arracr'0 gcpnrtracnt. What hall We Have fur Mlnnsr. Km turn Kditoii, Thoro la not t hou.sokccpcr ntnniiK llio Ipglotrwlio read your paper, who ti not fnHiiiftitly "pui to" to know what tlio day's dinner U uoiifUt of. I hnvu inoro than oneo mild to myself, "Odcnr? wllnt ahull wolinve for dinner to day ?" nnd wns no nearer to tho fact. Ijdtertly I hnvo adopted n hill of faro for tho wholo week, nnd this troublo nlniost. entirely vaolshen, mid nolonly with one butall tho meals. And this la my programme for dinner, but each housewife wltiof courso mnko up ono for hors-lA I oidy olTVir intne forconsldcndlon: Sundav. Itoast-bcef, mashed pota tors, mashed turnips, celery or ft colli stjiw, and a tnaccaronl. Dessert, a rlco puritllng or Apples. .Monday. Soup mado of n knucklo of veal or n shin of beef, which ought to bo enough for a largo family for two or threo times; tho roast-beef cold ; roast ed potatoes, stewed onions. Dessert, ppflch or apple plo. Tuesday. Stewed mutton, plenty or gravy, With potatoes, turnips, carrots, onions, commonly called an "Irish otow." Dessert, apple-dumplings, the crust made of potatoes and only as much flour as will hold tlio crust togeth er. To bo eaten with milk or cream nnd molasses, or molasses only,orsugar, as to taste. Wednesday. Soup as for Monday, corned-beef and cabbage, with sldo dishes of turnips nnd potatoes whole. Dessert, iiu Indian meal puddiug sweet-, encd liberally with good molasses, an excellent and wholesome Uossert. TlluitanAY. A leg or quarter of mutton roasted, with potatoes cooked under tho meat, mashed turnips, and coldslaw. Dessert, peach or npplo pic. FniDAY. i'ork nnd beans, boiled po tatoes "in their Jackets," and what re mains of Wednesday's dinner. Dessert, applo-dumpllngs. SATUHDAY. Soup, Which, If Micro should bo none of tho, "stock" on hand from tho knucklo of veal or shin of beef, before referred to, can bo mado of tho scraps on band. Then tho remains of tho mutton on Thursday and tho pork on Friday, with potatoes, coldslaw, &c. Dessert, a,bolled bread-pudding, made of risen bread-dough us light as possi ble, liberally dosed with dried currants or raisinsfocboth. I offqr the abovo 03 n substantial far mer's"citnnec for-tiio seven days in tho week. Itmust bVborno In mind that poultry, game or fish can be substituted for ariy 'of the .dinners whero fresh meat is down, or something clso that happens once in a while to'prosont itself unexpectedly. As to breakfast and suppers, overy housekeeper will provide, theso as clr cumstsinecs allow. One or two things, however, I would suggest, that good black, tea besubstituted forcoUee, which is sure sooner or later to proiluco dys pepsia. Tea is Justus refreshing and entirely wholesome. -That nothing should bo fried that can be, broiled, Msuh, flitch, pork, chops, scrapple, c, we suppose must be, but beyond this avoid it as much as possible. There is nothing harder on tho digestion than the burnt particles of fat produced by frying. No person who has not the stomach of nn ostrich can swallow this for any length of tlmo without suffer ing. As I am, as you know, the wife of a fanner,I respectfully submit the forgeo ing to tho housekeepers who read your invaluable Journal. OermanCown Tele graph. Poultry Manure How to save it. Poultry manure, ono of tho most valuable fertilizers made uron the farm, is too often allowed to go to waste. The hens nnd turkojs roost upon trees, un der the shed in the wagon-house, or wherever it happens. To save tho manure, theso birds 'must bo taught' lo roost in one place. Turkeys readily take to elevated poics, near tho house or barn, and theso should always bo provided for them. Sweep up their droppings every few days, nnd put in a box" or barrel, nnd keep dry. Hens will roost under" coyor, nnd a hen-liuuse should always be ono of the farm build ingB. The floor, if not boards in a loft, should be such that it can be cleaned easily and frequently. It is well to keep plaster or .dried peat under tho fowls. Put tho sweepings in old barrel's as fast as they accumulate. In a dry stato they will keep a long tiino with out much loss. It is customary to mix theso droppings with wood ashes, with out much attention to deflnlto propor tions, at the time of planting, and drop in tho hill for corn and potatoes. If care is taken to keep tho seed from con tact with tho 'manure, they produeo very satisfactory results. ISut this Is tho best way of Two .or threo weeks before planting, mix tho contents of tho barrels with about threo times their bulk of moist loam or peat under cover. When the mass is well heated, shovel it over and mix it witli as much more loam or peat, and let it lio until wanted. This may be worked into beds prepared.for girden seeds, or dropped a handful to the, hill, for: Held crops, nnd will always tell a good story at harvest tlmo. .A house that is in tho harness every day needs' nn nbundance of food and tho right kind. Oats make more mus clc than corn, and should always form part of tho food of n hard working horse. Corn gives plumpness and lin parts warmth. Tho colder tho weather tho more corn j tho .harder tho work tho mora oats. Foon foh Chickens. A writer rec ommends for chickens, for tho tlrst week after hatching, hard boiled eggs, to bo given, chopped fine, at least twico a day; wheat steeped in milk, and coarso Indian meal, bread crumbs, otcV A change of food Is necessary twico n week, substituting cracked corn for wheat. A coitRESi'ONDiNT of tlio American Farmers' Magaxlno helped to build a corn crib In Vermont fifty-flvo years ago, which IsBtlll iu good order and in which, no rat or mouse, was over known to be. It Is on utono pillars, two feet high, each capped by a broad flat stone, smooth on tho nndersldo. ItA'MKK pay wages to a servant, than accept thp offered help of occasional at tendants euct are never paid. ' ' Xwa Oilo Farmer asserts that nltio- teallu el the foot and anklo nllmouta of thahoreo are traeeoble to standing on V ilank floor. THE i'rltite Clierl, (Ouiithwed.) Hardly had sho lluMicd thtfo words before Chcrl saw with horror hu was tho nionstor slit1 described. Ho hnd the head of a Hon, thu horns of a hull, the feut of a wolf nnd tho tall of n viper.