flfMumlmw firtW5bitV( gcmocvai Wbhslieii ( ovcry Friday morning I'JMW Columbian Building near tlio 'gm?Hou5, by -JjOfiASLES B. BIIOOKWAY, Editor and Proprlotor. MJI'.r. I TitBMB.-Tyro dollars n ycnr, paya lo'.ln advance JOfrrftlMlNG of nil descriptions xccutcu'WlMr' neatness nnd dispatch, treasohatigiftUes. tetJKni!H(i niiiKOToiTVi" STOVES AND TINWARE. -AND- 5 1 III))) 1 1' VOLUME III no. io. BLOOMSBURG, PA., FRIDAY, AP11IL 1G, 1869. COL DEM.-VOL. XXXIII NO. 0. M niiuitrc....,.!.. tit Otiu Mqitiirc, (Ion Hint or IIh hiiiIvu lent in nonpareil typo) one or two Inwr tlotiM, $,no; tlircHj Insertions, &2.00. , sa.j sm. ; cm, ir t3,a) "ti.od rf 10,(0 8,no 7,(10 f-,00 l.voo r.i 11,1m 13,011 U,od Oil Two squares 810 Thri-o sntiurcs. . d,w Four f'junrt,. 7,w Uunrtcr column.. I0.M) lldlf rolUldti'....).Vf Ono column . 80,00 0,00 mm U,oo l,oo 17.00 HMO ii.oii av) 3o,oo ax) .io.oo eo.co 40,00 00,00 100,00 Executor's or Administrator's Notice. M.00 1 (Auditor's or AsslgneeM Notice, LoculNotlccs, twenty ccnls u lino; by'tho year" ton trills. (rU In tlio "Directory" column, tl'.oapcr your for tlio first two Hum, and 1.0U for ouch .additional lino. rAOofl dcalerln stoves A tlnwore, Main ,mm!tlioue. ""A . ' BUPEttT. stoves nnd tinware, llupert V'M.K.utfS'iJ t l. west nr Market. vl-nM ft. V ajlHl.. west of Market. &0. ' CLOTHING TAUMAN BHOTIIEllS, Tanners nud luanufac 1 tuaera of leather, on Main st, below floods' llotcl, ViMHI rTNBEBa, merchant tailor, Main St.. M Ldooc(5joyeAraerleim house. t yiiWM?si!ffl!ffil; 'va'i - i ' vl-nU "ppUGS,CHEMICALB, AO. HOVEli'.lflftOS.. druggists nnd nnotheci M llrowert block Main st. v EP. LUTZ, druggist nnd apothecary, Bupert , block. Main t., west of Market, vl-uB DAVID HEUIHNO, Flour and Grist Mill, nnu Ucalcrlu grain, Mill Street, Vl-nl7 OWHll A HEHIUNO, denier In dry Roods, 1) groceries, luniucr'nnu general mi-iuluui Main st. vrni7 .OLOOKSj WATCHES, AO. OHN FItYMlllI, noddle nnd harness maker Mnln at., nnovo me bmra uoiei. vi-u.i v w. rriT.iCrAM. Mprrlinnt tailor nnd Oent's furnlshlnit Hoods. Mnln St., next door to the. brick hotel. vl-iiW tTV h. TxAYIIUltST, Clocks, Watches and anna II. rennireil. uunsanu waicnes iorsuie, m.ni tit., below l'lne. vl-u'7 A.. Hi rtMTtY ZITPPINQEn'. Watches Clocks Ac.Maln Street bear West 8L v3nl LOUIS iBERNHABD, waleu anil ciocii iimiirr, noaraouthenatcoruer Main nnd Iron Bts.vi-u E.BAVAGE. denier In clocks, watches nnu vl-nl3 JAMES II. 1TAHMAN, Cabinet Mnker, nnd Un dertaker. Main Bt,, below l'lno. vl-n'7 if H1uvii i nut. t t., belawMaln. itch nud clpck mnker, Market vI-nB BOOJS AND SHOES. OS W. IinANVllJboot mid Bhoeinnke'r.Mftln'atrcel ,,oppolte.vCourtlIouso v" I "BOLLEDETl,ifinnufactnrcr nnddcnler In boots M rjKNtlVftr&Ettl. manufacturer and denier In rLbooU and ajioea, groceries etc, East lUooms- burg Main at. r vm mm. hnt. nml uhnemnker. Main Lf . below, HnjUnan's store, west of Market strocu ' ?lItOPESSIONAL. r it: EVANS, M. D. snrceon nnd physician south I side Main St., below Mantel. V1-UI3 TV'rt,.B.'I.'Klrincrur(rcoii dentist, teeth extract IJed' wlthont'paI"i episcopal vnnreni Main St., nearly opposu, T B. irKET.VY, 0 norm aide Main at., below Market. vl-ull T C. nUTTEU, 1. D. surgeon nnd Physician, J 'MarkUCjttbojro Main. l'1 D tlf'jf. 0. llOWEIt, surgeon dentist, Main St.. nhnvn eonrt houso. vl-nii Y' tD.'BOBIBOS'Attorney.nt-Lnw.Offlce Unrt .1. man'abuildlnir.Mnlnatreet. vMiM p It IKELEB, Attorncy-at-lJiw,OIllce, 5d floor Jj In Excnango ijiock, near mo -mciiiuikuji"' tel.' MIJJJJSEgy & FANCY GOODS. M ttf,'B.,KI,tJE; HUHnery nnd Fnncy Oooila, Alain oireefc ueiuw nnii'TIW ...Itllt.ar ouiining. Mam i. 1IISH,UZZIE 131 Ilnmsey vl-uU M1 ISa A. D. WKOIl, fancy gooils, notions, nooks, stationery, Kxcbaugu block. Main street vl-nU frniMlM'A"v ',Utlnrv ntnl fiincv lrooils OD- Pi! nosltS Enlaoobal church. Main bt. V1-U13 Ma IU1.' JDLI'aJ."A: '& HADE BABKLEY, ladles cloaks and dress natteruJ, southeast corner lain, and, west at. Vl-nU ISH'll.c-DflB'MlCKSON, millinery nnd fancy goods MalnsU,ppposlto Court House, vl-ull i IW. M.-BXKDBMAN, milliner, si am St., ueiow 13L iiariman b swre, west oi wuiiujw. rnilE MUrDJEUiUAHMAN millinery nnd fancy J. goods.Moln strcctjust below Americiui '"; HOTELS AND SALOONS. I" LKACOCK. oyster nnd entlnir saloon, Amerl' a cuu.ii Undent.' cuu,lloune,,Mnlu St., llaltzer Leucock superlu . . - - vi-ni jirmMViA''JACOIlY. eonfectlonrv t and oyste Saloon, wholesale and retail. Ex cuange dikaibui hi, bakery, 1-nU ier saioouwnoiesaiu uuu leuui, ,iLimii)j look". ' vl-ui3 TixnitANQEiUDTEL. bv Koons A Clark. Main VPj su. opposite court house. vln-i3 MmtrrU-N'HOTlHE. bv John Leacock. Main 'A'st..-vifest of Iron street. vl-mJ 'nOnKS HOtEt; by O.M'. MAUaEn, east end of -i-Malnst.-"- 51 Vl-uU xiMrhffWT?.tl' Vnfrcshment saloon. Main st..1usl l. above court house. vl-n!3 'TOONcl A CliABK, refreshment ClVciuuige'hoteu saloon. KX' vl-nM r; ,;M,EJRCi4A.NTa and GitooEits. 1-i JACOBS, Conttcilonery. 'i st., below iron groceries etc. Mai vi-ii 'y li:MirjjKB;' dealer in dry gooils, groi-eilcs, cui uueensware,Doiir, bun, bu, uotiou. etc. vl-nU iiuiuitje block, Mulu bll eut, i,, M'KiX WHEAL i Co., dealers In dry goods, groceries. Hour. feed, salt, tlsll, Iron, nulls, pui.titortiittt corner Muiuuua Maiket st. vl-u : Ti,i(rrftr'nrK1rr1riuiiH nnd cans, boota nud shoes. 'UMatn 4C above CourtJlouse. vl-uu nnd notions, southwest Irousts. vi-u KHTito.'AKB'ufy goods y," fjornrunliiund Iroi - ,.r ii JfmioWEBidry goods, groceries, etc,, corner ,.U tMaiU and.CoUrt House alley Vl-ui3 0UAN0EVILLE DlItECTOHY. B. O. A. MEOABOEIi, physician and surgeon. Main Bt,, next door to Good's Hotel. V1-1H7 HICK" HOTiaraiul rej fjeshtnent sahion. by Vm, Mnitellcr cor. of MajnnndPlnesUylnlJ ICIIAEIj C. KEIitiEB, Confectionery, OyBicrs .f.rt .ii ntt r naHi unu'pcn 31am uuu .11111. , , V1-UJ7 ir M.r l.M.T nlTTJlTIf TUflrlf RmltllH. fill Mill . Htreet.'near Tine. Vl-n 17 mil t t T.i.T nMi uhninnnR.rnmi mniiiiiiic Y tiirerof llr!ck,Mllltlt.,westof l'lno Vlnl9 r.WIS II. BCHUYIiBB, Iron founder, Machln- Llst.nnd Mauufnctuicr of plows, Mill Hi. vi-nw irva a 11.TT t t AfU A r 'I'nnnprsnnd Man, ll,r.r.i , , iiuh.;,j ...".T. . i. , . l T ufacturcrsoiieatucr, juii mrcci - mil v Ki'.i.T.Klt. Hoot and Hhoemuuer, l'lne ,J Btrect.opposllotlio Academy vl-nl7 i TTilEItlUNd A BnOTHEit, Cnrpentcr innd A. Builders, Mnln Street, below l'lne. Vl-nl7 AMUEI. SHABPT.KKS, Maker of thellayhurst 1 Grain Cradle. Main Bt. v2n5. t M. 