl:nCllIKl. OLOVEH, HUSl'ENDEIW, AND FANCY AHTICI.IX Ho uas constantly on hand n large nnd ccled assortment of CI.OTI1H AND VlJtTINdK, which hu Is piepnred to make toorder Into any kind of clothing, on very short notice, nml In the best manner. All his clothing Is made to wear, and most of It Is of home manufacture. UOI.D WATCHES AND JEWELRY, ofovcry description, flno nnd cheap. Ills case ( Jewelry Is not thls'ptacc. Call nud examine his general nssortincn of CrX)TIIINO. WATCHES, JEWELtlY , AC. U.VVID LOWHNIlUnO. A" Kit. LIST AT I. W. HAUTMAN'H. A l-'iNU AND LAllUK LOT 01' IIOOl- HKIItTH JU.ST ltccelved,,Hultnll sIzch call and see nt I. W. 11 AKT.M AN'H. gHKETINa 1-1 0-1 & 10-1 W1DK JUST UECEINED AT I. W. HAUT-MAN'ri. JIXKN, COTTON, ANI J IMITATION OK LINEN TAI1I.E DIAPEn FOIt HALE CHEAP AT I. W. HAUTMAN'H. ANCS-VTKtt, JIANGIII'TEU, Fltr.NUH AND SCOTCH (JINQIIAMS L'OU WALK AT J. W. UAKTM.V.VH. REMNANTS OP SUMMEH DELAINS FOH CHILUHKN OU MISSES FOU SALE VEHUY LOW AT I. V. IIAUTM"AN'rt A LAIIOE STOCK OV FANCY 000U3 AND TMMMINas WILL HE KEPT AT I. W HAI'.TMAK'tl. rjICKlNGS, CHECKS, STKIl'KS AND ALL KINKS OP HEAVY stai'i.i: aooiw. can nr. had I.IIW AT I. V. HAUTMAN'H. rjnilUNKS, CAltPKT IJAGS, HASKETM, iri'l'., ETC. AT I. W. HAUT.MAN'f. M KItC II AN DISK. notici: in hi: i:uy oivkn To my friends and the public yeneially, that nil kinds or DRY (JOODS, (iHOOEHIES, QUEENS W A UK, NOTIONS, AC, are roustaut ly on hand and for sale AT IIAUTON'H OLTi STAND, IlLoOMMituno, UY K, KYKlt. -otSolo Agent for Ellis' atk or IMF, Ijirgo lot constantly on l.oiid, Ifehs'bT. N1 TEW KMPJHE SEWING 31A- CRINR LOCK HtllCII. ri:ci:ivki) tiii; first viuzr at tiiu (1KKATFA1U OF TIIK AMKH10AN INSrilUTK, In Now York, Oct. i!7, 1SU7. And highest Rremium rorRet Manuf.u-turint; Mrtchlneat IVu Is Kx position, July, 1.7, "WHY IS IT THE BEST? It tuns over MtiniH all rlKbl. ltwllltalu 11 fly htlli hes to Ibuliuh liner than an otlu rnuiehliie. ir wtisbSKW IIIUVIRR AND TIIICKRR GOODH '1 HAN ANY UTHKK MACIIINK. It uvea nny and t very Jtlml of t hi end. It hews Man bed yooils as well uMiinstarched It SeMKthe Most Dcllrate, Thin. Holt fabric, without dinwltitf. ItbeuHuRluu Seam as well art any other. Agents Wanted. Liberal discount ytven. KMi'iitr: si;mino siaciiini: comranv, JjI ltiwery, New YorU. LYMIY MACIIINK WAHItATt:i, Tub. fl,'ty'y"io, BAUGH'fi HAW 1'ONE I (JlEU RIIOhrilATK OK LIMK. ST A N DA HD WA It RA NT Ell. Wk otrer to Fahmmis and Dkalkks in Ma nureiithe piesent heason our Raw Hone Super Phosphate of Lime a being highly 'mpinved. It U not iieeonary ut tlilx day, to argue the elaimx of this manure, iu a uvtfal uud eeonom It' ll I oppileatlon for CORN. OA1H, and all spring erops. The article hax a reputation of over tlf tten )eartit.taudlng. and W si 111 mauufactuied by the original proprhtorti Farmers will pleiue cnd their urderb lo tlio Renter tally, us ihla enly w ill ensure n supply. RAUail A fcONW. bOI.K IANUrACTU(Elll, (UlU'O No, 3) outh Delaware Ave, riiiLARi'LriiiA, Futi.iy;tnino. QAItUIAGE MAN UFACTOHY, inoombuurg, i n. M. C. BLOAN A BROTH KR the NUcceMiorit of WILUAM tit. i) AH & HON eontluue the bimtneiui of making CARRIAGES, HUGO I and every utyle of FANCY WAOONH, which they have constantly ou hand to uHcnfc tomem. Never tutus uny mateiial but Ihe hfit uud einplnyjng the most