--At tliosnmo tlmo hu found himself In a great forast, on tho brink of u fountain wherein ho saw his horrible form re flected, nnd Ifedrd u volco.whleh said, "Consider attentively tho stato to which thy crimes hnvo reduced thee. Thy mind is bucomon thousand times moro frightful than thy body." Cherl recog nized tho volcu of Caudld, and In his fury ho turned to throw himself on hor and, if it had been ponllilo, to dovour her; but ho saw no one, nnd tho snmo volcosnld to him, "I mock thy impo tent fury, and will humble thy prldo by placing theo under tho powor of thlno own subjects." Cherl thought that by flying from this fountain ho should escape from much of his vexation, as ho should no longor have his ugliness nnd deformity before his eyes; ho rushed therefore into tho wood; but hardly bad hogono a few steps, when ho fell into a hole which had beon mndo to catcli n bear, nnd Im mediately thohuntcrs, who had ell mbed tho trees to watch for their prey, de scended, and having secured him with chains, led him towards tho capital city of his kingdom. On tho way, instead of perceiving that ho had drawn on 1 himself this chas tisement by his own fault, ho cursed tho Fairy, gnawed his chains, and gavo himself up to his rngp. As ho ap proached tho city to which they were conducting him, ho observed great re joicing going on; nnd tho hunters hav ing asked what hnd happened, woro told that Prince Cherl, who had had no pleasure but In tormenting his peo ple, had been destroyed In his cham ber by a thunderbolt, for bo thov im agined. "Thogoda,MiM they, "could no longer support tho excess of his wickedness, and have thus ridden tho world of him. Four lords, accomplices of his crimes, thought to prollt by tho event, and to dlvido Ids kingdom amongst them; but tho people who knew that it was their evil counsel which had corrupted tho King, toro them to pieces, mid have offered tho crown to Suliman whom tho wicked Cherl hnd wished to put to death. This worthy lord has just been crowned, nnd we colebrato this day as that of tlio dcliveranco of tho kingdom; for Suliman is virtuous, and will restore to us peace and prosperity." Cheri groaned with rago at hearing this discourse; but it was far worse when ho arrived iu tlio Great Square be fore tho Palace. Ho saw Suliman on n superb throne, nnd heard tho peoplo wish him a long life, to repair nil tho evils which his predecessor had com mitted. Suliman mado a sign with ids hand to request silence, nnd bald to tho crowd: "1 have accepted tho crown which you offered mo, but only to nre- servo It lor Princo Cheri; ho is not dead as you believe. A Fuiry has revealed ,this to me, and perhaps sorao day you will seo him again as virtuous as he was inhis youth. Alas I" continued he. shedding tears, "flatterers ruined him, ,1 knew ids heart, It was formed for vir tue; and but for the poisonous discourse of tlioso who surrounded him. ho would have been a father to you. Detest his vices, but pity Jdm, and let us all pray tho gods to restore him to us. As for me, I should esteem myself too happy to batho this throrao with my blood, If I could seo him ascend it again with those good dispositions which would make him nil it worthily." Tho words of Suliman went to tho heart of Cheri. Ho found then how "sin cere had been the attachment and fidel ity of this excollont man, and for tho first tlmo reproached himself for his wickedness. Hardly had ho listened to this good impulse than ho felt tho rago which had animated him subdued, he reflected on tho crimes ho had commit ted and confessed ho had not been pun ished 03 severely us ho hud deserved. Ho censed, to struggle in his iron cage, nnd becamo mild as a lamb. They placed nun In a largo menagerie, where they kept all sorts of monsters and wild beasts, and chained him up with tiio rest. Cheri then camo to tho resolution of beginning to nmend of his faults, by showing obedience to the man who kept him. This men was very brutal when ho w.ts In an Ill-temper. Although tho monsjer was very docile, lie beat him without rhymo or reason. Ono day that this man was asleep, n tlgjr that had broken his chain threw himself upou him to dovour him; nt first Cheri felt un emotion of joy nt seeing himself about to bo delivered from his persecutor, but immediately after ho condemned this feeling and wished himself nt liberty. "I would," Bald ho, "render good for evil by saving tho llfb of this unhappy man." Hardly had ho formoJ tho wish than ho saw his iron cage open, ho throw himself 'before tho man, who was now awake and defending himself from tho tiger. Tho keeper thought himself lost when ho saw tho monster; but his fear was soon turned Into joy tlio bo- novoicnt monster sprang upon tho ti ger, strangled lilin, nnd then laid him self down nt the feet of him whom ho hud saved. The man, penetrated by gratitude, was about to stoop to caress tho monster which had rendered him so great a bervico,whcn ho heard a voice which said, "A good action never goes without its reward," and ut tlio same moment ho saw only a pretty dog at ils feet. Cherl charmed at this, moui morphosis, bestowed a t housund, caress es on his keeper, who look him in Ids arms and carried him to thu King, to whom ho related this murvclous. story. Tho Queen desired to hnvo tho dog; nnd Cheri would have been very happy in his new condition had ho been able to forget that ho wii3 onco a man and a monarch. Tho Queen loaded him with caresses; but fearing that ho would grow largcr.sho cousulted hor physlciaus who told her that alio must glvo him no food but bread, und only a moderate quantity of that. Poor Cheri was dying of hunger half tho day but ho was obliged to have patience. Quiuule, reudlog that "It has been decided in tho Court of Queen's Bench, ut Dublin, that u clergyman ol tho court of linglaud can legally marry himself," observes that tub might bo yory well as measure of economy, but even In tho hardest time ho would rather marry a woman. COLUMBIAN AND DEMO CR AT, BLO OMSBURG, COLUMBIA COTJNTYPA MISCELLANEOUS. jT A T I O N A h LIFE INSURANCE CO. or TUB UNI'TEl) BTATES OP A M K It I 0 A, WASHINaTOX, l. c. CIlAHTEHKIiBYSPECIAb ACT0FC0N0UKS3 ArrnoVXD JULY 29, 1803, CASH CAPITAL, l'AID IN FULt, i! 1,000,000. II It A N C II OFFICE! FIUST NATIONAL BANK IlUlLDlria, PHILADELPHIA, Whero tho general business of tlio Company Is transacted, nnil to which nil general corrcspon Jcncc should ho nddrossed. OFFICERS! CLARENCE II. CLARK. rrcsUcnt. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive Commltteo. HENRY I). COOKE. Vlco-I'rcsldeut. EMERSON W. FEET, Secretary nnd Actuary. This Company offers tho following advantages! It Is a National Company, Chartered by special act of Congress, 1&M. It has n, paid-up capital of 11,000,000. It offers low rates of premium. It furnishes larger lnsuranco than oilier com panies for tho same money. It Is deflnlto and certain In Its terms. It Is a homo company In overy locality. Its policies aro exempt from attachment; Theroarono unnecessary restrictions In tho policies. Every iwllcy Is non-forfoltahlo. l'ollccs may bo laltcn which pay to tho Insured their lull amount, nnd rcturu nil tho premiums, so that tho lusuranco eosls only tnu luioroat. cm tho annual payments. No extra rate Is charged for risks upon tho lives of females. It Insures, not to pay dividends to policy-holders, but nt mi low a cost that dividends will bo Impossible. Circulars. Pamphlets and full paitlculars given on application lo tho Uranch Oillco of tho Compa ny, or to K. W. CLARK & CO., Philadelphia, General Agents for Pennsylvania nnd Southern Now Jersey. JOEL E. BRADLEY, nioomsburg Pa., Special Agent for Montour & Columbia Counties Feb. lO.'OD.-lyr. UNFAILING EYE PItESEUVERS, Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS & OCULISTS llAItTKOllI), CONN.. Have, with nvlcw tomcetllio Increased demand for their CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES, Appointed Miss A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, . 11 L O O M 8 11 U It O, PA As their sole Agent for this placo. They have taken caro to glvo all needful Instructions, nnd have confldenco In tho nblllly of their agents to meet the requirements of all customers. An op portunity will bo thus afforded to procure, at nil times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOR THEIR STRENGTHENING AND PRESER VING QUALITIES, Too much cannot bo said as to their SUPERI ORITY over the ordinary glasses worn. There Is 110 glimmering, wavering of the tight, dizztness, ot other unpleasant sensatlou, but on tho contrary, from the peculiar construction of the Leusos they aro toothing and pleasant, causing a feeling of relief to tho wearer, nnd PRODUCING A CLEAR aud DISTINCT VISION, as In the natu ral health! tight, Tliey are tho only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS AVELL AS ASSIST THE SIGHT 1 And aro tho CHEAPEST becauso tho I1EST, al ways lasting many years without chango bo- lug necessary. :0: CAUTION. Miss. A. D. WEBB, STATIONER, JILOOMSBUlta PA., Is tho ONLY Agent appointed In this placo. m- WE EMPLOY NO PEDDLERS. Feb. IDftVly. "y U HAVE N O TRAVELING AGENTS Farmers aud Dealers who send their orders tljrc-cf to us, cun avail themselves of tho LOWEST PRICES Aud tave the Coinmlttlon. Early orders will bo advantageous to buyers. ALLEN & NEEDLES. MANUjrACTlTBIlIS OT IMPROVED ' SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AND Till! AMMONIATED FERTILIZER. PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. 1 received direct from the Government. FISH GUANO. A splendid Manure packed lu barrels. We also offer for sale Fens Land ViMinn, IIvdiiaulio and a full assortment of Oils and Candles. A DISCOUNT TO DEAL ERS. ALLEN & N E E D L 12 South Delawaro Avenue, delphla. EH, Plilhv FJ4TABLISUED IN 1814. For sale by THE BLOOMSUUnU IRON CO., Feb. lJ.'GO-Jm. ULOOUSUURO Fa, gNYDER, HARRIS & BASSETT, Manusccturen and Jobbers of MKM'B AND HOIS' CLOTHING, Mas, m Market, tmd G22 Cojataercw Street, rtUlsdelpkuc. ET THE BEST. usuu'fl Conner Yuhular IJeliliiljiflr Rod is Uie best Drteelion sjcaicuit dlsuc'Lu- by lluhLuliuc ever tuvuedo. The aubucrlber Is ccjient (or tile bovo luventlou, and all orders by wall or la erion will proiiihlly uUeuaed U. My,'6 E. U. niDLEJIAN, DRY GOODS. TMTILLEB'S STOIIE. FRES1I ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. The subscriber has Just returned from the cltlw with another large nnd select assortment of SPRINO AWD BUMMER 000P3, purchased in New York nnd rhllndelrlilanl the lowest figure, and which ho Is determined to sell on as inoderato terms na can bo procured else where In llloomsbnrg. Ills stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the choicest styles and latest fashions, together Willi n large ;nssortment of Dry Goods and Gro ceries, consisting of tho following articles I Carpets, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Casslmores, Shawls, Flannels, Silks, White Goods, Linens, Hoop Skirts, Muslins, Hollowware Cedarwaro Queensware, ' Hardware Roots and Shoes, lints and Caps, Hoop Nets, Umbrellas, Looklng-GlasseJ, Tobacco, Coffee, Sugars, ' Teas, Rice, Allspice, Ginger, Cinnamon, Nutmegs, AND NOTIONS GEN RALLY. In short, everything usually kept In country stores, to which ue invites tho attention of the public generally. Tho highest price will bo paid for country produce In exchange for goods. 8. II. MILLER SON. Arcndo llulldlngs, nioomsburg, Pa. riBEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES AT PETER ENT'S STORE, IN LJGHT STREET, OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has Just received nnd has on hand nt his old (.tand ill Light Street, n largo and solcct ASSORTMENT OF MERCHANDISE purclinj.o.1 nt the lowest figure, and which he determined to sell ou as modcralo terms as lio procured elsewhere In Light Street, FOK CASH OR COVXTJtr rJtODUCB. Ills stock consists of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, choicest styles and latest fashions, Calicoes, Muslins, Ginghams, Flannels, Hosiery. Carpets, Silks, Shawls, READY MADE CLOTHING, Satlnctts, Cosslmers, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans. dC, &a AC. GROCERIES, MACKEllAXi, Queensware, Cedarwaro, Hardware, Medicines, Drugs, Oils, Taints, etc. BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS. In short everything usually kept In a country store. The patronage of his old friends and the public generally, Is respectfully solicited. The highest market price paid for country pro duce. PETER ENT. Light Street, Nov. 8 1887. J J. B R O W E R, Is now oQerlng to the public his Stock of SPRING GOODS consisting in part of a full line of INGRAIN, WOOL AND RAG CARPETS, Flue cloths' and casslmore for Ladles' coats, HANDSOME DRESS GOODS, of all patterns aud qualities, Inlalds and Prints of various qualities and prices, BLEACHED AND BROWN MUSLINS, LADIE'S FRENCH CORSETS, Ann BALMORAL SKIRTS. Good assortment of LADIES- CHILDREN'S GAITERS & BOOTS. Fresh Groceries and Spices. New assortment GLASS AND QUEENS-WARE, FX NO. 1 MACKEREL In one-half and one-fourth barrels. Now Is the tlmo to make your selections, as I am offering goods at very low prices, and our motto Is fair dealing to all, and not to be under sold by any. J. J. BROWER. Eloomsburg, April 12, 1S67. 1115 HOOP SKIRTS. 1115 WM. T. nOPKINS Has Removed hlsManufactory and Salesrooms to No, 1115 CHESTNUT, ST. PHILADELPHIA, Wherohls "OwuMako"of ChamplonlloopSklrts. especially adapted to First-class irAefnafe and Retail 'Irade, well bo found to embrace tho most extensive assortment In the Union, and nil tho latest aud most desirable Styles,Shapcs,Lengths mid Hlses, 2. 2H, Vi. yards rouud, of Plain nnd Gored Punlers, Walking Sklrut, Reception Trails, Ac. clogelher with over ninety dlilercnt varieties of Misses' aud children's Skirts, all of which for symmetry of style. Mulsh, lightness, elasticity, durability and rcui Cfieapnm, aro un equaled by uny other goods In tho market, und uro warruutcd in every respect. Skirts niude to order. Altered and Repuired, Wholesnlo nnd Retail. Full lines of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts, 15sprlngsl5 Cents; 20 8prlngs,45 Cents; 25Hprlngs, S5 Cents; 20 Springs, (15 Cents; und 40 Springs, 7j misETS I CORSETS 1 1 CORSETS 111 57 dif- rcreut styles and prices, from 75 Cents to J7.U0. embracing It. Worlley,"Ileckel,'Glovo Fitting," AlOUam l-oy s cjurec rutin. nui.puii.vfB, cm. Moody's Patient 'Self-AUJustiuii Abdominal" f'.rui,l. t,r,lll. 1,'nirlUll flllll llDlilCHllO Hulld made Corsets, aim superior j-reiu-ll I'uueriis 01 COICU cure-CIS, uur uwil juuKe, iu wiui-ic in vito cBpeclal attention. Complete- ussorlmeiit of Ladles' Under Gar- mpntM. ut verv low tirlces. cjc-,ix I'.IWW. AUMl KIT IIIU imll,Atl PANTUS FAMILY SEWINU J1ACIHNEM. su perior to nuy other before the public Fllty-two of these No. 1 Machines, Price 855 each, are being given nway loourcusioiiiers.moruerio gei. luum Kverv oeisou lu want of articles lu our line, should examine our excods belore pur chasing elsewhere, Call or send for clrculnis, at our Manufactory and salesrooms, No. lIl.M'hebt- Iittl Sl.,l'liiiaueipui4. win. i. iiui-inrj, rour.Ki'UMiu. 1869. SPRING 1869. OI'enino or NEW BILKS, OrENiNO ov NEW SHAWLS, Ol-KNINO OF NEW CHINTZES, Oi-kninq OV NEW POPLINS, Full stock of STAPLE nnd FANCY SPRING GOODS. EYRE A LANDELL, IOU11T1I AND AnCII 8TUX1CTS, Philadelphia, Mar. a),'C9-5t. LEHIGH VALLEY AGRICULTU RAL CHEMICAL WORKX. BREINIG t HELFRICH, MANCYACTUnEIl.'J Of BREINia'H COMPLETE BONE MANURE. A concentrated manure combining tlio reliable fcrtlllzlngpropcrtlesotnONEDUSToraROUND BONE, with the actlvo elements of PERUVIAN aUANO, AMMONIACAL MATTER, AND SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. NOTICE. We prepare but the one article, guaranteeing It as standard, reliable and unl juriu. ljuwer grades and variations In quality to suit dltrereut ideas of prices are generully pro duced by different proportions of adulluratlou. Farmers cun savo money by leductnglho quali ty themselves. Wo use only Hone aud 110 I'hos- jihatlo Uuanofor phosphate or Lime. Send for 'Farmers' Manure Guide," For sale at Manufac turer's rate by , a' J, ALBERTSON, Rohrsburg, Fa. J.J, lie II HI NH A Co. nioomsburg Pa. Mar.lD.'OO-iim. WALTER HCOn'.C'ulawlisul'u. A' Z U R E N E. 'Concentrated Indigo,) ITJR THE LAUNDRY. It In warranted not tostreak,orinanyniauner Injure lice finest fabrics. FOR FAMILY USE Bold In FIVE cents, TEH cent, and TWENTY (uits boxen. KmcIi TWkNTYeeuUUix.bebliies luring FIVE Ti Mll-i as much blue as tho FI VEceuts boi.cou Ulus a jiooket via uihlilou or ctuery Iwul. Fo llolel auu large Louadry Ube,Uuiiut up IJJtiOObOXMC, 1 I4ec Uiat ecutc llox sues proper Trade Usrlr. 1 For sate by H. II . AtlLLEH ct HON. Illooukliurg r. Feb, IVl-2uis, RAIL ROADS. TVrORTHERN CENTRAL. RAIL- On nnd arter May Win 18(18, Trains will leave Noiitiiuhdeiilakd as follows ! NORTHWARD. 425 A, M., Dally to Wllllnmsport, (except Sunday) forElmlra, Canandolgnn, Rochester, llullalo, Suspension Bridge, and N, I-'nils. 630 1-. m., Dally, (except Sundays) for Elmlra aud llullalo vln Erie luillway from Elmlra, 0.10 l-.M., Dally, (except Sundays) for Williams- r"rl TRAINS SOUTHWARD. 2.M A.M. Dally (cxceplMouday's) for Baltimore, WILMINGTON AND PHILADELPHIA. 9.30 P.M. Dally (except Sunday's) for Baltimore Washington and l'ulladolp.lda yoyN(j General Passenger Agent. LACKAWANNA AND HUltU RAlLAOAD BLOOMS- On nnd i f t jr Nov 30th, 1803, rnssengcr Trains will run lis iuuowsi Going South, doing North. Arrlvo Arrlvo Leave Leave a. m. p. 111. 4.11) 111. p. 111 Scranton ... 6.25 12.05 Leave 11.30 10.57 7.41 U.0? (W0 7.10 8.18 7.10 Leave 7.10 U.45 Pltlston...... 8.00 Kingston ........ Plymouth ., (M2 Hhlckshlnuy... 7.22 4.47 6.25 4.51 6.4(1 0.15 tSM 7.47 H.20 0.10 K.I0 8.25 7.3 (l.M li.ll) U.00 uerwicit H...M c.o. Jlloom ................ tuo Rupert 8.34 Danville lull Arrlvo 6.2J Arrlvo V.U5 Leave jNoriiru v.J 4.45 The 11.10 Train nt Hcrnnton makes connections with Express Train for New York at 8 o'clock p. iu urriviug in new 1 nric u.w p. 111. 11. A. FONDA, Sup't, 1S(M. "PHILADELPHIA 1SGS. AND ERIE S JIA1L11UAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. THItOUUH AND DIRECT IIOUTB 1IETWBKN l'HILA- DELI'HIA, BALTIMORE, IIARRISnURO, W1L XJAMSrORT, AND TUB GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA, ELEGANT SLEKI'INO CARS On all Night Trains. On and nrter Monday, Nov. 23rd 18GS, tho Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Roud will UU US JUI1UWS, WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.15 p.m, " M Norlhunibcrhiud...0.10 luui, farr, at Erlo u.wp.ui ucvee-, j-ui lu'.n iciivcn 1 muiucipiuu U.OU ill. " " " Nort'd O.OOp.111, " " arr. nt Erie 10.11 ELM I U.S. MAIL lcae Philadelphia 8.00 11.111, " " " North'd 4.25 p.m " " nrr. nt Lock Haven .7.15 p.iu, EASTWARD, 51AII, JKAI.i leaves Erie 10.V1 11.111 " " ' North'd .2.35 n.m, I'liiinueipuia ...10.11uo.111 i;iui; express leaves Erie ..0.25 11.111 " " " Nort'd 1).:Jiuu1 urr.iii.1 jiimueiiimc c.uiip.Ill. Mall nnd Extiress connects with OU Creek unci Allegheny River Rail Road. Baggage checked blllUllgU, A. L. TYLER, General Superintendent, Wit Hams port. riATAWISSA RAILROAD On and J after MONDAY, Nov. 23, 1M, Passenger iiuiiiacm iiiv uiiuwmhH luiuroau will run lllilio luiiowing uauieu nours Mall Sovth. STATIONS. Wllllamsport, Muucy. Wnlsoutowu. Jfad North Dep. 7.50 n,m " 8.20 " 8.60 " " 11.10 " " 0.52 " " 10.12 " " 10.25 ' " 11.40 " " 12.30 p.m " 12.45 Arr, CIO p. lu. jjen. 0.11 " 6.12 " 4.55 " 4.10 " 3.55 " 3.35 " 2.2 " 1.50 " 1.40 " 1.20 1.10 AllllOll. ' Danville. ' Rupert, ' Caluwissa. ' Rlugtowu. Summit. ' Ouakakc. ' " 1.U) " 2.15 " 4.25 Arr. 0.45 10.00 K. Mahouy June. ' DIucTamaqua. Dluo. Reudlng. ' Philadelphia. ' I To New York via. Read I lng or Maucu Chunk. ' 10.10 a.ra 8.15 rroiniHew xoricvia.1 Mnnnl, C-Imxlr t 1 7.00 NoChnuizoof curs between WIHIiLniRnnrt. mwl 1 uuuuuipcuit. utir, vf.llll OUy I. JEADING RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, Dec. 11th, 18B. Great Trunk Lino from tho North nnd North Wesl lorPlltladelDllla.New York. Iteaullnr. l'utts. vllle, Tumutiua, Asluaud, Shamokln Lebanon iieuicjivu, .ufeiou, r-iuiiuiu, Liiiz, jjaueusicr, Trulus leave Harrlsburir for New York. n int, lows : At 3,ue, 6,50 and 8,10 a. m., 12,40 uoou aud 2,05 ctlOp.m.-ouueellug with similar trains on tho Pa. Railroad, and arilvlng at New York at 11,00, a.m., ri;a noon a 3.50 7,00 & 10,05 p. m. and 0.15 a.m respectively, sleeping enrs accom pany 11103,61) a. m., aud 10.50 p.ui.tiulus without ehuugo. Leave llarrisburg for Reading, Pottsvllle, Ta mmiua, MlnersvUlo, Ashlaud, shamokln Pluu Grove, .Allentown ii Flilla'd. at 8,10 a.m., & 2,05 it 4,10 p.m., stopplug at Lebuuon and principal way suillons;lhe4,i0pin.tralns making connections lor Philadelphia and Columblaonly. For Pottsvllle Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill aud busquehunnu Rullroud, leave llarrisburg at 3,30 p.m. Returning: Leave New York at u.ou 11.111. and 12.00 iu., iiud 6,10 and 8,00 p.m. Philadel phia at 8.15 a. in, aud 3.30 p. in. sleeping curs ucconipauy the If.oO u. in., nud5,10 uud8,Oop.m., trains Iroiu N.Y. without cliange. Way Passenger Trulu leaves Philadelphia at 7,10 a.m.,coiineellug with similar train ou East Fa, ruilroad rclurulug from Reading 111 0,35 p.m stopping at nil stations; leave Pottsvllle at7,8U8,45a.i!i.,und2, kin ut 5.25a. m.,Ablilaudat7,U0a.m and 12,30 p.m., Tuiuuuuaut8K)u. m..aud 2.20 u.m.. for lMiiht. clelphlu. Leave Pottsvlllo for llarrisburg, via Schuylkill aud Susquehauna Railroad at 7,10 u.m. and 11,30 a. m., for PlueGrovo aud Tremout, iieuuiug Ai-cumiuuuuuuu iiiiiD leaves Heading 1 7,30 a.m., returning from PhUadeluhia at 4.45 p.m. 1'ottstown Accommodation TralnilcaveaPntta. town at 8.45 a.m.., reiurulnc. leaves I'hlliuIeiniiiA at 4,00 p.m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Readlmr at 7,00 a.m., aud (1-15 p.m. for Ephruta, Lltlz, Lancas ter, cotuinuiu, esc., Perklomen Rail Rood Trains leave Perklomon Junctlou at 0,15 u.m., and 5.30 p. ni. Returuluz : Leave Hklppacit at 8.10 a.m., and 12,45 p.m., con necting witli similar trains ou Reading Railroad Ou Sundays, leave New York nt 8,00 p.m., Phil, ndeiphla 8,(JO a.m. and 3,15 p.m., the 8.00 n.m. tralu running only to Reading; Pottsvlllo 8,00; jiurriHuurK oj u.m. unu 4,iu anuiu,iju p.m., and Reading ut 1.05 aud 3,00 and 7,15 for Harris- UUIK, u...... uuu ,,,). ii.iu, cor ,iw jura, and 4,25 p.m. lor Philadelphia. Comtuuuitlou, 3lllcage, Season, School and Ex cursion tleketstoaud Iromallpoluu, ut reduced rules. Baguago checked through : 100 bounds allowed to each luubcugcr. u. a. n icjulu-c, Oencrul Suiierlutendeut. Reading, I'.l., Dee, II, lkUi. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA, ct WKHTERN RAILROAD. Winter iirrangu- lileiu, isuH-uu. jrnius leave ai iuuowsi WESTWARD. EASTWARD. Mall STATIONS. A.M. O.OOi 7.30 New York ....Philadelphia ..-.New Hampton....... Washington ..Oxiurd llrldgevlllo , uMuiiuuka Chuuk 4.15 U20 2.40 2.20 2,10 2.00 I.M 1.45 1.20 I. 05 12.61 12.11 12.31 12.11 11.50 11.37 11.21 Il.W 10.50 lo.ra 10.20 0.30 U.48 0.05 II. li) 6.50 0.24 6.25 0.00 6.01 8.43 4.01 8.SI 3.55 71 3.3J 7.10 6.50 A.M l-.M 11.15 11.30 11.47 11.57 12.001 ......,Delawaro....m 12,40!!i Mount, jieinei,....M Wuter Gap 1,10 1.20 M 1.4S 2.115 2.2il' ,H.Stroudsburg... Hnruguevlllo,, llenryvllle.... ..Oakland,. forks....... .. Tobyhauna ........ H..G ou idsboro......, Moscow Dunning Greenville.. Scranton Clark's Summit.., Abtngton MFucturyvllle...M., , ....Nicholson. .......Uloptiottom. Montrobe ......w ........New Mlllord...... Qrcat Bend 2.10 3.V1 3.13 ll.-'i A.M 10.30 11.(0 3.551 4,171 4.25 Hi) 12.00 12.25 I3A5 1.20 1.50 4.41 6.01 6.23 5.45 (1.00 0.25 Dinner and supper nt Delaware station. Connections. At New Hampton, with Central R. R, of New jersey .ior new iura,e4izaueiu,i iaiuueiUAomer vllle. Kaston. Ao. At Washington, with Morris & Essex R. It., for new lets, jHuwurit, Diorrisiown, jiueaeiisiowu, 1-iutoo. Ao. At Mununka Chunk, Willi Belvldere Delawaro 11. It.. lor Philadelphia, Trenton, I'hllllpsburg, Belvldere, die. At Scranton. with Tjickawanna A nioomshiirt- R. R.. for Pltuton, Wllkebbarre, Bloomsburg.ltu itert, Danville, Northumberland, Ac, aUo, with ciuiuwumaiiuuciHi ri, i.., ior uiypuum, ivrcu AlGreut nend.wlthErlo Railway, for Bingham Km, Elmlra, Budulo, Ithaca., Myracitbc, und uswegn. 11. A. 11KNUY, Gen, Pass, and Tkt. Agent, LUMBIA HOUSE, BY BERNARD STOIINER. IIavino lately purchased and rUted up the weu-icuuwri iwuuuu Jiuiei 1 ropuriy , loeuieu u TKW .DOORS ABOVE THE COURT HOUSE, on the same side of the street, lu the town of nioomsburg 1 ana bavlug obtained a license for tue sumo as a RESTAURANT, the Proprietor has determined to give to the peo- jiiu vumug iuu uiwn 011 uusiue&s or pleasure, A LITTLE MORE ROOM, Ills stabling also Is extensive, and Is fitted up to put buggies aud carrtagos lu the dry. He prom ises that everylhlug about his establishment shall be conducted lu au orderly aud lawful mauneri and he respectfully solicits a share of the publio I alrouagtt. (myl7'7-4lin. Q W. BLABON & CO., ' Manufacljirea ol OIXi ULOTim AND WINDOW BIIADEH, Warehouse, No. Ill North Third Hlroet FhUiulelplWa. GROCERIES, &c., O N E E O TIO N E R Y . c The underslmcd would respectfully announce to the publio that he has opened a FIRST-CLASS CONFECTIONERY STORE, n thehulldlng lately occupied by Bernard I Htoh nor, whore ho Is preparedio turuisu an PLAIN c FANCY CANDIES, FRENCH CANDIES, FOREIGN ct DOMITIO FRUITS, NUTS, RAISINS, AC, AC, C. BY WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. . t r..,t n..nP,,nntit nf nil (roods In his lino of business. A great variety of DOLLS, TOYS, Ac, suitable for tho Holidays. Particular attention lvento lllli!jAli AH II UAK1.D, of all kinds, fresh every day. CHRISTMAS CANDIES, OHISTMAS TOYS, A call Is solicited, and satisfaction will be guaranteed. Nov. 22, 1887. ECK1IAUT JACUIia. REMOVAL OF NEAV STORE TO SUITE'S I! LOOK, ON THE CORNER OF MARKET AND IRON STREETS, The undersigned leaving received from the city a full nnd complete supply of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, NOTIONS, TIN-WARE AND HARD-WARE, CEDAR AND WILLOW-WARE, CONFECTIONERY', GLASS-WARE, TOBACCO, JI A a S A Nl) SHOE S, FLOUR, SALT, FISH, AND MEAT, all of which I propose selling at a very low figure for cash or produce. JT9- Call nnd sec, April 12, 17. C. O. MAHR. GRAND OPENING OltAN'II OPENING (IRANI) OPENING GRAND OPENING OltAND OPENING or FALL AND WINTER WINTEIt WINTER aoons, GOODS, GOODS GOODS, qoods. FALL AND FALL AND FALL AND WINTEIt FALL AND WINTEIt consisting ol consisting of consisting or consisting or consisting of DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY GOODS, GOOI1H. GOODS GOODS GOODS, HATS AND CAT'S, HATS AND CAPS! If ATS AND CAIW HATS AND CA1-H HATS AND CAIWI BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND BIIOEI HOOTS AND H1IOIX BOOTS AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES; READY-MADE CLOTHING. READY-MADE CLOTHING RE A 1 1 Y-M A HE CLOT1 1 ING, READY-MADE CLOTHING READY-MADE CLOTHIMo! LOOKING-GLASSES. I.OOKINO-G LASSES iAlOKINO-GIcARSKJS LOOK 1 N O-O LASSEs! looking-glasses; NOTIONS, NOTIONS NOTIONS NOTIONS, notions; paints and oil4, paints and oils paints and oils paints and oils paints and oils! groceries, groceries groceries; groceries, groceries, queensware, tiUEENSWARE oueensware queensware; tiUEENSWARE HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE, HARDWARE HARDWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE, TINWARE tinware; SALT, ' SALT, SALT SALT, SALT, FISH, FISH FISH, FITH FISH, GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS, AND SEEDS AND SEEDS, etc. A Ac., AT AlcICELVY, NEAL CO.'S, C(J.'S, CO.'S. CO.'S. itieivi-.i.v r, McKELVY MlKEI.VY, JIl'KELVY, NEAL NEAL NEAL NEAL S CO.'S. Northwest corner 01 Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main nnd Market Streets, Northwest corner of Main and Market Streets, iiLooMRinma, pa., IHajOMHIIURG PA lllAIOMKIIURO PA., lllAlOMSIlURO PA. llLOOJISHURt, PA. IRON AND NAII4, IRON VND NAII, IRON AND NAILS IRON AND NAII IRON AND NAILS In large quantities and at reduced rates, alway riHICKERINa & SONS, J Munufuclurcrsof GItAND, VQUAIIE AND UI'ltlQHT 1'IANOS Received tlio First Oraml GoM Medul, nnd still higher recompense. THE CHOS3 Ol'' THE LEGIOX OF IIONOlt, UNIVEUSAL EXI'OSITION, I'AIIIS. 18G7. TliesowFrollielileliestnwards of tlie Exnonl. Hon, and the liouoof Chickkiumu&Soks wss the only one so honored. In tlio United States wo have been Awarded Sixty-nine Kiiist I'ukmiums In direct comne. tltlon with tho leading manufacturers of the country, nnu utiuo ureal j-:xnioitiou in Ixiuuon we received the liltfhent award given to any manufacturers In the United HtnliB. Total Sev-enty-ouo First rremlutus, and thomoKt natter ing testimonials Irom tlio leading urtlsts of tlio NO. 11 EAST FOURTEENTH ST., NEW YOKE, lietween liroadway and Fifth Avenue, Feb, Mtl,.3tiiD, S' OMETHING NEW. The underslmied bees leave in inform friends and thu public generally, that she lias rBUW JlLOOMHllURa, ft fresh stock 01 goous in tue line 01 MILLINERY anil TRIMMINGS In connection with Dress Making; and 1 pre. COLOR STRAW HATS on tho shortest iiotlce.and In the best style of ...V Mi., 1 mo iuvup uuu worit guiwiaciory, t. ..... . . MRS. E. KLINE. j.ijiib nil eel, ucwuer 4, JCK17, pf V. PETER JI AN, with LIITINCOTT A TltOTTER, WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. a North Water Street, and No. 30 North Delaware Avenue Philadelphia, J II. WALTER, Late Walter 4 Kaub, Importer and Dealer In CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. No. 431 Market Btrecti I'hlUdelpiiU. JOIIN HTROUP & CO., Successors to Htroup ft Brother, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. II North Wharves, and 23 Nsrth Wattrrll., rhllJulelpkU. IRON, TINWARE, &.C. RATIONAL FOUNDRY, Illoomsburg, Columbia County, P. Tho subscriber, proprietor of tho nbovo-i nmed extensive establishment, Is now prepared to re celvo orders for nil kinds of MACHINERY FOR COLLIERIES, BLAST FURNACES, STATIONARY ENOINES, MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, Ao Ho Is also prepared to mako Stoves of all sites and rattcrns, Flow-Irons, and everything usually mado III first-class Foundries. 111. Aiienslvo facilities and practical workmen 1,1m in rveelvlnc tho largest contracts on ,,,, rrnRnnnblo terms. nrinnf all kinds will bo taken In exchange for Castings. This establishment Is locaicu near 1110 unv wanna and nioomsburg Railroad Depot. 1'1-il t.n r.iiji.flix.i. ST TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT 1 announces to his friends and customers that continues the abovo business at his old place on MAIN.STREET, BLOOMSIJUUU. Customers can be accomodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes, Tinware, and every va riety of article found In a Slovo aim Tinware jus- tabllshment In tho cities, nnd on the most reason, ablo terms. Repairing done at the shortest notlco, 25 DOZEN MILK-rANS on hand for sale. TW"EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET, NEAHLY OPrOSITE MILLER BTU1CK, BLOOMSBURG , PENN'A. The undersigned has Just fitted up aud opeued ms uew STOVE AND TIN SHOP, I., iiita ntn.n wtiprn l,n Is Tirpti.ired to mako up new Tin Ware of all kinds In his line, nnd do repairing with neatness and dispatch, upon the most reasonable terms. He also keeps ou hand STOVES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS ct STYLES, which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers, uivi- htm 11 call, lie Is n goud mechanic, and deserving of the publio patronage. nioomsburg, April 28, 1367, nEonaK 11 ROBERTS, Importer nnd Dealer lu HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, Ac. No. 311 North Third Street, alwvo Vine, Philadelphia. JAcoH'.K. Smith. J. It. WITH '& SELTZER, Importers and Dealers In Foreign nnd Domestic --u5fi HARDWARE, GUNS, CUTLERY', AC, NO. 409 N. THIRD BTREET, AR. CALL0WHI LL, nilLADELPIIIA. Nov. 23,07-tf. TOBACCO & SEGARS. -pj W. RANK'S. CIOAK "WAIIKIIOUSE. Ko. UO North Third Street, between Clierry nnd llacc, west sMe, rhllndelpula. YARTMAN & ENGELMAN, 'XUUAV.UU, HsVUr r dr HfcAJAH MANUKACTOUy, NO. 313 NOItTH THIRD STltKKT, Hecond Door below Wood, rillljADEIiPIIIA. , W. Wartman P. Enoelman BTEREOSCOPIC VIEWB, AIiBUMS, cunoitios. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 601 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Ltll. U. .K..II.. .f tti Tndt U Mltl. .f lb ( tkt if f uUj'im. Msi4iattart 4 tifrftH. Kit tut. Utmrnoth rT, CfsiittI Pti, OrsttWe.L, lUniilaatc, Dtlaxre, IsiluUlNII, CilttUls, Hsi4., Wkil MoaittlBi, Waibis rUrtlotn, Venrturlt, Oil Imtwrttl Tl tmbrar larg itismnf, tarUtlii it llilml fiMlacUaa f Win. Eaflaod, Q. W, WHmji, Latur, lat tUal (Btlo'ttpatt. catineUef ef rltiirlud, Bklai, rr , Irtlaad, WIm. Ottdianr, Rrali, Tal(iti. i (Und, THE IiANDS OP THE BIBLE, Aatwaad laUaattp Ialtrrillar rlta. AlMdllamlaaliJaadTHEspa rial Vlm la 1 Mai f1tj. W r aM aicladit la Amna for FKRKICE'S OLill IEWi. f vblch liv a mUtmM aMar(al. Astti Ut rnth'a ritt mt 1-1 1 6 1-S la rhulriiatibla Ui la MwllMrlaad, taa Kalaa. Lajjltnd. fccatlaad, Wln, .. TrRXOICOFES.-W naaartttara r laraclr, aad haa a lti lMklIMltWllba'irN( raiM. FHOTOOIirniO ALBITMI Oar Maaarai-fartaf Album. U tll u,u,ltl Ua " " up not la tjmlilj aud beam; la all All Mil ar mat ta aa Tvltry. and aar ntytn art dliTrrral Traia Iksaa af air tkr malm. UuiaK aBsultl bal rail U ear aluck hUi Biiklui UK aartkaaai. CHROMOS. Thwa twin tiro! plclaraa, Ihti raaaaf t Jit'tara sW JVaai ill JIbmi otl Ttimmn, kl aaa taalb Ihnt coat, In.ri Htttf fraia ana, UaJaa, bfrlla. Vltna sad fcotaa. aad ttpptf lt ir.da at Iba E. &JL T. ANTHONY & CO., 601 Broadwat, N. Y., Importers asi Msnufr of Diotn.-raililo Material. Fcb.20,'OJ-tf 0 MNIIJUS LINE. Tho undersigned would respectfully announce to 1110 citizens of Illoomsunrg aud the public gene rally thu lie Is runulugan OMNIBUS LINE MMI between this placo aud tlio different railroad do pots dally (Sundays excep'd), to connect with the several trains going South and West on the Cata- wlssa and Wllllamsport Railroad, and with those going Nort, and South on the Lackawanna anil Bloomsliurg Railroad. Ills Omulbusses uro In good condition, commo dious and comtortablo, and charges reasonable. Tcrsons wishing to meet or see their friends de part, can be accomodated upon reasonable chargi by leaving timely notice at any of the hotels. JACOB L OIHTON, Proprietor. A R M E R SM TRY TUE ALTA VEDA 1'HOSP'ilA'm It contains threo rter rent, of Ammnnln. an ample quantity to Rive activity without Injury totlioegalation,auda largo percentage 01 so luble Done I'liobiibute of I.lTnft. liiL'flher with I'otakh and Kodn, Die essential elements of u COMl'LETE MANURE. The Increased sales to lariners who aie iislug It villi highly sutlnlacto ry results Is u sure guarantee of Its value, l'rlce, IMper ton of 10 bags 1XAI lbs each. Send for u pamphlet. Addrefcn 1 JI J'. nulA V J'.IV UUAAU H. S. 11ISU01' & Co. Agents, SOO N, Del. Ave. Agent for rennsylvnnla, l'lilladclphla and South Now Jersey. JulyS.'W-ly 67nroAdHov,N.Y. gHARI'LESS it IIARMAN, KAOLU 10 UHDRY AMI MAMIFACTURINCI HIOI-, STOVES 4s I'LOWS WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL THE C'ELEll RATED U0NTROSE IUOK 11IJAU AND THE HUTT0J4 WOODEN REAM I'LOWS. Castings and I'lrolirlck for repalrliigcltyStov All kinds of Brans or Iron casting! made toort upon snori nonce. 11. 1'. SHAIirLERS A I", S. JI AltMAN, llloonisburg, I'u. I'roprlelois, Mur,lo,', Q.EOROE FOELKER &CO., Wholesale Dealers la WOODEN & WILLOW WARE, YARNS, Oll-CIolhs, Wicks, Twlncs,rBasktts, etc., etc, 219 4231 Market St., & !30 Church St., I'bllada JuuoSCS. ' g Ij A T 1 R O Q I' I N a, iivnnr vabibty JIOST FAYORARLE RATES, JOHN THOMAS, AND CASrEll J. THOMAS, lloi, '.77. IlLOOUSRURO, I'A, Mar.lll,'eS.lyr. DRUGS & MEDICINES (J JONATHAN HEIBLKli's t, It U'or lllltcrs has novcr rnliMi t JO ICIIKl III CVrl vl l,,u ,,K,SIS11PP...L,( Iclno yet discovered for the cure oit'W eu lor itin rn.A ..;.L"t,st.t llyspe.sla. Liver -Complaint, llrm,Hr'W)- diseases 0 tho Tlnoat, Chest iZi i?WlS made entirely oi roois and herbs, rwm wlllei'iiyluceanypno who kIymii .ft'leVM No raMiiy snouiii uo without it. ii,r,S'?Rai bottles, prepared nnd sold by JonV hSf iP&" A Co. Schuylkill Haven. Pa.' iVS! ,' tan J) R. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH B-I T T E 1,8 AmlldnndngrccnbleToiilc I nclilo nnd Carminative BITTERS, m Exlrtictcd entirely from Ilerbi nnarlsjE Til DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DKlHIdTY, nna Loss 01 Aiiiietlio' ii and nn excellent Correclleforpcoiii,"Vi from Disorders of tho Bowels, riatultc- U. sex: it i U.M C-.1.1 T.I 1 & cpot, No. 413 Market Street, 1'hih.i, iji; J. K. TAYLOR ft CO, r tt Sept. I,'r8-ly. Ayer's TP 7 .1 un 1-or restoring oray Hj;; ils natural Vitalily and A ilfe-iij ' in ill once 11 lit'itlllt)', mult! J si I'tir Ji-cfiiii .-rvi luilr. IWtJ J ' AmV is soon ifiS-l to ti 01 with the ''35 freshnm 0 .Jij Tliin Imir u. cnctl, fulling lm.11- flieckcil, nosi olion, lliouli not al)i, by its inc. Nnlliitiu; inn ic-l-,1. Imir ivlicro llio lolliclcs tue tler or tlio 'gliiuiH iitrnpliicil 11ml c Ii( , IJtit such ns remain cun tc n uscfiilucss by tins tipplicalico. I of fouling tlio liatr willi n rtrr mcnt, it will keep it clomi timh.j Its occnsiomil ti-o will picunt Lrrj from turning gray or fulling r'Mtt consequently procnt balilncs. jJTJ from llioso ilulclerious ttibstaub M 1 mako some preparations diitpr,,. injurious to tlio hair, the only benefit but not harm it. lis merely for 11 M , HAIR DRESSIKJ nothing clso can ho foiuiil 50 i Jii Containing neither oil nor dvt, i 1 not soil whito cambric, noJlSL long on tho hnir, giving it n ni'l'11 JUSIIU uuil 11 llliuim jciiiiiji;. ) Prepared by Dr, J. C. A)crl "PiiArrrirUT. a?jii Akat-vtiitai. fcT-l tin - I1OAVKI1I1, BIASS. rxucE $1.00. Ctill I'eb.5,lf(i0. -no '-m-'s Cathartic P!2 .'. t'Ai purposea of s ijjt lerliais not'l I elnoUho iimfr'iV quned by iwj -lic.itli.utV,li..''lt liny het'ure (auJC'i 1 mlDptoil ii evci vcounto'i tV all elacj, auK but eilificot ZL nil. Tlio 1 'tt-i 01, 1.. Hi ml oK J.Stii. name ""'t i 11 lnnl ri.ttiLH V urm Incl ii, Vii-m' lint It cured tliein; Hum 11.11, kii'nv til ittt riirei Uieir Jielslilnwiis. rl t n i nil kiio.r U1.1t ItiloeJ once II iw Ja - - lint it never 1U1N tliiouli any l.iultor: w i' I'liiiiiiii.llioii. Wo have UioiKaniUK in. I "f eoi Uikutes of tliclr 1 cnurkalicr ;(i fiiil.inliiri'iiniiiUlnti, but such cures anCO1 ri'iTyni'litlilmi hood, and ivo need not iii ai .il i. It'll to all aires anil conililioinliiuB' r.inf ihiiiixiiuitlierealonicloraiiyilili' lii.-i- niiyl.o tikcnnltli safety byaiijW VI f.'U ir en itlun; pieservcs tliein eer lieslji HI liiu pl.i iint to t:iki.thllo liclnpurdr yu. 11 1 Ii inn can aile from their mo in awi-t '1'liey opiiraLe by tliclr powei ftil infliia l 1 ili'i vIjcit.i to purify tlio blood nilill.-U lulu lionliliy anion remove the obtrucu xx, bowels, liver, nnd oilier or;ij, ic.turlng their Irregular ai'tlmi to by riirrectliur, wherever they etMifun'l! ini'iiu m are llio ilrst origin ofdiscisc. Mlnnto dircctlom aro given in t "- Um hot, Tor the following coiaplauiU, h fill iMpldly cure! .11 lur yiirpla or nillirrll"n' ue... l,.nixlior and Jt.oioi of Alilirt". klimilil be Liken moderately In stimuutc-1 iicli ami rcitoro It3 lieallhy tono ami ncf " U l'or'i' Coiiiiilaliitanil IUinnc liinii, lllllous lf'ail.icUi',Nlcl ''!T1 .7kiiiiiillt'i or Urni-ii Hlcbnru, V Colic ami Illllona jVsir,tlieysc iliriiiusly taken fur each case, to coi recti nctliMl nr lemovo the obtrurtloin links' II l'or llji'iili'ry or lHurrliirJil"" il.ii.uii generally lcqulred. ,, Vt UliHiiiiiniiui,Ooiit,CrairU' fallon or tlin Ilivirl, IMI11 In lT llncli and I.ohn, tliey sliould bo co- J t.ikcu,as icqiiiicil, to clianeo tlioiliicwai tlio system. Willi such cliango 1I10.0 1 jt diiiiipear. J For liropay and Iroplcnl Hn'lt tlionld be t ikcu In largo aud llcniicutiw dnco llio effect ora drastio puree. , uv 1 i'or Nuppiixloi, alargndiisfotliom Jl as it produce tlio deslroil effect by T!:"1 As a JJIiuirr I'llf , tako one or two,' muto digestion ami rellovo the stoinacli. -t An occasional doso stimulates tlio J bowels Into healthy action, restores tot' . auu invisoraum 1110 system, jieucu Ono iviicSlVcIs tolerably well, ortcn llnil- their ilc.nulns and rcuovatlng eflett onl-w live apparatus. DIt. ,1, C. AYBll A CO., rtatlltnl ft LOWVLL, MASS., P. S. .1 HEN DERSIIOTT'S L GERMAN CATTLE r0U,l This I'owder Is believed to bo superl" Horse or Caltlo I'owder In use. Itf blood, clennscs the system, and gives W tlou aud tone to thu stomach. Uy its o will Improve lu llesli, and the con'H smooth and glossy, r Cows fatten and glvo tw enty 1"' "s I milk. ivleij Blicep tmprova aud produce uheavU lleera. Hoss fatten and are free from sore twi' temper, and all pen diseases. . Wholosalo nnd Itctall Pepot, f HUNDUltSHOTT'H Drui,'blor( OITOSITB AMEBICAN l'eb. 10,'CO-tf iiLOOMSHVl'ij es. order Pnoi'osAi wim. he I'l;-';? the iindersluncd Committee at '?., ultlhiiL (v,nntv .111 Knlurilnv the 10111 Ol ei iiinblu c iMtween t 11 the hours of 10 uud 3 o'clock 015 for the erection of a brick Lutherans""') Ileformed Church 0 byWfet,ltliU"5i and speclflcations will lie oshlctt" w, JOHN ItEINIlOI. I10I.DM f NIC, V JAUJII IjtlMJ I NO T I 0 33 Whereas my wife Mary has left ft1 board without uuy eausu or Pf011,,!!! to give notice that all persons , trustor harbor ber.ou my aecpuiiiJ" V debU of her coiitractlim. 1'N":K r Mor.W.'UKii Montour Iwp. iu. .. . . $1 v