'IIABMAN, BadUle nnd bnrnes maker J , OrniiKOvlllo, opposite Fraiiiochnreh. viznli OATAWISSA DIHECT0KY. .OrtlTTTT A MM A nvTlrlMr 1TnlllH.TvOStebaU(ler 0 proprietor, south-east corner Main and Second SB. BINABD, dealer In stoves nnd tin-wars. . Mnln Street. 2-tvi w m it Aimiir nitnrnnv nt ln.w.Mn.iii Rtreet, BUSINESS CARDS. JOB PRINTING Neatly executed at this Office. jyj- HI. Ii'VELLE, JV T X U it I. K IAI.llA W, Ashland, Bchuylklll County, Vetin'a. CWi HIIIjLEIv, .m . AW AllUltil 1. 1 .1 A A, ,T , nmeo wlth-M. II. Mttle. in brick building ad joining 1'ostOIIlce. -Bounties, Back-Pay and Pensions collected. tep20 7. JOHN Q. FKEEZE, AITOHH B 1 A I 1. A w, Office In Beglster and Bcoorder's office, In the basement of tlio Court House, llloomsbnrg, ra. OOISEIIT P. OLAItK, ATTOBNEY-AT-I.A W Offlco corner of Main and Market streets, First National Bank, Bloomsburg, ra. E. II. LITTLE, A T T O B N E Y A T L A W, Ofllco Court-llouso Alley, below tho Comimiiian OIllco llloomsburn,ra. Q B. BBOCKWAY, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, BI.OOMSBUT.a, I'A. ir- Ori-irK Court House Alley, below the Co lumbian Olllce. Jbu1'C7. Txr jr. itEBEii sr. d. V I-nte of tho U. S. Navy. PnrpeHior In rtrsJlnrrlRounnd Wells, hns nermn. nently located In lltoomshurg for the piiiclleo of .mniciuo aim ourgery. npeciui uiii'iiiiiin piuu to Surgery. Can alwnystio found, unless professionally engngcil nt the ExcIihiico Ho tel or nt his oirlco over Mlsi. Webb's bonk store, Into Bopubllcnu Printing olllce. Apr. 0,'oy-ym riT-,m . . . t .VI' mv.,1. irnv.rinH fllA.llC.llA Ot JVAlAl IV, Ul J i,n,l"l VI general merchanuise, jsiain nireei,. nnd v2-ul2 KE1LEU, billiard Bnloon, oysters, and Ice , cream In season Main Street. vi!-ul. V. DAI.I.MAN, Merchant Tailor, Second St., , Ilobblns' Uulldlng. v2-nl8. J IS. PUHSEL, HAItNES'S, SADDLE, AND TRUNK MANUFACTUBEH, and dealer In CABPET-BAGS, VALISES, FLY-NWS, 1IUKFAI.O ltOHF.H, !!OlttK-m.ANKKTM AC, which ho feels confident ho can sell at lower rate llinn any other person in ths country. i-:x, nmlno for voursell es. Shop Hist diKir below the Post Olllce Main Street, Bloomsburg, I'll. nov. ia, imji. D B.J. K. BOHU1NS, Surgeon nnd Physician, Second St., below Malu. v2-ul8. B. KISTLEB, "Cattawlsa House," North West .Corner Main and Second Streets. v2-nl8. M, M. BBOBST, dealer In General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries Ac. vU-nlH. g C. COLLINS, FAHll 1U.1A 11 SHAVING, HAIR LIGIIT STREET DIRECTORY. PETEB ENT, dealer In dry goods, groceries, Uour. feed. salt. flsh. Iron, nails, etc., Light Street. vi-ms JTEBWI LLIG EB, Cabinet maker, nud Chalrmaker, Undertaker vl-n IS AND SHAMPOOING BALCON, vcrWldmayer A Jacoby's Ice Crium Kaloou, I1LOOMSBUBO, TA. Hair Dyeing and Whiskers colored black or rown. Hair i onlc to destroy dandrull anil benu- tlivlni; tho liairi will restore hair toitsorlglnal color without soiling llio nnisi lauric, cousuuuiy on nanu. Lil)rlDi H above hcliool houso. AVbeelwrlBhtM, llrst door D W.BANKEV, dealer In Leather, Uidtn. Ilark, etc. Ciish paid for Hides. v-""1 HTM. M.KXT. U all Its branches. dealer iu stoves and tin ware lu TOllN A. OMAN, inanuracturer ana ueaier in boots and Bhoey, V J. T.niHEU. ir w onieont Kclltr'a Hotel. WiirHpnu and 1'hvBiL'lan Respectfully nirerH Ids profeRHlonal Bervlces to the lndlcK nnd LMdittrmfii of lilooinsburix and vi cinity. He 1 prcpnrcii to attend to all tho vari ous operanons in uie 11110 01 ma jiriuPKxiun, nnu 14 nl'OVliietl wiiii inu in iL nt iiiiiiru i iiulkijAIPi TKK-rir which will be inserted on irold nlntlnir. liver aim ruoner 10 iooj: as wen asine nai iral teeth. Teeth extracted by all the new and most approved method, and all operations on th tenili rnTpfiiHvniid nronerlv attended to. Hesldeneo and oIUco a tew doors above the Court limine, snmo tide. JlloomsburL', Jun;jl.'Wtr ESPY DIKECT011Y. JD, WKHKHKISElt. Boot and Bhoo htore and manractory. Hhopon Slain btreet, tip- nrllntminin1UL V2-U16 EBVY BTEAS! FLOUHINQ MILLS, C. 8. Fowler I'roprletor. VJ-nlO B V. BEIOHABD, ABIIO., dealers In dry goods. crocerles. nnd ceucral jirerciianuiso. vuun T. W. ET)aATt,KufquehannaI'lnninK Mill and uox inuuiactory. "' BUCKHORN DIRECTORY. a. A W. H. SHOEMAKEB, dealers In dry trootls. eroceries nlul ccnerul luerciiailiuso. rsl store In south end of town. v'2-ul. TACOll A WJI. HABItIS, dealers In dry goads, irioeerles. urugs nnu meuicines, ft north end 01 town. First store In v -nH. JEESEYTOYVNDMEO TORY. TACOIt A. HWIHUKK, dealer in Hides, Leather .liturir ptr. MikIIhoii liiwuslilti Columbia county Pa. vlu HOTELS AND SALOONS. l l t , A . TVEflKT.KY. Tvcvstonoshoestore.books and X 1 stationery! .Main ct;below Market vl-uU 'iTX7'ILLIAMJEBA8MUS, confectioneries, Main " W ,1., ueallha ml I roan. vl-uU :, 1,1 "MENDENirALL, general slock of merchan i Si. dlse and lumber, corner of Main street and Berwick. Kd,l! vl-uU 1.1 ' IW 'JTJ, llUUlliAn, Ueaier 111 fcinma tutu" ,(u Aliyi,."vf,tii,l"u'', 1 It K. OIUTON,. Groceries A Piovlslons, Main Ulti Btroet below 'Market vl-nH M' 'P. uTZ4ealerin cholco dry goods, House- keeping goods, f reU groceries, eto.,elc. Main H" sl,, opposiv oyurii uousu, in ' -..J.Tl TXCHANGE HOTEL, BLOOMSUUKG, COLUMBIA CO., FA. Tlio iimlpralirTipil linvliif? tiurehased tblswell' known nnd cciilmlly-loeuteillioiiso, the Exchnnge llntl'l. hlllllllO Oil AlAia Ml 111'.!'.!. Ill JUOOlUSUllIK Immeillntely opposite the Columbia county Court House, respectfully Inrorm their friends uud the piihlio lu general that their house la now in order tor the leeeptlou and entertainment of travellers WHO mny OO OlbpObl'U Hi ia in ivnim mo. inni. i Iipv linm snnred no exnenseln iireparlnti the Exchange for thcentcrtnlninent of thelrguesis neither slum mere ne nnytuing warning uu iin-n nart to in ulster to ineir personal coraiou, :ie iiuusels spacious, nnu enjoys an exceueut ousi riiiiiilhiiLuarnii nt. nil llinew between the Ex lintiim ll.iirl inni tlm viirliius rultriuid tlenots. by rnicii travellers win oa pieiiKiuiuy inuiiyfun' nd from tho respective stations In duo time to . " .1- IT. A inc. Itri iimiiiia. . ........ Bloomsburg, April 3, imi. Jt K. BYEB,'Srocerles and general merchandise j,7 O Main t.j noove west. Vl-nU " o CBAMBB A A. E. H AYHUBST. Dealers in I-p. Groceries:- Confectioneries and Notions, heOllOWnSOUlU S1UC, LU UUOli ..uwr.v 1,' nw.wwn, -.. at- Wftg9umki; pop. MISCELLANEOUS. Oi.M. CHBtBTMAN, sadille.truuk and hnmets m.lr., nrniullii l'.nUcillial I'llUrCll Mlllll St.. v- r,. . , .in,J storv vl-ull ,,, n W. COItELL, furnllure rooms, three 1 1 VlYbrlckon ilaln St., west of Market st. ! , . i fiv J.THOBNTON, wall paper, window shades. hh, and nxtureaBuiiert block, Main st. vl-mJ st":", 1 ii? "--ir ' TT BOSENBTOCK, photographer, Exchange 11. block. Main St., opposite court bouse. vl-u!3 i r tXT AV.SAMPLKACO.Machlnlsts.nastniooms V-flN i burg near railroad. CnstliiEs mado at sliori " W.tloe-i -machinery mado and repaired. v2-n2 ""j-in,, mi , ;',v . Onl1't,T-t1rTU,ilB. I.. .,n, lallnu.. etc.. ITliHTil ( berjlli'a afley, buck of American hr iso. vl-ul3 OIUC'S HOTEL, " jQEOnGE W. MAUGEll, l'roprletor. ho nbnvn well-known hotel has recently undi r- gono rnd'i al changes In Its Internal arrangements, and its pn prietor announces tohls tornu r enstoni and the travelling publlo that his accomodations for theeomfolt of hlsgnpstsaroKecoiiu io none in the country. His table will alwnys be found sup- f)iieu,noi oniy miui siuw.i"n. . he delicacies of the season. His wines and 11- uors (except inni popular iiovemre kuoith usury "i,purciiascii uin-ii ihnii hid niinn hmk ,iB. are entirely nure. and free from all iml- sonous drugs. He Is thnnicfnl for n liberal patron age in the past, nnd will continue to deserve It lu 1 ' fll.'ni(fll' W fAITflT'l( inoimiii1. .,.w.... ... ...u ,iv:-i 'i- i r ,'krifi bularlilgl ' C,ii ,.. Liicntninuiiou. v-u. etliryr iB-uPDIWELL, saddle, trunk and U roakerj Main St., below court, house. I ruilAi arness vl-nl no." 0.Olue Maker, and White and fancy iTanuer.gooltown. V1-IH7 TDLOOMBnUBO I.UMI1EU. CO., manufacturers i)and dealers In Lumber, of all kinds, planing mill near the rll-road. vl-u 9 rlVVi I iir tmi .in ii - Noit 1 WITMAN, marble' works, near southwest uf Ai'A; oonnrthuln and Market sU. vl-u 13 HO' ..lln.sl, tjjj ,, , , I , , uiKili"' M.tiIlLEn.denfcr',ln rlanos.'organs ei f't ..tji2!'Priuta- W.Corell'sfurnllurorc anil roomi vi-u at. U 1 it'j. Finn -- W.-ltOtinlNH. Honor dealer second door from northwest oornefMaln and Iron su. vl-nl'l .ui ,nwl ft !rv l-rr .Trsr A .'vfl vkTON. mutual and cash rates nra Iurt'l5 ttrr-T ,r A If O Worlcs,EaslBioouisbuig,Beiwlckroad. vl'ull rsr-crrtrar ItTA'PEAOOCK. Notary Public, northeast corner m, Lean and Market at. vl-ni3 i i:iAt tun. II lliH A. Unili.1!. AI.M1.IU. Will. AMll .IllCS HIP nuairaaei) coin puny (Uottntastooruer.Maln ami Veyst, vl-ul3 lUEL JACOUY, MarMo aud Brown Stone CUTTING ENTISTltY. II. C. HOWElt, DENTIST, TiOWDEIt KEGS AND IaUMBEII, X W . I.MUi HKJtU V 1.1 Bnpert, Pa., Manufacturers of POWDKB KEOS, and dealers In all kinds of LUM11EB, give notice that they are prepared to accomodate their custom wltli dispatch, and on tho cheapest 1JN10N HOTEL, 11 U 11 it H II U 11 U, A A. Tlio undersigned would respectfully Inform thetravt'llngpubllcthathe litis purcluiseti unit rentteil lnine nest manner lite niiisiiiiiu iiiiiiiit nppiinlpil bv W. A. Kline, unit Hint he Is now prepared to accommodate his friends with all the coiiiloris ii mi I'm i vt-iiii nv;i'i ii n iiiim-. ii, i , A llnenew limn lias iieen tmiiinnu uie suirnuu dings placed In perf.ict order. The bar will nl wns be stocked Willi the cbolscst liquors anil cl gats, lilul ine lame iiiriusnrii wnn nu- ii un mnrUel nllorils. JAMES V, G1LLASPIE. July 3.tw-ir TVTISS LIZZIE BA1UILEY has Just returned from Philadelphia, and lias bought, nud Is now oirerlug the bestassortmen of FANCY GOODS, TIUMMINGS, BOKNiri'S Ac. Ac, ever exhibited lu Bloomsburg, nnd Ispiepnredl makeup dresses and nil other aillilesof finial, wardrobe, at short uotlce, and lu the nest umi LATEST STBINO STYLES. Booms m lbs Bamsey Buildings, on West MninlStreet. Call nnd ne her varied stock of Spring Gooils. May 1,'M. Till. V10AU OF 1IKAY, In gooil King Charles' golden days, When loyalty no harm meant, A r.ealous hlgh-clmrchmnti was I, And so I got preferment ; To tcadi my flock I novcr missed, Kings are by God appointed, And damti'd are those who do ri slst, Or touch tho Lord's nnolntcd. And this Is lnw I will maintain Until my dying liny, sir, That whatsoever king shall reign, I'll be tho Vicar of Bray, sir. Whon royal James obtained tho crown, And Popery enmo lu fashion, Then penal laws I hooted dowu, And rend tho declaration i Tho Church of Homo I lonnd wonld fit Full well my constitution ; And had become a Jesuit But for tho ltovolntlou. And this Is law I will maintain, Ac. When William was our king declined, To soo tho nation's arlcvanco, With this nowwlnd about I steeled And sworq to him nlleglauco ; Old principles I did revoke, Set conscience at n distance ; Passivo obedlenco was n Joke, A Jest was nou-rcslstnuce. And this Is law I will mnlntnln, Ac. When gracious Ann became our (iueen Tho Church of England's glory, Another face of things was been, And 1 hocumo n tory ; Occasional conformists base, I damn'd their moderation. And thought tlio Church lu danger was lly such a provocation. And this Isluw I will mnlntnln, Ac. When Georgo in pudding llnio came o'er, And moderate men looked big, sir, I turn'd n caMu-pan once more, And then bccanio n whig, sir. And thus preferment I procur'd From our new faith's defender! And nlmoit every day abjured Tkc Popi and the Pretender. Ami this Is law 1 will maintain, AO. Tho Illustrious House of Hanocr, And Protestant succession To tlieso I do olUglanco swear While they can keep possession ; For In my faith nnd loyally I novcr more will f ilter, And George my lawful klnj shall be Until tho times do niter. And this is law I will maintain Until ivy dying day, sir. That whatsoever king shall iclgn, I'll bo tho Vlc.ir of llrny, klr. &Ul$rtUanfou$. KEEP YOUR WORD. TVT E W C O A L Y X'X Tin: ' 111 IllO UllliTt'lll IlllllllH-in ltli.ui, v 1 lump coal for suitlhlng purpa irf, adjoining M'Kelvy, Neul A till a good pair of lUllalo scales pVXCIIANGE SALOQN, HIE ITIipril lor HI I ll LAilluiiiiirruiwuii " ...... on hand u large stock of SUMMEIt BEFHI-SH.VlENTo, consisting of I'ICKIl OV8TEHS, BAKUINW, TBIPB, EOlOOSiAl ItSKI'TO.NIlUK, IIOII.E1) 1.008, BWKITilKll rllKrUE, LAGEIl BEEH, ALE, &V. f COME ONE, C05IE ALL AND BEE. -C L.VWBON CALMAN, Huperiuleudeiit. nioumsburg, May 3, 1SCT. A II D. undersigned respectfully luforin tho eitlxens ol llloomsburg nud lnluiiibla county. that they keen all moui Herein mini hits iimniie coal nun seiecten 111 si-s. nn lhelr wharf. I ij.'u l.ilrliil(.r- Willi n OlMMl lllll mi tlio wharf, to weigh i mil, liny, and strnw. Likewise n norso nnu Mngon, ui oeiivvr com u, those who desire It. As they purchase a largo amount or coal.they Intend toueep a superior ur tlele, nnd sell nt the very lowest prices, Plenso call and examlno for yourselves before purchas ing elsewhere. J. W. llENUEItSlIilT, b AUGUIsTUS MASON, THE uiin.'rslKneil will tuUo In ox ihnnge Tor Coal and Groceries, tlio following linmed articles : Wheat, llyo, Corn, Oats, Pota toes, Lard, Ham.Hhoulder.and side meat. Duller, Eggs, Huy, Ac., at the highest cash prices, at his Oiocery Store, adjoining their coal yard, J. W. HENDEItSHOT. llloomsljuig Mar. l",'G9-ly. (,'.!!. 1IOKNK. J, II, SKYIlKltr. YyAiNwnianT &, co iiuiir.nA i. id uhiiuiiiihi N. E. Corner Second and Arch Streets, PlULAnr.i.riiiA, Dealers lu TEAS, HYHUFS. COFFEE, BUOAH, MOUHHIM, 111CK, hPlffcS, Ut CAljn BODA, 0., AC. a. Orders will receive prompt alttutlou. May 10, 1NI7-Iy, MOTIO E. Mollee Is hereby given to all piiMins lulcBdlng to apply lor License to keep a Hold, Inn, or Tavern. 'that they must, previous to said nppll- Aii.lnii hnvii the likspusor nf IIih reslieetlo twls lir HOrOUUll, II1UUU Ull t-B,iuii.iu uuu ,iairBaii.....u. II.,.. aa.lu mllllll Vll I I1A III 1 III. tlllll KM VI llllllll.ed IO 1H1 SO KCpi, U11UU1 iHUMmuHiimi miiiiiii.i .- Lluuors, and return tho same to the County Coiiimlssloueis, Asscbtui inu reuutsieu iu pci lorm this dmy, "'K",CK,,M7feiEHYOOLn, lft , DAVID YEAOF.lt V Corn's, WILLIAM O, QUICK, ) npr,,'t,0-lt. TN THE Sl'MINO WONTI1S, THE X system ualurally undergoes n iiiuuge. i iiiliubuld's Highly Coueeuliated Lxtract of b saparlllnla nit iisslslant of tho greatest value. TTOUNE, KING it SEYBEBT, .....r.T . .HIV -nnliu 11 itoiil n.ii,r, mil uuuimi No. 313 Market Slreot, PHILADELPHIA. Orders filled promptly at lowest Januarys, 1SCS, CHAS. Q. BARKLfc Y, Attorney nt Law, IILOOjISUURC, COLUMBIA CO., I'A. Office in lbs Cithsnco Bulldim, aeeoail snitr.tiTcr Wnliiiy.r it. Jacboy'i CunlvclieDeir, rircosil door above His l'.icliaii(e Hotel tMooinnburfi Jau, 1, IsliU, Q E. SAVAOE, PHACTICAL WATCH MAKEIt A JEWELEIl. Main Street, (near the Court House, BI.OOMBHUnO, PA. Con.tnuily on hand nflno assortment of Amer cau and Swiss Wutches, clocks, jewelry, silver warn of the best deserl Mlon plated on white met nl, consisting uf butler dishes, goblets,kulvcs. forks, spoons, napkin rings etc Masoulo marks mado to order. All goods und work warranted, Jau, 1,'Mi. EBOHANT'8 HOTEL, iH NOUT1I rODHTII STIlKtT, PIIILABELPIIIA, J. A W. O, M'KIllUIN, Proprietor, May in iw-ly, ONE cvcnlntr four German students ut tlio university wcro enjoyins them selves iu on upper room of a little hotel. Thcv hntl four Instruments nntl were einployinp; themselves in makinp; mu sie, after tho haril labors of tho day. Thero was n pauso in their music; but no sooner had they ceased playlnp;,tlinii they heard an old mnn playing a violin beneath their window, in tho street. They went to their window and looked out, watching him until lio ceased play inc. One of them threw out a liitle pieco of money, and said to him laugh ingly: "Here, poor Peter, that is nil wo have for you now; como again some other time." "Yes," said another, "como again in a year from now." Then wo will give you a little house for a prcscnt," said tlio third. "Yes, in tho middle of it garden," said the fourth. Tho old man was struck with wonder nt such it promise. His long while linlr shono brightly in tho light of tho lanterns which hung out at tho neigh boring restaurant. Ho looked up to tho window, nnd said, after a moment's reflection : "Young people, aro you in earnest what you say to me ? I hope you are not making light of an old man." "Indeed, wo aro in earnest," replied Ernest, with oxcited voico: nnd his tlireo companions called upon God to witness their seriousness. "Farewell, then," replied tlio old mini. "I take inv leavo of you. Ono year from to-day, at this sumo hour, e.v pect mo to como and play a tuno be neath this window, l'arewcll, may the Almighty Ono whoso naino you have called upon, bless you in your kind ness." Tlio old man went oil', after invoking lliis blessing upon thorn. Tho studenls closed tlio window, took their instru ments again in their hands, nntl, .after having played three or four lively tunes .seemed to forget all that had occurred, Ernest f-aid to them, however, after the spacoof about halfaii hour, "You seem to bo very ciuieti I cannot be, fur I havo nuulo a promise that I would give some thing which I linvo not got." "What promiso?" asked one of his liglit-hearli'd companions. "Tlio promise of u houso and garden." A loud laugh was thorespoiii-otlmtho met with; nnd tho students soparated. They met again on tho following even ing, nnd, during thu interview, Ernest called to mind tho promise of tho night before. They madollghtoriilm, and told hi nt that ho was foolish to pay any nioro attention to it. Then, said lie, "I don't see where your consciences are, if you can mko n promise nnd break your word." "How can you ftilllll any promise of Unit kindV" said Christopher. "Our parents nro nil poor, and havo moro than they cuii do to send us to tlio uni versity. How then can they holp us to buy u houso nnd garden for a foolish old man? Good night, comrades, I wish you as pleasant a sleep as I shall have." Hut this kind of argument did not affect KrnoU much, lor he could not help thinking that ho was compelled to keep his bargain. Ho wtw tho poorest ono of tlio group, for his mother was plain widow, nnd she made her living by washing. Tho promUo that ho had mado deeply affected him, mid hu left the university fur it week, so that ho might go homo und tell hU mother tho pledgo Unit lie had made to tlio old mu sician. After ho had told her, sho re plied : "Keep it my boh ; keop it, if it costs your II fo I" "That Is hat I will try to do, moth, or; und I hopo I shall havo your prnyers." Ernest roturned to the university, und told Ills fiiwids that they mint think so rlously of buying the old man n houso nud garden. He went to u neighboring vlliagu ouo day, uud found that ho could get it n cut llttlo homo mid garden for two thousand guldens. That wn9 a largo sum for thoso poor students to think of paying; but through thoinflu enco of Ernest, tlio other thrco gradual ly becamo convinced that it wns their duty to keep their promise. Tlio foui vesol ved that In ono ycnr from tho tlmo tho pledgo was mado tho old mnn should havo hid house and garden, If it was In their-power to got It for lilm. Thoy mint leavo the-university asad proceeding for them. Thoy camo to tho conclusion to go through tho country nnd give llttlo concerts; for really this appeared to them to bo tho only way possiblo' to gain ntiy money. i.ven by pursuing thi3 course, thero appeared to bo u poor prospect of- gottlng a large sum. fcjtlll liiey resoiveu to uo inoir best. They closed their books, put their instruments in their llttlo bugs, and bet out on foot, to glvo concerts lu tho vil lages through which thoy might pass; Ernest, before, lenving, exacted a. prom ise of the mini who owned tho house nud lot which ho looked at, that he would not sell It under six mouths to any one; and, that it no wouiti promiso to tnke it at tlio end of that tlmo lie might have It, though the money need not by paid under n year, week nfter week passed by, and tho students slow ly proceeded on their way. Their ox peiiseSjWcro jiot heavy, but their in como wits certainly very small. Nino months nnd n half passed by nnd .still they had but iiliio hundred guldens. It wns a great oueitlon with them how the remaining thirteen hundred could bo raised. They were spending one day at n country town," und u nobleman liv ing iu n largo eastlo ti few miles distant, nas' seeking musicians to'ntteiul the wedding of his daughter, who was to bo married lu three or four days. For innately enough for tho students, tlio nobleman employed them for the occv slon. The marriage ceremonies took place, and by-and-by It wns tlmo for the music to begin. The students had trained themselves very carefully for that evening and their selections wcro of it very high order. During the course of tho festivities, It was noticed that the nobleman becamo very iad. Ills face wore n melancholy appearance and Ums-oAvho stootl nearest to him saw ill in weeping. What could have caused him to be melancholy at such a time as Hint ? One of tho pieces that thoo mu sicians" had played was his mother's fa vorite melody. She lrid often sung it to hint, many years ago, and he had not heard it since, until tho students ployed it. It was enough to' make him sorrowful, and it drew thoso students to his heart In such n way that lie could not express his feelings. Thoy had re called' til his memory n pieco of'music which ho hod never been able to find In any music store, and which it wns now worth it forttino for him to hear. I mint now ninko my story short. Tho nobleman kept the four students in ills castlu two weeks, bcc.imo acquaint ed with them fully, and learned their object In leaving tlio university to give concerts. Ho supplied them with three thousand guidons and told them Unit ho would pay their expensesat tho uni versity for four yours, and that they might havo tho privilege of making drafts on him nt any time. Their fortune wns better than they had any reason to expect. Ernest hud ulready written to tho owner of the houso nntl garden "that ho might expect them to take it, su Unit it was now en-gaged. The students returned to tho univer sity, and reached thero )usl before the end of the year, when tho homo must bo ready for the owner. On tho even ing of tho day when tho old man prom ised to appear, ho stood below tho win dow iu the bright winter moonlight, playing on his old violin. Ho was true to lii-j word, and expected tho promise to bo kept, Tho young men went down to invito him up, and told him all thoy hud d one. They show ed him the deed for his place, anil gave it to him. On tho following day he formally took pos session of it, and they supplied It with furniture and groceries for Iiousektcp- l'Diirteeii years uner thai time, (lie place enme into their possession; fur tho old man had died uud bcMUcnlhcd it to tlieni in Ids will. That part of the town rose suddenly in value. Many things contributed to its increased val ue, which 1 will not now enumerate. It Is enough to say that seventeen year from tho time that our btudeuts guvo tho deed of that houso and garden to tho old musician, tho 111110. property which had cost two thousand guldens was worth eighty thousand. Tho stu dents, liiroforc, were not merely re paid lu heart but nlso lu money. They hnd kept their word ; and tlio memory of being faithful to the word even to tlio poor old man whohatl no power to com pel them to bo true to it, was a pleasant memory as long us they lived. Offensive Dueath. Offensive breath Is sometimes occasioned by ca rious teeth. Delescotto's myrtle opluto has been recommended as t counteruc tivo in sucli ease; tills is prepared by immeraiug eight ounces ofthu best lion ey with two ounces of roso-wiuer, over 11 gentle fire for u few minutes, und then milling us much powdered myrrh und Armenian nolo ns will form a soft paste It Is applied to the teeth on nbriish,and Is generally successful In removing any unpleasant odor from them fur a time. Also, if tho mouth bo well rliisetl with 11 tcaspoonftll of the eolation of tho elilorido of soda In a tumbler of water, thu bad odor of tho teeth will bo des troyed. The following preparation di luted vrllh water, may bo used s Ohio rido of lime, 11 quarter of an ounce water ono ouncy agitato well together In u phial for half an hour; filter, and ndd spirit, one ounce; rose or orungo (lower water, liulf 1111 ounce. A sick limn, slightly convalescing. recently In conversation with a pious friend, who congratulated him upon Ills rocovery, and asked hlui who his phy slchm was, replied: -'Dr. Jones brough mo through." "No, no," said Ills friend, "God brought you out of your illnes-i, not tho doctor." "Well, mnyb he did, but I am certain thu doctor will elm r go mo for It." Itciisous lor Vote. Tun following aro tlio reasons of Mr. Jackson, for Ins voto on tho resolution ratifying tho fifteenth nmendment to tlio Constitution of tho United States: Tlio action oftlio majority of thoSCn- ttto In calling the provlous question on tho passage of Scnato bill No. 745, en titled Joint resolution to ratify tho amendment to tho Constitution of the United States, provented mo from glv- ng my reasons for my voto in op position to tho adoption of tho salt! so called Fifteenth nmendment to tho Con. stlttltion of tlio United States, as fol lows : "Abticlk 15. -Tho rlghtof citizens bf tlio United States to voto shall not bo denied or abridged by tlio. United States, or by any State, on account of race, color or previous condition of servitude. "Section 2. Congress shall have pow er to enforco this nrticlo by appropriate legislation." This action of the majority Is In full accord with their well known cowardice and deceit. With deceit as tho corner stoiia of tho party, it could scarce bo e.v. pectcd that when tlio party whip was cracked over their heads, und King Can cus decided that this iniquity should bo accomplished, nnd tlio people of the old Keystone State deprived of ono of their most sacred rights, that they should hesitate to put on tho gag, call tlio tro vlous question, nnd rush It through tho Senate without that full and frcediscus- slon which so great a measure should have, received nt tho hands of the Senuto of Pennsylvania ; nnd so iur as tho tm tlon of tho Senate is concerned, tlio out rage is accomplished of taking from tho pcoplo tho Bucrcd right of deciding for themselves who should and who should not bo entitled to tho rights of suffrage lu Pennsylvania. In vain we asked of tho Republican Senators to give tho peoplo nn opportunity of be ing heard through tho ballot-box upon tills great question. Wo offered nnd urged thendoption of tho following reso lutions: Whekeas, Tho Congres3 of the United States has proposed nn nmend ment to tho Constitution thereof, to be known ns nrticlo fifteen, which changes the ruloof suffrage now existing in this Coinmonwcalth,and substitutes therefor nnother and a different rule, which said nmendment Is now submitted to the legislatures of the several States for rati fication; Ami Whereas, "All power is inherent in tlio people,"- und it Is right that they should havo an opportunity to voto for or ngninst tho ratification of the said amendment, nnd to dctermlno whether they will or will not chdngo the rule of suffrage now existing : therefore, Iccsoh-cil, That tho Judiciary Com mitteo of tlio. Senate.bo nnd nro hereby instructed to prepare nnd forthwith re port to the Sennto a bill for tho submis sion of tho ratification of thosaid amend mcnl to the people nt tho election in Oc tober, 18G0. Jlesolvcd, That thoScnnto will not net upon tho question of ratification of the said amendment to tlio Constitution of tho United Stntes at its present session, but will nwitit tho action of the people nt tlio polls thereon. They woro voted down by n strict party vote.overy Democratic Senutoi vo ting for, nud every Republican Senator against them. When tho resolutions pledging the Scnato to leave this matter to a voto of the pcoplo at tho next October elections were voted tlown,wo again urged delay, and asked that : ll'ienas, Tho subject contained in tlio mid amendment is one in which the peoplo of this Commonwealth are deep ly interested, nnd upon which thuy have tho undoubted right to be heard, and the right of petition, address and remonstrance being guaranteed to them by the declaration of rights of the Con titutlon, it Is Just and proper that time should bo given them to petition or re monstrate against the ratification of the said amendment; therefore, Hciotutl, That the aetiou on the foresaid amendment to the Coustitu tiou of tlio United .States, to bo known as nrticlo fifteenth, bo und N hereby post loned until Tuesday, the i'!d day of -March, ISO'.), in order to allow tho pee do to bo heard by netition. address nud remonstrance 011 the siii.jcet nforesaid, nd that the bill to ratify said amend meut bo made tho special urtler for that uuy. Hut no, they would not agree to that, Thero were whispers that thero might ho some weak-kneed brethren uiuoiigst them, and they wcro afraid that when tho mighty voice of tho peo ple wu heard resounding from tho hills ami valleys of our glorious old Com 111011 wealth, thero might bo some Sena tnrs with some conscience, and a llttlo respei t for tho pcpplo still lingering about tliem,aud that they might Dy tho track, and In spite of thu party whips, might still further delay thu con.su in iiintlun of tho outrage, until tlio peo plo were heard from through the ballot- box. Aro tlieynfrald tosubmit ittothu peo plo V Certainly thoy nro. Tho party leaders havo deceived them upon this question timo