exiierieneetl workmeu Jhey hope to continue on heretofore to give entire turn i action u eveiy customer, ah innptcuou oi their woik.aud of thoieaouublu pile tkod lor he ha me, U sure to Insure a halt. r 8 V It A N 0 E AtlENOY WyouUug ... tuu. Kultoan..... I17U.UU0 North Ameilcii : City , - - !MU,llU0 IVj.i.O l.R.I.OUO Iulenistlouiil....Km.H....H....... Nlsgalu I'ulliaiu Merchants H .tu.uou 57U,II ID VuU W.UUI Hprluglleld Farmers' Danville H Albany City Uiucuott-r City - - .. Yoilt Horse, Dentil 'llielt Home, New Haveu S u.imo ai.'lui I,II0,"0U Ilauvillc, Horse Then FUF.AH IlltUW.N, AvM, umisiu-ly. IIIscimhiuku, I'A IlKNllV WOI.K, . .. . K.C. UAinoS, (Successors to H. c. Hiuve.) rnilE SiniSCUlllEltfi II A VI NO .eased Hie l'lalllmi Mill and MlicllluuHllol tnrmerly occupied by h. c. hlile, Mill contliiun tho business ul luaii'ifucturliig DOOltH, BAKU, III.INHH, MUl'MUNIl ltrackcts .tc. We aro also pieimrcd to furubli Irosuil ttiirhii.. kliliii.1.. mi.l ull nllier lumber required la the coustructlou of bulldlugs. All kinds of turulnir itouu at short tmllco, lulls lor Joist una oilier frame sluir tilled wllh prompt ness anil can, uruers resiieciiiiny sniu iioii. April 17,'Ui Will. I' 4 IIAHIDN. DRUGS &. MEDICINES. iitioaiBTs wniTi: thuh of tiii: OKKAT 8IIOSIIONKE8 IIEMKDY I (AiifTKArra or LmtEiis.) (lencvn, N. Y Feb. 1.1th, 1WKI Dit. YoiINO 4 lino. 1 find my sales of your vnlunblo llemedles greatly Increasloe, In fact j our OrcatHhoslinnis'S Itemcdylt git lug the best if satlsfm-tlnn. and dolnc lust ns It Is recommend- csl to do, severnl bnvlng oven come 111 lo toll ino now inucil Illey linn uet'u in.-nciiicu 110111 101 imir, I havo Mild out of ll ngnln, etc. elp. VlLLAHD N. HMITI1. Hherman, N. Y.,Marcli, Wth, 1W. 1)k. Ynumi .t lino. I started your (Irent Hhos- boneps llemedv brewing nwny ono bottlo ton nihllrmcd Dyspeptic, tho lesult has been nniple. Items universal Haiisiaciinu. more man liny niher medicine wo hnvn had In the store fury ears. From what I havo seen of the Bhoshonees. I feel Justified In recommending tt. Hend mo six doz. more, it win sen in inreo nionius. eir. jixiiv.s rii.ii.i'.ii. Waterlown.N. Y.. March 15th, 0. Dn. Youno A Hito. Your Hhoshonccs Itemed)' Is giving good satisfaction, and sells better than nnv other new lneillclne uu liavo ever attcmnteil u Introduce, as wo nro nearly out of If, send us In haste etc. 11. LEWIS & CO. 127 N. Morgan Bl Chicago, III. Feb. 1Mb, 1SC0. Int. YoL'Nil A Hun. I have sold over leu doz. of your (Irent Hhoshonees llemedy nlrendy land u great number of the Slioshonees t'llts.J ltglves universal satlstaction, l navenoi nearii ono 10 whom I havo sold, but what speaks of It In tho highest terms, nnd recommend It to others : nnd ns I nm nearly out of It, plenso send mo hnlfn gi oss more nt once , etc., etc. GEO. BltOOKEH. l'rlco of the Uemedy In large pints, tl.33. Mannructurid by Dr. Y'oung & Bros., at Syra cuse, N. Y. For salo by nil dealers lu Medicine. Tho Great Shoshonecs Remedy of Dr. Josephus, Columbia Territory which hs also been manu factured lu Canada, Is now forthetlrst time In tho Union, being manufactured by Dr. Young a llro., Syracuse, N. Y, Wonderful euro of Consumption by the Great Shosiiouccs Remedy. Messrs. Chamberlain a Co., Gentlemen, 1' Wilson Storms.malie oath and fc.iy,I feel anxious to let vou know wlint the (Jlea thhiwlioiiees 1 tem- edy has elltcled for me. Me wllo was aMlIcted wllh consumption, nud died. I wan 11U0 atllicted u It ti the i-nmu disease and niter her death, I con tinued sinking Just as she had done. 1 had very severe night sweats, coughed nearly all nlttht and every nhtht, could not sleep unless a littlo lowuru morning ; a iiiiki u it u ipiuri, oi nmiier every 21 hours imd severo nuln In tho left lumr. ect.,etc.nd was greatly debilitated: In fact l was come, about two hours; while thtro I saw iMpiIre Wellington, and haptcucd to my to him, "i wish j on coum givu mc bouieiiuiig to ienee mvcoueh." llo mid ' there is a (treat Iiullitn ItemcdvJust Introduced Dr. Jlaiker has it lor sale, and I believo It will cm a you. i toon iuh nuvice, ami orougui a ooiuo uome with me, took a leaspoonlul at one, wlilch I tell throufih mv wholesvhtem. At ulufit aiublo- frponulul.nml rented well at nlglit nud continued io reb wcu every uigm. juo cougu, ingiu suents, inf. slug of Matter, ialn In the lung, etc., gradually lelt ine, and 1 got hearty and strong. I look only thito bottb s, 1 um not taking It now and I am as hearty ami as well ns I ever was lu my life. My slsler-lulaw whh with ino for a while, who wa atllicted with liver complaint, she lias taken the reined) ami Is Well, Tl is cci Urlcutcyou may show theworld, WILSON BTOUMH, nrlghtnn, C. W. Sworn before, us at Brighton, L W. UlU iolIllia OI AUgUM, wm. J. It. YOUKd. J.l, Reeve. 1. M, WLLL1KGTON.J. 1. John K, IItnrv,(SucctssortoUema.s lUrneaxCo. iew xoik. noieMiiu gcui. For sale by all the Druggists In llloomsburg. Jan, h,' Mi. 100,000 LIVES LOST YEAKLY IOM.1111: VHE Of T O 11 A C C O. Havuvnur monev nnd reiilore your health by tisiiig nr. iiyru n ivuiiuoiu nir juuikxo. iois in not a fcubstltuie but a cure lor smoking. Chew lug. and Huutt-taklng. Kew rersons aio a ware of the terrlblo ell eets of the noxious were ou tho lintiuiu HVhtcm. Dsneifelii. Ileaihu he. Disease of tlio Lier, Hallow ComplexUtn, Covtivemst of the lloweis, Iss of Memory r ml other discuses are the nlUlctlous brought on by Us use. Tlio Antidote Is nurel v vegetable ntid harmles.Itacts asntonioon tho syslem, puilllcstho blooil.nud euauies a ptr.son io uigehi inu otuniehi iooo. Ml 111 pies hriu new mrw i eni c- fier unveil, AUdiessM. J. yaimtl,b7 Cannon tit. V. Feb. SOfVJ-Sm. TEAFNESS. lUilNDNESS ANI) .1 " Cutiurh Heated withtl.oulmoNt success, by j, Isaacs, M.D., nml l'rofeasorof Dismuto the l!ife ami y.Vir, (Aut pu Uttly) in the Metlictil Collne tj j'titmynanut, viyeurt vipttuuce, (lormeny oi Leyden, Holland,) No. K&Arch Stieet, l'iilla, ItstimoniaiH can be t-eeu at hlHollUe. 1 be men. eal laeuliy aie in Itctl to accompany their p.i lieiits. ns he hi no sicrits in ills practice, at tlllclal ( j (h Inserted without pitlu. No duige lor exammaiiou. Jan. ll', '(;:'.-! r VHOOPING COUGH CUJtEI) ItY 1 T Dr.JjLVAU S CELKIUtATKU RKMKRY. IMce Fll-TY Cents, rrcparo-l at tlx aud Wood bt.t 1 HkM -AsUjour Inugglhtforit. hiMi,:i,'ey-lyr OONSUMPTION CAN HE CURED J lly Dr.UU.tlarrlKon's new pro. 'ess of treatment. Call or address Dr.O. II. UAHIIII-O.n, ill rioutii KlliHTH Mreet, l'liliadeluhla, . l'.K Hpeclul uueutlou glveu to THUOAT and I.UNO iJIM-usta. Fb. 8,'i'J-lyr. fO I'ltlNTEUS.t HOOK I1IKDEUS. SAXllOKN'K rAT;i:yi 1'AI'KH AND UOOIC CUTriNO JIA CHINKS. Tim I.ATIiJT AND TIIU IIKTHT! Whcreer u&ed, these MneliliifH ate piououucrd lu both I'rtnclple ami QuaUty, superior to any lu the market. With out exception. Atl are dellghttd with them. They cut easy, true,ttnHtli and rapidly, and me iiK iu eiry pun. JH Inch Lever Cutting Machlue S:i75 ;t " jover vu liover " ' V$ " iiimd or l'owcr ' iw Hi " l'owei-,(very heavy and Mioug "txi Of the Unch Tiver Cutler the Jiuiucket. Ji,l. (.'untie HHht "Would nut ell It lor four tlim it a coht," The N.H. Teleyraiih t-u mi "The lime saved will more than pay lor tt lu a ear." e havo very many endorsement of all the nnchtnes speaking of them with umpulltled praise. bKMl OU ATA I.OG L iJi A HJI.J. lilftCltU'TIONa, BANItORN RROTHKRS. 7h Duane htit'tt, N. V. Apr,U,(i.l-3t JJ 0. H O W E II, opt-neu a nrsi-ciasH HOOT, fillOK, II AT CAR, AND FUR HTORK, at the old stand ou Main Ktieet, Hloomsburi few uoomuooYu iiiucouri iioue, iiitt sioik ucoin poscduf tho veiy latt'Sland best btj lt-s ci,r olltr cd to the clllzcuu of Columbia Couuty. lie can accommodate the public with the following goodM at the lowest ratea. Meu'b heavy double soled loira boolv. men double und ttlnule tan soled kjp boots, men's heavy stoga shoes ofall klndx. luen'M flue UmiIh aitilslutcN of all crudes, I my 'a double bided boots and.thoe ol ullViudit, men's glove kid Ralmorul's, wometi's.boys'it aim iniMH-M' lahiiuggaueiH, uuuitii k giove km Polish verv tluo.women'sniorrKTo ltalmbraUaud calfsluK's, women's ery tine kid but ton ml gait crs. in shoii noots ot ail inscription Lotu jH-g ged and sewed. lie wouiu aiMt can iiueuiiou io nis nun iisturi tneutof HATH, CAI"S, KUIW ANI) NOTIONS. which comprise all the new aud nonuutr vurl- etlhsut prices which cannot full to suit all. These goods are o fit red ut tlio loweM chkIj ralea and win ue guaruuieeu logive saiuiacuou. a con is sollciftd belore purchsslng elsewhere us It Is believed thut better burgalus are lu be fotnd than ut uny olher pi ace lu the county UDjOr U. IL AllTMAN. U II. 1I I.I.I NO KK. U, NOllY UTMAN, DILMNOUH A CO., Nil. 101 NOKHI Tllllll) ST. I'IIH.AIiI'.I.I'IIIA, 'J'uu Doors aboo Arch formerjy y-ti, ,n AMlit'Al'tria US AMI JOIIIIkllS IN cAiii'KrH. fono.NH vauns, HA'ri'iMi. on, cloths, cAiti'irr chains, idiiha(ii:. oi r. hii a i) i j, " ka i n ii Atm, ti i: YAHX, WH'K VAHN, WtNllOW I'AI'kll, 1' I V It I.K rs, AI.HO, WILLOW A.NI WOOIIKN W till,, llltOOUS, illtDSIIks, MlOKINn ni.A'"IM rallNSH Feb. 5,'tW JgHWAUH OK I'HK IMl'OSTKU. 1 lieichv warn all js'rsonsof the UulUsl Ktiteu ncalnst purchasing any lUulitu'lny "Fruit Trru uud Vuo lusoet Dvslioyer und luvlfHorator,"ur Hilin Aliiarn ufllaltliuore, Aslielsuu Iii)li r uml a sonuuilrel, and lias no rlulit except h i-opy of a I Ice. I uud Letters I'alent, sUilcii by blut Iroiu Ihu tablo of Iteriiurd, Carter )u Uultlinoru ou tlio 5th day of juuo isui, Mr. 1- J. Fhllllpsof Ht.Nleunlas Kibuylklll Co It the only lawful owner of Iho rlnht for North'd Montour, Columbia, Cailsiu, Northampton uud llueksCuuntlu'slii tlio Hlatuof l'enu'a. iii niamin nwr, Fi li. IV'il'luio. Falentiii. D .MISCELLANEOUS, t.i.1. 1 L()(M(llt)U(INOUMALBCIIO)I.ANDMT ) EIIAIIY INSTITUTE. liOAUD OF INSTUUCTION. III'.NIIY CAItVEIt, A. M., lVlnclpal. 1'iofessor nf Inlellfclnal nnd moral science, nnd theory nu t prnetlce or teaching. Miss Hnrafi A. Carver, Preceptress, Teacher of French, llotnny nnd ornnmenUl brnnches. Isnae O. Ilest, A. 1)., I'rbfessor of Ancient languages unit V'tigllsli Urnmmar. J. W. Ferree, A. M. 1'rofissorof Mnthcmalles. nnd practical as tronomy. ttcv. D. C. John, A. M Profo siirnf chemistry nnd physics. F. M. Hales, Teacher of geography, history A- lknik keeping James llrown, Assl tntit teacher or mathematics. English Ur miliar. Miss Allen M. Carver, Teacher of Music on tho piano and mclodcuti. Mrs. Hatllo I.. Host, Teacher of Vocal Music and Instrumental lnuslo Miss Julia M. attest. Teacht r of model School. The Spring term will commence Apr, 19, 1W9. nnd until our lonrdlng hall Is ready fur occupan cy, on application to tho Principal, students will be furnished with homes lu pleasant lamlllcn. It Islietter for stndenU tocommenceat the op ening oi ino term, out wneu iiim is imprvcticn. oip iney March. cy can enter nt nny time. CIl''U IM9. JOiMESTIC ECONOMY! CAMPJLLION CAUPETt Aiiew.clican durable, healthy, and Ileanltful FLOOIt COVEIUNG ! A substitute for ollcloth at ono-thlrd tho cost. Tlil rnrrwil t nrmlncfil bv n iwrnttarfnnillnn. lion of stiong. heavy raper, printed in ornamen tal colors, and con ted withn tough, clastic, water irooi enamel wnicu receives inu water, protects he colors and naner endures washlne. nml ren ders the carpet bright and beautiful lu tho ex- isi'inu, iim uuviimngi" nre as lonnws in cost renders it available, to nil clfiopa Ti Im exceedingly smooth and glossy, and It accumu- laiesnexi io no oust ; imoes noi reUire to be taken tin and cleaned Ilka other mrrw.f. nml iluu saves much lalmr and trouble; Ify re-coatlng with tho Cam pill Ion KnMuelloccaslonally ns the ciifco may require, (which costs but a trifle,) It will mm. iiiut-uii'jKij, bch hu uki-,!""' i ny appear ncwand bright ; In Its u;o no reliance whatever Is placed upon tlio paper for wear, but exclusive- y upon bug waicr-prooi coaiiug. ino ugured pa er belnir used onlv to Kecnru llinenlnm. I'mwr ios lecentis leen used for a vnrletvof tiiirnoKPH. even for trunks, root-, Hour bags ami wearing ap- jiui ui, uui mo iiihb iikieuiiH, uiuht in r. uro no or Ainerlm, to convert It Into carpet or lloor cove Ine. all concede It to bo nn entire success! Wo havo purchased the right for Columbia county and can furnish tho carpet to merchants iii. iimiiuiuciuri'rs price, 4irYou nro invited to call ntd examine the goods atour store. M'K KLVV, NALt CO. iiioomsuurg, liuc. ii uvu. glLLIAULiS ! MI-MAUDS 1 ! BDKlllu V.'IRLIAM H. UILMORB Ifni nopnpd n. fin ft nilllard Brtloon In Addition tn hit well known RESTAURANT, llo Iiuh 3 table with all tho latest Improvements nnd in perfect order. Ho keeps on hand tho best LAGER BERR AND AUC which the market ailbrds. OY8TKRS to be had at all times when in pcason, also Reef Tongue, I'icKieu iripe, uiamtt atc.t ccc. The nubile aru Invited to call, and aro nrom- Ned MitiBractiou.elther In bllllanUor refresh- inentK. ins CIOAIW ANI) TORACCO cannot bo excelleil. iiioomsnurf;, Jan. l, t.y. J3IPOHTANT to iiuiu)i:Rs,;R.s ati.nanth. The underhlyned would announce in Ilie clll zensof Rloomsbiirunud vicinity that he is pie p.ued to execute II O Urt R, H I G N. AND O R X A M K N T A L 1 A 1 N T I N W In nil its blanches. PAP E It HA NO INO Carefully attended to. btrlcl attention to buslnrii aud good workman hlilp it Is believed wltl incut a fair show of public patronage. Bhop ou Cathai Ine Street between Third and Fourth. Mar.5,(W-Iy. WM. V. 110 Dl NIC jJ" W. SAJIPLE A CO., MACHINISTS & ENOINEEKS. MAIN 8T., A. tj. &. B. R. R.. RR0O.MSUURO. I'A. Aro prepared to furnish nil kinds of Machine woilt, hucli as STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, Hhartlnt;, Pulleys, llangen;, Couplings, Mlll-geur lug, Baw mandritu, etc., Uuatfo ciKks.Fet eockn, Ktcam pipe, together with all kinds of steam fit tings constantly on hand. Threshing Machines and Ilorbe Powerx made to order. All UlmU of Agrleulluru Machiuer repaired. May "JUUS 7LOUU ANI) FKKD. The underslvueil tlianknil for unit oalronaee Ijcks to unnnuco lo tils friends nud tu llie pulilie tlutlils N E W 51 I Ii h Is now Iii complete rutiiiliicr order.and Hint lie Is prcpnred to do ull kinds of Milling; without deluy rartles limn u dlslunco can linvu their arista uiound without delay, so ns to lake them home Ihosniue day, uud as a rule all work hiuuulit to tlio mill can lie done In tweniy-lour hours. My presiiil arm liului. uts uiu Midi us to preclude tho necessity nr slopping the mill on account of Jce. high or low water. THi: UKST FAMILY FI.OUU. us Melius Uio louir Blades, and all kinds of CHOP ANI) J-'JiJCJ) kept on hand In quantity, and for salo At the low. est current rales, oialu ol all kinds purchased. Light Strict, IVc. VOS-lf. l'KTKIl KNT. 1 J. TIIOUNTON li. would annouiicololhocltl7.ensof THooms. hurt; ami vicinity, that lie has Just received a mil uud loiiipleieassortiuent or WALL FAFF, 11, WINDOW 8 II A DEB, FIXTUHK!', COllllS, TA&SLL8, and nil other poods In his lino of business. All the newest and most approved pntterns of the flny.are nlwai a tc bo found In btsestalillshineut. Jlar.S.'lU-ir Main HI. below Market, JOHN C. YEAOKH CO., Wholesale Iienlera lu 11 ATM, CAIW, 8T1IAW GOODS, AND i.adius' runs. No. 217 North Third Blreet, Mnr Ill,'l.8-ly" Fhlladelphls. 8 A Ii K . riix undersigned o Hers at pi I vale salo THIKTY ACItKS OV IiAKD la a good state of culth ntiou on w hlch Is erected udtteJllug' house and bam In good order and condition. Ills situated tn the township of illoom and within ten infinite walk of th" Court House tor lull particulars apply at this oiiice C. II. llltOCKWAY, OTICH OF DISSOLUTION. '1 he co.tiartnershln heretofore ex (stllic betftcen MolllKoniery Cule sud it. West, at Cole's t'reek Columbia rounty Fa. ns merchants In Diy tlootls, Urocerles, Frovlslon. tcexiilrtd by mutiiul ronseiit ou tho lull or Maich IMl). Thu burlness ull I Iwconllnueilat llioold stanil by the uiiderslnued.whu will sell lo ull outstand ing accuiiutsol Uiu lata firm MllNTUOMF.UY CUM. cole screen, Apr, x,'tu-lt. JKTAHMBIIKI) 171)3. JOllliAN il'.lUlTllKIt, Wholffttloflrocini, and Dialers In HALTFFTKH AND IIIIIMSTONK, No 218 Norlh Third Ht. l'liiladelphla. 1 000 Jl 1: N w A N T 13 v (SO tier week profit on ti Cardial, Koiuetliln entirely new. hend lor circular aud i erins. No Kirt enierprlse or humbug. Addnss M.J.iaruill, Kil liiiinuii Htreel, N. Y, Feb, ai,'0-!!iu. war FOIt NEAT AND CHEAP JOB PRINTING. Call ul The Columbian Otllre, lllcomsbur I'i. iVv'.?,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers