THE COLUMBIAN AND DEMOCRAT, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. ' - . $1 -garmtr' gcpartmcnt. Klperlments In Gro'Tlii: Oats. tho varletlos of Whlto Oats the thrco boat nro, tho Surprl3u, Swo dish find Now Brunswick. All pf tlioso weigh from forty to forty-ilvo pounds nor bushel. Tho Illnck Now Uruns wick ixdnpts ltsolf to nciirly nil kinds of soli, nnd will yield from Mxty to oiguiy htmlinl tn 11m ncro. Ill tho thrco whlto varieties Ihero is but littlo dirfcrenco. I place tho Swo dUh tint as to quality nnd productive noss, strength of straw, nnd carllness of ripening. Tho 8imrlso Is next, nnrt the New Urunswick next. I bellovo this to bo their rclativo standing, Inking thom on all kinds of soil. Tho Now Urunswick wilt yield most on rt marl or loamy soil; tho Swedish will do boston a clay soil, nnd yield bettor than nny other va rlcty, and tho Surprlso will succeed best on alluvial, loamy and pralrlosolls.and ripens carliost. Tho Swedish ripens second, tho Now Urunswick third, and tho Ulack Now Urunswick fourth. Tho Ilamsdoll Norway ripens fifth, being both tho poorest In quality nnd quanti ty mid last to ripen on tho farm. It yielded less per aero than any othcr,and welched only thirty pounds per bushol, whllo tho common sldo oats weighed 30 pounds nnd yielded from thirty to for ty bushels per ncro. Tho yield of tho dlireront varieties was ns follows : Swo dish, olghty-flvo bushels per acre; Sur prise, eighty bushels per ncre; New Urutmwlck, seventy bushels; Black Now Brunswick, seventy bushels; Norway, thlrty-rtvo bushels; common Black Po land, forty bushols; common Whlto Oats, forty bushels. One grain of Swedish produced 1200 grains; ono grain of Surprlso produced 1210 grains; ono grain of Now Bruns wick produced 1100 grains; ono grain of Norway produced COO grains; one grain of Black Poland produced 800 grains; ono grain of common White Oats produced 8G0 grains; undone grain of Itocky Mountain Oats produced 1000 grains from twelve stalks. These different varieties wcro all weighed and tho grains counted, nnd planted on ono kind of soil, and received thosamo treatment. Tho accuracy of tho experiment was somewhat Inter fered with by cattle breaking into the field and destroying or damaging each kiud somewhat. Tho experiment will be tried again this spring with n thou sand grains oach, of twenty different varieties. As far aa tho experiment was success ful, however, it is plainly seen that tho Swedish, Surprlso and New Brunswick uro tho best whlto varieties, and tho Black Now Brunswick tho best Black Oats. I have seen it stated that tho Norway and Surprlso have yielded ono hundred and fifty bushels per acre, ami tho state ments had farmers' names attached to them. Somo have gono so far us to as sort that live hundred bmliels could bo raised from a sluglo aero. Individuals making theso statements must have learned somo process unknown to the rest of mankind, or their bushols must bo much smaller, and their acres much larger than those In common use. Wo would advise those who feci discouraged because they cannot approximate theso fabulous figures not to despair. They aro in no immcdlato danger of finding any person who has seen nny of theso wonderful yields. Whore thero is ono farmer who raises n hundred bushels of oats to an ncre, weighing thirty-two lbs. to a bushel, thero aro thousands who ratso less than fifty. It Is always tho cheapest plan,though, to buy tho best seed that can bo had, oven though thepricols very high. And if possible procuro and sow seveial va rieties, and exerclso yotir own Judg ment ns to which variety will best suit your locality nnd soil. Thero is tho same diversity with oats as there is in tho ease of wheat, nnd experienco nlono will determine which is best. At the same time I would not recommend to farmers to Indulge In fancy varieties at from ten to twenty dollars per bushel, which prices are often asked, and moru than should bo paid. For tho purpose of experimenting, I have procured oats which cost mo twenty-three dollars por bushel, and iu small quantities some which woro still moro expensive. lie perhnenlal Farm Journal. Early or late Planting or Cons? I believo that by early planting, say from tho Uli to tho 10th of Mny, the farmer Is more certain of a good yieM. I will admit that lato planting will sometimes bring as good a crop as that which was planted earlier, but to do so it requires a very favorablo season. I havo known a good crop raised from seed planted as late as tho 5th of June, but tho season was very favorable, and the corn received no "backsets," and liad nothing to do but grow, it seems that after tho plant has reached a ccr tain Btngo it la not materially injured by dry weather. All practical' farmers know that if the ears aro not well filled In August there will not bo n largo croi after this tho corn will harden, but will not increase in quantity or size. Although ns a general thing early planting Is tho best, yet on wet soils thero will bo littlo or nothing gained by It. It has always been my plan to plant early nnd drop an extra grain In each hlir. Tho number of grains required must depend on tho euro taken lu tho selection of tho seed. This is nn item which Homo, oven our best farmers, nro too carcass about. Tho plan which I pun-mo is as follows: Whllo cutting tho corn, nil iho best nnd largest ears uro left standing, that they way get fully ripo. I always chooso twice as much as I expect to use; when tho corn is gathered the oecd cars aro husked and placed on tho slats ovor tho kitchen, whero they remnln until Spring. Just beforo planting timo they aro sorted over, nnd those having tho smallest coos In proportion to tho length or depth of tho grain, aro selected for scod. Tho noxt operation is to shell 3 Inches from tho point nnd ono inch from the butt, and uso tho remainder for seed. This may seem to eomo to bo too much trouble, but rest assured that "It will pay," nnd that well, Another great mistake Is, to havo too many stalk in tho hill. On strong ground thrco or four italka will pro tlttoo mow corn than five. I havo proved by actual experiment that corn raUed front Deed taken from Urn middle of the ear will ripen from tw U tUrec weeks earlier than that la- unworn cither end. CoiWltAIHKK. I 1 0V t ilOUllfl ohfi. Irlnre Clin I, Concluded. Onu morning that they brought him his littlo roll for his breakfast, ho had a fancy to go and cat It In tho garden of tiiornmce. no look it lnhlsmoutl and walked towards a cuinl which ho knowwasn short distance olT: hut ho could nowhero find It, mid In Its placo ho saw a largo mansion, tho exterior of which blazed with gold nnd precious stones. IIo observed in it nu Immense number of persons of both soxes mag nificently dressed : they sang and danc ed, and fared sumptously within tho building; but nil tlmo whocamo out of it wero pale, thin, eovorcd with wounds, and nearly naked, for their clothes wcro torn Into shreds. Somo fell dead as they Issued from It without having strength to drag themselves n step further; others proceeded witli great dllllculty; whilst somo remained lying on tho ground dying of hunger and begging u morsel of bread from thoso who cntored tho house, but who did not vouchsafe a look nt thom. Clicrl npproached uyoung girl who trying to tear up some grass to eat; touched with compassion, tho Prlnco said to himself, "1 havo a good appetite, but I shall not dlo of hunger If I wnlt lilt dlnner-tlmo nnd sacrifice my breakfast to this poor creature ; perhaps I shall savo her life." Ho resolved to act on this good Impulse, and placed his bread In tho hand of tho girl, who put it to her mouth with avidity. Sho soon appear ed quite restored by it; and Chori, transported with joy nt having so op portunely conio to her relief, was nnout to return to tho Palnco when ho heard loud cries. It was Zello In tho hands of four men, who dragged her townrds tho mansion, which they forced her to en ter. Cheri then rogretted his form of a monster, which would havo afforded him tho means of rescuing Zelio, but a poor littlo dog as ho was, ho could only bark at tho ravishers and strivo to follow them. They drove him nway by kicks ; but ho resolved not to quit tho spot, and find out what had become of Zelle. IIo reproached himself for tho misfortunes of this beautiful girl. 'Alas I" said ho to himself, "lam in dignant with thnso who havo carried iier otr. Havo I not committed tho samocrlmo myself? and if tho Justico of tho gods had not frustrated my at tempt, should I not havo treated her with thosamo barbarity?" Tho reflections of Cheri wcro inter ruptcd by a noiso which ho heard above his head. IIo saw u window open ; and hlsjoy was extreme when ho perceived Zelie, who throw from this window a plateful of meat so well dressed that it mado lilm hungry to seo it. Tho win dow was shut agaiu Immediately ; and Cheri, who had not eaten all day, was about to devour tho me,at, when tho young girl to whom ho had given tho bread uttered a cryand having taken him In her arms, "Poor littlo animal." said she, "do not touch that food; this nouso is tiio I'alaco of voluptuousness , nil who eomo out of it nro poisoned." At tho samo moment Cheri heard a voico which said, "Thou sccstu good action never remains unrecompensed ;" and Immediately ho was changed into a beautiful littlo white pigeon. Ho re membered that this color wasthofavor- ito ;ono of Candid, and began to hope that sho might at length restoro him to her good graces. IIo was desirous of rejoining ZoHo; nnd rising in tho air, Hew all round tho palace, and found with joy ono window open : but in vain did ho traverse all tho building ho could not find Zelie. In despair nt her loss.ho resolved not to rest till ho should meet with her. IIo flow for several days, and having entered n desert, ob served it cavern which ho approached. How great was his delight! Zelio was seated thero by thusidoofn venerable hermit, and sharing with him a frugal repast. Cheri ilewou tho shoulder of tho lovely shepherdess, and expressed by ins caresses tho pletvsuro ho felt at boo ing her. Zolle, eharmed with tho gen tleness or tho littlo creature, stroked It gently with her hand, and although sho thought it could not understand her.sho told It that wheaceeptcd the gift It mado horof itself, and that sho would always lovo it. " What havo you done, Zelio?" said tho hermit. "You havo plighted your faith." "Yes, charming shepherd ess, " said Cheri to her, who resumed his natural form, "tho termination of my metamorphosis was dependent on your consent to our union. You havo promised nlways to lovo me, confirm my happiness, or I shnll hasten and im plore tho Fairy Candid, my protectress, to restoro mo to tho form under which I havo had tho happiness of pleasing you." "You need not fear her incon stancy," said Candid, who, quitting tho form of tho hermit undor which sho had been concealed, appeared beforo them lu her proper person. "Zelio loved you from tho first moment sho saw you; but your vices compelledher to conceal tho pasalon with which yon had Inspired her. Tho change in your heart leaves her nt liberty to show her afioctlon for you. You will 11 vo happily, because your union will bo founded on virtuo." Chori nnd Zelio threw themselves nt tho feet or Candid. Tho Prlnco was never tired of thanking her ror hor goodness, and Zelie, enchanted to find that tho PrJneo detested his former evil ways, confirmed to him tho Fairy's avowal of her affection. "Ms, my children," said tho Fairy to them, "I will transport you to your Paluco, and restoro to Cheri a crown of which his vices had rendered him unworthy." uuruiy iuhismo finished speaking when thoy found themselves in tho chamber of Sullman, who, charmed to seo his dear master orco moro become virtuous. abdicated tho throuo, nnd remained tho most ralthful of his subjects. Cheri reigned for n long period with Zelio; and It is said that ho npplicd himself so well to Ids duties, that tho ring, which ho again wore, novcr onco pricked ids linger soverely enough to draw n singlo urop or dioou A certain littlo damsel, havinir been aggravated beyond endurunco by her big brother, plumped down upon her knees nnd cried: "O Lord I bless my brother, Tom. IIo lies, no steals, ho swears; all Lous do; u glrJs don't. Anion." "Dootob," said a desnalrlne natlont tohU physician, "I'm In n dreadful state I can neither lay nor Ut t what thall I dot"' "Why, then," ropllod tho doctor, "You'd hotter roost." MISCELLANEOUS. ill LIFE INSURANCE CO. OPTI1K UNITE!) STATES OP AMKUICA, WASHINGTON, II..C. ciiAUTUiinniiYHrKCiALAOTopcoNaiiisss Aituoveu July 23, 1S08, CASH CAPITAL, - $ 1,000,000. I'AID IN FELL. 1111AN01I off last VI KST NATIONAL BANK liniLDINO, PHILADELPHIA, Wlicro tho general business of tlio Company Is transacted, ami to which all general correspon dence should bo nddrosscd. OITIOEUS! CLARENCE II. CfiAUIC. President, JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Committee. HENRY D. COOKE Vlco-l'resldcnt. EMERSON W. TEET, Secretary nnd Actuary. This Company oners tho following advantages: It li a National Company, Chartered by special net of CoiiKress. ISO. It has n paid-up capital of !l,000,000. It offers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger Insurance than other com panies for tho samo money. It Is dcflnlto and certain In Its terms. It Is ahome company in every locality. lis policies aro exempt from attachment; There nro no unnecessary restrictions In tho policies. Every policy Is non-forfeltablo. Follces may bo taken which pay to the Insured their full amount, and return all tho premiums, so that tho Insurance costs only tho Interest on tho annual payments. No extra rato Is charged for risks upon tho lives of females. It insures, not to pay dividends to policy-holders, but at so low a cost that dividends will bo lmnosslblo. Circulars, ramphtels and full paitlculars given on application to the Urancii onico or me compa ny, or to E. W. CLARK A CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. JOEL E. BRADLEY, llloomsburg Pa., Bpcelal Agent for Montour Columbia Counties Feb. 19,'0'J.-lyr. JJ NFAILING EYE PRESERVERS. Messrs. LAZARUU A MOBIH8, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS HAKTlOIll), CONN.. navc,wllhi.vlowlonicottho Increased demand for their o i: L i: It It A T E D PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WEBB, HTATlONEIt,. II I. O O JC 8 B U It O, l'A As thelrsoloAgent for this place. They havo taken care to give all needful Instructions, and have conlldcnco In tho ability of their agents to meet tho requirements of nil customers. An op portuulty will bo thus afforded to procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED TIY ANY FOE THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PIIESER- VINO QUALITIES, Too much cannot bo said as to their SUPERI ORITY over tho ordinary glasses worn. There Is no glimmering, wueerlna of the tight, Uizziness, or othoruuplcasant sensation, but on tho contrary, from tho peculiar construction of the Lenses they aro soothing ami pleasant, causlug a fccllug of relief to Iho wearer, and PRODUCING A CLEAR nnd DISTINCT VISION, as In tho natu ral health sight. They arc tho only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT I And aro the CHEAPEST because ways lusting man V vkaiw without chango be ing necessary. CAUTION. Hiss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, BLOOMSB UllO PA., Is tho ONLY Agent appointed in tills place. J5- WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. 10,-03,ly. E HAVE NO TRAVELING AGENTS Farmers and Dealers who send their orders direct to us, can avail themselves of the LOWEST PRICES And sure the Commission. Early orders will bo advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES. MANUFACTUKKltS or IMPROVED HUPEItr-PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME, AND THE A'JIMONIATBI) FERTILIZER. PERUVIAN GUANO. We tell only No. 1-rtcotred direct from Uie Government. FISH GUANO. A splendid Manure pocked lu barrels. Wo alio offer for sale Push Land 1'LAsruu, Hvduaulicj Ckiiekt und a full assortment of Oils nnd Caudles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL JSR3. ALLEN & N E E D L 112 South Dolawaro Avcnuo, dolphin. E S , Phlla- roiTAllLIHUED IN 1813. "For sale by THE ULOOMHISURU IRON CO., Veb. lD.'M-lm. llLoouauuito pa. gNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, Mautlticturen ana Jobbers of MKH'H AHD HOYS' CLOTHING, Va. K3 lluxtl, and 623 Uoumtroe BUeet, Philadelphia. "J.ET THIS BEST. .TMuusoM'a Cupper Tubular IJBuUiiog I tod is the but prtwihuiMalnstOlsasUriiyTlgliUlnc ever tuvuedo. Tho aubtcrUwr U agent for tho lovenuou, urui nil oruen ny wall ur lu ersou will be promptly attended to. MaylS.'IW r U.II.11IDLEMAN. 1111 jyr A T I O N A L DRY GOODS. TITILLER'S STORE. FRESH ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Tho subscriber lias Jnst returned from tho cities with another large and select assortment of SPRINQ Al.'D SUMMER GOODS, purchased In New York and Philadelphia al the lowest nguro, nnd which ho Is determined tn sell on ns modoralo terms ns can bo procured else where In llloomsburg. His stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together with n largo assortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of the following articles s Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Cosslmcres, Shawls, Flannels, Bilks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarware Queensware, Hardware Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, HoopNots, , Umbrellas, Looklcg-Glossoj, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, Teas, Rico, Allspice, Olngor, Cinnamon Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ne Invites the attention of the publlo generally. Tho highest prlco will be paid for country produce In exchange for goods. S. II. MILLER A SON. Arcade ilutldlngs, llloomsburg, Pa. HREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LIGHT STREET, or FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received and has on hand nt his old stand in Light Street, a large nnd select ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purchased at the lowest figure, and which he determined to sell on as moderate terms as be procured elsewhere In Light Street, for cash on couxTitr vroducr. His slock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery, Carpets, Bilks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnetts, Casslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. AC, in &a GROCERIES, MACKERal., Queensware, Cedarware, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Ac. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, In short everything usually kept In a country Btore. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market prlea paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1SG7. J J. B R O W E R, Is now oOcrlug to the publlo his Stock of ' P 11 IN G GOODS consisting In part of a full line of INGRAIN. WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Flue cloths and cassimere for Ladles' coats, HANDSOME dJIeSS GOODS, of all patterns and qualities, Inlalds and Prints of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, AND BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES' & CHILDREN'S GAITERS & BOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLA83 AND QUEENS-WAKE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In ono-half and one-fourth barrels. Now Is the tlmo to inako your selections, as I am offering goods at very low prices, and our motto Is fair dealing to all, and not to be under sold by any. J. J. B ROWER. llloomsburg, April 12, 1807. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 ATM. T. HOPKINS Has Removed lilaMonufuctory aud Salesrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT, ST. FHILaDKLPJIIA, Wherohls "Own Mnlte"of ChnmpIonlloopSklrts, especially adapted to Flrst-clasa Wholesale and Jitlatt Trudo, well bij found to embrace thu most extensive ussortmentlnllio Union, nnd all the latest and inostdcblratUeStyleH, Bhnpes.Lengtha and Hleeu, 2, 2, yards round, of Main nnu uorcu I'uuiers, wuiiuuk nttiris, jirct-jHiuu varieties of Mines' and Children's Skirts, all or wulchfoi symmetry of style, tinlsb, Uglitncsd, ela<oUv, durability and real Cheapness, are un couuledbvunv other eoods In the market, nnd ara warranted In every respect. Hklrts made to oruer. Aiiereu nnu jiupuireu, wiioicbuiw uuu Itetall. FullUnes of Low Triced Eastern Mode Skirts, 15 Hprlugs,U5CenU;2U Springs, 45 Cents; 25Sprlng. 65 Cents; 'M Springs, ( Cents; and 40 Springs, 75 COltSETS I CORSETS II CORSETS.!! 67 dif ferent Btyles and prices, from 75 Cents to 87.00. eiubracluK It. Wortloy'Becke 1," Glove FUtlnis," Madam Foy's Corset Skirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Fatten t 'HelfAdjustli.y Abdominal" uorHCLS. rencii. l'.nuiisii ana uomenuo nauu made Corbels, and superior French Patterns of uoieu iortei, "uur uwn juane," to wnicn we in vite especial attention. Complete assortment of Ladles Under Gar ments, at very low prices. GENERAL AGKNT for tho RARTRAM AND FAN TON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, su nerlor to anv other before the nubile. Flliv-two of these No. 1 Machines, Price &5 each, are being f'lvenaway loourcuBUJiuurtvuorueriogev lueiii n traduced. Kvcrv nerson In want of articles In our line, should examine our coods before nur- chaslng elsewhere. Call or bend for circulars, at our Manufactory and Bulesroomn.No. lllM'liewt- nuisi., i'liuaucipuia, wai i. iiuuvirto. iuar.iti'UU-3in, 1869. SPRING 1869. OrBNlNQ or NEW SILKS, OrEHXsa Of NEW SHAWLS, Oi'kmino of NEW CHINTZES, oi-enikq or mew roruNs, Kullstock of STAl'LE and FANCY SPRING GOODS. EYRE A. LANDEIiIi, J OCIIIII AND AIIC1I BTItEKTS, Philadelphia, Mar, M.'CD-M. T EIIIGH VALLEY AORICULTU- XJ RAI. CHEMICAL WORKU. IJREINia & HELERICH, WANUVACTUnEllS. Off IIREINia'S COMPLETE RONE MANURE. A concentrated manure combining the reliable fcrtlllzlngpropertiesof BONE DUST orOROUND BONE, with the active elements of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OE LIME. NOTICE. Wo prepare but thu ono nrtlcle, f;uarunteelug It as standard, reliable and uni. urin. Iowcr grades aud variations In quality to suit UllUrent Ideas of urlet-s um amiurullv lr... tluced by different proportions of udulturailon. runner. 1-uunuve iiiuuey uy rouuciug me quali ty themselves. We uso ouly llono aud no I'luw pliailoUuanofor Phosphate of Lime, Send for '-farmers' MauureUulde," Fur tale at Mauufue. turer's rato by A. J. ALIIERTSON, Rohrsburg, Pa, J. J. UOUIIINH Co. Uloomsburg Pa. Mar.I9,'W-ux. WALTER hCOlT.CutawisiuPo. A Z U R E N E. 'Concentrated Indigo.) fOIl THE LAUNDR. t U warranted not to streak. or lnftiivimmnf.. Injure tlie lineal fabrics. Mill FAMILY UHi: Sold In PIVR iil TVS oonts. and TWENTY cent. hoxe. Kaah TWbNTYconts box,tMwldea having PrVE TIMES a. much blue as the VI VKct-ms bux.cou- ... iw-n , .... wiiuwi ur dui7 ulMl. Vat Ilolel and largo lAundrr iue. It U put up In IJOuuoxos. nee mui eacu llox luui proper 'i'rad. MarV. lor sale by H. II. M11XER Js SON. IlleOBistmrg Pa, I'ib. 12,'ia-2iuo. RAIL ROADS. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAIL WAY, On and after May luth 1CCS, Trains will leave Non-rut) unr.nLAND ns follows I NORTHWARD. 425 A. M.. Bally to Wllllamsnort, (except Bunday) forKlmlrn, Canandalgua, Rochester, Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, nnd N. Falls, CM p. Dally, (except Hundnys) for Klnilra and Biillalu via Krle ltallwny from Klmlra. all) r. !., I)ally,(cxccitBuudA)s) for Williams- port. TRAINS SOUTHWARD. IV A.M. Dally (except Monday's) for Baltimore. WILMINGTON AND l'HIIiADKU'HIA. 0..10 l'.M. Dally (except Hunday's) for Baltimore Washington uud I'ullndelpliln. KD. a YOUNO, Ucncrnl l'assonger Agent. T ACK AAV ANNA AND RLOOMS- XJ BUllU RAiLAOAD On nnd ftjr Nov 30th, 110S, PassengerTralus will run as follows! Going North, Going South. Arrlvo Arrtvo Lcnvo Leave rt. m. n. in. it. in. n. in. Scrantou u .45 10.00 4.10 S.23 ... Lcavo Plttstnn... 0.10 10,'S 4.47 S.65 Kingston ......... x.ti) 0.U) 5.-i'. e:a Plymouth x.'l 0.30 bX Hhlckshlnny.,.. 7.3? two 0.1 7.10 Berwick 0.M K.2S 0.M 7.53 Bloom 0.05 7.W 7.a-l WW uanvmo .6.20 8.20 i.o Leave Leave Arrive Arrive North'd 4.41 6.10 U.tS 0.43 Connection made ntHcrantonby the 10.50 a.m., .iHiii mr ureal. iienu, jnugnanuou, Aiuauyauu nil points North, East and West. D. T. BOUND, Bup't. 1S0S. 1S08. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE JL liAU.UUAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. TIIKOUQI1 AND SlnECT ROUTE BETWEEN P1I1LA- riKM'jiiA, BALTiMonK, nAimiunuito, WIL- LIAM31-OHT, AND TI1K GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA, ELEOANT BLEEPING) CARS On all Night Trains. On and after Monday, Nov. 2!rd 1803, the Trains on t he Philadelphia & Erlo Rail Road will WESTWARD. mail TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.1.3 p.m. ' " " Northumbcrland..0.10 a.m. ......... "nt Krle ...0.50p.lul RIllR VVntll-uu tn.ii.. ...... " Nort'd U.Miun. LLMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 8.00 a.m. ' " " North'd .1.2,"ip.m arr. at Lock Haven ....7.15p.m, EASTWARD. MAIL, TRAIN leaves Erie 10.6.5 n.m. " " " North'd 'i3ja,m. " nrr.ntPhlladclnhla ..lo.ooa.m. ERIE EXPRESS leaves Erie... " " " Nort'd .;i0a.mi Mall and Express connects Willi Oil Creek and Allegheny River Hail Road. Baggage checked A. L TYLFIt. General Superintendent, Wllllamsport, CATA"V1SSA RAILROAD On aud after MONDAY, Nov. 23, im. Passenger ............. .tuiiumi Yf 1.1 i UU HbUll followlug named hours ; Jti(I Hoth. stations. Mall North Dep. 7.50 a,m Wllllamsport. Arr, 0.16 p. m. Muncy. Uep, 6.11 " Wnlsontown. " 6.12 " Milton. 4.35 Danville. " 4.10 " Rupert. " a.53 " Cutawlssa. " 3.35 " ltingtuwn. " v.a " Summit. " i,5o " ytt:.., :: .. :: " K.60 " " 0.10 " " 0.52 " " 10.12 " " 10.25 ' " 11.40 " " 12.30 p.m. " 12.4 " 1.U) 11,15 "Dlno.Tamuqua. Dlue.' ' liio ' A '1 Arr. 0.45 lunuiiig. w.w n,HL. I'lillndelphla. " 8.15 " , ( To Now York via. Read r roin New York via. i 7.00 No Cliangoof cars between Will famsport aud Philadelphia. OEO. WEU11 Suy't. READING RAILROAD. WINTER AR RANGEMENT, Dec. Hth, 180H. Great Trunk Line trom the North and North west forl'hlludelphla.New York, ltcaulng. Polls ville, 'fnmaqua, Ashland, Bhamokln Lcbauou AlleuUiwu, Easton, Ephiulu, Htlz, Laucasler, Columbia, etc., Trulus leavu Harrlsburg for New York, as fol lows: At 3,50, 5,50 und 8,lo a. in., 12,10 noon und 2,05 .tlo,ooi.iueounectiug with similar trains on tho l"u. Itulliuud, uud urilvlug at New York at 11,00, a.iii., & 12,20 noon & 3,50 7,00 & 10,05 p. in, nnd 0.1.5 u. m respectively, bleeping curs accom pany lhe3,50 a. in., ana 10.50 p.m. trains without clmuge. Iuvo Hurrlshurg for Reading, Pottsville, Ta muquu, Mlnersvllle, Ashland, uliauiukln Pine Grove, Alleutowu A Pnila'd, ut 8,10 tun., it 2,05 & 4,10 p.m., sluiiplug at Lebanon uud principal way stailons;tho4,!0piu.tru!usmuklugcnut.'cilons!or Phlludemlilauud Coluinbiiitiiitv. Vnr i'tiuvtu Schuylkill Huveu and Auburn, via Schuylkill uud busquchuunu lUIIroud, leave llarrlsburg at 3,30 p.m. Reluming: Leave New York at o.oo u.m. uud 12.U01U., uud 6,10 and 8,00 p.m. Phlladcl- UlllU Ut 8.16 a. 111. Ulld 3.30 n. til. KlMnlnuraru uccoiupuuy tho o.ou u. iu., uud 5,10 ands.oop.m.. trains irum N.Y.wltliout chauge. Way Puiseuger Trulu leuves Philadelphia at 7,.x) a.m.,coiiutctrng Willi similar train on liast Pa. railroad relurnlug Irom lteudlng al ojiop.m stopping nt all stations; leave PottvIlleat7,su8,i5u.ui.,uuu2,15p.iii.shaiuo kln ut 6.25 a. m.,Ashiand ut 7,uua.m and Uio y.iu., Tamaqua ut 8,30 n. in., and 2,20 p.iu for l'hlla delphlu. Leave Pottsville for llarrlshurr'llrlll and Susquehanna Itallroad at 7,10 a.m, uud 11,30 a. m.. for PlueUroveuuil Ti-tnimit. Reading Accommodutiou Train leaves IteadluK at 7,30 a.m., returning from Philadelphia ut 4.1 p.m. ' Pottstown Accommodation Traln:leaves Potts town at 0,45 a.m. returning, leaves Philadelphia at 4,00 p.m. r Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7,00 tun., and 0-15 p.m. for Ephratu, Lltlit, Laucas- Perklomcn ltallRoadTralnKipj.vA Junction at 0,15 u.m., and 6.30 p. m. Returning Leave Bklppuckut 8.10 a.m., and 12,45 p.m., con- ...... ...u..u. .ti.iuauu hcuuiug luiuroau On Sundays, leave New Ynrlr nr. mini,, tn im.h. adelphla 8,oo u.m. nnd 3,15p.m., the 8,00 n.m. truln running ouly to Reading. Pottsville 8,00 a.m.; llarrlsburg 60 a.m.and 4,10 aud 10,50 p.m., and Reading pi 1.03 and 3,oO nnd 7,15 a.m. for Harris- urns, i,n. u,. uuu a.m. lortew xora, and 4,2o p.m. for Philadelphia. Cotnmntnt Ion, Mileage, Season, School and Ex cursion ticket to and Irom ull points, nt reduced rates. Baggage cheeked through ; 180 pounds allowed to each passenger. u. a. mi:(jL.i.-4. General Supeiluteudeut, Reading, Pa., Dee, II, Htm, DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA, & WESTERN RAILROAD. Winter nrrauge meut.lS6S.lj0. Trains leave n.3 fnllnwui WESTWAIIB. EASTWARD. Mall STATIONS. Mall A.M. O.OOi 7.30 Now York...,.., .....Philadelphia ....New Hampton... Washington .... Oxford BrldKevllle. ..Mauunka Chunk.. Delaware Mount Bethel Water Gap ..Stroudsburg Snraguevillu Henryvllle ...Oakland ..r-orks Tobyhanna .......Gouidsboro Moscow .., Dunning Greenville ..Scrantou........ Clark's Summit. Ablnglon ...Factor) vllle........ Nicholson. .Hopbottom. Montroso ......... New Mllford Great Bend 4.45 0.20 2.40 2.21! 2,10 2.00 1JV) 1.45 1.20 I. 05 12.51 12.11 12.31 12.11 11.50 11.37 11.21 11.00 10.50 10.38 10.20 0.30 0.48 0.05 0.40 5.50 II. 21 5.25 0.00 6.01 8.43 4.'A 8.SI 3A5 7.60 3.80 7.10 6.50 A.U l'.M 11.15 11.30 11.47 11.67 12.05 i-i iiil 12,40 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.4S 2.U5I 2.20! 2.40 8.02 3.13 A.M. 3.2i 10.301 11.11)1 SMI 4.17, 4.25. 4.4l! 6.01 11.30 12.00 12,'i' 13.5! 6.SI 5.45 0.00 0.25 1.20 1.50, Dinner and supper at Delaware station. Connections. At New Hampton, with Central R. It of New Jersey, for New York.Elliabt-th.PlalnfleldBomcr-vllle. liittoii. it. ' At Washington .with Morris & Essex It. R for new mm, jewuri, morruiown, Jiackctlsiown, Lasloit. Aa. At Mauunka Chunk, vtllh Belvldero IU-1 a ware f 1 niiaucipnia, Ttcnlou, 1'hlillpsburg, Relvidere. Ac. ' ' ..A: Scranton, with Ijicliawanua it Bloomsburg R. It., for Pituion, Wlikisbnrre, llloomsburg.Ru- .................. -,ui,tuiiii,ciiuiiu,au, itiso, Willi Delaware. & Hudson R. It., lor Olyphuut, Arch bald, and Curboudale. At (Jreatlienil.wllhErloRallwoy, for Bingham ttui, l-.lmlra, llullulo, Ithaca., Syracuse, and O'wego. R, A. HENRY, Gen, Pass, and Tkt. Aguut. QOLUMBIA HOUSE, I1Y BERNARD HT O 11 N EH. jiAvinii luiK.y purcuaseu anu nucu up Hie well-known ltoblson Hotel Property , located a fEW DOOIIS AllOVE TI1K CXJUIIT HOUSE, ou the same side of the street. In the town of 1 l-xunsburg; and having obtained a license for the same as a RESTAURANT, the Proprietor has determined to give to the peo ple visiting tho town on business ur pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM, HIS Btabllnff also 1. ati.1 I. ... to put buggies aud carriages In the dry. He prom lses that everything about bis eslablUbiuenlshall be conducted tn au orderly and lawful manner: and be respectfully solicit, a share of the publlo I atronage, fmyl7'07-4)m. Q W. DLABON A CO., Manufacturers of 01 L CLOTHS AMD WINDOW UUADES, WwebouM, No, IU ItorUi Ttiird btreet I'hnaaelpbla. GROCERIES, &c., c ONFEOTIONER Y. Tim nnitArslffTietl would resncctfullr announce to tho publlo that he has opened n FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY BTORE, In the building lately occupied by Bernard Htoh ner, whero he Is prepared to furnish all Kinds of PLAIN A FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AO., AC, AC. nr WHOI.ESAI.R on retail In short, a full assortment of all goods In his line of business. A great vnrlcty of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for the Holidays. Particular attention given to DREAD AND OAKEB, of all kinds, fresh every day, CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OH1STMAS TOYS. A call Is solicited, nnd satisfaction will be guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1867. ECKHART JACOBS. -REMOVAL OF O. O. MARR'S NEW STORE to siriVE's hlook, ON THE CORNER OT MARKET AND IKON STREETS. The undersigned having received from the city a fitU nnd complete Bnpply ol SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AND W1LLOW-TTARE, CONFECTIONERY, GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, II A a S AND SHOES, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, nil of which I proposo selling nt a very low figure ror cash or produce 49-Call nnd see. April 12, 1S07. c. C. MARR. G RAND OPENING IlllANI) OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING GRAND OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER OOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODS FALL AND WINTER GOODs consisting ol consisting of consigns of mnslstlng of consisting of DRY GOODS. DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAI. HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS' HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS! BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES HOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES; READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MA DK CLOTI 1 1 NO READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHIffo; LOOKING-GLASSES, LOOKING-GLASSES LOO K I N G-G IiAHNES; looking-glasses! lookino-g lasses; NOTIONS. notions; NOTIONS NOTIONS notions; paints and oils, paints and oils paints and oils paints and oils paints and oils, groceries, groceries groceries; groceries, groceries, tHIEENSWARi:, IIUEENSWARK tiUEENSWAItU tiUEENSWARE (lUEENSWARE HARDWARE, ' HARDWARE, HARDWARE HARDWARE HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE TINWARE, TINWARE tinware; SALT, SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH, FISH F1T1I FISH, GRAIN AND SEEDS, GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND SEEDS GRAIN AND HEEDS, AC., Ac AT NEAL MuKELVY, mckelvy; mckelvy! mckelvy, mckelvy, Northwest corner ol Northwest corner of Northwest corner of Northwest tornpr nr CO.'S, CO.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. CO.'S. NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL Main nnd Market Streets, Main aud Market Streets, Slain and .Market Streets, Main aud Market Street, Northwest to rner of -mii.u urn iiiuiaeb mrceis, BLOOMSBURG, PA HLOOMSIIURO PA BLOOMSBURG PA., HLOOMHHURO PA BLOOMSBURG, PA. IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAILS! In large quantities nud at reduced rates, alway on hand. ' CIIICKERING & SONS, Manufacturers of GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANOS Received tho First Grand Gold Medal, and still higher recompense. THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR at the UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION, PARIS, 1S07. These wero tho highest awards of the Exposi tion, and tho house of Chickkrino A Sons was the only one so honored. In tho United Slates we have been awarded Sixty-nine Finsr Premiums In direct coinpo tltlon with the lending manufacturers of the country, ind ntllio Gnat Exhlhitlou in London wo received tho highest award given to any manufacturers In the United Slates. Total Sov-enty-ono First Premiums, and tho most flatter Intc testimonials Irom tho leading urtlstsof tho World. WAItEKOOM : NO. 11 EAST FOURTEENTH BT., NEW YORK, Between Broadway and Fifth Avenue. Feb. 6,'ii0,3mo. OMETIIING NEW. The Iil.m Ipav. i.. i..r...... i. opened lu"1 "'B 1,ub" Beui;r'llyi that she has BLOOMSIIUHG, of good, In the lino of a fresh stock MILLINERY mill TRIMMINGS lu connection with Dress Making: and Is pre pared lu addition, to COLOR STRAW HATS on tho shortest notice, and lu the best stylo of the art. Prices cheap uud work satisfactory, . , , . . MRS. E. KLINE. Light Street, October 4, 1807, H. with V. PETERMAN, LIPPlNOOTT A TROTTER, WHOLESALE OROCERS, No. 21 North Water Street, and No. 20 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia. H. WALTER, ' Late Walter A Kaub, Importer und Dealer In CHINA, GLABS, AND QUEENS WARE,, No, 421 Market Street, r Philadelphia. JOHN STROUP & CO., Bticoetaots to Htroup A Broliur, WHOLES ALH DEALiUW IN mmt MU. 24 Nth Wbarvu, tnd 2J Ntrlli WaUrBt., Philadelphia. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Fa, Tho subscriber, proprietor of the above! amed exicnslve cslabllshmcnt, Is now prepared to re eclvo orders for all kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES BLAKT FURNACES, BTATIONA RY ENOINES, MIMA, THRESHING MACHINES, AO He In nlso prepared to make Stoves of nil aud patterns, Plow-Irons, and everything usually made In llrst-cinss Foundries. Ills extcnslvo facilities and practical workmen warrant him In receiving tho largest contracts on tho most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will bo taken in exchange for Castings. This eslnbmhmcnt Is located near tlio Lackf- wanna and Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. TETER BILLMYEll. QTOVES AND TINWARE. A, M. RUPERT announces to lils friends aud customers that continues the above business at his old place on MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds. Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of article found In a Stove and Tinware Es tAbllsl'imeut In tho cities, and on the most reason able terms. Repairing dono nt tho shortest notice. 25 DOZEN MILK-PANS on hand for sale. JkJEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLER bruit ie, BLOOMSBURG, PENN'A. The underslzned has lust fitted un and opened nis now STOVE AND TIN SHOP, u this nlnre. where ha Is Yircnared to mnke nn new Tin Ware of all kinds In his line, and do repairing with neatness nnd dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. He also keeps un hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS A STYLES which ho will sell upon terms to suit purcliasers. Give him n call. Hols n incch. Give him n call. inccnanlc, nnd deserving of tho publlo patronage, JACOB METZ. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1867, Q.EORGE II. ROBERTS, Importer and Dealer In HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Aa, No. 811 North Third Street, above Vine, Philadelphia. JAcortK. Smith. J. R. Seltzer g M I T II :& S E L T Z "E R, Importers and Dealers In Foreign and Domestic II A R D W A R E, GUNS, CUTLERY, AC, NO. 409 N. THIRD bTKEET, AR.CALLOWIIILL, PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 22,07-tr. TOBACCO & SEGARS. H. W. RANK'S WHOLESALE TOBACCO, SNUFF,-AND CIGAR WAREHOUSE, No. 110 North Third Stieet, between Cherry and Race,, west side, Philadelphia. . , jyARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF A KICOAR MANUFACTORY, NO. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second Door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. J. W. Wartman p. Enqelman STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS, ALBUMS, OHROMOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 801 BE0ADWAY, NEWY0KK,- fit lit tiualltir tf llit TrU It ihtlr iuil Mortiaral tf tU IMll, ( tktlr ftuVlisalita, tinrlart taa lssrafia. llinntttli Cat, I kital ftii, Trtaloa f tils, Oitit Wtt, II ! It, IXIavart, iMlaaUittttt, Caha, Kw Orraida. Vtitiaela, Taa A Beta, Calaa. tl"'l lit Whiia MtttUlaa, Wuhlmtt, vft'lVttil, Oaf tmaaiitd Tttt ambttr 1irt,t aiimtnt. a(ii4 Ik aMcftt aiodatltaaa af Win. Foflmtid, (1. V, WtUtD, Umr. a4 laif talaaat fbtlof rf atfa, cabtiiltag at IvItMltaxL Khlaa, HrrBliain), Laniptlta. Vtnaillta. Jl WHs, Hi. Cleat, 1 ilaaaa, (rrtiat rtlata, ftailaal. a (tint, ' IVatUtltl, ltaJr. THE LANDS OF THE BIBLE, A a4 laUattl laUrtatlaf rlta, Alia, tHamlaaltd tatt Traaa'tf Mat Vt.wa, la trial tritlaijr. Wt ar alaa tirlatl Ait-ait la Amattra far rjBRIIH'B OLill TIEW.- af which . .dl aaarimtat, Af salt far Frith' Btrtrt af I 4 1-9 la pBoltiriLula VI U SwlUsrlaad, Ut Uhla, Cdtard, Bcttlaad, Walts, At, TrtEOflCOrri. Wt naaaradir sjarj Urjily, tadUt tr MMhafiitultJJstllBltM rads. THOTOOlArillO ALDCMt.-Oor tftiafirlura tf Albums It wall "TlU"UbH U tmi'T " lB al--lr hBtl lirtylf It all All aall art mat U Mr i tt( I ( kl(l Utll pUICBMt. CHROMOS. it. T.t?t i,,irt rlr. till taaiH W 41tnri,U4 nn Ht ta f "" M"'i ,h,,r ' l'tF f am U"a"t""' ' Vl,SB 8i KB)i " tanH Ihttrad al (at E. &H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 601 Broadway, N. Y., tmporters snd Manuf r of Photo7rapate MutcrlsU Fob. aysMf 0 MNIBUS LINE. Tlio undersigned would respectfully announce to mo citizens of Iiloomsbnrg and tho publlo gene rally ma lie is running an OMNIBUS LINE between this place and tlio different railroad de pots dally (Sundays excepted), to connect with tho soveral trains going South nnd West on the Cattt wlssa and WUlIamsport Railroad, and with those going lyorih and south on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad. His Omulbusses are In good condition, commo dious aud comrortable, and charges rcasouablo. Persons wishing to meet or see their friends do p a rt, can bo accomodated upon rcasouablo charga by leaving timely notice at any of tho hotels. JACOB L OIRTON, Proprietor. p A R M E R SI! try tut. ALTA VELA I'HOSPHa'a'E. It contains thrco per cent, of Ammonia, an amnio quantity to Bfve activity without Injury lollio vi-gutallon.nnda largo percentage of so luble Iloue Phosphate of Lime, together with i.'.l.1'. ?!' J t,,Kloi ",e csM-ntlal elements of u COMPLETE MANURE. Iho lncreutid sales Ui lurmcrs who ere using It with highly satklacto. rr rtsults is a suroguuranleoof Its value. Price, Wiper ton ol 10 bags 'Ml lbs each, biml for n pamphlet. Address THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., B. S. BISHOP A Co, Agents, 00 N. Del. Ave. Agent for Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and South Now Jersey, JulyS.'tW-ly 671lror.dttay,N.Y, gHARPLESS t IIARMAN, KAai.H J O USURY AND MANUV.tC-TUUINO HIU1', STOVUS A PLOWS WHOLESALE A RETAIL Tin: ckledrated NONmosa iron ream and TUB JIUTTON WOODEN REAM PLOWS, 'Jisllligs and FiroBrlckforrepalrliiBCllyStovfs. All kin ds of Brass or Iron t asting made to order upon short notice. , B. F. HllARPLEfcS it P. S. HARMAN, Bloomsburg, in, I'ropilctors. Mur.lU.'tu-tf. Q.EORGE FOELKER & CO., Wholesale Dealer In WOODEN t WILLOW WARE, YARNS. Oil-Cloths, Wicks, Tw Incs.BaskeU, etc,, etc, 249AU1 Market St., A 238 Church BL, IhilftUa Juce5,'M. ' Q Ii A T H HOOPING, IIVDBr r A B 1 DT t MOST l'AYORARLE RATE3, JOHN THOMAS, Ana OAWFUIl J. THOMAS, Bpr,!i77. Bloohsuuuu, Pa. Mar,l,'(l.Iyr, DRUGS So MEDICINES J TONATIIAN HlillSLER's W-il O or Bitters has never failed tucurn ii vfl klim of D spepsin ! Is the most suC(( ,,,!', !, Iclno yet discovered for the cure otSS1 Kt Dyspdmla, Liver 'Complaint, Bronchi H.fill diseases of tho Throat, Chist aid iMjm made entirely of roots nnd Iii-m . '! ,UW wlllcvnvlncoany ono-who gives it M No family should bo without it. ' t ; bottles, prepared nnd sold by Jonathan i!k' Jonatliao J A Co, Schuylkill Haven, Pa, Kiato, DR. TAYLOR'S OLIV1) BRANCH U I T 1 E R S AmlldnndngrccnbloTonlo Htlmnlini .BVAi achtoaudCiuminatlve TJ,"! BITTERS, Extracted entirely from Herbs nnd ltooii ly bencnciai in DYSPEPSIA, "jjfccr GENEilAL DEHIL1TY, 'M. hi" and Loss of Appetite; Ef and an cxcellentCorrcctlvcfor pcrsonmj from Disorders of tho Bowels, Flatuliu( !W Sold -Everywhere. (lot epot. No. 413 Market Street, PhlloU J. K, TAYLOR A CO, Rcpt,4,nS-ly A.. Ayer's air igo:;f For restoring Gray Hair tzt its natural Vitality and Col III A tlrcsing t J it ul onco ngifc rr liunllliy, imdcfliDe' f "of- prcacrtioj 'plsi hair, Fadelt) T,b: hair is soon m (o its original TO. Kith the qkl) the qhn 7 .O..IIM. r,t rVK. Mill 1I.IU 11 . cncil, liuling Hair cnccKcil, anil , noss ouon, llinugli not iilwny!, liy its use. Nolliin;;, can region E I linir vlicro tlio follit;lo4 nio tlcslr1-" or tho Rlanth tltrnphicil ii ml i!(fjj' Rut fiueli us remain can he ?nre ' tiscfulncjs by this application. ItMJV of fouling tho hjir with a aitj- incut, it will keep it clean ami u;.JI!,n Its occasional no will prctcnt llit from turning gray1 or falling offJlt consequently prevont balihics. from thosd deleterious subsliuiccjtpvl innko somo prpparatious tlaugctotl injurious lo tho hair, tho VijmlfW oulyjbcncnt but not harm it. If "Main merely for a rrjg HAIR -DRESSINCJ nothitlg'clso can bo. foulul to tfciiM M Containing neither oil nor iUc,.mim not soil while c;unbrie, atut jtf AH6 long on tho hair, giting it a riili,1- ,lustro ami a grateful perfitine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor 4 Jg- I'ltACTlCAL ANU ANALYTICAL CllE TTrti LOWELL, 3rASS. PBICE $1.00, T.10X 1' tei Itloob Feb, 5, 18(0. Aver'f? Oho-pr-rr Jjat. " i Mi For Diseases of tho Throat and Is A'st- sucn as uougnB, uoius, vnoF3 Cough, Bronchitis, Asthou, U and Consumption. IOR Mu Prolnlily never beforo hi the ulioloh' nib'tlit-iDeJi.-l.iinytliiiigwoiisowidclynnili nal iijiuii thu eoiilidcilco of mankind, n tliua icini'ilyiorpulnioiiarycouiplalnts. 'llirou; .701 n'rti'4 ofjcirs, nnd auionir most of the k''el men it I1.14 1 Uen liigjicr and higher lu Uic u ib n;tH oci'uine uciccriiiiown. iut rli.iiiii'tcruiitl power to cure the vnllouji: of I Ik linwa and tliro:it. have made it tootn h ilile piuteitur ng.ilmt them. While lv 11 J inil.l'.-r Ioiiniil'ilisL'a?oandtoyoiiiiKc;iil.; JJj 'id tlici'aiiictiiiiutlieniotcllt'ctuullcuietl). bugiieii lor Incipient consumption, nail. ' fi'iiumink'ctions of tlio throat and Imigs, to II l.ion .ig.ilii:t sudden attacks of Ciuup.t O 4 1 kt'pt un Ihiud In every laiullv, .mil liwi nxcn me Munetltiius subject to colds nud cwt ' rlu, ill. I bo piotiilcd Willi tills .llltidotc fort Altliougli settled L'aiisiiuiiilluu I' Uct If'' nn -tljlv', .till numbers 01 case ulifti ill Ki t-.iu .ccincil settled, hao been compleW vw.ii mid the p:itlcnt l-etoicd to sound licuIU -CIii i ih Vcetoml. So complete U In - r, over Ino di.onlcrs of tho Lunjrs ami Thn Ul tlio mot ob'tliiato ol" them yield to It. His I-'1 in;r el ia couM rc.ich llicni, under tlio Clitn ---i-toinl tlicy suhsldo and Ulsappcar. , j'A Miilim runt i'alIIo Siieakcrj taii lection from It. U.,C Antlitnii li nlways lclicrcd aud oito JiioixhitU I Vltet'r'l 1'ertor ' t'J' ii generally cured by tit J . ! tral InBinallanilficqtniti. So generally nro its virtues knon 11 that not publl-li thu cci-tllli-ates of them licrcoi II1.I11 asMtiu Ilia publlo that iu nuaUlcir nuiutaliicd. Ayer's Ague 0a' For Fov-fr nnil Atuo, Intermittent tl.'d Chill Fever. Itoraittent Fev, Uerw Agiio, Periodical or Bilious ieysir-"-nndjndeorl all tho affections wMa&Vj ilojn malarious. marsh, or "tJ.ll , Aiitsiiamn Imilies, It loes Ciiw.nnJ'T'lv f, 11. Ci'ntainlniriieltlicrAreciilc.Qiiinine,!; U. Bti In -, nnr nny other mineral or poisonous c' ,li never. It la nowlso inlures nny lwtifs'J mnulii'i- and Inmoitancc of Its cures latin J IU f , l - I'.ni o hlcnilly.bovonil account, and si ' liln.ul a luiiallol In Iho hlHtorj- of Agnf J "hf iiilr luKle is gratllled by tlio acknowloiU 77 ! eivo or the vndidil cures effected in J T" f ini'. , ami ulirro oilier lemeillo lil.l mIi"11! O' Un lerllniated persons, either lesHcn I'uvrlliiis ilirntish nil.iimnltlnrnlHlrs,wil' n tivleilliyhiLlnirlho AOtril (WHV. ill- S For 7.1 per Complaint, nrl.lns ft-omif If', or Ihn Liter, It is an excellent remedy, Sim Mi" UiprlntnhealiliynetlTltr. . .. US I or liiiiQiis nitonl'-rt and Liver Coror'" : .111 ...(.Alllt, ...t.,n.t.. ,.,.l..nlnV C- 111 irknhlo cures, where other nicfli-lnriluil' 1 1 ifparcu ny 1111, .1. u. AVKit wiii' rlfl snd Amh Ileal (Ilicmlsti, Lowell, MJii ( ). , all-ouii.thowoiil, Vr- 1'IIICV, $1.00 1'VU JlOTTll rrr - G?. g-ij dehsiiott'S i-rv Q RUM AN CATTLE I'OWr'E.n This Powder is lullnvn.1 li Ix sunerlor1! Horse or Cuttle l'uwder ,lu use. HjfPH. blood, cleanses Iho sysicm, nnd gives lie , I J tlou uHd tone to tho stomach. Ily ltsu S.raB will lumrovo lu llcuh. nmi the coat 12'G1- smooth and glossy. i cows latteu aud glvo twenty per cw- r. milk. , J-y Hheep tinprovo and prod aco a hcavU-i"- ,- lleece, 'jr Hogs fatten aud; are. frca from toio tw jh temper, and nil pen dUcases. Wholosale- and Retail Depot, ipj,, llENDHRHIIOTT'S DrugSW-' t'lJai Ori'OSITK AMEKICAN U0C fS"1 Feb; 19,'C9-tf JiLOOJISltrB Av- punmo bale. , VVllIbesoIdnt tlSo'reiildenoeoflha iy. uitaiawissa townshlnouMonaay ino"-:, day ol April 1M tho ullowln propertf TiriiK.E iiojibmbiaU: a lot of MllchCows.lotof yonngestrt': . '1 gous, ono sled, plows, harrows, undcttlU'' , own HAT HAKE, ONU urT'W . wind mill, forks and rakes, oor. v aud potatoes, a lot itt vUKCar, l - so Blot of 1 TfI uocstiiorj jjis, KiTouuf icuint 1M tocether with a largo variety of other '" 'u.i"i0.!!?"-., ,.,w a.h. 1 rTT day when terms will be inane knpwii . W. V lilt Mill ISttrJIMf'Wy m sou a -v laraici'Kit miiu...-