nnd again. They havo alwnys denied being in favor of negro suffrago nntl negro equality, During the last election campaigns, they fol lowed out strictly their doctrines of deceit nud fraud by adopting In the Nn tionnl Republican Convention held nt Chicago, as n part of thu platform of their party, tlio following 1 "II. Tho guaranty by Congress of Hiitl suffrago to 1 loyal men at the South waa.dcnianded by every coiisld cratiim of publlcsafvty.of grutitiido.u'id of Justice, and must bo maintained; while tho question of suffrago lu all thu loyal States properly belongs to tho pod p'.o of those States," Wu charged through tho Democratic papers and from tlio stump that they were again at their old trieks of doccly ing ami betraying the peoplo, nud that If they woro fcucco;sful ut the polls they would furco negro euirraio und negro equality upon us. Thoy denied this, nnd placing their hands upon their hearts tlioyoverywliero called upon God to witness their sincerity In divlarlng Hint they would sustain their Chicago platform, and would lenvo tlio question of euifrugo in all tho Northern Stntes under tlio control of tho pcoplo, They aro continued in power, und now feel ing securo In that power for tlio next four ycar3,thoy at onco proceed to inflict this iniquitous lucasuro upon nn out raged people. They expect by so doing in Pennsyl vania to add to their voting population somo 15,000 votes. They may accom plish It they may lotaln their power, especially if they can still by fraud and deceit retain those in their ranks whom thoy havo so often deceived before un der tlio plea that tho preservation of the Union nnd not negro suffrago und negro equality was thucorncr-stoiiool tho Re publican parly. .1 Rut tho right of suffrage In Pennsyl vania Is n right reserved by tho Stato, and the General Government can linvo no control over tho subject whntovor. Section two of nrticlo nine of tho Con stitution of Pennsylvania provides : "That ull power is inherent in the pcoplo, and ull freo government uie founded on their authority;" and 6ce tlon twenty-jix of the same nrticlo Is us iohows: "To guard against tronsgres slons of tho high power wo havo delega ted, wo dectaro that everything In this artlelols excepted out of tho general powers of tho Government, nnd shall forever remain inviolate." Tho framers of our Slnto Constitution wcro sojenlons of tho rights of tho peo ple, and so fearful that their- sacred rights might bo infrliiged, Unit they provided In nrtlcle.ten that all amend- mcnta must bu agreed to by two succes slvo Legislatures, and then submitted to a voto of the peoplo, and ratified by them boforo becoming n part of the or ganic law; and yet the Republican members of tho Pennsylvania Scnnte, disregarding tho provisions of the Con stitution of tlicir own State, nntl their obligations ns Senntors,nssumo tlio right of refusing tho people tho privilege of voting upon tills proposition which tow cm infinitely above any proposition to change the Constitutinn of tlio State of Pennsylvanlajoroven tho rigid toremon stmto against this Iniquity, und claim for themselves the right In three short hours' lime, und under tho action oftlio previous question, to' gag this Senate und attempt to forco negrosuffrogo upon our unwilling people. If tlio right of suffrago In Pennsylva nia must bo extended, why not first give it to our mothers, our wives, our daughters tlio white women of the Stale'.' Aro they not equally ns meritori ous, ps intllligent as tho lllitcrato negro? What havo thoy- dono that tho black man shall bo placed not only on an, equality with them, but elevated above them '.' Where nro our young men between tho- ages of eighteen nnd twenty-one years, who filled tho ranks of ournrmv, nnd bravely rallied round nnd defended thoflagofourcountry,nnd won forthem- selves Immortal fame battling for the preservation of tho Union? Aro they not as intelligent nnd as worthy of the elcctivo franchise ns tho negro? Why will you piaco tho ballot in tlio black man's hand,nnd havo these youn men stand to ono sldo 111 tho election day whilst the negro marches to tho polls and votes ? Shamo upon a party that would attorning to eommltsticli an outrage. Senators aro assumed powers that tho framers of tlio Constitution of Peniipyl vnnia never dreamed of giving to the Legislature. Standing in their places in this Sennto chamber, they aro at tempting to roh tlio peoplo of one of their dearest rights. They will bo ans wered in tones of thunder by nn indig- nnat nnd outraged peoplo in tho next elections. Tho pcoplo will take this matter Into tlicir own hands, and will elect as Gov. ernornnd members cf tho Legislature men who bcllevo in tho rights of the people, and who will undo the wrong tills Legislature has committed ; nnd they will elect membersof tho Supreme Court who will declare this amendment null nnd void, and of no binding effect upon the peoplo of Pennsylvania. Gr.ouor. D. Jackson. The i'litsT Shot. A London paper relates tho following under the appar ent impression of it being n fact ! "Tho xsortiieners carry their revolvers at their backs in tlio centre or their waist band. A very nervous Englishman re ceived this pieco of nlvico from an American : "Waal, stranger, if you git lntonn nrgtimcnt with any critter an' you see his hand stealing gently round 111s nip 1111' lieinnu ills back, bo certain he means mischief; only don't Walt to bco; you out witli your six-shooter, for It Is a trilling as to who . gets the first shot. Now, don't you stand 110 euro- motiywlth.thut- urprgumentlvt) cuss, but,Ux him wltl a, p.eii .bullet thero nnd then as if ho was a dovourlu' reptile." Tho Englishman thanked .his friend, and was always dodging about with his revolver, first In ono pocket, then in auotlicr, and keeping hlseyo on uuy stranger with whom ho happened to converse. Ono day ho met a cadaver 011s looking Northerner who was suffer ing from lumbago. Thoy conversed about the weatlivr and becamo rather warm 011 tlisstihjcct of rain. Suddenly thu lumbago man felt n, twinkle in the small of his back, and with a view to explain the effect of a change of weath er upon him, commenced slipping his hand slowly around to the part affected. "Waal, stranger" says lie, wincing with pain, and his arm gradually, disappear- lof?, "ii guess 1'vo got a " Tho Englishman didn't wait for tho conclu sion, but snatched out his Colt nnd Hhot him dead. JCiman City ,T!mts. A Y0lN(l lndy who evidently "has somo one to love," writes tho following Hues for tho ibwe Journal, nnd "gush ingly '"calls for her Adolphus to como to her : "O come, dearest como, for lovo's nectnrlno wluo Bnliblesnp from my soul to overflow Into tlilno, And no succulentgrape which the lthlno zeph yrs kiss Imprison such dulcet elixir us this. "Then fly, nnd your passionate soul shall be filled With thlsdellcalo Juice from my spirit distilled; You m ly drink till tho founts' of my being are dry Till you reel with delight 1 O! I lien, lly to 1110 lly I" Somo person ought to attend to Hint girl. If sho distills ,such intoxicating nectar, tho Rcvcniio Asspssor ought to look after, that still. Sho finally takes on ''thusly," as" she finds tho young man coming to .time : "O I darling why llngir t Tho, hour lit loug past. When you promised to come, nud the moments fly f.ist- Husbl Hark I 'tis his footstep t and nearer. moro near, Ho presses! hu rmhes! I'mblestt bo Is here!" When Jackson was moving on to strike McClcllnn's flank on tho Chieka- homlny, became ib a stream which had no brldgo nnd could not be crossed without one, Tlio General had brought with him, from tlio valley, a rough un educated man, full of energy, who had served him in emergencies, nnd in whom he had tho. utmost confidence. Ho called this man, and told him that the stream must bo bridged immediate ly ; tho regular engineers wcro nlso utl vised of tho fact. In a short timo tho rough carpenter and tho polished men of scionco woro nt tho stream; tho former had his plan, tho latter theirs. Ho wanted to go nt tho worlrat once, without drawings; but they objected until they could perfect the plans on paper. Tho engineers retired to their tents to perfect a paper bridgo ; tho car- potter took his men and went to work to mako a real one. In n very short timo ho appeared at tlio General's tent nnd reported briefly thus: "General, that bridgo is dono, but them plcteis ain't como yet." A MAN passing through tho country during un excited political canvass, rodo uptoa farmhouse, and thus uccostcd 11 tow headed urchin who was seated o'ia gate post : "Hub, where' your 11a?" Tho youngster eyed thebtrangercurl- ouly a moment, and then replied. Pap's JUt gone dowu thar beyunt tho cow nhed to bury our old dog, Touser, The darned old fool killed blsself bark- in' nt candidates for sheriff. Re you one?" Thu traveler rode on. Xeau tho villajto of IU, thero lived a farmer who had engaged a ton of tho Emerald Isiu to work for him. One morning In tlio spring Pat was sent to hnrrow a pieco of ground. Ho had not worked long beforo ull tho teeth except two or three camo out of tho harrow. After u while tlio farmer went out In tlio field to see how Pat proceeded, and asked him how ho liked tarrowlng. "Oh," replied Pat, "It goes a bit smoother now slneo tho pegs are out." AiiGuiNo with a Woman. "You must admit, Doctor," said a witty lady to a celebrated doctor of divinity, with whom tho wns arguing tho question of tho "equality of tho sexes," "you niust admit that woman was created beforo man I" "Well, really, Madam," .sad (ho as tonished divine, "I must ask you to provo your ease." "That c.iii bo easily done, sir. Wns'nt :vo tho first maid?" A MlssouitlAN Informed n traveler who Inquired about his corn that each stalk had iiitio ears on it, und was fif teen feet high. "That's nothing to our corn," replied tlio traveler. "Up, In Illinois, whero I camo from, wo always had nlno curs to each stalk, nud a peck of shelled corn hanging to each tassel, but wo never could raise any field bo.ms with it." "Why?" "Recuuso tho corn grew bo fait that it always pulled tho beans up." A Negbo had usovcro attack of rhcu matism which finally settled In his foot Ho bathed It, ho rubbed it, uud swathed it; but all to no ptirpo.se. Finally, tear ing away tlio bandago, ho stuck 11 out, nnd with a shako of his fist over It, e claimed: "Aclio away, den, olo feller. nehoawny; 1 slum't do iiulllu more for ycr; dli chllo can stan't It as loug as you ken," At a wedding, niter tiu clurgymun had united tho happy pair, mi nwtttl l iencu ensued which becoming rather irksome ton young gvutleiiian, ho urled out : "You need uot bu so uiispc.vlH.My happy.' ' SoMunour my that Eve U tho only woman wild novcr threatened to go uud llvo with her mother. Yes, and Adam lsthoonly man who never tantalized his wlfo aluiiit "tho way mother used to cook," A Geuman sued his neighbor for kill ing Ills dog. Thu Justico, asked tljuj de fendant If ho killed the dog, "Po suro I kilt him, but let him prove it," was tlio logged reply. This being samructory, tlio plaintiff was asked with a view of assessing damages, how much the dog was worth. "Thodog wns worth noting, but since ho was so mean ns to kill him , ho shall pay do full valuo of him." This plcturo will apply to a good many law suits. DuniNQ tho war a lady passing from cot to cot through tho wards of tho hos pital was shocked to hear a fellow laughing at her. Sho stopped to re prove tho wretched fellow. "Why, look liore, ma'am,'' says he, "you'vo given mua tract on tho sin of dancing, when I've got both legs shot off." May llio married" ma?" said u pret ty brunette 'of sixteen to her morther. "What dp you want to bo married rorY" returned her mother. "Why, ma, yeu know that Uie children have never seen anybody married, and I thought It might plcaso 'em." liuinitAM Young, having been mar. rled tho other day to llvo additional wlvci, an Indian chief, who witnessed thoce rem ony, shook .his head nndttUrug ged hU Hhoulders ur.d muttered, ''Too much marry - too much r-qimw."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers