The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, April 23, 1869, Image 2

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    SUfci Opalumbiaiv
flllllAY MOKM.NO, Aflllt, S3, 1KOO.
V-TIIK qOLUMllIAV lias the
Vlrctilntluik of ally- paper pnbllslml III
Northern Pennsylvania a'1'! also k
ninth InrR.r sheet than any nflUcottm
pnrarteif, and li therefore the best m,eitlnm
'Tor advert Islnff in (till iccHnn onhfl Stale
The fallowing nnnail ictilirmt'iihi.Yareiuesl
nl tiiu announce iiiulrnanuH as Candidates fur
thmni"C nf Omnty Hiipt-rliilciulciit:
fiiAHLKSTa. uauki.kV,
;, MNK.TOWKSItll4. ,t
oii.Hni township.
Tlio Appointment ol Assessor
on tho iut hiit., at oxuctly l i m.,
lliu reigrN mid iiapord of the oflleo of
Ayiwsor of Internal Rqvonuo for, this
Congressional District weru luuuleil over
to Saiiuit-l Kuorr. tlio now Asscssor.niul
Uiuruupun. ho assumed tlio cxorvNo of
tlioilutlM of lili ofllco. Wo shall hojio
liy wilt tarn out to bo tin iiccoiuiiiod.ttlii);
unit faithful ollkenJtHt, cncrjtlu, hi
tulligout.crui.blu.mid im roml. For ho
had commit his luuuU Important
Ibturwt-j of the Government and Peoplu
to .tlia uuq management of which all
tlitModmriictcrlstiM of offlctal conduct
ure indispensable, The now Assessor is
11 member of,tlie,Bar of this couuty.nnd'od In tho rccsnt war in, tho capacity
of a Colonel of colored troop?.
Upon tho occasion of Mr. Clurk'ti ro
tirinj,' from thu Asscssorship in conso
quenco of tho new appointment, it Is an
act-of wimple justice to, statu that he has
been, an officer of unusual merit, having
discharged nil his official duties with
completo impartiality and signal abil
ity. TJiero wcro no reasons founded in
public policy or interest fornnewnp
poliittnentjto this ofUco at, tho present
time, und lt is mailq for political reasons
alone. Yb believe thero is now no
oOIco in tills Congressional district, sub
ject totijresidcnlla'l appointment, which
Is.not assigned ,tu a Radical incumbent
in other words, a clean sweap has Deen
made, by tho AdmlnUtratiqii o! all tho
Important omccaof the district and good
progress, .made toward seizing all tho
subordinate ones. Tho two most pro
scriptiyo Administrations in our politi
cal .iiistory'to thi3 date, will bo known
hereafter as ,thoso ofjLincoln and Grant,
although both were placed in power by
a party which had .loudly complained
of Democratic proscription. This sub-,
Jcct will admit of further observation
in, connection, with recent official chang
es in our jown section, and wo shall
recur to it hereafter,
Senator Jackson.
TiiLtcrm, of this gentleman having
expired, it gives, us pleasure to refer to
his.courso as a Representative. Though
acting yitli a political minority, ho has
fuepcoded in all tlio,lo;al legislation de
manded ,by tho District, and thin too, in
, somo Instances, in face of tho most bit
ter opposition. His, aid in securing tho
locution of tlio Normal School at this
place and in getting tho usual appropri
ation, was timely and efficient. A
severer task' was in procuring au appro
priation ,or $100,000 for tho Lunatic
Asylum, to, bo built at Danville, in op
position to that king ,of lobbyists, Peter
Ilerdic, -who spent time and money to
defeat, it., His success seemed doubtful
in tho faco of such strong and well or
ganized opposition, but tho result shows
how indefatigably lie labored.
He was also tho author and champion
of tho movement to make an inquiry
into tho management of tho Soldiers'
Orphans' Schools, and In, that particu
lar was successful beyond expectation.
Ills opposition was strong and peculiar,
and, his triumph, thcrcforo tho more
.Senator Jackson has been faithful to
our intercsts.i and wil carry back- to
"Llttl'o Sullivan'"' the good wishes of
all his constituents. Wo wish liim suc
cess in tho future, and assure him that
tho people of Columbia County will
always hold his services In grateful re
membrance Representative Scott.
Tin-: legislature having adjourned on
Friday last, Mr. Scott has returned to
his homo ut Cafawlssa. His record for
the past session Is mado up, and we ro
ferto it with pride. Other constituen
cles havo been sold and betrayed by
their Representatives, but we have been
more fortunate, and Mr. Scott's hands
are clean of all tho dirty jobs which
were brought before tho Legislature,
undoubtedly tho most corrupt over con
vened. This, in theso times, Is a fair
matter for congratulation.
Throiigh Mr. Scott's efforts a large
amount of local legislation was done,
and his active co-operation with Sena
tor Jackson in reference to our Normal
School, tho Insano Asylum at Danvillo,
the Oraugeville School, our I'oor Houso
Aa, deservo mention. Of course there
Is a claiw of legislation local in its na
ture, where tho Interests of different
sections conflict, and in which it is Im
possible to pleaso all. Outside of this,
Mr. Scott's courso meets' with general
approval, and his own bitter opponents
are willing to concede hia ability, lion
esty, and his desire to faithfully carry
out tho wishes of his constituents.
MYSTEiuoua. A human hand; and
part of tlio forearm was found lying in
tho alloy by tho old German, Reformed
graveyard, 011 Wednesday last. The
flesh still remains upon tho bones and,
aiiiiougn somuwjiat urieu, snows no
evidence of decay. About six inches
of tho forearm were attached to tho
baud, and tho bono has been sawed off
squarely as if by a surgeon. Tho nails
are over an Inch in length, Where this
remnant of humanity came from is a
mystery, tho solving of which would
afford somo relief to. tlio community.
It is reported that both troopj and
stores tiro in readiness for a move to Cu
ba, and that a prominent Western Gen
era! will nssumecommand. Tho wholo
sjlo slaughter inaugurated by tho Span
ish soldiery Jim not had u quletlug of
fy:t upon tlio pooplq of fills country.
TlI5s lucUlativo'tax bill against which
wo protested Ust week, failed to pass
tho Senate. '
KcprcNftitntlvc Kcl'orm.
O.V thofilh nf July, IS07, Mr. Lowe
(Ihi! prtwnt I'hniuvllnror tho exchequer
In the (Hailstone mliiiiiilstratlon) mov
ed tho following amendment to the re
form bill In tlio Ifouso of Commons:
l'ownn to DiBTiiniUTE Votes: At
any contested election for n countv or n
uorouirh represented by more than two
members, and having more than ono
seat vacant, overv .voter Klmli bo onti.
tied td n number of votes 6qual to tho
number of vacant Keats, and may glvo
nil such votes to 0110 candidate, or may
dlstrlbuto them among tho candidates
us no ininKS ut.
This amendment (which was for tho
free vote including tho principle of cu
muhitlou and appllinblq generally to
elections where more than ono member
wits to bo chosen) was debated on tho
diiy when offered and on tho day follow
Ing, and received thu very handsome
support of 173 votes a largo voto for a
now proposltl-m upon Its first trial of
strength. Mr. Lowe's, amendment was
identical In principle and almost ldontl
ctl In. tonus' with tho bill now reported
by II1I1 committee. Tho Etigllsh tiropo-
sllloii applied to tho election of mem
bers of Parliament, tho American ap
piles to the election of members, of
Congress,-but In both a freo voto, In
eluding the right of cumulation, is tho
essential Idea, and tho object In vlow
more complete and Just representation
of tho people.
On tho 30th, July, 1S07. tho reform bill
being under consideration In the Houso
of Lords, Lord Cairns moved to insert
tho following now clause, to como In
after clauso 8 of tho bill :
At a contested election for any coun
ty or borough represented bv thrco
members no person shall votu for moro
than two candidates.
This amendment, after nn elaboralo
debate, was adopted by n strong vote:
contents, 112, not contents, 01; nud an
additional amendment was then also
adopted without a division that "at a
contested election for tho city of Lon
don" (which is entitled to four mem
bers) "no person shall voto for moro
than thrco candidates."
Tho success of those" amendments,
(which were concurred In by tho House
of Commons on tho 8th of August,) con
stituted an important event in tho his
tory of representative institutions, for
they recognized and gavo application to
a principlo of justlco which will endure
the test of trial and of time, n principlo
which will hereafter receive cndeflnlto
extension, and wherever extended will
purify olcctlons, insure contentment to
constituencies, and elevato tho character
and Improvo tho action of freo govern
ment. Mr. Gladstone, speaking in thollouso
of Commons, mid confining his atten
tion to his own country, declared that
tho proposition or principlo contained
in those amendments, if .adopted at all,
must bo adopted with tho certainty that
"it must unfold and expand itself over
tho whole country and completely re
construct tho syBtem of distribution of
seats." And generally those who sup
ported it in both houses of Parliament
foretold and rejoiced in the prospect of
its future expansion,
Thoso .amendments constitute the
ninth and tenth clauses of tho reform
act of loth of August, 18G7, and their
effect Isillustrated by tho parliamentary
elections of 1803. '"Wo give tlio. returns
for certain districts:
Herefordshire, thrco members. Aver
age tory voto, 3,300: average liberal
vote, 2,07-1. Two tories and ono liberal
Cambridgeshire, thrco members. Av
crago tory vote, 3,921 ; average liberal
vote, a.aiu. Two tones and ouo liberal
Tho liberals also obtained tho third
member in each of tho tory counties of
Oxford, Bucks, and Dorset.
Liverpool borough, thrco members.
Averago tory vote, 10,-iOi, avcrago liber
al vote, 10,103. Tory majority, 1,200.
In Liverpool tlio second seat, previ
ously held by tho tories,-was attacked
by tho liberals; tho result was a failure
as shown by the abovo vote. But tho
third member was most justly secured
to tho liberals under tho certain opera
tion of tho limited vote, provided by
clauso 9 of the reform act.
Under tho operation of tho same
clauso tho tories obtained tho third
member for Leeds, and they carried
members also in Manchester andi Lon
Blackwood's Magazine, a tory orgau,
(It has called Itself "tho, oldest or the
tories,") although it admits that its
party has suffered loss to tho extent of
at least fourneaU by themlnorlty clauso,
That to tho principle of that clauso,
fairly and consistently worked out, It
has no objection whatever. lilac;
wood's Magazine, Januarj) 1809.
This expression of opinion by a lead
ing organ of tho party which suffered
somewhat under tho minority clause, Is
a valuablo testimony In favor of tho
principle of electoral reform which that
clauso was intended to promote Sen
ate Report,
Unseated Lands.
Tun following bill passed both IIous
es finally, after having been discussed
and amended at various times during
lliu ins i lew weens;
That tlio Treasurer of each county
shall keep a book to bo called tho "Re
ceipt" book, in which shall bo recorded
tlio receipts of all payments mado to
him on account of taxes paid on unseat
ed lands, dcslgnat ing tho number of
acres warrantee passed, and name or
names of owners or alleged owners of
each tract of laud, tho township where
situate, and tho amount of taxes paid
and when and by whom paid, a cert!
fled copy of which receipt, under tho
hand of tho Treasurer and tho seal of
thu county, shall bo tho only evidence
of tho payment of taxes except where
said receipts havo been duly recorded
in accordance with tho provisions of
tho first section of the act of March 9th
1847; that tho owners of unseated lands
shall have two years from tho passago
of this act within which to havo their
receipts for taxes on unseated lamb re
corded In said book, where tho sanio
havo not been already entered Inn book
heretofore kept by tho Treasurer of tho
county for that purpose; that no parol
ovldcnco shall bo received to provo tho
payment of taxes on unseated lands.
Pehsons ordering their paper stopped
will not insult us In a pecuniary, moral
or religious point of vlow, If they will
send along with tho order, tho necessary
stamp to balanco tho chargo against
tliem on our books. Wo don't care of
courso, about tho money, but tho charge
against them on our books Is what looks
bad. It's all ono side. Wo llko to sc4
things on a balanco. Ex,
Tlio Columbia Comity Invasion.
OBJECT. 01-'
the Invasion
Duuincj tho nrocrcss of tho Invasion
of 1801 (and tosomo'oxtont nfter wards)
calumniation of our pcoplo was scat
tered broadcast by tho Radical press
ond by Radical orators. It was an
nounced by them that Insurgents num
ocring hundreds or thousands wcro
armed and organized In this county;
thatthoy had thrown uplntrenchmcnts;
that they had erected n fort; that they
had field-pieces or cannon, and that
refugees from Canada and deserters
from otlier sections had Joined them in
considerable numbers. Though all
theso statements wcro utterly falso thoy
were made and repeated with tho ut
most coutldenco because an excuso was
wanted for tho stops taken, for tho out
rages committed by lawless power. One
cxamplo of theso slanders may bo men
A certain Reuben K, Wilson, a prca
clier of tho Methodist denomination,
then resided in Bloomsburg and was
corrupted from his sacred calling. It
was a tlmo of excitement and money
was expended very frooly upon elec
tions by tho party in power. Govern
ment expenditures ran at tho rate of a
million and a half or two millions of
dollars per day and Government con
tractors and others who woro deeply
Interested In tho courso of affairs con
tributed largoly to tho funds of tho
"Loyal Leagues." Wilson wai secured
aud ho took tho stump on sundry oc
casions. Ho was, no doubt, well com
pensated for his services. IIo was a flu
ent though superficial speaker, dealt In
slang terms, was not particular about
exactness in statement, and was violent
enough for the demands of tho times.
One of his harangues at Bloomsburg is
well remembered, when from tlio Hart-
man corner he emptied his impetuous
but vapid rhetorIc,througli corrupt lips,
upon a miscellaneous and grinning
crowd. Ills volco sometimes, when put
upon a scream, W03 heard from Market
Street to tho Forks 1
Tho following letter will show the
flagitious statements mado by this po
litlcal preacher in a street .speech nt
Milton, and will lllustrato tho courso of
insolent slander to which our people
wcro subjected In the days of tho Inva
,MHtot, Sept. Mth 1800
J. 0. Fjieeze, Esq.,
Dear Sir:
Yournotoof tho
12th lust, is received, and in reply, say,
that I did not hear tho speech mado by
Rev. Wilson myself; but ho stated in
his speech in tills placo in tho open
street, that thero wcro somo thousands
of men up Fishingcreck in nrms against
the eovernment That theso men at
tempted to set flro to tho town of
Bloomsburg several times, and had
burned Mr. Clark's stable
1 havo mado inquiry sinco tho receipt
of your letter of those who heard tho
speech ; and they say ho said as abovo
stated, 'mo exact numuer oi niousanus,
tney do not now recollect,.
Truly Yours
Mr. Tharpis a gentleman of high cred
it, a member of tlio Bar,and has recent
ly represented Northumberland county
in tho Legislature. It Is perhaps only
necessary to ndd, that It is understood
that Mr. Clark's stablo was burned
through tho carelessness of somo little
boys who were playing about it with
matches, and that tho other statements
mado by Wilson wcro without fouuda
tion. As ho resided here at tho time,
his slanders must havo been intention
al and wilful.
But no matter what were tho state
ments mado to Invite tho Invasion, or
to givo to it abroad a color of necessity
or propriety after troops were sent hero
ono tiling is very certain: That tho
military authorities were without any
oxcuso whatever for continuing their
occupation of tho county and for hold
ing our citizens In prison, os'well as for
sundry acts committed or authorized
by them whilo tho occupation contin
ued, (to which wo shall hereafter refer)
For the troops traversed tho wholo
courso of Fishing Creek from lis mouth
to its sources and ascended the North
Mountain into tho forests of Sullivan,
"scouring" tho wholo region through
which they passed, and ascertained be
yond all question that there was no In
surrectionno field-works, no fort, no
cannon, no refugees from Canada ordo-
sorters from abroad and that there had
not been in point of fact in all that re
gion any actual rcslstanco to tho execu
tion of tho laws or molestation of any
officer, civil or military, in tho perfor
mance of his duties. AH this was fully
known not only to the corrupt officer
(Lt. Col. Stowart) who had Immedlato
charge of tho troops, but to Gen, Cad
walladcr himself. Ills declaration that
tho alleged insurrection (or his chaso of
it?) was "a completo farce," was based
upon Ills personal examination of "tho
scat of war" of Ids scientific inspec
tion of tlio sugar-camps of Benton and
tho huckleberries of Sullivan as well
as upon ills personal intercourse with
tho Inhabitants upon tho lino of his
Nevertheless tho troops were contin
ued hero at enormous expenso to tho
Government and our citizens wero do
talncd in prison. Besides, lawless in-
Lsolenco had nn opportunity afforded It
of exhibiting itself in sundry ways bo
foro a peaceful population, and of dis
gusting nil sensible and impartial mon
with tho management of public affairs,
For all this tho samo explanation Is to
bo given that wo havo already given of
tho sending of troops hero at first. Tho
Invasion was originally a political raid
and such was its character throughout.
Tho arrests wcro mado to reduce tho
Democratic voto at tho polls (both by
withdrawing voters from tho eouuty
and- still more by Intimidating others)
and tho men arrested were nearly all
kept in prison until after tho October
election (and many of them much long'
cr) In pursuance of tho samo design.
So also for political effect wero otlier
arrests mado uftcr tho first ones, aud
troops posted (In open violation of law)
at many of our places of election, But
or tins moro nereaitor.
Wo are not nwaro that thero wcro any
deserters (properly so called) in tho
county nt tho time of tho Invasion. If
there wcro such thoy must havo been
very few in number. Thero werosomo
nan-reporting drafted men as thero
were In nil other parts of tho coun
try, but It is preposterous to .ullogo
that tho Invasion was to secure them
to tho public service. They wcro
not numerous and not ono among
them (so far as wo know or bellovolhad
oyer offered tho slightest rcslstanco to
li legal or regular arrest. Certainly
troops wero not to bo called fortonrrost
drafted men until tho ordinary menus
had failed, and then only so many as
wore reasonably nccoasary for tho pur
pose Besides, tho army sent Into tho
county was moro likely to drlvo off
drafted mon than to arrest them, nnd
Its cost was twenty times as much n
would havo been required to obtain
voluntary enlistments equal In number
to tho number of men who had failed
to report. But in point of fact it was
announced that tho Invasion was to put
down nn armed and organized Insurrec
tion, and tho troops proceeded ntonco
to arrest citizens who did not owo mil
itary scrvlco instead of drafted men,
thus exhibiting tho object of tho Inva
sion in nn unmtstakablo manner.
Collection of School Tux
The following bill providing a new
mode of collecting school tax passed tho
Houso of Representatives a few days
Sec. 1. He it enacted, A-c, That from
and after tho passage of this act it shall
bo lawful for tho board of school direc
tors of any school district in this Com
monwealth, by resolution of tho Board
to collect tho school tax in tho manner
hereinafter provided.
Sec. 2, Tho board of school directors
shall placo in tho hands of tho Treasurer
n certified dupllcato of tho school tax,
and lt shall bo his duty to glvo at least
ono month's notlco of tho tlmo nnd placo
at which ho will attend at least ono day
for tho purpose of receiving school tax,
and It shall bo his duty to rccclvo
and receipt for all tax given him for
thrco mouths after tho dato of said no
tlco, I'rovided, That if any person on or
before tho expiration of two months af
ter tho date of said notice, shall pay to
tho collector tho amount of his or her
tax, such person shall bo entitled to a
dcductionoffivcpcrcont.on tho amount
thereof, and for tho remaining month
hoshall make noabatemcnt on tho tuxes
Sec. 3. In caso tho taxes arc not paid
on or ocroro tno expiration ot tnrco
months from tho dato of said notice.the
board of directors shall elect a collector,
havo tho dupllcato placed in his hands
and issuo him n warrant for tho eollec
tion of tho unpaid tax, on said dupll
cate, and ho shall proceed to collect the
unpaid tax assessed therein with an ad
dition in caso of distress and salo of
goods, ho shall recelvo tho samo fees as
are now nllowcd by law to constables,
for a levy nnd salo upon a writ of exe
cution, which fees ho shall retain out of
tho proceeds of such sales, after deduct
ing tho taxes aud tho addition of five
percent, thereon.
Sec. -1. All acts or parts of acts for
tho collection of school tax, that are In
conflict with this act are hereby repeal
ed, so far as thoy relate to districts In
which tho board of directors authorizo
the collection of school tax by tho pro
visions of this net.
to Break up City Swindles.
Mayor's Office, N. Y. )
March 17, 1809. j
lb the Press of the United Slates :
I beg to caution strangers against
Now York circulars, tickets, shares,
chances and prospectuses in co-opera
tive unions, gift enterprises, or dollar
stores, or in any other possible scheme
whereby property or value Is promised
greater than tho price asked to bo paid,
Every such advertised scIiemo'Isnec-
essarlly a swindle and a falso pretence;
thero does not and cannot tangibly ex
ist any such schemes in tho city.
Country newspapers whicli advertiso
them, simply aid in tho swindle.
If nil newspapers in tho Union would
now mako a point of publishing and
reiterating this information they will
charitably, and, I think, effectually
counteract tho swindling Intentions of
thoso who uso tlio mails for tho falso
pretences, and will also save to tho un
wary hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Mayor of tho City of Now York.
Constables' Returns. Tho appen
ded act of assembly becamo a law
March. 19 :
Sec. 1. lie it enacted, &c. That so
much of any law as requires constables
of tho several townships and boroughs,
in tho counties of Bradford and Susque
hanna, to make returns to tho sovcral
courts of quarter sessions and oyer and
terminer, be, and tho samo is hereby
Sec. 2. That tho attendanco of con
stables upon general, special, township
nnd borough elections, In said county
shall bo paid by tho respoctlvo town
ships and boroughs of said county.
The Jlepublican of this week pub
lishes a list of nominations confirmed
by the Senate, which is incorrect, as tho
following from that list, at tho present
tlmo havo not been confirmed :
Minister to Nicaragua Jas. R. Part
ridge, of Maryland.
Minister to Venezuela W. A. Pile,
of Missouri.
Minister to Belgium J. R. Jones, of
Minister to S wooden John S. Carllslo
of West Virginia.
Minister Resident and Consul Gen
eral to Liberia J. R. Clay, or Louis!
anna. Frederick Coxe, ono of tho direct
ors of tlio Philadelphia Union Leaguo
and lately appointed Consul to Marseil
les, was lately detected in stealing a box
qf cigars from a grocer. Upon tlio pay
ment of $500.00 tho chargo was not press
ed against hltn. Coxo's temperament
Is too sanguine ; ho began his pilfering
before ho was fairly in office, and did
not conflno himself to tho public funds.
Ills deslro to improvo upon tho avcrago
Republican in tho way of stealing was
ridiculous, and thcrcforo ho camo to
grief. Exit Coxo.
During tho Impeachment trial James
M. Ashloy, tho now Governor of Mon
tana, visited Dunham, alias Couover, In
prison, for tho purposo of bribing 1dm
to manufacture testimony against An
drew Johnson, President of tlio United
States. This was ono of tho reasons
why ho was appointed by Gen, Grant.
Tho castigat ion which Andrew Johnson
gavo tho latter in referenco to tho Secre
tary of War imbroglio Is neither forgot
ten nor forgiven.
A. P. Tutton, Supervisor of tho
Western District of Pa., seized Boyer's
Distillery, In Montour county, on Wed
nesday lost, for not complylngwith tho
Itevenuo laws. IIo also seized 18000
cigars at Swelsfort's manufactory in
Danvillo, for selling without rovenuo J
stamps. ili
Washington IVcivs.
Washington, April 15.
foreion aitointments.
The President to-day nominated
Henry Baxter, of Michigan, Minister
Resident to Honduras, and Charles K.
Belong, of Novada, Minister to Japan.
Colonel Adam Badeau, Grant's staff
officer and biographer, Is nominated for
Assistant Secretary of Legation at Lon
don, tho Intention being (as in tho caso
of Frank Mooro at Paris) to mako him
principal Secretary as toon as ho shall
havo becomo familiar with tho duties
of the office, which is now hold by Ben
jamin Morau, of Philadelphia.
Tho Scnato Committee on Foreign
Relations havo ngryed to report favora
bly on tho nomination of Hon. A. G.
Curtln, to bo Minister to Russia, and ho
will no doubt bo confirmed.
Amonq tho nominations scut to tho
Senate to-day, wcro tho following for
Pennsylvania: James Pollock, Director
of tho Mlntnt Philadelphia; Wilmcr
Worthlngton, to bo Appraiser of Mer
chandise for tho Port of Philadelphia.
Tho latter was Speaker of tho Stato
Senate during last session.
Tho Scnato in Exccutlvo session to
day confirmed tho following nomina
Commissioner of Indian Affairs; Eli
S. Parker, of tho District of Columbia.
Ministers Resident; Robert C. Kirk, of
Ohio, to tho Argentino Republic ; Ebe
nezerD. Bassett, of Pennsylvania, (col
ored,) at Haytl; Leopold Markbrelt, of
Ohio, at Bolivia.
Secretary of Legation; Oco. W
Wurts, of Pennsylvania, at Florence.
Envoys Extraordinary nnd Ministers
Plenipotentiary; Andrew Q. Curtln, of
Pennsylvania, to Russia. Thomas II.
Nelson, of Indiana, to Mexico.
Washington, April 17.
Hon. Samuel Shcllabargcr, of Ohio,
was to-day nominated for Minister to
Portugal, and Georgo W. Llppett, of
Rhodo Island, Secretary of tho Lega
tion at Vienna.
Washington, April 19.
Tho Senate, in exccutlvo session to
day, confirmed tlio following Ponnsyl
vanlans: Consuls, G. Henry Hbrstman,
nt Munich ; Alexander Jourdon, at
Venice. Assessor of Internal revenue,
Edward Scull, Sixtconth district of
Senator Chandler, of Michigan, made
a very bitter speech In tho Scnato to
day detiouncingGrcat Britain, Roverdy
Johnson tho lato U. S. Minister, nnd
demanding tho cession of British Amer
ica to tho United States in payment of
tho Alabama claims.
A delegation of Quakers had an in
terview with tho President this after
noon. Thoy propose to reform tho pco
plo of tho South and imbuo their hearts
with a feeling of meekness and Chris
tian fortitude.
Washington April 20.
Tho last list of nominations that will
go to tho Scnato during the present ses
sion, was sent in to-day. It comprised
somo sixty names, of whom more than
two thirds wero Post-masters and rove
nuo officers. Tho most important
names in tho list woro David A. Nunn,
Ex-member of Congress from Tennessee,
as Mini iter to Ecuador, aud Dr. RIotte,
heretofore nominated minister to Costa
Rica, is now transferred to Nicaragua.
James L. Foley, of Kentucky, was
nominated Secretary of Legation at
Madrid, and Jas. St. Clair Bool, of Illi
nois, Secretary of Legation to Mexico.
Tho following nominations woro with
drawn by tho President : A. L. Russell,
of Pennsylvania, to bo Minister rcsl
don at Ecuador; C. N. Riotto, of Texas,
Minister resident at CortaRIca ; Henry
S. Wctmore, of Pennsylvania, to bo
Consul at Manchester; Benjamin Hunts-
mau, postmaster at Stroudsburg.
IVcwh Items.
On August 0th a total eclipse of tho
sun will occur. This will bo tho most
interesting that has been witnessed in
tho United States for many years nnd,
win not Happen again until tlio jnst
year of tho century.
A Now York paper tells of n cat.
that every morning wipes his paws up
on tho hall mat before entering his mis
tress' oeuroom. it ins leet leavo a marK
on tho whlto coverlet of tho bed, ho Is
told ot tno ract. nnd ngain resorts to too
mat. and then if not satisfied that his
paws nro clean, ho dries them nt tho
stove. I'unny it true.
On Saturday last a llttlo bov. in at
tempting to cross tho Lehitrh on tho Ice.
at South Easton,.fel) Into an nlr hole,
from which no managed to escapo with
tho loss of ids cap. Later in the day.
another boy, in attempting to recover
tno cap, icu in anu was urowneu.
Tho fearful accident in n Novada
initio, is tho most fatal affair of tho kind
that lias over occurred in our mining
districts. Accounts differ as to tho loss
of life, but it seems to havo included
nearly forty persons. Wo suppose tho
lire muse navo originaicu turougii mo
escape of gas In tho mine.
A marriaco took placo at Concord
N. II., on Wednesday, in which tho
a widow at tnat. una was married tlio
first tlmo when sho was only thirteen
years old. J. no uriuegroom on tins oc
casion was iweniy-jour years oiu,
"Early and often" seems to bo her
Tho Philadelphia Safe Deposit Com
pany has just set up tho largest safo In
tho world. It Is twenty-seven feet long,
twenty-ono feet broad, eight feet high,
lined Willi tno now "meiai mirror" iron
which is five times harder than temper
ed steel, cutting glass lUo a diamond.
A young lady school-teacher of In
dianapolis was ono Sunday endeavoring
to impress upon ner scnoiars tno tern
bio effects of tho punishment of Nebu.
chadnczzcr. Sho told them that for
sovon years he ato crass Ju9t Uko a cow
Just then a llttlo boy asked: "Did ho
glvo milk."
Soventy-flvo hundred dollars havo
been voted to tho contestants In tho
Second Congressional District of Louis
Inna, ono of whom is a negro. Tills Is
ono effect of Radical reconstruction.
Rather expenslvo business, when tho
masses are complaining of hard times
and high taxes,
Daddy Cessna met with a signal do
feat in ids attempt to givo bis "pal"
John Covodo n scat pending tho contest.
Tho wholo subject lias been sent back to
tho Election Committee. Geary's prl
vato letter to McPherson with tho broad
seal of tho Commonwealth attached,
did not havo moro effect in the Houso
than dad's eloquence, ot id i
Elmira has a cenlus in tho shano of
a saloon keeper, who lias trained a nunii
UU( U( ItlkO IU IUU lU.iUD.-3 I11U I1UUI HUM
waken his customers who sleep ubout
on tho chairs. Tho startled drinkers
seo tho rats; tho bar keener declares
inero are norms uiero; and tno lormer,
thinking delirium tremens approaching
quickly start for home.
In tho recent Investigation, concern
ing tho removal of tho Orangovlllo Sol
diers' Orphans' School, no man has
acted n moro conspicuous or moro no
bio part, than Hon. Georgo D. Jackson,
tlio worthy Senator from this District.
Not only did ho prepare and lntroduco.
tho resolution to nppolnt n Commlttco
to mako tho investigation, but through
its wholo courso from first to last, la
bored most untiringly to aid .them In
tho accomplishment of their work.
Having satisfied himself ns to tho mer
its of tho caso, ho espoused tho causo of
truth and justice; nnd rising with n dis
interestedness which marks tho truo
manhood of his character, abovo party
considerations and influences, strovo
most earnestly to secure tho vindication
of rlght.'nnd to establish tho integrity
of those who had boon assailed and ma
ligned by tho m!nlon3 of corruption
nnd fraud.
And when tho Orangovlllo Soldiers'
Orphans' School bad been vindicated,
and every chargo preferred against its
Principal, nnd his family and employ
ees, shown to bo false, Senator Jackson
was tho foremost man to vindlcato 7ia
faith of the State, nnd tho Inviolability
of Its contracts. With a firmness which
no opposition could shake, ho main
talncd tho obligation of tho Stato to In
domnlfy tho man who had suffered
from Its injustice; and to lilm are both
myself and family largely Indebted for
tho appropriation received. Mr. Jack
son could not havo beon more faithful
to a brother than ho was to mo. IIo has
our warmest thanks, and tho blessing of
many widows and orphans will rest up
on his head. II. D. Walker.
Melacholiv Accident. Wo regret
to learn that our townsman William
Mowrcr, while engaged yesterday af
ternoon in running an empty car off tho
clovator at Groves' Furnace,was caught
between tho car and wall and crushed
in n most fearful manner. No ono was
present at tho tlmo tho accident occur
red, out when discovered, whicli was
but a few minutes after tho car stopped
and released, ho fell to the ground speech
less aud unconscious. Ho was immcdl
atcly taken to his houso and medical
aid called in.
It is but a few weeks sinco Mr. Mow
rcr met with an accident nt theso same
works which disabled him for a tlmo,
Wo are pleased to learn this morning.
that Mr. Mowror is quite comfortable
and hopes are entertained of his re
covery. -Danville Intelligencer,
Uloomsburg Market lteuort.
Wheat per bushel 91
Oats. "
Flour per barrel
Dried Apples.....
11 UI
8 00
i M)
I 00
Sides and Shoulders
Lard Der tjound
llay per ton ... H 10 UO
Hemlock Hoards per thousand foet. .. f 10 00
l'ine ' " " (one Inch). Ia20
Joist, Scantling, I'lank, (Hemlock) ... 15 00
Shingles, No. f per thousand..... 8 ou
," " 2 " " 7 0U
Siding " ft. ...... . 18 0)
No. 1 Scotch nig I2
No. 2 ' " . ..m tio
Bloom . . S39
Light Street Markets.
Corrected weekly by Peter Ent, wholesale and
retail dealer In grain, Hour & feed and general
Wheat ner bushel SI U0
ltye 1 to
Corn 1 ou
Muck Wheat 1 ou
Oats 70
Wheat I'lour per lou lt.s 5 on
Buck Wheat 1- lour .... -1 O
Corn Chop, 2 SO
Bran, 1 )
Butter per lb 4
Keat per doz 21
l'otutoes pr bus m l'o
Dried Apples " 2 00
Smoked side meet nr lb is
" shoulder a)
" Ham "
Lord " Id is
Philadelphia Markets.
Flo it it-
North western supernno at S.j.iW fl.23
Northwestern extra. 5.5UO 0.2.1
Northwestern family 70(4 7.75
I'euusylMiula aud Western, sunernne.. S.lua0.SO
Pennsylvania and Western extra ...5.75(81 0.75
Pennsylvania anil Western family.... !.5u$11.00
Pennsylvania and Western fancy.. 11.5013.25
Hye Hour ., 18.00
Wheat Pennsylvania red, hns 51.0311.75
Southern 44 44 t2.004vS'75
California 44 , " J.20
44 white 44 M.15M0
Hye Pennsylvania rye, vuus tl.0HJ1.62
Colts Yellow, 44 tl.UK3il.Uj
White, 44 J1.I73I.17
Oats hus 70cffi75o
Pkovisions .Mess Poik, V bbl 8J1.50
Mess Beef, 44 SIJ0
Dresedllogs,lti... . SVjcSOo
Smoked Hams 44 17l-10c
44 Shoulders lb ISo
Jjird, V lb 17cLW
SKKUS Cloveiseed bus S7.0W,ill.7i
'rtmothyseed H bus 13.75
Flaxseed 44 ... J2.75
Cattle Beef Cattle lb OcaioUo
Cows, a head ?&w$M
Sheep y lb tiao
Hous V 100 lbs 816,33170
ivOSTEflADEft HO AOL AND. At the Melhn.
dlst Parsonage, KlysDurg, IM., 011 tho 1 1 tit lust..
uj imjv. jicuij a, .iieuueiiiiuii, iir. wweu 11.
L. Kosteutuder, to Miss Sarah li Hoajland,
both of Columbia county.
OMEAT.Y CASE. In ltoss, at tho resldcnco of
Mr. Henderson Hunds, April 5, IhOO, by Elder
Isaac Morrlott. Mr. T. U. Omeslv! of ltoss. mid
nty Pa.
KIKENDALL.-IU Mifflin township, on Friday
the Dili lnst. Joseph Klkcndall, ugeU'iJ years 7
iuuuiui uuu ( uuys,
READI.EH.-In Hollenuach. Aorll 10th. of Tv
pbold fever, Mrs. Lydla, wire 01 Jacob Headier,
uged 59 years 5 months and 7 days.
DEMOTT.-In Madison Apr. I5lh, Mrs. Catharine
jeuiuit in me sevcuiyiirsi year 01 tier age.
A single spark may kindle a flame that wilt
consume a city, and small ailments neglected
may end In fatal disorders, Bearing this fact In
mind, let tho first symptoms of debility or ner
vous prostration be met promptly with Invigora
ting treatment. I-'oremost among tho vegetable
tonics of tho 11 go stands HOSTETTEH'8 stomach
BITTEU9, and whenever the vital powers scum
to languish, or there Is any reason to suspect
tho animal functions csseiitlal tothesustenatlon
and purification of the body are imperfectly per,
formed, this Invaluable tnvlgorant and antiseptic
should at once be resorted to. Indigestion always
produces weakness of the bodily powers. Some
times It happens that tho appetite demands 11101 e
food than the stomach can digest; thoujli not
more, perhaps, than Is required to keep up tho
full strength of tho frame. The object, under
such circumstances, is to Increaso the digestive
capacity of the assimilating organ, so as to make
It equal to the duty Imposed upon lt by the ap
petite, aud capable of supplying the building iw
terlal tf the tystem as fast as lt Is requlreJ, This
object Is fully accomplished by tho use of the
Bitters. They tone and gently stimulate thu
cellular membraue which secretes the gastrlo
juice aud the result tt that the solvent Is min
gled with the food In sufficient quantity to con
Vert all 1U nourishing particles Into pure and
wholesome element. If, ou the other hand, there
Is a deficiency of appetite, without any corres
ponding deficiency of digestive power, the effect
of the tonic Is to stimulate a desire for food. In
nineteen eases out of twenty, hsadache, nausea,
nervousness, faiitlug-flts,,pams, and, lutleeil,
inoitof the casuaTachet and palm to whicli hu
manity Is, subject, proceed primarily from In.
dlgestloucouipllcalod with bllleusuees ; and for
both these complaints HOHTCTTEH'SHTOH ACH
DITTEHS aro recommended as a speedy and cer
tain remedy, ,
..IA.1 t.rf.iil.1 Inf.tMtl Ihft travelling
public Hint Im linn taken llio nlmvo unmcil entnb
fninnent nnil tlwrmiRhlr refit tnl tlio wiino for
ho iwtrecl convcnienco ui mn kui-u. "!""
"...v.. .11-1.1 piii. tlm Mt !h titnrket nironlK.
Tlio ehoieest liquors, wines nnd cigars nhvuys to
bo fouuu in ins unr. m.i-ri-p
Apr.!3,(i0-tf l-.spy, l'ft.
All election will bo liel.l In tlio library of tho
ntoomsbiire Stato Normal Hehool JiulldlnKs.o i
r i.t mm Imfwooii the hours of '2 o'
clock r. M.. una 4 o'clock r.t.. ol : wld d& 'or tho
purposo oi eiccunu iiiruu iVu K , rX. .
trustees of tho sold Normal Bchool, for ' Uirce
yX".-. " ivesldeuL
O. Khefhe, Secretary.
Uloomsburg, l'o. Apr. 17, 1800.
Not co is nereuy given nm; i" Ji.",;:;:r'"i'
heretofore existing Xetwcen JanicsH. M'Nlnch
hcss In Ualnwlssa. has Lien dissolved by Imita
tion of time. The books nro at tho old stand,
w here all persons having unsettled accounts, nro
requosicu 10 cm uU U',f,a,NCii"
laY T u UtTtTfAK.
Catawlssa Apr. Iff, lm-U
41, u,,hrlhnra until the Stll Of May HOXt,
for furnishing material and erecting a house for
cither of Brick or Wood, with olthtr shlnglo or
slate roof, on a foundation already prepared, on
farm Into of D.J. Waller in Ml. I'leiv-ant town
ship, nans ana specuicaviuus iu uuBij-in"! i-
o bo of two stories Kl by3 feet on tho ground.
Apr. 2!,'C9-2t
Uloomsburg l a.
M roriTf nv TtflE UltKISCir. DKCEASED,
Jettcrn of iwlmliiMtirniion on mo cbutia ui
Gconro llrclscu late oi uaxawissn iwp., umum
bla co.. dectowcU.lmvc been Granted by tha Ileali
tawnt rx.untv tn .T OK iiroitch of Cntnwlssa
twn. All perbuna having claims or demands
nnuinii tins rHitninnf tlio decedent are rcnueftteu
make payment. J03i:ni IinEISCII.
Apr. 2'1,'CO-Ot. Administrator
From the National Intelligencer, Washing
ton, 1). C
Ooon Pmsiiso Ink. Wo aro at present using
printing Ink mmuractured by Mr.r.h.Uoblnsnn,
nt the Orav's Ferry Printing Ink Works, Phila
delphia. This Ink wo regard as superior in any
Frlntlng Ink wo have used for a number of years,
t Is clear aud clean, aud now freely. Wo can
safely recommend Its uso to nil printers.
From Phllada. North American and United
Stales Gazette in nnntlipr nlnrn tho recommenda.
Hons of tha printing Ink manufactured bv Mr.
u. l-j. liouiuson, ai 1110 urny s i-erry inn ,11 hp,
lrn nrn nalnirliin Ink frnm Mr.ltolllnsoll'S works.
and nro pleased to add oar approval of It to tho
many 1 endorsements 110 uas airenuy n-ceivru
Tlio 111K is 01 excellent quality, cieur.uim y um.
m,' i'i.'i!nvAr. vnprciiTY
Will bo sold at public sale at tho residence, of
me sltiiscruier in iienion on nuuiruay wie
dny or .May ltjo, at 1 o ciock or saiu uuy me 101
lowing property 10 wn :
nnn mw and calf. .1 head oT votinor eattlo 4 calves
5 sheep and lambs, 1 wind mill, patent cutting
box, 1 corn sueiier, i nour ciiesi, i semjp bmuci,
1 shovel, forks etc.. 3 double corn plows, 1 shovel
plow, l new biiesr lur biiovui luuw,
oats, wheat, potatoes, a lot of nlckled meat.l car-i-inirrt
l hinrtrv lfnrm wn?on. 1 ltcaner it Mower.
1 set of tug harness.1 set of carrlago harness 1 set
of single harness, 1 sleigh, 1 pair of bob sleds, 10
hives Ol uees uoxes IU1ULS,I Hni, uigsci, i uu-
lng hoe, mail nuu weugo. i griuu siunu. iiaini saw,
augers, chisels, spade, 1 large Iron kettle, boxes,
1 good parlor stnve.tables, chalrs.mowing scylho,
grain cniuie, 1 ikwk tua uesiues miuu iu, u
oilier articles,
Apr.23,'C9-2t Benton, l'u.
.1 BALE,
Will bo Bold br the unJerslened Executor of
the In will ana Testament of win, Ward in late
of Centro township tn the county of Columbia
deceased. All that certain messuage and tract
of land situated In Centre township Columbia
county, adjoining inncia oi oamuci -urevenns,
George V. bhatfer, Charles Lee and David Lee,
comuinmg .
mnranrlesi.n"tunl fimnint to ha ascertllned
by Survey, about one hundred and thirty ncrci
of which Is Improved nnd in a good state of culti
vation, nnd balance well timbered. Whereon
is erected,
Ouo Flank 'dwelling House, a large bank Parn
Wnfjon Uhed.Corn Cribs, Tig Sty.Two ood Wells
of Water, one at tho barn und tho other nt the
Tinnk House, nnd n good spring of never falling
water nt tho Irani e dwelling houso with sprtug
Terms made known by nDplIcatlon either to the
uudersl;ne(l,or Edward M, Wnrdlu Uloomsburg
Columbia county la.
Ia-?so3slon of said premises will be given
Anril 1st, 1S70.
jf the aboo property Is not sold on or before
tiiu umuuy uuuuu next, iue samo win uoex-
po.ieii 10 puuuc saie on me premises.
JAMES WAR DIN, Executor,
Apr.C3,t)9-2ru Weatherly, Carbon Co., 1'a
Having enlarged our btoro Room and just
directly from the Manufacturer1, purchased for
cash, ou a declining market, w o are prepatred to
offer tho Kamo to
and the rest of Mankind, a cenernl stock, com-
firl-slng all tho kinds and qualities usually kept
n a city Hard Ware Store, suitable to the wants
oi i ne county, ax unusuauy low prices.
All thoso who are deslrlous of rmrchaslntr eorxls
In our Hue can save Money by looking In ut tho
rieae glvo us a call nnd examlno our stock Ac,
Apr. SUKMyr Uloomsburg, Fa.
Evercreens Ited Cedar, niack Rnruee and
Ravin Juniper: 111 fine Veach trees Cooltdse's
Favorite and Oldmlxon Freestone: Ctl young
Apple trees, leading sorts : Also, n lew plants of
Apple. (lutnce.Transcendent Crabsjelcct'Orapes,
uuuivucuj, iiiuuuviiiiui j,.aspuvrry luiu eruu-
meulal bjluubi.
Apr.M, GO-lw Bloomsburg, l'a.
Letters ol administration on the estate of Jere
miah Kline late of Jsckson twn. f!nlntnlili t
deceased, have been granted by the lteglsler of
Columbia county to V. H. Est of Bcolt
lowusuip. au persons having claims or
demands against the estate of the decedent are
requested to make them known, nnd those in
debted to make payment.
. .. W. II. ENT,
Apr.lO.'OD-Ot. Administrator
The subscriber oilers for sale his
11 O U B li AND LOT
situated In Scott-town. The lot has a front on
Main Htreet or llrty feet aud a depth of 211. The
House Is of Plank, two stories, and In good re
pair. A good well or water on the premises.
Immedlato possession given. The terms, which
are moderate, made known on application at the
Wagonmaker's.adJoiulngsteplieuKuorr's lilock
smith shop. j. v. EVANS.
U. w. Mauger lllooui
iieruuruoioiiuer 44
Johu Leacock 4
Koous A Clark 44
O. A. Jacoby
Wm. Ullmore 44
1. W. Ilobblns 44
11. Frank Zurr Heaver
Thos. J. Hhuiuan 44
Andrew T. Ikeler llentou
William Williams llerwlck
Xavler Wernet 44
Samuel Kostenbauder Catawlssa
John lt. lthodes 44
Jacob II. Klstler 44
Win. II, Orange 44
Stephen 11. Itahwn 44
Win, H. Clemens Centro
JohuUrover 44
Henry A. Weldeusaul Centralla
A. W. Cramer 44
Thos, O'Couner 44
Michael llatiiiou 44
Thomas (lerraguty 44
Stephen Thomas 44
Charles Coles 44
Michael O'llalr 44
ltobert Farrell 44
Mary Chapmun 44
Haulel Curiugton 44
James daunou 44
James Dowey Conyiigham
Thoines Kllkar 44
Samuel Lelby . -4
1". House
Ll. Store.
12. House
10. House
E. House
li House
.'Ullll-I .i. 41C
John L. Kline
DuiiiclT.Jl'Kleruan 44
Emaudus Unaugst
Joseph Wallace
James V, (Itilasple
Chas. 11. Dletterlch
Johu Hartmau
Isaiah Yeuger
E. Cieasy
Ludwlg Tlilcle
Joshua Wonier
Samuel llliuby
Abraham Shumaii
Aaron W. Hcss
W. It. Tubus
Win. llutler
Wm. llutler
Tubbs A Coleman
Jacob (Jood
William Mosteller
C. V, Yeaple
William l'ettlt
Samuel Kllno
l'iilltp D. Keller
U reen wood
11. House
E. House
I system naturally uudergoes u change, uud
litliutiola's Highly Concentrated Extract of bur
fcaisirllla Is an usslstaut of Hie greatest value.
, Letters' rnf- administration 25 ,. .Kl
Abraham Musselman lato of Hcnii i?1!"
imo of Beott ii;"C5tS1
Winn eliim. 5' fcSsvf?
uinbln Co. deceased, have been kraniLTI; ',
twp. All persons having claims ,i 7 7?
against tho cstatoof lhodeZ-c.lQntaro?.icl,4SSssS
mako them known, nnd those li.d"?i?g,
nnvtnenL n v "hiscM
newsier oi nam coil
Apr.lV)-0t. J&tASSjS-W
County, deceased, have been urnnLi ."AtlC
Register of said County, to MaSUl'i:i1' '. ai
mliilstrator,wliorcsldcs1ii Ml.t'leasniiir.1'1-'8 St
All persons having claims or demnnii. ?'
tho said estate nre requested to present if".-,
settlement without delay, and those Kdi?"v' "
make payment. """uweii.
Adminutniny tt
Apr, 0,'CO-et.
nftor. ti.stjitniint.nrv nn ii.a 1.. '
Letters testamentary on Mm ....... ..iwan,
Johnson, late of MU l'lcasant towiuhin v i
bin county nave ueeu granted by the ia .iouB
Columbia County to John Johnson oi ft-tnrei
ant twp. Columbia county 1-a.All p"rSA''1?I?
claims ngalnstthoestatearo requested TV1 SB
them to k. it. iKcier, or UloonnbiiiSlllO
umhla county, lVt, Those Indebted to ihl ' - i
cither on. noto, Judgment, mortgage or K'P0"
out aefr ' ' ' taiivo t
out delay
Apr. DCft
tho Injurious cirecbi or KacoPui,u.'PH fo
Washes. All such remedies close un Til .
of theskln.and Inn short tints destrin tsv VOX
plexlon. Ifyou would havo a fresh i.i.K' ,
youthful nppearance, uso Helinbo a! i ,wi's
Sarsaparllla. mill
'lhecltliensorMlfllluniidndJolnliitUj.. t
ereouestcd to meet nt Aim,,, iti.j.'pijon 1
Miniluvllle on Saturday, April illth Isc'im i .nllr.
for tho purposo of forming u M k ntln
which shall contribute n fund tni.i i .'
thieves and recovering horses stolen Si.
,nAm&t. ".itMrfcheii
disorders that aflllct mankind ,iti.4ntG
corruption of tho blood. JlelmboMi ti '
Sarsaparllla Is a remedy of the utniwtvii "ll
HEllWICK l'A. a V
WILLIAM WILLIAMS, l'ro,t:s'n'dl
This well known Hotel has been cntlrel? m
aud refurnished, with a view to tho ri'r'Wi,TlI
fnrt mil 1 rv-itl vnn anin tt minsla
A commodious Livery citable Is connect!,' mis
tho establishment. .
A License will bo obtained at May Trien4' (
Court, when the bar will bo supplied 5irno
choicest wines, liquors nnd scgars, A fain
of patronage Is requested. id th
Apr. ll.'UI-Om. (
I'AHILLA cleanses ond reuovatmii,,,
instils the vlgorof health Into the MitetVt
purges out the humors thnt make dlnuutTDU.
wANTm $!
A married man who understands farinlgiiO.'Rr
lug and tho general duties or ,;.
Superintendent of the Poor Houso una' tirSuSOl
der the directions of the Comral,Sioiitata i
laiully will bo boarded, nnd the luiiii'"8 v
stocked nnd fully supplied with all toctmiso
farming tools nnd Implements. None tti .
petont men need apply. IViOl
l-roposais win oe receivcu until April la
must bo addressed to the underst-nuii ,J4
-T, Ml 11 1 IT VI .l-'lt 4 I A3 l. .
L. KTiAitTMAN, 1-useic'1
A pr.VCa.2t. II tooiisni-EO, In tl
The undersigned has Just received froratr'dll
York, a splendid assortment of b
to which she invites tho nttentlon of tlictn'srk(
No pains havo been sparod to reuder Hit t -l 1
complete and tho ladles aro assured thati
newest, and prettiest Spring fashions sreTlU
represented. .
Apr.9,4l0-Sl. New Columbu"
A uiviuena or a per cent. In tho cnpltahl.
the Catawlssa Brldgo Co. will be paid totttt CU
holders or their legal representatives, onot j A,
April loth next nt tho oillce of thoTreiuore-01
. , .. UKUltOE B.;OILBEK,thc
Apr.O.CO-lt Trew
Main Street one door abnvo 1-. XL-mura.4..'
A largo assortment of Stoves, HesUr.',3
Ilangos constantly ou hand, and for uieiMIn
lowest rates. iiiiu
Tinning In all its branches carefully attauutlo
and satisfaction Buaninteed. . 1
Tin work of all kinds wholesale and riUO CO
trial Is requested. t ni
Apr.O.Kl-if ROl
iIentlkmen: In pursuance of an Art
i.l,iBt.,uir. cuuvicu uuriug lliu besjll
IsOJ, amendatory of the M section of itailojli
the 6th dny of May, 18il, you are hereby '
to meet In Convention, nt the Court Ha tilt'
Uloomsburg, ou the first Tuesday 111 Mi; .
being the fourth day or tho mouth, at oce.lllllt
In thounernoou,and select, vlca tocf, Itu iw,
Jorlty of the whole number uf tor ut
present, ono person of literary anil sclnirrn.
iulreiiienls,nnd of skill nnd experience tj
art of teaching, as County 8operluundt.r ?1.
the three succeedlngyears; determine ther, ,1 1,
of compensation for the Rame; andcerilff.,,lul
suit to thostato Superintendent, at llarr... 0(r
at required by tho several acts of the Up
relating thereto. JCIlll
C. G. BAUKUf w,
. .. County Sup't., Coluinmsr, U.
Apr.VCJ-lt liloomdic .Mt
THOSE WHO DESIRE llrilliplf,
of Complexion must purify and l ot'hllai
blood, wlilch Helmbold's Concentrated L"".a'
of Sarsaparllla Invariably does. Aslt to '"bla I
hold's. Take no other. u li.
gl u
SARSAl'ABtr.I,A jfort
Which so disfigure the appearance, I'l't-TiJ'
the evil eirecls of mercury and reiuovS-ng-(
taints, the remnants of DISEAdIX, taw V
or otherwise, and Is token by AUVH'inie
CHILIHIKN with perfect SAFETY. .-.ja.
thoMedleo-Chlrurglcal l!uvlow,oiill,e .flvf
the Extractor Sarsaparllla In certalnatWJ'
by Benjamin Travcrs, F. lt. H 4c. ("put-
thoso diseases, and arising Irom the U In
mercury, he states that no remedy lsr3.JI
the Extract of Barsaparllle ; Its power bee, ..
dlnarj. more so than any other drug li-4'u?1-qualnted
with. It is, lu ilie slriclest kiWM.ot
lo with this In vuluaule attribute. Unit II l Vi ,
cable ton state ol the system so suukrti,! lie
so irritable as renders other substance)4. ...
tonic class unavailable or lnjurluus. 1 HI
Eslabllshed upwards of 18 years. Preparer (h,
Apr.9,09-2m Ml Broadur,.,(HH
NO TICKETS ItEQUlltmi (on .
Nekus't uuv csiiM -100 wAsr to; ta B
Ht'UINOOl'ENlMU, ijiatt
A 11 that Is neat or new or nice, "l
T o keep cool In summer without l "j
C au ho fouud la his great pile,
II owever fastidious may he yoHrkt)1?01
E very mau, Mechanic, Merchant, wH'CrC
M ay rely upon an elegant and pc rWBaU
11 cslde Ills splendid Coats Vests anJ tolll
E vcu furnishing goodsequal to4'0'aI2
It cuicmbcrlng his reputation Is st tron
L 0 1 lie lives, let's live aud makti. f a I
I ndecd of this motto no ono comrstlt
N o customer's neglected.he spares wan'c
si peclal attentlou paid to procuracy,
best workmen nnd latest styles. apj4
t w lrtMlll;'J,J:A,'
N. W. Cor. Main and MorM'.
Mar, 20,'(
s s ft a s a a s s a ;
TOTHK woitKINUCI-Asst-lnm now r",',.l".,
to lurnlsh all classes wIluoonslauteiiiH ' IIO I
at their homes, the wholo of the time,
spare moments, ltuslucss new, Ilsht oiwi'...wi
ble. Fifty cents to U ner evening, is eaHJ .f.-p,
by nersuns or either ui. and the boys M1 . '
earn nearly as much as ineu. Urcut luauctc
are ottered those who will 'devote llnflr.'r-7.'-.
time to the business ; and, that ever) P'UUl
who sees this notice, may send me Itit-lr
und test the business lor themselves, ' ""-Tr"
following unimralleled oiler: Toall . ""j acll
well sallstleu with tho business, 1 w 1 ff -pay
for tho trouble of writing me. 'l;"SC'ri
lars. tllreotlous, Ac., sent free. Sttnipta-J'
uiall.for HI cu. Address E.C. Allen, AvVIi V
A.r.U,VJ.3m, o,
l-l, a lin,tnlnn.l ,.l ...tlru frOlSt-ft-.
business, oirers for sale his ,' " "
located near the Denot, ou the I'ack''rIW,1
llloorasburg 11. It. 'JEp'maln bulldtug i
brick 6U by Ho feet wm a slate roof, Jfi
buildings uttached. iherelsalsocouueci" ,r
ALSO, all the ttccus, stock, a ii hoifj JT
engine, aud the material usually fouud u KXt
clam Kouudry,
imrchauer con
cuJi secure an unlimited , ft"Tul
auage, Terms easy. APP.'.-vKlOn
to l'ETElt BIJI)ln4
home patronage,,
J. beuutlful complexion ,,rjl low t "OH
Helmbold's Couceutrated Extract .."aet
It removes black upots, pimples aud
lions of (he sklu. In t